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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of
Guided by Submitted by
JV’n Dr. Meenakshi Soni JV’n Shruti Singh
Assistant Professor JV-U/14/7246
Department of Repertory
Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University
Jaipur, Rajasthan
Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University, Jaipur
This is to certify that the project entitled “ROLE OF HOMOEOPATHIC
JAIPUR as a partial fulfillment for the requirement of the degree of Bachelor
of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery, is a bonafide work carried out by
her under my supervision. Her approach to the subject has been sincere,
scientific and analytical.
This work is recommended for the degree of “Bachelor of Homoeopathic
Medicine and Surgery”.
Place: Jaipur Dr. Meenakshi Soni
Date: Assistant Professor,
Department of Repertory
This is to certify that project entitled “ROLE OF HOMOEOPATHIC
MEDICINES IN IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA” is a bonafide work carried
out by Shruti Singh of batch 2014-15, as a partial fulfillment of the requirement
for the award of the degree of “Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and
The work confirms to the standard of “JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMEN’S
Place: Jaipur Prof. Dr. M.P. Sharma
Date: Dean/ Director
I certify that, the work contained in the thesis is original and has been done by myself
under the supervision of my supervisor.
Whenever I have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, and text) from other
sources, I have given due credit to them by citing them in the text of the thesis and
giving their details in the references.
Whenever I have quoted written materials from other sources and due credit is given
to the sources by citing them.
Date: Name of the Intern:
Place: Jaipur Shruti Singh
My deepest thanks goes to principal of “JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMEN
‘S UNIVERSITY” for extending their support. It is my greatest pleasure
to my profound gratitude towards my guide, Dr.MEENAKSHI SONI
for providing me various resources as and when required. He proved to
be very helpful in resolving various hurdles and difficulties faced during
completion of this assignment.
A word of praise is due to my PARENTS and friends and hospital
staff for being my pillars of strength & constantly encouraging
me for completion of this assignment.
Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia. WHO estimates that
42% of children less than 5 years of age and 40% of pregnant womenworldwide are
It can result from inadequate iron intake, decreased iron absorption, increased iron
demand, or increased iron loss by any means, either result from heavy
menstruation, by injury, by surgical event, or due to lack of nutrition. Iron deficiency
anemia is treated with iron supplementation and homeopathic medicine. The
homoeopathic medicines like Ferrum phosphoricum, china officinalis, sepia,
kalium carbonicum., Calcarea phosphoricum, Natrum muriaticum, pulsatilla etc.
can cure the cases of anemia permanently and restore the sick to health.
As the name suggests ‘iron deficiency anemia’ is a type of anemia caused by lack of
iron, it is the decrease in the number of red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin in
the blood.
It is the most common nutritional disorder in the world. It is commonly seen in
children, adolescent girls, and the women of child bearing age. The total body iron in a
70 kg man is about 4gm. This iron balance is maintained largely by regulating the iron
absorption of dietary iron and body losses. Usually female have smallest stores of iron
when compared to male due to blood loss during menstruation. The daily iron
requirement is 7-10mg in men and 7-20mg in woman.
Hemoglobin is needed to carry oxygen and if you have too few or abnormal red blood
cells, or not enough hemoglobin, there will be a decreased capacity of the blood to
carry oxygen to the body’s tissues. This results in symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness,
weakness, and shortness of breath, among others. The optimal hemoglobin
concentration needed to meet physiologic needs varies by age, sex, smoking habits,
elevation of residence and pregnancy status. The most common causes of anemia
include particularly iron deficiency, nutritional deficiencies, though deficiencies in
folate, vitamins b12 and are also important causes; haemoglobinopathies; and
infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, malaria, HIV and parasitic infections.
The condition of having a lower-than-normal number of red blood cells or quantity of
hemoglobin. Anemia diminishes the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen. Patients
with iron deficiency anemia may feel tired, fatigue easily, appear pale, develop
palpitations, and become short of breath. Children with chronic iron deficiency
anemia are prone to infections and learning problems. The main causes of iron
deficiency anemia are bleeding, hemolysis (excessive destruction of red blood cells),
underproduction of red blood cells (as in bone marrow diseases), and underproduction
of normal hemoglobin (as in sickle cell anemia and in iron deficiency anemia).
Women are more likely than men to have iron deficiency anemia because of
menstrual blood loss. In children, iron deficiency anemia is most commonly due to
insufficient iron in the diet. Iron deficiency anemia is also often due to
gastrointestinal bleeding caused by medications, including such common drugs as
aspirin and ibuprofen.
Anaemia affects 1.62 billion people (95% CI: 1.50–1.74 billion), which
corresponds to 24.8% of the population (95% CI: 22.9–26.7%). The highest
prevalence is in preschool-age children (47.4%, 95% CI: 45.7–49.1), and
the lowest prevalence is in men (12.7%, 95% CI: 8.6–16.9%). However, the
population group with the greatest number of individuals affected is non-
pregnant women (468.4 million, 95% CI: 446.2–490.6).
Global overview
• WHO Global Database on Anaemia for 1993–2005, estimated the
prevalence of anaemia worldwide at 25%.
 Estimated prevalence
• High development countries – 9%
• Low development countries – 43%.
• Africa and Asia account for more than 85% of the absolute anaemia
burden in high-risk groups
 Dietary lack of iron: In such cases infants are at high risk because milk diets
contain very small amount of iron.
 Impaired absorption: Occurs in cases of sprue, intestine steatorrhea, chronic
diarrhea and gastrectomy.
 Increased requirement: This is an important cause of iron deficiency anemia
as it commonly seen in infants, children, adolescents, premenopausal and
pregnant women.
 Chronic blood loss: As can be seen in conditions like peptic ulcer, uterine
fibroids, HIV/AIDS, malaria, worm infestations (pinworm/hookworm disease).
Red blood cells bring oxygen to the body's tissues. Healthy red blood cells are
made in bone marrow. Red blood cells circulates through body for 3 to 4 months.
Parts of the body, such as spleen, remove old blood cells.
Iron is a key part of red blood cells. Without iron, the blood cannot carry oxygen
effectively. Body normally gets iron through diet. It also reuses iron from oldred
blood cells in the ferric form of iron.
Iron deficiency anemia develops when the body's iron stores run low. This can
occur because:
Losing more blood cells and iron than the body can replace
The body does not do a good job of absorbing iron.
Body is able to absorb iron, but person is not eating enough foods that contain
Body needs more iron than normal (such as if you are pregnant or breast feeding)
 Bleeding can cause iron loss. Common causes of bleeding are:
 Heavy, long, or frequent menstrual periods
 Cancer in the esophagus, stomach, small bowel, or colon
 Esophageal varices, often from cirrhosis
 The use of aspirin, ibuprofen, or arthritis medicines for a long time, which
can cause gastrointestinal bleeding
 Peptic ulcer disease
 The body may not absorb enough iron in diet due to:
 Coeliac disease
 Crohn’s disease
 Gastric bypass surgery
 Taking too many antacids or too much of the antibiotic tetracycline
 A person may not get enough iron in diet if:
 A person is a strict vegetarian
 Person do not eat enough foods that contain iron
Fe2+ ion enters into cell with the help of DMT-1
(divalent metal transporter-1) protein
Fe2+ ion
Fe3+ react with C-reductase enzyme
and convert in
Fe2+ ion.
fe3+(plant source)
fe2+(animal source,hemoglobin,myoglobin)
inside the cell ions storedas
when our body needs iron, Fe2+
gets out through ferroportin.
outside the cell, enzyme
hephastin convert Fe2+ ion in
Fe3+ ion.
Fe3+ ion released in circulation
Apo transferrin present in blood
stream binds with Fe3+ ion. (it
binds with at least 2 ion at a time)
Upto 75% of iron used
for process of
erythropoiesis(in form
of fe2+ ion)
10-20% iron
Go to liver & transferin attachs to transferin receptor present
on liver cell
It goes inside the liver cell & stored as fe2+ ion
A master protein hepcidin
Regulate the level of iron in blood stream
It get feedback from inflammatory cytokine
Increased plasma fe3+ & lipopolysacheride
It manage the feroportin to stop or allow transfer of
fe2+ from tissue & from spleen
It also inhibit the absorption of iron in duodenum cell
mutation in HFE gen result in ''hereditory hemochromotosis" i.e.
iron overload in tissue
Patient may have no symptoms if the iron deficiency anemia is mild.
Most of the time, symptoms are mild at first and develop slowly. Symptoms may
 Feeling weak or tired more often than usual, or with exercise
 Headaches
 Dizziness
 Palpitations
 Problems concentrating or thinking
As the iron deficiency anemia gets worse, symptoms may include:
 Brittle nails
 Blue color to the whites of the eye
 Desire to eat ice or other non-food things (pica)
 Feeling lightheaded while standing up
 Shortness of breath
 Sore or inflamed tongue
 Mouth ulcers
 Uncontrolled movement of legs (during sleep)
 Hair loss
Symptoms of the conditions (associated with bleeding) that cause iron
deficiency anemia include:
 Dark, tar-colored stools or blood in the stool
 Heavy menstrual bleeding (in women)
 Pain in the upper belly (from ulcers)
 Weight loss (in people with cancer)
 Lack of Oxygen
 The symptoms of anemia may range from mild and minimal to severe and
incapacitating, potentially even life-threatening. It may be difficult to carryout
normal, everyday activities. With hypoxia, the heart has to work harder to
support the body.
Iron deficiency anemia can affect many systems in the body and produce a
variety of symptoms and signs that affect health including
 Cold hands and feet, pallor
 Numbness, and
 Low body temperature.
 Pain, including in bones, chest, belly, and joints
 Problems with growth, for children and teens
 Fatigue and diminished capability to perform hard labour.
 Leg cramps on climbing stairs.
 PICA especially for ice to suck or to chew.
 Poor scholastic performance.
 Decreased immunity.
 Impaired growth in infants.
 Irritability, headache, palpitations, dizziness, breathlessness.
 Splenomegaly
 Pallor of the mucous membrane.
 Koilonychia i.e. spoon shaped nails.
 Glossy tongue with atrophy of lingual papillae, angular stomatitis.
To diagnose iron deficiency anemia, following test will be done
 Complete blood count
 Reticulocyte count
 Iron binding capacity (TIBC) in the blood
 Serum ferritin
 Serum iron level
 Serum hepcidin level (protein and regulator of iron in the body)
 Bone marrow biopsy (if the diagnosis is not clear)
To check for causes (blood loss) of iron deficiency,
 Colonoscopy
 Fecal occult blood test
 Upper endoscopy
 Tests to detect sources of blood loss in the urinary tract or uterus
Hemolysis during phlebotomy and significant hemodilution due to large volume fluid
resuscitation may lead to a falsely low red cell count.
In acute blood loss from trauma, iron deficiency anemia may not immediately be
present on laboratory testing, as the fluid shifts have not had time to occur to
normalize the circulating volume, thus diluting the number of red blood cells
Iron deficiency anemia of chronic disease: consider renal failure, underlying malignancies,
and autoimmune conditions
Bone marrow infiltration: consider in a patient with weight loss, fatigue.
Macrocytic anemia with B12/foliate deficiency: consider in a patient with
paresthesias, vegans/vegetarians or in patients withrecent gastric bypass surgeries
Hemolytic anemia: consider in all patients with jaundice, dark urine. Always question
the recent use of medications.
Acute upper or lower GI bleeds: trauma, carcinoma, peptic ulcer disease, use of
Management depends primarily on treating the underlying cause of iron deficiency anemia.
1) Iron deficiency anemia due to acute blood loss- Treat with IV fluids, cross
matched packed red blood cells, oxygen. Always remember to obtain at least two
large-bore IV lines for the administration of fluid and blood products. Maintain
hemoglobin of > 7 g/dL ina majority of patients. Those with cardiovascular disease
require a higher hemoglobin goal of > 8 g/dL.
2) Iron deficiency anemia due to nutritional deficiencies: Oral/IV iron, B12, and foliate.
 Oral supplementation of iron is by far the most common method of iron
repletion. The dose of iron administered depends on the patient's age, calculated
iron deficit, the rate of correction required, and the ability to tolerate side
effects. The most common side effects include metallic taste and gastrointestinal
side effects such as constipation and black tarry stools, nausea and diarrhoea.
For such individuals, they are advised to take oral iron every other day, in order
to aid in improved GI absorption. And they are also adviced to take this oral
supplement with orange juice (because of its high acidic content it helps in
absorption).The hemoglobin will usually normalize in 6-8 weeks, with an
increase in reticulocyte count in just 7-10 days.
 IV iron may be beneficial in patients requiring a rapid increase in levels.
Patients with acute and ongoing blood loss or patients with intolerable side
effects are candidates for IV iron.
3) Iron deficiency anemia due to defects in the bone marrow and stem cells:
Conditions suchas aplastic anemia require bone marrow transplantation.
4) Iron deficiency anemia due to chronic disease: Iron deficiency anemia in the
setting of renal failure, responds to erythropoietin. Autoimmune and hematological
conditions causing iron deficiency anemia require treatment of the underlying
5) Iron deficiency anemia due to increased red blood cell destruction:
 Hemolytic anemia caused by faulty mechanical valves will need replacement.
 Hemolytic anemia due to medications requires the removal of theoffending
 Persistent hemolytic anemia requires splenectomy.
 Haemoglobinopathies such as sickle cell anemia require bloodtransfusions,
exchange transfusions, and even hydroxyurea to decrease the incidence of
 DIC, which is characterized by uncontrolled coagulation and thrombosis,
requires the removal of the offending stimulus. Patients with life-threatening
bleeding require the use of antifibrinolytic agents.
Homoeopathic medicine selected on the basis the totality of the
symptoms, constitution, temperament, diathesis and miasm.
There are some common medicines for iron deficiency anemia:-
1. CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA: - Medicine for children who has
nutritional disturbances. Patient has frequent attacks of tonsillitis.
Person are dark complexioned, dark hair, instead of fat. Children are
weak and emaciated, who are unable to stand. Acne in school going
anemic girls.
2. CHINA OFFICINALIS: - The patient if of dark complexion and
dull face. It especially works when anemia presents due to loss of
vital fluid, sexual excess and debility from exhausting discharges.
Heaviness of head and disturbed sight, with loss of interest in doing
work or exercise. Patient is sensitive to touch. Due to weakness
patient feel numbness and trembling of limbs, and violent palpitation
of heart. The anemia may be present due to any traumatic injury or
excessive bleeding by any means. Skin is cold and clammy. China
acts both as a hemorrhage and controller and also increases the
amount of blood in body.
3. FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM: - Patient of Ferrum phosphoricum
is usually young, sickly looking and week internally.
Pseudoplethoric. Person got tired after doing any work, even after
walking and talking. Body looks sickly pale, white and bloodless. It
works in first stage of inflammation. Most frequently used
homoeopathic medicine to increase our hemoglobin level in body.
Suitable to all age groups and even during pregnancy. Skin appears
pale, pulse rate is quickened, also experience palpitation of heart and
weakness. Vertigo and headache may also be appearing as
symptoms. In females, there is excessive bleeding during periods.
And it is long lasting.
It is the medicine for controlling sweat especially at night.
4. LECITHIN: - This remedy has action on blood and is usually given
for anemic individual to increase the number of RBC’s and amount of
Hb. There will be mental exhaustion. The individual will be weak
with shortness of breath, loss of breath, loss of flesh; will be forgetful,
dull and confused. The headache in the occipital will be pulsating
type and will crave for wine and coffee
5. NATRUM MURIATICUM: - It is medicine for anemia with weight
loss. It acts efficiently to control weight loss and excessive weakness.
Patient appears very lean, thin weak and emaciated with loss of flesh.
Anemia from loss of vital fluid. Headache from sunrise to sunset,
especially school going girls. Tongue is mapped with red insular
patches like ringworm on sides. Patient is very anxious and drop
things from nervous weakness. Patient has great liability to take cold.
Craving for salty food. Anemia due to long-lasting grief. Intermitted
fever paroxysm at 10 or 11 a.m.
Skin is dry and cracked around nails. Remedy for treating anemia
especially after malaria.
6. PHOSPHORUS: - This remedy is especially for anemia due to renal
disease. This remedy is adapted to tall, slender person, narrow chest,
thin with transparent skin, weakened by loss of animal fluids. There
will be great debility with emaciation. There will be haemorrhagic
tendency. Chronic congestion of head, thirst for cold water. Violent
palpitation with anxiety while lying on left side and weakness and
trembling from every exertion.
7. PULSATILLA: - This is well known medicine for iron deficiency
anemia. Patient is mild, thirtless, aggravated by heat. Pulsatilla is the
great antidote to iron, and hence is indicated in the anemic condition
produced by large dose. The system is relaxed and worn out. The
patient is chilly and suffers from gastric and menstrual derangements.
Thus the symptoms resemble closely those calling for Ferrum. The
cause of the anemia must be sought for, and if the case comes from
allopathic hand. The pulsatilla patient feels better in the open air
.dizziness on rising, absence of thirsts, and the peculiar disposition
will lead to the remedy.
8. SEPIA OFFICINALIS: - Here women will have weak yellow
complexion. They feel cold even in a warm room. They are irritable.
There will be aesthetic inflammation of eye with uterine trouble.
There is craving for vinegar, acids and pickles. Dyspnoea aggravates
after sleep and is better by rapid motion. Violent intermittent
Some rare homoeopathic medicine for iron deficiency anemia:
1. ALETRIS FARINOSA Q: - Homeopathic medicine for women suffering
from iron deficiency anemia with extreme weakness and fatigue. There is a
marked weariness and tiredness all day. The energy level seems to be
markedly reduced and the body feels powerless. A frequent episode of
faintness and vertigo and even the face appears very pale. Iron deficiency
anemia in women due to abundant bleeding during periods and repeated
2. ALSTONIA SCHOLARIS 30- Alstonia Scholaris is considered a
complete tonic for patients who have anemia and other complaints
following malarial fever. The complaints apart from anemia are weak
digestion. The patients needing Alstonia Scholaris have a history of
diarrhea during malarial fever.
3. STROPHANTHUS HIS. Q- Strophanthus is prescribed when anemia
with palpitations and breathlessness is present. Strophanthus tones up the
heart and is safer for the aged. Dyspnoea is present especially when
ascending. Lungs congested.
4. CEANOTHUS Q- Ceanothus is prescribed when anemia is due to
dysfunction of liver and spleen. There is violent dyspnoea is present.
Bronchitis with profound secretion occurs.
5. IRIDIUM MET 30—Iridium met is effective in anemia after exhausting
diseases or due to old age or in children growing too fast. It increases red
blood corpuscles.
6. TEUCRIUM 10M—Teucrium is very effective in children for anemia due
to pin worms. It will also eradicate worms.
Essential of medical physiology, 8th
edition, by K sembulingam and Prem
Textbook of pathology, 7th
edition, by Harsh Mohan.
Pathology practical book, 3rd
edition, by Harsh Mohan.
Homoeopathic therapeutics, Samuel Lilienthal, MD.
Allen’s keynotes, 10th
edition, by H.C.Allen.
Boericke’s new manual of homoeopathic materia Medica with repertory, 3rd
edition & augmented edition based on 9th
edition, by William Boericke’s.
S.No OPD No. Name Age/sex Diagnosis Outcome
1. 43467 Ekta 26yr/F Anemia with
2. 40014 Shivani
22yr/F Anemia with
3. 38198 Anu
28yr/F Anemia with
4. 38248 Ananya 28/F Anemia with
5. 41456 Jaisingh 23yr/F Anemia with

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Here are the key steps in the pathophysiology of iron deficiency anemia:1. Decreased dietary iron intake or impaired absorption leads to decreased iron stores in the body. 2. Iron is needed for erythropoiesis (production of red blood cells). With low iron stores, erythropoiesis is impaired.3. This results in decreased hemoglobin levels and fewer/smaller red blood cells (microcytic hypochromic anemia).4. With fewer red blood cells and less hemoglobin, the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen to tissues is reduced. 5. This causes the clinical symptoms of anemia like fatigue, weakness, dizziness, pale skin, etc

  • 1. 1 A PROJECT ON ROLE OF HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES IN IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of BACHeLOR OF HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY Guided by Submitted by JV’n Dr. Meenakshi Soni JV’n Shruti Singh Assistant Professor JV-U/14/7246 Department of Repertory Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University Jaipur, Rajasthan Faculty of HOMOEOPATHIC SCIENCE Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University, Jaipur
  • 2. 2 JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMEN’S UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project entitled “ROLE OF HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES IN IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA” submitted by SHRUTI SINGH to the JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMEN’S UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR as a partial fulfillment for the requirement of the degree of Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery, is a bonafide work carried out by her under my supervision. Her approach to the subject has been sincere, scientific and analytical. This work is recommended for the degree of “Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery”. Place: Jaipur Dr. Meenakshi Soni Date: Assistant Professor, Department of Repertory
  • 3. 3 JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMEN’S UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR CERTIFICATE This is to certify that project entitled “ROLE OF HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES IN IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA” is a bonafide work carried out by Shruti Singh of batch 2014-15, as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of “Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery.” The work confirms to the standard of “JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMEN’S UNIVERSITY.” Place: Jaipur Prof. Dr. M.P. Sharma Date: Dean/ Director
  • 4. 4 DECLARATION I certify that, the work contained in the thesis is original and has been done by myself under the supervision of my supervisor. Whenever I have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, and text) from other sources, I have given due credit to them by citing them in the text of the thesis and giving their details in the references. Whenever I have quoted written materials from other sources and due credit is given to the sources by citing them. Date: Name of the Intern: Place: Jaipur Shruti Singh JV-U/14/7262
  • 5. 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My deepest thanks goes to principal of “JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMEN ‘S UNIVERSITY” for extending their support. It is my greatest pleasure to my profound gratitude towards my guide, Dr.MEENAKSHI SONI for providing me various resources as and when required. He proved to be very helpful in resolving various hurdles and difficulties faced during completion of this assignment. A word of praise is due to my PARENTS and friends and hospital staff for being my pillars of strength & constantly encouraging me for completion of this assignment. THANKING YOU
  • 6. 6 ABSTRACT Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia. WHO estimates that 42% of children less than 5 years of age and 40% of pregnant womenworldwide are anemic. It can result from inadequate iron intake, decreased iron absorption, increased iron demand, or increased iron loss by any means, either result from heavy menstruation, by injury, by surgical event, or due to lack of nutrition. Iron deficiency anemia is treated with iron supplementation and homeopathic medicine. The homoeopathic medicines like Ferrum phosphoricum, china officinalis, sepia, kalium carbonicum., Calcarea phosphoricum, Natrum muriaticum, pulsatilla etc. can cure the cases of anemia permanently and restore the sick to health.
  • 8. 8 INTRODUCTION As the name suggests ‘iron deficiency anemia’ is a type of anemia caused by lack of iron, it is the decrease in the number of red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. It is the most common nutritional disorder in the world. It is commonly seen in children, adolescent girls, and the women of child bearing age. The total body iron in a 70 kg man is about 4gm. This iron balance is maintained largely by regulating the iron absorption of dietary iron and body losses. Usually female have smallest stores of iron when compared to male due to blood loss during menstruation. The daily iron requirement is 7-10mg in men and 7-20mg in woman. Hemoglobin is needed to carry oxygen and if you have too few or abnormal red blood cells, or not enough hemoglobin, there will be a decreased capacity of the blood to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues. This results in symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, weakness, and shortness of breath, among others. The optimal hemoglobin concentration needed to meet physiologic needs varies by age, sex, smoking habits, elevation of residence and pregnancy status. The most common causes of anemia include particularly iron deficiency, nutritional deficiencies, though deficiencies in
  • 9. 9 folate, vitamins b12 and are also important causes; haemoglobinopathies; and infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, malaria, HIV and parasitic infections. The condition of having a lower-than-normal number of red blood cells or quantity of hemoglobin. Anemia diminishes the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen. Patients with iron deficiency anemia may feel tired, fatigue easily, appear pale, develop palpitations, and become short of breath. Children with chronic iron deficiency anemia are prone to infections and learning problems. The main causes of iron deficiency anemia are bleeding, hemolysis (excessive destruction of red blood cells), underproduction of red blood cells (as in bone marrow diseases), and underproduction of normal hemoglobin (as in sickle cell anemia and in iron deficiency anemia). Women are more likely than men to have iron deficiency anemia because of menstrual blood loss. In children, iron deficiency anemia is most commonly due to insufficient iron in the diet. Iron deficiency anemia is also often due to gastrointestinal bleeding caused by medications, including such common drugs as aspirin and ibuprofen.
  • 10. 10 EPIDEMIOLOGY Anaemia affects 1.62 billion people (95% CI: 1.50–1.74 billion), which corresponds to 24.8% of the population (95% CI: 22.9–26.7%). The highest prevalence is in preschool-age children (47.4%, 95% CI: 45.7–49.1), and the lowest prevalence is in men (12.7%, 95% CI: 8.6–16.9%). However, the population group with the greatest number of individuals affected is non- pregnant women (468.4 million, 95% CI: 446.2–490.6). Global overview • WHO Global Database on Anaemia for 1993–2005, estimated the prevalence of anaemia worldwide at 25%.  Estimated prevalence • High development countries – 9% • Low development countries – 43%. • Africa and Asia account for more than 85% of the absolute anaemia burden in high-risk groups
  • 11. 11 ETIOLOGY  Dietary lack of iron: In such cases infants are at high risk because milk diets contain very small amount of iron.  Impaired absorption: Occurs in cases of sprue, intestine steatorrhea, chronic diarrhea and gastrectomy.  Increased requirement: This is an important cause of iron deficiency anemia as it commonly seen in infants, children, adolescents, premenopausal and pregnant women.  Chronic blood loss: As can be seen in conditions like peptic ulcer, uterine fibroids, HIV/AIDS, malaria, worm infestations (pinworm/hookworm disease). Red blood cells bring oxygen to the body's tissues. Healthy red blood cells are made in bone marrow. Red blood cells circulates through body for 3 to 4 months. Parts of the body, such as spleen, remove old blood cells. Iron is a key part of red blood cells. Without iron, the blood cannot carry oxygen effectively. Body normally gets iron through diet. It also reuses iron from oldred blood cells in the ferric form of iron.
  • 12. 12 Iron deficiency anemia develops when the body's iron stores run low. This can occur because: Losing more blood cells and iron than the body can replace The body does not do a good job of absorbing iron. Body is able to absorb iron, but person is not eating enough foods that contain iron. Body needs more iron than normal (such as if you are pregnant or breast feeding)  Bleeding can cause iron loss. Common causes of bleeding are:  Heavy, long, or frequent menstrual periods  Cancer in the esophagus, stomach, small bowel, or colon  Esophageal varices, often from cirrhosis  The use of aspirin, ibuprofen, or arthritis medicines for a long time, which can cause gastrointestinal bleeding  Peptic ulcer disease  The body may not absorb enough iron in diet due to:  Coeliac disease  Crohn’s disease
  • 13. 13  Gastric bypass surgery  Taking too many antacids or too much of the antibiotic tetracycline  A person may not get enough iron in diet if:  A person is a strict vegetarian  Person do not eat enough foods that contain iron
  • 14. 14 Fe2+ ion enters into cell with the help of DMT-1 (divalent metal transporter-1) protein Fe2+ ion Fe3+ react with C-reductase enzyme and convert in Fe2+ ion. fe3+(plant source) fe2+(animal source,hemoglobin,myoglobin) inside the cell ions storedas ferritin when our body needs iron, Fe2+ gets out through ferroportin. outside the cell, enzyme hephastin convert Fe2+ ion in Fe3+ ion. Fe3+ ion released in circulation Apo transferrin present in blood stream binds with Fe3+ ion. (it binds with at least 2 ion at a time) PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
  • 15. 15 Upto 75% of iron used for process of erythropoiesis(in form of fe2+ ion) 10-20% iron Go to liver & transferin attachs to transferin receptor present on liver cell It goes inside the liver cell & stored as fe2+ ion A master protein hepcidin Regulate the level of iron in blood stream It get feedback from inflammatory cytokine Increased plasma fe3+ & lipopolysacheride It manage the feroportin to stop or allow transfer of fe2+ from tissue & from spleen It also inhibit the absorption of iron in duodenum cell mutation in HFE gen result in ''hereditory hemochromotosis" i.e. iron overload in tissue
  • 16. 16 CLINICAL FEATURES Patient may have no symptoms if the iron deficiency anemia is mild. Most of the time, symptoms are mild at first and develop slowly. Symptoms may include:  Feeling weak or tired more often than usual, or with exercise  Headaches  Dizziness  Palpitations  Problems concentrating or thinking As the iron deficiency anemia gets worse, symptoms may include:  Brittle nails  Blue color to the whites of the eye  Desire to eat ice or other non-food things (pica)  Feeling lightheaded while standing up  Shortness of breath  Sore or inflamed tongue  Mouth ulcers  Uncontrolled movement of legs (during sleep)  Hair loss
  • 17. 17 Symptoms of the conditions (associated with bleeding) that cause iron deficiency anemia include:  Dark, tar-colored stools or blood in the stool  Heavy menstrual bleeding (in women)  Pain in the upper belly (from ulcers)  Weight loss (in people with cancer)  Lack of Oxygen  The symptoms of anemia may range from mild and minimal to severe and incapacitating, potentially even life-threatening. It may be difficult to carryout normal, everyday activities. With hypoxia, the heart has to work harder to support the body. Iron deficiency anemia can affect many systems in the body and produce a variety of symptoms and signs that affect health including  Cold hands and feet, pallor  Numbness, and  Low body temperature.  Pain, including in bones, chest, belly, and joints
  • 18. 18  Problems with growth, for children and teens  Fatigue and diminished capability to perform hard labour.  Leg cramps on climbing stairs.  PICA especially for ice to suck or to chew.  Poor scholastic performance.  Decreased immunity.  Impaired growth in infants.  Irritability, headache, palpitations, dizziness, breathlessness. Signs:  Splenomegaly  Pallor of the mucous membrane.  Koilonychia i.e. spoon shaped nails.  Glossy tongue with atrophy of lingual papillae, angular stomatitis.
  • 19. 19 DIAGNOSIS AND INVESTIGATION To diagnose iron deficiency anemia, following test will be done  Complete blood count  Reticulocyte count  Iron binding capacity (TIBC) in the blood  Serum ferritin  Serum iron level  Serum hepcidin level (protein and regulator of iron in the body)  Bone marrow biopsy (if the diagnosis is not clear) To check for causes (blood loss) of iron deficiency,  Colonoscopy  Fecal occult blood test  Upper endoscopy  Tests to detect sources of blood loss in the urinary tract or uterus
  • 20. 20 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Hemolysis during phlebotomy and significant hemodilution due to large volume fluid resuscitation may lead to a falsely low red cell count. In acute blood loss from trauma, iron deficiency anemia may not immediately be present on laboratory testing, as the fluid shifts have not had time to occur to normalize the circulating volume, thus diluting the number of red blood cells remaining Iron deficiency anemia of chronic disease: consider renal failure, underlying malignancies, and autoimmune conditions Bone marrow infiltration: consider in a patient with weight loss, fatigue. Macrocytic anemia with B12/foliate deficiency: consider in a patient with paresthesias, vegans/vegetarians or in patients withrecent gastric bypass surgeries Hemolytic anemia: consider in all patients with jaundice, dark urine. Always question the recent use of medications. Acute upper or lower GI bleeds: trauma, carcinoma, peptic ulcer disease, use of NSAIDs.
  • 21. 21 MANAGEMENT IN MODERN MEDICINE Management depends primarily on treating the underlying cause of iron deficiency anemia. 1) Iron deficiency anemia due to acute blood loss- Treat with IV fluids, cross matched packed red blood cells, oxygen. Always remember to obtain at least two large-bore IV lines for the administration of fluid and blood products. Maintain hemoglobin of > 7 g/dL ina majority of patients. Those with cardiovascular disease require a higher hemoglobin goal of > 8 g/dL. 2) Iron deficiency anemia due to nutritional deficiencies: Oral/IV iron, B12, and foliate.  Oral supplementation of iron is by far the most common method of iron repletion. The dose of iron administered depends on the patient's age, calculated iron deficit, the rate of correction required, and the ability to tolerate side effects. The most common side effects include metallic taste and gastrointestinal side effects such as constipation and black tarry stools, nausea and diarrhoea. For such individuals, they are advised to take oral iron every other day, in order to aid in improved GI absorption. And they are also adviced to take this oral supplement with orange juice (because of its high acidic content it helps in absorption).The hemoglobin will usually normalize in 6-8 weeks, with an increase in reticulocyte count in just 7-10 days.
  • 22. 22  IV iron may be beneficial in patients requiring a rapid increase in levels. Patients with acute and ongoing blood loss or patients with intolerable side effects are candidates for IV iron. 3) Iron deficiency anemia due to defects in the bone marrow and stem cells: Conditions suchas aplastic anemia require bone marrow transplantation. 4) Iron deficiency anemia due to chronic disease: Iron deficiency anemia in the setting of renal failure, responds to erythropoietin. Autoimmune and hematological conditions causing iron deficiency anemia require treatment of the underlying disease. 5) Iron deficiency anemia due to increased red blood cell destruction:  Hemolytic anemia caused by faulty mechanical valves will need replacement.  Hemolytic anemia due to medications requires the removal of theoffending drug.  Persistent hemolytic anemia requires splenectomy.  Haemoglobinopathies such as sickle cell anemia require bloodtransfusions, exchange transfusions, and even hydroxyurea to decrease the incidence of sickling.  DIC, which is characterized by uncontrolled coagulation and thrombosis, requires the removal of the offending stimulus. Patients with life-threatening bleeding require the use of antifibrinolytic agents.
  • 23. 23 HOMOEOPATHIC MANAGEMENT Homoeopathic medicine selected on the basis the totality of the symptoms, constitution, temperament, diathesis and miasm. There are some common medicines for iron deficiency anemia:- 1. CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA: - Medicine for children who has nutritional disturbances. Patient has frequent attacks of tonsillitis. Person are dark complexioned, dark hair, instead of fat. Children are weak and emaciated, who are unable to stand. Acne in school going anemic girls. 2. CHINA OFFICINALIS: - The patient if of dark complexion and dull face. It especially works when anemia presents due to loss of vital fluid, sexual excess and debility from exhausting discharges. Heaviness of head and disturbed sight, with loss of interest in doing work or exercise. Patient is sensitive to touch. Due to weakness
  • 24. 24 patient feel numbness and trembling of limbs, and violent palpitation of heart. The anemia may be present due to any traumatic injury or excessive bleeding by any means. Skin is cold and clammy. China acts both as a hemorrhage and controller and also increases the amount of blood in body. 3. FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM: - Patient of Ferrum phosphoricum is usually young, sickly looking and week internally. Pseudoplethoric. Person got tired after doing any work, even after walking and talking. Body looks sickly pale, white and bloodless. It works in first stage of inflammation. Most frequently used homoeopathic medicine to increase our hemoglobin level in body. Suitable to all age groups and even during pregnancy. Skin appears pale, pulse rate is quickened, also experience palpitation of heart and weakness. Vertigo and headache may also be appearing as symptoms. In females, there is excessive bleeding during periods. And it is long lasting. It is the medicine for controlling sweat especially at night.
  • 25. 25 4. LECITHIN: - This remedy has action on blood and is usually given for anemic individual to increase the number of RBC’s and amount of Hb. There will be mental exhaustion. The individual will be weak with shortness of breath, loss of breath, loss of flesh; will be forgetful, dull and confused. The headache in the occipital will be pulsating type and will crave for wine and coffee 5. NATRUM MURIATICUM: - It is medicine for anemia with weight loss. It acts efficiently to control weight loss and excessive weakness. Patient appears very lean, thin weak and emaciated with loss of flesh. Anemia from loss of vital fluid. Headache from sunrise to sunset, especially school going girls. Tongue is mapped with red insular patches like ringworm on sides. Patient is very anxious and drop things from nervous weakness. Patient has great liability to take cold. Craving for salty food. Anemia due to long-lasting grief. Intermitted fever paroxysm at 10 or 11 a.m. Skin is dry and cracked around nails. Remedy for treating anemia especially after malaria. 6. PHOSPHORUS: - This remedy is especially for anemia due to renal disease. This remedy is adapted to tall, slender person, narrow chest,
  • 26. 26 thin with transparent skin, weakened by loss of animal fluids. There will be great debility with emaciation. There will be haemorrhagic tendency. Chronic congestion of head, thirst for cold water. Violent palpitation with anxiety while lying on left side and weakness and trembling from every exertion. 7. PULSATILLA: - This is well known medicine for iron deficiency anemia. Patient is mild, thirtless, aggravated by heat. Pulsatilla is the great antidote to iron, and hence is indicated in the anemic condition produced by large dose. The system is relaxed and worn out. The patient is chilly and suffers from gastric and menstrual derangements. Thus the symptoms resemble closely those calling for Ferrum. The cause of the anemia must be sought for, and if the case comes from allopathic hand. The pulsatilla patient feels better in the open air .dizziness on rising, absence of thirsts, and the peculiar disposition will lead to the remedy. 8. SEPIA OFFICINALIS: - Here women will have weak yellow complexion. They feel cold even in a warm room. They are irritable. There will be aesthetic inflammation of eye with uterine trouble.
  • 27. 27 There is craving for vinegar, acids and pickles. Dyspnoea aggravates after sleep and is better by rapid motion. Violent intermittent palpitation. Some rare homoeopathic medicine for iron deficiency anemia: 1. ALETRIS FARINOSA Q: - Homeopathic medicine for women suffering from iron deficiency anemia with extreme weakness and fatigue. There is a marked weariness and tiredness all day. The energy level seems to be markedly reduced and the body feels powerless. A frequent episode of faintness and vertigo and even the face appears very pale. Iron deficiency anemia in women due to abundant bleeding during periods and repeated abortions. 2. ALSTONIA SCHOLARIS 30- Alstonia Scholaris is considered a complete tonic for patients who have anemia and other complaints following malarial fever. The complaints apart from anemia are weak digestion. The patients needing Alstonia Scholaris have a history of diarrhea during malarial fever. 3. STROPHANTHUS HIS. Q- Strophanthus is prescribed when anemia
  • 28. 28 with palpitations and breathlessness is present. Strophanthus tones up the heart and is safer for the aged. Dyspnoea is present especially when ascending. Lungs congested. 4. CEANOTHUS Q- Ceanothus is prescribed when anemia is due to dysfunction of liver and spleen. There is violent dyspnoea is present. Bronchitis with profound secretion occurs. 5. IRIDIUM MET 30—Iridium met is effective in anemia after exhausting diseases or due to old age or in children growing too fast. It increases red blood corpuscles. 6. TEUCRIUM 10M—Teucrium is very effective in children for anemia due to pin worms. It will also eradicate worms.
  • 29. 29 BIBLIOGRAPHY Essential of medical physiology, 8th edition, by K sembulingam and Prem sembulingam. Textbook of pathology, 7th edition, by Harsh Mohan. Pathology practical book, 3rd edition, by Harsh Mohan. Homoeopathic therapeutics, Samuel Lilienthal, MD. Allen’s keynotes, 10th edition, by H.C.Allen. Boericke’s new manual of homoeopathic materia Medica with repertory, 3rd edition & augmented edition based on 9th edition, by William Boericke’s. 20351360#:~:text=Anemia%20is%20a%20condition%20in,range%20from%20 mild%20to%20severe. a 426.pdf
  • 31. 31 MASTER CHART S.No OPD No. Name Age/sex Diagnosis Outcome 1. 43467 Ekta 26yr/F Anemia with weakness Improvement 2. 40014 Shivani sharma 22yr/F Anemia with weakness Improvement 3. 38198 Anu Kumawat 28yr/F Anemia with weakness Improvement 4. 38248 Ananya 28/F Anemia with weakness Improvement 5. 41456 Jaisingh 23yr/F Anemia with weakness Improvement