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Summer 2009

                          The Community Gardening Newsletter
                            Published by the Community Gardening Program of Ohio State University Extension, Cuyahoga County

Cooking in the Garden
by Becky Orenstein, Student Position

H      alf of the fun of gardening is enjoying the fruits of your labor. We all love gardening, but
       do not always know what to do with our vegetables when harvest time rolls around. Fresh
vegetables are always delicious when eaten on their own, but we often run out of ideas on how to
prepare our produce once it is picked. Who better to give suggestions than a chef? There will be
two “Cooking in the Garden” workshops this summer, each featuring a chef who will give a free
cooking lesson! Not only will you be able to sample professionally prepared food, you will learn
how to make it at home! Each dish prepared will highlight a
vegetable and give you creative ideas on how to make the most of
your hard work in the garden. In addition to the cooking portion
of the workshop, there will be an informative section focused on
the health benefits of different fruits and vegetables. We often
forget how valuable the nutrients in fruits and vegetables are to
the proper functioning of our bodies. Each “Cooking in the
Garden” workshop will include a potluck meal so you will have
the opportunity to showcase your favorite dish prepared with fresh
fruits or vegetables. Last year, gardeners brought everything from
zucchini soup to tomato wine. Bring your recipe and swap with                                                        Chef Andy at Brighter Side
                                                                                                                       Garden August, 2008
your fellow gardeners!
    There will be two “Cooking in the Garden” workshops:
       June 18th (East Side)        August 27th (West Side)
       6:00-8:00 p.m.               6:00-8:00 p.m.
       Paul Revere Garden           El Sol Garden
       10334 Gay Ave.               3202 Woodbridge                           Joy at Garfield Garden July, 2008
    Come to one, or both! Last year’s “Cooking in the Garden” workshops featured great food and great company. They are
the perfect opportunity to mingle with fellow gardeners, see a garden you might not have seen before, and pick up some new

            Community Gardening Plant a Row Project Update
                      PLANT EXTRA!                   PLANT EXTRA!                    PLANT EXTRA!

Please Help the Hungry. The new Master Gardener Community Gardening Committee is looking for gardeners to
participate in the Plant a Row for the Hungry Project. This project is a national program that has contributed millions
of pounds of fresh produce to hunger centers across the country and we want Cuyahoga County Master Gardeners and
Community Gardeners to be a part of this effort. We need YOU to plant an extra row of vegetables for the hungry of
Cleveland. The need is greater than ever because of the current economy. When planning your garden please plant
extra for the Cleveland Foodbank and local food pantries!
There are three ways to help:
    Plant, harvest and deliver your fresh produce to the hunger center of your choice.
    Please weigh the produce and report the amount you donate to Master Gardener Gwen
    Morgan at or 440-823-1591 (cell) or 440-423-0225 (home) so we can track how
    much we give. Your donations are tax deductible. Contact Gwen for a receipt.
    Plant, harvest and deliver your fresh produce to a drop-off point in your area. The volunteer at the drop-off point
    will deliver contributions to the Cleveland Foodbank and/or food pantries. This volunteer will also weigh all
                                                                                                           SEE    PLANT A ROW PAGE 5
Page 2                               T h e C o m m u n i t y G a r d e n i n g N e ws l e t t e r                                Summer 2009

Healthy Eating, Active Living in Ward One                                   Grant Opportunity
by Amanda Block, Program Assistant                                          Gardenburger™ Community Garden Grants
    OSU Extension (OSUE) and the Harvard                                        This program provides necessary support to
                                                                            organizations looking to sustain or create a community
Community Service Center
                                                                            gardening project in their neighborhood that will provide
are delighted to announce                                                   community residents and neighborhoods with improved
five new community gardens                                                  health, vitality and quality of life that comes from access
in Cleveland’s Ward One.                                                    to fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. All 501(c)3
This project is made possible                                               organizations may apply. The deadline is June 30, 2009.
through a grant from Kaiser Permanente’s Healthy                            Contact: Gardenburger™ Community Garden Grants at
Eating Active Living (HEAL) program. The goal for                  to download the application form
OSUE is to provide research-based education,                                and the terms and conditions.
resources, and support to residents in order to                             Feeding Cleveland Exhibit
establish and maintain quality gardens in Ward One.                         Open in the Thomas F. Campbell Gallery,
    HEAL was implemented to reduce obesity rates                            CSU Levin College of Urban Affairs
and promote improvements in nutrition and physical                          Feeding Cleveland—Free and open to the public
activity in targeted neighborhoods. Data from the                               A recurring theme in 20th century Cleveland that
City of Cleveland’s Department of Public Health, as                         continues to the present day is that during difficult
                                                                            economic periods communities of people have come
well as other sources, indicates significant health                         together to raise food crops on city land.
disparities in Ward One. For example, statistics have                           The working man's farms during the Great
shown that rates of both heart disease and stroke are                       Depression, the victory gardens during World War II,
                                                                            community gardens established during the years of
about two-times higher in Ward 1 than in the rest of
                                                                            urban renewal, and the present day market gardeners
the City of Cleveland.                                                      of the local food movement, all provide examples of
     The community gardens will increase access to                          revivals of urban agriculture as a response to
                                                                            economic difficulties. As more and more people try to
fresh and nutritious food, while stretching the food
                                                                            stretch their budgets during this recession, some are
budget, as families put local food on the table. In                         turning to the backyard as the place to look for food.
addition to the nutrition, the gardens will also create                         The exhibit features images of commercial
opportunities for exercise and introduce residents to                       greenhouses, victory gardens, work relief gardens,
                                                                            community gardens and Cleveland Public School
a lifelong hobby.                                                           Horticulture Program. More photographs, ebooks and
    The sites for the gardens have yet to be determined,                    other information is available at:
but they will be located in areas that demonstrate
community support. A core group of dedicated                                  The Exhibit runs from May 1 through August 31, 2009
                                                                                             in the Campbell Gallery
gardeners is essential to the sustainability of these
                                                                                Gallery hours are 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday
gardens. The aim is to build gardens throughout the                           through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday
Ward and put in place infrastructure that will facilitate
the building of more gardens in upcoming seasons as
the community drives them. In an effort to encourage
residents to take on the management of garden projects,
OSUE will host workshops in Ward One on topics
pertaining to building community gardens. As the
gardens are developed OSUE will be excited to share
                            updates with the Cleveland
                            gardening community!

                                                                                         Cleveland Public School students use team work in
                                                                                                   their victory garden, May 1942
Summer 2009                              T h e C o m m u n i t y G a r d e n i n g N e ws l e t t e r      Page 3

                      Garden Leader Corner
 Garden Leader: Tom Sargent
  Garden Name: Benjamin Franklin Community Garden
        Location: Located on Spring Road behind Ben Franklin Elementary School

How long have you been a garden
  leader? I have been the garden
  leader since 2001, so 9 years. Before
  that, I helped Barney (previous
  garden leader) out for 5 to 6 years
  running the garden.

How long have you been
  gardening? All of my life! I grew
  up in southern West Virginia, so I
  had been doing mountainside
  gardening all my life; that is just my
  culture. That is the Appalachian

What is the biggest benefit your
  garden provides? We have 5 acres
  of land, and I believe we are the
  largest community garden in the county, possibly the state.

What is the biggest challenge your garden faces? The biggest challenge is managing gardeners who do
   not maintain their plots. A lot of the time when that happens, it is because gardeners do not understand the
   attention gardening demands. We have a delicate rule system here because of that. I do not want it to seem like
   a gulag, but there is a delicate balance between having too many rules and what is needed to keep the garden
   maintained. There are a lot of different gardening styles in the garden. We have more than 200 gardeners
   involved, some are first time gardeners. But the committee is becoming very active and they have been really
   helpful with this issue.

Tell us something special or unique about your garden and its gardeners. Our crew is relatively
   diverse. We have some really good gardeners involved, some are Master Gardeners, and they are really helpful.
   We also work with the Benjamin Franklin School, which makes us unique. Plus, we donate a good amount of
   food. Last year we donated between 6,000 and 9,000 pound of fresh food.

What do you keep in mind to be the best leader you can be? I try to keep in mind that we are a diverse
   group, and we have different gardening cultures. Like me, we have gardeners from Appalachia, we have
   African American gardeners, we have first generation gardeners, and we even have gardeners from South
   America. All those different cultures mean there are a lot of different ways things are done, and there is a great
   opportunity to learn. I really enjoy seeing all of those different styles of gardening.

Anything else you would like to share? I have been very happy with the support that the Garden Committee
   [Ben Franklin] has been providing.
Page 4                             T h e C o m m u n i t y G a r d e n i n g N e ws l e t t e r   Summer 2009

Secret Hideaways and Fun Structures
Author: National Gardening Association

S   ecret hideaways, garden playrooms, and special structures are enticements for involving kids in the
garden, and they can transform the garden into a fantasyland and refuge. This project can make your
garden the most kid-friendly place on the block.
        Planting a Sunflower House
        You'll need:
        • a garden spot, with good soil, that receives at least 6 hours of sun daily
        • seeds for tall sunflowers, such as 'Mammoth' or 'Paul Bunyan'
        • seeds for medium-height (about 5-foot) sunflowers
        • seeds for a colorful, flowering annual, such as zinnias
        • seeds for morning glories
        • string
        1. With your young gardeners, decide on an exterior shape and dimensions for your house. You'll
           need at least a 4- by 6-foot house, but an 8- by 8-foot space is more generous and looks more
           convincing when fully grown. Allow some extra space so you can walk around the building to
           tend to the plants. When you've decided on an outline, have your child mark it on the ground so
           the seeds don't get stepped on accidentally while you are waiting for them to grow.
        2. Plant seeds for the tall sunflowers in a row to mark the outline, starting at the corners. Help your
           child plant the seeds about a foot apart. Then between the tall ones, plant the mid-height variety.
           Then plant a colorful flowering annual such as zinnias all around the outside. (Using these
           different heights will make the walls seem more solid.)
        3. Another colorful way to fill in the walls is to plant morning glory vines to climb the sunflowers.
           (Soak the seeds in water overnight to hasten germination.) Help your child train the vines to
           climb the tallest sunflowers by directing the early growth toward the sunflower stems. Your child
           may be fascinated to see that they only twine in one direction! Once the vines have found the
           stem, they will twine their own way up.
        4. To encourage the morning glory vines to form a "roof," help your child weave a network of string
           or yarn across the open top from sunflower to sunflower. Add the string when the sunflowers are
           about four feet tall. The sunflowers will raise the roof as they grow.
        5. Finally, to keep down weeds and make a cleaner surface for your child to play on, use a thick
           layer of mulch to carpet the interior or cover it with flattened cardboard boxes. You could even
           add a beach towel for a rug or even some small-scaled furniture.

        Your sunflower structure could be the most popular hangout on the block!
Summer 2009                                    T h e C o m m u n i t y G a r d e n i n g N e ws l e t t e r                       Page 5

                                                                        PLANT A ROW FROM PAGE 1
To the Garden We Grow!
by Becky Orenstein, Student
                                                                             contributions and report the
D      uring the summer months students often put
education on the back-burner to make room for having fun
                                                                             amount to Master Gardener, Gwen Morgan at
                                                                    and provide you
                                                                             with a tax-deductible receipt, if desired.
and enjoying their free time. What is often forgotten is that
having fun can be incorporated into learning! To make sure                   Volunteer to be a gardener who is willing to accept
that these summer months don’t go to waste, the horticulture                 donations throughout the harvest period at your home
department and nutrition educators will be joining forces to                 or garden location from other Master Gardeners and
teach the “To the Garden We Grow” program. For the                           Community Gardeners; weigh and deliver produce
second year, we will be visiting youth in Cleveland to teach                 weekly to Cleveland Foodbank and/or local food
lessons focused on nutrition and gardening basics. While we                  pantry. We NEED about 10-15 people around the
are returning to many sites from last year, we will be meeting
                                                                             city to serve as drop off points for donations.
a lot of new faces this summer. This year, each group in the
                                                                             Contact Gwen Morgan for more information at:
program has a garden at their site, which will enable the
students to obtain hands-on experience. Each lesson will            (preferred), 440-823-1591
include information, activities and opportunities for the                    (cell) or 440-423-0225 (home).
students to try new things. There are six different lessons             The following Master Gardeners have already agreed to
that will be taught this summer: Building a Good Base for Health,
                                                                        use their homes as drop off points for vegetables grown
Plants Eat Too—Understanding Roots and Seeds, The Foods We
Eat from Parts of the Plant, Worms are Wonderful!, Cleveland: A
                                                                        by fellow Master Gardeners and Community Gardeners.
Green City on a Blue Lake, and Keeping Foods Safe to Eat/What’s         Thank you!
Up with that Bug? Included in these lessons, students will be           Plant a Row Drop off Locations:
able to plant avocados, see worms in a compost bin, learn
why both humans and plants need water, sample new foods,                PLEASE CALL BEFORE DROPPING OFF PRODUCE
and much more! Each lesson will have physical activity and                 Jo Bredt 440.331.1955                      Fairview Park
gardening time, ensuring that the students get exercise and                4093 West 214th Street
don’t get bored! To the Garden We Grow is just as helpful to
the educators as to the students. The lessons are great                    Carolyn Hufford 216.521.4431               Lakewood
reminders of things we might forget about on a daily basis,                Lakewood Public Library
such as the importance of reusing materials (not just                      Wednesday evenings ONLY
recycling), or of choosing water over more sugary beverages.               Marianne Sachs 216.371.1440                Cleveland Heights
In addition to reminding ourselves about basics of nutrition               3236 East Fairfax Road
and gardening, OSU Extension educators love the
opportunity to meet students from all areas of Cleveland.                  Linda Dole 216.486.5625                    Cleveland
After creating great memories last year, we are excited for                18308 Canterbury Rd.
another year of                                                            Gwen Morgan 440.823.1591                   Gates Mills
nutrition in the                                                           7900 Old Mill Road
garden. For
more infor-                                                                Caroline DeLamatre            216.896.0317 Orange Village
mation on this                                                             4459 Brainard Rd.
                                                                           Sharon Klimm 440.248.8567                  Solon
contact Lauren
                                                                           5490 North Woods Lane
Melnick at 216-
429-8200, ext.                                                          We do not have any drop off points in the southern and
229.                                                                    southwestern areas of the county. If you live in any of
                                                                        these areas please contact Gwen to help.

                                Summer Student Positions Join the OSUE Community Gardening Team
                                We are pleased to share that three Student Positions will be enhancing our educational
                                outreach efforts to community gardens. Becky Orenstein (rejoining us from last summer),
                                Mike Auerbach and Bryn Adams will be out visiting gardens, planning special network-
                                ing events, assisting with workshops, and helping to implement a new children’s program
                                that blends nutrition with gardening, “To the Garden We Grow.”
Summer 2009                                       T h e C o m m u n i t y G a r d e n i n g N e ws l e t t e r                      Page 6

Beans in the Goose’s Craw?
by Lisa Lewis, BS in Dietetics, University of Akron
Student Intern, Family Nutrition Program
     Have you heard of ‘goose beans’? They were reportedly
taken 100 years ago from the craw (prior to digestion food-
storage-pouch) of a wild goose that a hunter had shot. It is one of
many seeds known as heirloom seeds. Goose beans are delicious, whether eaten as a green bean or later cooked as a dry bean.
Beans - also known as legumes, peas, pulse and vetch - have been around for a l-o-n-g time. They were among the first
cultivated crops, with a history dating back to around 7,000 BC in regions of Asia (soybeans), the Middle East (chickpeas,
lentils, fava beans), and the Americas (haricot bean: runner beans, kidney beans, lima beans). The shape of the seed helps
distinguish beans from peas and lentils, with beans being kidney-shaped or oval, peas round, and lentils as flat disks.Beans are
a sustainable food, as we shall see by looking at their attributes both nutritionally and in the garden.
    Beans are part of the Meat and Beans Group, which is the protein group of the USDA’s MyPyramid Food Guide. Being
much less expensive than meat, they contribute to the sustainability of your wallet! They are in the Vegetable Group also,
and are high in fiber (helping to reduce cholesterol), high in complex carbohydrates, and low in fat (about 2-3%). Their other
nutrients include folate, manganese, magnesium, copper and iron. Of concern for vegetarians, most beans are high in lysine,
an amino acid undersupplied in most grains. Hence, the development of various recipe combinations, such as lentils and rice,
lima beans and corn, chickpeas (garbanzo beans) and couscous, or beans, corn and squash. Eaten together, beans and nuts,
seeds or grains provide complete proteins for a balanced diet, contributing to the sustainability of your health.
    Bean gardening contributes to sustainable development, which is “development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”5. How is this so? Beans improve the health
of your soil by taking nitrogen – a valuable component of fertilizer - from the air and putting it into the soil through their roots.
You can help meet the needs of next spring’s garden also by properly saving seeds from this year’s harvest. This is done by
allowing seeds to fully ripen before harvesting them, usually 90 or more days. For more information on saving seeds, attend
OSU Extension’s seed saving workshop in September. See WORKSHOPS on page 9 for more details.
    The following legume (bean) varieties grow best in Cuyahoga County gardens:
   ● Bush Bean:      Bush Blue Lake                   ● Pea: Sugar Snap (Sugar Pea)                          ● Cowpea: Purple Hull
                     Bush Kentucky Wonder                    Blizzard (Snow Pea)                                       California Blackeye
                     Royal Burgundy                          Wando (Shelling, heat resistant)                ● Peanut: Spanish
                     Baby Fordhook (Lima)                    Early Frosting (Shelling)                                 Virginian Jumbo
   ● Pole Bean:      Kentucky Wonder

    Heirloom varieties can be researched and chosen through various catalogs and websites. Years ago I purchased goose
beans through the “Seeds of Change” catalog, which is now available online at Other online
heirloom seed sources include: (Southwestern PA) and (nationwide listings).
    A local favorite variety is the Cowpea (a.k.a. Black-eyed pea or Crowder pea). Hoppin’ John is a popular recipe using this
bean. This low-fat recipe version is adapted from Nikki & David Goldbeck’s American Wholefoods Cuisine cookbook6:

                                          HOPPIN’ JOHN
                                          Rice and black-eyed peas with a bit of a “bite”, traditionally served with hot pepper
                                          sauce on the side for individual seasoning.
                                          ½ pound (about 1 ½ cups) dried black-eyed peas
                                          3 cups water
                                          1 tsp crushed red pepper or ½ fresh chili pepper, chopped
                                          ¾ tsp salt (or less if on low-sodium diet)
                                          1 good-sized onion, coarsely chopped
                                          1 cup raw brown rice (3 cups cooked in 2 ½ cups vegetable stock)

● Combine black-eyed peas and water, bring to a boil for a minute; cover, remove from heat, and let soak for one hour or
● Return beans to a boil; add hot pepper and cook, covered, over low heat for 30 to 45 minutes until partially done. Add salt
   and onion, continue to cook for another 45 minutes until tender.
                                                                                                                         SEE   BE AN S   PAGE 7
Summer 2009                                   T h e C o m m u n i t y G a r d e n i n g N e ws l e t t e r             Page 7

BEANS FROM PAGE 6                                                      Cooking Up Something Fresh This Summer
                                                                       by Becky Orenstein, Student Position
●   While the beans cook, and at least 45 minutes to 1 hour

    before dining, cook the rice.
    Serve hot beans in their gravy on top of rice, offering hot
                                                                       D      o you ever feel that you don’t have many
                                                                              opportunities to meet gardeners from different
                                                                       areas? This summer, your worries will disappear! With
    pepper sauce at the table.                                         our brand-new potluck series, you will have an
● Note: The beans freeze well, so double the recipe for a              opportunity to meet gardeners from all over the
    future meal.                                                       Cleveland area, see gardens you may have yet to see,
    One last thing to consider is companion planting. The              and break bread with community gardeners and OSU
following suggestions are from Carrots Love Tomatoes,                  Extension staff! The potlucks will take place July 14,
Secrets of Companion Planting for Successful Gardening by              from 6-8 pm at Hanna Perkins Garden (located at
Louise Riotte7:                                                        19910 Malvern Road, Shaker Heights); and August 6,
LEGUMES in general:                                                    from 6-8 pm at Morganic Garden (located at Kenyon
● Legumes sown with a small                                            Avenue and E. 65th Street, Cleveland). Come to one, or
   amount of mustard are                                               come to all! Just remember to bring a dish to share; this
   helpful to grapevines and                                           is your time to show off your cooking skills to other
   fruit trees                                                         community gardeners! If you need directions or have
● Peanuts are excellent to grow with newly set nut trees               any questions, contact Becky at (216) 429.8230.
                                                                       Your Chance to Shine: Garden Docents needed!
● Most thrive when interplanted with carrots, cauliflower,             by Becky Orenstein, Student Position
  marigolds, summer savory, potatoes, moderate amounts of
  celery or cucumbers, strawberries, locust trees, radishes,
  cabbages and corn
● Beans are inhibited by any member of the onion family
                                                                       C     alling all community gardeners! We are looking for
                                                                             energetic representatives from community gardens
                                                                       to help lead our Urban Harvest Garden Tour! You would
  (garlic, shallots, and chives)                                       be a tour guide on Lolly the Trolley, enjoying the sum-
● They dislike gladiolus, kohlrabi & sunflower                         mer breeze while sharing some of your knowledge and
                                                                       experience with community gardening. This is the per-
PEAS                                                                   fect opportunity to share your enthusiasm about commu-
● Peas grow well with carrots, turnips, radishes,                      nity gardening with a group of interested listeners! If
   cucumbers, corn, beans and potatoes                                 you are interested in participating, please contact
● Plow pea vines under or return them to the compost pile              Amanda at 216-429-8200, ext. 250 or email
   when done                                                  We look forward to hearing from you!
● Wood ashes around the base of pea vines help control
                                                                                                SAVE the DATE!
                                                                           OSU Extension, Cuyahoga County and Cleveland
Welcome, Amanda Block!                                                     Department of Community Development present:
    Amanda is a new Program Assistant with
OSUE’s Community Gardening Program. She
comes with many skills and talents and is eager to
meet all of the gardeners. She will be working with
community gardens in the City of Cleveland,
including developing new gardens in Ward 1                             Saturday, August 15 from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00
under Kaiser Permanente’s HEAL Initiative. We’re
                                                                       p.m. The event will kick-off at the Ben Franklin
                                                                       Garden (1905 Spring Road) in Cleveland’s Old
glad to have her join our “green team” and hope                        Brooklyn neighborhood and the tour will wind through
you look forward to meeting her and benefiting                         nine more community gardens and one urban farm.
                                                                       For additional information, call the Garden Tour
from her gifts.                                                        Hotline at (216) 429-3148.
Page 8                             T h e C o m m u n i t y G a r d e n i n g N e ws l e t t e r                           Summer 2009

      Garden Practices                                        Vegetables                                            Fruits
● Weed the garden regularly.          ● All summer harvest crops should be in the                 ● Thin apples, pears and peaches
● Water gardens during the                ground by now.                                              for larger fruit.
  morning if possible.                ● Pull soil or mulch up against potato plants               ● Remove blossoms from newly
● Store unused seeds in a cold,           when they are 8 to 12 inches tall.                          established strawberry plants.
  dry location.                       ● Sow more carrots and beets for continuous                 ● Loosely tie grape vines to the
● Plant buckwheat in vacant               harvest.                                                  trellis using soft twine or plastic
  areas of the garden to retard       ● Sidedress asparagus and rhubarb with aged                   ties.
  weeds.                                manure or a 10-10-10 fertilizer.                          ● Protect ripening fruit from
● Inspect your garden daily.          ● Remove radish, spinach, and lettuce plants                  animals with netting or row
                                        when they send up seed stalks.                              cover.
      Garden Practices                                        Vegetables                                            Fruits
●   Prevent weeds from going to       ●     Sow more beets, beans and carrots.                    ●     Prop branches of heavily
    seed! Scrape smaller weeds        ●     Sow parsley, dill and basil in pots for use                 loaded fruit trees.
    with a hoe or hand-pull                 indoors during winter.                                ●     Renovate overcrowded
    larger and perennial weeds.       ●     Plant Chinese cabbage, endive, snap beans,                  strawberry beds (ask Extension
●   Water deeply when needed;               kohlrabi, lettuce and radish for fall harvest.              for fact sheet).
    avoid light sprinkling.           ●     Plant late-season cabbage transplants in the          ●     Prune suckers and water
●   Remove faded flowers and                garden.                                                     sprouts from apple trees.
    over-ripe fruit that attract      ●     Plant rutabagas for harvest in early autumn.          ●     Enjoy local peaches.
    Japanese beetles.                 ●     Lightly fertilize onions, tomatoes, peppers           ●     Cut down raspberry canes that
●   Never apply pesticides to               and other long-season plants.                               produced fruit earlier this
    stressed plants.                  ●     Allow broccoli to develop side shoots after                 summer.
●   Inspect your garden daily.              central head has been harvested.
                                      ●     Pinch or cut back mint, oregano, and savory
                                            to promote bushy growth.
                                      ●     Harvest summer squash when they are
                                            young and tender.
                                      ●     Blanch celery a week before harvesting by
                                            wrapping stalks with paper.
                                      ●     Allow a few green peppers to turn red
                                            before harvesting.
      Garden Practices                                        Vegetables                                            Fruits
● Continue to cultivate around        ● Harvest tomatoes when their color is fully                ● Harvest cantaloupe when the
  vegetables and flowers to             developed. Know your tomato variety to                        stem separates from the fruit with
  discourage weeds.                     determine ripeness.                                           gentle prodding.
● Handpick Japanese beetles           ● Plant collards, kale, and turnips for the fall
  and drop them into a jar of           garden.
  detergent and water.                ● Sow seeds of leaf lettuce, radish, turnip (for
● Do a soil test before planting a      greens), and spinach for fall harvest.
  new garden.                         ● Dig potatoes after vines have died.
● Watch for wasps when working        ● Sow spinach for fall harvest.
  near rock piles, old tree stumps    ● If you have too many zucchini or tomatoes,
  and stone walls.                      reduce the number of those plants you put in
● Inspect your garden daily.            the garden next year.                                                             SEE   TI P S   PAGE 9
Summer 2009                                T h e C o m m u n i t y G a r d e n i n g N e ws l e t t e r                     Page 9

● SHARE your harvest with neighbors, friends, and those in need. Call the Hunger Network of Greater Cleveland at 216-
    619-8155 ext. 12 to find a location to drop off excess produce, talk to your local church or food pantry, or call OSUE
    for guidance.
●   HARVEST the vegetable garden every few days. AVOID MID-DAY PICKING: Vegetables picked in the cool, early
    morning taste best and store longer!
●   SAVOR fresh vegetables from your garden and farmers' markets.
●   ATTEND OSUE Garden Workshops this summer (see below for more details)!
●   SHARE, LEARN, EAT, MEET! At a Garden Potluck (see page 7 for more details).
●   CALL the Master Gardener Hotline (Mondays and Thursdays 10am-1pm) or Community Gardening staff anytime for Fact
    Sheets about Pest and Disease, Growing Tips and Techniques for individual fruits and vegetables, Compost How-to, etc.
● Create committees and delegate tasks; you don’t have to do it all yourself! For example: Weed Patrols, Compost,
    Fundraisers, or Grant Seekers and Writers
● Talk to other leaders/coordinators and share and learn best practices.

Workshop Schedule
               Weed ID & Management with John Cardina                                   Cooking in the Garden
               Saturday, June 13, 2009                                                  Thursday, August 27, 2009
               10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon                                                  6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
               Free to the public                                                       Free to the public
               Building Healthy Communities                                             El Sol Garden
               RSVP to Marty 216-429-8220                                               RSVP to Marty 216-429-8220
               Cooking in the Garden                                                    Harvesting/Seed Saving
               Thursday, June 18, 2009                                                  Thursday, September 10, 2009
               6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.                                                      6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
               Free to the public                                                       Free to the public
               Paul Revere Garden                                                       Madison Community Garden
               RSVP to Marty 216-429-8220                                               RSVP to Marty 216-429-8220
               Pest & Disease—with Jim Chatfield
               Saturday, June 27, 2009                                                  Grant Writing
               10:00 a.m.. – 12:00 noon                                                 Tuesday, October 13, 2009
               Free to the public                                                       6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
               Shaffer Miles Garden                                                     Free to the public
                                                                                        YWCA of Greater Cleveland
               RSVP to Marty 216-429-8220
                                                                                        RSVP to Michelle 216-429-8224
               Saturday, July 11, 2009                             Upcoming Events
               10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
               Free to the public                                                       Community Garden Tours
               Hirst Avenue Garden                                                      Saturday, August 15, 2009
               RSVP to Marty 216-429-8220                                               9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
               Season Extension                                                         Ben Franklin Garden
               Saturday, July 25, 2009                                                  Cuyahoga County Fair
               10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon                                                  Monday, August 10 – Sunday, August 16, 2009
               Free to the public                                                       Berea Fair Grounds
               Herman Avenue Garden                                                     “Medieval Times at the Fair”
               RSVP to Marty 216-429-8220
                                                                                        ACGA 30th Annual Conference
               Soil/No Till                                                             Thursday, August 6 – Sunday, August 9, 2009
               Thursday, August 20, 2009
                                                                                        Franklin Park Conservatory
               6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
                                                                                        Columbus, Ohio
               Free to the public
                                                                                        Garden Leader scholarship applications are due
               West 47th Garden
                                                                                        June 30th (City of Cleveland Summer Sprout only)
               RSVP to Marty 216-429-8220
Ohio State University Extension
                Cuyahoga County
                9127 Miles Avenue
                Cleveland, OH 44105

                                                                       Mission Statement
                       The Community Gardening Program provides education and resources, helping communities to
                            grow nutritious food, develop important life skills, and create a healthy environment.

  Our Horticulture Staff:                                         Do you have a question about your garden?
                                                                  • Unsure of when to plant seeds or transplant seedlings?
     Michael Auerbach, Student Position                           • Curious about what vegetables make good companion plantings?
     Amanda Block, Program Assistant                              • Want to improve the health of your soil naturally?
     Brad Melzer, Program Assistant
                                                                  OSU Extension Master Gardeners can answer your questions and send you
     Becky Orenstein, Student Position                            information to increase your gardening successes.
     Morgan Taggart, Program Specialist
                                                                  Call (216) 429-8235 between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Mondays and
     Nicole Wright, Program Assistant
                                                                  Thursdays or email your questions to mgdiagnostics_cuya@ag.ohio-
     Michelle Key, Office Associate                     

                        THANK YOU for making the Community Gardening Program possible
                             through your monetary contributions, time, and effort:
                                                           The Cleveland Foundation
                                                          The George Gund Foundation
                                                    The Edward and Betty Sloat Foundation
                                             Centers for Disease Control’s Steps to a Healthier US
                                                          The SK Wellman Foundation
                                            City of Cleveland, the Honorable Frank Jackson, Mayor
                        City of Cleveland, Department of Community Development, Division of Neighborhood Services
                                                     Cleveland Department of Public Health
                                      Cuyahoga County Board of Health, Cardiovascular Health Program
                                              Cuyahoga County Board of County Commissioners

 Ohio State University Extension embraces human diversity and is committed to ensuring that all research and related educational programs are available to clientele
  on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, or veteran
status. This statement is in accordance with United States Civil Rights Laws and the USDA. Keith L. Smith, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Agricultural Admini-
                             stration and Director, Ohio State University Extension. TDD No. 800-589-8292 (Ohio only) or 614-292-1868.

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Plant a Row for the Hungry - Cleveland, Ohio

  • 1. Summer 2009 The Community Gardening Newsletter Published by the Community Gardening Program of Ohio State University Extension, Cuyahoga County Cooking in the Garden by Becky Orenstein, Student Position H alf of the fun of gardening is enjoying the fruits of your labor. We all love gardening, but do not always know what to do with our vegetables when harvest time rolls around. Fresh vegetables are always delicious when eaten on their own, but we often run out of ideas on how to prepare our produce once it is picked. Who better to give suggestions than a chef? There will be two “Cooking in the Garden” workshops this summer, each featuring a chef who will give a free cooking lesson! Not only will you be able to sample professionally prepared food, you will learn how to make it at home! Each dish prepared will highlight a vegetable and give you creative ideas on how to make the most of your hard work in the garden. In addition to the cooking portion of the workshop, there will be an informative section focused on the health benefits of different fruits and vegetables. We often forget how valuable the nutrients in fruits and vegetables are to the proper functioning of our bodies. Each “Cooking in the Garden” workshop will include a potluck meal so you will have the opportunity to showcase your favorite dish prepared with fresh fruits or vegetables. Last year, gardeners brought everything from zucchini soup to tomato wine. Bring your recipe and swap with Chef Andy at Brighter Side Garden August, 2008 your fellow gardeners! There will be two “Cooking in the Garden” workshops: June 18th (East Side) August 27th (West Side) 6:00-8:00 p.m. 6:00-8:00 p.m. Paul Revere Garden El Sol Garden 10334 Gay Ave. 3202 Woodbridge Joy at Garfield Garden July, 2008 Come to one, or both! Last year’s “Cooking in the Garden” workshops featured great food and great company. They are the perfect opportunity to mingle with fellow gardeners, see a garden you might not have seen before, and pick up some new information! Community Gardening Plant a Row Project Update PLANT EXTRA! PLANT EXTRA! PLANT EXTRA! Please Help the Hungry. The new Master Gardener Community Gardening Committee is looking for gardeners to participate in the Plant a Row for the Hungry Project. This project is a national program that has contributed millions of pounds of fresh produce to hunger centers across the country and we want Cuyahoga County Master Gardeners and Community Gardeners to be a part of this effort. We need YOU to plant an extra row of vegetables for the hungry of Cleveland. The need is greater than ever because of the current economy. When planning your garden please plant extra for the Cleveland Foodbank and local food pantries! There are three ways to help: Plant, harvest and deliver your fresh produce to the hunger center of your choice. Please weigh the produce and report the amount you donate to Master Gardener Gwen Morgan at or 440-823-1591 (cell) or 440-423-0225 (home) so we can track how much we give. Your donations are tax deductible. Contact Gwen for a receipt. Plant, harvest and deliver your fresh produce to a drop-off point in your area. The volunteer at the drop-off point will deliver contributions to the Cleveland Foodbank and/or food pantries. This volunteer will also weigh all SEE PLANT A ROW PAGE 5
  • 2. Page 2 T h e C o m m u n i t y G a r d e n i n g N e ws l e t t e r Summer 2009 Healthy Eating, Active Living in Ward One Grant Opportunity by Amanda Block, Program Assistant Gardenburger™ Community Garden Grants OSU Extension (OSUE) and the Harvard This program provides necessary support to organizations looking to sustain or create a community Community Service Center gardening project in their neighborhood that will provide are delighted to announce community residents and neighborhoods with improved five new community gardens health, vitality and quality of life that comes from access in Cleveland’s Ward One. to fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. All 501(c)3 This project is made possible organizations may apply. The deadline is June 30, 2009. through a grant from Kaiser Permanente’s Healthy Contact: Gardenburger™ Community Garden Grants at Eating Active Living (HEAL) program. The goal for to download the application form OSUE is to provide research-based education, and the terms and conditions. resources, and support to residents in order to Feeding Cleveland Exhibit establish and maintain quality gardens in Ward One. Open in the Thomas F. Campbell Gallery, HEAL was implemented to reduce obesity rates CSU Levin College of Urban Affairs and promote improvements in nutrition and physical Feeding Cleveland—Free and open to the public activity in targeted neighborhoods. Data from the A recurring theme in 20th century Cleveland that City of Cleveland’s Department of Public Health, as continues to the present day is that during difficult economic periods communities of people have come well as other sources, indicates significant health together to raise food crops on city land. disparities in Ward One. For example, statistics have The working man's farms during the Great shown that rates of both heart disease and stroke are Depression, the victory gardens during World War II, community gardens established during the years of about two-times higher in Ward 1 than in the rest of urban renewal, and the present day market gardeners the City of Cleveland. of the local food movement, all provide examples of The community gardens will increase access to revivals of urban agriculture as a response to economic difficulties. As more and more people try to fresh and nutritious food, while stretching the food stretch their budgets during this recession, some are budget, as families put local food on the table. In turning to the backyard as the place to look for food. addition to the nutrition, the gardens will also create The exhibit features images of commercial opportunities for exercise and introduce residents to greenhouses, victory gardens, work relief gardens, community gardens and Cleveland Public School a lifelong hobby. Horticulture Program. More photographs, ebooks and The sites for the gardens have yet to be determined, other information is available at: but they will be located in areas that demonstrate community support. A core group of dedicated The Exhibit runs from May 1 through August 31, 2009 in the Campbell Gallery gardeners is essential to the sustainability of these Gallery hours are 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday gardens. The aim is to build gardens throughout the through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday Ward and put in place infrastructure that will facilitate the building of more gardens in upcoming seasons as the community drives them. In an effort to encourage residents to take on the management of garden projects, OSUE will host workshops in Ward One on topics pertaining to building community gardens. As the gardens are developed OSUE will be excited to share updates with the Cleveland gardening community! Cleveland Public School students use team work in their victory garden, May 1942
  • 3. Summer 2009 T h e C o m m u n i t y G a r d e n i n g N e ws l e t t e r Page 3 Garden Leader Corner Garden Leader: Tom Sargent Garden Name: Benjamin Franklin Community Garden Location: Located on Spring Road behind Ben Franklin Elementary School How long have you been a garden leader? I have been the garden leader since 2001, so 9 years. Before that, I helped Barney (previous garden leader) out for 5 to 6 years running the garden. How long have you been gardening? All of my life! I grew up in southern West Virginia, so I had been doing mountainside gardening all my life; that is just my culture. That is the Appalachian culture. What is the biggest benefit your garden provides? We have 5 acres of land, and I believe we are the largest community garden in the county, possibly the state. What is the biggest challenge your garden faces? The biggest challenge is managing gardeners who do not maintain their plots. A lot of the time when that happens, it is because gardeners do not understand the attention gardening demands. We have a delicate rule system here because of that. I do not want it to seem like a gulag, but there is a delicate balance between having too many rules and what is needed to keep the garden maintained. There are a lot of different gardening styles in the garden. We have more than 200 gardeners involved, some are first time gardeners. But the committee is becoming very active and they have been really helpful with this issue. Tell us something special or unique about your garden and its gardeners. Our crew is relatively diverse. We have some really good gardeners involved, some are Master Gardeners, and they are really helpful. We also work with the Benjamin Franklin School, which makes us unique. Plus, we donate a good amount of food. Last year we donated between 6,000 and 9,000 pound of fresh food. What do you keep in mind to be the best leader you can be? I try to keep in mind that we are a diverse group, and we have different gardening cultures. Like me, we have gardeners from Appalachia, we have African American gardeners, we have first generation gardeners, and we even have gardeners from South America. All those different cultures mean there are a lot of different ways things are done, and there is a great opportunity to learn. I really enjoy seeing all of those different styles of gardening. Anything else you would like to share? I have been very happy with the support that the Garden Committee [Ben Franklin] has been providing.
  • 4. Page 4 T h e C o m m u n i t y G a r d e n i n g N e ws l e t t e r Summer 2009 Secret Hideaways and Fun Structures Author: National Gardening Association S ecret hideaways, garden playrooms, and special structures are enticements for involving kids in the garden, and they can transform the garden into a fantasyland and refuge. This project can make your garden the most kid-friendly place on the block. Planting a Sunflower House You'll need: • a garden spot, with good soil, that receives at least 6 hours of sun daily • seeds for tall sunflowers, such as 'Mammoth' or 'Paul Bunyan' • seeds for medium-height (about 5-foot) sunflowers • seeds for a colorful, flowering annual, such as zinnias • seeds for morning glories • string 1. With your young gardeners, decide on an exterior shape and dimensions for your house. You'll need at least a 4- by 6-foot house, but an 8- by 8-foot space is more generous and looks more convincing when fully grown. Allow some extra space so you can walk around the building to tend to the plants. When you've decided on an outline, have your child mark it on the ground so the seeds don't get stepped on accidentally while you are waiting for them to grow. 2. Plant seeds for the tall sunflowers in a row to mark the outline, starting at the corners. Help your child plant the seeds about a foot apart. Then between the tall ones, plant the mid-height variety. Then plant a colorful flowering annual such as zinnias all around the outside. (Using these different heights will make the walls seem more solid.) 3. Another colorful way to fill in the walls is to plant morning glory vines to climb the sunflowers. (Soak the seeds in water overnight to hasten germination.) Help your child train the vines to climb the tallest sunflowers by directing the early growth toward the sunflower stems. Your child may be fascinated to see that they only twine in one direction! Once the vines have found the stem, they will twine their own way up. 4. To encourage the morning glory vines to form a "roof," help your child weave a network of string or yarn across the open top from sunflower to sunflower. Add the string when the sunflowers are about four feet tall. The sunflowers will raise the roof as they grow. 5. Finally, to keep down weeds and make a cleaner surface for your child to play on, use a thick layer of mulch to carpet the interior or cover it with flattened cardboard boxes. You could even add a beach towel for a rug or even some small-scaled furniture. Your sunflower structure could be the most popular hangout on the block!
  • 5. Summer 2009 T h e C o m m u n i t y G a r d e n i n g N e ws l e t t e r Page 5 PLANT A ROW FROM PAGE 1 To the Garden We Grow! by Becky Orenstein, Student contributions and report the D uring the summer months students often put education on the back-burner to make room for having fun amount to Master Gardener, Gwen Morgan at and provide you with a tax-deductible receipt, if desired. and enjoying their free time. What is often forgotten is that having fun can be incorporated into learning! To make sure Volunteer to be a gardener who is willing to accept that these summer months don’t go to waste, the horticulture donations throughout the harvest period at your home department and nutrition educators will be joining forces to or garden location from other Master Gardeners and teach the “To the Garden We Grow” program. For the Community Gardeners; weigh and deliver produce second year, we will be visiting youth in Cleveland to teach weekly to Cleveland Foodbank and/or local food lessons focused on nutrition and gardening basics. While we pantry. We NEED about 10-15 people around the are returning to many sites from last year, we will be meeting city to serve as drop off points for donations. a lot of new faces this summer. This year, each group in the Contact Gwen Morgan for more information at: program has a garden at their site, which will enable the students to obtain hands-on experience. Each lesson will (preferred), 440-823-1591 include information, activities and opportunities for the (cell) or 440-423-0225 (home). students to try new things. There are six different lessons The following Master Gardeners have already agreed to that will be taught this summer: Building a Good Base for Health, use their homes as drop off points for vegetables grown Plants Eat Too—Understanding Roots and Seeds, The Foods We Eat from Parts of the Plant, Worms are Wonderful!, Cleveland: A by fellow Master Gardeners and Community Gardeners. Green City on a Blue Lake, and Keeping Foods Safe to Eat/What’s Thank you! Up with that Bug? Included in these lessons, students will be Plant a Row Drop off Locations: able to plant avocados, see worms in a compost bin, learn why both humans and plants need water, sample new foods, PLEASE CALL BEFORE DROPPING OFF PRODUCE and much more! Each lesson will have physical activity and Jo Bredt 440.331.1955 Fairview Park gardening time, ensuring that the students get exercise and 4093 West 214th Street don’t get bored! To the Garden We Grow is just as helpful to the educators as to the students. The lessons are great Carolyn Hufford 216.521.4431 Lakewood reminders of things we might forget about on a daily basis, Lakewood Public Library such as the importance of reusing materials (not just Wednesday evenings ONLY recycling), or of choosing water over more sugary beverages. Marianne Sachs 216.371.1440 Cleveland Heights In addition to reminding ourselves about basics of nutrition 3236 East Fairfax Road and gardening, OSU Extension educators love the opportunity to meet students from all areas of Cleveland. Linda Dole 216.486.5625 Cleveland After creating great memories last year, we are excited for 18308 Canterbury Rd. another year of Gwen Morgan 440.823.1591 Gates Mills nutrition in the 7900 Old Mill Road garden. For more infor- Caroline DeLamatre 216.896.0317 Orange Village mation on this 4459 Brainard Rd. program, Sharon Klimm 440.248.8567 Solon contact Lauren 5490 North Woods Lane Melnick at 216- 429-8200, ext. We do not have any drop off points in the southern and 229. southwestern areas of the county. If you live in any of these areas please contact Gwen to help. Summer Student Positions Join the OSUE Community Gardening Team We are pleased to share that three Student Positions will be enhancing our educational outreach efforts to community gardens. Becky Orenstein (rejoining us from last summer), Mike Auerbach and Bryn Adams will be out visiting gardens, planning special network- ing events, assisting with workshops, and helping to implement a new children’s program that blends nutrition with gardening, “To the Garden We Grow.”
  • 6. Summer 2009 T h e C o m m u n i t y G a r d e n i n g N e ws l e t t e r Page 6 Beans in the Goose’s Craw? by Lisa Lewis, BS in Dietetics, University of Akron Student Intern, Family Nutrition Program Have you heard of ‘goose beans’? They were reportedly taken 100 years ago from the craw (prior to digestion food- storage-pouch) of a wild goose that a hunter had shot. It is one of many seeds known as heirloom seeds. Goose beans are delicious, whether eaten as a green bean or later cooked as a dry bean. Beans - also known as legumes, peas, pulse and vetch - have been around for a l-o-n-g time. They were among the first cultivated crops, with a history dating back to around 7,000 BC in regions of Asia (soybeans), the Middle East (chickpeas, lentils, fava beans), and the Americas (haricot bean: runner beans, kidney beans, lima beans). The shape of the seed helps distinguish beans from peas and lentils, with beans being kidney-shaped or oval, peas round, and lentils as flat disks.Beans are a sustainable food, as we shall see by looking at their attributes both nutritionally and in the garden. Beans are part of the Meat and Beans Group, which is the protein group of the USDA’s MyPyramid Food Guide. Being much less expensive than meat, they contribute to the sustainability of your wallet! They are in the Vegetable Group also, and are high in fiber (helping to reduce cholesterol), high in complex carbohydrates, and low in fat (about 2-3%). Their other nutrients include folate, manganese, magnesium, copper and iron. Of concern for vegetarians, most beans are high in lysine, an amino acid undersupplied in most grains. Hence, the development of various recipe combinations, such as lentils and rice, lima beans and corn, chickpeas (garbanzo beans) and couscous, or beans, corn and squash. Eaten together, beans and nuts, seeds or grains provide complete proteins for a balanced diet, contributing to the sustainability of your health. Bean gardening contributes to sustainable development, which is “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”5. How is this so? Beans improve the health of your soil by taking nitrogen – a valuable component of fertilizer - from the air and putting it into the soil through their roots. You can help meet the needs of next spring’s garden also by properly saving seeds from this year’s harvest. This is done by allowing seeds to fully ripen before harvesting them, usually 90 or more days. For more information on saving seeds, attend OSU Extension’s seed saving workshop in September. See WORKSHOPS on page 9 for more details. The following legume (bean) varieties grow best in Cuyahoga County gardens: ● Bush Bean: Bush Blue Lake ● Pea: Sugar Snap (Sugar Pea) ● Cowpea: Purple Hull Bush Kentucky Wonder Blizzard (Snow Pea) California Blackeye Royal Burgundy Wando (Shelling, heat resistant) ● Peanut: Spanish Baby Fordhook (Lima) Early Frosting (Shelling) Virginian Jumbo ● Pole Bean: Kentucky Wonder Heirloom varieties can be researched and chosen through various catalogs and websites. Years ago I purchased goose beans through the “Seeds of Change” catalog, which is now available online at Other online heirloom seed sources include: (Southwestern PA) and (nationwide listings). A local favorite variety is the Cowpea (a.k.a. Black-eyed pea or Crowder pea). Hoppin’ John is a popular recipe using this bean. This low-fat recipe version is adapted from Nikki & David Goldbeck’s American Wholefoods Cuisine cookbook6: HOPPIN’ JOHN Rice and black-eyed peas with a bit of a “bite”, traditionally served with hot pepper sauce on the side for individual seasoning. ½ pound (about 1 ½ cups) dried black-eyed peas 3 cups water 1 tsp crushed red pepper or ½ fresh chili pepper, chopped ¾ tsp salt (or less if on low-sodium diet) 1 good-sized onion, coarsely chopped 1 cup raw brown rice (3 cups cooked in 2 ½ cups vegetable stock) ● Combine black-eyed peas and water, bring to a boil for a minute; cover, remove from heat, and let soak for one hour or longer. ● Return beans to a boil; add hot pepper and cook, covered, over low heat for 30 to 45 minutes until partially done. Add salt and onion, continue to cook for another 45 minutes until tender. SEE BE AN S PAGE 7
  • 7. Summer 2009 T h e C o m m u n i t y G a r d e n i n g N e ws l e t t e r Page 7 BEANS FROM PAGE 6 Cooking Up Something Fresh This Summer by Becky Orenstein, Student Position ● While the beans cook, and at least 45 minutes to 1 hour ● before dining, cook the rice. Serve hot beans in their gravy on top of rice, offering hot D o you ever feel that you don’t have many opportunities to meet gardeners from different areas? This summer, your worries will disappear! With pepper sauce at the table. our brand-new potluck series, you will have an ● Note: The beans freeze well, so double the recipe for a opportunity to meet gardeners from all over the future meal. Cleveland area, see gardens you may have yet to see, One last thing to consider is companion planting. The and break bread with community gardeners and OSU following suggestions are from Carrots Love Tomatoes, Extension staff! The potlucks will take place July 14, Secrets of Companion Planting for Successful Gardening by from 6-8 pm at Hanna Perkins Garden (located at Louise Riotte7: 19910 Malvern Road, Shaker Heights); and August 6, LEGUMES in general: from 6-8 pm at Morganic Garden (located at Kenyon ● Legumes sown with a small Avenue and E. 65th Street, Cleveland). Come to one, or amount of mustard are come to all! Just remember to bring a dish to share; this helpful to grapevines and is your time to show off your cooking skills to other fruit trees community gardeners! If you need directions or have ● Peanuts are excellent to grow with newly set nut trees any questions, contact Becky at (216) 429.8230. BEANS Your Chance to Shine: Garden Docents needed! ● Most thrive when interplanted with carrots, cauliflower, by Becky Orenstein, Student Position marigolds, summer savory, potatoes, moderate amounts of celery or cucumbers, strawberries, locust trees, radishes, cabbages and corn ● Beans are inhibited by any member of the onion family C alling all community gardeners! We are looking for energetic representatives from community gardens to help lead our Urban Harvest Garden Tour! You would (garlic, shallots, and chives) be a tour guide on Lolly the Trolley, enjoying the sum- ● They dislike gladiolus, kohlrabi & sunflower mer breeze while sharing some of your knowledge and experience with community gardening. This is the per- PEAS fect opportunity to share your enthusiasm about commu- ● Peas grow well with carrots, turnips, radishes, nity gardening with a group of interested listeners! If cucumbers, corn, beans and potatoes you are interested in participating, please contact ● Plow pea vines under or return them to the compost pile Amanda at 216-429-8200, ext. 250 or email when done We look forward to hearing from you! ● Wood ashes around the base of pea vines help control aphids SAVE the DATE! OSU Extension, Cuyahoga County and Cleveland Welcome, Amanda Block! Department of Community Development present: Amanda is a new Program Assistant with OSUE’s Community Gardening Program. She comes with many skills and talents and is eager to meet all of the gardeners. She will be working with community gardens in the City of Cleveland, including developing new gardens in Ward 1 Saturday, August 15 from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 under Kaiser Permanente’s HEAL Initiative. We’re p.m. The event will kick-off at the Ben Franklin Garden (1905 Spring Road) in Cleveland’s Old glad to have her join our “green team” and hope Brooklyn neighborhood and the tour will wind through you look forward to meeting her and benefiting nine more community gardens and one urban farm. For additional information, call the Garden Tour from her gifts. Hotline at (216) 429-3148.
  • 8. Page 8 T h e C o m m u n i t y G a r d e n i n g N e ws l e t t e r Summer 2009 June Garden Practices Vegetables Fruits ● Weed the garden regularly. ● All summer harvest crops should be in the ● Thin apples, pears and peaches ● Water gardens during the ground by now. for larger fruit. morning if possible. ● Pull soil or mulch up against potato plants ● Remove blossoms from newly ● Store unused seeds in a cold, when they are 8 to 12 inches tall. established strawberry plants. dry location. ● Sow more carrots and beets for continuous ● Loosely tie grape vines to the ● Plant buckwheat in vacant harvest. trellis using soft twine or plastic areas of the garden to retard ● Sidedress asparagus and rhubarb with aged ties. weeds. manure or a 10-10-10 fertilizer. ● Protect ripening fruit from ● Inspect your garden daily. ● Remove radish, spinach, and lettuce plants animals with netting or row when they send up seed stalks. cover. July Garden Practices Vegetables Fruits ● Prevent weeds from going to ● Sow more beets, beans and carrots. ● Prop branches of heavily seed! Scrape smaller weeds ● Sow parsley, dill and basil in pots for use loaded fruit trees. with a hoe or hand-pull indoors during winter. ● Renovate overcrowded larger and perennial weeds. ● Plant Chinese cabbage, endive, snap beans, strawberry beds (ask Extension ● Water deeply when needed; kohlrabi, lettuce and radish for fall harvest. for fact sheet). avoid light sprinkling. ● Plant late-season cabbage transplants in the ● Prune suckers and water ● Remove faded flowers and garden. sprouts from apple trees. over-ripe fruit that attract ● Plant rutabagas for harvest in early autumn. ● Enjoy local peaches. Japanese beetles. ● Lightly fertilize onions, tomatoes, peppers ● Cut down raspberry canes that ● Never apply pesticides to and other long-season plants. produced fruit earlier this stressed plants. ● Allow broccoli to develop side shoots after summer. ● Inspect your garden daily. central head has been harvested. ● Pinch or cut back mint, oregano, and savory to promote bushy growth. ● Harvest summer squash when they are young and tender. ● Blanch celery a week before harvesting by wrapping stalks with paper. ● Allow a few green peppers to turn red before harvesting. August Garden Practices Vegetables Fruits ● Continue to cultivate around ● Harvest tomatoes when their color is fully ● Harvest cantaloupe when the vegetables and flowers to developed. Know your tomato variety to stem separates from the fruit with discourage weeds. determine ripeness. gentle prodding. ● Handpick Japanese beetles ● Plant collards, kale, and turnips for the fall and drop them into a jar of garden. detergent and water. ● Sow seeds of leaf lettuce, radish, turnip (for ● Do a soil test before planting a greens), and spinach for fall harvest. new garden. ● Dig potatoes after vines have died. ● Watch for wasps when working ● Sow spinach for fall harvest. near rock piles, old tree stumps ● If you have too many zucchini or tomatoes, and stone walls. reduce the number of those plants you put in ● Inspect your garden daily. the garden next year. SEE TI P S PAGE 9
  • 9. Summer 2009 T h e C o m m u n i t y G a r d e n i n g N e ws l e t t e r Page 9 TIPS FROM PAGE 8 ALSO, ● SHARE your harvest with neighbors, friends, and those in need. Call the Hunger Network of Greater Cleveland at 216- 619-8155 ext. 12 to find a location to drop off excess produce, talk to your local church or food pantry, or call OSUE for guidance. ● HARVEST the vegetable garden every few days. AVOID MID-DAY PICKING: Vegetables picked in the cool, early morning taste best and store longer! ● SAVOR fresh vegetables from your garden and farmers' markets. ● ATTEND OSUE Garden Workshops this summer (see below for more details)! ● SHARE, LEARN, EAT, MEET! At a Garden Potluck (see page 7 for more details). ● CALL the Master Gardener Hotline (Mondays and Thursdays 10am-1pm) or Community Gardening staff anytime for Fact Sheets about Pest and Disease, Growing Tips and Techniques for individual fruits and vegetables, Compost How-to, etc. Special note for GARDEN LEADERS AND COORDINATORS: ● Create committees and delegate tasks; you don’t have to do it all yourself! For example: Weed Patrols, Compost, Fundraisers, or Grant Seekers and Writers ● Talk to other leaders/coordinators and share and learn best practices. Workshop Schedule Weed ID & Management with John Cardina Cooking in the Garden Saturday, June 13, 2009 Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Free to the public Free to the public Building Healthy Communities El Sol Garden RSVP to Marty 216-429-8220 RSVP to Marty 216-429-8220 Cooking in the Garden Harvesting/Seed Saving Thursday, June 18, 2009 Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Free to the public Free to the public Paul Revere Garden Madison Community Garden RSVP to Marty 216-429-8220 RSVP to Marty 216-429-8220 Pest & Disease—with Jim Chatfield Saturday, June 27, 2009 Grant Writing 10:00 a.m.. – 12:00 noon Tuesday, October 13, 2009 Free to the public 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Shaffer Miles Garden Free to the public YWCA of Greater Cleveland RSVP to Marty 216-429-8220 RSVP to Michelle 216-429-8224 Composting Saturday, July 11, 2009 Upcoming Events 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Free to the public Community Garden Tours Hirst Avenue Garden Saturday, August 15, 2009 RSVP to Marty 216-429-8220 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Season Extension Ben Franklin Garden Saturday, July 25, 2009 Cuyahoga County Fair 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Monday, August 10 – Sunday, August 16, 2009 Free to the public Berea Fair Grounds Herman Avenue Garden “Medieval Times at the Fair” RSVP to Marty 216-429-8220 ACGA 30th Annual Conference Soil/No Till Thursday, August 6 – Sunday, August 9, 2009 Thursday, August 20, 2009 Franklin Park Conservatory 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Columbus, Ohio Free to the public Garden Leader scholarship applications are due West 47th Garden June 30th (City of Cleveland Summer Sprout only) RSVP to Marty 216-429-8220
  • 10. Ohio State University Extension Cuyahoga County 9127 Miles Avenue Cleveland, OH 44105 Mission Statement The Community Gardening Program provides education and resources, helping communities to grow nutritious food, develop important life skills, and create a healthy environment. Our Horticulture Staff: Do you have a question about your garden? • Unsure of when to plant seeds or transplant seedlings? Michael Auerbach, Student Position • Curious about what vegetables make good companion plantings? Amanda Block, Program Assistant • Want to improve the health of your soil naturally? Brad Melzer, Program Assistant OSU Extension Master Gardeners can answer your questions and send you Becky Orenstein, Student Position information to increase your gardening successes. Morgan Taggart, Program Specialist Call (216) 429-8235 between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Mondays and Nicole Wright, Program Assistant Thursdays or email your questions to mgdiagnostics_cuya@ag.ohio- Michelle Key, Office Associate THANK YOU for making the Community Gardening Program possible through your monetary contributions, time, and effort: The Cleveland Foundation The George Gund Foundation The Edward and Betty Sloat Foundation Centers for Disease Control’s Steps to a Healthier US The SK Wellman Foundation City of Cleveland, the Honorable Frank Jackson, Mayor City of Cleveland, Department of Community Development, Division of Neighborhood Services Cleveland Department of Public Health Cuyahoga County Board of Health, Cardiovascular Health Program Cuyahoga County Board of County Commissioners Ohio State University Extension embraces human diversity and is committed to ensuring that all research and related educational programs are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, or veteran status. This statement is in accordance with United States Civil Rights Laws and the USDA. Keith L. Smith, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Agricultural Admini- stration and Director, Ohio State University Extension. TDD No. 800-589-8292 (Ohio only) or 614-292-1868.