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Yale Open Courses
The Yale open courses program is a unique opportunity for students from all over the world to study in a virtual environment via the Internet. There
are dozens of subjects to choose from, many delving into the perplexities of everyday problems in the world today. Here's an explanation of how the
Yale open courses are setup, plus a trio of engaging options dealing with pertinent subjects about the world around you.
Top Three Yale Open Courses
Yale open courses are structured to offer a series of introductory type curriculums, taught by eminent professors and notable scholars from Yale
University. The mission is to provide greater access to learning opportunities for individuals who want to learn at the highest level, from the some of the more content...
Ian Shapiro brings his expert analysis of the democratic political model to the third in this trio of Yale open courses that are relevant in today's world.
Shapiro conveys the wisdom of a Ph.D. in political science as the Sterling Professor of Political Science at Yale University.
The course will offer students a global perspective on politics, presented by an esteemed member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Moral
Foundations of Politics will begin with a study of the major political theories of enlightenment. Students will develop an understanding of
Utilitarianism, Marxism, and the social contract tradition. The class will provide students with a base knowledge of historical political change and then
apply that understanding in an active debate format about politics, as it exists today.
Western political ideologies will be compared with those of other global regions, in an attempt to answer the question of why certain parts of the world
are more prone to certain types of governmental submission. The curriculum will deeply explore the idea of the enlightenment theory on political
thinking and why some cultures blatantly reject the
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Yale Case Study Understudie
Established in 1866, the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History has served as a world pioneer in the gathering, prSince its establishing in 1701,
Yale has been committed to growing and sharing learning, moving advancement, and saving social and exploratory data for future eras.
Yale's range is both nearby and worldwide. It accomplices with its main residence of New Haven, Connecticut to reinforce the city's group and
economy. AndWe urge our understudies to investigate the scholarly scene, wandering into new fields oflearning and, maybe, finding new interests that
will take them in an alternate heading by and large. Along the way, employees guide them, and kindred understudies offer differing points of view that
can reveal new insight into
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Yale School Of Medicine Personal Statement
As I mentioned in my personal statement, I am in pursuit of a quality education and here, I share a few reasons why I believe the Yale School of
Medicine will provide me with what I seek. Firstly, I am interested in the Yale School of Medicine because I will be groomed for success in my
long–term goals at this institution. I believe this because the school's mission involves educating and inspiring medical scholars as well as future
leaders. As an aspiring physician, I do not plan to use the knowledge I will gain in medical school solely in my practice of medicine. I intend to also use
that knowledge to pilot positive changes in the practice of obstetric medicine in Nigeria. Consequently, I know that attending this institution will not
only teach me to be a scholar in the field of medicine but also a more content...
From my time as an emergency department scribe, I have observed that it is important for physicians to be able to competently work in teams of
healthcare providers as it is the quality of care a patient receives that suffers when teamwork is lacking. I believe that early clinical experience is a
way to improve teamwork competency in providers and as a result, I went on a quest for medical schools that allow students to gain early clinical
experience. I was quite pleased upon discovering that the Yale School of Medicine runs the Longitudinal Clinical Experience which enables students to
be involved in patient care right from the start of their programs. I believe that early clinical experience will allow me to improve my teamwork
competency and also gain an understanding of other clinical realities that simulations may not adequately model such as the complexities of the
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Harvard Vs. Yale Sports Rivalry
The Harvard vs Yale sports rivalry has been going on for many years. Both colleges are located in New England as Yale is located in Connecticut
and Harvard in Massachusetts and are known for their ivy league prestige. As some people may or may not know, there is a huge rivalry between
Yale and Harvard, both in academics and sports. The teams have competed in championships for a long time, both before and during the 20th century;
so why did this feud start and what sports are they most competitive in? This rivalry is one of the oldest and one with the most stories (one). Both
Harvard and Yale have similar academic missions, admission standards and ethical values (one). This makes both schools very similar in everything
they do and everything
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Solution to Case on Yale Model
1. How is Yale's investment philosophy reflected in its strategic asset allocation? Yale's investment philosophy is one of the critical factors that played
into the success of the fund's performance in the past years. The philosophy is based on 5 principles: focus on equity, diversification, opportunities in
inefficient markets, outside managers and alignment of manager's incentives with Yale's interests. In the paragraphs below I will discuss how each of
these principles is reflected in the endowment's asset allocation, as shown from Exhibit 1. Yale's belief in equities is reflected through the endowment's
heavy allocation in equity from 1985–2010. The weight allocation, however, is heavier in the earlier years (1985–1999) than in more
[In other words, in business jargon, what are the "value drivers" of the so–called "Yale model"?] The combination of five factors in Yale's investment
philosophy plays an important role to Yale's successful investment performance. However, among the five factors, the most critical and non–replicable
factors are Yale's ability to identify and invest in inefficient markets and to hire superior managers with aligned incentives; all of which came from
expertise and years of experience in the industry. David Swansen's expertise, in particular, plays a big role. The success of the model is attributed to
Yale's ability to combine both quantitative analysis (mean–variance analysis) with market judgments to structure its portfolio. In addition, Yale also
uses statistical analysis to actively test their models with factors affecting the market, therefore understanding the sensitivity of their portfolio in
response to various market changes. Yale also follows and forecasts the cash flow of private equity and real assets in its portfolio to decide the need
for hedging. And finally, Yale's long
–standing relationship with private equity and venture capitalists gives Yale access to high–return investments that
are not accessible to new comers otherwise. 4. Do you believe that Yale's investment approach can be applied by other endowments and long–term
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Yale University Investment Office 2006
The Case is about the decision of the Yale Investments Office whether to continue to allocate the bulk of the university 's endowment to illiquid
investments––hedge funds, private equity, real estate, and so forth. Important is to consider the risks and benefits of a different asset allocation strategy.
Before the choice between different subclasses, e.g., between venture capital and leveraged buyout funds would be analyzed it is advantageous to get
first background information. Effective management of a university endowment requires balancing fundamentally competing objectives. On the one
hand, the University requires immediate proceeds to support the current generation of scholars. On the other hand, investment managers
more content...
Because rarely asset management business had good incentive alignments built into typical client–manager relationships. It is necessary for Investment
Office to construct good innovative relationships and fee structures with various external managers to consist the manager interests with Yale's.
YaleВґs Investment Committee annually reviewed its endowment portfolio. For the choice between different asset classes we will consider the actual
allocations in 2006.
Domestic Equity Foreign equity Bonds Cash Real Assets Private Equity Abs. Return Others
Asset Allocation of Yale Endowment 2005: 14,1% 2006* 12,0% 2005: 13.7 2006: 15.0 2005: 4.9 2006:4.0 2005:1.92006: 0.0 2005: 25.02006:27.0
2005:14.82006:17.0 2005:25.72006:25.0 Asset Allocation of large Universities Endowments 2005:24,5% 2005:17.4 2005:16.2 20051.1: 2005:10.7
2005:9.3 2005:19.9 2005:0.8
Asset Allocation of all Universities Endowments 2005:45,8% 2005:12.7 2005:21.5 20053.5: 2005:3.9 2005:2.4 2005:8.7 2005:1.4
Trend (exp.)* down up down down up up up down
*2006 (current Target allocation)*Considered only the last 2–3 years
The consideration of the expected returns and risks from its current allocation and compared them with those of past Yale allocations and the current
mean allocation of other universities reflected the need of university to diversify its holdings.In August 2006, Swensen and Takahashi believed that
they probably wanted to
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Yale University Investments Office: August 2006
Targeting an Advantage through Strategic Asset Allocation and Active Management The Lessons of The Yale Endowment Executive Summary
Presented by Old Mutual June 2008 Executive Summary The Yale Endowment is known in the financial industry as a pioneer in using a combination
of innovative asset allocation and active management to produce impressive long–term performance. In fact, the Endowment produced a 17.8%
average annual return, net of fees, in the ten–year period ending June 30, 2007.1 This performance is particularly impressive given that, in recent years,
the Endowment portfolio has carried less than a 40% weighting in equities. Instead, under the leadership of Chief Investment Officer Dave Swensen,
the Yale Investments more content...
Advisors and investors would do well to pay as much attention to the expected volatility of any portfolio or investment as they do to anticipated
returns. Moreover, all things being equal, a new investment should only be added to a portfolio when it either reduces the expected risk for a targeted
level of returns, or when it boosts expected portfolio returns without adding additional risk, as measured by the expected standard deviation of those
returns. Lesson 2: Don't assume bonds or international stocks offer adequate portfolio diversification. As the world's financial markets become more
closely correlated, bonds and foreign stocks may not provide adequate portfolio diversification. Instead, advisors may want to recommend that suitable
investors add modest exposure to nontraditional investments such as hedge funds, private equity and real assets. Such exposure may bolster portfolio
returns, while reducing overall risk, depending on how it is structured. Lesson 3: Be disciplined in adhering to asset allocation targets. The long–term
benefits of portfolio diversification will only be realized if investors are disciplined in adhering to asset allocation guidelines. For this reason, it is
recommended that advisors regularly revisit portfolio allocations and rebalance
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Milgram's Yale Experiment Essay
Milgram's Yale University study consists of an experimenter giving directions to participants to administer shocks to a test subject doing a memory
task. Milgram's purpose of this study was to observe whether participants' would be inclined to go along with the experimenter's instructions and if all
of those who were instructed to give these shocks would follow through with commands. The findings showed that 65% of participants were inclined
to give such shocks because they may have feel obliged to follow these orders by the influence of the power of authority (even if it may cause harm to
the test subject and caused the participant discomfort). Milgram states the relevance of the environment (situation) of the experiment and group
dynamics (group more content...
In static interactionalism the personality traits of a person and the situation do not influence one another, but both combine to create certain behavioural
responses and so an individual might then have the choice to they prefer to be exhibited to whereas in dynamic interaction there could be a shared
belief system related to both the personality traits of the individual and the situation that is shared with either the experimenter or the test subject then
leading that individual to a certain behaviour such as obedience. Belief, Cultural contexts and background, social influence, social background, social
structures on whether this has changeable effects on obedience from the earlier periods to today. (Haslam & Reicher, 2011) Haslam and Reicher point
out that even though most participants obeyed commands in the Milgram study the responses from the participants giving the shocks were varied and
conflicted on whether to continue on with the study. (Haslam & Reicher,
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Personal Statement: Yale Interests Me
Yale interests me because it is an prestigious university that would be an honor to study at. Ever since I was a young boy, I yearned to know more
about the world and I could not find a better place in the world for that than Yale University. Its vast library is overflowing with information that I
would love to fill my brain with. It lets people like me read its books and use the gained knowledge within my world. Yale would be an amazing
opportunity for me to discover myself even more and to learn more about the
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Yale Nu Application Essay
Gratitude is why Yale–NUS chose me.
If you found my application to Yale–NUS, you might notice I come from a Chinese family that had nothing but has everything. My family has two
members: my mother and I. Pancreatic cancer took my father's life five years ago and my mom supported me with little emolument, while I was
studying in UWC Swaziland, doing researches in Tibet and Israel, and working for World Health Organization (WHO) in Southern Africa.
"A young man came from a humble background but strived to create opportunities to explore the world. No wonder you are chosen by Yale–NUS!"
Diligence could be one of the reasons, but certainly not the major one. In fact, never have I deemed my family background a proof of
self–achievements, but those achievements are inseparable from the devotion of my mom, who more content...
Yale–NUS chose me for the gratitude I had in the past, and I chose the college for the freshness I will have in the future.
The scholarship, issued on December 10 by Yale–NUS, means not only a huge relief to my mother but also a freedom for me to experience the
freshness and to step outside of the river again after adventures in Africa.
The benefit of freshness is the uncertainty that keeps me awake. At Yale–NUS, I am not able to "go with the flow" since the college, with its common
curriculum and cross–cultural experiences, will always challenge my limit by putting me in an area or place that I am unfamiliar with. Those fields of
study may resemble Engabezweni, the first Swazi community where I started my fieldwork. Mud huts, goats, and dirt emit an intriguing aroma as the
worn–out van arrived at the traditional residence. From the confused faces, I could tell some locals saw me as a mlungu – a strange and unusual
presence in their
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Yale University Admission Essay Sample
"Yale is the place that endowed me with the confidence and the grand scope of the world that a young designer needed to excel and make a difference
in the real world." – Yansong Ma. Yale University (M.Arch '02).
Before the end of my second year at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture, I began to ponder on the possibility of quitting
architecture. It was a convoluted time of uncertainty; I wasn't sure whether I was prepared to become an architect and take on the responsibility and
commitment to better the built environment. Nevertheless, I decided to give myself one last shot at architecture before giving up – I accepted the
internship offer from MAD Architects in Beijing, China. There, I got to meet many young more content...
Coming to the United States for college from China was already quite eye–opening to me. The study abroad program to Italy opened up my horizon
even more – I designed a memorial hall dedicated to the Nanking Massacre during WWII, and the moment that a dozen architects coming from
Chinese, American, Italian, and other European backgrounds got together and shared their intelligent thoughts on the project really struck me. There
were so many cultural and intellectual sparks colliding, and I felt substantial potential there. This is why I decided to take a summer off and travel
around China to see different architectures and educate myself. Being a resident of three diverse environments has enabled me to integrate into other
cultures, discover how they understand buildings, and imagine the greater potential for our built environment.
The Master of Architecture II program at Yale is a stepping stone to extrinsically validate the architectural discipline and profession in that I believe.
Imagine a theory class under Peter Eisenman's informative yet humorous guidance. Imagine working with Tod Williams and Billie Tsien in an
Advanced Studio and ending up working at their firm right after graduation. Imagine developing revolutionary projects in my own practice with
brilliant minds I got to meet thanks to the intensive networking opportunities at
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Yale Plagiarism Analysis
After reading the list of sources about plagiarism, I still believed that Yale has a better definition. Yale describe plagiarism as "a discrete offense a
specific failure to give credit to a particular source." It also asked the writer where is there voice in the writing. Yale describe plagiarism as a writer
that is dishonest and a thief. The list of sources gives a simple definition but not as detail as Yale. The list of sources also focuses more on tips,
strategies, examples and consequences of plagiarizing. I have a good understanding on the procedure at CUNY for dealing with charges of plagiarism.
Lehman can expel, suspense, fail a student for plagiarizing. I know that blackboard also help professor with identifying plagiarized paper.
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Yale Case Solution
1. How is Yale's investment philosophy reflected in its strategic asset allocation? Yale's investment philosophy is one of the critical factors that played
into the success of the fund's performance in the past years. The philosophy is based on 5 principles: focus on equity, diversification, opportunities in
inefficient markets, outside managers and alignment of manager's incentives with Yale's interests. In the paragraphs below I will discuss how each of
these principles is reflected in the endowment's asset allocation, as shown from Exhibit 1. Yale's belief in equities is reflected through the endowment's
heavy allocation in equity from 1985–2010. The weight allocation, however, is heavier in the earlier years (1985–1999) than in more
As asset allocation has reached the efficient frontier, the role of having superior fund manager is becoming more critical. Manager's selection is a factor
that differentiates Yale from other endowments. 3. What are the factors underlying Yale's investment philosophy and process which account for its
successful investment performance? [In other words, in business jargon, what are the "value drivers" of the so–called "Yale model"?] The combination
of five factors in Yale's investment philosophy plays an important role to Yale's successful investment performance. However, among the five factors,
the most critical and non–replicable factors are Yale's ability to identify and invest in inefficient markets and to hire superior managers with aligned
incentives; all of which came from expertise and years of experience in the industry. David Swansen's expertise, in particular, plays a big role. The
success of the model is attributed to Yale's ability to combine both quantitative analysis (mean–variance analysis) with market judgments to structure its
portfolio. In addition, Yale also uses statistical analysis to actively test their models with factors affecting the market, therefore
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Personal Statement: Why I Love Yale
I love everything from the small class sizes, one on one attention, and the close–knit community. Yale offers world class professors and state of the art
research facilities. The freshman also has the opportunity to conduct original research for projects. In the libraries, even ancient manuscripts and rare
books can be found. I also love Yale's Old England feel architecture. Last but not less, Yale makes theirschool affordable by providing financial aid
packages that do not require students to take out loans. Yale 100% meets the financial needs of every undergraduate.
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Personal Narrative: My Experience At Yale
At Yale, I serve and engage greatly with the East Asian community outside of merely studying Chinese. I am one of two Freshman Liaisons who staff at
the Asian American Cultural Center, a job which involves the programming and facilitation of events which celebrate Asian Culture in addition to
raising awareness about issues of identity and wellbeing among the Asian community. With the Chinese language more specifically, I am a board
member of CASPY, or the Chinese Adopted Siblings Program at Yale, and am currently in contact with staff at the Yale
China association in hopes of
resurrecting an organized Lion Dance Team on campus. With my positions in the AACC and CASPY especially, I am planning on continuing my work,
with the eventual hope of
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Ubc Admission Essay Sample
Vancouver School of Economics at UBC. I first found my passion for economics was in high school. I took The Introduction to Economics in grade
12 and I received the grade of 92%. Since then I decided to develop a deep understanding of the economy, therefore, I was enrolled in The Vancouver
School of Economics (VSE). Studying in VSE required us to deliver a great number of presentations, which has enhanced my confidence and
communication skills. Also, this program has promoted leadership skills and teamwork skills which have prepared me well for further study. In my
opinion, learning Economics in more than one countries would be helpful with my academic knowledge and a good image for future occupations. It
was this idea that motivated me in my current application for the exchange program at University College London in The United Kingdom.
The United Kingdom is a country full of cultural diversity, where ancient buildings sit alongside contemporary architecture. The UK is also famous for
academics, it is one of the most popular countries to go for earning a high–quality education. The UK institutions rank among the best in the world.
Among which, University College London ranks in one of The G5 Group, it is regarded as one of the world's leading and internationally excellent more content...
However, I believe I have the intellectual curiosity and strength of character to be successful in this program. It can not only help me to improve my
professional knowledge but also benefits my future careers. I am sure my effective communication skills, sufficient knowledge in my fields, and
passion for learning will enable me to achieve my goal in UCL. I have a strong desire to attend the University College London because of its
highly–rated reputation, its intellectual faculty, comprehensive course offerings, and rich opportunity resources. I hope to achieve the chance to study
at UCL. Thank you for considering my
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Argumentative Essay On Yale
In October 2015 the Intercultural Affairs Committee(IAC) sent out an email to Yale students suggesting that they be culturally sensitive with their
Halloween costumes for the upcoming campus events. The email called for students to consider who and in what way their costumes may offend. The
IAC also remarked that students are free to express themselves while not impacting inclusivity by. (Email from The Intercultural...) An issue arose on
Yale's campus, when IAC's suggestion caused students to complain about free speech infringements and in response to the complains Associate Master
of Silliman College, Erika Christakis, issued an email, expressing her personal opinion regarding the subject. Christakis wrote that college is not a
place to control how students dress, rather a place where students should be free more content...
He writes that "political correctness and free–speech on campus–important but largely separate subjects." He compares the treatment of students of
color on campuses to the treatment students receive outside of campuses as demonstrated by the tragic deaths of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown.
He also mentions that the media's coverage of the events that followed the three emails that started the controversy is portraying student demanding
equality and inclusivity as rioters disturbing peace on campuses. Cobb notes that the issue has been "long–simmering" and resent events drove students
to speak out tones in anger and pain. Most importantly he writes that that speaking out about the rights of "disempowered" is what free–speech is
about. (Cobb) Cobb's points emphasize the weakness of Christakis' view of the controversy. She is not considering the reasons behind the email from
IAC and seems to be ignorant to the feelings of the
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They stared.
"I would prefer UNC to Yale if it's about my career." I stated lastly before standing up and exiting the dining room. As I left, I could hear my parents
yelling again – arguing about the college I'd be attending and how much debt they'd be in if I got into either school.
I could hear mother screaming, "But how are we supposed to pay for her to go to college if we spend it all on your rehab?!" I stopped in my place and
My mother never pulls the rehab card – that's one subject they tend to stay away from when arguing. My father was an alcoholic, and sadly still is, but
he has been to rehab about three times now. I say about because he got kicked out for being caught drinking scotch out on the yard during his third time.
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Why I Chose Yale To The Hogwarts-Esque Competition
From That's Why I Chose Yale to the Hogwarts–esque competition between which is the best residential college, Yale appealed to me due to not just
the exceptional students and highly esteemed professors, but also the quirky nature of its community. With extensive academic and research resources,
Yale will drive me to excel in my ambitions and achieve my maximum potential while collaborating with others. Through our integrated efforts, I
could broaden my knowledge in several fields and utilize an interdisciplinary approach to my work, allowing me to develop the best possible results in
my field of
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  • 1. Yale Open Courses The Yale open courses program is a unique opportunity for students from all over the world to study in a virtual environment via the Internet. There are dozens of subjects to choose from, many delving into the perplexities of everyday problems in the world today. Here's an explanation of how the Yale open courses are setup, plus a trio of engaging options dealing with pertinent subjects about the world around you. Top Three Yale Open Courses Yale open courses are structured to offer a series of introductory type curriculums, taught by eminent professors and notable scholars from Yale University. The mission is to provide greater access to learning opportunities for individuals who want to learn at the highest level, from the some of the more content... Ian Shapiro brings his expert analysis of the democratic political model to the third in this trio of Yale open courses that are relevant in today's world. Shapiro conveys the wisdom of a Ph.D. in political science as the Sterling Professor of Political Science at Yale University. The course will offer students a global perspective on politics, presented by an esteemed member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Moral Foundations of Politics will begin with a study of the major political theories of enlightenment. Students will develop an understanding of Utilitarianism, Marxism, and the social contract tradition. The class will provide students with a base knowledge of historical political change and then apply that understanding in an active debate format about politics, as it exists today. Western political ideologies will be compared with those of other global regions, in an attempt to answer the question of why certain parts of the world are more prone to certain types of governmental submission. The curriculum will deeply explore the idea of the enlightenment theory on political thinking and why some cultures blatantly reject the Get more content on
  • 2. Yale Case Study Understudie Established in 1866, the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History has served as a world pioneer in the gathering, prSince its establishing in 1701, Yale has been committed to growing and sharing learning, moving advancement, and saving social and exploratory data for future eras. Yale's range is both nearby and worldwide. It accomplices with its main residence of New Haven, Connecticut to reinforce the city's group and economy. AndWe urge our understudies to investigate the scholarly scene, wandering into new fields oflearning and, maybe, finding new interests that will take them in an alternate heading by and large. Along the way, employees guide them, and kindred understudies offer differing points of view that can reveal new insight into Get more content on
  • 3. Yale School Of Medicine Personal Statement As I mentioned in my personal statement, I am in pursuit of a quality education and here, I share a few reasons why I believe the Yale School of Medicine will provide me with what I seek. Firstly, I am interested in the Yale School of Medicine because I will be groomed for success in my long–term goals at this institution. I believe this because the school's mission involves educating and inspiring medical scholars as well as future leaders. As an aspiring physician, I do not plan to use the knowledge I will gain in medical school solely in my practice of medicine. I intend to also use that knowledge to pilot positive changes in the practice of obstetric medicine in Nigeria. Consequently, I know that attending this institution will not only teach me to be a scholar in the field of medicine but also a more content... From my time as an emergency department scribe, I have observed that it is important for physicians to be able to competently work in teams of healthcare providers as it is the quality of care a patient receives that suffers when teamwork is lacking. I believe that early clinical experience is a way to improve teamwork competency in providers and as a result, I went on a quest for medical schools that allow students to gain early clinical experience. I was quite pleased upon discovering that the Yale School of Medicine runs the Longitudinal Clinical Experience which enables students to be involved in patient care right from the start of their programs. I believe that early clinical experience will allow me to improve my teamwork competency and also gain an understanding of other clinical realities that simulations may not adequately model such as the complexities of the healthcare Get more content on
  • 4. Harvard Vs. Yale Sports Rivalry The Harvard vs Yale sports rivalry has been going on for many years. Both colleges are located in New England as Yale is located in Connecticut and Harvard in Massachusetts and are known for their ivy league prestige. As some people may or may not know, there is a huge rivalry between Yale and Harvard, both in academics and sports. The teams have competed in championships for a long time, both before and during the 20th century; so why did this feud start and what sports are they most competitive in? This rivalry is one of the oldest and one with the most stories (one). Both Harvard and Yale have similar academic missions, admission standards and ethical values (one). This makes both schools very similar in everything they do and everything Get more content on
  • 5. Solution to Case on Yale Model 1. How is Yale's investment philosophy reflected in its strategic asset allocation? Yale's investment philosophy is one of the critical factors that played into the success of the fund's performance in the past years. The philosophy is based on 5 principles: focus on equity, diversification, opportunities in inefficient markets, outside managers and alignment of manager's incentives with Yale's interests. In the paragraphs below I will discuss how each of these principles is reflected in the endowment's asset allocation, as shown from Exhibit 1. Yale's belief in equities is reflected through the endowment's heavy allocation in equity from 1985–2010. The weight allocation, however, is heavier in the earlier years (1985–1999) than in more content... [In other words, in business jargon, what are the "value drivers" of the so–called "Yale model"?] The combination of five factors in Yale's investment philosophy plays an important role to Yale's successful investment performance. However, among the five factors, the most critical and non–replicable factors are Yale's ability to identify and invest in inefficient markets and to hire superior managers with aligned incentives; all of which came from expertise and years of experience in the industry. David Swansen's expertise, in particular, plays a big role. The success of the model is attributed to Yale's ability to combine both quantitative analysis (mean–variance analysis) with market judgments to structure its portfolio. In addition, Yale also uses statistical analysis to actively test their models with factors affecting the market, therefore understanding the sensitivity of their portfolio in response to various market changes. Yale also follows and forecasts the cash flow of private equity and real assets in its portfolio to decide the need for hedging. And finally, Yale's long –standing relationship with private equity and venture capitalists gives Yale access to high–return investments that are not accessible to new comers otherwise. 4. Do you believe that Yale's investment approach can be applied by other endowments and long–term Get more content on
  • 6. Yale University Investment Office 2006 Summary: The Case is about the decision of the Yale Investments Office whether to continue to allocate the bulk of the university 's endowment to illiquid investments––hedge funds, private equity, real estate, and so forth. Important is to consider the risks and benefits of a different asset allocation strategy. Before the choice between different subclasses, e.g., between venture capital and leveraged buyout funds would be analyzed it is advantageous to get first background information. Effective management of a university endowment requires balancing fundamentally competing objectives. On the one hand, the University requires immediate proceeds to support the current generation of scholars. On the other hand, investment managers more content... Because rarely asset management business had good incentive alignments built into typical client–manager relationships. It is necessary for Investment Office to construct good innovative relationships and fee structures with various external managers to consist the manager interests with Yale's. YaleВґs Investment Committee annually reviewed its endowment portfolio. For the choice between different asset classes we will consider the actual allocations in 2006. Domestic Equity Foreign equity Bonds Cash Real Assets Private Equity Abs. Return Others Asset Allocation of Yale Endowment 2005: 14,1% 2006* 12,0% 2005: 13.7 2006: 15.0 2005: 4.9 2006:4.0 2005:1.92006: 0.0 2005: 25.02006:27.0 2005:14.82006:17.0 2005:25.72006:25.0 Asset Allocation of large Universities Endowments 2005:24,5% 2005:17.4 2005:16.2 20051.1: 2005:10.7 2005:9.3 2005:19.9 2005:0.8 Asset Allocation of all Universities Endowments 2005:45,8% 2005:12.7 2005:21.5 20053.5: 2005:3.9 2005:2.4 2005:8.7 2005:1.4 Trend (exp.)* down up down down up up up down *2006 (current Target allocation)*Considered only the last 2–3 years The consideration of the expected returns and risks from its current allocation and compared them with those of past Yale allocations and the current mean allocation of other universities reflected the need of university to diversify its holdings.In August 2006, Swensen and Takahashi believed that they probably wanted to Get more content on
  • 7. Yale University Investments Office: August 2006 Targeting an Advantage through Strategic Asset Allocation and Active Management The Lessons of The Yale Endowment Executive Summary Presented by Old Mutual June 2008 Executive Summary The Yale Endowment is known in the financial industry as a pioneer in using a combination of innovative asset allocation and active management to produce impressive long–term performance. In fact, the Endowment produced a 17.8% average annual return, net of fees, in the ten–year period ending June 30, 2007.1 This performance is particularly impressive given that, in recent years, the Endowment portfolio has carried less than a 40% weighting in equities. Instead, under the leadership of Chief Investment Officer Dave Swensen, the Yale Investments more content... Advisors and investors would do well to pay as much attention to the expected volatility of any portfolio or investment as they do to anticipated returns. Moreover, all things being equal, a new investment should only be added to a portfolio when it either reduces the expected risk for a targeted level of returns, or when it boosts expected portfolio returns without adding additional risk, as measured by the expected standard deviation of those returns. Lesson 2: Don't assume bonds or international stocks offer adequate portfolio diversification. As the world's financial markets become more closely correlated, bonds and foreign stocks may not provide adequate portfolio diversification. Instead, advisors may want to recommend that suitable investors add modest exposure to nontraditional investments such as hedge funds, private equity and real assets. Such exposure may bolster portfolio returns, while reducing overall risk, depending on how it is structured. Lesson 3: Be disciplined in adhering to asset allocation targets. The long–term benefits of portfolio diversification will only be realized if investors are disciplined in adhering to asset allocation guidelines. For this reason, it is recommended that advisors regularly revisit portfolio allocations and rebalance Get more content on
  • 8. Milgram's Yale Experiment Essay Milgram's Yale University study consists of an experimenter giving directions to participants to administer shocks to a test subject doing a memory task. Milgram's purpose of this study was to observe whether participants' would be inclined to go along with the experimenter's instructions and if all of those who were instructed to give these shocks would follow through with commands. The findings showed that 65% of participants were inclined to give such shocks because they may have feel obliged to follow these orders by the influence of the power of authority (even if it may cause harm to the test subject and caused the participant discomfort). Milgram states the relevance of the environment (situation) of the experiment and group dynamics (group more content... In static interactionalism the personality traits of a person and the situation do not influence one another, but both combine to create certain behavioural responses and so an individual might then have the choice to they prefer to be exhibited to whereas in dynamic interaction there could be a shared belief system related to both the personality traits of the individual and the situation that is shared with either the experimenter or the test subject then leading that individual to a certain behaviour such as obedience. Belief, Cultural contexts and background, social influence, social background, social structures on whether this has changeable effects on obedience from the earlier periods to today. (Haslam & Reicher, 2011) Haslam and Reicher point out that even though most participants obeyed commands in the Milgram study the responses from the participants giving the shocks were varied and conflicted on whether to continue on with the study. (Haslam & Reicher, Get more content on
  • 9. Personal Statement: Yale Interests Me Yale interests me because it is an prestigious university that would be an honor to study at. Ever since I was a young boy, I yearned to know more about the world and I could not find a better place in the world for that than Yale University. Its vast library is overflowing with information that I would love to fill my brain with. It lets people like me read its books and use the gained knowledge within my world. Yale would be an amazing opportunity for me to discover myself even more and to learn more about the Get more content on
  • 10. Yale Nu Application Essay Gratitude is why Yale–NUS chose me. If you found my application to Yale–NUS, you might notice I come from a Chinese family that had nothing but has everything. My family has two members: my mother and I. Pancreatic cancer took my father's life five years ago and my mom supported me with little emolument, while I was studying in UWC Swaziland, doing researches in Tibet and Israel, and working for World Health Organization (WHO) in Southern Africa. "A young man came from a humble background but strived to create opportunities to explore the world. No wonder you are chosen by Yale–NUS!" Diligence could be one of the reasons, but certainly not the major one. In fact, never have I deemed my family background a proof of self–achievements, but those achievements are inseparable from the devotion of my mom, who more content... Yale–NUS chose me for the gratitude I had in the past, and I chose the college for the freshness I will have in the future. The scholarship, issued on December 10 by Yale–NUS, means not only a huge relief to my mother but also a freedom for me to experience the freshness and to step outside of the river again after adventures in Africa. The benefit of freshness is the uncertainty that keeps me awake. At Yale–NUS, I am not able to "go with the flow" since the college, with its common curriculum and cross–cultural experiences, will always challenge my limit by putting me in an area or place that I am unfamiliar with. Those fields of study may resemble Engabezweni, the first Swazi community where I started my fieldwork. Mud huts, goats, and dirt emit an intriguing aroma as the worn–out van arrived at the traditional residence. From the confused faces, I could tell some locals saw me as a mlungu – a strange and unusual presence in their Get more content on
  • 11. Yale University Admission Essay Sample "Yale is the place that endowed me with the confidence and the grand scope of the world that a young designer needed to excel and make a difference in the real world." – Yansong Ma. Yale University (M.Arch '02). Before the end of my second year at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture, I began to ponder on the possibility of quitting architecture. It was a convoluted time of uncertainty; I wasn't sure whether I was prepared to become an architect and take on the responsibility and commitment to better the built environment. Nevertheless, I decided to give myself one last shot at architecture before giving up – I accepted the internship offer from MAD Architects in Beijing, China. There, I got to meet many young more content... Coming to the United States for college from China was already quite eye–opening to me. The study abroad program to Italy opened up my horizon even more – I designed a memorial hall dedicated to the Nanking Massacre during WWII, and the moment that a dozen architects coming from Chinese, American, Italian, and other European backgrounds got together and shared their intelligent thoughts on the project really struck me. There were so many cultural and intellectual sparks colliding, and I felt substantial potential there. This is why I decided to take a summer off and travel around China to see different architectures and educate myself. Being a resident of three diverse environments has enabled me to integrate into other cultures, discover how they understand buildings, and imagine the greater potential for our built environment. The Master of Architecture II program at Yale is a stepping stone to extrinsically validate the architectural discipline and profession in that I believe. Imagine a theory class under Peter Eisenman's informative yet humorous guidance. Imagine working with Tod Williams and Billie Tsien in an Advanced Studio and ending up working at their firm right after graduation. Imagine developing revolutionary projects in my own practice with brilliant minds I got to meet thanks to the intensive networking opportunities at Get more content on
  • 12. Yale Plagiarism Analysis After reading the list of sources about plagiarism, I still believed that Yale has a better definition. Yale describe plagiarism as "a discrete offense a specific failure to give credit to a particular source." It also asked the writer where is there voice in the writing. Yale describe plagiarism as a writer that is dishonest and a thief. The list of sources gives a simple definition but not as detail as Yale. The list of sources also focuses more on tips, strategies, examples and consequences of plagiarizing. I have a good understanding on the procedure at CUNY for dealing with charges of plagiarism. Lehman can expel, suspense, fail a student for plagiarizing. I know that blackboard also help professor with identifying plagiarized paper. Get more content on
  • 13. Yale Case Solution 1. How is Yale's investment philosophy reflected in its strategic asset allocation? Yale's investment philosophy is one of the critical factors that played into the success of the fund's performance in the past years. The philosophy is based on 5 principles: focus on equity, diversification, opportunities in inefficient markets, outside managers and alignment of manager's incentives with Yale's interests. In the paragraphs below I will discuss how each of these principles is reflected in the endowment's asset allocation, as shown from Exhibit 1. Yale's belief in equities is reflected through the endowment's heavy allocation in equity from 1985–2010. The weight allocation, however, is heavier in the earlier years (1985–1999) than in more content... As asset allocation has reached the efficient frontier, the role of having superior fund manager is becoming more critical. Manager's selection is a factor that differentiates Yale from other endowments. 3. What are the factors underlying Yale's investment philosophy and process which account for its successful investment performance? [In other words, in business jargon, what are the "value drivers" of the so–called "Yale model"?] The combination of five factors in Yale's investment philosophy plays an important role to Yale's successful investment performance. However, among the five factors, the most critical and non–replicable factors are Yale's ability to identify and invest in inefficient markets and to hire superior managers with aligned incentives; all of which came from expertise and years of experience in the industry. David Swansen's expertise, in particular, plays a big role. The success of the model is attributed to Yale's ability to combine both quantitative analysis (mean–variance analysis) with market judgments to structure its portfolio. In addition, Yale also uses statistical analysis to actively test their models with factors affecting the market, therefore Get more content on
  • 14. Personal Statement: Why I Love Yale I love everything from the small class sizes, one on one attention, and the close–knit community. Yale offers world class professors and state of the art research facilities. The freshman also has the opportunity to conduct original research for projects. In the libraries, even ancient manuscripts and rare books can be found. I also love Yale's Old England feel architecture. Last but not less, Yale makes theirschool affordable by providing financial aid packages that do not require students to take out loans. Yale 100% meets the financial needs of every undergraduate. Get more content on
  • 15. Personal Narrative: My Experience At Yale At Yale, I serve and engage greatly with the East Asian community outside of merely studying Chinese. I am one of two Freshman Liaisons who staff at the Asian American Cultural Center, a job which involves the programming and facilitation of events which celebrate Asian Culture in addition to raising awareness about issues of identity and wellbeing among the Asian community. With the Chinese language more specifically, I am a board member of CASPY, or the Chinese Adopted Siblings Program at Yale, and am currently in contact with staff at the Yale China association in hopes of resurrecting an organized Lion Dance Team on campus. With my positions in the AACC and CASPY especially, I am planning on continuing my work, with the eventual hope of Get more content on
  • 16. Ubc Admission Essay Sample Vancouver School of Economics at UBC. I first found my passion for economics was in high school. I took The Introduction to Economics in grade 12 and I received the grade of 92%. Since then I decided to develop a deep understanding of the economy, therefore, I was enrolled in The Vancouver School of Economics (VSE). Studying in VSE required us to deliver a great number of presentations, which has enhanced my confidence and communication skills. Also, this program has promoted leadership skills and teamwork skills which have prepared me well for further study. In my opinion, learning Economics in more than one countries would be helpful with my academic knowledge and a good image for future occupations. It was this idea that motivated me in my current application for the exchange program at University College London in The United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is a country full of cultural diversity, where ancient buildings sit alongside contemporary architecture. The UK is also famous for academics, it is one of the most popular countries to go for earning a high–quality education. The UK institutions rank among the best in the world. Among which, University College London ranks in one of The G5 Group, it is regarded as one of the world's leading and internationally excellent more content... However, I believe I have the intellectual curiosity and strength of character to be successful in this program. It can not only help me to improve my professional knowledge but also benefits my future careers. I am sure my effective communication skills, sufficient knowledge in my fields, and passion for learning will enable me to achieve my goal in UCL. I have a strong desire to attend the University College London because of its highly–rated reputation, its intellectual faculty, comprehensive course offerings, and rich opportunity resources. I hope to achieve the chance to study at UCL. Thank you for considering my Get more content on
  • 17. Argumentative Essay On Yale In October 2015 the Intercultural Affairs Committee(IAC) sent out an email to Yale students suggesting that they be culturally sensitive with their Halloween costumes for the upcoming campus events. The email called for students to consider who and in what way their costumes may offend. The IAC also remarked that students are free to express themselves while not impacting inclusivity by. (Email from The Intercultural...) An issue arose on Yale's campus, when IAC's suggestion caused students to complain about free speech infringements and in response to the complains Associate Master of Silliman College, Erika Christakis, issued an email, expressing her personal opinion regarding the subject. Christakis wrote that college is not a place to control how students dress, rather a place where students should be free more content... He writes that "political correctness and free–speech on campus–important but largely separate subjects." He compares the treatment of students of color on campuses to the treatment students receive outside of campuses as demonstrated by the tragic deaths of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. He also mentions that the media's coverage of the events that followed the three emails that started the controversy is portraying student demanding equality and inclusivity as rioters disturbing peace on campuses. Cobb notes that the issue has been "long–simmering" and resent events drove students to speak out tones in anger and pain. Most importantly he writes that that speaking out about the rights of "disempowered" is what free–speech is about. (Cobb) Cobb's points emphasize the weakness of Christakis' view of the controversy. She is not considering the reasons behind the email from IAC and seems to be ignorant to the feelings of the Get more content on
  • 18. They stared. "I would prefer UNC to Yale if it's about my career." I stated lastly before standing up and exiting the dining room. As I left, I could hear my parents yelling again – arguing about the college I'd be attending and how much debt they'd be in if I got into either school. I could hear mother screaming, "But how are we supposed to pay for her to go to college if we spend it all on your rehab?!" I stopped in my place and froze. My mother never pulls the rehab card – that's one subject they tend to stay away from when arguing. My father was an alcoholic, and sadly still is, but he has been to rehab about three times now. I say about because he got kicked out for being caught drinking scotch out on the yard during his third time. Get more content on
  • 19. Why I Chose Yale To The Hogwarts-Esque Competition From That's Why I Chose Yale to the Hogwarts–esque competition between which is the best residential college, Yale appealed to me due to not just the exceptional students and highly esteemed professors, but also the quirky nature of its community. With extensive academic and research resources, Yale will drive me to excel in my ambitions and achieve my maximum potential while collaborating with others. Through our integrated efforts, I could broaden my knowledge in several fields and utilize an interdisciplinary approach to my work, allowing me to develop the best possible results in my field of Get more content on