SlideShare a Scribd company logo Vol. 11 | Issue 03 | November 2023
Ana Tereza
Leading with an Unwavering
Commitment to Redefining
Legal Excellence
i n B u s i n e s s , 2 0 2 3
Educating Future Leaders
as Change Makers of a
Better Tomorrow
PG. 30
A Leading by
example Real Estate
Industry Leader and
Role Model
PG. 40
World’s Predominant
World’s Predominant Women Leaders
in Business, 2023
If we look around us there are many well-known and
inspirational business executives in the world, but what
characteristics make a leader inspirational? In order to be
an inspirational business leader, one must commit to
reaching a shared objective that motivates people to
achieve. Gender-specific leadership does not exist in the
current economic climate. It is evident that both genders
are working just as hard to be successful in their
specialized fields.
When it comes to leadership, women's voices have
greater sway than men's. They are changing offices,
expediting processes, and challenging conventional
wisdom in the business sector, where they are making
significant strides. We salute these business
entrepreneurs and want to share their stories with as
many people as possible so that they may all become
inspired, educated, and self-assured. Future generations
will continue to carry on the vision of these role models.
World's Leaders latest edition “World's Predominant
Women Leaders in Business, 2023” has created a list of
the women business leaders that have been successful in
leading some of the top organizations working in
industries as diverse as healthcare to consumer goods.
The cover has Ana Basilio, founder of Basilio
Advogados Law Firm. In just a short span of 12 years,
this dynamic firm has transcended expectations,
experienced unprecedented growth and emerging as a
prominent national powerhouse in civil litigation,
arbitration, and consulting services.
At the core of Basilio Advogados' success lies its
multidisciplinary team, meticulously curated to excel in
diverse business sectors. Anchored by unwavering
ethical standards, this team tirelessly strives for
excellence, ensuring that every interaction is marked by
integrity. Boasting over 100 handpicked lawyers, Basilio
Advogados stands unrivaled in the competitive legal
landscape, each professional bringing a proven track
record, an unwavering dedication to their craft, and an
innate ability to thrive in a collaborative environment.
Also, while you flip through the pages, don't forget to
read the articles created by our in-house editorial staff
and industry experts.
Leading the Change
Have a lovely read!
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remain solely with WORLD’S LEADERS.
3296 Westerville Rd #250, Columbus, OH 43224, USA
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Editor-in-Chief Steve Sanchez
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November 2023
Leading with an Unwavering Commitment to Rede ning Legal Excellence
Ana Tereza
C J Bowry
Charis Michelsen
Dr. Arti Santhanam
Sue Phillips
Parmi Natesan
Margot Grant Witz
Dima Rachid Jamali
Karen Leslie Simon
Alice Veglio
Leading with an Unwavering
Commitment to Redefining
Legal Excellence
Ana Tereza
Ana Tereza
Ana Tereza
08 | November 2023 | 09
the world of Basilio Advogados Law Firm, a pioneering
establishment led by the visionary Ana Basilio. In just a short
span of 12 years, this dynamic firm has transcended
expectations, experienced unprecedented growth and
emerging as a prominent national powerhouse in civil
litigation, arbitration, and consulting services.
At the core of Basilio Advogados' success lies its
multidisciplinary team, meticulously curated to excel in
diverse business sectors. Anchored by unwavering ethical
standards, this team tirelessly strives for excellence,
ensuring that every interaction is marked by integrity.
Boasting over 100 handpicked lawyers, Basilio Advogados
stands unrivaled in the competitive legal landscape, each
professional bringing a proven track record, an unwavering
dedication to their craft, and an innate ability to thrive in a
collaborative environment.
But the true differentiating factor lies in Basilio Advogados'
stellar lineup of legal luminaries. The esteemed Professor
Carlos Roberto Barbosa Moreira and Mr. Frederico José
Leite Gueiros, former presidents of the Federal Regional
Court of the Second Region, lend their unmatched expertise
and guidance to the firm's illustrious team. Complementing
this seasoned leadership, numerous team members have
pursued advanced degrees and specialized coursework at
the world's most esteemed institutions.
What truly sets Basilio Advogados apart is their unique
training culture, where academic prowess is constantly
nurtured. Stimulated by a commitment to academic
practice, this remarkable team pushes boundaries,
consistently seeking innovative approaches and delivering
unparalleled results before the diverse courts of the
10 | November 2023 | 11
Vision for a More Efficient Legal
Ana finds inspiration in the present
and the future. Encouraging more
lawyers to explore the realm of
ADRs has always been of utmost
importance to her. When Ana
observes the Legal System, she sees
an overwhelming number of cases.
Despite the commendable efforts of
the members of the Judiciary Power,
the exponential growth in filed
demands surpasses the system's
capacity for absorption, both
physically and financially. This,
among other factors, results in a
sluggish resolution of cases. As legal
professionals, it becomes our duty to
overcome this delay and strive for
the best outcomes for our clients and
society. Therefore, our objective
should revolve around seeking
alternative and efficient methods of
conflict resolution, with mediation
and arbitration procedures taking
center stage. Ana believes that we
must seek beacons along this path,
which, in her perspective, are not
only the future but also the very
present in the field of dispute
Impacting as President and Vice-
President of the Brazilian Bar
During her tenure from December
2004 to December 2006, Ana served
as the President of the Chamber of
Mediation and Arbitration of the
Brazilian Bar Association, Section of
the State of Rio de Janeiro. As the
President, her main focus was on
promoting the culture of appropriate
methods for resolving disputes and
advocating for law firms to embrace
these methods, even incorporating
them into their articles of
In November 2018, Ana achieved
another milestone in her legal career
as she was elected as the Vice-
President of the Brazilian Bar
Association, Section of the State of
Rio de Janeiro, for the period
spanning from 2019 to 2021, than
reelected by the period from 2022 to
2024. This prestigious position
12 | November 2023
allowed her to continue contributing
to the legal community and
furthering her dedication to
advancing the field of law in Rio de
Recognizing Excellence
Ana expresses her deep appreciation
for the recognition she receives,
acknowledging the kind and
generous words. She believes that
such acknowledgments are a result of
years of dedication not only from
herself but also from her team of
lawyers. Ana considers the standout
quality of Basilio Advogados to be
its composition of highly competent,
determined, and resilient lawyers.
The legal arena is a constant battle,
and while they may face setbacks
along the way, Ana firmly believes
that their ability to overcome
challenges, adapt, and discover
innovative solutions for their clients'
issues is their greatest competitive
advantage, ultimately leading them to
Preparing for Success
The core message that Ana imparts to
students is the significance of
preparation and persistence. | 13
14 | November 2023
According to her, there is no problem, litigation matter,
or conflict that cannot be resolved when knowledge,
technical expertise, and unwavering perseverance come
together. It is crucial to not only possess technical
knowledge but also empathize with the challenges faced
by each unique client. Ana emphasizes the importance of
students comprehending this fundamental principle:
beyond mastering technical terminology, which
undoubtedly holds importance, they must learn to
understand and empathize with the struggles of others
and persist in addressing them.
Balancing Responsibilities
Maintaining a balance between all her responsibilities
poses one of Ana's greatest daily challenges. She
diligently organizes her days to fulfill multiple roles:
being a mother, an attorney, the owner of a prominent
law firm, and the Vice President of the Brazilian Bar
Association in Rio de Janeiro. Despite her busy
schedule, Ana also finds time to spend with her horses,
which brings her joy and relaxation. To help navigate
this demanding task, Ana relies on a team of highly
skilled professionals who support her in both personal
and professional aspects. They assist with client matters
at the firm, address the BAR's demands, collaborate with
colleagues, and primarily handle interactions with the
Regarding the current electoral issues faced by Brazil,
Ana recognizes the delicate nature of the topic. The
country is experiencing a significant polarization of ideas
and ideals, and there are numerous concerns about the
democratic system itself. In the midst of this
environment, Ana and her colleagues face the challenge
of addressing these issues while adhering to the
constitutional process, which serves as the foundation of
a great nation. Upholding democratic principles and
navigating complex political landscapes are paramount
in their responsibilities.
Leading by Example
Ana recognizes that being an exemplary role model is
one of her greatest challenges as a leader. She strives to
maintain her own integrity and serve as an inspiration for
her team, fellow lawyers, and women in general.
Throughout her extensive years of legal practice, Ana
has learned a valuable lesson about leadership: "example
leads." By setting a positive example, she can foster a
team that is dedicated to the same purposes, shares the
same objectives, and works with the same level of
motivation. Additionally, Ana believes that leaders must
remain attentive to changes and innovations in the
market, legislation, and the evolving needs of both
clients and their own team members. Just as the law is
dynamic, the corporate environment must also adapt and
embrace change. This mindset allows leaders to stay
relevant and effective in their roles.
The Unfolding Path of Mediation and Arbitration
Ana firmly believes that the future of mediation and
arbitration is already unfolding in the present. While it
may sound like a clichéd notion, she genuinely holds this
belief. The legal field is already witnessing the
integration of new Artificial Intelligence tools into
judicial, arbitration, and mediation procedures. The
ability to conduct meetings and hearings online, which
was once inconceivable, has become a reality. Ana
perceives the pandemic as an accelerator for this
modernization process. Globally, the online environment
has become an established reality. One notable trend that
Ana observes is the increasing use of mediation and
arbitration in consumer disputes. In countries like the
United States, these alternative methods have become
commonplace due to the Judiciary's limitations in
effectively handling such conflicts. | 15
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C J Bowry
20 | November 2023
C J Bowry
In 2013, unable to find a charity
that could tell her where exactly
her son Sal's outgrown shoes
would find their new feet if she
donated them, CJ Bowry founded Sal's
Shoes. She says, “In our first year we
collected just under 5,000 pairs of
shoes. 9 years on, we have now found
feet for over 3,000,000 pairs of Sal’s
Shoes in 57 countries around the
world, including increasingly in the
U.K.” The team has worked hard to
maintain the premise upon which they
were built, knowing where all your
Sal's Shoes will find their new owners.
Below are highlights of the interview
conducted between World's Leaders
and CJ Bowry:
Describe who you are as a person,
inside and outside of the workplace.
My work with the charity keeps me
very busy and is very diverse in terms
of the work I do. But outside of that, I
love to exercise, which is really good
for my mental and physical well-being.
I'm lucky enough to live in the
countryside and walk my dogs twice a
day. I also enjoy regular Pilates classes.
I’m a voracious reader and love
spending time with my family.
Cooking, eating and sharing laughter
with friends and family is one of my
biggest joys in life
Describe your background and what
did you do before you started/joined
the charity?
I have devoted my career to helping
others, first within the elderly care
sector and, since 2013, in helping
children get access to safe footwear
and school shoes that can allow them
access to an education. I have lived all
over the world and have seen first-hand
how communities living in poverty
struggle to break the cycle.
Tell us about the inception of the
charity. How did it all start?
When my son started walking, I soon
amassed a bag of outgrown shoes that
had been barely worn. I tried to find a
charity that would pass them on to find
new feet, but none could tell me where
they would end up. So, I began
collecting outgrown shoes from friends
and family to pass on and Sal’s Shoes
was born as a charity
( There are 300
million children worldwide, for whom
walking with shoes is a rarity. We live
in a society with a disposable
mentality. Children's shoes are often
outgrown before they are outworn and
are difficult to recycle. By finding new
feet for shoes that still have much more
life in them, Sal's Shoes aims to
combat shoe poverty, while also
reducing the amount of footwear sent
into landfill.
From the early days of the charity, in
2013, I have played a pivotal, hands-on
role. I fundraise, raise awareness on
social media and via traditional
channels and remain involved at every
level of operations, from leading a
weekly volunteer team to sort and pack
shoes, to accompanying deliveries
Within five years, we had collected and
distributed one million pairs of shoes | 21
is working with a variety of partners to
get as many shoes as possible on the
feet of those who need them most.
Give us your opinion on; do
organizations rely heavily on
individual heroics or team
There is no 'I' in team. Everything we
do relies on partnerships and
teamwork, from sorting shoes in the
UK warehouse, to arranging
distributions through other charities,
NGOs, schools and community
organisations. I'm a firm believer that
there should be no ego when it comes
to charity, and our success relies on a
well-oiled machine getting those shoes
onto young feet. 3 million pairs in 57
countries, within 9 years, couldn't be
done by one person alone.
What are your responsibilities as the
Founder/CEO of the charity? What
is the happiest part of your daily
I am involved with every aspect of the
venture, from collecting and sorting
shoe donations; to liaising directly with
schools, NGOs, domestic violence
shelters, and community hubs to ensure
that the shoes find the feet that need
them the most.
What advice would you give
someone going into a leadership
position for the first time
The best way to understand every
aspect of your charity or business is to
immerse yourself in it and be
personally involved in every step.
Be aware of your limitations and know
when to ask for help.
For More Details:
@sals_shoes - Twitter
@salsshoes - Instagram
@salsshoes1 - Facebook
directly to the feet of children in needy
communities.As of July 2022, less than
nine years since the journey began,
Sal's Shoes is now getting shoes onto
young feet in 57 countries worldwide,
and we have collected and distributed
more than 3 million pairs.
Which are the major services of the
charity and how do they help the
charity to get ahead in the
competition? What value-added
services does the charity provide?
I am as involved now as I was at the
start, leading by example and driving
the charity forward to greater and
greater achievements worldwide. Sal's
Shoes is a small charity with a big
heart. Crossing continents to make sure
that your used, loved (and barely worn)
outgrown children's shoes are delivered
straight to those in need. As well as
protecting young feet, Sal's Shoes has
also saved over 3 million pairs of shoes
from landfill, distributing them in 57
countries around the world.
During the lockdowns of 2020 and
2021, we identified a huge increase in
demand for the charity's services
within the UK. Having always been
very keen to maintain dignity in
poverty, in the last 18 months we have
also created a new service across the
country in the form of "Shoe Shops"
within Community Hubs, accessible
via referral (much like a Food Bank).
These shops give families the
opportunity to have a shopping
experience for shoes in their size
without any cost attached. To date, five
of these have been launched across the
What are the most important aspects
of a charity's culture? What
principles do you believe in and how
do you build this culture?
I am very aware of the power of social
media and we have harnessed it for
good: to raise awareness; call out for
donations; let people know where their
shoes are going; and retell the
wonderful stories of the children that
we have been able to help. We are able
to track every pair of shoes that comes
through the charity and let the previous
owner know where their shoes have
been able to walk again. This personal
touch has brought incredible donations,
including hugely emotional ones (a
mother, whose son had sadly passed
away, wanted to donate his first ever
pair of shoes that she had kept for over
20 years, to allow another child to take
their first steps in them) and large
donations from retailers getting rid of
end-of-lines, or seconds that couldn't
be sold and would otherwise be sent to
What is the significance of
innovative ideas in the company?
Innovation is a huge part of what we
do. We're not pretending to reinvent the
wheel, but flexibility and adaptation to
circumstance are vital in our sector, as
22 | November 2023 | 23
Fashion Style Beauty Network
A Unique Online Shopping Platform Offering a
Revolutionary AI Stylist to Maximize Clients'
Apparel Results for More Self Confidence
arious industries have been affected by articial intelligence (AI), which
Vhas the potential to disrupt them through innovative technology, more
efcient operational processes, and access to consumer and industry
data that could provide rms with a competitive edge. Despite the established
nature of the fashion industry, AI signicantly changes the industry, from how
fashion enterprises manufacture their products to how they are promoted and
sold. All aspects of the fashion industry, including design, production, shipping,
marketing, and sales, are being revolutionized by AI technologies. As a result, it is
anticipated that by 2022, the global investment in AI technology by the fashion
and retail sectors will amount to $7.3 billion annually. One of the AI-based
fashion industries, Fashion Style Beauty Network, benets individuals and grows
the businesses of fashion and cosmetic vendors by lowering product returns and
increasing vendors' earnings.
26 | November 2023 | 27
28 | November 2023
Meet Charis Michelsen
Charis Michelsen considered pursuing
a career in fashion design and enrolled
at Parsons School of Design/The New
School, the best design school in the
world, but she was promptly
discovered as a model by a Harper's
BAZAAR magazine photographer.
Modeling for renowned companies like
Tommy Hilfiger, Pepsi, Conair, Levis,
Dell, Hasbro, and magazines like
Glamour, Surface, Hamptons, and
Psychology Today was a wonderful
experience for her. She was fortunate
to work with A-list talent like director
Martin Scorsese and stars like Nicolas
Cage, Michael Douglas, Katie Holmes,
Tobey Maguire, and Robert Downey Jr.
in award-winning films like High Art,
Wonder Boys, and Bringing Out the
Dead after transitioning from modeling
to acting professionally. She opted to
obtain her makeup artist certification
and work as an international
spokesperson for one of the top five
luxury cosmetic companies in the
world because she missed creating
more visual art and wanted to make
other people feel more attractive.
Charis Michelsen has worked as a
beauty consultant and for
a $20 billion company. Later, the CEO
positions of a skincare brand and a line
of color cosmetics were proposed for
Charis Michelsen. She researched
business models while serving as a
CEO, which sparked a desire for
developing high-performing business
models. As a result, the Fashion and
Style Beauty Network was born.
Foundation Storyline
Charis Michelsen discovered during
this phase of the journey that people of
all genders had a strong desire to
appear their best but lacked the
necessary guidance to achieve it. She
was inspired to create a surefire,
science-based answer to the problem of
not knowing what to buy and how to
use things to look one's best after
witnessing so many individuals
struggle with understanding how to use
cosmetic and fashion products to
enhance their physical appeal. She
made it her goal to find a solution for
everyone, and she was successful.
Buyers waste a lot of money on things
that don't work effectively for them and
on which they receive minimal
instruction in how to use, while
suppliers lose profits due to returns.
To make purchasing and selling more
enjoyable for everyone, Charis set out
to fix these problems In order to help
everyone look their best, she developed
a Universal Beauty Standard
System™, a science-based approach.
The Fashion Style Beauty Network is a multifaceted online marketplace for people
of all genders that, like Amazon, enables sellers to market and sell clothing and
beauty products to customers. However, with the help of cutting-edge self-service
Articial Intelligence (AI) personal shopper technology, built on a science-based
Universal Beauty Standard System™, vendors' products will be directed to the
consumers they're most appropriate for, and users will be able to shop for and
purchase fashion and cosmetic items, similar to how one shops on eBay, that are
ideal for them and/or their clients if they're a professional stylist.
Fashion Style Beauty's core values are customer- and vendor-focused and employ
the golden rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Global services are provided by Fashion Style Beauty Network. Users of Fashion
Style Network can purchase from international vendors who use the platform, and
sellers from all over the world can use Fashion Style Network to sell their fashion
and cosmetic products as long as they're willing to ship internationally.
Fashion Style Beauty Network | 29
Dima Rachid
Dima Rachid
Dima Rachid
Educating Future Leaders as Change
Makers of a Better Tomorrow
“Lifelong learning
has been my motto
since the early
start of my career”.
Dima Jamali
Dean & Professor
University of Sharjah
30 | November 2023 | 31
The Backstory of Her Success
Dima Jamali previously held the
Kamal Shair Chair in Responsible
Leadership and was a professor and
associate dean at the Olayan School
of Business, American University of
Beirut (AUB). She graduated with a
PhD in Social Policy and
Administration from Canterbury,
UK's University of Kent. Her studies
and instruction have mostly focused
on social entrepreneurship and
corporate social responsibility (CSR)
over the years (SE). She is the author
or editor of seven books, including
Handbook of Responsible
Management (Edward Elgar 2019),
CSR in Developing and Emerging
Economies: Institutions and
Sustainable Development
(Cambridge University Press), Social
Entrepreneurship in the Middle East
(Palgrave, 2015), CSR in the Middle
East (Palgrave, 2012), and Corporate
Governance in Arab Countries:
Specifics and Outlooks (NTER Press
2019), and over 100 significant
international publications, which are
widely circulated and cited
internationally and concentrate on
various facets of sustainability,
sustainable development, and CSR in
developing nations generally and the
Middle East specifically. She gained
invaluable experience founding,
growing and working with the UN
Global Compact Network of
Lebanon to organize high-level
forums, roundtable discussions,
national programs, and activities
focused on empowerment, inclusion,
development, and well-being with
the goal of leaving no one behind.
She also engaged a broad range of
individuals from the private sector,
the public sector, academia, and the
entire UN system.
Bestowed for excellence
Dima Jamali was recognized by
Stanford University as one of the top
2% most influential global scholars
in the field of sustainability as a
result of her extensive research, and
she also received the 2015 Aspen
Institute Faculty Pioneer Award,
which the Financial Times referred to
as "the Oscars of the Business School
World" for faculty who are at the
forefront of their discipline's teaching
and research. She also received the
2015 Arab Organization for Social
Responsibility Personality of the
Year for CSR award and the Shield
of Excellence for the Arab Region, as
well as the 2010 Shoman Prize for
Best Young Arab Researcher, which
honors outstanding scientific
contributions that help address
pressing issues at the local, regional,
and global levels.
At Global Compact Network
Lebanon, Dima founded this
important network and continues to
serve as steward and president. The
UN Global Compact is the largest
sustainability program in the world
and calls on businesses to connect
plans and operations with
fundamental values of anti-
corruption, labor, environmental, and
human rights. She is also a member
of the Global Council for the UN
Principles of Responsible
Management Education (PRME),
which strives to instill sustainability
at the core of higher education
institutions, which has invited her
=to join in 2020. She is also a
contributor to the Globally
Responsible Leadership Initiative
(GRLI), an organization that
promotes ethical leadership in both
the public and private sectors.
The University of Sharjah
The University of Sharjah was
established with the intention of
adding to the qualities of
distinguished universities all over the
world share. University of Sharjah
provides extensive and multi-
disciplinary education and research
programs. The University of Sharjah
is a full-service academic
organization with a unique teaching
methodology, great research
reputation and a worldwide
perspective. In the UAE and the
GCC, it is a leader in academia,
science, and the arts and was ranked
number 1 in the UAE along with
UAEU University by Times Higher
Education Rankings in 2022. The
UAE Ministry of Higher Education
has accredited all programs.
Engineering, Communication,
Science, and Business are just a few
of the disciplines that have received
international accreditation. At the
University of Sharjah, faculty
members are dedicated to delivering
a top-notch educational experience
that equips future leaders with a
comprehensive set of knowledge and
abilities. They are committed to
creating a cooperative, long-lasting
atmosphere that supports cutting-
edge research and scholarship as well
as the development of skills for the
twenty-first century. They provide
state of the art academic and
professional programs geared
towards empowering our students,
teachers, and the community at large
32 | November 2023
in an effort to meet the present and
future requirements of our local
community and beyond.
Responsibilities in her Role
In her first two years as dean of the
College of Business Administration
at the University of Sharjah, Dima
Jamali was able to win the respect
and admiration of the administration,
faculty, and students. She also
managed to get the college's AACSB
accreditation back on track and
update its mission and curriculum to
take into account current trends. She
establishes multidisciplinary
partnerships with other colleges,
particularly the Colleges of
Engineering, Computing, and Arts
and Design; cultivates strong ties
with the local community; and
signs/activates a number of pertinent
MOUs with businesses. She is in
charge of organizing yearly at least
three significant international
symposiums on innovation and
entrepreneurship; leadership; and
sustainability in collaboration with
industry, each of which was a great
success. She also develops
competitions and extracurricular
activities for students, works to
improve the students' skills, and
increases their employability. She
finds it most fulfilling to maintain
close ties with the UN ecosystem,
cooperate with them, and work
together on high-level international
forums and events focused on the
UN 2030 Agenda and the 17
Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs). In just two years, the college
has made tremendous strides in the
international rankings, advancing to
No. 2 in the UAE in the Times
Higher Education Rankings, and has
been chosen by Higher Education
Digest as one of the 10 Must Watch
Business Schools for 2022.
Adaptations Amid a Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic's
unparalleled effects have expedited
the development of the future of
work and generated a highly unclear
outlook for the upcoming skills
revolution. More than ever, Dima
thinks it's important to gather the
opinions of business executives who
are directly involved in decision-
making processes in order to create a
clearer picture of both the current
situation and the future outlook for
jobs and skills. Dima and her faculty
want to improve students' job
readiness and transform the student
They, as educators, are aware that
without "micro-credentials," a
bachelor's degree could become
outdated before it is finished. In order
to improve students' readiness for the
workforce, help them succeed in
school, and advance along their
professional paths, it is necessary to
build and nurture 21st century talents
inside educational institutions and
programs. These abilities are
centered mostly on:
Ÿ Fostering Digital Literacy with an
emphasis on learning-support
tools to help students receive a
high-quality education through
technology and the internet.
Ÿ Embedding soft skills includes
communication, organization,
teamwork, critical thinking, social
skills, creativity, along with
adaptability and agility.
Ÿ Facilitating learning versus
teaching through differentiated
instructions and flipped
Ÿ Bringing students to key industry
players through fostering multi-
disciplinary partnerships and
agreements to sustain internship
opportunities and elevate their job
readiness through exposing them
to best practices and lessons
Ÿ Changing mindset, building self-
confidence, resilience, and a
instilling a life-long learning
“e most interesting and
happiest part of my daily routine
is interacting with faculty and
students and forging
collaborations with industry.” | 33
Dr. Arti
A Collaborative Scientist’s Passion Helps Build a Top-Five
Tech-Based Entrepreneurial Community
“As someone who had been both a patient and
a scientist, I knew both sides. I have always
been passionate about bringing affordable
healthcare to all and accelerating innovative
solutions from bench to bedside; my work at
MII does just that.”
36 | November 2023
Ar Santhanam, PhD
Execu ve Director,
Maryland Innova on Ini a ve
TEDCO | 37
What does the Zulu word “ubuntu"
have to do with a successful science
and tech fund at Maryland's TEDCO?
To start, it's been a guiding force for
that fund's leader.
The Maryland Technology
Development Corporation (TEDCO)
has an important mission in Maryland:
“enhance economic empowerment by
fostering an inclusive and
entrepreneurial innovation ecosystem.
Identify, invest in, and help grow
technology companies in Maryland.”
As the Executive Director of TEDCO's
Maryland Innovation Initiative (MII),
Dr. Arti Santhanam plays a key role in
delivering on that mission. She leads
the MII fund investing in
commercialization and start-up science
and tech companies spun out of five
participating universities: Johns
Hopkins University, Morgan State
University, and the University of
Maryland's College Park, Baltimore
and Baltimore County campuses.
Established in 2012, MII has invested
$47.5M that has resulted in 144
startups, $692M in follow-on funding
and 7 exits to date.
Dr. Santhanam knows that success
would not occur without collaboration,
one of the core values at TEDCO. For
her, collaboration brings to mind the
word "ubuntu." Archbishop Desmond
Tutu defined the Zulu word "ubuntu"
as "My humanity is caught up, is
inextricably bound up, in what is
yours.” In the simplest terms, Ubuntu
means “I am because we are.”
Ubuntu is much more than just a
word—it's a philosophy, a world view,
and a framework for how we relate to
and work with others. While the
concept of ubuntu has spiritual
connotations, it has practical
applications as well. As a socio-
economic ideology, ubuntu encourages
equity and equality as a means of
generating shared wealth, promotes
collective responsibility for the greater
good, and fosters appreciation for each
individual's unique talents.
At TEDCO and within the MII
program, ubuntu manifests itself
primarily in the core value of
collaboration: “We focus on building
trust and credibility across the
organization and with our customers.
We are transparent in the exchange of
ideas and our encouragement of one
another. We value teamwork in our
pursuit of supporting innovation and
entrepreneurial excellence.” Driven by
this value, we embody ubuntu both
internally and in our service to
Maryland's diverse entrepreneurial
TEDCO has worked hard to knit
together an entrepreneurial ecosystem
that connects like-minded
entrepreneurs, subject matter experts,
academics, legislators, and business
leaders from all corners of the state.
They weave together a diversity of
thought, variety of skills, and myriad
needs of Marylanders to build a vibrant
tech-based entrepreneurial community
that's consistently ranked in the top five
in the United States.
A Childhood Illness Shapes a Career
Dr. Santhanam's journey to becoming
both a scientist and a visionary tech
leader began as a girl in her native
India, when she was diagnosed with a
childhood cancer.
An insightful doctor near her village in
India understood she needed special
38 | November 2023
care; based on his advice, young Arti spent a portion of her
childhood traveling 2 hours by bus from her village home to
a city hospital that had the resources to treat her. She had
many interactions which helped her understand both the
disease and how important it was for her to be in a space
with the best treatments available in her region.
A wonderful, influential science teacher also made her want
to be a scientist. The teacher's passion for the topic and
Santhanam's own experience surviving childhood cancer
inspired her to work in this space of scientific discovery
very early on.
A PhD in microbiology and molecular genetics from
Rutgers University in New Jersey followed a Master of
Science in clinical biochemistry from the University of
Madras in India. After completing a postdoctoral study at
the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Santhanam worked as a
senior scientist and subject matter expert for MITRE
Corporation and later for her own consulting firm,
collaborating with partners at DOD to address global health
concerns. She then joined TEDCO where, prior to taking
the helm as executive director of MII, she served in a
number of capacities, including that of investment analyst
for the Maryland Venture Fund and director for the Life
Science Investment Fund.
MII proved to be the perfect fit for Dr. Santhanam's many
skills. She could see ground-breaking science and tech
happening at institutions where they weren't thinking about
getting it to market. At the same time, there were patients
desperately hoping to access those discoveries for
themselves or their families. She saw the solution. | 39
President & Managing Partner
Emersons Commercial Real Estate
Karen Leslie Simon
40 | November 2023
A Leading by example Real Estate Industry Leader and Role Model | 41
Lead by Karen Simon Emersons
Commercial Real Estate is a sizable, full-
service commercial real estate company
in and around Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas
that specializes in property management,
leasing, and sales. She is president and
managing partner in the firm for Tarrant
County, which manages more than seven
million square feet of property in the
Dallas region alone and 100 million
throughout the nation through its
relationship with 1045. It has offices in
Oklahoma City, and the Houston and
Austin areas. Karen oversees Tarrant
County and neighbouring counties in the
DFW region. She has more than 30 years
of expertise and a career that has seen her
execute more than 2,000 deals spanning
hundreds of acres and 6 million square
feet of property.
Karen is a lease and sales expert in the
office, retail, industrial, and land sectors,
and she oversees marketing initiatives for
three counties. She became the first
female industrial realtor in Tarrant and
Dallas Counties in 1983 when she headed
industrial for the Henry S. Miller
When Karen joined Henry S. Miller in
1983, the biggest real estate business in
Texas at the time, her career didn't start
with a bang but rather an explosion. She
would become the first female broker to
be recognized as the top industrial
producer in the Dallas-Fort Worth region
until she left six years later. Karen's zeal
and tenacity, unhindered by the fact that
she is a rare female in a generally male-
dominated field, have led to her success in
every position she has had. She
established the Tarrant County entity
board as managing partner of Bradford
Company from 2003 to 2014, opened that
facility, and then held the same role at
Tig, another industrial and office
company. Now, Karen will lead Emersons
Commercial Real Estate as it expands
with the same zeal, aptitude, and
Karen, a lady with many skills, also owns
Rings from Things and designs
personalized jewelery. She began
specializing in serving third-party clients
in 2011 and has participated in Neiman
Marcus trunk shows.
Early Life and Work Experiences
After earning her master's degree, Karen
started working at Tarrant County
Community College. She taught there for
five years before realizing she wasn't
mobile enough to move because she had a
spouse and two young children. Karen
also no longer wanted to teach at a
community college and was unable to find
employment at a four-year university in
her area since they were looking for
diversity and she had bachelor's and
master's degrees from schools there. She
thus made the decision to work in
business rather than education. And
whether or not voluntarily, the federal
government compensated people for their
managerial skills and education.
Karen left the community college to work
as the executive assistant to the regional
administrator for Area 10, a five-state
region, for the Department of Housing
and Urban Development. In this role, she
was in charge of the department's inter-
government and public relations. She
learned that there was a chance for those
who met the requirements to take the real
estate broker's test although they did not
already possess a salesperson's license,
and that if they did, they would have one
year to pass it. Karen only required nine
of the 900 required classroom hours when
her transcripts were examined. After
taking a two-week leave of absence,
Karen finished the nine hours of training
that were necessary and passed the broker
Six months later, Karen received a job
offer from the Henry S. Miller Company.
It was the fifth-biggest real estate
company in the country and the largest in
Texas. Karen was hired by the Miller
42 | November 2023
Company to create an industrial and
land division in their Tarrant County
office, which heavily relied on Fort
Worth. She left the Department of
Housing and Urban Development and
accepted their offer to start a career in
real estate. She was the first woman to
head up a commercial sector inside
their company. She was also the first
woman to lead an industrial real estate
firm in the Dallas-Fort Worth
metroplex. She discovered that clients
were more concerned with what you
knew and how hard you were willing
to work than with your gender.
Karen oversaw the department for
Henry S. Miller for six years while
attending real estate and industrial
schools. Miller sold the business, but
Grubb and Ellis, a global real estate
firm, overpaid for it at a time when the
housing market was in decline and
there were many foreclosures across
the nation.
Karen decided to launch the R.E Group
Advisor Inc., a women's, and minority-
owned real estate company, after
serving as the director of Tarrant
County's industrial division for Henry
S. Miller for six years. The company
was an expert in sales, leasing, and
property management. As a result of
the massive foreclosures, the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
and the Resolution Trust Corporation
(RTC) were then the biggest owners of
commercial real estate in the country.
In addition, Karen belongs to several
other associations, including the
Commercial Real Estate Women, the
Urban Land Institute, the International
Council of Shopping Centers
Convention, the Fort Worth Board of
Realtors, and the Texas Association of
From early 2003 through 2014, Karen
held the position of executive vice
president and managing partner at
Bradford Commercial Real Estate
Services. She founded the company's
Tarrant County headquarters and the
entity board. In March 2014, Karen
started working for TIG, a different
industrial and office company, as the
president and principle of TIG DFW
Metroplex West.
Emerson Commercial Real Estate
Richard Webb, a banker and real estate
broker, and Matt Price, an accountant
and broker, started Emersons
Commercial Real Estate in 2004.
These two men were distinctive in their
own right. They got the chance to
establish the LLC for Emerson's
commercial management. because they
had the chance to handle the sale of
Safeway stores throughout the nation
and represented a family trust. In
addition to an office in Oklahoma City,
they had some representation in Austin
and Houston. They desired a Fort
Worth office. Being a native of Fort
Worth, Richard was aware that locals
there strongly favour doing business
with their fellow citizens. It's kind of a
family situation. It is not as globally
diverse as Dallas. But one thing is
certain: Fort Worth has a certain sense
of familial closeness. People were
aware of Karen since her husband was
the third generation of his family to
practice law in Fort Worth, and one of
their sons is the fourth. She was
selected as a possible partner by
Emersons since she had worked in Fort
worth for a long time and the
connection was beneficial.
In 2016, Karen met the owners of
Emersons Commercial Real Estate,
who requested her to assist them in
opening an office in Tarrant County.
As you get older and your children get
older, that is not nearly as much of an
issue. But I think that in priorities,
anyone who is successful would have
to tell you that it's a delicate balance,
but your family must come first. And
in the real estate business, I think,
because of the way we're structured,
that opportunity exists."
“ | 43
Margot Grant Witz started working
for Elizabeth Grant International Inc.
in the Public Relations and Marketing
division, where she swiftly rose to
prominence by utilizing her artistic
skills and sound business judgment
to attract new clients to the
company's brand. Elizabeth Grant
Skin Care products are frequently
hailed as "beauty favorites" by top
editors throughout the world
because of her public relations know-
how. Margot has a profound
awareness of the global economy
and a natural grasp of the value of a
good brand.
Margot significantly advanced the
brand during her initial years with the
firm, making it a well-known one on a
global scale by redesigning the
corporate logo, creating new product
packaging, and developing new and
inventive items.
Margot Grant
Making Elizabeth Grant
Skin Care a Recognized
Brand around the World
46 | November 2023 | 47
Below are highlights of the interview
conducted between World's Leaders
and Margot Grant Witz:
Tell us about the inception of the
company. How did it all start?
My grandmother, Elizabeth Grant
(currently 99 years young), was a
makeup artist at Elstree Studios in
London, England, when she suffered
from bomb blast damage from a V2
Rocket. The side of her face was left
damaged and war torn. All she wanted
to do was feel beautiful enough, and
confident enough, to go back to work
so she could make other people feel
beautiful. Her skin was a constant
source of personal shame and
embarrassment—to the point where
she avoided going out in public and
living her life fully. All of that changed
in 1948, when Elizabeth discovered a
natural substance that was used to treat
war wounds. She had it specially
formulated with other ingredients and
began applying it to her damaged skin.
Gradually, but very noticeably, the
transformation occurred. Within eight
months, Elizabeth's skin had improved
remarkably. In her work as a makeup
artist, one of her clients complimented
her on her skin's fresh, healthy, and
youthful appearance. Flattered and
shocked that someone would actually
comment on her skin... Elizabeth told
her client about the miracle serum that
she had created. Elizabeth gave the
woman a sample, and she returned not
too long after asking for more.
In the 1950's in London, England, it
was most unusual for women to run
companies. Elizabeth launched her
own skin care treatment line to share
the secret formulation she had created.
On the strength of her miracle blend,
TorricelumnTM, and her own
determination and perseverance,
Elizabeth evolved the company from a
home-based business to a multi-million
dollar global corporation which sells
directly to our customers via e-
commerce, select retailers and
teleshopping networks in Canada, the
United States, the United Kingdom,
Germany, Italy, France, Australia, New
Zealand and other countries.
What has made you successful?
What do you value?
What made us successful was the
products we make—they really work.
We are one of the only privately owned
skin care companies in the world,
owned and operated by three
generations of women who make,
manufacture, and formulate every
product in-house in our privately
owned manufacturing facility in
Toronto, Canada. We do not outsource
formulations and put our name on
them; we carefully craft them from
scratch, because we are customers too.
I value the lessons my grandmother has
taught me along the way: never take no
for an answer. You are going to hear a
heck of a lot of "no's" in this world, but
all it takes is one yes. And sometimes
"no" just really means "not right now."
It's important to know who you are and
to know your voice. No one will stand
up in this world for you better than
you. Also, to always realize you have
to grow and evolve in terms of who
you are and what you are doing. We
have been around for 72+ years (and
counting) not only because we make a
48 | November 2023
phenomenal product, but because we
value adapting, listing, and growing
with the community and world around
What is the significance of
innovative ideas in the company?
You always have to adapt in terms of
production, whether it's creating the
latest and greatest, or investing in
machinery to up your productivity.
Innovation is the key to success and
longevity. That doesn't mean constantly
starting over, but it does mean being
willing to if necessary, or knowing
when to evolve. What I love is that
every employee has the floor to help us
become better in whatever opportunity
there is. Sometimes if you are not close
enough to a situation, you can't see the
need to improve that area. That's why
we rely on our supervisors, managers,
and employees that can see things that
help them versus senior management
just changing policies.
Give us your opinion on; do
organizations rely heavily on
individual heroics or team
I think great companies should rely on
both. Processes need to be the norm for
the day-to-day for the health and safety
of your team, helping to increase
efficiencies and make the work flow
easier (in the long run). But processes
can only be implemented when we can
work hand in hand with our
employees. Processes are the
foundation for the safety of things to
occur. Heroics are the opportunities to
evolve, adapt, and grow.
What are your responsibilities as the
Founder/CEO of the company?
What is the happiest part of your
daily routine?
I am the Vice President of Elizabeth
Grant Skin Care. My mother, Marion
Witz, is the President, and my
grandmother, Elizabeth Grant, is the
Founder and CEO. My responsibilities day to-day are sales and growth, alongside
customer positioning and marketing with my incredible marketing department.
But realistically, my responsibilities are to whatever is needed to get done and
whatever support is needed. The happiest part of my daily routine is connecting
with our Torricelumn™ community and hearing people really love who they are
becoming while aging and how they feel. This is why we do what we do. From
teenagers to grandmothers, helping someone look in the mirror and love who they
are, giving them space to enjoy life and not worry so much, there is no better
feeling. Helping to encourage self-love and self-confidence as part of someone's
journey is beautiful.
What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the
first time?
Ask questions, leave your ego at the door, get to know every department and what
they do, listen to your team and remember, communication and respect is key. It's
so important to take the time and really understand your strengths, weaknesses
and your goals, then to take the time to plan how to achieve your goals knowing
what you are good at and what you need support in. Anyone can lead, but that
doesn't mean you have created an environment where people will want to listen or
follow. Also ask yourself, what kind of leader you really want to be, not just in the
good times, but in the tough ones too. | 49
A Leading Corporate Governance Specialist
and Renowned Business Leader
Parmi Natesan | CEO | IoDSA
50 | November 2023
According to experience, ethical
leadership promotes higher levels
of employee satisfaction and
lower turnover rates. Even when
their actions are not directly
visible to their staff, ethical
leaders should always act
morally and appropriately in all
aspects of their lives. Good
corporate governance is
promoted by the Institute of
Directors in South Africa (IoDSA),
which King IV defines as ethical
and efficient leadership. Parmi
Natesan, the CEO of IoDSA, finds
that this is consistent with who
she is as a person and what she
stands for. According to her,
businesses and the nation will go
forward on a positive trajectory
under the direction of ethical
and effective leadership. | 51
52 | November 2023
Indulged as CEO
Parmi Natesan is a certified chartered
accountant who holds a BCom (cum
laude) and a BCom (honors) degree
and is a qualified Chartered
Accountant by the South African
Institute of Chartered Accountants.
She started working with the IoDSA
in 2010 as a Senior Governance
Specialist before being appointed to
Executive for Governance in 2015
and CEO in 2019.
Parmi is in charge of the business's
overall performance. She directs and
keeps an eye on strategy
implementation and progress. Over
the past few years, she has made
significant progress with the plan.
The company's performance has
improved with time, and last year's
business success was the best in the
company's 60-year history. Her
responsibilities also include a sizable
portion of stakeholder relations. She
is also in charge of reporting,
especially the annual integrated
report of the company, which she
Institute of Directors in South
The Institute of Directors in South
Africa is a nonprofit company that
represents directors in South Africa.
Its history spans more than 60 years.
Although it is primarily a
membership organization, it also
provides various services pertaining
to governance and directorship, such
as board and governance training,
governance advice services, and
board evaluation services.
Additionally, it owns and grants the
Certified Director and Chartered
Director SA director designations,
both of which are registered with the
South African Qualifications
Authority. Better Directors, Better
Boards, Better Business is its tagline.
The King Committee for Corporate
Governance in South Africa and the
many King Reports and Codes are
both under the auspices of the
IoDSA, which also promotes good
corporate governance in South
Defines her Characteristics
Parmi is passionate and driven, and
she goes above and beyond to
accomplish her goals despite being a
busy CEO in the fast-paced business
world, working as a non-executive
director on outside boards, and
participating in numerous local and
international forums and committees.
She prides herself on being well-
organized because she has such a
hectic life and is constantly being
pushed in a variety of directions. She
made swift connections to figure out
the best course of action. She is
Meticulous—For her, quality and
attention to detail are non-negotiable.
This also means that she holds others
to high standards, which motivates
them to succeed. She is humble and
doesn't consider any task beneath her,
so to speak.
Walks the Day
Parmi Natesan is not only an active
housekeeper and mother. In order to
give each area of her life attention,
she tries to achieve balance in her
life. She devotes a lot of time to
raising her two teenage children
because she believes it is our
responsibility as leaders of today to
produce better leaders of tomorrow.
I am especially proud that
my first two Integrated
Reports as CEO have won
the Integrated Reporting
Awards in the NPO
category for 2020 and 2021. | 53
54 | November 2023
Empowering People through the
Magic of
Phillips | 55
When combined
with the sense of
smell, a scent has
the power to evoke
fond memories and
a range of feelings
that can uplift
people's spirits,
deepen romance,
elevate moods, and
create a general
sense of happiness. Fragrances help make life complete.
They emphasise the value of scent, a frequently
undervalued human sense that, along with sight and sound,
gives a priceless vibrancy to the tapestry of life. To
maintain this tapestry, & of
Sue Phillips, CEO Founder
Scenterprises Inc., transitioned herself into the world of
Journey to the Destination
Sue Phillips was born and raised in South Africa, and ever
since she was a child, she wanted to pursue a career in
theatre. She moved to New York and immersed herself in
Broadway culture. Shortly thereafter, she was hired by
Elizabeth Arden's cosmetics division after a head-hunter
decided that her theatrical background would make her a
good fit for the field. After working in training as National
Training Director she was then promoted to product
development, and ultimately marketing at Elizabeth Arden
for six years, she was hired as the marketing director of
Lancôme Paris.
After four years, Sue was recruited to the position of
Executive Vice President of Tiffany & Co., where she
created and developed the first Tiffany perfume and
oversaw the global launch. After a successful launch and
the development of Tiffany for Men, she left to have her
daughter and established Scenterprises Inc., a global
fragrance company that manages product development,
marketing, and branding for well-known companies and
brands, including Burberry, Avon, Lancaster, and Trish
McEvoy. As we know, the 2008 economic crisis created
more challenges, and Sue established her perfume boutique
The Scentarium in Tribeca, where Sue and her team
developed distinctive, specially formulated perfumes for
clients, A-list celebrities such as Jamie Foxx, Katie Holmes,
Zendaya as well as Fortune 500 corporations for team-
building, corporate events as well as Bridal Showers.
“In order to continue to grow and develop as a leader I
believe one has to be very aware of trends, predict them,
strive to be ahead of them, be a trailblazerand establish
them!”- says Sue
Scenterprises Inc.
Scenterprises started out as a global consulting firm
specialising in product development, marketing, branding,
and forging strategic partnerships between apparel and
cosmetics companies. It also provides expert witness
testimony in legal situations involving copyright,
trademark, and distribution disputes; many motivational
speaking engagements; and supports philanthropic
endeavours for Alzheimer's and Wild Life programs, which
resonate with Sue's personal causes and initiatives. The idea
of creating bespoke or custom perfumes emerged as a way
to give people and fragrance lovers the opportunity to have
their own personalised fragrance to reflect their
individuality and personality after a proliferation of
designer and celebrity brands, which were at their peak
from the 1980s to 2010s.
At the time, this was a brand-new endeavour! The idea of
"Tupperware parties for scent" had people raising their
eyebrows. Since then, it has grown and now provides
tailored fragrances and scents for both men and women;
perfume parties; fragrance bars; corporate team-building
activities; and bridal celebrations for high-profile A-listers.
Scenterprises gave rise to the Scentarium perfume shop. To
assist customers in comprehending the magic and mystique
of fragrance, Sue creates cutting-edge 'scentsory' events and
initiatives. People can use the Scent Personality Quiz to
determine which fragrance family most closely resembles
their personalities and unique characteristics. People are
constantly in awe at how accurate it is. On both iOS and
Android smartphones, anyone can access the quiz on her
app: By doing interviews,
releasing podcasts, and hosting "live , Sue uses
" programs
it to promote the company.
56 | November 2023 | 57
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World’s Predominant Women Leaders in Business, 2023.pdf

  • 1. Vol. 11 | Issue 03 | November 2023 Ana Tereza Basilio Leading with an Unwavering Commitment to Redefining Legal Excellence W MEN LEADERS i n B u s i n e s s , 2 0 2 3 Educating Future Leaders as Change Makers of a Better Tomorrow PG. 30 A Leading by example Real Estate Industry Leader and Role Model PG. 40 World’s Predominant
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. World’s Predominant Women Leaders in Business, 2023 If we look around us there are many well-known and inspirational business executives in the world, but what characteristics make a leader inspirational? In order to be an inspirational business leader, one must commit to reaching a shared objective that motivates people to achieve. Gender-specific leadership does not exist in the current economic climate. It is evident that both genders are working just as hard to be successful in their specialized fields. When it comes to leadership, women's voices have greater sway than men's. They are changing offices, expediting processes, and challenging conventional wisdom in the business sector, where they are making significant strides. We salute these business entrepreneurs and want to share their stories with as many people as possible so that they may all become inspired, educated, and self-assured. Future generations will continue to carry on the vision of these role models. World's Leaders latest edition “World's Predominant Women Leaders in Business, 2023” has created a list of the women business leaders that have been successful in leading some of the top organizations working in industries as diverse as healthcare to consumer goods. The cover has Ana Basilio, founder of Basilio Advogados Law Firm. In just a short span of 12 years, this dynamic firm has transcended expectations, experienced unprecedented growth and emerging as a prominent national powerhouse in civil litigation, arbitration, and consulting services. At the core of Basilio Advogados' success lies its multidisciplinary team, meticulously curated to excel in diverse business sectors. Anchored by unwavering ethical standards, this team tirelessly strives for excellence, ensuring that every interaction is marked by integrity. Boasting over 100 handpicked lawyers, Basilio Advogados stands unrivaled in the competitive legal landscape, each professional bringing a proven track record, an unwavering dedication to their craft, and an innate ability to thrive in a collaborative environment. Also, while you flip through the pages, don't forget to read the articles created by our in-house editorial staff and industry experts. Leading the Change Have a lovely read!
  • 5. Copyright 2023 WORLD’S LEADERS Media Tech LLC, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from WORLD’S LEADERS Reprint rights remain solely with WORLD’S LEADERS. 3296 Westerville Rd #250, Columbus, OH 43224, USA Follow us on : Editor-in-Chief Steve Sanchez Managing Editor Jagdish Chincholikar Executive Editor Nicole Williams Assistant Editor Gayatri Bhujbal Art & Design Director Jack Anderson Business Development Manager Mia Oliver Business Development Executive Natalie, Jerrey Associate Designer Kevin Rust Digital Marketing Manager Victor Clarke Sales Manager Casey Simpson, Irfan Shekh Marketing Manager Tom Swann Technical Specialist Barry Jones Circulation Manager Danny Parker CREDIT PAGE November 2023
  • 6. Leading with an Unwavering Commitment to Rede ning Legal Excellence 08 Cover Story Ana Tereza Basilio
  • 7. C J Bowry Charis Michelsen Dr. Arti Santhanam Sue Phillips Parmi Natesan Margot Grant Witz Dima Rachid Jamali Karen Leslie Simon Alice Veglio 54 50 46 40 36 30 26 20 16
  • 8. Basilio Leading with an Unwavering Commitment to Redefining Legal Excellence Ana Tereza Ana Tereza Ana Tereza 08 | November 2023
  • 10. the world of Basilio Advogados Law Firm, a pioneering establishment led by the visionary Ana Basilio. In just a short span of 12 years, this dynamic firm has transcended expectations, experienced unprecedented growth and emerging as a prominent national powerhouse in civil litigation, arbitration, and consulting services. At the core of Basilio Advogados' success lies its multidisciplinary team, meticulously curated to excel in diverse business sectors. Anchored by unwavering ethical standards, this team tirelessly strives for excellence, ensuring that every interaction is marked by integrity. Boasting over 100 handpicked lawyers, Basilio Advogados stands unrivaled in the competitive legal landscape, each professional bringing a proven track record, an unwavering dedication to their craft, and an innate ability to thrive in a collaborative environment. But the true differentiating factor lies in Basilio Advogados' stellar lineup of legal luminaries. The esteemed Professor Carlos Roberto Barbosa Moreira and Mr. Frederico José Leite Gueiros, former presidents of the Federal Regional Court of the Second Region, lend their unmatched expertise and guidance to the firm's illustrious team. Complementing this seasoned leadership, numerous team members have pursued advanced degrees and specialized coursework at the world's most esteemed institutions. What truly sets Basilio Advogados apart is their unique training culture, where academic prowess is constantly nurtured. Stimulated by a commitment to academic practice, this remarkable team pushes boundaries, consistently seeking innovative approaches and delivering unparalleled results before the diverse courts of the federation. COVER STORY 10 | November 2023
  • 12. Vision for a More Efficient Legal System Ana finds inspiration in the present and the future. Encouraging more lawyers to explore the realm of ADRs has always been of utmost importance to her. When Ana observes the Legal System, she sees an overwhelming number of cases. Despite the commendable efforts of the members of the Judiciary Power, the exponential growth in filed demands surpasses the system's capacity for absorption, both physically and financially. This, among other factors, results in a sluggish resolution of cases. As legal professionals, it becomes our duty to overcome this delay and strive for the best outcomes for our clients and society. Therefore, our objective should revolve around seeking alternative and efficient methods of conflict resolution, with mediation and arbitration procedures taking center stage. Ana believes that we must seek beacons along this path, which, in her perspective, are not only the future but also the very present in the field of dispute resolution. Impacting as President and Vice- President of the Brazilian Bar Association During her tenure from December 2004 to December 2006, Ana served as the President of the Chamber of Mediation and Arbitration of the Brazilian Bar Association, Section of the State of Rio de Janeiro. As the President, her main focus was on promoting the culture of appropriate methods for resolving disputes and advocating for law firms to embrace these methods, even incorporating them into their articles of incorporation. In November 2018, Ana achieved another milestone in her legal career as she was elected as the Vice- President of the Brazilian Bar Association, Section of the State of Rio de Janeiro, for the period spanning from 2019 to 2021, than reelected by the period from 2022 to 2024. This prestigious position 12 | November 2023
  • 13. allowed her to continue contributing to the legal community and furthering her dedication to advancing the field of law in Rio de Janeiro. Recognizing Excellence Ana expresses her deep appreciation for the recognition she receives, acknowledging the kind and generous words. She believes that such acknowledgments are a result of years of dedication not only from herself but also from her team of lawyers. Ana considers the standout quality of Basilio Advogados to be its composition of highly competent, determined, and resilient lawyers. The legal arena is a constant battle, and while they may face setbacks along the way, Ana firmly believes that their ability to overcome challenges, adapt, and discover innovative solutions for their clients' issues is their greatest competitive advantage, ultimately leading them to triumph. Preparing for Success The core message that Ana imparts to students is the significance of preparation and persistence. | 13
  • 15. According to her, there is no problem, litigation matter, or conflict that cannot be resolved when knowledge, technical expertise, and unwavering perseverance come together. It is crucial to not only possess technical knowledge but also empathize with the challenges faced by each unique client. Ana emphasizes the importance of students comprehending this fundamental principle: beyond mastering technical terminology, which undoubtedly holds importance, they must learn to understand and empathize with the struggles of others and persist in addressing them. Balancing Responsibilities Maintaining a balance between all her responsibilities poses one of Ana's greatest daily challenges. She diligently organizes her days to fulfill multiple roles: being a mother, an attorney, the owner of a prominent law firm, and the Vice President of the Brazilian Bar Association in Rio de Janeiro. Despite her busy schedule, Ana also finds time to spend with her horses, which brings her joy and relaxation. To help navigate this demanding task, Ana relies on a team of highly skilled professionals who support her in both personal and professional aspects. They assist with client matters at the firm, address the BAR's demands, collaborate with colleagues, and primarily handle interactions with the Judiciary. Regarding the current electoral issues faced by Brazil, Ana recognizes the delicate nature of the topic. The country is experiencing a significant polarization of ideas and ideals, and there are numerous concerns about the democratic system itself. In the midst of this environment, Ana and her colleagues face the challenge of addressing these issues while adhering to the constitutional process, which serves as the foundation of a great nation. Upholding democratic principles and navigating complex political landscapes are paramount in their responsibilities. Leading by Example Ana recognizes that being an exemplary role model is one of her greatest challenges as a leader. She strives to maintain her own integrity and serve as an inspiration for her team, fellow lawyers, and women in general. Throughout her extensive years of legal practice, Ana has learned a valuable lesson about leadership: "example leads." By setting a positive example, she can foster a team that is dedicated to the same purposes, shares the same objectives, and works with the same level of motivation. Additionally, Ana believes that leaders must remain attentive to changes and innovations in the market, legislation, and the evolving needs of both clients and their own team members. Just as the law is dynamic, the corporate environment must also adapt and embrace change. This mindset allows leaders to stay relevant and effective in their roles. The Unfolding Path of Mediation and Arbitration Ana firmly believes that the future of mediation and arbitration is already unfolding in the present. While it may sound like a clichéd notion, she genuinely holds this belief. The legal field is already witnessing the integration of new Artificial Intelligence tools into judicial, arbitration, and mediation procedures. The ability to conduct meetings and hearings online, which was once inconceivable, has become a reality. Ana perceives the pandemic as an accelerator for this modernization process. Globally, the online environment has become an established reality. One notable trend that Ana observes is the increasing use of mediation and arbitration in consumer disputes. In countries like the United States, these alternative methods have become commonplace due to the Judiciary's limitations in effectively handling such conflicts. | 15
  • 21. C J Bowry In 2013, unable to find a charity that could tell her where exactly her son Sal's outgrown shoes would find their new feet if she donated them, CJ Bowry founded Sal's Shoes. She says, “In our first year we collected just under 5,000 pairs of shoes. 9 years on, we have now found feet for over 3,000,000 pairs of Sal’s Shoes in 57 countries around the world, including increasingly in the U.K.” The team has worked hard to maintain the premise upon which they were built, knowing where all your Sal's Shoes will find their new owners. Below are highlights of the interview conducted between World's Leaders and CJ Bowry: Describe who you are as a person, inside and outside of the workplace. My work with the charity keeps me very busy and is very diverse in terms of the work I do. But outside of that, I love to exercise, which is really good for my mental and physical well-being. I'm lucky enough to live in the countryside and walk my dogs twice a day. I also enjoy regular Pilates classes. I’m a voracious reader and love spending time with my family. Cooking, eating and sharing laughter with friends and family is one of my biggest joys in life Describe your background and what did you do before you started/joined the charity? I have devoted my career to helping others, first within the elderly care sector and, since 2013, in helping children get access to safe footwear and school shoes that can allow them access to an education. I have lived all over the world and have seen first-hand how communities living in poverty struggle to break the cycle. Tell us about the inception of the charity. How did it all start? When my son started walking, I soon amassed a bag of outgrown shoes that had been barely worn. I tried to find a charity that would pass them on to find new feet, but none could tell me where they would end up. So, I began collecting outgrown shoes from friends and family to pass on and Sal’s Shoes was born as a charity ( There are 300 million children worldwide, for whom walking with shoes is a rarity. We live in a society with a disposable mentality. Children's shoes are often outgrown before they are outworn and are difficult to recycle. By finding new feet for shoes that still have much more life in them, Sal's Shoes aims to combat shoe poverty, while also reducing the amount of footwear sent into landfill. From the early days of the charity, in 2013, I have played a pivotal, hands-on role. I fundraise, raise awareness on social media and via traditional channels and remain involved at every level of operations, from leading a weekly volunteer team to sort and pack shoes, to accompanying deliveries worldwide. Within five years, we had collected and distributed one million pairs of shoes | 21
  • 22. is working with a variety of partners to get as many shoes as possible on the feet of those who need them most. Give us your opinion on; do organizations rely heavily on individual heroics or team processes? There is no 'I' in team. Everything we do relies on partnerships and teamwork, from sorting shoes in the UK warehouse, to arranging distributions through other charities, NGOs, schools and community organisations. I'm a firm believer that there should be no ego when it comes to charity, and our success relies on a well-oiled machine getting those shoes onto young feet. 3 million pairs in 57 countries, within 9 years, couldn't be done by one person alone. What are your responsibilities as the Founder/CEO of the charity? What is the happiest part of your daily routine? I am involved with every aspect of the venture, from collecting and sorting shoe donations; to liaising directly with schools, NGOs, domestic violence shelters, and community hubs to ensure that the shoes find the feet that need them the most. What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the first time The best way to understand every aspect of your charity or business is to immerse yourself in it and be personally involved in every step. Be aware of your limitations and know when to ask for help. For More Details: ( @sals_shoes - Twitter @salsshoes - Instagram @salsshoes1 - Facebook directly to the feet of children in needy communities.As of July 2022, less than nine years since the journey began, Sal's Shoes is now getting shoes onto young feet in 57 countries worldwide, and we have collected and distributed more than 3 million pairs. Which are the major services of the charity and how do they help the charity to get ahead in the competition? What value-added services does the charity provide? I am as involved now as I was at the start, leading by example and driving the charity forward to greater and greater achievements worldwide. Sal's Shoes is a small charity with a big heart. Crossing continents to make sure that your used, loved (and barely worn) outgrown children's shoes are delivered straight to those in need. As well as protecting young feet, Sal's Shoes has also saved over 3 million pairs of shoes from landfill, distributing them in 57 countries around the world. During the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021, we identified a huge increase in demand for the charity's services within the UK. Having always been very keen to maintain dignity in poverty, in the last 18 months we have also created a new service across the country in the form of "Shoe Shops" within Community Hubs, accessible via referral (much like a Food Bank). These shops give families the opportunity to have a shopping experience for shoes in their size without any cost attached. To date, five of these have been launched across the UK. What are the most important aspects of a charity's culture? What principles do you believe in and how do you build this culture? I am very aware of the power of social media and we have harnessed it for good: to raise awareness; call out for donations; let people know where their shoes are going; and retell the wonderful stories of the children that we have been able to help. We are able to track every pair of shoes that comes through the charity and let the previous owner know where their shoes have been able to walk again. This personal touch has brought incredible donations, including hugely emotional ones (a mother, whose son had sadly passed away, wanted to donate his first ever pair of shoes that she had kept for over 20 years, to allow another child to take their first steps in them) and large donations from retailers getting rid of end-of-lines, or seconds that couldn't be sold and would otherwise be sent to landfill. What is the significance of innovative ideas in the company? Innovation is a huge part of what we do. We're not pretending to reinvent the wheel, but flexibility and adaptation to circumstance are vital in our sector, as 22 | November 2023
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  • 26. Fashion Style Beauty Network Charis Charis Michelsen A Unique Online Shopping Platform Offering a Revolutionary AI Stylist to Maximize Clients' Apparel Results for More Self Confidence arious industries have been affected by articial intelligence (AI), which Vhas the potential to disrupt them through innovative technology, more efcient operational processes, and access to consumer and industry data that could provide rms with a competitive edge. Despite the established nature of the fashion industry, AI signicantly changes the industry, from how fashion enterprises manufacture their products to how they are promoted and sold. All aspects of the fashion industry, including design, production, shipping, marketing, and sales, are being revolutionized by AI technologies. As a result, it is anticipated that by 2022, the global investment in AI technology by the fashion and retail sectors will amount to $7.3 billion annually. One of the AI-based fashion industries, Fashion Style Beauty Network, benets individuals and grows the businesses of fashion and cosmetic vendors by lowering product returns and increasing vendors' earnings. 26 | November 2023
  • 29. Meet Charis Michelsen Charis Michelsen considered pursuing a career in fashion design and enrolled at Parsons School of Design/The New School, the best design school in the world, but she was promptly discovered as a model by a Harper's BAZAAR magazine photographer. Modeling for renowned companies like Tommy Hilfiger, Pepsi, Conair, Levis, Dell, Hasbro, and magazines like Glamour, Surface, Hamptons, and Psychology Today was a wonderful experience for her. She was fortunate to work with A-list talent like director Martin Scorsese and stars like Nicolas Cage, Michael Douglas, Katie Holmes, Tobey Maguire, and Robert Downey Jr. in award-winning films like High Art, Wonder Boys, and Bringing Out the Dead after transitioning from modeling to acting professionally. She opted to obtain her makeup artist certification and work as an international spokesperson for one of the top five luxury cosmetic companies in the world because she missed creating more visual art and wanted to make other people feel more attractive. Charis Michelsen has worked as a beauty consultant and for spokesperson a $20 billion company. Later, the CEO positions of a skincare brand and a line of color cosmetics were proposed for Charis Michelsen. She researched business models while serving as a CEO, which sparked a desire for developing high-performing business models. As a result, the Fashion and Style Beauty Network was born. Foundation Storyline Charis Michelsen discovered during this phase of the journey that people of all genders had a strong desire to appear their best but lacked the necessary guidance to achieve it. She was inspired to create a surefire, science-based answer to the problem of not knowing what to buy and how to use things to look one's best after witnessing so many individuals struggle with understanding how to use cosmetic and fashion products to enhance their physical appeal. She made it her goal to find a solution for everyone, and she was successful. Buyers waste a lot of money on things that don't work effectively for them and on which they receive minimal instruction in how to use, while suppliers lose profits due to returns. To make purchasing and selling more enjoyable for everyone, Charis set out to fix these problems In order to help . everyone look their best, she developed a Universal Beauty Standard System™, a science-based approach. The Fashion Style Beauty Network is a multifaceted online marketplace for people of all genders that, like Amazon, enables sellers to market and sell clothing and beauty products to customers. However, with the help of cutting-edge self-service Articial Intelligence (AI) personal shopper technology, built on a science-based Universal Beauty Standard System™, vendors' products will be directed to the consumers they're most appropriate for, and users will be able to shop for and purchase fashion and cosmetic items, similar to how one shops on eBay, that are ideal for them and/or their clients if they're a professional stylist. Fashion Style Beauty's core values are customer- and vendor-focused and employ the golden rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Global services are provided by Fashion Style Beauty Network. Users of Fashion Style Network can purchase from international vendors who use the platform, and sellers from all over the world can use Fashion Style Network to sell their fashion and cosmetic products as long as they're willing to ship internationally. Fashion Style Beauty Network | 29
  • 30. Dima Rachid Dima Rachid Dima Rachid Jamali Jamali Jamali Educating Future Leaders as Change Makers of a Better Tomorrow “Lifelong learning has been my motto since the early start of my career”. Dima Jamali Dean & Professor University of Sharjah 30 | November 2023
  • 32. The Backstory of Her Success Dima Jamali previously held the Kamal Shair Chair in Responsible Leadership and was a professor and associate dean at the Olayan School of Business, American University of Beirut (AUB). She graduated with a PhD in Social Policy and Administration from Canterbury, UK's University of Kent. Her studies and instruction have mostly focused on social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility (CSR) over the years (SE). She is the author or editor of seven books, including Handbook of Responsible Management (Edward Elgar 2019), CSR in Developing and Emerging Economies: Institutions and Sustainable Development (Cambridge University Press), Social Entrepreneurship in the Middle East (Palgrave, 2015), CSR in the Middle East (Palgrave, 2012), and Corporate Governance in Arab Countries: Specifics and Outlooks (NTER Press 2019), and over 100 significant international publications, which are widely circulated and cited internationally and concentrate on various facets of sustainability, sustainable development, and CSR in developing nations generally and the Middle East specifically. She gained invaluable experience founding, growing and working with the UN Global Compact Network of Lebanon to organize high-level forums, roundtable discussions, national programs, and activities focused on empowerment, inclusion, development, and well-being with the goal of leaving no one behind. She also engaged a broad range of individuals from the private sector, the public sector, academia, and the entire UN system. Bestowed for excellence Dima Jamali was recognized by Stanford University as one of the top 2% most influential global scholars in the field of sustainability as a result of her extensive research, and she also received the 2015 Aspen Institute Faculty Pioneer Award, which the Financial Times referred to as "the Oscars of the Business School World" for faculty who are at the forefront of their discipline's teaching and research. She also received the 2015 Arab Organization for Social Responsibility Personality of the Year for CSR award and the Shield of Excellence for the Arab Region, as well as the 2010 Shoman Prize for Best Young Arab Researcher, which honors outstanding scientific contributions that help address pressing issues at the local, regional, and global levels. At Global Compact Network Lebanon, Dima founded this important network and continues to serve as steward and president. The UN Global Compact is the largest sustainability program in the world and calls on businesses to connect plans and operations with fundamental values of anti- corruption, labor, environmental, and human rights. She is also a member of the Global Council for the UN Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME), which strives to instill sustainability at the core of higher education institutions, which has invited her =to join in 2020. She is also a contributor to the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI), an organization that promotes ethical leadership in both the public and private sectors. The University of Sharjah The University of Sharjah was established with the intention of adding to the qualities of distinguished universities all over the world share. University of Sharjah provides extensive and multi- disciplinary education and research programs. The University of Sharjah is a full-service academic organization with a unique teaching methodology, great research reputation and a worldwide perspective. In the UAE and the GCC, it is a leader in academia, science, and the arts and was ranked number 1 in the UAE along with UAEU University by Times Higher Education Rankings in 2022. The UAE Ministry of Higher Education has accredited all programs. Engineering, Communication, Science, and Business are just a few of the disciplines that have received international accreditation. At the University of Sharjah, faculty members are dedicated to delivering a top-notch educational experience that equips future leaders with a comprehensive set of knowledge and abilities. They are committed to creating a cooperative, long-lasting atmosphere that supports cutting- edge research and scholarship as well as the development of skills for the twenty-first century. They provide state of the art academic and professional programs geared towards empowering our students, teachers, and the community at large 32 | November 2023
  • 33. in an effort to meet the present and future requirements of our local community and beyond. Responsibilities in her Role In her first two years as dean of the College of Business Administration at the University of Sharjah, Dima Jamali was able to win the respect and admiration of the administration, faculty, and students. She also managed to get the college's AACSB accreditation back on track and update its mission and curriculum to take into account current trends. She establishes multidisciplinary partnerships with other colleges, particularly the Colleges of Engineering, Computing, and Arts and Design; cultivates strong ties with the local community; and signs/activates a number of pertinent MOUs with businesses. She is in charge of organizing yearly at least three significant international symposiums on innovation and entrepreneurship; leadership; and sustainability in collaboration with industry, each of which was a great success. She also develops competitions and extracurricular activities for students, works to improve the students' skills, and increases their employability. She finds it most fulfilling to maintain close ties with the UN ecosystem, cooperate with them, and work together on high-level international forums and events focused on the UN 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In just two years, the college has made tremendous strides in the international rankings, advancing to No. 2 in the UAE in the Times Higher Education Rankings, and has been chosen by Higher Education Digest as one of the 10 Must Watch Business Schools for 2022. Adaptations Amid a Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic's unparalleled effects have expedited the development of the future of work and generated a highly unclear outlook for the upcoming skills revolution. More than ever, Dima thinks it's important to gather the opinions of business executives who are directly involved in decision- making processes in order to create a clearer picture of both the current situation and the future outlook for jobs and skills. Dima and her faculty want to improve students' job readiness and transform the student experience. They, as educators, are aware that without "micro-credentials," a bachelor's degree could become outdated before it is finished. In order to improve students' readiness for the workforce, help them succeed in school, and advance along their professional paths, it is necessary to build and nurture 21st century talents inside educational institutions and programs. These abilities are centered mostly on: Ÿ Fostering Digital Literacy with an emphasis on learning-support tools to help students receive a high-quality education through technology and the internet. Ÿ Embedding soft skills includes communication, organization, teamwork, critical thinking, social skills, creativity, along with adaptability and agility. Ÿ Facilitating learning versus teaching through differentiated instructions and flipped classrooms Ÿ Bringing students to key industry players through fostering multi- disciplinary partnerships and agreements to sustain internship opportunities and elevate their job readiness through exposing them to best practices and lessons learnt Ÿ Changing mindset, building self- confidence, resilience, and a instilling a life-long learning attitude “e most interesting and happiest part of my daily routine is interacting with faculty and students and forging collaborations with industry.” | 33
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  • 36. Dr. Arti Santhanam A Collaborative Scientist’s Passion Helps Build a Top-Five Tech-Based Entrepreneurial Community “As someone who had been both a patient and a scientist, I knew both sides. I have always been passionate about bringing affordable healthcare to all and accelerating innovative solutions from bench to bedside; my work at MII does just that.” 36 | November 2023
  • 37. Ar Santhanam, PhD Execu ve Director, Maryland Innova on Ini a ve TEDCO | 37
  • 38. What does the Zulu word “ubuntu" have to do with a successful science and tech fund at Maryland's TEDCO? To start, it's been a guiding force for that fund's leader. The Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO) has an important mission in Maryland: “enhance economic empowerment by fostering an inclusive and entrepreneurial innovation ecosystem. Identify, invest in, and help grow technology companies in Maryland.” As the Executive Director of TEDCO's Maryland Innovation Initiative (MII), Dr. Arti Santhanam plays a key role in delivering on that mission. She leads the MII fund investing in commercialization and start-up science and tech companies spun out of five participating universities: Johns Hopkins University, Morgan State University, and the University of Maryland's College Park, Baltimore and Baltimore County campuses. Established in 2012, MII has invested $47.5M that has resulted in 144 startups, $692M in follow-on funding and 7 exits to date. Dr. Santhanam knows that success would not occur without collaboration, one of the core values at TEDCO. For her, collaboration brings to mind the word "ubuntu." Archbishop Desmond Tutu defined the Zulu word "ubuntu" as "My humanity is caught up, is inextricably bound up, in what is yours.” In the simplest terms, Ubuntu means “I am because we are.” Ubuntu is much more than just a word—it's a philosophy, a world view, and a framework for how we relate to and work with others. While the concept of ubuntu has spiritual connotations, it has practical applications as well. As a socio- economic ideology, ubuntu encourages equity and equality as a means of generating shared wealth, promotes collective responsibility for the greater good, and fosters appreciation for each individual's unique talents. At TEDCO and within the MII program, ubuntu manifests itself primarily in the core value of collaboration: “We focus on building trust and credibility across the organization and with our customers. We are transparent in the exchange of ideas and our encouragement of one another. We value teamwork in our pursuit of supporting innovation and entrepreneurial excellence.” Driven by this value, we embody ubuntu both internally and in our service to Maryland's diverse entrepreneurial community. TEDCO has worked hard to knit together an entrepreneurial ecosystem that connects like-minded entrepreneurs, subject matter experts, academics, legislators, and business leaders from all corners of the state. They weave together a diversity of thought, variety of skills, and myriad needs of Marylanders to build a vibrant tech-based entrepreneurial community that's consistently ranked in the top five in the United States. A Childhood Illness Shapes a Career Path Dr. Santhanam's journey to becoming both a scientist and a visionary tech leader began as a girl in her native India, when she was diagnosed with a childhood cancer. An insightful doctor near her village in India understood she needed special W 38 | November 2023
  • 39. care; based on his advice, young Arti spent a portion of her childhood traveling 2 hours by bus from her village home to a city hospital that had the resources to treat her. She had many interactions which helped her understand both the disease and how important it was for her to be in a space with the best treatments available in her region. A wonderful, influential science teacher also made her want to be a scientist. The teacher's passion for the topic and Santhanam's own experience surviving childhood cancer inspired her to work in this space of scientific discovery very early on. A PhD in microbiology and molecular genetics from Rutgers University in New Jersey followed a Master of Science in clinical biochemistry from the University of Madras in India. After completing a postdoctoral study at the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Santhanam worked as a senior scientist and subject matter expert for MITRE Corporation and later for her own consulting firm, collaborating with partners at DOD to address global health concerns. She then joined TEDCO where, prior to taking the helm as executive director of MII, she served in a number of capacities, including that of investment analyst for the Maryland Venture Fund and director for the Life Science Investment Fund. MII proved to be the perfect fit for Dr. Santhanam's many skills. She could see ground-breaking science and tech happening at institutions where they weren't thinking about getting it to market. At the same time, there were patients desperately hoping to access those discoveries for themselves or their families. She saw the solution. | 39
  • 40. President & Managing Partner Emersons Commercial Real Estate Karen Leslie Simon 40 | November 2023
  • 41. A Leading by example Real Estate Industry Leader and Role Model | 41
  • 42. Lead by Karen Simon Emersons Commercial Real Estate is a sizable, full- service commercial real estate company in and around Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas that specializes in property management, leasing, and sales. She is president and managing partner in the firm for Tarrant County, which manages more than seven million square feet of property in the Dallas region alone and 100 million throughout the nation through its relationship with 1045. It has offices in Oklahoma City, and the Houston and Austin areas. Karen oversees Tarrant County and neighbouring counties in the DFW region. She has more than 30 years of expertise and a career that has seen her execute more than 2,000 deals spanning hundreds of acres and 6 million square feet of property. Karen is a lease and sales expert in the office, retail, industrial, and land sectors, and she oversees marketing initiatives for three counties. She became the first female industrial realtor in Tarrant and Dallas Counties in 1983 when she headed industrial for the Henry S. Miller Company. When Karen joined Henry S. Miller in 1983, the biggest real estate business in Texas at the time, her career didn't start with a bang but rather an explosion. She would become the first female broker to be recognized as the top industrial producer in the Dallas-Fort Worth region until she left six years later. Karen's zeal and tenacity, unhindered by the fact that she is a rare female in a generally male- dominated field, have led to her success in every position she has had. She established the Tarrant County entity board as managing partner of Bradford Company from 2003 to 2014, opened that facility, and then held the same role at Tig, another industrial and office company. Now, Karen will lead Emersons Commercial Real Estate as it expands with the same zeal, aptitude, and knowledge. Karen, a lady with many skills, also owns Rings from Things and designs personalized jewelery. She began specializing in serving third-party clients in 2011 and has participated in Neiman Marcus trunk shows. Early Life and Work Experiences After earning her master's degree, Karen started working at Tarrant County Community College. She taught there for five years before realizing she wasn't mobile enough to move because she had a spouse and two young children. Karen also no longer wanted to teach at a community college and was unable to find employment at a four-year university in her area since they were looking for diversity and she had bachelor's and master's degrees from schools there. She thus made the decision to work in business rather than education. And whether or not voluntarily, the federal government compensated people for their managerial skills and education. Karen left the community college to work as the executive assistant to the regional administrator for Area 10, a five-state region, for the Department of Housing and Urban Development. In this role, she was in charge of the department's inter- government and public relations. She learned that there was a chance for those who met the requirements to take the real estate broker's test although they did not already possess a salesperson's license, and that if they did, they would have one year to pass it. Karen only required nine of the 900 required classroom hours when her transcripts were examined. After taking a two-week leave of absence, Karen finished the nine hours of training that were necessary and passed the broker test. Six months later, Karen received a job offer from the Henry S. Miller Company. It was the fifth-biggest real estate company in the country and the largest in Texas. Karen was hired by the Miller L 42 | November 2023
  • 43. Company to create an industrial and land division in their Tarrant County office, which heavily relied on Fort Worth. She left the Department of Housing and Urban Development and accepted their offer to start a career in real estate. She was the first woman to head up a commercial sector inside their company. She was also the first woman to lead an industrial real estate firm in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. She discovered that clients were more concerned with what you knew and how hard you were willing to work than with your gender. Karen oversaw the department for Henry S. Miller for six years while attending real estate and industrial schools. Miller sold the business, but Grubb and Ellis, a global real estate firm, overpaid for it at a time when the housing market was in decline and there were many foreclosures across the nation. Karen decided to launch the R.E Group Advisor Inc., a women's, and minority- owned real estate company, after serving as the director of Tarrant County's industrial division for Henry S. Miller for six years. The company was an expert in sales, leasing, and property management. As a result of the massive foreclosures, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) were then the biggest owners of commercial real estate in the country. In addition, Karen belongs to several other associations, including the Commercial Real Estate Women, the Urban Land Institute, the International Council of Shopping Centers Convention, the Fort Worth Board of Realtors, and the Texas Association of Realtors. From early 2003 through 2014, Karen held the position of executive vice president and managing partner at Bradford Commercial Real Estate Services. She founded the company's Tarrant County headquarters and the entity board. In March 2014, Karen started working for TIG, a different industrial and office company, as the president and principle of TIG DFW Metroplex West. Emerson Commercial Real Estate Richard Webb, a banker and real estate broker, and Matt Price, an accountant and broker, started Emersons Commercial Real Estate in 2004. These two men were distinctive in their own right. They got the chance to establish the LLC for Emerson's commercial management. because they had the chance to handle the sale of Safeway stores throughout the nation and represented a family trust. In addition to an office in Oklahoma City, they had some representation in Austin and Houston. They desired a Fort Worth office. Being a native of Fort Worth, Richard was aware that locals there strongly favour doing business with their fellow citizens. It's kind of a family situation. It is not as globally diverse as Dallas. But one thing is certain: Fort Worth has a certain sense of familial closeness. People were aware of Karen since her husband was the third generation of his family to practice law in Fort Worth, and one of their sons is the fourth. She was selected as a possible partner by Emersons since she had worked in Fort worth for a long time and the connection was beneficial. In 2016, Karen met the owners of Emersons Commercial Real Estate, who requested her to assist them in opening an office in Tarrant County. As you get older and your children get older, that is not nearly as much of an issue. But I think that in priorities, anyone who is successful would have to tell you that it's a delicate balance, but your family must come first. And in the real estate business, I think, because of the way we're structured, that opportunity exists." “ “ | 43
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  • 46. Margot Grant Witz started working for Elizabeth Grant International Inc. in the Public Relations and Marketing division, where she swiftly rose to prominence by utilizing her artistic skills and sound business judgment to attract new clients to the company's brand. Elizabeth Grant Skin Care products are frequently hailed as "beauty favorites" by top editors throughout the world because of her public relations know- how. Margot has a profound awareness of the global economy and a natural grasp of the value of a good brand. Margot significantly advanced the brand during her initial years with the firm, making it a well-known one on a global scale by redesigning the corporate logo, creating new product packaging, and developing new and inventive items. Margot Grant Witz Making Elizabeth Grant Skin Care a Recognized Brand around the World 46 | November 2023
  • 48. Below are highlights of the interview conducted between World's Leaders and Margot Grant Witz: Tell us about the inception of the company. How did it all start? My grandmother, Elizabeth Grant (currently 99 years young), was a makeup artist at Elstree Studios in London, England, when she suffered from bomb blast damage from a V2 Rocket. The side of her face was left damaged and war torn. All she wanted to do was feel beautiful enough, and confident enough, to go back to work so she could make other people feel beautiful. Her skin was a constant source of personal shame and embarrassment—to the point where she avoided going out in public and living her life fully. All of that changed in 1948, when Elizabeth discovered a natural substance that was used to treat war wounds. She had it specially formulated with other ingredients and began applying it to her damaged skin. Gradually, but very noticeably, the transformation occurred. Within eight months, Elizabeth's skin had improved remarkably. In her work as a makeup artist, one of her clients complimented her on her skin's fresh, healthy, and youthful appearance. Flattered and shocked that someone would actually comment on her skin... Elizabeth told her client about the miracle serum that she had created. Elizabeth gave the woman a sample, and she returned not too long after asking for more. In the 1950's in London, England, it was most unusual for women to run companies. Elizabeth launched her own skin care treatment line to share the secret formulation she had created. On the strength of her miracle blend, TorricelumnTM, and her own determination and perseverance, Elizabeth evolved the company from a home-based business to a multi-million dollar global corporation which sells directly to our customers via e- commerce, select retailers and teleshopping networks in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France, Australia, New Zealand and other countries. What has made you successful? What do you value? What made us successful was the products we make—they really work. We are one of the only privately owned skin care companies in the world, owned and operated by three generations of women who make, manufacture, and formulate every product in-house in our privately owned manufacturing facility in Toronto, Canada. We do not outsource formulations and put our name on them; we carefully craft them from scratch, because we are customers too. I value the lessons my grandmother has taught me along the way: never take no for an answer. You are going to hear a heck of a lot of "no's" in this world, but all it takes is one yes. And sometimes "no" just really means "not right now." It's important to know who you are and to know your voice. No one will stand up in this world for you better than you. Also, to always realize you have to grow and evolve in terms of who you are and what you are doing. We have been around for 72+ years (and counting) not only because we make a B 48 | November 2023
  • 49. phenomenal product, but because we value adapting, listing, and growing with the community and world around us. What is the significance of innovative ideas in the company? You always have to adapt in terms of production, whether it's creating the latest and greatest, or investing in machinery to up your productivity. Innovation is the key to success and longevity. That doesn't mean constantly starting over, but it does mean being willing to if necessary, or knowing when to evolve. What I love is that every employee has the floor to help us become better in whatever opportunity there is. Sometimes if you are not close enough to a situation, you can't see the need to improve that area. That's why we rely on our supervisors, managers, and employees that can see things that help them versus senior management just changing policies. Give us your opinion on; do organizations rely heavily on individual heroics or team processes? I think great companies should rely on both. Processes need to be the norm for the day-to-day for the health and safety of your team, helping to increase efficiencies and make the work flow easier (in the long run). But processes can only be implemented when we can work hand in hand with our employees. Processes are the foundation for the safety of things to occur. Heroics are the opportunities to evolve, adapt, and grow. What are your responsibilities as the Founder/CEO of the company? What is the happiest part of your daily routine? I am the Vice President of Elizabeth Grant Skin Care. My mother, Marion Witz, is the President, and my grandmother, Elizabeth Grant, is the Founder and CEO. My responsibilities day to-day are sales and growth, alongside customer positioning and marketing with my incredible marketing department. But realistically, my responsibilities are to whatever is needed to get done and whatever support is needed. The happiest part of my daily routine is connecting with our Torricelumn™ community and hearing people really love who they are becoming while aging and how they feel. This is why we do what we do. From teenagers to grandmothers, helping someone look in the mirror and love who they are, giving them space to enjoy life and not worry so much, there is no better feeling. Helping to encourage self-love and self-confidence as part of someone's journey is beautiful. What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the first time? Ask questions, leave your ego at the door, get to know every department and what they do, listen to your team and remember, communication and respect is key. It's so important to take the time and really understand your strengths, weaknesses and your goals, then to take the time to plan how to achieve your goals knowing what you are good at and what you need support in. Anyone can lead, but that doesn't mean you have created an environment where people will want to listen or follow. Also ask yourself, what kind of leader you really want to be, not just in the good times, but in the tough ones too. | 49
  • 50. Parmi Parmi Natesan Natesan Parmi Natesan A Leading Corporate Governance Specialist and Renowned Business Leader Parmi Natesan | CEO | IoDSA 50 | November 2023
  • 51. According to experience, ethical leadership promotes higher levels of employee satisfaction and lower turnover rates. Even when their actions are not directly visible to their staff, ethical leaders should always act morally and appropriately in all aspects of their lives. Good corporate governance is promoted by the Institute of Directors in South Africa (IoDSA), which King IV defines as ethical and efficient leadership. Parmi Natesan, the CEO of IoDSA, finds that this is consistent with who she is as a person and what she stands for. According to her, businesses and the nation will go forward on a positive trajectory under the direction of ethical and effective leadership. | 51
  • 53. Indulged as CEO Parmi Natesan is a certified chartered accountant who holds a BCom (cum laude) and a BCom (honors) degree and is a qualified Chartered Accountant by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants. She started working with the IoDSA in 2010 as a Senior Governance Specialist before being appointed to Executive for Governance in 2015 and CEO in 2019. Parmi is in charge of the business's overall performance. She directs and keeps an eye on strategy implementation and progress. Over the past few years, she has made significant progress with the plan. The company's performance has improved with time, and last year's business success was the best in the company's 60-year history. Her responsibilities also include a sizable portion of stakeholder relations. She is also in charge of reporting, especially the annual integrated report of the company, which she drafts. Institute of Directors in South Africa The Institute of Directors in South Africa is a nonprofit company that represents directors in South Africa. Its history spans more than 60 years. Although it is primarily a membership organization, it also provides various services pertaining to governance and directorship, such as board and governance training, governance advice services, and board evaluation services. Additionally, it owns and grants the Certified Director and Chartered Director SA director designations, both of which are registered with the South African Qualifications Authority. Better Directors, Better Boards, Better Business is its tagline. The King Committee for Corporate Governance in South Africa and the many King Reports and Codes are both under the auspices of the IoDSA, which also promotes good corporate governance in South Africa. Defines her Characteristics Parmi is passionate and driven, and she goes above and beyond to accomplish her goals despite being a busy CEO in the fast-paced business world, working as a non-executive director on outside boards, and participating in numerous local and international forums and committees. She prides herself on being well- organized because she has such a hectic life and is constantly being pushed in a variety of directions. She made swift connections to figure out the best course of action. She is Meticulous—For her, quality and attention to detail are non-negotiable. This also means that she holds others to high standards, which motivates them to succeed. She is humble and doesn't consider any task beneath her, so to speak. Walks the Day Parmi Natesan is not only an active housekeeper and mother. In order to give each area of her life attention, she tries to achieve balance in her life. She devotes a lot of time to raising her two teenage children because she believes it is our responsibility as leaders of today to produce better leaders of tomorrow. I am especially proud that my first two Integrated Reports as CEO have won the Integrated Reporting Awards in the NPO category for 2020 and 2021. | 53
  • 55. Empowering People through the Magic of Fragrance Sue Phillips | 55
  • 56. When combined with the sense of smell, a scent has the power to evoke fond memories and a range of feelings that can uplift people's spirits, deepen romance, elevate moods, and create a general sense of happiness. Fragrances help make life complete. They emphasise the value of scent, a frequently undervalued human sense that, along with sight and sound, gives a priceless vibrancy to the tapestry of life. To maintain this tapestry, & of Sue Phillips, CEO Founder Scenterprises Inc., transitioned herself into the world of fragrances. Journey to the Destination Sue Phillips was born and raised in South Africa, and ever since she was a child, she wanted to pursue a career in theatre. She moved to New York and immersed herself in Broadway culture. Shortly thereafter, she was hired by Elizabeth Arden's cosmetics division after a head-hunter decided that her theatrical background would make her a good fit for the field. After working in training as National Training Director she was then promoted to product development, and ultimately marketing at Elizabeth Arden for six years, she was hired as the marketing director of Lancôme Paris. After four years, Sue was recruited to the position of Executive Vice President of Tiffany & Co., where she created and developed the first Tiffany perfume and oversaw the global launch. After a successful launch and the development of Tiffany for Men, she left to have her daughter and established Scenterprises Inc., a global fragrance company that manages product development, marketing, and branding for well-known companies and brands, including Burberry, Avon, Lancaster, and Trish McEvoy. As we know, the 2008 economic crisis created more challenges, and Sue established her perfume boutique The Scentarium in Tribeca, where Sue and her team developed distinctive, specially formulated perfumes for clients, A-list celebrities such as Jamie Foxx, Katie Holmes, Zendaya as well as Fortune 500 corporations for team- building, corporate events as well as Bridal Showers. “In order to continue to grow and develop as a leader I believe one has to be very aware of trends, predict them, strive to be ahead of them, be a trailblazerand establish them!”- says Sue Scenterprises Inc. Scenterprises started out as a global consulting firm specialising in product development, marketing, branding, and forging strategic partnerships between apparel and cosmetics companies. It also provides expert witness testimony in legal situations involving copyright, trademark, and distribution disputes; many motivational speaking engagements; and supports philanthropic endeavours for Alzheimer's and Wild Life programs, which resonate with Sue's personal causes and initiatives. The idea of creating bespoke or custom perfumes emerged as a way to give people and fragrance lovers the opportunity to have their own personalised fragrance to reflect their individuality and personality after a proliferation of designer and celebrity brands, which were at their peak from the 1980s to 2010s. At the time, this was a brand-new endeavour! The idea of "Tupperware parties for scent" had people raising their eyebrows. Since then, it has grown and now provides tailored fragrances and scents for both men and women; perfume parties; fragrance bars; corporate team-building activities; and bridal celebrations for high-profile A-listers. Scenterprises gave rise to the Scentarium perfume shop. To assist customers in comprehending the magic and mystique of fragrance, Sue creates cutting-edge 'scentsory' events and initiatives. People can use the Scent Personality Quiz to determine which fragrance family most closely resembles their personalities and unique characteristics. People are constantly in awe at how accurate it is. On both iOS and Android smartphones, anyone can access the quiz on her app: By doing interviews, releasing podcasts, and hosting "live , Sue uses " programs it to promote the company. w 56 | November 2023