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Clairvoyant Manual
By Aliza (God)
and Charmaine
Just a note, which may help? Ask for Arch Angel Michael, to protect you, and the rooms
you’re in? Also your book from all Negativity, while you read your book, each time you
read it? (Please include protection, for front, back and sides of house, plus the rooms
adjacent to the ones you are in) The reading will be more enjoyable. No negativity and the
words going over your head…etc…
These affirmations will help you achieve great heights spiritually and will improve your
everyday wellbeing. When you recite these affirmations, you should include all your friends,
family, loved ones, and animals.
Every time you perform a reading for someone, you enter their spiritual being and pick up a
lot of their negative baggage, which may get passed on to your future clients. The negativity
that you collect each day might be dumped on your clients making them very sick and
depressed; also your family will be affected by Negativity. To avoid this from happening,
you should perform cleansing at the end of each day, and before you start for the day….
Daily Cleansing Techniques:
(Should be done at least twice a day)
To perform cleansing, recite the following:
Father, can my family, loved ones, friends, those connected to my career, our animals, and I
step into The Golden Star of God so we see the truth in all things and be protected. Name
every one for the first month and ask for it to be keyed in, and then say everyone I usually
ask for….” And every premise I usually ask for?
Can we sit around the White Table and breathe in the White Light
Can we be covered with Gold? And our whole being, organs, body and all of our Chakra’s
be filled with Gold and with God’s love and surrounded by God’s love.
Can we have a dictionary in front of us and can you help us learn what we need to know?
Can we have The Waves of the Ocean and the beautiful singing voices of the Dolphins
around us to keep us calm and happy?
Once you are done with the act of cleansing and seeking the protection of father; ask him to
send everything back to where it belongs, including your inner selves.
And before doing Readings for the day, close your eyes and wave a hand under your nose,
and say “White Light , White Light” Breathe in the white light through your nose, and ask
for the negativity and gunk to come out through your Mouth, and send to the Universe as
healing. Keep white lighting yourself and breathing in the White light with the wave of
your hand for about six minutes.
If you include homes, Gardens, Businesses and cars. Do the White Lighting for about 10
minutes, and ask to include them for every one you name, including your Premises, and
cars…….Name them…..
Connect with your inner spirit and recite:
Father, can you help us to make our dreams come true?
Can you, in our dream state, and bring it out during the day, show and teach us how to be
successful and bring it out during the day, and draw success to us? And draw us to
Can you help all those dreams connected to our business become successful?
Can you get everything and everyone individually connected to our dreams ready for us and
us ready for them and them ready for us , an them towards us, and put us together now,
For loved ones that God has in mind, recite:
Can you show us individually what this person looks like? In our dream state and bring it
out during the day……..
Can you tell us when will we meet them? And what they have to offer?
Can you tell us what we have to do to earn this person?
Do the drawing technique to put us together individually, as above.
For true friends with good moral friends, recite:
Father, can you bring us friends who are like-minded and have good morals
Can you get them Individually ready for me, and them individually toward me, and me
individually towards them and me individually ready for them, and put us together now
Do the drawing technique as done above.
After a couple of weeks, just ask for the number. Rather than recite everything word for
word……Or chose your own code of reference….
You could ask for (example)
(1) Warrior protection for yourself and everyone around you
(2) Protection against negativity and demons
(3) Business, love, and friends
Refer to taped reading for legal reasons.
E.g. Readings are by Charmaine
Readings are for xxxxx
Readings are for xxxxxxxx Entertainment Only
Readings are from The Spirit World!
Day and Night Prayer
(Must be recited daily)
Father, those connected to me, my family, friends, loved ones, animals and my career.
Can we have Golden Shields head to toes and The Blood of Christ around us?
Can we be surrounded by mirrors pointing outwards and around us, please?
Can you allow anything satanic, voodoo, witchcraft, black magic, seeds that are harmful or
any kind of spiritual warfare attack or psychic attacks to bounce off the shields and mirrors
and be sent to the Universe as Healing?
Can you make the person or persons who sent it, Pay for their crimes and can the affected
be compensated and payment into their bank accounts now please
Please send anything that is placed upon us already lifted off our body, soul, mind, spirit,
inner child, and our whole being to see clear, and be sent to Universe as healing, to be
dealt with, and those affected be compensated. Into their bank accounts now please…You
usually have to find out what has been done, and name it?
Father, or maybe even Arch Angle Demetri can everything connected to us (name it e.g.
our advertisements, websites, clientele, media, everything connected to my music, our
books, our computers, phone lines, homes, vehicles that we drive, our minds, spiritual
works, prayers, warriors, spiritual teachers, our animals, our home, bedroom, smokes, food
, medication, our business etc.) have Golden Shields and mirrors pointing outwards. If
anything is placed on us negative or if any spiritual attack is sent our way, can it be sent the
Universe as healing to be dealt with and can the persons sending it pay for their crimes and
the persons or animals affected be compensated, and payment in to their bank account now
please ?
You could make a list of everything you need protection from and name it all for a full
month. After 4 weeks, when it all has been keyed in, you will only need to say ‘Please God,
protect me from everything I normally ask for.’ Sometimes he expects you to ask what
needs to be ask for….Usually you ask a Angel to do the work e.g. Arch Angel Demetri
Can we have The Golden Star of God around those who are contaminated with spells and
lift it off as many times as to see clear, and send it to the Universe for healing? The People
I look after, out homes gardens, Business, cars and our animals….and everything I usually
And can we have The Blood of Christ, Golden Shields, and mirrors pointing outwardly
around everything for protection?
Can we send all that is evil back to where it came from?
Thank you.
Bounding and Binding Spells
Ask your guides if you are under any Bounding or Binding spell.
If you can sense it, step into The Golden Star of God for protection. Grasp the binder from
the top of your body and unwind top to bottom whilst, white lighting yourself. Also, release
any binding that has been done and send it to the Universe as healing.
Ask your guide, if someone has put you under a spell. Go through everything you can think
of, including the way you present yourself to people to your hair-do. Also, go through your
business, advertisements, smokes, money, food, medication, car, bedroom, and other
things. Check your dreams and goals, because these are usually are attacked by the evil
If you feel affected, step into The Golden Star of God for protection. Ask God to surround it
with Golden Light and to send it to the Universe as healing, as many times as to see
clear……. As it may have been done more than once ?
Protection for Children at Night
Father can these children (name them) have warriors protecting them on the spiritual plane
as they sleep? Arch Angel Michael
Can these children have warriors protecting them in their bedrooms to make them feel safe?
Or Wolfs?
Demons Slitting Your Wrists
Ask your guides if your wrists had been slit. If so, ask them to be stitched up and bandaged.
Remember to ask for the removal the bandages and stitches
, when healed, and send the bandages etc to the Universe as Healing
Feeling Sick in the Stomach, Chest Area or Other Areas of the Body When You Have
Done Readings or Prayers
Place your feet or your hand on a wooden surface.
Ask God to open your feet or fingertips and let out the gunk and ill energies to go through
your feet or fingertips and the energies to go to mother earth as healing.
Somebody Wants to Kill You or Do You Harm
Sometimes, a bad spell or seed is placed in your head or around you. You should pray to
God to have this removed.
Your life might be in danger by attracting the worse of people such as psychopaths, killers,
rapists or thieves. Not always, just removing it, is usually fine, no issues?
When my seed of 10 years was being removed and when God was coming around to
remove it, I was told to get out of my house as quickly as possible as my life was in danger. I
went to a safe house to stay as the lifting of spells and the seed attracted killers. This is most
of the time not the case…..Depends on type of seed..
I asked God
* To send warriors to kill the people who mean harm to me.
* To confuse them; as to where I live.
* To put them in hospital. Get a patient to kill them in the hospital if it is warrant and to
make that person appear innocent of the killing and get away with it…
* To get the Police ready for them the police towards them and to get the killer Ready for
the police and killer towards the Police
Ask warriors and wolfs to surround your house. Also, ask the Police Spiritually to patrol
your house and where you’re staying.
Ask for warriors to go out everywhere and to dispose of anyone who is coming your way to
harm you. (You have Chinese warriors)
Ask for this 2 times a day and avoid going to work if the case seems to be bad or if you seem
to be attracting harm. Watch out for anyone following your car, you could be attracting a
lot of sick people. But this is only if the seed was a really harm full one ?
If those causing you harm is dead, ask for warriors to meet them on the Spirit Plane,
handcuff them, and send them through the White Light to be charged with their crimes. By
sending them to Spiritual court to face and pay for their crimes
Sometimes those who have committed crimes stay on the Spirit Plane and don’t go through
the White Light because they do not want to face the punishment for their crimes.
Listen to the radio and not the TV. Be on high alert for 24 hours. Although you might
not get much sleep, it is important that you listen out for any individual who may have
criminal intentions towards you and ask for all that is stated above.
Listen to your dogs and/or other animals that might be giving you a stare or a bark each
time something goes wrong, for it is true that animals are in fact telepathic and can often
pick up on negative energies that might be going on around you?
If you remain connected with your animals, feed them good food and treat them right, they
can truly become your best friends and can stay tuned with anything that might be coming
your way, be it miles away. They may not always show it, but they may pick up on it and be
on guard……
White Sage
Burn the smoke in a clockwise direction in every room to get rid of all sorts of negativity
and to cleanse your house. This is usually temporary and only works for a short
while……Incense in a oil burner, does a better job keeping negativity away..
Say a prayer when the sage is full of smoke, “I would like to cleanse myself and every room
I go to with this smoke.” Also, cleanse your body by allowing the smoke to circle your body
from head to toe in a clockwise direction.
You can use Sandalwood Oil on a burner during the day to get rid of negative guides and
White Sage Oil at night to keep away demons. Or just use White Sage oil for everything….
(White Sage oil can also be used to keep away negative guides)
(You can even use a humidifier in place of candles or oil burners)
Cleaning Ladies for your Home and Garden
Spirit Animals can die on your property or rubbish. Marks can be placed upon your walls
by evil spirits. Call upon the cleaning ladies to clean your ceilings, floors, walls, windows,
mirrors, and doors. Ask them to do the same for your cars, sheds, and outside walls of the
house and garden. Also, get the areas underneath your house cleaned. And do your
furniture. Ask the cleaning ladies to put the rubbish in the tip and to cover it properly. Do
this from time to time?
Sex with Spirits
Make sure you have warriors all around you bed and around your house. To cleanse your
bedroom, use White Sage oil in an oil burner to protect you from demons and negative
spirits, leaving only the person that you have asked for to come through.
Affirmations for doing Readings
Take a person by the hand (optional)
Father, can the person I’m reading, my guide from the Highest of Highs and myself, be
placed in The Golden Star of God and surrounded by the Golden Star of God
Can we be filled with God’s love and surrounded by God Love
Can we be surrounded and filled by White Light?
Can the Highest of Highs come through and surround us with White Light.
Thank you.
If a person has made a booking, but fails to turn up and has no decency to cancel the
appointment, ask God to make them pay for the booking spiritually and to compensate you
for it. If it’s the weekend, ask God to compensate you by granting a little extra and by
placing money in your bank account, now please…
Thank you.
Reading from a Photo or Article
Father, can I have White Light surrounding this, please?
Can I have a guide from the Highest of Highs come through, please?
Can we step into The Golden Star of God? And Surrounded by the Golden star of God
fill us with white light and surround us with white light
Thank you.
While, performing this reading, keep White Lighting yourself to avoid any negative vibes
from affecting you. Now, and again?
Spiritual Works
If something bad or evil comes your way, ask God to let them feel how much He loves
them or feel them with God’s love and surround them with God’s love……Ask Him to
surround the house, inside and out, and everyone in your house with His love. You can also
ask God to ring Golden bells.
White sage oil or incense also helps to keep negative energies away from your house.
Soul Mates
Prayer for those who need a loved one (name them)
Can you draw towards us what we need and adore and can you draw us towards them now,
And can you put us together when the time is right?
(If you don’t say “now” it may be another lifetime!)
True Bible
With so many different beliefs surrounding you, ask God to teach you the true Bible in your
dream state and bring it out during the day. He will teach you when he feels you are ready?
Did you know that God can communicate with you as well? Discover this spiritually and
reflect upon what you are learning in life?
Psychics and Mediums
A Psychic listens to a lower level of guides while a Medium listens to a higher level of
guides. If you find they muck around too much, may be you are listening to a lower level of
The lower level guides have no respect, therefore, ask them to go away. Instead, ask the
higher level to come through.
Refuse to listen to the lower level guides until the higher level guides come through. May
take a couple of days?
Business Cards
Two or three times a day, ask God to white light your advertisements and business cards
and to attract people to your business. Also, ask to draw more clients towards you.
Also place the colors: Green, Gold, White Light and the Golden Star of God for
To make this prayer short, you can ask for “Super Charge”, which covers just about
everything. Or use whatever name you want to use, but remember it?
Chinese Warriors
For anybody in need of protection or for houses that need guarding against theft, mentally
ask for the Chinese warriors. They will be there to protect you even before you’re finished
For anyone in need of some kind of help, ask God to send angels to help them in what they
need or warriors to protect them from all evil.
God’s Love
If you are feeling depressed or are in need of help, ask God to fill your heart with His love
and to take away your pain. Bingo , Entertainment and anti Christ, filled with god love
surrounded with God s love and filled with white light and surrounded with white light
Bingo if lifting all the Negative energies off your whole being, and sending it to the Universe
and Healing and Entertainment is Arch Angle Jago Anti Christ , lifting off all Negativity
If you have a headache, ask God or an angel to remove the pain to many times as to see
clear, and to heal you. Also, ask them to send the negativity to the Universe as healing.
Keep your feet on the ground and refrain from falling asleep during a meditation, as it can
be very harmful. Recite the following prayer:
Father, can we see blue skies and a rainbow.
Can we be cleansed by a light Golden Shower of rain?
Can we be filled and surrounded by God’s Love?
Please take away all our negativity and send it to the Universe as healing.
Can we walk along a Golden path and walk up to the stone hinge and sit with the elders,
and hear and see what they have to say?
Can we also have aliens of the highest powers and truth to show us what we need to know
to help us?
Breathe in the White Light, and relax. Waving you hand under your nose, and breathing
in through your nose , and out through your mouth
Golden Pond
Cleansing technique (Put feet on ground)
Ask God to send all negativity and all that is rotten to the Golden Volcano and into the
Can all those connected to me - my family, loved ones, friends, clients, colleagues, and
animals and all our possessions go to the Golden Valley?
Can we go to a Golden Rainbow and be cleansed and breathe in the Golden mist to be
cleansed and healed of all illnesses and diseases.
Wait for about 1 minute while breathing in the mist. Then pray to send everything back to
where it belongs. You can also use this time to lift off all bounding and binding spells and to
seek God’s protection.
Some people place seeds in your head to get what they want from you, or to hurt you in
some way or another. Remember to check and cleanse yourself and your surrounding at
least once a week, especially when you are around spiritual people.
Can we have a spiritual blue bubble, around our heads?
Can God take the seed out from its root and send to the universe as healing and can the hole
be filled with the Golden White Light for healing. Father can you send the blue bubble to
the universe as Healing and send us back to where we be long Thank you
Psychic Attacks
Ask God to always keep you surrounded by the White Light by reciting ‘white light me,
white light me, and white light me’.
Ask God to keep sending love to this person until the attacks stop and also you can send the
psychic attack back to the person who sent it.
Ask for the Psychic attack to be sent back to them……
Reading from a Distance
If you want somebody’s attention or are hoping to get some work done by them,? then you
can get them to spiritually read you, from a distance?
For example: If you wish to get to know a famous person; an actor or maybe a singer, and
you wish to let this person know about yourself, then you can get them spiritually reading
you from a distance. This could help you get a job or win a person over, but if it’s not meant
to be with this person then it may not work out so well?
First, ask God for a Golden Shield around you head with a rod above, and a Golden
bubble, to be placed above your head on the rod, and visualize the same. Then, ask your
guide to ask this person in the best possible way, if they want to listen to you?
Ask your guide to place for this person in the Golden bubble, with Lavender. Then ask your
guide to place what this person should hear and nothing more, to be placed in the Golden
bubble to get what you want from this person and the best out come? Also, ask if this person
is going to make you sick or if you are going to make this person sick; then ask your guide to
close down. Ask spiritually if this person want to listen to you…If in case, this person
doesn’t want to listen to you, then you should close down. Do this before going out to a
Never talk to a person spiritually without performing the cleansing techniques, or else, it can
make them feel quite sick and attract a lot of negativity, and you should be white lighted….
Sometimes the person you are reading spiritually can pick up or read anything .But, some
thoughts or things are best not picked up as this person may not wish to hear it ? So
remember to always ask the guardian angels to let your person hear only what you want
them to hear and nothing more, to get the best out of the out come ?
If you don’t want anybody to read you then just ask God to put Golden Shields around
your head with a combination lock .Ask God to add the combination numbers and keep it
to himself and never let anybody have it. Do this every time you go out !
Do this in the morning and night and when you go out.
Beware people can steal your work spiritually Just tune in to your work and steal it Done
a lot to Entertainers….You’re find your own work on radio, or Television or in books, and
done not by you etc. and no Legal’s to stand on unless you have protected it….Example
your Music Put it in an envelope with copy write on it and ( c ) and your signature and
date Then post it to yourself, put back of envelope the song title, and the date. Never
open it and give it to the judge. The stamp on the envelope and seal in envelope is your
Get the Arch Angels to protect you from Evil Spirits and Demons
Ask Arch Angel Demetri, every 5 minutes, to do Or you will have to do it yourself? When
attacked?“Burger with the Works” (make sure you know what “Burger with the works”
means) or Jail, for all the Demons surrounding you, the people you look after, and your
animals. Also ask for protection of your home, business, garden, the area underneath your
house, and your car. And the lord’s Prayer to be Read out loud for any Evil Spirits. Read
out loud as many times as necessary to clear them of Evil Spirits or Kill them?
Ask for this every morning and night. You also need to name everyone you are protecting
for a couple of months to key it in, after that, you can just say ‘everyone I look after’ and our
homes, animals, and businesses. Ask for an Angel to read the Lord’s Prayer if the above
does not work for all negativity.
“Burger with the Works”
Burger with the Works means that we are asking God to hang the people who mean harm
to us, to send them out to sea with a tire around them, and pepper in their eyes. To give
them a heart attack, or a stroke, to put a plastic bag around their head or to cut their head
off., or immediate death. More is written as you read along?
Evil Spirits
If you are attacked by a demon, ask God to send them to the Golden Volcano. If you feel
bad vibes around you then ask God to ring the Golden bells as this will scare them off. You
can even put crosses on windows and doors as it also helps.
Take a glass full of water and ask God to bless the water, using your finger, make crosses on
each corner of the windows.
A garlic clove in each corner of the room can also help. Personally, I have always found
White Sage Oil, Golden Volcano and the Golden bells to have worked very well for me.
Garlic I have not had much success with…
If the problem with the dark side still persists, God Himself told me and it has worked,
to ask God to send them into the ground. Jail or read the lord’s prayer and “ Burger with
the works” Most times that’s all you have to do ?
If that doesn’t work, imagine an airplane, put them on it and give it a good spin and send it
through the black hole. You may also ask God to bless them while repeating it.
Spirits come in different levels and one technique may be good for some but not others.
Ask God to place warriors at every door in your house and ask them to protect every room
in your house, the area under your house including the garden outside. Sometimes ask for
a dog, or a dog you know past over…..
Ask for guardian angels to sing in your house with the Ten Commandments placed in front
of them and with God’s signature in front of them.
“Burger with the works” will cover everything? just key it in ?
Use a nine-hour tea light candle; get a small white candle holder and put something that can
take heat under it for safety.
Ask God to bless the candle whilst looking into the flame and also ask God to send all
negativity and the demons that may harm you or your house into the ground or through the
white light.
Do this for about one or two nights or until the evil is gone.
*Every night ask God to place wolves in your room for protection. Also, ask to protect the
area under the house, and the front and back of the house.
*And ask for The Golden Star of God to protect every room of the house including the area
under the house.
Every night when you are attacked, ask God to cut your attacker’s head off and to put them
in a dumpster with a cover on it or ask for them to be sent through the White Light or into
the ground.
You can also recite the following:
Father, can you squash that spirit like a tomato and put it in a dumpster and cover the
Father, can you put the spirits that are attacking me on an airplane and send that plane
through the black hole, never to return.
Ask the spirit be sent back to where it came from.
You should ask for all these affirmations because one may not suit that particular spirit.
When You Know the Above - Back to Front
You can ask God for the spirit to be sent through the White Light or into the ground. You
can even ask it to be sent back to where it came from or give it The Burger with the Works ,
Read the Lord’s prayer a couple of times, or Jail Covers Everything. But, if that doesn’t
suit, ask God: “Your way, Or “What do I do ? .Also, if your house is haunted, then the
Spell may not be on your house but on you. Ask God to lift the spell off you and send it to
the Universe as healing, as many times as to see clear? As many times as to see clear, as it
may have been done more than once ?
That’s all you need to do and the Demons will be gone!
Prayers for Business
Let’s say, you foresee yourself having a music career. Though it’s good to see a future like
that but you must also act upon it. Pray for it about once a week or fortnightly, and in time
it will happen.
You can ask for God’s help by praying to Him once a week. Or use a code each day with
your cleansing…
(You can alter the following prayer according to your career needs.)
Father, can you get all those connected to my music career (the musicians, the people with
the music contracts, the people who buy my records, the media, the venue etc.) ready for me
and bring them towards me?
Can you get me ready for them and bring me towards them and put us together now, please.
Can you show me my true career path in my dream state and bring it out during the day?
Can you also teach me everything about the music industry in my dream state and bring it
out during the day?
Can you show me the path to success by teaching me how to put my lyrics together in my
dream state and bring it out during the day?
Father, can you teach and show my musicians, in their dream state, how to put the music
together for my lyrics for it to be successful and bring it out during the day?
Can you also teach me and all those connected to my music career to sing, dance, and
entertain? To be successful!
Can you show us how to dress and how to conduct ourselves to be successful?
Can you teach us all this in our dream states and bring it out during the day?
Can you show the media, in their dream state, how to put me across to the people to make
me successful and bring it out during the day?
Can you also show the videographers, in their dream state, how to put my video clips
together for each song to make them successful and bring it out during the day?
Father, can you also bless my music career and lead us through the doors of success.
Thank you.
After a few weeks of doing this once a week, just ask for the number (3) to cover everything
for short. Or use a code you want for yourself to use Or add this to your cleansing
techniques .
Daily Prayer
Father, can you white light my advertisements (ask two or three times a day) and place love
on them to draw people in. Can we have the colors Green, Gold , Whit Light and the
Golden Star of God for protection on our Advertisements and websites, Please: You may
need to outline the Advertisements, that are placed ?
If anyone has put anything negative on my advertisements, can you cover their
Advertisements for trying to steal my work?
Can you lift the evil off of us and our Advertisements and websites, and throw it back on
Can you also make them pay for their crimes and can I have compensation, and payment in
my bank account now, please?
White Light
If you have negative thoughts, you most probably have negative guides around you telling
you about your problems. They usually come around when you’re doing something that
you do not want to do, like fixing the car or cleaning the house or mowing the lawn etc.
The best way to get rid of them is to White light yourself for a couple of minutes until they
go away or until your depression is lifted.
Keep saying to yourself ‘white light me, white light me, white light me’ and visualize the
white light around you. You should try to breathe in White light through your nose and
breathe out the negativity through your mouth……and send the gunk and Negativity to the
Universe as Healing Using your hand under your nose as you do it…to White light
The best time to white light yourself is while you are preparing to do a reading.
Cords can be placed on you by people you meet every day and also by spirits, good and bad.
This can in time strangle you and bring you down.
Close your eyes see the cords and ask for Saint Anthony to cut the cords with his Golden
sword. Also, ask for the cords to be burned with white light. It is important that you see
these cords being burnt by the White Light, and sent to the Universe as Healing
People Stealing your Energies
Many people do this especially if they are tired, sick or surrounded by negativity. This can
also be done through the phone so if you feel drained or experience a headache after
speaking to someone, then they have probably stolen your energy and dumped you with
their negative energies.
Imagine a white egg shell around your body and see through the cover around your face.
Do this two times a day, especially when you live with someone who is sick.
People Stealing Your Work and Energies
Ask Arch Angel Demetri to put up a wall between you and the person stealing your
energies. Ask for all the ties between you and this person to be broken, lifted off and sent to
the Universe as Healing . Every morning and night, ask the angel to do this,? Or when
needed This is used when they want to use someone they admire or is famous and ride on
their energies and fame , to make something of themselves. This is quite common, so I
have found!
Also, ask God (Aliza) to compensate you with a payment in your bank account now please,
for you to spend now to cover up for any loss of income.
People who have stolen peoples energies , and work have to pay it all back, plus
compensation and payment, also they may go to Jail, and be very poor after life , and
future lives ………..
You can also ask for them to be taken to the spiritual court, now and when they pass over,
to pay for their crimes. And you want compensation and Payment in to your bank account
now …Please…..for all suffering and losses……
Beware! Never leave candles unattended and make sure they do not knock over and that
they are on a plate that can take the heat.
White Candle (Tea Light 9hours)
Father, can you please bless this candle?
Can you send all negative and dark energies to the White Light or into the ground with this
Pink Candle
Father, can you please bless this candle?
Can you send love to this person and have those think nice thoughts of me and get this
candle to encourage them to call or see me.
Green Candle
Father, can you please bless this candle?
Can you make this candle draw new clients to my business and can you make my
advertisements make them feel favorable about me and draw them to me?
Can you also make my old clients think of me favorably and draw them to me?
Can you also get my old clients to recommend me to other people?
Better to use than candles, as they are much safer and work for 24 hours.
You need to put the crystals in full sunlight or under the first full moon, every month to
recharge them. (Alisa say this is not necessary, an old wife’s tale, ) I get Aliens to charge
them and my Animals When you have recharged the crystals, hold them in your hands and
tell them what you want them to do (especially what the crystal you have in hand is meant
to do) and ask God to bless it.
Yellow Citroen: For success in career
Clear Quartz: For channeling
Rose Quartz: To be filled with love
Amethyst: Healing
I ask God:
To provide a Golden cross in front of my family members, loved ones, people I look after,
my animals, those connected to my career and myself, to help us all see the truth that is
coming towards us and around us. Also a person you may have issues with, that can’t see
Could God heal our hearts and minds of pain and suffering from the past and present?
And can He help encourage our hearts and minds to be positive and happy?
Can God, the angels, and aliens give each one of us what we need to heal us of all diseases
and illnesses?
Can all of us - my family members, loved ones, people I look after, my animals, those
connected to my career and myself -under thirty years of age, grow no older than thirty
years of age, animal years and human years. Can our bodily functions, minds, bodies, spirit,
organs and outside appearance, Grow younger to 30 years of age, and can you also make
us more attractive to the eye? You can only ask? and see what you get? Don’t ask don’t
get? Use a code for this when you are doing your cleansing ?
Father, can you help extend our lives for those of us who want to live longer and for those
you permit so that we can enjoy the fruits we bear?
Thank you.
Father, can you send guardian angels, aliens, and warriors, all over the world to heal people
who need healing and to help people who help and protect those who need protecting.
Daily, after performing the cleansing and white lighting every one for about 1 minute, I ask
God for the healing and protection of everyone. Arch Angel Raphael and Altahe….
Every day in the morning, I ask:
Father, can you lift the negativity off all those suffering from depression , among my family
members, loved ones, people I look after, my animals, those connected to my career and
myself? Can you purify their entire being, soul, body, mind, inner child, spirit and aura and
their head from all negativity? Code “Bingo, Entertainment and Anti Christ…
And can you send all the negativity, gunk and depression to the Universe as healing and can
you connect those to the Universe who need positive, happy, invigorating and healing
energies to help them through the day?
Can you send the good guardian angels to help my boys, girls, mother, and father (name
them) and I think positive and happy thoughts and to help us see clearly as to what lies
around us and in front of us? Arch Angel Jago will do this (Entertainment) and filled
with white light and surrounded with white light and filled with God’s love and
surrounded with God’s Love! Anti Christ, to lift off all negativity and Bingo
You can you also help anyone else you think needs help?
Fortnightly Prayers
List all the illnesses and diseases you would like to prevent for example: All types of cancers
(lung cancer, cervical cancer etc.), Alzheimer’s, depression, mental illnesses, schizophrenia,
diabetes, aids, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s, Herpes, heart diseases, deafness, blindness,
epilepsy or any other. You can even ask to prevent yourself from unwanted pregnancies.
Arch Angel Gabriel,
After listing all the diseases, ask:
Can you show and teach our doctors, in their dream state, how to be successful and how to
cure people of each illness and disease and bring it out during the day?
To channel those people who can help doctors get their degrees and the investors for the
people who need help. Recite:
Can you get the doctors ready for the investors and teachers and bring the doctors, towards
investors and Teacher, and get the investors and teachers ready for the doctors and put them
together now, please?
Can you show the investors, and Teachers, in their dream state, and bring it out during the
day, what they are getting in return for their money and time ??
To make this prayer short, you could ask for “Cash Converters” as it covers everything
needed to draw energies to the doctors to be successful in curing these illnesses. Or use your
own code ?
You should pray this every fortnight or when you do you’re cleansing each day, along with
all the prayers mentioned earlier, outlined for your career paths and for the people you want
to help. Don’t forget to white light your advertisements and business cards twice a day.
Also, place love on them and a magnet to draw the people. After a month, once you have
keyed in with God what you want to be done, ask for “Super Charge”. Make sure nobody
has placed anything negative on your advertisements or business; you can also place swords
and mirrors on your advertisements twice a day as a protection from the evil eye. Always
make sure that all the negativity is bounced back on the one who sent it.
Abundance of Energy and Healing
This Healing is good for those with cancer, depression, lack of energies or any illnesses. It
should be done every second day as every day will clog things or be too much, You will
start noticing the difference after a week only, and may be more in tune ?
With medicines prescribed by the doctors and with the help of the Golden honey, the
healing process can be much faster and use Lemon Juice
Father, can, my loved ones, family, friends, animals and I and others who need healing,
have the Golden honey and visualize it for our mind, face (to look younger), throat chakra,
lungs, breasts, heart, for our bellies, for energies and healings, for our ovaries, liver and
kidneys, our genitals, our arms and legs. Also you can use Lemmon Juice, if it will not harm
them, but think! Not in the eyes please!
Can we also have a Yellow flower placed on our mind, throat chakra, lungs, breasts, heart,
our bellies, ovaries, liver, kidneys and our genitals and arms and legs?
Put a Blue Aura from the Universe around everybody Visualize this…for each individual
person .Helps protect from negative forces….and attacks….
Spiritual Growth and Healings
Father, can my loved ones, family, friends, animals, and I be surrounded by a Golden
pyramid? Can we be surrounded by white light and step into the white light?
Can we step into The Golden Star of God so that it can help us be more spiritual and
receive healings? Even have Lavender energies
Good for bedtime….
Thank you.
Spirits Needing to Go through the White Light
Ask God to show the White Light to the spirits and to send somebody through the White
Light to help them through.
Ask God to help the spirits let go of their problems and ask the spirits what is keeping them
here (you may have to find out what is keeping them here and heal them of it) Sometimes
it’s their Religion ?
And help them let go of their loved ones and help their loved ones let go of them.
If the spirits let out a foul odor, go to their grave site and ask God to help them let go of
their bodies.
Suicide is an unforgivable act. We all are here to learn our life lessons. After doing so and
when the time comes, our spirit peacefully departures. But, if a person commits suicide, he
is bound to lose all his possessions in Heaven and will be sent back down to continue
learning his lessons. Or he may live a similar life as he led before, nothing changes, only
you lose ties with your loved ones, and can’t change it….You still have to go to work, and
may do the same work you did when alive ? Or choose to live your dreams out?
Depending on your Karma and what God has granted you? But money has to come from
somewhere, and there is no pension for suicides!
Problems with Someone
If someone has wronged you, read the following. But, first, make sure you are innocent?
Spiritually call upon the Council and visualize taking a ticket. When someone from the
Council speaks to you, briefly tell them your problem and ask for the person who has
wronged you to be taken to court to pay for his crime. Also, ask for your compensation, and
payment in to your bank account, now please……
If you want someone to realize that they have wronged you, put them on The Golden
To make someone pay for their crime, e.g. a molester, throw a book at them. And give
many scenarios to God what you would like done to them……If you get someone to punish
them make sure they are free of all charges….God and the Angles will try, but it depends on
the persons actions etc…
Always seek God if you have an issue, but make sure you are innocent?
Ask God to make them pay for their crime and to compensate you for any loss you suffered.
Never use black magic or spells as these are only turned back on yourself. In most cases, the
spells you place is not warrant for the crime. If you do place a spell on someone then God
may make you pay severely for it and you might even have to spend some time in Hell (jail)
so that you repent for the damage you have done. You may even have to pay for it in your
next lifetime.
Wee Gee Boards
If you use a Wee Gee Board, then be aware! The spirits you are contacting are from the pits
of Hell- Demons. These demonic spirits will try to kill you and destroy everything in your
path for years to come.
Anyone selling them should be closed down and put to shame.
Reasons Why You Can’t Do Readings
If you are unable to perform readings on somebody then it could be because of one of the
following reasons.
*The person may not think very highly of you and has restricted you from reading them by
putting up a ‘wall’.
*The person you are trying to read has travelled for an hour or more. Travelling for long
hours makes it difficult to read as the person is, spiritually, still in the car Ask God to bring
them to their body.
*They may be too depressed that day, so there are no energies.
*Sometimes reading becomes hard if you are going through your menstrual cycle.
*If the person you are reading has had nothing to eat all day, then also reading can be
affected. No energies…….
*Never perform a reading if you are unhappy as this will lead you to read all their problems
Somebody around you is spiritually stealing Your Work, or Energies, And even in
your house spiritually?
Ask spirit animals to protect you from the people in the house that you don’t want, and to
get rid of them.
Ask the Guides, if they are your spirit animals, to give them water, food, treats and toys to
play with. Also, ask to give them a coat if they are cold and to lift the coat off if they don’t
need it.
Do this once or twice a day. Check spiritually, if these people are still in your house and lift
off what they have attached to you, to steal your work or energies.
A Helpful Tip
Ask God to make arrangements so that the Guardian Angels and the Arch Angels get paid
for their services. In their bank accounts, Now Please!
My Coding for Prayers
For protection, I will soon be changing my personal coding for prayer. I suggest that you
use the codes prayers, as a guideline for now. But, after you have keyed in all the things
that you desire, personalize your own coding for individual prayers. Later on, as and when
needed, you can add things to your list.
Cleansing the World
To cleanse the whole world, everyone across the globe should gather together at the same
time for at least five minutes to pray.
In order to ward off all the evil (demons, negative spirits, the dark side, and witches) that is
connected to our world, our loved ones, families, friends, animals, homes, businesses and
us, ask God to send all of it through the White Light, or into the ground, or into the Golden
Volcano, or into the Golden larva. And read the Lord’s Prayer Repeatedly for a few
minutes or ask all Evil to be sent to Jail…..or Burger with the Works Make sure you know
what that stands for….?
Songs for That Time
I have a dream, ABBA, A new way of living, Barbra Streisand
I’m loving angels instead, Robbie Williams.
To All My Children
And to all the Bright Stars, may you pray and in time, all your dreams may come true.
Believe and make it happen!
Beware, never misuse your gift! And love one another.
Love to all,
Aliza (God)
© March 2010 (c)
© Susan Laura Carrier ©
Use a nine-hour tea light candle; get a small white candle holder and put something that can
take heat under it for safety.
Use White Sage Oil for Demons and Sandalwood for negative guides.
White sage oil, does both (I feel?)
Ask God to bless the candle whilst looking into the flame and also ask God to send all
negativity and the demons that may harm you or your house into the ground or through the
white light.
Do this for about two nights or until the evil is gone.
Every night ask God to place wolves or guards in your room for protection. Also, ask to
protect the area under the house and the front and back of the house.
And ask for The Golden Star of God to protect every room of the house including the area
under the house.
Ask for guardian angels to sing in your house (including the area under your house, gardens
and even ceilings) with the Ten Commandments placed in front of them and with God’s
signature at the bottom.
Ask for Lions or Elephants, whichever is required, to patrol outside your house and near
your bedrooms to protect you from Demons.
Also, you can ask if the animals, guards, or warriors protecting you, can be given food,
drink, and entertainment whilst they do their work. Ask God to make sure they do a good
If you are attacked, ask God to cut your attacker’s head off and to put them in a dumpster
with a cover on it.
You can also ask the following:
Father, can you put the spirits that are attacking me on an airplane and send that plane
through the black hole, never to return.
Ask the spirit be sent back to where it came from.
Father, can you send a warrior after that spirit to whip it and teach it a lesson and to keep
whipping this spirit unless it learns its lesson. And can you send it back to where it came
from, never to return
You should ask for all these affirmations because one may not suit that particular spirit. You
can even ask for the spirit to be jailed until it has learned its lesson.
When You Know the Above - Back to Front
You can ask God to give the spirit ‘The Burger with the Works’. Which covers everything
written, in this book
You can even ask God to permit an Elephant, Lion or Snake to protect you each night,
especially inside, outside, and near your bedroom. Try calling an Elephant to fight your
battles. Even Wolfs
Remember, when attacking the dark side, you can visualize almost anything to make it
For example:
You can visualize digging a hole in which you are swooping the demons. Cover the hole
with salt and put concrete on top.
You should also put crosses on their tongue, mind, heart, wrists and pelvic area. Keep
repeating this! Feel them with God’s love and surround them with God’s love ?
When you see the Satanist chanting for more power, ask God to turn their power into love
and to fill them with it and to return the power, of love to them.
For Satanists and demons, you can even imagine cracking a whip that lets off White Light.
You can also send a herd of Elephants after them.
Or, for your protection at night, you can ask a warrior to stand by you in your bedroom and
to protect you from all negativity, demons, and witches. Arch Angel Michael may do this?
If the attacks persist, imagine a swirling swimming pool and ask God to send all the demons
and negative guides that have attacked you over the years into the swirling swimming pool!
Or you can even ask for them to be dumped in the middle of an Ocean with a raging storm.
If you know where these evil spirits are coming from, e.g. a friend who is a drug addict or
alcoholic, ask for all the demons and negative guides that are connected to both of you to be
sent to the swirling swimming pool or the raging ocean. And when they are dead, ask God
to send them into the ground or through the White Light to be dealt with. You can also ask
that these demons let go of their loved ones and their loved ones let go of them so that these
evil spirits can go through the White Light or ground?
This should be done to make sure that the demons go to Hell to be dealt with in order to pay
for their crimes.
If All Else Fails
If a Demon is attacking you with negative energies and all of the above prayers don't work
then ask God what He has in mind.
You can try sending them out to sea with a tire around them, or pepper in their eyes. You
have to try what works for each individual?
Also, ask God to turn the negative energies that the demons are placing upon you into
positive energies.
Also, if you have a lot of dark energies in the house or business, ask God or the Guardian
Angles to lift off the negative energies and to send it to the nearest beach or pool. Remember
the pool has to be spiritually cleared too from time to time.
Do this once, or twice daily for a couple of months.
Each night until it is quiet, walk around every room of your house in a clockwise direction.
Do this with smudge sticks if you can get them. And surround your body head to foot with
the smudge sticks I find this only works temporary and is expensive? Up to you?
Ask God to bless the incense and to use this incense for protection in each room. You can
also use White Sage Oil in an oil burner or humidifier. Cheap and great $3.50 cheap bottle
will do, no better than the expensive kind or less….
Day and Night Prayer
(Must be recited daily)
Father, those connected to me, my family, friends, loved ones, animals and my career.
Can we have Golden Shields head to toes and The Blood of Christ around us?
Can we be surrounded by mirrors pointing outwards and around us, please?
Can you allow anything satanic, voodoo, witchcraft, black magic, seeds that are harmful or
any kind of spiritual warfare attack or psychic attacks to bounce off the shields and mirrors
and be sent to the universe as healing?
Can you make the person or persons who sent it Pay for their crimes and can the affected be
compensated,, and payment into their bank account now , Please !
Please send anything that is placed upon us already so that it can be lifted off our body, soul,
mind, spirit, inner child, and our whole being and be sent to the Universe as Healing , and
those affected be compensated, and payment into their bank accounts now please
Father, can everything connected to us (name it e.g. our advertisements, websites, clientele,
media, everything connected to my music, our books, our computers, phone lines, homes,
vehicles that we drive, our minds, spiritual works, prayers, warriors, spiritual teachers, our
animals, our home, bedroom, smokes, food , medication, our business etc.) have Golden
Shields and mirrors pointing outwards. If anything is placed on us negative or if any
spiritual attack is sent our way, can it be sent to the Universe as Healing, to be dealt with
and can the persons sending it pay for their crimes and the persons or animals affected be
compensated, and payment into their bank accounts now please…...
Now, you can ask for a guard to protect you and to send the negative spirit back to where it
came from or to Jail to be dealt with. Tell the guard what you want to be protected from.
Arch Angle Michael may do this?
You could make a list of everything you need protection from and name it all for a full
month. After 4 weeks, when it all has been keyed in, you will only need to say ‘Please God,
protect me from everything I normally ask for.’
From then on just add things as you go, mention it to Arch Angel Demetri. To use this
and lift it off as many times as to see clear, for everyone I usually ask and everything,
including myself and animals….. Add this to the list, please…
Can we have The Golden Star of God around those who are contaminated with spells and
lift it off and send it to the Universe for healing? You usually have to find out what it is and
lift it off….Guides only will say yes or no, they don’t usually tell you !
And can we have The Blood of Christ, Golden Shields, and mirrors pointing outwardly
around everything for protection?
Can we send all that is evil back to where it came from?
Thank you.
(Should be done at least twice every day)
List everything you are concerned with that has spells placed upon it or needs cleansing.
After you have keyed in all that you ask for, over a period of time, then you continue the
prayer by just saying ‘everything I usually ask for’.
Ask God to send all negativity and all that is demonic to the Golden Volcano and into the
hot larva. Can all those connected to us go to the Golden Valley to be cleansed in the
Golden Shower of rain?
Undoing Spells
Ask your guide if someone has put you under a spell. Go through everything you can think
of (prepare a mental checklist) and ask your guide if something negative has been placed on
any of the things on your list. If you feel affected, ask God to lift it off and send it back to
where it came from and make the evil ‘stick with them’. You can also ask for the evil to be
sent to the Universe as healing. And lifted off as many times as to see clear….
At times, the protection you do with the Golden Shields etc., may not do it for you, as God
wishes to teach you and make you aware of what is going on.
Bounding or Binding Spell
If you are placed under a bounding or binding spell, you will experience a weight that stops
you from functioning; this weight may affect your wrists, ankles, stomach, or head and
might create difficulty for you to think clearly.
Ask God to place a Golden Star around you for protection and to unbound or unbind this
spell and to send it to the Universe as healing.
Seeds placed in a person’s head may prove to be damaging. Before reading for this, it is
good to find out what the seeds have been planted for e.g. a person may want you to buy
them an expensive car or may want you to hate men etc.
Ask God to have a Golden bubble around this person or you?
And ask God to take the seed out from the root and to send it back to the Universe as
healing and have a Golden Light of Healing in and around the place where the seed was
Ask to have the Golden bubble removed and every one or you sent back to where you
Also, ask God to have Golden Shields and The Blood of Christ around us. You can even
ask for mirrors pointing outwards and around you. For Protection….
Check each day with your Guardian Angles if the spell placed on you or your loved ones
has been lifted off or not; if you are still under the spell then ask it to be lifted off. Guardian
Angels usually do not tell you if a spell has been placed upon you or what’s connected to
you? They may give you fidgety feat, and you have to figure it out?
Haunted House
If there are lots of demons and negative guides in your house, then close your eyes and
spiritually ask to step into The Golden Star of God for protection. Go to every room in the
house and say “Burger with the Works”, “Everything”, and “The Rose”. Keep repeating
this for a few minutes, until you feel it is clear ?
‘Burger with the Works’ kills the demons. As out lined in this book?
‘Everything’ puts mice throughout the premises, puts crosses on every window and door
‘The Rose’ opens the roof to let in the Golden Light throughout the house.
Somebody Possessed
Ask God to fill the demon and person , with love, their whole body, lungs, and heart, put
crosses on their tongue, mind, and wrists, and lungs, The Person to be filled with the Holy
Spirit Tell the spirit, “In God’s name, I demand you to leave this person and go into the
ground or to jail…...” Keep saying this until the spirit leaves. If need help ask Arch Angel
Michael or Sandalphon
For anybody in need of protection, mentally call upon the warriors and ask them to protect
you from whatever that you need protection from. They will be there to protect you even
before you’re finished asking.
Negative Guides
Negative guides tell you about your problems, especially when you are run down or doing
chores that you don't want to do. And of course, when you perform readings, you should
White Light yourself and your surroundings.
All you have to do is to visualize the White Light around you and to repeat over and over,
“White Light Me, White Light Me, White Light Me”. Breathe in the White light through
your nose and breathe out the negativity through your mouth. And send the Negativity and
Gunk to the Universe as Healing……..You can also wave a hand under your nose to
breathe the White Light in.
Demons and Negative Guides may take years to get rid of
With negative guides, you have to train your mind to be positive and avoid listening to them
by fighting the demons and witches, you will eventually get peace.
When a negative guide is telling you your problems or making your anxiety worse, just ask
for “Burger with the Works”. It works most of the times. Or Read the Lord ’s Prayer…
Also, if your house is haunted, then the Spell may not be on your house but on you. Ask
God to lift the spell off you and send it to the Universe as healing as many times to see clear,
as it may have been placed more than once…..?
If you have a spell put on you?
You can ask Arch Angel Michael, Sandalphon and Demetri to teach that person a lesson so
that they will never send another spell on you or anybody else
Clearings for your House, Garden, Businesses, and Cars (Haunted Houses )
Ask for everything that you usually ask for to have Red Roses in every room, garden and
under the house. Also, ask for every room to be filled with Gold and White Light.
Can we have a tidal wave of salt that goes through everything too, please?
You may need to do the tidal salt water wave and Golden Light for a year. However, it
depends on how long it takes to clear the energies.
Ask for plants in each room and don’t forget to water the plants each day and have them
repotted when they are no longer needed.
Ask for everything to be filled with The Golden Star of God and to surround the premises
with the Golden Star of God. And to fill everything with God’s love, and to surround
everything with God’s love and Golden Shields around everything. Also, ask for Golden
Mirrors pointing out worldly around everything including your animals. Keep a check on
your teachers and your guides to ensure that nothing has been done to them.
You can ask with your Cleansing of each day for Arch Angel Michael, Demetri and
Sandalphon to do the above and clear the Negative forces and energies
Spiritual Warfare
Individually, check yourself, your family and your animals.
Ask God to lift off any demons or negativity placed upon you, your home, garden, car,
work etc. Also, ask to clear this negativity and to send it to the Universe as healing.
It may have been placed upon you more than once, so ask as many times as possible until it
has been cleared (removed)
Check Human Combustion
For your mind, eyes, nose, mouth, throat, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, kidneys, private
parts, legs, feet, arms, hands, ears, and all other body parts, ask God to lift off the evil spell
as many times as possible and to clear or remove the negativity and to send it to the
Universe as healing.
There may also be some cords around the arms, hands, feet, and legs, ask this to be
unbounded and sent to the Universe as healing.
This should be checked once or twice daily to know if warfare is happening.
Also Spells
Also, check everything else connected to you and ask God to lift off any negativity that may
cause you harm or may bully you in your sleep? . This may include your smokes, bank
account, your wallet, hair, hair products, hairbrush, hairdresser, your relationships, those
connected to your career, the media, your electrical goods, your engine parts and car, and
name each individual parts, like tyes and breaks ect your tax officer, the police, centre link,
housing, car registration, insurance, candles, incense etc. Check everything, including
worms for your animals and fleas and anything else that might have been placed on you,
You’re, web sites and Advertisements, Your wedding or special occasion including the
chuffer, being drunk or whatever name everything even turning up late,,,,,,, you have to
think of everything and every scenario and key it in, do this when you got nothing better
else to do? Key it in……ask for all evil to be lifted off and to be sent to the Universe as
healing, as many times as to see clear….
Also you may see the opposite of what is coming to you or scenarios, this is a common one,
and can quite upset you, if you are not seeing right Lift off as many times as to see clear,
and send to the Universe as Healing ?
Also, check to see if any seeds have been placed on you, ask for specific ones as they don’t
always tell you?
Also, a plastic bag may be put on you or a rope around your neck, just lift them off and send
them to the Universe as healing, as many times as to see clear….As it may have been done
more than once…?
Protect your Warriors
When you send your warriors to protect you, make sure that God protects your warriors
from being blindfolded, gagged, tied up, or bounded, or even jailed. In case your warriors
have been attacked then individually ask for them to be released.
Also, ask God to protect your warriors from being sent away, e.g. through the White Light
or into the ground.
It is recommended that you check all the above for yourself and for your loved ones too.
When Somebody Wants To Kill You
Ask for all that is mentioned below as just one may not be good enough.
Ask God to redirect the person who intends to harm you.
Ask the Police to be directed towards them and them to be directed towards the police.
Get a warrior to deal with the situation or to kill them.
Get a warrior to harm them in some way or another, or to make them tired, or to get them
into an argument with the people they are with, so that they are redirected.
Or ask God to give them a stroke or a heart attack; whatever feels suitable for that person to
avenge their crime, or immediate death?
And if they pass over, get a warrior to handcuff them and to read them their rights and what
they are charged for and send them through the White Light to be sent to the spiritual court
where they will be charged for their crimes and punished according to what God’s will. And
ask God to compensate you for any losses suffered in the form of payment in your bank
account, now please
Ask for “Burger with the Works” which covers everything, once you know it
Psychic Attacks
Ask God for help and in time God may do as you ask?
Ask God to take away all their spells for good. Close their spell book up, make their spells
go back on them or not work?
Ask the Arch Angel Demetri to remove all spells they send and place mirrors all around
them, facing towards them, inwardly
Ask God or Demetri, to remove all the teachers and guides of the attacker every half hour,
and ask this twice a day….and to continue to do so until they have no guides or teachers
left. Also, ask to take away their telepathic abilities? Alisa does not always do this but he
may temporary until they learnt their lesson? Good way to stop them reading you, is
Golden shields around your head…..
Ask for Golden Shields around your head and theirs, and ask God to add an extension to
your head and theirs, with a Golden Bubble at the end and ask God to place in the Golden
Bubble what they are to individually read to get the best out of the situation? .Ask the
same for the Psychics that read for them. For the bad Psychics, God will place things in the
Golden Bubble to steer them away. Especially , if they are Jealous of you? He may place a
scenario that suits the occasion, to get rid of them?
Ask for a warrior to kill them or to get God to give them a stroke or a heart attack or
whatever God sees fit for them .If they die, ask God to send them through the spiritual light
with a warrior reading them their rights, and send them to spiritual court where they will be
tried for their crimes, and may they pay for their crimes to what God sees fit? God does not
always do this, and it will be a last resort, but it’s no harm in asking?
Psychic Stealing your Energies and Work
Ask God to lift it off and send it to the Universe as healing.
You could also ask God to put a permanent block up so they cannot steal your work or
energies or spiritually put a wall in front of them with a mirror facing them.
If they are known for doing stealing other people’s energies and work, you can ask that all
their work be sent to you like they did to you and to connect them permanently to sick
energies, if that’s what they deserve. Ask God to make sure that they cannot lift the above
off as this is what they deserve.
Fidgety feet could mean that:
Somebody, in the area surrounding you, is going harm you.
Somebody is attacking you with spells and that you are not allowed to sleep until they have
gone to sleep as it is dangerous.
You should roll over from the side you are laying on or maybe you are going to bed too
It is time to take your medication
Maybe you have been told, over the years, that you have not followed your dreams in life
If it is none of the above reasons then you will have to find out the real reason.
Learn how to pray to help make your dreams come true in My New Age Bible Channeled
by God (Aliza) Clairvoyants Manual. Also, learn how to be a great medium and much
more. For better understanding of the concepts explained here, you need to read The New
Age Bible - The Cleansing Techniques I this book , help you to achieve greater levels and
to be a greater medium.
For grounding, buy an oil burner that has a very deep bowl, for 9 hours of use. Use good
quantities of sandalwood oil for negative guides, or even better for demons and evil spirits,
use white sage oil. Use this every day and night. A humidifier is even better; you can get a
cheap one on It is useful for keeping negative guides and evil spirits at bay,
but some Humidifiers don’t take oil and I have not found one that last long, but you can try?
Where the evil spirits had come from

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Where the evil spirits had come from

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. Clairvoyant Manual By Aliza (God) and Charmaine Just a note, which may help? Ask for Arch Angel Michael, to protect you, and the rooms you’re in? Also your book from all Negativity, while you read your book, each time you read it? (Please include protection, for front, back and sides of house, plus the rooms adjacent to the ones you are in) The reading will be more enjoyable. No negativity and the words going over your head…etc… These affirmations will help you achieve great heights spiritually and will improve your everyday wellbeing. When you recite these affirmations, you should include all your friends, family, loved ones, and animals. Every time you perform a reading for someone, you enter their spiritual being and pick up a lot of their negative baggage, which may get passed on to your future clients. The negativity that you collect each day might be dumped on your clients making them very sick and depressed; also your family will be affected by Negativity. To avoid this from happening, you should perform cleansing at the end of each day, and before you start for the day…. Daily Cleansing Techniques: (Should be done at least twice a day) To perform cleansing, recite the following: Father, can my family, loved ones, friends, those connected to my career, our animals, and I step into The Golden Star of God so we see the truth in all things and be protected. Name every one for the first month and ask for it to be keyed in, and then say everyone I usually ask for….” And every premise I usually ask for? Can we sit around the White Table and breathe in the White Light Can we be covered with Gold? And our whole being, organs, body and all of our Chakra’s be filled with Gold and with God’s love and surrounded by God’s love. Can we have a dictionary in front of us and can you help us learn what we need to know? Can we have The Waves of the Ocean and the beautiful singing voices of the Dolphins around us to keep us calm and happy? Once you are done with the act of cleansing and seeking the protection of father; ask him to send everything back to where it belongs, including your inner selves.
  • 4. And before doing Readings for the day, close your eyes and wave a hand under your nose, and say “White Light , White Light” Breathe in the white light through your nose, and ask for the negativity and gunk to come out through your Mouth, and send to the Universe as healing. Keep white lighting yourself and breathing in the White light with the wave of your hand for about six minutes. If you include homes, Gardens, Businesses and cars. Do the White Lighting for about 10 minutes, and ask to include them for every one you name, including your Premises, and cars…….Name them….. Connect with your inner spirit and recite: Father, can you help us to make our dreams come true? Can you, in our dream state, and bring it out during the day, show and teach us how to be successful and bring it out during the day, and draw success to us? And draw us to success?, Can you help all those dreams connected to our business become successful? Can you get everything and everyone individually connected to our dreams ready for us and us ready for them and them ready for us , an them towards us, and put us together now, please? For loved ones that God has in mind, recite: Can you show us individually what this person looks like? In our dream state and bring it out during the day…….. Can you tell us when will we meet them? And what they have to offer? Can you tell us what we have to do to earn this person? Do the drawing technique to put us together individually, as above. For true friends with good moral friends, recite: Father, can you bring us friends who are like-minded and have good morals Can you get them Individually ready for me, and them individually toward me, and me individually towards them and me individually ready for them, and put us together now please…… Do the drawing technique as done above. After a couple of weeks, just ask for the number. Rather than recite everything word for word……Or chose your own code of reference….
  • 5. You could ask for (example) (1) Warrior protection for yourself and everyone around you (2) Protection against negativity and demons (3) Business, love, and friends Refer to taped reading for legal reasons. E.g. Readings are by Charmaine Readings are for xxxxx Readings are for xxxxxxxx Entertainment Only Readings are from The Spirit World! Day and Night Prayer (Must be recited daily) Father, those connected to me, my family, friends, loved ones, animals and my career. Can we have Golden Shields head to toes and The Blood of Christ around us? Can we be surrounded by mirrors pointing outwards and around us, please? Can you allow anything satanic, voodoo, witchcraft, black magic, seeds that are harmful or any kind of spiritual warfare attack or psychic attacks to bounce off the shields and mirrors and be sent to the Universe as Healing? Can you make the person or persons who sent it, Pay for their crimes and can the affected be compensated and payment into their bank accounts now please Please send anything that is placed upon us already lifted off our body, soul, mind, spirit, inner child, and our whole being to see clear, and be sent to Universe as healing, to be dealt with, and those affected be compensated. Into their bank accounts now please…You usually have to find out what has been done, and name it? Father, or maybe even Arch Angle Demetri can everything connected to us (name it e.g. our advertisements, websites, clientele, media, everything connected to my music, our books, our computers, phone lines, homes, vehicles that we drive, our minds, spiritual works, prayers, warriors, spiritual teachers, our animals, our home, bedroom, smokes, food , medication, our business etc.) have Golden Shields and mirrors pointing outwards. If anything is placed on us negative or if any spiritual attack is sent our way, can it be sent the Universe as healing to be dealt with and can the persons sending it pay for their crimes and the persons or animals affected be compensated, and payment in to their bank account now please ? You could make a list of everything you need protection from and name it all for a full month. After 4 weeks, when it all has been keyed in, you will only need to say ‘Please God,
  • 6. protect me from everything I normally ask for.’ Sometimes he expects you to ask what needs to be ask for….Usually you ask a Angel to do the work e.g. Arch Angel Demetri Can we have The Golden Star of God around those who are contaminated with spells and lift it off as many times as to see clear, and send it to the Universe for healing? The People I look after, out homes gardens, Business, cars and our animals….and everything I usually ask… And can we have The Blood of Christ, Golden Shields, and mirrors pointing outwardly around everything for protection? Can we send all that is evil back to where it came from? Thank you. Bounding and Binding Spells Ask your guides if you are under any Bounding or Binding spell. If you can sense it, step into The Golden Star of God for protection. Grasp the binder from the top of your body and unwind top to bottom whilst, white lighting yourself. Also, release any binding that has been done and send it to the Universe as healing. Spells Ask your guide, if someone has put you under a spell. Go through everything you can think of, including the way you present yourself to people to your hair-do. Also, go through your business, advertisements, smokes, money, food, medication, car, bedroom, and other things. Check your dreams and goals, because these are usually are attacked by the evil eye. If you feel affected, step into The Golden Star of God for protection. Ask God to surround it with Golden Light and to send it to the Universe as healing, as many times as to see clear……. As it may have been done more than once ? Protection for Children at Night Father can these children (name them) have warriors protecting them on the spiritual plane as they sleep? Arch Angel Michael Can these children have warriors protecting them in their bedrooms to make them feel safe? Or Wolfs?
  • 7. Demons Slitting Your Wrists Ask your guides if your wrists had been slit. If so, ask them to be stitched up and bandaged. Remember to ask for the removal the bandages and stitches , when healed, and send the bandages etc to the Universe as Healing Feeling Sick in the Stomach, Chest Area or Other Areas of the Body When You Have Done Readings or Prayers Place your feet or your hand on a wooden surface. Ask God to open your feet or fingertips and let out the gunk and ill energies to go through your feet or fingertips and the energies to go to mother earth as healing. Somebody Wants to Kill You or Do You Harm Sometimes, a bad spell or seed is placed in your head or around you. You should pray to God to have this removed. Your life might be in danger by attracting the worse of people such as psychopaths, killers, rapists or thieves. Not always, just removing it, is usually fine, no issues? When my seed of 10 years was being removed and when God was coming around to remove it, I was told to get out of my house as quickly as possible as my life was in danger. I went to a safe house to stay as the lifting of spells and the seed attracted killers. This is most of the time not the case…..Depends on type of seed.. I asked God * To send warriors to kill the people who mean harm to me. * To confuse them; as to where I live. * To put them in hospital. Get a patient to kill them in the hospital if it is warrant and to make that person appear innocent of the killing and get away with it… * To get the Police ready for them the police towards them and to get the killer Ready for the police and killer towards the Police Ask warriors and wolfs to surround your house. Also, ask the Police Spiritually to patrol your house and where you’re staying. Ask for warriors to go out everywhere and to dispose of anyone who is coming your way to harm you. (You have Chinese warriors)
  • 8. Ask for this 2 times a day and avoid going to work if the case seems to be bad or if you seem to be attracting harm. Watch out for anyone following your car, you could be attracting a lot of sick people. But this is only if the seed was a really harm full one ? If those causing you harm is dead, ask for warriors to meet them on the Spirit Plane, handcuff them, and send them through the White Light to be charged with their crimes. By sending them to Spiritual court to face and pay for their crimes Sometimes those who have committed crimes stay on the Spirit Plane and don’t go through the White Light because they do not want to face the punishment for their crimes. Listen to the radio and not the TV. Be on high alert for 24 hours. Although you might not get much sleep, it is important that you listen out for any individual who may have criminal intentions towards you and ask for all that is stated above. Listen to your dogs and/or other animals that might be giving you a stare or a bark each time something goes wrong, for it is true that animals are in fact telepathic and can often pick up on negative energies that might be going on around you? If you remain connected with your animals, feed them good food and treat them right, they can truly become your best friends and can stay tuned with anything that might be coming your way, be it miles away. They may not always show it, but they may pick up on it and be on guard…… White Sage Burn the smoke in a clockwise direction in every room to get rid of all sorts of negativity and to cleanse your house. This is usually temporary and only works for a short while……Incense in a oil burner, does a better job keeping negativity away.. Say a prayer when the sage is full of smoke, “I would like to cleanse myself and every room I go to with this smoke.” Also, cleanse your body by allowing the smoke to circle your body from head to toe in a clockwise direction. You can use Sandalwood Oil on a burner during the day to get rid of negative guides and White Sage Oil at night to keep away demons. Or just use White Sage oil for everything…. (White Sage oil can also be used to keep away negative guides) (You can even use a humidifier in place of candles or oil burners)
  • 9. Cleaning Ladies for your Home and Garden Spirit Animals can die on your property or rubbish. Marks can be placed upon your walls by evil spirits. Call upon the cleaning ladies to clean your ceilings, floors, walls, windows, mirrors, and doors. Ask them to do the same for your cars, sheds, and outside walls of the house and garden. Also, get the areas underneath your house cleaned. And do your furniture. Ask the cleaning ladies to put the rubbish in the tip and to cover it properly. Do this from time to time? Sex with Spirits Make sure you have warriors all around you bed and around your house. To cleanse your bedroom, use White Sage oil in an oil burner to protect you from demons and negative spirits, leaving only the person that you have asked for to come through. Affirmations for doing Readings Take a person by the hand (optional) Father, can the person I’m reading, my guide from the Highest of Highs and myself, be placed in The Golden Star of God and surrounded by the Golden Star of God Can we be filled with God’s love and surrounded by God Love Can we be surrounded and filled by White Light? Can the Highest of Highs come through and surround us with White Light. Thank you. If a person has made a booking, but fails to turn up and has no decency to cancel the appointment, ask God to make them pay for the booking spiritually and to compensate you for it. If it’s the weekend, ask God to compensate you by granting a little extra and by placing money in your bank account, now please… Thank you. Reading from a Photo or Article Father, can I have White Light surrounding this, please? Can I have a guide from the Highest of Highs come through, please? Can we step into The Golden Star of God? And Surrounded by the Golden star of God
  • 10. fill us with white light and surround us with white light Thank you. While, performing this reading, keep White Lighting yourself to avoid any negative vibes from affecting you. Now, and again? Spiritual Works If something bad or evil comes your way, ask God to let them feel how much He loves them or feel them with God’s love and surround them with God’s love……Ask Him to surround the house, inside and out, and everyone in your house with His love. You can also ask God to ring Golden bells. White sage oil or incense also helps to keep negative energies away from your house. Soul Mates Prayer for those who need a loved one (name them) Can you draw towards us what we need and adore and can you draw us towards them now, please? And can you put us together when the time is right? (If you don’t say “now” it may be another lifetime!) True Bible With so many different beliefs surrounding you, ask God to teach you the true Bible in your dream state and bring it out during the day. He will teach you when he feels you are ready? Did you know that God can communicate with you as well? Discover this spiritually and reflect upon what you are learning in life?
  • 11. Psychics and Mediums A Psychic listens to a lower level of guides while a Medium listens to a higher level of guides. If you find they muck around too much, may be you are listening to a lower level of guides? The lower level guides have no respect, therefore, ask them to go away. Instead, ask the higher level to come through. Refuse to listen to the lower level guides until the higher level guides come through. May take a couple of days? Business Cards Two or three times a day, ask God to white light your advertisements and business cards and to attract people to your business. Also, ask to draw more clients towards you. Also place the colors: Green, Gold, White Light and the Golden Star of God for protection To make this prayer short, you can ask for “Super Charge”, which covers just about everything. Or use whatever name you want to use, but remember it? Chinese Warriors For anybody in need of protection or for houses that need guarding against theft, mentally ask for the Chinese warriors. They will be there to protect you even before you’re finished asking. Angels For anyone in need of some kind of help, ask God to send angels to help them in what they need or warriors to protect them from all evil.
  • 12. God’s Love If you are feeling depressed or are in need of help, ask God to fill your heart with His love and to take away your pain. Bingo , Entertainment and anti Christ, filled with god love surrounded with God s love and filled with white light and surrounded with white light Bingo if lifting all the Negative energies off your whole being, and sending it to the Universe and Healing and Entertainment is Arch Angle Jago Anti Christ , lifting off all Negativity If you have a headache, ask God or an angel to remove the pain to many times as to see clear, and to heal you. Also, ask them to send the negativity to the Universe as healing. Meditation Keep your feet on the ground and refrain from falling asleep during a meditation, as it can be very harmful. Recite the following prayer: Father, can we see blue skies and a rainbow. Can we be cleansed by a light Golden Shower of rain? Can we be filled and surrounded by God’s Love? Please take away all our negativity and send it to the Universe as healing. Can we walk along a Golden path and walk up to the stone hinge and sit with the elders, and hear and see what they have to say? Can we also have aliens of the highest powers and truth to show us what we need to know to help us? Breathe in the White Light, and relax. Waving you hand under your nose, and breathing in through your nose , and out through your mouth Golden Pond Cleansing technique (Put feet on ground) Ask God to send all negativity and all that is rotten to the Golden Volcano and into the larva. Can all those connected to me - my family, loved ones, friends, clients, colleagues, and animals and all our possessions go to the Golden Valley? Can we go to a Golden Rainbow and be cleansed and breathe in the Golden mist to be cleansed and healed of all illnesses and diseases.
  • 13. Wait for about 1 minute while breathing in the mist. Then pray to send everything back to where it belongs. You can also use this time to lift off all bounding and binding spells and to seek God’s protection. Seeds Some people place seeds in your head to get what they want from you, or to hurt you in some way or another. Remember to check and cleanse yourself and your surrounding at least once a week, especially when you are around spiritual people. Can we have a spiritual blue bubble, around our heads? Can God take the seed out from its root and send to the universe as healing and can the hole be filled with the Golden White Light for healing. Father can you send the blue bubble to the universe as Healing and send us back to where we be long Thank you Psychic Attacks Ask God to always keep you surrounded by the White Light by reciting ‘white light me, white light me, and white light me’. Ask God to keep sending love to this person until the attacks stop and also you can send the psychic attack back to the person who sent it. Ask for the Psychic attack to be sent back to them…… Reading from a Distance If you want somebody’s attention or are hoping to get some work done by them,? then you can get them to spiritually read you, from a distance? For example: If you wish to get to know a famous person; an actor or maybe a singer, and you wish to let this person know about yourself, then you can get them spiritually reading you from a distance. This could help you get a job or win a person over, but if it’s not meant to be with this person then it may not work out so well? First, ask God for a Golden Shield around you head with a rod above, and a Golden bubble, to be placed above your head on the rod, and visualize the same. Then, ask your guide to ask this person in the best possible way, if they want to listen to you? Ask your guide to place for this person in the Golden bubble, with Lavender. Then ask your guide to place what this person should hear and nothing more, to be placed in the Golden
  • 14. bubble to get what you want from this person and the best out come? Also, ask if this person is going to make you sick or if you are going to make this person sick; then ask your guide to close down. Ask spiritually if this person want to listen to you…If in case, this person doesn’t want to listen to you, then you should close down. Do this before going out to a venue. Never talk to a person spiritually without performing the cleansing techniques, or else, it can make them feel quite sick and attract a lot of negativity, and you should be white lighted…. Sometimes the person you are reading spiritually can pick up or read anything .But, some thoughts or things are best not picked up as this person may not wish to hear it ? So remember to always ask the guardian angels to let your person hear only what you want them to hear and nothing more, to get the best out of the out come ? If you don’t want anybody to read you then just ask God to put Golden Shields around your head with a combination lock .Ask God to add the combination numbers and keep it to himself and never let anybody have it. Do this every time you go out ! Do this in the morning and night and when you go out. Beware people can steal your work spiritually Just tune in to your work and steal it Done a lot to Entertainers….You’re find your own work on radio, or Television or in books, and done not by you etc. and no Legal’s to stand on unless you have protected it….Example your Music Put it in an envelope with copy write on it and ( c ) and your signature and date Then post it to yourself, put back of envelope the song title, and the date. Never open it and give it to the judge. The stamp on the envelope and seal in envelope is your Legal’s….. Get the Arch Angels to protect you from Evil Spirits and Demons Ask Arch Angel Demetri, every 5 minutes, to do Or you will have to do it yourself? When attacked?“Burger with the Works” (make sure you know what “Burger with the works” means) or Jail, for all the Demons surrounding you, the people you look after, and your animals. Also ask for protection of your home, business, garden, the area underneath your house, and your car. And the lord’s Prayer to be Read out loud for any Evil Spirits. Read out loud as many times as necessary to clear them of Evil Spirits or Kill them? Ask for this every morning and night. You also need to name everyone you are protecting for a couple of months to key it in, after that, you can just say ‘everyone I look after’ and our homes, animals, and businesses. Ask for an Angel to read the Lord’s Prayer if the above does not work for all negativity.
  • 15. “Burger with the Works” Burger with the Works means that we are asking God to hang the people who mean harm to us, to send them out to sea with a tire around them, and pepper in their eyes. To give them a heart attack, or a stroke, to put a plastic bag around their head or to cut their head off., or immediate death. More is written as you read along? Evil Spirits If you are attacked by a demon, ask God to send them to the Golden Volcano. If you feel bad vibes around you then ask God to ring the Golden bells as this will scare them off. You can even put crosses on windows and doors as it also helps. Take a glass full of water and ask God to bless the water, using your finger, make crosses on each corner of the windows. A garlic clove in each corner of the room can also help. Personally, I have always found White Sage Oil, Golden Volcano and the Golden bells to have worked very well for me. Garlic I have not had much success with… Protection If the problem with the dark side still persists, God Himself told me and it has worked, to ask God to send them into the ground. Jail or read the lord’s prayer and “ Burger with the works” Most times that’s all you have to do ? If that doesn’t work, imagine an airplane, put them on it and give it a good spin and send it through the black hole. You may also ask God to bless them while repeating it. Spirits come in different levels and one technique may be good for some but not others. Ask God to place warriors at every door in your house and ask them to protect every room in your house, the area under your house including the garden outside. Sometimes ask for a dog, or a dog you know past over….. Ask for guardian angels to sing in your house with the Ten Commandments placed in front of them and with God’s signature in front of them. “Burger with the works” will cover everything? just key it in ? Protection Use a nine-hour tea light candle; get a small white candle holder and put something that can take heat under it for safety.
  • 16. Ask God to bless the candle whilst looking into the flame and also ask God to send all negativity and the demons that may harm you or your house into the ground or through the white light. Do this for about one or two nights or until the evil is gone. *Every night ask God to place wolves in your room for protection. Also, ask to protect the area under the house, and the front and back of the house. *And ask for The Golden Star of God to protect every room of the house including the area under the house. Every night when you are attacked, ask God to cut your attacker’s head off and to put them in a dumpster with a cover on it or ask for them to be sent through the White Light or into the ground. You can also recite the following: Father, can you squash that spirit like a tomato and put it in a dumpster and cover the dumpster. Or Father, can you put the spirits that are attacking me on an airplane and send that plane through the black hole, never to return. Or Ask the spirit be sent back to where it came from. You should ask for all these affirmations because one may not suit that particular spirit. When You Know the Above - Back to Front You can ask God for the spirit to be sent through the White Light or into the ground. You can even ask it to be sent back to where it came from or give it The Burger with the Works , Read the Lord’s prayer a couple of times, or Jail Covers Everything. But, if that doesn’t suit, ask God: “Your way, Or “What do I do ? .Also, if your house is haunted, then the Spell may not be on your house but on you. Ask God to lift the spell off you and send it to the Universe as healing, as many times as to see clear? As many times as to see clear, as it may have been done more than once ? That’s all you need to do and the Demons will be gone!
  • 17. Prayers for Business Let’s say, you foresee yourself having a music career. Though it’s good to see a future like that but you must also act upon it. Pray for it about once a week or fortnightly, and in time it will happen. You can ask for God’s help by praying to Him once a week. Or use a code each day with your cleansing… (You can alter the following prayer according to your career needs.) Father, can you get all those connected to my music career (the musicians, the people with the music contracts, the people who buy my records, the media, the venue etc.) ready for me and bring them towards me? Can you get me ready for them and bring me towards them and put us together now, please. Can you show me my true career path in my dream state and bring it out during the day? Can you also teach me everything about the music industry in my dream state and bring it out during the day? Can you show me the path to success by teaching me how to put my lyrics together in my dream state and bring it out during the day? Father, can you teach and show my musicians, in their dream state, how to put the music together for my lyrics for it to be successful and bring it out during the day? Can you also teach me and all those connected to my music career to sing, dance, and entertain? To be successful! Can you show us how to dress and how to conduct ourselves to be successful? Can you teach us all this in our dream states and bring it out during the day? Can you show the media, in their dream state, how to put me across to the people to make me successful and bring it out during the day? Can you also show the videographers, in their dream state, how to put my video clips together for each song to make them successful and bring it out during the day? Father, can you also bless my music career and lead us through the doors of success.
  • 18. Thank you. After a few weeks of doing this once a week, just ask for the number (3) to cover everything for short. Or use a code you want for yourself to use Or add this to your cleansing techniques . Daily Prayer Father, can you white light my advertisements (ask two or three times a day) and place love on them to draw people in. Can we have the colors Green, Gold , Whit Light and the Golden Star of God for protection on our Advertisements and websites, Please: You may need to outline the Advertisements, that are placed ? If anyone has put anything negative on my advertisements, can you cover their Advertisements for trying to steal my work? Can you lift the evil off of us and our Advertisements and websites, and throw it back on them? Can you also make them pay for their crimes and can I have compensation, and payment in my bank account now, please? White Light If you have negative thoughts, you most probably have negative guides around you telling you about your problems. They usually come around when you’re doing something that you do not want to do, like fixing the car or cleaning the house or mowing the lawn etc. The best way to get rid of them is to White light yourself for a couple of minutes until they go away or until your depression is lifted. Keep saying to yourself ‘white light me, white light me, white light me’ and visualize the white light around you. You should try to breathe in White light through your nose and breathe out the negativity through your mouth……and send the gunk and Negativity to the Universe as Healing Using your hand under your nose as you do it…to White light yourself. The best time to white light yourself is while you are preparing to do a reading.
  • 19. Cords Cords can be placed on you by people you meet every day and also by spirits, good and bad. This can in time strangle you and bring you down. Close your eyes see the cords and ask for Saint Anthony to cut the cords with his Golden sword. Also, ask for the cords to be burned with white light. It is important that you see these cords being burnt by the White Light, and sent to the Universe as Healing People Stealing your Energies Many people do this especially if they are tired, sick or surrounded by negativity. This can also be done through the phone so if you feel drained or experience a headache after speaking to someone, then they have probably stolen your energy and dumped you with their negative energies. Imagine a white egg shell around your body and see through the cover around your face. Do this two times a day, especially when you live with someone who is sick. People Stealing Your Work and Energies Ask Arch Angel Demetri to put up a wall between you and the person stealing your energies. Ask for all the ties between you and this person to be broken, lifted off and sent to the Universe as Healing . Every morning and night, ask the angel to do this,? Or when needed This is used when they want to use someone they admire or is famous and ride on their energies and fame , to make something of themselves. This is quite common, so I have found! Also, ask God (Aliza) to compensate you with a payment in your bank account now please, for you to spend now to cover up for any loss of income. People who have stolen peoples energies , and work have to pay it all back, plus compensation and payment, also they may go to Jail, and be very poor after life , and future lives ……….. You can also ask for them to be taken to the spiritual court, now and when they pass over, to pay for their crimes. And you want compensation and Payment in to your bank account now …Please…..for all suffering and losses……
  • 20. Candles Beware! Never leave candles unattended and make sure they do not knock over and that they are on a plate that can take the heat. White Candle (Tea Light 9hours) Father, can you please bless this candle? Can you send all negative and dark energies to the White Light or into the ground with this candle? Pink Candle Father, can you please bless this candle? Can you send love to this person and have those think nice thoughts of me and get this candle to encourage them to call or see me. Green Candle Father, can you please bless this candle? Can you make this candle draw new clients to my business and can you make my advertisements make them feel favorable about me and draw them to me? Can you also make my old clients think of me favorably and draw them to me? Can you also get my old clients to recommend me to other people? Crystals Better to use than candles, as they are much safer and work for 24 hours. You need to put the crystals in full sunlight or under the first full moon, every month to recharge them. (Alisa say this is not necessary, an old wife’s tale, ) I get Aliens to charge them and my Animals When you have recharged the crystals, hold them in your hands and tell them what you want them to do (especially what the crystal you have in hand is meant to do) and ask God to bless it.
  • 21. Yellow Citroen: For success in career Clear Quartz: For channeling Rose Quartz: To be filled with love Amethyst: Healing I ask God: To provide a Golden cross in front of my family members, loved ones, people I look after, my animals, those connected to my career and myself, to help us all see the truth that is coming towards us and around us. Also a person you may have issues with, that can’t see straight…..? Could God heal our hearts and minds of pain and suffering from the past and present? And can He help encourage our hearts and minds to be positive and happy? Can God, the angels, and aliens give each one of us what we need to heal us of all diseases and illnesses? Can all of us - my family members, loved ones, people I look after, my animals, those connected to my career and myself -under thirty years of age, grow no older than thirty years of age, animal years and human years. Can our bodily functions, minds, bodies, spirit, organs and outside appearance, Grow younger to 30 years of age, and can you also make us more attractive to the eye? You can only ask? and see what you get? Don’t ask don’t get? Use a code for this when you are doing your cleansing ? Father, can you help extend our lives for those of us who want to live longer and for those you permit so that we can enjoy the fruits we bear? Thank you. Father, can you send guardian angels, aliens, and warriors, all over the world to heal people who need healing and to help people who help and protect those who need protecting. Daily, after performing the cleansing and white lighting every one for about 1 minute, I ask God for the healing and protection of everyone. Arch Angel Raphael and Altahe…. Every day in the morning, I ask: Father, can you lift the negativity off all those suffering from depression , among my family members, loved ones, people I look after, my animals, those connected to my career and myself? Can you purify their entire being, soul, body, mind, inner child, spirit and aura and their head from all negativity? Code “Bingo, Entertainment and Anti Christ…
  • 22. And can you send all the negativity, gunk and depression to the Universe as healing and can you connect those to the Universe who need positive, happy, invigorating and healing energies to help them through the day? Can you send the good guardian angels to help my boys, girls, mother, and father (name them) and I think positive and happy thoughts and to help us see clearly as to what lies around us and in front of us? Arch Angel Jago will do this (Entertainment) and filled with white light and surrounded with white light and filled with God’s love and surrounded with God’s Love! Anti Christ, to lift off all negativity and Bingo You can you also help anyone else you think needs help? Fortnightly Prayers List all the illnesses and diseases you would like to prevent for example: All types of cancers (lung cancer, cervical cancer etc.), Alzheimer’s, depression, mental illnesses, schizophrenia, diabetes, aids, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s, Herpes, heart diseases, deafness, blindness, epilepsy or any other. You can even ask to prevent yourself from unwanted pregnancies. Arch Angel Gabriel, After listing all the diseases, ask: Can you show and teach our doctors, in their dream state, how to be successful and how to cure people of each illness and disease and bring it out during the day? To channel those people who can help doctors get their degrees and the investors for the people who need help. Recite: Can you get the doctors ready for the investors and teachers and bring the doctors, towards investors and Teacher, and get the investors and teachers ready for the doctors and put them together now, please? Can you show the investors, and Teachers, in their dream state, and bring it out during the day, what they are getting in return for their money and time ?? To make this prayer short, you could ask for “Cash Converters” as it covers everything needed to draw energies to the doctors to be successful in curing these illnesses. Or use your own code ? You should pray this every fortnight or when you do you’re cleansing each day, along with all the prayers mentioned earlier, outlined for your career paths and for the people you want to help. Don’t forget to white light your advertisements and business cards twice a day. Also, place love on them and a magnet to draw the people. After a month, once you have keyed in with God what you want to be done, ask for “Super Charge”. Make sure nobody has placed anything negative on your advertisements or business; you can also place swords
  • 23. and mirrors on your advertisements twice a day as a protection from the evil eye. Always make sure that all the negativity is bounced back on the one who sent it. Abundance of Energy and Healing This Healing is good for those with cancer, depression, lack of energies or any illnesses. It should be done every second day as every day will clog things or be too much, You will start noticing the difference after a week only, and may be more in tune ? With medicines prescribed by the doctors and with the help of the Golden honey, the healing process can be much faster and use Lemon Juice Father, can, my loved ones, family, friends, animals and I and others who need healing, have the Golden honey and visualize it for our mind, face (to look younger), throat chakra, lungs, breasts, heart, for our bellies, for energies and healings, for our ovaries, liver and kidneys, our genitals, our arms and legs. Also you can use Lemmon Juice, if it will not harm them, but think! Not in the eyes please! Can we also have a Yellow flower placed on our mind, throat chakra, lungs, breasts, heart, our bellies, ovaries, liver, kidneys and our genitals and arms and legs? Put a Blue Aura from the Universe around everybody Visualize this…for each individual person .Helps protect from negative forces….and attacks…. Spiritual Growth and Healings Father, can my loved ones, family, friends, animals, and I be surrounded by a Golden pyramid? Can we be surrounded by white light and step into the white light? Can we step into The Golden Star of God so that it can help us be more spiritual and receive healings? Even have Lavender energies Good for bedtime…. Thank you.
  • 24. Spirits Needing to Go through the White Light Ask God to show the White Light to the spirits and to send somebody through the White Light to help them through. Ask God to help the spirits let go of their problems and ask the spirits what is keeping them here (you may have to find out what is keeping them here and heal them of it) Sometimes it’s their Religion ? And help them let go of their loved ones and help their loved ones let go of them. If the spirits let out a foul odor, go to their grave site and ask God to help them let go of their bodies. Suicide Suicide is an unforgivable act. We all are here to learn our life lessons. After doing so and when the time comes, our spirit peacefully departures. But, if a person commits suicide, he is bound to lose all his possessions in Heaven and will be sent back down to continue learning his lessons. Or he may live a similar life as he led before, nothing changes, only you lose ties with your loved ones, and can’t change it….You still have to go to work, and may do the same work you did when alive ? Or choose to live your dreams out? Depending on your Karma and what God has granted you? But money has to come from somewhere, and there is no pension for suicides! Problems with Someone If someone has wronged you, read the following. But, first, make sure you are innocent? Spiritually call upon the Council and visualize taking a ticket. When someone from the Council speaks to you, briefly tell them your problem and ask for the person who has wronged you to be taken to court to pay for his crime. Also, ask for your compensation, and payment in to your bank account, now please…… If you want someone to realize that they have wronged you, put them on The Golden Cross. To make someone pay for their crime, e.g. a molester, throw a book at them. And give many scenarios to God what you would like done to them……If you get someone to punish them make sure they are free of all charges….God and the Angles will try, but it depends on the persons actions etc… Always seek God if you have an issue, but make sure you are innocent?
  • 25. Ask God to make them pay for their crime and to compensate you for any loss you suffered. Never use black magic or spells as these are only turned back on yourself. In most cases, the spells you place is not warrant for the crime. If you do place a spell on someone then God may make you pay severely for it and you might even have to spend some time in Hell (jail) so that you repent for the damage you have done. You may even have to pay for it in your next lifetime. Wee Gee Boards If you use a Wee Gee Board, then be aware! The spirits you are contacting are from the pits of Hell- Demons. These demonic spirits will try to kill you and destroy everything in your path for years to come. Anyone selling them should be closed down and put to shame. Reasons Why You Can’t Do Readings If you are unable to perform readings on somebody then it could be because of one of the following reasons. *The person may not think very highly of you and has restricted you from reading them by putting up a ‘wall’. *The person you are trying to read has travelled for an hour or more. Travelling for long hours makes it difficult to read as the person is, spiritually, still in the car Ask God to bring them to their body. *They may be too depressed that day, so there are no energies. *Sometimes reading becomes hard if you are going through your menstrual cycle. *If the person you are reading has had nothing to eat all day, then also reading can be affected. No energies……. *Never perform a reading if you are unhappy as this will lead you to read all their problems only.
  • 26. Somebody around you is spiritually stealing Your Work, or Energies, And even in your house spiritually? Ask spirit animals to protect you from the people in the house that you don’t want, and to get rid of them. Ask the Guides, if they are your spirit animals, to give them water, food, treats and toys to play with. Also, ask to give them a coat if they are cold and to lift the coat off if they don’t need it. Do this once or twice a day. Check spiritually, if these people are still in your house and lift off what they have attached to you, to steal your work or energies. A Helpful Tip Ask God to make arrangements so that the Guardian Angels and the Arch Angels get paid for their services. In their bank accounts, Now Please! My Coding for Prayers For protection, I will soon be changing my personal coding for prayer. I suggest that you use the codes prayers, as a guideline for now. But, after you have keyed in all the things that you desire, personalize your own coding for individual prayers. Later on, as and when needed, you can add things to your list. Cleansing the World To cleanse the whole world, everyone across the globe should gather together at the same time for at least five minutes to pray. In order to ward off all the evil (demons, negative spirits, the dark side, and witches) that is connected to our world, our loved ones, families, friends, animals, homes, businesses and us, ask God to send all of it through the White Light, or into the ground, or into the Golden Volcano, or into the Golden larva. And read the Lord’s Prayer Repeatedly for a few minutes or ask all Evil to be sent to Jail…..or Burger with the Works Make sure you know what that stands for….?
  • 27. Songs for That Time I have a dream, ABBA, A new way of living, Barbra Streisand I’m loving angels instead, Robbie Williams. To All My Children And to all the Bright Stars, may you pray and in time, all your dreams may come true. Believe and make it happen! Beware, never misuse your gift! And love one another. Love to all, Aliza (God) © March 2010 (c) © Susan Laura Carrier ©
  • 28.
  • 29. Protection Use a nine-hour tea light candle; get a small white candle holder and put something that can take heat under it for safety. Use White Sage Oil for Demons and Sandalwood for negative guides. White sage oil, does both (I feel?) Ask God to bless the candle whilst looking into the flame and also ask God to send all negativity and the demons that may harm you or your house into the ground or through the white light. Do this for about two nights or until the evil is gone. Every night ask God to place wolves or guards in your room for protection. Also, ask to protect the area under the house and the front and back of the house. And ask for The Golden Star of God to protect every room of the house including the area under the house. Ask for guardian angels to sing in your house (including the area under your house, gardens and even ceilings) with the Ten Commandments placed in front of them and with God’s signature at the bottom. Ask for Lions or Elephants, whichever is required, to patrol outside your house and near your bedrooms to protect you from Demons. Also, you can ask if the animals, guards, or warriors protecting you, can be given food, drink, and entertainment whilst they do their work. Ask God to make sure they do a good job. If you are attacked, ask God to cut your attacker’s head off and to put them in a dumpster with a cover on it. You can also ask the following: Father, can you put the spirits that are attacking me on an airplane and send that plane through the black hole, never to return. Or Ask the spirit be sent back to where it came from. Or
  • 30. Father, can you send a warrior after that spirit to whip it and teach it a lesson and to keep whipping this spirit unless it learns its lesson. And can you send it back to where it came from, never to return You should ask for all these affirmations because one may not suit that particular spirit. You can even ask for the spirit to be jailed until it has learned its lesson. When You Know the Above - Back to Front You can ask God to give the spirit ‘The Burger with the Works’. Which covers everything written, in this book Also……. You can even ask God to permit an Elephant, Lion or Snake to protect you each night, especially inside, outside, and near your bedroom. Try calling an Elephant to fight your battles. Even Wolfs Remember, when attacking the dark side, you can visualize almost anything to make it happen. For example: You can visualize digging a hole in which you are swooping the demons. Cover the hole with salt and put concrete on top. You should also put crosses on their tongue, mind, heart, wrists and pelvic area. Keep repeating this! Feel them with God’s love and surround them with God’s love ? When you see the Satanist chanting for more power, ask God to turn their power into love and to fill them with it and to return the power, of love to them. For Satanists and demons, you can even imagine cracking a whip that lets off White Light. You can also send a herd of Elephants after them. Or, for your protection at night, you can ask a warrior to stand by you in your bedroom and to protect you from all negativity, demons, and witches. Arch Angel Michael may do this? If the attacks persist, imagine a swirling swimming pool and ask God to send all the demons and negative guides that have attacked you over the years into the swirling swimming pool! Or you can even ask for them to be dumped in the middle of an Ocean with a raging storm. If you know where these evil spirits are coming from, e.g. a friend who is a drug addict or alcoholic, ask for all the demons and negative guides that are connected to both of you to be sent to the swirling swimming pool or the raging ocean. And when they are dead, ask God to send them into the ground or through the White Light to be dealt with. You can also ask
  • 31. that these demons let go of their loved ones and their loved ones let go of them so that these evil spirits can go through the White Light or ground? This should be done to make sure that the demons go to Hell to be dealt with in order to pay for their crimes. If All Else Fails If a Demon is attacking you with negative energies and all of the above prayers don't work then ask God what He has in mind. You can try sending them out to sea with a tire around them, or pepper in their eyes. You have to try what works for each individual? Also, ask God to turn the negative energies that the demons are placing upon you into positive energies. Also, if you have a lot of dark energies in the house or business, ask God or the Guardian Angles to lift off the negative energies and to send it to the nearest beach or pool. Remember the pool has to be spiritually cleared too from time to time. Do this once, or twice daily for a couple of months. Each night until it is quiet, walk around every room of your house in a clockwise direction. Do this with smudge sticks if you can get them. And surround your body head to foot with the smudge sticks I find this only works temporary and is expensive? Up to you? Ask God to bless the incense and to use this incense for protection in each room. You can also use White Sage Oil in an oil burner or humidifier. Cheap and great $3.50 cheap bottle will do, no better than the expensive kind or less…. Day and Night Prayer (Must be recited daily) Father, those connected to me, my family, friends, loved ones, animals and my career. Can we have Golden Shields head to toes and The Blood of Christ around us? Can we be surrounded by mirrors pointing outwards and around us, please? Can you allow anything satanic, voodoo, witchcraft, black magic, seeds that are harmful or any kind of spiritual warfare attack or psychic attacks to bounce off the shields and mirrors and be sent to the universe as healing?
  • 32. Can you make the person or persons who sent it Pay for their crimes and can the affected be compensated,, and payment into their bank account now , Please ! Please send anything that is placed upon us already so that it can be lifted off our body, soul, mind, spirit, inner child, and our whole being and be sent to the Universe as Healing , and those affected be compensated, and payment into their bank accounts now please Father, can everything connected to us (name it e.g. our advertisements, websites, clientele, media, everything connected to my music, our books, our computers, phone lines, homes, vehicles that we drive, our minds, spiritual works, prayers, warriors, spiritual teachers, our animals, our home, bedroom, smokes, food , medication, our business etc.) have Golden Shields and mirrors pointing outwards. If anything is placed on us negative or if any spiritual attack is sent our way, can it be sent to the Universe as Healing, to be dealt with and can the persons sending it pay for their crimes and the persons or animals affected be compensated, and payment into their bank accounts now please…... Now, you can ask for a guard to protect you and to send the negative spirit back to where it came from or to Jail to be dealt with. Tell the guard what you want to be protected from. Arch Angle Michael may do this? You could make a list of everything you need protection from and name it all for a full month. After 4 weeks, when it all has been keyed in, you will only need to say ‘Please God, protect me from everything I normally ask for.’ From then on just add things as you go, mention it to Arch Angel Demetri. To use this and lift it off as many times as to see clear, for everyone I usually ask and everything, including myself and animals….. Add this to the list, please… Can we have The Golden Star of God around those who are contaminated with spells and lift it off and send it to the Universe for healing? You usually have to find out what it is and lift it off….Guides only will say yes or no, they don’t usually tell you ! And can we have The Blood of Christ, Golden Shields, and mirrors pointing outwardly around everything for protection? Can we send all that is evil back to where it came from? Thank you. Cleansing (Should be done at least twice every day) List everything you are concerned with that has spells placed upon it or needs cleansing. After you have keyed in all that you ask for, over a period of time, then you continue the prayer by just saying ‘everything I usually ask for’.
  • 33. Ask God to send all negativity and all that is demonic to the Golden Volcano and into the hot larva. Can all those connected to us go to the Golden Valley to be cleansed in the Golden Shower of rain? Undoing Spells Ask your guide if someone has put you under a spell. Go through everything you can think of (prepare a mental checklist) and ask your guide if something negative has been placed on any of the things on your list. If you feel affected, ask God to lift it off and send it back to where it came from and make the evil ‘stick with them’. You can also ask for the evil to be sent to the Universe as healing. And lifted off as many times as to see clear…. At times, the protection you do with the Golden Shields etc., may not do it for you, as God wishes to teach you and make you aware of what is going on. Bounding or Binding Spell If you are placed under a bounding or binding spell, you will experience a weight that stops you from functioning; this weight may affect your wrists, ankles, stomach, or head and might create difficulty for you to think clearly. Ask God to place a Golden Star around you for protection and to unbound or unbind this spell and to send it to the Universe as healing. Seeds Seeds placed in a person’s head may prove to be damaging. Before reading for this, it is good to find out what the seeds have been planted for e.g. a person may want you to buy them an expensive car or may want you to hate men etc. Ask God to have a Golden bubble around this person or you? And ask God to take the seed out from the root and to send it back to the Universe as healing and have a Golden Light of Healing in and around the place where the seed was placed. Ask to have the Golden bubble removed and every one or you sent back to where you belong Also, ask God to have Golden Shields and The Blood of Christ around us. You can even ask for mirrors pointing outwards and around you. For Protection….
  • 34. Check each day with your Guardian Angles if the spell placed on you or your loved ones has been lifted off or not; if you are still under the spell then ask it to be lifted off. Guardian Angels usually do not tell you if a spell has been placed upon you or what’s connected to you? They may give you fidgety feat, and you have to figure it out? Haunted House If there are lots of demons and negative guides in your house, then close your eyes and spiritually ask to step into The Golden Star of God for protection. Go to every room in the house and say “Burger with the Works”, “Everything”, and “The Rose”. Keep repeating this for a few minutes, until you feel it is clear ? ‘Burger with the Works’ kills the demons. As out lined in this book? ‘Everything’ puts mice throughout the premises, puts crosses on every window and door ‘The Rose’ opens the roof to let in the Golden Light throughout the house. Somebody Possessed Ask God to fill the demon and person , with love, their whole body, lungs, and heart, put crosses on their tongue, mind, and wrists, and lungs, The Person to be filled with the Holy Spirit Tell the spirit, “In God’s name, I demand you to leave this person and go into the ground or to jail…...” Keep saying this until the spirit leaves. If need help ask Arch Angel Michael or Sandalphon Warriors For anybody in need of protection, mentally call upon the warriors and ask them to protect you from whatever that you need protection from. They will be there to protect you even before you’re finished asking. Negative Guides Negative guides tell you about your problems, especially when you are run down or doing chores that you don't want to do. And of course, when you perform readings, you should White Light yourself and your surroundings. All you have to do is to visualize the White Light around you and to repeat over and over, “White Light Me, White Light Me, White Light Me”. Breathe in the White light through your nose and breathe out the negativity through your mouth. And send the Negativity and
  • 35. Gunk to the Universe as Healing……..You can also wave a hand under your nose to breathe the White Light in. Demons and Negative Guides may take years to get rid of With negative guides, you have to train your mind to be positive and avoid listening to them by fighting the demons and witches, you will eventually get peace. When a negative guide is telling you your problems or making your anxiety worse, just ask for “Burger with the Works”. It works most of the times. Or Read the Lord ’s Prayer… Also, if your house is haunted, then the Spell may not be on your house but on you. Ask God to lift the spell off you and send it to the Universe as healing as many times to see clear, as it may have been placed more than once…..? If you have a spell put on you? You can ask Arch Angel Michael, Sandalphon and Demetri to teach that person a lesson so that they will never send another spell on you or anybody else Clearings for your House, Garden, Businesses, and Cars (Haunted Houses ) Ask for everything that you usually ask for to have Red Roses in every room, garden and under the house. Also, ask for every room to be filled with Gold and White Light. Can we have a tidal wave of salt that goes through everything too, please? You may need to do the tidal salt water wave and Golden Light for a year. However, it depends on how long it takes to clear the energies. Ask for plants in each room and don’t forget to water the plants each day and have them repotted when they are no longer needed. Ask for everything to be filled with The Golden Star of God and to surround the premises with the Golden Star of God. And to fill everything with God’s love, and to surround everything with God’s love and Golden Shields around everything. Also, ask for Golden Mirrors pointing out worldly around everything including your animals. Keep a check on your teachers and your guides to ensure that nothing has been done to them. You can ask with your Cleansing of each day for Arch Angel Michael, Demetri and Sandalphon to do the above and clear the Negative forces and energies
  • 36. Spiritual Warfare Individually, check yourself, your family and your animals. Ask God to lift off any demons or negativity placed upon you, your home, garden, car, work etc. Also, ask to clear this negativity and to send it to the Universe as healing. It may have been placed upon you more than once, so ask as many times as possible until it has been cleared (removed) Check Human Combustion For your mind, eyes, nose, mouth, throat, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, kidneys, private parts, legs, feet, arms, hands, ears, and all other body parts, ask God to lift off the evil spell as many times as possible and to clear or remove the negativity and to send it to the Universe as healing. There may also be some cords around the arms, hands, feet, and legs, ask this to be unbounded and sent to the Universe as healing. This should be checked once or twice daily to know if warfare is happening. Also Spells Also, check everything else connected to you and ask God to lift off any negativity that may cause you harm or may bully you in your sleep? . This may include your smokes, bank account, your wallet, hair, hair products, hairbrush, hairdresser, your relationships, those connected to your career, the media, your electrical goods, your engine parts and car, and name each individual parts, like tyes and breaks ect your tax officer, the police, centre link, housing, car registration, insurance, candles, incense etc. Check everything, including worms for your animals and fleas and anything else that might have been placed on you, You’re, web sites and Advertisements, Your wedding or special occasion including the chuffer, being drunk or whatever name everything even turning up late,,,,,,, you have to think of everything and every scenario and key it in, do this when you got nothing better else to do? Key it in……ask for all evil to be lifted off and to be sent to the Universe as healing, as many times as to see clear….
  • 37. Also you may see the opposite of what is coming to you or scenarios, this is a common one, and can quite upset you, if you are not seeing right Lift off as many times as to see clear, and send to the Universe as Healing ? Also, check to see if any seeds have been placed on you, ask for specific ones as they don’t always tell you? Also, a plastic bag may be put on you or a rope around your neck, just lift them off and send them to the Universe as healing, as many times as to see clear….As it may have been done more than once…? Protect your Warriors When you send your warriors to protect you, make sure that God protects your warriors from being blindfolded, gagged, tied up, or bounded, or even jailed. In case your warriors have been attacked then individually ask for them to be released. Also, ask God to protect your warriors from being sent away, e.g. through the White Light or into the ground. It is recommended that you check all the above for yourself and for your loved ones too. When Somebody Wants To Kill You Ask for all that is mentioned below as just one may not be good enough. Ask God to redirect the person who intends to harm you. Ask the Police to be directed towards them and them to be directed towards the police. Get a warrior to deal with the situation or to kill them. Get a warrior to harm them in some way or another, or to make them tired, or to get them into an argument with the people they are with, so that they are redirected. Or ask God to give them a stroke or a heart attack; whatever feels suitable for that person to avenge their crime, or immediate death? And if they pass over, get a warrior to handcuff them and to read them their rights and what they are charged for and send them through the White Light to be sent to the spiritual court where they will be charged for their crimes and punished according to what God’s will. And ask God to compensate you for any losses suffered in the form of payment in your bank account, now please
  • 38. Ask for “Burger with the Works” which covers everything, once you know it Psychic Attacks Ask God for help and in time God may do as you ask? Ask God to take away all their spells for good. Close their spell book up, make their spells go back on them or not work? Ask the Arch Angel Demetri to remove all spells they send and place mirrors all around them, facing towards them, inwardly Ask God or Demetri, to remove all the teachers and guides of the attacker every half hour, and ask this twice a day….and to continue to do so until they have no guides or teachers left. Also, ask to take away their telepathic abilities? Alisa does not always do this but he may temporary until they learnt their lesson? Good way to stop them reading you, is Golden shields around your head….. Ask for Golden Shields around your head and theirs, and ask God to add an extension to your head and theirs, with a Golden Bubble at the end and ask God to place in the Golden Bubble what they are to individually read to get the best out of the situation? .Ask the same for the Psychics that read for them. For the bad Psychics, God will place things in the Golden Bubble to steer them away. Especially , if they are Jealous of you? He may place a scenario that suits the occasion, to get rid of them? Ask for a warrior to kill them or to get God to give them a stroke or a heart attack or whatever God sees fit for them .If they die, ask God to send them through the spiritual light with a warrior reading them their rights, and send them to spiritual court where they will be tried for their crimes, and may they pay for their crimes to what God sees fit? God does not always do this, and it will be a last resort, but it’s no harm in asking? Psychic Stealing your Energies and Work Ask God to lift it off and send it to the Universe as healing. You could also ask God to put a permanent block up so they cannot steal your work or energies or spiritually put a wall in front of them with a mirror facing them. If they are known for doing stealing other people’s energies and work, you can ask that all their work be sent to you like they did to you and to connect them permanently to sick energies, if that’s what they deserve. Ask God to make sure that they cannot lift the above off as this is what they deserve.
  • 39. Fidgety feet could mean that: Somebody, in the area surrounding you, is going harm you. Or Somebody is attacking you with spells and that you are not allowed to sleep until they have gone to sleep as it is dangerous. Or You should roll over from the side you are laying on or maybe you are going to bed too early. Or It is time to take your medication Or Maybe you have been told, over the years, that you have not followed your dreams in life If it is none of the above reasons then you will have to find out the real reason. Learn how to pray to help make your dreams come true in My New Age Bible Channeled by God (Aliza) Clairvoyants Manual. Also, learn how to be a great medium and much more. For better understanding of the concepts explained here, you need to read The New Age Bible - The Cleansing Techniques I this book , help you to achieve greater levels and to be a greater medium. For grounding, buy an oil burner that has a very deep bowl, for 9 hours of use. Use good quantities of sandalwood oil for negative guides, or even better for demons and evil spirits, use white sage oil. Use this every day and night. A humidifier is even better; you can get a cheap one on It is useful for keeping negative guides and evil spirits at bay, but some Humidifiers don’t take oil and I have not found one that last long, but you can try?