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Artificial Intelligence
AI 1
Artificial Neural
‫االصطناعي‬ ‫ألعصبية‬ ‫الشبكات‬
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
‫الهجامي‬ ‫سلطان‬ ‫احمد‬
‫االصطناعي‬ ‫الذكاء‬ ‫استاذ‬
‫الذكية‬ ‫المعلومات‬ ‫ونظم‬
‫صنعاء‬ ‫جامعة‬
AI 2
Artificial Neural Networks
‫االصطناعية‬ ‫ألعصبية‬ ‫الشبكات‬
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 3
Concept Learning
Learning systems differ in how they represent concepts
… …
X^Y  Z
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 4
Neural Networks
 Networks of processing units (neurons) with
connections (synapses) between them
 Large number of neurons: 1012
 Large connectitivity: 105
 Parallel processing
 Distributed computation/memory
 Robust to noise, failures
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 5
A new sort of computer
 What are (everyday) computer systems good at...
and not so good at?
Good at Not so good at
Rule-based systems:
doing what the programmer
wants them to do
Dealing with noisy data
Dealing with unknown
environment data
Massive parallelism
Fault tolerance
Adapting to circumstances
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 6
Neural networks to the rescue
 Neural network: information processing
paradigm inspired by biological nervous
systems, such as our brain
 Structure: large number of highly
interconnected processing elements
(neurons) working together
 Like people, they learn from experience (by
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 7
Neural networks to the rescue
 Neural networks are configured for a specific
application, such as pattern recognition or
data classification, through a learning
 In a biological system, learning involves
adjustments to the synaptic connections
between neurons
 same for artificial neural networks (ANNs)
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 8
History of Neural Networks
 1943: McCulloch and Pitts proposed a model of a neuron -->
Perceptron (read [Mitchell, section 4.4 ])
 1960s: Widrow and Hoff explored Perceptron networks (which
they called “Adelines”) and the delta rule.
 1962: Rosenblatt proved the convergence of the perceptron
training rule.
 1969: Minsky and Papert showed that the Perceptron cannot
deal with nonlinearly-separable data sets---even those that
represent simple function such as X-OR.
 1970-1985: Very little research on Neural Nets
 1986: Invention of Backpropagation [Rumelhart and
McClelland, but also Parker and earlier on: Werbos] which can
learn from nonlinearly-separable data sets.
 Since 1985: A lot of research in Neural Nets!
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 9
Where can neural network systems help
 when we can't formulate an algorithmic
 when we can get lots of examples of the
behavior we require.
‘learning from experience’
 when we need to pick out the structure from
existing data.
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 10
Inspiration from Neurobiology
 A neuron: many-inputs /
one-output unit
 output can be excited or not
 incoming signals from other
neurons determine if the
neuron shall excite ("fire")
 Output subject to
attenuation in the synapses,
which are junction parts of
the neuron
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 11
Real vs Artificial Neurons
 o
i x
 
i x
Threshold unit
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 12
 Basic unit of many neural networks
 Basic operation
 Input: vector of real-values
 Calculates a linear combination of inputs
 Output
 1 if result is greater than some threshold
 0 otherwise
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 13
Perceptron cont….
 Input values -> Linear weighted sum -> Threshold
 Given real-valued inputs x1 through xn, the output o(x1,…,xn) computed by the
perceptron is
o(x1, …, xn) = 1 if w0 + w1x1 + … + wnxn > 0
-1 otherwise
where wi is a real-valued constant, or weight
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 14
 From experience: examples / training data
 Strength of connection between the neurons
is stored as a weight-value for the specific
 Learning the solution to a problem =
changing the connection weights
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 15
Perceptron Learning Rule
 It’s a single-unit network
 Change the weight by an
amount proportional to the
difference between the
desired output and the
actual output.
Wi new = Wi old+ α *(ODesired-O)Xi
Learning rate
Desired output
Actual output
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 16
Linearly Separable Pattern
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 17
Non-Linearly Separable
Pattern Classification
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 18
Implementing OR
 o
Assume Boolean (0/1) input values…
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 19
Implementing OR
Assume Boolean (0/1) input values…
X1 X2 O desired
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
Truth Table of OR
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 20
Training Steps in Perceptron
X1 X2 W1 old W2 old O desired O Error W1 W2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 21
Activation Functions
 Each neuron in the network
receives one or more input(s).
 An activation function is
applied to the inputs, which
determines the output of the
neuron – the activation level.
( 
 
f x
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 22
 Perceptrons can only perform
accurately with linearly separable
 ANN research put on hold for 20yrs.
 Solution: additional (hidden) layers of
neurons, MLP architecture
 Able to solve non-linear classification
problems such as XOR
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 23
Feed-back Networks
Feed-Forward Neural Networks
Also known as:
The Multi-layer Perceptron
The Back-Propagation Neural Network
Solutions: Use Multi-layer
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 24
Multi-layer Perceptrons
 Each input layer neuron connects to all neurons in
the hidden layer.
 The neurons in the hidden layer connect to all
neurons in the output layer.
Node 1
Node 2
Node i
Node j
Node k
Node 3
Input Layer Output Layer
Hidden Layer
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 25
Neural Nets
 Pro: More general than perceptrons
 Not restricted to linear discriminants
 Multiple outputs: one classification each
 Con: No simple, guaranteed training
 Use greedy, hill-climbing procedure to train
 “Gradient descent”, “Backpropagation”
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 26
Neural Net Training
 Goal:
 Determine how to change weights to get correct
 Large change in weight to produce large reduction in
 Approach:
 Compute actual output: o
 Compare to desired output: d
 Determine effect of each weight w on error = d-o
 Adjust weights
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 27
 Multilayer neural networks learn in the same way
as perceptrons.
 However, there are many more weights, and it is
important to assign credit (or blame) correctly
when changing weights.
 Backpropagation networks use the sigmoid
activation function, as it is easy to differentiate:
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 28
 Greedy, Hill-climbing procedure
 Weights are parameters to change
 Slow
 Back propagation: Computes current output,
works backward to correct error
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 29
Back propagation
 Desired output of the training examples
 Error = difference between actual & desired
 Change weight relative to error size
 Calculate output layer error , then propagate
back to previous layer
 Improved performance, very common!
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 30
Wij Wjk
Training Method
Input Layer Hidden Layer Output Layer
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 31
 We use the Following notations:
 T (target): the actual output
 O (output): The output of every neuron at any layer
 f (activation function)
 η : learning rate
 W: weight
 δ : Error signal
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 32
Training Method
 Step 1: start at the output layer
 Calculate the sumation of signals that enter to each output neuron (N)
 Nk = ∑j(Wjk Oj) ------------------------ (1)
 This value passes through neuron represented by activation function
and hence the output of every output neuron is as follows:
 Ok = 1/(1+e^ -NK)=f(Nk) ---------------------(2)
(This value represents the actual output that the network obtained
which has to be compared to the desired output to know the value of
 Step 2: Computer the error value (δ) as follows:
 δk = (tk – Ok) f’(Nk)
=(tk – Ok) Ok (1– Ok) ---------------------(3)
 Update the weight between output and hidden layers (weights
change based on their contribution on this error) as follows:
Wjk  Wjk + η δk Oj ----------------------(4)
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 33
 Step 3: at hidden layer neurons,
 Repeat the above process as follows:
 Compute the error in this layer as follows:
δj = Oj (1– Ok) ∑kWjk δk ---------------------(5)
 Update the weight between input layer and hidden layers (weights
change based on their contribution on this error) as follows:
Wij  Wij + η δj Oi --------------------(6)
 These 3 steps are repeated many times for all inputs
until the error of the network reaches to the minimum
error where the training process STOPS and
therefore the network becomes trained network.
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 34
A Detailed Example
Hidden Layer
Output Layer (O)
Input Layer
•The network to be trained
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 35
A Detailed Example
•The input/output used for training:
X1 X2 Target (t)
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
We select η=1 as learning rate for simplicity
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 36
•We assume random weights and use the
first row in the I/O table
x1 x2 t W11 W12 W21 W22 W10 W20
0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1
We also use the following notations:
hi1: total inputs for 1st cell in the Hidden layer
hi2: total inputs for 2nd cell in the Hidden layer
ho1: output of 1st cell in the Hidden layer
ho2: output of 2nd cell in the Hidden layer
N: Total inputs to the cell of output layer
O: The actual output of the network
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 37
•We obtain the following:
 hi1= W11x1+W21x2
= (1)(0)+(0)(0) = 0
 hi2= W12x1+W22x2
= (0)(0)+(1)(0) = 0
hO1= 1/(1+e^-hi1) ------------(1)
= 1/(e^-0) = 0.5
hO2= 1/(1+e^-hi2) ------------(2)
= 1/(e^-0) = 0.5
By using the first step in the algorithm, we get the total number of inputs that
entered unto the output cell as follows:
N = W10hO1 + W20hO2 ------------------(3)
= (1)(0.5) + (1)(0.5) = 1
Therefore the actual output of the network:
O = 1/(1+e^-N)
= 1/(1+e^-1) = 0.73106 (which is far away from desired (target) output).
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 38
As the actual output is far away from target, we have to modify
the weights to be close from target. To determine the error in
the result, we use step 2 of the algorithm as follows:
 δO = (t – O) O (1 – O)
= (0-0.73106) (0.73106)(1-0.73106)
= -0.14373
By this error value, we can update the weights between hidden
and output layers using equation (3) of step 2 in the
algorithm, as follows:
W10  W10 + η δO hO1
= 1+(1)(-0.14373)(0.5) = 0.92813
W20  W20 + η δO hO2
= 1+(1)(-0.14373)(0.5) = 0.92813
(at this point we Back Propagate from output layer to hidden layer, and
in the same fashion, propagate to input layer)
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 39
determine the error that the hidden layer contributed using equation (5) of step 3 of the algorithms as
 δh1= hO1(1 – hO1)W10δO
= (0.5)(1-0.5)(0.92813)(-0.14373)
= -0.03335
 δh2= hO2(1 – hO2)W20δO
= (0.5)(1-0.5)(0.92813)(-0.14373)
= -0.03335
By this error value, we can update the weights between hidden and input layers using equation (6) of
step 3 of the algorithm, as follows:
W11 W11 + η δh1 x1
= 1+(1)(-0.03335)(0) = 1
W12 W12 + η δh2 x1
= 0+(1)(-0.03335)(0) = 0
W21 W21 + η δh1 x2
= 0+(1)(-0.03335)(0) = 0
W22 W22 + η δh2 x2
= 1+(1)(-0.03335)(0) = 1
Notice that, the weights have not been changed as it is normal, due to the initialization of inputs to
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 40
The following table shows the results after
training the network only once:
x1 x2 t W11 W12 W21 W22 W10 W20
0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.92813 0.92813
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 41
 Now, we consider the second ROW of the target Table, and continue
training process of the network by using the same steps:
 And using the following data in the training:
x1 = 0, x2 = 1, t = 1
 Also using the weights obtained in the previous stage of training, We obtain:
 hi1= W11x1+W21x2
= (1)(0)+(0)(1) = 0
 hi2= W12x1+W22x2
= (0)(0)+(1)(1) = 1
hO1= 1/(1+e^-hi1)
= 1/(e^-0) = 0.5
hO2= 1/(1+e^-hi2)
= 1/(e^-1) = 0.73106
By using the first step in the algorithm, we get the total number of inputs that entered unto the output cell as follows:
N = W10hO1 + W20hO2 ------------------(3)
= (0.92813)(0.5)+(0.92813)(0.73106) = 1.1426
Therefore the actual output of the network:
O = 1/(1+e^-N)
= 1/(1+e^-1.1426) = 0.7582 (which is far away from desired (target) output).
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 42
As the actual output is far away from target, we have to modify
the weights to be close from target. To determine the error in
the result, we use step 2 of the algorithm as follows:
 δO = (t – O) O (1 – O)
= (1- 0.7582) (0. 0.7582)(1- 0.7582)
= -0.04435
By this error value, we can update the weights between hidden
and output layers using equation (3) of step 2 in the
algorithm, as follows:
W10  W10 + η δO hO1
= 0.92813+(1)(0.04435)(0.5) = 0.95030
W20  W20 + η δO hO2
= 0.92813+(1)(0.04435)(0.73106) = 0.96056
(at this point we Back Propagate from output layer to hidden layer, and
in the same fashion, propagate to input layer)
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 43
determine the error that the hidden layer contributed using equation (5) of step 3 of the
algorithms as follows:
 δh1= hO1(1 – hO1)W10δO
= (0.5)(1-0.5)(0.9503)(0.04435)
= -0.01054
 δh2= hO2(1 – hO2)W20δO
= (0.73106)(1-0.73106)(0.96056)(0.04435)
= 0.00838
By this error value, we can update the weights between hidden and input layers using
equation (6) of step 3 of the algorithm, as follows:
W11 W11 + η δh1 x1
= 1+(1)(0.01054)(0) = 1
W12 W12 + η δh2 x1
= 0+(1)(0.00838)(0) = 0
W21 W21 + η δh1 x2
= 0+(1)(0.01054)(1) = 0.01054
W22 W22 + η δh2 x2
= 1+(1)(0.00838)(1) = 1.00838
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 44
The following table shows the results after
training the network the second time:
x1 x2 t W11 W12 W21 W22 W10 W20
0 1 1 1 0 0.01054 1.00838 0.9503 0.96056
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 45
The training process have to be repeated many times until we obtain the
MINIMUM error. The following table shows the results after training the
network approximately 1000 times.
As you notice from the Table bellow, the actual outputs
are very near to the desired (target) output.
W11 W12 W21 W22 W10 W20
-3.5402 4.0244 -3.5248 4.5814 -11.9103 4.6940
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 46
The comparison of the actual and desired
(target) output is shown in the table
X1 X2 Target (t) Output (O)
0 0 0 0.0264
0 1 1 0.9867
1 0 1 0.9863
1 1 1 0.9908
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 47
Evolving networks
 Continuous process of:
 Evaluate output
 Adapt weights
 Take new inputs
 ANN evolving causes stable state of the
weights, but neurons continue working:
network has ‘learned’ dealing with the
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 48
Where are NN used?
 Recognizing and matching complicated,
vague, or incomplete patterns
 Data is unreliable
 Problems with noisy data
 Prediction
 Classification
 Data association
 Filtering
 Planning
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 49
 Prediction: learning from past experience
 pick the best stocks in the market
 predict weather
 identify people with cancer risk
 Classification
 Image processing
 Predict bankruptcy for credit card companies
 Risk assessment
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 50
 Recognition
 Pattern recognition: SNOOPE (bomb detector in
U.S. airports)
 Character recognition
 Handwriting: processing checks
 Data association
 Not only identify the characters that were scanned
but identify when the scanner is not working
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 51
 Data Filtering
e.g. take the noise out of a telephone signal, signal
 Planning
 Unknown environments
 Sensor data is noisy
 Fairly new approach to planning
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 52
Strengths of a Neural Network
 Power: Model complex functions, nonlinearity built
into the network
 Ease of use:
 Learn by example
 Very little user domain-specific expertise needed
 Intuitively appealing: based on model of biology,
will it lead to genuinely intelligent computers/robots?
Neural networks cannot do anything that cannot be
done using traditional computing techniques, BUT
they can do some things which would otherwise be
very difficult.
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 53
General Advantages
 Advantages
 Adapt to unknown situations
 Robustness: fault tolerance due to network
 Autonomous learning and generalization
 Disadvantages
 Not exact
 Large complexity of the network structure
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 54
Status of Neural Networks
 Most of the reported applications are
still in research stage
 No formal proofs, but they seem to
have useful applications that work
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
AI 55
 Simulation based on neurons in brain
 Perceptrons (single neuron)
 Guaranteed to find linear discriminant
 IF one exists -> problem XOR
 Neural nets (Multi-layer perceptrons)
 Very general
 Backpropagation training procedure
Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami

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8_Neural Networks in artificial intelligence.ppt

  • 1. Artificial Intelligence AI 1 Artificial Neural Networks ‫االصطناعي‬ ‫ألعصبية‬ ‫الشبكات‬ ‫ة‬ Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami ‫ا‬ . ‫د‬ / ‫الهجامي‬ ‫سلطان‬ ‫احمد‬ ‫االصطناعي‬ ‫الذكاء‬ ‫استاذ‬ ‫الذكية‬ ‫المعلومات‬ ‫ونظم‬ ‫صنعاء‬ ‫جامعة‬
  • 2. AI 2 Artificial Neural Networks ‫االصطناعية‬ ‫ألعصبية‬ ‫الشبكات‬ Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 3. AI 3 Concept Learning Learning systems differ in how they represent concepts Training Examples Backpropagation C4.5 CART FOIL, ILP … … X^Y  Z Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 4. AI 4 Neural Networks  Networks of processing units (neurons) with connections (synapses) between them  Large number of neurons: 1012  Large connectitivity: 105  Parallel processing  Distributed computation/memory  Robust to noise, failures Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 5. AI 5 A new sort of computer  What are (everyday) computer systems good at... and not so good at? Good at Not so good at Rule-based systems: doing what the programmer wants them to do Dealing with noisy data Dealing with unknown environment data Massive parallelism Fault tolerance Adapting to circumstances Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 6. AI 6 Neural networks to the rescue  Neural network: information processing paradigm inspired by biological nervous systems, such as our brain  Structure: large number of highly interconnected processing elements (neurons) working together  Like people, they learn from experience (by example) Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 7. AI 7 Neural networks to the rescue  Neural networks are configured for a specific application, such as pattern recognition or data classification, through a learning process  In a biological system, learning involves adjustments to the synaptic connections between neurons  same for artificial neural networks (ANNs) Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 8. AI 8 History of Neural Networks  1943: McCulloch and Pitts proposed a model of a neuron --> Perceptron (read [Mitchell, section 4.4 ])  1960s: Widrow and Hoff explored Perceptron networks (which they called “Adelines”) and the delta rule.  1962: Rosenblatt proved the convergence of the perceptron training rule.  1969: Minsky and Papert showed that the Perceptron cannot deal with nonlinearly-separable data sets---even those that represent simple function such as X-OR.  1970-1985: Very little research on Neural Nets  1986: Invention of Backpropagation [Rumelhart and McClelland, but also Parker and earlier on: Werbos] which can learn from nonlinearly-separable data sets.  Since 1985: A lot of research in Neural Nets! Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 9. AI 9 Where can neural network systems help  when we can't formulate an algorithmic solution.  when we can get lots of examples of the behavior we require. ‘learning from experience’  when we need to pick out the structure from existing data. Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 10. AI 10 Inspiration from Neurobiology  A neuron: many-inputs / one-output unit  output can be excited or not excited  incoming signals from other neurons determine if the neuron shall excite ("fire")  Output subject to attenuation in the synapses, which are junction parts of the neuron Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 11. AI 11 Real vs Artificial Neurons axon dendrites dendrites synapse cell x0 xn w0 wn  o i n i i x w  0 otherwise 0 and 0 if 1 0     i n i i x w o Threshold unit Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 12. AI 12 Perceptrons  Basic unit of many neural networks  Basic operation  Input: vector of real-values  Calculates a linear combination of inputs  Output  1 if result is greater than some threshold  0 otherwise Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 13. AI 13 Perceptron cont….  Input values -> Linear weighted sum -> Threshold  Given real-valued inputs x1 through xn, the output o(x1,…,xn) computed by the perceptron is o(x1, …, xn) = 1 if w0 + w1x1 + … + wnxn > 0 -1 otherwise where wi is a real-valued constant, or weight Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 14. AI 14 Learning  From experience: examples / training data  Strength of connection between the neurons is stored as a weight-value for the specific connection  Learning the solution to a problem = changing the connection weights Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 15. AI 15 Perceptron Learning Rule  It’s a single-unit network  Change the weight by an amount proportional to the difference between the desired output and the actual output. Wi new = Wi old+ α *(ODesired-O)Xi Learning rate Desired output Input Actual output Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 16. AI 16 Linearly Separable Pattern Classification Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 17. AI 17 Non-Linearly Separable Pattern Classification Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 18. AI 18 Implementing OR x1 x2  o W1 W2 Assume Boolean (0/1) input values… Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 19. AI 19 Implementing OR Assume Boolean (0/1) input values… X1 X2 O desired 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 Truth Table of OR Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 20. AI 20 Training Steps in Perceptron X1 X2 W1 old W2 old O desired O Error W1 W2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 - - - + x1 x2 - Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 21. AI 21 Activation Functions  Each neuron in the network receives one or more input(s).  An activation function is applied to the inputs, which determines the output of the neuron – the activation level. ... 718 . 2 ; 1 1 ) (     e e x f x f(x)=x Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 22. AI 22 Problems  Perceptrons can only perform accurately with linearly separable classes  ANN research put on hold for 20yrs.  Solution: additional (hidden) layers of neurons, MLP architecture  Able to solve non-linear classification problems such as XOR x1 x2 x1 x2 Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 23. AI 23 Feed-back Networks Feed-Forward Neural Networks Also known as: The Multi-layer Perceptron or The Back-Propagation Neural Network Solutions: Use Multi-layer Perceptron Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 24. AI 24 Multi-layer Perceptrons  Each input layer neuron connects to all neurons in the hidden layer.  The neurons in the hidden layer connect to all neurons in the output layer. Node 1 Node 2 Node i Node j Node k Node 3 Input Layer Output Layer Hidden Layer 1.0 0.7 0.4 Wjk Wik W3i W3j W2i W2j W1i W1j Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 25. AI 25 Neural Nets  Pro: More general than perceptrons  Not restricted to linear discriminants  Multiple outputs: one classification each  Con: No simple, guaranteed training procedure  Use greedy, hill-climbing procedure to train  “Gradient descent”, “Backpropagation” Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 26. AI 26 Neural Net Training  Goal:  Determine how to change weights to get correct output  Large change in weight to produce large reduction in error  Approach:  Compute actual output: o  Compare to desired output: d  Determine effect of each weight w on error = d-o  Adjust weights Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 27. AI 27 Backpropagation  Multilayer neural networks learn in the same way as perceptrons.  However, there are many more weights, and it is important to assign credit (or blame) correctly when changing weights.  Backpropagation networks use the sigmoid activation function, as it is easy to differentiate: Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 28. AI 28 Backpropagation  Greedy, Hill-climbing procedure  Weights are parameters to change  Slow  Back propagation: Computes current output, works backward to correct error Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 29. AI 29 Back propagation  Desired output of the training examples  Error = difference between actual & desired output  Change weight relative to error size  Calculate output layer error , then propagate back to previous layer  Improved performance, very common! Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 30. AI 30 Wij Wjk Oi Oj Ok Training Method I J Input Layer Hidden Layer Output Layer K Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 31. AI 31 notations  We use the Following notations:  T (target): the actual output  O (output): The output of every neuron at any layer  f (activation function)  η : learning rate  W: weight  δ : Error signal  Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 32. AI 32 Training Method  Step 1: start at the output layer  Calculate the sumation of signals that enter to each output neuron (N)  Nk = ∑j(Wjk Oj) ------------------------ (1)  This value passes through neuron represented by activation function and hence the output of every output neuron is as follows:  Ok = 1/(1+e^ -NK)=f(Nk) ---------------------(2) (This value represents the actual output that the network obtained which has to be compared to the desired output to know the value of error).  Step 2: Computer the error value (δ) as follows:  δk = (tk – Ok) f’(Nk) =(tk – Ok) Ok (1– Ok) ---------------------(3)  Update the weight between output and hidden layers (weights change based on their contribution on this error) as follows: Wjk  Wjk + η δk Oj ----------------------(4) Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 33. AI 33  Step 3: at hidden layer neurons,  Repeat the above process as follows:  Compute the error in this layer as follows: δj = Oj (1– Ok) ∑kWjk δk ---------------------(5)  Update the weight between input layer and hidden layers (weights change based on their contribution on this error) as follows: Wij  Wij + η δj Oi --------------------(6)  These 3 steps are repeated many times for all inputs until the error of the network reaches to the minimum error where the training process STOPS and therefore the network becomes trained network. Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 34. AI 34 h1 h2 W21 W12 W11 A Detailed Example W22 W20 (h) Hidden Layer Output Layer (O) W10 (i) Input Layer x1 x2 •The network to be trained Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 35. AI 35 A Detailed Example •The input/output used for training: X1 X2 Target (t) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 We select η=1 as learning rate for simplicity Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 36. AI 36 •We assume random weights and use the first row in the I/O table x1 x2 t W11 W12 W21 W22 W10 W20 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 We also use the following notations: hi1: total inputs for 1st cell in the Hidden layer hi2: total inputs for 2nd cell in the Hidden layer ho1: output of 1st cell in the Hidden layer ho2: output of 2nd cell in the Hidden layer N: Total inputs to the cell of output layer O: The actual output of the network Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 37. AI 37 •We obtain the following:  hi1= W11x1+W21x2 = (1)(0)+(0)(0) = 0  hi2= W12x1+W22x2 = (0)(0)+(1)(0) = 0 hO1= 1/(1+e^-hi1) ------------(1) = 1/(e^-0) = 0.5 hO2= 1/(1+e^-hi2) ------------(2) = 1/(e^-0) = 0.5 By using the first step in the algorithm, we get the total number of inputs that entered unto the output cell as follows: N = W10hO1 + W20hO2 ------------------(3) = (1)(0.5) + (1)(0.5) = 1 Therefore the actual output of the network: O = 1/(1+e^-N) = 1/(1+e^-1) = 0.73106 (which is far away from desired (target) output). Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 38. AI 38 As the actual output is far away from target, we have to modify the weights to be close from target. To determine the error in the result, we use step 2 of the algorithm as follows:  δO = (t – O) O (1 – O) = (0-0.73106) (0.73106)(1-0.73106) = -0.14373 By this error value, we can update the weights between hidden and output layers using equation (3) of step 2 in the algorithm, as follows: W10  W10 + η δO hO1 = 1+(1)(-0.14373)(0.5) = 0.92813 W20  W20 + η δO hO2 = 1+(1)(-0.14373)(0.5) = 0.92813 (at this point we Back Propagate from output layer to hidden layer, and in the same fashion, propagate to input layer) Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 39. AI 39 determine the error that the hidden layer contributed using equation (5) of step 3 of the algorithms as follows:  δh1= hO1(1 – hO1)W10δO = (0.5)(1-0.5)(0.92813)(-0.14373) = -0.03335  δh2= hO2(1 – hO2)W20δO = (0.5)(1-0.5)(0.92813)(-0.14373) = -0.03335 By this error value, we can update the weights between hidden and input layers using equation (6) of step 3 of the algorithm, as follows: W11 W11 + η δh1 x1 = 1+(1)(-0.03335)(0) = 1 W12 W12 + η δh2 x1 = 0+(1)(-0.03335)(0) = 0 W21 W21 + η δh1 x2 = 0+(1)(-0.03335)(0) = 0 W22 W22 + η δh2 x2 = 1+(1)(-0.03335)(0) = 1 Notice that, the weights have not been changed as it is normal, due to the initialization of inputs to ZERO Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 40. AI 40 The following table shows the results after training the network only once: x1 x2 t W11 W12 W21 W22 W10 W20 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.92813 0.92813 Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 41. AI 41  Now, we consider the second ROW of the target Table, and continue training process of the network by using the same steps:  And using the following data in the training: x1 = 0, x2 = 1, t = 1  Also using the weights obtained in the previous stage of training, We obtain:  hi1= W11x1+W21x2 = (1)(0)+(0)(1) = 0  hi2= W12x1+W22x2 = (0)(0)+(1)(1) = 1 hO1= 1/(1+e^-hi1) = 1/(e^-0) = 0.5 hO2= 1/(1+e^-hi2) = 1/(e^-1) = 0.73106 By using the first step in the algorithm, we get the total number of inputs that entered unto the output cell as follows: N = W10hO1 + W20hO2 ------------------(3) = (0.92813)(0.5)+(0.92813)(0.73106) = 1.1426 Therefore the actual output of the network: O = 1/(1+e^-N) = 1/(1+e^-1.1426) = 0.7582 (which is far away from desired (target) output). Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 42. AI 42 As the actual output is far away from target, we have to modify the weights to be close from target. To determine the error in the result, we use step 2 of the algorithm as follows:  δO = (t – O) O (1 – O) = (1- 0.7582) (0. 0.7582)(1- 0.7582) = -0.04435 By this error value, we can update the weights between hidden and output layers using equation (3) of step 2 in the algorithm, as follows: W10  W10 + η δO hO1 = 0.92813+(1)(0.04435)(0.5) = 0.95030 W20  W20 + η δO hO2 = 0.92813+(1)(0.04435)(0.73106) = 0.96056 (at this point we Back Propagate from output layer to hidden layer, and in the same fashion, propagate to input layer) Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 43. AI 43 determine the error that the hidden layer contributed using equation (5) of step 3 of the algorithms as follows:  δh1= hO1(1 – hO1)W10δO = (0.5)(1-0.5)(0.9503)(0.04435) = -0.01054  δh2= hO2(1 – hO2)W20δO = (0.73106)(1-0.73106)(0.96056)(0.04435) = 0.00838 By this error value, we can update the weights between hidden and input layers using equation (6) of step 3 of the algorithm, as follows: W11 W11 + η δh1 x1 = 1+(1)(0.01054)(0) = 1 W12 W12 + η δh2 x1 = 0+(1)(0.00838)(0) = 0 W21 W21 + η δh1 x2 = 0+(1)(0.01054)(1) = 0.01054 W22 W22 + η δh2 x2 = 1+(1)(0.00838)(1) = 1.00838 Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 44. AI 44 The following table shows the results after training the network the second time: x1 x2 t W11 W12 W21 W22 W10 W20 0 1 1 1 0 0.01054 1.00838 0.9503 0.96056 Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 45. AI 45 The training process have to be repeated many times until we obtain the MINIMUM error. The following table shows the results after training the network approximately 1000 times. As you notice from the Table bellow, the actual outputs are very near to the desired (target) output. W11 W12 W21 W22 W10 W20 -3.5402 4.0244 -3.5248 4.5814 -11.9103 4.6940 Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 46. AI 46 The comparison of the actual and desired (target) output is shown in the table bellow: X1 X2 Target (t) Output (O) 0 0 0 0.0264 0 1 1 0.9867 1 0 1 0.9863 1 1 1 0.9908 Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 47. AI 47 Evolving networks  Continuous process of:  Evaluate output  Adapt weights  Take new inputs  ANN evolving causes stable state of the weights, but neurons continue working: network has ‘learned’ dealing with the problem “Learning” Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 48. AI 48 Where are NN used?  Recognizing and matching complicated, vague, or incomplete patterns  Data is unreliable  Problems with noisy data  Prediction  Classification  Data association  Filtering  Planning Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 49. AI 49 Applications  Prediction: learning from past experience  pick the best stocks in the market  predict weather  identify people with cancer risk  Classification  Image processing  Predict bankruptcy for credit card companies  Risk assessment Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 50. AI 50 Applications  Recognition  Pattern recognition: SNOOPE (bomb detector in U.S. airports)  Character recognition  Handwriting: processing checks  Data association  Not only identify the characters that were scanned but identify when the scanner is not working properly Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 51. AI 51 Applications  Data Filtering e.g. take the noise out of a telephone signal, signal smoothing  Planning  Unknown environments  Sensor data is noisy  Fairly new approach to planning Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 52. AI 52 Strengths of a Neural Network  Power: Model complex functions, nonlinearity built into the network  Ease of use:  Learn by example  Very little user domain-specific expertise needed  Intuitively appealing: based on model of biology, will it lead to genuinely intelligent computers/robots? Neural networks cannot do anything that cannot be done using traditional computing techniques, BUT they can do some things which would otherwise be very difficult. Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 53. AI 53 General Advantages  Advantages  Adapt to unknown situations  Robustness: fault tolerance due to network redundancy  Autonomous learning and generalization  Disadvantages  Not exact  Large complexity of the network structure Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 54. AI 54 Status of Neural Networks  Most of the reported applications are still in research stage  No formal proofs, but they seem to have useful applications that work Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami
  • 55. AI 55 Conclusions  Simulation based on neurons in brain  Perceptrons (single neuron)  Guaranteed to find linear discriminant  IF one exists -> problem XOR  Neural nets (Multi-layer perceptrons)  Very general  Backpropagation training procedure Prof. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami