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To P.K
Your part you played
A standing ovation this is
Those sacrifices in Zambia
You could have chosen comfort
Relative middle class comfort
On the side of the down trodden
You, Joshua Nkomo and others
The dangers of enemy fire present
Parcel bombs, car bombs and other weapons
The racist regime had to be dislodged
You will never walk alone
Ndabaningi Sithole is there with you
Many they have hated passionately
You dared to sing those dirges
Forsaking the fruits of sycophancy
Posterity will treasure these living lessons
]dedicated to the late Patrick Kombayi[
The euphoria died down
Then you saw their colours
Hunted with the hounds
They had run with the hares
The opportunists were at it
Champions of our struggle
Assuming high sounding titles
Rewarding the praise singers
The ideals came off the rails
The profound pain you felt
Then you spoke against evil schemes
Their wrath you incurred
The hot lead shattered your life
You had dared to tell the truth
That was the offence you committed
The death penalty it carried
Torment them in your death
A deluge of questions
Not one answer forth coming
The many battles you fought
What was at the root of it all
Will I ever understand it
Maybe in just in just one dream
Perhaps in another's confession
What was the root of the lamentations
That you found love in another tribe
Was it to do with her assertiveness
Everyone of them remains mum
The ominous chasm plain to see
The rifts there for everyone to see
Behind that hollow laughter
The hyenas ready to pounce
They dig pits in my way
Their machinations plain to see
Behind those plastic smiles
The Judas Iscariot kiss
They want me nailed
For the truth is an offence
The vultures hovering around
Only to find no carrion here
Because of the truth I say
They want me out of the way
They congregate in evil places
Hatching their evil schemes
Against them I have committed a crime
My crime is to expose their evil schemes
Schemes to worship the devil
I have to fly without perching
The archers are sharpening their arrows
They are learning to shoot without missing
I will not be a sitting duck for them
They seek to assassinate and eliminate me
Two sides of the same coin
On podiums and pulpits
Exalting themselves always
Politicians and priests steeped in lies
Promises made never fulfilled
Spreading the web of fear
Angling for hearts and minds
We created Frankenstein
Some actively made the parts
In your graves do you hear me
Others chose to be in deathly silence
When they could speak out loudly
Frankenstein then started the rampage
Devouring mothers, children and fathers
Devouring his creators without mercy
A web of fear spread
There Frankenstein thrived
Frankenstein must now be chained
The ghosts of the past must be exorcised
The time for deafening silence is up
To smithereens we blow Frankenstein
The nation must now sing and dance
Someone put the cart before the horse
Another handled food with dirty hands
A doctor used a rusty scalpel on the patient
The result was an obvious death
At the end an avoidable death
Voices spoke in unison then
Their usual arrogance blinded them
Self proclaimed champions of our struggle
Yet another derailment looming
We must go down the disused mine shafts
Talk to the time-white bones down there
No more dust to be swept under the carpet
Appease all the angry spirits
Open up all those shallow graves
Accept responsibility for the atrocities
Stand on moral high ground and preach
In ominous silence
There before your discovery
Your out of place imposing statue
There before that distinct rumbling
The rumbling of mosi-oa-tunya
The baTonga did not matter
That name refused to die
Under the English dead weight
The English dead weight of Victoria
Your queen could not take precedence
Mine was righteous indignation
Stood there and told you the truth
Your imposing statue at that place
That out of place statue
*David Livingstone
Tired of poly tricksters
Conmen games everywhere
The ruling elites stink
The air is polluted
Everywhere their empty talk
The same old song
Broken and unfulfilled promises
Too many con- artists
No leaders in sight
Poly tricksters everywhere
Sucking the nation dry
Insensitive to our suffering
Wining and dining on our behalf
The light of liberty is shining
Why are you seated in the darkness
The darkness of forces of oppression
Hear the sweet sound of freedom
Calling you to throw away the burdens
The burdens of your service to evil
Exorcise the ghosts of your past
Come out of the closet
Unchain your mind now
Come confess about the murders
Come now free yourself from rape
All those heinous crimes
There lies your liberty
This sad and sick nation
In dire need of healing
The shocking levels of violence
Aftermath of lessons in brutality
Learnt over a very long time
The scars quite evident
All the sadism exhibited
The demonic forces of brutality
With truncheons dispatching terror
Finding satisfaction in inflicting pain
This sick and sad nation
In dire need of moral regeneration
Law enforcement agents breaking the law
Breaking the law with impunity
Who are we now to turn to
This nation needs healing
They hate my guts
For they know the truth
They hide behind fingers
My mission is not over
No justice for the poor
While the rich buy their way out
Buying their way out of jail
But then the wicked must suffer
Good men and women must confront evil
Ready even to die for the truth
That is the price to be paid
For they congregate in evil places
Wining and dining with the devil
Those hurdles are not insurmountable
Their invincibility is a myth
The vigilance of my maker is here
To that bar you took your ideals
Challenging the stereotyping
A woman alone in the bar
There among the many men
Sipping your beer
Defying their gazing at you
As though you were some UFO
You were just yourself
Not a guinea pig in a feministic experiment
That respect you earned
Never cadging a beer from them
Never expecting to be treated like a victim
Standing firm and singing your own song
Accept my apologies if I erred
With your thick dreadlocks flowing
You found your own space
Live then in the full knowledge
That some sat up and listened
]Christine Nleya[
Woman , I enjoyed your cooking
When I yearn for more
Blame not at all
Yours was a special dish
That no one should ever taste
That was a tasty dish
That I will never have enough of
The inexplicable succulence of that dish
Woman you perfected your art
The blows and kicks
Of your ingratitude
Those do not bother me
My skeleton on the outside
The lesson of old holds sway
Out of those ten
Only one expressed his gratitude
That is how it is to this day
At times I stand aloof
Letting time take control
Providing lasting solutions
Complicated involvement avoiding
Withdrawing into this cocoon
Thanks to the poetry
Retaining my sanity still
Drawn into those battles
The roots not known to me
The origins of this bickering
Coming up with this and that theory
Fighting and running away to live again
With that steely determination
That home you built
Driven always by that modesty
Not chasing after ill gotten gains
Did you labour in vain then
There are those latent forces
That home now pulling down
Turn it into a termite’s paradise
Those teachings in ecclesiastes true
There are profound lessons here
The river of time flows still
That feuding continues unabated
Caught in the eye of a storm
A torrent of blows and kicks
That dark cloud shall pass
Shocking buffoonery exhibited
In this seemingly never ending drama
The tragi-comedy bedevilling this nation
Now in the band wagon of avarice
That institution turned to rubbish
Its usefulness it has outlived
Listen to them aping their masters
Posh imported cars along dusty tracks
Those silly helicopter rides
Those crumbs from their masters’ tables
Fast turning chiefs into thieves
That shocking buffoonery exhibited
In their eyes it is impossible
Wickedness will just prevail
It will only be for a little while
That time shall soon come
The houses built on the sand
Their collapsing is now imminent
You were long told of king owl’s horns
That time is now at hand
Trees are now bearing fruit
God fearing leaders now arise
These demons are to be exorcised now
Rivers of blood shall not flow again
The future is now at the threshold
After the mask of hypocrisy
Has been by reality shredded
The truth will walk stark naked
Much to the chagrin of the pretenders
That is when it dawns on you
This life drama has no script
The sweetness is in the spontaneity
It is in seizing the particular moment
The futility of pigeon holing
Thought police cannot arrest this
No dam to hold back these thoughts
Efforts at censorship put to shame
The post man given a hefty kick
A hefty kick in the arse
The pre-patched pair of trousers
Technology kicked him off the streets
No more letters in stylish handwriting
The e-mail address took over
Then someone brought face book
Now they talk of skype
Mesmerized by all this technology
Lost in the technological jungle
e-mail, video conferencing, skype
ah what next then
That fire of infidelity
That mansion razed
The ruins plain to see
Children like a ping pong ball
Parents in a tug of war
Down that steep slope
Into manic depression
Seeking solace in cocktails
Cocktails of cocaine, heroin, mandrax
The cataclysm is here
That mansion razed
The deep chasms on the pedestal
Saying prayers to the devil
The ominous emptiness here
The ruins of a family
Deafening sounds of sycophancy
Our minds repeatedly smote
Propaganda machinery unleashed
Putting a stop to that vital debate
Never voted for my father
Their warped talk about culture
No sun rises before another sets
Never voted for those kings
Their usual refrain
Their grab and steal
Killing with impunity
Their dark deeds
Protected by the devil
Their ill gotten gains
Stench of corruption
No peace in the mansions
Tormented by the wailing
The wailing of the poor
That innocent blood shed
No peace at all there
Tormented by their wickedness
Just a fistful of dust
Maybe a handful of ashes
The ultimate position
Stripped of high sounding titles
The bare essentials on the pedestal
Born of a woman
By way of natural delivery
Maybe by caesarean section
The mindless ostentation exhibited
Lessons in humility forgotten
Drowned in that euphoria
The euphoria of assumed titles
The high sounding emptiness
Congregating in evil places
Just to plot evil schemes
To shed this innocent blood
They shall not prosper
Their evil schemes will prevail
But only for a little while
For my maker is a fighter
Not against flesh and blood
They shall soon be smitten
It was a sling and a stone
Little david slew goliath
Bury them now in their own pits
Then Vincent Ford ‘wrote’ them
‘Composed’ those great lyrics
You put the passion into it
The world sang along
The world still sings along
Where are you Bob Marley
What of the ‘composer’ Vincent Ford
The job is yet to be completed
‘No woman no cry’ still misunderstood
Never the lyrics of a misogynist
Telling a woman not to cry
Assuring her everything will be okay
Still many do not get it today
Listening skills at an all time low
Brimming with buffoonery
He came out of the closet
A foul mouthed idiot
Forgetting his glass jaw
Many in the crevices
Waiting for a non existent victory
They will get a whacking
The time for that is nigh
The story will fall into place
The pieces of a jigsaw puzzle
The lips of the righteous will teach many
Fools will die for want of wisdom
My maker shall protect me
The mouths of the wicked are open
That warrior blood will rise
Now it is needed the most
The killers bay for my blood
That mighty force shall shame them
That fake smile is gone
The predator snarl is out
Now we are at daggers drawn
Run wicked one run
Take refuge before its too late
Your empty talk gets you nowhere
Your troops shall be annihilated
I will not raise my hand
Raise my hand against them
These disciples of Lucifer
They have incurred the wrath
The wrath of my maker
For they shed innocent blood
Forever they shall be cursed
Not everyone will be fooled
Reason will have to prevail
Evil cannot prosper forever
The noose tightens around their necks
They reduced it to a commodity
That is what they did to justice
They removed that blind folding
Exposing that goddess to wealth
Justice was put up for sale
All sorts of price tags were put
Then I spoke against all this
A mortal enemy I was then branded
There was the nudity of it all
There was not a trace of shame
That system was falling to pieces
Someone had to be sacrificed
A sad chapter in this story
This story of my life
You were just a stain
To be bloated out of sight
You wove a tall tale
Could not even mask the lies
Then you incurred their wrath
Trying to belittle their minds
Now you wallow in shame
You could not win mind games
Your foul mouth now imprisons you
Your buffoonery now on a pedestal
Pursuing my ideals
With maniacal zeal
They will be after me
For standing in their way
The way to ill gotten gains
The path of destruction
Never expecting a pat on the back
But an arrow through the heart
There is a price tag
Justice is up for sale
Hear the trumpet of triumph
The vanquished drown in their tears
What is the root of this foolishness
This very dangerous foolishness
Killing your own kith and kin
Much to the amusement of detractors
Yearning to be hewers of wood
Still crying out to be drawers of water
Crying out for menial jobs
Derailing that struggle for resources
Thought the grass was greener
Greener on the other side
Without bidding farewell you left
The scythe of squalor decimating lives
You could not just be a sitting duck
An economic exile they termed you
It was deeper than they could fathom
You did not want to be a caged bird
How then could you bid farewell
The poison tipped arrows are still here
Everything working like clock work
Ready for all the romp and pomp
Friends and foes ready to feast
The African laughter resonating
For you were back to this land
The land of your ancestors
Then death struck on the eleventh hour
The fiery fire of infidelity
Gutted the spacious mansion
What remained was an empty eggshell
Bereft of the yolk and egg white
There were threats of suicide
There were threats of trigger squeezing
No plaster of Paris to mend the fracture
The blows landed heavily on children
Some found solace in hard drugs
Others plunged into the cesspool of lunacy
Illusions and delusions in the driving seat
With my bare feet I stand
Stand on this burial ground
Before each grave I stand
There lies my grandfather
Here too is my grandmother
My father lies here too
Then I invoke those spirits
That fight will be protracted
Run wicked one for I am here
You shall be weighed in the balance
You shall be found wanting
Innocent blood should not be shed
The grinding poverty here
The larvae burdened water
The elusive foreign currencies
Lies told to get food aid
Out of grim necessity
Tired soils yielding nothing
The heavy rock of poverty
Weighing heavily on their shoulders
The axe wreaking havoc
Out of grim necessity
Queues for never arriving grain trucks
The politics of food at play
Souls put up for sale here
‘hunger in the belly rose to the brain’
Out of that grim necessity
Not totally deflowered by technology
No addictive internet here
A cell phone here another one there
The occasional motor vehicle passing by
Cattle bells clanging in the distance
The village cocks exchanging greetings
Doves cooing up there in the trees
Voices broadcasting news from out there
Voices whimpering under the rock of exile
These thoughts yearning to find expression
Dying to reach out to others out there
The poor will not have justice
The price to be paid has soared
Soared out of reach like a bird of prey
There is no justice for the poor
The goddess has removed the blind fold
Now blinded by United States dollars
Now also blinded by the Rand
The souls of officials are up for sale
The poor will yearn for justice
The rich use officers like door mats
Murderers get away with murder
Rapists buy their way out of jail
The poor continue to be the victims
The victims of their poverty
The rich commit crimes with impunity
The poor’s rights are trampled on
The scandalous are cheered on
Court officials in the mafia strangle hold
Laughing all the way to the banks
Enjoying all those empty trinkets
The goddess of justice has been raped
The blind fold has been removed
The goddess is now blind to justice
The whole heap of them
They are steeped in it
The race for self aggrandizement
The craving for the fruits of power
Raping the minds of the poor
They are cut from the same cloth
Everyday spewing all the propaganda
Lies are packaged as the truth
The media is on a tight leash
Singing the praise songs for bread
All we hear is ‘Power to the people’
Yet the people remain emasculated
Confused by systems created by the rulers
To serve the elite and their hounds
The schemes are plain to see
My mind is in labour
The pain is getting worse
The baby is on the way
Could be a full term baby
Or one destined for the incubator
The pain of a still born one
The pain is getting worse
The waiting will not be long
The naming is on the way
That is the icing on the cake
The pain gives way to joy
The poetry keeps me afloat
Saving me from the depths
The depths of the murky water of frustration
Deriving happiness in sadness
Hope available in large doses
This poem keeping me afloat
All the shackles and chains around
Finding freedom in my mind
Thought police cannot touch this
At times am a dove in the sky
At times a mountain echoing voices
Yours, mine, everyone’s voices
Experimenting with the images
Subverting all strictures around
Finding satisfaction in creativity
The multitudes will use that road
Built on years of lies
The path of truth will be overgrown
Overgrown by thistles and thorns
They detest travelling along it
They will blame the mirror
For their faces are askew
Obsessed with all those praises
The high sounding empty titles
Sycophants singing those praises
Hear the dirges out there
The fools are followed everywhere
Leading the gullible into precipices
The fate of visionaries is known
This light can never be dimmed
There have been many attacks
All kinds of vermin at it
But my skeleton is on the outside
Their schemes bear no fruit
Steeped in a messy disaster
That day will soon come
We are now in the count down
The spider will be trapped in its web
Behind it all
The hidden hand
The greed and corruption
Aftermaths of failure
The genocide in Rwanda
Someone somewhere profiting
The catastrophe in Somalia
The total destruction
The fighting in Ethiopia
The oil driven fights
Internecine strife in Nigeria
In the jungles of the DRC
Blood diamonds fuelling conflict
The dust under the carpet
The truth yearning to surface
Dust covered reports in Zimbabwe
The stench of xenophobia in South Africa
Africa in dire need of healing
Needing more mature leadership
The maggots feasting on the truth
Behind that anthill in the bush
That man dared to confront the rot
The mafia had to conceal the evidence
Cover myself with a blanket of fear
That could never be an option
Trample my own conscience I refuse
The minotaurs should be bludgeoned
*]Captain Edwin Nleya[
The height of gullibility
To fall for those plastic smiles
Behind those fake smiles
The snarl of predators
Masters of intrigue brought to shame
Time has no master
The deeper they bury the truth
The more it yearns to surface
Postponing the inevitable
That exercise in futility
Standing on mountains of shame
Their ways plain to see
That is the way of the world
The altruism just surfaces
In the face of death and destruction
The shameful exhibited philanthropy
There before foreign television crews
Haiti you have always been alone
Down there under the weight of poverty
See the abundance of friends now
Now you are headline news
That is the way of the world
Regrets presiding over the inquisition
In the torture chambers of past hurts
The subconscious relentlessly whacked
Blood curdling screams shatter the present
Shards of broken hearts there everywhere
The ghosts of the past stoutly refusing
Stoutly refusing to yield to the future
There a fresh dawn yearning to sprout
Time healing those broken hearts
The tide of pain is on the ebb
There in their ivory towers
They take us for granted
They forget the past
The roots of that struggle
The workers, students, subsistence farmers
All taken for granted by the rulers
The unexplained power cuts
The water supplies just disconnected
Our thoughts drowned in speculation
Relying on rumours and gossip
The fear that rules our lives
That will jolt us into action
Stand up and liberate yourself
Throw off that yoke
That yoke of silly values
Pull that chair for yourself
Open that car door too
That silly label throw out
Be a fighter not a lady
There is a price to be paid
Show me what is for free
Then the chains I will show you
I will show you the bondage
Get up woman liberate yourself
Refuse to be pampered
Do not seek to be a man
Your identity as a woman forge
The rabid feminism throw out
The chains of dependence sever
For your bread toil now
The sanctity of your body restore
Never again to be a sex object
Take charge of your sexuality
That curvaceous body is not for sale
Never an avenue for those trinkets
Liberate yourself right now
Pray not to self made gods
Throw away those mental crutches
Fight the second class citizen status
An indelible mark leave now
That blood of slain heroes and heroines
Do you hear it calling now
Those contradictions apparent
Seeking refuge in Europe
Fleeing from kith and kin
Where did the derailment begin
A generation of semi-literates
Teacher come and intervene
These pock marked roads
Engineer heed the call
Our people dying in droves
Doctor pack your bags now
Treated like dregs out there
Take leave of them now
The xenophobia and racism
Think of the home you left
The fire gobbling this home
Come help put out the fire
Those voices wailing out here
Those derailed ideals call
Artist come back home now
The hills , valleys and plains are here
The sickening emasculation evident
Transfer that power back to the people
Tired of the gluttons
The double chins prominent
The obscene full bellies
Clamouring for real change
Another crop of opportunists
No respite for the down trodden
Those ideals shelved again
Propagating the false consciousness
The wailing rural masses forgotten
Carrying on like beasts of burden
The opportunists at it again
When they dug pits in my way
When wickedness seemed to hold sway
When my name the dragged in the mud
Severely assaulting my integrity
What was I to do
Stand there and be kicked
Sit there and be humiliated
Sit there like a clay pigeon
Be there and gobble up the shit
And wash it down with urine
Sit and rest in the lap of cowardice
Go down on my knees and beg
Beg for forgiveness from the villains
Or maybe turn the other cheek
Turn the other cheek and get a back hander
The response lies in your empathy
Those secret places exposed
Those twin peaks swinging, swaying
That dark patch of pubic hair
Then they called her raving mad
The men and their cat calls
The crowd of men swelling around her
They called it a free for all strip tease
Their eyes almost popping out of their orbits
Feeling their womanhood exposed
Her birth suit covered by unwanted clothes
Those secret places out in the open
Then they called her raving mad
Courted by politicians
The poet leads the way
Like earth moving machinery
The poet paves the way
The ululation pierces the air
The whistling resonates
The poet takes centre stage
Basking in the spotlight
When the wining and dining comes
The poet relegated to the crumbs
Prohibited from the main road
The earth moving machinery
Will I be lost in the crowd
That invisible crowd on face book
Or is it the tagged crowd
Am I turning into a recluse
Or is it an internet junkie
I resisted the false allure of gambling
Never went for hard drugs
The dangers were all too obvious
Am I set to be a hermit
Exhibiting anti-social traits
In Haiti
In Chile
Thousands buried
Under mounds of concrete
Lives lost
Humanity baffled
Is this our home
Are we passing through
Was it Jim Reeves
Singing of a home elsewhere
Stories of tragedies
Wars and rumours of wars
Unbridled looting everywhere
The selfishness exhibited
Then your mind is scorched
Long after the bribe is taken
Your reputation will be in tatters
For you valued silver and gold
What the happens to your conscience
Do you not feel the emptiness
Do you not smell the rottenness
When you sit alone at home
What price have you put on your soul
That these low lives can buy it
Are you not haunted by ghosts of misdeeds
Judas Iscariot became judge, jury, executioner
In your wisdom you wine and dine
Wine and dine with the villains
The victims have no one to turn to
If gold rusts what of iron
Thomas Mapfumo you sang of it
You saw it rear its ugly head
Jah Solo , ah man you saw it
That was kindergarten stuff
Now the maggots are here
The social fabric is in tatters
They become pimps for their mothers
There are no souls left here
Wealth is amassed by any means
The truth causes offence
Organized crime is now big business
The just are to be persecuted
That emptiness I feel
Assaulted by your betrayal
Deranged by errors of your way
Under a deluge of questions
A direct descendant of Judas Isacriot
Am I a victim of your viper’ s kiss
Ran with the hares and hunted with the hounds
Deep inside I feel the emptiness
You went for thirty pieces of silver
You took the path to destruction
That noose tightens around your neck
Your wretched life shall be extirpated
Take care in clamouring for freedom
For it may lead to free doom
You may walk down that road
The road leading into an abyss
Drench your mind in alcohol
Enjoy the cigarette smoke mists
Engage in weird sex and drugs experiments
Alone enjoy the fruits of your choices
Thomas Mapfumo
Jah solo[Solomon Skuza[
Both Zimbabwean musicians who sang songs denouncing rampant corruption
Consciousness raising powerful force
A struggle for emancipation
Constant reminder of the worst crime
The enslavement of the melanin man
At the forefront condemning injustice
Spreading the message of love and redemption
Linking Africans at home and in the diaspora
In support of revolutionary struggles
Delilah get out of my way
Read your mind too well
Though I am under your spell
Your wicked ways shall not rule
Read your mind too well
Then I played the fool
A past master in the game
That is what I am
Through your sweet emptiness
Seeking to derail my ways
The ways pursued with ferocious zeal
That scheme will not work
Am a chip off the old block
The stone the builder refused
Now become the head corner stone
In his life time reviled
Now you run to his fruits
Seeking favours from rejected ones
The door is bolted tight
The hand of reconciliation you bit
Please shed no tears now
No use crying over spilt milk
You allowed your cacti thoughts room
The rose in full bloom
The sweetness of its fragrance
The allure of the pink petals
The allure of the red petals
Then the thorns take centre stage
The beauty of petals is drowned
The pricking dents that beauty
Then deep revulsion sets in
Too many cracks in the wall
Tried to use steel reinforcement
Plastered the wall again
Cracks developed yet again
Tried to use steel reinforcement
Plastered and re-painted the wall
Too many cracks in this wall
Maybe time to demolish the wall
For it may fall on the children
Then we will take to wallowing in regret
Is this not the time to demolish the wall
Cacti thoughts in the mind
With my parched throat
Walking on in this barren land
Nothing greets the eye here
Thorny bushes and aloe plants
The desolation growing here
Do you still have a conscience
Or is it you long lost your soul
Chasing after all the silver and gold
Displaying that mindless ostentation
Sister how do you afford to sleep
With those vampire thoughts in you
Hatching false testimony against me
Dragging my name through slime
What about you my dear brother
Congregating in evil places against me
Wining and dining with the devil
That day of reckoning is at hand
Then there was the bliss
That resulted in my birth
I am not a product of rape
Nor am I a product of incest
Now I am a ping pong ball
The grass between two fighting elephants
My mind thrown into turmoil
All the bickering you drag me into
Those dreams of the bright lights
The bright lights of Egoli
The streets are paved in gold
That myth pursued with vigour
Those dreams of the place of gold
The dreams lie in crocodile stomachs
Some dreams drowned in the Limpopo river
Others are in maggot infested corpses
Do the mothers and fathers sleep soundly
Do the nation builders have peace
Do they sleep peacefully in their mansions
Do they ride peacefully in their imported cars
The desolation and barrenness back home
In droves the children flee
Are the questions being asked
No light here but thick wintry darkness
In their quest for the easy life
They have joined the hyenas
For good measure nicknaming themselves
Unashamedly calling themselves hyenas
The nocturnal predators they are
Pouncing on the lone drunkards
Sticking knives into the backs
The backs of lost travelers
Putting the sanctity of life into trash cans
Not cringing at the sight of blood
The generation that enjoys spending
Extolling the virtues of indolence
Those menial jobs a lame excuse
Behind it all a grand design
Those tactics are still here
Those menial jobs are no panacea
No panacea to the grinding poverty
And the engulfing flood of crime
Africa your children weep and wail
Succumbing to divide and rule tactics
With mud and spittle give them sight
Forestall the heart rending ‘necklacing’
Expose the bloody beneficiaries of divisions
Rend now the dark veil of ignorance
Out of great heat and pressure
The diamonds emerge
Drilling other metals
Others turned to jewellery
Out of the slums
Among the dregs of society
Someone termed it trench town
Among indescribable squalor
Defying the force of gravity
With that divine inspiration
They sat up and listened
Out of squalor came the gem
With other kindred spirits
Spreading those messages
The music hits us with no pain
Disturbing the neighbours still
Turning those attacks into songs
There was ambush in the night
The often misunderstood ‘ no woman no cry’
That uncanny ability to grasp issues
You warned the rulers in Zimbabwe
But did they take heed
‘no more internal power struggles’
Those lyrics haunt us still
We now have joined them
Branding our ways pagan
Non believers in what
Hot iron branded ‘uncivilised’
Now proudly propagating slavery
When my mother dies
When my fathers dies
Are they no longer my parents
Now excluded from one of the commandments
When are we going to wake up
Walk tall among others
Forsaking the derogatory names
Having pride like sand on the sea shore
Each one closeted
Closeted in dark thoughts
Dark, dank thoughts of anger
Tight knot of hurt
Entangled in disillusionment
Perhaps a flood of regrets
Tired of this bickering
This roller coaster ride
No end in sight
Maybe in fairy tales
Perhaps in a fool’s paradise
Built on illusions and delusions
To live happily ever after
Coming across hills and mountains
Walking across plains too
The tumultuous and unnavigable rivers
At times swimming in calm waters
Making a mockery of merit
Rising to the top by arse licking
Selling their souls for a song
Sycophants singing for their bread
Selling their worthless bodies
Using their bottoms to go up
Trampling their own consciences
Making decisions out of emotions
Listen to this brutal frankness
The blind lead the one eyed
The consequences clear to babies, even
The shame of it sticks out like a sore thumb
A poisonous mixture
A legal mind and poetry
Is anyone listening out there
Tell me Dr Eddison Zvobgo
Society takes the poison
Allowing poets to be lawyers
Letting poets , lawyers be politicians
That is the beginning of tragedy
Those chains still there
Deeply embedded in the mind
The status quo maintained
Turned into drawers of water
Condemned to be hewers of wood
Squashed under that hegemony
Kept under the boot
Those unholy alliances
Keeping us in sewers of under-development
Those raw materials siphoned
The supervisor class promoted
Derailing the self determination ideals
Behind it all
Our unmistakeable resilience
The abundance of hope
For we are no pessimists
The reality plain to see
Africa bleeding profusely
Fires of discord fanned
The beneficiaries in glee
Robbed of childhood
Playing fields bereft of children
High on LSD,heroin, mandrax
Raping , robbing, killing with impunity
The hidden hand at it
Propping unpopular, repressive regimes
The ever widening chasms
Bickering over foreign ideas
Africa bleeding profusely
Somewhere they drink the blood
The prophets long said it
The richest place; home to the poorest race
In Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia
Everywhere the bloody feuding
The scramble for blood diamonds
Everywhere death and destruction
Beneath all this desolation
The undying hope sprouting
Africa where are the children
Not anywhere near the playgrounds
Dying in droves in battle fields
Waging senseless wars everywhere
Minds befuddled by heavy drugs
Committing matricide, patricide and fratricide
Robbed by the greedy of their childhood
Denied the knowledge of the sanctity of life
Turning killing into an enjoyable game
Not a potted plant
Never a caged bird
Not water in a dam
In the open ocean
Severing those chains
Savouring this liberation
My soul not for sale
Shunning their trinkets
Behind the meekness of the lamb
The deep lion roar
Someone got colour
Then labelled me black
And I accepted that colour blindness
That person again colour blind
Another one labelled white
They accepted that colour blindness
They nailed him to the cross
He had not harmed anyone
Never harmed even a fly
But they drove the nails in
Why should dreamers suffer
Why should the innocent die
Why should they be like garbage
To be thrown onto rubbish dumps
When one door is closed tight
Many more will be opened
There is a time for everything
Behind every season a reason
While you lived
A mortal foe you were
At every turn persecuted
Your ideas shamelessly stolen
Admiration mixed with revulsion
A revolution hijacked
A personality cult propagated
Sycophants singing for their bread
Creating non existent victories
Illusions emanating from delusions
Look through the muck for the honour
The multiple farm owning schemes
Sowing the weed seeds of evil dynasties
Resorting to sordid deeds to retain power
Those evil schemes bereft of honour
Look through the muck for honour
Resorting to grab and steal methods
Crushing dissenting voices under jack boots
Squashing skulls in the torture chambers
Maybe that is where the honour lies
Waves of despondency rock this boat
The oars of hope will take it to the shore
Never to drown in this watery abyss
Rowing to the horizon of those ideals
This boat will not capsize
Surmounting those ravenous waves
Daily stalked by these predators
The boat will reach the shore
Wrenched from the marital bed
Thrown into the open jaws
The open jaws of temptations
There about to be crushed
To become part of the statistics
The dark cloud of arrogance
Acid raindrops of cold indifference
Insensitivity of typical bureaucrats
A naked exhibition of those traits
The shocking rift between word and deed
Earthquake of deranging thoughts
In this tumultuous era
Bayonet thrusts of despair
The tree shaken by its roots
Tossed into this violent whirlwind
Drawing deeply from the spiritual dimension
Thinking of that once warm hearth
Now turned into ice cold ashes
In the vortex of this storm
Yearning for the feather bed of serenity
Donning the life jacket of hope
Surviving this deranging earthquake
The demonized drum
Speaks to my soul
Soothing my African soul
Sweetly caressing it
Invoking those spirits
The restless spirits of my people
Hot iron branded pagan
Those that dangled at noose ends
Reverberations of the drum
Spelling out my happiness
At times messages of strife
The demonized drum
It is not about what you know
Now it is about who you know
About warped political connections
Licking arse to scale dizzy heights
Sex in plush offices for high posts
Throw into the trash can
Brittle perceptions about merit
Those systems rotten to the marrow
Diarrhoea ideas running the show
Service delivery dealt a telling blow
His voice deemed discordant
Singing all the wrong songs
Not singing the usual praises
Violently shaking their consciences
Taking them out of the comfort zone
In a huff he packed his bags
Baying for his blood they were
The hounds had picked the scent
That audacious eye was too much
That discordant voice had to be silenced
Anyone out there listening
Out there taking notes
Of a revolution going on
Of the prophecy revealed
That prophecy comes to fruition
That blood letting is at hand
The fruit of unbridled greed
The hunger fast turning into anger
Just a few crumbs
Falling off the high table
Master that is all I yearn for
Just a few crumbs
Not more than a few crumbs
On what moral high ground
Preaching democracy to the world
Making the Palestinians homeless
Elsewhere Roma people evicted
Blamed wholesale for crime
Torture chambers in Guantanamo
Making a mockery of those conventions
Hands stained with Saddam’s blood
Falsehoods about weapons of mass destruction
Blood thirsty military –industrial mafia
Cheap talk about freedom of worship
Waging war against Islam
Fanning endless wars in Africa
To pave way for looting
On what moral high ground
Preaching democracy to the world
Dreams of a nationalistic struggle
Now hijacked by tribalistic elements
Now in the grip of opportunists
Ravenously devouring all the wealth
Dreams of the land of milk and honey
Now soaked in the blood of patriots
Dreams of peace, prosperity and stability
Under the threat of a storm of eternal poverty
Dreams of the vibrancy of tomorrow
Now like carrion devoured by vultures
Dreams of a bloody liberation struggle
The nightmares of today and tomorrow
Distant dreams of ‘mwana wevhu*’
Now abandoned in squatter camps and shacks
While prime land is reserved for picnics
Dreams of home, dreams of home
The supervisor class at it
The obduracy of the masters
Acting from the same script
Oblivious of the lessons of old
Another bloody revolution looming
Threatening to tear apart this nation
Those that together dislodged the foe
Today at each other’s throats
Like a rabid dog driven away
Buried under mounds of scorn
Friends transmogrified into foes
The hunting hound denied even a bone
Now in your demise embraced
Like vultures fighting over carrion
Their eulogies laden with superlatives
Showered with empty accolades
The propaganda mill at full throttle
Mistaking our silence for ignorance
Erecting those monuments in our minds
In due season trees bearing fruit
Under the acid rain of repression
The poetry turns cryptic
Held by the throat by thought police
Ominous presence of the censor’ scissors
Tortoise poetry withdraws into its shell
The poetry is screaming silently
Marechera saw the truncheon outpacing thought
Hear them whimpering under the jack boots
The jack boots of thought police
The unmistakeable intensity evident
Tired of asking for a piss pot
Tired of asking for a shit pot
Tired of their childish chiding
Then he stopped drinking water
Then food he totally abandoned
Sought refuge in eternal rest
Ever the proud man he was
Refusing to queue up for donor food
Decided to let his maker intervene
Tired of those masquerading as nurses
Tired of those so-called professionals
Then he left all the baggage behind
Among them the visionaries
Saw waves of greed
Noble ideals in a trash can
Under mounds of choking dust
Submerged by the quick sand of corruption
Like an abandoned nest
The fate of the leadership code
Among them the visionaries
Succumbed to those machinations
Where are the visionaries today
What is the root of this self censorship
The source of this deafening silence
I hear them shouting silently
The songs, poems, stories in whispers
A nation of intellectual dwarfs
Bereft of lively debate
Talk at the street corners and in beerhalls
Talk on board commuter omnibuses
The present is here listening
Posterity is waiting to hear you
Behind the cap of knowledge
Behind the graduation gown
The body in the morgue
The trail of mourners
The undertaker’s hearse
That ululation and whistling
The foul stench of corruption
The addict is tucked away
Far from public scrutiny
The broken home is not seen
Hidden under a scratch card
Hidden under a gambling ticket
The poison is candy coated
That is the judas kiss
Highlighting the fake philanthropy
Con artists become the benefactors
The gullible buy the sordid tale
That time is nigh
Enough is enough
That meekness of the lamb
Mistaken for fear
Now the lion must roar
Hit them in the bone marrow
Riding rough shod over me
Now at the end of my tether
No longer a goat for Christmas
Never doubting my intelligence
Fighting for what is right
The stench of corruption
The sickening arse liking
Putting that behind me
That is my mission
Hear the thunder and lightning
No longer driven by need
But propelled by want
Unbridled desire for trinkets
Doing even the unthinkable
Souls put up for sale
Neatly packaged and delivered
The devil relishing the spectacle
Families torn to shreds
Amassing the obscene wealth
Reaping tonnes of misery
The maddening rush for diamonds
The creator watching his creatures
These pathetic, greedy creatures
Deep chasms in this nation
A nation torn to shreds
All the political bickering
In dire need of panel beating
Disfigured by dents of propaganda
Political mudslinging taking centre stage
while we die in droves in ‘hospitals’
Generations of semi-literates producing
Propaganda machinery in full throttle
Champion the cause of the elites
Those that fly to western countries
Flying even to eastern countries
Educating the future masters
Ensuring the health of the masters
Ignorance like amoeba multiplying
There in the heaving and wailing ghettoes
The wall paper falls off
The crevices now exposed
Fleas leap out of sight
Cockroaches scurry for cover
The wall paper falls off
Back then in the ghetto
Growing up on a diet of violence
Bred by shortages of everything
Those paltry pay packets
Bickering fathers and mothers
Catching those birds for relish
The water boiling at home
Mothers ready to cook sadza
Fish not biting at the stream
Another meal confined to a dream
You take this for a joke
Facing the blinding sun daily
Going to school and work
Now we call them western suburbs
Those were the townships
Rummaging at rubbish dumps
Cat and mouse games with guards
Reading anti-communist comics
Do you remember Captain Devil
The propaganda machinery at work
Spreading myths about jackpots
Lying deep in the quicksand
Rummaging at rubbish dumps
Cultivating the literacy and numeracy
Today you take this for a joke
Yearning always for better days
Yearning still for better days
The racist system kept us in the muck
Revolting against this political patronage
Hoping still for a better tomorrow
Standing there mouths agape
Watching grooming in progress
Thought it was a lie then
Reality giving me a back hander
Clapping our chapped hands
Ululating on empty bellies
Whistling oblivious of the implications
See the grooming in progress
Getting rid of stage fright
Emotionally charged crowd in a stadium
Winners walk away with medals
The winner stays in the subconscious
The acrid smell
Those hairy maggots
There on the stale shit
In the rivulets of urine
Defunct flushing unit
In dire need of cleaning
Then I must clean the toilet
Typhoid , dysentery, cholera
Decimating the future
Get the flushing unit working
This toilet I must clean
The moment demands decision
Not the time to duck and dive
Keep your tables high
Where no crumbs fall
Where Lazarus is banned
Where the gruesome murders
Are washed down with whisky
Where the hungry and thirsty
Salivate and never get a morsel
Keep your high tables
Where the concubines laugh
Laugh at humourless tales
Tales of your imagined heroic deeds
Empty stories spun by spin doctors
Keep your high tables
Supported by clay legs of lies
Cut from the same cloth
One at the pulpit
Another at the podium
Entangled in a bloody feud
The rival suitors at it
Waiting with bated breath
The end of an era in sight
Under the cloak of secrecy
History judging the liars
Goebbels still remembered
Propping that anti semitic dictator
Vibrations of the end
Secret celebrations in hearts and minds
Others gripped by that fear
That fear of their dark deeds
Their commands fall on deaf ears
The people march on triumphantly
In the cosy arms of euphoria
They fill stadia beyond measure
Ululating and whistling fervently
Minds brimming with hope
Hope for a better tomorrow
Then they have to be cajoled
Herded like a flock of sheep
Fear instilled in the minds
To prop the waning popularity
The bitter fruits of overstaying
A guest overstaying the welcome
Emerging from those institutions
Wearing robes of iniquity
Bamboozling ordinary folk
Gladly espousing alienation
Wielding worthless pieces of paper
Emerging more schooled than educated
Very far removed from reality
Trashing indigenous knowledge systems
That is where we are now

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Yearning voices

  • 1. YEARNING VOICES To P.K Your part you played A standing ovation this is Those sacrifices in Zambia You could have chosen comfort Relative middle class comfort On the side of the down trodden You, Joshua Nkomo and others The dangers of enemy fire present Parcel bombs, car bombs and other weapons The racist regime had to be dislodged You will never walk alone Ndabaningi Sithole is there with you Many they have hated passionately You dared to sing those dirges Forsaking the fruits of sycophancy Posterity will treasure these living lessons ]dedicated to the late Patrick Kombayi[ SENTENCED TO DEATH The euphoria died down Then you saw their colours Hunted with the hounds They had run with the hares The opportunists were at it Champions of our struggle Assuming high sounding titles Rewarding the praise singers The ideals came off the rails The profound pain you felt Then you spoke against evil schemes Their wrath you incurred The hot lead shattered your life You had dared to tell the truth That was the offence you committed The death penalty it carried Torment them in your death THE OMINOUS CHASMS
  • 2. A deluge of questions Not one answer forth coming The many battles you fought What was at the root of it all Will I ever understand it Maybe in just in just one dream Perhaps in another's confession What was the root of the lamentations That you found love in another tribe Was it to do with her assertiveness Everyone of them remains mum The ominous chasm plain to see The rifts there for everyone to see FRIENDS OR FOES Behind that hollow laughter The hyenas ready to pounce They dig pits in my way Their machinations plain to see Behind those plastic smiles The Judas Iscariot kiss They want me nailed For the truth is an offence The vultures hovering around Only to find no carrion here Because of the truth I say They want me out of the way WANTED They congregate in evil places Hatching their evil schemes Against them I have committed a crime My crime is to expose their evil schemes Schemes to worship the devil I have to fly without perching The archers are sharpening their arrows They are learning to shoot without missing I will not be a sitting duck for them They seek to assassinate and eliminate me THRIVING ON FEAR
  • 3. Two sides of the same coin On podiums and pulpits Exalting themselves always Politicians and priests steeped in lies Promises made never fulfilled Spreading the web of fear Angling for hearts and minds YEARNING FOR LIBERTY We created Frankenstein Some actively made the parts In your graves do you hear me Others chose to be in deathly silence When they could speak out loudly Frankenstein then started the rampage Devouring mothers, children and fathers Devouring his creators without mercy A web of fear spread There Frankenstein thrived Frankenstein must now be chained The ghosts of the past must be exorcised The time for deafening silence is up To smithereens we blow Frankenstein The nation must now sing and dance STILL BORN Someone put the cart before the horse Another handled food with dirty hands A doctor used a rusty scalpel on the patient The result was an obvious death At the end an avoidable death Voices spoke in unison then Their usual arrogance blinded them Self proclaimed champions of our struggle Yet another derailment looming We must go down the disused mine shafts Talk to the time-white bones down there No more dust to be swept under the carpet Appease all the angry spirits Open up all those shallow graves Accept responsibility for the atrocities Stand on moral high ground and preach
  • 4. DAVID DEAD STONE* In ominous silence There before your discovery Your out of place imposing statue There before that distinct rumbling The rumbling of mosi-oa-tunya The baTonga did not matter That name refused to die Under the English dead weight The English dead weight of Victoria Your queen could not take precedence Mine was righteous indignation Stood there and told you the truth Your imposing statue at that place That out of place statue *David Livingstone POLY TRICKSTERS Tired of poly tricksters Conmen games everywhere The ruling elites stink The air is polluted Everywhere their empty talk The same old song Broken and unfulfilled promises Too many con- artists No leaders in sight Poly tricksters everywhere Sucking the nation dry Insensitive to our suffering Wining and dining on our behalf OUT OF BONDAGE The light of liberty is shining Why are you seated in the darkness The darkness of forces of oppression Hear the sweet sound of freedom Calling you to throw away the burdens The burdens of your service to evil
  • 5. Exorcise the ghosts of your past Come out of the closet Unchain your mind now Come confess about the murders Come now free yourself from rape All those heinous crimes There lies your liberty A BATTERED NATION This sad and sick nation In dire need of healing The shocking levels of violence Aftermath of lessons in brutality Learnt over a very long time The scars quite evident All the sadism exhibited The demonic forces of brutality With truncheons dispatching terror Finding satisfaction in inflicting pain This sick and sad nation In dire need of moral regeneration Law enforcement agents breaking the law Breaking the law with impunity Who are we now to turn to This nation needs healing THE BARE FACTS They hate my guts For they know the truth They hide behind fingers My mission is not over No justice for the poor While the rich buy their way out Buying their way out of jail But then the wicked must suffer Good men and women must confront evil Ready even to die for the truth That is the price to be paid For they congregate in evil places Wining and dining with the devil Those hurdles are not insurmountable Their invincibility is a myth The vigilance of my maker is here TO THAT FIGHTER To that bar you took your ideals Challenging the stereotyping
  • 6. A woman alone in the bar There among the many men Sipping your beer Defying their gazing at you As though you were some UFO You were just yourself Not a guinea pig in a feministic experiment That respect you earned Never cadging a beer from them Never expecting to be treated like a victim Standing firm and singing your own song Accept my apologies if I erred With your thick dreadlocks flowing You found your own space Live then in the full knowledge That some sat up and listened ]Christine Nleya[ YOUR COOKING Woman , I enjoyed your cooking When I yearn for more Blame not at all Yours was a special dish That no one should ever taste That was a tasty dish That I will never have enough of The inexplicable succulence of that dish Woman you perfected your art INGRATITUDE The blows and kicks Of your ingratitude Those do not bother me My skeleton on the outside The lesson of old holds sway Out of those ten Only one expressed his gratitude That is how it is to this day FAMILY FEUDS At times I stand aloof Letting time take control Providing lasting solutions Complicated involvement avoiding Withdrawing into this cocoon Thanks to the poetry
  • 7. Retaining my sanity still Drawn into those battles The roots not known to me The origins of this bickering Coming up with this and that theory Fighting and running away to live again STILL UNDER SIEGE With that steely determination That home you built Driven always by that modesty Not chasing after ill gotten gains Did you labour in vain then There are those latent forces That home now pulling down Turn it into a termite’s paradise Those teachings in ecclesiastes true There are profound lessons here The river of time flows still That feuding continues unabated Caught in the eye of a storm A torrent of blows and kicks That dark cloud shall pass OF THIEVES AND CHIEFS Shocking buffoonery exhibited In this seemingly never ending drama The tragi-comedy bedevilling this nation Now in the band wagon of avarice That institution turned to rubbish Its usefulness it has outlived Listen to them aping their masters Posh imported cars along dusty tracks Those silly helicopter rides Those crumbs from their masters’ tables Fast turning chiefs into thieves That shocking buffoonery exhibited BEREFT OF LEADERS In their eyes it is impossible Wickedness will just prevail It will only be for a little while
  • 8. That time shall soon come The houses built on the sand Their collapsing is now imminent You were long told of king owl’s horns That time is now at hand Trees are now bearing fruit God fearing leaders now arise These demons are to be exorcised now Rivers of blood shall not flow again The future is now at the threshold THOUGHT TRACKS After the mask of hypocrisy Has been by reality shredded The truth will walk stark naked Much to the chagrin of the pretenders That is when it dawns on you This life drama has no script The sweetness is in the spontaneity It is in seizing the particular moment The futility of pigeon holing Thought police cannot arrest this No dam to hold back these thoughts Efforts at censorship put to shame IN THE FAST LANE The post man given a hefty kick A hefty kick in the arse The pre-patched pair of trousers Technology kicked him off the streets No more letters in stylish handwriting The e-mail address took over Then someone brought face book Now they talk of skype Mesmerized by all this technology Lost in the technological jungle e-mail, video conferencing, skype ah what next then RAZED That fire of infidelity That mansion razed
  • 9. The ruins plain to see Children like a ping pong ball Parents in a tug of war Down that steep slope Into manic depression Seeking solace in cocktails Cocktails of cocaine, heroin, mandrax The cataclysm is here That mansion razed The deep chasms on the pedestal Saying prayers to the devil The ominous emptiness here The ruins of a family DEBATING Deafening sounds of sycophancy Our minds repeatedly smote Propaganda machinery unleashed Putting a stop to that vital debate Never voted for my father Their warped talk about culture No sun rises before another sets Never voted for those kings FRET NOT Their usual refrain Their grab and steal Killing with impunity Their dark deeds Protected by the devil Their ill gotten gains Stench of corruption No peace in the mansions Tormented by the wailing The wailing of the poor That innocent blood shed No peace at all there Tormented by their wickedness HIGH SOUNDING EMPTINESS Just a fistful of dust
  • 10. Maybe a handful of ashes The ultimate position Stripped of high sounding titles The bare essentials on the pedestal Born of a woman By way of natural delivery Maybe by caesarean section The mindless ostentation exhibited Lessons in humility forgotten Drowned in that euphoria The euphoria of assumed titles The high sounding emptiness THE HEAT IS ON Congregating in evil places Just to plot evil schemes To shed this innocent blood They shall not prosper Their evil schemes will prevail But only for a little while For my maker is a fighter Not against flesh and blood They shall soon be smitten It was a sling and a stone Little david slew goliath Bury them now in their own pits BLOCKED EARS Then Vincent Ford ‘wrote’ them ‘Composed’ those great lyrics You put the passion into it The world sang along The world still sings along Where are you Bob Marley What of the ‘composer’ Vincent Ford The job is yet to be completed ‘No woman no cry’ still misunderstood Never the lyrics of a misogynist Telling a woman not to cry Assuring her everything will be okay Still many do not get it today Listening skills at an all time low
  • 11. IN THE CREVICES Brimming with buffoonery He came out of the closet A foul mouthed idiot Forgetting his glass jaw Many in the crevices Waiting for a non existent victory They will get a whacking The time for that is nigh KILLERS ON THE PROWL The story will fall into place The pieces of a jigsaw puzzle The lips of the righteous will teach many Fools will die for want of wisdom My maker shall protect me The mouths of the wicked are open That warrior blood will rise Now it is needed the most The killers bay for my blood That mighty force shall shame them THE ANNIHILATION That fake smile is gone The predator snarl is out Now we are at daggers drawn Run wicked one run Take refuge before its too late Your empty talk gets you nowhere Your troops shall be annihilated STILL FIGHTING I will not raise my hand Raise my hand against them These disciples of Lucifer They have incurred the wrath The wrath of my maker
  • 12. For they shed innocent blood Forever they shall be cursed Not everyone will be fooled Reason will have to prevail Evil cannot prosper forever The noose tightens around their necks THE ODD MAN OUT They reduced it to a commodity That is what they did to justice They removed that blind folding Exposing that goddess to wealth Justice was put up for sale All sorts of price tags were put Then I spoke against all this A mortal enemy I was then branded There was the nudity of it all There was not a trace of shame That system was falling to pieces Someone had to be sacrificed TO A DIM WIT A sad chapter in this story This story of my life You were just a stain To be bloated out of sight You wove a tall tale Could not even mask the lies Then you incurred their wrath Trying to belittle their minds Now you wallow in shame You could not win mind games Your foul mouth now imprisons you Your buffoonery now on a pedestal ON MY WAY Pursuing my ideals With maniacal zeal They will be after me For standing in their way
  • 13. The way to ill gotten gains The path of destruction Never expecting a pat on the back But an arrow through the heart There is a price tag Justice is up for sale Hear the trumpet of triumph The vanquished drown in their tears THEIR FOOLISHNESS What is the root of this foolishness This very dangerous foolishness Killing your own kith and kin Much to the amusement of detractors Yearning to be hewers of wood Still crying out to be drawers of water Crying out for menial jobs Derailing that struggle for resources THE HUNTED ONE Thought the grass was greener Greener on the other side Without bidding farewell you left The scythe of squalor decimating lives You could not just be a sitting duck An economic exile they termed you It was deeper than they could fathom You did not want to be a caged bird How then could you bid farewell The poison tipped arrows are still here SCATTERED Everything working like clock work Ready for all the romp and pomp Friends and foes ready to feast The African laughter resonating For you were back to this land The land of your ancestors Then death struck on the eleventh hour
  • 14. GUTTED The fiery fire of infidelity Gutted the spacious mansion What remained was an empty eggshell Bereft of the yolk and egg white There were threats of suicide There were threats of trigger squeezing No plaster of Paris to mend the fracture The blows landed heavily on children Some found solace in hard drugs Others plunged into the cesspool of lunacy Illusions and delusions in the driving seat TIME HAS COME With my bare feet I stand Stand on this burial ground Before each grave I stand There lies my grandfather Here too is my grandmother My father lies here too Then I invoke those spirits That fight will be protracted Run wicked one for I am here You shall be weighed in the balance You shall be found wanting Innocent blood should not be shed OUT OF GRIM NECESSITY The grinding poverty here The larvae burdened water The elusive foreign currencies Lies told to get food aid Out of grim necessity Tired soils yielding nothing The heavy rock of poverty Weighing heavily on their shoulders The axe wreaking havoc Out of grim necessity Queues for never arriving grain trucks The politics of food at play Souls put up for sale here ‘hunger in the belly rose to the brain’
  • 15. Out of that grim necessity UNTITLED THOUGHTS Not totally deflowered by technology No addictive internet here A cell phone here another one there The occasional motor vehicle passing by Cattle bells clanging in the distance The village cocks exchanging greetings Doves cooing up there in the trees Voices broadcasting news from out there Voices whimpering under the rock of exile These thoughts yearning to find expression Dying to reach out to others out there JUSTICE FOR SALE The poor will not have justice The price to be paid has soared Soared out of reach like a bird of prey There is no justice for the poor The goddess has removed the blind fold Now blinded by United States dollars Now also blinded by the Rand The souls of officials are up for sale The poor will yearn for justice The rich use officers like door mats Murderers get away with murder Rapists buy their way out of jail The poor continue to be the victims The victims of their poverty The rich commit crimes with impunity The poor’s rights are trampled on The scandalous are cheered on Court officials in the mafia strangle hold Laughing all the way to the banks Enjoying all those empty trinkets The goddess of justice has been raped The blind fold has been removed The goddess is now blind to justice BUNS IN THE PAN The whole heap of them They are steeped in it The race for self aggrandizement The craving for the fruits of power
  • 16. Raping the minds of the poor They are cut from the same cloth Everyday spewing all the propaganda Lies are packaged as the truth The media is on a tight leash Singing the praise songs for bread All we hear is ‘Power to the people’ Yet the people remain emasculated Confused by systems created by the rulers To serve the elite and their hounds The schemes are plain to see GIVING BIRTH My mind is in labour The pain is getting worse The baby is on the way Could be a full term baby Or one destined for the incubator The pain of a still born one The pain is getting worse The waiting will not be long The naming is on the way That is the icing on the cake The pain gives way to joy STAYING AFLOAT The poetry keeps me afloat Saving me from the depths The depths of the murky water of frustration Deriving happiness in sadness Hope available in large doses This poem keeping me afloat All the shackles and chains around Finding freedom in my mind Thought police cannot touch this At times am a dove in the sky At times a mountain echoing voices Yours, mine, everyone’s voices Experimenting with the images
  • 17. Subverting all strictures around Finding satisfaction in creativity DIM THE LIGHT The multitudes will use that road Built on years of lies The path of truth will be overgrown Overgrown by thistles and thorns They detest travelling along it They will blame the mirror For their faces are askew Obsessed with all those praises The high sounding empty titles Sycophants singing those praises Hear the dirges out there The fools are followed everywhere Leading the gullible into precipices The fate of visionaries is known This light can never be dimmed TRAPPED There have been many attacks All kinds of vermin at it But my skeleton is on the outside Their schemes bear no fruit Steeped in a messy disaster That day will soon come We are now in the count down The spider will be trapped in its web FRUITS OF FAILURE Behind it all The hidden hand The greed and corruption Aftermaths of failure The genocide in Rwanda Someone somewhere profiting The catastrophe in Somalia The total destruction The fighting in Ethiopia The oil driven fights Internecine strife in Nigeria In the jungles of the DRC
  • 18. Blood diamonds fuelling conflict The dust under the carpet The truth yearning to surface Dust covered reports in Zimbabwe The stench of xenophobia in South Africa Africa in dire need of healing Needing more mature leadership THE CONFRONTATION The maggots feasting on the truth Behind that anthill in the bush That man dared to confront the rot The mafia had to conceal the evidence Cover myself with a blanket of fear That could never be an option Trample my own conscience I refuse The minotaurs should be bludgeoned *]Captain Edwin Nleya[ MOUNTAINS OF SHAME The height of gullibility To fall for those plastic smiles Behind those fake smiles The snarl of predators Masters of intrigue brought to shame Time has no master The deeper they bury the truth The more it yearns to surface Postponing the inevitable That exercise in futility Standing on mountains of shame Their ways plain to see HAITI That is the way of the world The altruism just surfaces In the face of death and destruction The shameful exhibited philanthropy There before foreign television crews Haiti you have always been alone Down there under the weight of poverty See the abundance of friends now Now you are headline news
  • 19. That is the way of the world TORTURE CHAMBERS Regrets presiding over the inquisition In the torture chambers of past hurts The subconscious relentlessly whacked Blood curdling screams shatter the present Shards of broken hearts there everywhere The ghosts of the past stoutly refusing Stoutly refusing to yield to the future There a fresh dawn yearning to sprout Time healing those broken hearts The tide of pain is on the ebb TAKEN FOR GRANTED There in their ivory towers They take us for granted They forget the past The roots of that struggle The workers, students, subsistence farmers All taken for granted by the rulers The unexplained power cuts The water supplies just disconnected Our thoughts drowned in speculation Relying on rumours and gossip The fear that rules our lives That will jolt us into action WOMAN Stand up and liberate yourself Throw off that yoke That yoke of silly values Pull that chair for yourself Open that car door too That silly label throw out Be a fighter not a lady There is a price to be paid Show me what is for free Then the chains I will show you I will show you the bondage
  • 20. Get up woman liberate yourself Refuse to be pampered Do not seek to be a man Your identity as a woman forge The rabid feminism throw out The chains of dependence sever For your bread toil now The sanctity of your body restore Never again to be a sex object Take charge of your sexuality That curvaceous body is not for sale Never an avenue for those trinkets Liberate yourself right now Pray not to self made gods Throw away those mental crutches Fight the second class citizen status An indelible mark leave now HEED THE CALL That blood of slain heroes and heroines Do you hear it calling now Those contradictions apparent Seeking refuge in Europe Fleeing from kith and kin Where did the derailment begin A generation of semi-literates Teacher come and intervene These pock marked roads Engineer heed the call Our people dying in droves Doctor pack your bags now Treated like dregs out there Take leave of them now The xenophobia and racism Think of the home you left The fire gobbling this home Come help put out the fire
  • 21. Those voices wailing out here Those derailed ideals call Artist come back home now The hills , valleys and plains are here The sickening emasculation evident Transfer that power back to the people THE GLUTTONS Tired of the gluttons The double chins prominent The obscene full bellies Clamouring for real change Another crop of opportunists No respite for the down trodden Those ideals shelved again Propagating the false consciousness The wailing rural masses forgotten Carrying on like beasts of burden The opportunists at it again THE RESPONSE When they dug pits in my way When wickedness seemed to hold sway When my name the dragged in the mud Severely assaulting my integrity What was I to do Stand there and be kicked Sit there and be humiliated Sit there like a clay pigeon Be there and gobble up the shit And wash it down with urine Sit and rest in the lap of cowardice Go down on my knees and beg Beg for forgiveness from the villains Or maybe turn the other cheek Turn the other cheek and get a back hander The response lies in your empathy SAD STRIP SHOW Those secret places exposed Those twin peaks swinging, swaying That dark patch of pubic hair Then they called her raving mad
  • 22. The men and their cat calls The crowd of men swelling around her They called it a free for all strip tease Their eyes almost popping out of their orbits Feeling their womanhood exposed Her birth suit covered by unwanted clothes Those secret places out in the open Then they called her raving mad OFF THE HIGH TABLE Courted by politicians The poet leads the way Like earth moving machinery The poet paves the way The ululation pierces the air The whistling resonates The poet takes centre stage Basking in the spotlight When the wining and dining comes The poet relegated to the crumbs Prohibited from the main road The earth moving machinery TECHNOLOGY AND MAN Will I be lost in the crowd That invisible crowd on face book Or is it the tagged crowd Am I turning into a recluse Or is it an internet junkie I resisted the false allure of gambling Never went for hard drugs The dangers were all too obvious Am I set to be a hermit Exhibiting anti-social traits OUR HOME In Haiti In Chile Thousands buried Under mounds of concrete Lives lost Humanity baffled
  • 23. Is this our home Are we passing through Was it Jim Reeves Singing of a home elsewhere Stories of tragedies Wars and rumours of wars Unbridled looting everywhere The selfishness exhibited GOLD RUSTS Then your mind is scorched Long after the bribe is taken Your reputation will be in tatters For you valued silver and gold What the happens to your conscience Do you not feel the emptiness Do you not smell the rottenness When you sit alone at home What price have you put on your soul That these low lives can buy it Are you not haunted by ghosts of misdeeds Judas Iscariot became judge, jury, executioner In your wisdom you wine and dine Wine and dine with the villains The victims have no one to turn to If gold rusts what of iron CORRUPTION Thomas Mapfumo you sang of it You saw it rear its ugly head Jah Solo , ah man you saw it That was kindergarten stuff Now the maggots are here The social fabric is in tatters They become pimps for their mothers There are no souls left here Wealth is amassed by any means The truth causes offence Organized crime is now big business The just are to be persecuted
  • 24. DESCENDANTS OF ISCARIOT That emptiness I feel Assaulted by your betrayal Deranged by errors of your way Under a deluge of questions A direct descendant of Judas Isacriot Am I a victim of your viper’ s kiss Ran with the hares and hunted with the hounds Deep inside I feel the emptiness You went for thirty pieces of silver You took the path to destruction That noose tightens around your neck Your wretched life shall be extirpated FRUITS OF CHOICES Take care in clamouring for freedom For it may lead to free doom You may walk down that road The road leading into an abyss Drench your mind in alcohol Enjoy the cigarette smoke mists Engage in weird sex and drugs experiments Alone enjoy the fruits of your choices Thomas Mapfumo Jah solo[Solomon Skuza[ Both Zimbabwean musicians who sang songs denouncing rampant corruption RASTAFARI Consciousness raising powerful force A struggle for emancipation Constant reminder of the worst crime The enslavement of the melanin man At the forefront condemning injustice Spreading the message of love and redemption Linking Africans at home and in the diaspora In support of revolutionary struggles MODERN DAY DELILAH Delilah get out of my way
  • 25. Read your mind too well Though I am under your spell Your wicked ways shall not rule Read your mind too well Then I played the fool A past master in the game That is what I am Through your sweet emptiness Seeking to derail my ways The ways pursued with ferocious zeal That scheme will not work CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK Am a chip off the old block The stone the builder refused Now become the head corner stone In his life time reviled Now you run to his fruits Seeking favours from rejected ones The door is bolted tight The hand of reconciliation you bit Please shed no tears now No use crying over spilt milk You allowed your cacti thoughts room MARRIAGE The rose in full bloom The sweetness of its fragrance The allure of the pink petals The allure of the red petals Then the thorns take centre stage The beauty of petals is drowned The pricking dents that beauty Then deep revulsion sets in IRRETRIEVABLE BREAK DOWN Too many cracks in the wall Tried to use steel reinforcement Plastered the wall again Cracks developed yet again Tried to use steel reinforcement Plastered and re-painted the wall
  • 26. Too many cracks in this wall Maybe time to demolish the wall For it may fall on the children Then we will take to wallowing in regret Is this not the time to demolish the wall CAPTURING THE GLOOM Cacti thoughts in the mind With my parched throat Walking on in this barren land Nothing greets the eye here Thorny bushes and aloe plants The desolation growing here PRAYERS FOR LUCIFER Do you still have a conscience Or is it you long lost your soul Chasing after all the silver and gold Displaying that mindless ostentation Sister how do you afford to sleep With those vampire thoughts in you Hatching false testimony against me Dragging my name through slime What about you my dear brother Congregating in evil places against me Wining and dining with the devil That day of reckoning is at hand FEUDING ROOTS Then there was the bliss That resulted in my birth I am not a product of rape Nor am I a product of incest Now I am a ping pong ball The grass between two fighting elephants My mind thrown into turmoil All the bickering you drag me into DECAYING DREAMS Those dreams of the bright lights The bright lights of Egoli The streets are paved in gold That myth pursued with vigour
  • 27. Those dreams of the place of gold The dreams lie in crocodile stomachs Some dreams drowned in the Limpopo river Others are in maggot infested corpses Do the mothers and fathers sleep soundly Do the nation builders have peace Do they sleep peacefully in their mansions Do they ride peacefully in their imported cars The desolation and barrenness back home In droves the children flee Are the questions being asked No light here but thick wintry darkness THE SPENDING GENERATION In their quest for the easy life They have joined the hyenas For good measure nicknaming themselves Unashamedly calling themselves hyenas The nocturnal predators they are Pouncing on the lone drunkards Sticking knives into the backs The backs of lost travelers Putting the sanctity of life into trash cans Not cringing at the sight of blood The generation that enjoys spending Extolling the virtues of indolence VEIL OF DARKNESS Those menial jobs a lame excuse Behind it all a grand design Those tactics are still here Those menial jobs are no panacea No panacea to the grinding poverty And the engulfing flood of crime Africa your children weep and wail Succumbing to divide and rule tactics With mud and spittle give them sight Forestall the heart rending ‘necklacing’ Expose the bloody beneficiaries of divisions Rend now the dark veil of ignorance TO BOB MARLEY
  • 28. Out of great heat and pressure The diamonds emerge Drilling other metals Others turned to jewellery Out of the slums Among the dregs of society Someone termed it trench town Among indescribable squalor Defying the force of gravity With that divine inspiration They sat up and listened Out of squalor came the gem With other kindred spirits Spreading those messages The music hits us with no pain Disturbing the neighbours still Turning those attacks into songs There was ambush in the night The often misunderstood ‘ no woman no cry’ That uncanny ability to grasp issues You warned the rulers in Zimbabwe But did they take heed ‘no more internal power struggles’ Those lyrics haunt us still WAKE UP CALL We now have joined them Branding our ways pagan Non believers in what Hot iron branded ‘uncivilised’ Now proudly propagating slavery When my mother dies When my fathers dies Are they no longer my parents Now excluded from one of the commandments When are we going to wake up Walk tall among others Forsaking the derogatory names Having pride like sand on the sea shore ROLLER COASTER RIDE
  • 29. Each one closeted Closeted in dark thoughts Dark, dank thoughts of anger Tight knot of hurt Entangled in disillusionment Perhaps a flood of regrets Tired of this bickering This roller coaster ride No end in sight LIFE Maybe in fairy tales Perhaps in a fool’s paradise Built on illusions and delusions To live happily ever after Coming across hills and mountains Walking across plains too The tumultuous and unnavigable rivers At times swimming in calm waters BOTTOMS UP Making a mockery of merit Rising to the top by arse licking Selling their souls for a song Sycophants singing for their bread Selling their worthless bodies Using their bottoms to go up Trampling their own consciences Making decisions out of emotions Listen to this brutal frankness The blind lead the one eyed The consequences clear to babies, even The shame of it sticks out like a sore thumb SOCIETAL POISON A poisonous mixture A legal mind and poetry Is anyone listening out there Tell me Dr Eddison Zvobgo Society takes the poison
  • 30. Allowing poets to be lawyers Letting poets , lawyers be politicians That is the beginning of tragedy REFLECTING Those chains still there Deeply embedded in the mind The status quo maintained Turned into drawers of water Condemned to be hewers of wood Squashed under that hegemony Kept under the boot Those unholy alliances Keeping us in sewers of under-development Those raw materials siphoned The supervisor class promoted Derailing the self determination ideals AFRICA DAY INTROSPECTION Behind it all Our unmistakeable resilience The abundance of hope For we are no pessimists The reality plain to see Africa bleeding profusely Fires of discord fanned The beneficiaries in glee Robbed of childhood Playing fields bereft of children High on LSD,heroin, mandrax Raping , robbing, killing with impunity The hidden hand at it Propping unpopular, repressive regimes The ever widening chasms Bickering over foreign ideas Africa bleeding profusely Somewhere they drink the blood
  • 31. The prophets long said it The richest place; home to the poorest race In Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia Everywhere the bloody feuding The scramble for blood diamonds Everywhere death and destruction Beneath all this desolation The undying hope sprouting ROBBED OF INNOCENCE Africa where are the children Not anywhere near the playgrounds Dying in droves in battle fields Waging senseless wars everywhere Minds befuddled by heavy drugs Committing matricide, patricide and fratricide Robbed by the greedy of their childhood Denied the knowledge of the sanctity of life Turning killing into an enjoyable game CHALLENGES AHEAD Not a potted plant Never a caged bird Not water in a dam In the open ocean Severing those chains Savouring this liberation My soul not for sale Shunning their trinkets Behind the meekness of the lamb The deep lion roar COLOUR BLIND Someone got colour Then labelled me black And I accepted that colour blindness That person again colour blind Another one labelled white They accepted that colour blindness
  • 32. PERSECUTED They nailed him to the cross He had not harmed anyone Never harmed even a fly But they drove the nails in Why should dreamers suffer Why should the innocent die Why should they be like garbage To be thrown onto rubbish dumps When one door is closed tight Many more will be opened There is a time for everything Behind every season a reason ANOTHER ATTACK While you lived A mortal foe you were At every turn persecuted Your ideas shamelessly stolen Admiration mixed with revulsion A revolution hijacked A personality cult propagated Sycophants singing for their bread Creating non existent victories Illusions emanating from delusions HONOURABLE Look through the muck for the honour The multiple farm owning schemes Sowing the weed seeds of evil dynasties Resorting to sordid deeds to retain power Those evil schemes bereft of honour Look through the muck for honour Resorting to grab and steal methods Crushing dissenting voices under jack boots Squashing skulls in the torture chambers Maybe that is where the honour lies RESOLVE Waves of despondency rock this boat The oars of hope will take it to the shore
  • 33. Never to drown in this watery abyss Rowing to the horizon of those ideals This boat will not capsize Surmounting those ravenous waves Daily stalked by these predators The boat will reach the shore BUREAUCRATIC ARROGANCE Wrenched from the marital bed Thrown into the open jaws The open jaws of temptations There about to be crushed To become part of the statistics The dark cloud of arrogance Acid raindrops of cold indifference Insensitivity of typical bureaucrats A naked exhibition of those traits The shocking rift between word and deed EARTHQUAKE OF THOUGHTS Earthquake of deranging thoughts In this tumultuous era Bayonet thrusts of despair The tree shaken by its roots Tossed into this violent whirlwind Drawing deeply from the spiritual dimension Thinking of that once warm hearth Now turned into ice cold ashes In the vortex of this storm Yearning for the feather bed of serenity Donning the life jacket of hope Surviving this deranging earthquake AFRICAN DRUM The demonized drum Speaks to my soul Soothing my African soul Sweetly caressing it Invoking those spirits The restless spirits of my people Hot iron branded pagan Those that dangled at noose ends
  • 34. Reverberations of the drum Spelling out my happiness At times messages of strife The demonized drum SCALING DIZZY HEIGHTS It is not about what you know Now it is about who you know About warped political connections Licking arse to scale dizzy heights Sex in plush offices for high posts Throw into the trash can Brittle perceptions about merit Those systems rotten to the marrow Diarrhoea ideas running the show Service delivery dealt a telling blow DISCORDANT VOICES His voice deemed discordant Singing all the wrong songs Not singing the usual praises Violently shaking their consciences Taking them out of the comfort zone In a huff he packed his bags Baying for his blood they were The hounds had picked the scent That audacious eye was too much That discordant voice had to be silenced REVOLUTION TIME AGAIN Anyone out there listening Out there taking notes Of a revolution going on Of the prophecy revealed That prophecy comes to fruition That blood letting is at hand The fruit of unbridled greed The hunger fast turning into anger A FEW CRUMBS Just a few crumbs Falling off the high table
  • 35. Master that is all I yearn for Just a few crumbs Not more than a few crumbs PART OF THE STORY On what moral high ground Preaching democracy to the world Making the Palestinians homeless Elsewhere Roma people evicted Blamed wholesale for crime Torture chambers in Guantanamo Making a mockery of those conventions Hands stained with Saddam’s blood Falsehoods about weapons of mass destruction Blood thirsty military –industrial mafia Cheap talk about freedom of worship Waging war against Islam Fanning endless wars in Africa To pave way for looting On what moral high ground Preaching democracy to the world DREAMS OF HOME Dreams of a nationalistic struggle Now hijacked by tribalistic elements Now in the grip of opportunists Ravenously devouring all the wealth Dreams of the land of milk and honey Now soaked in the blood of patriots Dreams of peace, prosperity and stability Under the threat of a storm of eternal poverty Dreams of the vibrancy of tomorrow Now like carrion devoured by vultures Dreams of a bloody liberation struggle The nightmares of today and tomorrow Distant dreams of ‘mwana wevhu*’ Now abandoned in squatter camps and shacks While prime land is reserved for picnics Dreams of home, dreams of home A LOOMING CATASTROPHE The supervisor class at it The obduracy of the masters Acting from the same script Oblivious of the lessons of old Another bloody revolution looming
  • 36. Threatening to tear apart this nation Those that together dislodged the foe Today at each other’s throats TOO LITTLE TOO LATE Like a rabid dog driven away Buried under mounds of scorn Friends transmogrified into foes The hunting hound denied even a bone Now in your demise embraced Like vultures fighting over carrion Their eulogies laden with superlatives Showered with empty accolades The propaganda mill at full throttle Mistaking our silence for ignorance Erecting those monuments in our minds In due season trees bearing fruit TORTOISE POETRY Under the acid rain of repression The poetry turns cryptic Held by the throat by thought police Ominous presence of the censor’ scissors Tortoise poetry withdraws into its shell The poetry is screaming silently Marechera saw the truncheon outpacing thought Hear them whimpering under the jack boots The jack boots of thought police The unmistakeable intensity evident SLIPPED AWAY Tired of asking for a piss pot Tired of asking for a shit pot Tired of their childish chiding Then he stopped drinking water Then food he totally abandoned Sought refuge in eternal rest Ever the proud man he was Refusing to queue up for donor food Decided to let his maker intervene Tired of those masquerading as nurses Tired of those so-called professionals Then he left all the baggage behind
  • 37. FORESTALLING GREED Among them the visionaries Saw waves of greed Noble ideals in a trash can Under mounds of choking dust Submerged by the quick sand of corruption Like an abandoned nest The fate of the leadership code Among them the visionaries Succumbed to those machinations Where are the visionaries today TALK What is the root of this self censorship The source of this deafening silence I hear them shouting silently The songs, poems, stories in whispers A nation of intellectual dwarfs Bereft of lively debate Talk at the street corners and in beerhalls Talk on board commuter omnibuses The present is here listening Posterity is waiting to hear you ROTTEN ROOTS Behind the cap of knowledge Behind the graduation gown The body in the morgue The trail of mourners The undertaker’s hearse That ululation and whistling The foul stench of corruption THE BENEFACTORS The addict is tucked away Far from public scrutiny The broken home is not seen Hidden under a scratch card Hidden under a gambling ticket The poison is candy coated
  • 38. That is the judas kiss Highlighting the fake philanthropy Con artists become the benefactors The gullible buy the sordid tale ENOUGH That time is nigh Enough is enough That meekness of the lamb Mistaken for fear Now the lion must roar Hit them in the bone marrow Riding rough shod over me Now at the end of my tether No longer a goat for Christmas Never doubting my intelligence Fighting for what is right The stench of corruption The sickening arse liking Putting that behind me That is my mission Hear the thunder and lightning PATHETIC CREATURES No longer driven by need But propelled by want Unbridled desire for trinkets Doing even the unthinkable Souls put up for sale Neatly packaged and delivered The devil relishing the spectacle Families torn to shreds Amassing the obscene wealth Reaping tonnes of misery The maddening rush for diamonds The creator watching his creatures These pathetic, greedy creatures CHASMS Deep chasms in this nation A nation torn to shreds All the political bickering In dire need of panel beating Disfigured by dents of propaganda Political mudslinging taking centre stage
  • 39. while we die in droves in ‘hospitals’ Generations of semi-literates producing Propaganda machinery in full throttle Champion the cause of the elites Those that fly to western countries Flying even to eastern countries Educating the future masters Ensuring the health of the masters Ignorance like amoeba multiplying There in the heaving and wailing ghettoes SOUND OF HYPOCRISY The wall paper falls off The crevices now exposed Fleas leap out of sight Cockroaches scurry for cover The wall paper falls off REMEMBERING Back then in the ghetto Growing up on a diet of violence Bred by shortages of everything Those paltry pay packets Bickering fathers and mothers Catching those birds for relish The water boiling at home Mothers ready to cook sadza Fish not biting at the stream Another meal confined to a dream You take this for a joke Facing the blinding sun daily Going to school and work Now we call them western suburbs Those were the townships Rummaging at rubbish dumps Cat and mouse games with guards Reading anti-communist comics Do you remember Captain Devil The propaganda machinery at work Spreading myths about jackpots Lying deep in the quicksand Rummaging at rubbish dumps Cultivating the literacy and numeracy Today you take this for a joke
  • 40. Yearning always for better days Yearning still for better days The racist system kept us in the muck Revolting against this political patronage Hoping still for a better tomorrow GROOMING IN PROGRESS Standing there mouths agape Watching grooming in progress Thought it was a lie then Reality giving me a back hander Clapping our chapped hands Ululating on empty bellies Whistling oblivious of the implications See the grooming in progress Getting rid of stage fright Emotionally charged crowd in a stadium Winners walk away with medals The winner stays in the subconscious CLEANING THE TOILET The acrid smell Those hairy maggots There on the stale shit In the rivulets of urine Defunct flushing unit In dire need of cleaning Then I must clean the toilet Typhoid , dysentery, cholera Decimating the future Get the flushing unit working This toilet I must clean The moment demands decision Not the time to duck and dive HIGH TABLES Keep your tables high Where no crumbs fall Where Lazarus is banned Where the gruesome murders Are washed down with whisky Where the hungry and thirsty Salivate and never get a morsel
  • 41. Keep your high tables Where the concubines laugh Laugh at humourless tales Tales of your imagined heroic deeds Empty stories spun by spin doctors Keep your high tables Supported by clay legs of lies RIVAL SUITORS Cut from the same cloth One at the pulpit Another at the podium Entangled in a bloody feud The rival suitors at it THE END Waiting with bated breath The end of an era in sight Under the cloak of secrecy History judging the liars Goebbels still remembered Propping that anti semitic dictator Vibrations of the end Secret celebrations in hearts and minds Others gripped by that fear That fear of their dark deeds Their commands fall on deaf ears The people march on triumphantly OVERSTAYING GUEST In the cosy arms of euphoria They fill stadia beyond measure Ululating and whistling fervently Minds brimming with hope Hope for a better tomorrow Then they have to be cajoled Herded like a flock of sheep Fear instilled in the minds To prop the waning popularity The bitter fruits of overstaying A guest overstaying the welcome ROBES OF INIQUITY
  • 42. Emerging from those institutions Wearing robes of iniquity Bamboozling ordinary folk Gladly espousing alienation Wielding worthless pieces of paper Emerging more schooled than educated Very far removed from reality Trashing indigenous knowledge systems That is where we are now