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You Are Divine
By Sri Prabhuji
You Are Divine
That Thou Art
Based on Teaching of Chandogya
Upanishad from Samaveda
Respectful offering at the Lotus Feet of
Shri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada
Table of Contents
Preface .............................................................. 4
Divinity of Man.................................................. 6
Discovering Divinity .......................................... 7
Path of Knowledge (Jnana Marga) ................... 9
Story of Svetaketu’s Enlightenment ............... 12
Question and Answers.................................... 21
Light of the Self Foundation............................ 39
Contact Details................................................ 42
Sacred Vedas present the highest spiritual
wisdom for the mankind. Concluding chapters
of Veda is called Vedanta. Vedanta summarizes
teaching of sacred Vedas. Vedanta teaches the
essential divinity of human beings. The
summary of entire Vedanta teaching is given in
the form of great saying or Mahavakya. One
line summary of entire Vedic literature is "You
are Divine". Four great sayings or Mahavakyas
from four sacred Vedas - Rigveda, Yajurveda,
Samaveda and Atharvana Veda inspire the
human kind to recognize the essential divine
nature in each of us.
The focus of this book is the great saying of
Chandogya Upanishad from Samaveda -
"Tatwamasi"- That Thou Art. As mark of
respect to innumerable sages (Rishis) and
Spiritual Masters (Sadgurus) who have strived
to uplift humanity by teaching the message of
essential divinity in all of us, we are releasing
this book on the occasion of Guru Poornima.
The book presents the teachings based on the
traditional non-dual teachings of Advaita by
Shri Adi Shankaracharya Bhagavatpada. We
hope that this book will be of help to the
seekers in understanding the message of
Guru Poornima
July 2019
Divinity of Man
Fundamental basis of all religions is the
belief that soul is essentially divine. Soul is
beyond both mind and matter. Religions
proceed to demonstrate the divinity of man.
The existence of matter depends on something
else. The mind is mortal because it is
changeable. Death is simply a change.
The soul uses the mind to affect the body. The
soul should be made conscious of its powers.
The nature of man is pure and holy but it
becomes clouded. In our religion every soul is
trying to regain its own nature. The mass of
our people believe in individuality of soul. I am
the spirit not the matter.
Swami Vivekananda February 22nd
, 1894
Discovering Divinity
There is restlessness in all of us which is
driving our lives. This manifests as a urge to
find fulfillment in our life through various
material possessions, relations, name and
fame. However, hard we try, the genuine
sense of fulfillment eludes. Unless we
understand the root cause of our restlessness,
we cannot find the real happiness and
fulfillment in life. The search for the real
eternal happiness is called spiritual journey.
Spiritual journey takes us to our real roots –
our essence. Vedanta teaches that our essence
is called “Brahman” – supreme Reality.
Brahman is the essence of myself and the
universe. Brahman is the SELF of all that is
there. Brahman is known as existence-
consciousness-bliss (sat-chit-ananda). Vedanta
teaches us that knowing Brahman as our
essential nature is being Brahman. In other
words, knowing Brahman is discovering our
eternal blissful nature. One who knows
Brahman is freed from suffering.
Vedanta teaches us that there is only One
unchanging Reality called Brahman. Brahman
manifests as living and non living beings, God
(Ishwara) and the world without undergoing
any change. It is like saying gold manifests as
all ornaments without undergoing changes.
Ornaments are mere names and forms of gold.
Similarly everything in the universe living or
non-living are nothing but names and forms of
Brahman. Gold is essence of all gold
ornaments. Similarly, Brahman is essence of all
beings. To discover Brahman as essence of our
SELF is the real goal of human life.
Path of Knowledge (Jnana Marga)
We are ignorant of our Divine Nature. We
suffer tremendously due to this ignorance. We
are not aware that we are Divine Souls
appearing in human body. Even though we are
of the nature of pure consciousness and bliss,
we get identified with body and mind. Due to
identification with the body, we feel limited to
the structure of body even though we are
infinite. Due to identification with the mind,
we go through emotional roller coaster of
happiness, unhappiness, sorrow and misery.
To get out of the suffering, we need to
recognize our true nature as Divine Soul. We
need to identify with Brahman essence of our
existence rather than material body-mind
complex which is perishable. We need to
approach Spiritual Master well versed in
teachings of Vedanta. Spiritual one who has
realized Truth of the teaching of Vedanta is
called Realized (Sadguru /Brahmanistha).
Realized who is well versed in Vedanta can
teach the knowledge of SELF to the seeker
using various logical reasoning (yukti). Out of
compassion, the Spiritual teaches SELF
knowledge (Atma Jnana) to the disciple and
helps him/ to realize oneness with Brahman.
Disciple recognizes “I am not body, mind or
intellect. I am pure consciousness; I am
Brahman- Naanu Nanembudu Naanalla, Ee
Deha Mana Buddhi Naanalla, and
Sachidananda Shiva Naanu Naane. Shivoham,
Shivoham, Shivoham.” Since the disciple
realizes “I am infinite, birth less, deathless
consciousness Brahman based on the teaching
of the Spiritual, the teaching is also called
knowledge of Brahman - Brahma Vidya.
Vedanta texts have a number of stories
about compassionate Spiritual Master guiding
skillfully the disciple. One such story of Spiritual
Master Uddalaka guiding his son and disciple
Svetaketu appears in Chandogya Upanishad of
Story of Svetaketu’s Enlightenment
Sage Uddalaka had sent his son to study
under the guidance of a great spiritual teacher.
The boy Svetaketu learnt various subject under
the guidance of a famous teacher for twelve
years. After graduation he returns home full of
pride in his y of several subjects.
Looking at the attitude of his son, Sage
Uddakala was deeply worried. It is said that
knowledge and wisdom bestows humility. On
the contrary, Sage Uddalaka was seeing
arrogance on the face of son instead of
Sage Uddalaka said to his son: ‘Svetaketu, I
know you have learned a lot, can you tell
knowing which everything else becomes
known? Did you learn a subject knowing which
you we hear the un-hearable, perceive the un-
perceivable, and know the un-knowable?’
‘Master, I am not aware of that knowledge,’
said Svetaketu. ‘I request you to please teach
me that subject knowing which everything is
known ’
Sage Uddakala starts teaching his son
Svetaketu by giving various examples.
‘That is Brahman, the truth, the subtle
essence of all. Son you are aware of various
types of vessels made out of clay. The essence
of mud pot, cup and plate is clay only. Knowing
clay, pot, cup and plate are known.
Likewise variety of jewellery like chain,
necklace, and ring made from gold are
available in jewelers shop. Gold being the
essence of the jewellery, knowing gold is
knowing all forms of jewellery like necklace,
chain etc. Jewels are nothing but different
names and form of gold only. While a customer
may be focused on the form and shape of
necklace or ring, jeweler is interested only in
the gold content of the jewel. If jewellery is
melted gold only remains. Nothing happens to
gold which is essence of all jewellery.
‘Son, by knowing the material cause (gold
/clay) all its effects (ornaments/pots) are
known. Similarly, awareness (Brahman) is the
essence of this universe. All myriads of names
and forms which we see in the universe are in
essence awareness (Brahman) only. Awareness
(Brahman) is the SELF of all. Awareness
(Brahman) is the Supreme Being. Know that
Supreme Being Brahman (awareness) which is
the essence of all the universe. Supreme Being
is the essence of all forms and names.. You are
that That supreme Being in essence O
Svetaketu. That Thou art! (Tatwamasi)
That Brahman is the cause of the Universe. It is
the ultimate reality, but it did not create
anything, everything is projected out of its own
Brahman is within everything as its own
Reality, as its SELF, as its subtle essence, and
that, my dear Svetaketu you are!. That Thou
art! (Tatwamasi)
‘Please, Master, I want to know more about
this SELF.’
'You know dear, the bees make honey by
gathering nectar from many flowers, and as all
these nectar becomes honey can anyone
identify the droplets of the honey to their
respective flowers? Rivers flow into the ocean
only to lose their names and forms.
The same is with beings when they merge in
that One Being. Whether it is a lion, or a tiger,
or a boar, or a worm, all these have their self in
him alone. Beings lose their identities on
merging with the One Supreme Being which
pervades everything and is the source of all
The whole universe has Brahman as its soul.
That is Reality, That is the SELF, and That is you,
Svetaketu. That Thou art! (Tatwamasi)
The son asked, ‘Please, Master, tell me more
about that subtle essence which is the
supreme reality’.
Father replied, ‘Ok. Bring a fruit of that banyan
(Nyagrodha) tree’.
‘Here, Master.'
‘Please Break it.'
‘Yes, Master.'
‘What do you see'
‘Exquisitely small seeds, Master.'
‘Can you break one of them?'
‘I have split it ‘
‘What do you see?’
‘I see nothing at all, Master.'
‘Son, can this marvel of a tree come out of
nothing. Only you are not able to see the
subtle essence in the seed from which this
banyan tree has sprung.
That which is the subtle essence is the bed
rock of all existence. Dear boy, that which is
the finest essence, the whole universe has
Brahman as its soul.
That is Reality, That is the SELF, and That is
you, Svetaketu!'. That Thou art! (Tatwamasi)
‘Please, Master, tell me if I can realize it’ said
‘Now take a few crystals of salt and put them
into a bowl of water’.
‘Yes done.'
The sage then said, ‘Take out the salt.'
‘I can’t, the Salt is dissolved in the water.'
He then asked the boy to taste it from the
edge, the middle and the far edge.
The boy said it was salty.
Just looking at the water, one cannot assume
that the water doesn’t contain salt.
'The SELF or Being, which is invisible like salt,
pervades all things and that self is you,
Svetaketu.' That Thou art! (Tatwamasi)
Everything is alive, only because the living
principle, Brahman, inhabits it. When the SELF
leaves the body, the body dies, but not the
'Now, I understand', said the boy, ' please tell
me how could the Being that leaves the body
find its way to that One Being?'
'Son, suppose a person is blindfolded and is left
in an unknown wilderness, far away from his
place, the first thing he would do is to remove
the cover from his eyes, then he would inquire
about the logistics and would get a guide to
reach his residence.
Similarly a person should acquire knowledge
with the help of a Sadguru. The Sadguru will
help and guide him to break the bondage of
ignorance through experiential knowledge,
which is the way to merge with the One Being.
Son, the entire universe is what the Brahman
conjures up, projects and dissolves. The sense
of ’me’ and ' mine' is nothing but ignorance.
When this ignorance is destroyed, the true self
shines forth '.
Sage Uddalaka as Sadguru was able to pierce
the veil of pride that was masking the brilliance
of his son Svetaketu.
The son who was more like a disciple not only
got an insight into the knowing of ultimate
truth and the real SELF also understood that it
was only through humility that one can
inculcate knowledge and attain wisdom
Question and Answers
As can be observed from the teachings given
to Svetaketu by Sage Uddalaka, Spiritual
Masters encouraged the disciples enquire into
the nature of Reality. By various examples the
Master directs the attention of the disciple
towards the Supreme Reality which is inner
SELF. Sincere disciple, seeks the guidance of
the Master by offering his service to the
Master and asking questions to clear his
doubts. Upanishads are full of stories of
spiritual enquiry and debates. We are
wonderstruck by the spirit of free thinking and
enquiry in ancient spiritual literature. There
was also a tradition of intense debate involving
various philosophers to question the nature of
Reality. While the proponent (vedantin) gives
his understanding of Truth, the opponent
(purva pakshin) puts forward a view point to
question the conclusions of the proponent. The
debates used to be very sharp, logical and
interesting. The objective of the debate was
not victory over the opponent but to bring out
various dimensions of Truth. Following
question answers by the students/opponents
help us give a clarity in understanding the
teaching “Tatwamasi”.
Q: Why the teaching “Tatwamasi” is called
great saying (Mahavakya)?
A: A great saying (Mahavakya) is an inspiring
teaching about the oneness of individual soul
with God. This Oneness is called jiva Brahma
ekatvam. This saying motivates the sincere
seeker of Truth to discover his divine nature.
There cannot be any statement more uplifting
than Mahavakya.
Q: Can you please explain the meaning of the
great saying “Tatwamasi”?
A: Let us try to understand the literal meaning
of great saying “Tatwamasi
Tat means: THAT
Universal Consciousness (God) – Brahman
Twam means: you
Individual Consciousness – jiva
Asi means: assertion
In other words, Tatwamasi means Thou art
That You are God!
Q: How can I be God? There must be
something wrong in the statement.
A: There cannot be anything wrong in the
teaching of Upanishads. From time immemorial
people believe that Vedas and Upanishads are
of non-human Divine origin. Hence the
statement can never be wrong. We need to
interpret the meaning of statement properly to
understand the Truth.
Q: Any statement can have many words. Each
word has a different meaning. Two words
having different meaning like God (Tat) and
individual (jiva) cannot be equated. For
example book and flower are two different
words having different meanings. How two
words with different meanings like book and
flower can lead to one meaning? On the
similar lines, how can we understand God (Tat)
and individual you (Twam) mean same thing?
A: It is true that words have different
meanings. However, they can point to the
same entity. For example the words father,
son, husband, man, officer all point to one
person Mr. Ram. Similarly, thousand names of
Vishnu Sahasranama point to Shri Vishnu only.
Hence, “Tatwamasi – Thou Art That” can point
to One Reality.
Both the word God (Tat) and individual (Twam)
point to One underlying Reality called Para
Brahman Supreme Reality. Para Brahman is
the absolute consciousness forming the
essence and substratum of both God (Tat) and
individual (Twam)
Q: Is it possible that God (Tat) and individual
(Twam) are related by word “Asi”. For example
the sentence “Book on Table” shows the
relationship between book and the table. Since
all powerful God (Tat) and limited individual
(twam) are related as Master and servant. God
is the Master and individual is the servant.
A: Not so. If we accept this position, we end up
in dualism. The scripture are speaking of non-
duality and not duality. The word “Asi is not
indicating any relationship. It is ascertaining
the Oneness of God and individual. Indeed the
sentence is indicating jiva Brahma ekatvam.
Q: On the other hand the sentence
“Tatwamasi” can be interpreted in another
way. For example when I say “red rose”, red
color is adjective for rose. Similarly we can say
individual consciousness (jiva) is an adjective
for God (Twam). In other words, individual
consciousness is one of the qualities of God. I
can give an example of a tree. God is like a
huge tree and individual is like a small branch
of tree.
A: Not so. If accept this position, we end up in
qualified non-duality. Scriptures state
unequivocally non-duality
Q: Then how should we interpret the sentence
Should I add any qualification for individual
consciousness to make sense for Oneness of
God and individual soul? For example, God is
all powerful. Hence, if an individual acquires
supernatural powers we can be comfortable
with Oneness.
A: Not so. Scriptures are not speaking of
acquiring any supernatural powers. You are
God (Brahman) already. Nothing needs to be
Q: Does Tatwamasi mean I am similar to God?
For example someone says “My house is on
Ganges river”. It does not make sense. We can
make sense for the “Tatwamasi” statement by
saying “You are similar to God”
A: Not so. The word “Asi” stresses Oneness not
Q: Then how should I make meaning out of the
sentence “Tatwamasi”? I am unable to
understand the equation of individual soul
being God.
A: Any sentence or word has two levels of
meanings. First level of meaning is
transactional meaning (rudartha) and second
level of meaning is implied meaning
(mukhyartha). Transactional meaning is useful
for our day to day living. Transactional meaning
is also called vyavaharika artha or laukika
artha. All scriptures have to be understood
from the implied meaning point (mukhyartha)
of view.
We have to consider the implied meaning of
the words and sentences. For example let us
take the sentence of Mr. Rama. He says “He
brought mangoes from the market and he ate
mangoes”. See the implied meaning of eating
mango. When he ate mango, he did not eat the
skin of mango and seed of mango. When we
say he ate mango, we have to remove non-
essential part of mango namely seed and skin
to make a sense to understand.
Now let us take the word God (Tat). In
vedantic teaching, supreme Reality Para
Brahman assumes the role of God using power
of consciousness called maya. Maya is the
creative power of Para Brahman. Using power
of maya, God (Tat) manifests the world. Para
Brahman is absolute Reality of the nature of
Hence we can write following equation.
God (Tat) = Para Brahman+ Maya.
In other words,
Para Brahman = God –Maya …… (Equation 1)
On the other hand, individual (jiva) is
represented by the following equation.
You (Twam) = Para Brahman +
Ignorance (Avidya)
Soul identifying with body, mind or intellect
forgetting its SELF nature as Brahman is called
Rewriting above equation
Para Brahman = You (Twam) –
Ignorance (Avidya) …. (Equation 2)
From above discussion we can conclude that
when you (twam) loses the ignorance (avidya),
Para Brahman alone remains. Similarly when
maya is ignored for God (Tat), Para Brahman
alone remains. Hence “Tatwamasi” means you
and God are One as Para Brahman.
Para Brahman is of the nature of existence-
consciousness-bliss (sat-chit-ananda). Thus jiva
Brahma ekatvam or Oneness of soul and God is
indicated by the Mahavakya.
Q: What is the transactional meaning
(rudartha) and implied meaning (mukhyartha)
for words thou (twam) and God (Tat).
Any word has a transactional meaning and
implied meaning. For example take coconut.
Coconut has same name “coconut” but
different meaning depending on context. With
husk it is called coconut. Coconut with hard
shell is also called “coconut” after removing
husk. The white edible kernel is also called
“coconut”. Which is real coconut then? The
white edible part is the implied meaning for
the word “coconut” while the husk, hard shell
represent the transactional meaning for
Similarly, the word thou (twam) has
transactional meaning and implied meaning.
Person with body, mind and intellect is the
transactional meaning. The implied meaning is
existence-consciousness-bliss (Para Brahman).
A person says “I am”. The “I” represents
consciousness and “am” represents existence.
The essence of a person is existence-
Body-mind-intellect superimposes limitation
on the existence-consciousness. Body, mind
and intellect under go constant changes.
Ignoring the changes in body-mind-intellect as
non-essential part of you (twam), the
underlying consciousness is infinite. Thus the
implied meaning of you (twam) is existence-
consciousness-bliss (sat-chit-ananda or Para
God (tat) manifests in the form of world as
living beings and non-living matter. It is said
that God sleeps in rocks, dreams in plants and
wakes up in animals. Existence aspect of God
manifests in all living and non-living beings as
“isness (astitva)”. For example, the rock “is”
the tree “is”. In living beings, consciousness
aspect also manifests. For example when I say
“I am”, “I” represents consciousness and “am”
represents existence. The name and form of all
living and non-living in the world keeps
changing. Ignoring the changing name and
form, we arrive at the implied meaning of God
(Tat) as existence-consciousness-bliss (sat-chit-
In other words, all names and forms in the
world have only implied meaning – Para
Brahman. All names are “His” names. All forms
are “His” forms.
Q: What is the importance of teachings by
Spiritual Master?
A: Most of the people understand the meaning
of words only from transactional (rudartha/
laukikartha/vyavaharikartha) point of view. For
day to day transaction in the world,
transactional meaning is useful. But for a
spiritual journey, the meaning of words at a
very deeper level has to be discovered. ONE
Absolute Reality (Para Brahman) manifests at
various levels. The meaning of the word
changes depending on the level of Reality.
Hence words take different meaning.
Most of the people are stuck to
transactional meaning only. They live in the
transactional world as the only reality. The
meaning of the same word at higher level of
reality remains secret (gudartha) for them.
Realized Spiritual Master teaches the meaning
of the words at different levels of reality.
Any word can be understood at 4 levels –
transactional level (rudartha/laukikartha/
World available to sense perception is called
adibhautika. The play of Divine Beings
controlling the physical plane is called
adidaivika. The mental world experience
involving divine visions of spiritual seeker is
called adhyatimka. The realization of Absolute
Reality is called paramarthika. Spiritual Master
guides seeker through various levels of reality
by teaching the indicative meaning
(mukhyartha) appropriate to that level. This
way he guides the aspirant to higher levels of
Q: How to drop ignorance (avidya) to realize I
am one with God?
Ignorance of any subject can be corrected
with knowledge of the subject. For ignorance
of SELF knowledge, approach a competent
Spiritual Master and learn SELF Knowledge.
Using various processes of teaching (prakriyas),
Master helps you to drop ignorance. Listening
(shravana) to the teaching of Master,
internalizing (manana) the teaching and
meditation (nidhidhyasa) has to be practiced
for realizing your SELF nature as Brahman.
Q: What is the use of realization that “I am
existence-consciousness-bliss”? I do not have
powers of God – Maya! Am I powerless God?
A: Knowing Brahman is being Brahman. This
realization leads to recognition of Supreme
Bliss which is your nature. I realize my SELF as
God (tat) in the form of sat-chit-ananda Para
Brahman. I recognize my SELF as birth less and
deathless supreme reality. I recognize the One
in all of the creation and all of the creation is
recognized in the One supreme reality Para
Brahman. This is called absolute freedom. One
who realizes this is called liberated person
(jivan mukta) or enlightened one (sthita
Light of the Self Foundation
(Atmajyothi Satsang)
Light of the Self foundation is a fellowship of
spiritual seekers called Atmajyothis. Light of
the Self foundation focuses on the Direct Path
teaching of Advaita Vedanta for the discovery
of inner Light - Atmajyothi.
The inspiration for the word light of the Self
comes from the teaching of Sri Shankaracharya
given below.
|| antarjyOti bahirjyOti pratyagjyOti parAtparah
jyOtirjyOti swayamjyOti AtmajyOti shivOsmyaham ||
The Light1
is inside, the Light is outside,
The Light is in myself, beyond the beyond.
The Light of lights, I myself am the Light,
The Self is Light, I am Shiva.
Another inspiration for Atmajyothi comes from
Buddha’s final teaching as he lay on his death
bed. Thousands of disciples gathered around
him eager to listen to his last words of advice.
Buddha told his followers, “Appo deepo
bhava.” This teaching is in the Pali language.
The Sanskrit version of this is “Atma deepo
bhava” which means, “Be a light unto
The capacity to awaken to our higher nature
lies within all of us. The light is within us.
Regardless of the circumstances which we are
Light of Consciousness which means Awareness
in, we can wake up to our true nature. This is
the belief and inspiration for all the seekers of
Light – Atmajyothi members of Light of the Self
Contact Details
Narasimha Prabhu M is fondly called
as Sri Prabhuji by his students. He is
the founder of the Light of the Self
Foundation (Atmajyothi Satsang), a
not for profit organization dedicated
to teaching of Self Discovery (Atma
Darshana) based on Direct Path
teaching of Advaita vedanta.
He completed his Masters from IIT Mumbai and worked in various
companies in the field of Telecom and I.T. He had fortune of exposure to
spiritual teachings of yoga and vedanta from various Masters since
childhood. He has talked on wide range of spiritual topics and imparted
his wisdom to many students.
About Sri Prabhuji
Rs 100 /-
Published by
Light of the Self Foundation, Bengaluru

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You Are Divine - Tat Twam asi - That Thou Art

  • 1. You Are Divine By Sri Prabhuji
  • 2. 1 You Are Divine That Thou Art (Tatwamasi) Based on Teaching of Chandogya Upanishad from Samaveda
  • 3. Respectful offering at the Lotus Feet of Shri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada
  • 4. Table of Contents Preface .............................................................. 4 Divinity of Man.................................................. 6 Discovering Divinity .......................................... 7 Path of Knowledge (Jnana Marga) ................... 9 Story of Svetaketu’s Enlightenment ............... 12 Question and Answers.................................... 21 Light of the Self Foundation............................ 39 Contact Details................................................ 42
  • 5. 4 Preface Sacred Vedas present the highest spiritual wisdom for the mankind. Concluding chapters of Veda is called Vedanta. Vedanta summarizes teaching of sacred Vedas. Vedanta teaches the essential divinity of human beings. The summary of entire Vedanta teaching is given in the form of great saying or Mahavakya. One line summary of entire Vedic literature is "You are Divine". Four great sayings or Mahavakyas from four sacred Vedas - Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvana Veda inspire the human kind to recognize the essential divine nature in each of us. The focus of this book is the great saying of Chandogya Upanishad from Samaveda - "Tatwamasi"- That Thou Art. As mark of
  • 6. respect to innumerable sages (Rishis) and Spiritual Masters (Sadgurus) who have strived to uplift humanity by teaching the message of essential divinity in all of us, we are releasing this book on the occasion of Guru Poornima. The book presents the teachings based on the traditional non-dual teachings of Advaita by Shri Adi Shankaracharya Bhagavatpada. We hope that this book will be of help to the seekers in understanding the message of Vedas. Guru Poornima 17th July 2019
  • 7. Divinity of Man Fundamental basis of all religions is the belief that soul is essentially divine. Soul is beyond both mind and matter. Religions proceed to demonstrate the divinity of man. The existence of matter depends on something else. The mind is mortal because it is changeable. Death is simply a change. The soul uses the mind to affect the body. The soul should be made conscious of its powers. The nature of man is pure and holy but it becomes clouded. In our religion every soul is trying to regain its own nature. The mass of our people believe in individuality of soul. I am the spirit not the matter. Swami Vivekananda February 22nd , 1894
  • 8. Discovering Divinity There is restlessness in all of us which is driving our lives. This manifests as a urge to find fulfillment in our life through various material possessions, relations, name and fame. However, hard we try, the genuine sense of fulfillment eludes. Unless we understand the root cause of our restlessness, we cannot find the real happiness and fulfillment in life. The search for the real eternal happiness is called spiritual journey. Spiritual journey takes us to our real roots – our essence. Vedanta teaches that our essence is called “Brahman” – supreme Reality. Brahman is the essence of myself and the universe. Brahman is the SELF of all that is there. Brahman is known as existence- consciousness-bliss (sat-chit-ananda). Vedanta teaches us that knowing Brahman as our
  • 9. essential nature is being Brahman. In other words, knowing Brahman is discovering our eternal blissful nature. One who knows Brahman is freed from suffering. Vedanta teaches us that there is only One unchanging Reality called Brahman. Brahman manifests as living and non living beings, God (Ishwara) and the world without undergoing any change. It is like saying gold manifests as all ornaments without undergoing changes. Ornaments are mere names and forms of gold. Similarly everything in the universe living or non-living are nothing but names and forms of Brahman. Gold is essence of all gold ornaments. Similarly, Brahman is essence of all beings. To discover Brahman as essence of our SELF is the real goal of human life.
  • 10. Path of Knowledge (Jnana Marga) We are ignorant of our Divine Nature. We suffer tremendously due to this ignorance. We are not aware that we are Divine Souls appearing in human body. Even though we are of the nature of pure consciousness and bliss, we get identified with body and mind. Due to identification with the body, we feel limited to the structure of body even though we are infinite. Due to identification with the mind, we go through emotional roller coaster of happiness, unhappiness, sorrow and misery. To get out of the suffering, we need to recognize our true nature as Divine Soul. We need to identify with Brahman essence of our existence rather than material body-mind
  • 11. complex which is perishable. We need to approach Spiritual Master well versed in teachings of Vedanta. Spiritual one who has realized Truth of the teaching of Vedanta is called Realized (Sadguru /Brahmanistha). Realized who is well versed in Vedanta can teach the knowledge of SELF to the seeker using various logical reasoning (yukti). Out of compassion, the Spiritual teaches SELF knowledge (Atma Jnana) to the disciple and helps him/ to realize oneness with Brahman. Disciple recognizes “I am not body, mind or intellect. I am pure consciousness; I am Brahman- Naanu Nanembudu Naanalla, Ee Deha Mana Buddhi Naanalla, and Sachidananda Shiva Naanu Naane. Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham.” Since the disciple realizes “I am infinite, birth less, deathless consciousness Brahman based on the teaching
  • 12. of the Spiritual, the teaching is also called knowledge of Brahman - Brahma Vidya. Vedanta texts have a number of stories about compassionate Spiritual Master guiding skillfully the disciple. One such story of Spiritual Master Uddalaka guiding his son and disciple Svetaketu appears in Chandogya Upanishad of Samaveda.
  • 13. Story of Svetaketu’s Enlightenment Sage Uddalaka had sent his son to study under the guidance of a great spiritual teacher. The boy Svetaketu learnt various subject under the guidance of a famous teacher for twelve years. After graduation he returns home full of pride in his y of several subjects. Looking at the attitude of his son, Sage Uddakala was deeply worried. It is said that knowledge and wisdom bestows humility. On the contrary, Sage Uddalaka was seeing arrogance on the face of son instead of humility. Sage Uddalaka said to his son: ‘Svetaketu, I know you have learned a lot, can you tell knowing which everything else becomes known? Did you learn a subject knowing which
  • 14. you we hear the un-hearable, perceive the un- perceivable, and know the un-knowable?’ ‘Master, I am not aware of that knowledge,’ said Svetaketu. ‘I request you to please teach me that subject knowing which everything is known ’ Sage Uddakala starts teaching his son Svetaketu by giving various examples. ‘That is Brahman, the truth, the subtle essence of all. Son you are aware of various types of vessels made out of clay. The essence of mud pot, cup and plate is clay only. Knowing clay, pot, cup and plate are known. Likewise variety of jewellery like chain, necklace, and ring made from gold are available in jewelers shop. Gold being the
  • 15. essence of the jewellery, knowing gold is knowing all forms of jewellery like necklace, chain etc. Jewels are nothing but different names and form of gold only. While a customer may be focused on the form and shape of necklace or ring, jeweler is interested only in the gold content of the jewel. If jewellery is melted gold only remains. Nothing happens to gold which is essence of all jewellery. ‘Son, by knowing the material cause (gold /clay) all its effects (ornaments/pots) are known. Similarly, awareness (Brahman) is the essence of this universe. All myriads of names and forms which we see in the universe are in essence awareness (Brahman) only. Awareness (Brahman) is the SELF of all. Awareness (Brahman) is the Supreme Being. Know that Supreme Being Brahman (awareness) which is
  • 16. the essence of all the universe. Supreme Being is the essence of all forms and names.. You are that That supreme Being in essence O Svetaketu. That Thou art! (Tatwamasi) That Brahman is the cause of the Universe. It is the ultimate reality, but it did not create anything, everything is projected out of its own Being. Brahman is within everything as its own Reality, as its SELF, as its subtle essence, and that, my dear Svetaketu you are!. That Thou art! (Tatwamasi) ‘Please, Master, I want to know more about this SELF.’ 'You know dear, the bees make honey by gathering nectar from many flowers, and as all these nectar becomes honey can anyone
  • 17. identify the droplets of the honey to their respective flowers? Rivers flow into the ocean only to lose their names and forms. The same is with beings when they merge in that One Being. Whether it is a lion, or a tiger, or a boar, or a worm, all these have their self in him alone. Beings lose their identities on merging with the One Supreme Being which pervades everything and is the source of all things. The whole universe has Brahman as its soul. That is Reality, That is the SELF, and That is you, Svetaketu. That Thou art! (Tatwamasi) The son asked, ‘Please, Master, tell me more about that subtle essence which is the supreme reality’.
  • 18. Father replied, ‘Ok. Bring a fruit of that banyan (Nyagrodha) tree’. ‘Here, Master.' ‘Please Break it.' ‘Yes, Master.' ‘What do you see' ‘Exquisitely small seeds, Master.' ‘Can you break one of them?' ‘I have split it ‘ ‘What do you see?’ ‘I see nothing at all, Master.' ‘Son, can this marvel of a tree come out of nothing. Only you are not able to see the subtle essence in the seed from which this banyan tree has sprung.
  • 19. That which is the subtle essence is the bed rock of all existence. Dear boy, that which is the finest essence, the whole universe has Brahman as its soul. That is Reality, That is the SELF, and That is you, Svetaketu!'. That Thou art! (Tatwamasi) ‘Please, Master, tell me if I can realize it’ said Svetaketu. ‘Now take a few crystals of salt and put them into a bowl of water’. ‘Yes done.' The sage then said, ‘Take out the salt.' ‘I can’t, the Salt is dissolved in the water.' He then asked the boy to taste it from the edge, the middle and the far edge. The boy said it was salty.
  • 20. Just looking at the water, one cannot assume that the water doesn’t contain salt. 'The SELF or Being, which is invisible like salt, pervades all things and that self is you, Svetaketu.' That Thou art! (Tatwamasi) Everything is alive, only because the living principle, Brahman, inhabits it. When the SELF leaves the body, the body dies, but not the SELF. 'Now, I understand', said the boy, ' please tell me how could the Being that leaves the body find its way to that One Being?' 'Son, suppose a person is blindfolded and is left in an unknown wilderness, far away from his place, the first thing he would do is to remove the cover from his eyes, then he would inquire about the logistics and would get a guide to reach his residence.
  • 21. Similarly a person should acquire knowledge with the help of a Sadguru. The Sadguru will help and guide him to break the bondage of ignorance through experiential knowledge, which is the way to merge with the One Being. Son, the entire universe is what the Brahman conjures up, projects and dissolves. The sense of ’me’ and ' mine' is nothing but ignorance. When this ignorance is destroyed, the true self shines forth '. Sage Uddalaka as Sadguru was able to pierce the veil of pride that was masking the brilliance of his son Svetaketu. The son who was more like a disciple not only got an insight into the knowing of ultimate truth and the real SELF also understood that it was only through humility that one can inculcate knowledge and attain wisdom
  • 22. Question and Answers As can be observed from the teachings given to Svetaketu by Sage Uddalaka, Spiritual Masters encouraged the disciples enquire into the nature of Reality. By various examples the Master directs the attention of the disciple towards the Supreme Reality which is inner SELF. Sincere disciple, seeks the guidance of the Master by offering his service to the Master and asking questions to clear his doubts. Upanishads are full of stories of spiritual enquiry and debates. We are wonderstruck by the spirit of free thinking and enquiry in ancient spiritual literature. There was also a tradition of intense debate involving various philosophers to question the nature of Reality. While the proponent (vedantin) gives his understanding of Truth, the opponent
  • 23. (purva pakshin) puts forward a view point to question the conclusions of the proponent. The debates used to be very sharp, logical and interesting. The objective of the debate was not victory over the opponent but to bring out various dimensions of Truth. Following question answers by the students/opponents help us give a clarity in understanding the teaching “Tatwamasi”. Q: Why the teaching “Tatwamasi” is called great saying (Mahavakya)? A: A great saying (Mahavakya) is an inspiring teaching about the oneness of individual soul with God. This Oneness is called jiva Brahma ekatvam. This saying motivates the sincere seeker of Truth to discover his divine nature. There cannot be any statement more uplifting than Mahavakya.
  • 24. Q: Can you please explain the meaning of the great saying “Tatwamasi”? A: Let us try to understand the literal meaning of great saying “Tatwamasi Tat means: THAT Universal Consciousness (God) – Brahman Twam means: you Individual Consciousness – jiva Asi means: assertion In other words, Tatwamasi means Thou art That You are God! Q: How can I be God? There must be something wrong in the statement.
  • 25. A: There cannot be anything wrong in the teaching of Upanishads. From time immemorial people believe that Vedas and Upanishads are of non-human Divine origin. Hence the statement can never be wrong. We need to interpret the meaning of statement properly to understand the Truth. Q: Any statement can have many words. Each word has a different meaning. Two words having different meaning like God (Tat) and individual (jiva) cannot be equated. For example book and flower are two different words having different meanings. How two words with different meanings like book and flower can lead to one meaning? On the similar lines, how can we understand God (Tat) and individual you (Twam) mean same thing?
  • 26. A: It is true that words have different meanings. However, they can point to the same entity. For example the words father, son, husband, man, officer all point to one person Mr. Ram. Similarly, thousand names of Vishnu Sahasranama point to Shri Vishnu only. Hence, “Tatwamasi – Thou Art That” can point to One Reality. Both the word God (Tat) and individual (Twam) point to One underlying Reality called Para Brahman Supreme Reality. Para Brahman is the absolute consciousness forming the essence and substratum of both God (Tat) and individual (Twam) Q: Is it possible that God (Tat) and individual (Twam) are related by word “Asi”. For example
  • 27. the sentence “Book on Table” shows the relationship between book and the table. Since all powerful God (Tat) and limited individual (twam) are related as Master and servant. God is the Master and individual is the servant. A: Not so. If we accept this position, we end up in dualism. The scripture are speaking of non- duality and not duality. The word “Asi is not indicating any relationship. It is ascertaining the Oneness of God and individual. Indeed the sentence is indicating jiva Brahma ekatvam. Q: On the other hand the sentence “Tatwamasi” can be interpreted in another way. For example when I say “red rose”, red color is adjective for rose. Similarly we can say individual consciousness (jiva) is an adjective for God (Twam). In other words, individual consciousness is one of the qualities of God. I
  • 28. can give an example of a tree. God is like a huge tree and individual is like a small branch of tree. A: Not so. If accept this position, we end up in qualified non-duality. Scriptures state unequivocally non-duality Q: Then how should we interpret the sentence “Tatwamasi”. Should I add any qualification for individual consciousness to make sense for Oneness of God and individual soul? For example, God is all powerful. Hence, if an individual acquires supernatural powers we can be comfortable with Oneness. A: Not so. Scriptures are not speaking of acquiring any supernatural powers. You are
  • 29. God (Brahman) already. Nothing needs to be done! Q: Does Tatwamasi mean I am similar to God? For example someone says “My house is on Ganges river”. It does not make sense. We can make sense for the “Tatwamasi” statement by saying “You are similar to God” A: Not so. The word “Asi” stresses Oneness not similarity. Q: Then how should I make meaning out of the sentence “Tatwamasi”? I am unable to understand the equation of individual soul being God. A: Any sentence or word has two levels of meanings. First level of meaning is transactional meaning (rudartha) and second level of meaning is implied meaning
  • 30. (mukhyartha). Transactional meaning is useful for our day to day living. Transactional meaning is also called vyavaharika artha or laukika artha. All scriptures have to be understood from the implied meaning point (mukhyartha) of view. We have to consider the implied meaning of the words and sentences. For example let us take the sentence of Mr. Rama. He says “He brought mangoes from the market and he ate mangoes”. See the implied meaning of eating mango. When he ate mango, he did not eat the skin of mango and seed of mango. When we say he ate mango, we have to remove non- essential part of mango namely seed and skin to make a sense to understand. Now let us take the word God (Tat). In vedantic teaching, supreme Reality Para Brahman assumes the role of God using power
  • 31. of consciousness called maya. Maya is the creative power of Para Brahman. Using power of maya, God (Tat) manifests the world. Para Brahman is absolute Reality of the nature of existence-consciousness-bliss(sat-chit-ananda). Hence we can write following equation. God (Tat) = Para Brahman+ Maya. In other words, Para Brahman = God –Maya …… (Equation 1) On the other hand, individual (jiva) is represented by the following equation. You (Twam) = Para Brahman + Ignorance (Avidya) Soul identifying with body, mind or intellect forgetting its SELF nature as Brahman is called ignorance.
  • 32. Rewriting above equation Para Brahman = You (Twam) – Ignorance (Avidya) …. (Equation 2) From above discussion we can conclude that when you (twam) loses the ignorance (avidya), Para Brahman alone remains. Similarly when maya is ignored for God (Tat), Para Brahman alone remains. Hence “Tatwamasi” means you and God are One as Para Brahman. Para Brahman is of the nature of existence- consciousness-bliss (sat-chit-ananda). Thus jiva Brahma ekatvam or Oneness of soul and God is indicated by the Mahavakya.
  • 33. Q: What is the transactional meaning (rudartha) and implied meaning (mukhyartha) for words thou (twam) and God (Tat). Any word has a transactional meaning and implied meaning. For example take coconut. Coconut has same name “coconut” but different meaning depending on context. With husk it is called coconut. Coconut with hard shell is also called “coconut” after removing husk. The white edible kernel is also called “coconut”. Which is real coconut then? The white edible part is the implied meaning for the word “coconut” while the husk, hard shell represent the transactional meaning for coconut.
  • 34. Similarly, the word thou (twam) has transactional meaning and implied meaning. Person with body, mind and intellect is the transactional meaning. The implied meaning is existence-consciousness-bliss (Para Brahman). A person says “I am”. The “I” represents consciousness and “am” represents existence. The essence of a person is existence- consciousness. Body-mind-intellect superimposes limitation on the existence-consciousness. Body, mind and intellect under go constant changes. Ignoring the changes in body-mind-intellect as non-essential part of you (twam), the underlying consciousness is infinite. Thus the implied meaning of you (twam) is existence- consciousness-bliss (sat-chit-ananda or Para Brahman).
  • 35. God (tat) manifests in the form of world as living beings and non-living matter. It is said that God sleeps in rocks, dreams in plants and wakes up in animals. Existence aspect of God manifests in all living and non-living beings as “isness (astitva)”. For example, the rock “is” the tree “is”. In living beings, consciousness aspect also manifests. For example when I say “I am”, “I” represents consciousness and “am” represents existence. The name and form of all living and non-living in the world keeps changing. Ignoring the changing name and form, we arrive at the implied meaning of God (Tat) as existence-consciousness-bliss (sat-chit- ananda). In other words, all names and forms in the world have only implied meaning – Para Brahman. All names are “His” names. All forms are “His” forms.
  • 36. Q: What is the importance of teachings by Spiritual Master? A: Most of the people understand the meaning of words only from transactional (rudartha/ laukikartha/vyavaharikartha) point of view. For day to day transaction in the world, transactional meaning is useful. But for a spiritual journey, the meaning of words at a very deeper level has to be discovered. ONE Absolute Reality (Para Brahman) manifests at various levels. The meaning of the word changes depending on the level of Reality. Hence words take different meaning. Most of the people are stuck to transactional meaning only. They live in the transactional world as the only reality. The
  • 37. meaning of the same word at higher level of reality remains secret (gudartha) for them. Realized Spiritual Master teaches the meaning of the words at different levels of reality. Any word can be understood at 4 levels – transactional level (rudartha/laukikartha/ vyavaharika). World available to sense perception is called adibhautika. The play of Divine Beings controlling the physical plane is called adidaivika. The mental world experience involving divine visions of spiritual seeker is called adhyatimka. The realization of Absolute Reality is called paramarthika. Spiritual Master guides seeker through various levels of reality by teaching the indicative meaning (mukhyartha) appropriate to that level. This way he guides the aspirant to higher levels of reality.
  • 38. Q: How to drop ignorance (avidya) to realize I am one with God? Ignorance of any subject can be corrected with knowledge of the subject. For ignorance of SELF knowledge, approach a competent Spiritual Master and learn SELF Knowledge. Using various processes of teaching (prakriyas), Master helps you to drop ignorance. Listening (shravana) to the teaching of Master, internalizing (manana) the teaching and meditation (nidhidhyasa) has to be practiced for realizing your SELF nature as Brahman. Q: What is the use of realization that “I am existence-consciousness-bliss”? I do not have powers of God – Maya! Am I powerless God? A: Knowing Brahman is being Brahman. This realization leads to recognition of Supreme
  • 39. Bliss which is your nature. I realize my SELF as God (tat) in the form of sat-chit-ananda Para Brahman. I recognize my SELF as birth less and deathless supreme reality. I recognize the One in all of the creation and all of the creation is recognized in the One supreme reality Para Brahman. This is called absolute freedom. One who realizes this is called liberated person (jivan mukta) or enlightened one (sthita prajna)
  • 40. Light of the Self Foundation (Atmajyothi Satsang) Light of the Self foundation is a fellowship of spiritual seekers called Atmajyothis. Light of the Self foundation focuses on the Direct Path teaching of Advaita Vedanta for the discovery of inner Light - Atmajyothi. The inspiration for the word light of the Self comes from the teaching of Sri Shankaracharya given below.
  • 41. || antarjyOti bahirjyOti pratyagjyOti parAtparah jyOtirjyOti swayamjyOti AtmajyOti shivOsmyaham || The Light1 is inside, the Light is outside, The Light is in myself, beyond the beyond. The Light of lights, I myself am the Light, The Self is Light, I am Shiva. Another inspiration for Atmajyothi comes from Buddha’s final teaching as he lay on his death bed. Thousands of disciples gathered around him eager to listen to his last words of advice. Buddha told his followers, “Appo deepo bhava.” This teaching is in the Pali language. The Sanskrit version of this is “Atma deepo bhava” which means, “Be a light unto yourself.” The capacity to awaken to our higher nature lies within all of us. The light is within us. Regardless of the circumstances which we are 1 Light of Consciousness which means Awareness
  • 42. in, we can wake up to our true nature. This is the belief and inspiration for all the seekers of Light – Atmajyothi members of Light of the Self foundation.
  • 44. Narasimha Prabhu M is fondly called as Sri Prabhuji by his students. He is the founder of the Light of the Self Foundation (Atmajyothi Satsang), a not for profit organization dedicated to teaching of Self Discovery (Atma Darshana) based on Direct Path teaching of Advaita vedanta. He completed his Masters from IIT Mumbai and worked in various companies in the field of Telecom and I.T. He had fortune of exposure to spiritual teachings of yoga and vedanta from various Masters since childhood. He has talked on wide range of spiritual topics and imparted his wisdom to many students. About Sri Prabhuji Rs 100 /- Published by Light of the Self Foundation, Bengaluru