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Part I
Doppler US of carotid arteries
 Anatomy of carotid arteries
 Normal Doppler US of carotid arteries
 Causes of carotid artery disease
 Effect of extra-carotid diseases
 Anatomy of carotid arteries
 Normal Doppler US of carotid arteries
 Causes of carotid artery disease
• Common Carotid Artery
• Internal Carotid Artery
• External carotid Artery
Extra cranial cerebral arteries
All arteries that carry blood from heart up to base of skull
Right & left sides of extra cranial circulation not symmetrical
Variants resulting from elongation of ICA
Variations in extracranial circulation
• Left CCA & SCA share single trunk
• Left vertebral artery arising directly from aortic arch
• Right vertebral origin arising directly from aortic arch
Vertebral artery course
VAs asymmetric in 75 % – Left dominant in 80 %
Posteriorly directed loop when exists C1 transverse process
2 VAs units to form basilar artery: collateralization
Doppler US of carotid arteries
 Anatomy of carotid arteries
 Normal Doppler US of carotid arteries
 Causes of carotid artery disease
 Effect of extra-carotid diseases
All carotid artery examinations should be
performed with:
Tahmasebpour HR et al. RadioGraphics 2005 ; 25 : 1561 – 1575.
• Gray-scale US
• Color Doppler
• Power Doppler
• Spectral Doppler
Integrate gray scale, color flow, & spectral findings
Position for scanning the carotid arteries
Patient lie down in supine or semisupine position
Head hyperextended & rotated 45° away from side being examined
Higher-frequency linear transducers (≥ 7.5 MHz)
Doppler ultrasound of carotid arteries / Tips
• Begin each scan on same side, usually the right
• Avoid excess pressure on carotid bifurcation to avoid
– Stimulate carotid sinus Bradycardia
Ventricular asystole
– Compress arteries to cause spurious high velocities
Intima-Media complex
Normal value ≤ 0.8 -0.9mm
Wall of CCA, bulb, or ICA
Best measured on far wall
Only intima & media included
Normal carotid bifurcation
Gray Scale US
ICA Larger & lateral
ECA Smaller & internal
Normal flow separation
Color Doppler ultrasound
Longitudinal scan to visualize carotid arteries
Carotid bifurcation
Longitudinal B-mode image of carotid bifurcation
ICA & ECA seen in same plane
Normal flow reversal zone in ICA
Velocities highest near flow divider
Flow reversal on opposite side
to flow divider
Flow reversal zone
Opposite to origin of ECA
Internal & external carotid artery
2 small branches originating from ECA
Power Doppler US
Standard Doppler spectral examination
Traces obtained from
• CCA Proximal – Distal
• Carotid Bulb
• ICA Proximal – Middle – Distal
• ECA Proximal
• Vertebral Artery V0 – V1 – V2
Typical normal Doppler spectra
Common carotid artery
Internal carotid artery
External carotid artery
Triphasic pattern
Dicrotic notch
PSV: 45 – 125 cm/sec
Difference between 2 sides < 15 cm/sec
Dicrotic notch
Normal feature
Closure of aortic valve with temporary cessation of forward flow
Resumption of forward flow by elastic rebound of aortic wall
Coiling of ICA
Congenital - Bilateral - Symmetrical
Abnormal Doppler flow in tortuous vessel
Tortuous CCA displays color
Doppler eccentric jets of flow
High velocity due to eccentric
jet in tortuous CCA
Tortuosity can increase velocity, although there is no stenosis
Try sampling just beyond the curve
Temporal tapping of ECA
“Saw-tooth” appearance
Small regular deflections (TT)
Frequency corresponds to rate of temporal tapping
Deflections best seen during diastole
Differentiation between ICA & ECA
Features ICA ECA
 Size Usually larger Usually smaller
 Temporal tap Usually negative Usually positive
 Pulsed Doppler Low resistance High resistance
 Orientation Posterior Anterior
 Branches Rarely Yes
Protocol for VA examination
– Direction of flow
– Waveform configuration
– Measure PSV
Longitudinal VA between transverse processes
Caudad survey
– Follow artery cauded to its origin
Cephalad survey
– Follow artery cephalad above transverse processes
Ultrasound of normal vertebral vessels
Cephalad flow throughout cardiac cycle
Low resistance flow pattern
VA origin regularly seen by experienced sonographers
Size: variable & asymmetric – Mean diameter 4 mm
PSV: 20 – 40 cm/sec – <10 cm/sec potentially abnormal
Vertebral artery
Vertebral vein
May occasionally be seen adjacent to VA
Flow caudad & nonpulsatile
Normal vertebral artery origin
Normal vertebral artery & vein
Vertebral artery & vein seen between vertebral processes of spine
Color Doppler Pulsed Doppler
Subclavian artery
Mirror image below
Color Doppler US Pulsed Doppler US
Normal triphasic waveform
Doppler US of carotid arteries
 Anatomy of carotid arteries
 Normal Doppler US of carotid arteries
 Causes of carotid artery disease
 Effect of extra-carotid diseases
Causes of carotid artery diseases
Arteriosclerotic disease
Non-arteriosclerotic diseases
Fibro muscular dysplasia
Aneurysm & pseudo aneurysm
Arterio-venous fistula
Arteritis: Takayasu – Horton
Carotid body tumor
Idiopathic carotidynia
Most common cause
Extracranial carotid artery & stroke
• Stroke is third leading cause of death in USA
• > 500,000 new cases of CVA reported annually
• 20 – 30% of stokes due to severe carotid artery stenosis
• Stenosis involves ICA within 2 cm of bifurcation
• CEA* more beneficial than medical tm in symptomatic
or asymptomatic patients with > 70% carotid
* CEA: Carotid endarterectomy
** NASCET: North American Symptomatic Carotid Endartectomy Trial
** ECST: European Carotid Surgery Trial
Common sites for extracranial arterial disease
Most common site at carotid bifurcation
with plaque extending into ICA
Plaque characterization
Low Lipid – Flow void
Moderate Collagen – Easy to see
High with shadow Calcification – Focal or diffuse
 Echogenicity
Calcification: no correlation with neurologic symptoms
Focal hypoechoic zones: Hemorrhage – Necrosis – Lipid
 Heterogenous plaque
Common sources of cerebral emboli: TIA – Stroke
Poor US results for ulcer detection
 Plaque surface features
Appearance of atheromatous plaques
Homogeneous echolucent Homogeneous echogenic
Heterogeneous plaque Cauliflower’ calcification
Calcified plaque
Calcific plaque with shadow
obscuring portion of the bulb
Interrogate artery beyond plaque
Shadowing segment < 1 cm
No turbulent flow: insignificant stenosis
Damped or turbulent flow: tight stenosis
Shadowing segment > 2 cm
Degree of stenosis indeterminate
Other modalities recommended
Intraplaque hemorrhage
Sources of error in ulcer diagnosis
Plaque surface irregular
but not ulcerated
Adjacent plaque
simulate ulceration
Image plan does not include
the ulcer
Large plaque ulcer
Power Doppler
“eddy flow”
Color Doppler
Ulcerated plaque or twinkle artifact
Scale 86 cm/sec, color in diastole
Color flow disappeared
Color artifact continues to twinkle
Hard plaque in proximal ICA
Questionable flow at plaque surface
Estimation of carotid stenosis
Diameter reduction Surface reduction
Relationship between diameter reduction
& cross-sectional area reduction
Diameter reduction
Cross-sectional area reduction
30 50
50 75
70 90
Cardinal Doppler parameter to grade stenosis
Best documented Doppler parameter for carotid stenosis
Peak Systolic Velocity (PSV)
Quite valuable for detecting high-grade carotid stenosis
End Diastolic Velocity (EDV)
Avoid errors of collateralization
Avoid errors of physiological factors:
BP – Pulse rate – Cardiac output – Peripheral resistance
PSV ratio
Relationship of flow, velocity & lumen size
Spencer MP & Reid JM. Stroke 1979 ; 10 : 326 – 330.
Grading stenosis – PSV ratio
Proximal: 2 cm proximal to carotid bulb
At stenosis: same Doppler angle if possible
Normal value < 2.0
17 authors:
1 Moderator
16 panelists
San Francisco, Calif
October 22–23, 2002
ICA stenosis on angiogram
ECST 2 (1998)
European Carotid Surgery Trial
(C – A / C) x 100
NASCET 1 (1991 – 1998)
North American Symptomatic Carotid Endartectomy Trial
(B – A / B) x 100
ICA stenosis on angiogram
Diameter reduction
* NASCET: North American Symptomatic Carotid Endartectomy Trial
** ECST: European Carotid Surgery Trial
30% 65%
40% 70%
50% 75%
60% 80%
70% 85%
80% 91%
90% 97%
(B – A / B) x 100
(C – A / C) x 100
Degree of ICA Stenosis in Doppler US*
Consensus Criteria – NASCET criteria
ICA stenosis ICA PSV ICA EDV PSV ratio
(%) cm/sec cm/sec ICA/CCA
Normal < 125 < 40 < 2.0
< 50% < 125 < 40 < 2.0
50 – 69% 125 – 230 40 – 100 2.0 – 4.0
> 70% > 230 > 100 > 4.0
Near occlusion variable variable variable
Total occlusion undetectable undetectable not applicable
Degree of ICA Stenosis in Doppler US*
Consensus Criteria – NASCET criteria
ICA stenosis ICA PSV ICA EDV PSV ratio
(%) cm/sec cm/sec ICA/CCA
Normal < 125 < 40 < 2.0
< 50% < 125 < 40 < 2.0
50 – 69% 125 – 230 40 – 100 2.0 – 4.0
> 70% > 230 > 100 > 4.0
Near occlusion variable variable variable
Total occlusion undetectable undetectable not applicable
Aliasing or high velocity jet
Area of highest velocity in area of stenosis
Adjustment of color gain
Color gain at 80%
Marked turbulence of ICA & ECA
No luminal narrowing
Anatomy of bifurcation
demonstrated more accurately
Color gain at 66%
ICA stenosis
PSV 500 cm/sec
EDV 300 cm/sec
Spectral broadening
80% diameter stenosis
Color Doppler bruit
Extensive soft tissue color Doppler bruit surrounds
carotid bifurcation with 90% ICA stenosis
Confetti sign
Post stenotic zone/ Immediately after stenosis
• Cannot be precisely quantified (evaluated visually)
Fill-in of spectral window > 50% diameter
Severely disturbed flow > 70% diameter
High amplitude & low frequency Doppler signal
Flow reversal
Poor definition of spectral border
• May be only sign of carotid stenosis in calcified plaque
Spectral broadening
Spectral broadening
Immediately after stenosis
High amplitude & low frequency Doppler signal
Poor definition of spectral border
Flow reversal
Severe spectral broadening: > 70% diameter reduction
Pseudo-spectral broadening
• High gain setting
• Vessel wall motion
• Tortuous vessels
• Site of branching
• Abrupt change in vessel diameter
• ↑ velocity: athlete - high cardiac output - AVF1 - AVM2
• Aneurysm, dissection, & FMD3
1AVF: Arterio-Venous Fistula
2AVM: Arterio-Venous Malformation
3FMD: Fibro-Muscular Dysplasia
Post stenotic zone / Distal to site of stenosis
Tardus-parvus waveform
Sonographic features of severe ICA stenosis
 Significant visible plaque (≥ 70% diameter reduction)
 PSV > 230 cm/sec
 EDV > 100 cm/sec
 ICA/CCA PSV ratio ≥ 4.0
 Spectral broadening
 Color aliasing despite high velocity scale (100 cm/sec)
 Color bruit artifact in surrounding tissue of stenosis
 High-pitched sound at pulsed Doppler
Tight stenosis or occlusion?
• Difficult to distinguish tight stenosis from occlusion
• Completely occluded ICA
Will not release emboli
Not corrected by surgery
• Very severe stenosis
Potential source for emboli or acute thrombosis
May require urgent surgery
Optimization of low flow velocities
• Decreased color velocity scale
• Increase color, power & pulsed Doppler gain
• Decreased wall filter
• Focal zone at level of diseased segment
• Doppler angle as low as possible (60° or less)
• Increased persistence
• Increase sample volume gate
Subtotal occlusion of ICA
“string sign” or “trickle flow ”
Narrow channel of low-velocity in subtotal ICA occlusion
Low PRF & low filter required to detect low-velocity flow
High grade “string sign” stenosis
Tardus Parvus waveform
Tardus: Long rise time
Parvus: Low PSV
Endarterectomy without arteriography
• Arteriography Expensive
Risks: stroke (0.1 – 0.6%) – death (0.1%)
Rarely affect surgical plan
Sufficient information obtained with MRI
• Conditions Good experience of US department
Stenosis localized to carotid bifurcation
Unequivocal US findings
Symptoms ipsilateral to carotid stenosis
Causes of image/Doppler mismatch
• Cardiac arrhythmia
• Severe aortic stenosis
• Hypotension or hypertension
• Tortuous vessels
• Hypoechoic, anechoic or calcified plaques
• Long segment high grade stenosis
• Pre-occlusive lesion
• Tandem lesion
• Contra-lateral carotid stenosis
• Carotid dissection
Short & long stenosis of ICA
Short stenosis (frequent) Long stenosis (rare)
PSV lower than expected
EDV maintained at high level
Can produce very high PSV
(> 500 cm/s)
Long stenosis of ICA
Zwiebel WJ et al. Ultrasound Quarterly 2005 ; 21 : 113 – 122.
RICA: PSV 183 cm/sec
EDV 105 cm/sec
CCA: PSV 76 cm/sec
PSV ratio: 2.4
Inconsistent data
Long stenosis of ICA > 70%
Occlusion of ICA
• Absence of flow by color, power & pulsed Doppler
• “Internalization” of ipsilateral ECA waveform
• Reversed flow in ICA or CCA proximal to occlusion
• Thrombus or plaque completely fills lumen of ICA
• Externalization of ipsilateral CCA or proximal ICA
• Higher velocities in contralateral CCA vs. ipsilateral CCA
Occlusion of ICA
Retrograde flow in stump of ICA
Absence of flow in ICA beyond
Doppler spectrum from CCA
Externalization of CCA
Occlusion of ICA
“to-and-fro” flow or thud flow
Tahmasebpour HR et al. RadioGraphics 2005 ; 25 : 1561 – 1575.
Damped systolic flow
Reversed flow in early diastole
Pulsed Doppler of CCA
Internalization of ECA
Patient with complete occlusion of left ICA
Occlusion of CCA
Robbin ML et al. Ultrasound Clin 2006 ; 1 : 111 – 131.
Reversed flow from ECA
to supply ICA & brain
“ECA-to-ICA collateralization”
Occlusion of CCA
Tahmasebpour HR et al. RadioGraphics 2005 ; 25 : 1561 – 1575.
Absence of flow in distal CCA
Reversed flow in ECA
Normal flow in ICA
Internalization of ECA
Delayed systolic acceleration (Tardus)
Positive temporal tap maneuver
Stenosis of ECA
• PSV of ECA stenosis Minimal < 200 cm/sec
Moderate 200 – 300 cm/sec
Severe > 300 cm/sec
• ECA/CCA systolic ratio* < 2 ≤ 50% Ø stenosis
≥ 2 ≥ 70% Ø stenosis
Isolated ECA stenosis not clinically significant
Ectatic CCA
Ectatic CCA as it arises from innominate artery
Responsible for pulsatile right supra clavicular mass
Thank You

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New carotid doppler ultrasound

  • 2. Doppler US of carotid arteries  Anatomy of carotid arteries  Normal Doppler US of carotid arteries  Causes of carotid artery disease  Effect of extra-carotid diseases
  • 3. PART I  Anatomy of carotid arteries  Normal Doppler US of carotid arteries  Causes of carotid artery disease • Common Carotid Artery • Internal Carotid Artery • External carotid Artery
  • 4. Extra cranial cerebral arteries All arteries that carry blood from heart up to base of skull Right & left sides of extra cranial circulation not symmetrical
  • 5. Variants resulting from elongation of ICA
  • 6. Variations in extracranial circulation Few • Left CCA & SCA share single trunk • Left vertebral artery arising directly from aortic arch • Right vertebral origin arising directly from aortic arch
  • 7. Vertebral artery course V1 V0 V2 V3 V4 BA VAs asymmetric in 75 % – Left dominant in 80 % Posteriorly directed loop when exists C1 transverse process 2 VAs units to form basilar artery: collateralization
  • 8. Doppler US of carotid arteries  Anatomy of carotid arteries  Normal Doppler US of carotid arteries  Causes of carotid artery disease  Effect of extra-carotid diseases
  • 9. All carotid artery examinations should be performed with: Tahmasebpour HR et al. RadioGraphics 2005 ; 25 : 1561 – 1575. • Gray-scale US • Color Doppler • Power Doppler • Spectral Doppler Integrate gray scale, color flow, & spectral findings
  • 10. Position for scanning the carotid arteries Patient lie down in supine or semisupine position Head hyperextended & rotated 45° away from side being examined Higher-frequency linear transducers (≥ 7.5 MHz)
  • 11. Doppler ultrasound of carotid arteries / Tips • Begin each scan on same side, usually the right • Avoid excess pressure on carotid bifurcation to avoid – Stimulate carotid sinus Bradycardia Syncope Ventricular asystole – Compress arteries to cause spurious high velocities
  • 12. Intima-Media complex Normal value ≤ 0.8 -0.9mm Wall of CCA, bulb, or ICA Best measured on far wall Only intima & media included
  • 13. Normal carotid bifurcation Gray Scale US ICA Larger & lateral ECA Smaller & internal Normal flow separation Color Doppler ultrasound
  • 14. Longitudinal scan to visualize carotid arteries Anterior Posterior Lateral
  • 15. Carotid bifurcation Longitudinal B-mode image of carotid bifurcation ICA & ECA seen in same plane
  • 16. Normal flow reversal zone in ICA Velocities highest near flow divider Flow reversal on opposite side to flow divider Flow reversal zone Opposite to origin of ECA
  • 17. Internal & external carotid artery 2 small branches originating from ECA Power Doppler US
  • 18. Standard Doppler spectral examination Traces obtained from • CCA Proximal – Distal • Carotid Bulb • ICA Proximal – Middle – Distal • ECA Proximal • Vertebral Artery V0 – V1 – V2 • SCA
  • 19. Typical normal Doppler spectra Common carotid artery Internal carotid artery External carotid artery Triphasic pattern Dicrotic notch PSV: 45 – 125 cm/sec Difference between 2 sides < 15 cm/sec
  • 20. Dicrotic notch Normal feature Closure of aortic valve with temporary cessation of forward flow Resumption of forward flow by elastic rebound of aortic wall
  • 21. Coiling of ICA Congenital - Bilateral - Symmetrical
  • 22. Abnormal Doppler flow in tortuous vessel Tortuous CCA displays color Doppler eccentric jets of flow High velocity due to eccentric jet in tortuous CCA Tortuosity can increase velocity, although there is no stenosis Try sampling just beyond the curve
  • 23. Temporal tapping of ECA “Saw-tooth” appearance Small regular deflections (TT) Frequency corresponds to rate of temporal tapping Deflections best seen during diastole
  • 24. Differentiation between ICA & ECA Features ICA ECA  Size Usually larger Usually smaller  Temporal tap Usually negative Usually positive  Pulsed Doppler Low resistance High resistance  Orientation Posterior Anterior  Branches Rarely Yes
  • 25. Protocol for VA examination – Direction of flow – Waveform configuration – Measure PSV Longitudinal VA between transverse processes Caudad survey – Follow artery cauded to its origin Cephalad survey – Follow artery cephalad above transverse processes
  • 26. Ultrasound of normal vertebral vessels Cephalad flow throughout cardiac cycle Low resistance flow pattern VA origin regularly seen by experienced sonographers Size: variable & asymmetric – Mean diameter 4 mm PSV: 20 – 40 cm/sec – <10 cm/sec potentially abnormal Vertebral artery Vertebral vein May occasionally be seen adjacent to VA Flow caudad & nonpulsatile
  • 28. Normal vertebral artery & vein V2 Vertebral artery & vein seen between vertebral processes of spine Color Doppler Pulsed Doppler
  • 29. Subclavian artery Mirror image below pleura Color Doppler US Pulsed Doppler US Normal triphasic waveform
  • 30. Doppler US of carotid arteries  Anatomy of carotid arteries  Normal Doppler US of carotid arteries  Causes of carotid artery disease  Effect of extra-carotid diseases
  • 31. Causes of carotid artery diseases Arteriosclerotic disease Non-arteriosclerotic diseases Fibro muscular dysplasia Dissection Vasospasm Aneurysm & pseudo aneurysm Arterio-venous fistula Arteritis: Takayasu – Horton Carotid body tumor Idiopathic carotidynia Most common cause
  • 32. Extracranial carotid artery & stroke • Stroke is third leading cause of death in USA • > 500,000 new cases of CVA reported annually • 20 – 30% of stokes due to severe carotid artery stenosis • Stenosis involves ICA within 2 cm of bifurcation • CEA* more beneficial than medical tm in symptomatic or asymptomatic patients with > 70% carotid stenosis** * CEA: Carotid endarterectomy ** NASCET: North American Symptomatic Carotid Endartectomy Trial ** ECST: European Carotid Surgery Trial
  • 33. Common sites for extracranial arterial disease Most common site at carotid bifurcation with plaque extending into ICA
  • 34. Plaque characterization Low Lipid – Flow void Moderate Collagen – Easy to see High with shadow Calcification – Focal or diffuse  Echogenicity Calcification: no correlation with neurologic symptoms Focal hypoechoic zones: Hemorrhage – Necrosis – Lipid  Heterogenous plaque Common sources of cerebral emboli: TIA – Stroke Poor US results for ulcer detection  Plaque surface features
  • 35. Appearance of atheromatous plaques Homogeneous echolucent Homogeneous echogenic Heterogeneous plaque Cauliflower’ calcification
  • 36. Calcified plaque Calcific plaque with shadow obscuring portion of the bulb Interrogate artery beyond plaque Shadowing segment < 1 cm No turbulent flow: insignificant stenosis Damped or turbulent flow: tight stenosis Shadowing segment > 2 cm Degree of stenosis indeterminate Other modalities recommended
  • 38. Sources of error in ulcer diagnosis Plaque surface irregular but not ulcerated Adjacent plaque simulate ulceration Image plan does not include the ulcer
  • 39. Large plaque ulcer Power Doppler “eddy flow” Color Doppler Pseudo-dissection
  • 40. Ulcerated plaque or twinkle artifact Scale 86 cm/sec, color in diastole Color flow disappeared Color artifact continues to twinkle Hard plaque in proximal ICA Questionable flow at plaque surface
  • 41. Estimation of carotid stenosis Diameter reduction Surface reduction
  • 42. Relationship between diameter reduction & cross-sectional area reduction Diameter reduction (%) Cross-sectional area reduction (%) 30 50 50 75 70 90
  • 43. Cardinal Doppler parameter to grade stenosis Best documented Doppler parameter for carotid stenosis Peak Systolic Velocity (PSV) Quite valuable for detecting high-grade carotid stenosis End Diastolic Velocity (EDV) Avoid errors of collateralization Avoid errors of physiological factors: BP – Pulse rate – Cardiac output – Peripheral resistance PSV ratio
  • 44. Relationship of flow, velocity & lumen size Spencer MP & Reid JM. Stroke 1979 ; 10 : 326 – 330.
  • 45. Grading stenosis – PSV ratio Proximal: 2 cm proximal to carotid bulb At stenosis: same Doppler angle if possible Normal value < 2.0
  • 46. 17 authors: 1 Moderator 16 panelists San Francisco, Calif October 22–23, 2002
  • 47. ICA stenosis on angiogram ECST 2 (1998) European Carotid Surgery Trial (C – A / C) x 100 NASCET 1 (1991 – 1998) North American Symptomatic Carotid Endartectomy Trial (B – A / B) x 100
  • 48. ICA stenosis on angiogram Diameter reduction * NASCET: North American Symptomatic Carotid Endartectomy Trial ** ECST: European Carotid Surgery Trial 30% 65% 40% 70% 50% 75% 60% 80% 70% 85% 80% 91% 90% 97% * NASCET (B – A / B) x 100 ** ECST (C – A / C) x 100
  • 49. Degree of ICA Stenosis in Doppler US* Consensus Criteria – NASCET criteria ICA stenosis ICA PSV ICA EDV PSV ratio (%) cm/sec cm/sec ICA/CCA Normal < 125 < 40 < 2.0 < 50% < 125 < 40 < 2.0 50 – 69% 125 – 230 40 – 100 2.0 – 4.0 > 70% > 230 > 100 > 4.0 Near occlusion variable variable variable Total occlusion undetectable undetectable not applicable
  • 50. Degree of ICA Stenosis in Doppler US* Consensus Criteria – NASCET criteria ICA stenosis ICA PSV ICA EDV PSV ratio (%) cm/sec cm/sec ICA/CCA Normal < 125 < 40 < 2.0 < 50% < 125 < 40 < 2.0 50 – 69% 125 – 230 40 – 100 2.0 – 4.0 > 70% > 230 > 100 > 4.0 Near occlusion variable variable variable Total occlusion undetectable undetectable not applicable
  • 51. Aliasing or high velocity jet Area of highest velocity in area of stenosis
  • 52. Adjustment of color gain Color gain at 80% Marked turbulence of ICA & ECA No luminal narrowing Anatomy of bifurcation demonstrated more accurately Color gain at 66%
  • 53. ICA stenosis PSV 500 cm/sec EDV 300 cm/sec Spectral broadening 80% diameter stenosis
  • 54. Color Doppler bruit Extensive soft tissue color Doppler bruit surrounds carotid bifurcation with 90% ICA stenosis Confetti sign
  • 55. Post stenotic zone/ Immediately after stenosis • Cannot be precisely quantified (evaluated visually) Fill-in of spectral window > 50% diameter reduction Severely disturbed flow > 70% diameter reduction High amplitude & low frequency Doppler signal Flow reversal Poor definition of spectral border • May be only sign of carotid stenosis in calcified plaque Spectral broadening
  • 56. Spectral broadening Immediately after stenosis High amplitude & low frequency Doppler signal Poor definition of spectral border Flow reversal Severe spectral broadening: > 70% diameter reduction
  • 57. Pseudo-spectral broadening • High gain setting • Vessel wall motion • Tortuous vessels • Site of branching • Abrupt change in vessel diameter • ↑ velocity: athlete - high cardiac output - AVF1 - AVM2 • Aneurysm, dissection, & FMD3 1AVF: Arterio-Venous Fistula 2AVM: Arterio-Venous Malformation 3FMD: Fibro-Muscular Dysplasia
  • 58. Post stenotic zone / Distal to site of stenosis Tardus-parvus waveform
  • 59. Sonographic features of severe ICA stenosis  Significant visible plaque (≥ 70% diameter reduction)  PSV > 230 cm/sec  EDV > 100 cm/sec  ICA/CCA PSV ratio ≥ 4.0  Spectral broadening  Color aliasing despite high velocity scale (100 cm/sec)  Color bruit artifact in surrounding tissue of stenosis  High-pitched sound at pulsed Doppler
  • 60. Tight stenosis or occlusion? • Difficult to distinguish tight stenosis from occlusion • Completely occluded ICA Will not release emboli Not corrected by surgery • Very severe stenosis Potential source for emboli or acute thrombosis May require urgent surgery
  • 61. Optimization of low flow velocities • Decreased color velocity scale • Increase color, power & pulsed Doppler gain • Decreased wall filter • Focal zone at level of diseased segment • Doppler angle as low as possible (60° or less) • Increased persistence • Increase sample volume gate
  • 62. Subtotal occlusion of ICA “string sign” or “trickle flow ” Narrow channel of low-velocity in subtotal ICA occlusion Low PRF & low filter required to detect low-velocity flow
  • 63. High grade “string sign” stenosis Tardus Parvus waveform Tardus: Long rise time Parvus: Low PSV
  • 64. Endarterectomy without arteriography • Arteriography Expensive Risks: stroke (0.1 – 0.6%) – death (0.1%) Rarely affect surgical plan Sufficient information obtained with MRI • Conditions Good experience of US department Stenosis localized to carotid bifurcation Unequivocal US findings Symptoms ipsilateral to carotid stenosis
  • 65. Causes of image/Doppler mismatch • Cardiac arrhythmia • Severe aortic stenosis • Hypotension or hypertension • Tortuous vessels • Hypoechoic, anechoic or calcified plaques • Long segment high grade stenosis • Pre-occlusive lesion • Tandem lesion • Contra-lateral carotid stenosis • Carotid dissection
  • 66. Short & long stenosis of ICA Short stenosis (frequent) Long stenosis (rare) PSV lower than expected EDV maintained at high level Can produce very high PSV (> 500 cm/s)
  • 67. Long stenosis of ICA Zwiebel WJ et al. Ultrasound Quarterly 2005 ; 21 : 113 – 122. RICA RICA: PSV 183 cm/sec EDV 105 cm/sec CCA: PSV 76 cm/sec PSV ratio: 2.4 Inconsistent data Long stenosis of ICA > 70%
  • 68. Occlusion of ICA • Absence of flow by color, power & pulsed Doppler • “Internalization” of ipsilateral ECA waveform • Reversed flow in ICA or CCA proximal to occlusion • Thrombus or plaque completely fills lumen of ICA • Externalization of ipsilateral CCA or proximal ICA • Higher velocities in contralateral CCA vs. ipsilateral CCA
  • 69. Occlusion of ICA ICA ECA CCA Retrograde flow in stump of ICA Absence of flow in ICA beyond Doppler spectrum from CCA Externalization of CCA
  • 70. Occlusion of ICA “to-and-fro” flow or thud flow Tahmasebpour HR et al. RadioGraphics 2005 ; 25 : 1561 – 1575. Damped systolic flow Reversed flow in early diastole Pulsed Doppler of CCA
  • 71. Internalization of ECA Patient with complete occlusion of left ICA
  • 72. Occlusion of CCA Robbin ML et al. Ultrasound Clin 2006 ; 1 : 111 – 131. Reversed flow from ECA to supply ICA & brain “ECA-to-ICA collateralization”
  • 73. Occlusion of CCA Tahmasebpour HR et al. RadioGraphics 2005 ; 25 : 1561 – 1575. Absence of flow in distal CCA Reversed flow in ECA Normal flow in ICA Internalization of ECA Delayed systolic acceleration (Tardus) Positive temporal tap maneuver
  • 74. Stenosis of ECA • PSV of ECA stenosis Minimal < 200 cm/sec Moderate 200 – 300 cm/sec Severe > 300 cm/sec • ECA/CCA systolic ratio* < 2 ≤ 50% Ø stenosis ≥ 2 ≥ 70% Ø stenosis Isolated ECA stenosis not clinically significant
  • 75. Ectatic CCA Ectatic CCA as it arises from innominate artery Responsible for pulsatile right supra clavicular mass

Editor's Notes

  1. CCA, which has no branches, divides into the internal and external carotid arteries.Carotid artery widens at the level of the bifurcation to form the carotid bulb &amp; degree of widening of carotid bulb is quite variable.Level of the carotid bifurcation in the neck is highly variable.Proximal branches of the ECA are the superior thyroid, lingual, facial and maxillary arteries.Vertebral artery is the first branch of the subclavian artery, arising from the highest point of the subclavian arch. At the sixth cervical vertebra, the vertebral artery runs posteriorly to travel upward through the transverse foramen of cervical vertebrae.Two vertebral arteries join, at the base of the skull, to form basilar artery, which then divides to form posterior cerebral arteries.
  2. Tortuosity can cause apparent velocity increase even although there is no stenosis. This is due to difficulty in obtaining a correct insonating angle, non-linear or helical flow, or increased velocityon the inside of the curve. Try sampling just beyond the curve.
  3. “Saw-tooth” appearance: مظهر أسنان المنشار
  4. Endarterectomy decrease the risk of ipsi-lateral hemispheric stroke or death by 53 to 84% as compared to medical treatment.
  5. Cauliflower: قرنبيط
  6. Eddy: دوامة
  7. A panel of experts from a variety of medical specialties was convened under the auspices of the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound to arrive at a consensus about the performance of Doppler ultrasonography (US) to aid in diagnosis of internal carotid artery (ICA)stenosis. The panel met in San Francisco, Calif, October 22–23, 2002, and drew up a consensus statement. Although there are several facets of carotid disease that could be considered by such a panel, carotid stenosis (and by extension, carotid occlusion) is by far the most common pathologic process involving carotid arteries.The panel consisted of a moderator and 16 panelists from various medical specialties.
  8. the method used to report the degree of narrowing from an angiogram differed between the European and North American trials.In the ECST trial, the degree of stenosis was measured by comparing the residual lumen diameter with the estimated diameter of the carotid bulb, whereas the NASCET trial compared the residual lumen diameter with the diameter of the normal distal ICA.
  9. In the North American Symptomatic Carotid Endartectomy Trial, the narrowest portion of the vascular lumen was compared with the “normalized lumen distally”.In the European Symptomatic Carotid Trial study and studies performed prior to the NASCET study, the degree of stenosis was determined by comparing the narrowest diameter of the residual lumen to an estimate of the original lumen in the same area. Because the original lumen cannot be depicted on the angiogram, exact measurement is impossible.The panel recommended that the NASCET method of carotid stenosis measurement should be employed when angiography is used to correlate the US findings. While the NASCET method of measurement may not reflect the burden of atherosclerosis in the proximal ICA, it does minimize the amount of interobserver variability.
  10. Stringsign stenosis(Figure 15a.  Circumferential calcified plaque in the proximal ICA. (a) PW Doppler image of the right ICA obtained immediately distal to a circumferential shadowing plaque shows no sign of turbulence, and the PSV is within normal limits. Therefore, there is unlikely to be a significant stenosis behind the calcified plaque. (b) PW Doppler image of the proximal right ICA shows a tardus-parvus waveform. A severe proximal stenosis behind the shadowing plaque is suspected; therefore, evaluation with another imaging modality is required. (c) PW Doppler image of the right ICA shows spectral broadening (turbulence) with an elevated PSV. These results may be due to a high degree of stenosis immediately proximal to the point of sampling; therefore, further investigation with another imaging modality is required. )
  11. Long stenosis: &gt; 2 cm
  12. It can be difficult to distinguish tight stenosis from occlusion. A completely occluded ICA cannot be corrected by surgery and will not release emboli. However, very severe stenosis can be a potential source for emboli or acute thrombosis and may require urgent surgery.
  13. Thud: صوت مكتوم
  14. The ECA is an important collateral pathway in patients with ipsilateral ICA occlusion and recurrent symptoms.This may influence the surgical decisions involving revascularization of the stenotic ECA.