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AutoCAD is drafting/modeling software used all over the world by almost all
manufacturing companies. It is variable software which can be used in all engineering divisions.
It is a drafting version popularly known to everyone associated with mechanical engineering.
The AutoCAD drawing enables the designer to communicate his ideas to the outside of
department easily.
Conversion of AutoCAD files to other software is also using drawing exchange formula. In the
lesson, commands and procedures for drawing and modifying the objects are explored.
When you start a drawing, you specify the type of units and other settings. You can also choose
how to save your files, including saving back up files.
In the settings if you select, English or metric, determines default values used for many system
variables of controlling text dimensions, grid , snap and default line type and hatch pattern line.
ENGLISH - Creates a new drawing based on Imperial Measurement System. The drawing is
based on cad.dwt template.
Creates a new drawing based on metric measurement. The drawing is based on autocadiso.dwt
template. Save drawing files for later use.
You can magnify the detail s in your drawing for a closer view or shift the view to a different
part of the drawing. If you can save the view by name, you can restore them later.
Every object is measured in units. In AutoCAD we can determine the value of the units before
we draw.
The drawing limits are two-dimensional points in the world coordinate that represent a lower-left
limit and an upper right limit. You cannot impose limits on the Z direction.
All input points specify in your drawing using standard Cartesian coordinates x and y. Using
absolute coordinate, points entered by typing x, y [Enter]
Enter LINE command: L [Enter]
Start line at point A: 0,0 [Enter]
End first line at point B: 2,2 [Enter]
End of second line at point C: 2,3 [Enter]
After first points entered, your next points can be entered by specifying the next coordinate
compare/relative from the first points. The relative coordinate started with symbol “@” tell
AutoCAD it was a relative coordinates. Using relative coordinate, points entered by typing @x, y
Enter LINE command: L [Enter]
Start line at point A: 0,0 [Enter]
End first line at point B: @2,2 [Enter]
End of second line at point C: @0,1 [Enter]
Polar coordinates used when you need to draw the next points at specify angle. Polar coordinates
system in AutoCAD specifies distance length at which angle. Using polar coordinate, points
entered by typing @distance<angle [Enter]
Enter LINE command: L [Enter]
Start line at point A: 0,0 [Enter]
End first line at point B: @2.828<45 [Enter]
End of second line at point C: @1<90 [Enter]
Line command allows you to create a line where the end points are specified by two dimensional
or three dimensional coordinates.
Method 1:
1. Select the line symbol from the draw menu.
2. Select a starting point for the line segment.
3. Select an end point for the line segment.
4. Hit Enter.
Method 2:
1. Type Line or L in the command line.
2. Select a starting point for the line segment.
3. Select an end point for the line segment.
4. Hit Enter.
Method 3:
1. Select the line symbol from the draw menu or type Line or L in the command line.
2. Select a starting point for the line segment.
3. Move the cursor in the line direction.
4. Enter the length of the line segment, for example: type 3’ or 3”.
5. Hit Enter.
6. Hit Enter again to get out of the command.
PLINE command allows you to draw line and arc segments, but from start to end, it is treated as
a sing object. With PLINE command, you can draw objects even with line width.
The ARC command allows you to create an arc segment. There are different methods of
creating an arc. The different methods of creating an arc are:
1) 3 Points
2) Centre, Start, Radius
3) Start, Centre, End
4) Start, Centre, Angle
5) Start, Centre, Length
6) Start, End, Angle
7) Start, End, Direction
8) Start, End, Radius
TTR Option
- Click Circle on the Draw Toolbar.
- At the specify the center point for the circle or[ 3P/2P/TTR].
- Click 3P
- Specify a point on drawing for the first tangent point of the circle.
- Specify a point on drawing for the second tangent point of the circle. 4
- Specify the radius of the circle.
The CIRCLE command allows you to create a circle. There are four different
Methods for drawing circles. They are:
1. Centre, Radius/Centre, Diameter
2. 3 Points (3P), 2 Points (2P)
3. Tangent, Tangent, Radius (ttr)
You can create circles in many different ways. In this tutorial we will only use the circle symbol
from the modify tool and the command line.
Method 1:
1. Select the circle symbol from the draw menu.
2. Click on the screen where you want to specify the center point for the circle.
3. Drag the mouse across to specify a node of the circle.
4. Click.
Method 2:
1. Type Circle or C in the command line.
2. Hit Enter.
3. Click on the screen where you want to specify the center point for the circle.
4. Drag the mouse across to specify a node of the circle.
5. Click.
Method 3:
1. Select the circle symbol from the draw menu. or type Circle or C in the command line.
2. Click on the screen where you want to specify the center point for the circle.
3. Specify the radius or diameter of the circle by typing R or D.
4. Hit Enter.
5. Input the numeric value.
6. Hit Enter.
1- Draw Tool bar.
2- Draw from the pull-down menu bar.
3- Key Board: Type C on the command line and then press Enter. 3
Center, Radius Option
- Click Circle on the Draw Toolbar.
- Specify the center point.
- Specify the radius.
Center, Diameter Option
- Click Circle on the Draw Toolbar.
- Specify the center point.
- Specify the diameter.
2P Option
- Click Circle on the Draw Toolbar.
- At the specify the center point for the circle or[ 3P/2P/TTR].
- Click 2P
- Specify the first point of the circle's diameter.
- Specify the second point of the circle's diameter.
3P Option
- Click Circle on the Draw Toolbar.
- At the specify the center point for the circle or[ 3P/2P/TTR].
- Click 3P
- Specify the first point of the circle.
- Specify the second point of the circle.
- Specify the third point of the circle.
Polygon command creates a regular polygon. You must specify the number of sides of the
polygon and whether it is Inscribed or Circumscribed polygon. Now, specify the centre and
radius of the polygon circle.
AutoCAD Polygon Command
The polygon command can allow you to create polygons of different shapes and sizes.
To activate the Polygon command use one the following options:
1- Draw Tool bar
2- Draw from the pull-down menu: Enter the number of sides required for the
3- Key Board, type Polygon> enter the number of side> Specify the center of the
polygon>Select an option from Inscribed in a circle or Circumscribed about a circle.
4- Specify the Radius of the circle, enter a value and press Enter.
Osnaps allow you to snap onto a specific object location when you are picking a point. For
example, using Osnaps you can accurately pick the end point of a line or the center of a circle.
One of the advantages of using a CAD system is the ability to remove entities without leaving
any marks. We will erase two of the lines using the Erase command.
1. Pick Erase in the Modify toolbar. (The icon is the first icon in the Modify toolbar. The icon is
a picture of an eraser at the end of a pencil.) The message “Select objects” is displayed in the
command prompt area and AutoCAD® awaits us to select the objects to erase.
2. Left-click the SNAP button on the Status Bar to turn off the SNAP option so that we can more
easily move the cursor on top of objects. We can toggle the Status Bar options ON or OFF in the
middle of another command.
3. Select any two lines on the screen; the selected lines are displayed as dashed lines as shown in
the figure below.
4. Right-mouse-click once to accept the selections. The selected two lines are erased.
The copy command is used for making copies of selected objects. The object to be copied must
be selected and the base point must be specified and the copy can be dragged and placed at the
required position.
MOVE Command: This AutoCAD command will allow you to move objects at specified
distance in a specified direction.
To activate the Move Command use the following options:
1- Modify Toolbar
2- Modify from the Pull-Down Menu
3- Type M for move at the command line and press enter.
Sequence for the Move command
This command is used for rotating selected objects. To rotate an object, first select it and
specify a base point. Now enter an angle value or specify a second point to rotate the object.
Entering a positive angle value rotates the objects counterclockwise or clockwise, depending on
the Direction Control setting and Drawing Units dialog box. The plane of rotation and the
direction of the zero angle depend on the orientation of the user coordinate system.
The mirror command creates a mirror image of objects. Mirror command is useful for objects
that present symmetry. You draw half of the object and you mirror the other half.
1- Select Mirror command from:
- Modify Tool bar
Pull-Down menu
Type Mirror at the command line.
2- Select object then press enter.
3- At Specify first point of mirror line, select P1, see figure below. 9
4- At Specify second point of mirror line, select P2, see figure below.
5- At Delete source object? [Yes/No] <N>. Press enter.
Offset an object to create a new object whose shape parallels the shape of the original object.
Offsetting a circ le or an arc creates a larger or smaller circle or arc, depending on which side
you specify for the offset.
1. Click the Offset button on the Home tab’s Modify panel, or enter Offset and press Enter.
AutoCAD displays the current command settings and prompts you for the offset distance
— the distance from the original object to the copy you’re creating:
Current settings: Erase source=No Layer=
Specify offset distance or [Through/Erase/Layer] <Through>:
2. Type an offset distance and press Enter.
Alternatively, you can indicate an offset distance by picking two points on the screen. If
you choose this method, you should normally use object snaps to specify a precise
distance from one existing object to another.
AutoCAD prompts you to select the object from which you want to create an offset copy:
Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo] <Exit>:
3. Select a single object, such as a line, a polyline, or an arc.
Note that you can select only one object at a time with the Offset command. AutoCAD
asks where you want the offset object:
Specify point on side to offset or [Exit/Multiple/Undo] <Exit>:
4. Point to one side or the other of the object and then click.
It doesn’t matter how far away from the object the crosshairs are when you click. You’re
simply indicating a direction.
AutoCAD repeats the Select object prompt, in case you want to offset other objects by
the same distance:
Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo] <Exit>:
5. Repeat Step 3 to offset another object, or press Enter if you’re finished offsetting objects.
For information on the command options — Multiple, Erase, and Layer are all useful options —
look up OFFSET in the online Help system’s Command Reference section.
This command creates an array of the selected object around a centre point. You must specify the
centre point of the array, the total number of items and the angle to fill for creating a polar array.
1. Type Array in the command line or select from the modify toolbar.
2. Select the object you would like to array.
3. Enter or select the center point of rotation for the object.
4. Select a method of array. (3 methods to choose from see terms definitions below).
5. Enter the number of items to array. (Methods 1 and 2).
6. Enter the array angle. (Methods 1 and 3).
7. Enter the angle between the objects. (Methods 2 and 3).
8. Make sure to check “Rotate items as copied” if you would like to copy the objects as selected.
9. For Object base point use the default selected. (Optional step).
10. Select the Preview button to see the sample array before you hit the Ok button. You can
accept the array or modify it. (Optional step).
This command creates an array of the selected objects defined by the number of rows and
columns and the offset between them.
1. Type Array in the command line or select from the modify toolbar.
2. Select the object you would like to array.
3. Input the number of rows. (Negative number for downward array)
4. Input the number of columns. (Negative number will point array to the left)
5. Pick or input the distance for the Row offset.
6. Pick or input the distance for the Column offset.
7. Enter the Angle for the array. (Use the default 0 degree).
8. Select the Preview button to see the sample array before you hit the Ok button. You can
accept the array or modify it. (Optional step).
The EXTEND command elongates the selected objects to a specified boundary.
The TRIM command trims off an object t using cutting edges defined by other objects. Here the
user is required to select object(s) to define cutting edge(s) then select the object to be trimmed;
the selected side of the object is removed based on the side of selection of the object to be
trimmed relative to the cutting edge.
The BREAK commands are used to remove only parts of an object. You must specify the first
and second points between which the object must be deleted.
FILLET rounds of the edges of two arcs, circles, elliptical arcs, lines, polylines, rays, splines or
xlines with an arc of a specified radius. Rounds along the edges cannot be created with zero
radiuses. Fillet Command: The fillet command will allow you to round sharp corner.
Command: Fillet
Current settings: Mode=TRIM, Radius = 20.000
Select first object or [Polyline/Radius/Trim]: Type R to set the radius.
Specify fillet radius<20.000>: 10
Select first object or [Polyline/Radius/Trim]: Pick P1
Select second object: Pick P2
CHAMFER command draws a line at the corner between two selected lines. If the lines do not
intersect, it extends the lines. If they intersect, the lines extending beyond the chamfer line can be
trimmed or left as it is, by the trim mode.
The LENGTHEN command is used to increase/decrease the length of AutoCAD objects.
This command places evenly spaced point objects or blocks along the length or perimeter of an
object. You can select only one entity at a time to be divided. The entities that can be selected
are: line, arc, circle, polyline and spline.
This zoom to display the entire drawing in the current viewport. The display shows all the
entities even if the drawing extends outside the drawing limits.
ZOOM WINDOW commands to display an area specified by two diagonally opposite corner
points of a rectangle window.
This zoom to display the drawing ex tents. If the drawings are small in the existing limits, then
there is an enlarging effect on the screen. If the drawings occupy the complete area of the limits,
then there are many not being much difference between ZOOM ALL and ZOOM EXTENTS.
This command specifies the linear distance between two selected points.
This command is used for specifying the linear distance (exact dimensional value) between two
points which are inclined at an angle.
This command is used for obtaining the angle two selected points. The three types are:
1) Arc Selection
2) Circle Selection
3) Line Selection
4) Three Point Selection
This command gives the value of radius of the specified circle, arc or fillet. A radial dimension
consists of a radius dimension line with an arrowhead at the arc or circle end.
This command marks the centre point of the selected arc or circle. The center mark cannot be
updated, so set the required style before executing this command.
LINETYPE greatly improves the read ability of technical drawings. You can make important
features stand out with bold line weights.
Layer is an organizing tool. Layers are like one, where you can keep various types of
information. It’s always a good idea to keep notes and reference symbols about each element of
the drawing as well as drawing dimensions on a new layer.
This command lists the distance between the selected points and also lists out the angle in current
plane and 3D angle from the current plane, based on the direction
Of picking the two points. It also lists the projected lengths on the three axes called the delta
TEXT command creates text objects with specified height and orientation. Text objects can be
created with a variety of character patterns call style. This command allows you to type a single
line or multiple lines of text.
MTEXT creates paragraph that fit within a nonprinting text boundary. The user specified text
boundary determines the width of the paragraph and the justification of the text within the
paragraph. Each multiline text object is a single object, regardless of the number of lines it
Hatches are shaded pattern which gene rally represent cross-section of a mechanical component.
Using BHATCH command the required area, type of hatch, hatch angle and scale can be
The PROPERTIES command displays the Properties palette. The Properties palette is the main
method for viewing and modifying the properties of AutoCAD objects.
Viewports are areas that display different views of your model. As you work on the Model tab,
you can split the drawing area into one or more adjacent rectangular views known as model
space viewports. In large or complex drawings, displaying different views reduces the time
needed to zoom or pan in a single view. Also, errors you might miss in one view may be
apparent in the others.
Solids can be created by extruding selected objects. Use the EXTRUDE command to create a
solid or surface from a common profile of an object
REVOLVE command can create a solid or surface by revolving open or closed objects about an
axis. The revolved objects define the profile of the solid or surface.
This command can create a solid pyramid. The number of sides for a pyramid, from 3 to 32, can
be defined. The axis endpoint defines the length and orientation of the pyramid.
A layout stimulates a sheet of paper and provides a predict table plotting setup for a layout, you
can create and position view post objects and you can add a title block or other objects geometry.
Once you have completed a drawing you can plot the drawing on paper or create a file for use
with another application. In either case, you select the plot settings.
Exercise using Rectangle, circle, ellipse, Polygons, fillet,… etc commands
50 50
50 50
R25 R15
25 50
To draw a title block with necessary text and projection symbol using AUTOCAD 2013 software.
1. Limits, 5.Offset,
2. Zoom, 6.Trim,
3. Line, 7.Dimlinear etc.
4. Rectangle,
1. Open AutoCAD window.
2. By default you will get a drawing sheet. If you don’t get a new drawing create a new
drawing sheet by pressing CTRL+N.
3. Ste the drawing limit by using the
Command: Limits Enter
Reset Model space limits:
Specify lower left corner or [ON/OFF]: 0, 0
Specify upper right corner: 297,210
4. Now Draw a Rectangle:
Command: Rec Enter (or use Draw ➤Rectangle)
Specify first corner point or [Chamfer/Elevation/Fillet/Thickness/Width]: 10, 10
Specify other corner point or [Area/Dimensions/Rotation]: @277,190 Enter
5. Now Draw a the Title box of size 100 mm X 50 mm using rectangle command as
shown in Fig 5.
6. Then draw the symbol for First Angle Projection.
7. Now create the text box and its content with the command “T”.
Then create the text boxes and enter the texts as shown in fig.
Thus the title box is drawn successfully representing its scale, Angle of projection and the
1. Draw a Parabola using rectangle Method whose double ordinate, RS= 70mm and abscissa KV=
All Dimensions are in mm
2. Draw the locus ofPoint P for one revolution ofthe Link (Archimedean Spiral) whose OA =
60mm, N = 1
All Dimensions are in mm
3. Draw the involute of a Hexagon of side 25 mm sides.
All Dimensions are in mm
To draw a given curves using B spline or Cubic spline commands in AUTOCAD 2013
1. Limits, 5.Offset,
2. Zoom, 6.Trim,
3. Line, 7.Dimlinear etc.
4. Rectangle,
1) Limits are set for A4 standard drawing size. Margins and title block are drawn using lines.
2) From the given data,the Loci points of Parabola are found and joined using Pline and then
Fitted using Pedit command
3) From the given data,the Loci points of square and hexagonal involutes are
found and joined using arc command.
4) From the given data,the Loci points of Spiral are found using Concentric
circles or arc method, and joined using Pline and then fitted using Pedit
5) Drawn curves are dimensioned appropriately.
6) Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken.
The special curves like parabola, spiral, involute (square and Hexagon) using
Bspline or Cubic Spline are drawn using Auto CAD.
1. A square prism of 40mm base and 60mm length. Axis is perpendicular to the HP and one of
its rectangular face parallel to the VP. Draw its front view and top view.
All Dimensions are in mm
2. A cylinder of base 60mm diameter and height 80mm has its axis perpendicular to HP. Draw
its front view and top view.
All Dimensions are in mm
1. A pentagonal pyramid of base side 25mm and altitude 50mm rests on its base on the HP
with and edge ofthe base perpendicular to the VP. It is cut by a plane perpendicular to both
the HP and VP. The cutting plane cuts the object at 12mm from the axis in the top view.
Draw the front, top and sectional right side view of the pyramid.
All Dimensions are in mm
To draw the front view and top view of simple solids like Prism, Pyramid, Cylinder, Cone
and Dimensioning by using AUTOCAD 2013 software
1. Limits, 5.Offset,
2. Zoom, 6.Trim,
3. Line, 7.Dimlinear etc.
4. Rectangle,
1) Limits are set for A4 standard drawing size. Margins and title block are drawn using lines.
2) Using Line, Circle, Polygon commands, front and top view of given simple solids are drawn
3) Layer is defined (for line type, line weight and color) separately for visible, hidden, axis and
dimension lines and applied.
4) Sectional views are drawn and section is created using Hatch command.
5) Drawn solids are named and dimensioned accordingly.
6) Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken.
The front and top views of the given simple solids (prisms and pyramids) are drawn using
Auto CAD.
(a) Base of Mixer (b) Knuckle Joint
All Dimensions are in mm
(c) ‘V’ Bock
(d) Simple Stool
All Dimensions are in mm All Dimensions are in inch
To draw the front view and top view and side view of objects from the given Pictorial views
by using AUTOCAD 2013 software
1. Limits, 5.Offset
2. Zoom, 6.Trim,
3. Line, 7.Dimlinear etc.
4. Rectangle,
1) Limits are set for A4 standard drawing size. are drawn.
2) Given Solid is modeled using Extrude command.
3) Layout is created with four viewports for Front, Top, Left Side and
Isometric views.
4) Dimensioning is done in the appropriate views.
5) Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken.
The orthographic views of the given solids are drawn using Auto CAD.
To draw the plan of a residential Building using AUTOCAD 2013 software
1. Limits, 5.Offset
2. Zoom, 6.Trim,
3. Line, 7.Dimlinear, etc.
4. Rectangle,
1) Limits are set for A4 standard drawing size. Margins and title block are
drawn using lines.
2) Using Multiline command, plan of the given residential building is drawn.
3) The plan is dimensioned and the rooms are named accordingly.
4) Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken.
The plan of the given residential building is drawn using Auto CAD.
a= Pratt bottom Chord
b= Warren bottom Chord
c= Hip Step-down
d= Belgian
e= Howe Bottom Chord
To draw the Simple Steel Truss using AUTOCAD 2013 software
1. Limits, 5.Offset
2. Zoom, 6.Trim,
3. Line, 7.Dimlinear, etc.
4. Rectangle,
1) Limits are set for A4 standard drawing size. Margins and title block are drawn using lines.
2) Using appropriate commands, simple trusses with combinations of King and Queen posts are
3) Drawn figure is dimensioned accordingly.
4) Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken.
Simple trusses are drawn using Auto CAD.
A hexagonal prism of base side 25mm and axis length 55 mm is resting on HP on one of its bases with
two of the vertical faces perpendicular to VP. It is cut by a plane inclined at 50° to HP and perpendicular
to VP and passing through a point at a distance 12 mm from the top base. Draw its front view, sectional
top view and true shape of section.
All Dimensions are in mm
To draw the Sectional views of Prism, pyramid, Cylinder, and Cone using Auto CAD 2013
1. Limits, 5.Offset
2. Zoom, 6.Trim,
3. Line, 7.Dimlinear, etc.
4. Rectangle,
1) Limits are set for A4 standard drawing size. Margins and title block are drawn using lines.
2) Using Line, Circle, Polygon commands, front and top view of given simple solids are drawn
3) Layer is defined (for line type, line weight and color) separately for visible, hidden, axis and
dimension lines and applied.
4) Sectional views are drawn and section is created using Hatch command.
5) Drawn solids are named and dimensioned accordingly.
6) Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken.
Thus the Sectional views of are drawn using Auto CAD.
A cylinder of base diameter 35 mm and height 55mm rests on its base on HP. It is cut by a plane
perpendicular to VP and inclined at 45° to HP. The cutting plane meets the axis at a distance 15mm from
the top base. Draw the sectional plan and true shape of section.
All Dimensions are in mm
A pentagonal pyramid of base side 25mm and altitude 50mm rests on its base on the HP with one of the
base edges perpendicular to the VP. It is cut by a plane inclined at 45° to the base. The cutting plane
meets the axis at 20mm above the base. Draw the front view, sectional top view and the true shape of the
All Dimensions are in mm
A cone of base diameter 40mm and axis length 50mm, resting on HP on its base is cut by a plane inclined
at 45° to HP and perpendicular to VP and is bisecting the axis. Draw the front view and sectional top view
and true shape of the section.
All Dimensions are in mm
All Dimensions are in cm
To draw the Isometric Projection of Simple Objects using AUTOCAD 2013 software.
1. Limits, 5.Offset
2. Zoom, 6.Trim,
3. Line, 7.Dimlinear, etc.
4. Rectangle,
1) Limits are set for A4 standard drawing size. Margins and title block are drawn using lines.
2) Using Line, Circle, Polygon commands, front and top view of given simple solids are drawn.
3) Snap is changed from Rectangular to Isometric to help draw the Isometric view. F5 key is
used to invoke/toggle between the different Isoplanes (Left, Top, Right) accordingly.
4) Given objects are taken and drawn in Isometric.
5) Drawn solids are named and dimensioned accordingly.
6) Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken.
Thus Isometric Projection of Simple objects drawn using AUTOCAD.
(c) (d)
All Dimensions are in mm
To draw the 3-D Model of Simple Object and obtaining 2-D Multi-View drawing from 3-D
Model using AUTOCAD 2013 software
1. Line,
2. Rectangle,
3. Arc.
1. Part mode,
2. Drawing Mode.
1) Auto CAD 3-D template is opened for creating 3-D models.
2) Prisms are created using Extrude command and pyramids by Pyramid command.
3) Objects of revolution like cylinder and cone are create d using Revolve command.
4) Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken.
The 3-D Models of given simple solids are created using Auto CAD.

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  • 1. 1 EX NO: 01 DATE: STUDY OF CAPABILITIES OF SOFTWARE FOR DRAFTING AND MODELING DRAWING AND MODIFYING OBJECTS AutoCAD is drafting/modeling software used all over the world by almost all manufacturing companies. It is variable software which can be used in all engineering divisions. It is a drafting version popularly known to everyone associated with mechanical engineering. The AutoCAD drawing enables the designer to communicate his ideas to the outside of department easily. Conversion of AutoCAD files to other software is also using drawing exchange formula. In the lesson, commands and procedures for drawing and modifying the objects are explored. START AND SAVE A DRAWING When you start a drawing, you specify the type of units and other settings. You can also choose how to save your files, including saving back up files. In the settings if you select, English or metric, determines default values used for many system variables of controlling text dimensions, grid , snap and default line type and hatch pattern line. ENGLISH - Creates a new drawing based on Imperial Measurement System. The drawing is based on cad.dwt template. METRIC Creates a new drawing based on metric measurement. The drawing is based on autocadiso.dwt template. Save drawing files for later use. CONTROL THE VIEWS You can magnify the detail s in your drawing for a closer view or shift the view to a different part of the drawing. If you can save the view by name, you can restore them later. UNITS Every object is measured in units. In AutoCAD we can determine the value of the units before we draw. LIMITS The drawing limits are two-dimensional points in the world coordinate that represent a lower-left limit and an upper right limit. You cannot impose limits on the Z direction.
  • 2. 2 ABSOLUTE COORDINATE SYSTEM All input points specify in your drawing using standard Cartesian coordinates x and y. Using absolute coordinate, points entered by typing x, y [Enter] Enter LINE command: L [Enter] Start line at point A: 0,0 [Enter] End first line at point B: 2,2 [Enter] End of second line at point C: 2,3 [Enter] RELATIVE COORDINATE SYSTEM After first points entered, your next points can be entered by specifying the next coordinate compare/relative from the first points. The relative coordinate started with symbol “@” tell AutoCAD it was a relative coordinates. Using relative coordinate, points entered by typing @x, y [Enter]
  • 3. 3 Enter LINE command: L [Enter] Start line at point A: 0,0 [Enter] End first line at point B: @2,2 [Enter] End of second line at point C: @0,1 [Enter] POLAR COORDINATE SYSTEM Polar coordinates used when you need to draw the next points at specify angle. Polar coordinates system in AutoCAD specifies distance length at which angle. Using polar coordinate, points entered by typing @distance<angle [Enter] Enter LINE command: L [Enter] Start line at point A: 0,0 [Enter] End first line at point B: @2.828<45 [Enter] End of second line at point C: @1<90 [Enter] LINE Line command allows you to create a line where the end points are specified by two dimensional or three dimensional coordinates. Method 1: 1. Select the line symbol from the draw menu. 2. Select a starting point for the line segment. 3. Select an end point for the line segment. 4. Hit Enter.
  • 4. 4 Method 2: 1. Type Line or L in the command line. 2. Select a starting point for the line segment. 3. Select an end point for the line segment. 4. Hit Enter. Method 3: 1. Select the line symbol from the draw menu or type Line or L in the command line. 2. Select a starting point for the line segment. 3. Move the cursor in the line direction. 4. Enter the length of the line segment, for example: type 3’ or 3”. 5. Hit Enter. 6. Hit Enter again to get out of the command. POLYLINE PLINE command allows you to draw line and arc segments, but from start to end, it is treated as a sing object. With PLINE command, you can draw objects even with line width. ARC The ARC command allows you to create an arc segment. There are different methods of creating an arc. The different methods of creating an arc are: 1) 3 Points 2) Centre, Start, Radius 3) Start, Centre, End 4) Start, Centre, Angle 5) Start, Centre, Length 6) Start, End, Angle 7) Start, End, Direction 8) Start, End, Radius
  • 5. 5 TTR Option - Click Circle on the Draw Toolbar. - At the specify the center point for the circle or[ 3P/2P/TTR]. - Click 3P - Specify a point on drawing for the first tangent point of the circle. - Specify a point on drawing for the second tangent point of the circle. 4 - Specify the radius of the circle. CIRCLE The CIRCLE command allows you to create a circle. There are four different Methods for drawing circles. They are: 1. Centre, Radius/Centre, Diameter 2. 3 Points (3P), 2 Points (2P) 3. Tangent, Tangent, Radius (ttr) You can create circles in many different ways. In this tutorial we will only use the circle symbol from the modify tool and the command line. Method 1: 1. Select the circle symbol from the draw menu. 2. Click on the screen where you want to specify the center point for the circle. 3. Drag the mouse across to specify a node of the circle. 4. Click. Method 2: 1. Type Circle or C in the command line. 2. Hit Enter. 3. Click on the screen where you want to specify the center point for the circle. 4. Drag the mouse across to specify a node of the circle. 5. Click. Method 3: 1. Select the circle symbol from the draw menu. or type Circle or C in the command line. 2. Click on the screen where you want to specify the center point for the circle. 3. Specify the radius or diameter of the circle by typing R or D. 4. Hit Enter. 5. Input the numeric value. 6. Hit Enter.
  • 6. 6 1- Draw Tool bar. 2- Draw from the pull-down menu bar. 3- Key Board: Type C on the command line and then press Enter. 3 Center, Radius Option - Click Circle on the Draw Toolbar. - Specify the center point. - Specify the radius. Center, Diameter Option - Click Circle on the Draw Toolbar. - Specify the center point. - Specify the diameter. 2P Option - Click Circle on the Draw Toolbar. - At the specify the center point for the circle or[ 3P/2P/TTR]. - Click 2P - Specify the first point of the circle's diameter. - Specify the second point of the circle's diameter. 3P Option - Click Circle on the Draw Toolbar. - At the specify the center point for the circle or[ 3P/2P/TTR]. - Click 3P - Specify the first point of the circle. - Specify the second point of the circle. - Specify the third point of the circle.
  • 7. 7 POLYGON Polygon command creates a regular polygon. You must specify the number of sides of the polygon and whether it is Inscribed or Circumscribed polygon. Now, specify the centre and radius of the polygon circle. AutoCAD Polygon Command The polygon command can allow you to create polygons of different shapes and sizes. To activate the Polygon command use one the following options: 1- Draw Tool bar 2- Draw from the pull-down menu: Enter the number of sides required for the polygon. 3- Key Board, type Polygon> enter the number of side> Specify the center of the polygon>Select an option from Inscribed in a circle or Circumscribed about a circle. 4- Specify the Radius of the circle, enter a value and press Enter. OSNAP Osnaps allow you to snap onto a specific object location when you are picking a point. For example, using Osnaps you can accurately pick the end point of a line or the center of a circle. ERASE One of the advantages of using a CAD system is the ability to remove entities without leaving any marks. We will erase two of the lines using the Erase command. 1. Pick Erase in the Modify toolbar. (The icon is the first icon in the Modify toolbar. The icon is a picture of an eraser at the end of a pencil.) The message “Select objects” is displayed in the command prompt area and AutoCAD® awaits us to select the objects to erase.
  • 8. 8 2. Left-click the SNAP button on the Status Bar to turn off the SNAP option so that we can more easily move the cursor on top of objects. We can toggle the Status Bar options ON or OFF in the middle of another command. 3. Select any two lines on the screen; the selected lines are displayed as dashed lines as shown in the figure below. 4. Right-mouse-click once to accept the selections. The selected two lines are erased. COPY The copy command is used for making copies of selected objects. The object to be copied must be selected and the base point must be specified and the copy can be dragged and placed at the required position. MOVE MOVE Command: This AutoCAD command will allow you to move objects at specified distance in a specified direction. To activate the Move Command use the following options: 1- Modify Toolbar 2- Modify from the Pull-Down Menu 3- Type M for move at the command line and press enter.
  • 9. 9 Sequence for the Move command ROTATE This command is used for rotating selected objects. To rotate an object, first select it and specify a base point. Now enter an angle value or specify a second point to rotate the object. Entering a positive angle value rotates the objects counterclockwise or clockwise, depending on the Direction Control setting and Drawing Units dialog box. The plane of rotation and the direction of the zero angle depend on the orientation of the user coordinate system. MIRROR Mirror The mirror command creates a mirror image of objects. Mirror command is useful for objects that present symmetry. You draw half of the object and you mirror the other half. Procedures: 1- Select Mirror command from: - Modify Tool bar
  • 10. 10 Pull-Down menu Type Mirror at the command line. 2- Select object then press enter. 3- At Specify first point of mirror line, select P1, see figure below. 9 4- At Specify second point of mirror line, select P2, see figure below. 5- At Delete source object? [Yes/No] <N>. Press enter. OFFSET Offset an object to create a new object whose shape parallels the shape of the original object. Offsetting a circ le or an arc creates a larger or smaller circle or arc, depending on which side you specify for the offset. 1. Click the Offset button on the Home tab’s Modify panel, or enter Offset and press Enter.
  • 11. 11 AutoCAD displays the current command settings and prompts you for the offset distance — the distance from the original object to the copy you’re creating: Current settings: Erase source=No Layer= Source OFFSETGAPTYPE=0 Specify offset distance or [Through/Erase/Layer] <Through>: 2. Type an offset distance and press Enter. Alternatively, you can indicate an offset distance by picking two points on the screen. If you choose this method, you should normally use object snaps to specify a precise distance from one existing object to another. AutoCAD prompts you to select the object from which you want to create an offset copy: Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo] <Exit>: 3. Select a single object, such as a line, a polyline, or an arc. Note that you can select only one object at a time with the Offset command. AutoCAD asks where you want the offset object: Specify point on side to offset or [Exit/Multiple/Undo] <Exit>: 4. Point to one side or the other of the object and then click. It doesn’t matter how far away from the object the crosshairs are when you click. You’re simply indicating a direction. AutoCAD repeats the Select object prompt, in case you want to offset other objects by the same distance: Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo] <Exit>: 5. Repeat Step 3 to offset another object, or press Enter if you’re finished offsetting objects. For information on the command options — Multiple, Erase, and Layer are all useful options — look up OFFSET in the online Help system’s Command Reference section. POLAR ARRAY This command creates an array of the selected object around a centre point. You must specify the centre point of the array, the total number of items and the angle to fill for creating a polar array.
  • 12. 12 1. Type Array in the command line or select from the modify toolbar. 2. Select the object you would like to array. 3. Enter or select the center point of rotation for the object. 4. Select a method of array. (3 methods to choose from see terms definitions below). 5. Enter the number of items to array. (Methods 1 and 2). 6. Enter the array angle. (Methods 1 and 3). 7. Enter the angle between the objects. (Methods 2 and 3). 8. Make sure to check “Rotate items as copied” if you would like to copy the objects as selected. 9. For Object base point use the default selected. (Optional step). 10. Select the Preview button to see the sample array before you hit the Ok button. You can accept the array or modify it. (Optional step). RECTANGULAR ARRAY This command creates an array of the selected objects defined by the number of rows and columns and the offset between them. 1. Type Array in the command line or select from the modify toolbar. 2. Select the object you would like to array. 3. Input the number of rows. (Negative number for downward array) 4. Input the number of columns. (Negative number will point array to the left) 5. Pick or input the distance for the Row offset. 6. Pick or input the distance for the Column offset. 7. Enter the Angle for the array. (Use the default 0 degree). 8. Select the Preview button to see the sample array before you hit the Ok button. You can accept the array or modify it. (Optional step). EXTEND The EXTEND command elongates the selected objects to a specified boundary.
  • 13. 13 TRIM The TRIM command trims off an object t using cutting edges defined by other objects. Here the user is required to select object(s) to define cutting edge(s) then select the object to be trimmed; the selected side of the object is removed based on the side of selection of the object to be trimmed relative to the cutting edge. BREAK The BREAK commands are used to remove only parts of an object. You must specify the first and second points between which the object must be deleted. FILLET FILLET rounds of the edges of two arcs, circles, elliptical arcs, lines, polylines, rays, splines or xlines with an arc of a specified radius. Rounds along the edges cannot be created with zero radiuses. Fillet Command: The fillet command will allow you to round sharp corner. Procedure: Command: Fillet Current settings: Mode=TRIM, Radius = 20.000 Select first object or [Polyline/Radius/Trim]: Type R to set the radius. Specify fillet radius<20.000>: 10 Select first object or [Polyline/Radius/Trim]: Pick P1 Select second object: Pick P2
  • 14. 14 CHAMFER CHAMFER command draws a line at the corner between two selected lines. If the lines do not intersect, it extends the lines. If they intersect, the lines extending beyond the chamfer line can be trimmed or left as it is, by the trim mode. LENGTHEN The LENGTHEN command is used to increase/decrease the length of AutoCAD objects. DIVIDE This command places evenly spaced point objects or blocks along the length or perimeter of an object. You can select only one entity at a time to be divided. The entities that can be selected are: line, arc, circle, polyline and spline. ZOOM ALL This zoom to display the entire drawing in the current viewport. The display shows all the entities even if the drawing extends outside the drawing limits. ZOOM WINDOW ZOOM WINDOW commands to display an area specified by two diagonally opposite corner points of a rectangle window. ZOOM EXTENTS This zoom to display the drawing ex tents. If the drawings are small in the existing limits, then there is an enlarging effect on the screen. If the drawings occupy the complete area of the limits, then there are many not being much difference between ZOOM ALL and ZOOM EXTENTS. DIMLINEAR This command specifies the linear distance between two selected points. DIMALIGNED This command is used for specifying the linear distance (exact dimensional value) between two points which are inclined at an angle. DIMANGULAR This command is used for obtaining the angle two selected points. The three types are:
  • 15. 15 1) Arc Selection 2) Circle Selection 3) Line Selection 4) Three Point Selection DIMRADIUS This command gives the value of radius of the specified circle, arc or fillet. A radial dimension consists of a radius dimension line with an arrowhead at the arc or circle end. DIMCENTER This command marks the centre point of the selected arc or circle. The center mark cannot be updated, so set the required style before executing this command. LINETYPE LINETYPE greatly improves the read ability of technical drawings. You can make important features stand out with bold line weights. LAYER Layer is an organizing tool. Layers are like one, where you can keep various types of information. It’s always a good idea to keep notes and reference symbols about each element of the drawing as well as drawing dimensions on a new layer. DISTANCE This command lists the distance between the selected points and also lists out the angle in current plane and 3D angle from the current plane, based on the direction Of picking the two points. It also lists the projected lengths on the three axes called the delta length. TEXT TEXT command creates text objects with specified height and orientation. Text objects can be created with a variety of character patterns call style. This command allows you to type a single line or multiple lines of text. MTEXT MTEXT creates paragraph that fit within a nonprinting text boundary. The user specified text boundary determines the width of the paragraph and the justification of the text within the
  • 16. 16 paragraph. Each multiline text object is a single object, regardless of the number of lines it contains. HATCH Hatches are shaded pattern which gene rally represent cross-section of a mechanical component. Using BHATCH command the required area, type of hatch, hatch angle and scale can be specified. PROPERTIES The PROPERTIES command displays the Properties palette. The Properties palette is the main method for viewing and modifying the properties of AutoCAD objects. VPORTS Viewports are areas that display different views of your model. As you work on the Model tab, you can split the drawing area into one or more adjacent rectangular views known as model space viewports. In large or complex drawings, displaying different views reduces the time needed to zoom or pan in a single view. Also, errors you might miss in one view may be apparent in the others. EXTRUDE Solids can be created by extruding selected objects. Use the EXTRUDE command to create a solid or surface from a common profile of an object REVOLVE REVOLVE command can create a solid or surface by revolving open or closed objects about an axis. The revolved objects define the profile of the solid or surface. PYRAMID This command can create a solid pyramid. The number of sides for a pyramid, from 3 to 32, can be defined. The axis endpoint defines the length and orientation of the pyramid. CREATE LAYOUTS A layout stimulates a sheet of paper and provides a predict table plotting setup for a layout, you can create and position view post objects and you can add a title block or other objects geometry. PLOT DRAWINGS Once you have completed a drawing you can plot the drawing on paper or create a file for use with another application. In either case, you select the plot settings.
  • 17. 17 Exercise using Rectangle, circle, ellipse, Polygons, fillet,… etc commands 50 50 50 50 R25 R15 25 30 25 50 R5
  • 18. 18
  • 19. 19 EX NO: 02 DATE: DRAWING A TITLE BLOCK WITH NECESSARY TEXT AND PROJECTION OF SYMBOL AIM: To draw a title block with necessary text and projection symbol using AUTOCAD 2013 software. COMMANDS USED: 1. Limits, 5.Offset, 2. Zoom, 6.Trim, 3. Line, 7.Dimlinear etc. 4. Rectangle, PROCEDURE: 1. Open AutoCAD window. 2. By default you will get a drawing sheet. If you don’t get a new drawing create a new drawing sheet by pressing CTRL+N. 3. Ste the drawing limit by using the Command: Limits Enter Reset Model space limits: Specify lower left corner or [ON/OFF]: 0, 0 Specify upper right corner: 297,210 4. Now Draw a Rectangle: Command: Rec Enter (or use Draw ➤Rectangle) Specify first corner point or [Chamfer/Elevation/Fillet/Thickness/Width]: 10, 10 Enter Specify other corner point or [Area/Dimensions/Rotation]: @277,190 Enter 5. Now Draw a the Title box of size 100 mm X 50 mm using rectangle command as shown in Fig 5. 6. Then draw the symbol for First Angle Projection. 7. Now create the text box and its content with the command “T”. Then create the text boxes and enter the texts as shown in fig. RESULT: Thus the title box is drawn successfully representing its scale, Angle of projection and the description.
  • 20. 20 1. Draw a Parabola using rectangle Method whose double ordinate, RS= 70mm and abscissa KV= 30mm? All Dimensions are in mm 2. Draw the locus ofPoint P for one revolution ofthe Link (Archimedean Spiral) whose OA = 60mm, N = 1 All Dimensions are in mm 3. Draw the involute of a Hexagon of side 25 mm sides. All Dimensions are in mm
  • 21. 21 EX NO: 03 DATE: DRAWING OF CURVES LIKE PARABOLA, SPIRAL, INVOLUTE USING BSPILNE OR CUBIC SPLINE AIM: To draw a given curves using B spline or Cubic spline commands in AUTOCAD 2013 software. COMMANDS USED: 1. Limits, 5.Offset, 2. Zoom, 6.Trim, 3. Line, 7.Dimlinear etc. 4. Rectangle, PROCEDURE: 1) Limits are set for A4 standard drawing size. Margins and title block are drawn using lines. 2) From the given data,the Loci points of Parabola are found and joined using Pline and then Fitted using Pedit command 3) From the given data,the Loci points of square and hexagonal involutes are found and joined using arc command. 4) From the given data,the Loci points of Spiral are found using Concentric circles or arc method, and joined using Pline and then fitted using Pedit command. 5) Drawn curves are dimensioned appropriately. 6) Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken. RESULT: The special curves like parabola, spiral, involute (square and Hexagon) using Bspline or Cubic Spline are drawn using Auto CAD.
  • 22. 22 1. A square prism of 40mm base and 60mm length. Axis is perpendicular to the HP and one of its rectangular face parallel to the VP. Draw its front view and top view. All Dimensions are in mm 2. A cylinder of base 60mm diameter and height 80mm has its axis perpendicular to HP. Draw its front view and top view. All Dimensions are in mm
  • 23. 23
  • 24. 24 1. A pentagonal pyramid of base side 25mm and altitude 50mm rests on its base on the HP with and edge ofthe base perpendicular to the VP. It is cut by a plane perpendicular to both the HP and VP. The cutting plane cuts the object at 12mm from the axis in the top view. Draw the front, top and sectional right side view of the pyramid. All Dimensions are in mm
  • 25. 25 EX NO: 04 DATE: DRAWING OF FRONT VIEW AND TOP VIEW OF SIMPLE SOLIDS LIKE PRISM, PYRAMID, CYLINDER, CONE AND DIMENSIONING AIM: To draw the front view and top view of simple solids like Prism, Pyramid, Cylinder, Cone and Dimensioning by using AUTOCAD 2013 software COMMANDS USED: 1. Limits, 5.Offset, 2. Zoom, 6.Trim, 3. Line, 7.Dimlinear etc. 4. Rectangle, PROCEDURE: 1) Limits are set for A4 standard drawing size. Margins and title block are drawn using lines. 2) Using Line, Circle, Polygon commands, front and top view of given simple solids are drawn 3) Layer is defined (for line type, line weight and color) separately for visible, hidden, axis and dimension lines and applied. 4) Sectional views are drawn and section is created using Hatch command. 5) Drawn solids are named and dimensioned accordingly. 6) Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken. RESULT: The front and top views of the given simple solids (prisms and pyramids) are drawn using Auto CAD.
  • 26. 26 (a) Base of Mixer (b) Knuckle Joint All Dimensions are in mm (c) ‘V’ Bock (d) Simple Stool All Dimensions are in mm All Dimensions are in inch
  • 27. 27 EX NO: 05 DATE: DRAWING OF FRONT VIEW, TOP VIEW AND SIDE VIEW OF OBJECTS FROM THE GIVEN PICTORIAL VIEWS AIM: To draw the front view and top view and side view of objects from the given Pictorial views by using AUTOCAD 2013 software COMMANDS USED: 1. Limits, 5.Offset 2. Zoom, 6.Trim, 3. Line, 7.Dimlinear etc. 4. Rectangle, PROCEDURE: 1) Limits are set for A4 standard drawing size. are drawn. 2) Given Solid is modeled using Extrude command. 3) Layout is created with four viewports for Front, Top, Left Side and Isometric views. 4) Dimensioning is done in the appropriate views. 5) Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken. RESULT: The orthographic views of the given solids are drawn using Auto CAD.
  • 28. 28
  • 29. 29 EX NO: 06 DATE: DRAWING OF A PLAN OF A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AIM: To draw the plan of a residential Building using AUTOCAD 2013 software COMMANDS USED: 1. Limits, 5.Offset 2. Zoom, 6.Trim, 3. Line, 7.Dimlinear, etc. 4. Rectangle, PROCEDURE: 1) Limits are set for A4 standard drawing size. Margins and title block are drawn using lines. 2) Using Multiline command, plan of the given residential building is drawn. 3) The plan is dimensioned and the rooms are named accordingly. 4) Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken. RESULT: The plan of the given residential building is drawn using Auto CAD.
  • 30. 30 a= Pratt bottom Chord b= Warren bottom Chord c= Hip Step-down d= Belgian e= Howe Bottom Chord
  • 31. 31 EX NO: 07 DATE: DRAWING OF A SIMPLE STEEL TRUSS AIM: To draw the Simple Steel Truss using AUTOCAD 2013 software COMMANDS USED: 1. Limits, 5.Offset 2. Zoom, 6.Trim, 3. Line, 7.Dimlinear, etc. 4. Rectangle, PROCEDURE: 1) Limits are set for A4 standard drawing size. Margins and title block are drawn using lines. 2) Using appropriate commands, simple trusses with combinations of King and Queen posts are drawn. 3) Drawn figure is dimensioned accordingly. 4) Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken. RESULT: Simple trusses are drawn using Auto CAD.
  • 32. 32 A hexagonal prism of base side 25mm and axis length 55 mm is resting on HP on one of its bases with two of the vertical faces perpendicular to VP. It is cut by a plane inclined at 50° to HP and perpendicular to VP and passing through a point at a distance 12 mm from the top base. Draw its front view, sectional top view and true shape of section. All Dimensions are in mm
  • 33. 33 EX NO: 08 DATE: DRAWING SECTIONAL VIEWS OF PRISM, PYRAMID, CYLINDER AND CONE AIM: To draw the Sectional views of Prism, pyramid, Cylinder, and Cone using Auto CAD 2013 software COMMANDS USED: 1. Limits, 5.Offset 2. Zoom, 6.Trim, 3. Line, 7.Dimlinear, etc. 4. Rectangle, PROCEDURE: 1) Limits are set for A4 standard drawing size. Margins and title block are drawn using lines. 2) Using Line, Circle, Polygon commands, front and top view of given simple solids are drawn 3) Layer is defined (for line type, line weight and color) separately for visible, hidden, axis and dimension lines and applied. 4) Sectional views are drawn and section is created using Hatch command. 5) Drawn solids are named and dimensioned accordingly. 6) Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken. RESULT: Thus the Sectional views of are drawn using Auto CAD.
  • 34. 34 A cylinder of base diameter 35 mm and height 55mm rests on its base on HP. It is cut by a plane perpendicular to VP and inclined at 45° to HP. The cutting plane meets the axis at a distance 15mm from the top base. Draw the sectional plan and true shape of section. All Dimensions are in mm
  • 35. 35
  • 36. 36 A pentagonal pyramid of base side 25mm and altitude 50mm rests on its base on the HP with one of the base edges perpendicular to the VP. It is cut by a plane inclined at 45° to the base. The cutting plane meets the axis at 20mm above the base. Draw the front view, sectional top view and the true shape of the section. All Dimensions are in mm
  • 37. 37
  • 38. 38 A cone of base diameter 40mm and axis length 50mm, resting on HP on its base is cut by a plane inclined at 45° to HP and perpendicular to VP and is bisecting the axis. Draw the front view and sectional top view and true shape of the section. All Dimensions are in mm
  • 39. 39
  • 41. 41 EX NO: 09 DATE: DRAWING ISOMETRIC PROJECTION OF GIVEN SIMPLE OBJECT AIM: To draw the Isometric Projection of Simple Objects using AUTOCAD 2013 software. COMMANDS USED: 1. Limits, 5.Offset 2. Zoom, 6.Trim, 3. Line, 7.Dimlinear, etc. 4. Rectangle, PROCEDURE: 1) Limits are set for A4 standard drawing size. Margins and title block are drawn using lines. 2) Using Line, Circle, Polygon commands, front and top view of given simple solids are drawn. 3) Snap is changed from Rectangular to Isometric to help draw the Isometric view. F5 key is used to invoke/toggle between the different Isoplanes (Left, Top, Right) accordingly. 4) Given objects are taken and drawn in Isometric. 5) Drawn solids are named and dimensioned accordingly. 6) Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken. RESULT: Thus Isometric Projection of Simple objects drawn using AUTOCAD.
  • 43. 43 EX NO: 10 DATE: CREATION OF 3-D MODEL OF SIMPLE OBJECT AND OBTAINING 2-D MULTI- VIEW DRAWING FROM 3-D MODEL AIM: To draw the 3-D Model of Simple Object and obtaining 2-D Multi-View drawing from 3-D Model using AUTOCAD 2013 software COMMANDS USED: 1. Line, 2. Rectangle, 3. Arc. MODELS USED: 1. Part mode, 2. Drawing Mode. PROCEDURE: 1) Auto CAD 3-D template is opened for creating 3-D models. 2) Prisms are created using Extrude command and pyramids by Pyramid command. 3) Objects of revolution like cylinder and cone are create d using Revolve command. 4) Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken. RESULT: The 3-D Models of given simple solids are created using Auto CAD.