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The Benefits of Yoga Essay
Yoga has been around for centuries, but it has recently increased in popularity. Yoga originated in
India and refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines. There are 5 major branches of yoga
in the Hindu philosophy, they include: Raja yoga, Karma yoga, Jnana yoga, Bhakti yoga, and Hatha
yoga (Yoga). Yoga goals vary and range from improving health to achievingMoksha (Yoga). "In the
state of Moksha lies the ultimate peace, ultimate knowledge, and ultimate enlightenment. Paradise
is believed to be a place of temporal attractions to be avoided by the seeker in order to pursue the
ultimate goal of union/yoking with god through yoga." (Moksha) After finding out a little more
about yoga I began to wonder about it a little more. more content...
"With a strong diaphragm you can breathe better during vigorous exercise," Susan explains. We
move into some stretching that is not too out of the ordinary. As we move to a standing position
the difficulty begins. We get instructions on every pose and a modification to the pose if it is too
difficult or painful. We are told to come into a squatting position with heals are on the floor. As I
look around the room, everyone is bumbling around a bit. We all finally come to the correct
position. We have everything just right and Susan tells us to push our elbows into out thighs and
shift our weight to our hands. Not everyone can get into that position. It requires a lot of balance
to have your feet off the floor with your body weight on just your arms and hands. Susan informs
us, "This is frog position, if you cannot get all your weight on your hands do not worry about it, it
will come with time and practice. By this time I am sweating and my breathing is starting to
accelerate. Looking around the room I am not the only one. This class is turning out to be a lot
tougher than I thought it would be. We are instructed into pose after pose. Each pose it feels like we
hold longer and longer. By this time I am sweating profusely and ready for the hour to be over.
However, once we are done I feel like I really
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Yoga Essay: What Is Yoga?
What is Yoga
The word "Yoga" is derived from Sanskrit word, "yuj" which means "to yoke" or "to concentrate".
The word "Yoga "also means combined","unioin","connected","method" or "application".
The different meanings of the same word depend on the application of the Yoga philosophy.
For the sake of simplicity, we will assume the following definition of "Yoga".
"Yoga" is a spiritual and bodily discipline. It includes breath control, specific body postures and
simple meditation, practised in order to improve health and relaxation.
The ultimate goal of Yoga is to attain "moksha" or "liberation" through proper mind and body
exercise routine.
As students of Yoga, we need not go in the depths of the types of Yoga's and their evolvement. We
only more content...
8)Samadhi ("Liberation"): merging consciousness with the object of meditation.
The Yogic postures are designed to maximise blood circulation to the entire body and to rejuvenate
all the internal glands and organs. The regular practise of Yoga leads to increased stamina, body
efficiency, immunity, calmness and concentration.
Any type of yoga asana is performed through three simple steps,
a)Taking the asana position,
b)Maintaining the asana position and
c)Releasing the asana position.
All the movement in the asana should be gradual. Avoid sudden jerks while performing any action.
The body should be comfortable and relaxed.
The asanas can be classified into different ways depending on the applications, usefulness, physical
conditions, etc.
In this article, we will describe the types of asanas as per the body position.
1)Forward bends :
These are the type of asanas in which we bend the body from the stomach, pull the chest towards
the thighs and back again. These asanas create a stretch on our lower back and loosens the
hamstrings. The following are some of the forward bend asanas,
Padmasana Yogamudra
Sharanagata Mudra
Vajrasana Yogamudra
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Informative Speech on Yoga Essay
Informative Speech
By:Amber Samworth
Topic: Yoga
General Purpose: To Inform.
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about yoga.
Thesis Statement: I want my audience to be informed about what yoga is, its history, and why it has
become so popular in recent years.
I. (Open w/impact) According to Ann Pizer, aYogaAlliance Certified Instructor, in an article last
accessed on September 18th 2007, for Yoga.About.Com. "Yoga means "union" in Sanskrit, the
language of Ancient India where yoga first originated. We can think of that union occurring between
the mind, body, and spirit." II. (Introduce topic) As you can see, yoga is an incredibly healthy
practice. III. (Establish credibility) I have just more content...
By the third period, the "Classical Period", yoga becomes more structured. a. In the 2nd Century,
Patan Jali attempts to define yoga in his "Yoga Sutra" which is an eightfold path of yoga. 4. The
fourth and final period is referred to as the Post Classical period, which extends into present day. a.
Yoga was first introduced to the west in the late 1800s as an eastern philosophy class that most
universities offered. b. Guru Swami Sivananda, a noted Malaysian Physician, modified Patan Jali's 8
principles into just 5 that are still used today.
Transition: It is believed that if you combine all five principles, you will be in tune physically,
mentally, and spiritually. Now you can see why yoga has become so popular in our society.
III. Many of the reasons why it has become so popular is because yoga is extremely beneficial to
the body A. In an article on titled "The Benefits of Yoga for Stress
Management", last accessed on September 20th 2007; Elizabeth Scott M.S. says that the following
ailments can be benefited by yoga. 1. Stress management. 2. Sound sleep. 3. Allergy symptom
relief. 4. Lower blood pressure and heart rate. 5. Spiritual growth. 6. Sense of well being. 7.
Increased strength and flexibility. 8. Slowed aging process, and these are just to name a few. B. Julie
Stachowiak PhD
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Yoga Essay
The four paths of yoga are used in different ethnic backgrounds. In my understanding of yoga
which in today's society many believe the same. I believed that yoga was a form of exercise which
you contort your body in different angles. I was sadly mistaken by what I believed was right was
not right at all. As a matter of fact Yogais actually a form of religion. In Yoga religion they have
different paths. One path is the Jnana or better known as "Way of Knowledge". In this path which
from what I have learned is that those who practice it uses the rational mind rather than trying to
transcend it by concentration practices. In my own words this means that the person believes that
instead of focusing straight ahead more content...
About six years ago I was a drug user heavily. When I found sanctuary without the use of drugs I
remember seeing the beauty of nature around me. When neighbors cut their grass I can smell the
fresh cut grass on the wind. I would have to say that this is the path I would choose to follow
because of the love it has in it. I believe everyone should be happy and joyous with all around
them. For me I love everyone and hate no one. Even when someone has done me wrong I believe
that if I pray for him or her they will come around to the light and change their ways.
The third Yoga practice "Karma: Way of work" is another form. Karma yoga is service rendered
without any interest in its effects and without any personal sense of giving. My belief in this
yoga practice is that the person believes that he is not in control of himself but a Higher Power is
control. In a sense this is absolutely correct. I believe to myself that I'm not in control but a
Higher Power other than myself is influencing me. Like the time I prayed to God to guide me in
my move. I wasn't sure if I should move out of state or stay in California. The next day came and I
received a letter from my employer explaining that they are letting me go. I saw this as God guiding
me forward that there is something better for me elsewhere.
The fourth and final Yoga practice is "Raja: Way of Physiological and Psychological Discipline."
The physical and psychic practice
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Yoga Research Papers
San Francisco State University
First thoughts that come into my head when I think about yoga are body flexibility, body
movements and relaxation. Though yoga is more than that, it has deeper connections to the
mind–body. Connecting with the mind–body is a great communication to have because knowing
what our bodies feel helps us figure out if we are tired, hungry, or hurting. Finding the connection
between the mind and body is one of the best breathtaking moments. This being said, there are plenty
of benefits that yoga has to offer. For example, yoga helps us with balancing a healthy lifestyle,
because we become aware of the outcomes from practicing more content...
There are quite a few different yoga posses and each one has a benefit towards the mind–body
connection. As of 2011, 1,300 poses had been described and 200 had been video graphed
(Rockwood, Media, 2009). As a beginner it can be tough to perform some poses since there are
different ones with different names. Also, it may be challenging to do complete certain poses if
we are not familiar with how to precede a pose. For example, when I first tried yoga I had no clue
what was going on or how to remain in a certain position. Though not being familiar with the
different poses that were being practice during my first yoga class, helped me relax my body and
tension that I was holding on. In a way that I was able to listen to the teacher and just be mindful.
Yoga poses have been catalogued since before written history. Depictions of yoga poses were found
engraved on soapstone seals in the ruins of the cities of Mohenjo–Daro and Harappa, which
flourished at least 5,000 years ago in the Indus River Valley (Rockwood, Media, 2009). Yoga poses
have been around for a while and they are being practice in today's life style. Seems to be famous
since many people from different ages are studying and practicing it. For example, college students
may practice yoga to help reduce stress since balancing schoolwork and personal life might cause
stress. Yoga can be practice at any age single women and
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Informative Essay On Yoga
In recent years around the world rise and hot yoga, not just a popular or fashionable fitness
exercise. Yoga is a very ancient way to cultivate energy knowledge, philosophy, science and art can
be integrated, can strengthen the harmony of physical and mental wisdom (Brems, 2015). Ancient
Indian philosophy The basic structure of yoga, thousands of years of psychological, physical and
spiritual discipline has become an important part of Indian culture. Ancient yoga believers develop
yoga systems because they believe that by exercising your body and regulating your breath, you can
take complete control of your thoughts and emotions and keep your health forever. In the United
States, about 46.4 million people older than 40 years old have self–reported doctors diagnosed with
arthritis. According to the National Arthritis Data Working Group, about 27 million people with
arthritis suffer from clinical osteoarthritis, 4–10 million people suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome,
5 million people suffer from fibromyalgia, 3 million People suffering from gout, 1.3 million people
suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, 0.6 ~ 240000 people have spondylarthritis, 0.4 ~ 310 million
people with primary Sjogren's syndrome, 294000 cases of children suffering from adolescent
arthritis, 161000 ~ 32 of 2000 patients had systemic lupus erythematosus and 49,000 had systemic
sclerosis (Sharma, 2013). Yoga can relieve stress and effectively exacerbate arthritis. In addition,
yoga can provide people with a
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Essay On Yoga
Yoga is the key to my harmony!
Yoga has been part of my life for the last 8 years and it has been a great experience. I have attended
classes form variety of teacher and practiced variety of styles of yoga. I have had some great
teachers and each of them have inspired me and motivated me in some way or other.
Yogafor me has been something which not only keeps me physically fit but has made me a
grounded, level headed and a disciplined person. In general, I have always been a restless person
with very little patience. Since I started practicing yoga I have developed lot of patience, discipline,
flexibility, strength and I have been able to handle stress better than before and my bodily functions
have improved a lot. I also believe more content...
Unlike a gym, yoga teachers do not expect you to attempt a posture if you are unable to do so. If
you are unable to do a posture you can attempt a modification or attempt only when your ability has
improved. Yoga is not high intense like zumba or aerobics but rather a slow movement into a
particular posture and holding the posture for a longer period of time with awareness of breathing.
This immediately works on so many aspects of your body and mind. While holding particular
posture for a longer time, we become aware of those muscle that are involved and their limitations
and we can start to focus on that section and plan towards its improvement. Thus, yoga is all about
knowing your own limits and not overdoing it either. If you do push yourself beyond your limits,
you are likely to end up with a pulled muscle or some injury or other. I learned a lot about my
body only after practicing yoga. Even though I had been going to the gym for quite some time
before I started yoga, I never thought about my body in a deeper sense until I started practicing
yoga. This slow movement and holding of postures helps you to introspect about yourself and focus
on your body than at the outer word around you. One could say that with yoga, you do not compete
with anybody and but rather only with
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My Yoga Journey
This is not a book about how to practise yoga postures but rather an approach as to how to include
a search for consciousness in every aspect of yoga. Our yoga journey is the tool for understanding.
My yoga journey started more than ten years ago with an intense and dedicated interest in learning
yoga postures from Ashtanga, Hatha, Jivamukti, etc. In the beginning I practised most days of the
week and imagined that I would never tire, in spite of long trips to the studio in the early hours of
the morning. A pleasant reward was that my blood pressure dropped back to normal and I could
stop taking medicines. So, from the start, I knew that yoga could provide health benefits as well as
an enormous feeling of wellbeing. No matter how tired and fed–up one felt at the beginning of a
session, the mental lift afterwards was deeply satisfying. Meditation, Savasana, or corpse posture,
wound up every session so it also became clear that postures or asanas were only part of the remedy.
Meditation and yoga practise from the very beginning fired my interest in searching for an inner
consciousness. This is an easily misunderstood word and means many different things to many
different people. Some will associate it with awareness, or more content...
In the early days when Indian philosophy was first introduced to our western way of thought many
famous people were attracted to these ideas. For example, Somerset Maugham, Christopher
Isherwood, Aldous Huxley, Dr Albert Schweitzer and many more. The famous Sanskrit expression
from the Upanisad "Tat twam asi" meaning That Thou Art Thyself (That man must see himself in
all beings and see all beings in himself) has provided an introduction for many people to the study of
yoga and
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Chair Yoga Essay
Abstract The goal of the pilot study was to determine whether chair yoga was effective in reducing
pain and improving function and emotional well–being for the sample group of elderly patients
living with osteoarthritis. Effectiveness was assessed at the baseline, midpoint, and end of the 8
week study. The outcome of the study found improvement in physical function and reduced stiffness,
but emotional well–being was not improved, and pain still persisted. The authors plan to further
explore the possibilities of chair yoga in the future through more rigorous studies with larger
samples, randomized controlled trials and follow up by monitoring home practices after the
conclusion of the trials. Chair Yoga– Benefits for Older Adults Osteoarthritis and Quality of Life
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that plagues an estimated 27 million people in the
United States. (Park, McCaffrey; 2012) Symptoms include stiffness and joint pain that limit patients
range of motion and ability to perform activities of daily living, and is often associated with
depression because of the lack of function and pain. Managing OA with pharmacological and
non–pharmacological interventions can improve quality of life, measurable by reduced pain,
improved function, and improved emotional well–being. Yoga As A Non
Intervention for OA Yoga is a form of mind
–body therapy that has surged in popularity in recent
years. It "involves a combination of physical
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Yoga Essay
What is yoga and how is it helpful to the average person? Many people hear the word "yoga" and
think of some sort of stretching and breathing, but yoga is much more complex than this. Yoga is
actually "characterized by body alignment." In other words it consists of many different "poses" that
stretch and relax the entire body. Yoga is not just about someone sitting on the floor twisting their
body. Blocks, straps, blankets, mats, and chairs are all used to enhance positions and to make sure
each position is executed properly. Does yoga really benefit one's health, or is it just a waste of time?
We have some answers to these questions.
There are many confusing and conflicting claims made about all more content...
The group that practiced yoga was less aggressive, less excitable, evaluated their life satisfaction
higher, had less somatic complaints, and was in higher spirits. This is evidence of a lower stress
level in the women who engaged in yoga.
Another study, done in 1995, on elite runners and highly trained meditators. The runners and
meditators were matched in age, sex, and personality. There was an equal positive mood change for
both groups. This shows that meditation and yoga are very similar to exercise when it comes to
relieving stress and enhancing mood.
A study was done in 1994 to see how yoga affected osteoarthritis of the hands. Two groups were
again chosen to participate in the study. The first group was a control group that had no treatment
and the other group practiced yoga once a week for eight weeks. After the eight weeks pain, strength,
motion, joint circumference, tenderness, and hand function were assessed. The group that had
studied yoga had less pain and tenderness, and a greater range of motion, where as the control group
had much less significant progress.
Yoga has been used experimentally on patients with HIV/AIDS to help slow the progression of the
disease. Yoga has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression, and to increase energy and stamina.
There is little evidence
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Benefits Of Yoga Essay
Des: The more age people, especially women, get, the more they realize the significance of health.
Among many options of improving and maintaining health, yoga seems to be one of the best.
So, we all know through recent researches and studies how helpful yoga is to people's health.
However, the idea of practicing yoga at the age of 50 or over seems a little frightening, especially
to those who are inactive for a long time or are managing with health conditions. As we know, yoga
has many levels with different asana, from the simple one to the complicated one. Establishing a
routine of practicing yoga with a set of gentle moves is considered to be a great way for aged ladies
to get the activeness back.
Yoga is for everyone. No matter how old people are, which class people are in society, which gender
people can be, yoga still finds ways to bring benefits to people's mental and physical health.
Remember to get yourself a dedicated trainer or a high–quality yoga class and you will see the
amazing effect of more content...
Bone improvement
Women at the age of 50s usually face with the loss in bone density and at the beginning stage of
developing osteoporosis. It can be worried that some yoga postures may hurt the bones, which are
already fractured. On the contrary, some gentle yoga asana can help prevent the fracture process and
slow the bone thinning. Some studies pointed out that among some particular women, those who had
been practicing yoga did not lose bones density while the others without practicing lost some as
2.Flexibility improvement
When people get older, the harder they find in moving. They can get slower, more rigid in daily
activities. Women are not any exception. Yoga appears as a solution to this problem. As an aged
person, some stretching asana can help a lot in developing greater
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Four Yoga Styles
You might be surprised to learn that there isn't one style of yoga practice so you'll need to learn
some more about the different styles in order to decide which one is right for you. In this article
we'll take a closer look at four practice styles: hatha yoga, vinyasa, ashtanga and power yoga to help
you on the way to your decision.
1. Hatha yoga
Hatha yoga is often used interchangeably with the word yoga and classes are usually slow–paced
involving stretching, some simple breathing exercises and some seated meditations. If you are a
beginner then this is a good place to start so that you can spend time learning the basic techniques.
If you are looking for a calming and relaxing experience then hatha yoga is probably right for you. If
you'd prefer something more energetic then you should more content...
The speed of the movements is very much dictated by the teacher, so if you find that a class is too
fast for you look for a different teacher. In order to appreciate vinyasa you need to have a teacher
that you are comfortable with as their style will shape the class, keep looking until you find someone
you connect with.
3. Ashtanga
Ashtanga is a series of poses which realign the spine, detoxify the body and build strength, stamina
and flexibility. There are 75 poses in all and they can take anywhere between an hour and a half to
two hours to complete. You start with sun salutations and then move to standing poses, seated poses,
inversions and backbends before finishing with relaxation.
You can learn ashtanga at a teacher–led class, and then when you are happy with the order of the
poses you can either practice on your own or in a mysore class where you practice at your own pace
but have a teacher for guidance.
Ashtanga is a very athletic form of practice and is very popular. If you like a sense of order then this
style will appeal to
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Greek Yoga
Much of the science of yoga was gained from watching nature and her creatures. Ancient saints and
sages noticed that animals with low respiratory rates, like the tortoise, but also like the elephant, and
the other animals listed in the chart below lived longer life spans with a controlled, long breath. One
can also notice, though, that as the speed of respiration increases, the life span of the animal shortens.
AnimalBreathing rate, breaths/minLife span, years
Elephant4–5 (lying down)70
Giant Tortoise4150
In the similar manner, Prana is monitored through speech or thought. The whole spectrum of yogic
techniques: pratyahara, dhyana, pranayama or more content...
Slowly it dawns that we are not the master of our minds but actually the slaves of our minds. There
is failure, there is frustration, there is anger, there is plain discomfort when we resort to Mauna in
sincere earnest. The mind after all is not as "obedient" as what we thought it was. This makes us
humble bereft of natural pride and arrogance, generous and leads us to take a humane approach to
other people's shortcomings. When we stop giving the mind what it likes and wants i.e. when we
practice Mauna, we will realize that our own mind is not any better than anyone else's mind...
We thought that we are super nice and calm people, but not really.....
We thought that we are patient and compassionate people, but not really...
We thought that we are loving and unselfish people, but not really...
Thus, the practice of Mauna enables to see the truth of our own minds. It makes us more
compassionate and selfless, perform without any attachment, selfish desire and expectation. Our
thoughts, speech and actions get purified.
The purpose of Mauna is to turn our attention inward. As we tune into our inner space we are able
to identify and stop relating to what is called "excess personality " or "externalized ego".
We begin relating to our Essential Self or Soul. It is our Essential Self that accesses our intuition and
finds the Infinite within.
The Power of Mauna
It is obvious that practice of Silence empowers you. This is
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Yoga Essays

  • 1. The Benefits of Yoga Essay Yoga has been around for centuries, but it has recently increased in popularity. Yoga originated in India and refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines. There are 5 major branches of yoga in the Hindu philosophy, they include: Raja yoga, Karma yoga, Jnana yoga, Bhakti yoga, and Hatha yoga (Yoga). Yoga goals vary and range from improving health to achievingMoksha (Yoga). "In the state of Moksha lies the ultimate peace, ultimate knowledge, and ultimate enlightenment. Paradise is believed to be a place of temporal attractions to be avoided by the seeker in order to pursue the ultimate goal of union/yoking with god through yoga." (Moksha) After finding out a little more about yoga I began to wonder about it a little more. more content... "With a strong diaphragm you can breathe better during vigorous exercise," Susan explains. We move into some stretching that is not too out of the ordinary. As we move to a standing position the difficulty begins. We get instructions on every pose and a modification to the pose if it is too difficult or painful. We are told to come into a squatting position with heals are on the floor. As I look around the room, everyone is bumbling around a bit. We all finally come to the correct position. We have everything just right and Susan tells us to push our elbows into out thighs and shift our weight to our hands. Not everyone can get into that position. It requires a lot of balance to have your feet off the floor with your body weight on just your arms and hands. Susan informs us, "This is frog position, if you cannot get all your weight on your hands do not worry about it, it will come with time and practice. By this time I am sweating and my breathing is starting to accelerate. Looking around the room I am not the only one. This class is turning out to be a lot tougher than I thought it would be. We are instructed into pose after pose. Each pose it feels like we hold longer and longer. By this time I am sweating profusely and ready for the hour to be over. However, once we are done I feel like I really Get more content on
  • 2. Yoga Essay: What Is Yoga? What is Yoga The word "Yoga" is derived from Sanskrit word, "yuj" which means "to yoke" or "to concentrate". The word "Yoga "also means combined","unioin","connected","method" or "application". The different meanings of the same word depend on the application of the Yoga philosophy. For the sake of simplicity, we will assume the following definition of "Yoga". "Yoga" is a spiritual and bodily discipline. It includes breath control, specific body postures and simple meditation, practised in order to improve health and relaxation. The ultimate goal of Yoga is to attain "moksha" or "liberation" through proper mind and body exercise routine. As students of Yoga, we need not go in the depths of the types of Yoga's and their evolvement. We only more content... 8)Samadhi ("Liberation"): merging consciousness with the object of meditation. The Yogic postures are designed to maximise blood circulation to the entire body and to rejuvenate all the internal glands and organs. The regular practise of Yoga leads to increased stamina, body efficiency, immunity, calmness and concentration. Any type of yoga asana is performed through three simple steps, a)Taking the asana position, b)Maintaining the asana position and c)Releasing the asana position. All the movement in the asana should be gradual. Avoid sudden jerks while performing any action. The body should be comfortable and relaxed. The asanas can be classified into different ways depending on the applications, usefulness, physical conditions, etc. In this article, we will describe the types of asanas as per the body position. 1)Forward bends : These are the type of asanas in which we bend the body from the stomach, pull the chest towards the thighs and back again. These asanas create a stretch on our lower back and loosens the hamstrings. The following are some of the forward bend asanas, Padmasana Yogamudra Sharanagata Mudra Vajrasana Yogamudra Get more content on
  • 3. Informative Speech on Yoga Essay Informative Speech By:Amber Samworth Topic: Yoga General Purpose: To Inform. Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about yoga. Thesis Statement: I want my audience to be informed about what yoga is, its history, and why it has become so popular in recent years. Introduction I. (Open w/impact) According to Ann Pizer, aYogaAlliance Certified Instructor, in an article last accessed on September 18th 2007, for Yoga.About.Com. "Yoga means "union" in Sanskrit, the language of Ancient India where yoga first originated. We can think of that union occurring between the mind, body, and spirit." II. (Introduce topic) As you can see, yoga is an incredibly healthy practice. III. (Establish credibility) I have just more content... By the third period, the "Classical Period", yoga becomes more structured. a. In the 2nd Century, Patan Jali attempts to define yoga in his "Yoga Sutra" which is an eightfold path of yoga. 4. The fourth and final period is referred to as the Post Classical period, which extends into present day. a. Yoga was first introduced to the west in the late 1800s as an eastern philosophy class that most universities offered. b. Guru Swami Sivananda, a noted Malaysian Physician, modified Patan Jali's 8 principles into just 5 that are still used today. Transition: It is believed that if you combine all five principles, you will be in tune physically, mentally, and spiritually. Now you can see why yoga has become so popular in our society. III. Many of the reasons why it has become so popular is because yoga is extremely beneficial to the body A. In an article on titled "The Benefits of Yoga for Stress Management", last accessed on September 20th 2007; Elizabeth Scott M.S. says that the following ailments can be benefited by yoga. 1. Stress management. 2. Sound sleep. 3. Allergy symptom relief. 4. Lower blood pressure and heart rate. 5. Spiritual growth. 6. Sense of well being. 7. Increased strength and flexibility. 8. Slowed aging process, and these are just to name a few. B. Julie Stachowiak PhD Get more content on
  • 4. Yoga Essay Yoga The four paths of yoga are used in different ethnic backgrounds. In my understanding of yoga which in today's society many believe the same. I believed that yoga was a form of exercise which you contort your body in different angles. I was sadly mistaken by what I believed was right was not right at all. As a matter of fact Yogais actually a form of religion. In Yoga religion they have different paths. One path is the Jnana or better known as "Way of Knowledge". In this path which from what I have learned is that those who practice it uses the rational mind rather than trying to transcend it by concentration practices. In my own words this means that the person believes that instead of focusing straight ahead more content... About six years ago I was a drug user heavily. When I found sanctuary without the use of drugs I remember seeing the beauty of nature around me. When neighbors cut their grass I can smell the fresh cut grass on the wind. I would have to say that this is the path I would choose to follow because of the love it has in it. I believe everyone should be happy and joyous with all around them. For me I love everyone and hate no one. Even when someone has done me wrong I believe that if I pray for him or her they will come around to the light and change their ways. The third Yoga practice "Karma: Way of work" is another form. Karma yoga is service rendered without any interest in its effects and without any personal sense of giving. My belief in this yoga practice is that the person believes that he is not in control of himself but a Higher Power is control. In a sense this is absolutely correct. I believe to myself that I'm not in control but a Higher Power other than myself is influencing me. Like the time I prayed to God to guide me in my move. I wasn't sure if I should move out of state or stay in California. The next day came and I received a letter from my employer explaining that they are letting me go. I saw this as God guiding me forward that there is something better for me elsewhere. The fourth and final Yoga practice is "Raja: Way of Physiological and Psychological Discipline." The physical and psychic practice Get more content on
  • 5. Yoga Research Papers Yoga San Francisco State University First thoughts that come into my head when I think about yoga are body flexibility, body movements and relaxation. Though yoga is more than that, it has deeper connections to the mind–body. Connecting with the mind–body is a great communication to have because knowing what our bodies feel helps us figure out if we are tired, hungry, or hurting. Finding the connection between the mind and body is one of the best breathtaking moments. This being said, there are plenty of benefits that yoga has to offer. For example, yoga helps us with balancing a healthy lifestyle, because we become aware of the outcomes from practicing more content... There are quite a few different yoga posses and each one has a benefit towards the mind–body connection. As of 2011, 1,300 poses had been described and 200 had been video graphed (Rockwood, Media, 2009). As a beginner it can be tough to perform some poses since there are different ones with different names. Also, it may be challenging to do complete certain poses if we are not familiar with how to precede a pose. For example, when I first tried yoga I had no clue what was going on or how to remain in a certain position. Though not being familiar with the different poses that were being practice during my first yoga class, helped me relax my body and tension that I was holding on. In a way that I was able to listen to the teacher and just be mindful. Yoga poses have been catalogued since before written history. Depictions of yoga poses were found engraved on soapstone seals in the ruins of the cities of Mohenjo–Daro and Harappa, which flourished at least 5,000 years ago in the Indus River Valley (Rockwood, Media, 2009). Yoga poses have been around for a while and they are being practice in today's life style. Seems to be famous since many people from different ages are studying and practicing it. For example, college students may practice yoga to help reduce stress since balancing schoolwork and personal life might cause stress. Yoga can be practice at any age single women and Get more content on
  • 6. Informative Essay On Yoga In recent years around the world rise and hot yoga, not just a popular or fashionable fitness exercise. Yoga is a very ancient way to cultivate energy knowledge, philosophy, science and art can be integrated, can strengthen the harmony of physical and mental wisdom (Brems, 2015). Ancient Indian philosophy The basic structure of yoga, thousands of years of psychological, physical and spiritual discipline has become an important part of Indian culture. Ancient yoga believers develop yoga systems because they believe that by exercising your body and regulating your breath, you can take complete control of your thoughts and emotions and keep your health forever. In the United States, about 46.4 million people older than 40 years old have self–reported doctors diagnosed with arthritis. According to the National Arthritis Data Working Group, about 27 million people with arthritis suffer from clinical osteoarthritis, 4–10 million people suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, 5 million people suffer from fibromyalgia, 3 million People suffering from gout, 1.3 million people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, 0.6 ~ 240000 people have spondylarthritis, 0.4 ~ 310 million people with primary Sjogren's syndrome, 294000 cases of children suffering from adolescent arthritis, 161000 ~ 32 of 2000 patients had systemic lupus erythematosus and 49,000 had systemic sclerosis (Sharma, 2013). Yoga can relieve stress and effectively exacerbate arthritis. In addition, yoga can provide people with a Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Yoga Yoga is the key to my harmony! Yoga has been part of my life for the last 8 years and it has been a great experience. I have attended classes form variety of teacher and practiced variety of styles of yoga. I have had some great teachers and each of them have inspired me and motivated me in some way or other. Yogafor me has been something which not only keeps me physically fit but has made me a grounded, level headed and a disciplined person. In general, I have always been a restless person with very little patience. Since I started practicing yoga I have developed lot of patience, discipline, flexibility, strength and I have been able to handle stress better than before and my bodily functions have improved a lot. I also believe more content... Unlike a gym, yoga teachers do not expect you to attempt a posture if you are unable to do so. If you are unable to do a posture you can attempt a modification or attempt only when your ability has improved. Yoga is not high intense like zumba or aerobics but rather a slow movement into a particular posture and holding the posture for a longer period of time with awareness of breathing. This immediately works on so many aspects of your body and mind. While holding particular posture for a longer time, we become aware of those muscle that are involved and their limitations and we can start to focus on that section and plan towards its improvement. Thus, yoga is all about knowing your own limits and not overdoing it either. If you do push yourself beyond your limits, you are likely to end up with a pulled muscle or some injury or other. I learned a lot about my body only after practicing yoga. Even though I had been going to the gym for quite some time before I started yoga, I never thought about my body in a deeper sense until I started practicing yoga. This slow movement and holding of postures helps you to introspect about yourself and focus on your body than at the outer word around you. One could say that with yoga, you do not compete with anybody and but rather only with Get more content on
  • 8. My Yoga Journey This is not a book about how to practise yoga postures but rather an approach as to how to include a search for consciousness in every aspect of yoga. Our yoga journey is the tool for understanding. My yoga journey started more than ten years ago with an intense and dedicated interest in learning yoga postures from Ashtanga, Hatha, Jivamukti, etc. In the beginning I practised most days of the week and imagined that I would never tire, in spite of long trips to the studio in the early hours of the morning. A pleasant reward was that my blood pressure dropped back to normal and I could stop taking medicines. So, from the start, I knew that yoga could provide health benefits as well as an enormous feeling of wellbeing. No matter how tired and fed–up one felt at the beginning of a session, the mental lift afterwards was deeply satisfying. Meditation, Savasana, or corpse posture, wound up every session so it also became clear that postures or asanas were only part of the remedy. Meditation and yoga practise from the very beginning fired my interest in searching for an inner consciousness. This is an easily misunderstood word and means many different things to many different people. Some will associate it with awareness, or more content... In the early days when Indian philosophy was first introduced to our western way of thought many famous people were attracted to these ideas. For example, Somerset Maugham, Christopher Isherwood, Aldous Huxley, Dr Albert Schweitzer and many more. The famous Sanskrit expression from the Upanisad "Tat twam asi" meaning That Thou Art Thyself (That man must see himself in all beings and see all beings in himself) has provided an introduction for many people to the study of yoga and Get more content on
  • 9. Chair Yoga Essay Abstract The goal of the pilot study was to determine whether chair yoga was effective in reducing pain and improving function and emotional well–being for the sample group of elderly patients living with osteoarthritis. Effectiveness was assessed at the baseline, midpoint, and end of the 8 week study. The outcome of the study found improvement in physical function and reduced stiffness, but emotional well–being was not improved, and pain still persisted. The authors plan to further explore the possibilities of chair yoga in the future through more rigorous studies with larger samples, randomized controlled trials and follow up by monitoring home practices after the conclusion of the trials. Chair Yoga– Benefits for Older Adults Osteoarthritis and Quality of Life Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that plagues an estimated 27 million people in the United States. (Park, McCaffrey; 2012) Symptoms include stiffness and joint pain that limit patients range of motion and ability to perform activities of daily living, and is often associated with depression because of the lack of function and pain. Managing OA with pharmacological and non–pharmacological interventions can improve quality of life, measurable by reduced pain, improved function, and improved emotional well–being. Yoga As A Non –Pharmacologic Intervention for OA Yoga is a form of mind –body therapy that has surged in popularity in recent years. It "involves a combination of physical Get more content on
  • 10. Yoga Essay Yoga What is yoga and how is it helpful to the average person? Many people hear the word "yoga" and think of some sort of stretching and breathing, but yoga is much more complex than this. Yoga is actually "characterized by body alignment." In other words it consists of many different "poses" that stretch and relax the entire body. Yoga is not just about someone sitting on the floor twisting their body. Blocks, straps, blankets, mats, and chairs are all used to enhance positions and to make sure each position is executed properly. Does yoga really benefit one's health, or is it just a waste of time? We have some answers to these questions. CLAIMS There are many confusing and conflicting claims made about all more content... The group that practiced yoga was less aggressive, less excitable, evaluated their life satisfaction higher, had less somatic complaints, and was in higher spirits. This is evidence of a lower stress level in the women who engaged in yoga. Another study, done in 1995, on elite runners and highly trained meditators. The runners and meditators were matched in age, sex, and personality. There was an equal positive mood change for both groups. This shows that meditation and yoga are very similar to exercise when it comes to relieving stress and enhancing mood. RELIEF OF MINOR ACHES AND PAINS A study was done in 1994 to see how yoga affected osteoarthritis of the hands. Two groups were again chosen to participate in the study. The first group was a control group that had no treatment and the other group practiced yoga once a week for eight weeks. After the eight weeks pain, strength, motion, joint circumference, tenderness, and hand function were assessed. The group that had studied yoga had less pain and tenderness, and a greater range of motion, where as the control group had much less significant progress. RELIEF OF SYMPTOMS OF HIV/AIDS Yoga has been used experimentally on patients with HIV/AIDS to help slow the progression of the disease. Yoga has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression, and to increase energy and stamina. There is little evidence Get more content on
  • 11. Benefits Of Yoga Essay YOGA FOR AGED WOMEN Des: The more age people, especially women, get, the more they realize the significance of health. Among many options of improving and maintaining health, yoga seems to be one of the best. So, we all know through recent researches and studies how helpful yoga is to people's health. However, the idea of practicing yoga at the age of 50 or over seems a little frightening, especially to those who are inactive for a long time or are managing with health conditions. As we know, yoga has many levels with different asana, from the simple one to the complicated one. Establishing a routine of practicing yoga with a set of gentle moves is considered to be a great way for aged ladies to get the activeness back. Yoga is for everyone. No matter how old people are, which class people are in society, which gender people can be, yoga still finds ways to bring benefits to people's mental and physical health. Remember to get yourself a dedicated trainer or a high–quality yoga class and you will see the amazing effect of more content... Bone improvement Women at the age of 50s usually face with the loss in bone density and at the beginning stage of developing osteoporosis. It can be worried that some yoga postures may hurt the bones, which are already fractured. On the contrary, some gentle yoga asana can help prevent the fracture process and slow the bone thinning. Some studies pointed out that among some particular women, those who had been practicing yoga did not lose bones density while the others without practicing lost some as expected. 2.Flexibility improvement When people get older, the harder they find in moving. They can get slower, more rigid in daily activities. Women are not any exception. Yoga appears as a solution to this problem. As an aged person, some stretching asana can help a lot in developing greater Get more content on
  • 12. Four Yoga Styles You might be surprised to learn that there isn't one style of yoga practice so you'll need to learn some more about the different styles in order to decide which one is right for you. In this article we'll take a closer look at four practice styles: hatha yoga, vinyasa, ashtanga and power yoga to help you on the way to your decision. 1. Hatha yoga Hatha yoga is often used interchangeably with the word yoga and classes are usually slow–paced involving stretching, some simple breathing exercises and some seated meditations. If you are a beginner then this is a good place to start so that you can spend time learning the basic techniques. If you are looking for a calming and relaxing experience then hatha yoga is probably right for you. If you'd prefer something more energetic then you should more content... The speed of the movements is very much dictated by the teacher, so if you find that a class is too fast for you look for a different teacher. In order to appreciate vinyasa you need to have a teacher that you are comfortable with as their style will shape the class, keep looking until you find someone you connect with. 3. Ashtanga Ashtanga is a series of poses which realign the spine, detoxify the body and build strength, stamina and flexibility. There are 75 poses in all and they can take anywhere between an hour and a half to two hours to complete. You start with sun salutations and then move to standing poses, seated poses, inversions and backbends before finishing with relaxation. You can learn ashtanga at a teacher–led class, and then when you are happy with the order of the poses you can either practice on your own or in a mysore class where you practice at your own pace but have a teacher for guidance. Ashtanga is a very athletic form of practice and is very popular. If you like a sense of order then this style will appeal to Get more content on
  • 13. Greek Yoga Much of the science of yoga was gained from watching nature and her creatures. Ancient saints and sages noticed that animals with low respiratory rates, like the tortoise, but also like the elephant, and the other animals listed in the chart below lived longer life spans with a controlled, long breath. One can also notice, though, that as the speed of respiration increases, the life span of the animal shortens. AnimalBreathing rate, breaths/minLife span, years Horse8–1550 Elephant4–5 (lying down)70 Whale611 Giant Tortoise4150 Dogs20–3010–20 Chimpanzee1440 Monkeys3218–23 In the similar manner, Prana is monitored through speech or thought. The whole spectrum of yogic techniques: pratyahara, dhyana, pranayama or more content... Slowly it dawns that we are not the master of our minds but actually the slaves of our minds. There is failure, there is frustration, there is anger, there is plain discomfort when we resort to Mauna in sincere earnest. The mind after all is not as "obedient" as what we thought it was. This makes us humble bereft of natural pride and arrogance, generous and leads us to take a humane approach to other people's shortcomings. When we stop giving the mind what it likes and wants i.e. when we practice Mauna, we will realize that our own mind is not any better than anyone else's mind... We thought that we are super nice and calm people, but not really..... We thought that we are patient and compassionate people, but not really... We thought that we are loving and unselfish people, but not really... Thus, the practice of Mauna enables to see the truth of our own minds. It makes us more compassionate and selfless, perform without any attachment, selfish desire and expectation. Our thoughts, speech and actions get purified. The purpose of Mauna is to turn our attention inward. As we tune into our inner space we are able to identify and stop relating to what is called "excess personality " or "externalized ego". We begin relating to our Essential Self or Soul. It is our Essential Self that accesses our intuition and finds the Infinite within. The Power of Mauna It is obvious that practice of Silence empowers you. This is Get more content on