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Soybean Cultivation
Prepared by:
Mohammad Khan ,,Wasifhy,, 1
2nd batch, Master Course student at ANASTU-Afghanistan
Resident of Helmand Province –Afghanistan
Production and productivity:
Soybean is newly introduced crop and Afghanistan had not
produced soybeans until 2003.
But now, (3400 ha) land is under cultivation of Soy crop by
12000 farmers within 31 provinces, mostly in warm regions of
Few American Agencies provided subsidy services for soy
growers to supply the soy productions to processing factories.
Production and productivity_ Cont …
Additionally, NEI signed a MoU with the MoE in to promote
Soy Nutrition through Education.
NEI trained 200 teachers from 180 schools in10 provinces.
The teachers introduced soy-related science and
technologies in classrooms and demonstrated soy cultivation
on their farms.
Production and productivity_ Cont …
Mainly compare to other pulse crops, soybean having low
productivity range (its average production is 2000-2500 kg/ha
but in some cases more than that) and its one kg grain price is
around 44-48AFN.
Yearly base, the total production of soy crop is 6,000 MTYearly base, the total production of soy crop is 6,000 MT
around the county.
The production level is increasing year by year, because 20%
increment is reported during 2016 only.
Production and productivity_ Cont …
Production and productivity_ Cont …
Usage and nutrient contain of Soybean:
Based on NEI, annual report-2012, most of the productions
(46% ) are utilized by producers (home used).
But due to exceeding of processing unites around the country,
the stated proportion is diminished.
Only 60 of thousands bakeries in Kabul City, use 10% of soy
flour jointly to wheat flour for doubling the protein content.
Be minded, that long term uptake can defeat against cancer.
Usage & Contain _ Cont…
Soy grain, contains about 40% good quality protein, 20% Oil,
25-30% carbohydrate and 4-5% (some references showed 9%)
Soy grain is a cheaper source of good quality protein, even
than eggs and chicken and able to defeat malnutrition, because
Usage & Contain _ Cont…
than eggs and chicken and able to defeat malnutrition, because
each 4 of 10 children suffering from malnutrition in
Agronomic practice in the country:
Land preparation:
For soy cultivation, land is prepared commonly as:
1. Ridges & Furrow
2. Raised-bed
3. Broadcasted sowing– but not so common.3. Broadcasted sowing– but not so common.
Sowing Time:
Mainly sowing date defends on the variety and agro-climatic
Base on an experiment conducted on Soy 3 cultivars for
identifying suitable sowing date in Helmand DAIL, shows
that 05th to 25th of May, is significantly suitable time in south
region for sowing of all three cultivars.
Agronomic practice _ Cont…
Depth of sowing:
Soybean cultivars differ in their emergence capability but a
seed depth of 3-5 cm is optimum, While comparably deeper
in sandy sandy soil.
Following plant geometry is a common practice in
Afghanistan, for most of the Soy Cultivars:
Inter-row spacing: 45cm
Intra-row spacing: 10cm
Soybean inter-cropping system:
As mentioned before, soybean is newly introduced crop and up
to date, had not reported any relevant data, and may not
conducted any such kind of activity yet.
In addition soybean is a legume crop which can be fixed well in
cropping systems/rotations, for improving soil fertility by fixing
atmospheric N2 (50-300 kg/ha)also adds about 1.0-1.5 tones of
leaf residues per season/ha.
Soybean Cultivar (Hybrid and local) :
Afghanistan soybean production started
in 2006 with two U.S varieties (Stine
3300 and 3870) which were approved by
the National Seed Commission.
These seeds were approved based on
successful adaptation trails of six U.S
soybean varieties tested by both MAIL
and NEI in 2004 and 2005.
Soybean Cultivars _ Cont…
For each region should be developed, Therefore, since 2008,
NEI and ARIA have tested new, high performance varieties
from the US and the republic of Korea.
The first trail was of 9 varieties tested at nine agricultureThe first trail was of 9 varieties tested at nine agriculture
research stations in 7 ecological zones over a period of 3
Consequently, 3 new varieties were identified as having the
capacity to surpass international average yield standards.
Soybean Cultivars _ Cont…
The following seeds were approved by the government in
1. Hwangkeum – From Republic of Korea,
2. Stine 3300-2 – From U.S2. Stine 3300-2 – From U.S
3. Gateway 9866 – From U.S.
NEI is now distributing these seeds to farmers.
New trails are on going, For example, twenty-five varieties
from the US and republic of Korea are being tested in 2015.
Soybean Cultivars _ Cont…
S/N Cultivars
Ave-Plant Height
Kg /ha
1000 Grain
1 Ld09-10911 40 3191.25 120
2 Ld09-30224 60 2755 120
3 Ld10-9168 70 3653.75 120
Following is the complete list of 51 Soy cultivars, which tested or testing in
Afghanistan at different ecological regions/Research Stations:
4 Ld07-3395bf 50 3437.5 140
5 Stine-30e32 45 2706.25 100
6 Stine-3920-2 55 2067.5 120
7 Yoowon 32 2002.5 140
8 Gangil 20 2337.5 220
9 Chungah 25 2056.25 220
10 Manpoong 40 1570 260
11 Yeonpoong 20 2976.25 220
12 Jangyeon 25 291.25 260
13 Gipoong 40 836.25 220
14 Ganpoong 60 0 0
15 Stine-29e22 1930 140 16
Soybean Cultivars _ Cont…
16 Davison 35 3323.75 120
17 Stine3870 40 2847.5 280
18 Yoowon 35 1856.25 120
19 Yeonpoong 25 2666.25 280
20 Stine-3920-2 55 2433.75 120
21 Stine3870 55 3093.75 120
22 Stine-30e32 45 2542.5 120
23 Stine-29e22 55 2050 14023 Stine-29e22 55 2050 140
24 Ld10-9168 40 3120 140
25 Ld09-30224 40 3676.25 140
26 Ld09-10911 40 3926.25 120
27 Ld07-3395bf 40 3665 160
28 Jangyeon 250 220
29 Gipoong 35 818.75 220
30 Manpoong 30 1440 260
31 Ganpoong 38 0 0
32 Gangil 15 2057.5 200
33 Davison 35 3316.25 120 17
Soybean Cultivars _ Cont…
34 Chungah 20 2236.25 200
35 Davison 45 3177.5 120
36 Chungah 18 1762.5 260
37 Jangyeon 30 263.75 260
38 Stine-3920-2 55 2131.25 140
39 Ld10-9168 55 3352.5 120
40 Yoowon 35 1855 180
41 Ld09-10911 40 3648.75 12041 Ld09-10911 40 3648.75 120
42 Ganpoong 60 0 0
43 Gipoong 48 975 220
44 Manpoong 25 1612.5 260
45 Stine-29e22 55 1998.75 120
46 Yeonpoong 20 3315 280
47 Stine-30e32 65 2967.5 140
48 Ld09-30224 60 3055 180
49 Stine3870 45 3183.75 220
50 Ld07-3395bf 63 2772.5 140
51 Gangil 30 2418.75 180 18
Soybean Cultivar _ Con …
No Cultivars
1 Ld09-10911 3588.75 1
2 Ld09-30224 3162.083
3 Ld10-9168 3375.417 2
4 Ld07-3395bf 3291.667
5 Stine-30e32 2738.75
6 Stine-3920-2 2210.833
Following is the list of 17 Soy cultivars tested at
Helmand Bolan Research farm in 2016
6 Stine-3920-2 2210.833
7 Yoowon 1904.583
8 Gangil 2271.25
9 Chungah 2018.333
10 Manpoong 1540.833
11 Yeonpoong 2985.833
12 Jangyeon 268.3333
13 Gipoong 876.6667
14 Ganpoong 0
15 Stine-29e22 1992.917
16 Davison 3272.5 3
17 Stine3870 3041.667 19
Common Diseases and Pests in Afghanistan:
Due to short term cultivation background, disease number of
Soy crop is not exceeded yet.
Following are the names of common diseases and pests, which
have been seen yet in Soy field:have been seen yet in Soy field:
1. Powdery mildew – typically on leaves.
2. Leaves color loss (Yellowing)- but factor recognition is
not considered yet.
3. Aphids – Sucking crop Leaves’ sap
4. Army Worm/Cutworm – eating crop leaves.
Soybean Industrial Process:
To develop a sustainable nutritional intervention, NEI has
adapted an approach to build a full soybean value chain in a
self-sustainable manner involving soybean seed
multiplication, soybean production with farmers, soy
processing and market development.processing and market development.
In 2012, NEI has so far established 4 soy flour factories, 3 soy
milk factories, 2 tofu production units and 1 soy cookies
production unit.
Each factory of soy milk is capable of producing soy milk to
feed up to 2,000 women and children daily.
Soybean Industrial Process_ Cont…
The establishment of additional soy processing factories is a
major goal of the WFP and NEI partnership program.
WFP purchased almost an entire year’s production of soy flour
from NEI in order to manufacture high protein soy biscuits for
Soybean Industrial Process_ Cont…
from NEI in order to manufacture high protein soy biscuits for
their school biscuit feeding program starting in 2013.
Soybean Industrial Process_ Cont…
Soy grains are processing into more than 200 forms of
consumption in South Korea, Japan, China etc, While in
Afghanistan just 14 forms of usage, such as:
a. Milk
b. Oilb. Oil
c. Flour
d. Cookies & cakes.
e. Tofu etc
Because Soy cultivation is still a new concept for Ag-
Soybean Industrial Process_ Cont…
Soybean Industrial Process_ Cont…
Home-made Soy milk:
Based on following principles we can process soy grains, to
get soy milk for family needs only:
1. 10.5 oz (300g) dry soy bean.1. 10.5 oz (300g) dry soy bean.
2. 3 quarts (about 3 L) water.
3. Sachets sweetener (to taste) (optional)
Be remember (1 kg of Seeds 10-12 L soymilk)
Home-made Soy milk _ Cont…
1. Rinse soybean for a few times, then soak with clean water for
at least 5 hrs, then Drain.
2. Put 1.5 cups soybean into a blender, then add in 4.5 cups of
water (Ratio is 1:3).water (Ratio is 1:3).
3. Process on high speed until soybean is very fine, then strain
through a colander lined with coffee cloth (or cheesecloth).
Hold up the cloth and lightly squeeze out the soy milk. Repeat
the same for the remaining soybean.
Home-made Soy milk _ Cont…
Directions _ Cont…
4. Strain the soy milk through coffee cloth again into a large
microwave-safe glass bowl.
5. Cook (without lid or it will spill) on high in microwave (1000
W) for about 45 minutes or until boiling, then continue to boilW) for about 45 minutes or until boiling, then continue to boil
for another 1-2 minutes.
6. Remove and set aside to cool for a while, then strain again to
remove the bean curd skin forms on top of the cooked soy milk.
7. Sweeten to taste with sweetener and serve either warm or cold.
8. Keep refrigerated for up to 3 days.
Home-made Soy milk _ Cont…
the procedure
through picturesthrough pictures
Soy Seed production in Afghanistan:
Seed supply to afghan Soy farmers has been self-sustainable
since 2011, therefore seed import from US is no longer needed.
Seven seed companies from each agriculture zone are produce
certified seeds.certified seeds.
Thus a local supply has been developed for our farmers.
Present & Future of Soy Crop in Afghanistan:
With nearly years of collaborative efforts between NEI and its
Afghan partners including government agencies, the private
sector, village leaders, farmers, and rural housewives, three soy
facts have been established in Afghanistan:
1. Soybean grow well in Afghanistan.
2. Afghans like soy foods.
3. Afghans who consume soy foods become healthier.
Present & Future _Cont…
NEI and its collaborators have set a national goal of producing
300,000 tons of soybeans to defeat malnutrition by 2023.
This quantity of soybeans will provide 100,000 MT absorbable
protein, for 30 million protein-deficient people and,protein, for 30 million protein-deficient people and,
consequently, officially end malnutrition in Afghanistan.
What is NEI ?
Nutrition & Education International (NEI) is a non-partisan and
non-profit organization based in Pasadena, California.
NEI was formed in 2003 by Dr. Steven Kwon to fight
widespread malnutrition among women and children who live in
high-mortality areas in Afghanistan.high-mortality areas in Afghanistan.
NEI is supported and run by volunteers who work full-time in
various professional fields and donate their time and expertise to
bring proper nutrition to impoverished communities in
1. Annual Written Report, NEI_ Afghanistan_2012.
2. NEI website:
3. International TV, Soy Video Report -Aljazeera-2016.
4. International TV, Soy Video Report -Tolo News Afghanistan-2016.
5. Soy trail test result-Bolan Research Farm-Research Department, DAIL, Helmand
6. Soybean Growers Association, phone communication- Helmand Province-2017.
7. Google search: http: (//
recipe/) and (

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Soybean cultivation in afghanistan by wasifhy

  • 1. Soybean Cultivation in Afghanistan Prepared by: Mohammad Khan ,,Wasifhy,, 1 2nd batch, Master Course student at ANASTU-Afghanistan Resident of Helmand Province –Afghanistan
  • 2. Production and productivity: Soybean is newly introduced crop and Afghanistan had not produced soybeans until 2003. But now, (3400 ha) land is under cultivation of Soy crop by 12000 farmers within 31 provinces, mostly in warm regions of Afghanistan.Afghanistan. Few American Agencies provided subsidy services for soy growers to supply the soy productions to processing factories. 2
  • 3. Production and productivity_ Cont … Additionally, NEI signed a MoU with the MoE in to promote Soy Nutrition through Education. NEI trained 200 teachers from 180 schools in10 provinces. The teachers introduced soy-related science and technologies in classrooms and demonstrated soy cultivation on their farms. 3
  • 4. Production and productivity_ Cont … Mainly compare to other pulse crops, soybean having low productivity range (its average production is 2000-2500 kg/ha but in some cases more than that) and its one kg grain price is around 44-48AFN. Yearly base, the total production of soy crop is 6,000 MTYearly base, the total production of soy crop is 6,000 MT around the county. The production level is increasing year by year, because 20% increment is reported during 2016 only. 4
  • 7. Usage and nutrient contain of Soybean: Based on NEI, annual report-2012, most of the productions (46% ) are utilized by producers (home used). But due to exceeding of processing unites around the country, the stated proportion is diminished. Only 60 of thousands bakeries in Kabul City, use 10% of soy flour jointly to wheat flour for doubling the protein content. Be minded, that long term uptake can defeat against cancer. 7
  • 8. Usage & Contain _ Cont… 8
  • 9. Soy grain, contains about 40% good quality protein, 20% Oil, 25-30% carbohydrate and 4-5% (some references showed 9%) minerals. Soy grain is a cheaper source of good quality protein, even than eggs and chicken and able to defeat malnutrition, because Usage & Contain _ Cont… than eggs and chicken and able to defeat malnutrition, because each 4 of 10 children suffering from malnutrition in Afghanistan. 9
  • 10. Agronomic practice in the country: Land preparation: For soy cultivation, land is prepared commonly as: 1. Ridges & Furrow 2. Raised-bed 3. Broadcasted sowing– but not so common.3. Broadcasted sowing– but not so common. Sowing Time: Mainly sowing date defends on the variety and agro-climatic conditions. Base on an experiment conducted on Soy 3 cultivars for identifying suitable sowing date in Helmand DAIL, shows that 05th to 25th of May, is significantly suitable time in south region for sowing of all three cultivars. 10
  • 11. Agronomic practice _ Cont… Depth of sowing: Soybean cultivars differ in their emergence capability but a seed depth of 3-5 cm is optimum, While comparably deeper in sandy sandy soil. Spacing: Following plant geometry is a common practice in Afghanistan, for most of the Soy Cultivars: Inter-row spacing: 45cm Intra-row spacing: 10cm 11
  • 12. Soybean inter-cropping system: As mentioned before, soybean is newly introduced crop and up to date, had not reported any relevant data, and may not conducted any such kind of activity yet. In addition soybean is a legume crop which can be fixed well in cropping systems/rotations, for improving soil fertility by fixing atmospheric N2 (50-300 kg/ha)also adds about 1.0-1.5 tones of leaf residues per season/ha. 12
  • 13. Soybean Cultivar (Hybrid and local) : Afghanistan soybean production started in 2006 with two U.S varieties (Stine 3300 and 3870) which were approved by the National Seed Commission. These seeds were approved based on successful adaptation trails of six U.S soybean varieties tested by both MAIL and NEI in 2004 and 2005. 13
  • 14. Soybean Cultivars _ Cont… For each region should be developed, Therefore, since 2008, NEI and ARIA have tested new, high performance varieties from the US and the republic of Korea. The first trail was of 9 varieties tested at nine agricultureThe first trail was of 9 varieties tested at nine agriculture research stations in 7 ecological zones over a period of 3 years. Consequently, 3 new varieties were identified as having the capacity to surpass international average yield standards. 14
  • 15. Soybean Cultivars _ Cont… The following seeds were approved by the government in 2012: 1. Hwangkeum – From Republic of Korea, 2. Stine 3300-2 – From U.S2. Stine 3300-2 – From U.S 3. Gateway 9866 – From U.S. NEI is now distributing these seeds to farmers. New trails are on going, For example, twenty-five varieties from the US and republic of Korea are being tested in 2015. 15
  • 16. Soybean Cultivars _ Cont… S/N Cultivars Ave-Plant Height cm Ave-yield Kg /ha 1000 Grain Weight 1 Ld09-10911 40 3191.25 120 2 Ld09-30224 60 2755 120 3 Ld10-9168 70 3653.75 120 Following is the complete list of 51 Soy cultivars, which tested or testing in Afghanistan at different ecological regions/Research Stations: 4 Ld07-3395bf 50 3437.5 140 5 Stine-30e32 45 2706.25 100 6 Stine-3920-2 55 2067.5 120 7 Yoowon 32 2002.5 140 8 Gangil 20 2337.5 220 9 Chungah 25 2056.25 220 10 Manpoong 40 1570 260 11 Yeonpoong 20 2976.25 220 12 Jangyeon 25 291.25 260 13 Gipoong 40 836.25 220 14 Ganpoong 60 0 0 15 Stine-29e22 1930 140 16
  • 17. Soybean Cultivars _ Cont… 16 Davison 35 3323.75 120 17 Stine3870 40 2847.5 280 18 Yoowon 35 1856.25 120 19 Yeonpoong 25 2666.25 280 20 Stine-3920-2 55 2433.75 120 21 Stine3870 55 3093.75 120 22 Stine-30e32 45 2542.5 120 23 Stine-29e22 55 2050 14023 Stine-29e22 55 2050 140 24 Ld10-9168 40 3120 140 25 Ld09-30224 40 3676.25 140 26 Ld09-10911 40 3926.25 120 27 Ld07-3395bf 40 3665 160 28 Jangyeon 250 220 29 Gipoong 35 818.75 220 30 Manpoong 30 1440 260 31 Ganpoong 38 0 0 32 Gangil 15 2057.5 200 33 Davison 35 3316.25 120 17
  • 18. Soybean Cultivars _ Cont… 34 Chungah 20 2236.25 200 35 Davison 45 3177.5 120 36 Chungah 18 1762.5 260 37 Jangyeon 30 263.75 260 38 Stine-3920-2 55 2131.25 140 39 Ld10-9168 55 3352.5 120 40 Yoowon 35 1855 180 41 Ld09-10911 40 3648.75 12041 Ld09-10911 40 3648.75 120 42 Ganpoong 60 0 0 43 Gipoong 48 975 220 44 Manpoong 25 1612.5 260 45 Stine-29e22 55 1998.75 120 46 Yeonpoong 20 3315 280 47 Stine-30e32 65 2967.5 140 48 Ld09-30224 60 3055 180 49 Stine3870 45 3183.75 220 50 Ld07-3395bf 63 2772.5 140 51 Gangil 30 2418.75 180 18
  • 19. Soybean Cultivar _ Con … No Cultivars Ave-Yield Kg/ha Ranking 1 Ld09-10911 3588.75 1 2 Ld09-30224 3162.083 3 Ld10-9168 3375.417 2 4 Ld07-3395bf 3291.667 5 Stine-30e32 2738.75 6 Stine-3920-2 2210.833 Following is the list of 17 Soy cultivars tested at Helmand Bolan Research farm in 2016 6 Stine-3920-2 2210.833 7 Yoowon 1904.583 8 Gangil 2271.25 9 Chungah 2018.333 10 Manpoong 1540.833 11 Yeonpoong 2985.833 12 Jangyeon 268.3333 13 Gipoong 876.6667 14 Ganpoong 0 15 Stine-29e22 1992.917 16 Davison 3272.5 3 17 Stine3870 3041.667 19
  • 20. Common Diseases and Pests in Afghanistan: Due to short term cultivation background, disease number of Soy crop is not exceeded yet. Following are the names of common diseases and pests, which have been seen yet in Soy field:have been seen yet in Soy field: 1. Powdery mildew – typically on leaves. 2. Leaves color loss (Yellowing)- but factor recognition is not considered yet. 3. Aphids – Sucking crop Leaves’ sap 4. Army Worm/Cutworm – eating crop leaves. 20
  • 21. Soybean Industrial Process: To develop a sustainable nutritional intervention, NEI has adapted an approach to build a full soybean value chain in a self-sustainable manner involving soybean seed multiplication, soybean production with farmers, soy processing and market development.processing and market development. In 2012, NEI has so far established 4 soy flour factories, 3 soy milk factories, 2 tofu production units and 1 soy cookies production unit. Each factory of soy milk is capable of producing soy milk to feed up to 2,000 women and children daily. 21
  • 22. Soybean Industrial Process_ Cont… 22
  • 23. The establishment of additional soy processing factories is a major goal of the WFP and NEI partnership program. WFP purchased almost an entire year’s production of soy flour from NEI in order to manufacture high protein soy biscuits for Soybean Industrial Process_ Cont… from NEI in order to manufacture high protein soy biscuits for their school biscuit feeding program starting in 2013. 23
  • 24. Soybean Industrial Process_ Cont… Soy grains are processing into more than 200 forms of consumption in South Korea, Japan, China etc, While in Afghanistan just 14 forms of usage, such as: a. Milk b. Oilb. Oil c. Flour d. Cookies & cakes. e. Tofu etc Because Soy cultivation is still a new concept for Ag- community. 24
  • 25. Soybean Industrial Process_ Cont… 25
  • 26. Soybean Industrial Process_ Cont… 26
  • 27. Home-made Soy milk: Based on following principles we can process soy grains, to get soy milk for family needs only: Ingredients: 1. 10.5 oz (300g) dry soy bean.1. 10.5 oz (300g) dry soy bean. 2. 3 quarts (about 3 L) water. 3. Sachets sweetener (to taste) (optional) Be remember (1 kg of Seeds 10-12 L soymilk) 27
  • 28. Home-made Soy milk _ Cont… Directions: 1. Rinse soybean for a few times, then soak with clean water for at least 5 hrs, then Drain. 2. Put 1.5 cups soybean into a blender, then add in 4.5 cups of water (Ratio is 1:3).water (Ratio is 1:3). 3. Process on high speed until soybean is very fine, then strain through a colander lined with coffee cloth (or cheesecloth). Hold up the cloth and lightly squeeze out the soy milk. Repeat the same for the remaining soybean. 28
  • 29. Home-made Soy milk _ Cont… Directions _ Cont… 4. Strain the soy milk through coffee cloth again into a large microwave-safe glass bowl. 5. Cook (without lid or it will spill) on high in microwave (1000 W) for about 45 minutes or until boiling, then continue to boilW) for about 45 minutes or until boiling, then continue to boil for another 1-2 minutes. 6. Remove and set aside to cool for a while, then strain again to remove the bean curd skin forms on top of the cooked soy milk. 7. Sweeten to taste with sweetener and serve either warm or cold. 8. Keep refrigerated for up to 3 days. 29
  • 30. Home-made Soy milk _ Cont… See the procedure through picturesthrough pictures 30
  • 31. Soy Seed production in Afghanistan: Seed supply to afghan Soy farmers has been self-sustainable since 2011, therefore seed import from US is no longer needed. Seven seed companies from each agriculture zone are produce certified seeds.certified seeds. Thus a local supply has been developed for our farmers. 31
  • 32. Present & Future of Soy Crop in Afghanistan: With nearly years of collaborative efforts between NEI and its Afghan partners including government agencies, the private sector, village leaders, farmers, and rural housewives, three soy facts have been established in Afghanistan: 1. Soybean grow well in Afghanistan. 2. Afghans like soy foods. 3. Afghans who consume soy foods become healthier. 32
  • 33. Present & Future _Cont… NEI and its collaborators have set a national goal of producing 300,000 tons of soybeans to defeat malnutrition by 2023. This quantity of soybeans will provide 100,000 MT absorbable protein, for 30 million protein-deficient people and,protein, for 30 million protein-deficient people and, consequently, officially end malnutrition in Afghanistan. 33
  • 34. What is NEI ? Nutrition & Education International (NEI) is a non-partisan and non-profit organization based in Pasadena, California. NEI was formed in 2003 by Dr. Steven Kwon to fight widespread malnutrition among women and children who live in high-mortality areas in Afghanistan.high-mortality areas in Afghanistan. NEI is supported and run by volunteers who work full-time in various professional fields and donate their time and expertise to bring proper nutrition to impoverished communities in Afghanistan. 34
  • 35. References: 1. Annual Written Report, NEI_ Afghanistan_2012. 2. NEI website: 3. International TV, Soy Video Report -Aljazeera-2016. 4. International TV, Soy Video Report -Tolo News Afghanistan-2016. 5. Soy trail test result-Bolan Research Farm-Research Department, DAIL, Helmand Province-2016.Province-2016. 6. Soybean Growers Association, phone communication- Helmand Province-2017. 7. Google search: http: (// recipe/) and ( Soymilk-from-Biotech-Soybean.pdf). 35