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                           YFE Crusader
                           I S S U E 1 I ,   S E P T E M B E R      2 0 0 8

     YFE Crusader

                       Vote India: An Initiative For Change !!
     enters its
     second issue !!

     YFE Crusader
     - Voice of             We believe that India          map interface provided
     Hope for the      deserves to be in hands of          3. Enter your contact details.            VoteIndia.IN campaign
     Anti-             people who are capable of                                              is a completely free service,
                       leading it. Good governance              With these simple steps,      designed in the surge of patri-
                       starts from voting—for the          you become a registered user       otism with no intentions of
     Join Youth        right people. If we take up         of VoteIndia.IN                    making profits. Help and con-
     For Equality      this responsibility towards                                            tribution in any form from
     today             government, the government               Now comes a question,         your side is always wel-
                       is bound to take up its respon-                                        comed.
     Fight against     sibility towards us.
     Reservations                                                                             The Team can be reached at
                           Hence, we have come up                                   ,
                       with this initiative where we                                
                       want to inculcate the impor-
                       tance of politics and the im-                                                    - Ankit Shrivastava
                       portance of voting, within the
INSIDE                                                     that how shall this help the
THIS ISS UE:                About the project:             nation?
                            The project is non-
Vote India        1    profitable, non-charitable,               The answer lies with the
                       politically neutral effort initi-   innovativeness of the cam-
Terrorism         2    ated by a group of young citi-      paign. Before the elections
& Kashmir              zens who wish to bring a            you shall receive an email
Editor’s Pick !        change.                             delivering the entire details of

Amul– Voice       4         The aims of the project
                                                           the candidates of your con-
                                                           stituency, thus making it sim-
                                                                                              Writing on the Wall !!
of India               are as below:                       pler for you to decide the
Racism in the 6
                                                           right candidate for your own
                       1) Increasing the Voter turn-       constituency. And once smart           “Reservation on the
                       out by encouraging and assist-      people like you start electing         basis of caste will
To De-            8    ing users.                          smart people for individual            not only divide the
Essentialize           2) Encourage people to con-         constituencies, we can soon            country but also
the caste              sider quot;Good Governancequot; as a        have smart people at the cen-
                       criteria for choosing their         ter making smart rules for the         hurt the self-esteem
Has Educa-        10   candidate.                          nation.                                of the people.”
tion made us
more self-                  The registration process             The main intention of            -- His Holiness Sri Sri
                       is simpler than applying for a      VoteIndia.IN is to encourage           Ravishankar of The
centered ?
                       credit card. All you have to do     the educated masses to pull up         Art Of Living
Letters to        11   is:                                 their sleeves, and go out and
the editor                                                 elect the candidate of their
                       1. Visit           choice based on the criteria of
                       2. Pin point your home on the       quot;good governancequot;.
PAGE        2

                             Terrorism & Kashmir                                        Joginder Singh, IPS (Retd.)

                             A CRPF Inspector General         trouble. Terrorism in valley      cordance with the Newton‟s
                             was transferred from Srina-      flourishes and thrives or         law, which enunciates, that
                             gar, on 13th August, 2008        remains under check, in           every action has an equal
                             after an uproar in the Kash-     direct proportion, to the         and opposite reaction. Oth-
                             mir valley, led by the terror-   political will and strength to    erwise, how hordes of peo-
                             ists and their supporters,       deal with the same effec-         ple led by the terrorists,
                             against alleged excesses by      tively.                           could start a march towards
                             the central para-military                                          Pakistan for crossing the
                             force. He was also allegedly     It commenced, with the            border. The Government
                             denied a Police medal, for       kidnapping of the daughter        should have come out, with
                             fear of controversy and          of a former Home Minister,        the statement, that those
                             likely protests in the valley.   who is also a former Chief        who cross illegally, would
                                                              Minister of Jammu and             not be allowed, entry back
                             There is nothing new, in         Kashmir. To get her re-           into India, without the In-
                             this kind of approach, as the    leased, the Government of         dian Passports, as is appli-
                             decisions makers are safe in     the day, released five            cable to all Indians going
                             air conditioned atmosphere       dreaded terrorists. It em-        abroad and returning home.
                             somewhere else. The people       boldened them, leading to         A series of misconceived
―22 % of seats in            facing dire situation of life    their much applauded free-        policies, or so called people
                             and death and standing be-       dom, possibly with some           to people contact, have
the lower house of           tween chaos and order, are       ransom, money, though             brought about this situation.
Parliament & State           on the spot. The former          there is no confirmation of       Otherwise, how could a
                             judge and some times pan-        this report. It was enough,       partner in coalition plead
legislatures are             der to the local sentiments      to start a series of chain        for the Pakistan currency to
                             by sacrificing the people on     reactions in valley from          be allowed to be used in
reserved for                 the spot, hoping, that it will   1988. I am an eye witness         J&K. Lack of clear policy
                             buy them peace and retrieve      to that part of the history, as   and molly coddling, has
Scheduled Castes             the situation. It is, simple     I was working at that time        cause the present chaos.
                             application of band aid,         as Inspector General of the
& Tribal groups‖
                             where a surgical operation       Central Reserve Police            It would be wrong to say
          - Reuters          is called for it.                Force, in Srinagar.               that transferring 39.88 hec-
                                                                                                tares of forest land to Amar-
       (April 2008)          A Former Governor of J&K          The tendency to under            nath shrine board and its
                             had lost his job, in 1990, for   play, has led, to the terror-     reaction in Jammu has led
                             taking a tough stand against     ists to openly dictating the      to the present situation.
                             the anti Indian and anti na-     people , about using of Pur-
                             tional elements. Neither his     daha by the women, closure        The terrorists have been
                             transfer did, and nor the        of beauty parlours and cine-      going, all out, to create dis-
                             transfer of the IGP CRPF is      mas houses, and raising pro       turbances and problems as
                             going to normalise the           Pakistan slogans.                 per the following report of
                             situation and convert the                                          J& K Government which
                             anti national elements and       The Prime Minister has            says;
                             terrorists into normal citi-     given a laudable call, from
                             zens. On the contrary, it        the ramparts of red fort on       “A total of 42,147 people,
                             will encourage, such ele-        15th August, 2008 to shed         including 20,647 militants
                             ments, that they can do any-     communalism. But unfortu-         and 5,024 security person-
                             thing and get away.              nately, the whole agitation,      nel, were killed in the state
    General                                                   in valley is based on the         between Janu-ary 1990 and
                              Wherever the Government         communal lines. However           the middle of February
    Category                 of the day, has fallen for       and how much we may               2007…        Violence left
                             appeasement and compro-          wish, communalism of one          33,885 people, includ-ing
                             mise on the basic values, it     community generates com-          12,124 security personnel
                             has invited more and more        munalism in others, in ac-        and 21,659 civilians, in-

               YFE      CRUSADER
ISSUE1I,        SEPTEMBER                                                                                                   PAGE     3

jured during the same period in      The highest number of 613 se-          it is impossible to get any kind
the state..                          curity per-sonnel were killed in       of evidence to prove anybody‟s
                                     a single year in 2001.”                anti national activities, as no
 11,221 civilians were killed by                                            witness would be willing to
militants and another 1,678 lost     Now the question arises, as to         come forth to depose, even if a
their lives in grenade and Im-       what can be done. Also whether         witness protection act, is there.
provised Ex-plosive Device           what is being done is sufficient.      Infact, at present there is no
explosions, while 173 civil-ians     In 1990, the midnight protests         witness protection act available.
were killed when they were           were sparked off, by the calls         Margret Thatcher used to say
caught in clashes between mili-      given by given 1100 Mosques,           the publicity is the oxygen of
tants. A total of 3,404 civilians    which had installed loud speak-        terrorism. Any kind of publicity,
were killed in cross-firing inci-    ers to call the faithful to prayers.   which eulogizes terrorism,
dents between security forces        Loudspeakers in mosques, then          should be discouraged, if not
                                     and even now are being em-             exactly banned.
                                     ployed, to give calls for anti
                                     national activities and asking         Terrorist leaders, their support-
                                     the people to gather in the            ers and sympathizers should be        quot;CM of Uttar
                                     streets or at a particular spot.       immobilized by using the pre-
                                     The then Governor had ordered          sent laws and detained outside        Pradesh
                                     the disconnection of the loud          J&K. The Government has an-           tentatively
                                     speakers, which itself led to          nounced pension scheme for the
                                     protests.                              families of the terrorists, on the    extended lower
                                                                            grounds that it is not their fault,
 and mili­tants…The highest                   It is a fact that many        if their children have become         caste job quotas
number of 1,438 civilians were       terrorists take shelter in the reli-   terrorists. This approach is
killed in 1996, the year elections   gious places of their respective       fraught with danger and sooner        into the private
were held after a gap of seven       religion. During my recent visit       it is given up, the better it is.
year. While the highest number       to the USA, I was told that the        Why only Kashmiris should be
of 3,602 army and other para-        police had installed CCTV cam-         selected for this government           - in Feb, 2008
military per-sonnel lost their       eras in mosques to monitor any         munificence. Such people in
lives fighting militants, Jammu      such possible activity, with the       Punjab, Chattisgarh, Assam and
and Kashmir police lost 537 per      cooperation of the Muslim com-         other North Eastern States, have
-sonnel since January 1990. As       munity and their religious lead-       similar claims. It should not
many as 438 Special Police Of-       ers. This is to prevent any alle-      become a scheme to help the
ficers engaged by police in the      gation of forcible entry of the        anti national and traitorous ele-
counter-insurgency operations        Police, which may cause dese-          ments.
were killed.127 Village Defense      cration.
Committee members were killed                                                       Many so called intellec-
fighting militants in the state.     In a situation like this, which        tual talk about referendum in
                                     has been highly communalized,          valley. (Contd. next page)

                                                                                                      EQUALITY RACE IN

                                                                                                         By YFE candidates
                                                                                                    Contested for Delhi University
                                                                                                      Student Union elections
Terrorism & Kashmir (continued....)
         PAGE     4

                               With Pakistan having          576.24 in 1992-93 to Rs
                            hijacked the anti national       1,137 in 2000-1, that of the     It is reported that the bene-
                            elements, any referendum         Kashmiri spiralled from Rs      fits of central funds     have
                            or election will be irrelevant   3,197 to Rs 8,092. To get a     remained confined only to
                            at present. The first priority   perspective, translate the      about 150 families in Kash-
                            is to drive the Pakistani        numbers: this cash, man-        mir and the rest of the
                            terrorists out of the valley     aged by the state Govern-       money has disappeared or
                            and send them to the coun-       ment, were to be dispatched     not spent or improperly
                            try of their origin. The Gov-    by money order, each Kash-      spent or drained off. The
                            ernment should stop all          miri family (with five mem-     benefits of Central aid have
                            talks of dialogue, with so       bers on an average) would       not reached the common
                            called militants, who are        get Rs 40,460 every year.       man, who has not devel-
                            nothing more than front                                          oped a stake in India. The
                            men of Pakistan. Only a          In 2001-2, the state spent      Government priority num-
Civil Society               tough approach will send         Rs 7,516.6 crore of which       ber one should be to root
Organizations —
                            the right signal that Govern-    Rs 4,577 crore-or 60 paise      out corruption. With these
                            ment means business. The         of every rupee spent-came       steps, it should be possible
                            Government is spending           from the Centre. The state's    to send a right message both
                            much more on Kashmir             non-development expendi-        to Pakistan and its hench-
                            than on other States.            ture was Rs 2,829 crore         men and people in the val-
                                                             including a salary bill of Rs   ley.
                             A Kashmiri gets eight           1,193 crore while its own
     ―Positively, my        times more money from the        revenues were barely Rs         The Author is former Di-
                            Centre than citizens from        1,095 crore. The state could    rector Central Bureau Of
   social philosophy        other states. While per cap-     not have paid even the          Investigation, INDIA
     may be said to         ita Central assistance to        wages of its employees
                            other states moved from Rs       without the Centre's help.
     be enshrined in

       three words:                          AMUL— The Taste & Voice of India !!
   Liberty, Equality        Civil Society Organizations like “Youth For Equality” are the „Voice of Hope‟ for millions
                            of citizens in India, who know that they are being discriminated against, but do not know
      & Fraternity ‖
                            how to fight for their rights. YFE voices the concerns and plea of these people.
    - B.R.Ambedkar
                            In this noble venture, we have been consistently supported by Voices from Corporate India,
                            who know what it takes to reach to the top. Industrialists like Rahul Bajaj & Narayana
                            Murthy have always been quite vocal about this. But no voice seems to match the VOICE
                            OF AMUL in terms of impacting the general public. Since 1967, Amul has been playing
                            the role of a social observer. It is indeed a great support for YFE initiatives when Amul
                            decides to talk about Quotas & Reservations !!

             YFE       CRUSADER
ISSUE1I,       SEPTEMBER           2008                                                                               PAGE   5

 Imagine the impact these Hoardings have on the general public. People love them and they become the favor-
 ite topic of discussion for the whole of the week. They are almost a part of our culture. I have seen an old lady
 make an album to amuse her grand children !! The right dose of social awareness laced with clean fun.

                                                          For 40 odd years the Utterly Butterly girl has managed
                                                          to keep her fanatic fan following intact. It is the long-
                                                          est and probably the most successful campaign in the
                                                          world. And it rightfully is vying for a place in the
                                                          Guinness Book Of World Records for being the long-
                                                          est ad campaign ever.

                                                          The establishment of Amul is known as the White

    White Revolution is but a small part of the Amul
 Legacy. A Social Revolution has been the mainstay of
 the legend of Amul !!

 Ravishankar Duvvuri, MBA-2nd Year,
 Narsee Monjee Institute of Mgmt. Studies,

                                                                                                       Hunger Strike
                                                                                               Maulana Azad Medical College
                                                                                                        New Delhi
PAGE      6

                             Racism In The Classroom
                                       The much hyped                   The current reser-    cated theories about repres-
                             proposal of Shri Arjun           vation policy aims only to      sion and backwardness.
                             Singh's caste based reserva-     increase the number of cer-     They can not be treated as
                             tion system in higher educa-     tain caste and communities      honest and impartial think-
                             tion is not the correct and      which are connected with        ers and academicians. Ma-
                             proper approach to solve         the numerically powerful        jority of them are ABCD
                             the problem of socio-            vote banks. Low represen-       ( American Born Corrupt
                             economic inequality. All         tation of groups in higher      Desi ) category. This pol-
                             the right thinking nationalist   education has no co-relation    icy is socially and culturally
                             people have been very            with any type of backward-      divisive. This system has
                             strongly opposing this divi-     ness. The real disadvan-        destroyed the multicultural
                             sive idea of reserving quo-      taged and backwards are         fiber of our nationalism.
                             tas for OBCs in all the insti-   those who cannot even
                             tutions of higher learning.      dream to visit a primary or               Moreover the con-
                                                              secondary school and they       stitution guarantees the
                                      After getting the       belong to all caste because     right to equality to all the
                             nod of the cabinet and the       they cannot afford any type     citizens under law. It is the
                             Supreme Court of India,          of education. Hardly eight      responsibility of the state to
                             Mr. Arjun Singh is now in        percent of all Indian youth     enact such policy that does
                             his full colours. No body        go for higher education,        not distinguish between its
                             has got the guts and courage     Remaining ninety two per-       citizens on the basis of caste
                             to tune the quotas on the        cent belong to all caste and    and religion. But in prac-
                             casteless and secular lines      communities. Hence quotas       tice, the country's governing
                             or to speak against the caste    in higher education cannot      system is the most racist
                             based quota system. Now          era di ca t e th e soci o-      system, which has con-
                             the Human Resource Devel-        economic inequality. Quota      verted the nation into an
                             opment Ministry can be           system has only increased       ethnic-state, where caste
                             renamed as Human Reser-          the divisive trends in the      and communal identities are
                             vation & Division Ministry.      country. Caste and religion     the most powerful tags. In
                                                              based reservation system is     all walks of life our system
                                      Need of the day is      a fraud in the name of so-      practice apartheid policy.
Mid-Day Cartoon              to implement on alternative      cial justice.
   - Mid-Day is a            affirmative action policy,                                                 Implementing af-
popular daily tabloid        whose benefit must reach                   In the country no     firmative action should not
    in Mumbai
                             genuinely deprived sec-          honest study has been con-      compromise the institu-
                             tions. This policy should be     ducted to decide and objec-     tional excellence and im-
                             sensitive to the all type of     tive case study of reserva-     portance of merit in public
                             backwards and disadvanta-        tion policy. The data used      life, but now a days excel-
                             geous people whose base is       by and cited, have got no       lence or merit is a curse.
                             not limited to caste and         scientific basis for such an    The current reservation
                             communal considerations          important policy. Moreover      system does not clearly
                             alone. Another thing must        most of our sociologists and    adopt even the requirement
                             be kept in mind that the         historians are also con-        of any minimum standard
                             standard and excellence is       nected and linked with the      or entry criteria.
                             not compromised or diluted       vested interest groups who
                             at any cost.                     have floated false and fabri-

               YFE      CRUSADER
ISSUE1I,        SEPTEMBER           2008                                                                               PAGE     7

         Provision of fixed quo-    ciety. Need and demand for            and thinkers who are not aligned
tas is also an attack on the        merit based education is bound        to any interest or pressure
autonomy of institutions to fix     to grow as the nation enters into     group, to look into the entire
the minimum efficiency stan-        an increasingly knowledge             issue of affirmative action. But
dard level which openly negates     based world. It will be highly        seeing the fact at the moment,
the overall working environ-        unjust and discriminatory to fix      nation is badly fragmented on
ment and classroom excellence.      quotas for one group and deny         caste, communal and regional
For example new and advanced        equal right and opportunity to        lines resulting in plethora of
syllabus may not be covered as      another group of people who are       political parties, who have no
these sections of the class may     otherwise more deserving and          other developmental issue ex-
not be able to cope. Very re-       meritorious.                          cept this quota madness. If this
cently University Grant Com-                                              suicidal policy is not mended,
mission abolished the require-               Indian education sys-        the coming days will be very
ment of NET for lectureship         tem has won world wide recog-         torturous for the nation.          ―In the end anti-
because SC/ST category stu-         nition because of brilliant and                                          black, anti-
dents find it very difficult to     meritorious students of all                    - Dr. Y.K. Sharma,
clear the NET. So national SC/      castes, religion, linguistic and                                         female, and all
                                                                                      Delhi University
ST commission recommended t         ethnic groups who are embed-                                             forms of
abolish the NET. Similarly Na-      ded to the high pursuit of
tional Minority Commission has      knowledge.                                                               discrimination
asked the HRD to abolish Eng-
                                                                                                             are equivalent to
lish at primary and secondary                 But the present UPA
level, because minority (read       government which is highly                                               the same thing–
Muslim) students are generally      castist and communal in its ap-
very poor in their understanding    proach is bent on dividing the
of English.                         society on caste and communal                                            —Shirley
                                    lines, only to consolidate the
          This type of quota sys-   vote bank. As a result of this                                           Chisholm (the
tem damages the institutional       greed of vote banks, all the po-                                         first African –
excellence and a negative and       litical parties are trying to beat
inferiority syndrome is devel-      other in this quota madness, to                                          American
oped in the psyche of reserved      include newer and newer groups
                                                                                                             woman to win a
category sections that without      in this quota race. Now in some
quotas they cannot survive.         states like Tamilnadu and Kar-                                           seat in the
Disadvantage groups should be       natka, nearly ninety percent of
                                                                                                             United States
encouraged to raise their stan-     the total population is in the grip
dard instead of being depend-       of quota. One fail to understand                                         Congress)
ence on the clutches of quotas.     any sane logic for this quota
         Arbitrarily lowering
and favoring the admission stan-             It is the duty of the
dard for one caste over other       government in national interest
group of citizens as has been       to preserve and respect the
done recently in IITs, is highly    autonomy of institution. Gov-
unfair and it creates discrimina-   ernment should constitute an
tory inequality and offends the     impartial commission, consisted
idea of just and merit based so-    of genuine and honest scholars
PAGE      8

                             To De-Essentialize The Caste
                                                             essentialise this orthodox       caste based organizations.
                                      It is support and
                                                             system which has often           The population figure pro-
                             active participation of the
                                                             been a divisive factor. We       jected by each of them
                             educated youth of India that
                                                             also uphold the point that if    when added up, far ex-
                             enables YFE to continue its
                                                             further caste-based reserva-     ceeded the total population
                             struggle against the discrep-
                                                             tion is allowed it will not      of the state. During presi-
                             ancies of the caste-based
                                                             only be detrimental to the       dent rule in the state in
                             reservation policies of the
                                                             society but will also be dis-    1988, the Vanniyars were
                             government. We are mak-
                                                             astrous for the integrity of     excluded from the list of
                             ing attempts to explore the
                                                             the nation.                      most backward class. Later
                             issue from its width and
                                                                                              the Vanniyars gave ultima-
                             depth and to analyze differ-
                                                                      Friends it is neces-    tum to Karunanidhi who
                             ent aspects of reservation
                                                             sary to understand why it is     came in power in 1989.
                             policies with the guidance
                                                             detrimental to organize on       Finally Karunanidhi gov-
Lalbaug cha Raja—            of sociologists and experts.                                     ernment announced 20%
                                                             the basis of caste and how
Mumbai’s most                                                caste based reservation poli-    reservation for the most
popular Ganapati                       We always wel-                                         backward castes, including
                                                             cies gives wrong incentives
                             come intellectual inputs,                                        t h e V an ni y a r s. Ka -
idol in Mumbai                                               to the society to perpetuate
                             suggestions and questions                                        runanidhi‟s caste was also
                                                             the caste as an institution.
                             from all of you and we hope                                      among the most backward
                                                             While the examples are
                             that all these discussions
                                                             pervasive, here we are cit-      castes.
                             will contribute towards clar-
                                                             ing a few:
                             ity of concept and realiza-
                                                                                                       The above exam-
                             tion of our cause of building
                                                             1)         In Karnataka, the     ples explicitly indicate that
                             an Equal Nation and a bet-
                                                             Havanur Commission re-           the incentive of caste based
                             ter tomorrow. As has been
                                                             moved Lingayats from the         reservation how often has
                             described in our pamphlets
                                                             list of backward-classes.        drawn the ugly figure of
                             of 18 & 19th June 2006,
                                                             Venkataswami Commission          division on the face of soci-
                             there is need to take af-
                                                             removed the Vokkalingas          ety using caste lines. Ironi-
                             firmative actions to uplift
                                                             too. Violence followed. The      cally it was muscle power
                             the deprived sections of the
                                                             government restored both to      and not the deprivation that
                             society.                                                         has been the real determi-
                                                             the list. Ironically these two
                                                             castes are among the most        nant of the backwardness.
                                      But at the same                                         Whichever caste has got
                                                             powerful, always holding
                             time the proposed Multiple                                       organized, whichever has
                                                             political power in the state.
                             Deprivation System (MDS)                                         gained clout has got itself
                             has clearly noted that one
                                                             2)        In Tamil Nadu,         anointed „backward‟.
                             should not incorporate
                                                             the Vanniyar Sangham
                             caste. All the possible dep-
                                                             claimed that they constitute              Secondly the num-
                             rivations that can be associ-
                                                             fifth of the state‟s popula­     ber of backward castes thus
                             ated with caste and which
 Visarjan –Immersion                                         tion and hence deserved          anointed has continued to
                             can hold back an individual
                                                             exclusive reservation of         swell. Studies, records that
 of the idol                 from social, educational and
                                                             20%.They launched violent        the list of backward castes
                             economic progress have
                                                             agitation in 1987. This trig-    in Tamil Nadu grew from
 In full Pomp and            been accounted for in MDS.
                                                             gered off a fresh wave of        11 in 1883, to 39 in 1893, to
                             Simultaneously efforts
 Splendor !!                                                 similar demands from other       46 in 1903, to 122 in1913,
                             should be made to de-

               YFE      CRUSADER
ISSUE1I,        SEPTEMBER           2008                                                                             PAGE    9

                                    recommendations. But we are         Friends we believe that being
to 122 in 1913, to 131 in 1923,
                                    not surprised that it did not ex-   the common citizen of India we
to 182 in 1933, to 238 in 1943,
                                    clude those relatively forward      have all right to question the
to 270 in 1953. The Mandal
                                    castes/tribes. The Bill was re-     wisdom of the highest authori-
commission listed 288 for that
                                    ferred to joint parliamentary       ties of the Nation who have au-
state. The Mandal Commission
                                    committee and afterwards the        thored and sanctified the present
itself shows that castes have
                                    Bill was passed during 1976         policy of caste based reservation
gone on being added to lists of
                                    with many changes but NO EX-        and the consequent fissiparous
OBCs not because successive
                                    CLUSION as recommended by           incentive structure it generates
surveys have chanced upon
                                    the Commission or JPC.              in the society.
castes whose backwardness was                                                                               ―The doctrine
hitherto unknown. New castes
                                    Unfortunately as the country is              - Article by
have had to be included because                                                                             of equality !
                                    progressing as proclaimed by
they have acquired power and
                                    successive governments, more            Jagadamba Prasad, Ph.D.         There exists no
                                    and more castes keep becoming           Environmental Science,
                                    backward and there is little hope       JNU,                            more
Similarly, examples can be cited
                                    that the same would ever be-
as how deeply the caste-based                                                                               poisonous
                                    come forward if the existing             Prabhu Prasad Mishra,
incentives perpetuate in the po-
                                    incentive structure continues,          Ph.D. Internacional Trade
litical system that it can hardly                                                                           poison; for it
                                    however on the other side there         and Development, JNU
be revised or excluded. In 1965
                                    is every possibility and indica-        and                             seems to be
B N Lakur Commission was
                                    tions that the system is moving
formed to review the list of SC/
                                    from protective discrimination           Narendra Sahoo, Ph.D.          preached by
STs, and it was decided that 28
                                    to reverse discrimination. It is        Environmental Science,
Scheduled castes and 14 tribes                                                                              justice itself,
                                    true that caste system has been a       JNU
have achieved relatively for-
                                    reality with unpleasant conse-
ward status and they should be                                                                              while it is the
                                    quences but it is hypocrisy to
removed from the list. A hue
                                    say that this can be removed by                                         end of justice‖
and cry followed. In 1967 a Bill
                                    using the same (caste based
was introduced to amend the list
                                    reservation) as instrument.
according to the Commission‟s
                                                                                                            - Friedrich


                                                                                       PROTEST MODE

                                                                                           Human Chain
PAGE      10

                               Has Education Made Us More Self-Centered?
                                   THE DICTIONARY               reaucracy for everything,        which is emerging from the
                               defines 'education' as the act   but does not vote. Why?          economic liberalisation and
                               or process of imparting or                                        globalisation is that money
                               acquiring general knowl-             What was your reaction       has replaced every little
                               edge, developing the pow-        when you saw a blind man         thing today. You study
                               ers of reasoning and judge-      on the roadside waiting for      cases of depression in the
                               ment, and generally prepar-      someone to let him cross         country and you will notice
                               ing oneself or others intel-     the road. You were in your       that in majority of the cases
                               lectually for adult life. The    car with your friends and        money is the main factor.
                               definition sounds very good      you thought of helping him       Education has made us
                               but seems to have lost its       out but something stopped        more animal friendly and
                               meaning today. What I have       you, isn't it? What was that     environment friendly, but
                               observed and felt in the last    thing? You might have            has taken us away from the
                               few years of my life is that     thought that getting out of      human values and from
                               most of us have become           the car just to help the blind   acting for something which
Blast from the past            indifferent towards the soci-    man will not suit you. And       we believe is correct.
                               ety and nation as a whole.       you told yourself that some-
                               As I tried to find the rea-      one will definitely help the         There is so much furore
                               sons behind it, one thing        blind man.                       when a pug is made to run
 “You have taken the
                               was for sure that the prime                                       after a bus but we turn a
 country to the edge of
                               reason is 'education'.               There was a protest/         blind eye when a group of
 caste wars ..
                                                                strike in the wake of some       people parade a woman
                                   It is true that education    wrong policy of the govern-      naked in a village.
 We have problems if
                               is of great importance and       ment. The group heading
 caste is defined to
                               we cannot move ahead in          the protest requested you to     - Rishabh Srivastava,
                               this highly competitive          come down and join hands
 casteism in our
                               world without education,         for the cause, which was
                               but when this education          definitely not their cause
                               makes people indifferent,        alone. But you relaxed in
 We have problems if
                               the meaning of education         your drawing room watch-
 the weakest amongst
                               ceases to exist. When a per-     ing television and told your-
 the classes are not
                               son starts his education, he     self that I am getting my
 helped and if the
                               is more affected by the hap-     bread and butter, I can af-
 weakest among the
                               penings in the society and       ford the education of my
 minority religions are
                               tries to resist the wrong        children abroad and this
 not helped.
                               things. Eventually, educa-       issue is not going to have its
                               tion makes him analytical.       impact on me.
 The Congress cannot
                               He analyses all the prob-
 stand by and watch
                               lems and takes action only          So let it be! Why to
 this nation being
                               when something bothers           sweat out for others?
 divided for the
                               him. Unless that matter
 political convenience
                               concerns him, he is happy.           Many of us don't want
 of one individual.”
                                                                to join defence forces, gov-
     - Rajiv Gandhi,               How many educated            ernment jobs, civil services.
                               people vote today? Not           Why? The reason we tell
     Lok Sabha, 6th of         enough and that is why this      ourselves is that there is
                               section of people does not       hardly any money, politics,
       September 1990          feature in the list of strate-   lack of opportunity (though
                               gies of political parties.       I doubt it) etc.
                               This group blames the gov-
                               ernment/organisation/ bu-           One dangerous trend,

                 YFE      CRUSADER
ISSUE1I,        SEPTEMBER            2008                                                                           PAGE      11

It‟s indeed a matter of immense      fight against caste based reser-    The editor can be reached at
pleasure to introduce you to the     vation.                   
second issue of YFE Crusader. I
am delighted to share the re-        As a part of our awareness cam-
sponse of our readers, which         paign against ill effects of pre-
motivates me to increase the         sent reservation policy we have
frequency and dimension of this      taken this initiative, where we
paper and I am confident that,       welcome the scholarly contribu-
this initiative will lead YFE to     tions from all the well meaning
achieve the Goal of making           citizens who oppose caste based
India a true knowledge based         reservation. This e-paper will be
society.                             made available on our website.
                                     Articles can be mailed to YFE
I hope this e-paper will be of       Crusader at
help in making people aware
and updated regarding our ac-                                            ―YFE wishes u
tivities and efforts in the direc-
tion of EQUALITY.                    Write in to YFE Crusader and                                           a Peaceful &
                                     make your voice heard by all.
                                                      - Editor                                              Prosperous
I appeal all like minded citizens
of this nation to join hands to                                                                             Ganesh

                                           concession tracing back to the geneal-      are willing to instigate the students of
Voice from Chennai                         ogy of some unknown deprived forefa-        BHU Varanasi.
         - Meenakshi                       thers.
                                                                                       We realize that YFE is a very subtle
CREAMY LAYER OBC STU-                                                                  force in this region and we wish to
DENT GETS THROUGH IIM-A                                                                infuse new life to this movement, by
UNDER OBC QUOTA                                                                        involving an immensely capable and
                                                                                       educated youth brigade of Benaras
Sir,                                        Voice from Varanasi                        Hindu University
                                                 - Sudhanshu Thakore
If an annual income of Rs.7 lakhs is                                                   LETS BE THE CHANGE !!
the upper limit to fix the criteria for    Wish to instigate this movement in
reservation, then who would be ex-         BHU
cluded from availing these benefits?
What is more surprising is that a
student with both parents in high          Myself Sudhanshu Thakore, and my
income white collared posts availing       friends, students of IT-BHU Varanasi,


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Yfe Crusader September 2008

  • 1. WELCOME TO YFE YFE Crusader I S S U E 1 I , S E P T E M B E R 2 0 0 8 YFE Crusader Vote India: An Initiative For Change !! enters its second issue !! YFE Crusader - Voice of We believe that India map interface provided Hope for the deserves to be in hands of 3. Enter your contact details. VoteIndia.IN campaign Anti- people who are capable of is a completely free service, Reservation leading it. Good governance With these simple steps, designed in the surge of patri- Movement starts from voting—for the you become a registered user otism with no intentions of Join Youth right people. If we take up of VoteIndia.IN making profits. Help and con- For Equality this responsibility towards tribution in any form from today government, the government Now comes a question, your side is always wel- is bound to take up its respon- comed. Fight against sibility towards us. Reservations The Team can be reached at Hence, we have come up, with this initiative where we want to inculcate the impor- tance of politics and the im- - Ankit Shrivastava portance of voting, within the masses. INSIDE that how shall this help the THIS ISS UE: About the project: nation? The project is non- Vote India 1 profitable, non-charitable, The answer lies with the politically neutral effort initi- innovativeness of the cam- Terrorism 2 ated by a group of young citi- paign. Before the elections & Kashmir zens who wish to bring a you shall receive an email Editor’s Pick ! change. delivering the entire details of Amul– Voice 4 The aims of the project the candidates of your con- stituency, thus making it sim- Writing on the Wall !! of India are as below: pler for you to decide the Racism in the 6 right candidate for your own 1) Increasing the Voter turn- constituency. And once smart “Reservation on the Classroom out by encouraging and assist- people like you start electing basis of caste will To De- 8 ing users. smart people for individual not only divide the Essentialize 2) Encourage people to con- constituencies, we can soon country but also the caste sider quot;Good Governancequot; as a have smart people at the cen- criteria for choosing their ter making smart rules for the hurt the self-esteem Has Educa- 10 candidate. nation. of the people.” tion made us more self- The registration process The main intention of -- His Holiness Sri Sri is simpler than applying for a VoteIndia.IN is to encourage Ravishankar of The centered ? credit card. All you have to do the educated masses to pull up Art Of Living Letters to 11 is: their sleeves, and go out and the editor elect the candidate of their 1. Visit choice based on the criteria of 2. Pin point your home on the quot;good governancequot;.
  • 2. PAGE 2 Terrorism & Kashmir Joginder Singh, IPS (Retd.) A CRPF Inspector General trouble. Terrorism in valley cordance with the Newton‟s was transferred from Srina- flourishes and thrives or law, which enunciates, that gar, on 13th August, 2008 remains under check, in every action has an equal after an uproar in the Kash- direct proportion, to the and opposite reaction. Oth- mir valley, led by the terror- political will and strength to erwise, how hordes of peo- ists and their supporters, deal with the same effec- ple led by the terrorists, against alleged excesses by tively. could start a march towards the central para-military Pakistan for crossing the force. He was also allegedly It commenced, with the border. The Government denied a Police medal, for kidnapping of the daughter should have come out, with fear of controversy and of a former Home Minister, the statement, that those likely protests in the valley. who is also a former Chief who cross illegally, would Minister of Jammu and not be allowed, entry back There is nothing new, in Kashmir. To get her re- into India, without the In- this kind of approach, as the leased, the Government of dian Passports, as is appli- decisions makers are safe in the day, released five cable to all Indians going air conditioned atmosphere dreaded terrorists. It em- abroad and returning home. somewhere else. The people boldened them, leading to A series of misconceived ―22 % of seats in facing dire situation of life their much applauded free- policies, or so called people and death and standing be- dom, possibly with some to people contact, have the lower house of tween chaos and order, are ransom, money, though brought about this situation. Parliament & State on the spot. The former there is no confirmation of Otherwise, how could a judge and some times pan- this report. It was enough, partner in coalition plead legislatures are der to the local sentiments to start a series of chain for the Pakistan currency to by sacrificing the people on reactions in valley from be allowed to be used in reserved for the spot, hoping, that it will 1988. I am an eye witness J&K. Lack of clear policy buy them peace and retrieve to that part of the history, as and molly coddling, has Scheduled Castes the situation. It is, simple I was working at that time cause the present chaos. application of band aid, as Inspector General of the & Tribal groups‖ where a surgical operation Central Reserve Police It would be wrong to say - Reuters is called for it. Force, in Srinagar. that transferring 39.88 hec- tares of forest land to Amar- (April 2008) A Former Governor of J&K The tendency to under nath shrine board and its had lost his job, in 1990, for play, has led, to the terror- reaction in Jammu has led taking a tough stand against ists to openly dictating the to the present situation. the anti Indian and anti na- people , about using of Pur- tional elements. Neither his daha by the women, closure The terrorists have been transfer did, and nor the of beauty parlours and cine- going, all out, to create dis- transfer of the IGP CRPF is mas houses, and raising pro turbances and problems as going to normalise the Pakistan slogans. per the following report of situation and convert the J& K Government which anti national elements and The Prime Minister has says; terrorists into normal citi- given a laudable call, from zens. On the contrary, it the ramparts of red fort on “A total of 42,147 people, will encourage, such ele- 15th August, 2008 to shed including 20,647 militants ments, that they can do any- communalism. But unfortu- and 5,024 security person- thing and get away. nately, the whole agitation, nel, were killed in the state General in valley is based on the between Janu-ary 1990 and Wherever the Government communal lines. However the middle of February Category of the day, has fallen for and how much we may 2007… Violence left appeasement and compro- wish, communalism of one 33,885 people, includ-ing mise on the basic values, it community generates com- 12,124 security personnel has invited more and more munalism in others, in ac- and 21,659 civilians, in- YFE CRUSADER
  • 3. ISSUE1I, SEPTEMBER PAGE 3 jured during the same period in The highest number of 613 se- it is impossible to get any kind the state.. curity per-sonnel were killed in of evidence to prove anybody‟s a single year in 2001.” anti national activities, as no 11,221 civilians were killed by witness would be willing to militants and another 1,678 lost Now the question arises, as to come forth to depose, even if a their lives in grenade and Im- what can be done. Also whether witness protection act, is there. provised Ex-plosive Device what is being done is sufficient. Infact, at present there is no explosions, while 173 civil-ians In 1990, the midnight protests witness protection act available. were killed when they were were sparked off, by the calls Margret Thatcher used to say caught in clashes between mili- given by given 1100 Mosques, the publicity is the oxygen of tants. A total of 3,404 civilians which had installed loud speak- terrorism. Any kind of publicity, were killed in cross-firing inci- ers to call the faithful to prayers. which eulogizes terrorism, dents between security forces Loudspeakers in mosques, then should be discouraged, if not and even now are being em- exactly banned. ployed, to give calls for anti national activities and asking Terrorist leaders, their support- the people to gather in the ers and sympathizers should be quot;CM of Uttar streets or at a particular spot. immobilized by using the pre- The then Governor had ordered sent laws and detained outside Pradesh the disconnection of the loud J&K. The Government has an- tentatively speakers, which itself led to nounced pension scheme for the protests. families of the terrorists, on the extended lower grounds that it is not their fault, and mili­tants…The highest It is a fact that many if their children have become caste job quotas number of 1,438 civilians were terrorists take shelter in the reli- terrorists. This approach is killed in 1996, the year elections gious places of their respective fraught with danger and sooner into the private were held after a gap of seven religion. During my recent visit it is given up, the better it is. sector‖ year. While the highest number to the USA, I was told that the Why only Kashmiris should be of 3,602 army and other para- police had installed CCTV cam- selected for this government - in Feb, 2008 military per-sonnel lost their eras in mosques to monitor any munificence. Such people in lives fighting militants, Jammu such possible activity, with the Punjab, Chattisgarh, Assam and and Kashmir police lost 537 per cooperation of the Muslim com- other North Eastern States, have -sonnel since January 1990. As munity and their religious lead- similar claims. It should not many as 438 Special Police Of- ers. This is to prevent any alle- become a scheme to help the ficers engaged by police in the gation of forcible entry of the anti national and traitorous ele- counter-insurgency operations Police, which may cause dese- ments. were killed.127 Village Defense cration. Committee members were killed Many so called intellec- fighting militants in the state. In a situation like this, which tual talk about referendum in has been highly communalized, valley. (Contd. next page) EQUALITY RACE IN DELHI By YFE candidates Contested for Delhi University Student Union elections
  • 4. Terrorism & Kashmir (continued....) PAGE 4 With Pakistan having 576.24 in 1992-93 to Rs hijacked the anti national 1,137 in 2000-1, that of the It is reported that the bene- elements, any referendum Kashmiri spiralled from Rs fits of central funds have or election will be irrelevant 3,197 to Rs 8,092. To get a remained confined only to at present. The first priority perspective, translate the about 150 families in Kash- is to drive the Pakistani numbers: this cash, man- mir and the rest of the terrorists out of the valley aged by the state Govern- money has disappeared or and send them to the coun- ment, were to be dispatched not spent or improperly try of their origin. The Gov- by money order, each Kash- spent or drained off. The ernment should stop all miri family (with five mem- benefits of Central aid have talks of dialogue, with so bers on an average) would not reached the common called militants, who are get Rs 40,460 every year. man, who has not devel- nothing more than front oped a stake in India. The men of Pakistan. Only a In 2001-2, the state spent Government priority num- Civil Society tough approach will send Rs 7,516.6 crore of which ber one should be to root Organizations — the right signal that Govern- Rs 4,577 crore-or 60 paise out corruption. With these ment means business. The of every rupee spent-came steps, it should be possible Saviours Government is spending from the Centre. The state's to send a right message both much more on Kashmir non-development expendi- to Pakistan and its hench- than on other States. ture was Rs 2,829 crore men and people in the val- including a salary bill of Rs ley. A Kashmiri gets eight 1,193 crore while its own ―Positively, my times more money from the revenues were barely Rs The Author is former Di- Centre than citizens from 1,095 crore. The state could rector Central Bureau Of social philosophy other states. While per cap- not have paid even the Investigation, INDIA may be said to ita Central assistance to wages of its employees other states moved from Rs without the Centre's help. be enshrined in three words: AMUL— The Taste & Voice of India !! Liberty, Equality Civil Society Organizations like “Youth For Equality” are the „Voice of Hope‟ for millions of citizens in India, who know that they are being discriminated against, but do not know & Fraternity ‖ how to fight for their rights. YFE voices the concerns and plea of these people. - B.R.Ambedkar In this noble venture, we have been consistently supported by Voices from Corporate India, who know what it takes to reach to the top. Industrialists like Rahul Bajaj & Narayana Murthy have always been quite vocal about this. But no voice seems to match the VOICE OF AMUL in terms of impacting the general public. Since 1967, Amul has been playing the role of a social observer. It is indeed a great support for YFE initiatives when Amul decides to talk about Quotas & Reservations !! YFE CRUSADER
  • 5. ISSUE1I, SEPTEMBER 2008 PAGE 5 Imagine the impact these Hoardings have on the general public. People love them and they become the favor- ite topic of discussion for the whole of the week. They are almost a part of our culture. I have seen an old lady make an album to amuse her grand children !! The right dose of social awareness laced with clean fun. For 40 odd years the Utterly Butterly girl has managed to keep her fanatic fan following intact. It is the long- est and probably the most successful campaign in the world. And it rightfully is vying for a place in the Guinness Book Of World Records for being the long- est ad campaign ever. The establishment of Amul is known as the White Revolution. White Revolution is but a small part of the Amul Legacy. A Social Revolution has been the mainstay of the legend of Amul !! Ravishankar Duvvuri, MBA-2nd Year, Narsee Monjee Institute of Mgmt. Studies, Mumbai Hunger Strike Maulana Azad Medical College New Delhi
  • 6. PAGE 6 Racism In The Classroom The much hyped The current reser- cated theories about repres- proposal of Shri Arjun vation policy aims only to sion and backwardness. Singh's caste based reserva- increase the number of cer- They can not be treated as tion system in higher educa- tain caste and communities honest and impartial think- tion is not the correct and which are connected with ers and academicians. Ma- proper approach to solve the numerically powerful jority of them are ABCD the problem of socio- vote banks. Low represen- ( American Born Corrupt economic inequality. All tation of groups in higher Desi ) category. This pol- the right thinking nationalist education has no co-relation icy is socially and culturally people have been very with any type of backward- divisive. This system has strongly opposing this divi- ness. The real disadvan- destroyed the multicultural sive idea of reserving quo- taged and backwards are fiber of our nationalism. tas for OBCs in all the insti- those who cannot even tutions of higher learning. dream to visit a primary or Moreover the con- secondary school and they stitution guarantees the After getting the belong to all caste because right to equality to all the nod of the cabinet and the they cannot afford any type citizens under law. It is the Supreme Court of India, of education. Hardly eight responsibility of the state to Mr. Arjun Singh is now in percent of all Indian youth enact such policy that does his full colours. No body go for higher education, not distinguish between its has got the guts and courage Remaining ninety two per- citizens on the basis of caste to tune the quotas on the cent belong to all caste and and religion. But in prac- casteless and secular lines communities. Hence quotas tice, the country's governing or to speak against the caste in higher education cannot system is the most racist based quota system. Now era di ca t e th e soci o- system, which has con- the Human Resource Devel- economic inequality. Quota verted the nation into an opment Ministry can be system has only increased ethnic-state, where caste renamed as Human Reser- the divisive trends in the and communal identities are vation & Division Ministry. country. Caste and religion the most powerful tags. In based reservation system is all walks of life our system Need of the day is a fraud in the name of so- practice apartheid policy. Mid-Day Cartoon to implement on alternative cial justice. - Mid-Day is a affirmative action policy, Implementing af- popular daily tabloid whose benefit must reach In the country no firmative action should not in Mumbai genuinely deprived sec- honest study has been con- compromise the institu- tions. This policy should be ducted to decide and objec- tional excellence and im- sensitive to the all type of tive case study of reserva- portance of merit in public backwards and disadvanta- tion policy. The data used life, but now a days excel- geous people whose base is by and cited, have got no lence or merit is a curse. not limited to caste and scientific basis for such an The current reservation communal considerations important policy. Moreover system does not clearly alone. Another thing must most of our sociologists and adopt even the requirement be kept in mind that the historians are also con- of any minimum standard standard and excellence is nected and linked with the or entry criteria. not compromised or diluted vested interest groups who at any cost. have floated false and fabri- YFE CRUSADER
  • 7. ISSUE1I, SEPTEMBER 2008 PAGE 7 Provision of fixed quo- ciety. Need and demand for and thinkers who are not aligned tas is also an attack on the merit based education is bound to any interest or pressure autonomy of institutions to fix to grow as the nation enters into group, to look into the entire the minimum efficiency stan- an increasingly knowledge issue of affirmative action. But dard level which openly negates based world. It will be highly seeing the fact at the moment, the overall working environ- unjust and discriminatory to fix nation is badly fragmented on ment and classroom excellence. quotas for one group and deny caste, communal and regional For example new and advanced equal right and opportunity to lines resulting in plethora of syllabus may not be covered as another group of people who are political parties, who have no these sections of the class may otherwise more deserving and other developmental issue ex- not be able to cope. Very re- meritorious. cept this quota madness. If this cently University Grant Com- suicidal policy is not mended, mission abolished the require- Indian education sys- the coming days will be very ment of NET for lectureship tem has won world wide recog- torturous for the nation. ―In the end anti- because SC/ST category stu- nition because of brilliant and black, anti- dents find it very difficult to meritorious students of all - Dr. Y.K. Sharma, clear the NET. So national SC/ castes, religion, linguistic and female, and all Delhi University ST commission recommended t ethnic groups who are embed- forms of abolish the NET. Similarly Na- ded to the high pursuit of tional Minority Commission has knowledge. discrimination asked the HRD to abolish Eng- are equivalent to lish at primary and secondary But the present UPA level, because minority (read government which is highly the same thing– Muslim) students are generally castist and communal in its ap- Anti-humanism very poor in their understanding proach is bent on dividing the of English. society on caste and communal —Shirley lines, only to consolidate the This type of quota sys- vote bank. As a result of this Chisholm (the tem damages the institutional greed of vote banks, all the po- first African – excellence and a negative and litical parties are trying to beat inferiority syndrome is devel- other in this quota madness, to American oped in the psyche of reserved include newer and newer groups woman to win a category sections that without in this quota race. Now in some quotas they cannot survive. states like Tamilnadu and Kar- seat in the Disadvantage groups should be natka, nearly ninety percent of United States encouraged to raise their stan- the total population is in the grip dard instead of being depend- of quota. One fail to understand Congress) ence on the clutches of quotas. any sane logic for this quota race. Arbitrarily lowering and favoring the admission stan- It is the duty of the dard for one caste over other government in national interest group of citizens as has been to preserve and respect the done recently in IITs, is highly autonomy of institution. Gov- unfair and it creates discrimina- ernment should constitute an tory inequality and offends the impartial commission, consisted idea of just and merit based so- of genuine and honest scholars
  • 8. PAGE 8 To De-Essentialize The Caste essentialise this orthodox caste based organizations. It is support and system which has often The population figure pro- active participation of the been a divisive factor. We jected by each of them educated youth of India that also uphold the point that if when added up, far ex- enables YFE to continue its further caste-based reserva- ceeded the total population struggle against the discrep- tion is allowed it will not of the state. During presi- ancies of the caste-based only be detrimental to the dent rule in the state in reservation policies of the society but will also be dis- 1988, the Vanniyars were government. We are mak- astrous for the integrity of excluded from the list of ing attempts to explore the the nation. most backward class. Later issue from its width and the Vanniyars gave ultima- depth and to analyze differ- Friends it is neces- tum to Karunanidhi who ent aspects of reservation sary to understand why it is came in power in 1989. policies with the guidance detrimental to organize on Finally Karunanidhi gov- Lalbaug cha Raja— of sociologists and experts. ernment announced 20% the basis of caste and how Mumbai’s most caste based reservation poli- reservation for the most popular Ganapati We always wel- backward castes, including cies gives wrong incentives come intellectual inputs, t h e V an ni y a r s. Ka - idol in Mumbai to the society to perpetuate suggestions and questions runanidhi‟s caste was also the caste as an institution. from all of you and we hope among the most backward While the examples are that all these discussions pervasive, here we are cit- castes. will contribute towards clar- ing a few: ity of concept and realiza- The above exam- tion of our cause of building 1) In Karnataka, the ples explicitly indicate that an Equal Nation and a bet- Havanur Commission re- the incentive of caste based ter tomorrow. As has been moved Lingayats from the reservation how often has described in our pamphlets list of backward-classes. drawn the ugly figure of of 18 & 19th June 2006, Venkataswami Commission division on the face of soci- there is need to take af- removed the Vokkalingas ety using caste lines. Ironi- firmative actions to uplift too. Violence followed. The cally it was muscle power the deprived sections of the government restored both to and not the deprivation that society. has been the real determi- the list. Ironically these two castes are among the most nant of the backwardness. But at the same Whichever caste has got powerful, always holding time the proposed Multiple organized, whichever has political power in the state. Deprivation System (MDS) gained clout has got itself has clearly noted that one 2) In Tamil Nadu, anointed „backward‟. should not incorporate the Vanniyar Sangham caste. All the possible dep- claimed that they constitute Secondly the num- rivations that can be associ- fifth of the state‟s popula­ ber of backward castes thus ated with caste and which Visarjan –Immersion tion and hence deserved anointed has continued to can hold back an individual exclusive reservation of swell. Studies, records that of the idol from social, educational and 20%.They launched violent the list of backward castes economic progress have agitation in 1987. This trig- in Tamil Nadu grew from In full Pomp and been accounted for in MDS. gered off a fresh wave of 11 in 1883, to 39 in 1893, to Simultaneously efforts Splendor !! similar demands from other 46 in 1903, to 122 in1913, should be made to de- YFE CRUSADER
  • 9. ISSUE1I, SEPTEMBER 2008 PAGE 9 recommendations. But we are Friends we believe that being to 122 in 1913, to 131 in 1923, not surprised that it did not ex- the common citizen of India we to 182 in 1933, to 238 in 1943, clude those relatively forward have all right to question the to 270 in 1953. The Mandal castes/tribes. The Bill was re- wisdom of the highest authori- commission listed 288 for that ferred to joint parliamentary ties of the Nation who have au- state. The Mandal Commission committee and afterwards the thored and sanctified the present itself shows that castes have Bill was passed during 1976 policy of caste based reservation gone on being added to lists of with many changes but NO EX- and the consequent fissiparous OBCs not because successive CLUSION as recommended by incentive structure it generates surveys have chanced upon the Commission or JPC. in the society. castes whose backwardness was ―The doctrine hitherto unknown. New castes Unfortunately as the country is - Article by have had to be included because of equality ! progressing as proclaimed by they have acquired power and successive governments, more Jagadamba Prasad, Ph.D. There exists no clout and more castes keep becoming Environmental Science, backward and there is little hope JNU, more Similarly, examples can be cited that the same would ever be- as how deeply the caste-based poisonous come forward if the existing Prabhu Prasad Mishra, incentives perpetuate in the po- incentive structure continues, Ph.D. Internacional Trade litical system that it can hardly poison; for it however on the other side there and Development, JNU be revised or excluded. In 1965 is every possibility and indica- and seems to be B N Lakur Commission was tions that the system is moving formed to review the list of SC/ from protective discrimination Narendra Sahoo, Ph.D. preached by STs, and it was decided that 28 to reverse discrimination. It is Environmental Science, Scheduled castes and 14 tribes justice itself, true that caste system has been a JNU have achieved relatively for- reality with unpleasant conse- ward status and they should be while it is the quences but it is hypocrisy to removed from the list. A hue say that this can be removed by end of justice‖ and cry followed. In 1967 a Bill using the same (caste based was introduced to amend the list reservation) as instrument. according to the Commission‟s - Friedrich Nietzsche PROTEST MODE Human Chain Chennai
  • 10. PAGE 10 Has Education Made Us More Self-Centered? THE DICTIONARY reaucracy for everything, which is emerging from the defines 'education' as the act but does not vote. Why? economic liberalisation and or process of imparting or globalisation is that money acquiring general knowl- What was your reaction has replaced every little edge, developing the pow- when you saw a blind man thing today. You study ers of reasoning and judge- on the roadside waiting for cases of depression in the ment, and generally prepar- someone to let him cross country and you will notice ing oneself or others intel- the road. You were in your that in majority of the cases lectually for adult life. The car with your friends and money is the main factor. definition sounds very good you thought of helping him Education has made us but seems to have lost its out but something stopped more animal friendly and meaning today. What I have you, isn't it? What was that environment friendly, but observed and felt in the last thing? You might have has taken us away from the few years of my life is that thought that getting out of human values and from most of us have become the car just to help the blind acting for something which Blast from the past indifferent towards the soci- man will not suit you. And we believe is correct. ety and nation as a whole. you told yourself that some- As I tried to find the rea- one will definitely help the There is so much furore sons behind it, one thing blind man. when a pug is made to run “You have taken the was for sure that the prime after a bus but we turn a country to the edge of reason is 'education'. There was a protest/ blind eye when a group of caste wars .. strike in the wake of some people parade a woman It is true that education wrong policy of the govern- naked in a village. We have problems if is of great importance and ment. The group heading caste is defined to we cannot move ahead in the protest requested you to - Rishabh Srivastava, enshrine this highly competitive come down and join hands casteism in our world without education, for the cause, which was Mumbai country. but when this education definitely not their cause makes people indifferent, alone. But you relaxed in We have problems if the meaning of education your drawing room watch- the weakest amongst ceases to exist. When a per- ing television and told your- the classes are not son starts his education, he self that I am getting my helped and if the is more affected by the hap- bread and butter, I can af- weakest among the penings in the society and ford the education of my minority religions are tries to resist the wrong children abroad and this not helped. things. Eventually, educa- issue is not going to have its tion makes him analytical. impact on me. The Congress cannot He analyses all the prob- stand by and watch lems and takes action only So let it be! Why to this nation being when something bothers sweat out for others? divided for the him. Unless that matter political convenience concerns him, he is happy. Many of us don't want of one individual.” to join defence forces, gov- - Rajiv Gandhi, How many educated ernment jobs, civil services. people vote today? Not Why? The reason we tell Lok Sabha, 6th of enough and that is why this ourselves is that there is section of people does not hardly any money, politics, September 1990 feature in the list of strate- lack of opportunity (though gies of political parties. I doubt it) etc. This group blames the gov- ernment/organisation/ bu- One dangerous trend, YFE CRUSADER
  • 11. ISSUE1I, SEPTEMBER 2008 PAGE 11 It‟s indeed a matter of immense fight against caste based reser- The editor can be reached at pleasure to introduce you to the vation. second issue of YFE Crusader. I am delighted to share the re- As a part of our awareness cam- sponse of our readers, which paign against ill effects of pre- motivates me to increase the sent reservation policy we have frequency and dimension of this taken this initiative, where we paper and I am confident that, welcome the scholarly contribu- this initiative will lead YFE to tions from all the well meaning achieve the Goal of making citizens who oppose caste based India a true knowledge based reservation. This e-paper will be society. made available on our website. Articles can be mailed to YFE I hope this e-paper will be of Crusader at help in making people aware and updated regarding our ac- ―YFE wishes u tivities and efforts in the direc- tion of EQUALITY. Write in to YFE Crusader and a Peaceful & make your voice heard by all. - Editor Prosperous I appeal all like minded citizens of this nation to join hands to Ganesh Chaturti‖ concession tracing back to the geneal- are willing to instigate the students of Voice from Chennai ogy of some unknown deprived forefa- BHU Varanasi. - Meenakshi thers. We realize that YFE is a very subtle CREAMY LAYER OBC STU- force in this region and we wish to DENT GETS THROUGH IIM-A infuse new life to this movement, by UNDER OBC QUOTA involving an immensely capable and educated youth brigade of Benaras Sir, Voice from Varanasi Hindu University - Sudhanshu Thakore If an annual income of Rs.7 lakhs is LETS BE THE CHANGE !! the upper limit to fix the criteria for Wish to instigate this movement in reservation, then who would be ex- BHU cluded from availing these benefits? Sir, What is more surprising is that a student with both parents in high Myself Sudhanshu Thakore, and my income white collared posts availing friends, students of IT-BHU Varanasi,