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Firsl scmcsrer B.E. Deeree Fa;$rEtcion. Dec.20l:l/Jan.20l5
Engineering Mathematics - |
Tihe:3l s. Max. Marks: too
Note. Answr ait' FlyE[tnl qtestions, s.le.tihg oNEft qtustion ftoh a.h Da ,
I :,"
.r x ll r = a(.y), =.cos0.l=rnn0
(*)'(*)'r+)' :(*)'
a. rrsin r!=2loc(+l)
!rotrlat (,,+r!.,.*1:"*r11*+rly - +(n,+,1)r,, =o
tf Y=cos(n1ogx).pmlcrlrxr xr!^.-(2n+l)xy,. +(m:+nr)y. =(]
Find thc ansle ofintcsecrion beueen rhc ovlq r=aloso and r= 1-
Dcrirean expie$ion ro findradiL orcunaruEin Canssian lb.n
Find rhe pedal cquation r' =sechns
ShowdrattheBdiusolcusa$reofthecune r+r,j=3rr ar
Find rh. n$t lour Don zetu re.ns m the *pairon ot ftx) =-L
lr (^u =-lll- nrN rh
- . ftu.. J
- yr +zr.  = xy+ yz+^ a.d
 ='-)+z Henle in.0 et
(i i)
Exatoiirc the tuicrior (x, y) = I sinG:+):) ror exrremun.
A panlcle moves along the cu€ r=:tr. !=r1 4r. z=lt 5 rind rtre
vebcny a.d a.ce Lemrion ar t = | in rbedftction i 2j+ti
I Jngu ren,,'.,ndc.u.c.'".,,-.,r,."i ' '"
UsesencralrLlcs to race tle cuNe y:G r)=x',a>l]
the redtr.!on fo.nruhf.r l.o{ nr
(xy' +y)dr+2(x:y: +x+ yr)dy=0.
$at rhe orthogonal trajedories orrhe
ot.ardk,ll] r=hnr :
l2 r
-', -',l
o -l
lf ! =rvx r. prove ihal curlr
Showthat dir(curlA)=0.
rrr= +tr-7kind rl=r.
a,',r"* ,.[;]
ramily of rardrords r=rcos
sotu" !I-,run*= u,.""*
lfrhe reftpemture ol lhe ar n looc and the substance cook nur
ninutes. nnd wh.n tbe tenperature will be 40oC.
(07 tvhrkt
nre conespondine ei,ren vector ot
3,=11,2x 2y-z=2 bycauss eliminaiton method.
b Diasonalize &eEalnr.
as rhe i.rtial eisenlector Ierlom 5 itemrioD
Sbow thar rhe ransfomdion y =x +2x:+5rr, y: =2xr +4xr +rlr.. y, = _x. + 2x. is
..f, . .,Jfirdrl."n.- e .,-o-tur ,l
Solve byLUdecomposni.nnethod 2x+}+.12=12. Br-ly+22=20..1x+|y 2=:ll.
(07 rrr!,
Reduce the quadraiic lbrm 2rr +2vr zay-2y tzx cbonical 6rm Hence i.dicate
its naruE, ranl. indcx md signar
c. Dermine ihe largesr
rllttA=l r 2 4l
[-r ,r ro
sun.g *itt [0. o, r]'
First SemesterB.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2014/J^n-2015
Engineering Ghemistry
Timcr I hrs Max. Marksiloo
Nor.t Ans|'et ah! FIVE fklt qu.nnrn:, eL.lihg dlear ONE qn stioh Jro"t each pai.
a DedveNemst s equation lor snrst clcclrode potolal
b. Describe the constru.tion and rorking of caloncl olcctrode.
c. whal ar. baneries? !xplai. rhe lolloL{iDs bartery chidcterisrlcs :
J De..r.berl,e.or..a, ior..0d,or -gol c"1 1e. t)'p')
a. Whar are Retaren.e Ertlrin rh€ dereminarion ol electrcde
unkDoqn clecdode usnE cllonel el.clrode.
Whar aE concentarioD cells? The enrlolrhe cell Ag AgOr (0.0031M) AgNO.
uls foutrd to bc 0.07,1V xt 293K. Cxl.ulatelhe value ol and ite ccllrcrction
c. Denne tucl cell. lxphnl tbe constructionandvorkingoimcrhanoloxygen tuelcell.
d Explainthe con$ructio. and *orkins oflithium ion banery.
a. what is Anodningl Explain ihe anodizine olalumirium
b. what is Cathodic pDtectioD? Explain sacrificial anodi. merhod
a Explain the clcclrochemical the.ry ofcotrosl.n by iaking non as an eranple
b. Wnat n aoftsion?Explaii rhe lillowing i(ros allectnrg rhe$te of.onosioD:
i) NaMc ofcorosio.Fr.ddcr ,i) An.dr aid Carhod,c arcas .
c whrt is Electio le$ platiilgl Uite the difeEnce bers.m electmpleri.g and
d. Disc{ssthc electoplatinAdlgold unngAcidic C}lnide bath.
a what i Cracknrsl Explain the uLridized cata1ic $acklng procc$ (05 Yrrt,
o Orbr r,(]. o. l) .9o J.o d
'e 1dd.-b.dJ'trrre rrerrrJr I .ror'n".,r
r"e',. "'.-.0 rro.o lS' r, 2bi rhe
e,tltrJe, or.olor nertro lo er.r ear or
stcan rre 0.136ks and 1157 klrk8 respectivelr Calculate irs GCV and NCV. Civen Sp.
c. Explainthceii.l ola.y hv. facrors on rhe naiurc ofelcctrc deposit.
d. Explain the proces ofelectrolcs plating ofcopper$ith relevant reactions.
Hear = 4l8l kr, kg ,
and 1', olHr is2.s.
o DrcustheproducrioDolsolarEzdc silicon by Unio. Clrbrdeprcccsi
d. What are ibe rdvr.taqes a.d disadla.fugd of PV cells?
v) Reronnrsorpelrol.
c Discussrhecon$ructionand workingofa Pv ccll.
d, What isdopiDs?Discus rhepunficlrion orsiliconof,one ' refinins
Expla,n thc dcremrinarionolcalorifir dlueola solid tuelusina
Definethe follo*ingierns :
!!3r:ia Whar h boiler lecd *arq! Erplain rnc salc an,i sludge
b. Wbar n desalination? !xplain thedesalinarionofsaline
c. Whar arc nano narqialsl Explain rhc synthcsisolMlo
d Wnie, nore on carb.n nan. tuhe
fomution in boiler Ventdrrhen rll
$arerbyelecrrodialysn (0srrrrrkt
mfteialbySol eelnethod
(0s lrrrkt
Explain the nee ndical mechanilm!radiiti.nNlynerizationby takrnsVinyl chloide as a
whar areadhesives? Extlain dre svDihesh and applicationsofcpoyresin (05}Iark,
wite the slnthesn and aFplicario.s of tlre follo{ing p.llmers :
i) Polynrethyl methacrylare ij) Teflon. (0sn rr,
Vhat are polyner co mpo site s? Exflain the preparation and 6es olKevlarfiber. (05 lrrls)
Calculaie the nrmber avemge ald Nei-qh alerale molecnlxr nass of r polrner $nh the
1., .*f i'r0," rJcr tn Gro", :
I 1,." I 1,."
.l l]-.. h1o,.,ne,cLri.o, r: Aronn.qe,siorH i.D A,or..
wcight olcl =15.5. (o5Nrr.k,
Whar n shs traBition tempemrure? How n n afiected b],
i) l enno lecu lar forces ii) flexibiLil,v. (o5Nlrrk,
whar h C onduct tne polydr? Explatnrhc mcchanisnrotcond(ctton in co1:"nilin",os
G,re nE srDthesis and uses olthc folloNrn-q polymeN
l) Siliconrubber ii) polt.arbonatcs. (0sMrikt
Dern?'OD,d,uld'e le ODolr,ee' .e. i,o. r'd 2'...,'',e
reqdires 3 5cn'ol0.00l  Kr Crr Or olution n,cooplcte oidati.n
Discu$ hdeuilrhe sotreningoiwa(erbyion .xch!.geproces
Explain the synthesis ofoa.onareriah by hldro theriul proccss.
whar are Fullcrencesl Explain the sl'nrhesk and uscs
Nore, Answq anr FIVEJit qaestions, s.le.lins
aieas:t ONE quesrions lroh each part.
I a. what ispseudocode? Explain Nith ar exanrple
b l.tLtr' cr rc'Gor' proEr' r,JDer'ple.
c. Explain any live operatos used in c lxnauas-".
gn?. value olxand ts coeflicieDB nsins HorEls method
Explain string manipularion tuncrlons. with exanples
what isa tunction? Wrfte a fuDction ro ind the $Lmolnvonumbes,
Explain the wo catcgorics ofargument pasi.e re.h.qu$, *rrh examples.
liirst Scm€ster B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2014/Jan.2015
Programming in rC'and Data Structures
,.'/ ,-:
l' :i...
a. wnar n ryDe conversionl txtlain l*o trles ofltle coNesions wnh examples. (06llrrl,
b ,rne a progEm in C tonndtnemaandpe.nnelerolarccran-qle. (06 rrk,
c. Dcfiner 1)vaiable li)CoNtant iiil A$ociatilny i!)Precedence (u3rbrk9
e. whai is l}o {ay seLection statemem'l Explxin li ii+he, isred
ii- lse vith examF les and s),.tar
b lvrire a prolm.r nmr Etes iltee .oeflicGnts G, b. drd O of a
(aa + bx + c) 6 input and coDrpute all posible roots and prift
wh,t is a. anayl IloN ls a sinsle dinrension aray h declaied lDd inirialiadl (06rr k,
wnte a c prolmD to claluarc the polynonial i(x)=aaxa+arxr+a,x:+a]x+a6,tora
a Explain $Iitchstatemenl withanexamplc. (06 lrrlt
b whlt isa loop?Eaplai. rhedin:erent loopsi. C lansulse. (t0iualks)
c Showhon break aDd continue shternens arenscd in a C pro!:ram. $ith en'nple (0{r".()
write a C f0nction nti6e(iun) thal ac.epts an integer argnmcnr and rcrums I ia rhe
argtrnEnt n aFdme d.a 0od,envnc. Wrnca prosramnnr iDvokes rhis tunction to ecncrarc
{0r irrxrk,
o tunctior. sitlt aD example
prime nunbe$ beNeenrhc givcn raDecs.
PAR r' ,l
vh n siructuE data rype, lxplain
Siowbos a structuelariable h pased as a paBmeter to
lxplain thc conceDt otanay of strucrures. Nirh a sunabb C prognfr
what is a file?Explai', fopen(), fclose0 tunctions.
Explain how dre inpur is accepted liom a fileanddisplayed
CiveD two text do.u'nenlary files Ramayana nr" and Mahnbhaarha in '.irc a C
proeran ro cEaic a ne{ nlc "Karnaraka in' thar appends rhe co.rert of the lile
'-Ra,noylDa ' ro thc lilc "N,lah,bh.rdlaa.i.' Also calculare rhe nunrber oawords and.c$
""'^"'/ ,/'
,f  |
"O.Mauoc firdtion.
Definercu. Explaf
non priditiw datatpes? Explain.
It a]@s with its application,
C lo ffnd ilE sum and mea, ofall eleme s in m
(03 Mr_r!)
#define and +include pEprceser dnetives. . !
9 a, what b a poirteC write a pDEIam in
my. Ur poirtd tecbnology.
7a.b. WhatispEprcc6sordiEchrc? Eplain
'' -j) Dlunic mmory allocation
ii) Stack o:
-2Ol1l.l^n-2O15Fir( Seme(er B.E. DcSree ha
Basic Electrical Ensineerins
Ntte. ADsNct FIt E lu questins, selec.i,a
at lea!,t ONE fiq question frou ea.h ,art.
I a. Find thc valrcsor.denai. alllnebmnchesorthenetworkshos. rr_ig. Ql (a).(06^tsrk,
b Acurcmot20 A flo*rdmugh IrvoamnrereF A and Bin sedes The poremal difference
acros Ais02 v ed xcros B is 0l V.IindhoN the same curenr $ill dilide beNeen A
:nd B shen rl'e) rrl nlr,mle.
c Coils Aand B in a mrynetic circuir hale 600 and 500lurns respectively A curcnl ofs A ir
coil r pmduces a 0ux of0.04 Wb.llco.efliciatofcouplinC is 0.2,.aLcuLale
i) ScLl'indudoccolcoilA  dBopei cncuned.
ii) Flux liikmE wnh ihe coil B
ili)Therverase e,nrirducedi.coilB shen ihe fiur slrh it.hanges ftom zetu lo tuUvalue
iv)Mutual indu.lm.e. (08v,rttt
a. A.ncun consish ollwo parallel Esisio* havingresistbces of20 O and l0 O rcspectively.
comdctedinsenesunha15Orcsislor llrhecuftentihrouehl0OEshroris l.2A.find
(i) Curerrs in:0 O md l5 O resnb^. (ii) Ihe volkgc acros the yhoh cncuil.
(iii) Vokase aooss l5 O resisrorand:0 o resnror.(iv)Toralpo*ercorsutued in the cncuit
b. obtai, rhe rerarion bcr*ccn se, indudances. tuuruar indu.@ce
coupling. (06r{rris)
. A coil.onsists 01600 tunr and a curcnr oll0 A in llle coil gives rise ro a naelciic liur ol
wcbcr. Calculale (i) selfinductance (ii) lndr.edehrand (iii) Iiergl nored yhen
rhc ctrft.r is rveEed in 001 second. (06r!14
x. De vc the eapression torrmarure lorque developen in a d.c. moror 106
b. Erplail uilh a ncar diagratu. the.onstu.tional fearures and operalion oia. niuction ryp.
single phare cneEy meler (06trrr(s)
c A l0 kw,300 v DC shunl scnemlor hxs matuft and field resislances ol0 05 ohD ind
I00 ohh rspe.6€ly. Colculale rhe lolal poyer dcvclopcd by rhe amafur when it dehtN
tulloulpulpower. lBlfkn
a. Derlelhe ehfequarion lorldcecoenlor (06)r!do
b ,nh r neat diagranl Erplainlhe construction andlorkingofd)ianonetertre wahmerr
c. A200vlap$oundd.shunlnolorhas80.lconducrosonrbamraiu.e Th.r.sGh.ccofrhe
anmrure *inding h 05 O and thal df field winding is 200 O Ttrc motor laLcs a curcd ol'
2l A. $e llux perpole r 30 mBb Findthespeed ind torq uc dc v.loped in rhemoror.
h arJhr-  luoj r"".'ppled o u.Lr.on n' gof.:. ol-4?. ro
..p- r;'in -ne. Dekn tr' 'i' o.'' Juen' J_' I 'i' " r'_'tu0
, o ^ " , o .u ne
i b . ' h . . n u.
r" e.e..  orc l.iiq
(n) Prec,urions ro be rakenloprevenr clectricsho'l
r. A voluge ol20o v is applied 1o s sencs cncun conseing of! ssisror. u mJn'ror md !
rM.ilr i-r,D.r'; ti_n lr0anlr 'r'n
h:. tun. aa!iidr',tcrc - .. o'ri q..'r.n.( .r."1'oeosr_ r'''lnJL' c
.arhnc€ md cabsiiire;mlarc. .:
h Frnaln tte n4e'ssilv and the operalion oredh leakrge circuirbEat" (06lirlts)
- Ii rp-om.+ / -.o-'3'o.n.' c' n !dlrl'lf
the ioi cuft.r ofdre coibin ionis (20+jlo)mpercs,nnd
(i) voltag. acrc$ ihe conbrdion.
(n) Cunenhinlhesobmnches.
a. Obrain the tldionshiP besv.en hre md phasc, voltages and cuftns in a lhEc phase
bxlturced narconnccted syncn. (06nh4t
h A :l.hase delrr cdnnccled bal,n.ed lQd .onnmcs a poser 0160 ks. irking a la-qgitrg
cum;r .r 2oo A at a line volr,ge o r'100 !'- 50 ll2 Find lhe lammet"" n,.u.n ,n1ii
c A l2 pole 500 en slar.omecl€d altmatuI has '18 slots wilh 15 conducros p;slot' T|e
lux p;r polc is a.(]2 *de6. rhe sindinc lactor is 0.97 and pilch rhfior is 098. calcrlate
thc phdse emfand line ent
a Deine phasc sequence md list oul rhe advaniages ollhrec phase sv{cn as conpardd ro
si'gle phas. systenr (0611r*,
l, r. ,l- pit. lSOir +. tt .o,ncned allemaror has 9 slots / a 8 c'nductors pcr slor
Ddennine ihc x p{ pole to gile, rcnninal vohage oflloo V.-fake tinding ltrdor xnJ
n ch a' rnit,
. t , 0", p""";" a r-pl
'.. ndr. u. rou . 50 I ' rpoir !''
mm$Ed b! nm wanmdd metlod dd readings $er 1000 w aDd -1000 w' Cilculak
(i) ToralpoBerlnpur (,i) Powerractdr (iii) Linecuftir
I Denle efrleouarion olatrnslbmer (06vr n
b. ln a 25 (VA,2OOOD00 V single phxsc idnrtumcr. the nu a.d tulIload c.Pper lo$cs
l5O {.ts and 4OO u.lts .esFdcrivcl}. Calculate rhe .llicicncv ar unilv poer lit'(or on
(i) tullload (iil halrnLl load (03 Nrilk,
. An 8 0,,'., -msn' ru1.6, ll]'l'..'u|'"l_.po"e"o.bpo ..-uo''nio'h.
,'.,1 u,p., $1,".n n"lPo rh('nd'."o'i'o'n'
a. A 600 KVA rLansfomer has an eilicicnc] 01929'" rt tullload- uniry p l and hrlf tull load'
0s. Dekm,ne ,(ra .0. ,,
ot .t.tu-J 0op I
.-,tor^n ;_;o'r. J''rple'p ' 'oitf h' 1'"or ''o'u' "'
.'trnr.r rl".Jr' f .rlc.."l 'te
'o'lD(ic i e oroirior lo .l''l 1'{1. en!). '
PART ' 3
obkln expie$ion ior tho ctrreDt rhroush the
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1st and 2and Semester Chemistry Stream (2014-December; January) Question Papers

  • 1. C C'trcl' . _"_ /. I r:r,r rr I .:!-2.,/ Firsl scmcsrer B.E. Deeree Fa;$rEtcion. Dec.20l:l/Jan.20l5 Engineering Mathematics - | Tihe:3l s. Max. Marks: too Note. Answr ait' FlyE[tnl qtestions, s.le.tihg oNEft qtustion ftoh a.h Da , ;. I :," ?"= ;. .r x ll r = a(.y), =.cos0.l=rnn0 (*)'(*)'r+)' :(*)' a. rrsin r!=2loc(+l) !rotrlat (,,+r!.,.*1:"*r11*+rly - +(n,+,1)r,, =o 84af=_! tf Y=cos(n1ogx).pmlcrlrxr xr!^.-(2n+l)xy,. +(m:+nr)y. =(] Find thc ansle ofintcsecrion beueen rhc ovlq r=aloso and r= 1- Dcrirean expie$ion ro findradiL orcunaruEin Canssian lb.n Find rhe pedal cquation r' =sechns ShowdrattheBdiusolcusa$reofthecune r+r,j=3rr ar Find rh. n$t lour Don zetu re.ns m the *pairon ot ftx) =-L lr (^u =-lll- nrN rh - . ftu.. J - yr +zr. = xy+ yz+^ a.d 3 3./2 ='-)+z Henle in.0 et (i i) 5 Exatoiirc the tuicrior (x, y) = I sinG:+):) ror exrremun. PART 3 A panlcle moves along the cu€ r=:tr. !=r1 4r. z=lt 5 rind rtre vebcny a.d a.ce Lemrion ar t = | in rbedftction i 2j+ti I Jngu ren,,'.,ndc.u.c.'".,,-.,r,."i ' '" ,i UsesencralrLlcs to race tle cuNe y:G r)=x',a>l]
  • 2. t:) the redtr.!on fo.nruhf.r l.o{ nr (xy' +y)dr+2(x:y: +x+ yr)dy=0. $at rhe orthogonal trajedories orrhe ot.ardk,ll] r=hnr : l2 r -', -',l o -l lf ! =rvx r. prove ihal curlr Showthat dir(curlA)=0. rrr= +tr-7kind rl=r. I4MATII a,',r"* ,.[;] PARI' 4 ramily of rardrords r=rcos sotu" !I-,run*= u,.""* lfrhe reftpemture ol lhe ar n looc and the substance cook nur ninutes. nnd wh.n tbe tenperature will be 40oC. l06Ir,rln (07 tvhrkt nre conespondine ei,ren vector ot E4BI=5 3,=11,2x 2y-z=2 bycauss eliminaiton method. b Diasonalize &eEalnr. as rhe i.rtial eisenlector Ierlom 5 itemrioD Sbow thar rhe ransfomdion y =x +2x:+5rr, y: =2xr +4xr +rlr.. y, = _x. + 2x. is ..f, . .,Jfirdrl."n.- e .,-o-tur ,l Solve byLUdecomposni.nnethod 2x+}+.12=12. Br-ly+22=20..1x+|y 2=:ll. (07 rrr!, Reduce the quadraiic lbrm 2rr +2vr zay-2y tzx cbonical 6rm Hence i.dicate its naruE, ranl. indcx md signar 2y+ LI, c. Dermine ihe largesr rllttA=l r 2 4l [-r ,r ro sun.g *itt [0. o, r]'
  • 3. 1t'. t4cHEt2 First SemesterB.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2014/J^n-2015 Engineering Ghemistry Timcr I hrs Max. Marksiloo Nor.t Ans|'et ah! FIVE fklt qu.nnrn:, eL.lihg dlear ONE qn stioh Jro"t each pai. ! 7: :a ai i2 5. a= ia Z> ): L !a.Bf=-l a DedveNemst s equation lor snrst clcclrode potolal b. Describe the constru.tion and rorking of caloncl olcctrode. c. whal ar. baneries? !xplai. rhe lolloL{iDs bartery chidcterisrlcs : J De..r.berl,e.or..a, ior..0d,or -gol c"1 1e. t)'p') a. Whar are Retaren.e Ertlrin rh€ dereminarion ol electrcde unkDoqn clecdode usnE cllonel el.clrode. Whar aE concentarioD cells? The enrlolrhe cell Ag AgOr (0.0031M) AgNO. uls foutrd to bc 0.07,1V xt 293K. Cxl.ulatelhe value ol and ite ccllrcrction (0.Iark, c. Denne tucl cell. lxphnl tbe constructionandvorkingoimcrhanoloxygen tuelcell. d Explainthe con$ructio. and *orkins oflithium ion banery. a. what is Anodningl Explain ihe anodizine olalumirium b. what is Cathodic pDtectioD? Explain sacrificial anodi. merhod a Explain the clcclrochemical the.ry ofcotrosl.n by iaking non as an eranple b. Wnat n aoftsion?Explaii rhe lillowing i(ros allectnrg rhe$te of.onosioD: i) NaMc ofcorosio.Fr.ddcr ,i) An.dr aid Carhod,c arcas . c whrt is Electio le$ platiilgl Uite the difeEnce bers.m electmpleri.g and d. Disc{ssthc electoplatinAdlgold unngAcidic C}lnide bath. a what i Cracknrsl Explain the uLridized cata1ic $acklng procc$ (05 Yrrt, o Orbr r,(]. o. l) .9o J.o d 'e 1dd.-b.dJ'trrre rrerrrJr I .ror'n".,r r"e',. "'.-.0 rro.o lS' r, 2bi rhe ^1'er e,tltrJe, or.olor nertro lo er.r ear or stcan rre 0.136ks and 1157 klrk8 respectivelr Calculate irs GCV and NCV. Civen Sp. c. Explainthceii.l ola.y hv. facrors on rhe naiurc ofelcctrc deposit. d. Explain the proces ofelectrolcs plating ofcopper$ith relevant reactions. Hear = 4l8l kr, kg , I'C and 1', olHr is2.s. o DrcustheproducrioDolsolarEzdc silicon by Unio. Clrbrdeprcccsi d. What are ibe rdvr.taqes a.d disadla.fugd of PV cells?
  • 4. v) Reronnrsorpelrol. c Discussrhecon$ructionand workingofa Pv ccll. d, What isdopiDs?Discus rhepunficlrion orsiliconof,one ' refinins !t: Expla,n thc dcremrinarionolcalorifir dlueola solid tuelusina Definethe follo*ingierns : !!3r:ia Whar h boiler lecd *arq! Erplain rnc salc an,i sludge b. Wbar n desalination? !xplain thedesalinarionofsaline c. Whar arc nano narqialsl Explain rhc synthcsisolMlo d Wnie, nore on carb.n nan. tuhe I4CHEI2 fomution in boiler Ventdrrhen rll (0sIlrrkt $arerbyelecrrodialysn (0srrrrrkt mfteialbySol eelnethod (05M.rk, (0s lrrrkt Explain the nee ndical mechanilm!radiiti.nNlynerizationby takrnsVinyl chloide as a (0sLrk, whar areadhesives? Extlain dre svDihesh and applicationsofcpoyresin (05}Iark, wite the slnthesn and aFplicario.s of tlre follo{ing p.llmers : i) Polynrethyl methacrylare ij) Teflon. (0sn rr, Vhat are polyner co mpo site s? Exflain the preparation and 6es olKevlarfiber. (05 lrrls) Calculaie the nrmber avemge ald Nei-qh alerale molecnlxr nass of r polrner $nh the 1., .*f i'r0," rJcr tn Gro", : I 1,." I 1,." .l l]-.. h1o,.,ne,cLri.o, r: Aronn.qe,siorH i.D A,or.. l wcight olcl =15.5. (o5Nrr.k, Whar n shs traBition tempemrure? How n n afiected b], i) l enno lecu lar forces ii) flexibiLil,v. (o5Nlrrk, whar h C onduct tne polydr? Explatnrhc mcchanisnrotcond(ctton in co1:"nilin",os rv,,r.,r G,re nE srDthesis and uses olthc folloNrn-q polymeN l) Siliconrubber ii) polt.arbonatcs. (0sMrikt Dern?'OD,d,uld'e le ODolr,ee' .e. i,o. r'd 2'...,'',e reqdires 3 5cn'ol0.00l Kr Crr Or olution n,cooplcte oidati.n Discu$ hdeuilrhe sotreningoiwa(erbyion .xch!.geproces Explain the synthesis ofoa.onareriah by hldro theriul proccss. whar are Fullcrencesl Explain the sl'nrhesk and uscs 10
  • 5. LJSN 14PCDI3 i 8,2 :.. i. i2 ="?6 .i 3 Nore, Answq anr FIVEJit qaestions, s.le.lins aieas:t ONE quesrions lroh each part. PART I I a. what ispseudocode? Explain Nith ar exanrple b l.tLtr' cr rc'Gor' proEr' r,JDer'ple. c. Explain any live operatos used in c lxnauas-". gn?. value olxand ts coeflicieDB nsins HorEls method Explain string manipularion tuncrlons. with exanples what isa tunction? Wrfte a fuDction ro ind the $Lmolnvonumbes, Explain the wo catcgorics ofargument pasi.e re.h.qu$, *rrh examples. liirst Scm€ster B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2014/Jan.2015 Programming in rC'and Data Structures ,.'/ ,-: l' :i... a. wnar n ryDe conversionl txtlain l*o trles ofltle coNesions wnh examples. (06llrrl, b ,rne a progEm in C tonndtnemaandpe.nnelerolarccran-qle. (06 rrk, c. Dcfiner 1)vaiable li)CoNtant iiil A$ociatilny i!)Precedence (u3rbrk9 PARI,2 e. whai is l}o {ay seLection statemem'l Explxin li ii+he, isred ii- lse vith examF les and s),.tar b lvrire a prolm.r nmr Etes iltee .oeflicGnts G, b. drd O of a (aa + bx + c) 6 input and coDrpute all posible roots and prift PART 3 wh,t is a. anayl IloN ls a sinsle dinrension aray h declaied lDd inirialiadl (06rr k, wnte a c prolmD to claluarc the polynonial i(x)=aaxa+arxr+a,x:+a]x+a6,tora a Explain $Iitchstatemenl withanexamplc. (06 lrrlt b whlt isa loop?Eaplai. rhedin:erent loopsi. C lansulse. (t0iualks) c Showhon break aDd continue shternens arenscd in a C pro!:ram. $ith en'nple (0{r".() write a C f0nction nti6e(iun) thal ac.epts an integer argnmcnr and rcrums I ia rhe argtrnEnt n aFdme d.a 0od,envnc. Wrnca prosramnnr iDvokes rhis tunction to ecncrarc {0r irrxrk, o tunctior. sitlt aD example prime nunbe$ beNeenrhc givcn raDecs. PAR r' ,l vh n siructuE data rype, lxplain Siowbos a structuelariable h pased as a paBmeter to lxplain thc conceDt otanay of strucrures. Nirh a sunabb C prognfr what is a file?Explai', fopen(), fclose0 tunctions. Explain how dre inpur is accepted liom a fileanddisplayed CiveD two text do.u'nenlary files Ramayana nr" and Mahnbhaarha in '.irc a C proeran ro cEaic a ne{ nlc "Karnaraka in' thar appends rhe co.rert of the lile '-Ra,noylDa ' ro thc lilc "N,lah,bh.rdlaa.i.' Also calculare rhe nunrber oawords and.c$
  • 6. ""'^"'/ ,/' '>i'/v Pss "ertrru ,f | "O.Mauoc firdtion. Definercu. Explaf non priditiw datatpes? Explain. It a]@s with its application, 14PCD13 C lo ffnd ilE sum and mea, ofall eleme s in m (03 Mr_r!) #define and +include pEprceser dnetives. . ! (03M'rkl) 9 a, what b a poirteC write a pDEIam in my. Ur poirtd tecbnology. 7a.b. WhatispEprcc6sordiEchrc? Eplain ,-') - '' -j) Dlunic mmory allocation (?w /+ ^o'-..). pv {iiu ii) Stack o: i,"!, @ /-:) ^ t.d"t' -os' ...
  • 7. I4ELEI5 -2Ol1l.l^n-2O15Fir( Seme(er B.E. DcSree ha Basic Electrical Ensineerins z ir 1t a1 aa F! ?''= 1, !4, ".,J ! Z Ntte. ADsNct FIt E lu questins, selec.i,a at lea!,t ONE fiq question frou ea.h ,art. I a. Find thc valrcsor.denai. alllnebmnchesorthenetworkshos. rr_ig. Ql (a).(06^tsrk, b Acurcmot20 A flo*rdmugh IrvoamnrereF A and Bin sedes The poremal difference acros Ais02 v ed xcros B is 0l V.IindhoN the same curenr $ill dilide beNeen A :nd B shen rl'e) rrl nlr,mle. c Coils Aand B in a mrynetic circuir hale 600 and 500lurns respectively A curcnl ofs A ir coil r pmduces a 0ux of0.04 Wb.llco.efliciatofcouplinC is 0.2,.aLcuLale i) ScLl'indudoccolcoilA dBopei cncuned. ii) Flux liikmE wnh ihe coil B ili)Therverase e,nrirducedi.coilB shen ihe fiur slrh it.hanges ftom zetu lo tuUvalue iv)Mutual indu.lm.e. (08v,rttt a. A.ncun consish ollwo parallel Esisio* havingresistbces of20 O and l0 O rcspectively. comdctedinsenesunha15Orcsislor llrhecuftentihrouehl0OEshroris l.2A.find (i) Curerrs in:0 O md l5 O resnb^. (ii) Ihe volkgc acros the yhoh cncuil. (iii) Vokase aooss l5 O resisrorand:0 o resnror.(iv)Toralpo*ercorsutued in the cncuit b. obtai, rhe rerarion bcr*ccn se, indudances. tuuruar indu.@ce "".. ."-.,!t,:'Jinj| coupling. (06r{rris) . A coil.onsists 01600 tunr and a curcnr oll0 A in llle coil gives rise ro a naelciic liur ol I 'n. wcbcr. Calculale (i) selfinductance (ii) lndr.edehrand (iii) Iiergl nored yhen rhc ctrft.r is rveEed in 001 second. (06r!14 PART 2 x. De vc the eapression torrmarure lorque developen in a d.c. moror 106 b. Erplail uilh a ncar diagratu. the.onstu.tional fearures and operalion oia. niuction ryp. single phare cneEy meler (06trrr(s) c A l0 kw,300 v DC shunl scnemlor hxs matuft and field resislances ol0 05 ohD ind I00 ohh rspe.6€ly. Colculale rhe lolal poyer dcvclopcd by rhe amafur when it dehtN tulloulpulpower. lBlfkn a. Derlelhe ehfequarion lorldcecoenlor (06)r!do b ,nh r neat diagranl Erplainlhe construction andlorkingofd)ianonetertre wahmerr (06vrin c. A200vlap$oundd.shunlnolorhas80.lconducrosonrbamraiu.e Th.r.sGh.ccofrhe anmrure *inding h 05 O and thal df field winding is 200 O Ttrc motor laLcs a curcd ol' 2l A. $e llux perpole r 30 mBb Findthespeed ind torq uc dc v.loped in rhemoror. (03Nr'rkt l.f? ( ".,:.
  • 8. h arJhr- luoj r"".'ppled o u.Lr.on n' gof.:. ol-4?. ro ..p- r;'in -ne. Dekn tr' 'i' o.'' Juen' J_' I 'i' " r'_'tu0 , o ^ " , o .u ne i b . ' h . . n u. r" e.e.. orc l.iiq (n) Prec,urions ro be rakenloprevenr clectricsho'l r. A voluge ol20o v is applied 1o s sencs cncun conseing of! ssisror. u mJn'ror md ! rM.ilr i-r,D.r'; ti_n lr0anlr 'r'n h:. tun. aa!iidr',tcrc - .. o'ri q..'r.n.( .r."1'oeosr_ r'''lnJL' c .arhnc€ md cabsiiire;mlarc. .: h Frnaln tte n4e'ssilv and the operalion oredh leakrge circuirbEat" (06lirlts) - Ii rp-om.+ / -.o-'3'o.n.' c' n !dlrl'lf the ioi cuft.r ofdre coibin ionis (20+jlo)mpercs,nnd (i) voltag. acrc$ ihe conbrdion. (n) Cunenhinlhesobmnches. PART -4 a. Obrain the tldionshiP besv.en hre md phasc, voltages and cuftns in a lhEc phase bxlturced narconnccted syncn. (06nh4t h A :l.hase delrr cdnnccled bal,n.ed lQd .onnmcs a poser 0160 ks. irking a la-qgitrg cum;r .r 2oo A at a line volr,ge o r'100 !'- 50 ll2 Find lhe lammet"" n,.u.n ,n1ii ,,,,u,, c A l2 pole 500 en slar.omecl€d altmatuI has '18 slots wilh 15 conducros p;slot' T|e lux p;r polc is a.(]2 *de6. rhe sindinc lactor is 0.97 and pilch rhfior is 098. calcrlate thc phdse emfand line ent a Deine phasc sequence md list oul rhe advaniages ollhrec phase sv{cn as conpardd ro si'gle phas. systenr (0611r*, l, r. ,l- pit. lSOir +. tt .o,ncned allemaror has 9 slots / a 8 c'nductors pcr slor Ddennine ihc x p{ pole to gile, rcnninal vohage oflloo V.-fake tinding ltrdor xnJ n ch a' rnit, . t , 0", p""";" a r-pl '.. ndr. u. rou . 50 I ' rpoir !'' mm$Ed b! nm wanmdd metlod dd readings $er 1000 w aDd -1000 w' Cilculak (i) ToralpoBerlnpur (,i) Powerractdr (iii) Linecuftir taBI=s I Denle efrleouarion olatrnslbmer (06vr n b. ln a 25 (VA,2OOOD00 V single phxsc idnrtumcr. the nu a.d tulIload c.Pper lo$cs 're l5O {.ts and 4OO u.lts .esFdcrivcl}. Calculate rhe .llicicncv ar unilv poer lit'(or on (i) tullload (iil halrnLl load (03 Nrilk, . An 8 0,,'., -msn' ru1.6, ll]'l'..'u|'"l_.po"e"o.bpo ..-uo''nio'h. ,'.,1 u,p., $1,".n n"lPo rh('nd'."o'i'o'n' a. A 600 KVA rLansfomer has an eilicicnc] 01929'" rt tullload- uniry p l and hrlf tull load' 0s. Dekm,ne ,(ra .0. ,, _.o, ot .t.tu-J 0op I .-,tor^n ;_;o'r. J''rple'p ' 'oitf h' 1'"or ''o'u' "' .'trnr.r rl".Jr' f .rlc.."l 'te 'o'lD(ic i e oroirior lo .l''l 1'{1. en!). ' PART ' 3 obkln expie$ion ior tho ctrreDt rhroush the
  • 9. ::;'! i:':= ;i .d 12. -. 1:: : ! :. 1-:i :! ]]g :: ;, -!: '= 1a, --.: 2 r= a- :: i; i "=a .;1 - 2 a. ,: ] ; : .L?; :i - . .. ' i> :: E ta:- 1= l.t ,, i'= '=l , -. !1 : p::!;Fii! !1t L' .= !:: := !; ..: .4.. =!i :: ,l;1!-:-.l !:- a: ".!, ; :f i :a; :: -. =-1"r :: ..:" i::: .:1:i:i"; . i .'- .i iai =i .i .'=, .' .i : : 1i :. :,, ;'--.'- - : : .; -r1 r1.'1 . i- a . . 3 .. , , trt:; =,.:.;= =i == !:, I ii..7 ==1 ;; ':t: :- = -= ! ;a'' 'a ! = : - : .: l . ? - -i 1: ; | -ai 1 i ?i av ..3 u i "'' a i l-]] ..4 a ?_ -- .1 2 :ln ?, i i.' . a.a .z la ..?
  • 10. -'/1 ,:e"=:, ^:i.:'' ; . 1a > :'-' , . i:. -ii;aa , r. ; . !: | - :_i ; -_:i- I:.a Eii . l:ala zii,a=- : l1 ; -- :t't " .! .; : 7 : :'.- " :' :.: l - i E, i ; : . r j: a i:. z a! - t il 2 : -" ,, : -- 1" -- .1 -; :: t ." ': :" =-: _ -- :- ;' -t. _ =.11:C;E'.i-7 ;. = E. =+1 2 i )' i ! i .. : :i r- i; -='i :i !i 1: .; ,r ,: 7 - 2 ak z t i 1a ai. /A a: :