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Psychiatric Disorder
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Psychiatric disorder
Depression is one of the most common mental disorders found
in the world. Current studies indicate that depression may result
from genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological
factors. People of all ages are susceptible to depression but the
elderly are at a high risk than the young. In the brain,
depression starts with simple chemical imbalances.
Communication within the brain and to and fro the rest of the
body is via the chemical transmitter, known as
neurotransmitters. The brain limbic system has been a key
interest for many researchers as it comes to anxiety, stress and
depression. There exists relationship between depression and
the functioning of three primary neurotransmitters; serotonin,
norepinephrine, and dopamine.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is associated with the
control of many crucial bodily operations such as aggression,
sleeping, sexual behavior, mood, and eating. The production of
serotonin is in the serotonergic neurons. Some people are likely
to suffer depression with a drop in the production of serotonin
in the neurons. The resultant mood is one that is more
particularly associated with individuals feeling suicidal.
Early studies suggested that an existence of neurotransmitter
norepinephrine deficiency in some certain areas of the brain
resulted in depression. Recent follow up studies also shows that
there is a group of individuals with a depression disorder who
exhibit low levels of the chemical norepinephrine. In autopsy
studies, it has been shown that in comparison, people who lives
have been marred with a recurrence of depressive episodes
possess lesser norepinephrinergic neurons unlike those who
have not had depressive history. Norepinephrine assist our
bodies detect and respond to stressful instances. People who are
susceptible to depression have a norepinephrinergic system
which does not take care of the effects of stress very efficiently.
Dopamine is another chemical transmitter in the brain
associated with depression. The neurotransmitter plays a critical
part in controlling our motivation to seek out reward, also the
ability to get a sense of pleasure. Low levels of dopamine may
partly explain as to why some individuals suffering from
depression do not get the same pleasure sense from people are
activities that they used to before falling into depression.
Evidence is ever increasing to support the hypothesis that stress
and the accompanying depression could involve structural
variations in the brain. The resultant changes of depression are
known as remodeling. An occurrence of remodeling due to
stress can be prevented or even potentially turned back with the
correct treatment involving use of antidepressant as well as
mood-stabilizing medication (Regiane Joca, 2015). Studies
concerning imaging of the brain have depicted that area
involved with mood, decision making and memory may have
size and functional changes in response to episodes of
depression. Animal specimen used in studies has shown that the
brain may encounter physical changes when it is not able to
effectively handle stress.
Hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex are the three
structures that help the brain establish what is stressful and
subsequently how to respond to it. Memories of events are
stored in the hippocampus which also responds to hormones of
stress in the blood. Mental disorders such as depression may
cause the weakening and shrinkage of the hippocampus.
Production of new neurons is done throughout one’s life and it
happens in the dentate gyrus (Anacker, 2016). Recurrence of
stress led to slow formation of new neurons by the dentate gyrus
and can also cause shrinkage of neurons in the hippocampus.
The prefrontal cortex is an important structure in regulation of
emotion, memory and decision making. The same effect of
shrinkage may occur to the structure with exposure to
depression. Emotional memories are stored in the amygdala.
Amygdala becomes highly active in post-traumatic stress
disorder and depressive illness. Enlargement of the amygdala is
associated repeated stress instances. Abnormal activity in the
brain along with hyperactive amygdala causes disrupted sleep
patterns and physical activity (Singhal, 2015). It can also lead
to abnormal production of hormones as well as other chemicals
which could affect many bodily systems.
Cortisol is a stress hormone that plays an important part in
remodeling of brain cells in response to stress. Depression
causes a surge in the levels of cortisol in the blood. High levels
of the hormone is a symptom of Cushing’s disease which is
primarily a disorder associated with the endocrine system.
Depression is a complex kind of a disorder affecting different
people in varying manner. Depression is associated with
development of anxiety and stress. It is evidenced through
different observable features in people. The output of
depression could be behavioral, about feeling, thoughts or
physical. Control of stress in people is primarily a duty handled
in the brain managed by chemical hormones. The brain detects
depression through variation of the associated chemicals and
triggers a response which is aimed at managing or containing
the situation. Repeated episodes of depression could cause
structural or anatomical changes in our bodies. Some structures
are weaken and reduced in size while others are enlarged.
Different people however handle their situations in unique ways
and are affected in specific ways unlike others. Studies in
depression are still growing with time.
Anacker, C. S.-G. (2016). Neuroanatomic differences associated
with stress susceptibility and resilience. Biological psychiatry,
79(10), 840-849.
Regiane Joca, S. A. (2015). Atypical Neurotransmitters and the
Neurobiology of Depression. CNS & Neurological Disorders-
Drug Targets (Formerly Current Drug Targets-CNS &
Neurological Disorders), 14(8), 1001-1011.
Singhal, G. J. (2015). Inflammasomes in neuroinflammation and
changes in brain function: a focused review. Neuroinflammation
and Behaviour, 51.
Psychiatric Disorder
Student’s Name
University Affiliation
Course Title
Final Examination
GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed
answer sheet)
1. A study of the garbage people throw away may reveal more
about their lifestyles than surveys
and interviews because:
a. garbage is easier to analyze than survey data
b. people will often lie about their bad habits
c. fieldwork in garbage dumps is less expensive
d. surveys and interviews are done by sociologists
2. __________ linguistics, which focuses on the comparison and
classification of different
languages to reveal historical links, can often be used to
confirm inferences derived from
archaeological or paleoanthropological research on ancient
population movements.
a. Historical
b. Socio-
c. Structural
d. Evolutionary
3. An anthropologist interested in structural linguistics might
consider doing research on:
a. the relationship between Chinese and Japanese
b. whether bilingual children think differently from children
who know only one language
c. why some people speak with a southern accent only when
they are with family
d. what languages are spoken in highland Peru
4. Most of the research of anthropologist Bambi Schieffelin
falls under the category of:
a. sociolinguistics
b. ethnomusicology
c. forensic anthropology
d. prehistoric archaeology
5. A unique research strategy of anthropologists which involves
learning the language and culture
of a group by participating in the group’s daily activities is
a. assimilation
b. holistic interaction
c. ethnography
d. participant observation
Final Examination
GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
6. Anthropology is said to be “holistic” because it:
a. is concerned with primitive societies
b. makes use of both written and spoken sources
c. combines studies of biological and cultural phenomena
d. studies the mystical aspects of human experience
7. When a scientist begins with a general theory from which
testable hypotheses are developed,
he or she is said to be using the __________ method.
a. deductive
b. paradigm
c. inductive
d. hypothesis
8. Interconnected hypotheses that offer general explanations for
natural or social phenomena are
a. paradigms
b. theories
c. deductive methods
d. inductive facts
9. The ____________ model of hominid evolution suggests that
the gradual evolution of homo
erectus into modern human (homo sapiens) populations took
place in different regions of the
old world, not in one area of the world.
a. multiregional
b. replacement
c. “Garden of Eden”
d. “Eve hypothesis”
10. The term “Paleolithic” also means:
a. “old Stone Age”
b. “ancient knowledge”
c. “before Adam”
d. “cave people”
11. The most important technological development in stone tool
production for the upper
Paleolithic period was the ability to make:
a. sharpened cores
b. long, narrow blades
c. scraping tools
d. hand axes
Final Examination
GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
12. Archaeologists believe that the first humans came to the
new world from __________.
a. Asia
b. Australia
c. Europe
d. Africa
13. The upper Paleolithic period, which dates from about
40,000 to 10,000 years ago, was
characterized by:
a. big game hunting
b. blade tools of many traditions
c. the invention of composite tools
d. All of the above.
14. Upper Paleolithic hunters increased the power and accuracy
of their projectiles by using:
a. slingshots
b. spear throwers
c. bows and arrows
d. stone projectile points
15. The term “composite tool” refers to an artifact made by:
a. firing clay into a hard material
b. using bone or antler to remove thin flakes
c. putting two or more materials together
d. several different people
16. At the 15,000-year-old site at Mezirich in the Ukraine,
archaeologists have excavated the
remains of five shelters made from:
a. rough stone slabs
b. blocks of marble
c. tree trunks
d. mammoth bones
17. An example of a “more” would be:
a. eating with a knife, fork, and spoon
b. not appearing nude in public
c. inviting the neighbors over for a barbecue
d. forgetting to thank the hostess for inviting you
Final Examination
GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
18. When people express disapproval that a healthy, intelligent,
unmarried person with no
children is living with their parents at age 30, their attitude
reflects a common ___________
of society in the United States.
a. more
b. ethos
c. folkway
d. ideology
19. To combat the problem of ethnocentrism, twentieth-century
anthropologists developed the
concept of cultural __________.
a. relativism
b. primacy
c. symbolism
d. hegemony
20. The Amish emphasize their ethnic differences through
a. language and dress
b. strange haircuts
c. cars and trains
d. using the newest technology
21. Which of the following is true of symbols?
a. They are rooted deeply in genetic structure.
b. They are different for everyone.
c. They cannot be easily identified.
d. They are arbitrary but meaningful units we use to represent
22. Ways of enforcing mores involve the use of:
a. gossip and public ridicule
b. arrest and imprisonment
c. economic discrimination
d. All of the above.
23. Anthropologists have discovered that children raised
together in Israeli Kibbutzim:
a. will usually have successful marriages to one another as
b. make lousy marriage partners for one another
c. have a natural tendency towards homosexuality
d. tend to have little appreciation for nuclear families
Final Examination
GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
24. Cross-cultural studies of human sexual desire have revealed
a. in all cultures, adults seek to engage in regular sexual
b. sexual desire and sexual activity are strongly conditioned by
cultural practices
c. there are universal taboos against premarital sex
d. human sexual desire is greatest among people who live in the
25. Value judgments concerning homosexuality are based on:
a. genetics
b. behavior
c. anatomy
d. culture
26. The term “berdache” is used to refer to men in Native
American societies who:
a. assert their personal power through public displays of
heterosexual prowess
b. choose to abstain from sex so they can focus on spiritual
c. wear female clothing and offer sexual services to male
d. participate in homosexual activity only when they are
preparing for war
27. The Hijras of India are anatomically male at the time of
their birth. However, after having
their genitals surgically removed, they dress like females
and engage in certain male-only
activities like smoking water pipes. In Indian society, they
are considered to be:
a. social deviants
b. men
c. women
d. a third gender
28. Claude Lévi-Strauss, in a book entitled The Savage Mind
(1966), proposed that:
a. people in small-scale societies have different thought
patterns than urban dwellers
b. it is impossible to compare logical systems of primitive and
civilized societies
c. there is a universal, logical structure to all human cognition,
regardless of culture
d. the thought systems of traditional, indigenous people are
superior to our own
29. Noam Chomsky suggests humans are born with a brain
prewired to enable us to acquire
languages easily. This “prewiring” is referred to as
a. syntax
b. universal grammar
c. infinite model
d. functional template
Final Examination
GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
30. If someone came up to you and said, “oh, you see
everything through rose-colored glasses,”
this might suggest to you that the person speaking agrees
with the premises of:
a. Noam Chomsky’s transformational-generative grammar
b. Derek Bickerton’s creole-pidgin theory
c. the Sapir-whorf hypothesis
d. the linguistic field theory
31. Even though all humans have approximately the same set of
special senses for perceiving
reality (eyes, ears, noses), not all of the sensations in the
environment reach our
consciousness in the same way since each language filters
out different parts of reality.
Each language provides the speaker with a built-in filter
that heightens, dims, or eliminates
certain perceptions, thus determining how we perceive
reality. This thesis is called the:
a. Chomsky theory
b. Sapir-whorf hypothesis
c. filter theory
d. Sieve theory
32. Attempts to change linguistic habits such as the adoption of
more neutral terms like
firefighter, police officer, and first-year student for gender-
biased ones like fireman,
policeman, and freshman are based on:
a. the idea that language influences social perceptions and
gender relations
b. the fact that the deep structure of language, as proposed by
Noam Chomsky, is like a
fluid sea that can be molded easily to fit social reality
c. False premises about the surface structure of language and
the role of gender in
d. the theory of glottochronology of gender as proposed by
Morris Swadesh
33. Glottochronology is:
a. an ancient Germanic language
b. a technique used to discover the original language of the
c. the study of the way the vocal tract is formed to help
understand early language
learning in children
d. a technique for dating the separation of languages
34. “Did I hear you say that there are four pounds of sulfur in
the box?” versus “Did I hear ya
say that there are foah pounds of sulfuh in the box?” Is an
example of:
a. correct and incorrect English
b. dialect differences in English
c. how surface structure and deep structure interact
d. the difference between syntax and semantics
Final Examination
GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
35. The opposite of cultural relativism is:
a. biological relativism
b. ethnocentrism
c. societal demagoguery
d. biological realism
36. The view that society consists of institutions that serve
vital purposes for its people is known
a. Functionalism
b. Structuralism
c. Servitude
d. Utilitarianism
37. The term “functionalism” in anthropology refers to the
notion that:
a. Ethnographers are competent observers of human culture.
b. Some societies are “functional” while others are
c. Cultural practices function to fulfill specific needs in a given
d. Culture is transmitted through functions like rituals and
38. The existence of a “joking relationship” (one in which
interaction is typified by friendly
teasing) between a man and his brothers-in-law would be
explained by anthropologist
Radcliffe-Brown as:
a. a structured relationship whose function is to reduce
potential hostility
b. evidence for cultural influences on individual personality
c. an example of the importance of cultural relativism in
kinship roles
d. the basis for materialistic behavior
39. According to Malinowski, magic __________.
a. has a basis in the existence of supernatural powers in all
b. functions to relieve the anxieties of individuals
c. only works when it has the full participation of a given
d. has no useful purpose for thinking people
40. According to white’s theory of the evolution of
sociocultural systems, the most highly evolved
culture would be one:
a. using nuclear energy to generate electricity
b. dependent upon animals to pull plows
c. with industries powered by coal and steam
d. based on the use of human labor alone
Final Examination
GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
41. Political systems with centralized bureaucratic institutions
that establish power and authority
over large populations in a specific territory are known as:
a. bands
b. tribes
c. chiefdoms
d. states
42. Clearly defined norms of a society that provides
punishment when violated through the
application of formal sanctions by a ruling authority are
a. internalized norms
b. ethos
c. laws
d. taboos
43. Ethnologist Leopold Pospisil has suggested that there are
four criteria that must be present
in order for a norm to be considered a law. Which of the
following is not one of these
a. authority
b. intention of universal application
c. obligation
d. internalization
44. Cross-cultural studies:
a. allow anthropologists to make distinctions between
behaviors that are culture specific
and those that are universal
b. make it possible for anthropologists to determine if a social
trait is biologically
inherited or culturally derived
c. are not used anymore by anthropologists; this older
methodology has been shown to
produce false results due to time and geographic lag
d. cannot be conducted today because there has been too much
migration from one
culture to another due to modern transportation
45. Full-time religious specialists who serve in an official
capacity as the custodians of sacred
knowledge are:
a. Shamans
b. Myth-holders
c. Priests and priestesses
d. Ritual retainers
Final Examination
GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
46. Repetitive religious behaviors that communicate sacred
symbols to members of society are:
a. rituals
b. myths
c. shamans
d. norms
47. The Kung San term hxaro refers to:
a. a system for circulating material possessions among
b. a complex ritual performed by young boys before their first
c. trade with their agricultural neighbors
d. a type of root obtained in the spring with pointed digging
48. A common form of generalized reciprocity in our society
a. common acceptance of the value of the dollar
b. communal use of public restrooms
c. a salary increase accompanying a job promotion
d. getting and giving birthday presents
49. What form of reciprocity would you expect to be the least
common among Kung San, Mbuti,
and Inuit groups?
a. balanced reciprocity
b. generalized reciprocity
c. negative reciprocity
d. unbalanced reciprocity
50. Negative reciprocity most likely occurs between:
a. friends in modern, westernized societies
b. people of the opposite sex
c. people who differ in age and status
d. strangers and enemies
51. The phrase “original affluent society” refers to:
a. the earliest foragers who lived in rich environments
b. the notion that hunter-gatherers spend little time working
c. the ancient Egyptian civilization
d. the concept of the “noble savage”
Final Examination
GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
52. It has been suggested that, in forager societies, the more
concentrated and predictable the
a. the less likely the group will be egalitarian in nature
b. the least amount of reciprocity will occur
c. the more pronounced the conceptions of private ownership
and exclusive rights to
d. the more likely it will be that negative reciprocity will occur
when individuals meet
53. When two or more clans recognize that they share a
common genealogical relationship, the
more general grouping of these clans is known as a:
a. patrilineage
b. moiety
c. phratry
d. descent group
54. A society that is organized into moieties (a terminology
derived from the french) has a
particular social organization that structures it into:
a. several competing patrilineal clans
b. a single, fictional family
c. a clear, pyramidal hierarchy
d. equal halves with specific functions
55. Levi-Strauss has used the term “generalized exchange” to
refer to a cycle of marital
exchange in which, among lineages a, b, and c:
a. men of each lineage always marry within their lineage
b. men of lineages a and b always marry women from lineage c
c. lineage b always gives women to lineage a, but takes its
wives from lineage c
d. men of each lineage always marry outside of their lineage
56. Polygyny in tribal societies is most closely related to:
a. hunting practices
b. bride service
c. a moiety social structure
d. the practice of warfare
57. When the descent group of a man transfers some of its
wealth to the descent group of a
woman at or around the time of their marriage, this practice
is known as:
a. bondage
b. levirate
c. bridewealth
d. chattel
Final Examination
GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
58. Among the functions of bridewealth is:
a. guaranteeing that a woman will be considered personal
b. compensation to her family for the loss of a woman’s labor
c. freeing the husband of any responsibilities to the bride’s kin
d. paying for the costs of an elaborate wedding
59. A major function of music, dance, and poetry in chiefdom
societies was to:
a. provide entertainment and comic relief for the chief and his
b. pay homage to the legitimacy of the chiefs and their
ancestral deities
c. enable the lower classes to have an outlet for their hostilities
that did not threaten the
d. divide society into different artistic strata to promote
competition and creativity
60. A hierarchical society is one in which:
a. all individuals have an equal opportunity to achieve wealth
and status
b. a town or village is ruled by a tribal council of elders or
respected individuals
c. some individuals have access to more wealth, status, and
power than others
d. political authority is expressed in pictographic symbols
called hieroglyphs
61. The political structures of chiefdoms differ from those of
tribes because in a chiefdom:
a. leadership is vested in an institutionalized office that exists
independently of a
particular person
b. the central leadership position is inherited or passed down
within a single ruling
c. tribal leaders maintain absolute authority, usually enforced
by physical intimidation
d. political power derives mostly from personal qualities, such
as intelligence or skill
62. The rule of primogeniture in the succession of political
a. provided for continuity of the political system and avoided a
power struggle when the
chief died
b. enhanced the prestige of the king
c. usually caused a power struggle within the central chiefly
d. often generated regional warfare that was tied to the
symbiosis of the area
63. Through the control of resources and surplus goods, chiefs
were able to ensure loyalty and
deference from the general population. This status and
authority enabled the chiefs to do
all of the following except:
a. recruit armies
b. distribute land and water rights to certain families
c. sentence someone to death for violating social norms
d. maintain absolute power over their subjects
Final Examination
GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
64. According to anthropologist, Robert Carneiro, the objective
of many chiefs was to:
a. increase the extent of their territory in order to control the
surplus production of
surrounding communities
b. maintain the peace with their neighbors in order to avoid
armed conflict
c. become full-time religious leaders and use impressive rites
and rituals to prove they
were gods
d. disencumber themselves of material possessions and incur
debts of personal
obligations from their followers through potlatch-like
65. Slavery took on different forms depending upon the
political economies and demographic
features of the agricultural state society. For example, in
some African societies, slavery
corresponded to an “open system” in which slaves could be
incorporated into domestic kin
groups and even become upwardly mobile. In contrast,
“closed systems” of slavery provided
no opportunities for upward mobility or incorporation into
kin groups. The open system of
slavery occurred:
a. where land was scarce and population density high
b. where land was relatively abundant and less populated
c. in areas that had rigid caste systems such as Greece, Rome,
and China
d. when there was a lot of surplus generated from agriculture
and new markets needed
to be opened to accommodate the distribution of this excess
66. The first codified laws originated in the near eastern
civilization of Babylon. Based on
standardized procedures for dealing with civil and criminal
offenses, this Babylonian code of
law is known as the:
a. Laws of Babylon
b. Precepts of order
c. Code of hammurabi
d. Civil enactments of order
67. State organized rituals were also referred to as:
a. rites of legitimation
b. universalistic religions
c. ecclesiastical religions
d. religious traditions
68. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism are
considered ___________ religions
because their spiritual messages apply to all of humanity
rather than just their own cultural
history and legacy.
a. ecclesiastical
b. animistic
c. universalistic
d. volatile
Final Examination
GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
69. State organized rituals that reinforced divine authority of
the ruler are known as:
a. rites of authority
b. rites of legitimation
c. rites of power
d. ceremonies of intimidation
70. Of the following, which is not a stated reason for the
collapse of state-level societies?
a. an innate, inevitable aspect of society
b. depletion of key resources
c. human mismanagement
d. people tired of repressive governments
71. The primary mode of social mobility in Japanese society is:
a. education
b. luck
c. inheritance
d. what is called burakumin and eta
72. There are about three million native-born Japanese who are
descendants of people who
worked in the leather-tanning business. These individuals,
even though they are physically
indistinguishable from other Japanese, have the lowest
status in japan and are confined to
ghetto areas. They are known as:
a. burakumin or eta
b. samurai
c. ninja
d. degradus
73. As Europe and America began to industrialize, the political
organizations were transformed.
Members of the middle class became economically powerful
and were drawn to ideas of
popular sovereignty. Popular sovereignty means that:
a. kings and queens should retain ultimate political power
b. people, rather than rulers, were the ultimate source of
political authority
c. what is trendy at the moment is the best way to run the
d. political power should be vested in the elite and upper
classes, rather than the lower
74. A sense of loyalty to the nation-state based on shared
language, values, and culture is called:
a. perestroika
b. ethnocentrism
c. nationalism
d. statehood
Final Examination
GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
75. One of the most distinctive features of law in industrial
societies is the proliferation of public
and procedural law, referred to as:
a. tort law
b. administrative law
c. habeas corpus
d. litigation law
76. The decline in the influence of religion in society is called:
a. de-evolution
b. secularization
c. atheism
d. conservatism
77. Yanomamö Indians who chose to reside in Christian
mission stations:
a. have enjoyed unprecedented economic success
b. are unusually 100% literate in their native language
c. are taught to value and preserve their native culture
d. have become completely dependent on the missionaries
78. The adoption of the shotgun by Yanomamö hunters has
resulted in:
a. depletion of game animals from rainforest habitats
b. protein surpluses in the Yanomamö diet
c. reduction of hunting ranges
d. independence from a western cash economy
79. The discovery of gold within Yanomamö territory has led
a. economic prosperity for certain rainforest tribes
b. increased government taxation of Indian communities
c. massacres of Yanomamö men, women, and children
d. better definitions of reservation boundaries
80. Saudi Arabian control of the Al-murrah bedouins has been
accomplished by making their
traditional leader, the emir:
a. the head of an independent state
b. a common Saudi citizen
c. a prisoner for life
d. a dependent government official
Final Examination
GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
81. Throughout the Arabian peninsula, bedouin communities
are becoming:
a. absorbed into existing nation-states
b. economically self-sufficient
c. autonomous nations with their own governments
d. wealthy through oil revenues
82. As a result of policies of industrialization and
modernization under the Shah of Iran, the
Qashqa’i nomads began to:
a. demand more autonomy
b. manufacture cigars
c. adapt an agricultural way of life
d. live in cities like Tehran
83. Among the many racist events in U.S. History, little-known
legislation in several states made
which kind of intermarriage illegal?
a. Filipino-white
b. Korean-white
c. Jewish-Christian
d. Native American-White
84. During the period 1901-1920, most legal immigrants into
the United States were from:
a. Latin America
b. southern and eastern Europe
c. northern and western Europe
d. Asia
85. When minority ethnic groups want to resist cultural
hegemony by the dominant ethnic group,
they often try to secede and develop their own nation states.
This is called a(n):
a. pluralist movement
b. multicultural movement
c. ethnonationalist movement
d. colonialist movement
86. Mohandas Gandhi in India, Jomo Kenyatta in east Africa,
and Simon Bolivar in Latin
America all mobilized new forms of:
a. ethnonationalism
b. assimilation
c. circumstantialism
d. primordialism
Final Examination
GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
87. The model of ethnicity in which boundary markers such as
language, clothing, or other traits
are not based on deeply-rooted, enduring connections to an
ethnic identity is called the:
a. ethnogenesis model
b. biological assimilation model
c. circumstantialist model
d. primordialist model
88. Non-voluntary or forced cultural assimilation of a minority
group by a government is termed:
a. genocide
b. ethnocide
c. the “melting pot” approach
d. segregation
89. Anthropological research may help assess global issues
such as population growth,
environmental destruction, and technological change by
providing a more cautious and
analytical approach. This is because anthropology:
a. relies upon the concept of ethical relativism, and it can make
major value judgments
that other disciplines are incapable of handling or making
b. uses the holistic approach; it has always been concerned
with precisely those aspects
of human interaction with the environment that are becoming
widely recognized by
scientists studying global changes in the environment
c. has been almost impulsive when studying cultural change
and innovation, causing
anthropologists to be very liberal and impetuous in their
recommendations concerning
changes in the relationship between human cultures and the
physical environment
90. Ethnographic research aimed at examining the green
revolution, which is the spread of
mechanized agriculture, has found that:
a. this revolution is proceeding smoothly in many third world
countries, providing much
needed food for the lower classes, especially the small
b. these innovations have created a number of unintended
social and economic
problems, such as widening the gap between the rich and
poor because wealthy
farmers buy out smaller farmers, creating a class of landless
c. Many of the genetically engineered plants and animals do
not survive and reproduce in
different climates and geographical locations, creating
problems of waste disposal of
excess carcasses and erosion/soil degradation when plants die
en masse
d. individuals in cultures other than the west have found that
the mechanization of
agriculture leaves them with too much free-time; as a result,
crime, spouse abuse,
and drug addiction increase exponentially
Final Examination
GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
91. According to ethnographic research conducted by Murray
Leaf, the green revolution has been
successfully implemented in:
a. Mexico City, Mexico
b. Shahidpur, India
c. Rio de Janiero, Brazil
d. western Samoa
92. Dependency theorists suggest that multinational
corporations are just a new form of
neocolonialism aimed at supplying the western world with
natural resources and cheap labor.
These corporations, rather than helping the populace,
actually intensify many of the
problems of third world countries by:
a. making it possible to get cheap food and adequate housing
b. creating benefits for a wealthy elite and a small middle class
while allowing the vast
majority of the population to remain in poverty
c. establishing a strong lower class that eventually overthrows
the ruling elite in the
d. Showing the people all of the riches, modern conveniences,
and lifestyles that the
majority of the population cannot ever possess
93. Anthropologist Marvin Harris has suggested that the entire
fabric of society in the former
Soviet Union was undermined by:
a. Marxist theories of social organization
b. influence from the cultures of the U.S. and Europe
c. widespread racial prejudice and ethnic conflict
d. deficiencies in economic infrastructure
94. Perestroika and glasnost are terms that refer to:
a. the power of the masses and religious ideology
b. military readiness and nationalistic sentiment
c. increasing capitalism and freedom of expression
d. totalitarianism and intolerance for ideas critical of the
95. Since Mao Zedong’s death, China’s leaders have:
a. outlawed students from gaining degrees in the United States
b. abolished the commune system
c. relied on communist party cadres to instill egalitarian ideals
d. endorsed and attained political reforms
Final Examination
GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
96. Anthropologist Katherine Verdery, who carried out
ethnographic work in Romania, identified
all but the following as a dilemma currently facing this
post-socialist nation:
a. gender inequality reemerging
b. black markets and organized crime
c. manipulation of legal and political apparatus by former
socialist bureaucrats to gain
personal economic opportunities
d. religious institutions working in opposition to capitalist
97. The first of the many federal acts to protect archaeological
sites was the:
a. historic sites act
b. national environmental policy act
d. convention on cultural property
d. antiquities act
98. Anthropologists John Van Willigen and V. C. Channa found
that the increase in dowry deaths
was partially the result of:
a. rapid price increases for consumer goods
b. decrease in the average age of the bride
c. increase in the practice of bridewealth among rural families
d. the repeal of national laws that made the institution of dowry
99. Which of the following was not among Van Willigen and
Channa’s recommendations for
decreasing the incidence of dowry death in India?
a. strengthening legislation that prohibits the institution of
b. establishing a gender-neutral inheritance law in which
women and men receive equal
c. passing a requirement for universal marriage registration and
d. working towards the achievement of gender equality in India
100. The word “metaculture” is used by anthropologists to refer
to a:
a. culture within a culture, such as the culture of African
b. culture that has become extinct, but about which enough is
known to revive it
c. culture that seeks to dominate others, such as the culture of
Nazi Germany
d. culture that is worldwide and pluralistic, sharing universal

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  • 1. Running head: PSYCHIATRIC DISORDER 1 PSYCHIATRIC DISORDER 6 Psychiatric Disorder Student’s Name University Affiliation Course Title Date Psychiatric disorder Depression is one of the most common mental disorders found in the world. Current studies indicate that depression may result from genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. People of all ages are susceptible to depression but the elderly are at a high risk than the young. In the brain, depression starts with simple chemical imbalances. Communication within the brain and to and fro the rest of the body is via the chemical transmitter, known as neurotransmitters. The brain limbic system has been a key
  • 2. interest for many researchers as it comes to anxiety, stress and depression. There exists relationship between depression and the functioning of three primary neurotransmitters; serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is associated with the control of many crucial bodily operations such as aggression, sleeping, sexual behavior, mood, and eating. The production of serotonin is in the serotonergic neurons. Some people are likely to suffer depression with a drop in the production of serotonin in the neurons. The resultant mood is one that is more particularly associated with individuals feeling suicidal. Early studies suggested that an existence of neurotransmitter norepinephrine deficiency in some certain areas of the brain resulted in depression. Recent follow up studies also shows that there is a group of individuals with a depression disorder who exhibit low levels of the chemical norepinephrine. In autopsy studies, it has been shown that in comparison, people who lives have been marred with a recurrence of depressive episodes possess lesser norepinephrinergic neurons unlike those who have not had depressive history. Norepinephrine assist our bodies detect and respond to stressful instances. People who are susceptible to depression have a norepinephrinergic system which does not take care of the effects of stress very efficiently. Dopamine is another chemical transmitter in the brain associated with depression. The neurotransmitter plays a critical part in controlling our motivation to seek out reward, also the ability to get a sense of pleasure. Low levels of dopamine may partly explain as to why some individuals suffering from depression do not get the same pleasure sense from people are activities that they used to before falling into depression. Evidence is ever increasing to support the hypothesis that stress and the accompanying depression could involve structural variations in the brain. The resultant changes of depression are known as remodeling. An occurrence of remodeling due to stress can be prevented or even potentially turned back with the correct treatment involving use of antidepressant as well as
  • 3. mood-stabilizing medication (Regiane Joca, 2015). Studies concerning imaging of the brain have depicted that area involved with mood, decision making and memory may have size and functional changes in response to episodes of depression. Animal specimen used in studies has shown that the brain may encounter physical changes when it is not able to effectively handle stress. Hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex are the three structures that help the brain establish what is stressful and subsequently how to respond to it. Memories of events are stored in the hippocampus which also responds to hormones of stress in the blood. Mental disorders such as depression may cause the weakening and shrinkage of the hippocampus. Production of new neurons is done throughout one’s life and it happens in the dentate gyrus (Anacker, 2016). Recurrence of stress led to slow formation of new neurons by the dentate gyrus and can also cause shrinkage of neurons in the hippocampus. The prefrontal cortex is an important structure in regulation of emotion, memory and decision making. The same effect of shrinkage may occur to the structure with exposure to depression. Emotional memories are stored in the amygdala. Amygdala becomes highly active in post-traumatic stress disorder and depressive illness. Enlargement of the amygdala is associated repeated stress instances. Abnormal activity in the brain along with hyperactive amygdala causes disrupted sleep patterns and physical activity (Singhal, 2015). It can also lead to abnormal production of hormones as well as other chemicals which could affect many bodily systems. Cortisol is a stress hormone that plays an important part in remodeling of brain cells in response to stress. Depression causes a surge in the levels of cortisol in the blood. High levels of the hormone is a symptom of Cushing’s disease which is primarily a disorder associated with the endocrine system. Depression is a complex kind of a disorder affecting different people in varying manner. Depression is associated with development of anxiety and stress. It is evidenced through
  • 4. different observable features in people. The output of depression could be behavioral, about feeling, thoughts or physical. Control of stress in people is primarily a duty handled in the brain managed by chemical hormones. The brain detects depression through variation of the associated chemicals and triggers a response which is aimed at managing or containing the situation. Repeated episodes of depression could cause structural or anatomical changes in our bodies. Some structures are weaken and reduced in size while others are enlarged. Different people however handle their situations in unique ways and are affected in specific ways unlike others. Studies in depression are still growing with time. References Anacker, C. S.-G. (2016). Neuroanatomic differences associated with stress susceptibility and resilience. Biological psychiatry, 79(10), 840-849. Regiane Joca, S. A. (2015). Atypical Neurotransmitters and the Neurobiology of Depression. CNS & Neurological Disorders- Drug Targets (Formerly Current Drug Targets-CNS & Neurological Disorders), 14(8), 1001-1011.
  • 5. Singhal, G. J. (2015). Inflammasomes in neuroinflammation and changes in brain function: a focused review. Neuroinflammation and Behaviour, 51. Running head: PSYCHIATRIC DISORDER 1 Psychiatric Disorder Student’s Name University Affiliation Course Title Date
  • 6. 5 Final Examination GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet) 1. A study of the garbage people throw away may reveal more about their lifestyles than surveys and interviews because: a. garbage is easier to analyze than survey data b. people will often lie about their bad habits c. fieldwork in garbage dumps is less expensive d. surveys and interviews are done by sociologists 2. __________ linguistics, which focuses on the comparison and classification of different languages to reveal historical links, can often be used to confirm inferences derived from archaeological or paleoanthropological research on ancient population movements. a. Historical b. Socio- c. Structural d. Evolutionary 3. An anthropologist interested in structural linguistics might
  • 7. consider doing research on: a. the relationship between Chinese and Japanese b. whether bilingual children think differently from children who know only one language c. why some people speak with a southern accent only when they are with family members d. what languages are spoken in highland Peru 4. Most of the research of anthropologist Bambi Schieffelin falls under the category of: a. sociolinguistics b. ethnomusicology c. forensic anthropology d. prehistoric archaeology 5. A unique research strategy of anthropologists which involves learning the language and culture of a group by participating in the group’s daily activities is called: a. assimilation b. holistic interaction c. ethnography d. participant observation 6 Final Examination GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
  • 8. 6. Anthropology is said to be “holistic” because it: a. is concerned with primitive societies b. makes use of both written and spoken sources c. combines studies of biological and cultural phenomena d. studies the mystical aspects of human experience 7. When a scientist begins with a general theory from which testable hypotheses are developed, he or she is said to be using the __________ method. a. deductive b. paradigm c. inductive d. hypothesis 8. Interconnected hypotheses that offer general explanations for natural or social phenomena are called: a. paradigms b. theories c. deductive methods d. inductive facts 9. The ____________ model of hominid evolution suggests that the gradual evolution of homo erectus into modern human (homo sapiens) populations took place in different regions of the old world, not in one area of the world. a. multiregional b. replacement c. “Garden of Eden” d. “Eve hypothesis”
  • 9. 10. The term “Paleolithic” also means: a. “old Stone Age” b. “ancient knowledge” c. “before Adam” d. “cave people” 11. The most important technological development in stone tool production for the upper Paleolithic period was the ability to make: a. sharpened cores b. long, narrow blades c. scraping tools d. hand axes 7 Final Examination GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 12. Archaeologists believe that the first humans came to the new world from __________. a. Asia b. Australia c. Europe d. Africa 13. The upper Paleolithic period, which dates from about 40,000 to 10,000 years ago, was characterized by:
  • 10. a. big game hunting b. blade tools of many traditions c. the invention of composite tools d. All of the above. 14. Upper Paleolithic hunters increased the power and accuracy of their projectiles by using: a. slingshots b. spear throwers c. bows and arrows d. stone projectile points 15. The term “composite tool” refers to an artifact made by: a. firing clay into a hard material b. using bone or antler to remove thin flakes c. putting two or more materials together d. several different people 16. At the 15,000-year-old site at Mezirich in the Ukraine, archaeologists have excavated the remains of five shelters made from: a. rough stone slabs b. blocks of marble c. tree trunks d. mammoth bones 17. An example of a “more” would be: a. eating with a knife, fork, and spoon b. not appearing nude in public c. inviting the neighbors over for a barbecue d. forgetting to thank the hostess for inviting you
  • 11. 8 Final Examination GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 18. When people express disapproval that a healthy, intelligent, unmarried person with no children is living with their parents at age 30, their attitude reflects a common ___________ of society in the United States. a. more b. ethos c. folkway d. ideology 19. To combat the problem of ethnocentrism, twentieth-century anthropologists developed the concept of cultural __________. a. relativism b. primacy c. symbolism d. hegemony 20. The Amish emphasize their ethnic differences through __________. a. language and dress b. strange haircuts c. cars and trains d. using the newest technology
  • 12. 21. Which of the following is true of symbols? a. They are rooted deeply in genetic structure. b. They are different for everyone. c. They cannot be easily identified. d. They are arbitrary but meaningful units we use to represent reality. 22. Ways of enforcing mores involve the use of: a. gossip and public ridicule b. arrest and imprisonment c. economic discrimination d. All of the above. 23. Anthropologists have discovered that children raised together in Israeli Kibbutzim: a. will usually have successful marriages to one another as adults b. make lousy marriage partners for one another c. have a natural tendency towards homosexuality d. tend to have little appreciation for nuclear families 9 Final Examination GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 24. Cross-cultural studies of human sexual desire have revealed that:
  • 13. a. in all cultures, adults seek to engage in regular sexual activity b. sexual desire and sexual activity are strongly conditioned by cultural practices c. there are universal taboos against premarital sex d. human sexual desire is greatest among people who live in the tropics 25. Value judgments concerning homosexuality are based on: a. genetics b. behavior c. anatomy d. culture 26. The term “berdache” is used to refer to men in Native American societies who: a. assert their personal power through public displays of heterosexual prowess b. choose to abstain from sex so they can focus on spiritual growth c. wear female clothing and offer sexual services to male warriors d. participate in homosexual activity only when they are preparing for war 27. The Hijras of India are anatomically male at the time of their birth. However, after having their genitals surgically removed, they dress like females and engage in certain male-only activities like smoking water pipes. In Indian society, they are considered to be: a. social deviants b. men
  • 14. c. women d. a third gender 28. Claude Lévi-Strauss, in a book entitled The Savage Mind (1966), proposed that: a. people in small-scale societies have different thought patterns than urban dwellers b. it is impossible to compare logical systems of primitive and civilized societies c. there is a universal, logical structure to all human cognition, regardless of culture d. the thought systems of traditional, indigenous people are superior to our own 29. Noam Chomsky suggests humans are born with a brain prewired to enable us to acquire languages easily. This “prewiring” is referred to as __________. a. syntax b. universal grammar c. infinite model d. functional template 10 Final Examination GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 30. If someone came up to you and said, “oh, you see everything through rose-colored glasses,” this might suggest to you that the person speaking agrees
  • 15. with the premises of: a. Noam Chomsky’s transformational-generative grammar model b. Derek Bickerton’s creole-pidgin theory c. the Sapir-whorf hypothesis d. the linguistic field theory 31. Even though all humans have approximately the same set of special senses for perceiving reality (eyes, ears, noses), not all of the sensations in the environment reach our consciousness in the same way since each language filters out different parts of reality. Each language provides the speaker with a built-in filter that heightens, dims, or eliminates certain perceptions, thus determining how we perceive reality. This thesis is called the: a. Chomsky theory b. Sapir-whorf hypothesis c. filter theory d. Sieve theory 32. Attempts to change linguistic habits such as the adoption of more neutral terms like firefighter, police officer, and first-year student for gender- biased ones like fireman, policeman, and freshman are based on: a. the idea that language influences social perceptions and gender relations b. the fact that the deep structure of language, as proposed by Noam Chomsky, is like a fluid sea that can be molded easily to fit social reality c. False premises about the surface structure of language and
  • 16. the role of gender in society d. the theory of glottochronology of gender as proposed by Morris Swadesh 33. Glottochronology is: a. an ancient Germanic language b. a technique used to discover the original language of the Neanderthals c. the study of the way the vocal tract is formed to help understand early language learning in children d. a technique for dating the separation of languages 34. “Did I hear you say that there are four pounds of sulfur in the box?” versus “Did I hear ya say that there are foah pounds of sulfuh in the box?” Is an example of: a. correct and incorrect English b. dialect differences in English c. how surface structure and deep structure interact d. the difference between syntax and semantics 11 Final Examination GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 35. The opposite of cultural relativism is: a. biological relativism
  • 17. b. ethnocentrism c. societal demagoguery d. biological realism 36. The view that society consists of institutions that serve vital purposes for its people is known as: a. Functionalism b. Structuralism c. Servitude d. Utilitarianism 37. The term “functionalism” in anthropology refers to the notion that: a. Ethnographers are competent observers of human culture. b. Some societies are “functional” while others are “dysfunctional.” c. Cultural practices function to fulfill specific needs in a given society. d. Culture is transmitted through functions like rituals and ceremonies. 38. The existence of a “joking relationship” (one in which interaction is typified by friendly teasing) between a man and his brothers-in-law would be explained by anthropologist Radcliffe-Brown as: a. a structured relationship whose function is to reduce potential hostility b. evidence for cultural influences on individual personality c. an example of the importance of cultural relativism in kinship roles d. the basis for materialistic behavior
  • 18. 39. According to Malinowski, magic __________. a. has a basis in the existence of supernatural powers in all cultures b. functions to relieve the anxieties of individuals c. only works when it has the full participation of a given society d. has no useful purpose for thinking people 40. According to white’s theory of the evolution of sociocultural systems, the most highly evolved culture would be one: a. using nuclear energy to generate electricity b. dependent upon animals to pull plows c. with industries powered by coal and steam d. based on the use of human labor alone 12 Final Examination GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 41. Political systems with centralized bureaucratic institutions that establish power and authority over large populations in a specific territory are known as: a. bands b. tribes c. chiefdoms d. states
  • 19. 42. Clearly defined norms of a society that provides punishment when violated through the application of formal sanctions by a ruling authority are called: a. internalized norms b. ethos c. laws d. taboos 43. Ethnologist Leopold Pospisil has suggested that there are four criteria that must be present in order for a norm to be considered a law. Which of the following is not one of these criteria? a. authority b. intention of universal application c. obligation d. internalization 44. Cross-cultural studies: a. allow anthropologists to make distinctions between behaviors that are culture specific and those that are universal b. make it possible for anthropologists to determine if a social trait is biologically inherited or culturally derived c. are not used anymore by anthropologists; this older methodology has been shown to produce false results due to time and geographic lag d. cannot be conducted today because there has been too much migration from one culture to another due to modern transportation
  • 20. 45. Full-time religious specialists who serve in an official capacity as the custodians of sacred knowledge are: a. Shamans b. Myth-holders c. Priests and priestesses d. Ritual retainers 13 Final Examination GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 46. Repetitive religious behaviors that communicate sacred symbols to members of society are: a. rituals b. myths c. shamans d. norms 47. The Kung San term hxaro refers to: a. a system for circulating material possessions among individuals b. a complex ritual performed by young boys before their first hunt c. trade with their agricultural neighbors d. a type of root obtained in the spring with pointed digging sticks
  • 21. 48. A common form of generalized reciprocity in our society is: a. common acceptance of the value of the dollar b. communal use of public restrooms c. a salary increase accompanying a job promotion d. getting and giving birthday presents 49. What form of reciprocity would you expect to be the least common among Kung San, Mbuti, and Inuit groups? a. balanced reciprocity b. generalized reciprocity c. negative reciprocity d. unbalanced reciprocity 50. Negative reciprocity most likely occurs between: a. friends in modern, westernized societies b. people of the opposite sex c. people who differ in age and status d. strangers and enemies 51. The phrase “original affluent society” refers to: a. the earliest foragers who lived in rich environments b. the notion that hunter-gatherers spend little time working c. the ancient Egyptian civilization d. the concept of the “noble savage” 14 Final Examination
  • 22. GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 52. It has been suggested that, in forager societies, the more concentrated and predictable the resources: a. the less likely the group will be egalitarian in nature b. the least amount of reciprocity will occur c. the more pronounced the conceptions of private ownership and exclusive rights to territories d. the more likely it will be that negative reciprocity will occur when individuals meet 53. When two or more clans recognize that they share a common genealogical relationship, the more general grouping of these clans is known as a: a. patrilineage b. moiety c. phratry d. descent group 54. A society that is organized into moieties (a terminology derived from the french) has a particular social organization that structures it into: a. several competing patrilineal clans b. a single, fictional family c. a clear, pyramidal hierarchy d. equal halves with specific functions 55. Levi-Strauss has used the term “generalized exchange” to refer to a cycle of marital exchange in which, among lineages a, b, and c:
  • 23. a. men of each lineage always marry within their lineage b. men of lineages a and b always marry women from lineage c c. lineage b always gives women to lineage a, but takes its wives from lineage c d. men of each lineage always marry outside of their lineage 56. Polygyny in tribal societies is most closely related to: a. hunting practices b. bride service c. a moiety social structure d. the practice of warfare 57. When the descent group of a man transfers some of its wealth to the descent group of a woman at or around the time of their marriage, this practice is known as: a. bondage b. levirate c. bridewealth d. chattel 15 Final Examination GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 58. Among the functions of bridewealth is: a. guaranteeing that a woman will be considered personal property
  • 24. b. compensation to her family for the loss of a woman’s labor c. freeing the husband of any responsibilities to the bride’s kin group d. paying for the costs of an elaborate wedding 59. A major function of music, dance, and poetry in chiefdom societies was to: a. provide entertainment and comic relief for the chief and his family b. pay homage to the legitimacy of the chiefs and their ancestral deities c. enable the lower classes to have an outlet for their hostilities that did not threaten the chiefs d. divide society into different artistic strata to promote competition and creativity 60. A hierarchical society is one in which: a. all individuals have an equal opportunity to achieve wealth and status b. a town or village is ruled by a tribal council of elders or respected individuals c. some individuals have access to more wealth, status, and power than others d. political authority is expressed in pictographic symbols called hieroglyphs 61. The political structures of chiefdoms differ from those of tribes because in a chiefdom: a. leadership is vested in an institutionalized office that exists independently of a particular person b. the central leadership position is inherited or passed down
  • 25. within a single ruling family c. tribal leaders maintain absolute authority, usually enforced by physical intimidation d. political power derives mostly from personal qualities, such as intelligence or skill 62. The rule of primogeniture in the succession of political authority: a. provided for continuity of the political system and avoided a power struggle when the chief died b. enhanced the prestige of the king c. usually caused a power struggle within the central chiefly hierarchy d. often generated regional warfare that was tied to the symbiosis of the area 63. Through the control of resources and surplus goods, chiefs were able to ensure loyalty and deference from the general population. This status and authority enabled the chiefs to do all of the following except: a. recruit armies b. distribute land and water rights to certain families c. sentence someone to death for violating social norms d. maintain absolute power over their subjects 16 Final Examination
  • 26. GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 64. According to anthropologist, Robert Carneiro, the objective of many chiefs was to: a. increase the extent of their territory in order to control the surplus production of surrounding communities b. maintain the peace with their neighbors in order to avoid armed conflict c. become full-time religious leaders and use impressive rites and rituals to prove they were gods d. disencumber themselves of material possessions and incur debts of personal obligations from their followers through potlatch-like ceremonies 65. Slavery took on different forms depending upon the political economies and demographic features of the agricultural state society. For example, in some African societies, slavery corresponded to an “open system” in which slaves could be incorporated into domestic kin groups and even become upwardly mobile. In contrast, “closed systems” of slavery provided no opportunities for upward mobility or incorporation into kin groups. The open system of slavery occurred: a. where land was scarce and population density high b. where land was relatively abundant and less populated c. in areas that had rigid caste systems such as Greece, Rome, and China d. when there was a lot of surplus generated from agriculture and new markets needed
  • 27. to be opened to accommodate the distribution of this excess wealth 66. The first codified laws originated in the near eastern civilization of Babylon. Based on standardized procedures for dealing with civil and criminal offenses, this Babylonian code of law is known as the: a. Laws of Babylon b. Precepts of order c. Code of hammurabi d. Civil enactments of order 67. State organized rituals were also referred to as: a. rites of legitimation b. universalistic religions c. ecclesiastical religions d. religious traditions 68. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism are considered ___________ religions because their spiritual messages apply to all of humanity rather than just their own cultural history and legacy. a. ecclesiastical b. animistic c. universalistic d. volatile 17
  • 28. Final Examination GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 69. State organized rituals that reinforced divine authority of the ruler are known as: a. rites of authority b. rites of legitimation c. rites of power d. ceremonies of intimidation 70. Of the following, which is not a stated reason for the collapse of state-level societies? a. an innate, inevitable aspect of society b. depletion of key resources c. human mismanagement d. people tired of repressive governments 71. The primary mode of social mobility in Japanese society is: a. education b. luck c. inheritance d. what is called burakumin and eta 72. There are about three million native-born Japanese who are descendants of people who worked in the leather-tanning business. These individuals, even though they are physically indistinguishable from other Japanese, have the lowest status in japan and are confined to ghetto areas. They are known as:
  • 29. a. burakumin or eta b. samurai c. ninja d. degradus 73. As Europe and America began to industrialize, the political organizations were transformed. Members of the middle class became economically powerful and were drawn to ideas of popular sovereignty. Popular sovereignty means that: a. kings and queens should retain ultimate political power b. people, rather than rulers, were the ultimate source of political authority c. what is trendy at the moment is the best way to run the economy d. political power should be vested in the elite and upper classes, rather than the lower classes 74. A sense of loyalty to the nation-state based on shared language, values, and culture is called: a. perestroika b. ethnocentrism c. nationalism d. statehood 18 Final Examination GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
  • 30. 75. One of the most distinctive features of law in industrial societies is the proliferation of public and procedural law, referred to as: a. tort law b. administrative law c. habeas corpus d. litigation law 76. The decline in the influence of religion in society is called: a. de-evolution b. secularization c. atheism d. conservatism 77. Yanomamö Indians who chose to reside in Christian mission stations: a. have enjoyed unprecedented economic success b. are unusually 100% literate in their native language c. are taught to value and preserve their native culture d. have become completely dependent on the missionaries 78. The adoption of the shotgun by Yanomamö hunters has resulted in: a. depletion of game animals from rainforest habitats b. protein surpluses in the Yanomamö diet c. reduction of hunting ranges d. independence from a western cash economy 79. The discovery of gold within Yanomamö territory has led to:
  • 31. a. economic prosperity for certain rainforest tribes b. increased government taxation of Indian communities c. massacres of Yanomamö men, women, and children d. better definitions of reservation boundaries 80. Saudi Arabian control of the Al-murrah bedouins has been accomplished by making their traditional leader, the emir: a. the head of an independent state b. a common Saudi citizen c. a prisoner for life d. a dependent government official 19 Final Examination GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 81. Throughout the Arabian peninsula, bedouin communities are becoming: a. absorbed into existing nation-states b. economically self-sufficient c. autonomous nations with their own governments d. wealthy through oil revenues 82. As a result of policies of industrialization and modernization under the Shah of Iran, the Qashqa’i nomads began to: a. demand more autonomy b. manufacture cigars
  • 32. c. adapt an agricultural way of life d. live in cities like Tehran 83. Among the many racist events in U.S. History, little-known legislation in several states made which kind of intermarriage illegal? a. Filipino-white b. Korean-white c. Jewish-Christian d. Native American-White 84. During the period 1901-1920, most legal immigrants into the United States were from: a. Latin America b. southern and eastern Europe c. northern and western Europe d. Asia 85. When minority ethnic groups want to resist cultural hegemony by the dominant ethnic group, they often try to secede and develop their own nation states. This is called a(n): a. pluralist movement b. multicultural movement c. ethnonationalist movement d. colonialist movement 86. Mohandas Gandhi in India, Jomo Kenyatta in east Africa, and Simon Bolivar in Latin America all mobilized new forms of: a. ethnonationalism b. assimilation
  • 33. c. circumstantialism d. primordialism 20 Final Examination GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 87. The model of ethnicity in which boundary markers such as language, clothing, or other traits are not based on deeply-rooted, enduring connections to an ethnic identity is called the: a. ethnogenesis model b. biological assimilation model c. circumstantialist model d. primordialist model 88. Non-voluntary or forced cultural assimilation of a minority group by a government is termed: a. genocide b. ethnocide c. the “melting pot” approach d. segregation 89. Anthropological research may help assess global issues such as population growth, environmental destruction, and technological change by providing a more cautious and analytical approach. This is because anthropology: a. relies upon the concept of ethical relativism, and it can make
  • 34. major value judgments that other disciplines are incapable of handling or making b. uses the holistic approach; it has always been concerned with precisely those aspects of human interaction with the environment that are becoming widely recognized by scientists studying global changes in the environment c. has been almost impulsive when studying cultural change and innovation, causing anthropologists to be very liberal and impetuous in their recommendations concerning changes in the relationship between human cultures and the physical environment 90. Ethnographic research aimed at examining the green revolution, which is the spread of mechanized agriculture, has found that: a. this revolution is proceeding smoothly in many third world countries, providing much needed food for the lower classes, especially the small farmers b. these innovations have created a number of unintended social and economic problems, such as widening the gap between the rich and poor because wealthy farmers buy out smaller farmers, creating a class of landless peasants c. Many of the genetically engineered plants and animals do not survive and reproduce in different climates and geographical locations, creating problems of waste disposal of excess carcasses and erosion/soil degradation when plants die en masse d. individuals in cultures other than the west have found that the mechanization of
  • 35. agriculture leaves them with too much free-time; as a result, crime, spouse abuse, and drug addiction increase exponentially 21 Final Examination GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 91. According to ethnographic research conducted by Murray Leaf, the green revolution has been successfully implemented in: a. Mexico City, Mexico b. Shahidpur, India c. Rio de Janiero, Brazil d. western Samoa 92. Dependency theorists suggest that multinational corporations are just a new form of neocolonialism aimed at supplying the western world with natural resources and cheap labor. These corporations, rather than helping the populace, actually intensify many of the problems of third world countries by: a. making it possible to get cheap food and adequate housing b. creating benefits for a wealthy elite and a small middle class while allowing the vast majority of the population to remain in poverty c. establishing a strong lower class that eventually overthrows the ruling elite in the country
  • 36. d. Showing the people all of the riches, modern conveniences, and lifestyles that the majority of the population cannot ever possess 93. Anthropologist Marvin Harris has suggested that the entire fabric of society in the former Soviet Union was undermined by: a. Marxist theories of social organization b. influence from the cultures of the U.S. and Europe c. widespread racial prejudice and ethnic conflict d. deficiencies in economic infrastructure 94. Perestroika and glasnost are terms that refer to: a. the power of the masses and religious ideology b. military readiness and nationalistic sentiment c. increasing capitalism and freedom of expression d. totalitarianism and intolerance for ideas critical of the government 95. Since Mao Zedong’s death, China’s leaders have: a. outlawed students from gaining degrees in the United States b. abolished the commune system c. relied on communist party cadres to instill egalitarian ideals d. endorsed and attained political reforms 22 Final Examination GED210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
  • 37. 96. Anthropologist Katherine Verdery, who carried out ethnographic work in Romania, identified all but the following as a dilemma currently facing this post-socialist nation: a. gender inequality reemerging b. black markets and organized crime c. manipulation of legal and political apparatus by former socialist bureaucrats to gain personal economic opportunities d. religious institutions working in opposition to capitalist enterprises 97. The first of the many federal acts to protect archaeological sites was the: a. historic sites act b. national environmental policy act d. convention on cultural property d. antiquities act 98. Anthropologists John Van Willigen and V. C. Channa found that the increase in dowry deaths was partially the result of: a. rapid price increases for consumer goods b. decrease in the average age of the bride c. increase in the practice of bridewealth among rural families d. the repeal of national laws that made the institution of dowry illegal 99. Which of the following was not among Van Willigen and Channa’s recommendations for decreasing the incidence of dowry death in India? a. strengthening legislation that prohibits the institution of
  • 38. dowry b. establishing a gender-neutral inheritance law in which women and men receive equal shares c. passing a requirement for universal marriage registration and licensing d. working towards the achievement of gender equality in India 100. The word “metaculture” is used by anthropologists to refer to a: a. culture within a culture, such as the culture of African Americans b. culture that has become extinct, but about which enough is known to revive it c. culture that seeks to dominate others, such as the culture of Nazi Germany d. culture that is worldwide and pluralistic, sharing universal values