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Design Document #1, #2 & #3: Chauntelle Robinson, Sagely Web Efficiency training for Community staff
Project Overview
The senior living lifestyle has changed drastically over the years. When you think of a senior living
community, you may think of the typical communities they show on TV. The communities that have all their
residents in one room and offer the same basic activities. With the advancement of technology and expansion of
facility buildings, communities are starting to increase their care capacity and offer more engaging events.
However, the new issue is how to keep residents and families of residents informed. Recently, because of the
pandemic and limited visitations, families have struggled with ways they can remain informed of the everyday
activities of their elder family members. That is where Sagely Web comes into play.
Sagely Web is a web-based app that will create an informed, engaging and organized community. This
learning module will provide community staff with the basic skills of how to navigate and operate the efficiency
version of Sagely Web. The presentation style of this project will be an instructor- led training that will be split into
two separate trainings. The first training will include how to navigate and input administrative information as well
as, how to create calendars and add events. The second training will encompass newsletter and tv slideshow
creation. The Sagely web-based app can be overwhelming to someone without any prior training or guidance on
the basics. That is why it is important to attend those training sessions before attempting to navigate the app.
Our company has received a large amount of interest from administrators of senior living communities
seeking a one stop shop program that will solve the concerns of lack of engagement and informed communities.
Instructional Goal
After completion of the Efficiency training sessions for Sagely Web, senior living community staff will be
able to operate all aspects within Sagely Web in order to create an informed community. *Sagely Web includes
Community information input, calendar and event creation, newsletter and tv slideshow creation
This diagram shows the necessary steps needed in order to reach the instructional goal. I have also listed
the subordinate skills needed in order to obtain the main skill. Lastly, I have attached the 4 entry skills needed to
be successful in this training module.
IDer Reflection
So far, this project has been challenging. I went in thinking it would be a simple task due to me having to
identify weekly goals in education. Also, I have given several training sessions on Sagely Web and yet, writing out
my training plan and a specific learning goal was hard. I believe it was hard because I had to think back and put my
actions into words. I also struggled with having to give a detailed rationale of why the trainings are important and
what learners are expected to gain.
My group members provided me with some great feedback. I learned that for me to narrow down my
task, I need to get more specific in my goal. Also, I should make sure my goal is measurable. I decided to rewrite
my goal so that it a more measurable goal for the staff. Its easier for the staff to see how much more their
residents are informed about the community. I also made a few grammar corrections. Finally, there was one
suggestion to show how to make events engaging. I decided against that suggestion because the staff should be
well versed on what events are appropriate for their residents in their community. The focus of the training is not
on what makes for an engaging event. Instead, I decided to add to that suggestion as an entry skill for the staff.
Learner Analysis
This training is designed for learners that are administrative staff apart of a senior living community. The
skills covered in this training are the basics for a staff member to successfully inform their senior residents of
events and important news in their community, digitally and in person. There are only 11 staff members that will
attend the training The staff varies in ages ranging from 26-45. Ever learner has experience planning engaging
senior events and is seeking a more organized way of doing so. The group will also include members from the
corporate level so that they can give their expectations of how staff should use Sagely web. Learners need to
attend this training before they can use the Sagely web tool.
The source of data will come from interviews, observations, and surveys during the training sessions. To
gain insight on prior knowledge on using technology and creating senior living informative/engaging documents, I
will do a KWL (know, want to know, learned) with the learners. I will take information on entry skills from the
hiring managers that conducted interviews with the learners. During the training, I will ask questions and observe
the learners to gain insight on attitudes toward content, motivation for instruction, attitude toward training
organization, and general group characteristics.
Information Categories Data Sources Learner Characteristics
Entry Skills Interview with Hiring Managers Learners have basic typing and
internet skills. Learners have
advanced knowledge on how to
create/plan engaging events for
senior living communities and how
their specific senior living
community operates their center.
Prior Knowledge of topic area Survey with trainer
• Prior to the training, I will
have learners complete a
general K (know)W(want
to know)L(learned) chart
on what they know about
Sagely and similar
platforms. (They will
complete the K and W)
Learners have watched the intro to
Sagely web and know what the
purpose of it is. Two learners have
used similar platforms (less
features) called Touchtown.
Learners want to learn all there is
to know about Sagely web and how
to make an easy transition
incorporating it into their
Attitudes Toward Content Survey with trainer and
• I will use the information
from the W (want to
know) at the beginning of
the training to gauge how
learners feel about Sagely
• I will observe the attitudes
of the learners as the
training goes on by use of
planned check-ins.
Learners are very interested in how
Sagely will be helpful to their
community. Learners have
expressed because of the various
features on Sagely, it does come
off as overwhelming. Learners
compared Sagely to other tools
they have used and are relieved of
how self-explanatory/easy Sagely is
to use.
Attitudes toward Delivery System N/A The training is mandatory for
administrative staff per corporate
managers. Due to Sagely being
offered to communities over the
country, this training is pre-
designed as a virtual synchronous
training to reach all learners.
Motivation for Instruction Interview Learners are motivated to learn
about Sagely web so that they can
be organized and still engage with
residents. Some learners are
concerned how they will transition
from paper to digital.
Education and Ability Levels Interview with hiring manager Learners come from many different
educational backgrounds
(bachelors, masters, high school).
All learners have worked for senior
living communities (in some
capacity) for 2+ years. All have
experience with creating
appropriate events and
information needed for
General Learning preferences N/A Due to time constraint and being
able to meet with all learners, the
training is pre-designed and cannot
be recreated to fit the needs of
every learner.
Attitude toward Training
Observation & Survey Learners appreciate the order of
how the training was given (input
community administrative
information, create events and LOC
calendars, create calendar
templates, lastly create newsletters
and tv slideshows). Learners stated
that it makes sense to operate that
way in order to easily follow along.
Group Characteristics Observation The learners are 75% White
females. Learners have no
knowledge of how to operate
Sagely Web.
Learning Context
The learning context for this training will take place virtually. Learners will be at their senior living
community. The training will also take place from within the staff’s Sagely web community account. The
community will be equipped with tablets and computers so that staff has access to Sagely Web. The training will be
based on the org specific branding details. Therefore, the training will be specific to this community.
Data used to develop the learning context was collected through interviews with the corporate and
community staff.
Information Categories Data Source Learning Site Characteristics
Number/Nature of Sites Interview with Corporate staff Due to org specific branding details
the training will be catered to this
one specific community. Corporate
staff has other communities that
they support therefore, all
branding details have been
developed and pushed into this
community’s account.
Site Compatibility with
Instructional Needs
N/A Training is given virtually from a
work from home setting. The
trainer has access to the
community account and teams
Site Compatibility with Learner
Interview with community
administrative staff
All staff has access to their Sagely
web account (credentials given
prior to training), multiple
computers within their senior living
community,2 firesticks, and each
learner has been provided with a
Feasibility for Simulating
Workplace Site
Interview with Corporate staff Due to org specific branding
details, the training will be given in
the community’s specific account
so that learners have an exact
image of what calendars,
newsletters, and tv slideshows will
look like in their community.
Performance Context
The performance context for the learners will be at their specific Sagely senior community account and
their physical senior living community. Each senior living community is owned by a parent community. The parent
community has specific branding details that senior living communities are required to abide by. Therefore, the
training will be delivered inside of the specific community account to incorporate the specific organization
branding details. The data was collected through interviews and observation
Information Categories Data Source Performance Site Characteristics
Managerial Support Interview with Corporate Staff Learners will have support from
corporate staff (via virtual
meetings). Learners will also have
training videos and 24/7 chat
offered from Sagely Support.
Physical Aspects of the Site Interview with Corporate staff All Learners will have access to
Internet, computers, and tablets
access Sagely Web from any
locations. Learners will have access
to their community specific Sagely
account day 1 of training,
therefore, the virtual training will
take place in their sagely account.
Social Aspects of the Site Interview with corporate staff and Learners will work with other
administrative staff administrative staff to
communicate different community
needs. Learners will communicate
with residents and family members
of residents to learn what type of
events those residents would like
to see at their community and
learn personal information about
their residents.
Relevance of the skills to the
Interview with corporate staff Learners will use the skills daily
(mon-sun) to make sure their
community stays informed and
organized for residents and staff.
Performance Objectives
Terminal Objective: After completion of the Efficiency training sessions for Sagely Web (CN), senior living
community staff will be able to, independently, input community administrative information, create detailed
calendars and events, and create informative newsletters and tv slideshows (B) on Sagely Web in order to
create an informed community (CR) through a presentation and virtual demonstrations.
Main Step 1. Learn how to successfully login into
one’s community
Performance Objective 1. After completion of the
efficiency training session for Sagely web, community
staff will be able to, independently, repeat the login
process on Sagely web in order to have access to their
senior living community.
Subordinate step 1a. Login credentials will be supplied
through a welcome email.
Subordinate objective 1a. After community staff
receives welcome email with designated login
credentials, they will gather and input that
information onto the Sagely Web app in order to gain
access to their senior living community.
Main step 2. Input their community's information Performance Objective 2.: After the demonstration of
how to input their community’s administrative
information, community staff will be able to
independently, gather their community’s information
and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a
thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow.
Subordinate step 2a. Input community's logo, address
and phone
Subordinate objective 2a. After the demonstration of
how to input their community’s administrative
information, community staff will be able to
independently, gather their community’s logo, address
and phone number and input it into Sagely web in
order to develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and
tv slideshow.
Subordinate step 2b. Input staff that will have user
rights to the community
Subordinate objective 2b. After the demonstration of
how to input their community’s administrative
information, community staff will be able to
independently, gather the names of the community
administrative users and input it into Sagely web in
order to develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and
tv slideshow.
Subordinate step 2c. Input locations of where the
different community events will take place
Subordinate objective 2c. After the demonstration of
how to input their community’s administrative
information, community staff will be able to
independently, gather the different locations that
events take place in their community and input it into
Sagely web in order to develop a thorough calendar,
newsletter, and tv slideshow.
Subordinate step 2d. Input frequently used tags to
associate with events
Subordinate objective 2d. After the demonstration of
how to input their community’s administrative
information, community staff will be able to
independently, gather frequently used tags that go
with events and input it into Sagely web in order to
develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv
Subordinate step 2e. Include the names of any special
instructors of events that will teach events
Subordinate objective 2e. After the demonstration of
how to input their community’s administrative
information, community staff will be able to
independently, gather the names of the instructors
that teach events in their community and input it into
Sagely web in order to develop a thorough and
informative calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow.
Main Step 3. Create a calendar with engaging
events based on their levels of care the
community offers
Performance Objective 3. After the demonstration of
how to create calendar events, community staff will
be able to independently, gather their upcoming
community events (based on level of care) and input it
into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough and
informative calendar with at least 4 different events a
Subordinate step 3a. Create the separate calendars
based on community needs
Subordinate objective 3a. After the demonstration of
how to create calendar events, community staff will
be able to independently, gather the different
community offered events and create the events in
calendars on Sagely in order to order to develop a
thorough and informative calendar with at least 4
different events a day.
Subordinate step 3b. Create community offered
events within the calendars
Subordinate objective 3b. After the demonstration of
how to create calendar events, community staff will
be able to independently, gather the different
community offered events and create the events in
calendars on Sagely in order to order to develop a
thorough and informative calendar with at least 4
different events a day.
Main Step 4. Create published calendar templates Performance Objective 4. After the demonstration of
how to create a published calendar template,
community staff will be able to independently,
describe the desired layout of their calendar template
and generate a published calendar template for their
community on Sagely web in order to develop an
informative physical calendar with at least 3
informative features.
Subordinate step 4a. Create daily, weekly, and
monthly calendar templates
Subordinate objective 4a. After the demonstration of
how to create a published calendar template,
community staff will be able to independently,
describe the necessary daily, weekly, and monthly
calendar templates and generate a published calendar
template for their community on Sagely web in order
to develop an informative physical calendar with at
least 3 informative features.
Subordinate step 4b. Customize features based on
community needs. ex. resident spotlight, special
notes, birthdays etc.
Subordinate objective 4b. After the demonstration of
how to create a published calendar template,
community staff will be able to independently,
describe the desired customizable features needed on
their calendar template and generate a published
calendar template for their community on Sagely web
in order to develop an informative physical calendar
with at least 3 informative features.
Subordinate step 4c. Share calendar via website link,
downloadable image, or printable calendar
Subordinate objective 4c. After the demonstration of
how to create a published calendar template,
community staff will be able to independently,
describe the desired shared view of their calendar
template and generate a published calendar template
in the desired share view for their community on
Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical
calendar with at least 3 informative features.
Main Step 5. Create published newsletters Performance Objective 5. After the demonstration of
how to create a published Newsletter, community
staff will be able to independently, describe the
desired layout of their Newsletter and generate a
published newsletter for their community on Sagely
web in order to develop a physical newsletter with 4
different informative sections about their
Subordinate step 5a. Gather information on what
should be showcased for that month's newsletter
Subordinate objective 5a. After the demonstration of
how to create a published Newsletter, community
staff will be able to independently, describe and
gather the necessary information to be showcased for
that month’s newsletter for their community on
Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical
newsletter with 4 different informative sections about
their community.
Subordinate step 5b. Customize newsletter based on
community needs and updates.
Subordinate objective 5b. After the demonstration of
how to create a published Newsletter, community
staff will be able to independently, describe the
desired layout of their Newsletter based on
customizable features and generate a published
newsletter for their community on Sagely web in
order to develop an informative physical newsletter
with 4 different informative sections about their
Main Step 6. Create tv broadcasted slides Performance Objective 6. After the demonstration of
how to create tv broadcasted slideshows, community
staff will be able to independently, gather the
appropriate information and develop a tv broadcasted
slideshow (based on their community needs) on
Sagely web in order to develop an informative tv
broadcasted slideshow with 4 different informative
Subordinate step 6a. Purchase firestick for each tv and
install Sagely web 2.0 app
Subordinate objective 6a. After the demonstration of
how to install the firestick and operate Sagely 2.0,
community staff will be able to independently, repeat
the necessary steps and install Sagely 2.0 in order to
deliver an informative tv broadcasted slideshow with 4
different informative features.
Subordinate step 6b. Customize informative slides
that include feature events, weather, birthday, menus,
and an optional Youtube video slide
Subordinate objective 6b. After the demonstration of
how to create tv broadcasted slideshows, community
staff will be able to independently, gather the
appropriate information, describe their desired
slideshow layout and develop a tv broadcasted
slideshow (based on their community needs) on
Sagely web in order to develop an informative tv
broadcasted slideshow with 4 different informative
Subordinate step 6c. Input community specific
registration code into firestick app in order to deploy
to common area tv.
Subordinate objective 6c. After the demonstration of
how to install the firestick and operate Sagely 2.0,
community staff will be able to independently, input
community specific registration code into Sagely 2.0
and deploy Sagely 2.0 app onto community tv’s in
order to deliver an informative tv broadcasted
slideshow with 4 different informative features.
Assessment Plan
The learners will be assessed throughout the training. This will provide the trainer with insight on what
the learners need more help with and where to give more information on practical usage of features.
Entry Skills Test
There is no entry skills test on basic typing or knowledge of engaging events. This is because
these skills were required of learners for them to be hired. During the training session on tv digital slides, learners
will be asked to demonstrate how to pull a youtube video link and how to navigate firestick applications.
Prior to the different training sessions, learners will individually complete a virtual
K(know)W(want to know)L(learned) chart with the trainer. The learners will complete the (K) and (W) portion so
that the trainer has an idea of what the learners know and want to know by the end of the training.
Practice test
After a demonstration of each feature, learners will have the opportunity to use that same
feature in their account, showcase what they did and receive feedback from the trainer.
Post test
As a final assessment, learners will individually complete the (L) portion of the KWL and share with the
trainer. In addition, the learners will be asked to complete a to-do list and return to the trainer at a later date to
receive feedback (via email).
IDer Reflection
So far, the easiest part was coming up with an idea for training. When I was first introduced to the project,
I though the first part of the document was the challenging part. After completing the second part, I still think the
first part was challenging. Writing specific clear, and measurable objectives was very tough for me. Using the great
feedback from my peers has helped with my revision process, however, I’m still nervous about my final product. I
decided to take the advice of creating assessments that were easy to track such as the follow through activities.
Design Evaluation Chart
Main Instructional Goal Terminal Objective Test Item
After completion of the efficiency
training session for sagely web,
senior living community staff will
be able to operate all aspects
within sagely web in order to
create an informed community.
*Sagely Web includes Community
information input, calendar and
event creation, newsletter and tv
slideshow creation
After completion of the Efficiency
training sessions for Sagely Web
(CN), senior living community staff
will be able to, independently,
input community administrative
information, create detailed
calendars and events, and create
informative newsletters and tv
slideshows (B) on Sagely Web in
order to create an informed
community (CR) through a
presentation and virtual
Learners will complete their Sagely
web account from the information
given in the training. They are
asked to complete all sections of
Sagely and will be given feedback
based off the Sagely account
Main Step in instructional Goal Objective Test Item
1.Learn how to successfully login
into one’s community
1. After completion of the
efficiency training session for
Sagely web, community staff will
be able to, independently, repeat
the login process on Sagely web in
order to have access to their senior
living community.
The instructor will assess the
learners by observing whether they
are able to login into their
Subordinate Skills Objective Test Item
1a. Login credentials will be
supplied through a welcome email.
1a. After community staff receives
welcome email with designated
login credentials, they will gather
and input that information onto
the Sagely Web app in order to
gain access to their senior living
No new testing item.
The instructor will assess the
learners by observing whether they
are able to login into their
Main Step in Instructional Goal Objective Test Item
2. Input their community's
2. After the demonstration of how
to input their community’s
administrative information,
community staff will be able to
independently, gather their
community’s information and input
it into Sagely web in order to
develop a thorough calendar,
newsletter, and tv slideshow.
There is no formal testing for this
goal. The instructor will observe to
see if the learners have put in all
their community information
Subordinate Skills Objective Test Item
2a. Input community's logo,
address and phone
2a. After the demonstration of how
to input their community’s
administrative information,
community staff will be able to
independently, gather their
community’s logo, address and
There is no formal testing for this
goal. The instructor will observe to
see if the learners have input their
community’s logo, address and
phone number and input it into
Sagely web in order to develop a
thorough calendar, newsletter, and
tv slideshow.
2b. Input staff that will have user
rights to the community
2b. After the demonstration of
how to input their community’s
administrative information,
community staff will be able to
independently, gather the names
of the community administrative
users and input it into Sagely web
in order to develop a thorough
calendar, newsletter, and tv
There is no formal testing for this
goal. The instructor will observe to
see if the learners have input their
community’s staff with the correct
user roles.
2c. Input locations of where the
different community events will
take place
2c. After the demonstration of how
to input their community’s
administrative information,
community staff will be able to
independently, gather the different
locations that events take place in
their community and input it into
Sagely web in order to develop a
thorough calendar, newsletter, and
tv slideshow.
There is no formal testing for this
goal. The instructor will observe to
see if the learners have input all
their community’s locations.
2d. Input frequently used tags to
associate with events
2d. After the demonstration of
how to input their community’s
administrative information,
community staff will be able to
independently, gather frequently
used tags that go with events and
input it into Sagely web in order to
develop a thorough calendar,
newsletter, and tv slideshow.
There is no formal testing for this
goal. The instructor will observe to
see if the learners have input their
frequently used tags that align with
their events.
2e. Include the names of any
special instructors of events that
will teach events
2e. After the demonstration of how
to input their community’s
administrative information,
community staff will be able to
independently, gather the names
of the instructors that teach events
in their community and input it
into Sagely web in order to develop
a thorough and informative
calendar, newsletter, and tv
There is no formal testing for this
goal. The instructor will observe to
see if the learners have input the
names of any instructors that come
to their community.
Main Step in Instructional
Objective Test Item
3. Create a calendar with engaging
events based on their levels of care
the community offers
3. After the demonstration of how
to create calendar events,
community staff will be able to
independently, gather their
upcoming community events
Learners will be assessed off the
sagely web calendar feature rubric.
(based on level of care) and input it
into Sagely web in order to develop
a thorough and informative
calendar with at least 4 different
events a day.
Subordinate Skill Objective Test Item
3a. Create the separate calendars
based on community needs
3a. After the demonstration of how
to create calendar events,
community staff will be able to
independently, gather the different
community offered events and
create the events in calendars on
Sagely in order to order to develop
a thorough and informative
calendar with at least 4 different
events a day.
Learners will complete the gather
and organize worksheet.
3b. Create community offered
events within the calendars
3b. After the demonstration of how
to create calendar events,
community staff will be able to
independently, gather the different
community offered events and
create the events in calendars on
Sagely in order to order to develop
a thorough and informative
calendar with at least 4 different
events a day.
Learners will complete the gather
and organize worksheet.
Main step in instructional goal Objective Test Item
4. Create published calendar
4. After the demonstration of how
to create a published calendar
template, community staff will be
able to independently, describe the
desired layout of their calendar
template and generate a published
calendar template for their
community on Sagely web in order
to develop an informative physical
calendar with at least 3 informative
The instructor will assess the
learner based off the Calendar
template rubric. The instructor will
use the completed KWL (from the
learner) in order to give feedback.
Subordinate Skill Objective Test Item
4a. Create daily, weekly, and
monthly calendar templates
4a. After the demonstration of how
to create a published calendar
template, community staff will be
able to independently, describe the
necessary daily, weekly, and
monthly calendar templates and
generate a published calendar
template for their community on
Sagely web in order to develop an
informative physical calendar with
at least 3 informative features.
Learners will complete their
calendar template organizer.
4b. Customize features based on 4b. After the demonstration of Learners will be asked to create
community needs. ex. resident
spotlight, special notes, birthdays
how to create a published calendar
template, community staff will be
able to independently, describe the
desired customizable features
needed on their calendar template
and generate a published calendar
template for their community on
Sagely web in order to develop an
informative physical calendar with
at least 3 informative features.
their calendar templates using the
feedback provided when they
shared their calendar template
4c. Share calendar via website link,
downloadable image, or printable
4c. After the demonstration of how
to create a published calendar
template, community staff will be
able to independently, describe the
desired shared view of their
calendar template and generate a
published calendar template in the
desired share view for their
community on Sagely web in order
to develop an informative physical
calendar with at least 3 informative
N/A learners will not be assessed
on sharing the calendar link.
Main step in instructional goal Objective Test Item
5. Create published newsletters 5. After the demonstration of how
to create a published Newsletter,
community staff will be able to
independently, describe the
desired layout of their Newsletter
and generate a published
newsletter for their community
on Sagely web in order to develop
a physical newsletter with 4
different informative sections
about their community.
The instructor will assess the
learner based off the
Newsletter/TV slideshow rubric.
The instructor will use the
completed KWL (from the learner)
in order to give feedback.
Subordinate Skill Objective Test Item
5a. Gather information on what
should be showcased for that
month's newsletter
5a. After the demonstration of how
to create a published Newsletter,
community staff will be able to
independently, describe and gather
the necessary information to be
showcased for that month’s
newsletter for their community on
Sagely web in order to develop an
informative physical newsletter
with 4 different informative
sections about their community.
Learners will complete the gather
and organize worksheet and share
with the group.
5b. Customize newsletter based on
community needs and updates.
5b. After the demonstration of
how to create a published
Newsletter, community staff will be
able to independently, describe the
Learners will take the feedback
and complete the newsletter
feature based off their
worksheet. Learners will be
desired layout of their Newsletter
based on customizable features
and generate a published
newsletter for their community on
Sagely web in order to develop an
informative physical newsletter
with 4 different informative
sections about their community.
assessed off the Sagely Web
Newsletter/TV Slideshow feature
Main Step in instructional goal Objective Test Item
6.Create tv broadcasted slides 6. After the demonstration of how
to create tv broadcasted
slideshows, community staff will be
able to independently, gather the
appropriate information and
develop a tv broadcasted
slideshow (based on their
community needs) on Sagely web
in order to develop an informative
tv broadcasted slideshow with 3
different informative features.
The instructor will assess the
learner based off the
Newsletter/Tv slideshow rubric.
The instructor will use the
completed KWL (from the learner)
in order to give feedback.
Subordinate Skill Objective Test Item
6a. Purchase firestick for each tv
and install Sagely web 2.0 app
6a. After the demonstration of how
to install the firestick and operate
Sagely 2.0, community staff will be
able to independently, repeat the
necessary steps and install Sagely
2.0 in order to deliver an
informative tv broadcasted
slideshow with 3 different
informative features.
N/A this is not something the
learner will need to be assessed on.
6b. Customize informative slides
that include feature events,
weather, birthday, menus, and an
optional Youtube video slide
6b. After the demonstration of how
to create tv broadcasted
slideshows, community staff will be
able to independently, gather the
appropriate information, describe
their desired slideshow layout and
develop a tv broadcasted
slideshow (based on their
community needs) on Sagely web
in order to develop an informative
tv broadcasted slideshow with 3
different informative features.
Learners will complete the tv
slideshow organizer worksheet.
Learners will take the feedback
and complete the tv slideshow
feature based off their
worksheet. Learners will be
assessed off the Sagely Web
Newsletter/TV Slideshow feature
6c. Input community specific
registration code into firestick app
in order to deploy to common area
6c. After the demonstration of how
to install the firestick and operate
Sagely 2.0, community staff will be
able to independently, input
community specific registration
code into Sagely 2.0 and deploy
N/A Learners will not need to be
assess on inputting a registration
Sagely 2.0 app onto community tv’s
in order to deliver an informative
tv broadcasted slideshow with 3
different informative features.
Instructional Strategy Alignment
Learning Component Design Plan
Cluster 1
Intro and Community Information input
1. After completion of the efficiency training session
for Sagely web, community staff will be able to,
independently, repeat the login process on Sagely
web in order to have access to their senior living
1a. After community staff receives welcome email
with designated login credentials, they will gather
and input that information onto the Sagely Web
app in order to gain access to their senior living
2. After the demonstration of how to input their
community’s administrative information, community
staff will be able to independently, gather their
community’s information and input it into Sagely web
in order to develop a thorough calendar, newsletter,
and tv slideshow.
2a. After the demonstration of how to input
their community’s administrative information,
community staff will be able to independently, gather
their community’s logo, address and phone number
and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a
thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow.
2b. After the demonstration of how to input
their community’s administrative information,
community staff will be able to independently, gather
the names of the community administrative users and
input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough
calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow.
2c. After the demonstration of how to input
their community’s administrative information,
community staff will be able to independently, gather
the different locations that events take place in their
community and input it into Sagely web in order to
develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv
2d. After the demonstration of how to input
their community’s administrative information,
community staff will be able to independently, gather
frequently used tags that go with events and input it
into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough
calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow.
2e. After the demonstration of how to input
their community’s administrative information,
community staff will be able to independently, gather
the names of the instructors that teach events in their
community and input it into Sagely web in order to
develop a thorough and informative calendar,
newsletter, and tv slideshow.
Content Presentation:
Content: The staff is used to planning everything via
paper and having to keep physical copies of their
residents and all their activity in order to keep family
members updated. Learners will learn how Sagely
Web keeps all this information online and organized
nicely. After learners are asked to login into their
Sagely accounts, they will see the different features
such as calendars, calendar template, newsletters, and
tv slides and how those features benefit them. This
will be a brief overview (the rest of the module will go
into detail on the different features). In order to
correctly operate the different features on Sagely
Web, staff will need to input the community’s
information before they can start exploring the
different options. They will need to input the
community’s address (including time zone), phone
number, logo, event locations, active users, tags
associated with the different events, and the different
levels of care that the community caters to.
Example: By inputting the community information at
the start of the training, staff will be able to easily
navigate the features that ask for community details
such as the events, newsletters, calendar templates,
and tv slideshows.
Student Grouping and Media Selection: There is no
student grouping throughout this module because
each staff member has different levels of care in the
community that they oversee. At the start of the
presentation, learners will be greeted by a Meme to
get the learners thinking about how the different
situations that makes their job stressful. This is to
spark conversation amongst the group and the break
the ice between learners and instructor.
Student participation:
Practice items and Activities: Learners will practice
logging into their Sagely Accounts and change their
password by using the information from their
Welcome email. Learners will complete their
community input section by using their information
about their specific community.
Student Grouping and Media Selection: The learners
will not be grouped but instead each be assigned to a
section in the administrative tab to complete the
community’s details.
Cluster 2
Creating Calendars and adding Events
3. After the demonstration of how to create calendar
events, community staff will be able to independently,
gather their upcoming community events (based on
level of care) and input it into Sagely web in order to
develop a thorough and informative calendar with at
least 4 different events a day.
3.a After the demonstration of how to create
calendar events, community staff will be able to
independently, gather the different community
offered events and create the events in calendars
on Sagely in order to order to develop a thorough
and informative calendar with at least 4 different
events a day.
3.b After the demonstration of how to create
calendar events, community staff will be able to
independently, gather the different community
offered events and create the events in calendars
on Sagely in order to order to develop a thorough
and informative calendar with at least 4 different
events a day.
Content Presentation:
Content: The instructor will demonstrate how to
create and customize the different calendars in the
specific community's Sagely web account. The
instructor will describe the different features under
the calendar tab such as calendar views, naming
calendars according to community's levels of care,
how to color coordinate the calendars, how to add
events to the different calendars and the
customizable features within the event creation.
The instructor will say the following as they
demonstrate via screenshare how to add calendars
and events. Instructor: "The Calendar tab is an
essential piece to successfully manage an engaging
activity plan in Sagely. Calendars can be viewed on
the Month, Week and Day level. Adding calendars
will enable you to organize your events by
associating the Calendar with a name, color and
calendar type (Normal or Holiday). Once you have
created the necessary calendars for your
community, you can start adding events.  To add an
event, click on the day you would like for it to start.
You can add an event name, location, time and
frequency of the event, add tags, instructors, and
the calendar you wish to add the event to.” The
learners have been sent the gather and organize
worksheet in their welcome email (a week prior to
the training). The charts will have sections for the
learner to complete that consist of community's
levels of care (how calendars will be crated), 2
events per each level of care calendar, color choice
for each calendar, time the events happen, tags
associated, frequency, and locations of events. After
25 minutes has passed, I will give the learners time
to share their charts to receive feedback. The
instructor will go over the example chart before
releasing the learners to complete the worksheet.
After the demonstration the instructor will say: "In
the welcome email, I sent out a chart for our
instructional activity today. This activity will help
you brainstorm how you want your calendar setup
to look. I will give everyone 25 minutes to complete
the chart. We will come back and share to gain
feedback from your peers and I."
Example: The learners will see how to create a
calendar and add events during the demonstration
given by the instructor before they get a chance to
complete their worksheet.
Student Grouping and Media Selection: There will not
be any student grouping. Learners will work on their
own according to the level of care they oversee. No
outside media is included.
Student Participation:
Practice Items and Activities: Learners will complete
the gather and organize worksheet. They will come
back together to share their work and receive group
feedback. Learners will complete their calendars and
Student Grouping and Media Selection: No students
grouping or outside media.
Cluster 3
Calendar template creation
4. After the demonstration of how to create a
published calendar template, community staff will be
able to independently, describe the desired layout of
their calendar template and generate a published
calendar template for their community on Sagely web
in order to develop an informative physical calendar
with at least 3 informative features.
4.a After the demonstration of how to create a
published calendar template, community staff will be
able to independently, describe the necessary daily,
weekly, and monthly calendar templates and generate
a published calendar template for their community on
Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical
calendar with at least 3 informative features.
4.b After the demonstration of how to create a
published calendar template, community staff will be
able to independently, describe the desired
customizable features needed on their calendar
template and generate a published calendar template
for their community on Sagely web in order to develop
an informative physical calendar with at least 3
informative features.
4.c After the demonstration of how to create a
published calendar template, community staff will be
able to independently, describe the desired shared
view of their calendar template and generate a
published calendar template in the desired share view
for their community on Sagely web in order to develop
an informative physical calendar with at least 3
informative features.
Content Presentation:
Content: The calendar template helps to organize the
community’s events and administrative information
into an actual calendar that can be shared via link or
printed out into a physical copy. With this feature
learners are presented with several features that can
inform residents and family on events within the
community (resident anniversary, resident birthdays,
event spotlight, quote of the month). Learners will be
asked to include 3 different features.
Example: Learners will see the demonstration of how
to create a calendar template via screenshare. They
will then be prompted to create their calendar
template on their Sagely Web account after sketching
out their calendar on the template worksheet.
Student Grouping and Media Selection: No student
grouping or media
Student Participation:
Practice Items and Activities: calendar template
worksheet. Learners will be sketching out what they
want their template to look like incorporating 3
different features. Learner will also create their own
calendar template on sagely web.
Student Grouping and Media Selection: N/A
Cluster 4
Newsletter Creation
5. After the demonstration of how to create a
published Newsletter, community staff will be able
to independently, describe the desired layout of
their Newsletter and generate a published
newsletter for their community on Sagely web in
order to develop a physical newsletter with 4
different informative sections about their
5.a After the demonstration of how to create a
published Newsletter, community staff will be able to
independently, describe and gather the necessary
information to be showcased for that month’s
newsletter for their community on Sagely web in
order to develop an informative physical newsletter
5.b After the demonstration of how to create
a published Newsletter, community staff will be able
to independently, describe the desired layout of their
Newsletter based on customizable features and
generate a published newsletter for their community
on Sagely web in order to develop an informative
physical newsletter with 4 different informative
sections about their community.
Content Presentation:
Content: The Newsletter feature acts as an informative
document for residents and families. This can be
presented in physical form or kept online to stay
organized and shown virtually. The newsletter has
several different customizable features such as
resident spotlight, community information, news
section, birthdays, notes, quote of the month etc.
Example: The learner will go into their sagely web
account and complete their newsletter feature after
the instructor completes their demonstration. The
learner will also complete their newsletter template
sketch worksheet and receive feedback on it from the
Student Grouping and Media Selection: No outside
media or student grouping.
Student Participation:
Practice Items and Activities: The learner will complete
the newsletter template sketch and give feedback to
their peers. The learner will also have to complete
their newsletter section on Sagely Web.
Student Grouping and Media Selection: N/A
Cluster 5
TV Slideshow Creation
6. After the demonstration of how to create tv
broadcasted slideshows, community staff will be able
to independently, gather the appropriate information
and develop a tv broadcasted slideshow (based on
their community needs) on Sagely web in order to
develop an informative tv broadcasted slideshow with
4 different informative features.
6.a After the demonstration of how to install
the firestick and operate Sagely 2.0, community staff
will be able to independently, repeat the necessary
steps and install Sagely 2.0 in order to deliver an
informative tv broadcasted slideshow with 4 different
informative features.
6.b After the demonstration of how to create
tv broadcasted slideshows, community staff will be
able to independently, gather the appropriate
information, describe their desired slideshow layout
and develop a tv broadcasted slideshow (based on
their community needs) on Sagely web in order to
develop an informative tv broadcasted slideshow with
4 different informative features.
6.c After the demonstration of how to install
the firestick and operate Sagely 2.0, community staff
will be able to independently, input community
specific registration code into Sagely 2.0 and deploy
Sagely 2.0 app onto community tv’s in order to deliver
an informative tv broadcasted slideshow with 4
different informative features.
Content Presentation:
Content: The Tv Slideshow feature is a broadcasted
informative slideshow for residents and families. This
will be broadcasted to any registered tv within the
community with a firestick. The Tv slideshow also has
several different customizable features such as
welcome slide, resident spotlight, community
information, news, weather section, birthdays, notes,
breakfast/lunch/dinner menu.
Example: The learner will go into their sagely web
account and complete their Tv slideshow after the
instructor completes their demonstration. The learner
will also complete their Tv slideshow template sketch
worksheet and receive feedback on it from the group.
Student Grouping and Media Selection: N/A
Student Participation:
Practice Items and Activities: The learner will complete
the TV slideshow template sketch and give feedback
to their peers. The learner will also have to complete
their Tv slideshow feature on Sagely Web.
Student Grouping and Media Selection: N/A
Implementation Plan
To test this module, I will do a trial run with one other coworker of mine. This coworker is a new
hire for the position of an implementation lead. They have not yet gone through any trainings so I will be
able to test my module on someone with no prior knowledge on Sagely web. However, they used to
work for a senior living community before they joined the Touchtown team.
I do not need any outside equipment. I have administrator access to be able to create a demo account
for the new hire to use so that they can create their events, calendars, calendar templates, newsletter,
and tv slideshow.
Evaluation Plan
My plan to do a pilot run with two of my coworkers. One coworker is an implementation lead new hire.
This would be the perfect opportunity because he has no prior knowledge of Sagely web. He does have
background knowledge on senior living communities and the important documentation they keep. This
this also be a quick way to show him the ropes and see what skills he picks up on through my training.
My other coworker is a more experienced trainer and trained me on Sagely web when I first started. He
will be able to provide feedback on the quality of the instruction.
I have created an evaluation survey that I will give to both after the training is completed to gain
feedback on how I can improve my training. This way I will have time to revise before I give an official
training to senior living staff.
IDer Reflection
This portion was by far the toughest. I’m not sure if it was because of the holiday festivities and
having to juggle school, work, and family or if this piece was challenging. I will be very excited when I can
turn this entire project in and be finished. I have noticed that as I go through the different sections of
this project, I have noticed growth within myself when it comes to planning everything out for my
module. I am a little nervous for what is to come on the final piece of this project. My peers have been
very supportive and has given great feedback when submitting to our discussions. I have changed some
formatting details and even gained more insight on things I struggled with such as creating meaningful
assessments. I have also tried to correct all grammatical errors that my peers/instructor pointed out.
Facilitator’s Guide
Sagely Web Training Module
• Icebreaker
• Sagely Overview (*KWL Worksheet)
• Check Login Credentials
• Administrative Information Input
o Demonstration
o Staff Input
• Calendars and Events
o Demonstration
o Practice & Feedback (* Gather and Organize worksheet)
• Published Calendar Templates
o Demonstration
o Practice & Feedback (*Calendar template Sketch worksheet)
• Newsletters
o Demonstration
o Practice & Feedback (*Newsletter Sketch worksheet)
• TV Slides
o Demonstration
o Practice & Feedback (*TV Slides sketch worksheet)
• Work on Sagely Community (*
• Closing & Evaluation
Breakdown of Sagely Web Training:
Icebreaker (10 minutes) - During this time, staff will introduce themselves to the group (name
and their role in the community). Presenter will show the meme and give staff time to share with
the group about any stressful situations. The presenter will bring it back by explaining how
Sagely can alleviate a lot of organization issues in their senior living community.
Sagely Overview (15 minutes)- The instructor will give ask the staff to pull up their
completed KWL (L portion will be completed at the end of the training) chart of what they know
about sagely and what they want to know. Instructor will ask people to share as a group. After
sharing, the instructor will give a brief overview of what sagely has to offer. The instructor will
discuss the features such as calendars, events, calendar templates, newsletters, and tv
broadcasting. These different features will help staff to organize and inform their community all
in one app.
Check Login Credentials (10 minutes)- The instructor will remind staff of their login
credentials received in their welcome email and show them how to login/reset password. The
instructor will give the staff time to login and observe for any arising issues.
Administrative Input (Demonstration 15 minutes Staff input 15 minutes)- After
everyone is successfully logged in the instructor will go right into the presentation by going into
the administrative tab. The instructor will explain each subcategory in the tab and demonstrate
how to complete each. Community settings- This is the community’s location information and
link to the community’s website. You can also upload your own logo to be displayed in the
calendar templates, newsletters, and tv signs. User Management- By clicking the + sign you can
add and give community staff access to the sagely account and providing them with different
roles within the sagely account. The different roles are administrator (they can go into the sagely
account create, update, deleted other users and community tags), Calendars (can create, update,
and delete events and calendars in the community), and Publisher (can view create, update and
delete prints, digital signs and calendar templates). The instructor will continue to explain each
subcategory in the tab and demonstrate how to complete each. Locations- This subcategory is to
add locations to the different events on your calendar. This will also display on the calendar
legend. Allows residents to easily see where your events will take place throughout the
community. Clicking the + you can create a location give it a name, choose to have it absent
from the legend or be represented by abbreviation. Tags- This subcategory is also for legend
purposes and allows your residents to see what type of events you will be hosting. For example,
you may have a chair yoga event this could be identified as a physical event and represented with
a physical tag for your residents to see on the calendar templates. You name your tags, give it a
dimension, and have it represented by an abbreviation or icon (if icon is chosen, you can color
customize it). The last subcategory in the administrative tab is instructors. This is optional for the
staff. The instructor will demonstrate how to add new instructors and explain its purpose. By
clicking the + you can create a list of instructors that you anticipate hosting events at your
community. You can add instructors to the different events that you create on your calendar.
Adding instructors will not give them access it is strictly to inform your residents who will be
teaching/hosting that event. The instructor will then give the staff 15 minutes to complete their
administrative information.
Calendars and Events (Demonstration 15 minutes Practice 15 minutes Feedback 10
minutes)- The Instructor will introduce the Calendar and Events tab then demonstrate how to
add calendars and events in the calendar tab. Instructor: “The Calendar tab is an essential piece
to successfully manage an engaging activity plan in Sagely. Calendars can be viewed on the
Month, Week and Day level. Adding calendars will enable you to organize your events by
associating the Calendar with a name, color and calendar type (Normal or Holiday). Once you
have created the necessary calendars for your community, you can start adding events.  To add
an event, click on the day you would like for it to start. You can add an event name,
location, time and frequency of the event, add tags, instructors, and the calendar you wish to add
the event to.” Key points: Calendar must be named according to the levels of care, make sure
your calendars are different colors to be easily identified, best practices to not delete calendars
but to archive so you do not lose resident information
Instructor will remind staff of the Gather and Organize worksheet they received in their welcome
email. The instructor will prompt the staff to complete the worksheet within 15 minutes. After
the 15 minutes staff will have time to come back as a group and share what they have in order to
receive feedback from instructor and/or peers.
Gather and organize worksheet – an organizer for the staff to organize the appropriate
information to complete their calendar and events tab on their sagely account.
Published Calendar Templates (Demonstration 15 minutes Practice 15 minutes
Feedback 15 minutes)- The instructor will demonstrate how to create/add calendar templates.
The calendar template is for staff to print a physical copy of the calendar (includes notes, names
of instructors, tag and location legend) for residents and/or family of residents. Staff will also
have the option to generate a shareable link to post on their community’s social media. This
subcategory is located under the publish tab on Sagely. The instructor will show staff the
different customizable pieces for the calendar templates. Staff will have the options to create
daily, weekly, and monthly templates. The instructor will demonstrate how to use the different
informative features within the block types (Text, blank, community logo, contact info, image,
inspirational quote, location legend, notes, tag legend).
Instructor will remind staff of the Calendar Template Sketch worksheet they received in their
welcome email. The instructor will prompt the staff to complete the worksheet within 15
minutes. After the 15 minutes staff will have time to come back as a group and share what they
have in order to receive feedback from instructor and/or peers.
Calendar Template Sketch worksheet – an organizer that allows staff to sketch their ideas they
have for one calendar template so that they can later transfer it onto their sagely account.
Newsletters (Demonstration 15 minutes Practice 15 minutes Feedback 15 minutes)-
The instructor will demonstrate how to create/add newsletters. The newsletter is for staff to print
a physical copy of the newsletter for residents and/or family of residents. Staff will also have the
option to generate a shareable link to post on their community’s social media. This subcategory
is located under the publish tab on Sagely. The instructor will show staff the different
customizable pieces for the newsletters.
Staff will have the options to create newsletters for the different level of cares they serve. The
instructor will demonstrate how to use the different informative features within the block types
(Text, image, spotlight, list, quotes of the month, features events, header).
Instructor will remind staff of the Newsletter Sketch worksheet they received in their welcome
email. The instructor will prompt the staff to complete the worksheet within 15 minutes. After
the 15 minutes staff will have time to come back as a group and share what they have in order to
receive feedback from instructor and/or peers.
Newsletter Sketch worksheet – an organizer that allows staff to sketch their ideas they have for
one Newsletter so that they can later transfer it onto their sagely account.
TV Slides (Demonstration 15 minutes Practice 15 minutes Feedback 15 minutes)-
The instructor will demonstrate how to create/add tv slides. The tv slides are for staff to
broadcast messages to the tv’s located throughout the community (ex. Common areas and
resident’s rooms). This subcategory is located under the publish tab on Sagely. The instructor
will show staff the different customizable pieces for the TV slideshows.
Staff will have the options to create TV Slideshows for the different level of cares they serve.
The instructor will demonstrate how to use the different informative features within the different
slides (text, image, events, weather, and video).
The instructor will also show staff how to download the Sagely 2.0 app to install onto their
firestick and how to retrieve their registration codes.
Instructor will remind staff of the TV Slideshow Sketch worksheet they received in their
welcome email. The instructor will prompt the staff to complete the worksheet within 15
minutes. After the 15 minutes staff will have time to come back as a group and share what they
have in order to receive feedback from instructor and/or peers.
TV Slideshow Sketch worksheet – an organizer that allows staff to sketch their ideas they have
for one Tv Slideshow so that they can later transfer it onto their sagely account.
Work on Sagely Community (30 Minutes)- Instructor will go over the different components
of the sagely community rubric with the staff and leave the rubric available via screen share for
staff to refer to. Instructor will give the staff 35 minutes to go in and complete their sagely
community according to the rubric created. Because of the lack of time, the instructor will return
the graded rubric to the staff within 3 business days of the training.
Closing & Evaluation (15 minutes)-
The instructor will direct staff to the Sagely learning center for any questions they may have
while working on their sagely account during their own time. The instructor will give the staff
this time to complete the L portion of the KWL chart and the evaluation checklist. These items
will be emailed to the instructor to act as feedback for the training module.
Implementation & Formative Evaluation
For my pilot test, I asked the implementation new hire and our experienced Sagely web trainer. The new
hire has no prior knowledge of Sagely only the basics of how a senior living community is ran. This is the
perfect opportunity to see what new skills he picks up on. The experienced trainer will be able to give me
feedback on the quality of the instruction. The feedback from both will help me to revise my module
before implementing to other communities.
Because we all live in different locations, the worksheets were delivered via email. Both coworkers were
given the KWL chart, calendar template sketch, gather and organize, newsletter sketch, tv slide sketch,
and rubric wee given the day before the training. My coworkers were given the evaluation survey to
complete at the end of the training.
After reviewing the information, I’ve gotten a good idea of where to improve on my training module.
They gave feedback on the length of the training and encouraged splitting the training up into different
days. This way I’m being more mindful of the client’s time. They really enjoyed the worksheets, the
structure of the training, and how engaging I made it. I also received feedback on my pacing. They said I
spoke fast when I went through the calendar and events piece.
Overall, I think the training went really well and the feedback was helpful towards improving my
instruction. I have included the completed surveys from my coworkers.
Jacob T.
Evaluation of Sagely Training Module
I hope you enjoyed this training module of what Sagely web has to offer. Please complete this
brief evaluation form on my performance and the quality of the training. Thank you for
participating and your feedback.
1. Were the training objectives clearly defined?
2. How well was the training structured?
Chauntelle did an awesome job with structuring the training. We spoke on breaking up the
sessions into two parts to save time and help retain information.
3. How was the quality of teaching?
4. Was the training engaging?
She used an Icebreaker and let the audience participate
Used hands on activities
5. How could this training be improved?
Work on pacing so that it is easier for audience to follow along
At times Chauntelle spoke very fast
6. What did you like most about this training?
Everything I really liked the icebreaker it created good conversation and laughs
7. Would you recommend this training to a friend or colleague?
Jeff S.
Evaluation of Sagely Training Module
I hope you enjoyed this training module of what Sagely web has to offer. Please complete this
brief evaluation form on my performance and the quality of the training. Thank you for
participating and your feedback.
1. Were the training objectives clearly defined?
Yes! She explained the objectives during the overview.
2. How well was the training structured?
I liked the organization. The training was a little lengthy. Consider breaking up into two parts.
3. How was the quality of teaching?
The instruction was enlightening. I can tell Chauntelle knows what she is talking about.
4. Was the training engaging?
The training was engaging. I appreciated the worksheets and demonstrations as a visual.
5. How could this training be improved?
I think Chauntelle should break up the training into 2-3 parts.
6. What did you like most about this training?
I liked the icebreaker the most and the engaging worksheets.
7. Would you recommend this training to a friend or colleague?
Yes, I think the worksheets help to make the training more engaging instead of a lecture.
Great job Chauntelle!
Sagely KWL Chart
What I Know about
What I Want to know about
What I Learned about
Gather and Organize worksheet
These charts were created to help you all organize your community’s information and material to
complete our Sagely Web calendar feature. You will be completing this worksheet for the month of
November. You will be given time during our training to complete this activity.
Levels of Care (this will be the name of your
Color choice (each calendar needs to have a different
Memory care Purple
Assistant Living Dark Blue
Independent Living Orange
Events (you need to
list at least 2 events
per level of care
Time each event
will happen
Tags associated with
Locations of the
Repeat frequency of
the events
(MC) Bird watching
& Chair yoga
Bird watching will
happen at 10 am.
Chair Yoga will
happen at 12:30
Tag for Bird
watching: Social
Tag for Chair yoga:
Bird watching:
Zen Garden
Chair yoga:
Bird watching: every
Wednesday for the
month of
Chair yoga: every
Tuesday and Friday
for the month of
(AL) Bowling &
News Trivia
(IL) Pottery Making
& Corn Hole
Levels of Care (this will be the name of your
Color choice (each calendar needs to have a different
Events (you need to
list at least 2 events
per level of care
Time each event
will happen
Tags associated with
Locations of the
Repeat frequency of
the events
Calendar Template Sketch
This is your calendar template sketch worksheet. This worksheet allows you to sketch your ideas you
have for one of your calendar templates to later transfer onto your Sagely account. You must include 3
different informative features mentioned in the training with a small description of what that will look
like and how you want your header (what do you want to be displayed in the header)/days of the week
to look (color, size, font).
Example Below
*Month year *Community Logo
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Informative feature #1:
Inspirational quote
Description of what that will look like
“There’s always sunshine after the storm”
Informative feature #2:
Description of what that will look like
I will include a recipe of the month in the note part of my calendar
Informative feature #3:
Tag legend
Description of what that will look like
I will include the legend of the different tags I have associated with my
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Informative feature #1: Description of what that will look like
Informative feature #2: Description of what that will look like
Informative feature #3: Description of what that will look like
Newsletter Sketch
This worksheet allows you to sketch your ideas you have for one of your newsletters to later transfer
onto your Sagely account. You must include 4 different informative features mentioned in the training
with a small description and/or sketch of what that will look like and how you want your header (what
do you want to be displayed in the header) to look (color, size, font).
Example Below
Month Community Address and Logo
Informative feature & description #1:
Inspirational Quote
Informative feature & description #2
I want to spotlight the new staff that came to our
community this month
Informative feature & description #4
I want to include a note as a reminder for residents that the
temperature will be dropping this month.
Informative feature & description #3
Featured events
I want to feature the special events we will have this
month for our Assisted living community
Informative feature & description #1: Informative feature & description #2
Informative feature & description #4 Informative feature & description #3
TV Slideshow Sketch
This worksheet allows you to sketch your ideas you have for one of your TV Slideshows to later transfer
onto your Sagely account. You must include 3 different informative features mentioned in the training
with a small description and/or sketch of what that will look like.
Example Below
TV Slide Informative Feature #1
Welcome slide
Includes the name of our community, logo, and a
welcome message
TV Slide Informative Feature #2
I would like to include a 7-day plan of the weather in
San Diego California
TV Slide Informative Feature #3
I would like to include a Youtube video of how to keep
safe and healthy during the pandemic.
TV Slide Informative Feature #1
TV Slide Informative Feature #2
TV Slide Informative Feature #3
Community name:
Participant’s name:
Sagely Web Features Rubric
Levels of care calendars Score
Calendar has been named according to each level
of care
Each calendar has a different color associated
with it
Each calendar has 4 events per day for the month
of November (these events can include breakfast
and Lunch)
Events Score
Each event has a tag assigned to it
Each event has a location assigned to it
Each event has a designated time
Each event has an assigned frequency
Calendar Templates Score
Calendar template include Level of care calendar
Calendar template includes 3 informative
features used correctly
Newsletter Score
Newsletter includes 4 different informative
features used correctly
Tv Slide Score
TV slide include 3 different informative features
used correctly
Scoring Rubric
1 point Does not accomplish the task. Learner shows little to no understanding of how to begin or complete
the task. Tasks are not organized or completed according to the rubric.
2 points Partially accomplishes the task. Learner shows partial understand of how to complete the task. The
task is partially completed according to the rubric.
3 points Fully accomplishes the task. Shows full understanding of how to complete the calendar in its
entirety. The task is fully completed according to the rubric.
Evaluation of Sagely Training Module
I hope you enjoyed this training module of what Sagely web has to offer. Please complete this
brief evaluation form on my performance and the quality of the training. Thank you for
participating and your feedback.
1. Were the training objectives clearly defined?
2. How well was the training structured?
3. How was the quality of teaching?
4. Was the training engaging?
5. How could this training be improved?
6. What did you like most about this training?
7. Would you recommend this training to a friend or colleague?
Newsletter Sketch
This worksheet allows you to sketch your ideas you have for one of your newsletters to later transfer
onto your Sagely account. You must include 4 different informative features mentioned in the training
with a small description and/or sketch of what that will look like and how you want your header (what
do you want to be displayed in the header) to look (color, size, font).
Example Below
Month Community Address and Logo
Informative feature & description #1:
Inspirational Quote
Informative feature & description #2
I want to spotlight the new staff that came to our
community this month
Informative feature & description #4
I want to include a note as a reminder for residents that the
temperature will be dropping this month.
Informative feature & description #3
Featured events
I want to feature the special events we will have this
month for our Assisted living community
Informative feature & description #1: Informative feature & description #2
Informative feature & description #4 Informative feature & description #3
TV Slideshow Sketch
This worksheet allows you to sketch your ideas you have for one of your TV Slideshows to later transfer
onto your Sagely account. You must include 3 different informative features mentioned in the training
with a small description and/or sketch of what that will look like.
Example Below
TV Slide Informative Feature #1
Welcome slide
Includes the name of our community, logo, and a
welcome message
TV Slide Informative Feature #2
I would like to include a 7-day plan of the weather in
San Diego California
TV Slide Informative Feature #3
I would like to include a Youtube video of how to keep
safe and healthy during the pandemic.
TV Slide Informative Feature #1
TV Slide Informative Feature #2
TV Slide Informative Feature #3
Sagely KWL Chart
What I Know about
What I Want to know about
What I Learned about
Calendar Template Sketch
This is your calendar template sketch worksheet. This worksheet allows you to sketch your ideas you
have for one of your calendar templates to later transfer onto your Sagely account. You must include 3
different informative features mentioned in the training with a small description of what that will look
like and how you want your header (what do you want to be displayed in the header)/days of the week
to look (color, size, font).
Example Below
*Month year *Community Logo
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Informative feature #1:
Inspirational quote
Description of what that will look like
“There’s always sunshine after the storm”
Informative feature #2:
Description of what that will look like
I will include a recipe of the month in the note part of my calendar
Informative feature #3:
Tag legend
Description of what that will look like
I will include the legend of the different tags I have associated with my
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Informative feature #1: Description of what that will look like
Informative feature #2: Description of what that will look like
Informative feature #3: Description of what that will look like

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Design documents

  • 1. Design Document #1, #2 & #3: Chauntelle Robinson, Sagely Web Efficiency training for Community staff Project Overview The senior living lifestyle has changed drastically over the years. When you think of a senior living community, you may think of the typical communities they show on TV. The communities that have all their residents in one room and offer the same basic activities. With the advancement of technology and expansion of facility buildings, communities are starting to increase their care capacity and offer more engaging events. However, the new issue is how to keep residents and families of residents informed. Recently, because of the pandemic and limited visitations, families have struggled with ways they can remain informed of the everyday activities of their elder family members. That is where Sagely Web comes into play. Sagely Web is a web-based app that will create an informed, engaging and organized community. This learning module will provide community staff with the basic skills of how to navigate and operate the efficiency version of Sagely Web. The presentation style of this project will be an instructor- led training that will be split into two separate trainings. The first training will include how to navigate and input administrative information as well as, how to create calendars and add events. The second training will encompass newsletter and tv slideshow creation. The Sagely web-based app can be overwhelming to someone without any prior training or guidance on the basics. That is why it is important to attend those training sessions before attempting to navigate the app. Our company has received a large amount of interest from administrators of senior living communities seeking a one stop shop program that will solve the concerns of lack of engagement and informed communities. Instructional Goal After completion of the Efficiency training sessions for Sagely Web, senior living community staff will be able to operate all aspects within Sagely Web in order to create an informed community. *Sagely Web includes Community information input, calendar and event creation, newsletter and tv slideshow creation Diagram This diagram shows the necessary steps needed in order to reach the instructional goal. I have also listed the subordinate skills needed in order to obtain the main skill. Lastly, I have attached the 4 entry skills needed to be successful in this training module.
  • 2. IDer Reflection So far, this project has been challenging. I went in thinking it would be a simple task due to me having to identify weekly goals in education. Also, I have given several training sessions on Sagely Web and yet, writing out my training plan and a specific learning goal was hard. I believe it was hard because I had to think back and put my actions into words. I also struggled with having to give a detailed rationale of why the trainings are important and what learners are expected to gain. My group members provided me with some great feedback. I learned that for me to narrow down my task, I need to get more specific in my goal. Also, I should make sure my goal is measurable. I decided to rewrite my goal so that it a more measurable goal for the staff. Its easier for the staff to see how much more their residents are informed about the community. I also made a few grammar corrections. Finally, there was one suggestion to show how to make events engaging. I decided against that suggestion because the staff should be well versed on what events are appropriate for their residents in their community. The focus of the training is not on what makes for an engaging event. Instead, I decided to add to that suggestion as an entry skill for the staff.
  • 3. Learner Analysis This training is designed for learners that are administrative staff apart of a senior living community. The skills covered in this training are the basics for a staff member to successfully inform their senior residents of events and important news in their community, digitally and in person. There are only 11 staff members that will attend the training The staff varies in ages ranging from 26-45. Ever learner has experience planning engaging senior events and is seeking a more organized way of doing so. The group will also include members from the corporate level so that they can give their expectations of how staff should use Sagely web. Learners need to attend this training before they can use the Sagely web tool. The source of data will come from interviews, observations, and surveys during the training sessions. To gain insight on prior knowledge on using technology and creating senior living informative/engaging documents, I will do a KWL (know, want to know, learned) with the learners. I will take information on entry skills from the hiring managers that conducted interviews with the learners. During the training, I will ask questions and observe the learners to gain insight on attitudes toward content, motivation for instruction, attitude toward training organization, and general group characteristics. Information Categories Data Sources Learner Characteristics Entry Skills Interview with Hiring Managers Learners have basic typing and internet skills. Learners have advanced knowledge on how to create/plan engaging events for senior living communities and how their specific senior living community operates their center. Prior Knowledge of topic area Survey with trainer • Prior to the training, I will have learners complete a general K (know)W(want to know)L(learned) chart on what they know about Sagely and similar platforms. (They will complete the K and W) Learners have watched the intro to Sagely web and know what the purpose of it is. Two learners have used similar platforms (less features) called Touchtown. Learners want to learn all there is to know about Sagely web and how to make an easy transition incorporating it into their community. Attitudes Toward Content Survey with trainer and observation • I will use the information from the W (want to know) at the beginning of the training to gauge how learners feel about Sagely tool. • I will observe the attitudes of the learners as the training goes on by use of planned check-ins. Learners are very interested in how Sagely will be helpful to their community. Learners have expressed because of the various features on Sagely, it does come off as overwhelming. Learners compared Sagely to other tools they have used and are relieved of how self-explanatory/easy Sagely is to use. Attitudes toward Delivery System N/A The training is mandatory for administrative staff per corporate managers. Due to Sagely being
  • 4. offered to communities over the country, this training is pre- designed as a virtual synchronous training to reach all learners. Motivation for Instruction Interview Learners are motivated to learn about Sagely web so that they can be organized and still engage with residents. Some learners are concerned how they will transition from paper to digital. Education and Ability Levels Interview with hiring manager Learners come from many different educational backgrounds (bachelors, masters, high school). All learners have worked for senior living communities (in some capacity) for 2+ years. All have experience with creating appropriate events and information needed for newsletters/flyers. General Learning preferences N/A Due to time constraint and being able to meet with all learners, the training is pre-designed and cannot be recreated to fit the needs of every learner. Attitude toward Training Organization Observation & Survey Learners appreciate the order of how the training was given (input community administrative information, create events and LOC calendars, create calendar templates, lastly create newsletters and tv slideshows). Learners stated that it makes sense to operate that way in order to easily follow along. Group Characteristics Observation The learners are 75% White females. Learners have no knowledge of how to operate Sagely Web. Learning Context The learning context for this training will take place virtually. Learners will be at their senior living community. The training will also take place from within the staff’s Sagely web community account. The community will be equipped with tablets and computers so that staff has access to Sagely Web. The training will be based on the org specific branding details. Therefore, the training will be specific to this community. Data used to develop the learning context was collected through interviews with the corporate and community staff.
  • 5. Information Categories Data Source Learning Site Characteristics Number/Nature of Sites Interview with Corporate staff Due to org specific branding details the training will be catered to this one specific community. Corporate staff has other communities that they support therefore, all branding details have been developed and pushed into this community’s account. Site Compatibility with Instructional Needs N/A Training is given virtually from a work from home setting. The trainer has access to the community account and teams meet. Site Compatibility with Learner Needs Interview with community administrative staff All staff has access to their Sagely web account (credentials given prior to training), multiple computers within their senior living community,2 firesticks, and each learner has been provided with a tablet. Feasibility for Simulating Workplace Site Interview with Corporate staff Due to org specific branding details, the training will be given in the community’s specific account so that learners have an exact image of what calendars, newsletters, and tv slideshows will look like in their community. Performance Context The performance context for the learners will be at their specific Sagely senior community account and their physical senior living community. Each senior living community is owned by a parent community. The parent community has specific branding details that senior living communities are required to abide by. Therefore, the training will be delivered inside of the specific community account to incorporate the specific organization branding details. The data was collected through interviews and observation Information Categories Data Source Performance Site Characteristics Managerial Support Interview with Corporate Staff Learners will have support from corporate staff (via virtual meetings). Learners will also have training videos and 24/7 chat offered from Sagely Support. Physical Aspects of the Site Interview with Corporate staff All Learners will have access to Internet, computers, and tablets access Sagely Web from any locations. Learners will have access to their community specific Sagely account day 1 of training, therefore, the virtual training will take place in their sagely account. Social Aspects of the Site Interview with corporate staff and Learners will work with other
  • 6. administrative staff administrative staff to communicate different community needs. Learners will communicate with residents and family members of residents to learn what type of events those residents would like to see at their community and learn personal information about their residents. Relevance of the skills to the workplace Interview with corporate staff Learners will use the skills daily (mon-sun) to make sure their community stays informed and organized for residents and staff. Performance Objectives Terminal Objective: After completion of the Efficiency training sessions for Sagely Web (CN), senior living community staff will be able to, independently, input community administrative information, create detailed calendars and events, and create informative newsletters and tv slideshows (B) on Sagely Web in order to create an informed community (CR) through a presentation and virtual demonstrations. Main Step 1. Learn how to successfully login into one’s community Performance Objective 1. After completion of the efficiency training session for Sagely web, community staff will be able to, independently, repeat the login process on Sagely web in order to have access to their senior living community. Subordinate step 1a. Login credentials will be supplied through a welcome email. Subordinate objective 1a. After community staff receives welcome email with designated login credentials, they will gather and input that information onto the Sagely Web app in order to gain access to their senior living community. Main step 2. Input their community's information Performance Objective 2.: After the demonstration of how to input their community’s administrative information, community staff will be able to independently, gather their community’s information and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow. Subordinate step 2a. Input community's logo, address and phone Subordinate objective 2a. After the demonstration of how to input their community’s administrative information, community staff will be able to independently, gather their community’s logo, address and phone number and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow. Subordinate step 2b. Input staff that will have user rights to the community Subordinate objective 2b. After the demonstration of how to input their community’s administrative information, community staff will be able to independently, gather the names of the community administrative users and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow. Subordinate step 2c. Input locations of where the different community events will take place Subordinate objective 2c. After the demonstration of how to input their community’s administrative
  • 7. information, community staff will be able to independently, gather the different locations that events take place in their community and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow. Subordinate step 2d. Input frequently used tags to associate with events Subordinate objective 2d. After the demonstration of how to input their community’s administrative information, community staff will be able to independently, gather frequently used tags that go with events and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow. Subordinate step 2e. Include the names of any special instructors of events that will teach events Subordinate objective 2e. After the demonstration of how to input their community’s administrative information, community staff will be able to independently, gather the names of the instructors that teach events in their community and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough and informative calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow. Main Step 3. Create a calendar with engaging events based on their levels of care the community offers Performance Objective 3. After the demonstration of how to create calendar events, community staff will be able to independently, gather their upcoming community events (based on level of care) and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough and informative calendar with at least 4 different events a day. Subordinate step 3a. Create the separate calendars based on community needs Subordinate objective 3a. After the demonstration of how to create calendar events, community staff will be able to independently, gather the different community offered events and create the events in calendars on Sagely in order to order to develop a thorough and informative calendar with at least 4 different events a day. Subordinate step 3b. Create community offered events within the calendars Subordinate objective 3b. After the demonstration of how to create calendar events, community staff will be able to independently, gather the different community offered events and create the events in calendars on Sagely in order to order to develop a thorough and informative calendar with at least 4 different events a day. Main Step 4. Create published calendar templates Performance Objective 4. After the demonstration of how to create a published calendar template, community staff will be able to independently, describe the desired layout of their calendar template and generate a published calendar template for their community on Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical calendar with at least 3 informative features. Subordinate step 4a. Create daily, weekly, and monthly calendar templates Subordinate objective 4a. After the demonstration of how to create a published calendar template, community staff will be able to independently,
  • 8. describe the necessary daily, weekly, and monthly calendar templates and generate a published calendar template for their community on Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical calendar with at least 3 informative features. Subordinate step 4b. Customize features based on community needs. ex. resident spotlight, special notes, birthdays etc. Subordinate objective 4b. After the demonstration of how to create a published calendar template, community staff will be able to independently, describe the desired customizable features needed on their calendar template and generate a published calendar template for their community on Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical calendar with at least 3 informative features. Subordinate step 4c. Share calendar via website link, downloadable image, or printable calendar Subordinate objective 4c. After the demonstration of how to create a published calendar template, community staff will be able to independently, describe the desired shared view of their calendar template and generate a published calendar template in the desired share view for their community on Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical calendar with at least 3 informative features. Main Step 5. Create published newsletters Performance Objective 5. After the demonstration of how to create a published Newsletter, community staff will be able to independently, describe the desired layout of their Newsletter and generate a published newsletter for their community on Sagely web in order to develop a physical newsletter with 4 different informative sections about their community. Subordinate step 5a. Gather information on what should be showcased for that month's newsletter Subordinate objective 5a. After the demonstration of how to create a published Newsletter, community staff will be able to independently, describe and gather the necessary information to be showcased for that month’s newsletter for their community on Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical newsletter with 4 different informative sections about their community. Subordinate step 5b. Customize newsletter based on community needs and updates. Subordinate objective 5b. After the demonstration of how to create a published Newsletter, community staff will be able to independently, describe the desired layout of their Newsletter based on customizable features and generate a published newsletter for their community on Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical newsletter with 4 different informative sections about their community. Main Step 6. Create tv broadcasted slides Performance Objective 6. After the demonstration of how to create tv broadcasted slideshows, community
  • 9. staff will be able to independently, gather the appropriate information and develop a tv broadcasted slideshow (based on their community needs) on Sagely web in order to develop an informative tv broadcasted slideshow with 4 different informative features. Subordinate step 6a. Purchase firestick for each tv and install Sagely web 2.0 app Subordinate objective 6a. After the demonstration of how to install the firestick and operate Sagely 2.0, community staff will be able to independently, repeat the necessary steps and install Sagely 2.0 in order to deliver an informative tv broadcasted slideshow with 4 different informative features. Subordinate step 6b. Customize informative slides that include feature events, weather, birthday, menus, and an optional Youtube video slide Subordinate objective 6b. After the demonstration of how to create tv broadcasted slideshows, community staff will be able to independently, gather the appropriate information, describe their desired slideshow layout and develop a tv broadcasted slideshow (based on their community needs) on Sagely web in order to develop an informative tv broadcasted slideshow with 4 different informative features. Subordinate step 6c. Input community specific registration code into firestick app in order to deploy to common area tv. Subordinate objective 6c. After the demonstration of how to install the firestick and operate Sagely 2.0, community staff will be able to independently, input community specific registration code into Sagely 2.0 and deploy Sagely 2.0 app onto community tv’s in order to deliver an informative tv broadcasted slideshow with 4 different informative features. Assessment Plan The learners will be assessed throughout the training. This will provide the trainer with insight on what the learners need more help with and where to give more information on practical usage of features. Entry Skills Test There is no entry skills test on basic typing or knowledge of engaging events. This is because these skills were required of learners for them to be hired. During the training session on tv digital slides, learners will be asked to demonstrate how to pull a youtube video link and how to navigate firestick applications. Pre-Test Prior to the different training sessions, learners will individually complete a virtual K(know)W(want to know)L(learned) chart with the trainer. The learners will complete the (K) and (W) portion so that the trainer has an idea of what the learners know and want to know by the end of the training. Practice test After a demonstration of each feature, learners will have the opportunity to use that same feature in their account, showcase what they did and receive feedback from the trainer.
  • 10. Post test As a final assessment, learners will individually complete the (L) portion of the KWL and share with the trainer. In addition, the learners will be asked to complete a to-do list and return to the trainer at a later date to receive feedback (via email). IDer Reflection So far, the easiest part was coming up with an idea for training. When I was first introduced to the project, I though the first part of the document was the challenging part. After completing the second part, I still think the first part was challenging. Writing specific clear, and measurable objectives was very tough for me. Using the great feedback from my peers has helped with my revision process, however, I’m still nervous about my final product. I decided to take the advice of creating assessments that were easy to track such as the follow through activities.
  • 11. Design Evaluation Chart Main Instructional Goal Terminal Objective Test Item After completion of the efficiency training session for sagely web, senior living community staff will be able to operate all aspects within sagely web in order to create an informed community. *Sagely Web includes Community information input, calendar and event creation, newsletter and tv slideshow creation After completion of the Efficiency training sessions for Sagely Web (CN), senior living community staff will be able to, independently, input community administrative information, create detailed calendars and events, and create informative newsletters and tv slideshows (B) on Sagely Web in order to create an informed community (CR) through a presentation and virtual demonstrations. Learners will complete their Sagely web account from the information given in the training. They are asked to complete all sections of Sagely and will be given feedback based off the Sagely account rubric. Main Step in instructional Goal Objective Test Item 1.Learn how to successfully login into one’s community 1. After completion of the efficiency training session for Sagely web, community staff will be able to, independently, repeat the login process on Sagely web in order to have access to their senior living community. The instructor will assess the learners by observing whether they are able to login into their accounts. Subordinate Skills Objective Test Item 1a. Login credentials will be supplied through a welcome email. 1a. After community staff receives welcome email with designated login credentials, they will gather and input that information onto the Sagely Web app in order to gain access to their senior living community. No new testing item. The instructor will assess the learners by observing whether they are able to login into their accounts. Main Step in Instructional Goal Objective Test Item 2. Input their community's information 2. After the demonstration of how to input their community’s administrative information, community staff will be able to independently, gather their community’s information and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow. There is no formal testing for this goal. The instructor will observe to see if the learners have put in all their community information correctly. Subordinate Skills Objective Test Item 2a. Input community's logo, address and phone 2a. After the demonstration of how to input their community’s administrative information, community staff will be able to independently, gather their community’s logo, address and There is no formal testing for this goal. The instructor will observe to see if the learners have input their community’s logo, address and phone.
  • 12. phone number and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow. 2b. Input staff that will have user rights to the community 2b. After the demonstration of how to input their community’s administrative information, community staff will be able to independently, gather the names of the community administrative users and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow. There is no formal testing for this goal. The instructor will observe to see if the learners have input their community’s staff with the correct user roles. 2c. Input locations of where the different community events will take place 2c. After the demonstration of how to input their community’s administrative information, community staff will be able to independently, gather the different locations that events take place in their community and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow. There is no formal testing for this goal. The instructor will observe to see if the learners have input all their community’s locations. 2d. Input frequently used tags to associate with events 2d. After the demonstration of how to input their community’s administrative information, community staff will be able to independently, gather frequently used tags that go with events and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow. There is no formal testing for this goal. The instructor will observe to see if the learners have input their frequently used tags that align with their events. 2e. Include the names of any special instructors of events that will teach events 2e. After the demonstration of how to input their community’s administrative information, community staff will be able to independently, gather the names of the instructors that teach events in their community and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough and informative calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow. There is no formal testing for this goal. The instructor will observe to see if the learners have input the names of any instructors that come to their community. Main Step in Instructional Goal Objective Test Item 3. Create a calendar with engaging events based on their levels of care the community offers 3. After the demonstration of how to create calendar events, community staff will be able to independently, gather their upcoming community events Learners will be assessed off the sagely web calendar feature rubric.
  • 13. (based on level of care) and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough and informative calendar with at least 4 different events a day. Subordinate Skill Objective Test Item 3a. Create the separate calendars based on community needs 3a. After the demonstration of how to create calendar events, community staff will be able to independently, gather the different community offered events and create the events in calendars on Sagely in order to order to develop a thorough and informative calendar with at least 4 different events a day. Learners will complete the gather and organize worksheet. 3b. Create community offered events within the calendars 3b. After the demonstration of how to create calendar events, community staff will be able to independently, gather the different community offered events and create the events in calendars on Sagely in order to order to develop a thorough and informative calendar with at least 4 different events a day. Learners will complete the gather and organize worksheet. Main step in instructional goal Objective Test Item 4. Create published calendar templates 4. After the demonstration of how to create a published calendar template, community staff will be able to independently, describe the desired layout of their calendar template and generate a published calendar template for their community on Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical calendar with at least 3 informative features. The instructor will assess the learner based off the Calendar template rubric. The instructor will use the completed KWL (from the learner) in order to give feedback. Subordinate Skill Objective Test Item 4a. Create daily, weekly, and monthly calendar templates 4a. After the demonstration of how to create a published calendar template, community staff will be able to independently, describe the necessary daily, weekly, and monthly calendar templates and generate a published calendar template for their community on Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical calendar with at least 3 informative features. Learners will complete their calendar template organizer. 4b. Customize features based on 4b. After the demonstration of Learners will be asked to create
  • 14. community needs. ex. resident spotlight, special notes, birthdays etc. how to create a published calendar template, community staff will be able to independently, describe the desired customizable features needed on their calendar template and generate a published calendar template for their community on Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical calendar with at least 3 informative features. their calendar templates using the feedback provided when they shared their calendar template organizer. 4c. Share calendar via website link, downloadable image, or printable calendar 4c. After the demonstration of how to create a published calendar template, community staff will be able to independently, describe the desired shared view of their calendar template and generate a published calendar template in the desired share view for their community on Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical calendar with at least 3 informative features. N/A learners will not be assessed on sharing the calendar link. Main step in instructional goal Objective Test Item 5. Create published newsletters 5. After the demonstration of how to create a published Newsletter, community staff will be able to independently, describe the desired layout of their Newsletter and generate a published newsletter for their community on Sagely web in order to develop a physical newsletter with 4 different informative sections about their community. The instructor will assess the learner based off the Newsletter/TV slideshow rubric. The instructor will use the completed KWL (from the learner) in order to give feedback. Subordinate Skill Objective Test Item 5a. Gather information on what should be showcased for that month's newsletter 5a. After the demonstration of how to create a published Newsletter, community staff will be able to independently, describe and gather the necessary information to be showcased for that month’s newsletter for their community on Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical newsletter with 4 different informative sections about their community. Learners will complete the gather and organize worksheet and share with the group. 5b. Customize newsletter based on community needs and updates. 5b. After the demonstration of how to create a published Newsletter, community staff will be able to independently, describe the Learners will take the feedback and complete the newsletter feature based off their worksheet. Learners will be
  • 15. desired layout of their Newsletter based on customizable features and generate a published newsletter for their community on Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical newsletter with 4 different informative sections about their community. assessed off the Sagely Web Newsletter/TV Slideshow feature rubric. Main Step in instructional goal Objective Test Item 6.Create tv broadcasted slides 6. After the demonstration of how to create tv broadcasted slideshows, community staff will be able to independently, gather the appropriate information and develop a tv broadcasted slideshow (based on their community needs) on Sagely web in order to develop an informative tv broadcasted slideshow with 3 different informative features. The instructor will assess the learner based off the Newsletter/Tv slideshow rubric. The instructor will use the completed KWL (from the learner) in order to give feedback. Subordinate Skill Objective Test Item 6a. Purchase firestick for each tv and install Sagely web 2.0 app 6a. After the demonstration of how to install the firestick and operate Sagely 2.0, community staff will be able to independently, repeat the necessary steps and install Sagely 2.0 in order to deliver an informative tv broadcasted slideshow with 3 different informative features. N/A this is not something the learner will need to be assessed on. 6b. Customize informative slides that include feature events, weather, birthday, menus, and an optional Youtube video slide 6b. After the demonstration of how to create tv broadcasted slideshows, community staff will be able to independently, gather the appropriate information, describe their desired slideshow layout and develop a tv broadcasted slideshow (based on their community needs) on Sagely web in order to develop an informative tv broadcasted slideshow with 3 different informative features. Learners will complete the tv slideshow organizer worksheet. Learners will take the feedback and complete the tv slideshow feature based off their worksheet. Learners will be assessed off the Sagely Web Newsletter/TV Slideshow feature rubric. 6c. Input community specific registration code into firestick app in order to deploy to common area tv. 6c. After the demonstration of how to install the firestick and operate Sagely 2.0, community staff will be able to independently, input community specific registration code into Sagely 2.0 and deploy N/A Learners will not need to be assess on inputting a registration code.
  • 16. Sagely 2.0 app onto community tv’s in order to deliver an informative tv broadcasted slideshow with 3 different informative features. Instructional Strategy Alignment Learning Component Design Plan Cluster 1 Intro and Community Information input Objectives- 1. After completion of the efficiency training session for Sagely web, community staff will be able to, independently, repeat the login process on Sagely web in order to have access to their senior living community. 1a. After community staff receives welcome email with designated login credentials, they will gather and input that information onto the Sagely Web app in order to gain access to their senior living community. 2. After the demonstration of how to input their community’s administrative information, community staff will be able to independently, gather their community’s information and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow. 2a. After the demonstration of how to input their community’s administrative information, community staff will be able to independently, gather their community’s logo, address and phone number and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow. 2b. After the demonstration of how to input their community’s administrative information, community staff will be able to independently, gather the names of the community administrative users and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow. 2c. After the demonstration of how to input their community’s administrative information, community staff will be able to independently, gather the different locations that events take place in their community and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow. 2d. After the demonstration of how to input their community’s administrative information, community staff will be able to independently, gather frequently used tags that go with events and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow. 2e. After the demonstration of how to input their community’s administrative information,
  • 17. community staff will be able to independently, gather the names of the instructors that teach events in their community and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough and informative calendar, newsletter, and tv slideshow. Content Presentation: Content: The staff is used to planning everything via paper and having to keep physical copies of their residents and all their activity in order to keep family members updated. Learners will learn how Sagely Web keeps all this information online and organized nicely. After learners are asked to login into their Sagely accounts, they will see the different features such as calendars, calendar template, newsletters, and tv slides and how those features benefit them. This will be a brief overview (the rest of the module will go into detail on the different features). In order to correctly operate the different features on Sagely Web, staff will need to input the community’s information before they can start exploring the different options. They will need to input the community’s address (including time zone), phone number, logo, event locations, active users, tags associated with the different events, and the different levels of care that the community caters to. Example: By inputting the community information at the start of the training, staff will be able to easily navigate the features that ask for community details such as the events, newsletters, calendar templates, and tv slideshows. Student Grouping and Media Selection: There is no student grouping throughout this module because each staff member has different levels of care in the community that they oversee. At the start of the presentation, learners will be greeted by a Meme to get the learners thinking about how the different situations that makes their job stressful. This is to spark conversation amongst the group and the break the ice between learners and instructor. Student participation: Practice items and Activities: Learners will practice logging into their Sagely Accounts and change their password by using the information from their Welcome email. Learners will complete their community input section by using their information about their specific community.
  • 18. Student Grouping and Media Selection: The learners will not be grouped but instead each be assigned to a section in the administrative tab to complete the community’s details. Cluster 2 Creating Calendars and adding Events Objectives- 3. After the demonstration of how to create calendar events, community staff will be able to independently, gather their upcoming community events (based on level of care) and input it into Sagely web in order to develop a thorough and informative calendar with at least 4 different events a day. 3.a After the demonstration of how to create calendar events, community staff will be able to independently, gather the different community offered events and create the events in calendars on Sagely in order to order to develop a thorough and informative calendar with at least 4 different events a day. 3.b After the demonstration of how to create calendar events, community staff will be able to independently, gather the different community offered events and create the events in calendars on Sagely in order to order to develop a thorough and informative calendar with at least 4 different events a day. Content Presentation: Content: The instructor will demonstrate how to create and customize the different calendars in the specific community's Sagely web account. The instructor will describe the different features under the calendar tab such as calendar views, naming calendars according to community's levels of care, how to color coordinate the calendars, how to add events to the different calendars and the customizable features within the event creation. The instructor will say the following as they demonstrate via screenshare how to add calendars and events. Instructor: "The Calendar tab is an essential piece to successfully manage an engaging activity plan in Sagely. Calendars can be viewed on the Month, Week and Day level. Adding calendars will enable you to organize your events by associating the Calendar with a name, color and calendar type (Normal or Holiday). Once you have created the necessary calendars for your community, you can start adding events.  To add an event, click on the day you would like for it to start. You can add an event name, location, time and frequency of the event, add tags, instructors, and the calendar you wish to add the event to.” The
  • 19. learners have been sent the gather and organize worksheet in their welcome email (a week prior to the training). The charts will have sections for the learner to complete that consist of community's levels of care (how calendars will be crated), 2 events per each level of care calendar, color choice for each calendar, time the events happen, tags associated, frequency, and locations of events. After 25 minutes has passed, I will give the learners time to share their charts to receive feedback. The instructor will go over the example chart before releasing the learners to complete the worksheet. After the demonstration the instructor will say: "In the welcome email, I sent out a chart for our instructional activity today. This activity will help you brainstorm how you want your calendar setup to look. I will give everyone 25 minutes to complete the chart. We will come back and share to gain feedback from your peers and I." Example: The learners will see how to create a calendar and add events during the demonstration given by the instructor before they get a chance to complete their worksheet. Student Grouping and Media Selection: There will not be any student grouping. Learners will work on their own according to the level of care they oversee. No outside media is included. Student Participation: Practice Items and Activities: Learners will complete the gather and organize worksheet. They will come back together to share their work and receive group feedback. Learners will complete their calendars and events. Student Grouping and Media Selection: No students grouping or outside media. Cluster 3 Calendar template creation Objectives- 4. After the demonstration of how to create a published calendar template, community staff will be able to independently, describe the desired layout of their calendar template and generate a published calendar template for their community on Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical calendar with at least 3 informative features. 4.a After the demonstration of how to create a published calendar template, community staff will be able to independently, describe the necessary daily, weekly, and monthly calendar templates and generate a published calendar template for their community on
  • 20. Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical calendar with at least 3 informative features. 4.b After the demonstration of how to create a published calendar template, community staff will be able to independently, describe the desired customizable features needed on their calendar template and generate a published calendar template for their community on Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical calendar with at least 3 informative features. 4.c After the demonstration of how to create a published calendar template, community staff will be able to independently, describe the desired shared view of their calendar template and generate a published calendar template in the desired share view for their community on Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical calendar with at least 3 informative features. Content Presentation: Content: The calendar template helps to organize the community’s events and administrative information into an actual calendar that can be shared via link or printed out into a physical copy. With this feature learners are presented with several features that can inform residents and family on events within the community (resident anniversary, resident birthdays, event spotlight, quote of the month). Learners will be asked to include 3 different features. Example: Learners will see the demonstration of how to create a calendar template via screenshare. They will then be prompted to create their calendar template on their Sagely Web account after sketching out their calendar on the template worksheet. Student Grouping and Media Selection: No student grouping or media Student Participation: Practice Items and Activities: calendar template worksheet. Learners will be sketching out what they want their template to look like incorporating 3 different features. Learner will also create their own calendar template on sagely web. Student Grouping and Media Selection: N/A Cluster 4 Newsletter Creation Objectives- 5. After the demonstration of how to create a published Newsletter, community staff will be able to independently, describe the desired layout of their Newsletter and generate a published newsletter for their community on Sagely web in
  • 21. order to develop a physical newsletter with 4 different informative sections about their community. 5.a After the demonstration of how to create a published Newsletter, community staff will be able to independently, describe and gather the necessary information to be showcased for that month’s newsletter for their community on Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical newsletter 5.b After the demonstration of how to create a published Newsletter, community staff will be able to independently, describe the desired layout of their Newsletter based on customizable features and generate a published newsletter for their community on Sagely web in order to develop an informative physical newsletter with 4 different informative sections about their community. Content Presentation: Content: The Newsletter feature acts as an informative document for residents and families. This can be presented in physical form or kept online to stay organized and shown virtually. The newsletter has several different customizable features such as resident spotlight, community information, news section, birthdays, notes, quote of the month etc. Example: The learner will go into their sagely web account and complete their newsletter feature after the instructor completes their demonstration. The learner will also complete their newsletter template sketch worksheet and receive feedback on it from the group. Student Grouping and Media Selection: No outside media or student grouping. Student Participation: Practice Items and Activities: The learner will complete the newsletter template sketch and give feedback to their peers. The learner will also have to complete their newsletter section on Sagely Web. Student Grouping and Media Selection: N/A Cluster 5 TV Slideshow Creation Objectives- 6. After the demonstration of how to create tv broadcasted slideshows, community staff will be able to independently, gather the appropriate information and develop a tv broadcasted slideshow (based on their community needs) on Sagely web in order to develop an informative tv broadcasted slideshow with 4 different informative features.
  • 22. 6.a After the demonstration of how to install the firestick and operate Sagely 2.0, community staff will be able to independently, repeat the necessary steps and install Sagely 2.0 in order to deliver an informative tv broadcasted slideshow with 4 different informative features. 6.b After the demonstration of how to create tv broadcasted slideshows, community staff will be able to independently, gather the appropriate information, describe their desired slideshow layout and develop a tv broadcasted slideshow (based on their community needs) on Sagely web in order to develop an informative tv broadcasted slideshow with 4 different informative features. 6.c After the demonstration of how to install the firestick and operate Sagely 2.0, community staff will be able to independently, input community specific registration code into Sagely 2.0 and deploy Sagely 2.0 app onto community tv’s in order to deliver an informative tv broadcasted slideshow with 4 different informative features. Content Presentation: Content: The Tv Slideshow feature is a broadcasted informative slideshow for residents and families. This will be broadcasted to any registered tv within the community with a firestick. The Tv slideshow also has several different customizable features such as welcome slide, resident spotlight, community information, news, weather section, birthdays, notes, breakfast/lunch/dinner menu. Example: The learner will go into their sagely web account and complete their Tv slideshow after the instructor completes their demonstration. The learner will also complete their Tv slideshow template sketch worksheet and receive feedback on it from the group. Student Grouping and Media Selection: N/A Student Participation: Practice Items and Activities: The learner will complete the TV slideshow template sketch and give feedback to their peers. The learner will also have to complete their Tv slideshow feature on Sagely Web. Student Grouping and Media Selection: N/A
  • 23. Implementation Plan To test this module, I will do a trial run with one other coworker of mine. This coworker is a new hire for the position of an implementation lead. They have not yet gone through any trainings so I will be able to test my module on someone with no prior knowledge on Sagely web. However, they used to work for a senior living community before they joined the Touchtown team. I do not need any outside equipment. I have administrator access to be able to create a demo account for the new hire to use so that they can create their events, calendars, calendar templates, newsletter, and tv slideshow. Evaluation Plan My plan to do a pilot run with two of my coworkers. One coworker is an implementation lead new hire. This would be the perfect opportunity because he has no prior knowledge of Sagely web. He does have background knowledge on senior living communities and the important documentation they keep. This this also be a quick way to show him the ropes and see what skills he picks up on through my training. My other coworker is a more experienced trainer and trained me on Sagely web when I first started. He will be able to provide feedback on the quality of the instruction. I have created an evaluation survey that I will give to both after the training is completed to gain feedback on how I can improve my training. This way I will have time to revise before I give an official training to senior living staff. IDer Reflection This portion was by far the toughest. I’m not sure if it was because of the holiday festivities and having to juggle school, work, and family or if this piece was challenging. I will be very excited when I can turn this entire project in and be finished. I have noticed that as I go through the different sections of this project, I have noticed growth within myself when it comes to planning everything out for my module. I am a little nervous for what is to come on the final piece of this project. My peers have been very supportive and has given great feedback when submitting to our discussions. I have changed some formatting details and even gained more insight on things I struggled with such as creating meaningful assessments. I have also tried to correct all grammatical errors that my peers/instructor pointed out.
  • 24. Facilitator’s Guide Sagely Web Training Module Agenda: • Icebreaker • Sagely Overview (*KWL Worksheet) • Check Login Credentials • Administrative Information Input o Demonstration o Staff Input • Calendars and Events o Demonstration o Practice & Feedback (* Gather and Organize worksheet) • Published Calendar Templates o Demonstration o Practice & Feedback (*Calendar template Sketch worksheet) • Newsletters o Demonstration o Practice & Feedback (*Newsletter Sketch worksheet) • TV Slides o Demonstration o Practice & Feedback (*TV Slides sketch worksheet) • Work on Sagely Community (* • Closing & Evaluation Breakdown of Sagely Web Training: Icebreaker (10 minutes) - During this time, staff will introduce themselves to the group (name and their role in the community). Presenter will show the meme and give staff time to share with the group about any stressful situations. The presenter will bring it back by explaining how Sagely can alleviate a lot of organization issues in their senior living community. Sagely Overview (15 minutes)- The instructor will give ask the staff to pull up their completed KWL (L portion will be completed at the end of the training) chart of what they know about sagely and what they want to know. Instructor will ask people to share as a group. After sharing, the instructor will give a brief overview of what sagely has to offer. The instructor will discuss the features such as calendars, events, calendar templates, newsletters, and tv
  • 25. broadcasting. These different features will help staff to organize and inform their community all in one app. Check Login Credentials (10 minutes)- The instructor will remind staff of their login credentials received in their welcome email and show them how to login/reset password. The instructor will give the staff time to login and observe for any arising issues. Administrative Input (Demonstration 15 minutes Staff input 15 minutes)- After everyone is successfully logged in the instructor will go right into the presentation by going into the administrative tab. The instructor will explain each subcategory in the tab and demonstrate how to complete each. Community settings- This is the community’s location information and link to the community’s website. You can also upload your own logo to be displayed in the calendar templates, newsletters, and tv signs. User Management- By clicking the + sign you can add and give community staff access to the sagely account and providing them with different roles within the sagely account. The different roles are administrator (they can go into the sagely account create, update, deleted other users and community tags), Calendars (can create, update, and delete events and calendars in the community), and Publisher (can view create, update and delete prints, digital signs and calendar templates). The instructor will continue to explain each subcategory in the tab and demonstrate how to complete each. Locations- This subcategory is to add locations to the different events on your calendar. This will also display on the calendar legend. Allows residents to easily see where your events will take place throughout the community. Clicking the + you can create a location give it a name, choose to have it absent from the legend or be represented by abbreviation. Tags- This subcategory is also for legend purposes and allows your residents to see what type of events you will be hosting. For example, you may have a chair yoga event this could be identified as a physical event and represented with a physical tag for your residents to see on the calendar templates. You name your tags, give it a dimension, and have it represented by an abbreviation or icon (if icon is chosen, you can color customize it). The last subcategory in the administrative tab is instructors. This is optional for the staff. The instructor will demonstrate how to add new instructors and explain its purpose. By clicking the + you can create a list of instructors that you anticipate hosting events at your community. You can add instructors to the different events that you create on your calendar. Adding instructors will not give them access it is strictly to inform your residents who will be teaching/hosting that event. The instructor will then give the staff 15 minutes to complete their administrative information. Calendars and Events (Demonstration 15 minutes Practice 15 minutes Feedback 10 minutes)- The Instructor will introduce the Calendar and Events tab then demonstrate how to add calendars and events in the calendar tab. Instructor: “The Calendar tab is an essential piece to successfully manage an engaging activity plan in Sagely. Calendars can be viewed on the Month, Week and Day level. Adding calendars will enable you to organize your events by associating the Calendar with a name, color and calendar type (Normal or Holiday). Once you have created the necessary calendars for your community, you can start adding events.  To add an event, click on the day you would like for it to start. You can add an event name, location, time and frequency of the event, add tags, instructors, and the calendar you wish to add
  • 26. the event to.” Key points: Calendar must be named according to the levels of care, make sure your calendars are different colors to be easily identified, best practices to not delete calendars but to archive so you do not lose resident information Instructor will remind staff of the Gather and Organize worksheet they received in their welcome email. The instructor will prompt the staff to complete the worksheet within 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes staff will have time to come back as a group and share what they have in order to receive feedback from instructor and/or peers. Gather and organize worksheet – an organizer for the staff to organize the appropriate information to complete their calendar and events tab on their sagely account. Published Calendar Templates (Demonstration 15 minutes Practice 15 minutes Feedback 15 minutes)- The instructor will demonstrate how to create/add calendar templates. The calendar template is for staff to print a physical copy of the calendar (includes notes, names of instructors, tag and location legend) for residents and/or family of residents. Staff will also have the option to generate a shareable link to post on their community’s social media. This subcategory is located under the publish tab on Sagely. The instructor will show staff the different customizable pieces for the calendar templates. Staff will have the options to create daily, weekly, and monthly templates. The instructor will demonstrate how to use the different informative features within the block types (Text, blank, community logo, contact info, image, inspirational quote, location legend, notes, tag legend). Instructor will remind staff of the Calendar Template Sketch worksheet they received in their welcome email. The instructor will prompt the staff to complete the worksheet within 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes staff will have time to come back as a group and share what they have in order to receive feedback from instructor and/or peers. Calendar Template Sketch worksheet – an organizer that allows staff to sketch their ideas they have for one calendar template so that they can later transfer it onto their sagely account. Newsletters (Demonstration 15 minutes Practice 15 minutes Feedback 15 minutes)- The instructor will demonstrate how to create/add newsletters. The newsletter is for staff to print a physical copy of the newsletter for residents and/or family of residents. Staff will also have the option to generate a shareable link to post on their community’s social media. This subcategory is located under the publish tab on Sagely. The instructor will show staff the different customizable pieces for the newsletters. Staff will have the options to create newsletters for the different level of cares they serve. The instructor will demonstrate how to use the different informative features within the block types (Text, image, spotlight, list, quotes of the month, features events, header). Instructor will remind staff of the Newsletter Sketch worksheet they received in their welcome email. The instructor will prompt the staff to complete the worksheet within 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes staff will have time to come back as a group and share what they have in order to receive feedback from instructor and/or peers.
  • 27. Newsletter Sketch worksheet – an organizer that allows staff to sketch their ideas they have for one Newsletter so that they can later transfer it onto their sagely account. TV Slides (Demonstration 15 minutes Practice 15 minutes Feedback 15 minutes)- The instructor will demonstrate how to create/add tv slides. The tv slides are for staff to broadcast messages to the tv’s located throughout the community (ex. Common areas and resident’s rooms). This subcategory is located under the publish tab on Sagely. The instructor will show staff the different customizable pieces for the TV slideshows. Staff will have the options to create TV Slideshows for the different level of cares they serve. The instructor will demonstrate how to use the different informative features within the different slides (text, image, events, weather, and video). The instructor will also show staff how to download the Sagely 2.0 app to install onto their firestick and how to retrieve their registration codes. Instructor will remind staff of the TV Slideshow Sketch worksheet they received in their welcome email. The instructor will prompt the staff to complete the worksheet within 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes staff will have time to come back as a group and share what they have in order to receive feedback from instructor and/or peers. TV Slideshow Sketch worksheet – an organizer that allows staff to sketch their ideas they have for one Tv Slideshow so that they can later transfer it onto their sagely account. Work on Sagely Community (30 Minutes)- Instructor will go over the different components of the sagely community rubric with the staff and leave the rubric available via screen share for staff to refer to. Instructor will give the staff 35 minutes to go in and complete their sagely community according to the rubric created. Because of the lack of time, the instructor will return the graded rubric to the staff within 3 business days of the training. Closing & Evaluation (15 minutes)- The instructor will direct staff to the Sagely learning center for any questions they may have while working on their sagely account during their own time. The instructor will give the staff this time to complete the L portion of the KWL chart and the evaluation checklist. These items will be emailed to the instructor to act as feedback for the training module.
  • 28. Implementation & Formative Evaluation For my pilot test, I asked the implementation new hire and our experienced Sagely web trainer. The new hire has no prior knowledge of Sagely only the basics of how a senior living community is ran. This is the perfect opportunity to see what new skills he picks up on. The experienced trainer will be able to give me feedback on the quality of the instruction. The feedback from both will help me to revise my module before implementing to other communities. Because we all live in different locations, the worksheets were delivered via email. Both coworkers were given the KWL chart, calendar template sketch, gather and organize, newsletter sketch, tv slide sketch, and rubric wee given the day before the training. My coworkers were given the evaluation survey to complete at the end of the training. After reviewing the information, I’ve gotten a good idea of where to improve on my training module. They gave feedback on the length of the training and encouraged splitting the training up into different days. This way I’m being more mindful of the client’s time. They really enjoyed the worksheets, the structure of the training, and how engaging I made it. I also received feedback on my pacing. They said I spoke fast when I went through the calendar and events piece. Overall, I think the training went really well and the feedback was helpful towards improving my instruction. I have included the completed surveys from my coworkers.
  • 29. Jacob T. Evaluation of Sagely Training Module I hope you enjoyed this training module of what Sagely web has to offer. Please complete this brief evaluation form on my performance and the quality of the training. Thank you for participating and your feedback. 1. Were the training objectives clearly defined? Yes 2. How well was the training structured? Chauntelle did an awesome job with structuring the training. We spoke on breaking up the sessions into two parts to save time and help retain information. 3. How was the quality of teaching? Informative! 4. Was the training engaging? She used an Icebreaker and let the audience participate Used hands on activities 5. How could this training be improved? Work on pacing so that it is easier for audience to follow along At times Chauntelle spoke very fast 6. What did you like most about this training? Everything I really liked the icebreaker it created good conversation and laughs 7. Would you recommend this training to a friend or colleague?
  • 31. Jeff S. Evaluation of Sagely Training Module I hope you enjoyed this training module of what Sagely web has to offer. Please complete this brief evaluation form on my performance and the quality of the training. Thank you for participating and your feedback. 1. Were the training objectives clearly defined? Yes! She explained the objectives during the overview. 2. How well was the training structured? I liked the organization. The training was a little lengthy. Consider breaking up into two parts. 3. How was the quality of teaching? The instruction was enlightening. I can tell Chauntelle knows what she is talking about. 4. Was the training engaging? The training was engaging. I appreciated the worksheets and demonstrations as a visual. 5. How could this training be improved? I think Chauntelle should break up the training into 2-3 parts. 6. What did you like most about this training? I liked the icebreaker the most and the engaging worksheets. 7. Would you recommend this training to a friend or colleague? Yes, I think the worksheets help to make the training more engaging instead of a lecture. Great job Chauntelle!
  • 32. Sagely KWL Chart What I Know about Sagely What I Want to know about Sagely What I Learned about Sagely
  • 33. Gather and Organize worksheet These charts were created to help you all organize your community’s information and material to complete our Sagely Web calendar feature. You will be completing this worksheet for the month of November. You will be given time during our training to complete this activity. Calendars Levels of Care (this will be the name of your calendars) Color choice (each calendar needs to have a different color) Memory care Purple Assistant Living Dark Blue Independent Living Orange Events Events (you need to list at least 2 events per level of care calendar) Time each event will happen Tags associated with events Locations of the events Repeat frequency of the events (MC) Bird watching & Chair yoga Bird watching will happen at 10 am. Chair Yoga will happen at 12:30 pm. Tag for Bird watching: Social Tag for Chair yoga: Physical Bird watching: Zen Garden Chair yoga: Entertainment room Bird watching: every Wednesday for the month of November. Chair yoga: every Tuesday and Friday for the month of November (AL) Bowling & News Trivia (IL) Pottery Making & Corn Hole
  • 34. Calendars Levels of Care (this will be the name of your calendars) Color choice (each calendar needs to have a different color) Events Events (you need to list at least 2 events per level of care calendar) Time each event will happen Tags associated with events Locations of the events Repeat frequency of the events
  • 35. Calendar Template Sketch This is your calendar template sketch worksheet. This worksheet allows you to sketch your ideas you have for one of your calendar templates to later transfer onto your Sagely account. You must include 3 different informative features mentioned in the training with a small description of what that will look like and how you want your header (what do you want to be displayed in the header)/days of the week to look (color, size, font). Example Below *Month year *Community Logo Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Informative feature #1: Inspirational quote Description of what that will look like “There’s always sunshine after the storm” Informative feature #2: Note Description of what that will look like I will include a recipe of the month in the note part of my calendar Informative feature #3: Tag legend Description of what that will look like I will include the legend of the different tags I have associated with my events
  • 36. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Informative feature #1: Description of what that will look like Informative feature #2: Description of what that will look like Informative feature #3: Description of what that will look like
  • 37. Newsletter Sketch This worksheet allows you to sketch your ideas you have for one of your newsletters to later transfer onto your Sagely account. You must include 4 different informative features mentioned in the training with a small description and/or sketch of what that will look like and how you want your header (what do you want to be displayed in the header) to look (color, size, font). Example Below Month Community Address and Logo Year Informative feature & description #1: Inspirational Quote Informative feature & description #2 Spotlight I want to spotlight the new staff that came to our community this month Informative feature & description #4 Note I want to include a note as a reminder for residents that the temperature will be dropping this month. Informative feature & description #3 Featured events I want to feature the special events we will have this month for our Assisted living community
  • 38. Informative feature & description #1: Informative feature & description #2 Informative feature & description #4 Informative feature & description #3
  • 39. TV Slideshow Sketch This worksheet allows you to sketch your ideas you have for one of your TV Slideshows to later transfer onto your Sagely account. You must include 3 different informative features mentioned in the training with a small description and/or sketch of what that will look like. Example Below TV Slide Informative Feature #1 Welcome slide Includes the name of our community, logo, and a welcome message TV Slide Informative Feature #2 Weather I would like to include a 7-day plan of the weather in San Diego California TV Slide Informative Feature #3 Video I would like to include a Youtube video of how to keep safe and healthy during the pandemic.
  • 40. TV Slide Informative Feature #1 TV Slide Informative Feature #2 TV Slide Informative Feature #3
  • 41. Community name: Participant’s name: Date: Sagely Web Features Rubric Levels of care calendars Score Calendar has been named according to each level of care Each calendar has a different color associated with it Each calendar has 4 events per day for the month of November (these events can include breakfast and Lunch) Events Score Each event has a tag assigned to it Each event has a location assigned to it Each event has a designated time Each event has an assigned frequency Calendar Templates Score Calendar template include Level of care calendar Calendar template includes 3 informative features used correctly Newsletter Score Newsletter includes 4 different informative features used correctly Tv Slide Score TV slide include 3 different informative features used correctly Scoring Rubric 1 point Does not accomplish the task. Learner shows little to no understanding of how to begin or complete the task. Tasks are not organized or completed according to the rubric. 2 points Partially accomplishes the task. Learner shows partial understand of how to complete the task. The task is partially completed according to the rubric. 3 points Fully accomplishes the task. Shows full understanding of how to complete the calendar in its entirety. The task is fully completed according to the rubric.
  • 42. Evaluation of Sagely Training Module I hope you enjoyed this training module of what Sagely web has to offer. Please complete this brief evaluation form on my performance and the quality of the training. Thank you for participating and your feedback. 1. Were the training objectives clearly defined? 2. How well was the training structured? 3. How was the quality of teaching? 4. Was the training engaging? 5. How could this training be improved? 6. What did you like most about this training? 7. Would you recommend this training to a friend or colleague?
  • 43. Newsletter Sketch This worksheet allows you to sketch your ideas you have for one of your newsletters to later transfer onto your Sagely account. You must include 4 different informative features mentioned in the training with a small description and/or sketch of what that will look like and how you want your header (what do you want to be displayed in the header) to look (color, size, font). Example Below Month Community Address and Logo Year Informative feature & description #1: Inspirational Quote Informative feature & description #2 Spotlight I want to spotlight the new staff that came to our community this month Informative feature & description #4 Note I want to include a note as a reminder for residents that the temperature will be dropping this month. Informative feature & description #3 Featured events I want to feature the special events we will have this month for our Assisted living community
  • 44. Informative feature & description #1: Informative feature & description #2 Informative feature & description #4 Informative feature & description #3
  • 45. TV Slideshow Sketch This worksheet allows you to sketch your ideas you have for one of your TV Slideshows to later transfer onto your Sagely account. You must include 3 different informative features mentioned in the training with a small description and/or sketch of what that will look like. Example Below TV Slide Informative Feature #1 Welcome slide Includes the name of our community, logo, and a welcome message TV Slide Informative Feature #2 Weather I would like to include a 7-day plan of the weather in San Diego California TV Slide Informative Feature #3 Video I would like to include a Youtube video of how to keep safe and healthy during the pandemic.
  • 46. TV Slide Informative Feature #1 TV Slide Informative Feature #2 TV Slide Informative Feature #3
  • 47. Sagely KWL Chart What I Know about Sagely What I Want to know about Sagely What I Learned about Sagely
  • 48. Calendar Template Sketch This is your calendar template sketch worksheet. This worksheet allows you to sketch your ideas you have for one of your calendar templates to later transfer onto your Sagely account. You must include 3 different informative features mentioned in the training with a small description of what that will look like and how you want your header (what do you want to be displayed in the header)/days of the week to look (color, size, font). Example Below *Month year *Community Logo Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Informative feature #1: Inspirational quote Description of what that will look like “There’s always sunshine after the storm” Informative feature #2: Note Description of what that will look like I will include a recipe of the month in the note part of my calendar Informative feature #3: Tag legend Description of what that will look like I will include the legend of the different tags I have associated with my events
  • 49. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Informative feature #1: Description of what that will look like Informative feature #2: Description of what that will look like Informative feature #3: Description of what that will look like