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Created by Sue Frederick, Intuitive & Author of I SeeYour
Dream Job, I SeeYour Soul Mate,Bridges to Heaven:True
Stories of Loved Ones on the Other Side &Your Divine Lens:
The Secret to Living in Alignment with your Soul
ŠSeptember 2015 Intuitive Coach Institute
Welcome to Sue Frederick’s
Your Divine Lens Workshop
nīŽâ€¯This material was created by:
nīŽâ€¯Sue Frederick, Intuitive, Certified Intuitive Coach and
Author of I See Your Dream Job, I See Your Soul Mate,
Bridges to Heaven;True Stories of Loved Ones on the
Other Side &Your Divine Lens
3 Primary Spiritual Principles of
Your Divine Lens Workshops
nīŽâ€¯ Practice of meditation to quiet the mind, open the heart,
connect to our divinity and hear the voice of our soul.
nīŽâ€¯ Pain is our fuel: How we shift our perspective to view our
greatest pain and use it as our fuel to do our great work
and live our best life.
nīŽâ€¯ Soul agreements and soul missions:We’ve made soul
agreements with all the important players in our life
even those who break our hearts. All soul agreements are
for our highest good. Sue teaches tools for understanding
these agreements as well as for seeing our own great soul
Attendees Learn to:
nīŽâ€¯ Quiet the mind to hear their inner wisdom.
nīŽâ€¯ View their life story from the soul’s perspective – the Divine
Lens - rather than the disempowering ego story.
nīŽâ€¯ Apply their inner wisdom & Divine Lens perspective to
everyday choices including career.
nīŽâ€¯ Find healing for great losses including the death of a loved
nīŽâ€¯ Find purpose in their life and work.
nīŽâ€¯ Use this new Divine Lens perspective to create a plan for
moving forward in every area of their life.
Sue Frederick’s 9 Essential Steps
To Shift into Your Divine Lens
nīŽâ€¯ ShareYour Ego Story & explore difference between Divine Lens and
Ego Lens
nīŽâ€¯ Explore the Spirituality Question
nīŽâ€¯ Detox the Poison of Guilt; Explore soul agreements & soul choices
made for highest good.
nīŽâ€¯ Feel and Release the Pain: BreakYour Heart Wide Open
nīŽâ€¯ Divine Lens & Reconnection Meditations: Shifting Perspectives
nīŽâ€¯ UnderstandYour Soul’s Mission & Reinvention Cycles
nīŽâ€¯ Use Pain as Fuel
nīŽâ€¯ ShareYour Soul Story
nīŽâ€¯ Shift intoYour Divine Lens to Move Forward
Step One:
Share Your Ego Story
Tell MeYour Story of Greatest Pain: Describe your greatest love
& loss, career ups & downs, or childhood abuse:
nīŽâ€¯ A story of painful loss can’t be fully released until it has been fully told.
nīŽâ€¯ Tell the story of your loved one’s death.Was it sudden? How long was he sick?
nīŽâ€¯ Or tell the story of your greatest career disappointment.
nīŽâ€¯ Or tell the story of your greatest broken heart.
nīŽâ€¯ Or tell the story of your greatest childhood pain.
nīŽâ€¯ Where is the greatest pain in your life right now?
nīŽâ€¯ What would your soul say about why you chose to experience this pain?
Step One:
Share Your Grief Story
nīŽâ€¯ If you’re grieving share one of your best memories of your departed loved one
or from any moment in your life.
nīŽâ€¯ What would you say to your departed loved one if he were here right now?
What would he say to you?
nīŽâ€¯ What would your departed loved one want you to do now to fulfill your mission
nīŽâ€¯ What soul lesson was your departed loved one teaching you by putting you
through this loss?
nīŽâ€¯ What is the purpose of your life – other than financial survival? How can you
change your career to more fully align with this more meaningful pursuit?
nīŽâ€¯ Why would your soul (choosing circumstances for your highest good and
never out of punishment) have chosen to come here and experience the life
you’ve lived? What were you learning for your highest good?
Step One: Share Your Story
nīŽâ€¯ What gifts may have been hidden in your moments of greatest
pain? These are gifts of awakening that you can only realize now as
you review past painful moments:
nīŽâ€¯  What does your greatest self know to be true about using your
gifts and talents to make a difference in the world?
nīŽâ€¯  What steps would you take to begin doing that now to make your
nīŽâ€¯  What changes would you need to make in your life and in your
relationships to move forward?
Two ways we view our lives:
Ego Lens vs. Divine Lens
There are two ways we view our lives. The Ego Lens view is the ego’s
perspective of life which can be tragic, painful, exhausting and
meaningless.This is how most of the world views life most often.
The other is our soul’s view; I call this the Divine Lens view. From this
perspective we remember that we’re souls who came here on purpose to
evolve and help others evolve.This perspective feels empowering,
hopeful and gives us meaning and purpose.
When we quiet the fear based ego mind, we can all access our soul’s
wisdom, get a fresh perspective and use it to heal and move forward.
In this course I’m asking you to pick up your Divine Lens and use it to
see the luminous world that lives all around us and within usâ€Ļ.
And to help your clients access their Divine Lens to review their
lives, embrace their soul’s mission and move forward boldly.
Step Two: Explore the
Spirituality Question
nīŽâ€¯ Tell me what you believe inâ€Ļ.
nīŽâ€¯ Do you follow a religion or do you have a daily spiritual practice of some kind?
nīŽâ€¯ Share the details of your spiritual journey: How were you raised?
nīŽâ€¯ What do you believe in now?
nīŽâ€¯ Have you explored other religions beyond the one you were raised in?
nīŽâ€¯ Is spirituality a focus of your daily life or not?
nīŽâ€¯ Do you pray or meditate every day? Is so, describe what you do.
nīŽâ€¯ Where do you believe your departed loved ones are now?Where do you
believe you’ll go when you die?
nīŽâ€¯ Do you believe you’re a soul on an intentional journey for your highest
good?Why or why not?
Step Two: Explore the Spirituality
Question for Healing Grief
nīŽâ€¯ When you’re in pain – especially in grief - your most pressing
questions are‘why did this loss happen?‘where is my loved one
now?“ “what is the point of my life now?’
nīŽâ€¯ By exploring a broad spiritual (not religious) perspective you may
find answers that are truly healing.
nīŽâ€¯ This loss is your moment of true spiritual (not religious) awakening.
It’s calling you to experience first-hand your own divine nature.
nīŽâ€¯ Your pain will diminish the instant you have an experience of
communicating directly to your departed or to your divine guides
and feeling their presence.
nīŽâ€¯ You’ll have first-hand confirmation that the unseen realms are real.
Step Two: Explore the
Spirituality Question
nīŽâ€¯ There’s a difference between spirituality and religion.
nīŽâ€¯ Religion is a set of beliefs and rules governed by a church. If you’re
already deeply comforted by your church and don’t question those
beliefs, that’s terrific.
nīŽâ€¯ If your church’s beliefs don’t fully resonate with you - are you willing
to step out of your comfort zone to explore new ideas & develop
your own personal connection to the divine?
nīŽâ€¯ Write your thoughts:
Step Two: Explore the
Spirituality Question
nīŽâ€¯ To explore this bigger view of spirituality, would you be willing to go
on a spiritual journey of exploration?
nīŽâ€¯ Would you consider spending time at a monastery, ashram or
spiritual center or taking a meditation class?
nīŽâ€¯ Would you be willing to visit a Hindu and Buddhist Ashram, Unity
Church, Science of the Mind Church, Kabala center or read
metaphysical books?
nīŽâ€¯ This spiritual journey of exploration would help you understand
what others believe about the after life and see if those ideas
resonate with you.
nīŽâ€¯ Write your thoughts on this:
Notes on your spiritual journey
nīŽâ€¯ What do you believe in spiritually? An afterlife? Heaven?
nīŽâ€¯ What did you grow up believing?
nīŽâ€¯ What do you believe now?
nīŽâ€¯ How can you bring spirituality more into your day to day life?
Step Two: Explore the
Spirituality Question
nīŽâ€¯ Suggested books include:
nīŽâ€¯ Bridges to Heaven:True Stories of Loved Ones on the Other Side by
Sue Frederick;
nīŽâ€¯ Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander, MD.;
nīŽâ€¯ Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD;
nīŽâ€¯ The Conscious Universe by Dean Radin;
nīŽâ€¯ Science and the Akashic Field by Laszlo;
nīŽâ€¯ After We Die,What Then? by George Meek;
nīŽâ€¯ Movies What The Bleep Do We Know & Something Unknown is
Doing We Don’t Know What (award winning documentary).
Step Three:
Detox the Poison of Guilt
nīŽâ€¯ If you’ve lost a career you cared about, what is the guilt story you
carry about why this happened?
nīŽâ€¯ If you’re grieving a marriage or relationship, what is the guilt story
you carry about what you could’ve done differently?
nīŽâ€¯ If your life hasn’t turned out the way you wanted it to, what is the
guilt story about why you went off-track?
nīŽâ€¯ Do you believe our souls choose lessons for our highest good?
Could these losses and disappointments have been perfectly
designed to push you to evolve, to live better and love better in the
future? What can you do now to become your best self and use this
guilt as fuel to move forward?
Step Three: Grief & Guilt
Detox the Poison of Guilt
Whenever someone dies, their loved ones feel guilt.They
believe they could have done something more or something
different that would have prevented the death.
From a spiritual perspective, death is a soul agreement made
before the lifetime begins.There is nothing you or anyone
could have done to prevent another soul from departing at
their pre-destined time of exit.
Carrying this guilt is like drinking poison everyday and it’s not
how your loved one wants to see you living.Write your thoughts
on this.
Step Three:
Detox the Poison of Guilt
nīŽâ€¯ Begin by writing your guilt storyâ€Ļ.
nīŽâ€¯ ________________________________________________________
nīŽâ€¯ ________________________________________________________
nīŽâ€¯ ________________________________________________________
nīŽâ€¯ ________________________________________________________
nīŽâ€¯ ________________________________________________________
nīŽâ€¯ ________________________________________________________
Do You Believe
Our Souls Choose our exits?
Carrying this guilt is like drinking poison everyday and it’s not how your
loved one wants to see you living. From your most spiritual perspective what
might have been your soul agreement with your departed? Do you believe our
souls choose our exit points from the lifetime? Write your thoughts on thisâ€Ļ.
nīŽâ€¯ ______________________________________________________________________________
nīŽâ€¯ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
nīŽâ€¯ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
nīŽâ€¯ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
nīŽâ€¯ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Step Four:
Feel & Release the Pain
nīŽâ€¯ It’s necessary to feel your pain in order to release it and heal.This
daily meditation is a powerful way to do that.This practice will make
you feel better from the first day you try it. I’ve used it many times in
my life and it has helped hundreds of my clients.
nīŽâ€¯The Break Your Heart Wide Open Meditation
nīŽâ€¯ 1. Start each morning with a ten- to twenty-minute meditation. During
this meditation, quiet your mind with mantra or prayer repetition. I
repeat the ancient mantra Om Namah Shivaya, a Sanskrit phrase
meaning “I bow to the divine self.” Or you can repeat the Lord’s Prayer.
nīŽâ€¯ 2.Whenever your thoughts wander into your meditation, gently bring
your focus back to the mantra.
nīŽâ€¯ 3. At the end of the meditation, when your mind has settled down, ask
to fully feel and release the pain in your heart.
Step 4: Break Your Heart
Wide Open Meditation
nīŽâ€¯ 4. Focus your attention on the heart chakra, take several deep
breaths, and allow yourself to deeply experience your grief. Cry if
you need to.To focus the energy, you can place your palm facing
upwards in front of your heart.
nīŽâ€¯ 5.Whenever you feel the pain, picture it leaving your heart chakra
and moving out of you, up to the divine source. Give it away to
God. See divine beings taking your pain away and transforming it
into love. (Picture the pain moving out of your heart as you move
your palm away from your heart chakra and up to the divine
nīŽâ€¯ 6. Repeat this meditation again at the end of the day before going
to sleep. By starting and ending each day with this process, your
grief will dissolve and you’ll find the energy to move forward with
your life.
Step Five: Divine Lens Meditation
Shifting into the Soul’s Perspective
nīŽâ€¯ Practice this technique whenever life feels difficult:
nīŽâ€¯ Take one deep slow breath – follow it in and out.
nīŽâ€¯ Mantra or prayer repetition (Om Namah Shivaya) for several
nīŽâ€¯ Your request: Please help me see my soul’s perspective on this
nīŽâ€¯ I am grateful forâ€Ļ
nīŽâ€¯ I open my heart and send love toâ€Ļ
nīŽâ€¯ This is one positive step I can take todayâ€Ļ
Step Five:
Divine Lens Exercise
nīŽâ€¯ 1. Take a deep slow breath, hold it for five seconds, release the
breath slowly through your mouth. Repeat.
nīŽâ€¯ 2. Send a prayer request for instant wisdom; I pray to be hooked up
to the wisdom of my highest self and of the divine realms and the
guidance of all the divine beings. I pray to align with this wisdom now
and separate from my ego self in order to see this day through my
divine lens and choose my words and actions from that perspective.
Step Five:
Divine Lens Meditation
nīŽâ€¯ 3.Quiet the mind and open the heart through daily meditation
with mantra. Use Om Namah Shivaya. Repeat this mantra and refocus
your mind back to that phrase whenever you notice your thoughts.
nīŽâ€¯ 4. Learn to see yourself and others as a soul on a shared journey
by using tools of compassion such as numerology, astrology, angel
cards, and prayer. Say: Help me to see the path my sister/brother
walks, understand their pain, and realize how to love them best
in their journey – knowing that their limitations and mistakes
have nothing to do with me.
Step Five:
Divine Lens Meditation
nīŽâ€¯ 5. Ask:What is my next step? How do I move forward through my
fear and doubt? Write those questions over and over until you begin
to write the answers channeled through from your higher self.You’ll
know the words are coming from your higher self because you’ll be
writing quickly without thinking or editing what you write.This is how
divine guidance comes to us.
Step Five: Reconnection Ritual
For Healing Grief
nīŽâ€¯ Please suspend whatever limited thinking is holding you back from
reconnecting with your departed.You’ll be amazed at the powerful
guidance and loving energy you receive when you reach out.
nīŽâ€¯ Over the years I’ve developed this powerful reconnection technique.
It has profoundly helped me—whether I was asking for relief from the
pain of grief or needed help writing a section of my book.
nīŽâ€¯ It works whether your loved one just crossed over or crossed over
decades ago.
nīŽâ€¯ I’ve seen this technique create incredible healing for my clients &
students. I know it will help you too.
Step Five:
The Reconnection Ritual
nīŽâ€¯ When first recovering from grief, practice this Reconnection
Ritual at least once a day. If you doubt the connection and
don’t believe the images and whispers are real, ask your
departed for a sign to help you believe.You can ask for
flickering lights or a phone call with no one on the other end.
Or you can ask to have someone say something to you that
day that replicates a phrase you used with your departed.
nīŽâ€¯ If you practice this ritual once a day for seven days, it will
remove any doubt that your loved one lives on and is still
accessible to you.You’ll gain a new perspective on your life
and see why you’re still here. Remember, you have to
surrender what you “know” and quiet the logical mind to
experience this powerful connection.
Step Five: Reconnection Ritual
nīŽâ€¯1. Sit in a quiet space and close your eyes. If it’s noisy,
use earplugs to create quiet.Take three deep breaths.
nīŽâ€¯2. Repeat a high-frequency Sanskrit phrase such as
Om Namah Shivaya (I bow to the Divine Self) or repeat
the Lord’s Prayer. You can do this quietly in your head.
When you notice your thoughts getting in the way, gently
bring your focus back to the mantra. I recommend either
using this mantra or the Lord’s Prayer.You’re trying to
raise your energy frequency and don’t want to attract lost
souls. Sanskrit mantras and the Lord’s Prayer carry sacred
energy and will protect you.
+ Step Five:
The Reconnection Ritual
nīŽâ€¯ 3. At the end of fifteen minutes (when you’ve noticed your mind
settling down), stop repeating the mantra and keep your eyes
closed.Take a deep breath and open your heart. Send loving
energy to your departed. Feel the love and see them feeling it
and smiling back at you. Love protects you from anything negative
and strengthens your intuition. It opens your connection to the
nīŽâ€¯ 4. Speak directly to your loved one. Repeat their full name three
times.Then say, “Hi, are you there?” With your eyes closed, notice
the flicker of an image in front of you. Don’t fixate on the image or
look directly at it. Keep your eyes closed. But be aware that your
loved one is taking form for you. Don’t be afraid. Concentrate on
feeling love in your heart. It enhances your connection and protects
+ Step Five:
The Reconnection Ritual
nīŽâ€¯ 5. Ask your most pressing questions. Examples:Will I find love?
Will I find work? Should I sell the house? Can you help me feel
stronger? Why am I still here? Why did you have to go? What should
I do now? Can you help ease my pain?
nīŽâ€¯ 6.Then be quiet and listen. They’re speaking to you.You may
doubt it because it will feel as if you’re imagining the conversation.
You’re not.This is how they communicate. If you’re feeling cynical,
tell yourself,“Okay this is a fun game of imaginationâ€Ļ” But stick
with it.Take note of everything they say, the ideas that pop into your
head, and the images you get.This is all guidance for you.
+ Step Five:
The Reconnection Ritual
nīŽâ€¯7. Send them gratitude! Say,“Thank you for your help! I
feel your presence and I appreciate it!”
nīŽâ€¯8.Write down any ideas, phrases, images, or feelings
you received or that come to you now upon reflection.
nīŽâ€¯9. Get up and go about your day. Later take time to reflect
on what you experienced. Contemplate how the
guidance applies to your life.
nīŽâ€¯Write about your experience with this technique:
Protection Technique
nīŽâ€¯ Love is the most powerful positive force of all and it always trumps
darkness.When you’re afraid, send love to what you fear. It’s like
turning on a light in a dark room. Open your heart and pump the
love. Darkness will disappear.When you’re afraid, this will help you:
Sit in meditation until you can feel love for just one person in your
life. See that person wrapped in your powerful love. Pump the love to
this person until you see them smiling and laughing. Now extend
that love energy out to the entire space around you filling it with
golden light. Now pump your love out to the entire world. See our
planet wrapped in golden love and light, and all of its people
looking peaceful and happy. Spend time with that image.When you
open your eyes, the room you’re sitting in will shimmer with love and
light.Your fear will be gone.
Remembering Your Intuition
nīŽâ€¯ Describe moments in your life when you’ve felt intuitive or had intuitive
experiences and dreams:
nīŽâ€¯ Did you trust the information you received? Why or why not? What did you
learn from these intuitive experiences?
nīŽâ€¯ As a child, were your intuitive experiences encouraged or dismissed by
your family of origin?
nīŽâ€¯ When does your intuition show up most powerfully?
nīŽâ€¯ When your loved one died did you feel him/her communicating with you?
nīŽâ€¯ Have you felt his presence in your life since he died? How so?
nīŽâ€¯ Describe any dreams you’ve had that may have been a message from your
departed or your divine guides:
RememberingYour Intuition
Ask Yourselfâ€Ļ
nīŽâ€¯ Does your current circle of friends and partners embrace or dismiss
nīŽâ€¯ If you have not felt your departed’s presence could it be because your
grief and pain has been so intense that it blocked the communication?
nīŽâ€¯ Are you willing to practice daily meditation to quiet the mind &
enhance your intuition?
nīŽâ€¯ Are you willing to do the Break Your Heart Wide Open Meditation to
release your pain and then try connecting to your departed?
nīŽâ€¯ Are you willing to do the Daily Reconnection Ritual to experience
first-hand the presence of your departed loved one?
nīŽâ€¯ Write your thoughts on this:
Intuitive Living Meditation
nīŽâ€¯ Practice your intuition every day. Before heading home from work ask,
“Should I take this route or the other route?” Now close your eyes and see
yourself on one of the possible routes home and note how your body feels.
Do you get a good or bad feeling in response to seeing that particular drive?
If it’s good, take that route home.
nīŽâ€¯ Afterward, reflect on how the commute went for you.Was it easier than usual?
Was there less traffic?
nīŽâ€¯ Plan an intuitively guided vacation.Visit a new city and plan your activities
each morning based on your gut feelings. Keep a journal of how this works
for you.
nīŽâ€¯ As you learn to trust your intuition for these little everyday choices, you’ll be
better able to trust your intuition for the big life choices. And the more
confident you’ll become about communicating with the departed.
Meditation to Enhance Intuition
nīŽâ€¯ Sit comfortably without letting your head lean back against anything (a sure
way to fall asleep). Close your eyes and take several deep, releasing
nīŽâ€¯ Silently repeat either Om Namah Shivaya or The Lord’s Prayer or another
sacred sound of your choice. Sit for ten to twenty minutes (at least) silently
repeating these words.When you notice your mind paying attention to your
thoughts, gently bring your focus back to mantra or prayer. Don’t struggle.
Be gentle.
nīŽâ€¯ After 20 minutes, slowly stop repeating the words. In this quiet gap before
getting up and going back to your routine, ask for guidance. Say, “Please
divine guides show me â€Ļ”
nīŽâ€¯ Or speak directly to the departed. “Hello â€Ļ. Please help me understand
+ Step Six:
UnderstandingYour Soul’s
Mission & Reinvention Cycles
nīŽâ€¯Once you find your path, you understand your soul
mission and what you came to do. It reveals your
Great Work for this lifetime.
nīŽâ€¯Your path illuminates your reason for still being
here in the physical world even though a loved one
has moved on and/or even though you may have
lost many things you care about.
nīŽâ€¯By embracing the soul mission, you rise to the
challenge of your lifetime and fulfill your purpose.
Only then are you able to join your loved ones in
the highest realms.
+ Step Six:
UnderstandingYour Soul’s
Mission & Reinvention Cycles
nīŽâ€¯Finding your soul’s intention by using
the numbers in the date of birth.
nīŽâ€¯You have to know who you are and why
you’re still here; this empowers you to
focus on the future, move through pain
and fulfill your mission (which is the
reason you’re here).
The Meaning of Numbers
nīŽâ€¯To study the meaning of each number see Chapter 23
of the book Your Divine Lens.
Meaning of Numbers
nīŽâ€¯All numbers are reduced to digits 1 through 9
except for three cosmic vibrations symbolized
by the master numbers 11, 22 & 33.
nīŽâ€¯All other numbers are reduced to the basic
digits 1 through 9 by adding the digits of the
entire number together.
nīŽâ€¯For example: the number 43 equals 7
nīŽâ€¯(4 + 3 = 7)
nīŽâ€¯The number 10 equals 1 (1 + 0 = 1)
Your Birth Path
nīŽâ€¯To calculate your birth path from your date of
nīŽâ€¯Your birth month:
nīŽâ€¯Your birth date:
nīŽâ€¯Your birth year:
nīŽâ€¯Reduced to a single digit:
nīŽâ€¯Your birth path number:
3 Ways of Adding Birthdates
nīŽâ€¯It’s important to add each birth date three
different ways to check your addition & to look for
hidden master path numbers.
nīŽâ€¯This is especially important if you’ve arrived at a 2,
4, or 6 birth path which could contain a hidden 11,
22, or 33 path if added two other ways.
nīŽâ€¯If the final sum of the birth date is 11, 22 or 33 just
one of the three ways you add it, that means the
person is on the master soul journey of 11, 22 or
3 Different Ways
to Add Birth Dates
nīŽâ€¯ Using Birth Date May 1, 1960
nīŽâ€¯ This is a 22 birth path:
5+1+1+9+6+0 = 22/4
5 = 5
1 = 1
+1960 = 16 = +7
1966= 22/4 13/4
+ Calculate your birth path
using all three of the methods:
nīŽâ€¯ First method result:
nīŽâ€¯ Second method result:
nīŽâ€¯ Third method result:
nīŽâ€¯ All three methods should arrive at the same final number--
even if you discover you’re on a master soul path of 11, 22, or
33. Those master soul path calculations result in the
consistent final combinations of 11/2, 22/4, or 33/6 --at least
one of the ways you add the birth date.The other two ways
may result in various other two-digit numbers that when
added together total 2, 4 or 6. (Examples are 20/2, 13/4 or
+ Explain what your birth path reveals
about your life purpose:
+ Explain what your birth path reveals
about healing your pain:
PersonalYear Cycles
nīŽâ€¯All of your life you’ve experienced repeated
nine-year cycles of reinvention. By
understanding where you are now in your
reinvention cycles, you can more gracefully
heal your life, embrace your true work and see
life from your soul’s perspective – through
your Divine Lens.
PersonalYear Cycles
nīŽâ€¯Every year of your life you’ve been under the
influence of a particular number - 1 through 9,
11, 22 or 33.
nīŽâ€¯You’re working with a different type of energy
each year within a repeating nine-year cycle.
nīŽâ€¯These nine-year cycles are designed to move
you through cycles of necessary reinvention
and loss; helping you master the challenges
you signed up for, and accomplish the work
you came here to do.
PersonalYear Always
Begins in Januaryâ€Ļ
nīŽâ€¯Your new personal year begins every January when the
calendar year changes.
nīŽâ€¯However, the energy of your personal year peaks
around your birthday.
nīŽâ€¯After your birthday, you begin to feel the influence of
the coming personal year that will begin the following
nīŽâ€¯Let’s compute your personal year on the following
Calculate Your PersonalYear
nīŽâ€¯Your birth date:
nīŽâ€¯Your birth month:
nīŽâ€¯The current calendar year:
nīŽâ€¯Reduced to a single digit:
nīŽâ€¯This is your personal year:
+ Write a brief description of the personal
year you’re experiencing right now and
the implications it has for moving forward:
I’m in a personal year ____ and as I reflect on this I realize:
Saturn Returns
nīŽâ€¯ At the ages of 28 and 29, you go through your First Saturn Return.This is a major
transition point of the lifetime--your first true wake up moment of recognizing your
journey for this lifetime and what it’s really about.You’ll see that your life is going to
turn out differently from how you thought it would be. And you’ll understand that
you’re not here to meet the expectations of family and friends.This is your moment
of seeing who you really are.You may lose a career or lose someone you love at this
transition point-whether it’s a parent, friend or spouse.This loss is meant to fuel your
nīŽâ€¯ At the ages of 58 and 59, you go through your Second Saturn Return.This is the
second major transition point of your lifetime--where you’re stripped naked until you
finally become your true self in the world.You’re no longer allowed to hide behind
limiting job titles or relationships. It’s time to be the authentic self you came here to
be--doing your great work in the world.This is also a time when you may lose
someone you love or lose a career or a relationship and use pain to fuel your
MapYour Own
Reinvention Cycles
nīŽâ€¯ One of the most helpful steps of your recovery process is looking through
all of your previous nine-year cycles and discussing what was going on
during each cycle. Starting with your birth year, write each year of your life
to the left of the personal year number you were experiencing. Also include
your age. (Use the charts at the back of this workbook.)
nīŽâ€¯ Make notes by the years when important events occurred--especially note
when relationships and careers began or ended, and when you
experienced grief and loss. Note any changes that took place when one
nine-year cycle ended and a new one began. Note what you learned
about yourself during the Saturn Return.
nīŽâ€¯ By examining your past reinvention cycles what insights do you have about
your current challenge and moving through it? What insights have you
gained from reviewing your cycles? 
Ask Yourselfâ€Ļ
nīŽâ€¯ How did each 9 year cycle begin and end?
nīŽâ€¯ What was my intention at beginning of each cycle?
nīŽâ€¯ What did I let go of at end of each cycle?
nīŽâ€¯ When did I fall in or out of love? When did I start and end careers?
nīŽâ€¯ When did I have children or long to have children?
nīŽâ€¯ When did my loved ones die?
nīŽâ€¯ What did I learn?
nīŽâ€¯ What did I learn about myself during the Saturn Return?
nīŽâ€¯ When I look at my Saturn Returns what can I learn about the purpose of
my pain and how it fuels my life and great work?
Step Seven: Use Pain as Fuel
nīŽâ€¯ Consider the possibility that all of your pain--every wound
you’ve ever experienced, from loss to illness to disappointment--
was exactly what you needed and chose in order to arrive at this
point in your life, which is exactly where you’re supposed to be.
nīŽâ€¯ Imagine that your soul chose to experience loss to open your
heart and strengthen your connection to the divine--to push you
onto your true path and inspire you to accomplish your soul’s
greatest mission.
nīŽâ€¯ Your greatest work offers to the world what you wish had been
offered to you in your moment of greatest pain.
Step Seven: Use Pain as Fuel
Consider thisâ€Ļ
nīŽâ€¯Grief fuels your greatest spiritual & emotional
reinvention; it breaks your heart wide open & sends
you searching for the truth of where your loved one
went and/or why you’re still here.
nīŽâ€¯Grief brings a clarity and focus to your life’s purpose
that gives you a powerful advantage in everything you
nīŽâ€¯Grief will drive you to see beyond the surface and
embrace a truly spiritual perspective in every area of
your life.
nīŽâ€¯Our losses heal us by giving us a chance to refocus on
what’s important, truly love the people still in our lives
& find the great work that answers the question ‘Why
am I still here?’
Step Seven: Use Pain as Fuel
nīŽâ€¯ Write your thoughts on using pain as fuel & how it might apply to
your life:
nīŽâ€¯ ____________________________________________________________
nīŽâ€¯ ____________________________________________________________
nīŽâ€¯ _____________________________________________________________
nīŽâ€¯ _____________________________________________________________
Step Seven: Use Grief As Fuel
nīŽâ€¯ Tell or write the story of your loved one’s death or your career or
relationship loss. In the story answer these questions:
nīŽâ€¯ What soul lesson was your departed loved one teaching you by
putting you through this loss?
nīŽâ€¯ What would your departed want you to do with your life now?
nīŽâ€¯ If you knew your departed was here beside you, what would you
say to him? What would he say to you?
Step Seven: Use Pain As Fuel
nīŽâ€¯ From your most spiritual perspective, what has been the gift of
this experience?
nīŽâ€¯ If you’ve lost a career what gifts could be hidden in this change of
nīŽâ€¯ If you’ve lost a relationship what positive attributes about yourself
have you discovered?
nīŽâ€¯ What three steps are you willing to take to bring a more powerfully
spiritual perspective into your daily life and work?
nīŽâ€¯ What steps are you willing to take to use your pain as fuel to
accomplish your soul’s greatest mission?
Step Eight:
Share Your Soul Story
nīŽâ€¯ After everything we’ve discussed today how would you view
your life from your soul’s view?
nīŽâ€¯ What moments do you recognize as gifts of opportunity and
divine guidance that you did or did not recognize at the time?
nīŽâ€¯ Speaking from the soul and not the ego, what would you tell
yourself today to inspire yourself to move forward in spite of fear?
nīŽâ€¯ Review your past choices from the divine lens perspective and
write down the moments when your choices brought you into the
light of new and better possibilities and when they didn’t.
Step Eight:
Share Your Soul Story
nīŽâ€¯ Look for the pattern in how you make choices and where
those choices take you. In the past, when you've chosen from
fear, where did those choices get you? When you chose from
inspiration and courage, where did those choices get you?
nīŽâ€¯ Highlight the moments in your life story when an opening
appeared and you took it even though you were afraid, and
that choice brought you into a better life.
nīŽâ€¯ At each lesson or painful moment in your life, ask yourself
why your soul chose that lesson and what you were trying to
learn to further your soul’s evolution.
Step Eight:
Share Your Soul Story
nīŽâ€¯ Five baby steps to practice daily:
nīŽâ€¯ Meditation
nīŽâ€¯ Deep breathing in a moment of fear or anger
nīŽâ€¯ The Divine Lens Meditation: Shifting into the Soul’s
nīŽâ€¯ Stepping back from crisis for 5 seconds to listen to inner
nīŽâ€¯ Leaning into the pain to see the lesson of it
Step Eight:
Share Your Soul Story
Take out a notebook and pen and get seated comfortably.
nīŽâ€¯ Spend a few minutes quieting your mind through meditation.
nīŽâ€¯ Take a deep breath and ask for diving guidance. Say: Please help
me see my journey as I intended to fulfill it here – living with
wisdom, love and light.
nīŽâ€¯ Now begin writing your story in third person as if you’re telling a
story about someone other than yourself. Begin with childhood and
observe the main painful and happy lessons of that time in your life
and how you rose above them with grace and forgiveness. Move to
the launching of career and show how you used your pain and gifts
to create work that inspired the world or could have done so.
Step Eight:
Share Your Soul Story
nīŽâ€¯ Explain how you helped others and fulfilled your soul’s
mission or could have done so. Write about the relationships you
attracted both painful and wonderful and ultimately the love you
embraced or did not embrace.Write about the graceful exit of your
death as your soul has planned it for you.Write quickly so that it
pours through from your right brain, your intuition, your soul.
nīŽâ€¯ Now take another breath and ask for more wisdom. Read through
your story keeping in the painful challenges that you’ve faced but
filling in your steps after those challenges with even more love and
wisdom at every turn until you tell the story of your richest most
fulfilled potential lifetime.When it feels right to you, keep it.This is
now your story.The only one you’ll ever tell again.
Step Nine:
Divine Lens Shifters
nīŽâ€¯ Focus on one thing in your life you can feel grateful for right
now. Keep focusing on it as if you are wearing binoculars and
exploring it up close. See each detail of what you’re grateful for.
Now open your heart and send that one object or person you’re
grateful for a big burst of love.Wrap them in compassion.You’ve
now shifted into your divine lens. Focus your divine lens on the
challenge you’re currently facing, and send compassion to the
people who are troubling you.
Step Nine:
Divine Lens Shifters
nīŽâ€¯ Take a deep breath with a long inhale and long exhale.
Say: Please divine guides show me the lesson of this moment
and reveal the divine lens view of this story I’m telling myself
today. Pull me out of the ego view and show me the wisdom
of this lesson.Write your thoughts on this:
nīŽâ€¯ When I look back at this difficult moment in my life how
will I think of it? How will I wish I had handled this
challenge from my most enlightened compassionate
perspective? Looking back at this moment in your life,
describe your soul story of how you gracefully overcame this
challenge by choosing love over fear:
Step Nine: Use Energy Shifters
to shift into Your Divine Lens
nīŽâ€¯ OpenYour Heart: Love
nīŽâ€¯RefocusYour Thoughts 
nīŽâ€¯Tell A New Story
nīŽâ€¯Shift from Superficial to
nīŽâ€¯Laugh Like There’s No
nīŽâ€¯Forgive With Abandon
nīŽâ€¯Get Wildly Grateful
nīŽâ€¯Sweeten Up
nīŽâ€¯MoveYour Chi
nīŽâ€¯FeedYour Chi
nīŽâ€¯SeeYour Best Future 
Step Nine: Energy Shifters
nīŽâ€¯ Share one thing that you’re grateful to have in your life
nīŽâ€¯ Just focusing on that one thing will help you shift your energy to a higher
frequency and allow healing to happen.
nīŽâ€¯ Share one thing that you’re grateful for about this painful
nīŽâ€¯ Start each day by saying out loud something you’re grateful for, and then
repeat it again before bedtime. Gratitude is a potent energy shifter that
will make you feel better instantly.
nīŽâ€¯ By using these energy shifters every day you learn to quickly shift
into your Divine Lens, regain control of your life and regain
5 steps in 3 months
nīŽâ€¯ List 5 steps you’ll take in the next 3 months to shift into your Divine Lens,
fulfill your soul’s mission, use your pain as fuel, & live as if you know your
departed loved ones & divine guides are watching you & that all
relationships even the ones that hurt you are soul agreements for your
highest good:
Contact Info
nīŽâ€¯Sue Frederick
1 Birth Path Chart
nīŽâ€¯ PY AGE
nīŽâ€¯ 1 0 years
nīŽâ€¯ 2 1 year old
nīŽâ€¯ 3 2
nīŽâ€¯ 4 3
nīŽâ€¯ 5 4
nīŽâ€¯ 6 5
nīŽâ€¯ 7 6
nīŽâ€¯ 8 7
nīŽâ€¯ 9 8 years old
nīŽâ€¯ 1 9
nīŽâ€¯ 2 10
nīŽâ€¯ 3 11
nīŽâ€¯ 4 12
nīŽâ€¯ 5 13
nīŽâ€¯ 6 14
nīŽâ€¯ 7 15
nīŽâ€¯ 8 16
nīŽâ€¯ 9 17
nīŽâ€¯ 1 18
nīŽâ€¯ 2 19
nīŽâ€¯ 3 20
nīŽâ€¯ 4 21
nīŽâ€¯ 5 22
nīŽâ€¯ 6 23
nīŽâ€¯ 7 24
nīŽâ€¯ 8 25
nīŽâ€¯ 9 26
nīŽâ€¯ 1 27
nīŽâ€¯ 2 28 SR
nīŽâ€¯ 3 29
nīŽâ€¯ 4 30
nīŽâ€¯ 5 31
nīŽâ€¯ 6 32
nīŽâ€¯ 7 33
nīŽâ€¯ 8 34
nīŽâ€¯ 9 35
nīŽâ€¯ 1 36
nīŽâ€¯ 2 37
nīŽâ€¯ 3 38
nīŽâ€¯ 4 39
nīŽâ€¯ 5 40
nīŽâ€¯ 6 41
nīŽâ€¯ 7 42
nīŽâ€¯ 8 43
nīŽâ€¯ 9 44
nīŽâ€¯ 1 45
nīŽâ€¯ 2 46
nīŽâ€¯ 3 47
nīŽâ€¯ 4 48
nīŽâ€¯ 5 49
nīŽâ€¯ 6 50
nīŽâ€¯ 7 51
nīŽâ€¯ 8 52
nīŽâ€¯ 9 53
nīŽâ€¯ 1 54
nīŽâ€¯ 2 55
nīŽâ€¯ 3 56
nīŽâ€¯ 4 57
nīŽâ€¯ 5 58 SR
nīŽâ€¯ 6 59
nīŽâ€¯ 7 60
nīŽâ€¯ 8 61
nīŽâ€¯ 9 62
nīŽâ€¯ 1 63
nīŽâ€¯ 2 64
nīŽâ€¯ 3 65
nīŽâ€¯ 4 66
nīŽâ€¯ 5 67
nīŽâ€¯ 6 68
nīŽâ€¯ 7 69
nīŽâ€¯ 8 70
nīŽâ€¯ 9 71
nīŽâ€¯ 1 72
nīŽâ€¯ 2 73
nīŽâ€¯ 3 74
nīŽâ€¯ 4 75
nīŽâ€¯ 5 76
nīŽâ€¯ 6 77
nīŽâ€¯ 7 78
nīŽâ€¯ 8 79
nīŽâ€¯ 9 80
nīŽâ€¯ Pain
nīŽâ€¯ Spirituality
11 or 2 Birth Path Chart
nīŽâ€¯ 2 0 years
nīŽâ€¯ 3 1 year old
nīŽâ€¯ 4 2
nīŽâ€¯ 5 3
nīŽâ€¯ 6 4
nīŽâ€¯ 7 5
nīŽâ€¯ 8 6
nīŽâ€¯ 9 7
nīŽâ€¯ 1 8 years old
nīŽâ€¯ 2 9
nīŽâ€¯ 3 10
nīŽâ€¯ 4 11
nīŽâ€¯ 5 12
nīŽâ€¯ 6 13
nīŽâ€¯ 7 14
nīŽâ€¯ 8 15
nīŽâ€¯ 9 16
nīŽâ€¯ 1 17
nīŽâ€¯ 2 18
nīŽâ€¯ 3 19
nīŽâ€¯ 4 20
nīŽâ€¯ 5 21
nīŽâ€¯ 6 22
nīŽâ€¯ 7 23
nīŽâ€¯ 8 24
nīŽâ€¯ 9 25
nīŽâ€¯ 1 26
nīŽâ€¯ 2 27
nīŽâ€¯ 3 28
nīŽâ€¯ 4 29 SR
nīŽâ€¯ 5 30
nīŽâ€¯ 6 31
nīŽâ€¯ 7 32
nīŽâ€¯ 8 33
nīŽâ€¯ 9 34
nīŽâ€¯ 1 35
nīŽâ€¯ 2 36
nīŽâ€¯ 3 37
nīŽâ€¯ 4 38
nīŽâ€¯ 5 39
nīŽâ€¯ 6 40
nīŽâ€¯ 7 41
nīŽâ€¯ 8 42
nīŽâ€¯ 9 43
nīŽâ€¯ 1 44
nīŽâ€¯ 2 45
nīŽâ€¯ 3 46
nīŽâ€¯ 4 47
nīŽâ€¯ 5 48
nīŽâ€¯ 6 49
nīŽâ€¯ 7 50
nīŽâ€¯ 8 51
nīŽâ€¯ 9 52
nīŽâ€¯ 1 53
nīŽâ€¯ 2 54
nīŽâ€¯ 3 55
nīŽâ€¯ 4 56
nīŽâ€¯ 5 57
nīŽâ€¯ 6 58 SR
nīŽâ€¯ 7 59
nīŽâ€¯ 8 60
nīŽâ€¯ 9 61
nīŽâ€¯ 1 62
nīŽâ€¯ 2 63
nīŽâ€¯ 3 64
nīŽâ€¯ 4 65
nīŽâ€¯ 5 66
nīŽâ€¯ 6 67
nīŽâ€¯ 7 68
nīŽâ€¯ 8 69
nīŽâ€¯ 9 70
nīŽâ€¯ 1 71
nīŽâ€¯ 2 72
nīŽâ€¯ 3 73
nīŽâ€¯ 4 74
nīŽâ€¯ 5 75
nīŽâ€¯ 6 76
nīŽâ€¯ 7 77
nīŽâ€¯ 8 78
nīŽâ€¯ 9 79
nīŽâ€¯ 1 80
nīŽâ€¯ Pain
nīŽâ€¯ Spirituality
3 Birth Path Chart
nīŽâ€¯ 3 0 years
nīŽâ€¯ 4 1 year old
nīŽâ€¯ 5 2
nīŽâ€¯ 6 3
nīŽâ€¯ 7 4
nīŽâ€¯ 8 5
nīŽâ€¯ 9 6
nīŽâ€¯ 1 7
nīŽâ€¯ 2 8 years old
nīŽâ€¯ 3 9
nīŽâ€¯ 4 10
nīŽâ€¯ 5 11
nīŽâ€¯ 6 12
nīŽâ€¯ 7 13
nīŽâ€¯ 8 14
nīŽâ€¯ 9 15
nīŽâ€¯ 1 16
nīŽâ€¯ 2 17
nīŽâ€¯ 3 18
nīŽâ€¯ 4 19
nīŽâ€¯ 5 20
nīŽâ€¯ 6 21
nīŽâ€¯ 7 22
nīŽâ€¯ 8 23
nīŽâ€¯ 9 24
nīŽâ€¯ 1 25
nīŽâ€¯ 2 26
nīŽâ€¯ 3 27
nīŽâ€¯ 4 28
nīŽâ€¯ 5 29 SR
nīŽâ€¯ 6 30
nīŽâ€¯ 7 31
nīŽâ€¯ 8 32
nīŽâ€¯ 9 33
nīŽâ€¯ 1 34
nīŽâ€¯ 2 35
nīŽâ€¯ 3 36
nīŽâ€¯ 4 37
nīŽâ€¯ 5 38
nīŽâ€¯ 6 39
nīŽâ€¯ 7 40
nīŽâ€¯ 8 41
nīŽâ€¯ 9 42
nīŽâ€¯ 1 43
nīŽâ€¯ 2 44
nīŽâ€¯ 3 45
nīŽâ€¯ 4 46
nīŽâ€¯ 5 47
nīŽâ€¯ 6 48
nīŽâ€¯ 7 49
nīŽâ€¯ 8 50
nīŽâ€¯ 9 51
nīŽâ€¯ 1 52
nīŽâ€¯ 2 53
nīŽâ€¯ 3 54
nīŽâ€¯ 4 55
nīŽâ€¯ 5 56
nīŽâ€¯ 6 57
nīŽâ€¯ 7 58
nīŽâ€¯ 8 59 SR
nīŽâ€¯ 9 60
nīŽâ€¯ 1 61
nīŽâ€¯ 2 62
nīŽâ€¯ 3 63
nīŽâ€¯ 4 64
nīŽâ€¯ 5 65
nīŽâ€¯ 6 66
nīŽâ€¯ 7 67
nīŽâ€¯ 8 68
nīŽâ€¯ 9 69
nīŽâ€¯ 1 70
nīŽâ€¯ 2 71
nīŽâ€¯ 3 72
nīŽâ€¯ 4 73
nīŽâ€¯ 5 74
nīŽâ€¯ 6 75
nīŽâ€¯ 7 76
nīŽâ€¯ 8 77
nīŽâ€¯ 9 78
nīŽâ€¯ 1 79
nīŽâ€¯ 2 80
nīŽâ€¯ Pain
nīŽâ€¯ Spirituality
22 or 4 Birth Path Chart
nīŽâ€¯ 4 0 years
nīŽâ€¯ 5 1 year old
nīŽâ€¯ 6 2
nīŽâ€¯ 7 3
nīŽâ€¯ 8 4
nīŽâ€¯ 9 5
nīŽâ€¯ 1 6
nīŽâ€¯ 2 7
nīŽâ€¯ 3 8 years old
nīŽâ€¯ 4 9
nīŽâ€¯ 5 10
nīŽâ€¯ 6 11
nīŽâ€¯ 7 12
nīŽâ€¯ 8 13
nīŽâ€¯ 9 14
nīŽâ€¯ 1 15
nīŽâ€¯ 2 16
nīŽâ€¯ 3 17
nīŽâ€¯ 4 18
nīŽâ€¯ 5 19
nīŽâ€¯ 6 20
nīŽâ€¯ 7 21
nīŽâ€¯ 8 22
nīŽâ€¯ 9 23
nīŽâ€¯ 1 24
nīŽâ€¯ 2 25
nīŽâ€¯ 3 26
nīŽâ€¯ 4 27
nīŽâ€¯ 5 28
nīŽâ€¯ 6 29 SR
nīŽâ€¯ 7 30
nīŽâ€¯ 8 31
nīŽâ€¯ 9 32
nīŽâ€¯ 1 33
nīŽâ€¯ 2 34
nīŽâ€¯ 3 35
nīŽâ€¯ 4 36
nīŽâ€¯ 5 37
nīŽâ€¯ 6 38
nīŽâ€¯ 7 39
nīŽâ€¯ 8 40
nīŽâ€¯ 9 41
nīŽâ€¯ 1 42
nīŽâ€¯ 2 43
nīŽâ€¯ 3 44
nīŽâ€¯ 4 45
nīŽâ€¯ 5 46
nīŽâ€¯ 6 47
nīŽâ€¯ 7 48
nīŽâ€¯ 8 49
nīŽâ€¯ 9 50
nīŽâ€¯ 1 51
nīŽâ€¯ 2 52
nīŽâ€¯ 3 53
nīŽâ€¯ 4 54
nīŽâ€¯ 5 55
nīŽâ€¯ 6 56
nīŽâ€¯ 7 57
nīŽâ€¯ 8 58
nīŽâ€¯ 9 59 SR
nīŽâ€¯ 1 60
nīŽâ€¯ 2 61
nīŽâ€¯ 3 62
nīŽâ€¯ 4 63
nīŽâ€¯ 5 64
nīŽâ€¯ 6 65
nīŽâ€¯ 7 66
nīŽâ€¯ 8 67
nīŽâ€¯ 9 68
nīŽâ€¯ 1 69
nīŽâ€¯ 2 70
nīŽâ€¯ 3 71
nīŽâ€¯ 4 72
nīŽâ€¯ 5 73
nīŽâ€¯ 6 74
nīŽâ€¯ 7 75
nīŽâ€¯ 8 76
nīŽâ€¯ 9 77
nīŽâ€¯ 1 78
nīŽâ€¯ 2 79
nīŽâ€¯ 3 80
nīŽâ€¯ Pain
nīŽâ€¯ Spirituality
5 Birth Path Chart
nīŽâ€¯ 5 0 years
nīŽâ€¯ 6 1 year old
nīŽâ€¯ 7 2
nīŽâ€¯ 8 3
nīŽâ€¯ 9 4
nīŽâ€¯ 1 5
nīŽâ€¯ 2 6
nīŽâ€¯ 3 7
nīŽâ€¯ 4 8 years old
nīŽâ€¯ 5 9
nīŽâ€¯ 6 10
nīŽâ€¯ 7 11
nīŽâ€¯ 8 12
nīŽâ€¯ 9 13
nīŽâ€¯ 1 14
nīŽâ€¯ 2 15
nīŽâ€¯ 3 16
nīŽâ€¯ 4 17
nīŽâ€¯ 5 18
nīŽâ€¯ 6 19
nīŽâ€¯ 7 20
nīŽâ€¯ 8 21
nīŽâ€¯ 9 22
nīŽâ€¯ 1 23
nīŽâ€¯ 2 24
nīŽâ€¯ 3 25
nīŽâ€¯ 4 26
nīŽâ€¯ 5 27
nīŽâ€¯ 6 28
nīŽâ€¯ 7 29 SR
nīŽâ€¯ 8 30
nīŽâ€¯ 9 31
nīŽâ€¯ 1 32
nīŽâ€¯ 2 33
nīŽâ€¯ 3 34
nīŽâ€¯ 4 35
nīŽâ€¯ 5 36
nīŽâ€¯ 6 37
nīŽâ€¯ 7 38
nīŽâ€¯ 8 39
nīŽâ€¯ 9 40
nīŽâ€¯ 1 41
nīŽâ€¯ 2 42
nīŽâ€¯ 3 43
nīŽâ€¯ 4 44
nīŽâ€¯ 5 45
nīŽâ€¯ 6 46
nīŽâ€¯ 7 47
nīŽâ€¯ 8 48
nīŽâ€¯ 9 49
nīŽâ€¯ 1 50
nīŽâ€¯ 2 51
nīŽâ€¯ 3 52
nīŽâ€¯ 4 53
nīŽâ€¯ 5 54
nīŽâ€¯ 6 55
nīŽâ€¯ 7 56
nīŽâ€¯ 8 57
nīŽâ€¯ 9 58 SR
nīŽâ€¯ 1 59
nīŽâ€¯ 2 60
nīŽâ€¯ 3 61
nīŽâ€¯ 4 62
nīŽâ€¯ 5 63
nīŽâ€¯ 6 64
nīŽâ€¯ 7 65
nīŽâ€¯ 8 66
nīŽâ€¯ 9 67
nīŽâ€¯ 1 68
nīŽâ€¯ 2 69
nīŽâ€¯ 3 70
nīŽâ€¯ 4 71
nīŽâ€¯ 5 72
nīŽâ€¯ 6 73
nīŽâ€¯ 7 74
nīŽâ€¯ 8 75
nīŽâ€¯ 9 76
nīŽâ€¯ 1 77
nīŽâ€¯ 2 78
nīŽâ€¯ 3 79
nīŽâ€¯ 4 80
nīŽâ€¯ Pain
nīŽâ€¯ Spirituality
33 or 6 Birth Path Chart
nīŽâ€¯ 6 0 years
nīŽâ€¯ 7 1 year old
nīŽâ€¯ 8 2
nīŽâ€¯ 9 3
nīŽâ€¯ 1 4
nīŽâ€¯ 2 5
nīŽâ€¯ 3 6
nīŽâ€¯ 4 7
nīŽâ€¯ 5 8 years old
nīŽâ€¯ 6 9
nīŽâ€¯ 7 10
nīŽâ€¯ 8 11
nīŽâ€¯ 9 12
nīŽâ€¯ 1 13
nīŽâ€¯ 2 14
nīŽâ€¯ 3 15
nīŽâ€¯ 4 16
nīŽâ€¯ 5 17
nīŽâ€¯ 6 18
nīŽâ€¯ 7 19
nīŽâ€¯ 8 20
nīŽâ€¯ 9 21
nīŽâ€¯ 1 22
nīŽâ€¯ 2 23
nīŽâ€¯ 3 24
nīŽâ€¯ 4 25
nīŽâ€¯ 5 26
nīŽâ€¯ 6 27
nīŽâ€¯ 7 28
nīŽâ€¯ 8 29 SR
nīŽâ€¯ 9 30
nīŽâ€¯ 1 31
nīŽâ€¯ 2 32
nīŽâ€¯ 3 33
nīŽâ€¯ 4 34
nīŽâ€¯ 5 35
nīŽâ€¯ 6 36
nīŽâ€¯ 7 37
nīŽâ€¯ 8 38
nīŽâ€¯ 9 39
nīŽâ€¯ 1 40
nīŽâ€¯ 2 41
nīŽâ€¯ 3 42
nīŽâ€¯ 4 43
nīŽâ€¯ 5 44
nīŽâ€¯ 6 45
nīŽâ€¯ 7 46
nīŽâ€¯ 8 47
nīŽâ€¯ 9 48
nīŽâ€¯ 1 49
nīŽâ€¯ 2 50
nīŽâ€¯ 3 51
nīŽâ€¯ 4 52
nīŽâ€¯ 5 53
nīŽâ€¯ 6 54
nīŽâ€¯ 7 55
nīŽâ€¯ 8 56
nīŽâ€¯ 9 57 SR
nīŽâ€¯ 1 58
nīŽâ€¯ 2 59
nīŽâ€¯ 3 60
nīŽâ€¯ 4 61
nīŽâ€¯ 5 62
nīŽâ€¯ 6 63
nīŽâ€¯ 7 64
nīŽâ€¯ 8 65
nīŽâ€¯ 9 66
nīŽâ€¯ 1 67
nīŽâ€¯ 2 68
nīŽâ€¯ 3 69
nīŽâ€¯ 4 70
nīŽâ€¯ 5 71
nīŽâ€¯ 6 72
nīŽâ€¯ 7 73
nīŽâ€¯ 8 74
nīŽâ€¯ 9 75
nīŽâ€¯ 1 76
nīŽâ€¯ 2 77
nīŽâ€¯ 3 78
nīŽâ€¯ 4 79
nīŽâ€¯ 5 80
nīŽâ€¯ Pain
nīŽâ€¯ Spirituality
7 Birth Path Chart
nīŽâ€¯ 7 0 years
nīŽâ€¯ 8 1 year old
nīŽâ€¯ 9 2
nīŽâ€¯ 1 3
nīŽâ€¯ 2 4
nīŽâ€¯ 3 5
nīŽâ€¯ 4 6
nīŽâ€¯ 5 7
nīŽâ€¯ 6 8 years old
nīŽâ€¯ 7 9
nīŽâ€¯ 8 10
nīŽâ€¯ 9 11
nīŽâ€¯ 1 12
nīŽâ€¯ 2 13
nīŽâ€¯ 3 14
nīŽâ€¯ 4 15
nīŽâ€¯ 5 16
nīŽâ€¯ 6 17
nīŽâ€¯ 7 18
nīŽâ€¯ 8 19
nīŽâ€¯ 9 20
nīŽâ€¯ 1 21
nīŽâ€¯ 2 22
nīŽâ€¯ 3 23
nīŽâ€¯ 4 24
nīŽâ€¯ 5 25
nīŽâ€¯ 6 26
nīŽâ€¯ 7 27
nīŽâ€¯ 8 28
nīŽâ€¯ 9 29 SR
nīŽâ€¯ 1 30
nīŽâ€¯ 2 31
nīŽâ€¯ 3 32
nīŽâ€¯ 4 33
nīŽâ€¯ 5 34
nīŽâ€¯ 6 35
nīŽâ€¯ 7 36
nīŽâ€¯ 8 37
nīŽâ€¯ 9 38
nīŽâ€¯ 1 39
nīŽâ€¯ 2 40
nīŽâ€¯ 3 41
nīŽâ€¯ 4 42
nīŽâ€¯ 5 43
nīŽâ€¯ 6 44
nīŽâ€¯ 7 45
nīŽâ€¯ 8 46
nīŽâ€¯ 9 47
nīŽâ€¯ 1 48
nīŽâ€¯ 2 49
nīŽâ€¯ 3 50
nīŽâ€¯ 4 51
nīŽâ€¯ 5 52
nīŽâ€¯ 6 53
nīŽâ€¯ 7 54
nīŽâ€¯ 8 55
nīŽâ€¯ 9 56
nīŽâ€¯ 1 57 SR
nīŽâ€¯ 2 58
nīŽâ€¯ 3 59
nīŽâ€¯ 4 60
nīŽâ€¯ 5 61
nīŽâ€¯ 6 62
nīŽâ€¯ 7 63
nīŽâ€¯ 8 64
nīŽâ€¯ 9 65
nīŽâ€¯ 1 66
nīŽâ€¯ 2 67
nīŽâ€¯ 3 68
nīŽâ€¯ 4 69
nīŽâ€¯ 5 70
nīŽâ€¯ 6 71
nīŽâ€¯ 7 72
nīŽâ€¯ 8 73
nīŽâ€¯ 9 74
nīŽâ€¯ 1 75
nīŽâ€¯ 2 76
nīŽâ€¯ 3 77
nīŽâ€¯ 4 78
nīŽâ€¯ 5 79
nīŽâ€¯ 6 80
nīŽâ€¯ Pain
nīŽâ€¯ Spirituality
8 Birth Path Chart
nīŽâ€¯ 8 0 years
nīŽâ€¯ 9 1 year old
nīŽâ€¯ 1 2
nīŽâ€¯ 2 3
nīŽâ€¯ 3 4
nīŽâ€¯ 4 5
nīŽâ€¯ 5 6
nīŽâ€¯ 6 7
nīŽâ€¯ 7 8 years old
nīŽâ€¯ 8 9
nīŽâ€¯ 9 10
nīŽâ€¯ 1 11
nīŽâ€¯ 2 12
nīŽâ€¯ 3 13
nīŽâ€¯ 4 14
nīŽâ€¯ 5 15
nīŽâ€¯ 6 16
nīŽâ€¯ 7 17
nīŽâ€¯ 8 18
nīŽâ€¯ 9 19
nīŽâ€¯ 1 20
nīŽâ€¯ 2 21
nīŽâ€¯ 3 22
nīŽâ€¯ 4 23
nīŽâ€¯ 5 24
nīŽâ€¯ 6 25
nīŽâ€¯ 7 26
nīŽâ€¯ 8 27
nīŽâ€¯ 9 28 SR
nīŽâ€¯ 1 29
nīŽâ€¯ 2 30
nīŽâ€¯ 3 31
nīŽâ€¯ 4 32
nīŽâ€¯ 5 33
nīŽâ€¯ 6 34
nīŽâ€¯ 7 35
nīŽâ€¯ 8 36
nīŽâ€¯ 9 37
nīŽâ€¯ 1 38
nīŽâ€¯ 2 39
nīŽâ€¯ 3 40
nīŽâ€¯ 4 41
nīŽâ€¯ 5 42
nīŽâ€¯ 6 43
nīŽâ€¯ 7 44
nīŽâ€¯ 8 45
nīŽâ€¯ 9 46
nīŽâ€¯ 1 47
nīŽâ€¯ 2 48
nīŽâ€¯ 3 49
nīŽâ€¯ 4 50
nīŽâ€¯ 5 51
nīŽâ€¯ 6 52
nīŽâ€¯ 7 53
nīŽâ€¯ 8 54
nīŽâ€¯ 9 55
nīŽâ€¯ 1 56
nīŽâ€¯ 2 57
nīŽâ€¯ 3 58 SR
nīŽâ€¯ 4 59
nīŽâ€¯ 5 60
nīŽâ€¯ 6 61
nīŽâ€¯ 7 62
nīŽâ€¯ 8 63
nīŽâ€¯ 9 64
nīŽâ€¯ 1 65
nīŽâ€¯ 2 66
nīŽâ€¯ 3 67
nīŽâ€¯ 4 68
nīŽâ€¯ 5 69
nīŽâ€¯ 6 70
nīŽâ€¯ 7 71
nīŽâ€¯ 8 72
nīŽâ€¯ 9 73
nīŽâ€¯ 1 74
nīŽâ€¯ 2 75
nīŽâ€¯ 3 76
nīŽâ€¯ 4 77
nīŽâ€¯ 5 78
nīŽâ€¯ 6 79
nīŽâ€¯ 7 80
nīŽâ€¯ Pain
nīŽâ€¯ Spirituality
9 Birth Path Chart
nīŽâ€¯ PY AGE
nīŽâ€¯ 9 0 years
nīŽâ€¯ 1 1 year old
nīŽâ€¯ 2 2
nīŽâ€¯ 3 3
nīŽâ€¯ 4 4
nīŽâ€¯ 5 5
nīŽâ€¯ 6 6
nīŽâ€¯ 7 7
nīŽâ€¯ 8 8 years old
nīŽâ€¯ 9 9
nīŽâ€¯ 1 10
nīŽâ€¯ 2 11
nīŽâ€¯ 3 12
nīŽâ€¯ 4 13
nīŽâ€¯ 5 14
nīŽâ€¯ 6 15
nīŽâ€¯ 7 16
nīŽâ€¯ 8 17
nīŽâ€¯ 9 18
nīŽâ€¯ 1 19
nīŽâ€¯ 2 20
nīŽâ€¯ 3 21
nīŽâ€¯ 4 22
nīŽâ€¯ 5 23
nīŽâ€¯ 6 24
nīŽâ€¯ 7 25
nīŽâ€¯ 8 26
nīŽâ€¯ 9 27 SR
nīŽâ€¯ 1 28
nīŽâ€¯ 2 29
nīŽâ€¯ 3 30
nīŽâ€¯ 4 31
nīŽâ€¯ 5 32
nīŽâ€¯ 6 33
nīŽâ€¯ 7 34
nīŽâ€¯ 8 35
nīŽâ€¯ 9 36
nīŽâ€¯ 1 37
nīŽâ€¯ 2 38
nīŽâ€¯ 3 39
nīŽâ€¯ 4 40
nīŽâ€¯ 5 41
nīŽâ€¯ 6 42
nīŽâ€¯ 7 43
nīŽâ€¯ 8 44
nīŽâ€¯ 9 45
nīŽâ€¯ 1 46
nīŽâ€¯ 2 47
nīŽâ€¯ 3 48
nīŽâ€¯ 4 49
nīŽâ€¯ 5 50
nīŽâ€¯ 6 51
nīŽâ€¯ 7 52
nīŽâ€¯ 8 53
nīŽâ€¯ 9 54
nīŽâ€¯ 1 55
nīŽâ€¯ 2 56
nīŽâ€¯ 3 57
nīŽâ€¯ 4 58 SR
nīŽâ€¯ 5 59
nīŽâ€¯ 6 60
nīŽâ€¯ 7 61
nīŽâ€¯ 8 62
nīŽâ€¯ 9 63
nīŽâ€¯ 1 64
nīŽâ€¯ 2 65
nīŽâ€¯ 3 66
nīŽâ€¯ 4 67
nīŽâ€¯ 5 68
nīŽâ€¯ 6 69
nīŽâ€¯ 7 70
nīŽâ€¯ 8 71
nīŽâ€¯ 9 72
nīŽâ€¯ 1 73
nīŽâ€¯ 2 74
nīŽâ€¯ 3 75
nīŽâ€¯ 4 76
nīŽâ€¯ 5 77
nīŽâ€¯ 6 78
nīŽâ€¯ 7 79
nīŽâ€¯ 8 80
nīŽâ€¯ Pain
nīŽâ€¯ Spirituality

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  • 1. + SUE FREDERICK’S YOUR DIVINE LENS WORKBOOK Created by Sue Frederick, Intuitive & Author of I SeeYour Dream Job, I SeeYour Soul Mate,Bridges to Heaven:True Stories of Loved Ones on the Other Side &Your Divine Lens: The Secret to Living in Alignment with your Soul ForYOUR DIVINE LENS Workshops ŠSeptember 2015 Intuitive Coach Institute
  • 2. Welcome to Sue Frederick’s Your Divine Lens Workshop nīŽâ€¯This material was created by: nīŽâ€¯Sue Frederick, Intuitive, Certified Intuitive Coach and Author of I See Your Dream Job, I See Your Soul Mate, Bridges to Heaven;True Stories of Loved Ones on the Other Side &Your Divine Lens nīŽâ€¯ 2
  • 3. + 3 Primary Spiritual Principles of Your Divine Lens Workshops nīŽâ€¯ Practice of meditation to quiet the mind, open the heart, connect to our divinity and hear the voice of our soul. nīŽâ€¯ Pain is our fuel: How we shift our perspective to view our greatest pain and use it as our fuel to do our great work and live our best life. nīŽâ€¯ Soul agreements and soul missions:We’ve made soul agreements with all the important players in our life even those who break our hearts. All soul agreements are for our highest good. Sue teaches tools for understanding these agreements as well as for seeing our own great soul potential. 3
  • 4. + Attendees Learn to: nīŽâ€¯ Quiet the mind to hear their inner wisdom. nīŽâ€¯ View their life story from the soul’s perspective – the Divine Lens - rather than the disempowering ego story. nīŽâ€¯ Apply their inner wisdom & Divine Lens perspective to everyday choices including career. nīŽâ€¯ Find healing for great losses including the death of a loved one. nīŽâ€¯ Find purpose in their life and work. nīŽâ€¯ Use this new Divine Lens perspective to create a plan for moving forward in every area of their life. 4
  • 5. + Sue Frederick’s 9 Essential Steps To Shift into Your Divine Lens nīŽâ€¯ ShareYour Ego Story & explore difference between Divine Lens and Ego Lens nīŽâ€¯ Explore the Spirituality Question nīŽâ€¯ Detox the Poison of Guilt; Explore soul agreements & soul choices made for highest good. nīŽâ€¯ Feel and Release the Pain: BreakYour Heart Wide Open nīŽâ€¯ Divine Lens & Reconnection Meditations: Shifting Perspectives nīŽâ€¯ UnderstandYour Soul’s Mission & Reinvention Cycles nīŽâ€¯ Use Pain as Fuel nīŽâ€¯ ShareYour Soul Story nīŽâ€¯ Shift intoYour Divine Lens to Move Forward 5
  • 6. + Step One: Share Your Ego Story Tell MeYour Story of Greatest Pain: Describe your greatest love & loss, career ups & downs, or childhood abuse: nīŽâ€¯ A story of painful loss can’t be fully released until it has been fully told. nīŽâ€¯ Tell the story of your loved one’s death.Was it sudden? How long was he sick? nīŽâ€¯ Or tell the story of your greatest career disappointment. nīŽâ€¯ Or tell the story of your greatest broken heart. nīŽâ€¯ Or tell the story of your greatest childhood pain. nīŽâ€¯ Where is the greatest pain in your life right now? nīŽâ€¯ What would your soul say about why you chose to experience this pain? 6
  • 7. + Step One: Share Your Grief Story nīŽâ€¯ If you’re grieving share one of your best memories of your departed loved one or from any moment in your life. nīŽâ€¯ What would you say to your departed loved one if he were here right now? What would he say to you? nīŽâ€¯ What would your departed loved one want you to do now to fulfill your mission here? nīŽâ€¯ What soul lesson was your departed loved one teaching you by putting you through this loss? nīŽâ€¯ What is the purpose of your life – other than financial survival? How can you change your career to more fully align with this more meaningful pursuit? nīŽâ€¯ Why would your soul (choosing circumstances for your highest good and never out of punishment) have chosen to come here and experience the life you’ve lived? What were you learning for your highest good? 7
  • 8. + Step One: Share Your Story nīŽâ€¯ What gifts may have been hidden in your moments of greatest pain? These are gifts of awakening that you can only realize now as you review past painful moments: nīŽâ€¯  What does your greatest self know to be true about using your gifts and talents to make a difference in the world? nīŽâ€¯  What steps would you take to begin doing that now to make your living? nīŽâ€¯  What changes would you need to make in your life and in your relationships to move forward? 8
  • 9. + Two ways we view our lives: Ego Lens vs. Divine Lens There are two ways we view our lives. The Ego Lens view is the ego’s perspective of life which can be tragic, painful, exhausting and meaningless.This is how most of the world views life most often. The other is our soul’s view; I call this the Divine Lens view. From this perspective we remember that we’re souls who came here on purpose to evolve and help others evolve.This perspective feels empowering, hopeful and gives us meaning and purpose. When we quiet the fear based ego mind, we can all access our soul’s wisdom, get a fresh perspective and use it to heal and move forward. In this course I’m asking you to pick up your Divine Lens and use it to see the luminous world that lives all around us and within usâ€Ļ. And to help your clients access their Divine Lens to review their lives, embrace their soul’s mission and move forward boldly. 9
  • 10. + Step Two: Explore the Spirituality Question nīŽâ€¯ Tell me what you believe inâ€Ļ. nīŽâ€¯ Do you follow a religion or do you have a daily spiritual practice of some kind? nīŽâ€¯ Share the details of your spiritual journey: How were you raised? nīŽâ€¯ What do you believe in now? nīŽâ€¯ Have you explored other religions beyond the one you were raised in? nīŽâ€¯ Is spirituality a focus of your daily life or not? nīŽâ€¯ Do you pray or meditate every day? Is so, describe what you do. nīŽâ€¯ Where do you believe your departed loved ones are now?Where do you believe you’ll go when you die? nīŽâ€¯ Do you believe you’re a soul on an intentional journey for your highest good?Why or why not? 10
  • 11. + Step Two: Explore the Spirituality Question for Healing Grief nīŽâ€¯ When you’re in pain – especially in grief - your most pressing questions are‘why did this loss happen?‘where is my loved one now?“ “what is the point of my life now?’ nīŽâ€¯ By exploring a broad spiritual (not religious) perspective you may find answers that are truly healing. nīŽâ€¯ This loss is your moment of true spiritual (not religious) awakening. It’s calling you to experience first-hand your own divine nature. nīŽâ€¯ Your pain will diminish the instant you have an experience of communicating directly to your departed or to your divine guides and feeling their presence. nīŽâ€¯ You’ll have first-hand confirmation that the unseen realms are real. 11
  • 12. + Step Two: Explore the Spirituality Question nīŽâ€¯ There’s a difference between spirituality and religion. nīŽâ€¯ Religion is a set of beliefs and rules governed by a church. If you’re already deeply comforted by your church and don’t question those beliefs, that’s terrific. nīŽâ€¯ If your church’s beliefs don’t fully resonate with you - are you willing to step out of your comfort zone to explore new ideas & develop your own personal connection to the divine? nīŽâ€¯ Write your thoughts: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 12
  • 13. + Step Two: Explore the Spirituality Question nīŽâ€¯ To explore this bigger view of spirituality, would you be willing to go on a spiritual journey of exploration? nīŽâ€¯ Would you consider spending time at a monastery, ashram or spiritual center or taking a meditation class? nīŽâ€¯ Would you be willing to visit a Hindu and Buddhist Ashram, Unity Church, Science of the Mind Church, Kabala center or read metaphysical books? nīŽâ€¯ This spiritual journey of exploration would help you understand what others believe about the after life and see if those ideas resonate with you. nīŽâ€¯ Write your thoughts on this: 13
  • 14. + Notes on your spiritual journey nīŽâ€¯ What do you believe in spiritually? An afterlife? Heaven? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ nīŽâ€¯ What did you grow up believing? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ nīŽâ€¯ What do you believe now? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ nīŽâ€¯ How can you bring spirituality more into your day to day life? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 14
  • 15. + Step Two: Explore the Spirituality Question nīŽâ€¯ Suggested books include: nīŽâ€¯ Bridges to Heaven:True Stories of Loved Ones on the Other Side by Sue Frederick; nīŽâ€¯ Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander, MD.; nīŽâ€¯ Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD; nīŽâ€¯ The Conscious Universe by Dean Radin; nīŽâ€¯ Science and the Akashic Field by Laszlo; nīŽâ€¯ After We Die,What Then? by George Meek; nīŽâ€¯ Movies What The Bleep Do We Know & Something Unknown is Doing We Don’t Know What (award winning documentary). 15
  • 16. + Step Three: Detox the Poison of Guilt nīŽâ€¯ If you’ve lost a career you cared about, what is the guilt story you carry about why this happened? nīŽâ€¯ If you’re grieving a marriage or relationship, what is the guilt story you carry about what you could’ve done differently? nīŽâ€¯ If your life hasn’t turned out the way you wanted it to, what is the guilt story about why you went off-track? nīŽâ€¯ Do you believe our souls choose lessons for our highest good? Could these losses and disappointments have been perfectly designed to push you to evolve, to live better and love better in the future? What can you do now to become your best self and use this guilt as fuel to move forward? 16
  • 17. + Step Three: Grief & Guilt Detox the Poison of Guilt Whenever someone dies, their loved ones feel guilt.They believe they could have done something more or something different that would have prevented the death. From a spiritual perspective, death is a soul agreement made before the lifetime begins.There is nothing you or anyone could have done to prevent another soul from departing at their pre-destined time of exit. Carrying this guilt is like drinking poison everyday and it’s not how your loved one wants to see you living.Write your thoughts on this. 17
  • 18. + Step Three: Detox the Poison of Guilt nīŽâ€¯ Begin by writing your guilt storyâ€Ļ. nīŽâ€¯ ________________________________________________________ nīŽâ€¯ ________________________________________________________ nīŽâ€¯ ________________________________________________________ nīŽâ€¯ ________________________________________________________ nīŽâ€¯ ________________________________________________________ nīŽâ€¯ ________________________________________________________ 18
  • 19. + Do You Believe Our Souls Choose our exits? Carrying this guilt is like drinking poison everyday and it’s not how your loved one wants to see you living. From your most spiritual perspective what might have been your soul agreement with your departed? Do you believe our souls choose our exit points from the lifetime? Write your thoughts on thisâ€Ļ. nīŽâ€¯ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ nīŽâ€¯ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ nīŽâ€¯ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ nīŽâ€¯ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ nīŽâ€¯ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 19
  • 20. + Step Four: Feel & Release the Pain nīŽâ€¯ It’s necessary to feel your pain in order to release it and heal.This daily meditation is a powerful way to do that.This practice will make you feel better from the first day you try it. I’ve used it many times in my life and it has helped hundreds of my clients. nīŽâ€¯The Break Your Heart Wide Open Meditation nīŽâ€¯ 1. Start each morning with a ten- to twenty-minute meditation. During this meditation, quiet your mind with mantra or prayer repetition. I repeat the ancient mantra Om Namah Shivaya, a Sanskrit phrase meaning “I bow to the divine self.” Or you can repeat the Lord’s Prayer. nīŽâ€¯ 2.Whenever your thoughts wander into your meditation, gently bring your focus back to the mantra. nīŽâ€¯ 3. At the end of the meditation, when your mind has settled down, ask to fully feel and release the pain in your heart. 20
  • 21. + Step 4: Break Your Heart Wide Open Meditation nīŽâ€¯ 4. Focus your attention on the heart chakra, take several deep breaths, and allow yourself to deeply experience your grief. Cry if you need to.To focus the energy, you can place your palm facing upwards in front of your heart. nīŽâ€¯ 5.Whenever you feel the pain, picture it leaving your heart chakra and moving out of you, up to the divine source. Give it away to God. See divine beings taking your pain away and transforming it into love. (Picture the pain moving out of your heart as you move your palm away from your heart chakra and up to the divine realms.) nīŽâ€¯ 6. Repeat this meditation again at the end of the day before going to sleep. By starting and ending each day with this process, your grief will dissolve and you’ll find the energy to move forward with your life. 21
  • 22. + Step Five: Divine Lens Meditation Shifting into the Soul’s Perspective nīŽâ€¯ Practice this technique whenever life feels difficult: nīŽâ€¯ Take one deep slow breath – follow it in and out. nīŽâ€¯ Mantra or prayer repetition (Om Namah Shivaya) for several moments. nīŽâ€¯ Your request: Please help me see my soul’s perspective on this challenge. nīŽâ€¯ I am grateful forâ€Ļ nīŽâ€¯ I open my heart and send love toâ€Ļ nīŽâ€¯ This is one positive step I can take todayâ€Ļ 22
  • 23. + Step Five: Divine Lens Exercise nīŽâ€¯ FIVE STEPS TO SHIFT INTO YOUR DIVINE LENSVIEW: nīŽâ€¯ 1. Take a deep slow breath, hold it for five seconds, release the breath slowly through your mouth. Repeat. nīŽâ€¯ 2. Send a prayer request for instant wisdom; I pray to be hooked up to the wisdom of my highest self and of the divine realms and the guidance of all the divine beings. I pray to align with this wisdom now and separate from my ego self in order to see this day through my divine lens and choose my words and actions from that perspective. 23
  • 24. + Step Five: Divine Lens Meditation nīŽâ€¯ 3.Quiet the mind and open the heart through daily meditation with mantra. Use Om Namah Shivaya. Repeat this mantra and refocus your mind back to that phrase whenever you notice your thoughts. nīŽâ€¯ 4. Learn to see yourself and others as a soul on a shared journey by using tools of compassion such as numerology, astrology, angel cards, and prayer. Say: Help me to see the path my sister/brother walks, understand their pain, and realize how to love them best in their journey – knowing that their limitations and mistakes have nothing to do with me. 24
  • 25. + Step Five: Divine Lens Meditation nīŽâ€¯ 5. Ask:What is my next step? How do I move forward through my fear and doubt? Write those questions over and over until you begin to write the answers channeled through from your higher self.You’ll know the words are coming from your higher self because you’ll be writing quickly without thinking or editing what you write.This is how divine guidance comes to us. 25
  • 26. + Step Five: Reconnection Ritual For Healing Grief nīŽâ€¯ Please suspend whatever limited thinking is holding you back from reconnecting with your departed.You’ll be amazed at the powerful guidance and loving energy you receive when you reach out. nīŽâ€¯ Over the years I’ve developed this powerful reconnection technique. It has profoundly helped me—whether I was asking for relief from the pain of grief or needed help writing a section of my book. nīŽâ€¯ It works whether your loved one just crossed over or crossed over decades ago. nīŽâ€¯ I’ve seen this technique create incredible healing for my clients & students. I know it will help you too. 26
  • 27. + Step Five: The Reconnection Ritual nīŽâ€¯ When first recovering from grief, practice this Reconnection Ritual at least once a day. If you doubt the connection and don’t believe the images and whispers are real, ask your departed for a sign to help you believe.You can ask for flickering lights or a phone call with no one on the other end. Or you can ask to have someone say something to you that day that replicates a phrase you used with your departed. nīŽâ€¯ If you practice this ritual once a day for seven days, it will remove any doubt that your loved one lives on and is still accessible to you.You’ll gain a new perspective on your life and see why you’re still here. Remember, you have to surrender what you “know” and quiet the logical mind to experience this powerful connection. 27
  • 28. + Step Five: Reconnection Ritual nīŽâ€¯1. Sit in a quiet space and close your eyes. If it’s noisy, use earplugs to create quiet.Take three deep breaths. nīŽâ€¯2. Repeat a high-frequency Sanskrit phrase such as Om Namah Shivaya (I bow to the Divine Self) or repeat the Lord’s Prayer. You can do this quietly in your head. When you notice your thoughts getting in the way, gently bring your focus back to the mantra. I recommend either using this mantra or the Lord’s Prayer.You’re trying to raise your energy frequency and don’t want to attract lost souls. Sanskrit mantras and the Lord’s Prayer carry sacred energy and will protect you. 28
  • 29. + Step Five: The Reconnection Ritual nīŽâ€¯ 3. At the end of fifteen minutes (when you’ve noticed your mind settling down), stop repeating the mantra and keep your eyes closed.Take a deep breath and open your heart. Send loving energy to your departed. Feel the love and see them feeling it and smiling back at you. Love protects you from anything negative and strengthens your intuition. It opens your connection to the departed. nīŽâ€¯ 4. Speak directly to your loved one. Repeat their full name three times.Then say, “Hi, are you there?” With your eyes closed, notice the flicker of an image in front of you. Don’t fixate on the image or look directly at it. Keep your eyes closed. But be aware that your loved one is taking form for you. Don’t be afraid. Concentrate on feeling love in your heart. It enhances your connection and protects you. 29
  • 30. + Step Five: The Reconnection Ritual nīŽâ€¯ 5. Ask your most pressing questions. Examples:Will I find love? Will I find work? Should I sell the house? Can you help me feel stronger? Why am I still here? Why did you have to go? What should I do now? Can you help ease my pain? nīŽâ€¯ 6.Then be quiet and listen. They’re speaking to you.You may doubt it because it will feel as if you’re imagining the conversation. You’re not.This is how they communicate. If you’re feeling cynical, tell yourself,“Okay this is a fun game of imaginationâ€Ļ” But stick with it.Take note of everything they say, the ideas that pop into your head, and the images you get.This is all guidance for you. 30
  • 31. + Step Five: The Reconnection Ritual nīŽâ€¯7. Send them gratitude! Say,“Thank you for your help! I feel your presence and I appreciate it!” nīŽâ€¯8.Write down any ideas, phrases, images, or feelings you received or that come to you now upon reflection. nīŽâ€¯9. Get up and go about your day. Later take time to reflect on what you experienced. Contemplate how the guidance applies to your life. nīŽâ€¯Write about your experience with this technique: 31
  • 32. + Protection Technique nīŽâ€¯ Love is the most powerful positive force of all and it always trumps darkness.When you’re afraid, send love to what you fear. It’s like turning on a light in a dark room. Open your heart and pump the love. Darkness will disappear.When you’re afraid, this will help you: Sit in meditation until you can feel love for just one person in your life. See that person wrapped in your powerful love. Pump the love to this person until you see them smiling and laughing. Now extend that love energy out to the entire space around you filling it with golden light. Now pump your love out to the entire world. See our planet wrapped in golden love and light, and all of its people looking peaceful and happy. Spend time with that image.When you open your eyes, the room you’re sitting in will shimmer with love and light.Your fear will be gone. 32
  • 33. + Remembering Your Intuition nīŽâ€¯ Describe moments in your life when you’ve felt intuitive or had intuitive experiences and dreams: nīŽâ€¯ Did you trust the information you received? Why or why not? What did you learn from these intuitive experiences? nīŽâ€¯ As a child, were your intuitive experiences encouraged or dismissed by your family of origin? nīŽâ€¯ When does your intuition show up most powerfully? nīŽâ€¯ When your loved one died did you feel him/her communicating with you? nīŽâ€¯ Have you felt his presence in your life since he died? How so? nīŽâ€¯ Describe any dreams you’ve had that may have been a message from your departed or your divine guides: 33
  • 34. + RememberingYour Intuition Ask Yourselfâ€Ļ nīŽâ€¯ Does your current circle of friends and partners embrace or dismiss intuition? nīŽâ€¯ If you have not felt your departed’s presence could it be because your grief and pain has been so intense that it blocked the communication? nīŽâ€¯ Are you willing to practice daily meditation to quiet the mind & enhance your intuition? nīŽâ€¯ Are you willing to do the Break Your Heart Wide Open Meditation to release your pain and then try connecting to your departed? nīŽâ€¯ Are you willing to do the Daily Reconnection Ritual to experience first-hand the presence of your departed loved one? nīŽâ€¯ Write your thoughts on this: 34
  • 35. + Intuitive Living Meditation nīŽâ€¯ Practice your intuition every day. Before heading home from work ask, “Should I take this route or the other route?” Now close your eyes and see yourself on one of the possible routes home and note how your body feels. Do you get a good or bad feeling in response to seeing that particular drive? If it’s good, take that route home. nīŽâ€¯ Afterward, reflect on how the commute went for you.Was it easier than usual? Was there less traffic? nīŽâ€¯ Plan an intuitively guided vacation.Visit a new city and plan your activities each morning based on your gut feelings. Keep a journal of how this works for you. nīŽâ€¯ As you learn to trust your intuition for these little everyday choices, you’ll be better able to trust your intuition for the big life choices. And the more confident you’ll become about communicating with the departed. 35
  • 36. + Meditation to Enhance Intuition nīŽâ€¯ Sit comfortably without letting your head lean back against anything (a sure way to fall asleep). Close your eyes and take several deep, releasing breaths. nīŽâ€¯ Silently repeat either Om Namah Shivaya or The Lord’s Prayer or another sacred sound of your choice. Sit for ten to twenty minutes (at least) silently repeating these words.When you notice your mind paying attention to your thoughts, gently bring your focus back to mantra or prayer. Don’t struggle. Be gentle. nīŽâ€¯ After 20 minutes, slowly stop repeating the words. In this quiet gap before getting up and going back to your routine, ask for guidance. Say, “Please divine guides show me â€Ļ” nīŽâ€¯ Or speak directly to the departed. “Hello â€Ļ. Please help me understand whyâ€Ļ” 36
  • 37. + Step Six: UnderstandingYour Soul’s Mission & Reinvention Cycles nīŽâ€¯Once you find your path, you understand your soul mission and what you came to do. It reveals your Great Work for this lifetime. nīŽâ€¯Your path illuminates your reason for still being here in the physical world even though a loved one has moved on and/or even though you may have lost many things you care about. nīŽâ€¯By embracing the soul mission, you rise to the challenge of your lifetime and fulfill your purpose. Only then are you able to join your loved ones in the highest realms. 37
  • 38. + Step Six: UnderstandingYour Soul’s Mission & Reinvention Cycles nīŽâ€¯Finding your soul’s intention by using the numbers in the date of birth. nīŽâ€¯You have to know who you are and why you’re still here; this empowers you to focus on the future, move through pain and fulfill your mission (which is the reason you’re here). 38
  • 39. + The Meaning of Numbers nīŽâ€¯To study the meaning of each number see Chapter 23 of the book Your Divine Lens. 39
  • 40. + Meaning of Numbers nīŽâ€¯All numbers are reduced to digits 1 through 9 except for three cosmic vibrations symbolized by the master numbers 11, 22 & 33. nīŽâ€¯All other numbers are reduced to the basic digits 1 through 9 by adding the digits of the entire number together. nīŽâ€¯For example: the number 43 equals 7 nīŽâ€¯(4 + 3 = 7) nīŽâ€¯The number 10 equals 1 (1 + 0 = 1) 40
  • 41. + Your Birth Path nīŽâ€¯To calculate your birth path from your date of birth: nīŽâ€¯Your birth month: nīŽâ€¯Your birth date: nīŽâ€¯Your birth year: nīŽâ€¯Total: nīŽâ€¯Reduced to a single digit: nīŽâ€¯Your birth path number: 41
  • 42. + 3 Ways of Adding Birthdates nīŽâ€¯It’s important to add each birth date three different ways to check your addition & to look for hidden master path numbers. nīŽâ€¯This is especially important if you’ve arrived at a 2, 4, or 6 birth path which could contain a hidden 11, 22, or 33 path if added two other ways. nīŽâ€¯If the final sum of the birth date is 11, 22 or 33 just one of the three ways you add it, that means the person is on the master soul journey of 11, 22 or 33. 42
  • 43. + 3 Different Ways to Add Birth Dates nīŽâ€¯ Using Birth Date May 1, 1960 nīŽâ€¯ This is a 22 birth path: 5+1+1+9+6+0 = 22/4 5 = 5 1 = 1 +1960 = 16 = +7 1966= 22/4 13/4 43
  • 44. + Calculate your birth path using all three of the methods: nīŽâ€¯ First method result: nīŽâ€¯ Second method result: nīŽâ€¯ Third method result: nīŽâ€¯ All three methods should arrive at the same final number-- even if you discover you’re on a master soul path of 11, 22, or 33. Those master soul path calculations result in the consistent final combinations of 11/2, 22/4, or 33/6 --at least one of the ways you add the birth date.The other two ways may result in various other two-digit numbers that when added together total 2, 4 or 6. (Examples are 20/2, 13/4 or 15/6). 44
  • 45. + Explain what your birth path reveals about your life purpose: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ 45
  • 46. + Explain what your birth path reveals about healing your pain: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ 46
  • 47. + PersonalYear Cycles nīŽâ€¯All of your life you’ve experienced repeated nine-year cycles of reinvention. By understanding where you are now in your reinvention cycles, you can more gracefully heal your life, embrace your true work and see life from your soul’s perspective – through your Divine Lens. 47
  • 48. + PersonalYear Cycles nīŽâ€¯Every year of your life you’ve been under the influence of a particular number - 1 through 9, 11, 22 or 33. nīŽâ€¯You’re working with a different type of energy each year within a repeating nine-year cycle. nīŽâ€¯These nine-year cycles are designed to move you through cycles of necessary reinvention and loss; helping you master the challenges you signed up for, and accomplish the work you came here to do. 48
  • 49. + PersonalYear Always Begins in Januaryâ€Ļ nīŽâ€¯Your new personal year begins every January when the calendar year changes. nīŽâ€¯However, the energy of your personal year peaks around your birthday. nīŽâ€¯After your birthday, you begin to feel the influence of the coming personal year that will begin the following January. nīŽâ€¯Let’s compute your personal year on the following pageâ€Ļ 49
  • 50. + Calculate Your PersonalYear nīŽâ€¯Your birth date: nīŽâ€¯Your birth month: nīŽâ€¯The current calendar year: nīŽâ€¯Total: nīŽâ€¯Reduced to a single digit: nīŽâ€¯This is your personal year: 50
  • 51. + Write a brief description of the personal year you’re experiencing right now and the implications it has for moving forward: I’m in a personal year ____ and as I reflect on this I realize: 51
  • 52. + Saturn Returns nīŽâ€¯ At the ages of 28 and 29, you go through your First Saturn Return.This is a major transition point of the lifetime--your first true wake up moment of recognizing your journey for this lifetime and what it’s really about.You’ll see that your life is going to turn out differently from how you thought it would be. And you’ll understand that you’re not here to meet the expectations of family and friends.This is your moment of seeing who you really are.You may lose a career or lose someone you love at this transition point-whether it’s a parent, friend or spouse.This loss is meant to fuel your reinvention. nīŽâ€¯ At the ages of 58 and 59, you go through your Second Saturn Return.This is the second major transition point of your lifetime--where you’re stripped naked until you finally become your true self in the world.You’re no longer allowed to hide behind limiting job titles or relationships. It’s time to be the authentic self you came here to be--doing your great work in the world.This is also a time when you may lose someone you love or lose a career or a relationship and use pain to fuel your reinvention. 52
  • 53. + MapYour Own Reinvention Cycles nīŽâ€¯ One of the most helpful steps of your recovery process is looking through all of your previous nine-year cycles and discussing what was going on during each cycle. Starting with your birth year, write each year of your life to the left of the personal year number you were experiencing. Also include your age. (Use the charts at the back of this workbook.) nīŽâ€¯ Make notes by the years when important events occurred--especially note when relationships and careers began or ended, and when you experienced grief and loss. Note any changes that took place when one nine-year cycle ended and a new one began. Note what you learned about yourself during the Saturn Return. nīŽâ€¯ By examining your past reinvention cycles what insights do you have about your current challenge and moving through it? What insights have you gained from reviewing your cycles?  53
  • 54. + Ask Yourselfâ€Ļ nīŽâ€¯ How did each 9 year cycle begin and end? nīŽâ€¯ What was my intention at beginning of each cycle? nīŽâ€¯ What did I let go of at end of each cycle? nīŽâ€¯ When did I fall in or out of love? When did I start and end careers? nīŽâ€¯ When did I have children or long to have children? nīŽâ€¯ When did my loved ones die? nīŽâ€¯ What did I learn? nīŽâ€¯ What did I learn about myself during the Saturn Return? nīŽâ€¯ When I look at my Saturn Returns what can I learn about the purpose of my pain and how it fuels my life and great work? 54
  • 55. + Step Seven: Use Pain as Fuel nīŽâ€¯ Consider the possibility that all of your pain--every wound you’ve ever experienced, from loss to illness to disappointment-- was exactly what you needed and chose in order to arrive at this point in your life, which is exactly where you’re supposed to be. nīŽâ€¯ Imagine that your soul chose to experience loss to open your heart and strengthen your connection to the divine--to push you onto your true path and inspire you to accomplish your soul’s greatest mission. nīŽâ€¯ Your greatest work offers to the world what you wish had been offered to you in your moment of greatest pain. 55
  • 56. + Step Seven: Use Pain as Fuel Consider thisâ€Ļ nīŽâ€¯Grief fuels your greatest spiritual & emotional reinvention; it breaks your heart wide open & sends you searching for the truth of where your loved one went and/or why you’re still here. nīŽâ€¯Grief brings a clarity and focus to your life’s purpose that gives you a powerful advantage in everything you do. nīŽâ€¯Grief will drive you to see beyond the surface and embrace a truly spiritual perspective in every area of your life. nīŽâ€¯Our losses heal us by giving us a chance to refocus on what’s important, truly love the people still in our lives & find the great work that answers the question ‘Why am I still here?’ 56
  • 57. + Step Seven: Use Pain as Fuel nīŽâ€¯ Write your thoughts on using pain as fuel & how it might apply to your life: nīŽâ€¯ ____________________________________________________________ nīŽâ€¯ ____________________________________________________________ nīŽâ€¯ _____________________________________________________________ nīŽâ€¯ _____________________________________________________________ 57
  • 58. + Step Seven: Use Grief As Fuel nīŽâ€¯ Tell or write the story of your loved one’s death or your career or relationship loss. In the story answer these questions: nīŽâ€¯ What soul lesson was your departed loved one teaching you by putting you through this loss? nīŽâ€¯ What would your departed want you to do with your life now? nīŽâ€¯ If you knew your departed was here beside you, what would you say to him? What would he say to you? 58
  • 59. + Step Seven: Use Pain As Fuel nīŽâ€¯ From your most spiritual perspective, what has been the gift of this experience? nīŽâ€¯ If you’ve lost a career what gifts could be hidden in this change of direction? nīŽâ€¯ If you’ve lost a relationship what positive attributes about yourself have you discovered? nīŽâ€¯ What three steps are you willing to take to bring a more powerfully spiritual perspective into your daily life and work? nīŽâ€¯ What steps are you willing to take to use your pain as fuel to accomplish your soul’s greatest mission? 59
  • 60. + Step Eight: Share Your Soul Story nīŽâ€¯ After everything we’ve discussed today how would you view your life from your soul’s view? nīŽâ€¯ What moments do you recognize as gifts of opportunity and divine guidance that you did or did not recognize at the time? nīŽâ€¯ Speaking from the soul and not the ego, what would you tell yourself today to inspire yourself to move forward in spite of fear? nīŽâ€¯ Review your past choices from the divine lens perspective and write down the moments when your choices brought you into the light of new and better possibilities and when they didn’t. 60
  • 61. + Step Eight: Share Your Soul Story nīŽâ€¯ Look for the pattern in how you make choices and where those choices take you. In the past, when you've chosen from fear, where did those choices get you? When you chose from inspiration and courage, where did those choices get you? nīŽâ€¯ Highlight the moments in your life story when an opening appeared and you took it even though you were afraid, and that choice brought you into a better life. nīŽâ€¯ At each lesson or painful moment in your life, ask yourself why your soul chose that lesson and what you were trying to learn to further your soul’s evolution. 61
  • 62. + Step Eight: Share Your Soul Story nīŽâ€¯ Five baby steps to practice daily: nīŽâ€¯ Meditation nīŽâ€¯ Deep breathing in a moment of fear or anger nīŽâ€¯ The Divine Lens Meditation: Shifting into the Soul’s Perspective nīŽâ€¯ Stepping back from crisis for 5 seconds to listen to inner wisdom nīŽâ€¯ Leaning into the pain to see the lesson of it 62
  • 63. + Step Eight: Share Your Soul Story Take out a notebook and pen and get seated comfortably. nīŽâ€¯ Spend a few minutes quieting your mind through meditation. nīŽâ€¯ Take a deep breath and ask for diving guidance. Say: Please help me see my journey as I intended to fulfill it here – living with wisdom, love and light. nīŽâ€¯ Now begin writing your story in third person as if you’re telling a story about someone other than yourself. Begin with childhood and observe the main painful and happy lessons of that time in your life and how you rose above them with grace and forgiveness. Move to the launching of career and show how you used your pain and gifts to create work that inspired the world or could have done so. 63
  • 64. + Step Eight: Share Your Soul Story nīŽâ€¯ Explain how you helped others and fulfilled your soul’s mission or could have done so. Write about the relationships you attracted both painful and wonderful and ultimately the love you embraced or did not embrace.Write about the graceful exit of your death as your soul has planned it for you.Write quickly so that it pours through from your right brain, your intuition, your soul. nīŽâ€¯ Now take another breath and ask for more wisdom. Read through your story keeping in the painful challenges that you’ve faced but filling in your steps after those challenges with even more love and wisdom at every turn until you tell the story of your richest most fulfilled potential lifetime.When it feels right to you, keep it.This is now your story.The only one you’ll ever tell again. 64
  • 65. + Step Nine: Divine Lens Shifters nīŽâ€¯ Focus on one thing in your life you can feel grateful for right now. Keep focusing on it as if you are wearing binoculars and exploring it up close. See each detail of what you’re grateful for. Now open your heart and send that one object or person you’re grateful for a big burst of love.Wrap them in compassion.You’ve now shifted into your divine lens. Focus your divine lens on the challenge you’re currently facing, and send compassion to the people who are troubling you. 65
  • 66. + Step Nine: Divine Lens Shifters nīŽâ€¯ Take a deep breath with a long inhale and long exhale. Say: Please divine guides show me the lesson of this moment and reveal the divine lens view of this story I’m telling myself today. Pull me out of the ego view and show me the wisdom of this lesson.Write your thoughts on this: nīŽâ€¯ When I look back at this difficult moment in my life how will I think of it? How will I wish I had handled this challenge from my most enlightened compassionate perspective? Looking back at this moment in your life, describe your soul story of how you gracefully overcame this challenge by choosing love over fear: 66
  • 67. + Step Nine: Use Energy Shifters to shift into Your Divine Lens nīŽâ€¯ OpenYour Heart: Love Recklessly nīŽâ€¯RefocusYour Thoughts  nīŽâ€¯Tell A New Story nīŽâ€¯Shift from Superficial to Super-Spiritual  nīŽâ€¯Laugh Like There’s No Tomorrow nīŽâ€¯Forgive With Abandon nīŽâ€¯Get Wildly Grateful nīŽâ€¯Sweeten Up nīŽâ€¯MoveYour Chi nīŽâ€¯FeedYour Chi nīŽâ€¯SeeYour Best Future  67
  • 68. + Step Nine: Energy Shifters nīŽâ€¯ Share one thing that you’re grateful to have in your life now:________________________________________________ nīŽâ€¯ Just focusing on that one thing will help you shift your energy to a higher frequency and allow healing to happen. nīŽâ€¯ Share one thing that you’re grateful for about this painful loss:__________________________________________________ nīŽâ€¯ Start each day by saying out loud something you’re grateful for, and then repeat it again before bedtime. Gratitude is a potent energy shifter that will make you feel better instantly. nīŽâ€¯ By using these energy shifters every day you learn to quickly shift into your Divine Lens, regain control of your life and regain happiness. 68
  • 69. + 5 steps in 3 months nīŽâ€¯ List 5 steps you’ll take in the next 3 months to shift into your Divine Lens, fulfill your soul’s mission, use your pain as fuel, & live as if you know your departed loved ones & divine guides are watching you & that all relationships even the ones that hurt you are soul agreements for your highest good: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 69
  • 71. 1 Birth Path Chart nīŽâ€¯ PY AGE nīŽâ€¯ 1 0 years nīŽâ€¯ 2 1 year old nīŽâ€¯ 3 2 nīŽâ€¯ 4 3 nīŽâ€¯ 5 4 nīŽâ€¯ 6 5 nīŽâ€¯ 7 6 nīŽâ€¯ 8 7 nīŽâ€¯ 9 8 years old nīŽâ€¯ 1 9 nīŽâ€¯ 2 10 nīŽâ€¯ 3 11 nīŽâ€¯ 4 12 nīŽâ€¯ 5 13 nīŽâ€¯ 6 14 nīŽâ€¯ 7 15 nīŽâ€¯ 8 16 nīŽâ€¯ 9 17 nīŽâ€¯ 1 18 nīŽâ€¯ 2 19 nīŽâ€¯ 3 20 nīŽâ€¯ 4 21 nīŽâ€¯ 5 22 nīŽâ€¯ 6 23 nīŽâ€¯ 7 24 nīŽâ€¯ 8 25 nīŽâ€¯ 9 26 nīŽâ€¯ 1 27 nīŽâ€¯ 2 28 SR nīŽâ€¯ 3 29 nīŽâ€¯ 4 30 nīŽâ€¯ 5 31 nīŽâ€¯ 6 32 nīŽâ€¯ 7 33 nīŽâ€¯ 8 34 nīŽâ€¯ 9 35 nīŽâ€¯ 1 36 nīŽâ€¯ 2 37 nīŽâ€¯ 3 38 nīŽâ€¯ 4 39 nīŽâ€¯ 5 40 nīŽâ€¯ 6 41 nīŽâ€¯ 7 42 nīŽâ€¯ 8 43 nīŽâ€¯ 9 44 nīŽâ€¯ 1 45 nīŽâ€¯ 2 46 nīŽâ€¯ 3 47 nīŽâ€¯ 4 48 nīŽâ€¯ 5 49 nīŽâ€¯ 6 50 nīŽâ€¯ 7 51 nīŽâ€¯ 8 52 nīŽâ€¯ 9 53 nīŽâ€¯ 1 54 nīŽâ€¯ 2 55 nīŽâ€¯ 3 56 nīŽâ€¯ 4 57 nīŽâ€¯ 5 58 SR nīŽâ€¯ 6 59 nīŽâ€¯ 7 60 nīŽâ€¯ 8 61 nīŽâ€¯ 9 62 nīŽâ€¯ 1 63 nīŽâ€¯ 2 64 nīŽâ€¯ 3 65 nīŽâ€¯ 4 66 nīŽâ€¯ 5 67 nīŽâ€¯ 6 68 nīŽâ€¯ 7 69 nīŽâ€¯ 8 70 nīŽâ€¯ 9 71 nīŽâ€¯ 1 72 nīŽâ€¯ 2 73 nīŽâ€¯ 3 74 nīŽâ€¯ 4 75 nīŽâ€¯ 5 76 nīŽâ€¯ 6 77 nīŽâ€¯ 7 78 nīŽâ€¯ 8 79 nīŽâ€¯ 9 80 nīŽâ€¯ Pain nīŽâ€¯ Spirituality 71
  • 72. 11 or 2 Birth Path Chart PY AGE nīŽâ€¯ 2 0 years nīŽâ€¯ 3 1 year old nīŽâ€¯ 4 2 nīŽâ€¯ 5 3 nīŽâ€¯ 6 4 nīŽâ€¯ 7 5 nīŽâ€¯ 8 6 nīŽâ€¯ 9 7 nīŽâ€¯ 1 8 years old nīŽâ€¯ 2 9 nīŽâ€¯ 3 10 nīŽâ€¯ 4 11 nīŽâ€¯ 5 12 nīŽâ€¯ 6 13 nīŽâ€¯ 7 14 nīŽâ€¯ 8 15 nīŽâ€¯ 9 16 nīŽâ€¯ 1 17 nīŽâ€¯ 2 18 nīŽâ€¯ 3 19 nīŽâ€¯ 4 20 nīŽâ€¯ 5 21 nīŽâ€¯ 6 22 nīŽâ€¯ 7 23 nīŽâ€¯ 8 24 nīŽâ€¯ 9 25 nīŽâ€¯ 1 26 nīŽâ€¯ 2 27 nīŽâ€¯ 3 28 nīŽâ€¯ 4 29 SR nīŽâ€¯ 5 30 nīŽâ€¯ 6 31 nīŽâ€¯ 7 32 nīŽâ€¯ 8 33 nīŽâ€¯ 9 34 nīŽâ€¯ 1 35 nīŽâ€¯ 2 36 nīŽâ€¯ 3 37 nīŽâ€¯ 4 38 nīŽâ€¯ 5 39 nīŽâ€¯ 6 40 nīŽâ€¯ 7 41 nīŽâ€¯ 8 42 nīŽâ€¯ 9 43 nīŽâ€¯ 1 44 nīŽâ€¯ 2 45 nīŽâ€¯ 3 46 nīŽâ€¯ 4 47 nīŽâ€¯ 5 48 nīŽâ€¯ 6 49 nīŽâ€¯ 7 50 nīŽâ€¯ 8 51 nīŽâ€¯ 9 52 nīŽâ€¯ 1 53 nīŽâ€¯ 2 54 nīŽâ€¯ 3 55 nīŽâ€¯ 4 56 nīŽâ€¯ 5 57 nīŽâ€¯ 6 58 SR nīŽâ€¯ 7 59 nīŽâ€¯ 8 60 nīŽâ€¯ 9 61 nīŽâ€¯ 1 62 nīŽâ€¯ 2 63 nīŽâ€¯ 3 64 nīŽâ€¯ 4 65 nīŽâ€¯ 5 66 nīŽâ€¯ 6 67 nīŽâ€¯ 7 68 nīŽâ€¯ 8 69 nīŽâ€¯ 9 70 nīŽâ€¯ 1 71 nīŽâ€¯ 2 72 nīŽâ€¯ 3 73 nīŽâ€¯ 4 74 nīŽâ€¯ 5 75 nīŽâ€¯ 6 76 nīŽâ€¯ 7 77 nīŽâ€¯ 8 78 nīŽâ€¯ 9 79 nīŽâ€¯ 1 80 nīŽâ€¯ Pain nīŽâ€¯ Spirituality 72
  • 73. 3 Birth Path Chart PY AGE nīŽâ€¯ 3 0 years nīŽâ€¯ 4 1 year old nīŽâ€¯ 5 2 nīŽâ€¯ 6 3 nīŽâ€¯ 7 4 nīŽâ€¯ 8 5 nīŽâ€¯ 9 6 nīŽâ€¯ 1 7 nīŽâ€¯ 2 8 years old nīŽâ€¯ 3 9 nīŽâ€¯ 4 10 nīŽâ€¯ 5 11 nīŽâ€¯ 6 12 nīŽâ€¯ 7 13 nīŽâ€¯ 8 14 nīŽâ€¯ 9 15 nīŽâ€¯ 1 16 nīŽâ€¯ 2 17 nīŽâ€¯ 3 18 nīŽâ€¯ 4 19 nīŽâ€¯ 5 20 nīŽâ€¯ 6 21 nīŽâ€¯ 7 22 nīŽâ€¯ 8 23 nīŽâ€¯ 9 24 nīŽâ€¯ 1 25 nīŽâ€¯ 2 26 nīŽâ€¯ 3 27 nīŽâ€¯ 4 28 nīŽâ€¯ 5 29 SR nīŽâ€¯ 6 30 nīŽâ€¯ 7 31 nīŽâ€¯ 8 32 nīŽâ€¯ 9 33 nīŽâ€¯ 1 34 nīŽâ€¯ 2 35 nīŽâ€¯ 3 36 nīŽâ€¯ 4 37 nīŽâ€¯ 5 38 nīŽâ€¯ 6 39 nīŽâ€¯ 7 40 nīŽâ€¯ 8 41 nīŽâ€¯ 9 42 nīŽâ€¯ 1 43 nīŽâ€¯ 2 44 nīŽâ€¯ 3 45 nīŽâ€¯ 4 46 nīŽâ€¯ 5 47 nīŽâ€¯ 6 48 nīŽâ€¯ 7 49 nīŽâ€¯ 8 50 nīŽâ€¯ 9 51 nīŽâ€¯ 1 52 nīŽâ€¯ 2 53 nīŽâ€¯ 3 54 nīŽâ€¯ 4 55 nīŽâ€¯ 5 56 nīŽâ€¯ 6 57 nīŽâ€¯ 7 58 nīŽâ€¯ 8 59 SR nīŽâ€¯ 9 60 nīŽâ€¯ 1 61 nīŽâ€¯ 2 62 nīŽâ€¯ 3 63 nīŽâ€¯ 4 64 nīŽâ€¯ 5 65 nīŽâ€¯ 6 66 nīŽâ€¯ 7 67 nīŽâ€¯ 8 68 nīŽâ€¯ 9 69 nīŽâ€¯ 1 70 nīŽâ€¯ 2 71 nīŽâ€¯ 3 72 nīŽâ€¯ 4 73 nīŽâ€¯ 5 74 nīŽâ€¯ 6 75 nīŽâ€¯ 7 76 nīŽâ€¯ 8 77 nīŽâ€¯ 9 78 nīŽâ€¯ 1 79 nīŽâ€¯ 2 80 nīŽâ€¯ Pain nīŽâ€¯ Spirituality 73
  • 74. 22 or 4 Birth Path Chart PY AGE nīŽâ€¯ 4 0 years nīŽâ€¯ 5 1 year old nīŽâ€¯ 6 2 nīŽâ€¯ 7 3 nīŽâ€¯ 8 4 nīŽâ€¯ 9 5 nīŽâ€¯ 1 6 nīŽâ€¯ 2 7 nīŽâ€¯ 3 8 years old nīŽâ€¯ 4 9 nīŽâ€¯ 5 10 nīŽâ€¯ 6 11 nīŽâ€¯ 7 12 nīŽâ€¯ 8 13 nīŽâ€¯ 9 14 nīŽâ€¯ 1 15 nīŽâ€¯ 2 16 nīŽâ€¯ 3 17 nīŽâ€¯ 4 18 nīŽâ€¯ 5 19 nīŽâ€¯ 6 20 nīŽâ€¯ 7 21 nīŽâ€¯ 8 22 nīŽâ€¯ 9 23 nīŽâ€¯ 1 24 nīŽâ€¯ 2 25 nīŽâ€¯ 3 26 nīŽâ€¯ 4 27 nīŽâ€¯ 5 28 nīŽâ€¯ 6 29 SR nīŽâ€¯ 7 30 nīŽâ€¯ 8 31 nīŽâ€¯ 9 32 nīŽâ€¯ 1 33 nīŽâ€¯ 2 34 nīŽâ€¯ 3 35 nīŽâ€¯ 4 36 nīŽâ€¯ 5 37 nīŽâ€¯ 6 38 nīŽâ€¯ 7 39 nīŽâ€¯ 8 40 nīŽâ€¯ 9 41 nīŽâ€¯ 1 42 nīŽâ€¯ 2 43 nīŽâ€¯ 3 44 nīŽâ€¯ 4 45 nīŽâ€¯ 5 46 nīŽâ€¯ 6 47 nīŽâ€¯ 7 48 nīŽâ€¯ 8 49 nīŽâ€¯ 9 50 nīŽâ€¯ 1 51 nīŽâ€¯ 2 52 nīŽâ€¯ 3 53 nīŽâ€¯ 4 54 nīŽâ€¯ 5 55 nīŽâ€¯ 6 56 nīŽâ€¯ 7 57 nīŽâ€¯ 8 58 nīŽâ€¯ 9 59 SR nīŽâ€¯ 1 60 nīŽâ€¯ 2 61 nīŽâ€¯ 3 62 nīŽâ€¯ 4 63 nīŽâ€¯ 5 64 nīŽâ€¯ 6 65 nīŽâ€¯ 7 66 nīŽâ€¯ 8 67 nīŽâ€¯ 9 68 nīŽâ€¯ 1 69 nīŽâ€¯ 2 70 nīŽâ€¯ 3 71 nīŽâ€¯ 4 72 nīŽâ€¯ 5 73 nīŽâ€¯ 6 74 nīŽâ€¯ 7 75 nīŽâ€¯ 8 76 nīŽâ€¯ 9 77 nīŽâ€¯ 1 78 nīŽâ€¯ 2 79 nīŽâ€¯ 3 80 nīŽâ€¯ Pain nīŽâ€¯ Spirituality 74
  • 75. 5 Birth Path Chart PY AGE nīŽâ€¯ 5 0 years nīŽâ€¯ 6 1 year old nīŽâ€¯ 7 2 nīŽâ€¯ 8 3 nīŽâ€¯ 9 4 nīŽâ€¯ 1 5 nīŽâ€¯ 2 6 nīŽâ€¯ 3 7 nīŽâ€¯ 4 8 years old nīŽâ€¯ 5 9 nīŽâ€¯ 6 10 nīŽâ€¯ 7 11 nīŽâ€¯ 8 12 nīŽâ€¯ 9 13 nīŽâ€¯ 1 14 nīŽâ€¯ 2 15 nīŽâ€¯ 3 16 nīŽâ€¯ 4 17 nīŽâ€¯ 5 18 nīŽâ€¯ 6 19 nīŽâ€¯ 7 20 nīŽâ€¯ 8 21 nīŽâ€¯ 9 22 nīŽâ€¯ 1 23 nīŽâ€¯ 2 24 nīŽâ€¯ 3 25 nīŽâ€¯ 4 26 nīŽâ€¯ 5 27 nīŽâ€¯ 6 28 nīŽâ€¯ 7 29 SR nīŽâ€¯ 8 30 nīŽâ€¯ 9 31 nīŽâ€¯ 1 32 nīŽâ€¯ 2 33 nīŽâ€¯ 3 34 nīŽâ€¯ 4 35 nīŽâ€¯ 5 36 nīŽâ€¯ 6 37 nīŽâ€¯ 7 38 nīŽâ€¯ 8 39 nīŽâ€¯ 9 40 nīŽâ€¯ 1 41 nīŽâ€¯ 2 42 nīŽâ€¯ 3 43 nīŽâ€¯ 4 44 nīŽâ€¯ 5 45 nīŽâ€¯ 6 46 nīŽâ€¯ 7 47 nīŽâ€¯ 8 48 nīŽâ€¯ 9 49 nīŽâ€¯ 1 50 nīŽâ€¯ 2 51 nīŽâ€¯ 3 52 nīŽâ€¯ 4 53 nīŽâ€¯ 5 54 nīŽâ€¯ 6 55 nīŽâ€¯ 7 56 nīŽâ€¯ 8 57 nīŽâ€¯ 9 58 SR nīŽâ€¯ 1 59 nīŽâ€¯ 2 60 nīŽâ€¯ 3 61 nīŽâ€¯ 4 62 nīŽâ€¯ 5 63 nīŽâ€¯ 6 64 nīŽâ€¯ 7 65 nīŽâ€¯ 8 66 nīŽâ€¯ 9 67 nīŽâ€¯ 1 68 nīŽâ€¯ 2 69 nīŽâ€¯ 3 70 nīŽâ€¯ 4 71 nīŽâ€¯ 5 72 nīŽâ€¯ 6 73 nīŽâ€¯ 7 74 nīŽâ€¯ 8 75 nīŽâ€¯ 9 76 nīŽâ€¯ 1 77 nīŽâ€¯ 2 78 nīŽâ€¯ 3 79 nīŽâ€¯ 4 80 nīŽâ€¯ Pain nīŽâ€¯ Spirituality 75
  • 76. 33 or 6 Birth Path Chart PY AGE nīŽâ€¯ 6 0 years nīŽâ€¯ 7 1 year old nīŽâ€¯ 8 2 nīŽâ€¯ 9 3 nīŽâ€¯ 1 4 nīŽâ€¯ 2 5 nīŽâ€¯ 3 6 nīŽâ€¯ 4 7 nīŽâ€¯ 5 8 years old nīŽâ€¯ 6 9 nīŽâ€¯ 7 10 nīŽâ€¯ 8 11 nīŽâ€¯ 9 12 nīŽâ€¯ 1 13 nīŽâ€¯ 2 14 nīŽâ€¯ 3 15 nīŽâ€¯ 4 16 nīŽâ€¯ 5 17 nīŽâ€¯ 6 18 nīŽâ€¯ 7 19 nīŽâ€¯ 8 20 nīŽâ€¯ 9 21 nīŽâ€¯ 1 22 nīŽâ€¯ 2 23 nīŽâ€¯ 3 24 nīŽâ€¯ 4 25 nīŽâ€¯ 5 26 nīŽâ€¯ 6 27 nīŽâ€¯ 7 28 nīŽâ€¯ 8 29 SR nīŽâ€¯ 9 30 nīŽâ€¯ 1 31 nīŽâ€¯ 2 32 nīŽâ€¯ 3 33 nīŽâ€¯ 4 34 nīŽâ€¯ 5 35 nīŽâ€¯ 6 36 nīŽâ€¯ 7 37 nīŽâ€¯ 8 38 nīŽâ€¯ 9 39 nīŽâ€¯ 1 40 nīŽâ€¯ 2 41 nīŽâ€¯ 3 42 nīŽâ€¯ 4 43 nīŽâ€¯ 5 44 nīŽâ€¯ 6 45 nīŽâ€¯ 7 46 nīŽâ€¯ 8 47 nīŽâ€¯ 9 48 nīŽâ€¯ 1 49 nīŽâ€¯ 2 50 nīŽâ€¯ 3 51 nīŽâ€¯ 4 52 nīŽâ€¯ 5 53 nīŽâ€¯ 6 54 nīŽâ€¯ 7 55 nīŽâ€¯ 8 56 nīŽâ€¯ 9 57 SR nīŽâ€¯ 1 58 nīŽâ€¯ 2 59 nīŽâ€¯ 3 60 nīŽâ€¯ 4 61 nīŽâ€¯ 5 62 nīŽâ€¯ 6 63 nīŽâ€¯ 7 64 nīŽâ€¯ 8 65 nīŽâ€¯ 9 66 nīŽâ€¯ 1 67 nīŽâ€¯ 2 68 nīŽâ€¯ 3 69 nīŽâ€¯ 4 70 nīŽâ€¯ 5 71 nīŽâ€¯ 6 72 nīŽâ€¯ 7 73 nīŽâ€¯ 8 74 nīŽâ€¯ 9 75 nīŽâ€¯ 1 76 nīŽâ€¯ 2 77 nīŽâ€¯ 3 78 nīŽâ€¯ 4 79 nīŽâ€¯ 5 80 nīŽâ€¯ Pain nīŽâ€¯ Spirituality 76
  • 77. 7 Birth Path Chart PY AGE nīŽâ€¯ 7 0 years nīŽâ€¯ 8 1 year old nīŽâ€¯ 9 2 nīŽâ€¯ 1 3 nīŽâ€¯ 2 4 nīŽâ€¯ 3 5 nīŽâ€¯ 4 6 nīŽâ€¯ 5 7 nīŽâ€¯ 6 8 years old nīŽâ€¯ 7 9 nīŽâ€¯ 8 10 nīŽâ€¯ 9 11 nīŽâ€¯ 1 12 nīŽâ€¯ 2 13 nīŽâ€¯ 3 14 nīŽâ€¯ 4 15 nīŽâ€¯ 5 16 nīŽâ€¯ 6 17 nīŽâ€¯ 7 18 nīŽâ€¯ 8 19 nīŽâ€¯ 9 20 nīŽâ€¯ 1 21 nīŽâ€¯ 2 22 nīŽâ€¯ 3 23 nīŽâ€¯ 4 24 nīŽâ€¯ 5 25 nīŽâ€¯ 6 26 nīŽâ€¯ 7 27 nīŽâ€¯ 8 28 nīŽâ€¯ 9 29 SR nīŽâ€¯ 1 30 nīŽâ€¯ 2 31 nīŽâ€¯ 3 32 nīŽâ€¯ 4 33 nīŽâ€¯ 5 34 nīŽâ€¯ 6 35 nīŽâ€¯ 7 36 nīŽâ€¯ 8 37 nīŽâ€¯ 9 38 nīŽâ€¯ 1 39 nīŽâ€¯ 2 40 nīŽâ€¯ 3 41 nīŽâ€¯ 4 42 nīŽâ€¯ 5 43 nīŽâ€¯ 6 44 nīŽâ€¯ 7 45 nīŽâ€¯ 8 46 nīŽâ€¯ 9 47 nīŽâ€¯ 1 48 nīŽâ€¯ 2 49 nīŽâ€¯ 3 50 nīŽâ€¯ 4 51 nīŽâ€¯ 5 52 nīŽâ€¯ 6 53 nīŽâ€¯ 7 54 nīŽâ€¯ 8 55 nīŽâ€¯ 9 56 nīŽâ€¯ 1 57 SR nīŽâ€¯ 2 58 nīŽâ€¯ 3 59 nīŽâ€¯ 4 60 nīŽâ€¯ 5 61 nīŽâ€¯ 6 62 nīŽâ€¯ 7 63 nīŽâ€¯ 8 64 nīŽâ€¯ 9 65 nīŽâ€¯ 1 66 nīŽâ€¯ 2 67 nīŽâ€¯ 3 68 nīŽâ€¯ 4 69 nīŽâ€¯ 5 70 nīŽâ€¯ 6 71 nīŽâ€¯ 7 72 nīŽâ€¯ 8 73 nīŽâ€¯ 9 74 nīŽâ€¯ 1 75 nīŽâ€¯ 2 76 nīŽâ€¯ 3 77 nīŽâ€¯ 4 78 nīŽâ€¯ 5 79 nīŽâ€¯ 6 80 nīŽâ€¯ Pain nīŽâ€¯ Spirituality 77
  • 78. 8 Birth Path Chart PY AGE nīŽâ€¯ 8 0 years nīŽâ€¯ 9 1 year old nīŽâ€¯ 1 2 nīŽâ€¯ 2 3 nīŽâ€¯ 3 4 nīŽâ€¯ 4 5 nīŽâ€¯ 5 6 nīŽâ€¯ 6 7 nīŽâ€¯ 7 8 years old nīŽâ€¯ 8 9 nīŽâ€¯ 9 10 nīŽâ€¯ 1 11 nīŽâ€¯ 2 12 nīŽâ€¯ 3 13 nīŽâ€¯ 4 14 nīŽâ€¯ 5 15 nīŽâ€¯ 6 16 nīŽâ€¯ 7 17 nīŽâ€¯ 8 18 nīŽâ€¯ 9 19 nīŽâ€¯ 1 20 nīŽâ€¯ 2 21 nīŽâ€¯ 3 22 nīŽâ€¯ 4 23 nīŽâ€¯ 5 24 nīŽâ€¯ 6 25 nīŽâ€¯ 7 26 nīŽâ€¯ 8 27 nīŽâ€¯ 9 28 SR nīŽâ€¯ 1 29 nīŽâ€¯ 2 30 nīŽâ€¯ 3 31 nīŽâ€¯ 4 32 nīŽâ€¯ 5 33 nīŽâ€¯ 6 34 nīŽâ€¯ 7 35 nīŽâ€¯ 8 36 nīŽâ€¯ 9 37 nīŽâ€¯ 1 38 nīŽâ€¯ 2 39 nīŽâ€¯ 3 40 nīŽâ€¯ 4 41 nīŽâ€¯ 5 42 nīŽâ€¯ 6 43 nīŽâ€¯ 7 44 nīŽâ€¯ 8 45 nīŽâ€¯ 9 46 nīŽâ€¯ 1 47 nīŽâ€¯ 2 48 nīŽâ€¯ 3 49 nīŽâ€¯ 4 50 nīŽâ€¯ 5 51 nīŽâ€¯ 6 52 nīŽâ€¯ 7 53 nīŽâ€¯ 8 54 nīŽâ€¯ 9 55 nīŽâ€¯ 1 56 nīŽâ€¯ 2 57 nīŽâ€¯ 3 58 SR nīŽâ€¯ 4 59 nīŽâ€¯ 5 60 nīŽâ€¯ 6 61 nīŽâ€¯ 7 62 nīŽâ€¯ 8 63 nīŽâ€¯ 9 64 nīŽâ€¯ 1 65 nīŽâ€¯ 2 66 nīŽâ€¯ 3 67 nīŽâ€¯ 4 68 nīŽâ€¯ 5 69 nīŽâ€¯ 6 70 nīŽâ€¯ 7 71 nīŽâ€¯ 8 72 nīŽâ€¯ 9 73 nīŽâ€¯ 1 74 nīŽâ€¯ 2 75 nīŽâ€¯ 3 76 nīŽâ€¯ 4 77 nīŽâ€¯ 5 78 nīŽâ€¯ 6 79 nīŽâ€¯ 7 80 nīŽâ€¯ Pain nīŽâ€¯ Spirituality 78
  • 79. 9 Birth Path Chart nīŽâ€¯ PY AGE nīŽâ€¯ 9 0 years nīŽâ€¯ 1 1 year old nīŽâ€¯ 2 2 nīŽâ€¯ 3 3 nīŽâ€¯ 4 4 nīŽâ€¯ 5 5 nīŽâ€¯ 6 6 nīŽâ€¯ 7 7 nīŽâ€¯ 8 8 years old nīŽâ€¯ 9 9 nīŽâ€¯ 1 10 nīŽâ€¯ 2 11 nīŽâ€¯ 3 12 nīŽâ€¯ 4 13 nīŽâ€¯ 5 14 nīŽâ€¯ 6 15 nīŽâ€¯ 7 16 nīŽâ€¯ 8 17 nīŽâ€¯ 9 18 nīŽâ€¯ 1 19 nīŽâ€¯ 2 20 nīŽâ€¯ 3 21 nīŽâ€¯ 4 22 nīŽâ€¯ 5 23 nīŽâ€¯ 6 24 nīŽâ€¯ 7 25 nīŽâ€¯ 8 26 nīŽâ€¯ 9 27 SR nīŽâ€¯ 1 28 nīŽâ€¯ 2 29 nīŽâ€¯ 3 30 nīŽâ€¯ 4 31 nīŽâ€¯ 5 32 nīŽâ€¯ 6 33 nīŽâ€¯ 7 34 nīŽâ€¯ 8 35 nīŽâ€¯ 9 36 nīŽâ€¯ 1 37 nīŽâ€¯ 2 38 nīŽâ€¯ 3 39 nīŽâ€¯ 4 40 nīŽâ€¯ 5 41 nīŽâ€¯ 6 42 nīŽâ€¯ 7 43 nīŽâ€¯ 8 44 nīŽâ€¯ 9 45 nīŽâ€¯ 1 46 nīŽâ€¯ 2 47 nīŽâ€¯ 3 48 nīŽâ€¯ 4 49 nīŽâ€¯ 5 50 nīŽâ€¯ 6 51 nīŽâ€¯ 7 52 nīŽâ€¯ 8 53 nīŽâ€¯ 9 54 nīŽâ€¯ 1 55 nīŽâ€¯ 2 56 nīŽâ€¯ 3 57 nīŽâ€¯ 4 58 SR nīŽâ€¯ 5 59 nīŽâ€¯ 6 60 nīŽâ€¯ 7 61 nīŽâ€¯ 8 62 nīŽâ€¯ 9 63 nīŽâ€¯ 1 64 nīŽâ€¯ 2 65 nīŽâ€¯ 3 66 nīŽâ€¯ 4 67 nīŽâ€¯ 5 68 nīŽâ€¯ 6 69 nīŽâ€¯ 7 70 nīŽâ€¯ 8 71 nīŽâ€¯ 9 72 nīŽâ€¯ 1 73 nīŽâ€¯ 2 74 nīŽâ€¯ 3 75 nīŽâ€¯ 4 76 nīŽâ€¯ 5 77 nīŽâ€¯ 6 78 nīŽâ€¯ 7 79 nīŽâ€¯ 8 80 nīŽâ€¯ Pain nīŽâ€¯ Spirituality 79