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Fascism In Germany After Ww2
After World War 1 many of the evolved countries went into a depression. It started in Europe, and then made its way to the rest of the world. The war
ended with the treaty of Versailles and put Germany in dept. The German rise to power would begin in September 1919, when Adolf Hitler would join
the political party known as the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. The depression following WW1 was hard on many countries economy, Italy believed that
they had a solution, so they created the form of government known as Fascism. Fascism is a form of government where the ruling government controls
things like economy and distributes states goods evenly. Hitler adopted a similar form of government called
Nazism. Nazism is a form of government where Germans are racially superior and the Fuhrer or leader is the supreme ruler. In order to do so Hitler
became more content...
Hitler managed to completely turn Germany's economy around and began arming Germany. Hitler would go on to make massive, deadly, devastating
weapons, such as Schwerer Gustav (the Gustav Gun), which was a massive 47.3m, by 11.6m, by 7.1m railway gun. The barrel alone was 32.5m long.
He would also build the Landkreuzer P.1000 Ratte tank, a monstrous tank that was 35m, 39m if guns were forward, by 11m, by 14m. Hitler would also
get the Germans out of the reparation. Many things happened during the actual events of WW2 including, but not limited to, the Japanese bombing of
Pearl Harbor, and the constructions of concentration camps. Concentration camps were prisons that the Germans used for most of their prisoners,
including prisoners of war, Jews, Quakers, people with mental illnesses, and homosexuals. Unless you were healthy enough to work the fields, you
were sent to concentration camps were you, and many
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Essay on Fascism
On the 23 March 1919 after a series of Communist demonstrations, the almost forgotten Mussolini decided to attempt to revive his Fasci movement. A
meeting was held in a hall in a Milan and was attended by some fifty malcontents. From this seemingly small and insignificant event the Fascio di
Combattimento' (Combat Group) was born. Initially, it would seem that the Fasci were destined for failure with none of their candidates (including
Mussolini) winning a single seat in the 1919 elections. How was it that a party with no clear programme, save a belief in action of some sort, became
a ruling dictatorship little more than ten years later? By the end of 1919,
Mussolini possessed hardly more than 2% of the vote in Milan, less more content...
Interestingly, they were later to make exactly the same mistake again. The fact that Mussolini's party benefitted greatly by offering action, showed that
political gains could be made from the weakness of the government and from the unrest of the country. It was at this point in 1921 that Gioletti began
searching for allies against the Socialists. The Vatican had turned against him; This was mainly due to the government's proposal to tax the bonds
which were a main form of Church property at the time. As a result Gioletti decided to use Fascist support against the Socialists.
Why did Gioletti decide to use the Fascist's support to combat the
Socialists, when there were many other safer ways of doing so?
Principally, he believed that he could easily dominate Mussolini and once in power again he would discard the tougher elements' among the Fascists.
He made a grave mistake in believing this. In the winter of 1920–21, Mussolini organized his men into squadre d'azione' (squads of action) headed by
local leaders ( ras') like Balbo in Ferrara and
Grandi in Bologna. Primarily, Mussolini's clever planning was demonstrated by his success: His initial campaign of violence against the Socialists led
to 200 dead and 800 wounded in the period between
December 1920 and May 1921. The government, in accordance with its alliance with the Fascists, did little to prevent the violence, and instead saw it
as a cheap way of
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Fascism : The Rise Of Fascism
Fascism is a difficult Ideology to define as it has common elements such as powerful leaders and strong elements of Nationalism. To understand the
rise of Fascism in Germany it is essential to understand the impact of the First World War on every aspect of German economic, social and political
life. The Weimar republic faced significant challenges not the least that it was associated with defeat and the Treaty of Versailles which was
exploited by Hitler in his use of propaganda. The chaotic conditions, the weakness of its opponents and the collusion of elites terrified of communism
all played a role in the rise of Fascism.
The historian Kevin Passmore has pointed out that arriving at a definition of fascism is difficult largely due to "the contradictory nature of fascism"
and the fact that fascists "disagreed amongst themselves about the very essence of their movement." (Passmore, 2002, pg30) He explains that
ideological perspective affects definition and that these perspectives must be considered by those seeking a comprehensive definition (Passmore,
2002, pg23). To Passmore "Fascism is a set of ideologies and practices that seeks to place the nation, defined in exclusive biological, cultural and/or
historical terms above all sources of loyalty and to create a mobilized national community" (Passmore, 2002, pg31). He explains that while fascist
nationalism is reactionary due to its hatred of socialism and feminism it is also a movement of the radical right because of its
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Fascism: A Political Ideology: War I In Germany
Fascism is a political ideology that developed once war I in European nation and Germany. Fascism is characterised by sturdy nationalism, an extreme
level of tyranny, corporatism, militarization and hostility towards each liberalism and Marxism. (Web 2016) Fascism is created of fourteen purpose
that follows. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism from the distinguished displays of flags and bunting to the omnipresent overlap pins,
the fervor to show patriotic nationalism, both on the half of the regime itself and of voters held in its hysteria, was always obvious. Catchy slogans,
pride in the military, and demands for unity were common themes in expressing this nationalism. It was usually including a suspicion of things foreign more content...
It remains a focal issue "around researchers to date. Those Nazi seizure from claiming control can be a discuss on that there would varied elements
from claiming Intuition. Might have been Weimar damned with fail? Completed those republic of Balkan nation have no matter viable different
however all the desire create reinstated Eventually Tom's perusal a one–man rule, or might have been there Associate in Nursing alternative? Or
polemically, might have been potentate toward those straight place, in those right time? A significant range historians have contended that those
democracy of Balkan nation might need been damned from birth, also consequently it may are simply bound that a stronger one gathering may
topple those republic of Balkan nation. However, large parts suggested there could be that is solely the tip of the iceberg of the Nazi seizure
regarding force over Weimar being a feeble republic of Balkan nation. In place with research those issue for if those seizure regarding energy by those
Nazis, might have been an exact results of the disadvantage of the Re Associate in Nursing quantity for inquiries necessity on create
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What Is Fascism?
What is fascism?
Fascism is a hard ideology to define because nearly every modern government or political movement has been called 'fascist' by somebody. (The
writer has directly addressed the essay question in the topic sentence of the first paragraph, noting how it can be identified as being ambiguous, and
how it is difficult to define.)
I contend that fascism was a political movement unique to the early 20th century, especially in Europe, because its worldview was shaped by events
and philosophical ideas from the late 19th century until the interwar period. (Evidence that the writer has considered the words meaning in terms of
context and knowledge of what periods of time are referred as)
Some people have called states more content...
(A meta–description of fascists beliefs, maybe not meta but higher order description). Fascism was a fundamentally violent ideology which praised
war and conflict. (Short, effective sentence which sets up for elaboration.) Both Hitler and Mussolini believed that war was the highest expression of
human ability and society, and sincerely thought that life was a continual (not continuous, edit of the words, and checking of linkages) conflict
between people for limited resources (hence the title of Hitler's autobiography, Mein Kampf). ('my struggle') (Connection between fascism as an
ideology, and key individuals). To fascists, war was a good thing because it let nations or races decide who was the strongest and who deserved the
planet's resources. (A conclusive sentence, rephrasing the idea).
Fascism's insistence on embracing irrationality is one that makes it hard to comprehend; although Hitler and Mussolini wrote their respective
handbooks about fascist beliefs (handbooks is a cognitive metaphor, figure of speech, used to sustain the idea of the previous paragraph), they
ultimately rejected concrete doctrines and
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The Rise of Fascism in Nazi Germany
After the end of World War 1 (WW1), Germany was in charge of
taking full responsibility for the money lost, the mass destruction, and the
lives that were killed. This greatly hindered the German economy, which
brought the whole country down. German soldiers returning home from the
war could not get the supplies they needed to survive and turned to fascism.
Not too long after WW1, the whole world went into a great depression,
which also did not help the German economy recover from their great loss of
money. Germany realized that they needed a new way of getting their wealth
and pride back, so they turned to fascism. The political leader of the
National more content...
Without the help of Speer by his side,
Hitler would have had real problems in trying to maintain the weapons and
ammunition of the Army of Germany. He also would have not been able to
make his ideas of buildings and cities into real tangible objects.
Later on in his life, Speer helped to arrange for the assassination of
Adolph Hitler. Albert Speer was the only one, in high authority, in
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Essay on Fascism
What is Fascism?
Fascism is a 20th century form of nationalistic, militaristic, totalitarian dictatorship that seeks to create a feasible society through strict regimentation of
national and individual lives. Total subordination to the service of the state and unquestioning loyalty to its leader would adjust conflicting interests. It
is a modern political ideology that looks to regenerate the social, economic, and cultural life of a country by basing it on a heightened sense of national
belonging of ethnic identity. Fascism rejects liberal ideas of freedom and individual rights, it often presses for the destruction of elections, legislatures
and other elements of democracy. Despite fascism's idealistic goals, attempts to build more content...
Fascist movements set out to create a new type of total culture in which values; politics, art, social norms and economic activity are all part of a
single organic community. In this way fascism is directly opposed to consevatism. The fascist movements in Italy and Germany also represented
attempts to create revolutionary new modern states. Even though fascist movements try to bring about revolutionary change, they emphasis the
revival of a mythical ethnic, racial or national past. They revise conventional history to create a vision of an idealised past. The mythical histories
claim that former greatness has been destroyed by such developments as the mixing of races, the rise of powerful buisness groups and a loss of a
shared sense of the nation. A fascist movement always asserts that the nation faces a profound crisis. The fascists present the national crisis as
resolvable only through a radical political transformation. They claim the nation has entered a dangerous age of mediocrity, weakness and decline.
They are convinced that through their timely action they can save the nation from itself. Fascists promise that with their help the national crisis will
end and a new age will begin that restores the people to a sense of belonging, purpose and greatness. They believe that the end result of a fascist
revolution will be the emergence of a new man and woman. This
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Fascism: Sacrifice For Peace
For starters as to the development of humanity, fascism does not stands for peace or even believe in peace. It therefore, it discards all sacramoneous
efforts that lead to peace, and views such actions as cowardice. War alone is the only thing that ignites people to the indignities of life, it is much
better than the pale shadow of self–sacrifice for peace. War unites all people; peace does not unite the people, it weakens them. Everything else that
favors peace pales against the indoctrinate of fascism. For it is, war that makes people move and gives them courage to face their fears and fight the
good fight. Repeatedly we have fallen and failed due to trying to be peaceful, and just to our causes when truthfully the individual person just
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Fascism In Russia
After World War One, many people yearned to return to normalcy; however, those desires were rendered by the carnage and destruction caused by
the war. In the twentieth century, fascism was a response to many complicated social challenges and to the spread of Western liberal democracy. For
the growing fascist movements, the period after the First World War was seen as a time to bring change to the nature of society, state, and international
policies and laws. The rise of fascism in Europe started in the early 1900's due to cultural pessimism, the tragic consequences caused by the war, and
the incapability of liberal democratic regimes to cope with the war's consequences. After the Second World War, people can argue that fascism has long more content...
The current global economic and political climate has promoted the question of whether fascism is on the rise again. Vladimir Putin is one of the few
current world leaders who has shown fascist tendencies. Putin's Russia has many elements that are reminiscent of the early 1900's fascism. There are
many similarities between Putin's Russia and the fundamental principles of classical fascism. Putin asserts Russian power by putting pressure on weak
neighboring states, and slams the West's criticism of his policies and actions. By annexing Crimea and supporting pro–Russian separatists in eastern
Ukraine in 2014, Russia was able to justify "its military–patriotic mobilization of society" and the transformation of Russia into a "besieged fortress"
(Motyl, 2016, pg. 29). The annexation of Crimea made Russian citizens feel a wave of vicarious optimism. Putin's 'bully' attitude and aggression are
supposed to manifest Russian ethnic and cultural revitalization after decades of decline. Similar to Mussolini, Putin is building his regime on the
promises of greatness, the display of military force, and the campaign to make Russia great again. Putin's actions and policies provide the Russian
citizens with a sense of national pride, which has been lacking since the post–Soviet era. He continues to pursue strategies and policies that restore
Russian pride while consolidating power and influence in Russia. Putin lacks of interest in engaging with Western politics has also contributed to the
rise of his popularity at
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Fascism Vs Fascism
Plato once wrote, "The heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior to yourself". It would be impossible for him to guess
this quote would be taken very literally among ruler after ruler in history. Unfortunately, not every person who took this piece seriously was the best
choice in leadership. Adolf Hitler of Germany and Benito Mussolini of Italy were leaders who used elements of fascism in order to promote their vision
of a new world. Although they both had similarities in their regimes, they also had great differences in leading their country.
The term fascist is thrown around in politics and heated debates without much respect for how heavy the term truly is. Before diving into the different
extents to which fascism was carried out in Italy and Germany, it is important to take a moment and discuss what the term is. According to
Merriam–Webster dictionary, fascism is a, "political philosophy, movement, or regime... that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that
stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of
opposition", as well as, "a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control". With such a harsh definition, some would
believe it would be simple to create a framework for all fascist dictators, yet that could not be further from the truth. Although it may be difficult to
define fascism to a
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What is Fascism? Essay
What is Fascism?
When the word "fascism" is mentioned people usually associate the word with German Nazis'. There is more to fascism than just German Nazis.'
Fascism is an interesting topic that should be further examined and explained so it is no longer simply associated with German Nazis'. This essay will
explain what fascism is (definition), how fascism groups are run, the ideology of fascism, and some past examples of how fascist governments operated.
Fascism is a form of counter–revolutionary politics that first arose in the early part of the twentieth–century in Europe. It was a response to the rapid
social and political changes brought about by the devastation of World War I and the spread of more content...
Everyone would work for the benefit of the nation and that is all. Regularly this would take place with the merging of the state and business
leadership, with concern only of the nation. This nation would also take care of its members if need should arise. This could be money, shelter, food,
or any other need that might come about.
The ideology of Fascism has been identified with totalitarianism, state terror, arranged violence, and blind obedience. Adolf Hitler established his
own personal ideology of fascism while he was in prison and not yet in power. Mussolini fashioned his ideology after he took control of Italy. Despite
their two different angles on the use of fascism, Hitler and Mussolini both worked similarly on how they would establish their principles in the same
basic manner. Their principles came from basic responses to various issues that other leaders faced.
Fascism was first detected after World War I in Italy. After the war, the people of Italy were ready for a new political aspect. Benito Mussolini was
the man who brought this fascist ideology to Italy. Mussolini has been looking for the perfect opportunity to take complete control of a country and
now was the time to do so. "In 1919 Mussolini and his followers, mostly war veterans, were organized along paramilitary lines and wore black shirts
and uniforms."(Halsall pg.2) After defeats at the polls Mussolini used his new financial backing to clothe a gang of thugs who
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Benito Mussolini's Doctrine of Fascism Essay
Benito Mussolini outlines several essential characteristics of his preferred political ideology, Fascism, in what has become known as the Doctrine of
Fascism. In this paper, Mussolini outlines his vision of the ideology, and explains the major issues that Fascism will address once it becomes the
leading political system in Italy. Mussolini's major points as outlined in the Doctrine included an extreme emphasis on nationalism, organization and
modernization of the state, persistent focus on religion, life as a struggle, and the notion that individuals exist only for the improvement of society as a
whole. Wolfgang Schieder, after reviewing the Doctrine ofFascism, explains Mussolini's success based on it more content...
War is inevitable, as it is simply the manifestation of the strength and vigour of the Italian people that wishes to expand itself, never looking back.
Peace was considered as merely a "mask to surrender and cowardice." Mussolini stressed that Italians required "forces, duty, and sacrifice" in order to
rise again to their former greatness, that of the Roman Empire. This is also Mussolini's rationale for harsh and severe actions against any who would
resist or try and undermine fascism. Finally, there remains perhaps the most basic and yet most profound idea present in the entire doctrine; being the
notion that life is a struggle. The entire doctrine constantly discusses this concept, and in fact Mussolini uses it to justify the entire doctrine. Mussolini
states that, "fascism wants a man to be active and absorbed in action with all his energies," a desire which he considers synonymous with fascism's own
desire to be constantly progressing. Italians were not only encouraged to frequently be taking action, but it was considered their "duty to conquer out of
life what was really worthy to them." Mussolini is essentially stating that he believes that a virtuous Italian should be constantly struggling with his life,
never becoming complacent and always fighting to better himself. Fascism, being an extension of the human spirit, naturally mirrored these qualities.
Wolfgang Schieder, analyzes
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Fascism Research Paper
Fascism in Europe was self–assured of many beliefs present throughout the twenty century which all established their own changes from each other.
Fascism is the genuine dictatorship of confrontation protagonists. During the inter–war period a quantity of Marxist concepts of fascism were
technologically advanced which recognized the working class, or minor position, as the main element in its temperament. More than a few years
earlier Marx's own investigation of the minor position had featured its unique viewpoint, but in the greatest progressive cultures the condition of the
minor circle influences him in the direction of both socialism and capitalism. He is amazed by the development of control of the large league on the
one side, yet he shares in the grief of the societies on the other. During the crunch years of the inter–war period ordinary events were no longer clever of
suppling radical explanations for these individuals. Fascism presented them a demanding substitute which gets rid of public defeats onto the signs of
domestic failure and restitution, proposing people who felt immobilized a common sense of power through revolutionary nationalism and strength
(Wolfreys, 2006).Fascism is a way of shaping a culture where a administration run by a ruler controls the lives of the people and in which people are
not allowed to disagree with the administration, it is also very severe governor
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Fascism Literature Review
Fascism, a form of extreme nationalism, grows by manipulating social contradictions and persecuting other social group with different idea so that
get access to control legislation, military, as well as politics (Turner,1975). It appeared in German, Italy, as well as Japan, known as the chief culprit
of the Second World War. As reported in Adrian (1937), Benito and Mussolini formed veterans and some other Italians who were unsatisfied with Italy
government as the Fascist Party. They were also called "Black Shirts" achieving their aims through violence. In 1933, Hitler hold the post of prime
minister, recognized as the appearance of Nazi, fascism in German and six years after that, leaded by Nazi German, "Old Japanese empire", and Italy,
Fascist alliance declared war to the rest of the world. We suppose the rise of fascism may not leave the assistance from factors that are able to
aggravate social contradictions and during that time, their decline of living standard caused by the Great Depression became a vital element Thus, this
paper will focus on the relationship between the Great Depressions and the rise of fascism. We will analyze the real effect of economic depression on
Italy, German, as well as Japan, and try to figure out what contribute to fascism as economic aspect.
Literature review
Before this paper, I have found a lot of papers relative to my topic. Geary, Dick had finished their research in 1971. As the beginning of this paper, at
the first part of literature
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Fascism As An Effective Form Of Government
People have argued for a long time about which form of economy is best. Some think only one form of economy is the best, some think it depends on
the situation an individual country is in, some think none of them are good. In reality all forms of government and economy work, (Except Anarchism,
as no government is not an effective form of government) depending on the leader, and the situation the country is in. For example Fascism, a
totalitarian form of government where one man is the complete dictator over a country, can theoretically work with a perfect leader. The issue is, you
will not always have a perfect leader. Just like in Fascism, there are many issues and problems in all the other forms of economy and government. The
job each country' more content...
That's the equivalent of a middle class person throwing a quarter into a homeless man's cup every year. And while one hundred thousand dollars
certainly isn't a quarter, but it isn't as much as she could be giving. If she actually cared about helping people, she would give away much more than
that, but she doesn't, because she is greedy, and only gives away enough so that people will call her a good person and fuel her ego, but that's besides
the point. What I am trying to get at is that the only thing rich people are doing is hoarding money, but for what reason? You could suspect it's to invest
and put back into whatever company they own, which will in turn help the people by creating more jobs, but that simply isn't the case. Look to
Mcdonald's for an example. One of the biggest, and definitely the most famous, or infamous, fast food industries in the world. When their employees
demanded more money from them, they merely replaced them with machines. So if their goal is not to make jobs, and is certainly not to have good
service or a quality product, what is it? It's quite simple really, it's to make money. They have the end goal of pleasing the masses just
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Fascism: Annotated Bibliography
Taylor Harris Ms. Ansotegui Accelerated English 9 May 2017 Works Cited "Fascism." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, edited by
William A. Darity, Jr., 2nd ed., vol. 3, Macmillan Reference USA, 2008, pp. 102
–105. World History in Context,
/CX3045300802/WHIC?u=idaho_s_borah&xid=b2913fd0. Accessed 4 May 2017. "Germany, Japan and the UN." Globe & Mail [Toronto, Canada],
13 July 1994, p. A18. Global Issues in Context, Accessed 5 May
2017. "Marshall Plan." The Cold War––1945–1991, Gale, 1992. World History in Context,
/WHIC?u=idaho_s_borah&xid=40c439b6. Accessed 8 May 2017. "Nazism." International
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Fascism is an authoritarian and nationalistic right–wing system of government and social organisation. The ideology had influence in countries such as
Japan, Italy and Germany during the 1930s and 40s. The term was first used of the totalitarian right–wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy from
1922–43. However, generally key components of the ideology include a supremacy of one national ethnic group within society, a contempt for
democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader and a strong demagogic approach. The form fascism takes place in varies from country to
country. However, common characteristics are substantiated on specific beliefs, a political culture and ideology, common political goals, organisation
with a specific character of ideas among the movements.
This essay will explore the various social, economic and political events and circumstances that arose in the early 20th century and together
contributed to the emergence of fascism with reference to Germany specifically. The analysis will explore the impact of WW1, a change in social
structures with ideologies and beliefs, the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and theGreat Depression. The continual crisis year after year in all aspects pushed
German society to turn to fascism as a way off counteracting everything that had carried the state down.
In Germany, nationalism included the racial and cultural purity as a removal method of 'weak people' within the state. Including the sustenance of
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Fascism was a movement from 1922 to 1943 founded by Benito Mussolini, aimed boost Italy's prestige and enable the "spiritual existence of man".
(Sources 1 & 2). Italian fascism initially positively benefited Italy society in 1922 however, it quickly evolved into a brutally violent and totalitarian
dictatorship that continued to negatively impact the Italian society and influence other European dictators until 1943. This essay will explore the
positive outcomes of fascism and how fascism severely impacted Italian society through fascist violence, propaganda.
The utilization of fascist violence had a detrimentally negative impact on Italian society. In Milan 1922, Benito Mussolini formed the Fascist Party
with dissatisfied WWI soldiers and middle– more content...
Mussolini's dictatorship initiated from chaos for Italy due to the social tensions between political parties and his fascist dictatorship initially produced
positive outcomes for the Italians. Mussolini was efficient and successful in modernizing and uniting Italy. He reduced dissatisfaction and extreme
violence within Italian society. Productivity booming, and Italy was united to its former glory. However, anti–fascists believed that he "secured law
and order at the expense of freedom", "That Mussolini influenced Europe, but he mislead his people". (Source 2). A letter written by an Italian citizen,
Gerda Hellberg Catelli, in Rome is effective in providing a demonstration of the perspective of an initial pro–fascist. "Bless Mussolini who swept away
the clique of rotten and selfish and incompetent politicians!... A marvelous movement that was a revolution." The reliability of this source is confirmed
through the credibility of the newspaper, Grand Forks Herald, a daily United States broadsheet newspaper, while the accuracy of the source is ensured
through the sources effective corroboration. (Source 4). Initially Italian fascism had very positive outcomes on Italian
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Example Of Fascism
What is Fascism? By definition fascism is a form of government that is ruled by one person as a dictator often times a violent and aggressive one.
Fascists dictators are against democratic governments, where the people are free and rule. Examples of a famous fascist leaders are Benito Mussolini,
ruler of Italy from nineteen twenty–two to nineteen forty–three and Adolf Hitler, possibly one of if not the most infamous dictators in all of history.
Hitler was a violent dictator of Nazi Germany from nineteen thirty–four to nineteen thirty–five. These two men exemplify everything that fascism
stands for, ruling with fear, aggression, and zero freedom for the people. I would argue that fascism is both an ideology and a method, but at
different times in the rise to power. In the climb and rise to power fascism is a method used to gain people's attention, gain their trust and
ultimately their vote. While in power fascism becomes an ideology in the way that policies and ideas are used to keep people in line, making sure
the people know who's in charge. Exhibiting the power to gain the peoples trust, therefore, keep their trust as strong as ever. An example of a
dictator using fascism as a method to gain support and votes of the people is to simply tell them what they want to hear. If the country's economy
is bad at the time a fascist politician is running for power, they may say how they are going to fix and revamp the economy, so that it never
happens again. Often times they just say things for the attention and votes, fully knowing that they are not going to put any effort into solving the
problem. If they do try, it is not full hearted. They know that as soon as the current problem is fixed they will have to find a new issue to take on.
A dictator needs a cause to ride on the back of in order to gain the peoples trust.. A quote by Adolf Hitler proves this best, "If you tell a big enough
lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed". Once in power I believe that fascism becomes an ideology to keep the people in check. Through
the use of fascist ideas and policies fascist dictators are able to keep people under their control and keep their trust. Hitler used aggression and
intimidation to
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Fascism In Germany After Ww2

  • 1. Fascism In Germany After Ww2 After World War 1 many of the evolved countries went into a depression. It started in Europe, and then made its way to the rest of the world. The war ended with the treaty of Versailles and put Germany in dept. The German rise to power would begin in September 1919, when Adolf Hitler would join the political party known as the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. The depression following WW1 was hard on many countries economy, Italy believed that they had a solution, so they created the form of government known as Fascism. Fascism is a form of government where the ruling government controls things like economy and distributes states goods evenly. Hitler adopted a similar form of government called Nazism. Nazism is a form of government where Germans are racially superior and the Fuhrer or leader is the supreme ruler. In order to do so Hitler became more content... Hitler managed to completely turn Germany's economy around and began arming Germany. Hitler would go on to make massive, deadly, devastating weapons, such as Schwerer Gustav (the Gustav Gun), which was a massive 47.3m, by 11.6m, by 7.1m railway gun. The barrel alone was 32.5m long. He would also build the Landkreuzer P.1000 Ratte tank, a monstrous tank that was 35m, 39m if guns were forward, by 11m, by 14m. Hitler would also get the Germans out of the reparation. Many things happened during the actual events of WW2 including, but not limited to, the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, and the constructions of concentration camps. Concentration camps were prisons that the Germans used for most of their prisoners, including prisoners of war, Jews, Quakers, people with mental illnesses, and homosexuals. Unless you were healthy enough to work the fields, you were sent to concentration camps were you, and many Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Fascism On the 23 March 1919 after a series of Communist demonstrations, the almost forgotten Mussolini decided to attempt to revive his Fasci movement. A meeting was held in a hall in a Milan and was attended by some fifty malcontents. From this seemingly small and insignificant event the Fascio di Combattimento' (Combat Group) was born. Initially, it would seem that the Fasci were destined for failure with none of their candidates (including Mussolini) winning a single seat in the 1919 elections. How was it that a party with no clear programme, save a belief in action of some sort, became a ruling dictatorship little more than ten years later? By the end of 1919, Mussolini possessed hardly more than 2% of the vote in Milan, less more content... Interestingly, they were later to make exactly the same mistake again. The fact that Mussolini's party benefitted greatly by offering action, showed that political gains could be made from the weakness of the government and from the unrest of the country. It was at this point in 1921 that Gioletti began searching for allies against the Socialists. The Vatican had turned against him; This was mainly due to the government's proposal to tax the bonds which were a main form of Church property at the time. As a result Gioletti decided to use Fascist support against the Socialists. Why did Gioletti decide to use the Fascist's support to combat the Socialists, when there were many other safer ways of doing so? Principally, he believed that he could easily dominate Mussolini and once in power again he would discard the tougher elements' among the Fascists. He made a grave mistake in believing this. In the winter of 1920–21, Mussolini organized his men into squadre d'azione' (squads of action) headed by local leaders ( ras') like Balbo in Ferrara and Grandi in Bologna. Primarily, Mussolini's clever planning was demonstrated by his success: His initial campaign of violence against the Socialists led to 200 dead and 800 wounded in the period between December 1920 and May 1921. The government, in accordance with its alliance with the Fascists, did little to prevent the violence, and instead saw it as a cheap way of Get more content on
  • 3. Fascism : The Rise Of Fascism Fascism is a difficult Ideology to define as it has common elements such as powerful leaders and strong elements of Nationalism. To understand the rise of Fascism in Germany it is essential to understand the impact of the First World War on every aspect of German economic, social and political life. The Weimar republic faced significant challenges not the least that it was associated with defeat and the Treaty of Versailles which was exploited by Hitler in his use of propaganda. The chaotic conditions, the weakness of its opponents and the collusion of elites terrified of communism all played a role in the rise of Fascism. The historian Kevin Passmore has pointed out that arriving at a definition of fascism is difficult largely due to "the contradictory nature of fascism" and the fact that fascists "disagreed amongst themselves about the very essence of their movement." (Passmore, 2002, pg30) He explains that ideological perspective affects definition and that these perspectives must be considered by those seeking a comprehensive definition (Passmore, 2002, pg23). To Passmore "Fascism is a set of ideologies and practices that seeks to place the nation, defined in exclusive biological, cultural and/or historical terms above all sources of loyalty and to create a mobilized national community" (Passmore, 2002, pg31). He explains that while fascist nationalism is reactionary due to its hatred of socialism and feminism it is also a movement of the radical right because of its Get more content on
  • 4. Fascism: A Political Ideology: War I In Germany Fascism is a political ideology that developed once war I in European nation and Germany. Fascism is characterised by sturdy nationalism, an extreme level of tyranny, corporatism, militarization and hostility towards each liberalism and Marxism. (Web 2016) Fascism is created of fourteen purpose that follows. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism from the distinguished displays of flags and bunting to the omnipresent overlap pins, the fervor to show patriotic nationalism, both on the half of the regime itself and of voters held in its hysteria, was always obvious. Catchy slogans, pride in the military, and demands for unity were common themes in expressing this nationalism. It was usually including a suspicion of things foreign more content... It remains a focal issue "around researchers to date. Those Nazi seizure from claiming control can be a discuss on that there would varied elements from claiming Intuition. Might have been Weimar damned with fail? Completed those republic of Balkan nation have no matter viable different however all the desire create reinstated Eventually Tom's perusal a one–man rule, or might have been there Associate in Nursing alternative? Or polemically, might have been potentate toward those straight place, in those right time? A significant range historians have contended that those democracy of Balkan nation might need been damned from birth, also consequently it may are simply bound that a stronger one gathering may topple those republic of Balkan nation. However, large parts suggested there could be that is solely the tip of the iceberg of the Nazi seizure regarding force over Weimar being a feeble republic of Balkan nation. In place with research those issue for if those seizure regarding energy by those Nazis, might have been an exact results of the disadvantage of the Re Associate in Nursing quantity for inquiries necessity on create Get more content on
  • 5. What Is Fascism? What is fascism? Fascism is a hard ideology to define because nearly every modern government or political movement has been called 'fascist' by somebody. (The writer has directly addressed the essay question in the topic sentence of the first paragraph, noting how it can be identified as being ambiguous, and how it is difficult to define.) I contend that fascism was a political movement unique to the early 20th century, especially in Europe, because its worldview was shaped by events and philosophical ideas from the late 19th century until the interwar period. (Evidence that the writer has considered the words meaning in terms of context and knowledge of what periods of time are referred as) Some people have called states more content... (A meta–description of fascists beliefs, maybe not meta but higher order description). Fascism was a fundamentally violent ideology which praised war and conflict. (Short, effective sentence which sets up for elaboration.) Both Hitler and Mussolini believed that war was the highest expression of human ability and society, and sincerely thought that life was a continual (not continuous, edit of the words, and checking of linkages) conflict between people for limited resources (hence the title of Hitler's autobiography, Mein Kampf). ('my struggle') (Connection between fascism as an ideology, and key individuals). To fascists, war was a good thing because it let nations or races decide who was the strongest and who deserved the planet's resources. (A conclusive sentence, rephrasing the idea). Fascism's insistence on embracing irrationality is one that makes it hard to comprehend; although Hitler and Mussolini wrote their respective handbooks about fascist beliefs (handbooks is a cognitive metaphor, figure of speech, used to sustain the idea of the previous paragraph), they ultimately rejected concrete doctrines and Get more content on
  • 6. The Rise of Fascism in Nazi Germany After the end of World War 1 (WW1), Germany was in charge of taking full responsibility for the money lost, the mass destruction, and the lives that were killed. This greatly hindered the German economy, which brought the whole country down. German soldiers returning home from the war could not get the supplies they needed to survive and turned to fascism. Not too long after WW1, the whole world went into a great depression, which also did not help the German economy recover from their great loss of money. Germany realized that they needed a new way of getting their wealth and pride back, so they turned to fascism. The political leader of the National more content... Without the help of Speer by his side, Hitler would have had real problems in trying to maintain the weapons and ammunition of the Army of Germany. He also would have not been able to
  • 7. make his ideas of buildings and cities into real tangible objects. Later on in his life, Speer helped to arrange for the assassination of Adolph Hitler. Albert Speer was the only one, in high authority, in Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Fascism What is Fascism? Fascism is a 20th century form of nationalistic, militaristic, totalitarian dictatorship that seeks to create a feasible society through strict regimentation of national and individual lives. Total subordination to the service of the state and unquestioning loyalty to its leader would adjust conflicting interests. It is a modern political ideology that looks to regenerate the social, economic, and cultural life of a country by basing it on a heightened sense of national belonging of ethnic identity. Fascism rejects liberal ideas of freedom and individual rights, it often presses for the destruction of elections, legislatures and other elements of democracy. Despite fascism's idealistic goals, attempts to build more content... Fascist movements set out to create a new type of total culture in which values; politics, art, social norms and economic activity are all part of a single organic community. In this way fascism is directly opposed to consevatism. The fascist movements in Italy and Germany also represented attempts to create revolutionary new modern states. Even though fascist movements try to bring about revolutionary change, they emphasis the revival of a mythical ethnic, racial or national past. They revise conventional history to create a vision of an idealised past. The mythical histories claim that former greatness has been destroyed by such developments as the mixing of races, the rise of powerful buisness groups and a loss of a shared sense of the nation. A fascist movement always asserts that the nation faces a profound crisis. The fascists present the national crisis as resolvable only through a radical political transformation. They claim the nation has entered a dangerous age of mediocrity, weakness and decline. They are convinced that through their timely action they can save the nation from itself. Fascists promise that with their help the national crisis will end and a new age will begin that restores the people to a sense of belonging, purpose and greatness. They believe that the end result of a fascist revolution will be the emergence of a new man and woman. This Get more content on
  • 9. Fascism: Sacrifice For Peace For starters as to the development of humanity, fascism does not stands for peace or even believe in peace. It therefore, it discards all sacramoneous efforts that lead to peace, and views such actions as cowardice. War alone is the only thing that ignites people to the indignities of life, it is much better than the pale shadow of self–sacrifice for peace. War unites all people; peace does not unite the people, it weakens them. Everything else that favors peace pales against the indoctrinate of fascism. For it is, war that makes people move and gives them courage to face their fears and fight the good fight. Repeatedly we have fallen and failed due to trying to be peaceful, and just to our causes when truthfully the individual person just Get more content on
  • 10. Fascism In Russia After World War One, many people yearned to return to normalcy; however, those desires were rendered by the carnage and destruction caused by the war. In the twentieth century, fascism was a response to many complicated social challenges and to the spread of Western liberal democracy. For the growing fascist movements, the period after the First World War was seen as a time to bring change to the nature of society, state, and international policies and laws. The rise of fascism in Europe started in the early 1900's due to cultural pessimism, the tragic consequences caused by the war, and the incapability of liberal democratic regimes to cope with the war's consequences. After the Second World War, people can argue that fascism has long more content... The current global economic and political climate has promoted the question of whether fascism is on the rise again. Vladimir Putin is one of the few current world leaders who has shown fascist tendencies. Putin's Russia has many elements that are reminiscent of the early 1900's fascism. There are many similarities between Putin's Russia and the fundamental principles of classical fascism. Putin asserts Russian power by putting pressure on weak neighboring states, and slams the West's criticism of his policies and actions. By annexing Crimea and supporting pro–Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine in 2014, Russia was able to justify "its military–patriotic mobilization of society" and the transformation of Russia into a "besieged fortress" (Motyl, 2016, pg. 29). The annexation of Crimea made Russian citizens feel a wave of vicarious optimism. Putin's 'bully' attitude and aggression are supposed to manifest Russian ethnic and cultural revitalization after decades of decline. Similar to Mussolini, Putin is building his regime on the promises of greatness, the display of military force, and the campaign to make Russia great again. Putin's actions and policies provide the Russian citizens with a sense of national pride, which has been lacking since the post–Soviet era. He continues to pursue strategies and policies that restore Russian pride while consolidating power and influence in Russia. Putin lacks of interest in engaging with Western politics has also contributed to the rise of his popularity at Get more content on
  • 11. Fascism Vs Fascism Plato once wrote, "The heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior to yourself". It would be impossible for him to guess this quote would be taken very literally among ruler after ruler in history. Unfortunately, not every person who took this piece seriously was the best choice in leadership. Adolf Hitler of Germany and Benito Mussolini of Italy were leaders who used elements of fascism in order to promote their vision of a new world. Although they both had similarities in their regimes, they also had great differences in leading their country. The term fascist is thrown around in politics and heated debates without much respect for how heavy the term truly is. Before diving into the different extents to which fascism was carried out in Italy and Germany, it is important to take a moment and discuss what the term is. According to Merriam–Webster dictionary, fascism is a, "political philosophy, movement, or regime... that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition", as well as, "a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control". With such a harsh definition, some would believe it would be simple to create a framework for all fascist dictators, yet that could not be further from the truth. Although it may be difficult to define fascism to a Get more content on
  • 12. What is Fascism? Essay What is Fascism? When the word "fascism" is mentioned people usually associate the word with German Nazis'. There is more to fascism than just German Nazis.' Fascism is an interesting topic that should be further examined and explained so it is no longer simply associated with German Nazis'. This essay will explain what fascism is (definition), how fascism groups are run, the ideology of fascism, and some past examples of how fascist governments operated. Fascism is a form of counter–revolutionary politics that first arose in the early part of the twentieth–century in Europe. It was a response to the rapid social and political changes brought about by the devastation of World War I and the spread of more content... Everyone would work for the benefit of the nation and that is all. Regularly this would take place with the merging of the state and business leadership, with concern only of the nation. This nation would also take care of its members if need should arise. This could be money, shelter, food, or any other need that might come about. The ideology of Fascism has been identified with totalitarianism, state terror, arranged violence, and blind obedience. Adolf Hitler established his own personal ideology of fascism while he was in prison and not yet in power. Mussolini fashioned his ideology after he took control of Italy. Despite their two different angles on the use of fascism, Hitler and Mussolini both worked similarly on how they would establish their principles in the same basic manner. Their principles came from basic responses to various issues that other leaders faced. Fascism was first detected after World War I in Italy. After the war, the people of Italy were ready for a new political aspect. Benito Mussolini was the man who brought this fascist ideology to Italy. Mussolini has been looking for the perfect opportunity to take complete control of a country and now was the time to do so. "In 1919 Mussolini and his followers, mostly war veterans, were organized along paramilitary lines and wore black shirts and uniforms."(Halsall pg.2) After defeats at the polls Mussolini used his new financial backing to clothe a gang of thugs who Get more content on
  • 13. Benito Mussolini's Doctrine of Fascism Essay DOCTRINE OF FASCISM Benito Mussolini outlines several essential characteristics of his preferred political ideology, Fascism, in what has become known as the Doctrine of Fascism. In this paper, Mussolini outlines his vision of the ideology, and explains the major issues that Fascism will address once it becomes the leading political system in Italy. Mussolini's major points as outlined in the Doctrine included an extreme emphasis on nationalism, organization and modernization of the state, persistent focus on religion, life as a struggle, and the notion that individuals exist only for the improvement of society as a whole. Wolfgang Schieder, after reviewing the Doctrine ofFascism, explains Mussolini's success based on it more content... War is inevitable, as it is simply the manifestation of the strength and vigour of the Italian people that wishes to expand itself, never looking back. Peace was considered as merely a "mask to surrender and cowardice." Mussolini stressed that Italians required "forces, duty, and sacrifice" in order to rise again to their former greatness, that of the Roman Empire. This is also Mussolini's rationale for harsh and severe actions against any who would resist or try and undermine fascism. Finally, there remains perhaps the most basic and yet most profound idea present in the entire doctrine; being the notion that life is a struggle. The entire doctrine constantly discusses this concept, and in fact Mussolini uses it to justify the entire doctrine. Mussolini states that, "fascism wants a man to be active and absorbed in action with all his energies," a desire which he considers synonymous with fascism's own desire to be constantly progressing. Italians were not only encouraged to frequently be taking action, but it was considered their "duty to conquer out of life what was really worthy to them." Mussolini is essentially stating that he believes that a virtuous Italian should be constantly struggling with his life, never becoming complacent and always fighting to better himself. Fascism, being an extension of the human spirit, naturally mirrored these qualities. Wolfgang Schieder, analyzes Get more content on
  • 14. Fascism Research Paper Fascism in Europe was self–assured of many beliefs present throughout the twenty century which all established their own changes from each other. Fascism is the genuine dictatorship of confrontation protagonists. During the inter–war period a quantity of Marxist concepts of fascism were technologically advanced which recognized the working class, or minor position, as the main element in its temperament. More than a few years earlier Marx's own investigation of the minor position had featured its unique viewpoint, but in the greatest progressive cultures the condition of the minor circle influences him in the direction of both socialism and capitalism. He is amazed by the development of control of the large league on the one side, yet he shares in the grief of the societies on the other. During the crunch years of the inter–war period ordinary events were no longer clever of suppling radical explanations for these individuals. Fascism presented them a demanding substitute which gets rid of public defeats onto the signs of domestic failure and restitution, proposing people who felt immobilized a common sense of power through revolutionary nationalism and strength (Wolfreys, 2006).Fascism is a way of shaping a culture where a administration run by a ruler controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the administration, it is also very severe governor Get more content on
  • 15. Fascism Literature Review Fascism, a form of extreme nationalism, grows by manipulating social contradictions and persecuting other social group with different idea so that get access to control legislation, military, as well as politics (Turner,1975). It appeared in German, Italy, as well as Japan, known as the chief culprit of the Second World War. As reported in Adrian (1937), Benito and Mussolini formed veterans and some other Italians who were unsatisfied with Italy government as the Fascist Party. They were also called "Black Shirts" achieving their aims through violence. In 1933, Hitler hold the post of prime minister, recognized as the appearance of Nazi, fascism in German and six years after that, leaded by Nazi German, "Old Japanese empire", and Italy, Fascist alliance declared war to the rest of the world. We suppose the rise of fascism may not leave the assistance from factors that are able to aggravate social contradictions and during that time, their decline of living standard caused by the Great Depression became a vital element Thus, this paper will focus on the relationship between the Great Depressions and the rise of fascism. We will analyze the real effect of economic depression on Italy, German, as well as Japan, and try to figure out what contribute to fascism as economic aspect. Literature review Before this paper, I have found a lot of papers relative to my topic. Geary, Dick had finished their research in 1971. As the beginning of this paper, at the first part of literature Get more content on
  • 16. Fascism As An Effective Form Of Government People have argued for a long time about which form of economy is best. Some think only one form of economy is the best, some think it depends on the situation an individual country is in, some think none of them are good. In reality all forms of government and economy work, (Except Anarchism, as no government is not an effective form of government) depending on the leader, and the situation the country is in. For example Fascism, a totalitarian form of government where one man is the complete dictator over a country, can theoretically work with a perfect leader. The issue is, you will not always have a perfect leader. Just like in Fascism, there are many issues and problems in all the other forms of economy and government. The job each country' more content... That's the equivalent of a middle class person throwing a quarter into a homeless man's cup every year. And while one hundred thousand dollars certainly isn't a quarter, but it isn't as much as she could be giving. If she actually cared about helping people, she would give away much more than that, but she doesn't, because she is greedy, and only gives away enough so that people will call her a good person and fuel her ego, but that's besides the point. What I am trying to get at is that the only thing rich people are doing is hoarding money, but for what reason? You could suspect it's to invest and put back into whatever company they own, which will in turn help the people by creating more jobs, but that simply isn't the case. Look to Mcdonald's for an example. One of the biggest, and definitely the most famous, or infamous, fast food industries in the world. When their employees demanded more money from them, they merely replaced them with machines. So if their goal is not to make jobs, and is certainly not to have good service or a quality product, what is it? It's quite simple really, it's to make money. They have the end goal of pleasing the masses just Get more content on
  • 17. Fascism: Annotated Bibliography Taylor Harris Ms. Ansotegui Accelerated English 9 May 2017 Works Cited "Fascism." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, edited by William A. Darity, Jr., 2nd ed., vol. 3, Macmillan Reference USA, 2008, pp. 102 –105. World History in Context, /CX3045300802/WHIC?u=idaho_s_borah&xid=b2913fd0. Accessed 4 May 2017. "Germany, Japan and the UN." Globe & Mail [Toronto, Canada], 13 July 1994, p. A18. Global Issues in Context, Accessed 5 May 2017. "Marshall Plan." The Cold War––1945–1991, Gale, 1992. World History in Context, /WHIC?u=idaho_s_borah&xid=40c439b6. Accessed 8 May 2017. "Nazism." International Get more content on
  • 18. Fascism is an authoritarian and nationalistic right–wing system of government and social organisation. The ideology had influence in countries such as Japan, Italy and Germany during the 1930s and 40s. The term was first used of the totalitarian right–wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy from 1922–43. However, generally key components of the ideology include a supremacy of one national ethnic group within society, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader and a strong demagogic approach. The form fascism takes place in varies from country to country. However, common characteristics are substantiated on specific beliefs, a political culture and ideology, common political goals, organisation with a specific character of ideas among the movements. This essay will explore the various social, economic and political events and circumstances that arose in the early 20th century and together contributed to the emergence of fascism with reference to Germany specifically. The analysis will explore the impact of WW1, a change in social structures with ideologies and beliefs, the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and theGreat Depression. The continual crisis year after year in all aspects pushed German society to turn to fascism as a way off counteracting everything that had carried the state down. In Germany, nationalism included the racial and cultural purity as a removal method of 'weak people' within the state. Including the sustenance of Get more content on
  • 19. Fascism was a movement from 1922 to 1943 founded by Benito Mussolini, aimed boost Italy's prestige and enable the "spiritual existence of man". (Sources 1 & 2). Italian fascism initially positively benefited Italy society in 1922 however, it quickly evolved into a brutally violent and totalitarian dictatorship that continued to negatively impact the Italian society and influence other European dictators until 1943. This essay will explore the positive outcomes of fascism and how fascism severely impacted Italian society through fascist violence, propaganda. The utilization of fascist violence had a detrimentally negative impact on Italian society. In Milan 1922, Benito Mussolini formed the Fascist Party with dissatisfied WWI soldiers and middle– more content... Mussolini's dictatorship initiated from chaos for Italy due to the social tensions between political parties and his fascist dictatorship initially produced positive outcomes for the Italians. Mussolini was efficient and successful in modernizing and uniting Italy. He reduced dissatisfaction and extreme violence within Italian society. Productivity booming, and Italy was united to its former glory. However, anti–fascists believed that he "secured law and order at the expense of freedom", "That Mussolini influenced Europe, but he mislead his people". (Source 2). A letter written by an Italian citizen, Gerda Hellberg Catelli, in Rome is effective in providing a demonstration of the perspective of an initial pro–fascist. "Bless Mussolini who swept away the clique of rotten and selfish and incompetent politicians!... A marvelous movement that was a revolution." The reliability of this source is confirmed through the credibility of the newspaper, Grand Forks Herald, a daily United States broadsheet newspaper, while the accuracy of the source is ensured through the sources effective corroboration. (Source 4). Initially Italian fascism had very positive outcomes on Italian Get more content on
  • 20. Example Of Fascism What is Fascism? By definition fascism is a form of government that is ruled by one person as a dictator often times a violent and aggressive one. Fascists dictators are against democratic governments, where the people are free and rule. Examples of a famous fascist leaders are Benito Mussolini, ruler of Italy from nineteen twenty–two to nineteen forty–three and Adolf Hitler, possibly one of if not the most infamous dictators in all of history. Hitler was a violent dictator of Nazi Germany from nineteen thirty–four to nineteen thirty–five. These two men exemplify everything that fascism stands for, ruling with fear, aggression, and zero freedom for the people. I would argue that fascism is both an ideology and a method, but at different times in the rise to power. In the climb and rise to power fascism is a method used to gain people's attention, gain their trust and ultimately their vote. While in power fascism becomes an ideology in the way that policies and ideas are used to keep people in line, making sure the people know who's in charge. Exhibiting the power to gain the peoples trust, therefore, keep their trust as strong as ever. An example of a dictator using fascism as a method to gain support and votes of the people is to simply tell them what they want to hear. If the country's economy is bad at the time a fascist politician is running for power, they may say how they are going to fix and revamp the economy, so that it never happens again. Often times they just say things for the attention and votes, fully knowing that they are not going to put any effort into solving the problem. If they do try, it is not full hearted. They know that as soon as the current problem is fixed they will have to find a new issue to take on. A dictator needs a cause to ride on the back of in order to gain the peoples trust.. A quote by Adolf Hitler proves this best, "If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed". Once in power I believe that fascism becomes an ideology to keep the people in check. Through the use of fascist ideas and policies fascist dictators are able to keep people under their control and keep their trust. Hitler used aggression and intimidation to Get more content on