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Unit of Competency: Package Prepared Food Stuff
Module No.: 6 Module Title: Packaging Prepared Food Stuff
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Education
The module covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required
to packaging prepared foodstuffs. It includes storing and transporting
of foods.
After completing this module, you should be to:
1. ensure suitable packaging, storing and transporting food;
2. select packaging appropriate to specific food; and
3. package food according to needs.
Let us determine how much knowledge you have on packaging
prepared foodstuff. Read each of the following questions carefully and
choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in your test
DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct answer to complete the
Sentence and write in your answer sheet.
1. The art, science, and technology of preparing goods for
transport and sale is________
a. containerization
b. food packaging
c. food produce
d. harvesting
2. The following micro orgainism best thrive in high moisture
Except one.
a. bacteria
b. botulinum
c. molds
d. yeast
3. What package is used for transporting bulk products?
a. containerization
b. primary
c. secondary
d. tertiary
4. The process in which foods change in texture, flavor, odor, and
a. bacterial changes
b. chemical changes
c. mechanical changes
d. microbial changes
5. This simply indicates the inverse amount of hydrogen available
In the food system
a. fat content
b. initial microbial food
c. moisture content
d. pH of food
6. This term refer to packaging in barge standardized containers for
Efficient shipping and handling
a. aseptically
b. bulk
c. containerization
d. packaging
7. Which of the following flexible packaging is made from
Wood pulp?
a. cellophane
b. glass
c. metal
d. paper
8. Packaging material which is made from limestone, sand, soda
and ash.
a. cellophane
b. glass
c. metal
d. paper
9. A thin and transport material that is made of cellulose and
Contains variable amount of water and softener.
a. cellophane
b. glass
c. metal
d. paper
10. This packaging material is man made polymers of very high
Molecular weight.
a. cellophane
b. glass
c. metal
d. plastic
The lesson deals with ensuring suitable packaging, storing and
transporting of food. It includes hygiene practices and food safety
regulatory on the storage and transportation of food.
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. control portion practices and principles; and
2. practice hygiene and food safety regulatory on storage
and transportation of food.
Containerization – to package in large standardized containers
or efficient shipping and handling
Bulk – size, mass or volume especially when very large
Aseptically – free of pathogenic micro organism hazard
a possible source of danger
Food Packaging has been defined by paine (1962) as the “art
science and technology of preparing goods for transport and sale”.
More specifically, it is a way of making sure that a product reaches
the end user in good condition at the least cost to the producer. In
effect, a packaging material provides the means of transporting a
product from one place to another with maximum protection at the
least cost. With this in mind, one may note, that in agricultural
nations, the first function of packaging lies in its ability to contain
agricultural products from the time of harvest to the point of use by
the consumer. Basic knowledge of food packaging would at once
appear most important. Post harvest handling, which includes choice
of packages, plays a major role in the guest for maximum utilization of
farm produce. For example fruits as sensitive as strawberries need
very protective containers from the time of harvest to the time they are
package for sale. This need for effective protection is generally true for
the most fruits and vegetables it is known that much farm losses are
traceable to poor handling and containerization in the farm site.
Portion control practices and principles
A package is expected to perform three major functions;
a) To contain – During harvest at the farm site, packages could
mean crates, baskets, boxes and the like to contain the farm
produce in bulk. These are also necessary to allow for stacking
the products in their containers for storage at the warehouse or
while awaiting transport, distribution or actual use.
At the food processing plant, the function of the
Package changes from concern mainly with bulk containers to
Its use as a unit pack. Users of food product for household
Consumption may need the goods in smaller packages.
Consumers generally have varied volume requirements for food
Products. Hence, packages are made to fit their need by
Allowing them to contain different quantities of food.
b) To protect – When rough handling of perishable foods are
minimized, speed of deterioration slows down. This is clearly
observed with the farm products which have been given effective
protection through proper use of the right containers.
c) To help sell – Some authorities say that more than 60% of the
cost of its package. This is especially so for bottled soft drinks,
aseptically packed fruit juices, wines in ceramic bottles, etc.
generally, consumers get attracted first to beauty, novelty or
additional utility of packaging materials. Many chocolate
candies outsell each other through their package presentations.
The package itself helps in product promotion. The more
Attractive it is, the greater the chances it will be noticed.
Storing and transporting of food
This is particularly important in designing the shipping
container. One has to consider:
a) The hazards of loading and unloading
b) Movement in vehicles
c) The warehousing methods and the environmental conditions
like relative humidity and temperature changes.
Food is packed in terms of quality, shelf life, microbial condition
And portion control. Spoilage of food is caused by poor packaging of
a) pH of food- it simply indicates the inverse amount of hydrogen
ion available in the food system. This often times associated
with acidity of food. Thus, foods with high amounts of
hydrogen ion have low pH and this is considered to have
acidic taste. For instance, green mangoes have generally
lower pH (Ph below 4.0) and therefore have high acidity.
b) Moisture content – this is related to the physical state of the
food itself. Products with very high moisture could be those
in liquid form, while those with very low free moisture could
be dried or frozen. This product component is very important
relative to food spoilage. The higher the moisture content, the
greater the chances for microbial growth and chemical
c) Amount and nature of fat content – chemical processes also
accelerate breakdown of fats on food. Thus, products with
high fat content like oils, butter, soft cheese, fried foods and
the like tend to spoil fast when inadequately packaged.
Exposure to the atmosphere causes rapid oxidation breaking
down the fat into free fatty acids in food. The faster the
breakdown, the greater the chances of development of
d) Enzyme system – is a chemical processes like fermentation
and hydrolysis occur in high moisture food, especially in the
presence of oxygen of ambient tropical temperature. When
foods undergo these processes, they change in texture,
flavor, odor and color. Under these conditions, the product
may already be considered spoiled.
e) Initial Microbial load – micro organisms thrive best in high
moisture foods. Thus, molds, yeast, and bacteria grow fastest
in food with the hight moisture content.
A package can be classified according to its use as follows;
a) As a primary package – this type of package is meant to
directly contain the product. Hence, it gets in direct contact
with the goods. Thus, for food, this package is expected to
meet all the requirements for safety and protection of the
consumers, tetra packs or canned food packages
b) As a secondary package – this is utilized to contain a specified
number of unit packs. Thus, it may contain a dozen tetra
packs or 2 dozen of tin cans or a gross of candies and so on.
Its major function is to allow for the unit packs to be carried
in bulk.
c) As a tertiary package – when transporting in bulk, the
secondary package may have to be packed again for greater
protection and for bulk transfer. Use of tertiary package is
normally for bulk transport or storage in large warehouse.
It may thus, be again recalled that the three major functions of
packaging material are to contain, to protect, and to help sell the
1. Present/demonstrate classification of food packaging:
2. Make a report on how to pack food according to the criteria
In food packaging
 Supplies and material
- Boxes
- Plastic or cellphone
- Aluminum foil
- Packaging
- Plastic containers
 Equipment
- Refrigeration
- Freezer
- Modules
- Hand-outs
- Brochures
Gatchalian, M. M. De Leon, S.Y.,
Introduction to Food Technology
pp. 336-374
The lesson deals with selecting packaging, appropriate to
different food items.
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Perform safe packaging within food safety requirements and
regulations; and
2. Select and use suitable packaging materials and methods
for different food items,
Compatible – capable of existing of functioning well with another
Lump - an irregularly shaped mass or piece
Impermeable – impossible to spread or pass through
Requirements for packaging
There are a number of packaging materials available to the
manufacturer. In choosing, it would be wise to consider the
requirement for packaging of food.
1. It must be simple and expensive. Packaging is and added
cost to the product; hence, its cost should be compatible
with the value of the product. Also, bear in mind that the
consumer is usually interested only in the product and
not in its package.
2. It must preferably be transparent and have glossy surfaces
to attract consumer. Consumers prefer to see what they are
buying, otherwise, they would think that they are being
cheated. Hence, products which are sensitive to light should
be packed in transparent material. Foods which are rich in
fat may be wrapped or contained in materials which is not
3. It must have control over transfer or moisture. Flour mixes
or soup mixes must be packed in a material does not allow
entry of water vapor from the atmosphere to prevent
lumping or caking. Some foods are allowed to escape their
moisture to avoid sweating and condensation of water vapor.
4. It must have control over transfer of other gases/vapors.
Fruits and vegetables continue to respire after harvest a
process where they give up oxygen may result to
fermentation and too high carbon dioxide may injure fruits.
In some instances, where the packaging material does not
allow adequate gas transfer, it may be perforated.
5. It must be protect the food from crushing. This is
particularly important for the shipping of secondary
6. It must not contain any toxic constituents. This is especially
important if the material comes in direct contact with the
7. It must be able to withstand a wide temperature range in
storage and use. Frozen foods must be packed in material
that can tolerate storage temperature of 18% or lower.
Characteristics of different packaging material
1. Flexible packaging
a) Cellophane – a thin and transparent material that is made
of cellulose and contains variable amount of water
and softener. Cellophane is used to wrap baked good
confectionary, snack foods, processed meats, coffee
and tea, pasta products and wet produce
b) Plastics – are man made polymers of very high molecular
weight. Because of their excellent physical properties
(e.g. strength and toughness), flexibility light weight
and resistance to cracking, plastics have found wide
applications in the food industry. The basic polymer
material with the necessary additives can be
converted into various forms: films, trays, tubs,
pouches, sachets, blister packs and shrink wraps.
c) Paper and paperboard – are materials made from wood
pulp. The former is usually thinner than the latter,
possesses less rigidity and strength, and is more
flexible. Initially, paper was only used for dry foods
because it could not retain its strength under wet
conditions. Nowadays, has improved its manufacture
which made it resistant to moisture, gases and grease.
2. Rigid packaging materials – the world rigid connotes
hardness and inflexibility. This describes those packaging
materials which are pre-formed, generally cannot be folded
and has a definite volume for its content. They are classified.
a. Glass – made from limestone, sand, soda, and ash. These
components are melted together at a room
temperature of about 1527.8˚C (2800 ˚F) in a very
large surface. Glass is chemically insert that is does
not react with the food. Once sealed, it is impermeable
to moisture and gases. It may also be reclosed after
b. Metal – tinplate and aluminum belong to this group. Tin
cans are not as chemically insert as glass containers.
They can corrode with time and impart a “thinning
flavor and an off-color to food. Tin cans are lighter
than glass containers. They are not prone to thermal
shock. Upon sealing, it is imposible to gases and
moisture. Aluminum on the other hand, is widely used
as cans, as foil wrapper for dairy products (butter,
chesse) and chocolate, as a component of laminates
and as tubes. An aluminum can is lighter in weight
than a tin can. Aluminum is non toxic and is a good
barrier to light, gas, moisture and odors.
When packing food products, the type of packaging materials
and its characteristics must be considered. Different food products
need different type of packaging materials
On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions:
1. What are the types of packaging materials?
2. Identify the characteristics and uses of packaging materials.
1. Present different types of packaging materials.
2. Identify the characteristics of each type.
Supplies and materials
- Boxes
- Cellophane
- Aluminum foil
- Plastic containers
The lesson deals with packaging food according to needs.
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Pack food in compliance with hygiene, occupational
health and safety and local health regulations
2. Observe environmental requirements for food packaging;
3. Adapt appropriate packaging procedures according to
enterprise specifications; and
4. Label the food according to Philippine regulations.
Some suggestions on how to store and transport food safely and
1. Use clean and sturdy wooden pallets, stack the cartons on
The pallets properly.
2. Improperly or disorganized stacking may cause uneven
distribution of weight that may damage stocks.
3. When transporting cartons, stack them tightly to avoid
unnecessary movement inside the truck during
transport. On joint shipment with other products like
canned goods, stack the cartons on top.
Designing a Package for Food
One has to consider three things about the food product when
designing a package.
1. Product properties – consider the factors of potential
“damageability” of the product to be packaged.
2. Method of distribution – one has to consider
 Hazards of loading and unloading
 Movement in vehicles
 Warehousing methods and the environmental
conditions like relative humidity and temperature
Food is packed in compliance with hygienic practices, food safety
regulations on storing and transporting food and the design required for
food packaging areas.
On a separate sheet, explain clearly and briefly the following:
1. What are the hygiene and food safety practices for storing
and transporting food?
2. What is the best functional food packaging design?
1. Create guidelines on hygienic practices for storing and
transporting food?
2. What is the best functional food packaging design?
Supplies and materials
- Plastics
- Cellophane
- Aluminum foil
- Cling wrap/ dining wrap
- Boxes
- Packaging tapes
- Plastic containers
Gatchalian, M. M., De Leon S.Y.,. Introduction to Food Technology
DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct answer to complete the
Sentence and write in your answer sheet.
2. The art, science, and technology of preparing goods for
transport and sale is________
e. containerization
f. food packaging
g. food produce
h. harvesting
2. The following micro orgainism best thrive in high moisture
Except one.
e. bacteria
f. botulinum
g. molds
h. yeast
3. What package is used for transporting bulk products?
e. containerization
f. primary
g. secondary
h. tertiary
4. The process in which foods change in texture, flavor, odor, and
e. bacterial changes
f. chemical changes
g. mechanical changes
h. microbial changes
5. This simply indicates the inverse amount of hydrogen available
In the food system
e. fat content
f. initial microbial food
g. moisture content
h. pH of food
6. This term refer to packaging in barge standardized containers for
Efficient shipping and handling
c. aseptically
d. bulk
c. containerization
d. packaging
7. Which of the following flexible packaging is made from
Wood pulp?
e. cellophane
f. glass
g. metal
h. paper
8. Packaging material which is made from limestone, sand, soda
and ash.
a. cellophane
b. glass
c. metal
d. paper
9. A thin and transport material that is made of cellulose and
Contains variable amount of water and softener.
a. cellophane
b. glass
c. metal
d. paper
10. This packaging material is man made polymers of very high
Molecular weight.
a. cellophane
b. glass
c. metal
d. plastic
Key to Correction
Pre-test and Post-test
1. b
2. a
3. d
4. b
5. d
6. c
7. d
8. b
9. a
10. d

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COOKERY 9 Q3 assessment -lo1

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Y4 module 6 - package prepared food stuff

  • 1. 1 Unit of Competency: Package Prepared Food Stuff Module No.: 6 Module Title: Packaging Prepared Food Stuff Republic of the Philippines Department of the Education PUBLIC TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLS
  • 2. 2 WHAT IS THIS MODULE ABOUT? The module covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to packaging prepared foodstuffs. It includes storing and transporting of foods. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN? After completing this module, you should be to: 1. ensure suitable packaging, storing and transporting food; 2. select packaging appropriate to specific food; and 3. package food according to needs. WHAT DO YOU KNOW? Let us determine how much knowledge you have on packaging prepared foodstuff. Read each of the following questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in your test notebook. Pre-test DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct answer to complete the Sentence and write in your answer sheet. 1. The art, science, and technology of preparing goods for transport and sale is________ a. containerization b. food packaging c. food produce d. harvesting 2. The following micro orgainism best thrive in high moisture Except one. a. bacteria b. botulinum c. molds d. yeast 3. What package is used for transporting bulk products? a. containerization b. primary c. secondary d. tertiary
  • 3. 3 4. The process in which foods change in texture, flavor, odor, and color a. bacterial changes b. chemical changes c. mechanical changes d. microbial changes 5. This simply indicates the inverse amount of hydrogen available In the food system a. fat content b. initial microbial food c. moisture content d. pH of food 6. This term refer to packaging in barge standardized containers for Efficient shipping and handling a. aseptically b. bulk c. containerization d. packaging 7. Which of the following flexible packaging is made from Wood pulp? a. cellophane b. glass c. metal d. paper 8. Packaging material which is made from limestone, sand, soda and ash. a. cellophane b. glass c. metal d. paper 9. A thin and transport material that is made of cellulose and Contains variable amount of water and softener. a. cellophane b. glass c. metal d. paper 10. This packaging material is man made polymers of very high Molecular weight. a. cellophane b. glass c. metal
  • 4. 4 d. plastic LESSON 1 ENSURING SUITABLE PACKAGING, STORING AND TRANSPORTING OF FOOD WHAT IS THIS LESSON ABOUT? The lesson deals with ensuring suitable packaging, storing and transporting of food. It includes hygiene practices and food safety regulatory on the storage and transportation of food. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN? At the end of the lesson, you should be able to: 1. control portion practices and principles; and 2. practice hygiene and food safety regulatory on storage and transportation of food. LET US STUDY Containerization – to package in large standardized containers or efficient shipping and handling Bulk – size, mass or volume especially when very large Aseptically – free of pathogenic micro organism hazard a possible source of danger Food Packaging has been defined by paine (1962) as the “art science and technology of preparing goods for transport and sale”. More specifically, it is a way of making sure that a product reaches the end user in good condition at the least cost to the producer. In effect, a packaging material provides the means of transporting a product from one place to another with maximum protection at the least cost. With this in mind, one may note, that in agricultural nations, the first function of packaging lies in its ability to contain agricultural products from the time of harvest to the point of use by the consumer. Basic knowledge of food packaging would at once appear most important. Post harvest handling, which includes choice of packages, plays a major role in the guest for maximum utilization of farm produce. For example fruits as sensitive as strawberries need very protective containers from the time of harvest to the time they are package for sale. This need for effective protection is generally true for
  • 5. 5 the most fruits and vegetables it is known that much farm losses are traceable to poor handling and containerization in the farm site. Portion control practices and principles A package is expected to perform three major functions; a) To contain – During harvest at the farm site, packages could mean crates, baskets, boxes and the like to contain the farm produce in bulk. These are also necessary to allow for stacking the products in their containers for storage at the warehouse or while awaiting transport, distribution or actual use. At the food processing plant, the function of the Package changes from concern mainly with bulk containers to Its use as a unit pack. Users of food product for household Consumption may need the goods in smaller packages. Consumers generally have varied volume requirements for food Products. Hence, packages are made to fit their need by Allowing them to contain different quantities of food. b) To protect – When rough handling of perishable foods are minimized, speed of deterioration slows down. This is clearly observed with the farm products which have been given effective protection through proper use of the right containers. c) To help sell – Some authorities say that more than 60% of the cost of its package. This is especially so for bottled soft drinks, aseptically packed fruit juices, wines in ceramic bottles, etc. generally, consumers get attracted first to beauty, novelty or additional utility of packaging materials. Many chocolate candies outsell each other through their package presentations. The package itself helps in product promotion. The more Attractive it is, the greater the chances it will be noticed. Storing and transporting of food This is particularly important in designing the shipping container. One has to consider: a) The hazards of loading and unloading b) Movement in vehicles c) The warehousing methods and the environmental conditions like relative humidity and temperature changes.
  • 6. 6 Food is packed in terms of quality, shelf life, microbial condition And portion control. Spoilage of food is caused by poor packaging of food. a) pH of food- it simply indicates the inverse amount of hydrogen ion available in the food system. This often times associated with acidity of food. Thus, foods with high amounts of hydrogen ion have low pH and this is considered to have acidic taste. For instance, green mangoes have generally lower pH (Ph below 4.0) and therefore have high acidity. b) Moisture content – this is related to the physical state of the food itself. Products with very high moisture could be those in liquid form, while those with very low free moisture could be dried or frozen. This product component is very important relative to food spoilage. The higher the moisture content, the greater the chances for microbial growth and chemical changes. c) Amount and nature of fat content – chemical processes also accelerate breakdown of fats on food. Thus, products with high fat content like oils, butter, soft cheese, fried foods and the like tend to spoil fast when inadequately packaged. Exposure to the atmosphere causes rapid oxidation breaking down the fat into free fatty acids in food. The faster the breakdown, the greater the chances of development of rancidity. d) Enzyme system – is a chemical processes like fermentation and hydrolysis occur in high moisture food, especially in the presence of oxygen of ambient tropical temperature. When foods undergo these processes, they change in texture, flavor, odor and color. Under these conditions, the product may already be considered spoiled. e) Initial Microbial load – micro organisms thrive best in high moisture foods. Thus, molds, yeast, and bacteria grow fastest in food with the hight moisture content. Terms Rancidity Hydrolysis
  • 7. 7 Ambient A package can be classified according to its use as follows; a) As a primary package – this type of package is meant to directly contain the product. Hence, it gets in direct contact with the goods. Thus, for food, this package is expected to meet all the requirements for safety and protection of the consumers, tetra packs or canned food packages b) As a secondary package – this is utilized to contain a specified number of unit packs. Thus, it may contain a dozen tetra packs or 2 dozen of tin cans or a gross of candies and so on. Its major function is to allow for the unit packs to be carried in bulk. c) As a tertiary package – when transporting in bulk, the secondary package may have to be packed again for greater protection and for bulk transfer. Use of tertiary package is normally for bulk transport or storage in large warehouse. LET US REMEMBER It may thus, be again recalled that the three major functions of packaging material are to contain, to protect, and to help sell the product.
  • 8. 8 LET US APPLY WHAT YOU WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED 1. Present/demonstrate classification of food packaging: -primary -secondary -tertiary 2. Make a report on how to pack food according to the criteria In food packaging RESOURCES  Supplies and material - Boxes - Plastic or cellphone - Aluminum foil - Packaging - Plastic containers  Equipment - Refrigeration - Freezer REFERENCES - Modules - Hand-outs - Brochures Gatchalian, M. M. De Leon, S.Y., Introduction to Food Technology pp. 336-374
  • 9. 9 LESSON 2 SELECTING APPROPRIATE PACKAGING MATERIAL TO SPECIFIC FOODSTUFF WHAT IS THE LESSON ABOUT? The lesson deals with selecting packaging, appropriate to different food items. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN? At the end of the lesson, you should be able to: 1. Perform safe packaging within food safety requirements and regulations; and 2. Select and use suitable packaging materials and methods for different food items, LET US STUDY Compatible – capable of existing of functioning well with another Lump - an irregularly shaped mass or piece Impermeable – impossible to spread or pass through Requirements for packaging There are a number of packaging materials available to the manufacturer. In choosing, it would be wise to consider the requirement for packaging of food. 1. It must be simple and expensive. Packaging is and added cost to the product; hence, its cost should be compatible with the value of the product. Also, bear in mind that the
  • 10. 10 consumer is usually interested only in the product and not in its package. 2. It must preferably be transparent and have glossy surfaces to attract consumer. Consumers prefer to see what they are buying, otherwise, they would think that they are being cheated. Hence, products which are sensitive to light should be packed in transparent material. Foods which are rich in fat may be wrapped or contained in materials which is not transparent. 3. It must have control over transfer or moisture. Flour mixes or soup mixes must be packed in a material does not allow entry of water vapor from the atmosphere to prevent lumping or caking. Some foods are allowed to escape their moisture to avoid sweating and condensation of water vapor. 4. It must have control over transfer of other gases/vapors. Fruits and vegetables continue to respire after harvest a process where they give up oxygen may result to fermentation and too high carbon dioxide may injure fruits. In some instances, where the packaging material does not allow adequate gas transfer, it may be perforated. 5. It must be protect the food from crushing. This is particularly important for the shipping of secondary container. 6. It must not contain any toxic constituents. This is especially important if the material comes in direct contact with the food. 7. It must be able to withstand a wide temperature range in storage and use. Frozen foods must be packed in material that can tolerate storage temperature of 18% or lower.
  • 11. 11 Characteristics of different packaging material 1. Flexible packaging a) Cellophane – a thin and transparent material that is made of cellulose and contains variable amount of water and softener. Cellophane is used to wrap baked good confectionary, snack foods, processed meats, coffee and tea, pasta products and wet produce b) Plastics – are man made polymers of very high molecular weight. Because of their excellent physical properties (e.g. strength and toughness), flexibility light weight and resistance to cracking, plastics have found wide applications in the food industry. The basic polymer material with the necessary additives can be converted into various forms: films, trays, tubs, pouches, sachets, blister packs and shrink wraps. c) Paper and paperboard – are materials made from wood pulp. The former is usually thinner than the latter, possesses less rigidity and strength, and is more flexible. Initially, paper was only used for dry foods because it could not retain its strength under wet conditions. Nowadays, has improved its manufacture which made it resistant to moisture, gases and grease.
  • 12. 12 2. Rigid packaging materials – the world rigid connotes hardness and inflexibility. This describes those packaging materials which are pre-formed, generally cannot be folded and has a definite volume for its content. They are classified. a. Glass – made from limestone, sand, soda, and ash. These components are melted together at a room temperature of about 1527.8˚C (2800 ˚F) in a very large surface. Glass is chemically insert that is does not react with the food. Once sealed, it is impermeable to moisture and gases. It may also be reclosed after opening. b. Metal – tinplate and aluminum belong to this group. Tin cans are not as chemically insert as glass containers. They can corrode with time and impart a “thinning flavor and an off-color to food. Tin cans are lighter than glass containers. They are not prone to thermal shock. Upon sealing, it is imposible to gases and moisture. Aluminum on the other hand, is widely used as cans, as foil wrapper for dairy products (butter, chesse) and chocolate, as a component of laminates and as tubes. An aluminum can is lighter in weight than a tin can. Aluminum is non toxic and is a good barrier to light, gas, moisture and odors. LET US REMEMBER When packing food products, the type of packaging materials and its characteristics must be considered. Different food products need different type of packaging materials HOW MUCH HAVE YOU LEARNED? On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions: 1. What are the types of packaging materials? 2. Identify the characteristics and uses of packaging materials. LET US APPLY WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED Directions: 1. Present different types of packaging materials. 2. Identify the characteristics of each type. RESOURCES: Supplies and materials - Boxes
  • 13. 13 - Cellophane - Aluminum foil - Plastic containers LESSON 3 PACKAGING FOOD ACCORDING TO NEEDS WHAT IS THE LESSON ABOUT? The lesson deals with packaging food according to needs. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN? At the end of the lesson, you should be able to: 1. Pack food in compliance with hygiene, occupational health and safety and local health regulations requirements; 2. Observe environmental requirements for food packaging; 3. Adapt appropriate packaging procedures according to enterprise specifications; and 4. Label the food according to Philippine regulations. LET US STUDY Some suggestions on how to store and transport food safely and hygienically: 1. Use clean and sturdy wooden pallets, stack the cartons on The pallets properly. 2. Improperly or disorganized stacking may cause uneven distribution of weight that may damage stocks. 3. When transporting cartons, stack them tightly to avoid unnecessary movement inside the truck during transport. On joint shipment with other products like canned goods, stack the cartons on top.
  • 14. 14 Designing a Package for Food One has to consider three things about the food product when designing a package. 1. Product properties – consider the factors of potential “damageability” of the product to be packaged. 2. Method of distribution – one has to consider  Hazards of loading and unloading  Movement in vehicles  Warehousing methods and the environmental conditions like relative humidity and temperature changes. LET US REMEMBER Food is packed in compliance with hygienic practices, food safety regulations on storing and transporting food and the design required for food packaging areas. HOW MUCH HAVE YOU LEARNED? On a separate sheet, explain clearly and briefly the following: 1. What are the hygiene and food safety practices for storing and transporting food? 2. What is the best functional food packaging design? LET US APPLY WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED Direction: 1. Create guidelines on hygienic practices for storing and transporting food? 2. What is the best functional food packaging design? RESOURCES Supplies and materials - Plastics - Cellophane - Aluminum foil - Cling wrap/ dining wrap - Boxes - Packaging tapes - Plastic containers - REFERENCES Gatchalian, M. M., De Leon S.Y.,. Introduction to Food Technology
  • 15. 15 Pre-test DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct answer to complete the Sentence and write in your answer sheet. 2. The art, science, and technology of preparing goods for transport and sale is________ e. containerization f. food packaging g. food produce h. harvesting 2. The following micro orgainism best thrive in high moisture Except one. e. bacteria f. botulinum g. molds h. yeast 3. What package is used for transporting bulk products? e. containerization f. primary g. secondary h. tertiary 4. The process in which foods change in texture, flavor, odor, and color e. bacterial changes f. chemical changes g. mechanical changes h. microbial changes 5. This simply indicates the inverse amount of hydrogen available In the food system e. fat content f. initial microbial food g. moisture content h. pH of food 6. This term refer to packaging in barge standardized containers for Efficient shipping and handling c. aseptically d. bulk c. containerization d. packaging
  • 16. 16 7. Which of the following flexible packaging is made from Wood pulp? e. cellophane f. glass g. metal h. paper 8. Packaging material which is made from limestone, sand, soda and ash. a. cellophane b. glass c. metal d. paper 9. A thin and transport material that is made of cellulose and Contains variable amount of water and softener. a. cellophane b. glass c. metal d. paper 10. This packaging material is man made polymers of very high Molecular weight. a. cellophane b. glass c. metal d. plastic
  • 17. 17 Key to Correction Pre-test and Post-test 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. d 6. c 7. d 8. b 9. a 10. d