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MAY 2011 | Vol. 25, No. 5

                                                                                                                    knowledge for newspapers
                                                                                                                                                                  Mailed Monday, April 25, from Sterling, Ill.
                                                                                                                                                                  Inform post office if it arrives after May 9.

schurz communications improves mobile strategy training
By Adolfo Mendez                                             “We have a Mo-         find a page that lets them know            early adopters
editor                                                    bile BEATS strat-         where they can connect with the              During the economic recession,                “We had eight people
                                                          egy—mobile                media company on any one of its            Oslund said Schurz remained com-                participate in the Inland
  Media companies are looking to                          Browsers, mobile          15 Twitter accounts, nine Facebook         mitted to delivering news and in-               Webinar, ‘Alternative Story
play in the mobile space without                          Email, mobile             pages and a handful of mobile ap-          formation to readers when, where                Forms.’ We were glad to see the
going through expensive, time-                            Apps, mobile Text,        plications.                                and how they wanted it. “We’re in               presenter was as excited as
consuming trial and error.                                and a mobile So-             Keeping costs down is critical,         the middle of a near-Depression,                some of us are about changing
  Take, for example, the Misha-                           cial strategy,” said      but Oslund said he isn’t necessarily       and we’re at this crazy point of time           the way we report the news. The
                                         Kerry oslund
waka, Ind.-based Schurz Commu-                            Kerry Oslund,             concerned about finding one busi-          where everything we do has to have              Inland Webinar was informative,
nications Inc., which publishes 11                        vice president of         ness partner that can meet all his         an immediate ROI,” he said.                     contained lots of good ideas and
dailies and eight weeklies across        digital media at Schurz Communi-           mobile needs. “Just because you’re           And while the ROI for media                   confirmed to our reporters what
the country. The company, which          cations. “That’s what Schurz is            incredible at SMS doesn’t mean             companies that adopted mobile                   we as editors have been telling
has 10 TV stations, owns or oper-        talking about when we’re talking           you’re incredible at app building,”        platforms early was spotty, Schurz              them for a while.”
ates 16 radio stations and several       about mobile.”                             he said. “We use different partners,       was making plans to expand its                      — Mick Kearns, news editor,
other media properties, takes a big-        At the South Bend (Ind.) Tribune        but if some do multiple aspects                                                               Prince George Citizen, Prince
picture perspective on mobile.           website, for example, readers can          great, we’ll consider that.”                          scHurz: continued on pAge 10                George, British Columbia

How to navigate through the mobile publishing space
                                                                                                                                                                               May 5 | Webinar
                                                                                                                                                                               Improve Your
                                                                                                                                                                               Newspaper Website
By Michelle Finkler                    someone is baffled by the rate           frankly, I’m not even sure I want         nal barriers to entry.                               with Better Web Design
AssociAte editor                       things are changing, we should           to play in this space.’ Well, obvi-          “I was at a conference about a                    Media sites are among the most
                                       all sympathize with that because         ously, I think that’s a terrible mis-     year ago, and one of the questions                   cluttered and dysfunctional sites
   Do you remember the mobile          it really is incredible.”                take, and I want to show you why          was: ‘What does the average pub-                     on the Web, and it’s time to shake
                                                                                                                                                                               things up. This Inland Webinar will
phone game Snake by Nokia,                The pace of change can make           that’s a myth,” Wagner said.              lisher expect that mobile develop-                   help you find your own way in-
where you had to control a long,       entering the mobile space appear            He said it’s no longer the case        ment will cost them internally?’”                    stead of just following the crowd.
thin 8-bit graphic that moved          overwhelming for a newspaper,            that going mobile is expensive            he said. “In other words, ‘What                      How can newspapers build audi-
around your tiny screen?               he said during a recent Inland           thanks to developments during             would it cost to deploy apps on                      ence and develop content for the
                                                                                                                                                                               Web through better design? This
   “That was about 10 years ago,”      Webinar.                                 the past six to eight                                                                          Inland Webinar will challenge you
said Paul Wagner, CEO of Port-            Wagner often hears publishers         months that have                                   MoBile: continued on pAge 11                to change some core approaches
land, Ore.-based Forkfly, a Web        say, “‘This is so complex, there         eliminated the origi-                                                                          you are taking to your website.
startup that offers mobile coupons     is so much happening in such a                                                                                                          Get ahead of the competition
                                                                                                                                                                               with a better perspective on what
      for local businesses, among      short period of time, and the                                                                                                           makes websites work and what is
      other services. “So when         cost is so prohibitive that,                                                                                                            holding newspapers back.
                                                                                                                                                                               WIth BIll OsteNDOrf, presIDeNt,
                                                                                                                                                                               CreatIve CIrCle MeDIa sOlutIONs,
                                                                                                                                                                               prOvIDeNCe, r.I.

                                                                                                                                                                               May 10 | Webinar
                                                                                                                                                                               facebook Opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                               for Newspapers
                                                                                                                                                                               A recently released study reveals
                                                                                                                                                                               that Facebook now tops Google in
                                                                                                                                                                               driving traffic to many media sites.
                                                                                                                                                                               This Inland Webinar will show
                                                                                                                                                                               publishers how Facebook can help
                                                                                                                                                                               you turn that traffic into revenue
                                                                                                                                                                               and how to grow and engage your
                                                                                                                                                                               Facebook audience. You’ll learn
the pace of innovation can make entering the mobile space appear overwhelming for a newspaper, says paul Wagner, ceo of portland, ore.-based Forkfly. But thanks to a          about best-practice approaches
number of recent developments, the original barriers to entry—such as expensive costs—have been eliminated, he said. IMAgES SuPPlIEd                                           being taken by some media com-
                                                                                                                                                                               panies to leverage the power of
                                                                                                                                                                               social media to benefit their edi-
  INlaND MeMBer surveY                                   NeW BusINess DevelOpMeNt                               MONetIzING press releases                                      torial and business operations.
  Inland needs your input for                            Inland invites entries to the                          A Florida paper rethinks                                       WIth NICk GruDIN, strateGIC
                                                                                                                                                                               partNershIp DevelOpMeNt, faCeBOOk,
  an upcoming comprehensive                              2011 Newspaper Business                                press releases and finds a                                     NeW YOrk CItY
  member survey.                                         development Contest.                                   new revenue stream.                                            Additional training information on page 21
  paGe 4                                                 paGe 5                                                 paGe 12                                                        or visit Select “Event
                                                                                                                                                                               Registration” under the “Training” tab.
Mobile: Recent innovations have eliminated original barriers to entry
ConTInued froM PAge 1                                                                                                                                                Web developer on your team, have
                                                                                                                                                                     that person play around with it for
Android and iPhone only?’ Their                                                                                                                                      a couple days, and they’re going to
answer was roughly $250,000. So                                                                                                                                      get it. They’re going to understand
you can see why people would steer                                                                                                                                   what it all means and what the ca-
clear or go with a pre-baked solu-                                                                                                                                   pabilities are.”
tion. The bottom line is this has                                                                                                                                       Cost is one advantage to using a
changed dramatically.”                                                                                                                                               mobile app framework provider,
   Prices have dropped to only hun-                                                                                                                                  Wagner said. In addition to the plat-
dreds from thousands of dollars.                                                                                                                                     form itself being free—or “free-
But at the same time, publishers                                                                                                                                     mium” since there are upsells for
face more choices.                                                                                                                                                   some features—it’s more cost-ef-
   With the fragmented mobile                                                                                                                                        fective than hiring Web developers
market—think iPhone, Android,                                                                                                                                        for each operating system.
Blackberry, Windows and Symbian                                                                                                                                         Another advantage is that Tita-
OS (used by Nokia)—some pub-                                                                                                                                         nium is capable of creating native
lishers think they need to have a                                                                                                                                    builds for iPhone, Android, Black-
presence on all of them, Wagner                                                                                                                                      berry, iPad, etc., meaning changes
said. However, developing for mul-      If you have a Web developer on staff, your newspaper can basically go mobile now with the help of mobile application         can be made quickly and pushed
tiple platforms is complex, expen-      framework products such as redwood City, Calif.-based Sencha’s Sencha Touch, says Paul Wagner, Ceo of Portland, ore.-based   out to the various platforms in real
sive and impractical, he said.          forkfly. Image supplIed                                                                                                      time from one code base, instead of
   “If you want to cover all the ma-                                                                                                                                 contacting the various developers
jor players in the mobile space,        Media app functionality                  across various locations when a           Tools to build your app                   individually and getting charged by
you’d have to hire system engineers                                              single location-aware app could ac-                                                 the hour to fix the problem, he said.
to manage mobile site content,” he         Wagner said what’s key in creat-      complish all of this,” he said.              Wagner said if newspapers have         Since Titanium uses one code base,
said. “You’re going to have to hire     ing an app is great design, thinking        Additionally, Wagner said it’s         a Web developer on staff, they can        your changes are uniform across a
Android developers. You’re going        through the process and serving up       not necessary to develop separate         basically go mobile now with the          number of platforms, he said.
to have to hire iPhone developers       a media-rich experience—not a            applications for every niche, like        help of mobile application frame-            Disadvantages involved in using
who know Objective C, which is a        fragmented one.                          news, sports, weather, etc.               work products such as Mountain            a product like Titanium include a
coding language. You’d have to             “Fragmentation is not limited to         “All [the app] needs to do is de-      View, Calif.-based Appcelerator’s         couple months of lag time behind
hire Windows mobile developers.         the operating systems and the de-        termine a location, serve up the          Titanium and Redwood City,                current app development, he said.
You get where I’m going with this.      vices on which they operate,” he         appropriate branding and content,         Calif.-based Sencha’s Sencha              For example, Wagner said Titanium
It’s daunting, and it’s expensive.      said. “There is something happen-        and it needs to do what mobile does       Touch.                                    didn’t support push notifications
Even if you have a massive budget,      ing in the mobile space called ‘me-      best: Deliver hyper-targeted con-            “If you download the Forkfly ap-       until the company was able to fig-
it still doesn’t make sense.”           dia fragmentation.’ There are now        tent wherever I am,” he said. “One        plication, it’s built using Titanium,”    ure out how to integrate it into the
   When Forkfly launched two and        over 400,000 applications on             of the fears of this strategy is that,    Wagner said. “While you might             framework. Forkfly could have fig-
a half years ago, Wagner said the       iTunes. There are over 200,000 on        ‘Oh my goodness, people are too           look at the application and think that    ured it out on its own, but that
company only had to build for the       the Android Market. What does this       simple; they aren’t going to get it.      we hired developers for Android,          would have required hiring native
iPhone because there were no oth-       result in?”                              We’re going to deploy an applica-         iPhone—which, by the way, we              app developers, he said.
er devices that supported the type         Fragmentation, Wagner said.           tion that offers all this functional-     once did—it’s built with Titanium.           Whatever route you choose for
of technology that Forkfly offered,        “Consumers demand true unifor-        ity, and it’s going to overwhelm          Forgive me for saying this, but we        your newspaper’s mobile strategy,
such as location awareness and          mity in the mobile space,” he said.      our reader base, and that’s going         blew a lot of money trying to build       Wagner said it’s important to get
serving up a media-rich experience.     “The fragmentation that’s now hap-       to spell doom for our mobile strat-       our own, and then we figured out          into this space—despite how over-
Fortunately, that’s changed, and        pening in media in the application       egy. News, weather, sports inte-          that—thanks to a number of recent         whelming it may seem.
there are new carriers and operating    environment has really led to a lot      grated into one app?’ I’m telling         innovations—we could take a dif-             “Mobile will be the single largest
systems to consider, he said.           of confusion. The applications that      you, it can be done extraordinarily       ferent approach. So can you.”             disruption in the history of the pub-
   “If you’re looking to build an       tend to flourish the most are the        well.”                                       Wagner said your Web develop-          lishing industry,” he said. “A lot of
app, I would strongly suggest start-    ones that offer the most utility            As an example, Wagner said on          ers on staff could build a mobile         people said the Web was massive-
ing with Android,” he said. “If any-    across the widest geographic             the Facebook app, users can per-          application over a weekend. In de-        ly disruptive; mobile takes it to the
thing, it just means you will be        area.”                                   form various tasks, such as update        veloping Forkfly’s mobile applica-        next level. In fact, there are soci-
carried on more devices.                   For example, Wagner said an           your status and location, view pho-       tion using Titanium, Wagner said          ologists saying this may be the
   “A lot of people say, ‘Let’s de-     advantage of Google is that you          tos and videos, send emails, share        the company took its existing web-        single largest social disruption in
velop for iPhone; that’s the priori-    don’t have to download different         photos, find local events, chat,          site and wrapped it in what is called     all of human history.
ty.’ Android devices are now out-       apps for use in different locations,     check into a location and tag your        a “native shell,” which pushes con-          “I would love to say that things
selling iPhone. Part of it is the iP-   such a Google Portland or Google         friends, and get local coupons.           tent out to the different operating       are going to get better or less com-
hone exists in a closed universe.       Seattle app. For media companies            “If Facebook would have                systems, such as iPhone, Android,         plicated, but in fact, it’s quite the
What that means is it’s designed for    that have newspapers in various          launched separate apps for each           etc. There were some bugs to work         opposite. Mobile is not just about
one device. Android now is in-          geographic locations, they would         one of theses functions, would Fa-        out, but Wagner said the point is,        phones; mobile is a revolution that
stalled with a number of mobile         better serve mobile users by devel-      cebook even have a presence in the        the barriers to entry are gone.           will power virtually everything in
carriers but goes beyond mobile         oping one application for all prop-      mobile space?” he asked. “I would            “What’s the cost?” Wagner              your wireless, digitally intercon-
devices. For example, the Barnes        erties that serves up appropriate        dare say no, but my point is that         asked. “Titanium is free. It’s what’s     nected life. Newspapers need to be
& Noble Nook runs Android OS            content through geo-targeting.           things you might find complex,            called an open-source framework,          a part of that.”
and can actually run Android ap-           “Part of my point is that it makes    your readers have already become          and you can download it right now,
plications all within the e-reader.”    little sense to deploy multiple apps     acclimated to.”                           give it to your development staff or         Contact: Paul Wagner,

                                                                                                                                                          MAY 2011 | | The Inlander PAGE 11
Improve your Twitter strategy with these Web-based tools
    By Michelle Finkler
    AssocIATE EdITor

       Whether you’re a Twitter novice or enthusiast, there’s always room
    for improvement when it comes to making the most of the microblogging
    site. But have you always wondered just how valuable Twitter can re-
    ally be to your media company?
       Twitter is a powerful way to attract and engage followers, according
    to Paul Wagner, CEO of Portland, Ore.-based Forkfly. You can evaluate
    and improve your media company’s Twitter presence with the following
    Web-based tools, Wagner said.

        Website:                                                             Friend or Follow is a free way to find out who you’ve followed who hasn’t followed you back.
        Cost: Freemium
        What it does: Gauges the overall impact of your Twitter account.                                                                                        Friend
           Twitalyzer rates your Twitter account’s
        engagement, generosity in retweeting
                                                           These Twitalyzer ratings tie together, he
                                                        said, affecting your score in other metrics.
                                                                                                       of information that you have to filter
                                                                                                       through yourself,” he said. “What happens                or Follow
        other users’ tweets and other metrics, such     So if your generosity drops, so does your      with Facebook are a couple things. Let’s
        as which tweets have been the most suc-         velocity or the speed in which your mes-       say I post a really long message to Face-               Website:
        cessful, Wagner said.                           sage is pushed into the stream, he said.       book. When I say ‘really long,’ I mean                  Cost: Free
           “Engagement simply means, ‘What are             “What this means in essence is that our     more than 140 characters. What happens
                                                                                                                                                               What it does: shows who
        we doing to create a dialogue?’” he said.       message may sit there for some time before     is because my Facebook feed is linked to
        “If we post a tweet and someone responds        someone picks up on it and rebroadcasts        Twitter, my message is cut short [on Twit-              you’ve followed who hasn’t
        to it, are we saying thank you? Are we giv-     it,” he said. “You’re at a big advantage as    ter]. Since Facebook posts tend to be a bit             followed you back.
        ing feedback?”                                  a news organization because the type of        longer, they don’t translate well to Twitter.
           Wagner said a newspaper’s generosity         content you’re putting out there is going to   You’ve got to compress to get your mes-                    Friend or Follow is a quick and
        rating on Twitalyzer should be in a very        be relevant and worthy of being shared in      sage across on Twitter. If you don’t get                easy way to find out who hasn’t
        high percentile, meaning you are retweet-       real-time. If you’re putting out something     your message across, you won’t get picked               followed you back so you can un-
        ing fellow tweeps’ posts, he said.              that says, ‘Freeway closed between exits       up and retweeted.”                                      follow them, Wagner said.
           “Let’s say you have someone who is           23 and 25,’ that’s something people are           Another service, Twitter Grader (Twit-                  “It’s very simple,” he said. “If
        regularly retweeting your message,” Wag-        going to pick up on.”                , is similar to Twitalyzer                they’re not following you back—
        ner said. “Twitalyzer will show who your           Wagner also warned against linking your     but free and much more simplistic in eval-              unless it’s a valuable source of
        top followers are—the ones who love your        Facebook page to your Twitter account          uating your feed on Twitter, Wagner said.               information that you might want
        content and share it with their friends.        since, as a media company, you’re trying       It shows the number of updates, the number              to rebroadcast in your own chan-
        What would be generous of our [Forkfly]         to accomplish two different goals with each    of tweeps you’re following, the number of               nel—they’re completely worthless
        feed to do is anytime they have something       platform.                                      followers you have and your rank out of                 to you. I’m not sure who you
        to say that is of interest, to rebroadcast it      “Twitter is a constant flow—a stream of     the roughly 9.5 million active Twitter us-              might want to follow in your area.
        to our 9,300 Portland followers.”               consciousness. This is a constant barrage      ers.                                                    Maybe it’s the mayor of your
                                                                                                                                  Twitalyzer is a Web-         town, and he hasn’t followed you
                                                                                                                                  based tool that              back. Don’t delete the guy or girl.
                                                                                                                                  rates your Twitter           That’s probably a bad idea since
                                                                                                                                  feed’s overall               they’re a useful source. But if it’s
                                                                                                                                  impact. Twitalyzer           the guy from the bike shop down
                                                                                                                                  is a freemium                the street, and he has not followed
                                                                                                                                  service with                 you back, delete him and be done
                                                                                                                                  starting at $4.99 per        with it.”
                                                                                                                                                                      Continued on next page

PAGE 12 The Inlander | | JUNE 2011
Continued from previous page

Tweet Adder
Cost: Prices start at $55
What it does: Allows you to search
for local, active Twitter users, so you                                                                                                           roughly an hour because it doesn’t want to
                                                                                                                                                  do this too quickly or that could alert Twit-
can follow them and get followers in                                                                                                              ter that something is amiss. So the 300 get
return.                                                                                                                                           added. What’s the next step? The next step
                                                                                                                                                  is to wait. You wait roughly a week. If they
   Wagner said media companies can beef                                                                                                           have not followed you back within a week,
up their Twitter feeds and the feeds of their                                                                                                     they are not going to follow you back.”
local advertisers by using Tweet Adder.                                                                                                              The next step is to unfollow, Wagner
   “We have social media feeds all over                                                                                                           said. Of the tweeps that you’ve followed
the country with sizes ranging from 3,000                                                                                                         during the past week, Twitter Adder will
to 12,000,” Wagner said. “What we’ve                                                                                                              show who has not followed you back so
started to do there is take local merchant                                                                                                        you can delete them.
content and rebroadcast it. What we can          Tweet Adder allows you to search by location and activity, so your newspaper can find active        “Statistically, roughly 15 to 20 percent
do that merchants can’t and what we can          tweeps in your area.                                                                             of those that you follow will follow you
do that they don’t know about is use soft-                                                                                                        back with each batch,” Wagner said. “So,
ware like this to quickly ramp up Twitter           In the markets that Wagner has been            weeks and you decide to add 400 followers      if 20 percent is the number, I’ve just add-
efforts. Still, Twitter is only as good as the   working with, he said they were able to get       that day, you may get banished for the pe-     ed 60 new followers over a two-day period.
nature of your feed and the number of fol-       2,000 to 3,000 new followers in the period        riod of a week. That’s for your first of-      You’re going to do this every day. You’re
lowers who decide to opt in.”                    of a month. Results may vary, however,            fense. If you do it again, you’re gone. They   going to cycle through this—add, unfol-
   Wagner said it’s easy to acquire a lot of     since you still have to make sure that            will get rid of your feed.”                    low, add, unfollow.”
junk followers, but finding quality follow-      you’re putting great content on that feed,           To be safe and not draw attention from         Twitter Adder can also be used to man-
ers can be challenging. Tweet Adder, how-        he said. Also, the process of using Tweet         Twitter, Wagner said Forkfly has found         age your feed and send delayed tweets, like
ever, allows you to search by location and       Adder to build followers is gradual since         success in the following steps: Make sure      HootSuite allows, though Wagner said
activity, such as searching specifically for     following too many tweeps at once will            you’ve posted quality content to the feed      what Twitter Adder is best at is managing
Twitter users in the Portland area who have      trigger a red flag with Twitter, he said.         at least daily, find all the local followers   multiple feeds, searching by parameters
tweeted during the past five days, he               “Twitter is very careful about spam, and       active on Twitter during the past five days    and adding local followers.
said.                                            I don’t just mean sending out a bunch of          and add roughly 300 new followers using           “This is about finding qualified people
   “That’s a wonderful search parameter,”        junk messages,” he said. “What they’re            Tweet Adder.                                   that you want to follow in your commu-
Wagner said. “What Twitter will tell you         really looking for is are you adding too             “How do you add a follower?” Wagner         nity only,” he said. “It’s easy to build a
is that they have two billion users world-       many followers at a time, and if so, why          asked. “You’ve done this search, they’ve       follower base on Twitter that will do you
wide, but what they don’t tell you is that       are you? And if you are adding too many           given you this list and you click ‘Add Fol-    absolutely no good because the bottom line
most of them are dead or not using the           followers at a time, what’s the nature of         lowers.’ ‘How many would you like to           is, if you’re just adding random people
system. You want to make sure you’re us-         your content? So they’ve got this crazy           add?’ 300. This is who you’re fol-             from around the country, they don’t care
ing the active base, which is what this          algorithm, and if you go in there and             lowing. You’ve followed 300                    about your content.”
system is really great at doing.”                you’ve got one tweet over the last three          people over a period of

  Twitter Counter
  Cost: Freemium
  What it does: Projects your Twitter feed’s growth in followers.
     Wagner said Twitter Counter is a great way to see
  how your Twitter feed is trending with regard to
  attracting followers.
     “What this will do is give me some rapid stats on         they try to delete spam followers, which is why you’ll
  my growth,” Wagner said. “So every once in a while,          see that drop-off.”
  you’ll see that we dropped a few followers. Twitter
  will do a scan of their entire database of users, and                              Contact: Paul Wagner,

                                                                                                                                                  JUNE 2011 | | The Inlander PAGE 13
What are best practices for social media use by media companies?
By Michelle Finkler
AssocIATE EdITor                           Breaking news
    Setting a successful social media         When stepping up your newspaper’s
policy at your media company is            social media efforts, Henry M. Lopez,
really about setting expectations,         professional digital development and
said Henry M. Lopez, professional          projects manager for The Santa Fe (N.M.)
digital development and projects           New Mexican, said a good place to start
manager for The Santa Fe (N.M.)            is breaking news.
New Mexican. And setting clear                Lopez said media companies should
social media expectations, in turn,        set goals for breaking news, which can
sets your employees up for success         include:
rather than failure.                       • Sending out text message alerts
    “When you read about people            • Posting an alert on your newspaper’s
losing their jobs because of what            website, Facebook page and Twitter
happened on their Facebook page              feeds
or Twitter accounts, what you find         • Sending out an e-mail blast
in those stories is there was usu-
                                              Lopez said news organizations should
ally no policy in place; they just
                                           get specific about when to alert the
pissed somebody off,” he said dur-
                                           public of a breaking story.
ing the recent 2011 Mobile and
                                              “Report what you know when you
Social Networking Boot Camp.
                                           know it,” he said. “If you have to make
“Value your employees and help
                                           that call [to verify information], make
them avoid confusion. Let them
                                           the call. Find out if there really was a
know what you’re expecting and                                                               The frequency in which you should update a breaking news story differs from platform to platform, said
                                           shooting at city hall.”                           Henry M. Lopez, professional digital development and projects manager for The santa Fe (N.M.) New
let them know what to expect of
                                              After verifying the information and            Mexican. on Twitter, media companies can send out lots of updates, while Facebook users are more
                                           posting the initial news alert onto the           sensitive to the number of updates posted, he said.
    Setting a clear policy legitimizes
                                           various platforms, Lopez said to request
the medium and lets employees
                                           information from readers. For example, if           Additionally, Lopez said newspapers                    tra updates if it’s not significant. Don’t
know you’re serious about social
                                           there’s a shooting at city hall, newspa-          should be mindful of the acceptable fre-                 send out four email alerts every two
media, Lopez said. But policies
                                           pers should ask, “Do you know anything            quency of breaking news updates, which                   hours, but on Twitter, you can send out a
aren’t meant to be a heavy-handed,
                                           about that?” Media companies also                 varies from platform to platform. Ulti-                  lot of updates. Your Facebook customers
restrictive list of don’ts.
                                           should ask readers to send in photos tak-         mately, determining whether a piece of                   are a little more sensitive to the number
    “When I talk to people about this,
                                           en with their phones (while safely out of         information is worthy of an update is a                  of status updates that you’re sending
sometimes they feel like they’re
                                           harm’s way, of course), he said. Lopez also       judgment call, he said.                                  out. If you’re going to make my phone
goons,” he said. “You get problems
                                           emphasized thanking readers for submit-             “Not every piece of breaking news is                   buzz with an alert, it’d better be worth
when policies are written to be re-
                                           ting comments, information and photos.            the same,” he said. “Don’t throw out ex-                 it.”
strictive. Some policies say, ‘Don’t
ever talk about what happened in
meetings. Don’t ever talk about          months, get people together. We all                                                                                       • Can I post content or links onto
your boss. Don’t ever talk about         know social media is evolving.                           “Don’t hand the rules down like Charlton                           my personal site?
co-workers. Don’t ever talk about        Guess what? So are the problems                          Heston with the Ten Commandments.                                • Can I operate a paying blog dur-
anything. And don’t you dare link        that come up. Elaborate on them.                                                                                            ing my free time?
                                                                                                  That’s not the value in social media.”
stuff that’s on our website onto         Put together a committee with peo-                                                                                        • When can I quote a Facebook
your personal blog.’ Those policies      ple from throughout the organiza-                                    Henry M. Lopez, The santa Fe (N.M.) New Mexican        status update?
are out there. When I talk to folks,     tion. Don’t hand the rules down like                                                                                         As an example of a media com-
it seems like companies don’t know       Charlton Heston with the Ten Com-                                                                                         pany with a good social media
how to talk about social media. In-      mandments. That’s not the value in        “You make your decision, but I       countered is in regard to replying         policy, Lopez cited NPR.
stead of being restrictive, talk about   social media.                          don’t want people using their per-      to user comments. A lot of times,             “NPR is so good in thinking
the best practices and the best ways        “I’m not here to tell you what’s    sonal accounts when they’re using       staff members don’t reply to com-          through issues like this and policies
to use social media.”                    right and what’s wrong but to en-      the company account,” he said.          ments because there’s no expecta-          and community management,” he
    Lopez said policies should en-       courage you to have the conversa-      “For instance, my personal Henry        tion to do so and no guidance for          said. “While I don’t necessarily
courage participation in social me-      tion and give you some ideas about     M. Lopez Facebook account could         that, he said. Another question            recommend you take everything
dia in all newspaper departments,        questions that you want to answer      control The Santa Fe New Mexi-          companies need to address is re-           from them word for word, I would
regardless of whether staff is in ad-    and ask through that process to get    can’s Facebook page, but I actu-        garding whether or not reporters           review their social media policy,
vertising, circulation or editorial.     everyone on the same page.”            ally want those to be two different     should friend sources.                     which is available online (visit
It’s also important to keep social          With social media, Lopez said       things. People will put [personal          “Have that conversation with   It’s a very en-
media rules short, meaning policies      bosses tend to worry about what        accounts] on their Hootsuites or        your team and you’ll come up with          couraging policy. It’s constructive
should be contained to a four- or        employees are saying about them,       their Tweetdecks, and on occasion,      some really interesting ideas that         and proactive and a good place to
five-paragraph document, Lopez           while employees have totally dif-      you’ll get an off-color comment         go back and forth,” he said. “Per-         start to influence your conversa-
said. Rules should be clear and to       ferent questions that managers may     that was actually meant for some-       sonally, I think it’s a bad practice;      tions.”
the point, he added.                     not be ready for. One question Lo-     body’s personal audience that went      other folks don’t.”
    “Review [the policy] from time       pez has encountered is, “Do I use      out to the professional audience.”         Other potential questions in-                            Contact: Henry M. Lopez,
to time,” Lopez said. “Every six         personal accounts for work?”              Another question Lopez has en-       clude:                                          

                                                                                                                                                        JUNE 2011 | | The Inlander PAGE 15
MARCH 2009 | Vol. 23, No. 3
                                                                                                                      knowledge for newspapers
                                                                                                                                                                    Mailed Tuesday Feb. 17, from Algonquin, Ill.
                                                                                                                                                      Inform post office if it arrives after March 3. Address service requested.

                                                                                            Stay current                                                                          training
                                                                                                                                                                                  “One investment we hold sa-

                                                                                                   with Inland                                                                    cred is our Inland Press Asso-
                                                                                                                                                                                  ciation membership. We’ll be
                                                                                                                                                                                  more resilient through any eco-

                                                                                                   webinars                                                                       nomic swing by belonging to a
                                                                                                                                                                                  nuts-and-bolts organization
                                                                                                                                                                                  like Inland.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                 — Dennis Waller
                                                                                                                                                                                         Publisher The Chronicle

 Will unions target                                                                                Webinars are cost-effective
                                                                                                           Participation is easy
                                                                                                                                                                                       Centralia/Chehalis, Wash.

 small newspapers?                                                                                        Registration is simple
                                                                                                              Presentations are
                                                                                                               topical and timely
                                                                                                                                                                                  March 11 | Webinar
                                                                                                                                                                                  Search Solutions for
                                                                                                                                                                                  Selling Your Products
 Attorneys explain why it could happen                                                                                                                                            Mike Blinder will reveal how
                                                                                                                                                                                  search marketing works and how
 By Michelle Finkler                                                                                                                                                              you can easily deploy a local
                                            “Small newspapers need to be
                                            concerned. There are going to
                                                                                             For more, see page 21.                                                               search solution that will assist in
                                                                                                                                                                                  garnering significant new online
                                            be unions that will come after                                                                                                        revenue from new business cate-
   If you think unions only tar-            different newspapers than we                                                                                                          gories.
 get large newspapers, think                would historically think.”                                                                                                            WITH MIKE BLINDER, PRESIDENT, THE
   “The old view that unions
                                              Newspaper companies could
                                            potentially see an increase in
                                                                                          Analyzing ‘key metrics’ can                                                             BLINDER GROUP, NEW PORT RICHEY, FLA.

                                                                                                                                                                                  March 12 | Webinar
 were always interested in big
 companies is not true,” said
 Bill Schurgin, partner at Sey-
                                            union activity if the Employ-
                                            ee Free Choice Act becomes
                                            law, Schurgin said during a re-
                                                                                          boost financial performance                                                             Newspaper Executive’s
                                                                                                                                                                                  Guide to the Production
 farth Shaw LLP in Chicago.                              EFCA: CONTINUED ON PAGE 14       By Adolfo Mendez                         their worries, their concerns—                 Waste Cycle
                                                                                          EDITOR                                   anything that you can do to help               Here is a complete yet concise ex-
                    Union election win rate                                                                                        them to survive, because they are              planation of where waste occurs
                More than 50 percent of workers at U.S. companies have                                                                                                            in the production cycle. It is ex-
                                                                                             In the good and bad times, pub-       key to your survival.”                         plained in laymen’s terms, with
                    voted in favor of unions every year since 2005.
                                                                                          lishers should make cultivating             Garry, who entered the news-                logical courses of action to initi-
                                                                                          a close relationship with their top      paper industry in 1978, is a for-              ate the conversations at your own
                                                                                          10 advertisers a priority—meet-          mer chief financial analyst at the             organization, which will lead you
                                                                                                                                                                                  down the road to reduced waste
                                                                                          ing with each of them once a             Cleveland Plain Dealer and a for-              at your facility.
                                                                                          month or once a quarter, accord-         mer publisher with Hirt Media.                 WITH TIM GARRY, PRESIDENT, NEWSPAPER
                                                                                          ing to newspaper industry veter-         During a recent Inland Press We-               AND PRINTING CONSULTANTS,
                                                                                                                                                                                  MYPRESSREPORTS.COM, MT. GILEAD, OHIO
                                                                                          an Tim Garry   .                         binar, he discussed several key fi-
                                                                                             “Your top 10 advertisers are          nancial and operating metrics                  March 17 | Webinar
                                                                                          pretty tough to replace,” said Gar-      newspaper executives need to                   Selling More Strategically
                                                                                          ry founder and CEO of MyPress-
                                                                                            ,                                      monitor if they’re to improve
                                                                                                                                                                                  to Integrate Web, Print
                                                                                , a company that pro-         their company’s financial per-
                                                                                                                                                                                  Learn how to better control the
                                                                                          vides newspapers with Web-based          formance.                                      sales process by building relation-
                                                                                          financial management software.              “Key metrics has become a                   ships and trust quicker. Find out
                                                                                          “Your top 10 advertisers are the         buzz word in our economy late-                 why you should be calling at high-
                                                                                                                                                                                  er levels, how to locate decision-
                                                    DATA COURTESY OF SEYFARTH SHAW LLP    cornerstone of your enterprise           ly,” Garry said. “What it really               makers and why you must have an
                                           GRAPHIC BY MICHELLE FINKLER/ASSOCIATE EDITOR   and you should really take a per-        means is that you’re looking at                understanding of your customer’s
                                                                                          sonal interest in their wealth, in                 METRICS: CONTINUED ON PAGE 8         business to be successful at selling
                                                                                                                                                                                  RICHARD FARREL, PRESIDENT, TANGENT
                                                                                                                                                                                  KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS AND AUTHOR OF
 GROW CIRCULATION                                              IMPROVE CLASSIFIED SALES                            PART OF THE CELEBRATION                                        “SELLING HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH
 Closely watching the numbers gives                            Make your newspaper a top                           National Nurses Week in May could
 circulation managers a solid base for                         destination for classified ads with a               provide a special section                                      For details or registration assistance,
                                                                                                                                                                                  contact Inland at (847) 795-0380
 growing readership.                                           reader-centered approach.                           opportunity for your paper.                                    or go to
 PAGE 9                                                        PAGE 10                                             PAGES 12 AND 13                                                Select “Event Registration” under the
                                                                                                                                                                                  Training heading.
                                                                                     EFCA: Employers urged to take action
                                                                                     CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1                   days or more. Then, an election is       2009,” Schurgin said. “Their
                                                                                     cent Inland Press Webinar.              held, after which certification can      chances are as good today as they’ll
                                                                                        The Employee Free Choice Act         be issued if election results dic-       ever be. They’re going to do every-
                                                                                     “will make it dramatically easi-        tate.                                    thing they can to get this done by
                                                                                     er for unions to organize,” said           However, with the EFCA, once          the end of this year.”
                                                                                     Ken Dolin, also a partner at Sey-       organization begins, the union sim-        Schurgin said with the new ad-
                                                                                     farth Shaw LLP. “This is not go-        ply needs to obtain card-check sig-      ministration, employers should
                                                                                     ing to be great news for many em-       natures from 50 percent of employ-       expect increased government en-
                                                                                     ployers.”                               ees. Once 50 percent or more are         forcement, as well as increased la-
                                                                                        The EFCA, which would alter          secured, certification is issued. The    bor and human rights protection.
                                                                                     the National Labor Relations Act,       election can take place within days      He said now is the time for employ-
                                                                                     is likely to pass, Schurgin said. It    and sometimes without the com-           ers to start preparing for the pos-
                                                                                     has the backing of powerful union       pany even being aware of the             sibility of a union targeting their
                                                                                     lobbyists and President Obama’s         union’s presence, Dolin said.            company   .
                                                                                     pro-union administration.                  “Unions claim secret ballot elec-
                                                                                                                                                                      Prepare now
                                                                                        Schurgin and Dolin said the          tions favor employers because em-
                                                                                     EFCA would change three major           ployers launch extensive anti-              “We need to get ahead and be
                                                                                     aspects of labor law: it would re-      union campaigns during the post-         proactive before a union comes
                                                                                     move an employer’s right to a se-       petition period, including anti-         into the picture,” Schurgin said.
                                                                                     cret ballot election, there would be    union captive audience speeches             He suggested employers write
                                                                                     increased penalties for employers       and one-on-one meetings between          letters to congressmen and sena-
The Inauguration Edition published by The Virginia Gazette. The special issue        who engage in “unfair labor prac-       supervisors and employees,” he           tors. They should also try to cre-
was a success, with street sales nearly doubling. PHOTO SUPPLIED                     tices,” and it would permit the fed-    said. However, “Arguments by             ate a workplace environment
                                                                                     eral government to assign an ar-        unions, though, ignore that unions       where union organizing is unat-

Inauguration Edition a                                                               bitrator and impose a two-year con-
                                                                                     tract under certain conditions.
                                                                                        Under current law, Dolin said
                                                                                                                             are winning elections at the same
                                                                                                                             rate at which they did over 30 years
                                                                                                                                                                      tractive. For this, an employee at-
                                                                                                                                                                      titude survey can be helpful. To
                                                                                                                                                                      boost morale, Schurgin said news-

success at Virginia paper                                                            employers now have the right to a
                                                                                     secret ballot general election when
                                                                                     deciding union representation.
                                                                                                                             Passage likely
                                                                                                                                 The EFCA passed in the House
                                                                                                                                                                      papers should increase the use of
                                                                                                                                                                      recognition awards and publicize
                                                                                                                                                                      accomplishments by the paper
By Adolfo Mendez                         “Those [advertisers] who                    “EFCA will eliminate secret bal-        in 2007 but stalled in the Senate. At    and its employees.
EDITOR                                                                               lot election and will be replaced by    the time, President Bush immedi-            Also, Schurgin said managers
                                         passed on it were kicking                   card-check recognition,” he said.       ately promised a veto. Unlike Bush,      should take the time to evaluate
   The Virginia Gazette in               themselves. Those who                          Eliminating secret ballots and       the Obama administration is most         the entire newspaper, all of its
Williamsburg, Va., published “In-        were in it were ecstatic,                   replacing them with card checks         likely going to make EFCA a top          policies, employee handbooks and
auguration Lessons for Ameri-            especially the ones who                     conducted in public gives unions        priority Schurgin said.
                                                                                                                                      ,                               personnel manuals to identify and
ca,” a 44-page special section, in                                                   an unfair advantage in organizing,          As evidence, they offered this       resolve issues now to thwart the
the Gazette on Jan. 17.
                                         chose to be on a page or                    businesses argue. It’s also unde-       extended quote from President            possibility of a union recogniz-
   “It was intended to succinctly        opposite a page of their                    mocratic and unwise, Dolin said.        Obama, taken from a speech he            ing any vulnerability   .
recall the presidency of each of         favorite president.”                           “Cards are unreliable; they can      gave in Dubuque, Iowa, in Novem-            “If you use the analogy of a
President Obama’s predecessors                                                       contain forged employee signa-          ber 2007:                                doctor, you’re conducting a com-
and walk him through their suc-                                   Bill O’Donovan     tures, misrepresentations and               “We’re ready to take the offense     plete physical of the entire com-
cesses and failures,” said Publish-                                                  threats. Even if there are no for-      for organized labor It’s time we have
                                                                                                                                                  .                   pany he said.
er Bill O’Donovan. “One recur-           whom I persuaded to partici-                geries, misrepresentations and          a president who didn’t choke say-           Schurgin also suggested edu-
ring lesson learned is to pick bet-      pate,” O'Donovan said. “Their               threats, employees may feel pres-       ing the word ‘union.’ We need to         cation of supervisors and employ-
ter cabinet members. Another is          challenge was keeping within                sured in the presence of a union        strengthen our unions by letting         ees on the impact of unions and
to watch your health, and to wear        300 words, which all but two did.”          solicitor,” Dolin said.                 them do what they do best — organ-       the newspaper’s position on them,
a bulletproof vest,” he added.              The section also was prof-                  With the card-check system,          ize our workers. If a majority of        lawfully urging them not to sign
   “The edition was inserted in          itable, he said. “We only grossed           Schurgin said it would be more at-      workers want a union, they should        because there’s “no second
our Saturday paper, and we               $15,000 in advertising but it was           tractive to unions to target small-     get a union. It’s that simple. We need   chance by virtue of vote.”
padded the draw 40 percent,”             a quick sale under enormous                 er newspapers and other types of        to stand up to the business lobby           Businesses shouldn’t be put off
O’Donovan said. “Returns show            time constraints,” he said.                 smaller companies. “If there’s only     that’s been getting their friends in     preparing now for the change to
we nearly doubled our street             “Those who passed on it were                20 or 30 employees, it’s easier for     Congress and in the White House to       come, they said. “This is a wake-
sales to 7,891. It was a huge hit        kicking themselves. Those who               unions to get cards signed,” he         block card check. That’s why I was       up call for all of us who said, ‘We
among the readership,” he said.          were in it were ecstatic, especial-         said.                                   one of the leaders fighting to pass      won’t be the target of a union
   The section included five-part        ly the ones who chose to be on a               Another change: shortening the       the Employee Free Choice Act.            campaign,’” Schurgin said.
coverage on President Obama—             page or opposite a page of their            length of the campaign period,          That’s why I’m fighting for it in the    “There is a sea change going on
how he got elected, what he did          favorite president.”                        making it more difficult for em-        Senate. And that’s why we’ll make        out here. Six months from now,
right, what went wrong, what les-           For example, he said one client          ployers to state their case against     it the law of the land when I’m pres-    there may be union activity and
sons are there for Obama and les-        kidded about gaining position               unions. Under current law, once         ident.”                                  you won’t have time to respond.”
sons for the country  .                  on the page with Jefferson Davis.           the union-recognition cards are             Schurgin expects the new EFCA
   “Key to our success was a                                                         signed by 30 percent of employees       to be introduced before April. “We                         Contacts: Bill Schurgin,
savvy professor who aligned all                           Contact: Bill O’Donovan,   and a petition is filed, there usual-   may see an amended version of the            ;
43 presidents with other faculty                    ly is a campaign period lasting 39      EFCA. They have to pass it in                     Ken Dolin,

PAGE 14 The Inlander | | MARCH 2009
Special Report
Local business directories match readers with advertisers
Free listing                                                                  By Michelle Finkler                      over $500,000 of revenue,” she
                                                                              ASSocIATE EdIToR                         said. “More recently, as we’ve             Archived Webinar
                                                                                                                       launched the Wenatchee World’s
                                                                                                                                                                  This and other Webinars are
                                                                                  Setting up an online directory for   Marketplace, it had an even quick-         available in Inland’s Archived
                                                                              your community can be a great way        er success with $165,000 in the first      Webinars collection.
                                                                              to connect area businesses with lo-      week.”                                     Visit and
                                                                              cal customers. And sometimes, an                                                    click on “Archived
                                                                                                                       Business advantages                        Webinars” under the
                                                                              online directory can connect area
                                                                              businesses with not-so-local cus-           Media companies that set up an          “Training” tab.
                                                                              tomers.                                  online directory can decide to call
                                                                                  Consider, a local          it whatever they want, whether that      ries. There are also sponsorship
                                                                              market directory launched slightly       be Marketplace or a name more            positions where a business can
                                                                              over a year ago by Bliss Commu-          specific to the area, such as The        sponsor a category.”
                                                                              nications, based in Janesville, Wis.     Janesville Gazette’s          Upgraded listings
                                                                              A man in Greece was conducting           But even with different names, all
                                                                              an online search for a clock seller—     of the various Ellington Market-            Businesses can also opt to up-
                                                                              not in any specific town—when            place sites are similar in what they     grade to a “basic” or “expanded”
Basic listing                                                        turned up in the search        offer advertisers and consumers.         listing that offers features that go
                                                                              results.                                    “It’s what consumers are used to      beyond what’s available for free.
                                                                                  “He wanted to buy a grandfather      getting when they get a Google           “Basic” listings include a business
                                                                              clock from one of the businesses in      site,” Weaver said. “To compete          profile, listing in up to five catego-
                                                                              the directory,” said Sara Weaver,        with Yahoo!, Google and the Yel-         ries, unlimited keywords, a photo
                                                                              vice president of Sales and Busi-        low Pages, we have to offer more         gallery and a custom meta descrip-
                                                                              ness Development for Mediaphor-          for free. We can’t nickel and dime       tion tag for search engine optimiza-
                                                                              media, the software division of the      our advertisers. We add a photo,         tion.
                                                                              World Company, based in Law-             business hours, name, address and           “For a basic listing, I’ve it seen
                                                                              rence, Kan.                              phone number, a link to their Web        go for $44 up to $99 dollars a
                                                                                  Weaver said the man interested       site, a map and methods of payment       month,” Weaver said. “A lot of
                                                                              in buying the clock searched on          for free. Most of our partners would     people adopt the same strategy.
                                                                              Google for “clockmaster master           agree that you only get one chance       You can list up to five categories.
                                                                              clock repair,” and the         to make your directory useful for        We list you in one category, and
                                                                              site was listed first in the search      consumers or they won’t come             we’ll charge you to be listed in
                                                                              results.                                 back.”                                   more than one category.”
                                                                                  “We work really hard to make            On the homepage of each site,            The “expanded” listing also has
                                                                              our sites search-engine friendly,”       there’s a search bar to enter key        tabs for videos with a built-in Flash
                                                                              Weaver said. “If they’re using           words, business name or location,        video player. Companies can up-
                                                                              Google to find something locally,        and there’s also an option to refine     load ads and coupons that they’re
                                                                              it will pop up in searches. When         the search by entering a zip code or     running. They can also list a num-
Expanded listing                                                              you don’t know what you’re look-         address so users can find results        ber of products, post calendar
                                                                              ing for, these categories are opti-      close to them, Weaver said. There        events and a staff directory.
                                                                              mizing well.”                            are three rotating ad positions in the      Weaver said the expanded listing
                                                                                  Mediaphormedia, which uses El-       middle of the homepage for busi-         costs anywhere from $100 to $250
                                                                              lington Marketplace as its software,     nesses that expand their listing. It     a month, with the most common
                                                                              has been partnering with other me-       is rotated with an unlimited spon-       price being $200 a month.
                                                                              dia companies in helping them de-        sorship position. Newspapers also           Weaver said the upgraded listing
                                                                              velop marketplace directory sites.       charge extra for access to the right     options give a boost to many busi-
                                                                              Weaver said that last year, Media-       rail, which Weaver said is another       nesses, especially small ones that
                                                                              phormedia worked with 27 differ-         revenue stream.                          may not have the time or resources
                                                                              ent companies in setting up their           “Homepage right-rail ads go for       to devout to building and maintain-
                                                                              directories.                             about $300,” she said. “Lawrence         ing a Web site.
                                                                                  When the Lawrence Journal            charges $500 to $700. You have to           “We found in the market, most
                                                                              World’s LawrenceMarketplace.             look at what you’re charging for         businesses have a Web presence,
                                                                              com site first launched, Weaver          your own newspaper site and make         but the site might have been de-
                                                                              said it took four to six months for      it make sense.”                          signed by your nephew,” Weaver
                                                                              it to catch on with local consumers.        On the left side of the homepage      said. “When they see our site, they
                                                                              Through branding and advertising,        is a list of categories to choose        thought it was useful. Businesses
                                                                     has be-          from, such as Arts and Entertain-        are putting in a lengthy profile.
                                                                              come a name people recognize, she        ment, Automotive, Food & Dining,         Some companies are even using the
                                                                              said. Weaver said the site is now in     Health Care and Retail, to name a        Marketplace site as their primary
                                                                              its third year, and receives more        few.                                     site.”
“You only get one chance to make your directory useful to consumers or they   than 225 million page views a               “If you were to choose a catego-
won’t come back,” said Sara Weaver, vice president of Sales and Business      month.                                   ry for Food & Dining, there’s a                             Contact: Sara Weaver,
development for Mediaphormedia. Above: Screen shots from                          “For,        page for that category,” Weaver               Images supplIed                                      in the first year, it brought in just    said. “Then there are sub catego-

PAGE 10 The Inlander | | SEPTEMBER 2009
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  • 1. the Inlander MAY 2011 | Vol. 25, No. 5 Inland knowledge for newspapers Mailed Monday, April 25, from Sterling, Ill. Inform post office if it arrives after May 9. schurz communications improves mobile strategy training By Adolfo Mendez “We have a Mo- find a page that lets them know early adopters editor bile BEATS strat- where they can connect with the During the economic recession, “We had eight people egy—mobile media company on any one of its Oslund said Schurz remained com- participate in the Inland Media companies are looking to Browsers, mobile 15 Twitter accounts, nine Facebook mitted to delivering news and in- Webinar, ‘Alternative Story play in the mobile space without Email, mobile pages and a handful of mobile ap- formation to readers when, where Forms.’ We were glad to see the going through expensive, time- Apps, mobile Text, plications. and how they wanted it. “We’re in presenter was as excited as consuming trial and error. and a mobile So- Keeping costs down is critical, the middle of a near-Depression, some of us are about changing Take, for example, the Misha- cial strategy,” said but Oslund said he isn’t necessarily and we’re at this crazy point of time the way we report the news. The Kerry oslund waka, Ind.-based Schurz Commu- Kerry Oslund, concerned about finding one busi- where everything we do has to have Inland Webinar was informative, nications Inc., which publishes 11 vice president of ness partner that can meet all his an immediate ROI,” he said. contained lots of good ideas and dailies and eight weeklies across digital media at Schurz Communi- mobile needs. “Just because you’re And while the ROI for media confirmed to our reporters what the country. The company, which cations. “That’s what Schurz is incredible at SMS doesn’t mean companies that adopted mobile we as editors have been telling has 10 TV stations, owns or oper- talking about when we’re talking you’re incredible at app building,” platforms early was spotty, Schurz them for a while.” ates 16 radio stations and several about mobile.” he said. “We use different partners, was making plans to expand its — Mick Kearns, news editor, other media properties, takes a big- At the South Bend (Ind.) Tribune but if some do multiple aspects Prince George Citizen, Prince picture perspective on mobile. website, for example, readers can great, we’ll consider that.” scHurz: continued on pAge 10 George, British Columbia How to navigate through the mobile publishing space May 5 | Webinar Improve Your Newspaper Website By Michelle Finkler someone is baffled by the rate frankly, I’m not even sure I want nal barriers to entry. with Better Web Design AssociAte editor things are changing, we should to play in this space.’ Well, obvi- “I was at a conference about a Media sites are among the most all sympathize with that because ously, I think that’s a terrible mis- year ago, and one of the questions cluttered and dysfunctional sites Do you remember the mobile it really is incredible.” take, and I want to show you why was: ‘What does the average pub- on the Web, and it’s time to shake things up. This Inland Webinar will phone game Snake by Nokia, The pace of change can make that’s a myth,” Wagner said. lisher expect that mobile develop- help you find your own way in- where you had to control a long, entering the mobile space appear He said it’s no longer the case ment will cost them internally?’” stead of just following the crowd. thin 8-bit graphic that moved overwhelming for a newspaper, that going mobile is expensive he said. “In other words, ‘What How can newspapers build audi- around your tiny screen? he said during a recent Inland thanks to developments during would it cost to deploy apps on ence and develop content for the Web through better design? This “That was about 10 years ago,” Webinar. the past six to eight Inland Webinar will challenge you said Paul Wagner, CEO of Port- Wagner often hears publishers months that have MoBile: continued on pAge 11 to change some core approaches land, Ore.-based Forkfly, a Web say, “‘This is so complex, there eliminated the origi- you are taking to your website. startup that offers mobile coupons is so much happening in such a Get ahead of the competition with a better perspective on what for local businesses, among short period of time, and the makes websites work and what is other services. “So when cost is so prohibitive that, holding newspapers back. WIth BIll OsteNDOrf, presIDeNt, CreatIve CIrCle MeDIa sOlutIONs, prOvIDeNCe, r.I. May 10 | Webinar facebook Opportunities for Newspapers A recently released study reveals that Facebook now tops Google in driving traffic to many media sites. This Inland Webinar will show publishers how Facebook can help you turn that traffic into revenue and how to grow and engage your Facebook audience. You’ll learn the pace of innovation can make entering the mobile space appear overwhelming for a newspaper, says paul Wagner, ceo of portland, ore.-based Forkfly. But thanks to a about best-practice approaches number of recent developments, the original barriers to entry—such as expensive costs—have been eliminated, he said. IMAgES SuPPlIEd being taken by some media com- panies to leverage the power of social media to benefit their edi- INlaND MeMBer surveY NeW BusINess DevelOpMeNt MONetIzING press releases torial and business operations. Inland needs your input for Inland invites entries to the A Florida paper rethinks WIth NICk GruDIN, strateGIC partNershIp DevelOpMeNt, faCeBOOk, an upcoming comprehensive 2011 Newspaper Business press releases and finds a NeW YOrk CItY member survey. development Contest. new revenue stream. Additional training information on page 21 paGe 4 paGe 5 paGe 12 or visit Select “Event Registration” under the “Training” tab.
  • 2. Ideas Mobile: Recent innovations have eliminated original barriers to entry ConTInued froM PAge 1 Web developer on your team, have that person play around with it for Android and iPhone only?’ Their a couple days, and they’re going to answer was roughly $250,000. So get it. They’re going to understand you can see why people would steer what it all means and what the ca- clear or go with a pre-baked solu- pabilities are.” tion. The bottom line is this has Cost is one advantage to using a changed dramatically.” mobile app framework provider, Prices have dropped to only hun- Wagner said. In addition to the plat- dreds from thousands of dollars. form itself being free—or “free- But at the same time, publishers mium” since there are upsells for face more choices. some features—it’s more cost-ef- With the fragmented mobile fective than hiring Web developers market—think iPhone, Android, for each operating system. Blackberry, Windows and Symbian Another advantage is that Tita- OS (used by Nokia)—some pub- nium is capable of creating native lishers think they need to have a builds for iPhone, Android, Black- presence on all of them, Wagner berry, iPad, etc., meaning changes said. However, developing for mul- If you have a Web developer on staff, your newspaper can basically go mobile now with the help of mobile application can be made quickly and pushed tiple platforms is complex, expen- framework products such as redwood City, Calif.-based Sencha’s Sencha Touch, says Paul Wagner, Ceo of Portland, ore.-based out to the various platforms in real sive and impractical, he said. forkfly. Image supplIed time from one code base, instead of “If you want to cover all the ma- contacting the various developers jor players in the mobile space, Media app functionality across various locations when a Tools to build your app individually and getting charged by you’d have to hire system engineers single location-aware app could ac- the hour to fix the problem, he said. to manage mobile site content,” he Wagner said what’s key in creat- complish all of this,” he said. Wagner said if newspapers have Since Titanium uses one code base, said. “You’re going to have to hire ing an app is great design, thinking Additionally, Wagner said it’s a Web developer on staff, they can your changes are uniform across a Android developers. You’re going through the process and serving up not necessary to develop separate basically go mobile now with the number of platforms, he said. to have to hire iPhone developers a media-rich experience—not a applications for every niche, like help of mobile application frame- Disadvantages involved in using who know Objective C, which is a fragmented one. news, sports, weather, etc. work products such as Mountain a product like Titanium include a coding language. You’d have to “Fragmentation is not limited to “All [the app] needs to do is de- View, Calif.-based Appcelerator’s couple months of lag time behind hire Windows mobile developers. the operating systems and the de- termine a location, serve up the Titanium and Redwood City, current app development, he said. You get where I’m going with this. vices on which they operate,” he appropriate branding and content, Calif.-based Sencha’s Sencha For example, Wagner said Titanium It’s daunting, and it’s expensive. said. “There is something happen- and it needs to do what mobile does Touch. didn’t support push notifications Even if you have a massive budget, ing in the mobile space called ‘me- best: Deliver hyper-targeted con- “If you download the Forkfly ap- until the company was able to fig- it still doesn’t make sense.” dia fragmentation.’ There are now tent wherever I am,” he said. “One plication, it’s built using Titanium,” ure out how to integrate it into the When Forkfly launched two and over 400,000 applications on of the fears of this strategy is that, Wagner said. “While you might framework. Forkfly could have fig- a half years ago, Wagner said the iTunes. There are over 200,000 on ‘Oh my goodness, people are too look at the application and think that ured it out on its own, but that company only had to build for the the Android Market. What does this simple; they aren’t going to get it. we hired developers for Android, would have required hiring native iPhone because there were no oth- result in?” We’re going to deploy an applica- iPhone—which, by the way, we app developers, he said. er devices that supported the type Fragmentation, Wagner said. tion that offers all this functional- once did—it’s built with Titanium. Whatever route you choose for of technology that Forkfly offered, “Consumers demand true unifor- ity, and it’s going to overwhelm Forgive me for saying this, but we your newspaper’s mobile strategy, such as location awareness and mity in the mobile space,” he said. our reader base, and that’s going blew a lot of money trying to build Wagner said it’s important to get serving up a media-rich experience. “The fragmentation that’s now hap- to spell doom for our mobile strat- our own, and then we figured out into this space—despite how over- Fortunately, that’s changed, and pening in media in the application egy. News, weather, sports inte- that—thanks to a number of recent whelming it may seem. there are new carriers and operating environment has really led to a lot grated into one app?’ I’m telling innovations—we could take a dif- “Mobile will be the single largest systems to consider, he said. of confusion. The applications that you, it can be done extraordinarily ferent approach. So can you.” disruption in the history of the pub- “If you’re looking to build an tend to flourish the most are the well.” Wagner said your Web develop- lishing industry,” he said. “A lot of app, I would strongly suggest start- ones that offer the most utility As an example, Wagner said on ers on staff could build a mobile people said the Web was massive- ing with Android,” he said. “If any- across the widest geographic the Facebook app, users can per- application over a weekend. In de- ly disruptive; mobile takes it to the thing, it just means you will be area.” form various tasks, such as update veloping Forkfly’s mobile applica- next level. In fact, there are soci- carried on more devices. For example, Wagner said an your status and location, view pho- tion using Titanium, Wagner said ologists saying this may be the “A lot of people say, ‘Let’s de- advantage of Google is that you tos and videos, send emails, share the company took its existing web- single largest social disruption in velop for iPhone; that’s the priori- don’t have to download different photos, find local events, chat, site and wrapped it in what is called all of human history. ty.’ Android devices are now out- apps for use in different locations, check into a location and tag your a “native shell,” which pushes con- “I would love to say that things selling iPhone. Part of it is the iP- such a Google Portland or Google friends, and get local coupons. tent out to the different operating are going to get better or less com- hone exists in a closed universe. Seattle app. For media companies “If Facebook would have systems, such as iPhone, Android, plicated, but in fact, it’s quite the What that means is it’s designed for that have newspapers in various launched separate apps for each etc. There were some bugs to work opposite. Mobile is not just about one device. Android now is in- geographic locations, they would one of theses functions, would Fa- out, but Wagner said the point is, phones; mobile is a revolution that stalled with a number of mobile better serve mobile users by devel- cebook even have a presence in the the barriers to entry are gone. will power virtually everything in carriers but goes beyond mobile oping one application for all prop- mobile space?” he asked. “I would “What’s the cost?” Wagner your wireless, digitally intercon- devices. For example, the Barnes erties that serves up appropriate dare say no, but my point is that asked. “Titanium is free. It’s what’s nected life. Newspapers need to be & Noble Nook runs Android OS content through geo-targeting. things you might find complex, called an open-source framework, a part of that.” and can actually run Android ap- “Part of my point is that it makes your readers have already become and you can download it right now, plications all within the e-reader.” little sense to deploy multiple apps acclimated to.” give it to your development staff or Contact: Paul Wagner, MAY 2011 | | The Inlander PAGE 11
  • 3. Ideas Improve your Twitter strategy with these Web-based tools By Michelle Finkler AssocIATE EdITor Whether you’re a Twitter novice or enthusiast, there’s always room for improvement when it comes to making the most of the microblogging site. But have you always wondered just how valuable Twitter can re- ally be to your media company? Twitter is a powerful way to attract and engage followers, according to Paul Wagner, CEO of Portland, Ore.-based Forkfly. You can evaluate and improve your media company’s Twitter presence with the following Web-based tools, Wagner said. Twitalyzer Website: Friend or Follow is a free way to find out who you’ve followed who hasn’t followed you back. Cost: Freemium What it does: Gauges the overall impact of your Twitter account. Friend Twitalyzer rates your Twitter account’s engagement, generosity in retweeting These Twitalyzer ratings tie together, he said, affecting your score in other metrics. of information that you have to filter through yourself,” he said. “What happens or Follow other users’ tweets and other metrics, such So if your generosity drops, so does your with Facebook are a couple things. Let’s as which tweets have been the most suc- velocity or the speed in which your mes- say I post a really long message to Face- Website: cessful, Wagner said. sage is pushed into the stream, he said. book. When I say ‘really long,’ I mean Cost: Free “Engagement simply means, ‘What are “What this means in essence is that our more than 140 characters. What happens What it does: shows who we doing to create a dialogue?’” he said. message may sit there for some time before is because my Facebook feed is linked to “If we post a tweet and someone responds someone picks up on it and rebroadcasts Twitter, my message is cut short [on Twit- you’ve followed who hasn’t to it, are we saying thank you? Are we giv- it,” he said. “You’re at a big advantage as ter]. Since Facebook posts tend to be a bit followed you back. ing feedback?” a news organization because the type of longer, they don’t translate well to Twitter. Wagner said a newspaper’s generosity content you’re putting out there is going to You’ve got to compress to get your mes- Friend or Follow is a quick and rating on Twitalyzer should be in a very be relevant and worthy of being shared in sage across on Twitter. If you don’t get easy way to find out who hasn’t high percentile, meaning you are retweet- real-time. If you’re putting out something your message across, you won’t get picked followed you back so you can un- ing fellow tweeps’ posts, he said. that says, ‘Freeway closed between exits up and retweeted.” follow them, Wagner said. “Let’s say you have someone who is 23 and 25,’ that’s something people are Another service, Twitter Grader (Twit- “It’s very simple,” he said. “If regularly retweeting your message,” Wag- going to pick up on.”, is similar to Twitalyzer they’re not following you back— ner said. “Twitalyzer will show who your Wagner also warned against linking your but free and much more simplistic in eval- unless it’s a valuable source of top followers are—the ones who love your Facebook page to your Twitter account uating your feed on Twitter, Wagner said. information that you might want content and share it with their friends. since, as a media company, you’re trying It shows the number of updates, the number to rebroadcast in your own chan- What would be generous of our [Forkfly] to accomplish two different goals with each of tweeps you’re following, the number of nel—they’re completely worthless feed to do is anytime they have something platform. followers you have and your rank out of to you. I’m not sure who you to say that is of interest, to rebroadcast it “Twitter is a constant flow—a stream of the roughly 9.5 million active Twitter us- might want to follow in your area. to our 9,300 Portland followers.” consciousness. This is a constant barrage ers. Maybe it’s the mayor of your Twitalyzer is a Web- town, and he hasn’t followed you based tool that back. Don’t delete the guy or girl. rates your Twitter That’s probably a bad idea since feed’s overall they’re a useful source. But if it’s impact. Twitalyzer the guy from the bike shop down is a freemium the street, and he has not followed service with you back, delete him and be done subscriptions starting at $4.99 per with it.” month. Continued on next page PAGE 12 The Inlander | | JUNE 2011
  • 4. Ideas Continued from previous page Tweet Adder Website: Cost: Prices start at $55 What it does: Allows you to search for local, active Twitter users, so you roughly an hour because it doesn’t want to do this too quickly or that could alert Twit- can follow them and get followers in ter that something is amiss. So the 300 get return. added. What’s the next step? The next step is to wait. You wait roughly a week. If they Wagner said media companies can beef have not followed you back within a week, up their Twitter feeds and the feeds of their they are not going to follow you back.” local advertisers by using Tweet Adder. The next step is to unfollow, Wagner “We have social media feeds all over said. Of the tweeps that you’ve followed the country with sizes ranging from 3,000 during the past week, Twitter Adder will to 12,000,” Wagner said. “What we’ve show who has not followed you back so started to do there is take local merchant you can delete them. content and rebroadcast it. What we can Tweet Adder allows you to search by location and activity, so your newspaper can find active “Statistically, roughly 15 to 20 percent do that merchants can’t and what we can tweeps in your area. of those that you follow will follow you do that they don’t know about is use soft- back with each batch,” Wagner said. “So, ware like this to quickly ramp up Twitter In the markets that Wagner has been weeks and you decide to add 400 followers if 20 percent is the number, I’ve just add- efforts. Still, Twitter is only as good as the working with, he said they were able to get that day, you may get banished for the pe- ed 60 new followers over a two-day period. nature of your feed and the number of fol- 2,000 to 3,000 new followers in the period riod of a week. That’s for your first of- You’re going to do this every day. You’re lowers who decide to opt in.” of a month. Results may vary, however, fense. If you do it again, you’re gone. They going to cycle through this—add, unfol- Wagner said it’s easy to acquire a lot of since you still have to make sure that will get rid of your feed.” low, add, unfollow.” junk followers, but finding quality follow- you’re putting great content on that feed, To be safe and not draw attention from Twitter Adder can also be used to man- ers can be challenging. Tweet Adder, how- he said. Also, the process of using Tweet Twitter, Wagner said Forkfly has found age your feed and send delayed tweets, like ever, allows you to search by location and Adder to build followers is gradual since success in the following steps: Make sure HootSuite allows, though Wagner said activity, such as searching specifically for following too many tweeps at once will you’ve posted quality content to the feed what Twitter Adder is best at is managing Twitter users in the Portland area who have trigger a red flag with Twitter, he said. at least daily, find all the local followers multiple feeds, searching by parameters tweeted during the past five days, he “Twitter is very careful about spam, and active on Twitter during the past five days and adding local followers. said. I don’t just mean sending out a bunch of and add roughly 300 new followers using “This is about finding qualified people “That’s a wonderful search parameter,” junk messages,” he said. “What they’re Tweet Adder. that you want to follow in your commu- Wagner said. “What Twitter will tell you really looking for is are you adding too “How do you add a follower?” Wagner nity only,” he said. “It’s easy to build a is that they have two billion users world- many followers at a time, and if so, why asked. “You’ve done this search, they’ve follower base on Twitter that will do you wide, but what they don’t tell you is that are you? And if you are adding too many given you this list and you click ‘Add Fol- absolutely no good because the bottom line most of them are dead or not using the followers at a time, what’s the nature of lowers.’ ‘How many would you like to is, if you’re just adding random people system. You want to make sure you’re us- your content? So they’ve got this crazy add?’ 300. This is who you’re fol- from around the country, they don’t care ing the active base, which is what this algorithm, and if you go in there and lowing. You’ve followed 300 about your content.” system is really great at doing.” you’ve got one tweet over the last three people over a period of Twitter Counter Website: Cost: Freemium What it does: Projects your Twitter feed’s growth in followers. Wagner said Twitter Counter is a great way to see how your Twitter feed is trending with regard to attracting followers. “What this will do is give me some rapid stats on they try to delete spam followers, which is why you’ll my growth,” Wagner said. “So every once in a while, see that drop-off.” you’ll see that we dropped a few followers. Twitter will do a scan of their entire database of users, and Contact: Paul Wagner, JUNE 2011 | | The Inlander PAGE 13
  • 5. Ideas What are best practices for social media use by media companies? By Michelle Finkler AssocIATE EdITor Breaking news Setting a successful social media When stepping up your newspaper’s policy at your media company is social media efforts, Henry M. Lopez, really about setting expectations, professional digital development and said Henry M. Lopez, professional projects manager for The Santa Fe (N.M.) digital development and projects New Mexican, said a good place to start manager for The Santa Fe (N.M.) is breaking news. New Mexican. And setting clear Lopez said media companies should social media expectations, in turn, set goals for breaking news, which can sets your employees up for success include: rather than failure. • Sending out text message alerts “When you read about people • Posting an alert on your newspaper’s losing their jobs because of what website, Facebook page and Twitter happened on their Facebook page feeds or Twitter accounts, what you find • Sending out an e-mail blast in those stories is there was usu- Lopez said news organizations should ally no policy in place; they just get specific about when to alert the pissed somebody off,” he said dur- public of a breaking story. ing the recent 2011 Mobile and “Report what you know when you Social Networking Boot Camp. know it,” he said. “If you have to make “Value your employees and help that call [to verify information], make them avoid confusion. Let them the call. Find out if there really was a know what you’re expecting and The frequency in which you should update a breaking news story differs from platform to platform, said shooting at city hall.” Henry M. Lopez, professional digital development and projects manager for The santa Fe (N.M.) New let them know what to expect of After verifying the information and Mexican. on Twitter, media companies can send out lots of updates, while Facebook users are more you.” posting the initial news alert onto the sensitive to the number of updates posted, he said. Setting a clear policy legitimizes various platforms, Lopez said to request the medium and lets employees information from readers. For example, if Additionally, Lopez said newspapers tra updates if it’s not significant. Don’t know you’re serious about social there’s a shooting at city hall, newspa- should be mindful of the acceptable fre- send out four email alerts every two media, Lopez said. But policies pers should ask, “Do you know anything quency of breaking news updates, which hours, but on Twitter, you can send out a aren’t meant to be a heavy-handed, about that?” Media companies also varies from platform to platform. Ulti- lot of updates. Your Facebook customers restrictive list of don’ts. should ask readers to send in photos tak- mately, determining whether a piece of are a little more sensitive to the number “When I talk to people about this, en with their phones (while safely out of information is worthy of an update is a of status updates that you’re sending sometimes they feel like they’re harm’s way, of course), he said. Lopez also judgment call, he said. out. If you’re going to make my phone goons,” he said. “You get problems emphasized thanking readers for submit- “Not every piece of breaking news is buzz with an alert, it’d better be worth when policies are written to be re- ting comments, information and photos. the same,” he said. “Don’t throw out ex- it.” strictive. Some policies say, ‘Don’t ever talk about what happened in meetings. Don’t ever talk about months, get people together. We all • Can I post content or links onto your boss. Don’t ever talk about know social media is evolving. “Don’t hand the rules down like Charlton my personal site? co-workers. Don’t ever talk about Guess what? So are the problems Heston with the Ten Commandments. • Can I operate a paying blog dur- anything. And don’t you dare link that come up. Elaborate on them. ing my free time? That’s not the value in social media.” stuff that’s on our website onto Put together a committee with peo- • When can I quote a Facebook your personal blog.’ Those policies ple from throughout the organiza- Henry M. Lopez, The santa Fe (N.M.) New Mexican status update? are out there. When I talk to folks, tion. Don’t hand the rules down like As an example of a media com- it seems like companies don’t know Charlton Heston with the Ten Com- pany with a good social media how to talk about social media. In- mandments. That’s not the value in “You make your decision, but I countered is in regard to replying policy, Lopez cited NPR. stead of being restrictive, talk about social media. don’t want people using their per- to user comments. A lot of times, “NPR is so good in thinking the best practices and the best ways “I’m not here to tell you what’s sonal accounts when they’re using staff members don’t reply to com- through issues like this and policies to use social media.” right and what’s wrong but to en- the company account,” he said. ments because there’s no expecta- and community management,” he Lopez said policies should en- courage you to have the conversa- “For instance, my personal Henry tion to do so and no guidance for said. “While I don’t necessarily courage participation in social me- tion and give you some ideas about M. Lopez Facebook account could that, he said. Another question recommend you take everything dia in all newspaper departments, questions that you want to answer control The Santa Fe New Mexi- companies need to address is re- from them word for word, I would regardless of whether staff is in ad- and ask through that process to get can’s Facebook page, but I actu- garding whether or not reporters review their social media policy, vertising, circulation or editorial. everyone on the same page.” ally want those to be two different should friend sources. which is available online (visit It’s also important to keep social With social media, Lopez said things. People will put [personal “Have that conversation with It’s a very en- media rules short, meaning policies bosses tend to worry about what accounts] on their Hootsuites or your team and you’ll come up with couraging policy. It’s constructive should be contained to a four- or employees are saying about them, their Tweetdecks, and on occasion, some really interesting ideas that and proactive and a good place to five-paragraph document, Lopez while employees have totally dif- you’ll get an off-color comment go back and forth,” he said. “Per- start to influence your conversa- said. Rules should be clear and to ferent questions that managers may that was actually meant for some- sonally, I think it’s a bad practice; tions.” the point, he added. not be ready for. One question Lo- body’s personal audience that went other folks don’t.” “Review [the policy] from time pez has encountered is, “Do I use out to the professional audience.” Other potential questions in- Contact: Henry M. Lopez, to time,” Lopez said. “Every six personal accounts for work?” Another question Lopez has en- clude: JUNE 2011 | | The Inlander PAGE 15
  • 6. the Inlander MARCH 2009 | Vol. 23, No. 3 knowledge for newspapers Mailed Tuesday Feb. 17, from Algonquin, Ill. Inform post office if it arrives after March 3. Address service requested. Inland Stay current training “One investment we hold sa- with Inland cred is our Inland Press Asso- ciation membership. We’ll be more resilient through any eco- webinars nomic swing by belonging to a nuts-and-bolts organization like Inland.” — Dennis Waller Publisher The Chronicle , Will unions target Webinars are cost-effective Participation is easy Centralia/Chehalis, Wash. small newspapers? Registration is simple Presentations are topical and timely March 11 | Webinar Search Solutions for Selling Your Products Attorneys explain why it could happen Mike Blinder will reveal how search marketing works and how By Michelle Finkler you can easily deploy a local ASSOCIATE EDITOR “Small newspapers need to be concerned. There are going to For more, see page 21. search solution that will assist in garnering significant new online be unions that will come after revenue from new business cate- If you think unions only tar- different newspapers than we gories. get large newspapers, think would historically think.” WITH MIKE BLINDER, PRESIDENT, THE again. “The old view that unions Newspaper companies could potentially see an increase in Analyzing ‘key metrics’ can BLINDER GROUP, NEW PORT RICHEY, FLA. March 12 | Webinar were always interested in big companies is not true,” said Bill Schurgin, partner at Sey- union activity if the Employ- ee Free Choice Act becomes law, Schurgin said during a re- boost financial performance Newspaper Executive’s Guide to the Production farth Shaw LLP in Chicago. EFCA: CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 By Adolfo Mendez their worries, their concerns— Waste Cycle EDITOR anything that you can do to help Here is a complete yet concise ex- Union election win rate them to survive, because they are planation of where waste occurs More than 50 percent of workers at U.S. companies have in the production cycle. It is ex- In the good and bad times, pub- key to your survival.” plained in laymen’s terms, with voted in favor of unions every year since 2005. lishers should make cultivating Garry, who entered the news- logical courses of action to initi- a close relationship with their top paper industry in 1978, is a for- ate the conversations at your own 10 advertisers a priority—meet- mer chief financial analyst at the organization, which will lead you down the road to reduced waste ing with each of them once a Cleveland Plain Dealer and a for- at your facility. month or once a quarter, accord- mer publisher with Hirt Media. WITH TIM GARRY, PRESIDENT, NEWSPAPER ing to newspaper industry veter- During a recent Inland Press We- AND PRINTING CONSULTANTS, MYPRESSREPORTS.COM, MT. GILEAD, OHIO an Tim Garry . binar, he discussed several key fi- “Your top 10 advertisers are nancial and operating metrics March 17 | Webinar pretty tough to replace,” said Gar- newspaper executives need to Selling More Strategically ry founder and CEO of MyPress- , monitor if they’re to improve to Integrate Web, Print, a company that pro- their company’s financial per- Learn how to better control the vides newspapers with Web-based formance. sales process by building relation- financial management software. “Key metrics has become a ships and trust quicker. Find out “Your top 10 advertisers are the buzz word in our economy late- why you should be calling at high- er levels, how to locate decision- DATA COURTESY OF SEYFARTH SHAW LLP cornerstone of your enterprise ly,” Garry said. “What it really makers and why you must have an GRAPHIC BY MICHELLE FINKLER/ASSOCIATE EDITOR and you should really take a per- means is that you’re looking at understanding of your customer’s sonal interest in their wealth, in METRICS: CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 business to be successful at selling strategically. RICHARD FARREL, PRESIDENT, TANGENT KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS AND AUTHOR OF GROW CIRCULATION IMPROVE CLASSIFIED SALES PART OF THE CELEBRATION “SELLING HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SELLING” Closely watching the numbers gives Make your newspaper a top National Nurses Week in May could circulation managers a solid base for destination for classified ads with a provide a special section For details or registration assistance, contact Inland at (847) 795-0380 growing readership. reader-centered approach. opportunity for your paper. or go to PAGE 9 PAGE 10 PAGES 12 AND 13 Select “Event Registration” under the Training heading.
  • 7. Ideas EFCA: Employers urged to take action CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 days or more. Then, an election is 2009,” Schurgin said. “Their cent Inland Press Webinar. held, after which certification can chances are as good today as they’ll The Employee Free Choice Act be issued if election results dic- ever be. They’re going to do every- “will make it dramatically easi- tate. thing they can to get this done by er for unions to organize,” said However, with the EFCA, once the end of this year.” Ken Dolin, also a partner at Sey- organization begins, the union sim- Schurgin said with the new ad- farth Shaw LLP. “This is not go- ply needs to obtain card-check sig- ministration, employers should ing to be great news for many em- natures from 50 percent of employ- expect increased government en- ployers.” ees. Once 50 percent or more are forcement, as well as increased la- The EFCA, which would alter secured, certification is issued. The bor and human rights protection. the National Labor Relations Act, election can take place within days He said now is the time for employ- is likely to pass, Schurgin said. It and sometimes without the com- ers to start preparing for the pos- has the backing of powerful union pany even being aware of the sibility of a union targeting their lobbyists and President Obama’s union’s presence, Dolin said. company . pro-union administration. “Unions claim secret ballot elec- Prepare now Schurgin and Dolin said the tions favor employers because em- EFCA would change three major ployers launch extensive anti- “We need to get ahead and be aspects of labor law: it would re- union campaigns during the post- proactive before a union comes move an employer’s right to a se- petition period, including anti- into the picture,” Schurgin said. cret ballot election, there would be union captive audience speeches He suggested employers write increased penalties for employers and one-on-one meetings between letters to congressmen and sena- The Inauguration Edition published by The Virginia Gazette. The special issue who engage in “unfair labor prac- supervisors and employees,” he tors. They should also try to cre- was a success, with street sales nearly doubling. PHOTO SUPPLIED tices,” and it would permit the fed- said. However, “Arguments by ate a workplace environment eral government to assign an ar- unions, though, ignore that unions where union organizing is unat- Inauguration Edition a bitrator and impose a two-year con- tract under certain conditions. Under current law, Dolin said are winning elections at the same rate at which they did over 30 years ago.” tractive. For this, an employee at- titude survey can be helpful. To boost morale, Schurgin said news- success at Virginia paper employers now have the right to a secret ballot general election when deciding union representation. Passage likely The EFCA passed in the House papers should increase the use of recognition awards and publicize accomplishments by the paper By Adolfo Mendez “Those [advertisers] who “EFCA will eliminate secret bal- in 2007 but stalled in the Senate. At and its employees. EDITOR lot election and will be replaced by the time, President Bush immedi- Also, Schurgin said managers passed on it were kicking card-check recognition,” he said. ately promised a veto. Unlike Bush, should take the time to evaluate The Virginia Gazette in themselves. Those who Eliminating secret ballots and the Obama administration is most the entire newspaper, all of its Williamsburg, Va., published “In- were in it were ecstatic, replacing them with card checks likely going to make EFCA a top policies, employee handbooks and auguration Lessons for Ameri- especially the ones who conducted in public gives unions priority Schurgin said. , personnel manuals to identify and ca,” a 44-page special section, in an unfair advantage in organizing, As evidence, they offered this resolve issues now to thwart the the Gazette on Jan. 17. chose to be on a page or businesses argue. It’s also unde- extended quote from President possibility of a union recogniz- “It was intended to succinctly opposite a page of their mocratic and unwise, Dolin said. Obama, taken from a speech he ing any vulnerability . recall the presidency of each of favorite president.” “Cards are unreliable; they can gave in Dubuque, Iowa, in Novem- “If you use the analogy of a President Obama’s predecessors contain forged employee signa- ber 2007: doctor, you’re conducting a com- and walk him through their suc- Bill O’Donovan tures, misrepresentations and “We’re ready to take the offense plete physical of the entire com- cesses and failures,” said Publish- threats. Even if there are no for- for organized labor It’s time we have . pany he said. ,” er Bill O’Donovan. “One recur- whom I persuaded to partici- geries, misrepresentations and a president who didn’t choke say- Schurgin also suggested edu- ring lesson learned is to pick bet- pate,” O'Donovan said. “Their threats, employees may feel pres- ing the word ‘union.’ We need to cation of supervisors and employ- ter cabinet members. Another is challenge was keeping within sured in the presence of a union strengthen our unions by letting ees on the impact of unions and to watch your health, and to wear 300 words, which all but two did.” solicitor,” Dolin said. them do what they do best — organ- the newspaper’s position on them, a bulletproof vest,” he added. The section also was prof- With the card-check system, ize our workers. If a majority of lawfully urging them not to sign “The edition was inserted in itable, he said. “We only grossed Schurgin said it would be more at- workers want a union, they should because there’s “no second our Saturday paper, and we $15,000 in advertising but it was tractive to unions to target small- get a union. It’s that simple. We need chance by virtue of vote.” padded the draw 40 percent,” a quick sale under enormous er newspapers and other types of to stand up to the business lobby Businesses shouldn’t be put off O’Donovan said. “Returns show time constraints,” he said. smaller companies. “If there’s only that’s been getting their friends in preparing now for the change to we nearly doubled our street “Those who passed on it were 20 or 30 employees, it’s easier for Congress and in the White House to come, they said. “This is a wake- sales to 7,891. It was a huge hit kicking themselves. Those who unions to get cards signed,” he block card check. That’s why I was up call for all of us who said, ‘We among the readership,” he said. were in it were ecstatic, especial- said. one of the leaders fighting to pass won’t be the target of a union The section included five-part ly the ones who chose to be on a Another change: shortening the the Employee Free Choice Act. campaign,’” Schurgin said. coverage on President Obama— page or opposite a page of their length of the campaign period, That’s why I’m fighting for it in the “There is a sea change going on how he got elected, what he did favorite president.” making it more difficult for em- Senate. And that’s why we’ll make out here. Six months from now, right, what went wrong, what les- For example, he said one client ployers to state their case against it the law of the land when I’m pres- there may be union activity and , sons are there for Obama and les- kidded about gaining position unions. Under current law, once ident.” you won’t have time to respond.” sons for the country . on the page with Jefferson Davis. the union-recognition cards are Schurgin expects the new EFCA “Key to our success was a signed by 30 percent of employees to be introduced before April. “We Contacts: Bill Schurgin, savvy professor who aligned all Contact: Bill O’Donovan, and a petition is filed, there usual- may see an amended version of the; 43 presidents with other faculty ly is a campaign period lasting 39 EFCA. They have to pass it in Ken Dolin, PAGE 14 The Inlander | | MARCH 2009
  • 8. Special Report Local business directories match readers with advertisers Free listing By Michelle Finkler over $500,000 of revenue,” she ASSocIATE EdIToR said. “More recently, as we’ve Archived Webinar launched the Wenatchee World’s This and other Webinars are Setting up an online directory for Marketplace, it had an even quick- available in Inland’s Archived your community can be a great way er success with $165,000 in the first Webinars collection. to connect area businesses with lo- week.” Visit and cal customers. And sometimes, an click on “Archived Business advantages Webinars” under the online directory can connect area businesses with not-so-local cus- Media companies that set up an “Training” tab. tomers. online directory can decide to call Consider, a local it whatever they want, whether that ries. There are also sponsorship market directory launched slightly be Marketplace or a name more positions where a business can over a year ago by Bliss Commu- specific to the area, such as The sponsor a category.” nications, based in Janesville, Wis. Janesville Gazette’s Upgraded listings A man in Greece was conducting But even with different names, all an online search for a clock seller— of the various Ellington Market- Businesses can also opt to up- not in any specific town—when place sites are similar in what they grade to a “basic” or “expanded” Basic listing turned up in the search offer advertisers and consumers. listing that offers features that go results. “It’s what consumers are used to beyond what’s available for free. “He wanted to buy a grandfather getting when they get a Google “Basic” listings include a business clock from one of the businesses in site,” Weaver said. “To compete profile, listing in up to five catego- the directory,” said Sara Weaver, with Yahoo!, Google and the Yel- ries, unlimited keywords, a photo vice president of Sales and Busi- low Pages, we have to offer more gallery and a custom meta descrip- ness Development for Mediaphor- for free. We can’t nickel and dime tion tag for search engine optimiza- media, the software division of the our advertisers. We add a photo, tion. World Company, based in Law- business hours, name, address and “For a basic listing, I’ve it seen rence, Kan. phone number, a link to their Web go for $44 up to $99 dollars a Weaver said the man interested site, a map and methods of payment month,” Weaver said. “A lot of in buying the clock searched on for free. Most of our partners would people adopt the same strategy. Google for “clockmaster master agree that you only get one chance You can list up to five categories. clock repair,” and the to make your directory useful for We list you in one category, and site was listed first in the search consumers or they won’t come we’ll charge you to be listed in results. back.” more than one category.” “We work really hard to make On the homepage of each site, The “expanded” listing also has our sites search-engine friendly,” there’s a search bar to enter key tabs for videos with a built-in Flash Weaver said. “If they’re using words, business name or location, video player. Companies can up- Google to find something locally, and there’s also an option to refine load ads and coupons that they’re it will pop up in searches. When the search by entering a zip code or running. They can also list a num- Expanded listing you don’t know what you’re look- address so users can find results ber of products, post calendar ing for, these categories are opti- close to them, Weaver said. There events and a staff directory. mizing well.” are three rotating ad positions in the Weaver said the expanded listing Mediaphormedia, which uses El- middle of the homepage for busi- costs anywhere from $100 to $250 lington Marketplace as its software, nesses that expand their listing. It a month, with the most common has been partnering with other me- is rotated with an unlimited spon- price being $200 a month. dia companies in helping them de- sorship position. Newspapers also Weaver said the upgraded listing velop marketplace directory sites. charge extra for access to the right options give a boost to many busi- Weaver said that last year, Media- rail, which Weaver said is another nesses, especially small ones that phormedia worked with 27 differ- revenue stream. may not have the time or resources ent companies in setting up their “Homepage right-rail ads go for to devout to building and maintain- directories. about $300,” she said. “Lawrence ing a Web site. When the Lawrence Journal charges $500 to $700. You have to “We found in the market, most World’s LawrenceMarketplace. look at what you’re charging for businesses have a Web presence, com site first launched, Weaver your own newspaper site and make but the site might have been de- said it took four to six months for it make sense.” signed by your nephew,” Weaver it to catch on with local consumers. On the left side of the homepage said. “When they see our site, they Through branding and advertising, is a list of categories to choose thought it was useful. Businesses has be- from, such as Arts and Entertain- are putting in a lengthy profile. come a name people recognize, she ment, Automotive, Food & Dining, Some companies are even using the said. Weaver said the site is now in Health Care and Retail, to name a Marketplace site as their primary its third year, and receives more few. site.” “You only get one chance to make your directory useful to consumers or they than 225 million page views a “If you were to choose a catego- won’t come back,” said Sara Weaver, vice president of Sales and Business month. ry for Food & Dining, there’s a Contact: Sara Weaver, development for Mediaphormedia. Above: Screen shots from “For, page for that category,” Weaver Images supplIed in the first year, it brought in just said. “Then there are sub catego- PAGE 10 The Inlander | | SEPTEMBER 2009