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Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 135–143 
Conditions database system of the COMPASS experiment 
T. Toeda a,∗, M. Lamannab, V. Duicc, A. Manara d,1 
a Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, 464-8602 Nagoya, Japan 
b CERN, 1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland 
c INFN Trieste, Sezione di Trieste, e Università di Trieste, Via A. Valerio, 2, I-34127 Trieste, Italy 
d Università di Torino, Via P. Giuria, 1, I-10125 Torino, Italy 
Received 15 April 2002; received in revised form 15 July 2002 
The CERN SPS experiment COMPASS has integrated a Conditions Database System in its off-line software. The system is 
used to manage time-dependent information, detector condition, calibration, and geometrical alignment information, by using 
a package provided by the CERN IT/DB. This integrated system consists of administration tools, a data handling library, and 
data transfer software from the detector control system to the Conditions Database. In this paper, the status of the Conditions 
Database project is described, and the results of the performance test on the COMPASS computing farm are given. 
 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 
PACS: 07.05.Kf; 07.05.-t; 07.05.Bx; 29.85.+c 
Keywords: High energy physics; Conditions database; Objectivity/DB; SCADA; PVSS 
1. Introduction 
COMPASS (COmmonMuon Proton Apparatus for 
Structure and Spectroscopy) [1] is a fixed-target ex-periment 
with an extensive physics programme at the 
CERN SPS. The apparatus performs a number of dif-ferent 
measurements, in different configurations, no-tably 
using both muon and hadron beams in the 100– 
300 GeV range at very high intensities. The COM-PASS 
experiment started taking data in Summer 2001. 
* Corresponding author. 
E-mail address: (T. Toeda). 
1 Present address: ITU, Place des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 20, 
The large volume of data to be processed (during 
a few months each year) and the need for a flexible 
software environment to cope with the experiment’s 
different configurations and measurements pushed the 
COMPASS Collaboration to design the off-line analy-sis 
software from scratch and build a dedicated facil-ity 
for the off-line computing, namely the COMPASS 
Computing Farm (CCF) [2]. 
The off-line system has to meet severe design 
constraints, namely the high data acquisition rate 
(35MB/s) and the very large data sample (10 G events, 
30 kB each, 300 TB/y) to be reconstructed virtually 
COMPASS decided to use the CERN Central Data 
Recording (CDR) System [3] to record all the data: the 
on-line system does not write events on tape at the ex-periment 
site, but sends them over a few kilometres of 
0010-4655/02/$ – see front matter  2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 
136 T. Toeda et al. / Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 135–143 
dedicated optical fibre network to the computer centre, 
where the CCF, the tape servers, and the correspond-ing 
high-speed tape drives are located. 
The estimated computing power to reconstruct all 
the events at the speed of the data acquisition is 2000 
Spec INT95, which is provided by some 100 Linux 
Dual CPU PCs. The choice of network technology is 
Gigabit and Fast Ethernet. A disk pool of a few TB has 
been set up, initially made up of SCSI disks, but more 
recently using the less expensive EIDE disks. 
The COMPASS off-line analysis group has devel-oped 
a Conditions Database (called CDB in the lit-erature) 
System to manage detector condition, cali-bration 
and geometrical alignment information, using 
the CDB package developed at CERN in the IT/DB 
In this paper, the COMPASS computing environ-ment 
is introduced. Then the conception and design of 
all the software components of the CDB system are 
described. The results of several performance tests are 
given, together with some investigations on the subject 
of remote access via wide-area network. 
2. COMPASS computing environment 
The COMPASS experiment has an extensive pro-gramme 
of physics, ranging from studies of the struc-ture 
of the nucleon to spectroscopy studies. Common-alities 
of the all proposed measurements are the high 
trigger rate and the long acquisition time: the Level-1 
trigger rate ranges between 10–100 kHz with a typical 
event size of the order of 30 kB. When the Level-1 trig-ger 
rate is of the order of 100 kHz (spectroscopy stud-ies), 
a second level filter will be put in place to reduce 
the data rate to tape to an effective 10 kHz. This high 
event rate is a big challenge for the experimental appa-ratus 
and the corresponding computing environment. 
Fig. 1 shows the structure of the COMPASS com-puting 
environment, which is composed of two parts: 
the on-line computing farm located close to the ex-periment 
and the off-line computing farm in the com-puter 
centre. A Gigabit Ethernet line connects these 
two parts. 
The on-line computing farm is used for collecting 
and building the event data in the data acquisition 
Fig. 1. Structure of the computing environment.
T. Toeda et al. / Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 135–143 137 
Fig. 2. Schematic view of CORAL. 
systems [4] by using DATE [5] which is a multi-processor 
distributed environment. 
All of the detector system is under a slow control 
system, which accesses all the detectors by the ser-ial 
bus, and monitors the status. The system is im-plemented 
by PVSS [6], which is one of commercial 
SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) 
system. The controlled status of the detectors is kept 
in a proprietary database. 
An off-line computing farm, CCF, is used for off-line 
event reconstruction, monitoring and analysis, 
consisting of 100 Dual-CPU Linux-PCs with load 
balance using LSF (Load Sharing Facility) [7]. In 
addition, several Gigabit-Ethernet servers are used for 
receiving the data from the on-line farm to populate 
the databases and as database servers. 
The transferred event data to the off-line farm are 
kept in Objectivity/DB [8] databases which are di-rectly 
created in the namespace of CASTOR (CERN 
Advanced Storage Manager [9]). The database can 
be accessed from the disk image at the beginning, 
whilst CASTOR ensures that the file is copied onto the 
tape simultaneously. The COMPASS off-line analysis 
group has developed the COMPASS off-line recon-struction 
and analysis framework, i.e. CORAL [10] 
by using C++ and Object-Oriented programming tech-niques. 
CORAL has been designed to have a modular ar-chitecture 
as shown in Fig. 2 and provides all the ba-sic 
functions, such as initialization, data input/output, 
error logging, and so on. Moreover, the external pack-ages, 
ROOT [11], Objectivity/DB and HBOOK [12] 
are available via insulation layers. This choice ensures 
good flexibility in case of change of the external pack-ages. 
The same strategy has been adopted for particle 
track reconstruction components with well-defined in-terfaces 
for each component. 
3. COMPASS Conditions Database system 
A package for the implementation of an experi-mental 
Conditions Database was originally proposed 
and developed in BaBar [13] at SLAC to be used for 
physics events data analysis. Fig. 3 shows the basic 
idea of the Conditions Database. Each experimental 
condition quantity is represented by a persistent ob-ject 
in the Object Database with a validity time inter-val. 
Whenever a new calibration object is created, it is 
stored with its validity time interval (assigned by the 
user). In case this overwrites a previous calibration, 
the old calibration is still kept for comparison and the
138 T. Toeda et al. / Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 135–143 
Fig. 3. Concept of the Conditions Database. Each box represents a condition object and the last layer is the most recent. 
Fig. 4. Hierarchical structure of the Conditions Database API of the CERN edition. 
new one becomes the default one. This mechanism is 
called condition versioning. 
Given the interest in the CERN HEP community, a 
new package called CDB was developed by the CERN 
IT-DB Group [14]. A hierarchical structure (inspired 
by the UNIX file system) is available in the CERN 
edition. Fig. 4 shows a schematic view of the structure. 
The folder-set and folder correspond to a directory and 
a file in the UNIX file system, respectively. Presently, 
the CERN CDB API is implemented using the Objec-tivity/ 
DB as the database engine. The COMPASS col-laboration 
has developed a Conditions Database Sys-tem 
in the off-line system by using the CDB API of the 
CERN edition. The COMPASS system has three main 
components: the administration tool, the handling li-brary, 
and the data transfer program. 
3.1. Administration tools of the conditions database 
The administration tools offer management func-tions 
and interactive functions for the administrator 
and the general user, respectively. The main functions 
allow new databases, folder-sets and folders in the 
CDB to be created. Users can only create folders and 
browse the list of folder-sets and folders, scan the data 
in a given time interval, and draw the value versus 
All the administration tools have the same struc-ture. 
The interaction with the user is done by Perl 
scripts which handle the parameters, check the consis-tency 
of the request and the permissions of the action, 
and finally execute the command (a C++ executable); 
these scripts also collect and present the results. The
T. Toeda et al. / Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 135–143 139 
C++ executables perform the real interaction with the 
CDB such as loading new data, retrieving the calibra-tion 
for a given time (interval), browsing, or altering 
the folder set structure. A shell front-end command 
for the CDB has been developed, which resembles a 
UNIX shell. It is possible for users to interact with the 
CDB with ls, cd, and so on. Fig. 5 shows an extract of 
a user session. 
3.2. Conditions Database Handling Library for the 
event reconstruction program 
3.2.1. Implementation of the handling library 
The event reconstruction program needs a set of de-tector 
calibration information for event reconstruction. 
Some of the calibration sets might change while the 
analysis proceeds, for example when better calibra- 
[lxplus061] ~ > cdb_sh 
Wait 5 sec... 
"help" command is available 
/COMPASS >help 
ls : print list in current directory 
ls -R : print all 
ls -c : print only container 
cd <dir> : change directory 
pwd : print current directory 
scan <container> : print time intervals; 
plot_pvss <container> : plot the graph of PVSS data 
exit or Ctrl-C : exit 
drw-r----- admin vy PA:/COMPASS/PA 
drw-r----- admin vy PB:/COMPASS/PB 
drw-r----- admin vy PS:/COMPASS/PS 
drw-r----- admin vy DC:/COMPASS/DC 
drw-r----- admin vy MM:/COMPASS/MM 
drw-r----- admin vy GM:/COMPASS/GM 
drw-r----- admin vy ST:/COMPASS/ST 
drw-r----- admin vy SI:/COMPASS/SI 
drw-r----- admin vy FI:/COMPASS/FI 
drw-r----- admin vy MA:/COMPASS/MA 
drw-r----- admin vy MB:/COMPASS/MB 
drw-r----- admin vy HC:/COMPASS/HC 
drw-r----- admin vy RI:/COMPASS/RI 
drw-r----- admin vy HO:/COMPASS/HO 
drw-r----- admin vy HM:/COMPASS/HM 
drw-r----- admin vy HI:/COMPASS/HI 
drw-r----- admin vy HL:/COMPASS/HL 
drw-r----- admin vy VT:/COMPASS/VT 
drw-r----- admin vy GEOM:/COMPASS/GEOM 
drw-r----- admin vy CDB:/COMPASS/pvss 
drw-r----- admin vy BM:/COMPASS/BM 
drw-r----- admin vy CDB:/COMPASS/RUN 
Fig. 5. cdb_sh example: in the output of ls, the admin and vy are user and group ID, respectively. The string of the last column is the name of 
the database and the path of the folder-set. Different names like GEOM or CDB refer to physically distinct databases.
140 T. Toeda et al. / Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 135–143 
Fig. 6. The sequence diagram for event reconstruction. Before the reconstruction, the required conditions are read from the CDB to the CORAL 
cache and the transaction is closed (all locks are released), then the reconstruction is started. The conditions are read from the cache in the 
reconstruction phase without accessing the CDB any more. 
tion procedures can be put in place. The connection 
between CORAL and the CDB is done in the handling 
library that isolates the CDB layer and takes care of 
the communication. 
There are two important requirements for the li-brary. 
The first one is to offer interface methods for ac-cessing 
the right calibration information for the event 
reconstruction module in the framework. The second 
one is the conditions caching mechanism in the mem-ory. 
The CDB itself does not provide much caching, 
and therefore the communication between CORAL 
and the CDB could last for the entire duration of the 
reconstruction. In the case of concurrent running of 
many reconstruction jobs, the CDB could always be 
opened in reading mode. Owing to the locking mecha-nism 
of Objectivity/DB, although multiple readers are 
always accepted, new calibrations could not be entered 
in the CDB. Since the time interval of the calibration 
is known in advance, all required calibrations can be 
read and the database is then closed before the recon-struction. 
This minimizes the load on the CDB. 
Fig. 7. Structure of the CDB module. CDB is the super-class to 
declare the interface methods, while CDB Handler and FileDB are 
sub-classes to define the implementation. 
Fig. 6 shows the reconstruction scenario. Before the 
actual reconstruction starts, all the required conditions 
must be read into the handled cache, which will be
T. Toeda et al. / Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 135–143 141 
used to reconstruct the events. Clearly this is feasible 
in an off-line system, where the conditions are frozen 
at the time of processing (a new set of calibrations will 
be used for a full reprocessing). 
Fig. 7 shows the class diagram of the library, 
which is constructed with one super-class and two sub-classes. 
The common interface is declared in the su-perclass, 
while the actual implementations are defined 
in the sub-classes. The first sub-class, FileDB, reads 
the data from calibration tables stored on a network 
file system, AFS. The second sub-class, CDB handler, 
reads the calibrations from the Objectivity/DB. 
3.2.2. Performance test 
The performance tests try to reproduce, and push 
to the limit, with the condition expected during CCF 
operation. During such operation, physics event data 
sets will be analyzed in parallel by concurrent jobs, 
each new set being read and processed by some 20 
jobs; the peak activity on the CDB is at the start of 
each set, when the calibration constants are loaded by 
each job. 
To mimic this situation, the following set-up was 
used: one single database server hosts all the calibra-tion 
data (10 databases) and these data are accessed 
by an increasingly higher number of jobs. The jobs 
are strictly synchronized to the database initialization. 
Any reading program read the same calibration set. 
The Advanced Multi-threaded Server (AMS) provides 
remote access to the Objectivity/DB databases. 
A second machine (a Sun 5 workstation with a 
Fast Ethernet connection) keeps all the central data-base 
management information (database catalogue 
and schema) and grants the locks to regulate the data-base 
Figs. 8 and 9 summarize a full series of tests (from 
1 to 100 clients); the size of the data read by each client 
is 100 MB and the AMS is running with 32 threads. 
In Fig. 8(a) the number of active clients is shown as 
a function of time with up to 100 jobs being launched 
simultaneously. In Fig. 8(b) the output network traffic 
measured at the Ethernet card of the database server is 
shown as a function of time. 
Fig. 8(c) shows the speed of the database server as a 
function of the number of active clients, evaluated by 
Fig. 8. Status of database server. The figure (a) shows the number of concurrent clients. The figure (b) shows the outgoing data size from the 
network card of the AMS server. The figure (c) shows the evaluated speed of the DB server. 
Fig. 9. CPU consumption of the AMS server: (a) Standard, and (b) CERN edition. The shaded area indicates a part of the system (Linux kernel) 
consumption of the total CPU.
142 T. Toeda et al. / Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 135–143 
measuring the read time of each client and summing 
over all the active clients. Similar performance is 
observed when varying the number of AMS threads 
(from four to the allowed maximum of 32) and with a 
data size of 10 MB. 
In Fig. 9(a) the total CPU consumption of the AMS 
is shown as a function of time; the shaded area of the 
plot shows the CPU used by the system. Note that 
when the number of concurrent clients exceeds 10, the 
AMS reaches ≈100% CPU utilization of both CPUs. 
The CERN-IT/DB Group provided a modified 
AMS, which is capable of transparently interacting 
with the mass storage system and handles more 
efficiently the case where many database files are open 
at the same time. The data rate obtained is similar, but 
the CPU consumption is considerably lower, as shown 
in Fig. 9(b). 
When the CDB is read, the typical working point 
for the CCF is lower than 20, because typically 
20 jobs are started at the same time, and they are 
randomized by the batch system. The CDB access is 
terminated well before the next batch of jobs starts. 
Since the CDB data are written in different files, more 
efficient access can be reached by placing these files 
on different data servers if necessary, but this is not 
necessary in the present set-up. 
3.3. Data transfer system from SCADA to the 
Conditions Database 
The COMPASS experiment chose PVSS as the 
SCADA software for the Detector Slow Control. 
PVSS is based on client-server architecture and per-forms 
tasks by several independent components called 
managers. PVSS also has an internal archive to tem-porarily 
store the data. The requirement of an easy ac-cess 
to the Slow Control data for the off-line analysis 
suggests to transfer these data into an off-line data-base. 
We devised a prototype software system for 
transferring the data from the archive to the CDB [15]. 
The set-up that we used to study this system is 
sketched in Fig. 10. 
The CPU usage for various managers is shown in 
Fig. 11 for three cycles during which 7 MB of data 
is handled. The important feature of this system is 
that the data transfer is controlled in a single database 
transaction, which guarantees that no data are lost. 
Fig. 10. PVSS set-up. The data are retrieved from the PVSS archive. 
The Controller program contacts the Sender program that retrieves 
the data and sends them to the off-line system. The Formatter 
program stores the data in the CDB. 
Fig. 11. Snapshot of the transferring test. 
The test performed with mock data suggests that a 
throughput of the order of 1 MB/s can be obtained. 
Extrapolation for the COMPASS experiment, where 
we expect as many as 20,000 Slow Control channels, 
suggested a cyclic process, active about one minute in 
every hour (transferring one hour of Slow Control data 
from the PVSS archive and storing it into the CDB as 
a STL string). 
This transfer program was already used to transfer 
the real data at the end of the experimental run of 2001. 
4. Accessing the Conditions Database of 
COMPASS overWide Area Network 
From within CORAL code, it is possible to access 
the Conditions Database over wide-area network. This 
is needed to avoid to export all the Conditions Data-base 
on remote site and to rely on other tools to guar-antee 
the synchronization of the various replica. Two
T. Toeda et al. / Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 135–143 143 
approaches have been followed, which use present 
most popular distributed OOP paradigms. 
RMI (Java Remote Method Invocation): As both 
CORAL is implemented in C++, this technology 
requires RMI to be interfaced to native code 
through JNI (Java Native Interface). On the server 
side, a Java RMI-capable object, implementing a 
remote interface, is invoked, and actually manages 
to retrieve the conditions data from the CDB, 
through JNI, by means of a dynamically loaded 
library which wraps the CDB library.On the client 
side, CORAL code can instantiate by JNI a Java 
Virtual Machine and a Java object that acts as a 
RMI Client (invokes the remote methods of the 
RMI capable object). 
CORBA (COmmon Request Broker Architecture): 
This architecture allows a more elegant and 
straightforward approach. On the server side, a 
CORBA object exposes its remote interface, im-plemented 
in a C++ library linked class. On the 
client side, from within CORAL, the exposed 
methods of the remote CORBA object can be in-voked 
like it was an ordinary C++ object once 
its InteroperableObject Reference (IOR) has been 
Both approaches have been investigated and work-ing 
prototypes exist. 
5. Summary 
This paper describes the COMPASS Conditions 
Database System for off-line event reconstruction and 
the detector slow control system, which consists of 
three software packages: the administration tools, the 
CDB handling library and the data transfer system 
from PVSS to CDB. The system is already used in the 
experiment and has now been improved. 
We would like to thank all the members of the 
COMPASS off-line group for valuable discussions 
and the CERN IT Division for providing excellent 
hardware and software support. T. T. would like to 
thank Prof. N. Horikawa for his gratefully support and 
all the members of PT Group in physics department of 
Nagoya University. 
[1] COMPASS proposal, CERN-SPSLC-96-14; 
COMPASS addendum 1, CERN-SPSLC-96-30. 
[2] M. Lamanna, The COMPASS Computing Farm project, in: 
M. Mazzucato (Ed.), Proceedings of the CHEP 2000 Confer-ence, 
Padova, February 2000, p. 576. 
[3] CERN CDR home page, 
[4] H. Fischer, et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 461 (2001) 507. 
[5] H. Becker, et al., Interprocess and interprocessor data flow 
in the KLOE data acquisition system, in: Proceeding of 
Computing in High Energy Physics, 1995. 
[6] PVSS Funktionbeschreibung, ETM GmbH, 2001; 
PVSS home page, 
[7] LSF Reference Guide, Platform Computing Corporation, June 
LSF home page, 
[8] Objectivity/DB Technical Overview, Objectivity Inc., January 
Objectivity/DB home page, 
[9] CASTOR homepage, 
[10] A. Martin, Comput. Phys. Comm. 140 (2001) 82; 
See also CORAL home page, 
[11] R. Brun, F. Rademakers, Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 389 (1997) 
[12] R. Brun et al., HBOOK: User Guide, CERN-DD-75-11. 
[13] I. Gaponenko, et al., An overview of the BaBar Conditions 
Database, in: M. Mazzucato (Ed.), Proceedings of the CHEP 
2000 Conference, Padova, February 2000, p. 406. 
[14] Conditions Database of CERN edition home page, http: 
[15] M. Lamanna, A. Manara, Integration of the COMPASS Con-ditions 
Database with the Slow Control software, submitted to 
the COMPASS internal note; See also COMPASS CDB page;

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Conditions Database System for COMPASS Experiment

  • 1. Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 135–143 Conditions database system of the COMPASS experiment T. Toeda a,∗, M. Lamannab, V. Duicc, A. Manara d,1 a Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, 464-8602 Nagoya, Japan b CERN, 1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland c INFN Trieste, Sezione di Trieste, e Università di Trieste, Via A. Valerio, 2, I-34127 Trieste, Italy d Università di Torino, Via P. Giuria, 1, I-10125 Torino, Italy Received 15 April 2002; received in revised form 15 July 2002 Abstract The CERN SPS experiment COMPASS has integrated a Conditions Database System in its off-line software. The system is used to manage time-dependent information, detector condition, calibration, and geometrical alignment information, by using a package provided by the CERN IT/DB. This integrated system consists of administration tools, a data handling library, and data transfer software from the detector control system to the Conditions Database. In this paper, the status of the Conditions Database project is described, and the results of the performance test on the COMPASS computing farm are given.  2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 07.05.Kf; 07.05.-t; 07.05.Bx; 29.85.+c Keywords: High energy physics; Conditions database; Objectivity/DB; SCADA; PVSS 1. Introduction COMPASS (COmmonMuon Proton Apparatus for Structure and Spectroscopy) [1] is a fixed-target ex-periment with an extensive physics programme at the CERN SPS. The apparatus performs a number of dif-ferent measurements, in different configurations, no-tably using both muon and hadron beams in the 100– 300 GeV range at very high intensities. The COM-PASS experiment started taking data in Summer 2001. * Corresponding author. E-mail address: (T. Toeda). 1 Present address: ITU, Place des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland. The large volume of data to be processed (during a few months each year) and the need for a flexible software environment to cope with the experiment’s different configurations and measurements pushed the COMPASS Collaboration to design the off-line analy-sis software from scratch and build a dedicated facil-ity for the off-line computing, namely the COMPASS Computing Farm (CCF) [2]. The off-line system has to meet severe design constraints, namely the high data acquisition rate (35MB/s) and the very large data sample (10 G events, 30 kB each, 300 TB/y) to be reconstructed virtually on-line. COMPASS decided to use the CERN Central Data Recording (CDR) System [3] to record all the data: the on-line system does not write events on tape at the ex-periment site, but sends them over a few kilometres of 0010-4655/02/$ – see front matter  2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0010-4655(02)00817-2
  • 2. 136 T. Toeda et al. / Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 135–143 dedicated optical fibre network to the computer centre, where the CCF, the tape servers, and the correspond-ing high-speed tape drives are located. The estimated computing power to reconstruct all the events at the speed of the data acquisition is 2000 Spec INT95, which is provided by some 100 Linux Dual CPU PCs. The choice of network technology is Gigabit and Fast Ethernet. A disk pool of a few TB has been set up, initially made up of SCSI disks, but more recently using the less expensive EIDE disks. The COMPASS off-line analysis group has devel-oped a Conditions Database (called CDB in the lit-erature) System to manage detector condition, cali-bration and geometrical alignment information, using the CDB package developed at CERN in the IT/DB Group. In this paper, the COMPASS computing environ-ment is introduced. Then the conception and design of all the software components of the CDB system are described. The results of several performance tests are given, together with some investigations on the subject of remote access via wide-area network. 2. COMPASS computing environment The COMPASS experiment has an extensive pro-gramme of physics, ranging from studies of the struc-ture of the nucleon to spectroscopy studies. Common-alities of the all proposed measurements are the high trigger rate and the long acquisition time: the Level-1 trigger rate ranges between 10–100 kHz with a typical event size of the order of 30 kB. When the Level-1 trig-ger rate is of the order of 100 kHz (spectroscopy stud-ies), a second level filter will be put in place to reduce the data rate to tape to an effective 10 kHz. This high event rate is a big challenge for the experimental appa-ratus and the corresponding computing environment. Fig. 1 shows the structure of the COMPASS com-puting environment, which is composed of two parts: the on-line computing farm located close to the ex-periment and the off-line computing farm in the com-puter centre. A Gigabit Ethernet line connects these two parts. The on-line computing farm is used for collecting and building the event data in the data acquisition Fig. 1. Structure of the computing environment.
  • 3. T. Toeda et al. / Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 135–143 137 Fig. 2. Schematic view of CORAL. systems [4] by using DATE [5] which is a multi-processor distributed environment. All of the detector system is under a slow control system, which accesses all the detectors by the ser-ial bus, and monitors the status. The system is im-plemented by PVSS [6], which is one of commercial SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) system. The controlled status of the detectors is kept in a proprietary database. An off-line computing farm, CCF, is used for off-line event reconstruction, monitoring and analysis, consisting of 100 Dual-CPU Linux-PCs with load balance using LSF (Load Sharing Facility) [7]. In addition, several Gigabit-Ethernet servers are used for receiving the data from the on-line farm to populate the databases and as database servers. The transferred event data to the off-line farm are kept in Objectivity/DB [8] databases which are di-rectly created in the namespace of CASTOR (CERN Advanced Storage Manager [9]). The database can be accessed from the disk image at the beginning, whilst CASTOR ensures that the file is copied onto the tape simultaneously. The COMPASS off-line analysis group has developed the COMPASS off-line recon-struction and analysis framework, i.e. CORAL [10] by using C++ and Object-Oriented programming tech-niques. CORAL has been designed to have a modular ar-chitecture as shown in Fig. 2 and provides all the ba-sic functions, such as initialization, data input/output, error logging, and so on. Moreover, the external pack-ages, ROOT [11], Objectivity/DB and HBOOK [12] are available via insulation layers. This choice ensures good flexibility in case of change of the external pack-ages. The same strategy has been adopted for particle track reconstruction components with well-defined in-terfaces for each component. 3. COMPASS Conditions Database system A package for the implementation of an experi-mental Conditions Database was originally proposed and developed in BaBar [13] at SLAC to be used for physics events data analysis. Fig. 3 shows the basic idea of the Conditions Database. Each experimental condition quantity is represented by a persistent ob-ject in the Object Database with a validity time inter-val. Whenever a new calibration object is created, it is stored with its validity time interval (assigned by the user). In case this overwrites a previous calibration, the old calibration is still kept for comparison and the
  • 4. 138 T. Toeda et al. / Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 135–143 Fig. 3. Concept of the Conditions Database. Each box represents a condition object and the last layer is the most recent. Fig. 4. Hierarchical structure of the Conditions Database API of the CERN edition. new one becomes the default one. This mechanism is called condition versioning. Given the interest in the CERN HEP community, a new package called CDB was developed by the CERN IT-DB Group [14]. A hierarchical structure (inspired by the UNIX file system) is available in the CERN edition. Fig. 4 shows a schematic view of the structure. The folder-set and folder correspond to a directory and a file in the UNIX file system, respectively. Presently, the CERN CDB API is implemented using the Objec-tivity/ DB as the database engine. The COMPASS col-laboration has developed a Conditions Database Sys-tem in the off-line system by using the CDB API of the CERN edition. The COMPASS system has three main components: the administration tool, the handling li-brary, and the data transfer program. 3.1. Administration tools of the conditions database The administration tools offer management func-tions and interactive functions for the administrator and the general user, respectively. The main functions allow new databases, folder-sets and folders in the CDB to be created. Users can only create folders and browse the list of folder-sets and folders, scan the data in a given time interval, and draw the value versus time. All the administration tools have the same struc-ture. The interaction with the user is done by Perl scripts which handle the parameters, check the consis-tency of the request and the permissions of the action, and finally execute the command (a C++ executable); these scripts also collect and present the results. The
  • 5. T. Toeda et al. / Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 135–143 139 C++ executables perform the real interaction with the CDB such as loading new data, retrieving the calibra-tion for a given time (interval), browsing, or altering the folder set structure. A shell front-end command for the CDB has been developed, which resembles a UNIX shell. It is possible for users to interact with the CDB with ls, cd, and so on. Fig. 5 shows an extract of a user session. 3.2. Conditions Database Handling Library for the event reconstruction program 3.2.1. Implementation of the handling library The event reconstruction program needs a set of de-tector calibration information for event reconstruction. Some of the calibration sets might change while the analysis proceeds, for example when better calibra- [lxplus061] ~ > cdb_sh Wait 5 sec... "help" command is available /COMPASS >help ls : print list in current directory ls -R : print all ls -c : print only container cd <dir> : change directory pwd : print current directory scan <container> : print time intervals; plot_pvss <container> : plot the graph of PVSS data exit or Ctrl-C : exit /COMPASS >ls drw-r----- admin vy PA:/COMPASS/PA drw-r----- admin vy PB:/COMPASS/PB drw-r----- admin vy PS:/COMPASS/PS drw-r----- admin vy DC:/COMPASS/DC drw-r----- admin vy MM:/COMPASS/MM drw-r----- admin vy GM:/COMPASS/GM drw-r----- admin vy ST:/COMPASS/ST drw-r----- admin vy SI:/COMPASS/SI drw-r----- admin vy FI:/COMPASS/FI drw-r----- admin vy MA:/COMPASS/MA drw-r----- admin vy MB:/COMPASS/MB drw-r----- admin vy HC:/COMPASS/HC drw-r----- admin vy RI:/COMPASS/RI drw-r----- admin vy HO:/COMPASS/HO drw-r----- admin vy HM:/COMPASS/HM drw-r----- admin vy HI:/COMPASS/HI drw-r----- admin vy HL:/COMPASS/HL drw-r----- admin vy VT:/COMPASS/VT drw-r----- admin vy GEOM:/COMPASS/GEOM drw-r----- admin vy CDB:/COMPASS/pvss drw-r----- admin vy BM:/COMPASS/BM drw-r----- admin vy CDB:/COMPASS/RUN /COMPASS > Fig. 5. cdb_sh example: in the output of ls, the admin and vy are user and group ID, respectively. The string of the last column is the name of the database and the path of the folder-set. Different names like GEOM or CDB refer to physically distinct databases.
  • 6. 140 T. Toeda et al. / Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 135–143 Fig. 6. The sequence diagram for event reconstruction. Before the reconstruction, the required conditions are read from the CDB to the CORAL cache and the transaction is closed (all locks are released), then the reconstruction is started. The conditions are read from the cache in the reconstruction phase without accessing the CDB any more. tion procedures can be put in place. The connection between CORAL and the CDB is done in the handling library that isolates the CDB layer and takes care of the communication. There are two important requirements for the li-brary. The first one is to offer interface methods for ac-cessing the right calibration information for the event reconstruction module in the framework. The second one is the conditions caching mechanism in the mem-ory. The CDB itself does not provide much caching, and therefore the communication between CORAL and the CDB could last for the entire duration of the reconstruction. In the case of concurrent running of many reconstruction jobs, the CDB could always be opened in reading mode. Owing to the locking mecha-nism of Objectivity/DB, although multiple readers are always accepted, new calibrations could not be entered in the CDB. Since the time interval of the calibration is known in advance, all required calibrations can be read and the database is then closed before the recon-struction. This minimizes the load on the CDB. Fig. 7. Structure of the CDB module. CDB is the super-class to declare the interface methods, while CDB Handler and FileDB are sub-classes to define the implementation. Fig. 6 shows the reconstruction scenario. Before the actual reconstruction starts, all the required conditions must be read into the handled cache, which will be
  • 7. T. Toeda et al. / Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 135–143 141 used to reconstruct the events. Clearly this is feasible in an off-line system, where the conditions are frozen at the time of processing (a new set of calibrations will be used for a full reprocessing). Fig. 7 shows the class diagram of the library, which is constructed with one super-class and two sub-classes. The common interface is declared in the su-perclass, while the actual implementations are defined in the sub-classes. The first sub-class, FileDB, reads the data from calibration tables stored on a network file system, AFS. The second sub-class, CDB handler, reads the calibrations from the Objectivity/DB. 3.2.2. Performance test The performance tests try to reproduce, and push to the limit, with the condition expected during CCF operation. During such operation, physics event data sets will be analyzed in parallel by concurrent jobs, each new set being read and processed by some 20 jobs; the peak activity on the CDB is at the start of each set, when the calibration constants are loaded by each job. To mimic this situation, the following set-up was used: one single database server hosts all the calibra-tion data (10 databases) and these data are accessed by an increasingly higher number of jobs. The jobs are strictly synchronized to the database initialization. Any reading program read the same calibration set. The Advanced Multi-threaded Server (AMS) provides remote access to the Objectivity/DB databases. A second machine (a Sun 5 workstation with a Fast Ethernet connection) keeps all the central data-base management information (database catalogue and schema) and grants the locks to regulate the data-base access. Figs. 8 and 9 summarize a full series of tests (from 1 to 100 clients); the size of the data read by each client is 100 MB and the AMS is running with 32 threads. In Fig. 8(a) the number of active clients is shown as a function of time with up to 100 jobs being launched simultaneously. In Fig. 8(b) the output network traffic measured at the Ethernet card of the database server is shown as a function of time. Fig. 8(c) shows the speed of the database server as a function of the number of active clients, evaluated by Fig. 8. Status of database server. The figure (a) shows the number of concurrent clients. The figure (b) shows the outgoing data size from the network card of the AMS server. The figure (c) shows the evaluated speed of the DB server. Fig. 9. CPU consumption of the AMS server: (a) Standard, and (b) CERN edition. The shaded area indicates a part of the system (Linux kernel) consumption of the total CPU.
  • 8. 142 T. Toeda et al. / Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 135–143 measuring the read time of each client and summing over all the active clients. Similar performance is observed when varying the number of AMS threads (from four to the allowed maximum of 32) and with a data size of 10 MB. In Fig. 9(a) the total CPU consumption of the AMS is shown as a function of time; the shaded area of the plot shows the CPU used by the system. Note that when the number of concurrent clients exceeds 10, the AMS reaches ≈100% CPU utilization of both CPUs. The CERN-IT/DB Group provided a modified AMS, which is capable of transparently interacting with the mass storage system and handles more efficiently the case where many database files are open at the same time. The data rate obtained is similar, but the CPU consumption is considerably lower, as shown in Fig. 9(b). When the CDB is read, the typical working point for the CCF is lower than 20, because typically 20 jobs are started at the same time, and they are randomized by the batch system. The CDB access is terminated well before the next batch of jobs starts. Since the CDB data are written in different files, more efficient access can be reached by placing these files on different data servers if necessary, but this is not necessary in the present set-up. 3.3. Data transfer system from SCADA to the Conditions Database The COMPASS experiment chose PVSS as the SCADA software for the Detector Slow Control. PVSS is based on client-server architecture and per-forms tasks by several independent components called managers. PVSS also has an internal archive to tem-porarily store the data. The requirement of an easy ac-cess to the Slow Control data for the off-line analysis suggests to transfer these data into an off-line data-base. We devised a prototype software system for transferring the data from the archive to the CDB [15]. The set-up that we used to study this system is sketched in Fig. 10. The CPU usage for various managers is shown in Fig. 11 for three cycles during which 7 MB of data is handled. The important feature of this system is that the data transfer is controlled in a single database transaction, which guarantees that no data are lost. Fig. 10. PVSS set-up. The data are retrieved from the PVSS archive. The Controller program contacts the Sender program that retrieves the data and sends them to the off-line system. The Formatter program stores the data in the CDB. Fig. 11. Snapshot of the transferring test. The test performed with mock data suggests that a throughput of the order of 1 MB/s can be obtained. Extrapolation for the COMPASS experiment, where we expect as many as 20,000 Slow Control channels, suggested a cyclic process, active about one minute in every hour (transferring one hour of Slow Control data from the PVSS archive and storing it into the CDB as a STL string). This transfer program was already used to transfer the real data at the end of the experimental run of 2001. 4. Accessing the Conditions Database of COMPASS overWide Area Network From within CORAL code, it is possible to access the Conditions Database over wide-area network. This is needed to avoid to export all the Conditions Data-base on remote site and to rely on other tools to guar-antee the synchronization of the various replica. Two
  • 9. T. Toeda et al. / Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 135–143 143 approaches have been followed, which use present most popular distributed OOP paradigms. RMI (Java Remote Method Invocation): As both CORAL is implemented in C++, this technology requires RMI to be interfaced to native code through JNI (Java Native Interface). On the server side, a Java RMI-capable object, implementing a remote interface, is invoked, and actually manages to retrieve the conditions data from the CDB, through JNI, by means of a dynamically loaded library which wraps the CDB library.On the client side, CORAL code can instantiate by JNI a Java Virtual Machine and a Java object that acts as a RMI Client (invokes the remote methods of the RMI capable object). CORBA (COmmon Request Broker Architecture): This architecture allows a more elegant and straightforward approach. On the server side, a CORBA object exposes its remote interface, im-plemented in a C++ library linked class. On the client side, from within CORAL, the exposed methods of the remote CORBA object can be in-voked like it was an ordinary C++ object once its InteroperableObject Reference (IOR) has been obtained. Both approaches have been investigated and work-ing prototypes exist. 5. Summary This paper describes the COMPASS Conditions Database System for off-line event reconstruction and the detector slow control system, which consists of three software packages: the administration tools, the CDB handling library and the data transfer system from PVSS to CDB. The system is already used in the experiment and has now been improved. Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the members of the COMPASS off-line group for valuable discussions and the CERN IT Division for providing excellent hardware and software support. T. T. would like to thank Prof. N. Horikawa for his gratefully support and all the members of PT Group in physics department of Nagoya University. References [1] COMPASS proposal, CERN-SPSLC-96-14; COMPASS addendum 1, CERN-SPSLC-96-30. [2] M. Lamanna, The COMPASS Computing Farm project, in: M. Mazzucato (Ed.), Proceedings of the CHEP 2000 Confer-ence, Padova, February 2000, p. 576. [3] CERN CDR home page, [4] H. Fischer, et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 461 (2001) 507. [5] H. Becker, et al., Interprocess and interprocessor data flow in the KLOE data acquisition system, in: Proceeding of Computing in High Energy Physics, 1995. [6] PVSS Funktionbeschreibung, ETM GmbH, 2001; PVSS home page, [7] LSF Reference Guide, Platform Computing Corporation, June 2000; LSF home page, [8] Objectivity/DB Technical Overview, Objectivity Inc., January 2001; Objectivity/DB home page, [9] CASTOR homepage, Welcome.html. [10] A. Martin, Comput. Phys. Comm. 140 (2001) 82; See also CORAL home page, [11] R. Brun, F. Rademakers, Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 389 (1997) 81. [12] R. Brun et al., HBOOK: User Guide, CERN-DD-75-11. [13] I. Gaponenko, et al., An overview of the BaBar Conditions Database, in: M. Mazzucato (Ed.), Proceedings of the CHEP 2000 Conference, Padova, February 2000, p. 406. [14] Conditions Database of CERN edition home page, http: // [15] M. Lamanna, A. Manara, Integration of the COMPASS Con-ditions Database with the Slow Control software, submitted to the COMPASS internal note; See also COMPASS CDB page;