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 By-Dr.Tamrisha
What's the leadership ?
 Leading people
 Influencing people
 Commanding people
 Guiding people
Who is the leader?
 A leader is someone who is in charge of
organizing, guiding, and managing others.
They are visionaries who motivate and
encourage their team to reach the desired
 A leader is someone who directs and
motivates a group of people or an
individual to accomplish a certain goal.
 Those who are leaders inspire followers to
take the initiatives necessary for success.
The abilities required to be an effective
leader must be developed via learning and
 There are leaders in every organization at
every level, including CEOs, senior
executives, supervisors, and project
 leadership skills use to mentor new hires
or conduct a meeting even as a junior
employee. Each leader may use one
particular leadership style or a
combination of styles, depending on the
group and situation.
 Leadership is an important element of the directing
function of management. Wherever, there is an organized
group of people working towards a common goal, some
type of leadership becomes essential. “The power of
leadership is the power of integrating. The person who
influences me most is not he who does great Deeds, but he
who makes me feel that I can do great deeds.” Marry
Parker Follet.
 Leadership is the ability to build
up confidence and zeal among
people and to create an urge in
them to be led. To be a successful
leader, a manager must possess
the qualities of foresight, drive,
initiative, self-confidence and
personal integrity. Different
situations may demand different
types of leadership.
 Definitions:
 Leadership has been defined in
various ways. Stogdill has rightly
remarked that there are almost as
many definitions of leadership as
there are people who have tried to
define it
1. Koontz and O’Donnell,
Leadership is the ability of a
manager to induce subordinates to
work with confidence and zeal.
2. Dubin, R.Leadership is the
exercise of authority and
making of decisions.
3. Allford and Beaty, Leadership is
the ability to secure desirable
actions from a group of followers
voluntarily, without the use of
4. George R. Terry, Leadership is the activity of influencing people to
strive willingly for group objectives.
5. Hemphill, J.K., Leadership is the initiation of acts which
result in a consistent pattern of group interaction directed
towards the solution of a mutual problem.
6. Peter Drucker, Leadership is not making friends and influencing
people, i.e., salesmanship it is the lifting of man’s visions to higher
sights, the raising of man’s personality beyond its normal limitations.
 In the various definitions of leadership the emphasis is on
the capacity of an individual to influence and direct group
effort towards the achievement of organizational goals.
Thus, ‘ we can say that leadership is the practice of
influence that stimulates subordinates or followers to do
their best towards the achievement of desired goals.
Nature and Characteristics of Leadership:
1. Leadership is a personal quality.
2. It exists only with followers. If there are no followers, there is no leadership?
3 It is the willingness of people to follow that makes person a leader.
4. Leadership is a process of influence. A leader must be able to influence the behaviour,
attitude and beliefs of his subordinates.
5. It exists only for the realization of common goals.
6. It involves readiness to accept complete responsibility in all situations.
7. Leadership styles do change
under different circumstances.
Formal and informal Leaders:
A formal leader is one who is formally appointed
or elected to direct and control the activities of the
subordinates. He is a person created by the formal
structure, enjoys organizational authority and is
accountable to those who have elected him in a
formal way. The formal leader has a two-fold
responsibility. On the one hand, he has to fulfill
the demands of the organization, while on the
other he is also supposed to help, guide and direct
his subordinates in satisfying their needs and
Informal leaders are not formally recognized. They
derive authority from the people who are under
their influence. In any organization we can always
find some persons who command respect and who
are approached to help, guide and protect the
informal leaders have only one task to perform,
i.e., to help their followers in achieving their
individual and group goals. Informal leaders are
created to satisfy those needs which are not
satisfied by the formal leaders. An organization
can make effective use of informal leaders to
strengthen the formal leadership.
Leader Manger
 Do the right things
 Focus on people
 Inspire
 Ask whatand why?
 Innovate
 Create Change
 Outcomeoriented
 Originates
 Show adirection
 charisma
 Problems are opportunities
 Followers
 Do Things right
 Focus on things
 Control
 Ask how and when?
 Administer
 Mange Change
 Rules oriented
 Imitates
 Plans and budget
 Authority
 Problems are problems
 Subordinates
Leadership Functions:
 Following are the important functions of a leader:
 1. Setting Goals:
 A leader is expected to perform creative function of laying
out goals and policies to persuade the subordinates to
work with zeal and confidence.
 2. Organizing:
 The second function of a leader is to create and shape the
organization on scientific lines by assigning roles
appropriate to individual abilities with the view to make
its various components to operate sensitively towards the
achievement of enterprise goals.
 3. Initiating Action:
The next function of a leader is to take the initiative in all
matters of interest to the group. He should not depend upon
others for decision and judgment. He should float new ideas
and his decisions should reflect original thinking.
4. Co-Ordination:
A leader has to reconcile the interests of the individual
members of the group with that of the organization. He has to
ensure voluntary co-operation from the group in realizing the
common objectives.
 5. Direction and Motivation:
 It is the primary function of a leader to guide and direct
his group and motivate people to do their best in the
achievement of desired goals, he should build up
confidence and zeal in the work group.
 6. Link between Management and Workers:
 A leader works as a necessary link between the
management and the workers. He interprets the policies
and programmes of the management to his subordinates
and represents the subordinates’ interests before the
management. He can prove effective only when he can act
as the true guardian of the interests of his subordinates.
Qualities of a Good Leader:
 A successful leader secures desired behaviour from his
followers. It depends upon the quality of leadership he is
able to provide. A leader to be effective must possess
certain basic qualities. A number of authors have
mentioned different qualities which a person should
possess to be a good leader.
 1. Good personality.
 2. Emotional stability.
 3. Sound education and professional competence.
 4. Initiatives and creative thinking.
 5. Sense of purpose and responsibility.
 6. Ability to guide and teach.
 7. Good understanding and sound judgment.
 8. Communicating skill.
 9. Sociable.
 10. Objective and flexible approach.
 11. Honesty and integrity of character.
 12. Self confidence, diligence and industry.
 13. Courage to accept responsibility
Importance of Leadership in
 The importance of leadership in any group activity is too
obvious to be over-emphasized. Wherever, there is an
organized group of people working towards a common
goal, some type leadership becomes essential.
 1. It Improves Motivation and Morale:
 Through dynamic leadership managers can improve
motivation and morale of their subordinates. A good
leader influences the behaviour of an individual in such a
manner that he voluntarily works towards the achievement
of enterprise goals.
 2. It Acts as a Motive Power to Group Efforts:
 Leadership serves as a motive power to group efforts. It
leads the group to a higher level of performance through
its persistent efforts and impact on human relations.
 3. It Acts as an Aid to Authority
 The use of authority alone cannot always bring the desired results. Leadership
acts as an aid to authority by influencing, inspiring and initiating action.
 4. It is Needed at All Levels of Management:
 Leadership plays a pivotal role at all levels of management because in the
absence of effective leadership no management can achieve the desired results.
 5. It Rectifies the Imperfectness of the Formal Organizational
 No organizational structure can provide all types of relationships and people
with common interest may work beyond the confines of formal relationships.
Such informal relationships are more effective in controlling and regulating the
behaviour of the subordinates. Effective leadership uses there informal
relationships to accomplish the enterprise goals.
 6. It Provides the Basis for Co-operation:
 Effective leadership increases the understanding between the subordinates and
the management and promotes co-operation among them.
Process or Techniques of Effective
 1. The leader should consult the group in framing the policies and lines of action
and in initiating any radical change therein.
 2. He should attempt to develop voluntary co-operation from his subordinates
in realizing common objectives.
 3. He should exercise authority whenever necessary to implement the policies.
He should give clear, complete and intelligible instructions to his subordinates.
 4. He should build-up confidence and zeal in his followers.
 5. He should listen to his subordinates properly and appreciate their feelings.
 6. He should communicate effectively.
 7. He should follow the principle of motivation.
How does complexity leadership work?
 Complexity leadership theory recognizes the dynamic interactions that take place within
organizations as they change, create innovation, and evolve with a focus on complex
relationships and network interaction rather than controlling, standardizing, and autocracy
Benefits of using complexity leadership?
Particularly in an economic era not rooted in industry but rather in knowledge and fast-paced change
(VUCA), the ability to acknowledge complexity and to derive the best results from it is vital for long-
term success and growth.
Complexity leadership is beneficial to organizational
change and innovation
 Complexity leadership involves the study of social interactions at multiple levels and their effects
on innovation and emergent outcomes. One area in which complexity leadership has shown
scientific evidence for successful organizational change is in innovation
Complexity leadership benefits team
performance and outcomes
 Complexity leadership behaviours have also been shown to improve team performance,
increase the ability of the organization to adapt and innovate, and promote quality outcomes
Embrace and increase organized complexity
 Most organizations work hard to decrease complexity. As a systems theory, complexity
leadership theory takes another stance towards complexity. It increase organized complexity to
improve competitiveness in a VUCA environment.
Enable rather than dictate organizational change
 Although leadership effects can never be certain because they are always affected by changes
and constraints in the social environment, it is important that professional enable rather than
dictate the processes that enable organizational change
Foster autonomy and self-responsibility
 In complexity leadership, linear and top-down only interventions are not sufficient to reach a high
performance or simply don`t work. Instead complexity leadership theory points towards social
networks as the driving force behind performance and change. This requires you to foster
autonomy and self-responsibility in team or organization.
 Overall, complexity leadership is effective and directed more towards organizations that are open
to emergent or innovative outcomes. In addition, complexity leadership is appropriate for higher
levels in the hierarchy including those that are responsible for innovation in the organization (
Complexity leadership theory helps understand
 One of the major strengths of complexity leadership is that it helps enable an understanding of
how organizations respond to organizational change. It is also a holistic and broader theory in
that it focuses on the entire system rather than focusing on separate parts of the organization
• Complexity leadership theory (CLT) focuses on emergent processes within complex systems
• Leadership needs to operate at all levels in a process-oriented, contextual, and interactive
• Complexity leadership theory emphasizes social interactions within a network
• It is important that senior executives enable rather than dictate the processes that enable
organizational change
• Complexity leadership behaviors improve team performance, increase the ability of the
organisation to adapt and innovate, and promote quality outcomes
 Power is a person’s ability to control activities of other individuals. Leadership
is the ability to inspire people to follow your instructions voluntarily and
manage the completion of a project without exercising any form of force.
What is Power?
 Power is broadly defined as the ability of an individual to exercise some form of
control over another individual. There is a distinct relationship between power
and influence. Different definitions of power regard it to be a causal efficacy
which either be a change noticed in the world or a psychological pressure that
gives people reasons to choose one alternative over the other. As a kid, your
parents had significant influence over your actions, and you would often try to
imitate their preferred behavior so as to please them. In school, the same case
applies with teachers, they could easily influence you to do one thing instead of
the other. In these two cases, both the parents and teachers, have derived
authority which gave them the influence over you.
Differences Between Leadership and
• Definition
 Power is the ability of an individual to exercise some form of control over
another individual. On the other hand, leadership is the ability to create a
vision, motivate people to work towards achieving the vision, coaching and
building the team that will pioneer the completion of the vision and managing
the end delivery of the vision.
• Credibility
 Credibility is needed in leadership but not a necessity in power.
• Source
 Power is derived form a position of authority. Leadership is a personal
• Nature
 Power is generally controlling and forceful in making followers follow
commands. Leadership involves inspiring the subordinates to complete tasks.
• Dependence
 Leadership requires power in order to be effective. However, power does not
depend on leadership. One can have power but not be a leader. But, all leaders
require some form of power in order to successfully inspire subordinates.
• Types
 The types of power include coercive, legitimate, expert, referent and reward.
The main types of leadership include autocratic, democratic, transformational,
monarchical and laisses-faire.
 The trait model of leadership is based on the characteristics of many leaders - both successful
and unsuccessful - and is used to predict leadership effectiveness. The resulting lists of traits are
then compared to those of potential leaders to assess their likelihood of success or failure.
 the trait approach attempted to identify physiological (appearance, height, and weight),
demographic (age, education and socioeconomic background), personality, self-confidence, and
aggressiveness), intellective (intelligence, decisiveness, judgment, and knowledge), task-related
(achievement drive, initiative, and persistence), and social characteristics (sociability and
cooperativeness) with leader emergence and leader effectiveness.
 Successful leaders definitely have interests, abilities, and personality traits that are
traits that are different from those of the less effective leaders.
 a set of core traits of successful leaders have been identified. These traits are not responsible
solely to identify whether a person will be a successful leader or not, but they are essentially
seen as preconditions that endow people with leadership potential.
 Among the core traits identified are:
§ Achievement drive: High level of effort, high levels of ambition, energy and initiative
§ Leadership motivation: an intense desire to lead others to reach shared goals
§ Honesty and integrity: trustworthy, reliable, and open
§ Self-confidence: Belief in one’s self, ideas, and ability
§ Cognitive ability: Capable of exercising good judgment, strong analytical abilities, and conceptually
abilities, and conceptually skilled
§ Knowledge of business: Knowledge of industry and other technical matters
§ Emotional Maturity: well adjusted, does not suffer from severe psychological disorders.
§ Others: charisma, creativity and flexibility
§ There is bound to be some subjective judgment in determining who is regarded as a ‘good’ or
‘successful’ leader
§ The list of possible traits tends to be very long. More than 100 different traits of successful leaders in
various leadership positions have been identified. These descriptions are simply generalities.
§ There is also a disagreement over which traits are the most important for an effective leader
§ The model attempts to relate physical traits such as, height and weight, to effective leadership. Most of
these factors relate to situational factors. For example, a minimum weight and height might be
necessary to perform the tasks efficiently in a military leadership position. In business organizations,
these are not the requirements to be an effective leader.
§ The theory is very complex
Implications of Trait Theory
 The trait theory gives constructive information about leadership. It can
be applied by people at all levels in all types of organizations.
 Managers can utilize the information from the theory to evaluate their
position in the organization and to assess how their position can be
made stronger in the organization. They can get an in-depth
understanding of their identity and the way they will affect others in the
organization. This theory makes the manager aware of their strengths
and weaknesses and thus they get an understanding of how they can
develop their leadership qualities.
 Effective leadership is important for workplace productivity and business
growth. The skills leadership theory helps recognize certain skill sets that make
leaders more productive.
 The skills leadership theory defines effective leadership with a set of skills rather
than personality traits. By measuring a leader's performance by the skills they
possess, the skills leadership theory allows anyone interested in becoming a
leader to learn the skills required to become one.
 Conceptual skills are those that help leaders create solutions to important
problems and theories and measure a leader's ability to work with new ideas.
They include skills such as:
• Innovation
• Decision-making
• Critical thinking
• Abstract and creative thinking
• Persuasiveness
 Conceptual skills provide professionals with the ability to develop solutions
regarding high-level theories, ideas and topics. This quality also involves
addressing challenging scenarios with a creative, innovative approach.
Understanding how to develop and use conceptual skills can make it easier to
understand abstract or complex ideas at work and can improve your abilities as
a manager or leader.
 Technical skills are the specific skills required to perform the day-to-day tasks of
a position. Technical skills measure a leader's ability to work with the tools that
help them perform their tasks effectively. These skills vary depending on a
particular job but often include:
• Computer software skills
• Writing reports
• Making project management schedules
• Creating digital art
• Handling industrial machinery
Human Relation skill
 Human skills are interpersonal skills that help a leader manage a team. These
skills measure a leader's ability to work with others. Though the definition of
human skills is broad, these skills often include:
• Effective communication
• Motivational skills
• Social judgment
• Active listening
• Compassion
 Human skills are the skills we use to relate to one another. Someone with strong
human skills is likely very adept at social media for business purposes. A person
with strong human skills quickly engages the audience, potential customer or
current customer. They're able to connect with people and those people feel like
they know the individual personally.
 People with strong human skills project a welcoming warmth that most people
want to be a part of. This is beneficial on a personal and professional level.
The Ohio State Leadership Studies
The Ohio State Leadership Studies is a behavioral
leadership theory that shows that leadership performance
depends on two categories of behaviors: Initiating Structure
and Consideration. The Ohio State Leadership Studies also
concluded that you are not born to become a leader; you
can learn, practice, and develop yourself to become one.
Ohio State Studies
 Ohio State study on leadership found two behavioral characteristics of leadership -
people-oriented (consideration) and task-oriented (initiating structure) leadership
Initiating Structure – Task
Initiating structure reflects the extent to which
individuals are likely to define and structure their
roles and those of their subordinates towards goal
attainment. In other words, it is the behavior of the
leader which deals with the relationship between him
and the work-group and tries to establish well-defined
patterns of organization, channels of communication and
method of procedure. The task concerned leaders are
focusing their behaviors on the organizational
structure, the operating procedures (S.O.P.) and they
like to keep control. Task-oriented leaders are still
concerned with their staff motivation; however it's not
their main concern.
Initiating Structure:
• The leader assigns group members to particular tasks
• The leader asks the group members to follow standard
rules and regulations
• The leader lets group members know what is expected
of them
• The leader initiates
• The leader organizes
• The leader clarifies
• The leader works towards information Gathering
Consideration – People
 Consideration reflects the extent to which individuals are
likely to have job, relationship characterized by mutual
respect for subordinates, ideas and consideration of
subordinates, feelings. You may like to describe it as the
behavior of the leader indicating friendship, mutual trust,
respect and warmth in the relationship between the leader
and his group members. The people oriented leaders are
focusing their behaviors on ensuring that the inner needs
of the people are satisfied. Thus they will seek to
motivate their staff through emphasizing the human
relation. People oriented leaders still focus on the task
and the results; they just achieve them through different
• The leaders find time to listen to group members
• The leader is willing to make change
• The leader is friendly and approachable
• The leader is Encouraging
• The leader is observing
• The leader is listening
• The leader provides coaching and mentoring
Different Types of Leadership
 All leaders have a unique style that sets them apart from
others. Hence, these different types of leadership styles
will help you decide which type of leader you want to be.
Autocratic leadership
 A leader who has complete control over his team is called
an autocratic leader. They never bend their beliefs and
rules for anyone. Additionally, their team has no say in
the business decisions. Moreover, the team is expected to
follow the path directed by the leader.
 This archaic style of leadership has very few takers
because it discourages change. And modern leaders are
changing the definition of leadership and redefining what
leadership is with their path-breaking decision
Laissez-Faire leadership
 Laissez-Faire is derived from a French word that means
‘allow to do’. “The practice of non-interference in the
affairs of others, especially with reference to individual
conduct or freedom of action,’ defines In
this type of leadership, team members have the freedom to
perform their job according to their will. They are given
the freedom to bring in their perspective and intelligence
in performing business functions. If you take up a
leadership course, you’d get to learn about it in detail.
Democratic leadership
 In this type of leadership, team members and leaders
equally contribute to actualising business goals.
Furthermore, they work together and motivate each other to
achieve their personal goals too. This type of leadership
leads to a positive working environment.
Bureaucratic leadership
 In this type of leadership, leaders strictly adhere to
organizational rules and policies. They make sure that
their team members do the same. Bureaucratic leaders are
often organized and self-motivated.
 There is no right or wrong leadership style. Therefore, it
is up to you to decide the kind of leader you wish to
Roles and Responsibilities of a
A leader’s job description should include the following
obligations. However, while a leader’s daily duties will vary
from company to company, the following are the roles and
responsibilities of a leader:
I. Training new hires.
II. Communicating in a transparent and constructive manner.
III. Encouraging the staff to collaborate so that the business
can profit.
IV. Obtaining input and settling disputes.
V. Enabling each employee to realize his or her own
potential and advance within the organization.
VI. Acknowledging good conduct.
VII. Identifying ineffective techniques or procedures.
VIII.Modifying undesirable behaviors.
I. Team members are being watched over without being
II. Creating timetables to accomplish goals.
III. Setting examples.
IV. Creating engaging and pleasant work.
V. Rewarding accomplishments.
VI. Creating shared ownership for successful outcomes.
VII. Accepting accountability for unsuccessful results.
VIII. Adjusting to organizational changes and guidelines.
IX. Bringing up issues or suggestions to management and
reporting on metrics.
Leadership vs. Management: What’s
the Difference?
 Leaders and managers apply different approaches to achieve
their goals. For example, managers seek compliance to rules
and procedures, whereas leaders thrive on breaking the norm
and challenging the status quo. Here’s how leadership and
management are different from each other.
 Leaders and managers have different visions. Leaders are
visionaries, whereas managers are implementers. Leaders set
goals for their team. Managers ensure that the goal set by
their superiors is achieved.

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  • 2. What's the leadership ?  Leading people  Influencing people  Commanding people  Guiding people
  • 3. Who is the leader?  A leader is someone who is in charge of organizing, guiding, and managing others. They are visionaries who motivate and encourage their team to reach the desired outcome.  A leader is someone who directs and motivates a group of people or an individual to accomplish a certain goal.  Those who are leaders inspire followers to take the initiatives necessary for success. The abilities required to be an effective leader must be developed via learning and practice.
  • 4.  There are leaders in every organization at every level, including CEOs, senior executives, supervisors, and project managers.  leadership skills use to mentor new hires or conduct a meeting even as a junior employee. Each leader may use one particular leadership style or a combination of styles, depending on the group and situation.
  • 5. Meaning:  Leadership is an important element of the directing function of management. Wherever, there is an organized group of people working towards a common goal, some type of leadership becomes essential. “The power of leadership is the power of integrating. The person who influences me most is not he who does great Deeds, but he who makes me feel that I can do great deeds.” Marry Parker Follet.
  • 6.  Leadership is the ability to build up confidence and zeal among people and to create an urge in them to be led. To be a successful leader, a manager must possess the qualities of foresight, drive, initiative, self-confidence and personal integrity. Different situations may demand different types of leadership.
  • 7.  Definitions:  Leadership has been defined in various ways. Stogdill has rightly remarked that there are almost as many definitions of leadership as there are people who have tried to define it
  • 8. DEFINITION 1. Koontz and O’Donnell, Leadership is the ability of a manager to induce subordinates to work with confidence and zeal. 2. Dubin, R.Leadership is the exercise of authority and making of decisions. 3. Allford and Beaty, Leadership is the ability to secure desirable actions from a group of followers voluntarily, without the use of coercion.
  • 9. 4. George R. Terry, Leadership is the activity of influencing people to strive willingly for group objectives. 5. Hemphill, J.K., Leadership is the initiation of acts which result in a consistent pattern of group interaction directed towards the solution of a mutual problem. 6. Peter Drucker, Leadership is not making friends and influencing people, i.e., salesmanship it is the lifting of man’s visions to higher sights, the raising of man’s personality beyond its normal limitations.
  • 10.  In the various definitions of leadership the emphasis is on the capacity of an individual to influence and direct group effort towards the achievement of organizational goals. Thus, ‘ we can say that leadership is the practice of influence that stimulates subordinates or followers to do their best towards the achievement of desired goals.
  • 11. Nature and Characteristics of Leadership: 1. Leadership is a personal quality. 2. It exists only with followers. If there are no followers, there is no leadership? 3 It is the willingness of people to follow that makes person a leader. 4. Leadership is a process of influence. A leader must be able to influence the behaviour, attitude and beliefs of his subordinates. 5. It exists only for the realization of common goals. 6. It involves readiness to accept complete responsibility in all situations.
  • 12. 7. Leadership styles do change under different circumstances.
  • 13. Formal and informal Leaders: A formal leader is one who is formally appointed or elected to direct and control the activities of the subordinates. He is a person created by the formal structure, enjoys organizational authority and is accountable to those who have elected him in a formal way. The formal leader has a two-fold responsibility. On the one hand, he has to fulfill the demands of the organization, while on the other he is also supposed to help, guide and direct his subordinates in satisfying their needs and aspirations.
  • 14. Informal leaders are not formally recognized. They derive authority from the people who are under their influence. In any organization we can always find some persons who command respect and who are approached to help, guide and protect the informal leaders have only one task to perform, i.e., to help their followers in achieving their individual and group goals. Informal leaders are created to satisfy those needs which are not satisfied by the formal leaders. An organization can make effective use of informal leaders to strengthen the formal leadership.
  • 15. Leader Manger  Do the right things  Focus on people  Inspire  Ask whatand why?  Innovate  Create Change  Outcomeoriented  Originates  Show adirection  charisma  Problems are opportunities  Followers  Do Things right  Focus on things  Control  Ask how and when?  Administer  Mange Change  Rules oriented  Imitates  Plans and budget  Authority  Problems are problems  Subordinates
  • 16. Leadership Functions:  Following are the important functions of a leader:  1. Setting Goals:  A leader is expected to perform creative function of laying out goals and policies to persuade the subordinates to work with zeal and confidence.  2. Organizing:  The second function of a leader is to create and shape the organization on scientific lines by assigning roles appropriate to individual abilities with the view to make its various components to operate sensitively towards the achievement of enterprise goals.
  • 17.  3. Initiating Action: The next function of a leader is to take the initiative in all matters of interest to the group. He should not depend upon others for decision and judgment. He should float new ideas and his decisions should reflect original thinking. 4. Co-Ordination: A leader has to reconcile the interests of the individual members of the group with that of the organization. He has to ensure voluntary co-operation from the group in realizing the common objectives.
  • 18.  5. Direction and Motivation:  It is the primary function of a leader to guide and direct his group and motivate people to do their best in the achievement of desired goals, he should build up confidence and zeal in the work group.
  • 19.  6. Link between Management and Workers:  A leader works as a necessary link between the management and the workers. He interprets the policies and programmes of the management to his subordinates and represents the subordinates’ interests before the management. He can prove effective only when he can act as the true guardian of the interests of his subordinates.
  • 20. Qualities of a Good Leader:  A successful leader secures desired behaviour from his followers. It depends upon the quality of leadership he is able to provide. A leader to be effective must possess certain basic qualities. A number of authors have mentioned different qualities which a person should possess to be a good leader.
  • 21.
  • 22.  1. Good personality.  2. Emotional stability.  3. Sound education and professional competence.  4. Initiatives and creative thinking.  5. Sense of purpose and responsibility.  6. Ability to guide and teach.
  • 23.  7. Good understanding and sound judgment.  8. Communicating skill.  9. Sociable.  10. Objective and flexible approach.  11. Honesty and integrity of character.  12. Self confidence, diligence and industry.  13. Courage to accept responsibility
  • 24. Importance of Leadership in Management  The importance of leadership in any group activity is too obvious to be over-emphasized. Wherever, there is an organized group of people working towards a common goal, some type leadership becomes essential.
  • 25.  1. It Improves Motivation and Morale:  Through dynamic leadership managers can improve motivation and morale of their subordinates. A good leader influences the behaviour of an individual in such a manner that he voluntarily works towards the achievement of enterprise goals.  2. It Acts as a Motive Power to Group Efforts:  Leadership serves as a motive power to group efforts. It leads the group to a higher level of performance through its persistent efforts and impact on human relations.
  • 26.  3. It Acts as an Aid to Authority  The use of authority alone cannot always bring the desired results. Leadership acts as an aid to authority by influencing, inspiring and initiating action.  4. It is Needed at All Levels of Management:  Leadership plays a pivotal role at all levels of management because in the absence of effective leadership no management can achieve the desired results.
  • 27.  5. It Rectifies the Imperfectness of the Formal Organizational Relationships:  No organizational structure can provide all types of relationships and people with common interest may work beyond the confines of formal relationships. Such informal relationships are more effective in controlling and regulating the behaviour of the subordinates. Effective leadership uses there informal relationships to accomplish the enterprise goals.  6. It Provides the Basis for Co-operation:  Effective leadership increases the understanding between the subordinates and the management and promotes co-operation among them.
  • 28. Process or Techniques of Effective Leadership:  1. The leader should consult the group in framing the policies and lines of action and in initiating any radical change therein.  2. He should attempt to develop voluntary co-operation from his subordinates in realizing common objectives.  3. He should exercise authority whenever necessary to implement the policies. He should give clear, complete and intelligible instructions to his subordinates.  4. He should build-up confidence and zeal in his followers.  5. He should listen to his subordinates properly and appreciate their feelings.  6. He should communicate effectively.  7. He should follow the principle of motivation.
  • 29.
  • 30. How does complexity leadership work?  Complexity leadership theory recognizes the dynamic interactions that take place within organizations as they change, create innovation, and evolve with a focus on complex relationships and network interaction rather than controlling, standardizing, and autocracy
  • 31. Benefits of using complexity leadership? Particularly in an economic era not rooted in industry but rather in knowledge and fast-paced change (VUCA), the ability to acknowledge complexity and to derive the best results from it is vital for long- term success and growth.
  • 32. Complexity leadership is beneficial to organizational change and innovation  Complexity leadership involves the study of social interactions at multiple levels and their effects on innovation and emergent outcomes. One area in which complexity leadership has shown scientific evidence for successful organizational change is in innovation
  • 33. Complexity leadership benefits team performance and outcomes  Complexity leadership behaviours have also been shown to improve team performance, increase the ability of the organization to adapt and innovate, and promote quality outcomes
  • 34. Embrace and increase organized complexity  Most organizations work hard to decrease complexity. As a systems theory, complexity leadership theory takes another stance towards complexity. It increase organized complexity to improve competitiveness in a VUCA environment.
  • 35. Enable rather than dictate organizational change  Although leadership effects can never be certain because they are always affected by changes and constraints in the social environment, it is important that professional enable rather than dictate the processes that enable organizational change
  • 36. Foster autonomy and self-responsibility  In complexity leadership, linear and top-down only interventions are not sufficient to reach a high performance or simply don`t work. Instead complexity leadership theory points towards social networks as the driving force behind performance and change. This requires you to foster autonomy and self-responsibility in team or organization.  Overall, complexity leadership is effective and directed more towards organizations that are open to emergent or innovative outcomes. In addition, complexity leadership is appropriate for higher levels in the hierarchy including those that are responsible for innovation in the organization (
  • 37. Complexity leadership theory helps understand organizations  One of the major strengths of complexity leadership is that it helps enable an understanding of how organizations respond to organizational change. It is also a holistic and broader theory in that it focuses on the entire system rather than focusing on separate parts of the organization
  • 38. • Complexity leadership theory (CLT) focuses on emergent processes within complex systems • Leadership needs to operate at all levels in a process-oriented, contextual, and interactive fashion • Complexity leadership theory emphasizes social interactions within a network • It is important that senior executives enable rather than dictate the processes that enable organizational change • Complexity leadership behaviors improve team performance, increase the ability of the organisation to adapt and innovate, and promote quality outcomes
  • 39. LEADERSHIP AND POWER  Power is a person’s ability to control activities of other individuals. Leadership is the ability to inspire people to follow your instructions voluntarily and manage the completion of a project without exercising any form of force.
  • 40. What is Power?  Power is broadly defined as the ability of an individual to exercise some form of control over another individual. There is a distinct relationship between power and influence. Different definitions of power regard it to be a causal efficacy which either be a change noticed in the world or a psychological pressure that gives people reasons to choose one alternative over the other. As a kid, your parents had significant influence over your actions, and you would often try to imitate their preferred behavior so as to please them. In school, the same case applies with teachers, they could easily influence you to do one thing instead of the other. In these two cases, both the parents and teachers, have derived authority which gave them the influence over you.
  • 41. Differences Between Leadership and Power • Definition  Power is the ability of an individual to exercise some form of control over another individual. On the other hand, leadership is the ability to create a vision, motivate people to work towards achieving the vision, coaching and building the team that will pioneer the completion of the vision and managing the end delivery of the vision.
  • 42. • Credibility  Credibility is needed in leadership but not a necessity in power. • Source  Power is derived form a position of authority. Leadership is a personal attribute.
  • 43. • Nature  Power is generally controlling and forceful in making followers follow commands. Leadership involves inspiring the subordinates to complete tasks. • Dependence  Leadership requires power in order to be effective. However, power does not depend on leadership. One can have power but not be a leader. But, all leaders require some form of power in order to successfully inspire subordinates. • Types  The types of power include coercive, legitimate, expert, referent and reward. The main types of leadership include autocratic, democratic, transformational, monarchical and laisses-faire.
  • 44.
  • 45. TRAIT THEORY  The trait model of leadership is based on the characteristics of many leaders - both successful and unsuccessful - and is used to predict leadership effectiveness. The resulting lists of traits are then compared to those of potential leaders to assess their likelihood of success or failure.
  • 46.  the trait approach attempted to identify physiological (appearance, height, and weight), demographic (age, education and socioeconomic background), personality, self-confidence, and aggressiveness), intellective (intelligence, decisiveness, judgment, and knowledge), task-related (achievement drive, initiative, and persistence), and social characteristics (sociability and cooperativeness) with leader emergence and leader effectiveness.  Successful leaders definitely have interests, abilities, and personality traits that are traits that are different from those of the less effective leaders.
  • 47.  a set of core traits of successful leaders have been identified. These traits are not responsible solely to identify whether a person will be a successful leader or not, but they are essentially seen as preconditions that endow people with leadership potential.
  • 48.  Among the core traits identified are: § Achievement drive: High level of effort, high levels of ambition, energy and initiative initiative § Leadership motivation: an intense desire to lead others to reach shared goals goals § Honesty and integrity: trustworthy, reliable, and open § Self-confidence: Belief in one’s self, ideas, and ability § Cognitive ability: Capable of exercising good judgment, strong analytical abilities, and conceptually abilities, and conceptually skilled § Knowledge of business: Knowledge of industry and other technical matters § Emotional Maturity: well adjusted, does not suffer from severe psychological disorders. disorders. § Others: charisma, creativity and flexibility
  • 49.
  • 50. CRITICISM OF TRAIT THEORY § There is bound to be some subjective judgment in determining who is regarded as a ‘good’ or ‘successful’ leader § The list of possible traits tends to be very long. More than 100 different traits of successful leaders in various leadership positions have been identified. These descriptions are simply generalities. § There is also a disagreement over which traits are the most important for an effective leader § The model attempts to relate physical traits such as, height and weight, to effective leadership. Most of these factors relate to situational factors. For example, a minimum weight and height might be necessary to perform the tasks efficiently in a military leadership position. In business organizations, these are not the requirements to be an effective leader. § The theory is very complex
  • 51. Implications of Trait Theory  The trait theory gives constructive information about leadership. It can be applied by people at all levels in all types of organizations.  Managers can utilize the information from the theory to evaluate their position in the organization and to assess how their position can be made stronger in the organization. They can get an in-depth understanding of their identity and the way they will affect others in the organization. This theory makes the manager aware of their strengths and weaknesses and thus they get an understanding of how they can develop their leadership qualities.
  • 52. SKILL LEADERSHIP THEORY  Effective leadership is important for workplace productivity and business growth. The skills leadership theory helps recognize certain skill sets that make leaders more productive.  The skills leadership theory defines effective leadership with a set of skills rather than personality traits. By measuring a leader's performance by the skills they possess, the skills leadership theory allows anyone interested in becoming a leader to learn the skills required to become one.
  • 53. Conceptual  Conceptual skills are those that help leaders create solutions to important problems and theories and measure a leader's ability to work with new ideas. They include skills such as: • Innovation • Decision-making • Critical thinking • Abstract and creative thinking • Persuasiveness
  • 54.  Conceptual skills provide professionals with the ability to develop solutions regarding high-level theories, ideas and topics. This quality also involves addressing challenging scenarios with a creative, innovative approach. Understanding how to develop and use conceptual skills can make it easier to understand abstract or complex ideas at work and can improve your abilities as a manager or leader.
  • 55. Technical  Technical skills are the specific skills required to perform the day-to-day tasks of a position. Technical skills measure a leader's ability to work with the tools that help them perform their tasks effectively. These skills vary depending on a particular job but often include: • Computer software skills • Writing reports • Making project management schedules • Creating digital art • Handling industrial machinery
  • 56. Human Relation skill  Human skills are interpersonal skills that help a leader manage a team. These skills measure a leader's ability to work with others. Though the definition of human skills is broad, these skills often include: • Effective communication • Motivational skills • Social judgment • Active listening • Compassion
  • 57.  Human skills are the skills we use to relate to one another. Someone with strong human skills is likely very adept at social media for business purposes. A person with strong human skills quickly engages the audience, potential customer or current customer. They're able to connect with people and those people feel like they know the individual personally.  People with strong human skills project a welcoming warmth that most people want to be a part of. This is beneficial on a personal and professional level.
  • 58. The Ohio State Leadership Studies The Ohio State Leadership Studies is a behavioral leadership theory that shows that leadership performance depends on two categories of behaviors: Initiating Structure and Consideration. The Ohio State Leadership Studies also concluded that you are not born to become a leader; you can learn, practice, and develop yourself to become one.
  • 59. Ohio State Studies  Ohio State study on leadership found two behavioral characteristics of leadership - people-oriented (consideration) and task-oriented (initiating structure) leadership style.
  • 60. Initiating Structure – Task Oriented: Initiating structure reflects the extent to which individuals are likely to define and structure their roles and those of their subordinates towards goal attainment. In other words, it is the behavior of the leader which deals with the relationship between him and the work-group and tries to establish well-defined patterns of organization, channels of communication and method of procedure. The task concerned leaders are focusing their behaviors on the organizational structure, the operating procedures (S.O.P.) and they like to keep control. Task-oriented leaders are still concerned with their staff motivation; however it's not their main concern.
  • 61. Initiating Structure: • The leader assigns group members to particular tasks • The leader asks the group members to follow standard rules and regulations • The leader lets group members know what is expected of them • The leader initiates • The leader organizes • The leader clarifies • The leader works towards information Gathering
  • 62. Consideration – People Oriented:  Consideration reflects the extent to which individuals are likely to have job, relationship characterized by mutual respect for subordinates, ideas and consideration of subordinates, feelings. You may like to describe it as the behavior of the leader indicating friendship, mutual trust, respect and warmth in the relationship between the leader and his group members. The people oriented leaders are focusing their behaviors on ensuring that the inner needs of the people are satisfied. Thus they will seek to motivate their staff through emphasizing the human relation. People oriented leaders still focus on the task and the results; they just achieve them through different means.
  • 63. Consideration: • The leaders find time to listen to group members • The leader is willing to make change • The leader is friendly and approachable • The leader is Encouraging • The leader is observing • The leader is listening • The leader provides coaching and mentoring
  • 64.
  • 65. Different Types of Leadership  All leaders have a unique style that sets them apart from others. Hence, these different types of leadership styles will help you decide which type of leader you want to be.
  • 66. Autocratic leadership  A leader who has complete control over his team is called an autocratic leader. They never bend their beliefs and rules for anyone. Additionally, their team has no say in the business decisions. Moreover, the team is expected to follow the path directed by the leader.  This archaic style of leadership has very few takers because it discourages change. And modern leaders are changing the definition of leadership and redefining what leadership is with their path-breaking decision
  • 67. Laissez-Faire leadership  Laissez-Faire is derived from a French word that means ‘allow to do’. “The practice of non-interference in the affairs of others, especially with reference to individual conduct or freedom of action,’ defines In this type of leadership, team members have the freedom to perform their job according to their will. They are given the freedom to bring in their perspective and intelligence in performing business functions. If you take up a leadership course, you’d get to learn about it in detail. 
  • 68. Democratic leadership  In this type of leadership, team members and leaders equally contribute to actualising business goals. Furthermore, they work together and motivate each other to achieve their personal goals too. This type of leadership leads to a positive working environment. 
  • 69. Bureaucratic leadership  In this type of leadership, leaders strictly adhere to organizational rules and policies. They make sure that their team members do the same. Bureaucratic leaders are often organized and self-motivated.  There is no right or wrong leadership style. Therefore, it is up to you to decide the kind of leader you wish to become.
  • 70. Roles and Responsibilities of a Leader A leader’s job description should include the following obligations. However, while a leader’s daily duties will vary from company to company, the following are the roles and responsibilities of a leader: I. Training new hires. II. Communicating in a transparent and constructive manner. III. Encouraging the staff to collaborate so that the business can profit. IV. Obtaining input and settling disputes. V. Enabling each employee to realize his or her own potential and advance within the organization. VI. Acknowledging good conduct. VII. Identifying ineffective techniques or procedures. VIII.Modifying undesirable behaviors.
  • 71. I. Team members are being watched over without being micromanaged. II. Creating timetables to accomplish goals. III. Setting examples. IV. Creating engaging and pleasant work. V. Rewarding accomplishments. VI. Creating shared ownership for successful outcomes. VII. Accepting accountability for unsuccessful results. VIII. Adjusting to organizational changes and guidelines. IX. Bringing up issues or suggestions to management and reporting on metrics. 
  • 72. Leadership vs. Management: What’s the Difference?  Leaders and managers apply different approaches to achieve their goals. For example, managers seek compliance to rules and procedures, whereas leaders thrive on breaking the norm and challenging the status quo. Here’s how leadership and management are different from each other.  Leaders and managers have different visions. Leaders are visionaries, whereas managers are implementers. Leaders set goals for their team. Managers ensure that the goal set by their superiors is achieved.