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Fragile X syndrome
Fragile X premutation-associated conditions
Fragile-X associated Primary Ovarian Insufficiency - FXPOI
Fragile-X associated diminished ovarian reserve - FXDOR
Potential mechanisms leading to FXDOR and FXPOI
Counselling, preventative measures and interventions
What is Fragile X Syndrome?
Most common cause of
inherited intellectual
disability in males
Leading single-gene
defect associated with
autism spectrum
Fragile X mental
retardation (FMR1)
gene  FMRP
Near end of long arm
of X chromosome,
locus Xq27.3
Guanine) trinucleotide
repeat within the 5’
untranslated region of
exon 1 of FMR1 gene
Characteristic fragility
in that locus observed
during karyotyping
(Sutherland and Ashforth, 1979)
Selective RNA binding protein- forms a
messenger ribonucleoprotein complex,
associates itself with polyribosomes 
involved in translational control – Protein
synthesis regulation at level of dendritic
Brain , testis, ovaries,
liver, lungs, kidney,
spinal cord, GI tract
Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of
mRNA, dendritic mRNA localization,
regulation of synaptic protein
synthesis  synaptic plasticity
The most common repeat length is 29 or 30 CGG repeats
No. of CGG repeats Interpretation
5 to ≤44 Normal unaffected gene
≥45 to ≤54 Intermediate/gray zone  CGG repeat instability in the
gene transmission to the next generation (Nolin et al., 1996)
≥55 to ≤ 200 Premutation(PM)
>200 Full mutation(FM)  FXS
Full mutation – Female
random inactivation of
one X chromosome
mRNA can be
transcribed from the
normal but not the
lower but measurable
FMRP levels
Increased level of FMR1
gene transcription but
decreased translation
Low to normal levels of
↑FMR1 mRNA(with
↑CGG repeats)
Full mutation – FXS in males
FMR1 allele affected by DNA
hypermethylation of
promotor and CGG repeat
transcriptional silencing
FXS  Males more severely affected
Distinctive facial
features- develop
over time – mean
age of △-3years
features often are
not apparent until
later in childhood
Spectrum of
Elongated face Enlarged testicles
ADHD Fertile and capable of
reproduction (Hagerman et al.
Connective tissue
disorders :
Hyperflexible joints,
fingers, thumbs,
Intellectual and
learning disabilities
Speech and
language delay
Most affected males don’t
reproduce, presumably due to
severity of intellectual disability
(Crawford et al., 2001)
Large protruding
Macrocephaly Anxiety
Majority –
intellectual disable
Autism spectrum
High arched palate
Occasional cleft
Severity of intellectual disability IQ
Profound <20
Moderate (Most common) 40-54
Mild 50-70
Males can
15% of males, who have an
IQ at ≥70
FXS in female
Subtle phenotype
Difficult to
diagnose based
on clinical
features alone
50% some
physical features
Final phenotype depends
ratio of cells with the
normal allele present on
active X chromosome
↑AR correspond to
↑ FMRP expression
levels produced by
the normal FMR1
Intellectual impairment is
usually less severe than
observed- 70% have borderline
IQ or lower – executive
function defects
At risk of transmitting
a FM to their progeny
Women with a PM
have an increased risk
of FXPOI compared to
that of FM patients
(Allingham-Hawkins et al., 1999)
Females 1:150-1:300 (Hunter et al., 2014) 1:8400 (Pesso et al., 2000)
Males 1:400-1:850(Hunter et al., 2014) 1:4000 (Turner et al., 1996)
2.4% with intellectual disability
Racial/ethnic variations
Columbia, Isreal 1:100 females(Seltzer et al., 2012)
Japan 1:1674 females(Hunter et al.,2014)
Tamil Nadu 1:353 females (Indumathi N et al., 2012)
Asian - 7.94% of POI
Western – 13.8%
(Anser et al., 2019)
Frequency of women with the premutation attending reproductive endocrinology clinics for
infertility is significantly increased compared with the carrier frequency expected in
the general population – 3%
Fragile-X premutation associated conditions
Fragile-X-associated tremor/ataxia
syndrome (FXTAS) – adult-onset
neurological disorder affecting
primarily males
Fragile-X-associated primary
ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI)
Fragile-X-associated diminished
ovarian reserve (FXDOR)
PM associated
disorders, distinct
from FXS
There is no evidence to support an association between high
normal and intermediate range (45–54 repeats) FMR1 alleles
with a risk of FXPOI.
Late onset
Intention tremor,
cognitive and
Memory loss
Anxiety Reclusive behavior
Executive function
Phenotype gets
more defined and
prevalent with age
repeat length
40% of men and 16% female
with PM (unfavourable X-
chromosome inactivation),
over age 50
Other characteristic phenotypes associated with PM
Attention deficit
disorder (ADHD)
Autism spectrum
Adult onset
disorders, mainly
Chronic muscle
European Fragile X Network (EFXN),May 2020
Fragile X–associated neuropsychiatric disorders (FXAND)
Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
Normal ovarian function – continuous process
Fetal life  primordial germ cells (PGC) formation,
proliferation and migration, & development of follicular
Neonatal and adult life  steady follicular loss or atresia
Menopause  physiologic insufficiency of the ovary
Susceptible to various intrinsic
and extrinsic factors  impair
normal formation/function
Genetic defects
Ovarian surgery
Extreme spectrum of an impaired
ovarian function
Coined by Albright et al., 1942 – 11 young women 
primary defect was within the ovary
Serum estrogen Amenorrhea FSH
Not a mandatory criterion for
diagnosis - <50pg/ml indicates
Phenotypic extent of POI > 25 IU/L on 2 occasions
>4 weeks apart
Many, but not all, women with POI
develop symptoms of estrogen
Broadened inclusion criteria – any cycle
Hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sleep
Oligomenorrhea, polymenorrhea,
menometrorrhagia, DUB, amenorrhea-
Intermittent ovarian function Oligo/amenorrhea for atleast 4 months
Some women experience hot flashes
despite continued regular menses
Clinical syndrome
defined by loss of
ovarian activity before
the age of 40
Multifactorial disease
90% - idiopathic
10% - identifiable etiology
FMR1 PM – one of the most
common single-gene mutation
causes of POI in women with a
normal karyotype  FXPOI
Other single-gene mutations: Bone
morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP-15),
Diaphanous homolog 2 (DIAPH2) and
Inhibin alpha subunit (INHA)
Ovarian function can still be
present  unpredictable,
50% POI  retain
intermittent ovarian
function for many years
spontaneous follicular
development, menstruation
5-10% POI can conceive (van
Kasteren and Schoemaker, 1999) and
deliver a child without any
medical intervention, even years
after diagnosis was established
12.6% FXPOI conceived
spontaneously after
diagnosis ranging upto 12
years (Hipp et al., 2016)
(20 fold increase)
3% before 29 years
1.4% prior to 18 years
FMR1 PM  2-6%
idiopathic sporadic POI, and
14% familial POI
POI – 2 main mechanisms
Inadequate formation of
the follicular pool in utero
Abnormally extensive or
fast depletion of the
follicular pool via atresia
during post-natal (neonatal,
childhood and adult) life
POI would be preceded by
some degree of DOR
Continuum of compromised ovarian function over time(normal ovarian function followed by
an early menopause)
Occult stage –
normal FSH, regular
mensus, but
reduced fecundity
regular mensus,
reduced fertility)
Overt ovarian
insufficiency –
irregular / absent
menses + ↑FSH
Consequences of POI
Increased risk for low
Earlier onset
osteoporosis, bone
Impaired endothelial
Untreated POI –
reduced life expectancy
- cardiovascular disease
Significant negative
impact on psychological
well being and quality
of life
Neuroprotectant 
possible detrimental
effect on cognitive
function , increased risk
of Alzheimer disease
Ovarian dysfunction in PM carriers
No apparent
difference in age of
menarche (Allen et al.,2007)
Reproductive span
First clinical hint  3%
adolescents with PM – non-
specific menstrual cycle
irregularities(De Caro et al., 2008)
Irregular menses
more often than non-
PM carriers have shorter
menstrual cycles in
comparison to age-
women(↓follicular phase)
FXDOR precedes
FXPOI by 10 or more
years  impaired
fertility before age 35
Hormonal profile alterations
FSH from pituitary,
stimulates the growth and
recruitment of immature
ovarian follicles
Ovarian aging, diminished
number of follicles 
↓inhibin  ↓ FSH negative
feedback  ↑FSH release
PM carriers demonstrate
significantly higher follicular
phase FSH(D 1–10) when
compared to healthy,age-
matched women (Murray et al.,
↑FSH also in luteal phase
↓ Inhibin A, Inhibin B 
impaired follicular and
luteal ovarian function
AMH more sensitive than FSH
in identifying an early decline
in ovarian function among
PM carriers (Rohr et al.,2008)
Subtle decrease in AMH, as
early as 18 years(Normal
FSH) low ovarian reserve
continuous deterioration of
ovarian function
For all women, AMH was found to decrease by 10 % per year.
The added effect of carrying a premutation decreased AMH levels by 54 % (Spath et al., 2011)
Elevated expression of AMH and FSH receptor might initially accelerate follicular recruitment, but later it evokes a
vicious cycle causing secondary damage to the ovarian reserve and resulting in POI.
Increased rate of infertility
(46.6% of FXPOI)
Despite early DOR, no increase in
miscarriage rate/chromosomal
abnormalities due to maternal age-
related chromosomal nondisjunction
in the offspring
Oocyte competence
continues to be related to
chronological age  only
relative drop in follicle
Menopause, on average, 5
years earlier
Among females with POI
and a normal karyotype, 6%
have a premutation in
FMR1 gene
Correlation between Number of Repeats and Ovarian Function
PM CGG repeat (55-200) Non-linear association
59-99  Risk increases with increased PM repeats
Lower response to COH (Bibi et al.,2010)
Fewer eggs retrieved than controls (Elizur et al.,2014)
Decreased fertilization rate
80-99 Greater risk of FXPOI (Ennis et al.,2006)
>100 Risk declines (Sullivan et al.,2005)
The official statement of the ACMG is that a repeat length lower than 45 is not
associated with an abnormal phenotype (Monaghan et al., 2013).
70–100 CGG repeats  at the highest risk for FXPOI
<65, >120 repeats did not have a significantly increased risk
Ovarian reserve defines the women’s reproductive potential as a function of number and
quality of her remaining oocytes (Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 2015).
POI – Overt phenotype-several years to develop-unless secondary to
DOR-Subtle- regular menses but a reduced quantity of ovarian follicles
Limited response to ovarian stimulation and reduced fecundity (Committee on Gynecologic Practice, 2015)
Evidence of DOR does not necessarily equate with the inability to conceive (Practice Committee of the
American Society for Reproductive Medicine,2015).
Definition of FXDOR
PM carriers with
reduced ovarian
Clinically appropriate term
 Continuous
deterioration along with its
fluctuant nature
DOR might/might
not lead to overt
Biochemical or Occult
phase of ovarian
insufficiency (Welt, 2008)
 fluctuating FSH levels
Diagnosis of exclusion, after excluding all
other known causes of infertility(male factor,
endometriosis, mechanical factor) in a
woman carrying a PM allele, with regular
menses regardless to the levels of ovarian
markers, younger than 40 years
No established gonadotrophin concentration cutoff
to suggest the initiation of ovarian insufficiency
(Panay and Kalu, 2009), most probably due to the
fluctuant and reversible nature of the ovarian
Asymptomatic – subtle – possibly subfertility/infertility- prevalence
undetermined (unlike FXPOI – alarming menstrual irregularities)
Recent Scientific Findings Proposing Possible
Mechanisms Of Ovarian Dysfunction In PM Carriers
Maintenance of PGC require FMRP
During embryonic
development at 6–8 weeks,
germ cells begin to divide
By 16–20 weeks, fetal ovaries
contain 6–7 million follicles,
reaching its peak
Human FMRP is expressed in
PGC surrounded by FMRP-
negative pregranulosa and
interstitial cells (Rifé et al., 2004)
Strong inhibition of FMRP
translation of mutant FMR1 mRNA
 ↓FMRP with ↑Repeat length 
affect volume of follicular pool
increase in FMR1
toxic mRNA
aggravates the
ovarian dysfunction
FMRP is required for
preservation of
germline stem cells
(GSCs) in the
ovaries(Yang 2007)
Premutation RNA causes a reduction in the number of growing follicles acting through Akt and
Gonadal impairment consequent to FMR1 premutation
↑Mutant FMR1 mRNA with CGG repeats
Formation of secondary RNA structures - intramolecular
hairpins, R-loop formation(DNA-RNA hybrid)
Proteins bind to these non-canonical RNA structures
RNA-protein aggregates in the granulosa cells
Loss of function of these RNA binding proteins
compromise cell integrity  early follicular delay
Increased mRNA levels in granulosa cells of PM women
During normal
expressed in
granulosa cells, in
all stages of ovarian
RNA-binding proteins
hnRNP A2
Lamina A/C
miRNA biogenesis complex
SAM68  regulate the
splicing of mRNA of FSH
and LH receptors (Bianchi et al.,
Altered splicing of these
proteins could lead to
ovarian resistance to FSH
and LH at the receptor level.
Abnormal stromal cells 
follicular atresia  early
decay of ovarian pool
intranuclear inclusion in
ovarian stromal cells, not
in follicles per se
Correlation between Number of Repeats and Ovarian Function
PM CGG repeat (55-200) Non-linear association
59-99 Risk increases with increased PM repeats
>100 Risk declines (Sullivan et al.,2005)
↑ FMR1mRNA with ↑ PM repeat
Due to skewed X-inactivation,
mRNA levels tend to normalize in
females when the number of CGG
repeats increases >100 (Garcia-Alegria et
al., 2007)
Long noncoding (lnc) RNAs
novel lncRNAs,
named FMR4 and
FMR6 - originate
from the FMR1 gene
FMR4 expression
downregulated in brain
tissue from FXS
patients and
upregulated in PM
Regulate FMR1
stability, splicing,
localization, and
Both FMR1 mRNA
and FMR6 lncRNA
showed increased
accumulation in GCs
from PM carriers
Pastori C, Wahlestedt C (2012)
Pattern of Inheritance
Pattern of inheritance
FM evolves during an
multistep process –
ANTICIPATION (Pembrey et al., 1985)
Both PM, FM within
FMR1 gene are
inherited in an X-linked
dominant fashion
Female PM carriers
transmit it to 50% of
their offspring(both
male and female
Males transmit PM
to all of their
daughters and
none of their sons
Meiotic instability of the repeat sequence
Pattern of inheritance
Number of CGG repeats within maternal
permutated allele may undergo expansion
oogenesis (Malter et
al., 1997)
During postzygotic mitoses
in embryo (Wohrle et al., 1993)
Protective factors in inheritance of PM from father
Only maternally
inherited PM can
expand into a FM in
the next generation
PM as well as FM
fathers can transmit
only a PM to their
daughters(Fisch et al., 1995)
Paternally inherited
PM does not expand to
same extent as one
inherited from mother
and can frequently
40% daughters of male PM
carriers have PM with a lower
number of CGG repeats than
their fathers Vs 2% of daughters
whose PM are shorter than their
carrier mothers
Transmission from
father expands by
relatively fewer repeats
compared to
transmission from
mother (Fisch et al., 1995)
Reason : Sequences
with a high number of
CGG repeats are highly
unstable in the
developing sperm and
jeopardize their
Only PM-size alleles
found in spermatozoa
of PM, as well as FM
males (Reyniers et al.,1993)
Protective factors in inheritance of PM from father
Mentally disabled female
child who inherited both a
PM as well as a FM from her
mosaic father
Father’s peripheral blood
cells demonstrated
mosaicism, both
permutated and full
mutated FMR1 allele were
His spermatozoa only
contained the permutated
Expansion to a FM must
have occurred post-
Number of CGG repeats within maternal PM allele is in direct
correlation with probability of expanding into a FM in the offspring
(Nolin et al., 2011)
Maternal allele with 55-59 CGG
3.7% risk of expanding into a FM in
the next generation
≥100 repeats 98%
PM allele of 56 repeats = lowest number of CGG repeats reported to be
associated with a single generation expansion into a FM (Fernandez –
Carvajal et al., 2009)
45-54 CGG repeats (Intermediate) Do not transmit a FM
Expansion to a PM length in their
offspring has been described
Uninterrupted CGG repeats could form secondary
structures within ovarian cells- granulosa cells
These RNA structures cause binding and
sequestering of RNA binding proteins  protein
function lost  cell toxicity
AGG interruptions in repeat sequence prevent the
formation of these secondary repeat structures
lower sequestering of proteins  prevent cell
dysfunction in ovary of women carrying PM
Lekovic et al(2017) CGG repeat length and AGG interruptions as indicators of
fragile X-associated diminished ovarian reserve. Genetics in Medicine.
Most normal alleles have greater than or equal to 2 AGG
interruptions between 5 and 50 CGG repeats
Number of AGG interruptions
within CGG repeat region is
inversely correlated with the
instability of a PM allele and
the risk of its expansion to a
FM (Eichler et al., 1994)
Yrigollen et al. (2012) reported
that the presence of AGG
interruptions reduces the risk
of transmission of a FM,
specifically for maternal alleles
containing <100 repeats
Nolin et al. (2015) found that in
each CGG repeat size category,
those without any AGG
interruptions had the greatest
risk of instability and expansion
into a FM
Number of CGG repeats within maternal PM allele is in direct correlation with probability of
expanding into a FM in the offspring (Nolin et al., 2011)
Maternal allele with 55-59 CGG repeats 3.7% risk of expanding into a FM in the next
≥100 repeats 98%
PM allele of 56 repeats = lowest number of CGG repeats reported to be associated with a single
generation expansion into a FM (Fernandez – Carvajal et al., 2009)
45-54 CGG repeats (Intermediate) Do not transmit a FM
Expansion to a PM length in their offspring has
been described
With at least one AGG interruption within the
allele, risk is reduced to less than 1%
Pattern of inheritance
Transmission to offspring and its phenotype
depends on
Sex of parent
Number of
CGG repeats
within the
FMR1 gene
Stability of affected allele, which
depends on presence of AGG
trinucleotide interruptions
within the allele
PM female are at risk of FXDOR/FXPOI regardless of sex of parent transmitting PM
(Murray et al., 2000, Sullivan et al., 2005)
2 major problems can be potentially avoided by
early identification of PM
Development of
Presence of FM and its clinical
manifestations in offspring
Screening and Patient Counseling
ACOG recommends PM carrier screening for women with a family history of fragile X-related
disorders/intellectual disability, who are considering pregnancy/ are currently pregnancy
(Committee on Genetics, 2017)
Importance of testing women who present with unexplained ovarian insufficiency and/or
menopausal-range FSH levels before the age of 40
Extensive family history- developmental, neurodegenerative and reproductive disability across
multiple generations
Evaluation of carrier status of the fragile X mutation seeks to determine the number of CGG
repeats and, if in the full mutation range, to assess the methylation status
Southern blot and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are the preferred methods of determining
the number of CGG repeats within the FMR1 gene for either screening or diagnostic purposes.
Conditions included in an
expanded carrier
screening panel should
meet the following
Have a carrier
frequency of one
in 100 or greater
Require surgical
or medical
Cognitive or
effect on
quality of life
An onset
early in life
(Committee on Genetics, 2017)
is well
FXS and the molecular
biology of FMR1 gene –
significantly more
complex than the other
single- gene screening
PM-carrier state- is also
disease causing, unlike
heterozygous carrier
mutations screened for AR
Course as well as
transmission to the next
generation, can be
influenced by medical
Population-based carrier screening has
been already implemented in certain
countries that experience a higher
incidence of this disorder (Geva et al., 2000)
American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) practice guidelines
Recommend testing the repeat region of FMR1 in women who are experiencing
reproductive problems associated with elevated FSH levels
a family history of premature ovarian failure
a family history of fragile X syndrome
male or female relatives with undiagnosed mental retardation
Variant Recommendations
Full mutation – male, female
Premutation – male
Intermediate range –
Genetic counselling and FMR1 DNA testing
recommended for at-risk family members to
determine the size of their FMR1 allele
Prenatal diagnosis in future pregnancies should be
Premutation- heterozygote
+ determination of AGG interruptions
Possible clinical manifestations
pertinent to her, her future
offspring and other family
Likelihood of CGG
repeat expansion to
Early childbearing- opportunity
to make an informed decision
regarding their reproductive
and family planning
Avoid risk factors of
POI – smoking
contraception may
mask POI symtoms
Child-free living 
contraception is a
No further
donation from
unaffected donors
Fertility preservation
– oocyte/embryo
cryopreservation- not
in established POI
IVF with PGD
Fetal genetic testing-
Benefits of Early identification of PM
Avoid smoking
Healthy lifestyle
involving weight-
bearing exercise
Maintenance of
normal body weight
Balanced diet –
intake of calcium
and vitamin D
Emotional support
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
To achieve a pregnancy with an
unaffected embryo
Day 3 embryos- 1-2
Blastocyst – 4-8 cells
Limited amount
of genetic
material – 6pg
of genomic
of CGG repeats
within FMR1
allele using
single cell PCR
 amplification
Inability to
between PM
and FM
DNA sequences that are close
together on a chromosome
are less likely to be separated
during chromosomal
crossover and therefore are
inherited together
Genetic testing of the couple’s relatives
(siblings, parents, or any living children) using
either short tandem repeat (SRT) or less
commonly single nucleotide polymorphisms
(SNP) analysis, allowing an indirect
identification of the affected maternal FMR1
gene in the oocyte.
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
responsive to COH
 ↓ availability of
embryos for PGD
accuracy of
confirmation with prenatal
testing later in pregnancy is
CVS Amniocentesis
Placental cells Amniotic fluid with fetal cells
10-13 weeks, under US guidance 15-20 weeks
General risk of miscarriage - <1% Lower risk of miscarriage
Earlier diagnosis  earlier termination Later diagnosis
Rare chance of placental mosaicism No placental mosaicism
Methylation pattern(repeat number) in
placental tissue at 10-12 weeks is
incomplete  might not reflect that
observed in live born
Accurate and reliable regarding both
methylation status, number of repeats
Follow up amniocentesis
Take Home messages
Heterogenous phenotype
Fragile X carrier status has
important reproductive and health
implications both for the individual
tested as well as potential risks for
developmental disability in future
Comparable to Down’s
Early identification 
prevent ovarian failure
before childbearing + ↓FXS
Given the high incidence of
both a PM and a FM in the
general population, this is
the time to take a step
forward and offer to screen
all women with DOR/POI
Fragile X Syndrome and Infertility

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Fragile X Syndrome and Infertility

  • 3. Fragile X syndrome Fragile X premutation-associated conditions Fragile-X associated Primary Ovarian Insufficiency - FXPOI Fragile-X associated diminished ovarian reserve - FXDOR Potential mechanisms leading to FXDOR and FXPOI Counselling, preventative measures and interventions
  • 4. What is Fragile X Syndrome?
  • 5. FRAGILE X SYNDROME (FXS) Most common cause of inherited intellectual disability in males Leading single-gene defect associated with autism spectrum disorder(5%) Fragile X mental retardation (FMR1) gene  FMRP Near end of long arm of X chromosome, locus Xq27.3 CGG(Cytosine-Guanine- Guanine) trinucleotide repeat within the 5’ untranslated region of exon 1 of FMR1 gene Characteristic fragility in that locus observed during karyotyping (Sutherland and Ashforth, 1979)
  • 6.
  • 7. FMRP Selective RNA binding protein- forms a messenger ribonucleoprotein complex, associates itself with polyribosomes  involved in translational control – Protein synthesis regulation at level of dendritic spine Brain , testis, ovaries, liver, lungs, kidney, spinal cord, GI tract Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of mRNA, dendritic mRNA localization, regulation of synaptic protein synthesis  synaptic plasticity
  • 9. The most common repeat length is 29 or 30 CGG repeats No. of CGG repeats Interpretation 5 to ≤44 Normal unaffected gene ≥45 to ≤54 Intermediate/gray zone  CGG repeat instability in the gene transmission to the next generation (Nolin et al., 1996) ≥55 to ≤ 200 Premutation(PM) >200 Full mutation(FM)  FXS
  • 10. Full mutation – Female carriers random inactivation of one X chromosome mRNA can be transcribed from the normal but not the mutated-methylated allele lower but measurable FMRP levels Premutation Increased level of FMR1 gene transcription but decreased translation Low to normal levels of FMRP ↑FMR1 mRNA(with ↑CGG repeats) Full mutation – FXS in males FMR1 allele affected by DNA hypermethylation of promotor and CGG repeat region Inactivation- transcriptional silencing No FMRP
  • 11. FXS  Males more severely affected Distinctive facial features- develop over time – mean age of △-3years Phenotypic features often are not apparent until later in childhood Spectrum of cognitive phenotype Behavioral phenotype Reproduction Elongated face Enlarged testicles (macroorchidism- 95%) Developmental delay ADHD Fertile and capable of reproduction (Hagerman et al. 2001) Prominent forehead Connective tissue disorders : Hyperflexible joints, hyperextensible fingers, thumbs, wrists Intellectual and learning disabilities Speech and language delay Most affected males don’t reproduce, presumably due to severity of intellectual disability (Crawford et al., 2001) Large protruding ears Macrocephaly Anxiety Majority – intellectual disable Autism spectrum disorders Strabismus High arched palate Occasional cleft palate
  • 12. Severity of intellectual disability IQ Profound <20 Moderate (Most common) 40-54 Mild 50-70 Males can reproduce 15% of males, who have an IQ at ≥70
  • 13. FXS in female Subtle phenotype Difficult to diagnose based on clinical features alone 50% some characteristic physical features Final phenotype depends upon ACTIVATION RATIO- ratio of cells with the normal allele present on active X chromosome ↑AR correspond to ↑ FMRP expression levels produced by the normal FMR1 allele Intellectual impairment is usually less severe than observed- 70% have borderline IQ or lower – executive function defects At risk of transmitting a FM to their progeny Women with a PM have an increased risk of FXPOI compared to that of FM patients (Allingham-Hawkins et al., 1999)
  • 15. SEX PREMUTATION FULL MUTATION Females 1:150-1:300 (Hunter et al., 2014) 1:8400 (Pesso et al., 2000) Males 1:400-1:850(Hunter et al., 2014) 1:4000 (Turner et al., 1996) 2.4% with intellectual disability Racial/ethnic variations Columbia, Isreal 1:100 females(Seltzer et al., 2012) Japan 1:1674 females(Hunter et al.,2014) Tamil Nadu 1:353 females (Indumathi N et al., 2012) PREVALENCE Asian - 7.94% of POI Western – 13.8% (Anser et al., 2019) Frequency of women with the premutation attending reproductive endocrinology clinics for infertility is significantly increased compared with the carrier frequency expected in the general population – 3%
  • 17. Fragile-X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) – adult-onset neurological disorder affecting primarily males Fragile-X-associated primary ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI) Fragile-X-associated diminished ovarian reserve (FXDOR) PM associated disorders, distinct from FXS Incomplete penetrance There is no evidence to support an association between high normal and intermediate range (45–54 repeats) FMR1 alleles with a risk of FXPOI.
  • 18. FXTAS Late onset Progressive Intention tremor, ataxia Progressive cognitive and behavioral deterioration Memory loss Anxiety Reclusive behavior Executive function deficits Dementia Phenotype gets more defined and prevalent with age Premutation repeat length 40% of men and 16% female with PM (unfavourable X- chromosome inactivation), over age 50
  • 19. Other characteristic phenotypes associated with PM Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Autism spectrum disorders Intellectual disability Childhood seizures Adult onset psychiatric conditions Migraine headaches Immune-mediated disorders, mainly thyroid Hypertension Fibromyalgia Chronic muscle pain
  • 20. European Fragile X Network (EFXN),May 2020 Fragile X–associated neuropsychiatric disorders (FXAND)
  • 22. Normal ovarian function – continuous process Fetal life  primordial germ cells (PGC) formation, proliferation and migration, & development of follicular units Neonatal and adult life  steady follicular loss or atresia Menopause  physiologic insufficiency of the ovary Susceptible to various intrinsic and extrinsic factors  impair normal formation/function Genetic defects Smoking Endometriosis Chemotherapy Radiotherapy Ovarian surgery
  • 23. POI Extreme spectrum of an impaired ovarian function Coined by Albright et al., 1942 – 11 young women  primary defect was within the ovary Serum estrogen Amenorrhea FSH Not a mandatory criterion for diagnosis - <50pg/ml indicates hypoestrogenism Phenotypic extent of POI > 25 IU/L on 2 occasions >4 weeks apart Many, but not all, women with POI develop symptoms of estrogen deficiency Broadened inclusion criteria – any cycle irregularities Hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sleep disturbances Oligomenorrhea, polymenorrhea, menometrorrhagia, DUB, amenorrhea- primary/secondary Intermittent ovarian function Oligo/amenorrhea for atleast 4 months Some women experience hot flashes despite continued regular menses Clinical syndrome defined by loss of ovarian activity before the age of 40
  • 24.
  • 25. POI Multifactorial disease 90% - idiopathic 10% - identifiable etiology FMR1 PM – one of the most common single-gene mutation causes of POI in women with a normal karyotype  FXPOI Other single-gene mutations: Bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP-15), Diaphanous homolog 2 (DIAPH2) and Inhibin alpha subunit (INHA)
  • 26. POI ≠ MENOPAUSE Ovarian function can still be present  unpredictable, intermittent 50% POI  retain intermittent ovarian function for many years spontaneous follicular development, menstruation 5-10% POI can conceive (van Kasteren and Schoemaker, 1999) and deliver a child without any medical intervention, even years after diagnosis was established 12.6% FXPOI conceived spontaneously after diagnosis ranging upto 12 years (Hipp et al., 2016) 20% FMR1 PM  FXPOI (20 fold increase) 3% before 29 years 1.4% prior to 18 years FMR1 PM  2-6% idiopathic sporadic POI, and 14% familial POI
  • 27. POI – 2 main mechanisms Inadequate formation of the follicular pool in utero Abnormally extensive or fast depletion of the follicular pool via atresia during post-natal (neonatal, childhood and adult) life POI would be preceded by some degree of DOR Continuum of compromised ovarian function over time(normal ovarian function followed by an early menopause) Occult stage – normal FSH, regular mensus, but reduced fecundity Biochemical manifestation(↑FSH, regular mensus, reduced fertility) Overt ovarian insufficiency – irregular / absent menses + ↑FSH
  • 28. Consequences of POI Increased risk for low BMD Earlier onset osteoporosis, bone fractures Impaired endothelial function Untreated POI – reduced life expectancy - cardiovascular disease Significant negative impact on psychological well being and quality of life Neuroprotectant  possible detrimental effect on cognitive function , increased risk of Alzheimer disease
  • 29. FXPOI
  • 30. Ovarian dysfunction in PM carriers No apparent difference in age of menarche (Allen et al.,2007) Reproductive span reduced First clinical hint  3% adolescents with PM – non- specific menstrual cycle irregularities(De Caro et al., 2008) Irregular menses more often than non- carriers PM carriers have shorter menstrual cycles in comparison to age- matched women(↓follicular phase) FXDOR precedes FXPOI by 10 or more years  impaired fertility before age 35
  • 31. Hormonal profile alterations FSH from pituitary, stimulates the growth and recruitment of immature ovarian follicles Ovarian aging, diminished number of follicles  ↓inhibin  ↓ FSH negative feedback  ↑FSH release PM carriers demonstrate significantly higher follicular phase FSH(D 1–10) when compared to healthy,age- matched women (Murray et al., 1999) ↑FSH also in luteal phase ↓ Inhibin A, Inhibin B  impaired follicular and luteal ovarian function
  • 32.
  • 33. AMH more sensitive than FSH in identifying an early decline in ovarian function among PM carriers (Rohr et al.,2008) Subtle decrease in AMH, as early as 18 years(Normal FSH) low ovarian reserve continuous deterioration of ovarian function For all women, AMH was found to decrease by 10 % per year. The added effect of carrying a premutation decreased AMH levels by 54 % (Spath et al., 2011)
  • 34. Elevated expression of AMH and FSH receptor might initially accelerate follicular recruitment, but later it evokes a vicious cycle causing secondary damage to the ovarian reserve and resulting in POI.
  • 35. FXPOI Increased rate of infertility (46.6% of FXPOI) Despite early DOR, no increase in miscarriage rate/chromosomal abnormalities due to maternal age- related chromosomal nondisjunction in the offspring Oocyte competence continues to be related to chronological age  only relative drop in follicle number Menopause, on average, 5 years earlier Among females with POI and a normal karyotype, 6% have a premutation in FMR1 gene
  • 36. Correlation between Number of Repeats and Ovarian Function PM CGG repeat (55-200) Non-linear association 59-99  Risk increases with increased PM repeats Lower response to COH (Bibi et al.,2010) Fewer eggs retrieved than controls (Elizur et al.,2014) Decreased fertilization rate 80-99 Greater risk of FXPOI (Ennis et al.,2006) >100 Risk declines (Sullivan et al.,2005) The official statement of the ACMG is that a repeat length lower than 45 is not associated with an abnormal phenotype (Monaghan et al., 2013).
  • 37.
  • 38. 70–100 CGG repeats  at the highest risk for FXPOI <65, >120 repeats did not have a significantly increased risk
  • 39. FXDOR
  • 40. DOR Ovarian reserve defines the women’s reproductive potential as a function of number and quality of her remaining oocytes (Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 2015). POI – Overt phenotype-several years to develop-unless secondary to oophorectomy/chemo/radiotherapy DOR-Subtle- regular menses but a reduced quantity of ovarian follicles Limited response to ovarian stimulation and reduced fecundity (Committee on Gynecologic Practice, 2015) Evidence of DOR does not necessarily equate with the inability to conceive (Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine,2015).
  • 41. Definition of FXDOR PM carriers with reduced ovarian reserve Clinically appropriate term  Continuous deterioration along with its fluctuant nature DOR might/might not lead to overt FXPOI Biochemical or Occult phase of ovarian insufficiency (Welt, 2008)  fluctuating FSH levels Diagnosis of exclusion, after excluding all other known causes of infertility(male factor, endometriosis, mechanical factor) in a woman carrying a PM allele, with regular menses regardless to the levels of ovarian markers, younger than 40 years No established gonadotrophin concentration cutoff to suggest the initiation of ovarian insufficiency (Panay and Kalu, 2009), most probably due to the fluctuant and reversible nature of the ovarian function.
  • 42. FXDOR Asymptomatic – subtle – possibly subfertility/infertility- prevalence undetermined (unlike FXPOI – alarming menstrual irregularities) SCREENING MERITS CONSIDERATION IN WOMEN WITH DOR
  • 43. Recent Scientific Findings Proposing Possible Mechanisms Of Ovarian Dysfunction In PM Carriers
  • 44. Maintenance of PGC require FMRP During embryonic development at 6–8 weeks, germ cells begin to divide rapidly By 16–20 weeks, fetal ovaries contain 6–7 million follicles, reaching its peak Human FMRP is expressed in PGC surrounded by FMRP- negative pregranulosa and interstitial cells (Rifé et al., 2004) Strong inhibition of FMRP translation of mutant FMR1 mRNA  ↓FMRP with ↑Repeat length  affect volume of follicular pool increase in FMR1 toxic mRNA aggravates the ovarian dysfunction FMRP is required for preservation of germline stem cells (GSCs) in the ovaries(Yang 2007) Premutation RNA causes a reduction in the number of growing follicles acting through Akt and mTOR
  • 45. Gonadal impairment consequent to FMR1 premutation
  • 46. ↑Mutant FMR1 mRNA with CGG repeats Formation of secondary RNA structures - intramolecular hairpins, R-loop formation(DNA-RNA hybrid) Proteins bind to these non-canonical RNA structures RNA-protein aggregates in the granulosa cells Loss of function of these RNA binding proteins compromise cell integrity  early follicular delay Increased mRNA levels in granulosa cells of PM women During normal folliculogenesis, FMRP is predominantly expressed in granulosa cells, in all stages of ovarian follicular development
  • 47. RNA-binding proteins hnRNP A2 Purα Lamina A/C miRNA biogenesis complex Drosha/DGCR Sam68 SAM68  regulate the splicing of mRNA of FSH and LH receptors (Bianchi et al., 2010) Altered splicing of these proteins could lead to ovarian resistance to FSH and LH at the receptor level.
  • 48. Abnormal stromal cells  follicular atresia  early decay of ovarian pool Ubiquitin-positive intranuclear inclusion in ovarian stromal cells, not in follicles per se
  • 49. Correlation between Number of Repeats and Ovarian Function PM CGG repeat (55-200) Non-linear association 59-99 Risk increases with increased PM repeats >100 Risk declines (Sullivan et al.,2005) ↑ FMR1mRNA with ↑ PM repeat length Due to skewed X-inactivation, mRNA levels tend to normalize in females when the number of CGG repeats increases >100 (Garcia-Alegria et al., 2007)
  • 50. Long noncoding (lnc) RNAs novel lncRNAs, named FMR4 and FMR6 - originate from the FMR1 gene locus FMR4 expression downregulated in brain tissue from FXS patients and upregulated in PM carriers. Regulate FMR1 stability, splicing, subcellular localization, and translational efficiency Both FMR1 mRNA and FMR6 lncRNA showed increased accumulation in GCs from PM carriers Pastori C, Wahlestedt C (2012)
  • 52. Pattern of inheritance FM evolves during an intergenerational, multistep process – ANTICIPATION (Pembrey et al., 1985) Both PM, FM within FMR1 gene are inherited in an X-linked dominant fashion
  • 53. Female PM carriers transmit it to 50% of their offspring(both male and female progeny) Males transmit PM to all of their daughters and none of their sons Meiotic instability of the repeat sequence
  • 54. Pattern of inheritance Number of CGG repeats within maternal permutated allele may undergo expansion During oogenesis (Malter et al., 1997) During postzygotic mitoses in embryo (Wohrle et al., 1993)
  • 55. Protective factors in inheritance of PM from father Only maternally inherited PM can expand into a FM in the next generation PM as well as FM fathers can transmit only a PM to their daughters(Fisch et al., 1995) Paternally inherited PM does not expand to same extent as one inherited from mother and can frequently contract 40% daughters of male PM carriers have PM with a lower number of CGG repeats than their fathers Vs 2% of daughters whose PM are shorter than their carrier mothers
  • 56. Transmission from father expands by relatively fewer repeats compared to transmission from mother (Fisch et al., 1995) Reason : Sequences with a high number of CGG repeats are highly unstable in the developing sperm and jeopardize their survival Only PM-size alleles found in spermatozoa of PM, as well as FM males (Reyniers et al.,1993) Protective factors in inheritance of PM from father
  • 57. Mentally disabled female child who inherited both a PM as well as a FM from her mosaic father Father’s peripheral blood cells demonstrated mosaicism, both permutated and full mutated FMR1 allele were present His spermatozoa only contained the permutated allele Expansion to a FM must have occurred post- zygotically.
  • 58. Number of CGG repeats within maternal PM allele is in direct correlation with probability of expanding into a FM in the offspring (Nolin et al., 2011) Maternal allele with 55-59 CGG repeats 3.7% risk of expanding into a FM in the next generation ≥100 repeats 98% PM allele of 56 repeats = lowest number of CGG repeats reported to be associated with a single generation expansion into a FM (Fernandez – Carvajal et al., 2009) 45-54 CGG repeats (Intermediate) Do not transmit a FM Expansion to a PM length in their offspring has been described
  • 59. Uninterrupted CGG repeats could form secondary structures within ovarian cells- granulosa cells These RNA structures cause binding and sequestering of RNA binding proteins  protein function lost  cell toxicity AGG interruptions in repeat sequence prevent the formation of these secondary repeat structures lower sequestering of proteins  prevent cell dysfunction in ovary of women carrying PM Lekovic et al(2017) CGG repeat length and AGG interruptions as indicators of fragile X-associated diminished ovarian reserve. Genetics in Medicine. Most normal alleles have greater than or equal to 2 AGG interruptions between 5 and 50 CGG repeats
  • 60. Number of AGG interruptions within CGG repeat region is inversely correlated with the instability of a PM allele and the risk of its expansion to a FM (Eichler et al., 1994) Yrigollen et al. (2012) reported that the presence of AGG interruptions reduces the risk of transmission of a FM, specifically for maternal alleles containing <100 repeats Nolin et al. (2015) found that in each CGG repeat size category, those without any AGG interruptions had the greatest risk of instability and expansion into a FM
  • 61. Number of CGG repeats within maternal PM allele is in direct correlation with probability of expanding into a FM in the offspring (Nolin et al., 2011) Maternal allele with 55-59 CGG repeats 3.7% risk of expanding into a FM in the next generation ≥100 repeats 98% PM allele of 56 repeats = lowest number of CGG repeats reported to be associated with a single generation expansion into a FM (Fernandez – Carvajal et al., 2009) 45-54 CGG repeats (Intermediate) Do not transmit a FM Expansion to a PM length in their offspring has been described With at least one AGG interruption within the allele, risk is reduced to less than 1%
  • 62. Pattern of inheritance Transmission to offspring and its phenotype depends on Sex of parent transmitting gene Sex of child Number of CGG repeats within the parental FMR1 gene Stability of affected allele, which depends on presence of AGG trinucleotide interruptions within the allele PM female are at risk of FXDOR/FXPOI regardless of sex of parent transmitting PM (Murray et al., 2000, Sullivan et al., 2005)
  • 64. 2 major problems can be potentially avoided by early identification of PM Development of FXDOR/FXPOI before childbearing Presence of FM and its clinical manifestations in offspring
  • 65. Screening and Patient Counseling ACOG recommends PM carrier screening for women with a family history of fragile X-related disorders/intellectual disability, who are considering pregnancy/ are currently pregnancy (Committee on Genetics, 2017) Importance of testing women who present with unexplained ovarian insufficiency and/or menopausal-range FSH levels before the age of 40 Extensive family history- developmental, neurodegenerative and reproductive disability across multiple generations Evaluation of carrier status of the fragile X mutation seeks to determine the number of CGG repeats and, if in the full mutation range, to assess the methylation status Southern blot and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are the preferred methods of determining the number of CGG repeats within the FMR1 gene for either screening or diagnostic purposes.
  • 66.
  • 67. Conditions included in an expanded carrier screening panel should meet the following criteria Have a carrier frequency of one in 100 or greater Well-defined phenotype Require surgical or medical intervention Cognitive or physical impairment Detrimental effect on quality of life An onset early in life (Committee on Genetics, 2017)
  • 68. FXS phenotype is well defined FXS and the molecular biology of FMR1 gene – significantly more complex than the other single- gene screening targets PM-carrier state- is also disease causing, unlike heterozygous carrier mutations screened for AR diseases(CF) Course as well as transmission to the next generation, can be influenced by medical intervention Population-based carrier screening has been already implemented in certain countries that experience a higher incidence of this disorder (Geva et al., 2000)
  • 69. American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) practice guidelines Recommend testing the repeat region of FMR1 in women who are experiencing reproductive problems associated with elevated FSH levels a family history of premature ovarian failure a family history of fragile X syndrome male or female relatives with undiagnosed mental retardation
  • 70.
  • 71. Variant Recommendations Full mutation – male, female Premutation – male Intermediate range – female,male Genetic counselling and FMR1 DNA testing recommended for at-risk family members to determine the size of their FMR1 allele Prenatal diagnosis in future pregnancies should be considered Premutation- heterozygote female + determination of AGG interruptions
  • 72. Possible clinical manifestations pertinent to her, her future offspring and other family members Likelihood of CGG repeat expansion to FM Early childbearing- opportunity to make an informed decision regarding their reproductive and family planning Avoid risk factors of POI – smoking Hormonal contraception may mask POI symtoms Child-free living  appropriate contraception is a must No further children/adoption Oocyte/sperm donation from unaffected donors Fertility preservation – oocyte/embryo cryopreservation- not in established POI IVF with PGD Fetal genetic testing- CVS/Amniocentesis Benefits of Early identification of PM
  • 73. Interventions Avoid smoking Healthy lifestyle involving weight- bearing exercise Maintenance of normal body weight Balanced diet – recommended intake of calcium and vitamin D Hormone replacement therapy Emotional support
  • 75. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis To achieve a pregnancy with an unaffected embryo Day 3 embryos- 1-2 blastomeres Blastocyst – 4-8 cells Limited amount of genetic material – 6pg of genomic DNA/cell Determination of CGG repeats within FMR1 allele using single cell PCR  amplification failure Inability to accurately distinguish between PM and FM LINKAGE ANALYSIS – certain DNA sequences that are close together on a chromosome are less likely to be separated during chromosomal crossover and therefore are inherited together Genetic testing of the couple’s relatives (siblings, parents, or any living children) using either short tandem repeat (SRT) or less commonly single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) analysis, allowing an indirect identification of the affected maternal FMR1 gene in the oocyte.
  • 76. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis FXDOR/FXPOI – less responsive to COH  ↓ availability of embryos for PGD accuracy of PGD 98%–99% confirmation with prenatal testing later in pregnancy is recommended.
  • 78. CVS Amniocentesis Placental cells Amniotic fluid with fetal cells 10-13 weeks, under US guidance 15-20 weeks General risk of miscarriage - <1% Lower risk of miscarriage Earlier diagnosis  earlier termination Later diagnosis Rare chance of placental mosaicism No placental mosaicism Methylation pattern(repeat number) in placental tissue at 10-12 weeks is incomplete  might not reflect that observed in live born Accurate and reliable regarding both methylation status, number of repeats Follow up amniocentesis
  • 80.
  • 81. Heterogenous phenotype Complex inheritance Fragile X carrier status has important reproductive and health implications both for the individual tested as well as potential risks for developmental disability in future offspring Comparable to Down’s syndrome Early identification  prevent ovarian failure before childbearing + ↓FXS prevalence Given the high incidence of both a PM and a FM in the general population, this is the time to take a step forward and offer to screen all women with DOR/POI

Editor's Notes

  1. hypomethylated like in ‘high functioning males’
  2. A total of 705 unrelated normal women (age range: 18–33 years; mean±standard deviation 21.0±2.1 years) were recruited from colleges (students) and hospitals (working staff ) located in Tamil Nadu, South India.
  3. A condition is said to show incomplete penetrance when some individuals who carry the pathogenic variant express the associated trait while others do not. women appear to be relatively spared from this disorder (13, 16).
  4. the age limit of 40 is approximately two standard deviations (SD) below the average age at natural menopause
  5. the permanent cessation of menses, and with this, the end of fertility
  6. FXPOI is used to encompass the spectrum of reproductive outcomes that includes not only cessation of regular menses before age 40, but also occult indicators of impaired ovarian function, which are manifest by a reduced. FXPOI significantly impacts a woman’s quality of life. The most immediate and significant consequence of diminished ovarian function is reduced fertility ovarian response to stimulation, but no alteration in menstrual cyclicity.
  7. Non-syndromic (Schwartz, et al., 1994).
  8. MGCs of FMR1 premutation carriers demonstrated higher AMH mRNA expression levels than MGCs of noncarriers (3.5±2.2, n=12 and 0.97±0.5, n=17 respectively; p=0.0003 (Fig. 1a) Afer 48 h of FSH stimulation, AMH expression was still higher in MCGs of poor responders in the carrier group than poor responders in the noncarrier group
  9. Non-syndromic (Schwartz, et al., 1994).
  10. If a PM carrier has already completed childbearing at a much younger age before developing significant FXDOR affecting fertility, or if she never attempted conceiving (lack of interest, delaying childbearing for socio-economic reasons), FXDOR might progress completely unnoticed, and the first symptom of her PM might present as FXPOI. Any other phenotypic features associated with a PM are non-specific as well, and wouldn’t be alarming enough to justify genetic testing
  11. Non-syndromic (Schwartz, et al., 1994).
  12. Establishment of the primordial germ cell (PGC) pool in a fetus with a PM. Due to reduced FMRP, the final endowment, as well as maintenance of the PGC, could be affected, Damage to the PGCs and consequent reduction in the PGC pool size will result in reduced number of oogonia, thus shifting the graph downward
  13. Increased R-loops formation could lead to an increase in DNA damage in the cells, Another potential consequence of R-loop formation is the induction of genomic instability by interfering with DNA replicatio
  14. The ovary suffers damage at the cellular level, which is clinically manifested as a diminished ovarian reserve. As seen on the left, the impairment occurs in the granulosa as well as the stroma cells of the ovary. Reduction in the number of oocytes/follicles could occur as a consequence of the mRNA-induced granulosa cell toxicity and subsequent dysfunction, detrimental effect of the inclusions containing FMRpolyG on the stroma cells, or both. On the right, a schematic representation of the number of oocytes, in non-carriers (black line) or PM patients (blue line). The graph emphasizes that the PM carriers’ ovaries contain fewer oocytes than non-carriers’, at any age.
  15. when the X-inactivation of one X chromosome is favored over the other, leading to an uneven number of cells with each chromosome inactivated
  16. Non-syndromic (Schwartz, et al., 1994).
  17. In stable, normal alleles, the CGG region is interrupted by an AGG triplet after every 9 or 10 CGG repeats. The AGG triplets are thought to anchor the region during replication and prevent strand slippage. Premutation alleles, in contrast, are less likely to contain AGGs and have long stretches of uninterrupted CGGs at their 3’ end. The number of AGG interruptions helps predict the risk of expansion from premutations of <100 repeats to full mutations
  18. Non-syndromic (Schwartz, et al., 1994).
  19. PCR tests that effectively detect and measure the CGG repeat region (up to 200 repeats) of the FMR1 gene are >99% sensitive Newer repeat-primed PCR methods or methylation PCR reduce the need to perform Southern blot analysis
  20. 7.7% of parents with FMR1 alleles in the 40–49 range and 25% of parents with FMR1 alleles in the 50–60 CGG repeat range are likely to pass a changed FMR1 allele to their children.75 Both expansion and contraction of the CGG repeat size were observed in the next generation.
  21. 12.6% of women diagnosed with FXPOI conceived spontaneously after diagnosis. Amazingly, the interval of time to conception after diagnosis was up to 12 years. It appears that there might be a temporary remission, which in rare cases may last for years
  22. Non-syndromic (Schwartz, et al., 1994).
  23. Further laboratory testing is performed in the same manner, regardless of the source of the cells, either CVS or amniocentesis. The first step in the genetic analysis is the determination of the number of CGG repeats within the allele by PCR and categorizing it as either a normal, intermediate, PM or a FM. Southern blot is then used to more accurately distinguish a large PM from a FM and to determine the allele’s transcriptional activity by determining the extent of methylation. Alternatively, the CGG repeat length, AGG interruptions, and DNA methylation can be determined by AmplideXr PCR (Asuragen).
  24. Non-syndromic (Schwartz, et al., 1994).
  25. FMR1 mRNA expression provide evidence that expansion in the premutation range perturbs gene expression and may have pathophysiological consequences, particularly those related to FXTAS and FXPOI SCREENING MERITS CONSIDERATION IN WOMEN WITH DOR