SlideShare a Scribd company logo Vol. 12 | Issue 04 | December 2023
to Watch in 2023
Leading ADHD 360 to Transform Lives
Through Dedicated Leadership
World’s Inuential Entrepreneurs
to Watch in 2023
Making smart business judgments and coming up with
creative ideas are essential for entrepreneurial success. In
this environment, astute businesspeople network
continuously and blend various components from several
sources to generate opportunities for profit. No matter
where these concepts come from, they have the potential to
become immensely lucrative business endeavors with the
correct support and handling.
It's no secret that there are many different places one might
go for inspiration when starting a business. Some could be
motivated by life events, while others might be influenced
by shifting consumer tastes, market trends, or new
technological advancements. However, the ability to
recognize these ideas' economic potential and turn them
into profitable business endeavors is what distinguishes
exceptional entrepreneurs.
World's Leaders latest edition “World's Influential
Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2023” has featured
entrepreneurs who have exerted on shaping various
industries and global economies. These renowned
visionaries not only encourage innovation and economic
growth, but they also act as role models who defy accepted
standards and make significant contributions to society.
The cover has Phil Anderton, Managing Director of ADHD
360. He is a seasoned business advisor, program manager,
and facilitator with a remarkable track record of delivering
improvements and efficiencies across both private and
public sectors. However, it is his profound knowledge of
mental health disorders and his unwavering commitment to
making a meaningful impact that sets him apart.
Under Phil's leadership and expertise, ADHD 360 Limited
has emerged as an innovative force in providing care for
individuals with ADHD. Their approach to care and support
is unique and progressive, reflecting Phil's dedication to
improving the lives of those with ADHD. Phil's role has
evolved from being a disruptor of the status quo to
becoming an influencer of change in the broader context of
ADHD and Autism futures. He takes pride in the
responsibility of leading an organization with over 135
employees, serving the healthcare needs of thousands and
providing national services for the NHS.
Also, while you flip through the pages, don't forget to read
the articles created by our in-house editorial staff and
industry experts.
Have a lovely read!
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Editor-in-Chief Steve Sanchez
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December 2023
Phil Ander n
Leading ADHD 360 to Transform Lives
Through Dedicated Leadership
Cristina Martinez Pinto
Ellie Shefi
Liliam M. Lopez
Shravan Parsi
Nicola Pighi
Prof. Dr. Utku Buyuksahin
Jennifer Blazer
Nathalie Botros
Brad Sugars
08 | December 2023
Leading ADHD 360 to Transform Lives
Through Dedicated Leadership | 09
Comprehensive Offerings
360 is an organization that specializes in providing assessment, diagnosis, and
treatment services for two prevalent neurodevelopmental conditions: ADHD and
Autism. What sets the company apart is its innovative approach to healthcare
delivery, as it challenges the conventional norms by operating as a virtual hospital.
Leveraging IT-enabled solutions, cloud-based data systems, and a robust process
framework, 360 manages a human interface in virtual clinics. This is made possible
by a remote workforce located across the UK.
360's patient demographic is diverse, spanning from 4-year-olds to individuals as
old as 76. The organization caters to both private patients and holds several NHS
contracts, demonstrating its commitment to making its services accessible to a
wide range of individuals in need.
10 | December 2023
The Managing Director of ADHD 360,
Phil Anderton is a seasoned business
advisor, program manager, and
facilitator with a remarkable track
record of delivering improvements and
efficiencies across both private and
public sectors. However, it is his
profound knowledge of mental health
disorders and his unwavering
commitment to making a meaningful
impact that sets him apart.
Under Phil's leadership and expertise,
ADHD 360 Limited has emerged as an
innovative force in providing care for
individuals with ADHD. Their
approach to care and support is unique
and progressive, reflecting Phil's
dedication to improving the lives of
those with ADHD.
Phil's role has evolved from being a
disruptor of the status quo to becoming
an influencer of change in the broader
context of ADHD and Autism futures.
He takes pride in the responsibility of
leading an organization with over 135
employees, serving the healthcare
needs of thousands and providing
national services for the NHS.
Phil's daily routine is anything but
routine, and he thrives on the
unpredictability of each day. A chance
encounter at an Apple store in Spring
2023 exemplifies the impact of his
work. A young man, a 360 patient,
recognized Phil's ADHD 360 jacket
and shared his life-changing
experience. He attributed his ability to
work for Apple to the care and
treatment he received from ADHD
360. Phil's interactions with patients
like these serve as reminders of the
profound difference their organization
makes in people's lives.
While Phil spent 25 years as a police
officer, earning degrees along the way,
it is his current role leading ADHD 360
that brings him immense happiness.
The joy he sees in patients' faces as
they recount the positive impact of
their services reinforces his dedication
to their cause. Phil Anderton's journey
from disruptor to influencer showcases
the transformative power of dedicated
leadership in the field of mental health
care and support.
A Journey to Bringing Awareness
and Change
During his tenure as a senior police
officer, Phil became acutely aware of
the connections between poorly
managed or untreated ADHD and
criminal behavior. The statistics
underscored this issue: while 5% of the
general population has ADHD, a
staggering 25% of the UK prison
population also has ADHD. This
glaring disparity became a driving
mission for Phil.
In his pursuit of change, Phil authored
books, published papers, and made
incremental improvements both in the
UK and internationally. However, he
remained dissatisfied with the existing
state of affairs. He collaborated with
the government and the NHS to
instigate systemic changes. His final
role in the police, working for the
Home Office, involved introducing a
new doctrine and national IT systems
to address information-sharing
deficiencies that had contributed to the
tragic murders of two young
schoolgirls in Soham.
This pivotal role led Phil to make a
career-changing decision. He retired
from the police force at the age of 43
and embarked on a second career as a
management consultant, initially with
PwC. Armed with a new set of skills,
competencies, and unwavering
determination to drive change in the
realm of ADHD, Phil left PwC and
established himself as an independent
management consultant. For two years,
he was deeply embedded in the NHS,
seeking opportunities for excellence
and improvement within ADHD clinics
throughout the UK.
After publishing his findings, Phil had
an epiphany moment. He realized that
addressing ADHD-related issues
couldn't rely solely on the NHS; a
more comprehensive approach was
needed. He rallied two highly reputable
and competent clinicians, Jen Lewis-
Neill and Lisa Mangle, to join him in
founding ADHD 360. The team was
soon joined by Samantha, who is now
Phil's wife, and on December 24, 2018,
ADHD 360 transitioned from a
concept to a tangible reality.
Leadership Philosophy
Phil emphasizes that effective
leadership is grounded in humility,
honesty, and transparency. Striking the
right balance in these qualities, and
leveraging the wealth of insights
available from colleagues regarding the
organization, oneself, and the team,
often leads to organic growth.
Mentorship plays a vital role in Phil's
journey, and he acknowledges the
importance of mentors in his life. Jack | 11
12 | December 2023
Riggs serves as a source of wisdom on
human behavior, and his interactions
with Jack are not just informative but
also uplifting. Kevin Thistlethwaite
contributes his strategic acumen,
guiding Phil's thinking on future
prospects, problem-solving, and the
direction of his journey.
In today's world, Phil believes that
leaders should still trust their instincts.
Amid the prevalence of immediate data
and risk-averse decision-making,
successful entrepreneurs distinguish
themselves by taking calculated and
balanced risks. As Kevin frequently
reminds Phil, "never let perfection get
in the way of progress."
Procrastination and excessive debate
can stifle innovation, particularly in
fields like theirs, where they are
enhancing people's lives on a daily
basis. Challenging the norm, disrupting
the status quo, and making continuous
progress are essential components of
their work, which has a direct impact
on improving lives.
Significance of Combining Passion
and Heart in Healthcare
Phil emphasizes that when hiring new
team members, it's crucial to focus on
attracting individuals with the right
behaviors rather than specific skills. He
mentions a statement borrowed from a
Professor in the United States that has
been integral to their recruitment
philosophy: "If you can't bring your
heart to the game, don't turn up. Your
patients need you.”
This mantra underscores the
importance of seeking individuals who
are deeply passionate about healthcare
and view it as more than just a job. In
healthcare, it's not merely a profession;
it's a calling and a vocation driven by a
genuine passion for helping others.
Progress and Innovation
Phil highlights that the COVID-19
pandemic has brought about significant
changes and innovations by
challenging existing norms. It forced
society to adapt, innovate, and find
new ways of thinking to address the
challenges posed by the pandemic.
These changes represent progress that
should not be overlooked or dismissed
once the pandemic subsides. He uses a
policing analogy to illustrate this point,
referring to situations of social unrest,
especially riots, where there's a need to
take and hold ground. In the context of
the pandemic, taking new ground
represents the changes and innovations
that have emerged. Holding that
ground means ensuring that these
changes become a permanent part of
our post-pandemic society, rather than
reverting to the previous status quo. It's
about recognizing the value of progress
and innovation and ensuring that they
endure beyond the crisis.
Risk and Reward
Phil's greatest personal risk was not
about himself but about ADHD 360.
Taking the first step to hire an
employee three years ago was a
daunting experience. It involved taking
on the responsibility for someone's
welfare, income, and future, which can
be terrifying for any business owner.
However, the success story of Ashlie,
their first hire who is now the
Operations Manager, has shown that
taking that initial risk and trusting one's
instincts can lead to significant
rewards. It's a testament to the idea that
sometimes, overcoming perceived risks
is essential for personal and
organizational growth.
Reforming Mental Health Awareness
and Healthcare
Phil underscores the importance of
society fully accepting and addressing
mental ill health. While some progress
has been made, especially in the wake
of the pandemic, there is still a long
way to go in combating invisible
illnesses. Stigma, dogma, and the
resulting anxiety often deter
individuals from being honest about
their struggles.
At 360, they take pride in employing a
significant number of neuro-diverse
team members and are willing to adapt
roles and create new ones to suit the
individual needs of team members who
might not fit into the originally
intended roles.
In Phil's view, healthcare, particularly
in the UK, remains a postcode lottery.
Access needs to become more
equitable, readily available, and cost-
effective. The private sector has a
crucial role to play in conjunction with
the national healthcare provision. The
current format of the NHS is not
sustainable, and private providers like
ADHD 360 are demonstrating that they
can offer a world-class service to the
NHS that is agile, cost-effective, and of
higher quality than the current
ADHD 360 is delivering assessments
without waiting lists, achieving a
higher quality of service, and doing so
at a lower cost than comparable
services. They conduct over 1,200 new
assessments each month, surpassing
the entire national provision in
England and Wales. Phil's mission is to
confront challenges head-on and
embrace modern science, which often
challenges established norms.
Disruption driven by data and noble
intentions is, in his opinion, the way
forward to effect meaningful change. | 13
14 | December 2023
A Vision for Growth
360's strategic plan for 2023/4 is centered around the theme of "growth." There is a
pressing national and international demand for high-quality services catering to the
neurodiverse community, and this need remains largely unfulfilled. The team at 360
aspires to become the preferred national provider of these services, aiming to
eliminate the procurement barriers that currently exist among numerous NHS
commissioning organizations.
Moreover, 360 is exploring opportunities to expand its successful model beyond
national borders. The team is actively considering entry into new territories, with a
particular focus on regions like the Middle East, Australia, and the United States.
This expansion would not only serve as a testament to 360's commitment to
addressing the global need for neurodiversity support but also as a means to share
their expertise and make a positive impact on a broader scale. | 15
18 | December 2023
Most Influential Entrepreneur, a Bestselling
Author, and a Keynote Speaker | 19
Executive coaching is a valuable investment for any
business leader who wants to enhance their performance,
improve their leadership skills, and achieve their goals.
Executive coaching can help leaders develop a wide
range of skills, including strategic thinking, effective
communication, conflict resolution, and decision-
making. By honing these skills, leaders can better guide
their teams and organizations to success.
Brad Sugars, Founder, Chairman, and President of
ActionCOACH, boasts more than 30 years of business
experience and strongly advocates for the notion that a
company should be able to operate successfully without
the constant involvement of its owners, allowing them to
spend time with their families or pursue their desired
lifestyles. His multi-million-dollar franchise,
ActionCOACH, operates in over 70 countries and
employs more than 1,000 coaches who work with more
than 15,000 businesses each week. Sugars is deeply
committed to supporting entrepreneurs and enabling
them to learn and grow from both his triumphs and
Humble Beginnings
Brad came from modest beginnings in Brisbane,
Australia. While he was a university student, Sugars
managed a number of small businesses. As his talents
became more widely recognized, many business owners
and executives began requesting that he share his
knowledge on topics such as team development,
marketing, and sales by speaking to their organizations.
Jim Rohn has had the greatest professional impact on
Brad Sugars' life, as nobody else has. When Brad was a
teenager, he managed to save up his allowance in order
to attend one of Rohn's seminars, where he was the
youngest member of the audience. What he learned from
Rohn during that seminar has influenced his business
practices and beliefs throughout his life.
Coaching as Business Leaders
The key driving force to join this
sector for Brad was realizing the
missing component between
knowledge and implementation
was to coach business owners
rather than just give them the
information and let them figure
out what to do with it. He wanted
business owners to put what they
learned to practice. Not being able
to meet the high demands he
concluded that coaching was the
way to go for business owners who
wanted to take the next step in
their businesses. Taking Reach to Globally
Brad Sugars' mission in business
coaching is to empower business
owners with the tools and
strategies they need to transform
their lives and positively impact
their communities, while also
affording the lifestyles they have
always desired. His vision for
ActionCOACH is to expand its
reach globally and operate in over
120 nations in the upcoming years.
Sugars is committed to sharing the
knowledge he has acquired over
the years, believing that it can
guide and support entrepreneurs
worldwide in achieving their goals
with his help and lessons.
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28 | December 2023 | 29
Pioneering Entrepreneurship
by Transforming Visions
into Ventures
32 | December 2023 | 33
Meet Jennifer Blazer, the visionary force behind BBP Services LLC. With
a unique perspective on the needs of business owners, Jenn founded BBP
in 2015, driven by her mission to assist small businesses. Her unwavering
commitment to providing solutions that drive personal and professional
success is the cornerstone of the company's ethos.
From an early age, Jenn held a clear and unwavering dream – to establish
her own bakery. This resolute aspiration served as a guiding light,
influencing her life choices at every turn. She pursued this dream with
tenacity, earning a Bachelor's of Science in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism
Management, and later, attending the Scottsdale Culinary Institute to
refine her culinary skills. In the midst of her passionate pursuit, Jenn's
interests unexpectedly expanded into the accounting industry. Through
experiences in private settings, she gained invaluable insights into this
34 | December 2023
As Jenn's personal and professional journey unfolded, it
gradually became evident that her path was steering her
toward a distinct and unforeseen calling. This realization
marked the inception of BBP Services LLC. In 2015, she
bravely embraced the opportunity to blend her unique
fusion of culinary aspirations and accounting expertise.
This marked the beginning of her journey to empower
fellow business owners.
Jenn's motto, "Helping business owners get back to what
matters to them," encapsulates BBP's essence. With a
fervent passion for her work, she dedicates herself to
providing the foundation for clients to achieve both
personal and professional success.
Venture into Top Shelf Services
Back in 2015, Jenn took a big leap of faith and started
BBP. At the beginning, BBP's main focus was on helping
with bookkeeping, management reports, payroll, and
taxes. And guess what? Jenn quickly gained a reputation
as a problem-solver extraordinaire. Basically, if you had
a mess of receipts, years of messy books, or a backlog of
taxes to sort out, Jenn was the go-to person to turn things
around. She especially became known for her knack for
handling tough situations.
But that's not all, Jenn also had a special talent for
creating detailed reports, especially for businesses in
construction, oil & gas, real estate, and even the cannabis
industry. Yes, you could say she loves a good challenge.
As time went on, BBP didn't just grow in size, but also in
what it could offer. In the middle of 2020, Jenn started
Top Shelf Services, a new part of the business aimed at
helping cannabis clients with specific services related to
regulations (280E & 471) and even giving advice on
And now, there's been a big change. BBP has undergone
a makeover and is now known as Top Shelf Services. It's
all about the team now – the "I" turned into a "We".
Having two separate companies wasn't necessary
anymore, because Top Shelf Services truly represents
who they are as a united team and the top-notch help
they provide.
Steering the Ship
Jenn's role has undergone a significant overhaul,
transforming her into the driving force behind the
company. Departing from the earlier days of managing
all aspects herself, she now operates from a strategic
standpoint. Daily operational details and direct client
interactions have taken a backseat, replaced by a focus
on providing the team with the necessary resources,
training, software, and equipment to ensure their
Her foremost responsibility revolves around charting a
course towards the company's objectives. Whether
through crafting effective sales and marketing strategies,
orchestrating training initiatives, or devising expansion
plans, she's the catalyst for propelling the company
One of the most rewarding aspects of her role is
witnessing clients sing praises about the exceptional
bookkeepers and other team members. The knowledge
that her team is making a positive impact is a source of
great satisfaction. But it's not all business; a strong sense
of camaraderie is deeply ingrained in the company
culture. Birthdays are a major highlight, spanning an
entire week of celebration to showcase appreciation for
each team member. This collective spirit truly forms the
core of the work environment. | 35
36 | December 2023
Miami's Most Influential Executive
Helping Business Leaders and
Organizations to Achieve
Constant Growth | 37
The chamber serves as a platform to
promote business leadership, create
economic prospects, and provide
legislative advocacy for the Hispanic
business community in South Florida.
Under Liliam's leadership, the SFLHCC
has flourished into one of the most
resilient Hispanic chambers in the
United States, boasting a membership of
over 1,650 individuals. Additionally, the
SFLHCC Foundation has awarded more
than $975,000 in scholarships to
underprivileged students of Miami
Beach Senior High School and Miami
different Mayors of Miami Dade
County, and the City Keys to the City
of Miami Beach presented by the
Honorable Mayor David Dermer on
June 20, 2002.
For 10 years Lopez was the producer
and host of a weekly television show,
“Panorama con Liliam Lopez” that
aired on WLRN Cable-Tap. The
program highlighted the career of
executives, elected officials, and
entrepreneurs at the local, State and
national levels. The pandemic
required Lopez to pivot. She launched
a digital show, "A Business Minute
with Lily Lopez", which is featured
on all social media platforms reaching
over 23,000 businesses.
South Florida Hispanic Chamber of
The South Florida Hispanic Chamber
of Commerce (SFLHCC) is a non-
profit organization that was founded
in 1994 with the goal of promoting
business leadership, creating
economic opportunities, and
providing legislative advocacy for the
Hispanic business community in
South Florida. With a diverse
population of approximately 70%
Hispanics, Miami-Dade County
serves as a gateway to the Americas
and offers immense potential for
companies to do business with people
from different backgrounds and
experiences. The SFLHCC provides
opportunities for its members through
local programs aimed at improving
the economic condition of the
Hispanic population. The organization
has over 1,650 members and
advocates for thousands of Hispanic
businesses in Florida. It is recognized
as one of the top five most influential
Hispanic chambers in the country and
one of the leading Hispanic business
organizations in Florida. The
SFLHCC is a 501(c)(6) non-profit
Liliam M. López, “Lily”
President/CEO and founder of the
South Florida Hispanic Chamber of
Commerce (SFLHCC), is a highly
accomplished individual who has
dedicated her career to empowering
and advocating for Hispanic
communities. She has served in
various leadership roles in
organizations such as the South
Florida Hispanic Chamber of
Commerce, the Spanish American
League Against Discrimination, and
the Alliance for Aging. Additionally,
López is a sought-after motivational
speaker and has been invited to speak
at various events and commencement
ceremonies. Through her work with
the South Florida Hispanic Chamber
of Commerce Foundation, she has
helped provide scholarships to
financially disadvantaged Hispanic
students. López has also been
recognized for her leadership and
invited to participate in a private
roundtable discussion with President
Barack Obama in Miami. She has
served on numerous boards, including
the Entrepreneurial Advisory Council
of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Atlanta's Regional Economic
Information Network and the Board
of Directors of WLRN Public Radio
and Television. She currently serves
on three prestigious boards: Adrienne
Arsht Center of the Performing Arts
Trust Board, the Miami Dade Beacon
Council and the Greater Miami
Convention and Visitors Bureau.
López's dedication to her community
and her impressive accomplishments
make her a true leader and role
model.She currently serves on five
prestigious boards:
Liliam graduated from St. Thomas
University with a Bachelor of Arts
with a major in Political Science in
1988. Liliam M. Lopez has received
numerous awards, she was recently
awarded a Honorary Doctor degree in
Humane Letters from St. Thomas
University, 15 Proclamations from
38 | December 2023
Springs High School who are pursuing careers in the fields
of Business and Hospitality. The Foundation's Education
Enrichment Fellowship Program, which is a component of
its efforts, has taken students to significant destinations such
as Microsoft headquarters, Facebook, Comcast, Southwest
Airlines, the nation's Capital, and other significant venues,
in order to empower these young people. These initiatives
contributed to the SFLHCC Foundation's recognition as a
Champion of the Miami-Dade County Public School's
Academy of Hospitality and Tourism.
On Path of Successful Leader
Liliam is responsible for managing the day-to-day
operations of her organization. Her duties include
coordinating chamber luncheons, meetings, awards
ceremonies, television appearances, and overseeing the
organization's social media platforms. She also hosts a
digital show called "Business Minute with Lily Lopez."
Liliam finds the greatest joy in seeing the success of her
organization. One of the most satisfying moments is
observing the high attendance ranging from 200 to 400+ at
the chamber luncheons held every month. Additionally, she
feels a sense of accomplishment seeing her LinkedIn
following reach over 16,000 followers. Liliam's happiness
stems from the growth and success of the organization she
founded with only four members.
Liliam shares the significance of several critical attributes
for a successful leader. Firstly, humility is a vital
characteristic that a leader should possess. | 39
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46 | December 2023
Design Education
for Skilled Design
Discover the dynamic realm of Hdemy Group NAD, a hub brimming with youthful
talent and finely honed professional profiles for the world of design. As an
entrepreneur in the education sphere, Nicola Pighi embarked on a challenging yet
fulfilling path. Fueled by an unwavering passion to make quality education accessible to all,
Pighi's visionary spirit gave birth to Hdemy Group and NAD Nuova Accademia del Design.
As the CEO of Hdemy Group/NAD Nuova Accademia del Design, Nicola assumes a range
of crucial responsibilities encompassing strategic planning, business development, and
ensuring the overall success and growth of the organization. Working closely with a talented
team, Nicola drives innovation, identifies new market opportunities, and fosters a positive
and enriching learning experience for students. | 47
48 | December 2023
Looking ahead, Nicola envisions
Hdemy Group/NAD Nuova Accademia
del Design as a global leader in the
digital education landscape over the
next five years. The organization's
trajectory will involve a continuous
expansion of course offerings,
reinforcing partnerships with renowned
industry experts, and leveraging
emerging technologies to deliver
unparalleled learning experiences. The
primary focus will be on empowering
individuals and organizations to thrive
in the digital age, equipping them with
the essential skills and knowledge
necessary for success in their
respective fields.
Under Nicola's leadership, Hdemy
Group/NAD aims to remain at the
forefront of the industry by embracing
innovation, driving impactful growth,
and providing a transformative
educational journey for its learners. By
aligning strategic planning with a deep
commitment to excellence, Nicola
envisions a future where Hdemy
Group/NAD plays a pivotal role in
shaping the digital education
landscape, empowering learners
worldwide to achieve their goals and
contribute meaningfully to the modern
Empowering Learners Worldwide
Hdemy Group, along with its flagship
brand NAD Nuova Accademia del
stands as a prominent global
educational organization renowned for
providing a vast array of innovative
learning solutions. Its core objective
revolves around empowering
individuals and businesses with the
necessary knowledge and skills to
thrive in the contemporary world. By
offering an extensive range of online
courses, training programs, and
professional certifications, the
institution caters to a diverse audience
from various backgrounds and
industries, with a particular focus on
the realm of design.
Spanning a wide spectrum of subjects,
Hdemy Group's offerings encompass
business and entrepreneurship,
technology and digital skills,
leadership and management, creative
arts and design, as well as personal
development. Leveraging state-of-the-
art technologies and industry expertise,
the institution consistently delivers
captivating and interactive learning
experiences, ensuring accessibility
anytime and anywhere for its learners.
Today, Hdemy Group's impact
resonates in the lives of countless
learners, equipping them with the
knowledge and skills to soar in their
careers. Pivotal to this success is the
remarkable transformation of a
struggling startup into a thriving e-
learning platform. Through strategic
alliances and an unwavering focus on
customer needs, Hdemy Group
identified the pain points of their target
audience and tailored their offerings
accordingly. The result? Exponential
growth and the solidification of Hdemy
Group as a trusted brand in the
multifaceted education industry of
design, spanning interior, product,
fashion, and graphic disciplines.
Transforming Education for a
Changing World
Nicola identifies three key areas that
require transformation in both society
and education:
Ÿ Access to Education: Nicola
advocates for greater access to
quality education worldwide. By
leveraging technology and
eliminating barriers such as
geographical constraints and
financial limitations, he believes
that everyone should have equal
opportunities to acquire the skills
and knowledge necessary for
success. Through the use of digital
platforms and online learning,
education can become more
accessible and inclusive, breaking
down traditional boundaries.
Ÿ Lifelong Learning: Nicola firmly
believes that education should
extend beyond a specific phase of
life. He recognizes the importance
of lifelong learning and continuous
skill development in an ever-
changing world. Encouraging
individuals to embrace learning as
an ongoing journey empowers them
to adapt to the evolving demands of
the modern workforce. By fostering
a culture of curiosity and a growth
mindset, individuals can
continuously acquire new skills,
explore new fields, and stay
relevant throughout their lives.
Ÿ Closing the Skills Gap: The rapid
advancement of technology has
resulted in a significant skills gap in
various industries. Nicola
emphasizes the need to address this
gap by equipping learners with the
skills that are in high demand. This
can be achieved through
collaboration between educational
institutions and industry partners,
ensuring that educational programs
align with the needs of the job
Additionally, upskilling programs
and continuous feedback loops
between educators and employers
can play a crucial role in closing
the skills gap and preparing
individuals for meaningful
employment opportunities.
From Doubt to Success
One of the most significant risks that
Nicola took as a professional was
venturing into the online education
space when it was still in its early
stages. During that time, there was
considerable skepticism surrounding
the viability and potential of online
learning. However, Nicola had
unwavering faith in the transformative
power of technology to revolutionize
education, and he decided to take the
leap. | 49
50 | December 2023
Prof. Dr. Utku
Pioneering Innovation &
Sensory Integration
“When I look mytools in
mybag, having over 180
granted patents,which is
an indicator ofan
innovative mind, must be
mygreatest strength.”
Prof. Dr. Utku | 51
52 | December 2023
eet Prof. Dr. Utku Buyuksahin, a
dynamic and inventive
individual in the workplace. As
the President and CTO of Sensobright
Industries LLC, he has a strong passion
for converting scientific discoveries into
practical applications. Prof. Dr.
Buyuksahin has remarkable technical
expertise with a vast background in
mechanical engineering, robotics, and
image processing that guides his team.
He promotes a collaborative working
environment, encouraging solution-
oriented discussions and welcomes new
ideas. His dedication towards company's
mission, along with his excellent
leadership skills, empowers his team to
achieve success and transform the field
of sensory integration and automation.
Outside of work, Prof. Dr. Buyuksahin is a
curious and imaginative person who
draws inspiration from various sources.
He also actively engages in music to
stimulate his mind and fuel his
imagination. He is both a music
enthusiast and a skilled musician. He
plays over 10 instruments and has been
advertisement music for television
channels for many years. Prof. Dr.
Buyuksahin's love for music extends
beyond performance, as he actively
explores different genres and attends live
concerts to experience the
transformative power of sound.
“When I look my tools in my bag, having
over 180 granted patents, which is an
indicator of an innovative mind, must be
my greatest strength.” Says Prof. Dr. Utku
Buyuksahin, and continues: “I think
being a professional musician for
decades must be the other strongest tool
in my bag: As being an instrument player,
I trained my mind to listen to the others,
think very fast, react very fast but not break
the rhythm of the others while doing this.
As being a musical composer, I trained
myself to be innovative and bring things
together in a harmony. As being a musical
arranger, I trained my brain for
multitasking and used to handle over 10
tasks at the same time. This also gave me
the ability to think all the aspects at the
same time while searching for a solution or
doing an invention.”
With a charismatic and friendly personality,
he easily connects with people from all
walks of life, showing genuine interest in
their stories and perspectives. Prof. Dr.
Buyuksahin's insatiable curiosity and thirst
for knowledge make him an engaging
conversationalist, enriching any social
gathering he attends.
Prof. Dr. Utku Buyuksahin's dedication to
making a positive impact on society and
his unwavering commitment to advancing
technology have earned him respect both
professionally and personally. In 2019, he
was honored as "One of The Top 25
Scientists Worldwide" by the Falling Walls
Foundation, which includes the President
of the Nobel Foundation among its board
members. He has also been recognized as a
"Most Influential Leader to Follow in 2023,"
"Innovator of the Month," and "Star of
Innovation," among other accolades, and
has graced the covers of numerous
technology and business magazines. | 53
An Entrepreneur and Innovator
with Expertise in Multiple Sectors
54 | December 2023 | 55
ntrepreneur and innovator
Shravan Parsi has
experience in a variety of
industries, including real
estate investing and
pharmaceutical research.
His methodical approach
to investing in
multifamily and
commercial real estate is based on his experience
as a pharmaceutical scientist. Forbes Books, a
market leader in business print and digital media,
released Shravan's debut book, "The Science of
the Deal: The DNA of Multifamily and
Commercial Real Estate Investing," in November
2019. Since his involvement in Texas real estate
began in 2003, Shravan has co-invested with
private equity firms, family offices, high-net-
worth individuals, and accredited investors to
acquire 22 apartment complexes totaling 4,400
units as well as a number of commercial
properties. Shravan is the CEO and founder of
American Ventures.
American Ventures is positioned for aggressive
growth. It offers private equity firms, family
offices, and accredited investors access to quality
multifamily and commercial real estate
investment opportunities.
Early Life Developments
India-born Shravan saw his father, a physician,
invest in real estate, which sparked a lifelong
interest in business and investing. In 2003, he
made his first real estate purchase in Texas. He
graduated from Manipal Academy of Higher
Education with a bachelor's degree and St. John's
University in New York with a master's.
Prior to the first US Grand Prix in Austin, Texas,
The Austin American Statesman profiled Shravan
as a value investor for his CRE investment next
to a Formula 1 racetrack. He will be a featured
speaker at the Enlightened Speaker Series event
hosted by Texas CEO Magazine. Shravan used to
be a member of Entrepreneurs Org. and Tiger 21.
(EO). Shravan's philanthropic efforts revolve
around educating underprivileged kids, and he serves on the board
of the Austin chapter of Pratham USA, whose mission is Every
Child in School and Learning Well.
The Company
American Ventures is a multifamily and commercial real estate
investment firm that specializes in the purchase, renovation, and
management of properties with added value and core investment
assets. It provides accredited investors, family offices, pension
funds, sovereign wealth funds, private equity firms, and access to
reputable multifamily and commercial real estate investment
American Ventures has achieved local, regional, and national
recognition in the multifamily & commercial real estate
investment sectors for its dedication to its core values.
56 | December 2023
Shravan offers two pieces of advice to aspiring leaders. His first piece
of advice is to constantly consider how you can set yourself apart from
others in your field. "I innovated early in my real estate career and had
some success. But I always wondered how I could achieve more," he
The second lesson is that one's social circle has an impact on how his
or her life unfolds. You can more easily live out your values if you have
an inner circle or close network that is focused on them. He asserts,
"Associating with people who are authorities in their professional
fields, and authoritative in their personal endeavors, is crucial to
accomplishing amazing things in your life. Your network will help you
rise to the challenges you meet." | 57
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World’s Influential Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2023.pdf

  • 1. Vol. 12 | Issue 04 | December 2023 Anderton to Watch in 2023 Entrepreneurs Leading ADHD 360 to Transform Lives Through Dedicated Leadership Phil
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  • 4. World’s Inuential Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2023 Making smart business judgments and coming up with creative ideas are essential for entrepreneurial success. In this environment, astute businesspeople network continuously and blend various components from several sources to generate opportunities for profit. No matter where these concepts come from, they have the potential to become immensely lucrative business endeavors with the correct support and handling. It's no secret that there are many different places one might go for inspiration when starting a business. Some could be motivated by life events, while others might be influenced by shifting consumer tastes, market trends, or new technological advancements. However, the ability to recognize these ideas' economic potential and turn them into profitable business endeavors is what distinguishes exceptional entrepreneurs. World's Leaders latest edition “World's Influential Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2023” has featured entrepreneurs who have exerted on shaping various industries and global economies. These renowned visionaries not only encourage innovation and economic growth, but they also act as role models who defy accepted standards and make significant contributions to society. The cover has Phil Anderton, Managing Director of ADHD 360. He is a seasoned business advisor, program manager, and facilitator with a remarkable track record of delivering improvements and efficiencies across both private and public sectors. However, it is his profound knowledge of mental health disorders and his unwavering commitment to making a meaningful impact that sets him apart. Under Phil's leadership and expertise, ADHD 360 Limited has emerged as an innovative force in providing care for individuals with ADHD. Their approach to care and support is unique and progressive, reflecting Phil's dedication to improving the lives of those with ADHD. Phil's role has evolved from being a disruptor of the status quo to becoming an influencer of change in the broader context of ADHD and Autism futures. He takes pride in the responsibility of leading an organization with over 135 employees, serving the healthcare needs of thousands and providing national services for the NHS. Also, while you flip through the pages, don't forget to read the articles created by our in-house editorial staff and industry experts. Transforming Entrepreneurship Have a lovely read!
  • 5. Copyright 2023 WORLD’S LEADERS Media Tech LLC, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from WORLD’S LEADERS Reprint rights remain solely with WORLD’S LEADERS. 3296 Westerville Rd #250, Columbus, OH 43224, USA Follow us on : Editor-in-Chief Steve Sanchez Managing Editor Jagdish Chincholikar Executive Editor Nicole Williams Assistant Editor Gayatri Bhujbal Art & Design Director Jack Anderson Business Development Manager Mia Oliver Business Development Executive Natalie, Jerrey Associate Designer Kevin Rust Digital Marketing Manager Victor Clarke Sales Manager Casey Simpson, Irfan Shekh Marketing Manager Tom Swann Technical Specialist Barry Jones Circulation Manager Danny Parker CREDIT PAGE December 2023
  • 6. Phil Ander n 08 Leading ADHD 360 to Transform Lives Through Dedicated Leadership
  • 7. Cristina Martinez Pinto Ellie Shefi Liliam M. Lopez Shravan Parsi Nicola Pighi Prof. Dr. Utku Buyuksahin Jennifer Blazer Nathalie Botros Brad Sugars 54 50 46 40 36 32 26 22 18
  • 9. C O V E R S T O R Y Leading ADHD 360 to Transform Lives Through Dedicated Leadership | 09
  • 10. Comprehensive Offerings 360 is an organization that specializes in providing assessment, diagnosis, and treatment services for two prevalent neurodevelopmental conditions: ADHD and Autism. What sets the company apart is its innovative approach to healthcare delivery, as it challenges the conventional norms by operating as a virtual hospital. Leveraging IT-enabled solutions, cloud-based data systems, and a robust process framework, 360 manages a human interface in virtual clinics. This is made possible by a remote workforce located across the UK. 360's patient demographic is diverse, spanning from 4-year-olds to individuals as old as 76. The organization caters to both private patients and holds several NHS contracts, demonstrating its commitment to making its services accessible to a wide range of individuals in need. 10 | December 2023
  • 11. The Managing Director of ADHD 360, Phil Anderton is a seasoned business advisor, program manager, and facilitator with a remarkable track record of delivering improvements and efficiencies across both private and public sectors. However, it is his profound knowledge of mental health disorders and his unwavering commitment to making a meaningful impact that sets him apart. Under Phil's leadership and expertise, ADHD 360 Limited has emerged as an innovative force in providing care for individuals with ADHD. Their approach to care and support is unique and progressive, reflecting Phil's dedication to improving the lives of those with ADHD. Phil's role has evolved from being a disruptor of the status quo to becoming an influencer of change in the broader context of ADHD and Autism futures. He takes pride in the responsibility of leading an organization with over 135 employees, serving the healthcare needs of thousands and providing national services for the NHS. Phil's daily routine is anything but routine, and he thrives on the unpredictability of each day. A chance encounter at an Apple store in Spring 2023 exemplifies the impact of his work. A young man, a 360 patient, recognized Phil's ADHD 360 jacket and shared his life-changing experience. He attributed his ability to work for Apple to the care and treatment he received from ADHD 360. Phil's interactions with patients like these serve as reminders of the profound difference their organization makes in people's lives. While Phil spent 25 years as a police officer, earning degrees along the way, it is his current role leading ADHD 360 that brings him immense happiness. The joy he sees in patients' faces as they recount the positive impact of their services reinforces his dedication to their cause. Phil Anderton's journey from disruptor to influencer showcases the transformative power of dedicated leadership in the field of mental health care and support. A Journey to Bringing Awareness and Change During his tenure as a senior police officer, Phil became acutely aware of the connections between poorly managed or untreated ADHD and criminal behavior. The statistics underscored this issue: while 5% of the general population has ADHD, a staggering 25% of the UK prison population also has ADHD. This glaring disparity became a driving mission for Phil. In his pursuit of change, Phil authored books, published papers, and made incremental improvements both in the UK and internationally. However, he remained dissatisfied with the existing state of affairs. He collaborated with the government and the NHS to instigate systemic changes. His final role in the police, working for the Home Office, involved introducing a new doctrine and national IT systems to address information-sharing deficiencies that had contributed to the tragic murders of two young schoolgirls in Soham. This pivotal role led Phil to make a career-changing decision. He retired from the police force at the age of 43 and embarked on a second career as a management consultant, initially with PwC. Armed with a new set of skills, competencies, and unwavering determination to drive change in the realm of ADHD, Phil left PwC and established himself as an independent management consultant. For two years, he was deeply embedded in the NHS, seeking opportunities for excellence and improvement within ADHD clinics throughout the UK. After publishing his findings, Phil had an epiphany moment. He realized that addressing ADHD-related issues couldn't rely solely on the NHS; a more comprehensive approach was needed. He rallied two highly reputable and competent clinicians, Jen Lewis- Neill and Lisa Mangle, to join him in founding ADHD 360. The team was soon joined by Samantha, who is now Phil's wife, and on December 24, 2018, ADHD 360 transitioned from a concept to a tangible reality. Leadership Philosophy Phil emphasizes that effective leadership is grounded in humility, honesty, and transparency. Striking the right balance in these qualities, and leveraging the wealth of insights available from colleagues regarding the organization, oneself, and the team, often leads to organic growth. Mentorship plays a vital role in Phil's journey, and he acknowledges the importance of mentors in his life. Jack | 11
  • 13. Riggs serves as a source of wisdom on human behavior, and his interactions with Jack are not just informative but also uplifting. Kevin Thistlethwaite contributes his strategic acumen, guiding Phil's thinking on future prospects, problem-solving, and the direction of his journey. In today's world, Phil believes that leaders should still trust their instincts. Amid the prevalence of immediate data and risk-averse decision-making, successful entrepreneurs distinguish themselves by taking calculated and balanced risks. As Kevin frequently reminds Phil, "never let perfection get in the way of progress." Procrastination and excessive debate can stifle innovation, particularly in fields like theirs, where they are enhancing people's lives on a daily basis. Challenging the norm, disrupting the status quo, and making continuous progress are essential components of their work, which has a direct impact on improving lives. Significance of Combining Passion and Heart in Healthcare Phil emphasizes that when hiring new team members, it's crucial to focus on attracting individuals with the right behaviors rather than specific skills. He mentions a statement borrowed from a Professor in the United States that has been integral to their recruitment philosophy: "If you can't bring your heart to the game, don't turn up. Your patients need you.” This mantra underscores the importance of seeking individuals who are deeply passionate about healthcare and view it as more than just a job. In healthcare, it's not merely a profession; it's a calling and a vocation driven by a genuine passion for helping others. Progress and Innovation Phil highlights that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes and innovations by challenging existing norms. It forced society to adapt, innovate, and find new ways of thinking to address the challenges posed by the pandemic. These changes represent progress that should not be overlooked or dismissed once the pandemic subsides. He uses a policing analogy to illustrate this point, referring to situations of social unrest, especially riots, where there's a need to take and hold ground. In the context of the pandemic, taking new ground represents the changes and innovations that have emerged. Holding that ground means ensuring that these changes become a permanent part of our post-pandemic society, rather than reverting to the previous status quo. It's about recognizing the value of progress and innovation and ensuring that they endure beyond the crisis. Risk and Reward Phil's greatest personal risk was not about himself but about ADHD 360. Taking the first step to hire an employee three years ago was a daunting experience. It involved taking on the responsibility for someone's welfare, income, and future, which can be terrifying for any business owner. However, the success story of Ashlie, their first hire who is now the Operations Manager, has shown that taking that initial risk and trusting one's instincts can lead to significant rewards. It's a testament to the idea that sometimes, overcoming perceived risks is essential for personal and organizational growth. Reforming Mental Health Awareness and Healthcare Phil underscores the importance of society fully accepting and addressing mental ill health. While some progress has been made, especially in the wake of the pandemic, there is still a long way to go in combating invisible illnesses. Stigma, dogma, and the resulting anxiety often deter individuals from being honest about their struggles. At 360, they take pride in employing a significant number of neuro-diverse team members and are willing to adapt roles and create new ones to suit the individual needs of team members who might not fit into the originally intended roles. In Phil's view, healthcare, particularly in the UK, remains a postcode lottery. Access needs to become more equitable, readily available, and cost- effective. The private sector has a crucial role to play in conjunction with the national healthcare provision. The current format of the NHS is not sustainable, and private providers like ADHD 360 are demonstrating that they can offer a world-class service to the NHS that is agile, cost-effective, and of higher quality than the current provision. ADHD 360 is delivering assessments without waiting lists, achieving a higher quality of service, and doing so at a lower cost than comparable services. They conduct over 1,200 new assessments each month, surpassing the entire national provision in England and Wales. Phil's mission is to confront challenges head-on and embrace modern science, which often challenges established norms. Disruption driven by data and noble intentions is, in his opinion, the way forward to effect meaningful change. | 13
  • 15. A Vision for Growth 360's strategic plan for 2023/4 is centered around the theme of "growth." There is a pressing national and international demand for high-quality services catering to the neurodiverse community, and this need remains largely unfulfilled. The team at 360 aspires to become the preferred national provider of these services, aiming to eliminate the procurement barriers that currently exist among numerous NHS commissioning organizations. Moreover, 360 is exploring opportunities to expand its successful model beyond national borders. The team is actively considering entry into new territories, with a particular focus on regions like the Middle East, Australia, and the United States. This expansion would not only serve as a testament to 360's commitment to addressing the global need for neurodiversity support but also as a means to share their expertise and make a positive impact on a broader scale. | 15
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  • 19. BRAD SUGARS Most Influential Entrepreneur, a Bestselling Author, and a Keynote Speaker | 19
  • 20. Executive coaching is a valuable investment for any business leader who wants to enhance their performance, improve their leadership skills, and achieve their goals. Executive coaching can help leaders develop a wide range of skills, including strategic thinking, effective communication, conflict resolution, and decision- making. By honing these skills, leaders can better guide their teams and organizations to success. Brad Sugars, Founder, Chairman, and President of ActionCOACH, boasts more than 30 years of business experience and strongly advocates for the notion that a company should be able to operate successfully without the constant involvement of its owners, allowing them to spend time with their families or pursue their desired lifestyles. His multi-million-dollar franchise, ActionCOACH, operates in over 70 countries and employs more than 1,000 coaches who work with more than 15,000 businesses each week. Sugars is deeply committed to supporting entrepreneurs and enabling them to learn and grow from both his triumphs and setbacks. Humble Beginnings Brad came from modest beginnings in Brisbane, Australia. While he was a university student, Sugars managed a number of small businesses. As his talents became more widely recognized, many business owners and executives began requesting that he share his knowledge on topics such as team development, marketing, and sales by speaking to their organizations. Jim Rohn has had the greatest professional impact on Brad Sugars' life, as nobody else has. When Brad was a teenager, he managed to save up his allowance in order to attend one of Rohn's seminars, where he was the youngest member of the audience. What he learned from Rohn during that seminar has influenced his business practices and beliefs throughout his life. Coaching as Business Leaders The key driving force to join this sector for Brad was realizing the missing component between knowledge and implementation was to coach business owners rather than just give them the information and let them figure out what to do with it. He wanted business owners to put what they learned to practice. Not being able to meet the high demands he concluded that coaching was the way to go for business owners who wanted to take the next step in their businesses. Taking Reach to Globally Brad Sugars' mission in business coaching is to empower business owners with the tools and strategies they need to transform their lives and positively impact their communities, while also affording the lifestyles they have always desired. His vision for ActionCOACH is to expand its reach globally and operate in over 120 nations in the upcoming years. Sugars is committed to sharing the knowledge he has acquired over the years, believing that it can guide and support entrepreneurs worldwide in achieving their goals with his help and lessons. 20 | December 2023
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  • 32. Jennifer Blazer Pioneering Entrepreneurship by Transforming Visions into Ventures 32 | December 2023
  • 34. M Meet Jennifer Blazer, the visionary force behind BBP Services LLC. With a unique perspective on the needs of business owners, Jenn founded BBP in 2015, driven by her mission to assist small businesses. Her unwavering commitment to providing solutions that drive personal and professional success is the cornerstone of the company's ethos. From an early age, Jenn held a clear and unwavering dream – to establish her own bakery. This resolute aspiration served as a guiding light, influencing her life choices at every turn. She pursued this dream with tenacity, earning a Bachelor's of Science in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management, and later, attending the Scottsdale Culinary Institute to refine her culinary skills. In the midst of her passionate pursuit, Jenn's interests unexpectedly expanded into the accounting industry. Through experiences in private settings, she gained invaluable insights into this realm. 34 | December 2023
  • 35. As Jenn's personal and professional journey unfolded, it gradually became evident that her path was steering her toward a distinct and unforeseen calling. This realization marked the inception of BBP Services LLC. In 2015, she bravely embraced the opportunity to blend her unique fusion of culinary aspirations and accounting expertise. This marked the beginning of her journey to empower fellow business owners. Jenn's motto, "Helping business owners get back to what matters to them," encapsulates BBP's essence. With a fervent passion for her work, she dedicates herself to providing the foundation for clients to achieve both personal and professional success. Venture into Top Shelf Services Back in 2015, Jenn took a big leap of faith and started BBP. At the beginning, BBP's main focus was on helping with bookkeeping, management reports, payroll, and taxes. And guess what? Jenn quickly gained a reputation as a problem-solver extraordinaire. Basically, if you had a mess of receipts, years of messy books, or a backlog of taxes to sort out, Jenn was the go-to person to turn things around. She especially became known for her knack for handling tough situations. But that's not all, Jenn also had a special talent for creating detailed reports, especially for businesses in construction, oil & gas, real estate, and even the cannabis industry. Yes, you could say she loves a good challenge. As time went on, BBP didn't just grow in size, but also in what it could offer. In the middle of 2020, Jenn started Top Shelf Services, a new part of the business aimed at helping cannabis clients with specific services related to regulations (280E & 471) and even giving advice on cultivation. And now, there's been a big change. BBP has undergone a makeover and is now known as Top Shelf Services. It's all about the team now – the "I" turned into a "We". Having two separate companies wasn't necessary anymore, because Top Shelf Services truly represents who they are as a united team and the top-notch help they provide. Steering the Ship Jenn's role has undergone a significant overhaul, transforming her into the driving force behind the company. Departing from the earlier days of managing all aspects herself, she now operates from a strategic standpoint. Daily operational details and direct client interactions have taken a backseat, replaced by a focus on providing the team with the necessary resources, training, software, and equipment to ensure their efficiency. Her foremost responsibility revolves around charting a course towards the company's objectives. Whether through crafting effective sales and marketing strategies, orchestrating training initiatives, or devising expansion plans, she's the catalyst for propelling the company forward. One of the most rewarding aspects of her role is witnessing clients sing praises about the exceptional bookkeepers and other team members. The knowledge that her team is making a positive impact is a source of great satisfaction. But it's not all business; a strong sense of camaraderie is deeply ingrained in the company culture. Birthdays are a major highlight, spanning an entire week of celebration to showcase appreciation for each team member. This collective spirit truly forms the core of the work environment. | 35
  • 37. LILIAM M. LOPEZ Miami's Most Influential Executive Helping Business Leaders and Organizations to Achieve Constant Growth | 37
  • 38. The chamber serves as a platform to promote business leadership, create economic prospects, and provide legislative advocacy for the Hispanic business community in South Florida. Under Liliam's leadership, the SFLHCC has flourished into one of the most resilient Hispanic chambers in the United States, boasting a membership of over 1,650 individuals. Additionally, the SFLHCC Foundation has awarded more than $975,000 in scholarships to underprivileged students of Miami Beach Senior High School and Miami different Mayors of Miami Dade County, and the City Keys to the City of Miami Beach presented by the Honorable Mayor David Dermer on June 20, 2002. For 10 years Lopez was the producer and host of a weekly television show, “Panorama con Liliam Lopez” that aired on WLRN Cable-Tap. The program highlighted the career of executives, elected officials, and entrepreneurs at the local, State and national levels. The pandemic required Lopez to pivot. She launched a digital show, "A Business Minute with Lily Lopez", which is featured on all social media platforms reaching over 23,000 businesses. South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce The South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (SFLHCC) is a non- profit organization that was founded in 1994 with the goal of promoting business leadership, creating economic opportunities, and providing legislative advocacy for the Hispanic business community in South Florida. With a diverse population of approximately 70% Hispanics, Miami-Dade County serves as a gateway to the Americas and offers immense potential for companies to do business with people from different backgrounds and experiences. The SFLHCC provides opportunities for its members through local programs aimed at improving the economic condition of the Hispanic population. The organization has over 1,650 members and advocates for thousands of Hispanic businesses in Florida. It is recognized as one of the top five most influential Hispanic chambers in the country and one of the leading Hispanic business organizations in Florida. The SFLHCC is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization. Liliam M. López, “Lily” President/CEO and founder of the South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (SFLHCC), is a highly accomplished individual who has dedicated her career to empowering and advocating for Hispanic communities. She has served in various leadership roles in organizations such as the South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Spanish American League Against Discrimination, and the Alliance for Aging. Additionally, López is a sought-after motivational speaker and has been invited to speak at various events and commencement ceremonies. Through her work with the South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation, she has helped provide scholarships to financially disadvantaged Hispanic students. López has also been recognized for her leadership and invited to participate in a private roundtable discussion with President Barack Obama in Miami. She has served on numerous boards, including the Entrepreneurial Advisory Council of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta's Regional Economic Information Network and the Board of Directors of WLRN Public Radio and Television. She currently serves on three prestigious boards: Adrienne Arsht Center of the Performing Arts Trust Board, the Miami Dade Beacon Council and the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau. López's dedication to her community and her impressive accomplishments make her a true leader and role model.She currently serves on five prestigious boards: Liliam graduated from St. Thomas University with a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Political Science in 1988. Liliam M. Lopez has received numerous awards, she was recently awarded a Honorary Doctor degree in Humane Letters from St. Thomas University, 15 Proclamations from 38 | December 2023
  • 39. Springs High School who are pursuing careers in the fields of Business and Hospitality. The Foundation's Education Enrichment Fellowship Program, which is a component of its efforts, has taken students to significant destinations such as Microsoft headquarters, Facebook, Comcast, Southwest Airlines, the nation's Capital, and other significant venues, in order to empower these young people. These initiatives contributed to the SFLHCC Foundation's recognition as a Champion of the Miami-Dade County Public School's Academy of Hospitality and Tourism. On Path of Successful Leader Liliam is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of her organization. Her duties include coordinating chamber luncheons, meetings, awards ceremonies, television appearances, and overseeing the organization's social media platforms. She also hosts a digital show called "Business Minute with Lily Lopez." Liliam finds the greatest joy in seeing the success of her organization. One of the most satisfying moments is observing the high attendance ranging from 200 to 400+ at the chamber luncheons held every month. Additionally, she feels a sense of accomplishment seeing her LinkedIn following reach over 16,000 followers. Liliam's happiness stems from the growth and success of the organization she founded with only four members. Liliam shares the significance of several critical attributes for a successful leader. Firstly, humility is a vital characteristic that a leader should possess. | 39
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  • 47. Nicola Pighi Revolutionizing Design Education for Skilled Design Professionals Discover the dynamic realm of Hdemy Group NAD, a hub brimming with youthful talent and finely honed professional profiles for the world of design. As an entrepreneur in the education sphere, Nicola Pighi embarked on a challenging yet fulfilling path. Fueled by an unwavering passion to make quality education accessible to all, Pighi's visionary spirit gave birth to Hdemy Group and NAD Nuova Accademia del Design. As the CEO of Hdemy Group/NAD Nuova Accademia del Design, Nicola assumes a range of crucial responsibilities encompassing strategic planning, business development, and ensuring the overall success and growth of the organization. Working closely with a talented team, Nicola drives innovation, identifies new market opportunities, and fosters a positive and enriching learning experience for students. | 47
  • 49. Looking ahead, Nicola envisions Hdemy Group/NAD Nuova Accademia del Design as a global leader in the digital education landscape over the next five years. The organization's trajectory will involve a continuous expansion of course offerings, reinforcing partnerships with renowned industry experts, and leveraging emerging technologies to deliver unparalleled learning experiences. The primary focus will be on empowering individuals and organizations to thrive in the digital age, equipping them with the essential skills and knowledge necessary for success in their respective fields. Under Nicola's leadership, Hdemy Group/NAD aims to remain at the forefront of the industry by embracing innovation, driving impactful growth, and providing a transformative educational journey for its learners. By aligning strategic planning with a deep commitment to excellence, Nicola envisions a future where Hdemy Group/NAD plays a pivotal role in shaping the digital education landscape, empowering learners worldwide to achieve their goals and contribute meaningfully to the modern world. Empowering Learners Worldwide Hdemy Group, along with its flagship brand NAD Nuova Accademia del Design (, stands as a prominent global educational organization renowned for providing a vast array of innovative learning solutions. Its core objective revolves around empowering individuals and businesses with the necessary knowledge and skills to thrive in the contemporary world. By offering an extensive range of online courses, training programs, and professional certifications, the institution caters to a diverse audience from various backgrounds and industries, with a particular focus on the realm of design. Spanning a wide spectrum of subjects, Hdemy Group's offerings encompass business and entrepreneurship, technology and digital skills, leadership and management, creative arts and design, as well as personal development. Leveraging state-of-the- art technologies and industry expertise, the institution consistently delivers captivating and interactive learning experiences, ensuring accessibility anytime and anywhere for its learners. Today, Hdemy Group's impact resonates in the lives of countless learners, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to soar in their careers. Pivotal to this success is the remarkable transformation of a struggling startup into a thriving e- learning platform. Through strategic alliances and an unwavering focus on customer needs, Hdemy Group identified the pain points of their target audience and tailored their offerings accordingly. The result? Exponential growth and the solidification of Hdemy Group as a trusted brand in the multifaceted education industry of design, spanning interior, product, fashion, and graphic disciplines. Transforming Education for a Changing World Nicola identifies three key areas that require transformation in both society and education: Ÿ Access to Education: Nicola advocates for greater access to quality education worldwide. By leveraging technology and eliminating barriers such as geographical constraints and financial limitations, he believes that everyone should have equal opportunities to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for success. Through the use of digital platforms and online learning, education can become more accessible and inclusive, breaking down traditional boundaries. Ÿ Lifelong Learning: Nicola firmly believes that education should extend beyond a specific phase of life. He recognizes the importance of lifelong learning and continuous skill development in an ever- changing world. Encouraging individuals to embrace learning as an ongoing journey empowers them to adapt to the evolving demands of the modern workforce. By fostering a culture of curiosity and a growth mindset, individuals can continuously acquire new skills, explore new fields, and stay relevant throughout their lives. Ÿ Closing the Skills Gap: The rapid advancement of technology has resulted in a significant skills gap in various industries. Nicola emphasizes the need to address this gap by equipping learners with the skills that are in high demand. This can be achieved through collaboration between educational institutions and industry partners, ensuring that educational programs align with the needs of the job market. Additionally, upskilling programs and continuous feedback loops between educators and employers can play a crucial role in closing the skills gap and preparing individuals for meaningful employment opportunities. From Doubt to Success One of the most significant risks that Nicola took as a professional was venturing into the online education space when it was still in its early stages. During that time, there was considerable skepticism surrounding the viability and potential of online learning. However, Nicola had unwavering faith in the transformative power of technology to revolutionize education, and he decided to take the leap. | 49
  • 51. Buyuksahin Prof. Dr. Utku Pioneering Innovation & Sensory Integration “When I look mytools in mybag, having over 180 granted patents,which is an indicator ofan innovative mind, must be mygreatest strength.” Prof. Dr. Utku | 51
  • 53. M eet Prof. Dr. Utku Buyuksahin, a dynamic and inventive individual in the workplace. As the President and CTO of Sensobright Industries LLC, he has a strong passion for converting scientific discoveries into practical applications. Prof. Dr. Buyuksahin has remarkable technical expertise with a vast background in mechanical engineering, robotics, and image processing that guides his team. He promotes a collaborative working environment, encouraging solution- oriented discussions and welcomes new ideas. His dedication towards company's mission, along with his excellent leadership skills, empowers his team to achieve success and transform the field of sensory integration and automation. Outside of work, Prof. Dr. Buyuksahin is a curious and imaginative person who draws inspiration from various sources. He also actively engages in music to stimulate his mind and fuel his imagination. He is both a music enthusiast and a skilled musician. He plays over 10 instruments and has been composing/playing/recording/arranging advertisement music for television channels for many years. Prof. Dr. Buyuksahin's love for music extends beyond performance, as he actively explores different genres and attends live concerts to experience the transformative power of sound. “When I look my tools in my bag, having over 180 granted patents, which is an indicator of an innovative mind, must be my greatest strength.” Says Prof. Dr. Utku Buyuksahin, and continues: “I think being a professional musician for decades must be the other strongest tool in my bag: As being an instrument player, I trained my mind to listen to the others, think very fast, react very fast but not break the rhythm of the others while doing this. As being a musical composer, I trained myself to be innovative and bring things together in a harmony. As being a musical arranger, I trained my brain for multitasking and used to handle over 10 tasks at the same time. This also gave me the ability to think all the aspects at the same time while searching for a solution or doing an invention.” With a charismatic and friendly personality, he easily connects with people from all walks of life, showing genuine interest in their stories and perspectives. Prof. Dr. Buyuksahin's insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge make him an engaging conversationalist, enriching any social gathering he attends. Prof. Dr. Utku Buyuksahin's dedication to making a positive impact on society and his unwavering commitment to advancing technology have earned him respect both professionally and personally. In 2019, he was honored as "One of The Top 25 Scientists Worldwide" by the Falling Walls Foundation, which includes the President of the Nobel Foundation among its board members. He has also been recognized as a "Most Influential Leader to Follow in 2023," "Innovator of the Month," and "Star of Innovation," among other accolades, and has graced the covers of numerous technology and business magazines. | 53
  • 54. SHRAVAN PARSi CEO & FOUNDER AMERiCAN VENTURES An Entrepreneur and Innovator with Expertise in Multiple Sectors 54 | December 2023
  • 56. ntrepreneur and innovator Shravan Parsi has experience in a variety of industries, including real estate investing and pharmaceutical research. His methodical approach to investing in multifamily and commercial real estate is based on his experience as a pharmaceutical scientist. Forbes Books, a market leader in business print and digital media, released Shravan's debut book, "The Science of the Deal: The DNA of Multifamily and Commercial Real Estate Investing," in November 2019. Since his involvement in Texas real estate began in 2003, Shravan has co-invested with private equity firms, family offices, high-net- worth individuals, and accredited investors to acquire 22 apartment complexes totaling 4,400 units as well as a number of commercial properties. Shravan is the CEO and founder of American Ventures. American Ventures is positioned for aggressive growth. It offers private equity firms, family offices, and accredited investors access to quality multifamily and commercial real estate investment opportunities. Early Life Developments India-born Shravan saw his father, a physician, invest in real estate, which sparked a lifelong interest in business and investing. In 2003, he made his first real estate purchase in Texas. He graduated from Manipal Academy of Higher Education with a bachelor's degree and St. John's University in New York with a master's. Prior to the first US Grand Prix in Austin, Texas, The Austin American Statesman profiled Shravan as a value investor for his CRE investment next to a Formula 1 racetrack. He will be a featured speaker at the Enlightened Speaker Series event hosted by Texas CEO Magazine. Shravan used to be a member of Entrepreneurs Org. and Tiger 21. (EO). Shravan's philanthropic efforts revolve around educating underprivileged kids, and he serves on the board of the Austin chapter of Pratham USA, whose mission is Every Child in School and Learning Well. The Company American Ventures is a multifamily and commercial real estate investment firm that specializes in the purchase, renovation, and management of properties with added value and core investment assets. It provides accredited investors, family offices, pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, private equity firms, and access to reputable multifamily and commercial real estate investment opportunities. American Ventures has achieved local, regional, and national recognition in the multifamily & commercial real estate investment sectors for its dedication to its core values. 56 | December 2023
  • 57. WORDS FOR FUTURiSTS Shravan offers two pieces of advice to aspiring leaders. His first piece of advice is to constantly consider how you can set yourself apart from others in your field. "I innovated early in my real estate career and had some success. But I always wondered how I could achieve more," he reveals. The second lesson is that one's social circle has an impact on how his or her life unfolds. You can more easily live out your values if you have an inner circle or close network that is focused on them. He asserts, "Associating with people who are authorities in their professional fields, and authoritative in their personal endeavors, is crucial to accomplishing amazing things in your life. Your network will help you rise to the challenges you meet." | 57