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classical & quantum
Both bit & qubit
Vasil Penchev:
• Bulgarian Academy of Sciences:
Institute of the Study of Societies and Knowledge:
Dept. of Logical Systems and Models
• “QUBIT: a quantum bit of information”,
a seminar in quantum information
Milan, Italy, November 23, 2016
Information can be considered a the most fundamental, philosophical,
physical and mathematical concept originating from the totality by
means of physical and mathematical transcendentalism (the
counterpart of philosophical transcendentalism)
Classical and quantum information. particularly by their units, bit and
qubit, correspond and unify the finite and infinite:
As classical information is relevant to finite series and sets, as
quantum information, to infinite ones
The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics can be
represented equivalently as “qubit space”) as quantum information
and doubled dually or “complimentary” by Hilbert arithmetic (classical
Key words:
• bit and qubit
• classical and quantum information
• Hilbert arithmetic
• physical and mathematical transcendentalism
• qubit space (qubit Hilbert space)
• separable complex Hilbert space
• the totality
I From classical information to quantum information
II From bit to qubit
III Information both physical and mathematical
IV The twin of entropy
V The totality: time and information
VI The new philosophical category of information
VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and
qubit space as the free variable of quantum information
VIII Hilbert arithmetic
IX Instead of conclusion: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information,
and Hilbert arithmetic & qubit space
Current location:
I From classical information to quantum
II From bit to qubit
III Information both physical and mathematical
IV The twin of entropy
V The totality: time and information
VI The new philosophical category of information
VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free variable of quantum
VIII Hilbert arithmetic
IX Instead of conclusion: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information, and Hilbert arithmetic & qubit space
Classical (Shannon’s) information
• Information was defined initially (by Claude Shannon in
1948, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,“ The Bell
System Technical Journal 27: 379–423; 623–656) as a
quantity (thus a real number in general) referring to
encoding or transferring data in technical systems
• It can be represented (e.g.) as the number of choices
corresponding to a certain number of alternatives after the
process of encoding therefore being at the same time
a quantity of the useful knowledge transferred and
processed in technical systems
Wiener’s cybernetics
• In the same 1948, Norbert Wiener proclaimed the new science of
cybernetics studying the control and communication in animal
and machine implicitly representing informational processes
• The fruitful idea was generalized very soon to any biological,
technical and even social systems as well as to systems at all, the
so called systemology:
• Whatever a system be, it transfers and processes information, the
same in any system and sharing the same informational laws
expressible mathematically
• It results in the contemporary computer science, cognitive
science, neuroscience, etc.
Cybernetics and information
• Cybernetics is able to consider information as a kind of substance
(at least conventionally) able to unify technical, biological, social,
and abstract systems considering any certain one as a kind of
exemplification of what “system” is
• Cybernetics relates “information” to “control”, “communication”,
and “system”
• All the four can be represented abstractly and mathematically,
thus implying a mathematical theory of information, particularly
• Nonetheless, cybernetics meaning information only to real
systems whether technical or whatever restricts information to
the information of finite sets or series in its mathematical theory
Mathematical generalizations of information
• Kolmogorov’s papers research a few generalizations once
information has been defined as a certain function as Shannon
did by the direct generalization of that function to a wider class
of functions, to which it is a representative or a particular case
• Information was connected to another fundamental concept,
probability (respectively, probability distribution, probability
density distribution, etc.)
• Furthermore, Kolmogorov suggested a non-conservative
generalization of information, the so-called today “Kolmogorov
complexity” meaning the information of a constructive series
able to generate a system abstractly and mathematically
Information in physics: entropy
• The definition of information is isomorphic (eventually under
an elementary additional condition) to the quantity of entropy
in thermodynamics referring to statistical ensembles
• Information as “negentropy” can be defined even only in terms
of set theory as refereeing to the probability distributions of
the elements of a class of equivalence
• The consideration of information as entropy (or vice versa: that
of entropy as information) suggests that the ideas of
cybernetics can be extended even still further: to the physical
cognition and world
Quantum information
• Quantum mechanics realizes that extension of cybernetic ideas
especially radically: by reformulating itself as an information
theory absolutely and thoroughly, namely the theory of quantum
• Quantum information can be considered as the free variable, any
value of which is a wave function, as to terms of quantum
mechanics properly
• Furthermore quantum information can be defined as that
generalization of classical information referring to infinite series or
sets (unlike the classical information itself referring to finite ones)
Current location:
I From classical information to quantum information
II From bit to qubit
III Information both physical and mathematical
IV The twin of entropy
V The totality: time and information
VI The new philosophical category of information
VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free variable
of quantum information
VIII Hilbert arithmetic
IX Instead of conclusion: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information, and Hilbert arithmetic &
qubit space
A bit of classical information
• A bit of information is defined usually as an elementary choice
between two equally probable alternatives
• This is furthermore the least possible amount of information if
it is defined as Shannon did (i.e. analogically to physical
• Mathematically, it means the equivalence of the ordering of
two elements (being well-ordered always) and the choice
among a set consisting of two elements
• A bit of information can be visualized as a record of either “0”
or “1” in a tape cell of Turing machine, being “empty” in
A qubit of quantum information
• The word “qubit” is a neologism, abbreviation from “quantum
bit” = qubit, i.e. literally a “unit of quantum information”
• It is initially defined by means of the separable complex
Hilbert space utilized by quantum mechanics as the normed
superposition of two orthogonal subspaces of that Hilbert
• Particularly, the separable complex Hilbert space itself can be
represented equivalently as the so-called qubit Hilbert space
since any two successive axes of it (i.e. 𝑒𝑖𝑛𝜔
and 𝑒𝑖(𝑛+1)𝜔
) are
two orthogonal subspaces of that Hilbert space and can
constitute a qubit
The qubit Hilbert space
• Any element of the separable complex Hilbert space being a
series or a set of complex numbers can be equivalently defined by
pairs of complex numbers furthermore normed, each of which
constitutes a qubit
• Then, any element of the qubit Hilbert space will be a series or
a set of qubits
• It is also anti-isometric to its dual space and keeps unitarity
interpretable physically as energy conservation
• It can be granted as isomorphic to the standard complex Hilbert
space (under inessential additional conditions), but with the
advantage for all physical processes to be interpretable as
Qubit as the generalization of bit to infinity
• The quoted definition of “qubit” in quantum mechanics and
information can be represented equivalently as that
generalization of bit which can be referred to the information of
infinite series and sets
• If one considers infinite series or sets, the quantity of classical
information measured in the corresponding units of bits is
arbitrary being always “infinite”
• Thus, the quantity of information in any infinite series or set
needs special units turning out to be equivalent to the units of
quantum information, qubits
Bit and qubit
• Then, “qubit” as it is defined in quantum mechanics can be
considered as that generalization of “bit”, which is to be
related to infinite sets and series
• Bits and qubits are both embedded in the qubit Hilbert space
as follows:
• Any pair of dual qubits enumerated by the same natural
number constitutes a bit
• The set of all bits delivered as above constitutes a qubit in turn
• Interpreted so, the qubit Hilbert space consists of all states of
itself (e.g. in each qubit separately, but not only)
Current location:
I From classical information to quantum information
II From bit to qubit
III Information both physical and
IV The twin of entropy
V The totality: time and information
VI The new philosophical category of information
VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free
variable of quantum information
VIII Hilbert arithmetic
IX Instead of conclusion: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information, and Hilbert
arithmetic & qubit space
Wave function and transfinite natural number
• Any wave function is equivalent to a value as a value of
quantum information, but being interpreted initially in quantum
mechanics as a state of quantum system
• Thus, any value of quantum information is a state of quantum
system, i.e. a physical phenomenon in the final analysis
• Any value of quantum information can be interpreted
furthermore purely mathematically, even arithmetically (in a
generalized sense discussed further) as a transfinite natural
• As any transfinite ordinal number is interpretable as a state of
infinity, both are thinkable as a quantum state in the final
analysis, but by the mediation of quantum information
Wave function both physical and mathematical
• Physics and mathematics seem to be absolutely different
even in their bases: experimental and postulative
• Nonetheless, they have turned out to be linked closely since
the dawn of modern physics since Galileo and Newton
though opposed: correspondingly, on the side of “body”
versus on that of “mind” in Descartes’s dualism
• Wave function overcomes that gap because it being the
same is “bodily” in physics and “mental” in mathematics
therefore unifying their foundations
Wave function in the foundations
of both physics and mathematics
• As far as any physical system is quantum (and classical either only
approximately or complimentary), wave function is fundamental: this is
commonly accepted
• However, the statement that it being an element in a so derivative
structure as the separable complex Hilbert space is fundamental as to
mathematics as well is extraordinary, even scandalous
• Its main reason is the similarity or even equivalence of the consistent
completeness of quantum mechanics (proved by the theorems of the
absence of hidden variables in quantum mechanics), on the one hand,
and the problematic consistent completeness of mathematics (after
the Gödel incompleteness theorems), on the other hand
and the gap between mathematics and physics
• The Cartesian episteme of Modernty postulates an abyss between
the “bodily” (empirical and experimental) physics and the
“mental” (axiomatic and deductive) mathematics
• Only the physical quantity of time or the philosophical category of
Time is able to bridge abyss, but only sometimes
• On the contrary, information unifies them in definition
• Furthemore, it is able to include all being temporal or even to
admit the being of non-temporal entities
• So, information transforms the transition between physics and
mathematics into gradual, continuous and smooth
and the quantum neo-Pythagoreanism
• The classical ancient Pythagoreanism postulated for the
foundation of the world to be mathematical
• Quantum mechanics was forced to restore partly
the worldview of Pythagoreanism as far as the gap of
mathematics and physics was necessary to be complemented by
a smooth transition between them
• Even that necessity can be proved even only within the
formalism of quantum mechanics as the theorems of the
absence of hidden variables
• Information being both physical and mathematical concept is
able to realize that unification of physics and mathematics in
their foundations
Current location:
I From classical information to quantum information
II From bit to qubit
III Information both physical and mathematical
IV The twin of entropy
V The totality: time and information
VI The new philosophical category of information
VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free variable
of quantum information
VIII Hilbert arithmetic
IX Instead of conclusion: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information, and Hilbert arithmetic &
qubit space
Entropy in statistic thermodynamics
• The initial, “phenomenological” thermodynamics
predetermines for it to be define only on macroscopic level
• Statistic thermodynamics complements it with another,
hidden level: microscopic and actual in Boltzmann’s, but
macroscopic and virtual in Gibbs’s
• Entropy (or the specific class of similar quantities to which it
belongs) in statistic thermodynamics is the single quantity
connecting the two levels
• And more precisely: it represents the phenomenological
level of experience referring to a whole as a function of the
other, hidden (and eventually only postulated) level
Entropy realized properly mathematically
• One might introduce an auxiliary quantity to any finite set (and
generalizable to infinite ones) meaning the number of partial
different orderings, each of which being a well-ordering, but
incommensurable with any of all the rest
• The greater is that auxiliary quantity, the bigger is the abstract
entropy of the set at issue and representing the quantitative
degree of its disordering (respectively ordering)
• That mathematical entropy and physical entropy share the pair
of two disjunctive levels, however interpreted differently: the
whole of the set versus that of its elements, as to mathematical
The pair of entropy and information
• One may coin the metaphor of entropy as the pessimist’s information
(respectively, information as the optimist’s entropy):
• Both optimist and pessimist observe the same partly ordered, partly
disordered state, but the former interprets it as ordered by
information, and the latter as disordered by entropy
• The pair of entropy and information is equally applicable as to
physical states as to mathematical ones
• If one notices that entropy is more met in physics, the reason would
be that the physicists are “pessimists” unlike the “optimistic”
• Or in dualistic terms: the bodily subject of physics is disordered by
itself unlike the mental subject of mathematics ordered by the
Current location:
I From classical information to quantum information
II From bit to qubit
III Information both physical and mathematical
IV The twin of entropy
V The totality: time and information
VI The new philosophical category of information
VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free
variable of quantum information
VIII Hilbert arithmetic
IX Instead of conclusion: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information, and Hilbert
arithmetic & qubit space
The idea of scientific transcendentalism
• The usual “philosophical transcendentalism” is granted to be
unfalsifiable, i.e. a properly philosophical doctrine
• Thus, it is included of the “eternal” treasure of the most
valuable human ideas therefor protected from reputation
“forever” regardless of the historically restricted scope of
scientific knowledge or possible cognition in any epoch
• On the contrary, its counterpart of scientific transcendentalism
would be to formulate its thesis in a way falsifiable by
experience and experiment just in a certain historical episteme,
to which that formulation makes sense
The scientific transcendentalism
defined in our age
• In fact, one needs a general and scientific definition of
the totality comprising the particular examples of its uses in
different sciences
• Those exemplifications might be: the universe, system,
biological organism, chemical compound, physical entity,
society, neural network, etc.
• So, scientific transcendentalism would imply a unifying and
interdisciplinary approach applicable to astronomy and
astrophysics, systemology, biology, chemistry, physics,
sociology, history, neuroscience, etc.
About the scientific definition of the totality
• Being “all” in definition, the totality should contain its
externality within itself by itself
• So, it generates definitively a fundamental and initial
doubling of anything; once it by itself and twice: again it, but
now as a representative of its external counterpart
• The formal, both logical and mathematical structure is that
of a bit of information:
• Any doubling of the above kind (which can be called
“transcendental doubling”) consists of itself and two
alternatives: “inside” and “outside” of the totality
Transcendental information
• Information (not being yet “transcendental”) can be defined as
that quantity “unitable” (or measurable) by units of bits
• Then, what is unitable by elementary doublings of anything
with its external counterpart will be called “transcendental
• An elementary doubling can be defined in turn and
independently as a generalized identity after the identification
of anything with its external counterpart after transcendental
• Furthermore, that definition of “elementary doubling” is to be
postulated as an equivalent of a bit of information, after which
both alternatives are equally probable
Transcendental doubling,
elementary irreversibility and reversibility
• A bit of information implies irreversibility following the direction
of choice of any disjunctive alternative:
• So, any transcendental doubling implies a corresponding
irreversibility: from the doubling itself to the alternative either
within the totality or its counterpart out of the totality
• The same irreversibility implies furthermore just one reversibility
if it be unified with the same irreversibility, but “running
backwards”: i.e. from the distinction of both alternatives (either
within or out of the totality) back to the coherent state of the
doubling itself
Transcendental doubling and
transcendental invariance
• As to irreversibility (regardless of which direction), the alternatives
and their unification as the doubling itself are ordered, withal well-
ordered being a natural number
• As to reversibility, they are not, being “simultaneous”
• One can postulate as being obvious (an “axiom”) that both
irreversibilities are equivalent to the reversibility therefore falling in
turn into the formal structure of a bit of information
• As to an infinite set of alternatives the analogical statement is
much less obvious, but nonetheless it can be granted to be true as
“transcendental invariance”, furthermore provable in set theory as
the equivalence of the axiom of choice and the well-ordering
Transcendental invariance
and transcendental time
• One can define each of both irreversibilties as an elementary
• Then, if one grants any elementary irreversibility as a unity of
the quantity of “transcendental time”, the transcendental
time can be defined as that quantity “unitable”, i.e.
measureable by the units of elementary irreversibility
• So and in the final analysis, scientific transcendentalism is
able to generate two fundamental “transcendental”
quantities: time and information
Current location:
I From classical information to quantum information
II From bit to qubit
III Information both physical and mathematical
IV The twin of entropy
V The totality: time and information
VI The new philosophical category of
VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free variable
of quantum information
VIII Hilbert arithmetic
IX Instead of conclusion: three equivalent pairs: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information, and
Hilbert arithmetic & qubit space
Information in the shadow of time
• “Time” (at least since Heidegger’s “Sein und Zeit”) is one
established philosophical category: a speculative and
metaphysical counterpart of our temporal experience or the
physical quantity of time
• Furthermore, “Time” is able to unify the two sides of the
dualistic Cartesian abyss because it is shared as by “Mind” as
by “Body” (unlike “Space” situated only on the side of the
• On the contrary, information seems to be much more
“plebeian”: only a particular scientific notion even technical
and relevant to human artefacts withal appeared in the
middle of the last century
Information in Wiener’s “cybernetics”
• The idea of “cybernetics” (a neologism coined by Wiener)
was defined to be a new science called to study control in
both technical and biological systems unified by the
transmission of information
• That idea was generalized very soon as to any systems, and
control by information, as the essence of “system” as well as
its conservation as such
• As the quantity of information (as it was defined by Shannon
or Kolmogorov), many scientist noticed that it is anti-
isometric to entropy in statistic thermodynamics
Information after computer science
and technics
• The unprecedented development of computers underlain by
the processing of information deforms the initial intention of
cybernetics to a rather technical concept though fundamental
as to computer science
• Information lost its just acquired status of a unifying
interdisciplinary conception therefore preventing any further
generalization to a philosophical notion or category
• However, the downward trend was broken by the idea of
“quantum computer” processing “quantum information”
furthermore able to reformulate quantum mechanics (the
most fundamental physical theory) as an information theory
thoroughly and absolutely
Information after quantum information
• Quantum mechanics states that any physical system is quantum in
the final analysis, and a non-quantum and classical only
approximately, in relation to physical action much, much greater
than the fundamental Planck constant
• Then, any physical system is a quantum-information system in the
final analysis, and quantum information is the universal general
omnipresent substance of the physical, “bodily”, and empirical
• Furthermore, any quantum state and thus, and any quantum-
information state is the same regardless of being considered
whether as physical, “bodily” or as cognitive, “mental” therefore
bridging the both sides of dualistic abyss just as “Time”
Information as the category of “Being”
• Once information has turned out to be able to unify “Body”
and “Mind” and analogically to the same function of “Time”, it
advances towards the status of philosophical concept and even
• Thus, information is introduced as the counterpart of “time” as
“Being”, to “Time”
• However, the concept of information even outruns that of time
as more general due to information atemporal phenomena
• “Entity” as a necessary projection of “Being” onto “Time” can
be generalized further, to those entities suitable out of time or
Current location:
I From classical information to quantum information
II From bit to qubit
III Information both physical and mathematical
IV The twin of entropy
V The totality: time and information
VI The new philosophical category of information
VII The separable complex Hilbert space of
quantum mechanics and qubit space as the
free variable of quantum information
VIII Hilbert arithmetic
IX Instead of conclusion: three equivalent pairs: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information, and Hilbert
arithmetic & qubit space
The free variable of quantum information
• All operators in the separable complex Hilbert space are its
mappings onto itself
• One can consider the definition area of any of them, which is
always the separable complex Hilbert space (or respectively,
the qubit Hilbert space) as the free variable of quantum
information possessing any wave function (eventually
represented as a series of qubits) as a certain value of it
• Then, any operator in that Hilbert space including the
Hermitian ones (each of which is relevant to a certain
physical quantity in quantum mechanics) would be a
corresponding processing of quantum information
The analogy to the free variable of classical
• If one consider the “𝑍2” Hilbert space (where “𝑍2” is a field
consisting of two elements) rather than the separable
complex Hilbert space, any operator in it would be a real
• Then, the field of real numbers would be the analogical free
variable of classical information
• Consequently, quantum information can be granted to be
“meta-information” or the “information of information as far
its values are functions (i.e. a certain operator of classical
The mappings of quantum information
into classical information: functionals
• Any functional meant in quantum mechanics (e.g. as a
certain physical quantity) is a mapping of the free variable of
quantum information into the free variable of classical
• According to the introduction of “dual space”. It can be
considered as the functional space to the free variable of
quantum information
• The free variable of quantum information is just the space
itself, to which the functional space can be accepted as dual
The physical, informational, and philosophical
meaning of dual space in quantum mechanics
• The one Hilbert space consisting of all possible wave functions
interpretable as all possible quantum coherent states contains those
of the studied or investigated entity at issue
• The coherent state of that entity can be granted to represent it “by
itself” or “before measurement”
• On the contrary, its dual space contains all relevant mappings of its
wave function into all possible results “after measurement”
• According to uncertainty principle (interested widely) any wave
function of the dual (functional) space contains only a single value
relevant to the measured quantum state and its wave function
The information meaning of the relations of
those dual spaces
• Any functional, the argument of which is the value of quantum
information at issue (i.e. in the initial space of states “by
themselves”), possesses a certain value of classical information
as a measured result referring to the state
• The set of all measured results (i.e. each of them corresponding
to a different functional in general) being a set of values of
classical information with an attached probability for just it to be
measured constitutes the initial and investigated wave function
as the characteristic function of the probability density
distribution corresponding to the set of measured values
accompanied by the probabilities to be measured
Current location:
I From classical information to quantum information
II From bit to qubit
III Information both physical and mathematical
IV The twin of entropy
V The totality: time and information
VI The new philosophical category of information
VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free
variable of quantum information
VIII Hilbert arithmetic
IX Instead of conclusion: three equivalent pairs: bit & qubit, classical & quantum
information, and Hilbert arithmetic & qubit space
Hilbert arithmetic:
the qubit Hilbert space as free variable
• One can consider the “empty” qubit (i.e. as a free variable)
as a unit of the usual arithmetic and notice that the qubit
Hilbert space consisting of those empty qubits satisfies
Peano axioms
• The empty qubit can be introduced as the class of
equivalence of all values which a qubit can possess
• Thus, Hilbert arithmetic is to consist of two dual Peano
arithmetic(s) for the dual counterpart of the dual “empty
qubit” Hilbert space
• However, the direction of function successor in each of them
is to be opposite: “n+1” versus “n-1”
The comparison of
two dual Peano arithmetics
• For the anti-isometry of the dual qubit Hilbert spaces (inherited form
the corresponding anti-isometry of the separable complex Hilbert
space) the wo functions “successor” are opposite to each other
• The twin arithmetic is to start from the “other end”: respectively,
from the “𝜔” defined as the least infinite ordinal (thus, corresponding
to a countable set): “𝜔, 𝜔-1, 𝜔-2, … … 2+1, 1+1, 1”
• The two twin arithmetics cannot be available simultaneously, or they
are complimentary to each other
• To any natural number of the one, just one transfinite “natural”
(ordinal) number corresponds
The accessibility of the “inaccessible ordinals”
of Peano arithmetic in Hilbert arithmetic
• Inaccessible ordinals can be admit also as rigorously less than “𝜔” by
the following construction:
• The inaccessible ordinals of first order are those, the set of all subset of
which is a countable set; then, the inaccessible ordinals of second order
are those all subset of which is a set corresponding to an inaccessible
ordinal of first order; etc.
• From the viewpoint of Peano arithmetic, all the inaccessible ordinals
(which can be restricted only to those of first order, due to additional
considerations) are transfinite natural (ordinal) number
• So, any natural number possesses just one transfinite and commentary
counterpart belonging to the twin arithmetic as a standard natural
Two very important properties
of Hilbert arithmetic
• Hilbert arithmetic containing definitively inaccessible ordinals is out
of the standard mathematics, the usual foundations of which are
(Peano) arithmetic and set theory
• A corollary: statements unprovable or false in the standard
mathematics can be provable (or even obvious) in Hilbert arithmetic
(or in the framework an eventual generalized, “Hilbert mathematic”
justified by Hilbert arithmetic included its foundations)
• Particularly, the Gödel incompleteness or Yablo’s paradox are
unprovable in Hilbert mathematics:
• Hilbert mathematics contains an internal proof of consistent
Hilbert arithmetic and the qubit Hilbert space
• Three statements are valid:
• (1) Hilbert arithmetic is isomorphic to the qubit Hilbert space
• (2) Hilbert arithmetic and the qubit Hilbert space are complimentary
to each other
• (3) the previous two statements allows for the consistent
completeness of quantum mechanics and Hilbert arithmetic to be
interpreted as the same
• The proof is based on the unambiguous mapping of all wave functions
and tall transfinite ordinal numbers after which the dual counterpart
of both transfinite “halves” of the twin Peano arithmetics linked are
isomorphic to the two dual qubit Hilbert space
The non-standard interpretation of Peano arithmetic
• The usual interpretation of Peano arithmetic suggest that all natural
numbers are well ordered
• Anyway, this property is based in the definition of function successor
(usually, “n+1”)
• However, that definition can be changed in a way avoiding well-
ordering, e.g. as “n=“, i.e. the series of natural numbers would be: “1,
1=1, 1=1=1, 1=1=1=1”
• Obviously, it would finish cyclically: “𝜔-1”.[function successor] = “𝜔-
1”.”n=“, which implies : “𝜔=1”
• That nonstandard interpretation possesses a cyclic structure
decomposable into two complimentary well-orderings; an illustration:
“=“ can be decomposed into the two “complimentary” " ≤ “ and " ≥ "
Why that interpretation is non-standard
• The usual understanding of “non-standard interpretation” is
the construction of an enumerable (even finite) model in virtue
of the Löwenheim-Skolem theorem
• However, the opposite option is realized in the nonstandard
interpretation of Peano arithmetic: a non-countable model
model of the countable Peano arithmetic is constructible
• It is non-countable in general because “𝜔-1”.”n=“ can be
replaced by any infinite ordinal as well as in : “𝜔 − 1”. ”𝑛 + 1“
and “𝜔 − 1”. ”𝑛 − 1“
Boolean algebra
in the nonstandard Peano arithmetic
• One can notice that equality of all elements of the nonstandard
Peano arithmetic “deforms” the arithmetical operations of
“addition” and “multiplication” into the logical operations of
“disjunction” and “conjuction” correspondingly
• The unambiguous mapping of namesake (or “number-sake”)
elements the two twin Peano arithmetics defines the logical
• So, the nonstandard interpretation of Peano arithmetic is
isomorphic to both propositional logic and set-theory therefore
implying the consistent completeness of “Hilbert mathematics”
Information and Hilbert arithmetic
• Any triple of “number-sake” elements of the nonstandard and
both standard interpretations of Peano arithmetic constitutes a
bit of information where the two complimentary standard
elements are the two equally probable alternatives of a bit,
and the nonstandard element represents a bit “before choke”
• If all elements of the qubit class of equivalence constituting an
arithmetical unit be distinguished from each other, any unit
would be transformed into a qubit
• Furthermore, the set of all natural numbers can be considered
as a qubit since a qubit can be interpreted as a choice among
the elements of an infinite set
• So, the global and local structure coincide to each other and
constitutes the qubit Hilbert space
Why “Hilbert arithmetic”?
• The name “Hilbert arithmetic is chosen following a few considerations:
• (1) Hilbert arithmetic is isomorphic to the qubit Hilbert space
• (2) Hilbert arithmetic is able to justify Hilbert mathematics (unlike Gödel
mathematics due to the Gödel incompleteness theorems) by an internally
proof of consistent completeness
• (3) Hilbert arithmetic embodies the Hilbert program of formalism though
generalizing Peano arithmetic
• (4) Hilbert arithmetic embodies the equivalence of the axiom of choice and
the well-ordering “theorem” being a necessary condition of vector and
function interpretations of Hilbert space to identified by its conception
Current location:
I From classical information to quantum information
II From bit to qubit
III Information both physical and mathematical
IV The twin of entropy
V The totality: time and information
VI The new philosophical category of information
VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free variable of
quantum information
VIII Hilbert arithmetic
IX Instead of conclusion: three equivalent pairs:
bit & qubit, classical & quantum information,
and Hilbert arithmetic & qubit Hilbert space
Bit & qubit
• Bit & qubit can be considered to be a single structure, which can be
interpreted in two disjunctive ways: “finitely” or “infinitely”
• “Schrödinger’s cat” can serve as an illustration of that “bit & qubit
structure”: the cat’s states are only two and presumably, equally
probable just as those of a bit
• However, the processes determining which state will be chosen are
fundamentally random and so the choice of any of both states needs a
qubit information
• So, “qubit” can be associated with the process, and “bit”, with the
result as to “Schrödinger’s cat”: however, the essential distinction is
only the alternative aspects of “bit” and “qubit” to be disjunctively
divided, which is only exemplifiable by “process” and “result” as in the
Classical & quantum information
• Classical & quantum information can be related to each other
just as “bit & qubit”
• Both are underlain by a single structure interpretable “finitely”
as classical information, and “infinitely” as quantum
• The two kind of equivalent interpretations can be justified still
by the equivalence of the well-ordered “theorem” (for classical
information) and the axiom of choice (for quantum
• Even the Schrödinger equation can be understood as
interpreting quantitatively the equivalence if classical and
quantum information as an equation
Hilbert arithmetic & qubit Hilbert space
• Classical & quantum information can justified by the unified
structure of Hilbert arithmetic & qubit Hilbert space
• Hilbert arithmetic would correspond rather to the aspect of
classical information, and the qubit Hilbert space, to that of
quantum information
• That unified structure of Hilbert arithmetic & qubit Hilbert
space should be relevant to the mathematical understanding
of the totality as far as it has to unify the finite and infinite
• At last, a theological metaphor might hint the same most
fundamental relation unifying the human and divine and
exemplifiable by Jesus of Christianity…
Thank you fro your kind
I am waiting forward to your
questions and comments!
Memory: what the presentation discussed
I From classical information to quantum information
II From bit to qubit
III Information both physical and mathematical
IV The twin of entropy
V The totality: time and information
VI The new philosophical category of information
VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space
as the free variable of quantum information
VIII Hilbert arithmetic
IX Instead of conclusion: three equivalent pairs: bit & qubit, classical &
quantum information, and Hilbert arithmetic & qubit space

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  • 2. Vasil Penchev: • Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: Institute of the Study of Societies and Knowledge: Dept. of Logical Systems and Models • “QUBIT: a quantum bit of information”, a seminar in quantum information Milan, Italy, November 23, 2016
  • 3. Abstract Information can be considered a the most fundamental, philosophical, physical and mathematical concept originating from the totality by means of physical and mathematical transcendentalism (the counterpart of philosophical transcendentalism) Classical and quantum information. particularly by their units, bit and qubit, correspond and unify the finite and infinite: As classical information is relevant to finite series and sets, as quantum information, to infinite ones The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics can be represented equivalently as “qubit space”) as quantum information and doubled dually or “complimentary” by Hilbert arithmetic (classical information)
  • 4. Key words: • bit and qubit • classical and quantum information • Hilbert arithmetic • physical and mathematical transcendentalism • qubit space (qubit Hilbert space) • separable complex Hilbert space • the totality
  • 5. Contents: I From classical information to quantum information II From bit to qubit III Information both physical and mathematical IV The twin of entropy V The totality: time and information VI The new philosophical category of information VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free variable of quantum information VIII Hilbert arithmetic IX Instead of conclusion: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information, and Hilbert arithmetic & qubit space
  • 6. Current location: I From classical information to quantum information II From bit to qubit III Information both physical and mathematical IV The twin of entropy V The totality: time and information VI The new philosophical category of information VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free variable of quantum information VIII Hilbert arithmetic IX Instead of conclusion: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information, and Hilbert arithmetic & qubit space
  • 7. Classical (Shannon’s) information • Information was defined initially (by Claude Shannon in 1948, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,“ The Bell System Technical Journal 27: 379–423; 623–656) as a quantity (thus a real number in general) referring to encoding or transferring data in technical systems • It can be represented (e.g.) as the number of choices corresponding to a certain number of alternatives after the process of encoding therefore being at the same time a quantity of the useful knowledge transferred and processed in technical systems
  • 8. Wiener’s cybernetics • In the same 1948, Norbert Wiener proclaimed the new science of cybernetics studying the control and communication in animal and machine implicitly representing informational processes • The fruitful idea was generalized very soon to any biological, technical and even social systems as well as to systems at all, the so called systemology: • Whatever a system be, it transfers and processes information, the same in any system and sharing the same informational laws expressible mathematically • It results in the contemporary computer science, cognitive science, neuroscience, etc.
  • 9. Cybernetics and information • Cybernetics is able to consider information as a kind of substance (at least conventionally) able to unify technical, biological, social, and abstract systems considering any certain one as a kind of exemplification of what “system” is • Cybernetics relates “information” to “control”, “communication”, and “system” • All the four can be represented abstractly and mathematically, thus implying a mathematical theory of information, particularly • Nonetheless, cybernetics meaning information only to real systems whether technical or whatever restricts information to the information of finite sets or series in its mathematical theory
  • 10. Mathematical generalizations of information • Kolmogorov’s papers research a few generalizations once information has been defined as a certain function as Shannon did by the direct generalization of that function to a wider class of functions, to which it is a representative or a particular case • Information was connected to another fundamental concept, probability (respectively, probability distribution, probability density distribution, etc.) • Furthermore, Kolmogorov suggested a non-conservative generalization of information, the so-called today “Kolmogorov complexity” meaning the information of a constructive series able to generate a system abstractly and mathematically modelled
  • 11. Information in physics: entropy • The definition of information is isomorphic (eventually under an elementary additional condition) to the quantity of entropy in thermodynamics referring to statistical ensembles • Information as “negentropy” can be defined even only in terms of set theory as refereeing to the probability distributions of the elements of a class of equivalence • The consideration of information as entropy (or vice versa: that of entropy as information) suggests that the ideas of cybernetics can be extended even still further: to the physical cognition and world
  • 12. Quantum information • Quantum mechanics realizes that extension of cybernetic ideas especially radically: by reformulating itself as an information theory absolutely and thoroughly, namely the theory of quantum information • Quantum information can be considered as the free variable, any value of which is a wave function, as to terms of quantum mechanics properly • Furthermore quantum information can be defined as that generalization of classical information referring to infinite series or sets (unlike the classical information itself referring to finite ones)
  • 13. Current location: I From classical information to quantum information II From bit to qubit III Information both physical and mathematical IV The twin of entropy V The totality: time and information VI The new philosophical category of information VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free variable of quantum information VIII Hilbert arithmetic IX Instead of conclusion: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information, and Hilbert arithmetic & qubit space
  • 14. A bit of classical information • A bit of information is defined usually as an elementary choice between two equally probable alternatives • This is furthermore the least possible amount of information if it is defined as Shannon did (i.e. analogically to physical entropy) • Mathematically, it means the equivalence of the ordering of two elements (being well-ordered always) and the choice among a set consisting of two elements • A bit of information can be visualized as a record of either “0” or “1” in a tape cell of Turing machine, being “empty” in advance
  • 15. A qubit of quantum information • The word “qubit” is a neologism, abbreviation from “quantum bit” = qubit, i.e. literally a “unit of quantum information” • It is initially defined by means of the separable complex Hilbert space utilized by quantum mechanics as the normed superposition of two orthogonal subspaces of that Hilbert space • Particularly, the separable complex Hilbert space itself can be represented equivalently as the so-called qubit Hilbert space since any two successive axes of it (i.e. 𝑒𝑖𝑛𝜔 and 𝑒𝑖(𝑛+1)𝜔 ) are two orthogonal subspaces of that Hilbert space and can constitute a qubit
  • 16. The qubit Hilbert space • Any element of the separable complex Hilbert space being a series or a set of complex numbers can be equivalently defined by pairs of complex numbers furthermore normed, each of which constitutes a qubit • Then, any element of the qubit Hilbert space will be a series or a set of qubits • It is also anti-isometric to its dual space and keeps unitarity interpretable physically as energy conservation • It can be granted as isomorphic to the standard complex Hilbert space (under inessential additional conditions), but with the advantage for all physical processes to be interpretable as informational
  • 17. Qubit as the generalization of bit to infinity • The quoted definition of “qubit” in quantum mechanics and information can be represented equivalently as that generalization of bit which can be referred to the information of infinite series and sets • If one considers infinite series or sets, the quantity of classical information measured in the corresponding units of bits is arbitrary being always “infinite” • Thus, the quantity of information in any infinite series or set needs special units turning out to be equivalent to the units of quantum information, qubits
  • 18. Bit and qubit • Then, “qubit” as it is defined in quantum mechanics can be considered as that generalization of “bit”, which is to be related to infinite sets and series • Bits and qubits are both embedded in the qubit Hilbert space as follows: • Any pair of dual qubits enumerated by the same natural number constitutes a bit • The set of all bits delivered as above constitutes a qubit in turn • Interpreted so, the qubit Hilbert space consists of all states of itself (e.g. in each qubit separately, but not only)
  • 19. Current location: I From classical information to quantum information II From bit to qubit III Information both physical and mathematical IV The twin of entropy V The totality: time and information VI The new philosophical category of information VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free variable of quantum information VIII Hilbert arithmetic IX Instead of conclusion: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information, and Hilbert arithmetic & qubit space
  • 20. Wave function and transfinite natural number • Any wave function is equivalent to a value as a value of quantum information, but being interpreted initially in quantum mechanics as a state of quantum system • Thus, any value of quantum information is a state of quantum system, i.e. a physical phenomenon in the final analysis • Any value of quantum information can be interpreted furthermore purely mathematically, even arithmetically (in a generalized sense discussed further) as a transfinite natural number • As any transfinite ordinal number is interpretable as a state of infinity, both are thinkable as a quantum state in the final analysis, but by the mediation of quantum information
  • 21. Wave function both physical and mathematical • Physics and mathematics seem to be absolutely different even in their bases: experimental and postulative correspondingly • Nonetheless, they have turned out to be linked closely since the dawn of modern physics since Galileo and Newton though opposed: correspondingly, on the side of “body” versus on that of “mind” in Descartes’s dualism • Wave function overcomes that gap because it being the same is “bodily” in physics and “mental” in mathematics therefore unifying their foundations
  • 22. Wave function in the foundations of both physics and mathematics • As far as any physical system is quantum (and classical either only approximately or complimentary), wave function is fundamental: this is commonly accepted • However, the statement that it being an element in a so derivative structure as the separable complex Hilbert space is fundamental as to mathematics as well is extraordinary, even scandalous • Its main reason is the similarity or even equivalence of the consistent completeness of quantum mechanics (proved by the theorems of the absence of hidden variables in quantum mechanics), on the one hand, and the problematic consistent completeness of mathematics (after the Gödel incompleteness theorems), on the other hand
  • 23. Information and the gap between mathematics and physics • The Cartesian episteme of Modernty postulates an abyss between the “bodily” (empirical and experimental) physics and the “mental” (axiomatic and deductive) mathematics • Only the physical quantity of time or the philosophical category of Time is able to bridge abyss, but only sometimes • On the contrary, information unifies them in definition • Furthemore, it is able to include all being temporal or even to admit the being of non-temporal entities • So, information transforms the transition between physics and mathematics into gradual, continuous and smooth
  • 24. Information and the quantum neo-Pythagoreanism • The classical ancient Pythagoreanism postulated for the foundation of the world to be mathematical • Quantum mechanics was forced to restore partly the worldview of Pythagoreanism as far as the gap of mathematics and physics was necessary to be complemented by a smooth transition between them • Even that necessity can be proved even only within the formalism of quantum mechanics as the theorems of the absence of hidden variables • Information being both physical and mathematical concept is able to realize that unification of physics and mathematics in their foundations
  • 25. Current location: I From classical information to quantum information II From bit to qubit III Information both physical and mathematical IV The twin of entropy V The totality: time and information VI The new philosophical category of information VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free variable of quantum information VIII Hilbert arithmetic IX Instead of conclusion: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information, and Hilbert arithmetic & qubit space
  • 26. Entropy in statistic thermodynamics • The initial, “phenomenological” thermodynamics predetermines for it to be define only on macroscopic level • Statistic thermodynamics complements it with another, hidden level: microscopic and actual in Boltzmann’s, but macroscopic and virtual in Gibbs’s • Entropy (or the specific class of similar quantities to which it belongs) in statistic thermodynamics is the single quantity connecting the two levels • And more precisely: it represents the phenomenological level of experience referring to a whole as a function of the other, hidden (and eventually only postulated) level
  • 27. Entropy realized properly mathematically • One might introduce an auxiliary quantity to any finite set (and generalizable to infinite ones) meaning the number of partial different orderings, each of which being a well-ordering, but incommensurable with any of all the rest • The greater is that auxiliary quantity, the bigger is the abstract entropy of the set at issue and representing the quantitative degree of its disordering (respectively ordering) • That mathematical entropy and physical entropy share the pair of two disjunctive levels, however interpreted differently: the whole of the set versus that of its elements, as to mathematical entropy
  • 28. The pair of entropy and information • One may coin the metaphor of entropy as the pessimist’s information (respectively, information as the optimist’s entropy): • Both optimist and pessimist observe the same partly ordered, partly disordered state, but the former interprets it as ordered by information, and the latter as disordered by entropy • The pair of entropy and information is equally applicable as to physical states as to mathematical ones • If one notices that entropy is more met in physics, the reason would be that the physicists are “pessimists” unlike the “optimistic” mathematicians • Or in dualistic terms: the bodily subject of physics is disordered by itself unlike the mental subject of mathematics ordered by the
  • 29. Current location: I From classical information to quantum information II From bit to qubit III Information both physical and mathematical IV The twin of entropy V The totality: time and information VI The new philosophical category of information VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free variable of quantum information VIII Hilbert arithmetic IX Instead of conclusion: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information, and Hilbert arithmetic & qubit space
  • 30. The idea of scientific transcendentalism • The usual “philosophical transcendentalism” is granted to be unfalsifiable, i.e. a properly philosophical doctrine • Thus, it is included of the “eternal” treasure of the most valuable human ideas therefor protected from reputation “forever” regardless of the historically restricted scope of scientific knowledge or possible cognition in any epoch • On the contrary, its counterpart of scientific transcendentalism would be to formulate its thesis in a way falsifiable by experience and experiment just in a certain historical episteme, to which that formulation makes sense
  • 31. The scientific transcendentalism defined in our age • In fact, one needs a general and scientific definition of the totality comprising the particular examples of its uses in different sciences • Those exemplifications might be: the universe, system, biological organism, chemical compound, physical entity, society, neural network, etc. • So, scientific transcendentalism would imply a unifying and interdisciplinary approach applicable to astronomy and astrophysics, systemology, biology, chemistry, physics, sociology, history, neuroscience, etc.
  • 32. About the scientific definition of the totality nowadays • Being “all” in definition, the totality should contain its externality within itself by itself • So, it generates definitively a fundamental and initial doubling of anything; once it by itself and twice: again it, but now as a representative of its external counterpart • The formal, both logical and mathematical structure is that of a bit of information: • Any doubling of the above kind (which can be called “transcendental doubling”) consists of itself and two alternatives: “inside” and “outside” of the totality
  • 33. Transcendental information • Information (not being yet “transcendental”) can be defined as that quantity “unitable” (or measurable) by units of bits • Then, what is unitable by elementary doublings of anything with its external counterpart will be called “transcendental information” • An elementary doubling can be defined in turn and independently as a generalized identity after the identification of anything with its external counterpart after transcendental doubling • Furthermore, that definition of “elementary doubling” is to be postulated as an equivalent of a bit of information, after which both alternatives are equally probable
  • 34. Transcendental doubling, elementary irreversibility and reversibility • A bit of information implies irreversibility following the direction of choice of any disjunctive alternative: • So, any transcendental doubling implies a corresponding irreversibility: from the doubling itself to the alternative either within the totality or its counterpart out of the totality • The same irreversibility implies furthermore just one reversibility if it be unified with the same irreversibility, but “running backwards”: i.e. from the distinction of both alternatives (either within or out of the totality) back to the coherent state of the doubling itself
  • 35. Transcendental doubling and transcendental invariance • As to irreversibility (regardless of which direction), the alternatives and their unification as the doubling itself are ordered, withal well- ordered being a natural number • As to reversibility, they are not, being “simultaneous” • One can postulate as being obvious (an “axiom”) that both irreversibilities are equivalent to the reversibility therefore falling in turn into the formal structure of a bit of information • As to an infinite set of alternatives the analogical statement is much less obvious, but nonetheless it can be granted to be true as “transcendental invariance”, furthermore provable in set theory as the equivalence of the axiom of choice and the well-ordering “theorem”
  • 36. Transcendental invariance and transcendental time • One can define each of both irreversibilties as an elementary irreversibility • Then, if one grants any elementary irreversibility as a unity of the quantity of “transcendental time”, the transcendental time can be defined as that quantity “unitable”, i.e. measureable by the units of elementary irreversibility • So and in the final analysis, scientific transcendentalism is able to generate two fundamental “transcendental” quantities: time and information
  • 37. Current location: I From classical information to quantum information II From bit to qubit III Information both physical and mathematical IV The twin of entropy V The totality: time and information VI The new philosophical category of information VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free variable of quantum information VIII Hilbert arithmetic IX Instead of conclusion: three equivalent pairs: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information, and Hilbert arithmetic & qubit space
  • 38. Information in the shadow of time • “Time” (at least since Heidegger’s “Sein und Zeit”) is one established philosophical category: a speculative and metaphysical counterpart of our temporal experience or the physical quantity of time • Furthermore, “Time” is able to unify the two sides of the dualistic Cartesian abyss because it is shared as by “Mind” as by “Body” (unlike “Space” situated only on the side of the latter) • On the contrary, information seems to be much more “plebeian”: only a particular scientific notion even technical and relevant to human artefacts withal appeared in the middle of the last century
  • 39. Information in Wiener’s “cybernetics” • The idea of “cybernetics” (a neologism coined by Wiener) was defined to be a new science called to study control in both technical and biological systems unified by the transmission of information • That idea was generalized very soon as to any systems, and control by information, as the essence of “system” as well as its conservation as such • As the quantity of information (as it was defined by Shannon or Kolmogorov), many scientist noticed that it is anti- isometric to entropy in statistic thermodynamics
  • 40. Information after computer science and technics • The unprecedented development of computers underlain by the processing of information deforms the initial intention of cybernetics to a rather technical concept though fundamental as to computer science • Information lost its just acquired status of a unifying interdisciplinary conception therefore preventing any further generalization to a philosophical notion or category • However, the downward trend was broken by the idea of “quantum computer” processing “quantum information” furthermore able to reformulate quantum mechanics (the most fundamental physical theory) as an information theory thoroughly and absolutely
  • 41. Information after quantum information • Quantum mechanics states that any physical system is quantum in the final analysis, and a non-quantum and classical only approximately, in relation to physical action much, much greater than the fundamental Planck constant • Then, any physical system is a quantum-information system in the final analysis, and quantum information is the universal general omnipresent substance of the physical, “bodily”, and empirical world • Furthermore, any quantum state and thus, and any quantum- information state is the same regardless of being considered whether as physical, “bodily” or as cognitive, “mental” therefore bridging the both sides of dualistic abyss just as “Time”
  • 42. Information as the category of “Being” • Once information has turned out to be able to unify “Body” and “Mind” and analogically to the same function of “Time”, it advances towards the status of philosophical concept and even category • Thus, information is introduced as the counterpart of “time” as “Being”, to “Time” • However, the concept of information even outruns that of time as more general due to information atemporal phenomena • “Entity” as a necessary projection of “Being” onto “Time” can be generalized further, to those entities suitable out of time or “Time”
  • 43. Current location: I From classical information to quantum information II From bit to qubit III Information both physical and mathematical IV The twin of entropy V The totality: time and information VI The new philosophical category of information VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free variable of quantum information VIII Hilbert arithmetic IX Instead of conclusion: three equivalent pairs: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information, and Hilbert arithmetic & qubit space
  • 44. The free variable of quantum information • All operators in the separable complex Hilbert space are its mappings onto itself • One can consider the definition area of any of them, which is always the separable complex Hilbert space (or respectively, the qubit Hilbert space) as the free variable of quantum information possessing any wave function (eventually represented as a series of qubits) as a certain value of it • Then, any operator in that Hilbert space including the Hermitian ones (each of which is relevant to a certain physical quantity in quantum mechanics) would be a corresponding processing of quantum information
  • 45. The analogy to the free variable of classical information • If one consider the “𝑍2” Hilbert space (where “𝑍2” is a field consisting of two elements) rather than the separable complex Hilbert space, any operator in it would be a real function • Then, the field of real numbers would be the analogical free variable of classical information • Consequently, quantum information can be granted to be “meta-information” or the “information of information as far its values are functions (i.e. a certain operator of classical information)
  • 46. The mappings of quantum information into classical information: functionals • Any functional meant in quantum mechanics (e.g. as a certain physical quantity) is a mapping of the free variable of quantum information into the free variable of classical information • According to the introduction of “dual space”. It can be considered as the functional space to the free variable of quantum information • The free variable of quantum information is just the space itself, to which the functional space can be accepted as dual
  • 47. The physical, informational, and philosophical meaning of dual space in quantum mechanics • The one Hilbert space consisting of all possible wave functions interpretable as all possible quantum coherent states contains those of the studied or investigated entity at issue • The coherent state of that entity can be granted to represent it “by itself” or “before measurement” • On the contrary, its dual space contains all relevant mappings of its wave function into all possible results “after measurement” • According to uncertainty principle (interested widely) any wave function of the dual (functional) space contains only a single value relevant to the measured quantum state and its wave function
  • 48. The information meaning of the relations of those dual spaces • Any functional, the argument of which is the value of quantum information at issue (i.e. in the initial space of states “by themselves”), possesses a certain value of classical information as a measured result referring to the state • The set of all measured results (i.e. each of them corresponding to a different functional in general) being a set of values of classical information with an attached probability for just it to be measured constitutes the initial and investigated wave function as the characteristic function of the probability density distribution corresponding to the set of measured values accompanied by the probabilities to be measured
  • 49. Current location: I From classical information to quantum information II From bit to qubit III Information both physical and mathematical IV The twin of entropy V The totality: time and information VI The new philosophical category of information VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free variable of quantum information VIII Hilbert arithmetic IX Instead of conclusion: three equivalent pairs: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information, and Hilbert arithmetic & qubit space
  • 50. Hilbert arithmetic: the qubit Hilbert space as free variable • One can consider the “empty” qubit (i.e. as a free variable) as a unit of the usual arithmetic and notice that the qubit Hilbert space consisting of those empty qubits satisfies Peano axioms • The empty qubit can be introduced as the class of equivalence of all values which a qubit can possess • Thus, Hilbert arithmetic is to consist of two dual Peano arithmetic(s) for the dual counterpart of the dual “empty qubit” Hilbert space • However, the direction of function successor in each of them is to be opposite: “n+1” versus “n-1”
  • 51. The comparison of two dual Peano arithmetics • For the anti-isometry of the dual qubit Hilbert spaces (inherited form the corresponding anti-isometry of the separable complex Hilbert space) the wo functions “successor” are opposite to each other • The twin arithmetic is to start from the “other end”: respectively, from the “𝜔” defined as the least infinite ordinal (thus, corresponding to a countable set): “𝜔, 𝜔-1, 𝜔-2, … … 2+1, 1+1, 1” • The two twin arithmetics cannot be available simultaneously, or they are complimentary to each other • To any natural number of the one, just one transfinite “natural” (ordinal) number corresponds
  • 52. The accessibility of the “inaccessible ordinals” of Peano arithmetic in Hilbert arithmetic • Inaccessible ordinals can be admit also as rigorously less than “𝜔” by the following construction: • The inaccessible ordinals of first order are those, the set of all subset of which is a countable set; then, the inaccessible ordinals of second order are those all subset of which is a set corresponding to an inaccessible ordinal of first order; etc. • From the viewpoint of Peano arithmetic, all the inaccessible ordinals (which can be restricted only to those of first order, due to additional considerations) are transfinite natural (ordinal) number • So, any natural number possesses just one transfinite and commentary counterpart belonging to the twin arithmetic as a standard natural number
  • 53. Two very important properties of Hilbert arithmetic • Hilbert arithmetic containing definitively inaccessible ordinals is out of the standard mathematics, the usual foundations of which are (Peano) arithmetic and set theory • A corollary: statements unprovable or false in the standard mathematics can be provable (or even obvious) in Hilbert arithmetic (or in the framework an eventual generalized, “Hilbert mathematic” justified by Hilbert arithmetic included its foundations) • Particularly, the Gödel incompleteness or Yablo’s paradox are unprovable in Hilbert mathematics: • Hilbert mathematics contains an internal proof of consistent completeness
  • 54. Hilbert arithmetic and the qubit Hilbert space • Three statements are valid: • (1) Hilbert arithmetic is isomorphic to the qubit Hilbert space • (2) Hilbert arithmetic and the qubit Hilbert space are complimentary to each other • (3) the previous two statements allows for the consistent completeness of quantum mechanics and Hilbert arithmetic to be interpreted as the same • The proof is based on the unambiguous mapping of all wave functions and tall transfinite ordinal numbers after which the dual counterpart of both transfinite “halves” of the twin Peano arithmetics linked are isomorphic to the two dual qubit Hilbert space
  • 55. The non-standard interpretation of Peano arithmetic • The usual interpretation of Peano arithmetic suggest that all natural numbers are well ordered • Anyway, this property is based in the definition of function successor (usually, “n+1”) • However, that definition can be changed in a way avoiding well- ordering, e.g. as “n=“, i.e. the series of natural numbers would be: “1, 1=1, 1=1=1, 1=1=1=1” • Obviously, it would finish cyclically: “𝜔-1”.[function successor] = “𝜔- 1”.”n=“, which implies : “𝜔=1” • That nonstandard interpretation possesses a cyclic structure decomposable into two complimentary well-orderings; an illustration: “=“ can be decomposed into the two “complimentary” " ≤ “ and " ≥ "
  • 56. Why that interpretation is non-standard • The usual understanding of “non-standard interpretation” is the construction of an enumerable (even finite) model in virtue of the Löwenheim-Skolem theorem • However, the opposite option is realized in the nonstandard interpretation of Peano arithmetic: a non-countable model model of the countable Peano arithmetic is constructible • It is non-countable in general because “𝜔-1”.”n=“ can be replaced by any infinite ordinal as well as in : “𝜔 − 1”. ”𝑛 + 1“ and “𝜔 − 1”. ”𝑛 − 1“
  • 57. Boolean algebra in the nonstandard Peano arithmetic • One can notice that equality of all elements of the nonstandard Peano arithmetic “deforms” the arithmetical operations of “addition” and “multiplication” into the logical operations of “disjunction” and “conjuction” correspondingly • The unambiguous mapping of namesake (or “number-sake”) elements the two twin Peano arithmetics defines the logical negation • So, the nonstandard interpretation of Peano arithmetic is isomorphic to both propositional logic and set-theory therefore implying the consistent completeness of “Hilbert mathematics”
  • 58. Information and Hilbert arithmetic • Any triple of “number-sake” elements of the nonstandard and both standard interpretations of Peano arithmetic constitutes a bit of information where the two complimentary standard elements are the two equally probable alternatives of a bit, and the nonstandard element represents a bit “before choke” • If all elements of the qubit class of equivalence constituting an arithmetical unit be distinguished from each other, any unit would be transformed into a qubit • Furthermore, the set of all natural numbers can be considered as a qubit since a qubit can be interpreted as a choice among the elements of an infinite set • So, the global and local structure coincide to each other and constitutes the qubit Hilbert space
  • 59. Why “Hilbert arithmetic”? • The name “Hilbert arithmetic is chosen following a few considerations: • (1) Hilbert arithmetic is isomorphic to the qubit Hilbert space • (2) Hilbert arithmetic is able to justify Hilbert mathematics (unlike Gödel mathematics due to the Gödel incompleteness theorems) by an internally proof of consistent completeness • (3) Hilbert arithmetic embodies the Hilbert program of formalism though generalizing Peano arithmetic • (4) Hilbert arithmetic embodies the equivalence of the axiom of choice and the well-ordering “theorem” being a necessary condition of vector and function interpretations of Hilbert space to identified by its conception
  • 60. Current location: I From classical information to quantum information II From bit to qubit III Information both physical and mathematical IV The twin of entropy V The totality: time and information VI The new philosophical category of information VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free variable of quantum information VIII Hilbert arithmetic IX Instead of conclusion: three equivalent pairs: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information, and Hilbert arithmetic & qubit Hilbert space
  • 61. Bit & qubit • Bit & qubit can be considered to be a single structure, which can be interpreted in two disjunctive ways: “finitely” or “infinitely” • “Schrödinger’s cat” can serve as an illustration of that “bit & qubit structure”: the cat’s states are only two and presumably, equally probable just as those of a bit • However, the processes determining which state will be chosen are fundamentally random and so the choice of any of both states needs a qubit information • So, “qubit” can be associated with the process, and “bit”, with the result as to “Schrödinger’s cat”: however, the essential distinction is only the alternative aspects of “bit” and “qubit” to be disjunctively divided, which is only exemplifiable by “process” and “result” as in the metaphor
  • 62. Classical & quantum information • Classical & quantum information can be related to each other just as “bit & qubit” • Both are underlain by a single structure interpretable “finitely” as classical information, and “infinitely” as quantum information • The two kind of equivalent interpretations can be justified still by the equivalence of the well-ordered “theorem” (for classical information) and the axiom of choice (for quantum information” • Even the Schrödinger equation can be understood as interpreting quantitatively the equivalence if classical and quantum information as an equation
  • 63. Hilbert arithmetic & qubit Hilbert space • Classical & quantum information can justified by the unified structure of Hilbert arithmetic & qubit Hilbert space • Hilbert arithmetic would correspond rather to the aspect of classical information, and the qubit Hilbert space, to that of quantum information • That unified structure of Hilbert arithmetic & qubit Hilbert space should be relevant to the mathematical understanding of the totality as far as it has to unify the finite and infinite • At last, a theological metaphor might hint the same most fundamental relation unifying the human and divine and exemplifiable by Jesus of Christianity…
  • 64. Thank you fro your kind attention! I am waiting forward to your questions and comments!
  • 65. Memory: what the presentation discussed I From classical information to quantum information II From bit to qubit III Information both physical and mathematical IV The twin of entropy V The totality: time and information VI The new philosophical category of information VII The separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics and qubit space as the free variable of quantum information VIII Hilbert arithmetic IX Instead of conclusion: three equivalent pairs: bit & qubit, classical & quantum information, and Hilbert arithmetic & qubit space