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Python andMongoDBThe perfect Match Andreas Jung,
Trainer Andreas Jung Python developersince 1993 Python, Zope & Plonedevelopment Specialized in Electronic Publishing DirectoroftheZopeFoundation Authorofdozensadd-onsfor Python, ZopeandPlone Co-Founderofthe German Zope User Group (DZUG) Member ofthePloneFoundation usingMongoDBsince 2009
Agenda (45 minutes per slot) IntroductiontoMongoDB UsingMongoDB UsingMongoDBfrom Python withPyMongo (PyMongoextensions/ORM-ishlayersor Q/A)
Things not coveredin thistutorial Geospatialindexing Map-reduce Details on scaling (Sharding, Replicasets)
Part I/4 IntroductiontoMongoDB: ConceptsofMongoDB Architecture HowMongoDBcompareswith relational databases Scalability
MongoDBis... an open-source, high-performance, schema-less, document-oriented database
Let‘sagree on thefollowingorleave... MongoDBis cool MongoDBis not the multi-purpose-one-size-fits-all database MongoDBisanotheradditionaltoolforthesoftwaredeveloper MongoDBis not a replacementfor RDBMS in general Usetherighttoolforeachtask
And..... Don‘taskmeabouthowto do JOINs in MongoDB
Oh, SQL – let‘shavesomefunfirst A SQL statementwalksinto a bar andseestwotables. He walksandsays: „Hello, may I joinyou“ A SQL injectionwalksinto a bar andstartstoquotesomething but suddenlystops, drops a tableanddashes out.
The historyofMongoDB 10gen founded in 2007 Startedascloud-alternative GAE App-engineed Database p Javascriptasimplementationlanguage 2008: focusing on thedatabasepart: MongoDB 2009: firstMongoDBrelease 2011: MongoDB 1.8: Major deployments A fast growingcommunity Fast adoptationfor large projects 10gen growing
Major MongoDBdeployments
MongoDBis schema-less JSON-style datastore Eachdocumentcanhaveitsownschema Documentsinside a collectionusuallyshare a commonschemabyconvention {‚name‘ : ‚kate‘, ‚age‘:12, } {‚name‘ : ‚adam‘, ‚height‘ : 180} {‚q‘: 1234, ‚x‘ = [‚foo‘, ‚bar‘]}
Terminology: RDBMS vs. MongoDB
CharacteristicsofMongoDB (I) High-performance Rich querylanguage (similarto SQL) Map-Reduce (ifyoureallyneedit) Secondaryindexes Geospatialindexing Replication Auto-sharing (partitioningofdata) Manyplatforms, driversformanylanguages
CharacteristicsofMongoDB (II) Notransactionsupport, onlyatomicoperations Default: „fire-and-forget“ modefor high throughput „Safe-Mode“: waitforserverconfirmation, checkingforerrors
Typicalperformancecharacteristics Decentcommoditiyhardware: Upto 100.000 read/writes per second (fire-and-forget) Upto 50.000 reads/writes per second (safemode) Yourmileagemayvary– depending on RAM Speed IO system CPU Client-sidedriver& application
Functionality vs. Scability
MongoDB: Pros & Cons
Durability Default: fire-and-forget (usesafe-mode) Changesarekept in RAM (!) Fsynctodiskevery 60 seconds (default) Deploymentoptions: Standaloneinstallation: usejournaling (V 1.8+) Replicated: usereplicasets(s)
Differences from Typical RDBMS Memory mapped data All data in memory (if it fits), synced to disk periodically No joins Reads have greater data locality No joins between servers No transactions Improves performance of various operations No transactions between servers
Replica Sets Cluster of N servers Only one node is ‘primary’ at a time This is equivalent to master The node where writes go Primary is elected by concensus Automatic failover Automatic recovery of failed nodes
Replica Sets - Writes A write is only ‘committed’ once it has been replicated to a majority of nodes in the set Before this happens, reads to the set may or may not see the write On failover, data which is not ‘committed’ may be dropped (but not necessarily) If dropped, it will be rolled back from all servers which wrote it For improved durability, use getLastError/w Other criteria – block writes when nodes go down or slaves get too far behind Or, to reduce latency, reduce getLastError/w
Replica Sets - Nodes Nodes monitor each other’s heartbeats If primary can’t see a majority of nodes, it relinquishes primary status If a majority of nodes notice there is no primary, they elect a primary using criteria Node priority Node data’s freshness
Replica Sets - Nodes Member 1 Member 2 Member 3
Replica Sets - Nodes {a:1} Member 1 SECONDARY {a:1} {b:2} Member 2 SECONDARY {a:1} {b:2} {c:3} Member 3 PRIMARY
Replica Sets - Nodes {a:1} Member 1 SECONDARY {a:1} {b:2} Member 2 PRIMARY {a:1} {b:2} {c:3} Member 3 DOWN
Replica Sets - Nodes {a:1} {b:2} Member 1 SECONDARY {a:1} {b:2} Member 2 PRIMARY {a:1} {b:2} {c:3} Member 3 RECOVERING
Replica Sets - Nodes {a:1} {b:2} Member 1 SECONDARY {a:1} {b:2} Member 2 PRIMARY {a:1} {b:2} Member 3 SECONDARY
Replica Sets – Node Types Standard – can be primary or secondary Passive – will be secondary but never primary Arbiter – will vote on primary, but won’t replicate data
SlaveOk db.getMongo().setSlaveOk(); Syntax varies by driver Writes to master, reads to slave Slave will be picked arbitrarily
Sharding Architecture
Shard A replica set Manages a well defined range of shard keys
Shard Distribute data across machines Reduce data per machine Better able to fit in RAM Distribute write load across shards Distribute read load across shards, and across nodes within shards
Shard Key { user_id: 1 } { lastname: 1, firstname: 1 } { tag: 1, timestamp: -1 } { _id: 1 } This is the default
Mongos Routes data to/from shards db.users.find( { user_id: 5000 } ) db.users.find( { user_id: { $gt: 4000, $lt: 6000 } } ) db.users.find( { hometown: ‘Seattle’ } ) db.users.find( { hometown: ‘Seattle’ } ).sort( { user_id: 1 } )
Differences from Typical RDBMS Memory mapped data All data in memory (if it fits), synced to disk periodically No joins Reads have greater data locality No joins between servers No transactions Improves performance of various operations No transactions between servers A weak authentication and authorization model
Part 2/4 UsingMongoDB StartingMongoDB Usingtheinteractive Mongo console Basic databaseoperations
Gettingstarted...theserver wget tarxfzmongodb-osx-x86_64-1.8.1.tgz cd mongodb-osx-x86_64-1.8.1 mkdir /tmp/db bin/mongod –dbpath /tmp/db Pick upyour  OS-specificpackagefrom Take careof 32 bitbs. 64 bitversion
Gettingstarted...theconsole bin/mongod mongodlistenstoport 27017 bydefault HTTP interface on port 28017 > help > >
Datatypes... Remember: MongoDBis schema-less MongoDBsupports JSON + some extra types
A smalladdressdatabase Person: firstname lastname birthday city phone
Inserting > >{‚firstname‘ : ‚Ben‘}) everydocumenthas an „_id“ field „_id“ insertedautomaticallyif not present
Querying > >{‚firstname‘ : ‚Ben‘}) Queriesareexpressedusing JSON notationwith JSON/BSON objects queryexpressionscombinedusing AND (bydefault)
Queryingwithsorting >{}).sort({‚firstname‘ :1, ‚age‘: -1}) sortingspecification in JSON notation 1 = ascending, -1 = descending
Advancedquerying $all $exists $mod $ne $in $nin $nor $or $size $type
Updating >, obj, multi, upsert) update() updatesonlyonedocumentbydefault (specifymulti=1) upsert=1: ifdocumentdoes not exist, insertit
Updating – modifieroperations $inc $set $unset $push $pushAll $addToSet $pop $pull $pullAll $rename $bit
Updating >, obj, multi, upsert) update() updatesonlyonedocumentbydefault (specifymulti=1) upsert=1: ifdocumentdoes not exist, insertit
Removing{})                             // remove all{‚firstname‘ : ‚Ben‘})  // removebykey{‚_id‘ : ObjectId(...)}) // removeby _id Atomicremoval(locksthedatabase) { age: 42, $atomic : true } )
Indexes workingsimilartoindex in relational databases{age: 1}, {background: true}) onequery– oneindex CompoundIndexes{age: 1, firstname:-1} Orderingofqueryparametersmatters
Embedded documents MongoDBdocs = JSON/BSON-like Embeededdocumentssimilarnesteddicts in Python{firstname:‘Ben‘, data:{a:1, b:2, c:3}){‚data.a‘:1}) Dottednotationforreachingintoembeddedocuments Usequotesarounddottednames Indexes work on embeddesdocuments
Arrays (1/2) Like (nested) lists in Python{colors: [‚green‘, ‚blue‘, ‚red‘]}){colors: ‚red‘}) Useindexes
Arrays (2/2) – matchingarrays{users: [                         {name: ‚Hans‘, age:42},                         {name:‘Jim‘, age: 30 },                      ]}){users : {‚$elemMatch‘: {age : {$gt:42}}}})
Part 3/4 UsingMongoDBfrom Python  PyMongo InstallingPyMongo UsingPyMongo
InstallingandtestingPyMongo Installpymongo virtualenv –no-site-packagespymongo bin/easy_installpymongo Start MongoDB mkdir /tmp/db mongod –dbpath /tmp/db Start Python bin/python > importpymongo > conn = pymongo.Connection(‚localhost‘, 27127)
Part 4/4 ? High-level PyMongoframeworks Mongokit Mongoengine MongoAlchemy ? Migration SQL toMongoDB ? Q/A ? Lookingat a real worldprojectdonewithPyramidandMongoDB? ? Let‘stalkabout..
Mongokit (1/3) schemavalidation (wich usesimple pythontype forthedeclaration) dotednotation nestedandcomplexschemadeclaration untypedfieldsupport requiredfieldsvalidation defaultvalues customvalidators crossdatabasedocumentreference randomquerysupport (whichreturns a randomdocumentfromthedatabase) inheritanceandpolymorphismesupport versionizeddocumentsupport (in betastage) partial authsupport (itbrings a simple User model) operatorforvalidation (currently : OR, NOT and IS) simple web frameworkintegration import/exporttojson i18n support GridFSsupport documentmigrationsupport
Mongokit (2/3) classBlogPost(Document): structure = {         'title': unicode,         'body': unicode,         'author': pymongo.objectid.ObjectId,         'created_at': datetime.datetime,         'tags': [unicode],     } required_fields = ['title','author', 'date_creation'] blog_post = BlogPost() blog_post['title'] = 'myblogpost' blog_post['created_at'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
Mongokit (3/3) Speed andperformanceimpact Mongokitisalwaysbehindthemostcurrentpymongoversions one-man developershow
Mongoengine (1/2) MongoEngineis a Document-Object Mapper (think ORM, but fordocumentdatabases) forworkingwithMongoDBfrom Python. Ituses a simple declarative API, similartotheDjango ORM.
Mongokit (2/2) classBlogPost(Document):     title = StringField(required=True) body = StringField() author = ReferenceField(User) created_at = DateTimeField(required=True)     tags = ListField(StringField()) blog_post = BlogPost(title='myblogpost', created_at=datetime.datetime.utcnow())
MongoAlchemy (1/2) MongoAlchemyis a layer on top ofthe Python MongoDBdriverwhichadds client-sideschemadefinitions, an easiertoworkwithandprogrammaticquerylanguage, and a Document-Objectmapperwhichallowspythonobjectstobesavedandloadedintothedatabase in a type-safe way. An explicit goalofthisprojectistobeabletoperformasmanyoperationsaspossiblewithouthavingtoperform a load/save cyclesincedoing so isbothsignificantlyslowerandmorelikelytocausedataloss.
MongoAlchemy(2/2) frommongoalchemy.documentimportDocument, DocumentField frommongoalchemy.fieldsimport * fromdatetimeimportdatetime frompprintimportpprint class Event(Document): name = StringField() children = ListField(DocumentField('Event')) begin = DateTimeField()     end = DateTimeField() def __init__(self, name, parent=None): Document.__init__(self, name=name) self.children = [] ifparent != None: parent.children.append(self)
From SQL toMongoDB
The CAP theorem Consistency Availablity TolerancetonetworkPartitions Pick two...
ACID versus Base Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability BasicallyAvailable Soft state Eventuallyconsistent

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Python mongo db-training-europython-2011

  • 1. Python andMongoDBThe perfect Match Andreas Jung,
  • 2. Trainer Andreas Jung Python developersince 1993 Python, Zope & Plonedevelopment Specialized in Electronic Publishing DirectoroftheZopeFoundation Authorofdozensadd-onsfor Python, ZopeandPlone Co-Founderofthe German Zope User Group (DZUG) Member ofthePloneFoundation usingMongoDBsince 2009
  • 3. Agenda (45 minutes per slot) IntroductiontoMongoDB UsingMongoDB UsingMongoDBfrom Python withPyMongo (PyMongoextensions/ORM-ishlayersor Q/A)
  • 4. Things not coveredin thistutorial Geospatialindexing Map-reduce Details on scaling (Sharding, Replicasets)
  • 5. Part I/4 IntroductiontoMongoDB: ConceptsofMongoDB Architecture HowMongoDBcompareswith relational databases Scalability
  • 6. MongoDBis... an open-source, high-performance, schema-less, document-oriented database
  • 7. Let‘sagree on thefollowingorleave... MongoDBis cool MongoDBis not the multi-purpose-one-size-fits-all database MongoDBisanotheradditionaltoolforthesoftwaredeveloper MongoDBis not a replacementfor RDBMS in general Usetherighttoolforeachtask
  • 9. Oh, SQL – let‘shavesomefunfirst A SQL statementwalksinto a bar andseestwotables. He walksandsays: „Hello, may I joinyou“ A SQL injectionwalksinto a bar andstartstoquotesomething but suddenlystops, drops a tableanddashes out.
  • 10. The historyofMongoDB 10gen founded in 2007 Startedascloud-alternative GAE App-engineed Database p Javascriptasimplementationlanguage 2008: focusing on thedatabasepart: MongoDB 2009: firstMongoDBrelease 2011: MongoDB 1.8: Major deployments A fast growingcommunity Fast adoptationfor large projects 10gen growing
  • 12. MongoDBis schema-less JSON-style datastore Eachdocumentcanhaveitsownschema Documentsinside a collectionusuallyshare a commonschemabyconvention {‚name‘ : ‚kate‘, ‚age‘:12, } {‚name‘ : ‚adam‘, ‚height‘ : 180} {‚q‘: 1234, ‚x‘ = [‚foo‘, ‚bar‘]}
  • 14. CharacteristicsofMongoDB (I) High-performance Rich querylanguage (similarto SQL) Map-Reduce (ifyoureallyneedit) Secondaryindexes Geospatialindexing Replication Auto-sharing (partitioningofdata) Manyplatforms, driversformanylanguages
  • 15. CharacteristicsofMongoDB (II) Notransactionsupport, onlyatomicoperations Default: „fire-and-forget“ modefor high throughput „Safe-Mode“: waitforserverconfirmation, checkingforerrors
  • 16. Typicalperformancecharacteristics Decentcommoditiyhardware: Upto 100.000 read/writes per second (fire-and-forget) Upto 50.000 reads/writes per second (safemode) Yourmileagemayvary– depending on RAM Speed IO system CPU Client-sidedriver& application
  • 19. Durability Default: fire-and-forget (usesafe-mode) Changesarekept in RAM (!) Fsynctodiskevery 60 seconds (default) Deploymentoptions: Standaloneinstallation: usejournaling (V 1.8+) Replicated: usereplicasets(s)
  • 20. Differences from Typical RDBMS Memory mapped data All data in memory (if it fits), synced to disk periodically No joins Reads have greater data locality No joins between servers No transactions Improves performance of various operations No transactions between servers
  • 21. Replica Sets Cluster of N servers Only one node is ‘primary’ at a time This is equivalent to master The node where writes go Primary is elected by concensus Automatic failover Automatic recovery of failed nodes
  • 22. Replica Sets - Writes A write is only ‘committed’ once it has been replicated to a majority of nodes in the set Before this happens, reads to the set may or may not see the write On failover, data which is not ‘committed’ may be dropped (but not necessarily) If dropped, it will be rolled back from all servers which wrote it For improved durability, use getLastError/w Other criteria – block writes when nodes go down or slaves get too far behind Or, to reduce latency, reduce getLastError/w
  • 23. Replica Sets - Nodes Nodes monitor each other’s heartbeats If primary can’t see a majority of nodes, it relinquishes primary status If a majority of nodes notice there is no primary, they elect a primary using criteria Node priority Node data’s freshness
  • 24. Replica Sets - Nodes Member 1 Member 2 Member 3
  • 25. Replica Sets - Nodes {a:1} Member 1 SECONDARY {a:1} {b:2} Member 2 SECONDARY {a:1} {b:2} {c:3} Member 3 PRIMARY
  • 26. Replica Sets - Nodes {a:1} Member 1 SECONDARY {a:1} {b:2} Member 2 PRIMARY {a:1} {b:2} {c:3} Member 3 DOWN
  • 27. Replica Sets - Nodes {a:1} {b:2} Member 1 SECONDARY {a:1} {b:2} Member 2 PRIMARY {a:1} {b:2} {c:3} Member 3 RECOVERING
  • 28. Replica Sets - Nodes {a:1} {b:2} Member 1 SECONDARY {a:1} {b:2} Member 2 PRIMARY {a:1} {b:2} Member 3 SECONDARY
  • 29. Replica Sets – Node Types Standard – can be primary or secondary Passive – will be secondary but never primary Arbiter – will vote on primary, but won’t replicate data
  • 30. SlaveOk db.getMongo().setSlaveOk(); Syntax varies by driver Writes to master, reads to slave Slave will be picked arbitrarily
  • 32. Shard A replica set Manages a well defined range of shard keys
  • 33. Shard Distribute data across machines Reduce data per machine Better able to fit in RAM Distribute write load across shards Distribute read load across shards, and across nodes within shards
  • 34. Shard Key { user_id: 1 } { lastname: 1, firstname: 1 } { tag: 1, timestamp: -1 } { _id: 1 } This is the default
  • 35. Mongos Routes data to/from shards db.users.find( { user_id: 5000 } ) db.users.find( { user_id: { $gt: 4000, $lt: 6000 } } ) db.users.find( { hometown: ‘Seattle’ } ) db.users.find( { hometown: ‘Seattle’ } ).sort( { user_id: 1 } )
  • 36. Differences from Typical RDBMS Memory mapped data All data in memory (if it fits), synced to disk periodically No joins Reads have greater data locality No joins between servers No transactions Improves performance of various operations No transactions between servers A weak authentication and authorization model
  • 37. Part 2/4 UsingMongoDB StartingMongoDB Usingtheinteractive Mongo console Basic databaseoperations
  • 38. Gettingstarted...theserver wget tarxfzmongodb-osx-x86_64-1.8.1.tgz cd mongodb-osx-x86_64-1.8.1 mkdir /tmp/db bin/mongod –dbpath /tmp/db Pick upyour OS-specificpackagefrom Take careof 32 bitbs. 64 bitversion
  • 39. Gettingstarted...theconsole bin/mongod mongodlistenstoport 27017 bydefault HTTP interface on port 28017 > help > >
  • 40. Datatypes... Remember: MongoDBis schema-less MongoDBsupports JSON + some extra types
  • 41. A smalladdressdatabase Person: firstname lastname birthday city phone
  • 42. Inserting > >{‚firstname‘ : ‚Ben‘}) everydocumenthas an „_id“ field „_id“ insertedautomaticallyif not present
  • 43. Querying > >{‚firstname‘ : ‚Ben‘}) Queriesareexpressedusing JSON notationwith JSON/BSON objects queryexpressionscombinedusing AND (bydefault)
  • 44. Queryingwithsorting >{}).sort({‚firstname‘ :1, ‚age‘: -1}) sortingspecification in JSON notation 1 = ascending, -1 = descending
  • 45. Advancedquerying $all $exists $mod $ne $in $nin $nor $or $size $type
  • 46. Updating >, obj, multi, upsert) update() updatesonlyonedocumentbydefault (specifymulti=1) upsert=1: ifdocumentdoes not exist, insertit
  • 47. Updating – modifieroperations $inc $set $unset $push $pushAll $addToSet $pop $pull $pullAll $rename $bit
  • 48. Updating >, obj, multi, upsert) update() updatesonlyonedocumentbydefault (specifymulti=1) upsert=1: ifdocumentdoes not exist, insertit
  • 49. Removing{}) // remove all{‚firstname‘ : ‚Ben‘}) // removebykey{‚_id‘ : ObjectId(...)}) // removeby _id Atomicremoval(locksthedatabase) { age: 42, $atomic : true } )
  • 50. Indexes workingsimilartoindex in relational databases{age: 1}, {background: true}) onequery– oneindex CompoundIndexes{age: 1, firstname:-1} Orderingofqueryparametersmatters
  • 51. Embedded documents MongoDBdocs = JSON/BSON-like Embeededdocumentssimilarnesteddicts in Python{firstname:‘Ben‘, data:{a:1, b:2, c:3}){‚data.a‘:1}) Dottednotationforreachingintoembeddedocuments Usequotesarounddottednames Indexes work on embeddesdocuments
  • 52. Arrays (1/2) Like (nested) lists in Python{colors: [‚green‘, ‚blue‘, ‚red‘]}){colors: ‚red‘}) Useindexes
  • 53. Arrays (2/2) – matchingarrays{users: [ {name: ‚Hans‘, age:42}, {name:‘Jim‘, age: 30 }, ]}){users : {‚$elemMatch‘: {age : {$gt:42}}}})
  • 54. Part 3/4 UsingMongoDBfrom Python PyMongo InstallingPyMongo UsingPyMongo
  • 55. InstallingandtestingPyMongo Installpymongo virtualenv –no-site-packagespymongo bin/easy_installpymongo Start MongoDB mkdir /tmp/db mongod –dbpath /tmp/db Start Python bin/python > importpymongo > conn = pymongo.Connection(‚localhost‘, 27127)
  • 56. Part 4/4 ? High-level PyMongoframeworks Mongokit Mongoengine MongoAlchemy ? Migration SQL toMongoDB ? Q/A ? Lookingat a real worldprojectdonewithPyramidandMongoDB? ? Let‘stalkabout..
  • 57. Mongokit (1/3) schemavalidation (wich usesimple pythontype forthedeclaration) dotednotation nestedandcomplexschemadeclaration untypedfieldsupport requiredfieldsvalidation defaultvalues customvalidators crossdatabasedocumentreference randomquerysupport (whichreturns a randomdocumentfromthedatabase) inheritanceandpolymorphismesupport versionizeddocumentsupport (in betastage) partial authsupport (itbrings a simple User model) operatorforvalidation (currently : OR, NOT and IS) simple web frameworkintegration import/exporttojson i18n support GridFSsupport documentmigrationsupport
  • 58. Mongokit (2/3) classBlogPost(Document): structure = { 'title': unicode, 'body': unicode, 'author': pymongo.objectid.ObjectId, 'created_at': datetime.datetime, 'tags': [unicode], } required_fields = ['title','author', 'date_creation'] blog_post = BlogPost() blog_post['title'] = 'myblogpost' blog_post['created_at'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
  • 59. Mongokit (3/3) Speed andperformanceimpact Mongokitisalwaysbehindthemostcurrentpymongoversions one-man developershow
  • 60. Mongoengine (1/2) MongoEngineis a Document-Object Mapper (think ORM, but fordocumentdatabases) forworkingwithMongoDBfrom Python. Ituses a simple declarative API, similartotheDjango ORM.
  • 61. Mongokit (2/2) classBlogPost(Document): title = StringField(required=True) body = StringField() author = ReferenceField(User) created_at = DateTimeField(required=True) tags = ListField(StringField()) blog_post = BlogPost(title='myblogpost', created_at=datetime.datetime.utcnow())
  • 62. MongoAlchemy (1/2) MongoAlchemyis a layer on top ofthe Python MongoDBdriverwhichadds client-sideschemadefinitions, an easiertoworkwithandprogrammaticquerylanguage, and a Document-Objectmapperwhichallowspythonobjectstobesavedandloadedintothedatabase in a type-safe way. An explicit goalofthisprojectistobeabletoperformasmanyoperationsaspossiblewithouthavingtoperform a load/save cyclesincedoing so isbothsignificantlyslowerandmorelikelytocausedataloss.
  • 63. MongoAlchemy(2/2) frommongoalchemy.documentimportDocument, DocumentField frommongoalchemy.fieldsimport * fromdatetimeimportdatetime frompprintimportpprint class Event(Document): name = StringField() children = ListField(DocumentField('Event')) begin = DateTimeField() end = DateTimeField() def __init__(self, name, parent=None): Document.__init__(self, name=name) self.children = [] ifparent != None: parent.children.append(self)
  • 65. The CAP theorem Consistency Availablity TolerancetonetworkPartitions Pick two...
  • 66. ACID versus Base Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability BasicallyAvailable Soft state Eventuallyconsistent