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Ms. KirkMs. Kirk
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The Versailles Treaty
A Weak League of Nations
The Ineffectiveness of the
League of Nations
y No control of major conflicts.No control of major conflicts.
y No progress in disarmament.No progress in disarmament.
y No effective military force.No effective military force.
International Agreements
Locarno PactLocarno Pact – 1925– 1925
y France, Germany, Great Britain,France, Germany, Great Britain,
 Guarantee existing frontiersGuarantee existing frontiers
 Establish DMZ 30 miles deep on EastEstablish DMZ 30 miles deep on East
bank of Rhine Riverbank of Rhine River
 Refrain from aggression against eachRefrain from aggression against each
Kellog-Briand PactKellog-Briand Pact – 1928– 1928
y Makes war illegal as a tool ofMakes war illegal as a tool of
 No enforcement provisionsNo enforcement provisions
The Great Depression
The Manchurian Crisis, 1931
Japan Invades Manchuria, 1931
Italy Attacks Ethiopia, 1935
Germany Invades the
March 7, 1936
U. S. Neutrality Acts:
1934, 1935, 1937, 1939
America-First Committee
Charles Lindbergh
The Austrian Anschluss, 1936
y Carlists [ultra-Catholic
y Catholic Church.
y Falange [fascist] Party.
y Monarchists.
y Anarcho-Syndicalists.Anarcho-Syndicalists.
y Basques.Basques.
y Catalans.Catalans.
y Communists.Communists.
y Marxists.Marxists.
y Republicans.Republicans.
y Socialists.Socialists.
The Spanish Civil War:
1936 - 1939
The World Takes Sides
• The Nationalists
` Germany
The Republicans
Soviet Union
Abe Lincoln Brigade
The Spanish Civil War:
1936 - 1939
The Spanish Civil War
The Spanish Civil War: 1936 - 1939
The American “Lincoln Brigade”
The Spanish Civil War: 1936 - 1939
Francisco Franco
The Spanish Civil War:
A Dress Rehearsal for WW II?
Italian troops in
“Guernica” by Pablo Picasso
The Japanese Invasion
of China, 1931
Adolph Hitler
– Austrian-born
• Politician and the
leader of the National
Socialist He was the
ruler of Germany from
1933 to 1945, serving
as chancellor from
1933 to 1934 as
Fuhrer from 1934 to
– A decorated veteran of
World War I, Hitler
joined the Nazi Party in
1920 and became its
leader in 1921.
Adolph Hitler
– Following his imprisonment
after a failed coup in 1923,
he gained support by
promoting nationalism,
antisemitism and anti-
communism with
charismatic oratory and
propaganda including the
writing of “Mein Kampf”.
He was appointed
chancellor in 1933, and
quickly established a
totalitarian and fascist
– Hitler pursued a foreign
policy with the declared
goal of seizing
space") for Germany,
directing the resources
of the state toward this
goal. His army invaded
Poland in 1939, leading
to the outbreak of
World War II in Europe
Mein Kampf
– The great masses of the people will more easily fall victim to a big lie
than to a small one.
– The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the
living shape of the Jew.
– Was there any form of filth or profligacy, particularly in cultural life,
without at least one Jew involved in it? If you cut even cautiously into
such an abscess, you found, like a maggot in a rotting body, often
dazzled by the sudden light - a kike!
I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty
Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of
the Lord.
• a 1942 secret profile of Adolf
Hitler compiled by the OSS. Here
are some excerpts.
• • Hitler never allows anyone to
see him while he is naked or
bathing. He refuses to use cologne
or scents of any sort on his body
• • No matter how warm he feels,
Hitler will never take off his coat in
• • In 1923, Nazi press secretary Dr.
Sedgwick tried to convince Hitler
to get rid of his trademark
mustache or grow it normally.
Hitler answered: “Do not worry
about my mustache. If it is not the
fashion now, it will be later
because I wear it!”
• • While dining with the others, Hitler will allow
the conversation to linger on general topics, but
after a couple of hours he will inevitably begin
one of his many monologues. These speeches
are flawless from start to finish because he
rehearses them any time he gets a moment.
• • His favorite topics include: “When I was a
soldier,” “When I was in Vienna,” “When I was
in prison,” and “When I was the leader in the
early days of the party.”
• • If Hitler begins speaking about Wagner and
the opera, no one dares interrupt him. He will
often sermonize on this topic until his audience
falls asleep.
• • Hitler has no interest in sports or games
of any kind and never exercised, except
for an occasional walk.
• • He paces frequently inside rooms,
always to the same tune that he whistles
to himself and always diagonally across the
room, from corner to corner
• • Hitler’s handwriting is impeccable. When
famous psychologist Carl Jung saw Hitler’s
handwriting in 1937, he remarked:
“Behind this handwriting I recognize the
typical characteristics of a man with
essentially feminine instinct.”
• • Hitler loves the circus. He takes real pleasure
in the idea that underpaid performers are
risking their lives to please him.
• • He went to the circus on several occasions in
1933 and sent extremely expensive chocolates
and flowers to the female performers. Hitler
even remembered their names and would
worry about them and their families in the
event of an accident.
• • He isn’t interested in wild animal acts, unless
there is a woman in danger
• • Hitler staff secretly made films for him of
torture and execution of political prisoners,
which he very much enjoyed viewing.
• • He loves newsreels – especially when he is in
• • He adores gypsy music, Wagner’s operas, and
especially American college football marches
and alma maters.
10 Things you didn’t know about
• His Nazi Rallies were Inspired by
Harvard Cheerleaders:
• He was a draft dodger:
• As an Austrian, he was required to register for the draft at the age of 20. Historians believe that his
failure to do this is the reason he changed addresses so frequently in this period. After five years,
Austrian authorities finally tracked him to Munich. They returned him to Austria, where he promptly
failed his military physical, was judged unfit for combat, and let go.
• He was a chronic hypochondriac:
• He feared disease, and diagnosed himself with numerous conditions, mostly intestinal disorders. He
treated these with medications containing poisonous wood alcohol, atropine and strychnine, and
bacteria cultivated from human feces. He resorted to leeches to lower his blood pressure. And near the
end of the war, he became increasingly concerned about “fresh air poisoning.”
10 Things you didn’t know about
• He became a vegetarian after
attending the autopsy of a girlfriend:
• She killed herself after being actively pursued by Hitler. He was grief stricken, and felt compelled to attend the
autopsy. Afterwards, he refused to eat meat, and took every opportunity to ruin meat for others. He would
often make jokes about preparing a pudding made from his blood, and called beef broth “corpse tea”
• Hitler enjoyed playing practical
jokes on his staff:
• One of his favorite targets was his foreign minister. He would have a staffer call the minister with the news that
Hitler was furious with something he had said. Hitler would listen on the phone, providing further instructions to
drive the minister to a nervous breakdown. One prank famously backfired, when he sent Ernst Hanfstaengl into
Spain on a plane full of Gestapo, and made him think he was being set up for a suicide mission. Hanfstaengl took
an opportunity while refueling to board a train to Switzerland, and before anyone could let him in on the joke,
he turned himself in to the Allies, becoming an invaluable source of information.
• Hitler was an accomplished whistler:
• He experimented briefly with playing the harmonica and flute, and sang occasionally, but whistling was his best
talent. He could whistle loudly and on pitch, and could even reproduce long passages from Wagner with
incredible accuracy.
10 Things you didn’t know about
• He was a rabid fan of cinema:
• Having been inspired to a life of oratory prowess by the 1910 film The Tunnel, Hitler was a lifelong fan of
movies. After gaining power, he regularly held private screenings for his inner circle. His favorite actresses were
Greta Garbo and Shirley Temple. He didn”t care for Charlie Chaplin, even before he made The Great Dictator,
and it’s doubtful he ever saw it. He also enjoyed King Kong, even taking to celebrating victories by pounding his
• He had a remarkable sweet tooth:
• Hitler regularly ate up to two pounds of chocolate a day, in addition to pastries and hot chocolate with copious
amounts of whipped cream. He generally took his tea with seven teaspoons of sugar, and Ernst Hanfstaengl
once witnessed Hitler adding spoonfuls of sugar to a glass of red wine.
• He is seen in a famous photograph
taken at the beginning of World
War One:
• It is a picture taken by Heinrich Hoffman, who incidentally would later become Hitler’s personal photographer,
on the day Germany declared war on Russia in 1914. Hitler can be seen, just an anonymous face in the crowd,
clearly very excited by the prospect of war.
• He would serve as a dispatch runner in the war, thriving on the terrible conditions at the front, before mustard
gas damaged his vocal chords, forcing Hitler to learn to speak again.
10 Things you didn’t know about
• His dog had a rather large effect on
his war policy:
• Hitler was very proud of his German Shepherd named Blondi. He spent countless
hours training her, and would even interrupt meetings with generals to practice her
tricks. The generals realized that if Blondi did well, Hitler was in a better mood, and
more likely to take their advice. If she did poorly, he would become sullen and
stubborn. One of the officers later said, “I sometimes had the impression that the
outcome of the Russian campaign depended more on Blondi than the German general
The “Problem” of the
Appeasement: The Munich
Agreement, 1938
Now we have “peace in our time!” Herr
Hitler is a man we can do business with.
British Prime Minister Neville ChamberlainBritish Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
Czechoslovakia Becomes Part of
the Third Reich: 1939
Rome-Berlin Axis, 1939
The “Pact of Steel”
The Nazi-Soviet
Non-Aggression Pact, 1939
Foreign MinistersForeign Ministers
von Ribbentrop & Molotovvon Ribbentrop & Molotov
The Participants
• Allied Powers
• Soviet Union
• United Kingdom
• United States
• Republic of China
• France
• Free France
• Netherlands
• Belgium
• Canada
• Norway
• Greece
• Yugoslavia
• Czechoslovakia
• Philippines
• India
• Australia
• New Zealand
• South Africa
• Brazil
• Axis Powers
• Japan
• Italy
• Hungary
• Romania
• Finland
• Croatia
• Slovakia
• Thailand
Poland Attacked: Sept. 1, 1939
Blitzkrieg [“Lightening War”]
German Troops March into Warsaw
European Theater of Operations
The “Phoney War” Ends:
Spring, 1940
France – False Sense of Security?
The Maginot
Dunkirk Evacuated
June 4, 1940
France Surrenders
June, 1940
A Divided France
Henri PetainHenri Petain
The French Resistance
The Free FrenchThe Free French
General CharlesGeneral Charles
The MaquisThe Maquis
Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis:
The Tripartite Pact
September, 1940
Now Britain Is All Alone!
Great Britain.........................$31 billion
Soviet Union...........................$11 billion
France......................................$ 3 billion
China.......................................$1.5 billion
Other European.................$500 million
South America...................$400 million
The amount totaled: $48,601,365,000
U. S. Lend-Lease Act,
Battle of Britain:
The “Blitz”
Battle of Britain:
The “Blitz”
The London “Tube”:
Air Raid Shelters during the Blitz
The Royal Air Force
British Prime Minister
Winston Churchill
The Atlantic Charter
y Roosevelt andRoosevelt and
Churchill signChurchill sign
treaty oftreaty of
friendship infriendship in
August 1941.August 1941.
y Solidifies alliance.Solidifies alliance.
y Fashioned afterFashioned after
Wilson’s 14 Points.Wilson’s 14 Points.
y Calls for League ofCalls for League of
Nations typeNations type
Operation Barbarossa:
Hitler’s Biggest Mistake
Operation Barbarossa:
June 22, 1941
y 3,000,000 German soldiers.3,000,000 German soldiers.
y 3,400 tanks.3,400 tanks.
The “Big Three”
Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph StalinWinston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin
Axis Powers in 1942
Battle of Stalingrad:
Winter of 1942-1943
German Army Russian Army
1,011,500 men 1,000,500 men
10,290 artillery guns 13,541 artillery guns
675 tanks 894 tanks
1,216 planes 1,115 planes
The North Africa Campaign:
The Battle of El Alamein, 1942
Gen. Ernst Rommel,
The “Desert Fox”
Gen. Bernard
The Italian Campaign
[“Operation Torch”] :
Europe’s “Soft Underbelly”
y Allies planAllies plan
assault onassault on
weakest Axisweakest Axis
area - Northarea - North
Africa - Nov.Africa - Nov.
1942-May 19431942-May 1943
y George S.George S.
PattonPatton leadsleads
American troopsAmerican troops
y GermansGermans
trapped intrapped in
Tunisia -Tunisia -
surrender oversurrender over
275,000 troops.275,000 troops.
The Battle for Sicily:
June, 1943
George S. PattonGeorge S. Patton
George C. Scott
Playing General Patton in the
1968 Movie, “Patton”
The Battle of Monte Casino:
February, 1944
The Allies Liberate Rome:
June 5, 1944
Gen. Eisenhower Gives the Orders
for D-Day [“Operation Overlord”]
D-Day (June 6, 1944)
Normandy Landing
(June 6, 1944)
Higgins Landing CraftsHiggins Landing Crafts
German PrisonersGerman Prisoners
July 20, 1944 Assassination Plot
Major Claus vonMajor Claus von
July 20, 1944 Assassination Plot
1. Adolf Hitler
2. Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel
3. Gen Alfred von Jodl
4. Gen Walter Warlimont
5. Franz von Sonnleithner
6. Maj Herbert Buchs
7. Stenographer Heinz Buchholz
8. Lt Gen Hermann Fegelein
9. Col Nikolaus von Below
10. Rear Adm Hans-Erich Voss
11. Otto Gunsche, Hitler's adjutant
12. Gen Walter Scherff (injured)
13. Gen Ernst John von Freyend
14. Capt Heinz Assman (injured)
TThe Liberation of Paris:
August 25, 1944
De Gaulle inDe Gaulle in
U. S. Troops in Paris, 1944
French Female Collaborators
The Battle of the Bulge:
Hitler’s Last Offensive
Dec. 16, 1944Dec. 16, 1944
Jan. 28, 1945Jan. 28, 1945
Yalta: February, 1945
y FDR wants quick Soviet entry into PacificFDR wants quick Soviet entry into Pacific
y FDR & Churchill concede Stalin needsFDR & Churchill concede Stalin needs
buffer, FDR & Stalin want spheres ofbuffer, FDR & Stalin want spheres of
influence and a weak Germany.influence and a weak Germany.
y Churchill wantsChurchill wants
strong Germanystrong Germany
against Stalin.against Stalin.
y FDR arguesFDR argues
for a ‘Unitedfor a ‘United
Mussolini &
His Mistress,
Are Hung in
Milan, 1945
US & Russian Soldiers Meet at
the Elbe River: April 25, 1945
Horrors of the Holocaust
Entrance toEntrance to
Horrors of the Holocaust
Horrors of the Holocaust
Slave Labor at BuchenwaldSlave Labor at Buchenwald
Horrors of the Holocaust Exposed
Mass Graves at Bergen-BelsenMass Graves at Bergen-Belsen
Hitler’s “Secret Weapons”:
Too Little, Too Late!
V-1 Rocket:V-1 Rocket:
“Buzz Bomb”“Buzz Bomb”
V-2 RocketV-2 Rocket Werner von BraunWerner von Braun
Hitler Commits Suicide
April 30, 1945
The FThe Füührer’s Bunkerhrer’s Bunker
Cyanide & PistolsCyanide & Pistols
Mr. & Mrs. HitlerMr. & Mrs. Hitler
V-E Day (May 8, 1945)
General KeitelGeneral Keitel
V-E Day (May 8, 1945)
The Code Breakers of WW II
Bletchley ParkBletchley Park
The German “Enigma”The German “Enigma”
The JapaneseThe Japanese
“Purple” [naval]“Purple” [naval]
Code MachineCode Machine
Pearl Harbor
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto
Pearl Harbor from the Cockpit
of a Japanese Pilot
Pearl Harbor - Dec. 7, 1941
A date which will live in infamy!
President Roosevelt Signs the
US Declaration of War
USS Arizona, Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor Memorial
2,887 Americans Dead!2,887 Americans Dead!
Pacific Theater of Operations
“Tokyo Rose”
Paying for the War
Paying for the War
Paying for the War
Betty Grable: Allied Pinup Girl
She Reminded Men What They Were Fighting
Singapore Surrenders
[February, 1942]
U.S. Surrenders at Corregidor,
the Philippines [March, 1942]
Bataan Death March: April, 1942
76,000 prisoners [12,000 Americans]76,000 prisoners [12,000 Americans]
Marched 60 miles in the blazing heat to POWMarched 60 miles in the blazing heat to POW
camps in the Philippines.camps in the Philippines.
Bataan: British Soldiers
The Burma Campaign
The “Burma Road”The “Burma Road”
General StilwellGeneral Stilwell
Leaving Burma, 1942Leaving Burma, 1942
Allied Counter-Offensive:
“Island-Hopping”: US Troops
on Kwajalien Island
Farthest Extent
of Japanese Conquests
Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle:
First U. S. Raids on Tokyo, 1942
Battle of the Coral Sea:
May 7-8, 1942
Battle of Midway Island:
June 4-6, 1942
Battle of Midway Island:
June 4-6, 1942
Japanese Kamikaze Planes:
The Scourge of the South Pacific
Kamikaze PilotsKamikaze Pilots
Gen. MacArthur “Returns” to
the Philippines! [1944]
US Marines on Mt. Surbachi,
Iwo Jima [Feb. 19, 1945]
Potsdam Conference:
July, 1945
y FDR dead, Churchill out of office as PrimeFDR dead, Churchill out of office as Prime
Minister during conference.Minister during conference.
y Stalin only original.Stalin only original.
y The United StatesThe United States
has the A-bomb.has the A-bomb.
y Allies agree GermanyAllies agree Germany
is to be divided intois to be divided into
occupation zonesoccupation zones
y Poland movedPoland moved
around to suitaround to suit
the Soviets.the Soviets.
P.M. Clement President JosephP.M. Clement President Joseph
Atlee Truman StalinAtlee Truman Stalin
The Manhattan Project:
Los Alamos,
Dr. RobertDr. Robert
I am become
the shatterer
of worlds!
Major GeneralMajor General
Lesley R. GrovesLesley R. Groves
Tinian Island, 1945
Little Boy Fat ManLittle Boy Fat Man
Enola GayEnola Gay CrewCrew
Col. Paul Tibbets & the A-Bomb
Hiroshima – August 6, 1945
© 70,000 killed70,000 killed
© 48,000 buildings.48,000 buildings.
© 100,000s died of100,000s died of
radiation poisoning &radiation poisoning &
cancer later.cancer later.
The Beginning of the
Atomic Age
Nagasaki – August 9, 1945
© 40,000 killed40,000 killed
© 60,000 injured.60,000 injured.
© 100,000s died of100,000s died of
radiation poisoningradiation poisoning
& cancer later.& cancer later.
Japanese A-Bomb Survivors
Hiroshima Memorials
V-J Day (September 2, 1945)
Japanese POWs, Guam
V-J Day in Times Square, NYC
WW II Casualties: Europe
Each symbol
indicates 100,000
dead in the
appropriate theater
of operations
WW II Casualties: Asia
Each symbol
indicates 100,000
dead in the
appropriate theater
of operations
CountryCountry Men in warMen in war Battle deathsBattle deaths WoundedWounded
AustraliaAustralia 1,000,0001,000,000 26,97626,976 180,864180,864
AustriaAustria 800,000800,000 280,000280,000 350,117350,117
BelgiumBelgium 625,000625,000 8,4608,460 55,51355,51311
40,33440,334 943943 4,2224,222
BulgariaBulgaria 339,760339,760 6,6716,671 21,87821,878
CanadaCanada 1,086,3431,086,34377
17,250,52117,250,521 1,324,5161,324,516 1,762,0061,762,006
CzechoslovakiaCzechoslovakia —— 6,6836,68344
DenmarkDenmark —— 4,3394,339 ——
FinlandFinland 500,000500,000 79,04779,047 50,00050,000
FranceFrance —— 201,568201,568 400,000400,000
GermanyGermany 20,000,00020,000,000 3,250,0003,250,00044
GreeceGreece —— 17,02417,024 47,29047,290
HungaryHungary —— 147,435147,435 89,31389,313
IndiaIndia 2,393,8912,393,891 32,12132,121 64,35464,354
ItalyItaly 3,100,0003,100,000 149,496149,49644
JapanJapan 9,700,0009,700,000 1,270,0001,270,000 140,000140,000
NetherlandsNetherlands 280,000280,000 6,5006,500 2,8602,860
New ZealandNew Zealand 194,000194,000 11,62511,62544
NorwayNorway 75,00075,000 2,0002,000 ——
PolandPoland —— 664,000664,000 530,000530,000
RomaniaRomania 650,000650,00055
South AfricaSouth Africa 410,056410,056 2,4732,473 ——
U.S.S.R.U.S.S.R. —— 6,115,0006,115,00044
United KingdomUnited Kingdom 5,896,0005,896,000 357,116357,11644
United StatesUnited States 16,112,56616,112,566 291,557291,557 670,846670,846
1. Civilians only.
2. Army and navy figures.
3. Figures cover period July 7,
1937 to Sept. 2, 1945,
and concern only Chinese
regular troops. They do not
include casualties suffered
by guerrillas and local
military corps.
4. Deaths from all causes.
5. Against Soviet Russia;
against Nazi Germany.
6. Against Soviet Russia;
against Nazi Germany.
7. National Defense Ctr.,
Forces Hq., Director of
Massive Human Dislocations
The Creation of Israel
– In November 1947 United
Nations decided on partition
of Palestine into two states,
one Jewish and one Arab
Partition was accepted by
Zionist leaders and rejected
by Arab leaders. On May 14,
1948, with the British
mandate ending, the Jewish
National Council declared
Israel independent; the
neighboring Arab states
attacked the next day. Israel
successfully defended its
Problems with Israel
Conflict between the Israelis and
– Divisive History
– Occupation, Land & Settlements
– Refugees
– Palestinian Terror
– Israeli Repression
– Israeli Security
– Jerusalem
– Water
The U.S. & the U.S.S.R.
Emerged as the Two Superpowers
of the later 20c
The Bi-Polarization of Europe:
The Beginning of the Cold War
The Division of Germany:
1945 - 1990
The Creation of the U. N.
Creation of NATO
• Based on the North Atlantic
Treaty Signed on 4 April 1949.
• The NATO headquarters are in
Brussels, Belgium, and the
organization constitutes a system
of collective defence whereby its
member states agree to mutual
defense in response to an attack
by any external party.
The Nuremberg War Trials:
Crimes Against Humanity
Japanese War Crimes Trials
Hideki TojoHideki Tojo
7 Future American Presidents
Served in World War II
The Race for
Early Computer Technology
Came Out of WW II
Mark I, 1944Mark I, 1944
Admiral Grace Hooper,Admiral Grace Hooper,
COBOL languageCOBOL language
Colossus, 1941Colossus, 1941
The Emergence of Third
World Nationalist Movements
The De-Colonization of
European Empires

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  • 1. Ms. KirkMs. Kirk West High School 2006-2007West High School 2006-2007 Ms. KirkMs. Kirk West High School 2006-2007West High School 2006-2007
  • 2.
  • 4. A Weak League of Nations
  • 5. The Ineffectiveness of the League of Nations y No control of major conflicts.No control of major conflicts. y No progress in disarmament.No progress in disarmament. y No effective military force.No effective military force.
  • 6. International Agreements Locarno PactLocarno Pact – 1925– 1925 y France, Germany, Great Britain,France, Germany, Great Britain, ItalyItaly  Guarantee existing frontiersGuarantee existing frontiers  Establish DMZ 30 miles deep on EastEstablish DMZ 30 miles deep on East bank of Rhine Riverbank of Rhine River  Refrain from aggression against eachRefrain from aggression against each otherother Kellog-Briand PactKellog-Briand Pact – 1928– 1928 y Makes war illegal as a tool ofMakes war illegal as a tool of diplomacydiplomacy  No enforcement provisionsNo enforcement provisions
  • 10. Italy Attacks Ethiopia, 1935 EmperorEmperor HaileHaile SelassieSelassie
  • 12. U. S. Neutrality Acts: 1934, 1935, 1937, 1939
  • 15. y Carlists [ultra-Catholic monarchists]. y Catholic Church. y Falange [fascist] Party. y Monarchists. y Anarcho-Syndicalists.Anarcho-Syndicalists. y Basques.Basques. y Catalans.Catalans. y Communists.Communists. y Marxists.Marxists. y Republicans.Republicans. y Socialists.Socialists. The National Front [Nationalists] The National Front [Nationalists] The Popular Front [Republicans] The Popular Front [Republicans] The Spanish Civil War: 1936 - 1939
  • 16. The World Takes Sides • The Nationalists Italy ` Germany The Republicans Soviet Union Mexico Abe Lincoln Brigade
  • 17. The Spanish Civil War: 1936 - 1939
  • 19. The Spanish Civil War: 1936 - 1939 The American “Lincoln Brigade”
  • 20. The Spanish Civil War: 1936 - 1939 Francisco Franco
  • 21. The Spanish Civil War: A Dress Rehearsal for WW II? Italian troops in Madrid
  • 24. Adolph Hitler – Austrian-born German • Politician and the leader of the National Socialist He was the ruler of Germany from 1933 to 1945, serving as chancellor from 1933 to 1934 as Fuhrer from 1934 to 1945. – A decorated veteran of World War I, Hitler joined the Nazi Party in 1920 and became its leader in 1921.
  • 25. Adolph Hitler – Following his imprisonment after a failed coup in 1923, he gained support by promoting nationalism, antisemitism and anti- communism with charismatic oratory and propaganda including the writing of “Mein Kampf”. He was appointed chancellor in 1933, and quickly established a totalitarian and fascist dictatorship. – Hitler pursued a foreign policy with the declared goal of seizing Lebensraum("living space") for Germany, directing the resources of the state toward this goal. His army invaded Poland in 1939, leading to the outbreak of World War II in Europe
  • 26. Mein Kampf – The great masses of the people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one. – The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew. – Was there any form of filth or profligacy, particularly in cultural life, without at least one Jew involved in it? If you cut even cautiously into such an abscess, you found, like a maggot in a rotting body, often dazzled by the sudden light - a kike! I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.
  • 27. Hitler • a 1942 secret profile of Adolf Hitler compiled by the OSS. Here are some excerpts. • PERSONAL APPEARANCE • • Hitler never allows anyone to see him while he is naked or bathing. He refuses to use cologne or scents of any sort on his body • • No matter how warm he feels, Hitler will never take off his coat in public • • In 1923, Nazi press secretary Dr. Sedgwick tried to convince Hitler to get rid of his trademark mustache or grow it normally. Hitler answered: “Do not worry about my mustache. If it is not the fashion now, it will be later because I wear it!” • SOCIAL BEHAVIOR • • While dining with the others, Hitler will allow the conversation to linger on general topics, but after a couple of hours he will inevitably begin one of his many monologues. These speeches are flawless from start to finish because he rehearses them any time he gets a moment. • • His favorite topics include: “When I was a soldier,” “When I was in Vienna,” “When I was in prison,” and “When I was the leader in the early days of the party.” • • If Hitler begins speaking about Wagner and the opera, no one dares interrupt him. He will often sermonize on this topic until his audience falls asleep.
  • 28. Hitler • PERSONAL HABITS • • Hitler has no interest in sports or games of any kind and never exercised, except for an occasional walk. • • He paces frequently inside rooms, always to the same tune that he whistles to himself and always diagonally across the room, from corner to corner • • Hitler’s handwriting is impeccable. When famous psychologist Carl Jung saw Hitler’s handwriting in 1937, he remarked: “Behind this handwriting I recognize the typical characteristics of a man with essentially feminine instinct.” • ENTERTAINMENT • • Hitler loves the circus. He takes real pleasure in the idea that underpaid performers are risking their lives to please him. • • He went to the circus on several occasions in 1933 and sent extremely expensive chocolates and flowers to the female performers. Hitler even remembered their names and would worry about them and their families in the event of an accident. • • He isn’t interested in wild animal acts, unless there is a woman in danger • • Hitler staff secretly made films for him of torture and execution of political prisoners, which he very much enjoyed viewing. • • He loves newsreels – especially when he is in them. • • He adores gypsy music, Wagner’s operas, and especially American college football marches and alma maters.
  • 29. 10 Things you didn’t know about Hitler • His Nazi Rallies were Inspired by Harvard Cheerleaders: • He was a draft dodger: • As an Austrian, he was required to register for the draft at the age of 20. Historians believe that his failure to do this is the reason he changed addresses so frequently in this period. After five years, Austrian authorities finally tracked him to Munich. They returned him to Austria, where he promptly failed his military physical, was judged unfit for combat, and let go. • He was a chronic hypochondriac: • He feared disease, and diagnosed himself with numerous conditions, mostly intestinal disorders. He treated these with medications containing poisonous wood alcohol, atropine and strychnine, and bacteria cultivated from human feces. He resorted to leeches to lower his blood pressure. And near the end of the war, he became increasingly concerned about “fresh air poisoning.” •
  • 30. 10 Things you didn’t know about Hitler • He became a vegetarian after attending the autopsy of a girlfriend: • She killed herself after being actively pursued by Hitler. He was grief stricken, and felt compelled to attend the autopsy. Afterwards, he refused to eat meat, and took every opportunity to ruin meat for others. He would often make jokes about preparing a pudding made from his blood, and called beef broth “corpse tea” • Hitler enjoyed playing practical jokes on his staff: • One of his favorite targets was his foreign minister. He would have a staffer call the minister with the news that Hitler was furious with something he had said. Hitler would listen on the phone, providing further instructions to drive the minister to a nervous breakdown. One prank famously backfired, when he sent Ernst Hanfstaengl into Spain on a plane full of Gestapo, and made him think he was being set up for a suicide mission. Hanfstaengl took an opportunity while refueling to board a train to Switzerland, and before anyone could let him in on the joke, he turned himself in to the Allies, becoming an invaluable source of information. • Hitler was an accomplished whistler: • He experimented briefly with playing the harmonica and flute, and sang occasionally, but whistling was his best talent. He could whistle loudly and on pitch, and could even reproduce long passages from Wagner with incredible accuracy.
  • 31. 10 Things you didn’t know about Hitler • He was a rabid fan of cinema: • Having been inspired to a life of oratory prowess by the 1910 film The Tunnel, Hitler was a lifelong fan of movies. After gaining power, he regularly held private screenings for his inner circle. His favorite actresses were Greta Garbo and Shirley Temple. He didn”t care for Charlie Chaplin, even before he made The Great Dictator, and it’s doubtful he ever saw it. He also enjoyed King Kong, even taking to celebrating victories by pounding his chest. • He had a remarkable sweet tooth: • Hitler regularly ate up to two pounds of chocolate a day, in addition to pastries and hot chocolate with copious amounts of whipped cream. He generally took his tea with seven teaspoons of sugar, and Ernst Hanfstaengl once witnessed Hitler adding spoonfuls of sugar to a glass of red wine. • He is seen in a famous photograph taken at the beginning of World War One: • It is a picture taken by Heinrich Hoffman, who incidentally would later become Hitler’s personal photographer, on the day Germany declared war on Russia in 1914. Hitler can be seen, just an anonymous face in the crowd, clearly very excited by the prospect of war. • He would serve as a dispatch runner in the war, thriving on the terrible conditions at the front, before mustard gas damaged his vocal chords, forcing Hitler to learn to speak again.
  • 32.
  • 33. 10 Things you didn’t know about Hitler • His dog had a rather large effect on his war policy: • Hitler was very proud of his German Shepherd named Blondi. He spent countless hours training her, and would even interrupt meetings with generals to practice her tricks. The generals realized that if Blondi did well, Hitler was in a better mood, and more likely to take their advice. If she did poorly, he would become sullen and stubborn. One of the officers later said, “I sometimes had the impression that the outcome of the Russian campaign depended more on Blondi than the German general staff.
  • 34. The “Problem” of the Sudetenland
  • 35. Appeasement: The Munich Agreement, 1938 Now we have “peace in our time!” Herr Hitler is a man we can do business with. British Prime Minister Neville ChamberlainBritish Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
  • 36. Czechoslovakia Becomes Part of the Third Reich: 1939
  • 37. Rome-Berlin Axis, 1939 The “Pact of Steel”
  • 38. The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, 1939 Foreign MinistersForeign Ministers von Ribbentrop & Molotovvon Ribbentrop & Molotov
  • 39.
  • 40. The Participants • Allied Powers • Soviet Union • United Kingdom • United States • Republic of China Poland • France • Free France • Netherlands • Belgium • Canada • Norway • Greece • Yugoslavia • Czechoslovakia • Philippines • India • Australia • New Zealand • South Africa • Brazil • Axis Powers Germany • Japan • Italy • Hungary • Romania • Finland • Croatia • Slovakia • Thailand
  • 41. Poland Attacked: Sept. 1, 1939 Blitzkrieg [“Lightening War”]
  • 42. German Troops March into Warsaw
  • 43.
  • 44. European Theater of Operations
  • 45. The “Phoney War” Ends: Spring, 1940
  • 46. France – False Sense of Security? The Maginot Line
  • 49. A Divided France Henri PetainHenri Petain
  • 50. The French Resistance The Free FrenchThe Free French General CharlesGeneral Charles DeGaulleDeGaulle The MaquisThe Maquis
  • 52. Now Britain Is All Alone!
  • 53. Great Britain.........................$31 billion Soviet Union...........................$11 billion France......................................$ 3 billion China.......................................$1.5 billion Other European.................$500 million South America...................$400 million The amount totaled: $48,601,365,000 U. S. Lend-Lease Act, 1941
  • 55. Battle of Britain: The “Blitz”
  • 56. Battle of Britain: The “Blitz”
  • 57. The London “Tube”: Air Raid Shelters during the Blitz
  • 58. The Royal Air Force
  • 60.
  • 61. The Atlantic Charter y Roosevelt andRoosevelt and Churchill signChurchill sign treaty oftreaty of friendship infriendship in August 1941.August 1941. y Solidifies alliance.Solidifies alliance. y Fashioned afterFashioned after Wilson’s 14 Points.Wilson’s 14 Points. y Calls for League ofCalls for League of Nations typeNations type organization.organization.
  • 63. Operation Barbarossa: June 22, 1941 y 3,000,000 German soldiers.3,000,000 German soldiers. y 3,400 tanks.3,400 tanks.
  • 64. The “Big Three” Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph StalinWinston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin
  • 66. Battle of Stalingrad: Winter of 1942-1943 German Army Russian Army 1,011,500 men 1,000,500 men 10,290 artillery guns 13,541 artillery guns 675 tanks 894 tanks 1,216 planes 1,115 planes
  • 67. The North Africa Campaign: The Battle of El Alamein, 1942 Gen. Ernst Rommel, The “Desert Fox” Gen. Bernard Law Montgomery (“Monty”)
  • 68. The Italian Campaign [“Operation Torch”] : Europe’s “Soft Underbelly” y Allies planAllies plan assault onassault on weakest Axisweakest Axis area - Northarea - North Africa - Nov.Africa - Nov. 1942-May 19431942-May 1943 y George S.George S. PattonPatton leadsleads American troopsAmerican troops y GermansGermans trapped intrapped in Tunisia -Tunisia - surrender oversurrender over 275,000 troops.275,000 troops.
  • 69. The Battle for Sicily: June, 1943 GeneralGeneral George S. PattonGeorge S. Patton
  • 70. George C. Scott Playing General Patton in the 1968 Movie, “Patton”
  • 71. The Battle of Monte Casino: February, 1944
  • 72. The Allies Liberate Rome: June 5, 1944
  • 73. Gen. Eisenhower Gives the Orders for D-Day [“Operation Overlord”]
  • 74. D-Day (June 6, 1944)
  • 75. Normandy Landing (June 6, 1944) Higgins Landing CraftsHiggins Landing Crafts German PrisonersGerman Prisoners v=azmxn0MXgmA
  • 76.
  • 77. July 20, 1944 Assassination Plot Major Claus vonMajor Claus von StauffenbergStauffenberg
  • 78. July 20, 1944 Assassination Plot 1. Adolf Hitler 2. Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel 3. Gen Alfred von Jodl 4. Gen Walter Warlimont 5. Franz von Sonnleithner 6. Maj Herbert Buchs 7. Stenographer Heinz Buchholz 8. Lt Gen Hermann Fegelein 9. Col Nikolaus von Below 10. Rear Adm Hans-Erich Voss 11. Otto Gunsche, Hitler's adjutant 12. Gen Walter Scherff (injured) 13. Gen Ernst John von Freyend 14. Capt Heinz Assman (injured)
  • 79. TThe Liberation of Paris: August 25, 1944 De Gaulle inDe Gaulle in Triumph!Triumph!
  • 80. U. S. Troops in Paris, 1944
  • 82. The Battle of the Bulge: Hitler’s Last Offensive Dec. 16, 1944Dec. 16, 1944 toto Jan. 28, 1945Jan. 28, 1945
  • 83. Yalta: February, 1945 y FDR wants quick Soviet entry into PacificFDR wants quick Soviet entry into Pacific war.war. y FDR & Churchill concede Stalin needsFDR & Churchill concede Stalin needs buffer, FDR & Stalin want spheres ofbuffer, FDR & Stalin want spheres of influence and a weak Germany.influence and a weak Germany. y Churchill wantsChurchill wants strong Germanystrong Germany asas bufferbuffer against Stalin.against Stalin. y FDR arguesFDR argues for a ‘Unitedfor a ‘United Nations’.Nations’.
  • 85. US & Russian Soldiers Meet at the Elbe River: April 25, 1945
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  • 89. Horrors of the Holocaust Exposed Mass Graves at Bergen-BelsenMass Graves at Bergen-Belsen http:// www. youtub watch? v=a6jn awYw m3E
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  • 91. Hitler Commits Suicide April 30, 1945 The FThe Füührer’s Bunkerhrer’s Bunker Cyanide & PistolsCyanide & Pistols Mr. & Mrs. HitlerMr. & Mrs. Hitler
  • 92. V-E Day (May 8, 1945) General KeitelGeneral Keitel
  • 93. V-E Day (May 8, 1945)
  • 94. The Code Breakers of WW II Bletchley ParkBletchley Park The German “Enigma”The German “Enigma” MachineMachine The JapaneseThe Japanese “Purple” [naval]“Purple” [naval] Code MachineCode Machine
  • 95.
  • 98. Pearl Harbor from the Cockpit of a Japanese Pilot
  • 99. Pearl Harbor - Dec. 7, 1941 A date which will live in infamy!
  • 100. President Roosevelt Signs the US Declaration of War
  • 102. Pearl Harbor Memorial 2,887 Americans Dead!2,887 Americans Dead!
  • 103. Pacific Theater of Operations
  • 108. Betty Grable: Allied Pinup Girl She Reminded Men What They Were Fighting For
  • 110. U.S. Surrenders at Corregidor, the Philippines [March, 1942]
  • 111. Bataan Death March: April, 1942 76,000 prisoners [12,000 Americans]76,000 prisoners [12,000 Americans] Marched 60 miles in the blazing heat to POWMarched 60 miles in the blazing heat to POW camps in the Philippines.camps in the Philippines.
  • 113. The Burma Campaign The “Burma Road”The “Burma Road” General StilwellGeneral Stilwell Leaving Burma, 1942Leaving Burma, 1942
  • 117. Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle: First U. S. Raids on Tokyo, 1942
  • 118. Battle of the Coral Sea: May 7-8, 1942
  • 119. Battle of Midway Island: June 4-6, 1942
  • 120. Battle of Midway Island: June 4-6, 1942
  • 121. Japanese Kamikaze Planes: The Scourge of the South Pacific Kamikaze PilotsKamikaze Pilots SuicideSuicide BombersBombers
  • 122. Gen. MacArthur “Returns” to the Philippines! [1944]
  • 123. US Marines on Mt. Surbachi, Iwo Jima [Feb. 19, 1945]
  • 124. Potsdam Conference: July, 1945 y FDR dead, Churchill out of office as PrimeFDR dead, Churchill out of office as Prime Minister during conference.Minister during conference. y Stalin only original.Stalin only original. y The United StatesThe United States has the A-bomb.has the A-bomb. y Allies agree GermanyAllies agree Germany is to be divided intois to be divided into occupation zonesoccupation zones y Poland movedPoland moved around to suitaround to suit the Soviets.the Soviets. P.M. Clement President JosephP.M. Clement President Joseph Atlee Truman StalinAtlee Truman Stalin
  • 125. The Manhattan Project: Los Alamos, NM Dr. RobertDr. Robert OppenheimerOppenheimer I am become death, the shatterer of worlds! Major GeneralMajor General Lesley R. GrovesLesley R. Groves
  • 126. Tinian Island, 1945 Little Boy Fat ManLittle Boy Fat Man Enola GayEnola Gay CrewCrew
  • 127. Col. Paul Tibbets & the A-Bomb
  • 128. Hiroshima – August 6, 1945 © 70,000 killed70,000 killed immediately.immediately. © 48,000 buildings.48,000 buildings. destroyed.destroyed. © 100,000s died of100,000s died of radiation poisoning &radiation poisoning & cancer later.cancer later.
  • 129. The Beginning of the Atomic Age
  • 130. Nagasaki – August 9, 1945 © 40,000 killed40,000 killed immediately.immediately. © 60,000 injured.60,000 injured. © 100,000s died of100,000s died of radiation poisoningradiation poisoning & cancer later.& cancer later.
  • 133. V-J Day (September 2, 1945)
  • 135. V-J Day in Times Square, NYC
  • 136.
  • 137. WW II Casualties: Europe Each symbol indicates 100,000 dead in the appropriate theater of operations
  • 138. WW II Casualties: Asia Each symbol indicates 100,000 dead in the appropriate theater of operations
  • 139. WW II Casualties CountryCountry Men in warMen in war Battle deathsBattle deaths WoundedWounded AustraliaAustralia 1,000,0001,000,000 26,97626,976 180,864180,864 AustriaAustria 800,000800,000 280,000280,000 350,117350,117 BelgiumBelgium 625,000625,000 8,4608,460 55,51355,51311 BrazilBrazil22 40,33440,334 943943 4,2224,222 BulgariaBulgaria 339,760339,760 6,6716,671 21,87821,878 CanadaCanada 1,086,3431,086,34377 42,04242,04277 53,14553,145 ChinaChina33 17,250,52117,250,521 1,324,5161,324,516 1,762,0061,762,006 CzechoslovakiaCzechoslovakia —— 6,6836,68344 8,0178,017 DenmarkDenmark —— 4,3394,339 —— FinlandFinland 500,000500,000 79,04779,047 50,00050,000 FranceFrance —— 201,568201,568 400,000400,000 GermanyGermany 20,000,00020,000,000 3,250,0003,250,00044 7,250,0007,250,000 GreeceGreece —— 17,02417,024 47,29047,290 HungaryHungary —— 147,435147,435 89,31389,313 IndiaIndia 2,393,8912,393,891 32,12132,121 64,35464,354 ItalyItaly 3,100,0003,100,000 149,496149,49644 66,71666,716 JapanJapan 9,700,0009,700,000 1,270,0001,270,000 140,000140,000 NetherlandsNetherlands 280,000280,000 6,5006,500 2,8602,860 New ZealandNew Zealand 194,000194,000 11,62511,62544 17,00017,000 NorwayNorway 75,00075,000 2,0002,000 —— PolandPoland —— 664,000664,000 530,000530,000 RomaniaRomania 650,000650,00055 350,000350,00066 —— South AfricaSouth Africa 410,056410,056 2,4732,473 —— U.S.S.R.U.S.S.R. —— 6,115,0006,115,00044 14,012,00014,012,000 United KingdomUnited Kingdom 5,896,0005,896,000 357,116357,11644 369,267369,267 United StatesUnited States 16,112,56616,112,566 291,557291,557 670,846670,846 1. Civilians only. 2. Army and navy figures. 3. Figures cover period July 7, 1937 to Sept. 2, 1945, and concern only Chinese regular troops. They do not include casualties suffered by guerrillas and local military corps. 4. Deaths from all causes. 5. Against Soviet Russia; 385,847 against Nazi Germany. 6. Against Soviet Russia; 169,822 against Nazi Germany. 7. National Defense Ctr., Canadian Forces Hq., Director of History.
  • 141. The Creation of Israel – In November 1947 United Nations decided on partition of Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab Partition was accepted by Zionist leaders and rejected by Arab leaders. On May 14, 1948, with the British mandate ending, the Jewish National Council declared Israel independent; the neighboring Arab states attacked the next day. Israel successfully defended its independence
  • 143. Conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians – Divisive History – Occupation, Land & Settlements – Refugees – Palestinian Terror – Israeli Repression – Israeli Security – Jerusalem – Water
  • 144. The U.S. & the U.S.S.R. Emerged as the Two Superpowers of the later 20c
  • 145. The Bi-Polarization of Europe: The Beginning of the Cold War
  • 146. The Division of Germany: 1945 - 1990
  • 147. The Creation of the U. N.
  • 148. Creation of NATO • Based on the North Atlantic Treaty Signed on 4 April 1949. • The NATO headquarters are in Brussels, Belgium, and the organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party.
  • 149. The Nuremberg War Trials: Crimes Against Humanity
  • 150. Japanese War Crimes Trials GeneralGeneral Hideki TojoHideki Tojo Bio-ChemicalBio-Chemical ExperimentsExperiments
  • 151. 7 Future American Presidents Served in World War II
  • 153. Early Computer Technology Came Out of WW II Mark I, 1944Mark I, 1944 Admiral Grace Hooper,Admiral Grace Hooper, 1944-19921944-1992 COBOL languageCOBOL language Colossus, 1941Colossus, 1941
  • 154. The Emergence of Third World Nationalist Movements