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The Stress
Are Looking
for a Way Out
About this report
The most successful companies are often defined by the revenue
they generate, the perks they offer, and the positive publicity they
receive. But what about employee satisfaction and retention?
How do you ensure the talented individuals responsible
for driving these key initiatives aren’t considering an early exit?
The era of single careers is over. With employee turnover
at an all-time high, companies everywhere are starting to look
internally to address the problem. In fact, 87% of HR leaders consider
employee retention a primary concern, according to research
by Kronos and Future Workplace. However, competing priorities
and lack of resources often suspend employee retention initiatives.
Hiring new employees is not only time-consuming, but also costly.
Recruiting the best talent has evolved into a highly competitive
and expensive market, costing US companies $160 billion a year.
Perks that used to attract the best talent are no longer
compelling for job seekers. Today, job candidates from entry-
level to executive levels are more concerned with opportunities
for learning and development than any other job aspect.
In fact, 46% of millennials left their job due to poor career growth
in 2015. If an employee doesn’t see growth or development
opportunities in their current role, consider them gone.
Managers simply don’t have time to devote to employee
development. With the constant barrage of communication
channels and pressure to perform increasing, managers
are struggling to stay afloat—let alone dedicate time
to employee coaching and career advancement.
Like their managers, employees are constantly bombarded
with unactionable noise and inefficient processes
that require long workdays and little reward. Between
incessant notifications and waiting for others to get work
done, productivity plummets and employees are left
wondering if their job is worth losing sleep over.
As frustration grows between employees not receiving
the attention they deserve, poor productivity, and managers
drowning in deadlines and emails, emotional resilience
wears thin and breeds burnout. If companies aren’t headed
toward improving employee satisfaction and retention,
talented and ambitious individuals head for the door.
This report examines how stress is impacting
employees, managers, and their work.
Survey methodology & demographics
Male US
Female UK 30-44
This study was conducted using SurveyMonkey Audience from July
12-15, 2018 with a sample of 1,613 adults in the US and UK.
Respondents are office workers, ages 18-64 and work full-time.
Q: What is your gender? Q: What country do you live in? Q: What is your age?
*Note that totals may not add up to 100% due to rounding.
Table of contents
Stress: The silent productivity killer 	 6
Stressed workers vote with their feet 	 8
Stress is a team effort 	 9
The bitter and expensive truth behind burnout 	 11
Does American culture glorify stress? 	 12
Stress and turnover 	 13
The cost of stress-related turnover 	 14
Managers must foster good communication habits 	 15
Stress is a slippery slope 	 17
High stress baselines lead to more stress 	 18
Adopting habits to manage stress 	 19
Can flexible hours save workers? 	 20
How to prevent stress-induced burnout 	 21
Q: What is your average level of stress at work?
Stress: The silent productivity killer
Overall, 94% of workers experience stress at work, and almost
a third say their stress is high to unsustainably high.
The US and UK have fairly similar answers regarding stress
in the workplace. About 40% of respondents in both regions
report “moderate stress.”
5% 6%
No stress Low Moderate stress High Unsustainably high
Approximately 23% in the US say their stress levels are “high but
sustainable” and about 21% in the UK say the same. Most worrisome
are the 6% of US respondents and 3% of UK respondents who say
their stress is “unsustainable.”
Some stress has its benefits. A little stress helps people overcome
challenges and focus, providing the energy they need to get through
an important presentation or approaching deadline. This is known
as “optimum stress.”
However, “chronic stress” is ongoing and affects both quality of work
and home life. Over a quarter of respondents report a decline in work
quality due to stress. 54% report stress from work negatively affects
their home life at least once a week—some say everyday. Over 50%
also experience sleep loss.
“We’re under the misguided presumption that more work leads
to more productivity when the opposite is actually true—chronic
stress eats away at any chance for a productive workplace, or high
employee engagement,” says Dr. Leah Weiss, author of How
We Work: Live Your Purpose, Reclaim Your Sanity, and Embrace
the Daily Grind and professor at Stanford University. “Chronic
stress undermines culture and leads to fatigue, anxiety,
and confusion about priorities.”
“The neuroscience on the matter is clear—chronic stress hijacks finite
cognitive resources. Smart organizations understand the importance
of stress management on the collective, team, and individual
levels—they are thereby able to deploy their human capital where
it is needed rather than squandering it unnecessarily,” she adds.
Stress Curve
Integrated Medicine Institute
Laid back
Fatigue/ Tension
Poor sleep, irritability, worry
Anxiety, panic, anger,
depression, sleeplessness
Lasting disease/infections, heart
attack, cancer, diabetes, etc.
Too little stress
Too much stress
BurnoutOptimum stress
Stressed workers
vote with their feet
Workers are rapidly realizing the consequences
of stress are detrimental to their health,
and are leaving their jobs because of it. In fact,
over half of respondents looked for a new job
and 25% report they’ve quit a job due to stress.
As companies continue to support overworking,
workers remain silent and keep their emotional
frustration buttoned up at work. Few seek advice
or assistance at work to reduce stress.
Workers are more likely to quit or seek
professional help than confront their employer
about their stress levels, according to our survey.
As employee satisfaction declines and stress
continues to rise, there is no way of knowing
who’s at risk of walking out the door.
Searched for
a new job
Been unable
to sleep
I’ve stopped caring /
“Checked out”
Taken unplanned
time off
Taken it out on my
Lost my temper
at work
Quit a job
Asked for a raise
Threatened to quit
Sought professional help
for stress management
Filed complaints through
official channels
None of these
Q: At any point during your career, which of the following have
you done due to stress at work? (select all that apply)
0% 60%40%20%
Stress is a team effort
What’s causing all this emotional turmoil? It turns out
the top stressors are breakdowns in teamwork.
Team members
not pulling
their weight
on projects
on others
to take action
With remote offices rising in popularity and the ability
to communicate across time zones easier than ever,
the working world is completely saturated with
communication channels. Inefficient collaboration is now
the key driver of stress in the workplace. In fact, 29%
of respondents report using seven to more than 16
applications to complete their work in a single day.
Sources of stress differ by company size. Employees at larger
companies feel stressed because of poor collaboration,
whereas employees from smaller companies feel stressed
as a result of their individual workload. “I’m overloaded” ranks
higher on the list of top work stressors than “bottlenecks”
for respondents from smaller firms (1,000 employees or less).
Since collaboration takes place across several
platforms, such as email, instant messaging, meetings,
and conference calls, there’s no place to consolidate
feedback and ideas. Forgotten deadlines and lack
of accountability lead to a spike in workplace stress.
While stressors are similar across company size,
workers at smaller firms find “I’m overloaded”
as a bigger stressor than those at larger firms. Large companies
(1,000+ employees)
Smaller companies
(<1,000 employees)
Q: What are your top stressors at work?
Team members
not pulling
their weight on
waiting on
others to take
I’m overloaded
It’s no surprise chronic stress leads to employee burnout.
Over a quarter of employees report that if their stress
levels don’t change, they will burn out in the next 12
months. In fact, 46% of HR leaders say employee burnout
is responsible for up to 50% of their annual workforce
turnover, as reported in a study by Kronos Incorporated
and Future Workplace.
Looking at international differences in our survey, 59%
of Americans say they’ve been unable to sleep due to stress
at work, compared to just 42% of UK respondents. Some
18% of Americans say they’ve sought professional help with
stress management, while just 10% of UK respondents say
the same. This may be rooted in the culture of stoicism
and stigma around mental health in the UK.
As employees begin to accept stress as a way of life,
work interest and effort decline, and productivity suffers.
Almost half of workers say stress at work has caused them
to “check out” or stop caring at some point in their career.
Checked out employees cost companies $450 to $550
billion in lost productivity every year, according to Gallup.
The bitter and expensive truth behind burnout
Q: At any point during your career, which
of the following have you done due to stress
at work? (select all that apply)
Searched for
a new job
to sleep
Lost my
at work
I’ve stopped
caring /
“Checked out”
Taken it
out on my
time off
0% 80%60%20% 40%
Workers in the US were 83% more likely than UK
repondents to say “a little bit of stress can help me focus
and get work done.” Similarly, UK respondents were more
than twice as likely to say “stress causes me to shut down
and be unproductive.”
It raises the question: Do Americans really want to get rid
of their stress, or is it a point of pride?
As Meredith Fineman writes in the Harvard Business
Review, US workers love to brag about how busy we are.
Interestingly in our survey, Americans were still 60%
more likely than UK respondents to report that they don’t
let work stress them out. This begs the question: Are
Americans being realistic with themselves about stress
and how it impacts them?
Does American culture glorify stress?
Q: Which statement best describes your relationship
with stress productivity?
Stress causes
me to shut
down and be
I can handle
some stress, but
my work quality
Stress affects me
personally but
doesn’t affect my
work or work habits
A little bit of stress
can help me focus
and get work done
My best work
comes from high
stress situations
I don’t let work
stress me out
0% 40%30%10% 20%
Stress and turnover
High but sustainable
Unsustainably high
No stress
Low, but present
Moderate stress
Successful companies with higher revenue often have employees
who deal with higher levels of stress. If left unchecked, super
high levels of stress can trigger employee turnover, which affects
companies’ bottom line.
About one third of employees from companies with over $51
million in revenue say they deal with high to unsustainably high
stress everyday. Additionally, 11% of employees from companies
with over $51 million in annual revenue report stress from work
negatively impacts their home life every day.
This perpetual impact on home life is causing employees from
successful companies to head for the hills. Of the 11% who say
that work negatively impacts their home life every day, 77.5% report
having looked for another job as a result of stress, and nearly half
(45%) have actually quit their job.
Q: What is your average level
of stress at work?
(companies with $51+ mil in revenue)
The cost of stress-related
Although 11% may not sound like much, the cost of dealing
with this group’s high levels of stress are staggering. Say
11% of employees at a company of 1,000 are experiencing
the negative impacts of stress at home every day.
Of these 110 employees, 50 decide to quit due to stress
(45% of this group). From lost productivity to onboarding
and hiring costs, a company typically spends about 75%
of an employee’s annual salary to replace them.
If these 50 employees were making $60k a year before they
quit, hiring replacements will cost $2.25 million.
Employee replacement cost factors:
Time spent filling the vacant position
Hours/weeks in lost productivity before the employee
Time coworkers and the manager/supervisor combined
will need to compensate for the vacant employee
(overtime, added shifts, etc.)
Number of hours in lost productivity resulting from
orientation and training of a new hire
Time spent on admin and hiring tasks (advertising,
resume screening, interviewing, onboarding)
Source: Society of Human Resource Management
Managers must foster good
communication habits
Stress levels will continue to rise if managers don’t change
how work is conducted. But how are managers expected
to improve their teams’ stress when they are drowning
in poor communication practices themselves?
Some 36% of managers spend anywhere from six to 15
hours in meetings a week, and 62% spend two to four hours
in email every day, according to our survey. That’s a total
of 98% of managers spending 40% to 87% of their work week
on communication alone. In fact, 78% admit they spend too
much time in meetings instead of doing actual work.
Spending valuable time in meetings and responding to email
versus producing results takes a toll on managers. Findings
reveal 26% of managers’ work stress levels are high and 6%
are unsustainably high.
Often communication is not translating into actionable
work. Managers need to cut back on their habitual response
to scheduling meetings and evaluate the quality and intent
of their communication. It’s time for managers to ask
themselves, “Do I really need to have this meeting?”
Managers are crucial for career development
Managers grow from different types of activities, according
to the 70-20-10 rule for leadership development.
70% from job related experiences
20% from interactions with others
10% from formal education events
While this model is specific to leadership development,
it is relevant for workers in terms of their own growth
and how their managers are impacted when they
are unable to follow this rule.
Communication overload for managers means they have
less time to develop talent on their teams.
This can lead to stagnation of work quality and turnover
for workers who feel they’re no longer learning
and growing.
Source: Center for Creative Leadership
Should we have a meeting?
So many corporate employees spend their workday bouncing from
meeting to meeting. In many organizations, the de facto method
of getting anything done has become “let’s meet about it.”
Can we do anything about meeting overload?
Maybe. Use this handy decision tree to determine whether
you should have a meeting or not.
Check out the full decision tree here!
Stress is a slippery slope
When asked about daily stress levels, 67% of respondents
report their average stress levels range from moderate
to unsustainably high. These same respondents
are 84% more likely to say receiving an email or text
message from a superior outside of work hours—a now
common occurrence—has a high impact on their stress
level compared to respondents who experience lower
stress on a daily basis.
Receiving notifications for upcoming meetings
and important deadlines is an integral, inevitable part
of the modern work lifestyle. However, those with higher
stress levels have a much lower tolerance for the way their
manager conducts work.
Receiving work with unrealistic deadlines is another common
occurrence at most companies. However, the effect on workers varies
drastically depending on their standard stress level. High-stress
workers are 38% more likely to claim these occurrences have a high
impact on their stress than their less-stressed counterparts.
High stress baselines lead to more stress
As such, searching for missing information is exceedingly stressful
for someone who is already operating on a higher stress plane. In fact,
“Being unable to locate information I know I’ve seen in the past” is 54%
more likely to have a high-pressure impact on high-stress workers.
Q: The following events have a high impact on my stress level: Individuals with no
to low stress
Individuals with
moderate to high stress
Receiving email or text
messages from a superior
outside of work hours
Notifications of new
emails or messages
during work
Being unable to locate
information I know I’ve
seen in the past
Receiving assignments
with unrealistic
Too much time spent in
meetings and not enough
time to do actual work
42% 44%
Adopting habits
to manage stress
Most work stress is manageable through the adoption
of management best practices and technology. Ensuring
employees take time off to recharge and encouraging
them to disconnect after hours helps reduce stress.
A work management solution eliminates information silos
and makes key work information easy to locate across
an organization. This will help reduce the stress caused
by being unable to locate information needed to get work
done for both managers and workers.
High-stress workers are 24% less likely to “agree” their
managers accurately understand their workload. This type
of technology also gives management a better picture
of each team member’s workload and capacity, thereby
reducing the risk of stress-induced burnout.
With this level of improved visibility, managers
can distribute work appropriately and easily see project
statuses without interrupting team members for updates.
Laying down the law
In 2017, France adopted a “right to disconnect” law to help
workers find work-life balance, and protect them from
after-hours email.
The law requires firms with 50 or more employees to agree
with their workforce on out-of-office email policies.
Sourcе: CNN
Flexible work hours and remote work opportunities
can also lower stress and improve retention. Respondents
with moderate to high stress are 19% more likely to say
flexible hours or working from home would help reduce
their stress.
Women are also 20.5% more likely than men to agree
that flexible work hours or working from home would
reduce their stress.
In fact, companies that support remote work have 25%
lower employee turnover than companies that don’t,
according to research from Owl Labs and TINYpulse.
Work management solutions harness virtual collaboration,
making it possible to work from anywhere at anytime.
Can flexible hours save workers?
Q: The option to work from home would reduce my stress
Women Men
How to prevent stress-induced burnout
In today’s job-seeker world, burnout is one of the top reasons
for turnover in organizations. Managers are stressed because
they’re too distracted by technology and tied up in meetings to focus
on actual work or establish reliable work management processes.
Employees are stressed because they can’t disconnect, and they
don’t feel supported by their managers or teammates. As stress
turns chronic, talented employees start looking for a way out.
With poor communication as the culprit, it’s critical to change
the way teams collaborate and how work is managed. Consolidating
collaboration makes it easy for managers to oversee ongoing
projects and workloads so no one feels overwhelmed. Missing
information is no longer an issue because all approvals, sign-offs,
and edits are done in one place. Workflow automation can reduce
bottlenecks and increase accountability amongst team members.
Stress is inevitable, but it’s not uncontrollable. Taking
the steps to reduce stress and burnout by improving
collaboration will encourage the most talented employees
to show up to work everyday… and stay there.
Find out now
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Try our interactive calculator to discover
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Wrike; The Stress Epidemic

  • 2. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 2 About this report The most successful companies are often defined by the revenue they generate, the perks they offer, and the positive publicity they receive. But what about employee satisfaction and retention? How do you ensure the talented individuals responsible for driving these key initiatives aren’t considering an early exit? The era of single careers is over. With employee turnover at an all-time high, companies everywhere are starting to look internally to address the problem. In fact, 87% of HR leaders consider employee retention a primary concern, according to research by Kronos and Future Workplace. However, competing priorities and lack of resources often suspend employee retention initiatives. Hiring new employees is not only time-consuming, but also costly. Recruiting the best talent has evolved into a highly competitive and expensive market, costing US companies $160 billion a year.
  • 3. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 3 Perks that used to attract the best talent are no longer compelling for job seekers. Today, job candidates from entry- level to executive levels are more concerned with opportunities for learning and development than any other job aspect. In fact, 46% of millennials left their job due to poor career growth in 2015. If an employee doesn’t see growth or development opportunities in their current role, consider them gone. Managers simply don’t have time to devote to employee development. With the constant barrage of communication channels and pressure to perform increasing, managers are struggling to stay afloat—let alone dedicate time to employee coaching and career advancement. Like their managers, employees are constantly bombarded with unactionable noise and inefficient processes that require long workdays and little reward. Between incessant notifications and waiting for others to get work done, productivity plummets and employees are left wondering if their job is worth losing sleep over. As frustration grows between employees not receiving the attention they deserve, poor productivity, and managers drowning in deadlines and emails, emotional resilience wears thin and breeds burnout. If companies aren’t headed toward improving employee satisfaction and retention, talented and ambitious individuals head for the door. This report examines how stress is impacting employees, managers, and their work.
  • 4. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 4 Survey methodology & demographics 49% 68% 24% 13% 18% 51% 32% 45% Male US 45-60 60+18-29 Female UK 30-44 This study was conducted using SurveyMonkey Audience from July 12-15, 2018 with a sample of 1,613 adults in the US and UK. Respondents are office workers, ages 18-64 and work full-time. Q: What is your gender? Q: What country do you live in? Q: What is your age? *Note that totals may not add up to 100% due to rounding.
  • 5. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 5 Table of contents Stress: The silent productivity killer 6 Stressed workers vote with their feet 8 Stress is a team effort 9 The bitter and expensive truth behind burnout 11 Does American culture glorify stress? 12 Stress and turnover 13 The cost of stress-related turnover 14 Managers must foster good communication habits 15 Stress is a slippery slope 17 High stress baselines lead to more stress 18 Adopting habits to manage stress 19 Can flexible hours save workers? 20 How to prevent stress-induced burnout 21
  • 6. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 6 50% 0% 20% 10% 30% 40% Q: What is your average level of stress at work? US UK Stress: The silent productivity killer Overall, 94% of workers experience stress at work, and almost a third say their stress is high to unsustainably high. The US and UK have fairly similar answers regarding stress in the workplace. About 40% of respondents in both regions report “moderate stress.” 5% 6% No stress Low Moderate stress High Unsustainably high 27% 30% 41% Approximately 23% in the US say their stress levels are “high but sustainable” and about 21% in the UK say the same. Most worrisome are the 6% of US respondents and 3% of UK respondents who say their stress is “unsustainable.” 23% 21% 6% 3% 39%
  • 7. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 7 Some stress has its benefits. A little stress helps people overcome challenges and focus, providing the energy they need to get through an important presentation or approaching deadline. This is known as “optimum stress.” However, “chronic stress” is ongoing and affects both quality of work and home life. Over a quarter of respondents report a decline in work quality due to stress. 54% report stress from work negatively affects their home life at least once a week—some say everyday. Over 50% also experience sleep loss. “We’re under the misguided presumption that more work leads to more productivity when the opposite is actually true—chronic stress eats away at any chance for a productive workplace, or high employee engagement,” says Dr. Leah Weiss, author of How We Work: Live Your Purpose, Reclaim Your Sanity, and Embrace the Daily Grind and professor at Stanford University. “Chronic stress undermines culture and leads to fatigue, anxiety, and confusion about priorities.” “The neuroscience on the matter is clear—chronic stress hijacks finite cognitive resources. Smart organizations understand the importance of stress management on the collective, team, and individual levels—they are thereby able to deploy their human capital where it is needed rather than squandering it unnecessarily,” she adds. Stress Curve Source: Integrated Medicine Institute Inactive Laid back Peak performance Fatigue/ Tension Poor sleep, irritability, worry Exhaustion Anxiety, panic, anger, depression, sleeplessness Breakdown Lasting disease/infections, heart attack, cancer, diabetes, etc. STRESS LEVEL PRODUCTIVITY Too little stress (underload) Too much stress (overload) BurnoutOptimum stress
  • 8. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 8 Stressed workers vote with their feet Workers are rapidly realizing the consequences of stress are detrimental to their health, and are leaving their jobs because of it. In fact, over half of respondents looked for a new job and 25% report they’ve quit a job due to stress. As companies continue to support overworking, workers remain silent and keep their emotional frustration buttoned up at work. Few seek advice or assistance at work to reduce stress. Workers are more likely to quit or seek professional help than confront their employer about their stress levels, according to our survey. As employee satisfaction declines and stress continues to rise, there is no way of knowing who’s at risk of walking out the door. Searched for a new job Been unable to sleep I’ve stopped caring / “Checked out” Taken unplanned time off Taken it out on my friends/family Lost my temper at work Quit a job Asked for a raise Threatened to quit Sought professional help for stress management Filed complaints through official channels None of these Q: At any point during your career, which of the following have you done due to stress at work? (select all that apply) 0% 60%40%20% 56% 54% 46% 39% 38% 35% 25% 18% 16% 15% 12% 9%
  • 9. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 9 Stress is a team effort What’s causing all this emotional turmoil? It turns out the top stressors are breakdowns in teamwork. Team members not pulling their weight on projects 28% Poor communication 39% Bottlenecks, waiting on others to take action 25%
  • 10. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 10 With remote offices rising in popularity and the ability to communicate across time zones easier than ever, the working world is completely saturated with communication channels. Inefficient collaboration is now the key driver of stress in the workplace. In fact, 29% of respondents report using seven to more than 16 applications to complete their work in a single day. Sources of stress differ by company size. Employees at larger companies feel stressed because of poor collaboration, whereas employees from smaller companies feel stressed as a result of their individual workload. “I’m overloaded” ranks higher on the list of top work stressors than “bottlenecks” for respondents from smaller firms (1,000 employees or less). Since collaboration takes place across several platforms, such as email, instant messaging, meetings, and conference calls, there’s no place to consolidate feedback and ideas. Forgotten deadlines and lack of accountability lead to a spike in workplace stress. While stressors are similar across company size, workers at smaller firms find “I’m overloaded” as a bigger stressor than those at larger firms. Large companies (1,000+ employees) Smaller companies (<1,000 employees) 50% 0% 20% 10% 30% 40% Q: What are your top stressors at work? Poor communication Team members not pulling their weight on projects Bottlenecks, waiting on others to take action Unrealistic deadlines I’m overloaded 23% 27% 26% 21% 27% 25% 40% 27% 41% 40%
  • 11. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 11 It’s no surprise chronic stress leads to employee burnout. Over a quarter of employees report that if their stress levels don’t change, they will burn out in the next 12 months. In fact, 46% of HR leaders say employee burnout is responsible for up to 50% of their annual workforce turnover, as reported in a study by Kronos Incorporated and Future Workplace. Looking at international differences in our survey, 59% of Americans say they’ve been unable to sleep due to stress at work, compared to just 42% of UK respondents. Some 18% of Americans say they’ve sought professional help with stress management, while just 10% of UK respondents say the same. This may be rooted in the culture of stoicism and stigma around mental health in the UK. As employees begin to accept stress as a way of life, work interest and effort decline, and productivity suffers. Almost half of workers say stress at work has caused them to “check out” or stop caring at some point in their career. Checked out employees cost companies $450 to $550 billion in lost productivity every year, according to Gallup. The bitter and expensive truth behind burnout Q: At any point during your career, which of the following have you done due to stress at work? (select all that apply) Searched for a new job Been unable to sleep Lost my temper at work I’ve stopped caring / “Checked out” Taken it out on my friends/ family Taken unplanned time off 0% 80%60%20% 40% 53% 43% 46% US UK 42% 31% 29% 26% 60% 59% 37% 46% 32%
  • 12. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 12 Workers in the US were 83% more likely than UK repondents to say “a little bit of stress can help me focus and get work done.” Similarly, UK respondents were more than twice as likely to say “stress causes me to shut down and be unproductive.” It raises the question: Do Americans really want to get rid of their stress, or is it a point of pride? As Meredith Fineman writes in the Harvard Business Review, US workers love to brag about how busy we are. Interestingly in our survey, Americans were still 60% more likely than UK respondents to report that they don’t let work stress them out. This begs the question: Are Americans being realistic with themselves about stress and how it impacts them? Does American culture glorify stress? Q: Which statement best describes your relationship with stress productivity? Stress causes me to shut down and be unproductive I can handle some stress, but my work quality suffers Stress affects me personally but doesn’t affect my work or work habits A little bit of stress can help me focus and get work done My best work comes from high stress situations I don’t let work stress me out 0% 40%30%10% 20% US UK 8% 21% 20% 33% 5% 11% 18% 30% 23% 19% 3% 7%
  • 13. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 13 Stress and turnover 28% 6% 4% 24% 38% High but sustainable Unsustainably high No stress Low, but present Moderate stress Successful companies with higher revenue often have employees who deal with higher levels of stress. If left unchecked, super high levels of stress can trigger employee turnover, which affects companies’ bottom line. About one third of employees from companies with over $51 million in revenue say they deal with high to unsustainably high stress everyday. Additionally, 11% of employees from companies with over $51 million in annual revenue report stress from work negatively impacts their home life every day. This perpetual impact on home life is causing employees from successful companies to head for the hills. Of the 11% who say that work negatively impacts their home life every day, 77.5% report having looked for another job as a result of stress, and nearly half (45%) have actually quit their job. Q: What is your average level of stress at work? (companies with $51+ mil in revenue)
  • 14. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 14 The cost of stress-related turnover Although 11% may not sound like much, the cost of dealing with this group’s high levels of stress are staggering. Say 11% of employees at a company of 1,000 are experiencing the negative impacts of stress at home every day. Of these 110 employees, 50 decide to quit due to stress (45% of this group). From lost productivity to onboarding and hiring costs, a company typically spends about 75% of an employee’s annual salary to replace them. If these 50 employees were making $60k a year before they quit, hiring replacements will cost $2.25 million. Employee replacement cost factors: Time spent filling the vacant position Hours/weeks in lost productivity before the employee leaves Time coworkers and the manager/supervisor combined will need to compensate for the vacant employee (overtime, added shifts, etc.) Number of hours in lost productivity resulting from orientation and training of a new hire Time spent on admin and hiring tasks (advertising, resume screening, interviewing, onboarding) Source: Society of Human Resource Management
  • 15. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 15 Managers must foster good communication habits Stress levels will continue to rise if managers don’t change how work is conducted. But how are managers expected to improve their teams’ stress when they are drowning in poor communication practices themselves? Some 36% of managers spend anywhere from six to 15 hours in meetings a week, and 62% spend two to four hours in email every day, according to our survey. That’s a total of 98% of managers spending 40% to 87% of their work week on communication alone. In fact, 78% admit they spend too much time in meetings instead of doing actual work. Spending valuable time in meetings and responding to email versus producing results takes a toll on managers. Findings reveal 26% of managers’ work stress levels are high and 6% are unsustainably high. Often communication is not translating into actionable work. Managers need to cut back on their habitual response to scheduling meetings and evaluate the quality and intent of their communication. It’s time for managers to ask themselves, “Do I really need to have this meeting?” Managers are crucial for career development Managers grow from different types of activities, according to the 70-20-10 rule for leadership development. 70% from job related experiences 20% from interactions with others 10% from formal education events While this model is specific to leadership development, it is relevant for workers in terms of their own growth and how their managers are impacted when they are unable to follow this rule. Communication overload for managers means they have less time to develop talent on their teams. This can lead to stagnation of work quality and turnover for workers who feel they’re no longer learning and growing. Source: Center for Creative Leadership
  • 16. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 16 Infographic: Should we have a meeting? So many corporate employees spend their workday bouncing from meeting to meeting. In many organizations, the de facto method of getting anything done has become “let’s meet about it.” Can we do anything about meeting overload? Maybe. Use this handy decision tree to determine whether you should have a meeting or not. Check out the full decision tree here!
  • 17. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 17 Stress is a slippery slope When asked about daily stress levels, 67% of respondents report their average stress levels range from moderate to unsustainably high. These same respondents are 84% more likely to say receiving an email or text message from a superior outside of work hours—a now common occurrence—has a high impact on their stress level compared to respondents who experience lower stress on a daily basis. Receiving notifications for upcoming meetings and important deadlines is an integral, inevitable part of the modern work lifestyle. However, those with higher stress levels have a much lower tolerance for the way their manager conducts work.
  • 18. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 18 Receiving work with unrealistic deadlines is another common occurrence at most companies. However, the effect on workers varies drastically depending on their standard stress level. High-stress workers are 38% more likely to claim these occurrences have a high impact on their stress than their less-stressed counterparts. High stress baselines lead to more stress As such, searching for missing information is exceedingly stressful for someone who is already operating on a higher stress plane. In fact, “Being unable to locate information I know I’ve seen in the past” is 54% more likely to have a high-pressure impact on high-stress workers. 80% 0% 40% 20% 60% Q: The following events have a high impact on my stress level: Individuals with no to low stress Individuals with moderate to high stress 18% 32% Receiving email or text messages from a superior outside of work hours Notifications of new emails or messages during work Being unable to locate information I know I’ve seen in the past Receiving assignments with unrealistic deadlines Too much time spent in meetings and not enough time to do actual work 19% 42% 44% 69% 22% 37% 27% 10%
  • 19. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 19 Adopting habits to manage stress Most work stress is manageable through the adoption of management best practices and technology. Ensuring employees take time off to recharge and encouraging them to disconnect after hours helps reduce stress. A work management solution eliminates information silos and makes key work information easy to locate across an organization. This will help reduce the stress caused by being unable to locate information needed to get work done for both managers and workers. High-stress workers are 24% less likely to “agree” their managers accurately understand their workload. This type of technology also gives management a better picture of each team member’s workload and capacity, thereby reducing the risk of stress-induced burnout. With this level of improved visibility, managers can distribute work appropriately and easily see project statuses without interrupting team members for updates. Laying down the law In 2017, France adopted a “right to disconnect” law to help workers find work-life balance, and protect them from after-hours email. The law requires firms with 50 or more employees to agree with their workforce on out-of-office email policies. Sourcе: CNN
  • 20. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 20 Flexible work hours and remote work opportunities can also lower stress and improve retention. Respondents with moderate to high stress are 19% more likely to say flexible hours or working from home would help reduce their stress. Women are also 20.5% more likely than men to agree that flexible work hours or working from home would reduce their stress. In fact, companies that support remote work have 25% lower employee turnover than companies that don’t, according to research from Owl Labs and TINYpulse. Work management solutions harness virtual collaboration, making it possible to work from anywhere at anytime. Can flexible hours save workers? Q: The option to work from home would reduce my stress 80% 0% 40% 20% 60% AGREE Women Men 63% 52.2%
  • 21. STRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY REPORT 21 How to prevent stress-induced burnout In today’s job-seeker world, burnout is one of the top reasons for turnover in organizations. Managers are stressed because they’re too distracted by technology and tied up in meetings to focus on actual work or establish reliable work management processes. Employees are stressed because they can’t disconnect, and they don’t feel supported by their managers or teammates. As stress turns chronic, talented employees start looking for a way out. With poor communication as the culprit, it’s critical to change the way teams collaborate and how work is managed. Consolidating collaboration makes it easy for managers to oversee ongoing projects and workloads so no one feels overwhelmed. Missing information is no longer an issue because all approvals, sign-offs, and edits are done in one place. Workflow automation can reduce bottlenecks and increase accountability amongst team members. Stress is inevitable, but it’s not uncontrollable. Taking the steps to reduce stress and burnout by improving collaboration will encourage the most talented employees to show up to work everyday… and stay there.
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