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The Service for The Lord’s Day
May 8, 2022
11:00 am Worship Service
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Grace and peace. We believe God loves everyone without exception. All are welcome here.
Our mission is to experience the love of Jesus Christ by practicing
radical hospitality, forming deep relationships, and joining in shared ministry.
Raising of Tabitha, Santafede, Fabrizio, 1603-1608
“Now in Joppa there was a disciple whose name was Tabitha, which in Greek is Dorcas.
She was devoted to good works and acts of charity. At that time she became ill and died…
Peter knelt down and prayed. He turned to the body and said, ‘Tabitha, get up.’ Then she
opened her eyes, and seeing Peter, she sat up.”
Welcome! We hope that you experience the boundary-breaking love of Jesus Christ in
our worship service and in our ministries. You are invited to join us for fellowship in the
Wallace Foyer after the service; childcare will be available until 12:30 pm.
If you are interested in learning more about FPCA, including membership, sharing a
prayer request, or a pastoral concern, please ϐill out a card from the back of the pew, or go
to our website and click Connect With Us. We welcome new members on the third Sunday
of the month. The next opportunity to join is Sunday, May 15th.
Worship bags are available in the narthex for children. The 11 am service is streaming
in the Widman Room (Rm 107), down the hall from the narthex, for anyone who may
need to leave the sanctuary. Nursery is available for children ϐive and under. If you need
assistance, please ask an usher for directions to the Children’s Hall.
For worship, masks are required in the marked pews in the balcony and near the
entrances. They are required for all children’s events & rooms for ages 3+. Small groups
choose within themselves, according to their needs. Otherwise, masks are optional.
The Chancel Flowers are given to the Glory of God.
Leading in Worship Today:
Pastors: David Germer, Patrick Johnson
Director of Music & Organist: Jeremy Roberts
Assistant Director: Kim Thomas
FPCA Chancel Choir
Guitar: Clay Grifϐith; Trumpet: Virginia Grifϐith
*Please stand if able.
CĆđđ ęĔ CĔēċĊĘĘĎĔē David Germer
Jesus comes to us, even in doubt and fear,
saying, “Peace be with you.”
Trusting in God’s mercy,
let us confess our sin.
VĔđĚēęĆėĞ Crown Him with Many Crowns Alec Wyton
CĆđđ ęĔ WĔėĘčĎĕ Patrick Johnson
Alleluia, Christ is Risen!
Salvation belongs to our God!
Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving
and honor and power and might
be to our God forever and ever! Amen
*HĞĒē 268 Crown Him with Many Crowns DIADEMATA
Holy God, we confess
that we have not been faithful witnesses
to the resurrection.
Jesus stands among us
in word, sacrament, and neighbor,
but we fail to recognize him.
Jesus reigns over us
as the risen Lord of all,
but we fail to honor him.
Jesus moves within us
through the work of your Spirit,
but we fail to respond.
Forgive us, God of grace.
Keep us in your presence,
guide us by your Word,
and ϐill us with your Spirit
so that we may proclaim
the good news of Jesus Christ,
who is risen indeed.
(Silent prayer of confession)
Siblings in Christ, declare with me the good news of the gospel:
In Jesus Christ we are forgiven!
CčĎđĉėĊē’Ę MĔĒĊēę
The peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you.
If they ϔind it challenging
to participate in the entire
service, children are invited
to the nursery during
“Passing of the Peace.”
First Lesson Revelation 7:9-17
This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Second Lesson Acts 9:36-43
This is the word of faith, that we proclaim.
Thanks be to God.
*AċċĎėĒĆęĎĔē Oċ FĆĎęč
We believe that Christ’s work of reconciliation
is made manifest in the church as the community of believers
who have been reconciled with God and with one another;
that this unity of the people of God must be manifested
and be active in a variety of ways;
in that we love one another;
that we experience, practice and pursue community with one another;
that we are obligated to give ourselves willingly and joyfully
to be of beneϐit and blessing to one another.
The Confession of Belhar
SĊėĒĔē Pillar People Patrick Johnson
*HĞĒē 205 Live in Charity UBI CARITAS
The Congregation continues singing the refrain from the
hymnal while cantors sing verses over top of the refrain.
PėĆĞĊėĘ Ĕċ ęčĊ PĊĔĕđĊ Ćēĉ ęčĊ LĔėĉ’Ę PėĆĞĊė
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power,
and the glory forever. Amen
AēęčĊĒ Blessed Be the Lord, Who Doeth Wondrous Things Henry Purcell
Blessed be the Lord, who doeth wondrous things.
Blessed be God’s name both now and evermore.
Let us sing God’s praises and glorify God.
In heaven above and earth below let voices ring.
Great is the Lord and very great God’s power.
The Lord is gracious and greatly to be praised.
IēěĎęĆęĎĔē ęĔ ęčĊ OċċĊėĎēČ
We belong to Christ Jesus;
all things are his, for he is Lord of all.
With glad and generous hearts,
let us offer our lives to the Lord.
The gifts we offer express
our stewardship of creation,
demonstrate our care for
one another, support the
ministries of the church,
and provide for the needs of
the poor. In addition to our
regular offering, this Sunday
we take an additional Daily
Change offering, which
helps fund hunger ministries
throughout our area. To give
Online, use QR code above.
*HĞĒē 609 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow LASST UNS ERFREUEN
VĔđĚēęĆėĞ Fanfare William Mathias
Go now in peace and be not afraid, for Christ is risen.
The peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you
After the 11:00 am service, you are invited to a time of fellowship in the Wallace Foyer
and to sign up for upcoming events at our sign up station in the Wallace Foyer. There will
be people available to help you sign up.
Reproduced, recorded, and streamed under One
License No. A-701813:
Diademata (Crown Him with Many Crowns); Alec Wyton ©
1964 Carl Fischer, Inc.
Alleluia!; Fintan O’Carroll & Christopher Walker © 1985
Fintan O’Carroll and Christopher Walker (Published by
Live in Charity; Jacques Berthier © 1979 Les Presses de
Taizé (admin. GIA Publications, Inc.)
Blessed Be The Lord, Who Doeth Wondrous Things;
Henry Purcell, arr. Homer Whitford © 1970 Belwin Mills
publishing Corp.
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow; Text: Brain
Wren © 1989 Hope Publishing Company; Music: Geistliche
Kirchengesang, 1623; harm. Hal H. Hopson © 1998 Hope
Publishing Company
When We Are Living; Text:Stanza 1, anon.; English trans.
Elise S. Eslinger; stanzas 2-4, Roberto Escamilla; English
trans. George Lockwood © 1989 The United Methodist
Publishing House (admin. The Copyright Company); Music:
Spanish melody; arr. Barbra C. Mink © 1988 Barbara C.
Mink (admin. Community of Christ)
Fanfare; William Mathias © 1991 Oxford University Press
Public Domain:
Crown Him With Many Crowns; Text: Matthew Bridges,
1851; Music: George Job Elvery, 1868
*HĞĒē 822 When We Are Living SOMOS DEL SEÑOR
More Light Presbyterians
Upcoming Events, Recent Videos, and The Sermon & Podcast Archives can be found on the front page of the
website. Announcements can be found in the E-Chronicle and on The Weekly Announcement page;
a link for both of these and The First Chronicle can be found on the main page of the FPCA Website.
40 Church Street, Asheville, NC 28801 828-253-1431
Class of 2022
Brian Cooper
Hank Johnson
Emily Reeves
Bob Riddle
Martha Sloan
Olivia Belle Traylor
Alan Young
Class of 2022
Gail Ward
Kate Lafrance
Judy Rittmeyer
Eula Pence
Class of 2023
Phil Barnett
Sam Cook
Cathie Dodson
Angela Drummond
Claire Trunnell
Class of 2023
Valorie Vliek
Class of 2024
Micki Argall
Cindy Clarke
Chris DeJarnett
Seth Hagler
Zeb Potter
Bob White, Clerk
Class of 2024
Lisa Bridges
Clay Grifϐith
John Meadows
Cosette Williams
Curtis Williams
Rev. Dr. Patrick W. T. Johnson..........................................................................................................................................Pastor, Head of Staff
Mary Beth Asher.....................................................................................................................................................Communications Assistant
Eve Bennett...............................................................................................................................................................................................Hospitality
Rieley Bennett..................................................................................................................................................................................................Sexton
Carol Dreiling.........................................................................................................................................................................Nursery Supervisor
Rev. David Germer.......................................................................................................................................................................Associate Pastor
Rev. Shannon Jordan..................................................................................................................................................................Associate Pastor
Nancy McNeill................................................................................................................................................................Director of Engagement
Jeremy Roberts.......................................................................................................................................................Director of Music, Organist
Anita Sayles...................................................................................................................................................................Administrative Assistant
Kim Thomas.....................................................................................................................................................................................Choir Assistant
Liz Thurston.......................................................................................................................................................................Church Administrator
We are glad you worshiped here today.
We believe God loves every person without exception. As followers of Christ, we strive to be a holy community
that reϐlects the diversity of God’s creation through the welcome and full participation of every age, ability,
socioeconomic status, family background, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, skin color, and racial identity.
We lament the history of exclusion in the church. We rejoice in the wholeness that comes when we are all in
relationship together. We invite you to join us in ministry at FPCA.
Please join the FPCA Family as we celebrate joys among us and pray for loved ones.
Our full list is printed once a month as a part of the First Chronicle Newsletter. Please contact Nancy McNeill
( or 828-242-5774) with prayer requests and updates.
Help us stay connected by sharing your news, prayer concerns, or other requests. Pastors and staff are available
by phone, email, or appointment. The church ofϐice is open from 9 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday. If you have
a scheduled hospitalization, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can support you. If you need pastoral
assistance during ofϐice hours, please call the church ofϐice. At other times, please call the pastor-on-call at
828-222-0113 and leave a message with the receptionist. An FPCA pastor will return your call. To keep your
contact information up to date, please log into your Realm account or contact Anita Sayles.
Prayers for:
BRENDA GRAGER, cousin of Evelyn Jarrett, whose recurrence of breast cancer has metastasized to her brain,
kidney, and lungs. She is now receiving radiation and will receive chemo later.
JANET GRAHAM and family, grieving the death on 4/17/22 of Janet’s brother, Ronald Eslinger.
PAT HARR, as she continues treatment for ALS and is making plans to move closer to family in Rhode Island.
ANN HUNTER, at home, continuing her extended recovery following surgery at Duke.
DOUG KING, father of Lauren Wood, receiving chemo for a recent diagnosis of bone marrow cancer.
DEB LILES, as she recovers from successful surgery on 4/27/22 and for her continued healing.
SUSAN NEFF, as she moves into her new assisted living apartment at Deerϐield and for strength and healing of her
fractured pelvis.
FAMILY and FRIENDS of PEGGY ROBERTS: a memorial service will be held at 2pm in the Campbell Chapel with
reception in the library on 5/14/22.
SUSIE SWEET, for healing and strength as she recovers from abdominal surgery on 4/29/22.
AFGHAN REFUGEES, who are adjusting to life in Asheville, and our teams of volunteers who are assisting them.
All PEOPLE affected by war in Ukraine and for leaders around the world to seek peace.
We Celebrate With:
BARBRA and KEITH LOVE on the marriage of their daughter Emily Love to Connor McGann on 4/30/22.
This summer, be a part of FPCA’s efforts to connect and reconnect
with our new and returning people. These Summer Social Groups
will be a summer refresh of the previous “Dine with Nine” but
will have smaller groups (5-7 people/or 2-3 families if you want a
family group) for a shorter period of time (three months). Groups
can do a meal, dessert, or a game night. The key is to connect and
build relationships.
Each group will set their schedule at their ϐirst meeting for the
summer—with the goal of meeting six times in three months. The more frequent
gathering will aid in deepening relationships—a part of the FPCA mission statement.
Sign up for groups today so we can get groups together by May 15. We suggest that groups connect for the ϐirst
time with calendars at the church picnic on May 22.
4:15 Youth Choir
5:15 - 7:15 Dinner and Youth Group
The Wildϐlower Walk that was scheduled for May 1 has been postponed to today,
May 8 at 2 PM. We can still enjoy the splendor of God’s creation on Mother’s
Day. Marilyn Kolton and Lou Dwarsius will lead us on a guided walk and identify
wildϐlowers such as trillium, poppies, spring beauty, and Jacob’s ladder and tell us
facts we didn’t know. This walk is limited to folks who are fully vaccinated. We will
meet in front of the gift shop at the Botanical Gardens, located at UNC Asheville.
Contact Jane Laping with questions.
Monday, May 9, room 214
Do you knit, crochet, weave, or sew? FPCA has a wonderful group that meets each 1st
Monday at 6 pm. They create beautiful prayer shawls for people who need to know
that God’s love is surrounding them, offering healing, comfort, and love.
Sunday, May 15, 4 pm PAN HARMONIA is pleased to present The Bassooniverse, a
joyful adventure for the bassoon quartet at First Presbyterian Church of Asheville. Pan
Harmonia offers donation-based, pay-as-you-can concerts. ALL are welcome.
Register here
Please help her know how much we have appreciated her TWENTY YEARS of
showing the love of Christ to our children as she taught and cared for them in our
Children’s Program. Send a note, a short video clip, or a piece of artwork to Shannon
Jordan by today. Carol will be honored at 9:45 am in the Wallace Foyer on May 15
with a reception and during the 11 am service.
Asheville Habitat for Humanity is returning to normal operations, after two years of
signiϐicantly altered ministry. Affordable housing is a serious issue in Asheville, and
Habitat for Humanity believes that everyone deserves a decent place to call home.
This is the 29th year that FPCA is partnering with other congregations, helping a
family to build and own their own home, through Habitat for Humanity.
Saturday May 7 and Saturday June 4 are our two “build
days.” If you are interested in working on this year’s Habitat house, on those (or other) days,
contact Bill Winkler at You are also invited to contribute ϐinancially,
as our congregation seeks to raise $4000 to cover lumber costs. Checks can be made out
(and sent to) FPCA, with “Habitat House” in the memo line, and contributions can also be
made through our church website. You can use this QR Code:
Contributions so far: $1542
Sunday, May 22, 12:30-3:30 pm
Immediately following 11 am Sunday worship in the Sanctuary, we
will gather at Montreat Conference Center/ Moore Center Field,
30 minutes from downtown. Please sign up and make your food
selections. You can use this QR Code:
This month’s meeting will be Thursday evening, May 19th, at 6 pm, at the home of Reba
Totten. After dinner, Catherine Frank, director of OLLI at UNCA, will lead a discussion of
local author Terry Roberts’ novel, A SHORT TIME TO STAY HERE.
Join us for Compassion Camp at FPCA
At Compassion Camp, families with children will explore what it means to change the
world with loving-kindness, sharing compassion for ourselves, others, and the world.
We’ll hear some Bible stories, learn music, play games, make art, try yoga, and do
mission together. Most of all, we’ll rejoice as we learn and grow and practice compassion
together! Come for one Sunday, two, three, or all four!
Which weeks can you join us? May 29 kick off during Faith Formation
9:45 -10:45 am; June 5, 4:30- 6:30 pm; June 12, 4:30- 6:30 pm; June 26,
4:30- 6:30 pm. Each afternoon will have a picnic dinner.
The church is supporting two Afghan families as they settle in the US. The ϐirst family is two brothers and the
second family is a husband and wife. Their needs are ϐluctuating; but if you would like to help, please sign up to be
on the Afghan Neighbors Group in Realm and look for needs posted as they become known. Most of the needs now
center on providing transportation, but that will change over time. Thanks for considering helping these families.
Volunteers have found this to be an enriching experience. For questions, please call Randy Fluharty (828-423-
9030) or Alan Young (703-304-7708).
September 30-October 2 at Montreat Conference Center--only 30 minutes away.
The FPCA Retreat has a long history of fun, learning, activities, and rest. With a variety
of contemplative and worship activities, everyone can ϐind a way to connect more deeply
with God and one another. (And you really don’t want to miss the variety show!)
There are two main options for attending: Overnight or Commuter.
Overnight costs include two nights at Assembly Inn, retreat activities,
three meals Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. Commuter costs include
retreat activities, and three meals Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday.
Do you have an extra car that needs to ϐind a new home? Imagine how difϐicult your life
would be without a car! Working Wheels repairs and recycles donated cars, transform-
ing them into working wheels for working families. The process is simple, the donation
is tax-deductible, and the impact is real. To donate, volunteer, or learn more, please visit or call 828-633-6888.
Sunday, May 8
11:00 am Worship Service in the Sanctuary, Rev. Patrick Johnson preaching
2:00 pm Wildϐlower Walk (Botanical Gardens at Asheville)(rescheduled from May 1)
4:15 pm - 7:15 pm Youth Choir, Dinner, and Combined Youth Group
Monday, May 9
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Stitchers of FPCA (Room 214)
Wednesday, May 11
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Text This Week Bible Study (Zoom)
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Chancel Choir
Friday, May 13
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Youth Conϐirmands Retreat
Saturday, May 14
10:00 am- 3:00 pm Youth Conϐirmands Retreat (Room 213 @ FPCA)
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Memorial Service for Peggy Roberts
Sunday, May 15
8:45 am Worship Service in Campbell Chapel, Rev. David Germer preaching
9:45 am Appreciation Reception for Carol Dreiling
9:45 am Adult Faith Formation Faith (Fellowship Hall)
9:45 am Godly Play (Rooms 105 & 106)
9:45 am Coffee Talk (Widman Room, 107)
11:00 am Worship Service in the Sanctuary, Rev. David Germer preaching
4:15 pm - 7:15 pm Youth Choir, Dinner, and Combined Youth Group
Zoom & Registration links can be found on the church calendar at
On Saturday, May 14, we will have a memorial service for Peggy Roberts, at 2:00 pm, in the Chapel, with a reception
to follow, in the Library.

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  • 1. The Service for The Lord’s Day May 8, 2022 11:00 am Worship Service Fourth Sunday of Easter Grace and peace. We believe God loves everyone without exception. All are welcome here. Our mission is to experience the love of Jesus Christ by practicing radical hospitality, forming deep relationships, and joining in shared ministry. Raising of Tabitha, Santafede, Fabrizio, 1603-1608 “Now in Joppa there was a disciple whose name was Tabitha, which in Greek is Dorcas. She was devoted to good works and acts of charity. At that time she became ill and died… Peter knelt down and prayed. He turned to the body and said, ‘Tabitha, get up.’ Then she opened her eyes, and seeing Peter, she sat up.”
  • 2. 2 WELCOME TO FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF ASHEVILLE Welcome! We hope that you experience the boundary-breaking love of Jesus Christ in our worship service and in our ministries. You are invited to join us for fellowship in the Wallace Foyer after the service; childcare will be available until 12:30 pm. If you are interested in learning more about FPCA, including membership, sharing a prayer request, or a pastoral concern, please ϐill out a card from the back of the pew, or go to our website and click Connect With Us. We welcome new members on the third Sunday of the month. The next opportunity to join is Sunday, May 15th. Worship bags are available in the narthex for children. The 11 am service is streaming in the Widman Room (Rm 107), down the hall from the narthex, for anyone who may need to leave the sanctuary. Nursery is available for children ϐive and under. If you need assistance, please ask an usher for directions to the Children’s Hall. For worship, masks are required in the marked pews in the balcony and near the entrances. They are required for all children’s events & rooms for ages 3+. Small groups choose within themselves, according to their needs. Otherwise, masks are optional. The Chancel Flowers are given to the Glory of God. Leading in Worship Today: Pastors: David Germer, Patrick Johnson Director of Music & Organist: Jeremy Roberts Assistant Director: Kim Thomas FPCA Chancel Choir Guitar: Clay Grifϐith; Trumpet: Virginia Grifϐith *Please stand if able. CĆđđ ęĔ CĔēċĊĘĘĎĔē David Germer Jesus comes to us, even in doubt and fear, saying, “Peace be with you.” Trusting in God’s mercy, let us confess our sin. GATHERING IN VĔđĚēęĆėĞ Crown Him with Many Crowns Alec Wyton WĊđĈĔĒĊ Ćēĉ AēēĔĚēĈĊĒĊēęĘ CĆđđ ęĔ WĔėĘčĎĕ Patrick Johnson Alleluia, Christ is Risen! Salvation belongs to our God! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever! Amen *HĞĒē 268 Crown Him with Many Crowns DIADEMATA
  • 3. 3 PėĆĞĊė Ĕċ CĔēċĊĘĘĎĔē Holy God, we confess that we have not been faithful witnesses to the resurrection. Jesus stands among us in word, sacrament, and neighbor, but we fail to recognize him. Jesus reigns over us as the risen Lord of all, but we fail to honor him. Jesus moves within us through the work of your Spirit, but we fail to respond. Forgive us, God of grace. Keep us in your presence, guide us by your Word, and ϐill us with your Spirit so that we may proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, who is risen indeed. (Silent prayer of confession) SĚēČ RĊĘĕĔēĘĊ *HĞĒē 587 Alleluia! CELTIC ALLELUIA DĊĈđĆėĆęĎĔē Ĕċ FĔėČĎěĊēĊĘĘ Siblings in Christ, declare with me the good news of the gospel: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven! CčĎđĉėĊē’Ę MĔĒĊēę *PĆĘĘĎēČ Ĕċ ęčĊ PĊĆĈĊ The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you. If they ϔind it challenging to participate in the entire service, children are invited to the nursery during “Passing of the Peace.”
  • 4. 4 HEARING THE WORD PėĆĞĊė ċĔė IđđĚĒĎēĆęĎĔē SĈėĎĕęĚėĊ RĊĆĉĎēČĘ First Lesson Revelation 7:9-17 This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Second Lesson Acts 9:36-43 This is the word of faith, that we proclaim. Thanks be to God. *AċċĎėĒĆęĎĔē Oċ FĆĎęč We believe that Christ’s work of reconciliation is made manifest in the church as the community of believers who have been reconciled with God and with one another; that this unity of the people of God must be manifested and be active in a variety of ways; in that we love one another; that we experience, practice and pursue community with one another; that we are obligated to give ourselves willingly and joyfully to be of beneϐit and blessing to one another. The Confession of Belhar 10.3 SĊėĒĔē Pillar People Patrick Johnson RESPONDING IN FAITH *HĞĒē 205 Live in Charity UBI CARITAS The Congregation continues singing the refrain from the hymnal while cantors sing verses over top of the refrain. PėĆĞĊėĘ Ĕċ ęčĊ PĊĔĕđĊ Ćēĉ ęčĊ LĔėĉ’Ę PėĆĞĊė Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen
  • 5. 5 AēęčĊĒ Blessed Be the Lord, Who Doeth Wondrous Things Henry Purcell Blessed be the Lord, who doeth wondrous things. Blessed be God’s name both now and evermore. Let us sing God’s praises and glorify God. In heaven above and earth below let voices ring. Great is the Lord and very great God’s power. The Lord is gracious and greatly to be praised. CĔĒĒĎĘĘĎĔēĎēČ Ĕċ ęčĊ AċČčĆē NĊĎČčćĔėĘ GėĔĚĕ IēěĎęĆęĎĔē ęĔ ęčĊ OċċĊėĎēČ We belong to Christ Jesus; all things are his, for he is Lord of all. With glad and generous hearts, let us offer our lives to the Lord. OċċĊėĎēČ The gifts we offer express our stewardship of creation, demonstrate our care for one another, support the ministries of the church, and provide for the needs of the poor. In addition to our regular offering, this Sunday we take an additional Daily Change offering, which helps fund hunger ministries throughout our area. To give Online, use QR code above. *HĞĒē 609 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow LASST UNS ERFREUEN PėĆĞĊė Ĕċ TčĆēĐĘČĎěĎēČ
  • 6. 6 BđĊĘĘĎēČ VĔđĚēęĆėĞ Fanfare William Mathias Go now in peace and be not afraid, for Christ is risen. The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you After the 11:00 am service, you are invited to a time of fellowship in the Wallace Foyer and to sign up for upcoming events at our sign up station in the Wallace Foyer. There will be people available to help you sign up. Reproduced, recorded, and streamed under One License No. A-701813: Diademata (Crown Him with Many Crowns); Alec Wyton © 1964 Carl Fischer, Inc. Alleluia!; Fintan O’Carroll & Christopher Walker © 1985 Fintan O’Carroll and Christopher Walker (Published by OCP) Live in Charity; Jacques Berthier © 1979 Les Presses de Taizé (admin. GIA Publications, Inc.) Blessed Be The Lord, Who Doeth Wondrous Things; Henry Purcell, arr. Homer Whitford © 1970 Belwin Mills publishing Corp. Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow; Text: Brain Wren © 1989 Hope Publishing Company; Music: Geistliche Kirchengesang, 1623; harm. Hal H. Hopson © 1998 Hope Publishing Company When We Are Living; Text:Stanza 1, anon.; English trans. Elise S. Eslinger; stanzas 2-4, Roberto Escamilla; English trans. George Lockwood © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House (admin. The Copyright Company); Music: Spanish melody; arr. Barbra C. Mink © 1988 Barbara C. Mink (admin. Community of Christ) Fanfare; William Mathias © 1991 Oxford University Press Public Domain: Crown Him With Many Crowns; Text: Matthew Bridges, 1851; Music: George Job Elvery, 1868 SENDING *HĞĒē 822 When We Are Living SOMOS DEL SEÑOR
  • 7. 7 More Light Presbyterians Upcoming Events, Recent Videos, and The Sermon & Podcast Archives can be found on the front page of the website. Announcements can be found in the E-Chronicle and on The Weekly Announcement page; a link for both of these and The First Chronicle can be found on the main page of the FPCA Website. 40 Church Street, Asheville, NC 28801 828-253-1431 SESSION DEACONS STAFF Class of 2022 Brian Cooper Hank Johnson Emily Reeves Bob Riddle Martha Sloan Olivia Belle Traylor Alan Young Class of 2022 Gail Ward Kate Lafrance Judy Rittmeyer Eula Pence Class of 2023 Phil Barnett Sam Cook Cathie Dodson Angela Drummond Claire Trunnell Class of 2023 Valorie Vliek Class of 2024 Micki Argall Cindy Clarke Chris DeJarnett Seth Hagler Zeb Potter Bob White, Clerk Class of 2024 Lisa Bridges Clay Grifϐith John Meadows Cosette Williams Curtis Williams Rev. Dr. Patrick W. T. Johnson..........................................................................................................................................Pastor, Head of Staff Mary Beth Asher.....................................................................................................................................................Communications Assistant Eve Bennett...............................................................................................................................................................................................Hospitality Rieley Bennett..................................................................................................................................................................................................Sexton Carol Dreiling.........................................................................................................................................................................Nursery Supervisor Rev. David Germer.......................................................................................................................................................................Associate Pastor Rev. Shannon Jordan..................................................................................................................................................................Associate Pastor Nancy McNeill................................................................................................................................................................Director of Engagement Jeremy Roberts.......................................................................................................................................................Director of Music, Organist Anita Sayles...................................................................................................................................................................Administrative Assistant Kim Thomas.....................................................................................................................................................................................Choir Assistant Liz Thurston.......................................................................................................................................................................Church Administrator We are glad you worshiped here today. We believe God loves every person without exception. As followers of Christ, we strive to be a holy community that reϐlects the diversity of God’s creation through the welcome and full participation of every age, ability, socioeconomic status, family background, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, skin color, and racial identity. We lament the history of exclusion in the church. We rejoice in the wholeness that comes when we are all in relationship together. We invite you to join us in ministry at FPCA.
  • 8. 8 COMMUNITY JOYS & CONCERNS Please join the FPCA Family as we celebrate joys among us and pray for loved ones. Our full list is printed once a month as a part of the First Chronicle Newsletter. Please contact Nancy McNeill ( or 828-242-5774) with prayer requests and updates. Help us stay connected by sharing your news, prayer concerns, or other requests. Pastors and staff are available by phone, email, or appointment. The church ofϐice is open from 9 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday. If you have a scheduled hospitalization, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can support you. If you need pastoral assistance during ofϐice hours, please call the church ofϐice. At other times, please call the pastor-on-call at 828-222-0113 and leave a message with the receptionist. An FPCA pastor will return your call. To keep your contact information up to date, please log into your Realm account or contact Anita Sayles. Prayers for: BRENDA GRAGER, cousin of Evelyn Jarrett, whose recurrence of breast cancer has metastasized to her brain, kidney, and lungs. She is now receiving radiation and will receive chemo later. JANET GRAHAM and family, grieving the death on 4/17/22 of Janet’s brother, Ronald Eslinger. PAT HARR, as she continues treatment for ALS and is making plans to move closer to family in Rhode Island. ANN HUNTER, at home, continuing her extended recovery following surgery at Duke. DOUG KING, father of Lauren Wood, receiving chemo for a recent diagnosis of bone marrow cancer. DEB LILES, as she recovers from successful surgery on 4/27/22 and for her continued healing. SUSAN NEFF, as she moves into her new assisted living apartment at Deerϐield and for strength and healing of her fractured pelvis. FAMILY and FRIENDS of PEGGY ROBERTS: a memorial service will be held at 2pm in the Campbell Chapel with reception in the library on 5/14/22. SUSIE SWEET, for healing and strength as she recovers from abdominal surgery on 4/29/22. AFGHAN REFUGEES, who are adjusting to life in Asheville, and our teams of volunteers who are assisting them. All PEOPLE affected by war in Ukraine and for leaders around the world to seek peace. We Celebrate With: BARBRA and KEITH LOVE on the marriage of their daughter Emily Love to Connor McGann on 4/30/22.
  • 9. ANNOUNCEMENTS SIGN UP BY TODAY FOR FPCA SUMMER SOCIAL GROUPS, MAY- AUG This summer, be a part of FPCA’s efforts to connect and reconnect with our new and returning people. These Summer Social Groups will be a summer refresh of the previous “Dine with Nine” but will have smaller groups (5-7 people/or 2-3 families if you want a family group) for a shorter period of time (three months). Groups can do a meal, dessert, or a game night. The key is to connect and build relationships. Each group will set their schedule at their ϐirst meeting for the summer—with the goal of meeting six times in three months. The more frequent gathering will aid in deepening relationships—a part of the FPCA mission statement. Sign up for groups today so we can get groups together by May 15. We suggest that groups connect for the ϐirst time with calendars at the church picnic on May 22. YOUTH GROUP TODAY 4:15 Youth Choir 5:15 - 7:15 Dinner and Youth Group WILDFLOWER WALK AT BOTANICAL GARDENS, MAY 1 MAY 8 The Wildϐlower Walk that was scheduled for May 1 has been postponed to today, May 8 at 2 PM. We can still enjoy the splendor of God’s creation on Mother’s Day. Marilyn Kolton and Lou Dwarsius will lead us on a guided walk and identify wildϐlowers such as trillium, poppies, spring beauty, and Jacob’s ladder and tell us facts we didn’t know. This walk is limited to folks who are fully vaccinated. We will meet in front of the gift shop at the Botanical Gardens, located at UNC Asheville. Contact Jane Laping with questions. FPCA STITCHERS Monday, May 9, room 214 Do you knit, crochet, weave, or sew? FPCA has a wonderful group that meets each 1st Monday at 6 pm. They create beautiful prayer shawls for people who need to know that God’s love is surrounding them, offering healing, comfort, and love. PAN HARMONIA Sunday, May 15, 4 pm PAN HARMONIA is pleased to present The Bassooniverse, a joyful adventure for the bassoon quartet at First Presbyterian Church of Asheville. Pan Harmonia offers donation-based, pay-as-you-can concerts. ALL are welcome. Register here
  • 10. CAROL DREILING IS RETIRING! Please help her know how much we have appreciated her TWENTY YEARS of showing the love of Christ to our children as she taught and cared for them in our Children’s Program. Send a note, a short video clip, or a piece of artwork to Shannon Jordan by today. Carol will be honored at 9:45 am in the Wallace Foyer on May 15 with a reception and during the 11 am service. Asheville Habitat for Humanity is returning to normal operations, after two years of signiϐicantly altered ministry. Affordable housing is a serious issue in Asheville, and Habitat for Humanity believes that everyone deserves a decent place to call home. This is the 29th year that FPCA is partnering with other congregations, helping a family to build and own their own home, through Habitat for Humanity. Saturday May 7 and Saturday June 4 are our two “build days.” If you are interested in working on this year’s Habitat house, on those (or other) days, contact Bill Winkler at You are also invited to contribute ϐinancially, as our congregation seeks to raise $4000 to cover lumber costs. Checks can be made out (and sent to) FPCA, with “Habitat House” in the memo line, and contributions can also be made through our church website. You can use this QR Code: Contributions so far: $1542 ANNUAL CHURCH PICNIC Sunday, May 22, 12:30-3:30 pm Immediately following 11 am Sunday worship in the Sanctuary, we will gather at Montreat Conference Center/ Moore Center Field, 30 minutes from downtown. Please sign up and make your food selections. You can use this QR Code: WOMEN’S STUDIES: POT-LUCK DINNER AND BOOK DISCUSSION This month’s meeting will be Thursday evening, May 19th, at 6 pm, at the home of Reba Totten. After dinner, Catherine Frank, director of OLLI at UNCA, will lead a discussion of local author Terry Roberts’ novel, A SHORT TIME TO STAY HERE. Join us for Compassion Camp at FPCA At Compassion Camp, families with children will explore what it means to change the world with loving-kindness, sharing compassion for ourselves, others, and the world. We’ll hear some Bible stories, learn music, play games, make art, try yoga, and do mission together. Most of all, we’ll rejoice as we learn and grow and practice compassion together! Come for one Sunday, two, three, or all four! Which weeks can you join us? May 29 kick off during Faith Formation 9:45 -10:45 am; June 5, 4:30- 6:30 pm; June 12, 4:30- 6:30 pm; June 26, 4:30- 6:30 pm. Each afternoon will have a picnic dinner.
  • 11. HELP NEEDED FOR OUR NEW AFGHAN NEIGHBORS The church is supporting two Afghan families as they settle in the US. The ϐirst family is two brothers and the second family is a husband and wife. Their needs are ϐluctuating; but if you would like to help, please sign up to be on the Afghan Neighbors Group in Realm and look for needs posted as they become known. Most of the needs now center on providing transportation, but that will change over time. Thanks for considering helping these families. Volunteers have found this to be an enriching experience. For questions, please call Randy Fluharty (828-423- 9030) or Alan Young (703-304-7708). ANNUAL CHURCH RETREAT September 30-October 2 at Montreat Conference Center--only 30 minutes away. The FPCA Retreat has a long history of fun, learning, activities, and rest. With a variety of contemplative and worship activities, everyone can ϐind a way to connect more deeply with God and one another. (And you really don’t want to miss the variety show!) There are two main options for attending: Overnight or Commuter. Overnight costs include two nights at Assembly Inn, retreat activities, three meals Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. Commuter costs include retreat activities, and three meals Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. WORKING WHEELS FOR WORKING FAMILIES Do you have an extra car that needs to ϐind a new home? Imagine how difϐicult your life would be without a car! Working Wheels repairs and recycles donated cars, transform- ing them into working wheels for working families. The process is simple, the donation is tax-deductible, and the impact is real. To donate, volunteer, or learn more, please visit or call 828-633-6888.
  • 12. Sunday, May 8 11:00 am Worship Service in the Sanctuary, Rev. Patrick Johnson preaching 2:00 pm Wildϐlower Walk (Botanical Gardens at Asheville)(rescheduled from May 1) 4:15 pm - 7:15 pm Youth Choir, Dinner, and Combined Youth Group Monday, May 9 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Stitchers of FPCA (Room 214) Wednesday, May 11 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Text This Week Bible Study (Zoom) 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Chancel Choir Friday, May 13 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Youth Conϐirmands Retreat Saturday, May 14 10:00 am- 3:00 pm Youth Conϐirmands Retreat (Room 213 @ FPCA) 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Memorial Service for Peggy Roberts Sunday, May 15 8:45 am Worship Service in Campbell Chapel, Rev. David Germer preaching 9:45 am Appreciation Reception for Carol Dreiling 9:45 am Adult Faith Formation Faith (Fellowship Hall) 9:45 am Godly Play (Rooms 105 & 106) 9:45 am Coffee Talk (Widman Room, 107) 11:00 am Worship Service in the Sanctuary, Rev. David Germer preaching 4:15 pm - 7:15 pm Youth Choir, Dinner, and Combined Youth Group Zoom & Registration links can be found on the church calendar at THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR PEGGY ROBERTS On Saturday, May 14, we will have a memorial service for Peggy Roberts, at 2:00 pm, in the Chapel, with a reception to follow, in the Library.