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Work/Life Balance
Sharon M. Weinstein, MS, RN, CRNI, FACW, FAAN
Learning Objectives
0 Discuss boundary management
0 Identify 12 key steps toward achieving work/life balance
0 Describe the benefits of putting social media in its place
0 Recognize the impact of fatigue on work/life balance
0 Identify tips and rationale for negotiating work/life
balance and family-friendly environments
0 Describe how to identify the need for help and
communicate that need effectively
Boundary management
0 Know thyself
0 Set boundaries with balance in mind
0 Understand privacy
0 Multi-tasking
12 Steps
0 Know thy purpose
0 Simplify
0 Limit stress
0 Focus
0 Engage
0 Put tech in its place
0 Find and keep balance
0 Have workplace balance
0 Sleepless in Seattle
0 Be happy, eat well, get
moving, live longer
0 Reinvent yourself
0 Destiny in the balance
Find your passion
0 We want to feel passionate about the work that we do
and define our contribution to mankind, our purpose
for being.
0 We want to know that we are contributing to the
greater good and that our life has meaning.
0 We want to find our calling! But, do we know what
that calling really is?
Memory lane
0 Take time to walk down memory lane.
0 Write down what brought you great satisfaction—that
is what you want to focus on as you move forward in
0 Write down what brought you the least satisfaction—
and avoid those situations as much as possible!
0 A means of dialogue and engagement
0 Fostering learning through the use of
reflection in professional educational
0 The practice of focusing your attention and mind on
something that makes you feel calm and relaxed and
gives you clarity about your life.
0 People are using meditation to try to quit smoking. It's
also being used for alcohol and drug addiction.
0 The National Institutes of Health is even
recommending meditation for high blood pressure.
Hand meditation exercise
A Balancing Act
0 One live to live
0 A barometer for well-being
0 Relationships
0 Something is missing
0 A course of action
0 The journey begins now…
Social Media
0 Interaction among people in which they create, share,
or exchange information and ideas in virtual
communities and networks
Taming e-mail
0 Review the message once and act on it; either delete
it, file it, or forward it.
0 If a quick response is all that is needed, do it now and
move on.
0 If needed, delegate the task to someone else.
0 If the e-mail is project or task based, schedule a
reminder via your e-mail software to send trigger an
alert when the item is due.
Tech self-assessment
0 I organize myself before
placing a telephone call
0 I schedule telephone
0 If I have a complicated
question, I call the
person instead of
sending an e-mail.
0 I set time to respond
0 I keep contacts list
0 I use an electronic
0 I use a CRM program
0 I update my voicemail
0 I turn off the phone in
0 I learn new technology
0 A 24/7/360 lifestyle
0 Access
0 Overload
0 Privacy
0 Letting go of the ‘stuff’
The curveball
0 Life is bound to throw you a few curveballs.
0 Chances are they may relate to technology.
0 What do you do when the unexpected comes crashing
into your world?
0 Do your palms sweat?
0 Does your heart skip a beat?
0 Your system crashed, and you think, “How did this
MAC to reality
0 Thirty years ago, Apple introduced the Macintosh
computer with the promise to put the creative power
of technology in everyone’s hands.
0 It launched a generation of innovators who continue
to change the world (Apple, 2014).
0 Party lines were no party
0 Cybercrime
0 Intrusions
0 Balancing our own privacy
National Security Agency
0 Your cell phone is not only more than a constant
companion; it knows everything about you.
0 The National Security Agency (NSA) claims that
collecting phone metadata does not tell the agency
everything about you, but you and your calls may be
tracked. (Kaminski, 2014).
Biological damage
0 Connectivity – is it dangerous to your health
0 Do you have sick building syndrome?
0 Is work a dangerous place?
The ill effects
0 Cell phone usage
0 Role of the US Food and Drug Administration
0 Alzheimer’s, senility, and dementia
0 Parkinson’s
0 Autism
0 Fatigue
0 Headaches
0 Sleep disruptions
0 Altered memory function, poor concentration, and
spatial awareness
0 Limit time on the phone.
0 If you have any land-based
(non-cellular) portable
phones, do not use anything
other than the 900 MHz
phones as the Gigahertz
phones stay on continuously,
blasting you with
information-carrying radio
waves 24/7.
0 Use the speakerphone
0 Use a wired headset
0 Limit calls inside buildings.
0 Use the phone in open spaces
as often as possible.
0 Limit use by children and
0 Limit your exposure to Wi-Fi
What is an EMF?
0 Produced by local build-up of electric charges in the
0 Radiation between handset and base station
0 Information-carrying radio wave
0 Pulsed frequencies from microwaves
0 Text, don’t talk
0 Use speaker mode
0 Go offline
0 Get your phone out of your
pocket; men who carry their
mobile there have lower
sperm counts than those who
don’t carry a cell phone.
0 Avoid tight spaces (buses,
elevators, trains, and
0 Buy low, choosing a phone
with a low SAR (specific
absorption rate) number
0 Replace cordless phones with
corded land lines
0 Don’t cradle your laptop;
putting it on your lap exposes
your organs to EMFs
0 Restrict cell and cordless
phone use during pregnancy
0 Don’t rely on stick-on devices
Sick-building syndrome
0 Headache
0 Runny nose
0 Itchy eyes
0 Nausea
0 Chronic fatigue
0 Vision problems
0 Carpeting
0 Office supplies
0 Chemicals
0 Outdoor pollutants from
city streets
The information age
App Benefits Access
1Password Password management to store all logins and
other private information
Boxie A filing system that works, thanks to bookmarks
(shortcuts) to your most-used folders
Evernote Stores notes, , archived webpages, and pdf
30/30 Your official To Do list (but think of it as a Will Do
Mailbox Puts email in its place to facilitate use and
0 Between midnight and 6am
0 Usually a male driver who is alone
0 Usually a single vehicle
0 Involve serious injuries and/or fatalities
0 Driver is sleep deprived or fatigued
0 Long distances are involved
0 Driver worked more than 60 hours
0 Impact of drugs/alcohol
0 Fatigue is mental or physical exhaustion that stops a
person from being able to function normally.
0 However, fatigue is more than just feeling tired or
Mental fatigue
0 Anxiety and depression can be triggered or worsened
by fatigue
0 Error of omission
0 Error of commission
0 Learning and recall deficits
Physical fatigue
0 Physically drained
0 We don’t know why
0 What could it be?
Adrenal fatigue
0 A collection of signs and symptoms
0 You live and function while you feel unwell
Who owns fatigue?
0 A shared responsibility
0 Optimal work environments
0 Reducing risk
Workplace fatigue
0 Lack of organizational support
0 Changes in leadership
0 Decision dilemma
0 Putting out fires
0 Inability to find/retain top talent
0 Daily changes in priorities
0 Fewer resources
0 Greater expectations
0 Taking breaks as needed
0 Creative scheduling
0 Non-traditional hours
0 Fatigue Reduction Management System (FRMS)
Drowsy driving
0 Classroom
0 Behind the wheel
0 At work
Personal downtime
0 A slow app or server
0 A slow body
0 Take advantage of sacred spaces
0 Too many hours
0 Too many days
0 Too much responsibility
0 Frustration
0 Decreased productivity
0 Limited outcomes
0 Relationships
0 Space
0 Family
0 Pets
0 Sleep/rest
Negotiating for Change
0 Be prepared.
0 Open with your case;
this demonstrates
0 Listen actively.
0 Support your case with
0 Explore areas of
agreement and
0 Indicate readiness.
0 Know your options.
0 Advance to closure.
0 Make it happen!
Tip Rationale
0 Know what you are
willing to accept
0 Have a deal-
0 Determine what
they are willing to
0 Listen actively
0 Empowerment
0 Do not
0 Know the
0 Do not second-
0 Understanding
0 Has it decreased
0 Has the quality dropped
0 Are you doing more with less
0 When reductions in staff are made, do you pick up the
The Employer
0 Can shift the paradigm
0 Can create a positive culture
0 Clear and compelling vision
The Employee
0 Practice healthy behaviors
0 Be alert and well-rested
0 Be aware of your own ‘recovery’ time
0 Know your limits
Work-related Non work-related
0 Schedule
0 Actual hours
0 Type of work
0 Work setting
0 Quantity of sleep
0 Quality of sleep
0 Sleep disorders
0 Existing health
The Workaholic
0 “I'm a workaholic, so I ignore the signs of fatigue and
just keep going and going, and then conk out when I
get home. It can be pretty stressful.”
Keke Palmer
The Institution
0 The outcome is only as good as the system
0 Organizational leadership
Organizational leadership
0 Sense of urgency
0 Collaboration
0 Awareness
0 Staffing practices
0 Innovation
0 Partner with staff
0 Educate and empower
0 Prioritize
0 Feedback
0 Follow the system
0 Industry-specific
0 Safety factors
0 Productivity drops as work periods increase and
sleep decreases
0 Staying awake for 17 hours = blood alcohol content of
Goal setting
0 Set goals that respect who you are and what you do
0 Manage your time wisely
0 Manage your relationships
0 Achieve your goals but be good to yourself
0 Track your time
0 Make an appointment
0 Become a netweaver (what’s in it for YOU)
Managing People
0 Respect
0 Vision
0 Understanding
0 Listening
0 Recognizing
0 Rewarding
How is your day going?
0 Are you improving the world or enjoying it
0 Are you juggling
0 Is life in the way
Learn to laugh
0 Put up streamers
0 Make a family photo
0 Make a hanging mobile
for the house
0 Make music out of
kitchen utensils
0 Promote a positive
0 Create a sense of trust
0 Cheer you and others
0 Release tension
0 Reduce stress
0 Work the diaphragm
Balance and Nik
0 Thirty-five-year-old daredevil Nik Wallenda made
history again by crossing the dark, windy-city skies over
Chicago on a tightrope without safety net or tether. The
stunt was aired live on Discovery Channel and beamed
abroad to more than 200 countries. He completed the
task, in balance. His task was a physical, emotional and
spiritual challenge, and yet he did it. When you think
about your busy day, is it nearly as complex as
To do
Must do
Know your Limitations
0 Selfless
0 Assertive
0 Easily persuaded
0 …is a complete sentence
0 Are you assertive?
0 Are you selfless?
0 Do you center yourself?
0 I’ll get it together when….but ‘when’ never comes
0 Act on your behalf
0 Become resilient
Negative Stressors
0 Make self-care a priority
0 Control your actions
0 Control of your personal/professional life
Know what is important
0 “We need to maintain a proper balance in our life by
allocating the time we have. There are occasions
where saying no is the best time management practice
there is.”
Catherine Pulsife
Seeking help
0 Successful people are not afraid to ask for help
0 Everyone needs help
0 Reaching out is an admirable skill
0 Know thyself
Employee Assistance
Employee/Family Organization
0 Mental health-
related services
0 Drug and alcohol-
related services
0 Personal issues
0 Wellness/health
0 Educational
0 Safety/emergency
0 Communications
0 Smoking
Try something new
0 Do you do the same thing and expect different
Tipping the scales
0 Working harder than ever
0 Longer hours
0 Less free time
0 Too much to do
0 Healthy, healing
0 Workplace wellness
0 Preventive wellness programs
0 Motivation and self-esteem
0 Sense of worth
0 Senior-level support
0 Wellness committee
0 Baseline information
0 Yearly operating plan
0 Appropriate health
0 Supportive atmosphere
0 Model healthy behaviors
Managing Time
0 Home office
0 Electronic banking
0 Time to walk away from it all
0 Plan the evaluation mechanism and programs
0 Identify baseline status
0 Use existing research; most non-profits use data
what has been demonstrated in the past
0 Use predictors or intended outcomes to
demonstrate impact; diet, exercise and lifestyle
could be predictors of health
Do Your Homework
0 You are vulnerable
0 Your body is a precious commodity
0 Your health is important
0 You need balance at work and in life
Managing Balance
0 In his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
(2004), Stephen Covey showed that the day is filled
with tasks that attract our attention and seem urgent,
but they may never need to be done.
0 Weed those out and make time for the important
0 Learn to prioritize.
The Bus
0 The right people in the right seats
0 Good people
0 The latitude they need to do a good job
0 The Long Ranger
0 The Brady Brunch
The LEGO Movie
0 A team effort
Tracking your time
0 Wow – is it 5pm already?
Managing Stress
How do successful people
What do you Offer?
0 Skills
0 Abilities
0 Performance record
0 Solid footing
Integrating new members
0 Welcome the newcomer prior to the first day
0 Plan specific orientation activities
0 Allocate assigned workspace
0 Add newcomer to relevant mail distribution lists
0 Provide orientation manuals and training
0 Orient the newcomer to the IT systems and services
0 Prepare a calendar for the first month
0 Provide guidance - available resources
0 Family-friendly working help us achieve a better
balance between work and family life
0 Maternity and paternity leave, on-site child care,
flextime, job sharing, working from home, and other
creative solutions
0 Add value to the work environment, and they
contribute to workplace balance
Group Interaction
The Family
0 In today’s new
workplace, diversity
management is a time-
sensitive business
0 Organizations that seek
global market relevancy
must embrace diversity
– in how they think, act
and innovate.
0 Diversity can no longer
just be about making the
numbers, but rather
how an organization
treats its people
0 Negative – lazy, entitled, tech-obsessed, over-eager
0 Been there and done that
0 Mobile work trends
0 Measuring performance
0 Work-life balance
Communicating the need
0 Whispering down the lane
0 Two-way process
0 Employee engagement
0 Work morale
0 Productivity
0 Friday refreshment cart
0 Dress down or dress up
0 Monthly birthday celebrations
0 Pay attention by looking directly at the speaker and
avoid side conversations.
0 Demonstrate that you are listening by nodding
occasionally and encouraging the speaker to continue
with comments like ‘yes.’
0 Offer feedback by paraphrasing what has been said.
0 Respond appropriately and respectfully.
0 Be positive and team-centered.
Healthy living
0 Remember that healthy living does not begin in the
physician’s office; it begins with the small decisions
that we make each day when we pack our kids’
lunches, shop for groceries, or order from a menu. We
can, and should, control our health!
What is old?
0 Paradigms have shifted; our concept of what is old has
changed dramatically.
0 How long ago did you think that people who are 60 or
70 were old, and what is considered old today?
Age-associated challenges
0 Dementia
0 Memory
0 Cognition
0 Agility
0 Balance
Finding your balance
0 What is the worst you ever felt emotionally?
0 What is the worst you ever felt
0 What is the healthiest you ever felt?
0 What is the happiest you ever felt?
0 How good do you believe you can feel?
0 How good (physically, emotionally, and energetically)
are you feeling now?
Wheel of life
0 Business: Career progression
0 Finance: Investments and
other monetary activities and
0 Family: Spouse, kids, parents,
and other relatives
0 Spiritual: Worship,
Community, Volunteering
0 Physical: General exercise,
sports, or activity
0 Mental: Reading, self-
learning, formal education
0 Social: Friends, outings,
movies, having fun
0 Rest: Sleep, “me time,”
relaxation, holidays
Re-entering workforce
0 If you are re-entering the workforce after taking time
off, your preference may be to work part time or have
a flexible schedule.
0 If your priorities in life require that you have a flexible
work schedule or work part-time, you should inform a
potential employer of those expectations during the
interview process.
Part-time work
0 How many hours can you take off without affecting
your benefits?
0 Would your manager be supportive of the situation?
0 If not, could you be more flexible?
Retire or rewire?
0 Identify the people, places, and activities that give you joy today.
0 What is your vision for your future?
0 List 5 things on your bucket list.
0 Do you plan to work beyond age 60?
0 Do you plan to always do the same kind of work?
0 What will change for you if you change careers?
0 What will change for you if you stop working?
0 Do you currently do volunteer work or serve on a board?
0 Are you and your life partner on the same page?
When enough is enough
0 If you were to lose your job today, how would that
affect you?
0 If you needed a professional recommendation, who
would you contact to provide it?
0 How would that recommendation look and feel?
0 Do others think of you as a resource, as a go-to
0 You may love your work, and but dislike those with
whom you work
Opportunity knocks
0 We are in a never-ending state of change.
0 We are constantly growing and evolving, and it is
impossible to remain the same person you are today
even if you wanted to.
0 Think about your own career and the number of times
that you have reinvented yourself.
Flex Time
0 Job sharing
0 Telecommuting
0 Part time employment
Intentional life
0 Full participation on an emotional, physical, spiritual,
and intellectual level enhances your life and that of
those around you.
0 Keep an open mind; be open to other areas of life to
which you may not have been exposed.
0 Create a calendar of places to go and people to see.
0 No one knows you better than you; work that to your
0 Become a master of efficiency.
0 Identify those areas of life most important for your
well-being and balance and integrate them within
your lifestyle.
0 Know your limits.
0 Treat yourself with kindness
0 Covey, S. (2004). The 7 habits of highly effectivepeople. New
York: Simon and Schuster, Inc. (Free Press Division)
0 Littell, Robert (2003). The Heart and Art of NetWeaving:Building
meaningful relationships one connection at a time. Netweavers
0 Nash, L., & Stevenson, H. (2004). Just enough: Tools for creating
success in your work and life. New York: John Wiley.
0 Orr, L. (2013) 20 Connected Breaths. Rebirthing Breathwork.
0 Weinstein, S. (2014). B is for Balance: 12 steps to work/life
balance. Indianapolis: STTI
Thank you
Sharon M. Weinstein, MS, RN, CRNI, FACW, FAAN

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  • 1. 1 Work/Life Balance Sharon M. Weinstein, MS, RN, CRNI, FACW, FAAN Learning Objectives 0 Discuss boundary management 0 Identify 12 key steps toward achieving work/life balance 0 Describe the benefits of putting social media in its place 0 Recognize the impact of fatigue on work/life balance 0 Identify tips and rationale for negotiating work/life balance and family-friendly environments 0 Describe how to identify the need for help and communicate that need effectively Boundary management 0 Know thyself 0 Set boundaries with balance in mind 0 Understand privacy 0 Multi-tasking
  • 2. 2 12 Steps 0 Know thy purpose 0 Simplify 0 Limit stress 0 Focus 0 Engage 0 Put tech in its place 0 Find and keep balance 0 Have workplace balance 0 Sleepless in Seattle 0 Be happy, eat well, get moving, live longer 0 Reinvent yourself 0 Destiny in the balance Find your passion 0 We want to feel passionate about the work that we do and define our contribution to mankind, our purpose for being. 0 We want to know that we are contributing to the greater good and that our life has meaning. 0 We want to find our calling! But, do we know what that calling really is? Memory lane 0 Take time to walk down memory lane. 0 Write down what brought you great satisfaction—that is what you want to focus on as you move forward in life. 0 Write down what brought you the least satisfaction— and avoid those situations as much as possible!
  • 3. 3 Reflection 0 A means of dialogue and engagement 0 Fostering learning through the use of reflection in professional educational programs Meditation 0 The practice of focusing your attention and mind on something that makes you feel calm and relaxed and gives you clarity about your life. 0 People are using meditation to try to quit smoking. It's also being used for alcohol and drug addiction. 0 The National Institutes of Health is even recommending meditation for high blood pressure. Hand meditation exercise
  • 4. 4 A Balancing Act 0 One live to live 0 A barometer for well-being 0 Relationships 0 Something is missing 0 A course of action 0 The journey begins now… Social Media 0 Interaction among people in which they create, share, or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks ( Taming e-mail 0 Review the message once and act on it; either delete it, file it, or forward it. 0 If a quick response is all that is needed, do it now and move on. 0 If needed, delegate the task to someone else. 0 If the e-mail is project or task based, schedule a reminder via your e-mail software to send trigger an alert when the item is due.
  • 5. 5 Tech self-assessment 0 I organize myself before placing a telephone call 0 I schedule telephone conversations. 0 If I have a complicated question, I call the person instead of sending an e-mail. 0 I set time to respond 0 I keep contacts list updated 0 I use an electronic calendar 0 I use a CRM program 0 I update my voicemail 0 I turn off the phone in restaurants/meetings 0 I learn new technology Technology 0 A 24/7/360 lifestyle 0 Access 0 Overload 0 Privacy 0 Letting go of the ‘stuff’ The curveball 0 Life is bound to throw you a few curveballs. 0 Chances are they may relate to technology. 0 What do you do when the unexpected comes crashing into your world? 0 Do your palms sweat? 0 Does your heart skip a beat? 0 Your system crashed, and you think, “How did this happen?”
  • 6. 6 MAC to reality 0 Thirty years ago, Apple introduced the Macintosh computer with the promise to put the creative power of technology in everyone’s hands. 0 It launched a generation of innovators who continue to change the world (Apple, 2014). Privacy 0 Party lines were no party 0 Cybercrime 0 Intrusions 0 Balancing our own privacy National Security Agency 0 Your cell phone is not only more than a constant companion; it knows everything about you. 0 The National Security Agency (NSA) claims that collecting phone metadata does not tell the agency everything about you, but you and your calls may be tracked. (Kaminski, 2014).
  • 7. 7 Biological damage 0 Connectivity – is it dangerous to your health 0 Do you have sick building syndrome? 0 Is work a dangerous place? The ill effects 0 Cell phone usage 0 Role of the US Food and Drug Administration Ailments 0 Alzheimer’s, senility, and dementia 0 Parkinson’s 0 Autism 0 Fatigue 0 Headaches 0 Sleep disruptions 0 Altered memory function, poor concentration, and spatial awareness
  • 8. 8 Precautions 0 Limit time on the phone. 0 If you have any land-based (non-cellular) portable phones, do not use anything other than the 900 MHz phones as the Gigahertz phones stay on continuously, blasting you with information-carrying radio waves 24/7. 0 Use the speakerphone 0 Use a wired headset 0 Limit calls inside buildings. 0 Use the phone in open spaces as often as possible. 0 Limit use by children and preadolescents. 0 Limit your exposure to Wi-Fi routers. What is an EMF? 0 Produced by local build-up of electric charges in the atmosphere 0 Radiation between handset and base station 0 Information-carrying radio wave 0 Pulsed frequencies from microwaves SMART use 0 Text, don’t talk 0 Use speaker mode 0 Go offline 0 Get your phone out of your pocket; men who carry their mobile there have lower sperm counts than those who don’t carry a cell phone. 0 Avoid tight spaces (buses, elevators, trains, and subways) 0 Buy low, choosing a phone with a low SAR (specific absorption rate) number 0 Replace cordless phones with corded land lines 0 Don’t cradle your laptop; putting it on your lap exposes your organs to EMFs 0 Restrict cell and cordless phone use during pregnancy 0 Don’t rely on stick-on devices
  • 9. 9 Sick-building syndrome 0 Headache 0 Runny nose 0 Itchy eyes 0 Nausea 0 Chronic fatigue 0 Vision problems 0 Carpeting 0 Office supplies 0 Chemicals 0 Outdoor pollutants from city streets The information age App Benefits Access 1Password Password management to store all logins and other private information manager/id568903335?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Boxie A filing system that works, thanks to bookmarks (shortcuts) to your most-used folders dropbox/id674521086?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Evernote Stores notes, , archived webpages, and pdf documents 8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 30/30 Your official To Do list (but think of it as a Will Do list!) Mailbox Puts email in its place to facilitate use and reminders Characteristics 0 Between midnight and 6am 0 Usually a male driver who is alone 0 Usually a single vehicle 0 Involve serious injuries and/or fatalities 0 Driver is sleep deprived or fatigued 0 Long distances are involved 0 Driver worked more than 60 hours 0 Impact of drugs/alcohol
  • 10. 10 Fatigue 0 Fatigue is mental or physical exhaustion that stops a person from being able to function normally. 0 However, fatigue is more than just feeling tired or drowsy. Mental fatigue 0 Anxiety and depression can be triggered or worsened by fatigue 0 Error of omission 0 Error of commission 0 Learning and recall deficits Physical fatigue 0 Physically drained 0 We don’t know why 0 What could it be?
  • 11. 11 Adrenal fatigue 0 A collection of signs and symptoms 0 You live and function while you feel unwell Who owns fatigue? 0 A shared responsibility 0 Optimal work environments 0 Reducing risk Workplace fatigue 0 Lack of organizational support 0 Changes in leadership 0 Decision dilemma 0 Putting out fires 0 Inability to find/retain top talent 0 Daily changes in priorities 0 Fewer resources 0 Greater expectations
  • 12. 12 Countermeasures 0 Taking breaks as needed 0 Creative scheduling 0 Non-traditional hours 0 Fatigue Reduction Management System (FRMS) Drowsy driving 0 Classroom 0 Behind the wheel 0 At work Personal downtime 0 A slow app or server 0 A slow body 0 Take advantage of sacred spaces
  • 13. 13 Work 0 Too many hours 0 Too many days 0 Too much responsibility 0 Frustration 0 Decreased productivity 0 Limited outcomes Home 0 Relationships 0 Space 0 Family 0 Pets 0 Sleep/rest Negotiating for Change 0 Be prepared. 0 Open with your case; this demonstrates confidence. 0 Listen actively. 0 Support your case with facts. 0 Explore areas of agreement and disagreement. 0 Indicate readiness. 0 Know your options. 0 Advance to closure. 0 Make it happen!
  • 14. 14 Outcomes Tip Rationale 0 Know what you are willing to accept 0 Have a deal- breaker 0 Determine what they are willing to accept 0 Listen actively 0 Empowerment 0 Do not compromise 0 Know the alternatives 0 Do not second- guess 0 Understanding Productivity 0 Has it decreased 0 Has the quality dropped 0 Are you doing more with less 0 When reductions in staff are made, do you pick up the slack? The Employer 0 Can shift the paradigm 0 Can create a positive culture 0 Clear and compelling vision
  • 15. 15 The Employee 0 Practice healthy behaviors 0 Be alert and well-rested 0 Be aware of your own ‘recovery’ time 0 Know your limits Impairment Work-related Non work-related 0 Schedule 0 Actual hours 0 Type of work 0 Work setting 0 Quantity of sleep 0 Quality of sleep 0 Sleep disorders 0 Existing health issues The Workaholic 0 “I'm a workaholic, so I ignore the signs of fatigue and just keep going and going, and then conk out when I get home. It can be pretty stressful.” Keke Palmer
  • 16. 16 The Institution 0 The outcome is only as good as the system 0 Organizational leadership Organizational leadership 0 Sense of urgency 0 Collaboration 0 Awareness 0 Staffing practices 0 Innovation 0 Partner with staff 0 Educate and empower 0 Prioritize 0 Feedback 0 Follow the system Performance 0 Industry-specific 0 Safety factors 0 Productivity drops as work periods increase and sleep decreases 0 Staying awake for 17 hours = blood alcohol content of 0.1%
  • 17. 17 Goal setting 0 Set goals that respect who you are and what you do 0 Manage your time wisely 0 Manage your relationships 0 Achieve your goals but be good to yourself Focus 0 Track your time 0 Make an appointment 0 Become a netweaver (what’s in it for YOU) Managing People 0 Respect 0 Vision 0 Understanding 0 Listening 0 Recognizing 0 Rewarding
  • 18. 18 How is your day going? 0 Are you improving the world or enjoying it 0 Are you juggling 0 Is life in the way Learn to laugh 0 Put up streamers 0 Make a family photo collage 0 Make a hanging mobile for the house 0 Make music out of kitchen utensils 0 Promote a positive environment 0 Create a sense of trust 0 Cheer you and others 0 Release tension 0 Reduce stress 0 Work the diaphragm Balance and Nik 0 Thirty-five-year-old daredevil Nik Wallenda made history again by crossing the dark, windy-city skies over Chicago on a tightrope without safety net or tether. The stunt was aired live on Discovery Channel and beamed abroad to more than 200 countries. He completed the task, in balance. His task was a physical, emotional and spiritual challenge, and yet he did it. When you think about your busy day, is it nearly as complex as Wallenda’s?
  • 19. 19 To do Must do Know your Limitations 0 Selfless 0 Assertive 0 Easily persuaded
  • 20. 20 No 0 …is a complete sentence 0 Are you assertive? 0 Are you selfless? 0 Do you center yourself? Empowerment 0 I’ll get it together when….but ‘when’ never comes 0 Act on your behalf 0 Become resilient Negative Stressors 0 Make self-care a priority 0 Control your actions 0 Control of your personal/professional life
  • 21. 21 Know what is important 0 “We need to maintain a proper balance in our life by allocating the time we have. There are occasions where saying no is the best time management practice there is.” Catherine Pulsife Seeking help 0 Successful people are not afraid to ask for help 0 Everyone needs help 0 Reaching out is an admirable skill 0 Know thyself Employee Assistance Employee/Family Organization 0 Mental health- related services 0 Drug and alcohol- related services 0 Personal issues 0 Wellness/health promotion 0 Educational programs 0 Safety/emergency preparedness 0 Communications 0 Smoking cessation/weight management
  • 22. 22 Try something new 0 Do you do the same thing and expect different results? Tipping the scales 0 Working harder than ever 0 Longer hours 0 Less free time 0 Too much to do Environment 0 Healthy, healing 0 Workplace wellness 0 Preventive wellness programs 0 Motivation and self-esteem 0 Sense of worth
  • 23. 23 Requirements 0 Senior-level support 0 Wellness committee 0 Baseline information 0 Yearly operating plan 0 Appropriate health initiatives 0 Supportive atmosphere 0 Model healthy behaviors Managing Time 0 Home office 0 Electronic banking 0 Time to walk away from it all Evaluation 0 Plan the evaluation mechanism and programs concurrently 0 Identify baseline status 0 Use existing research; most non-profits use data what has been demonstrated in the past 0 Use predictors or intended outcomes to demonstrate impact; diet, exercise and lifestyle could be predictors of health
  • 24. 24 Do Your Homework 0 You are vulnerable 0 Your body is a precious commodity 0 Your health is important 0 You need balance at work and in life Discussion Managing Balance 0 In his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (2004), Stephen Covey showed that the day is filled with tasks that attract our attention and seem urgent, but they may never need to be done. 0 Weed those out and make time for the important tasks. 0 Learn to prioritize.
  • 25. 25 The Bus 0 The right people in the right seats 0 Good people 0 The latitude they need to do a good job The TEAM 0 The Long Ranger 0 The Brady Brunch The LEGO Movie 0 A team effort
  • 26. 26 Tracking your time 0 Wow – is it 5pm already? Managing Stress How do successful people manage?
  • 27. 27 What do you Offer? 0 Skills 0 Abilities 0 Performance record 0 Solid footing Integrating new members 0 Welcome the newcomer prior to the first day 0 Plan specific orientation activities 0 Allocate assigned workspace 0 Add newcomer to relevant mail distribution lists 0 Provide orientation manuals and training 0 Orient the newcomer to the IT systems and services 0 Prepare a calendar for the first month 0 Provide guidance - available resources Family-friendly 0 Family-friendly working help us achieve a better balance between work and family life 0 Maternity and paternity leave, on-site child care, flextime, job sharing, working from home, and other creative solutions 0 Add value to the work environment, and they contribute to workplace balance
  • 28. 28 Group Interaction 0 The Family 0 In today’s new workplace, diversity management is a time- sensitive business imperative. 0 Organizations that seek global market relevancy must embrace diversity – in how they think, act and innovate. 0 Diversity can no longer just be about making the numbers, but rather how an organization treats its people Stereotypes 0 Negative – lazy, entitled, tech-obsessed, over-eager 0 Been there and done that 0 Mobile work trends 0 Measuring performance 0 Work-life balance
  • 29. 29 Communicating the need 0 Whispering down the lane Communication 0 Two-way process 0 Employee engagement 0 Work morale 0 Productivity 0 Friday refreshment cart 0 Dress down or dress up 0 Monthly birthday celebrations Skills 0 Pay attention by looking directly at the speaker and avoid side conversations. 0 Demonstrate that you are listening by nodding occasionally and encouraging the speaker to continue with comments like ‘yes.’ 0 Offer feedback by paraphrasing what has been said. 0 Respond appropriately and respectfully. 0 Be positive and team-centered.
  • 30. 30 Healthy living 0 Remember that healthy living does not begin in the physician’s office; it begins with the small decisions that we make each day when we pack our kids’ lunches, shop for groceries, or order from a menu. We can, and should, control our health! What is old? 0 Paradigms have shifted; our concept of what is old has changed dramatically. 0 How long ago did you think that people who are 60 or 70 were old, and what is considered old today? Age-associated challenges 0 Dementia 0 Memory 0 Cognition 0 Agility 0 Balance
  • 31. 31 Finding your balance 0 What is the worst you ever felt emotionally? 0 What is the worst you ever felt physically/energetically? 0 What is the healthiest you ever felt? 0 What is the happiest you ever felt? 0 How good do you believe you can feel? 0 How good (physically, emotionally, and energetically) are you feeling now? Wheel of life 0 Business: Career progression activity 0 Finance: Investments and other monetary activities and responsibilities 0 Family: Spouse, kids, parents, and other relatives 0 Spiritual: Worship, Community, Volunteering 0 Physical: General exercise, sports, or activity participation 0 Mental: Reading, self- learning, formal education 0 Social: Friends, outings, movies, having fun 0 Rest: Sleep, “me time,” relaxation, holidays Re-entering workforce 0 If you are re-entering the workforce after taking time off, your preference may be to work part time or have a flexible schedule. 0 If your priorities in life require that you have a flexible work schedule or work part-time, you should inform a potential employer of those expectations during the interview process.
  • 32. 32 Part-time work 0 How many hours can you take off without affecting your benefits? 0 Would your manager be supportive of the situation? 0 If not, could you be more flexible? Retire or rewire? 0 Identify the people, places, and activities that give you joy today. 0 What is your vision for your future? 0 List 5 things on your bucket list. 0 Do you plan to work beyond age 60? 0 Do you plan to always do the same kind of work? 0 What will change for you if you change careers? 0 What will change for you if you stop working? 0 Do you currently do volunteer work or serve on a board? 0 Are you and your life partner on the same page? When enough is enough 0 If you were to lose your job today, how would that affect you? 0 If you needed a professional recommendation, who would you contact to provide it? 0 How would that recommendation look and feel? 0 Do others think of you as a resource, as a go-to person? 0 You may love your work, and but dislike those with whom you work
  • 33. 33 Opportunity knocks 0 We are in a never-ending state of change. 0 We are constantly growing and evolving, and it is impossible to remain the same person you are today even if you wanted to. 0 Think about your own career and the number of times that you have reinvented yourself. Flex Time 0 Job sharing 0 Telecommuting 0 Part time employment Intentional life 0 Full participation on an emotional, physical, spiritual, and intellectual level enhances your life and that of those around you. 0 Keep an open mind; be open to other areas of life to which you may not have been exposed. 0 Create a calendar of places to go and people to see.
  • 34. 34 Reflections 0 No one knows you better than you; work that to your advantage. 0 Become a master of efficiency. 0 Identify those areas of life most important for your well-being and balance and integrate them within your lifestyle. 0 Know your limits. 0 Treat yourself with kindness References 0 Covey, S. (2004). The 7 habits of highly effectivepeople. New York: Simon and Schuster, Inc. (Free Press Division) 0 Littell, Robert (2003). The Heart and Art of NetWeaving:Building meaningful relationships one connection at a time. Netweavers International 0 Nash, L., & Stevenson, H. (2004). Just enough: Tools for creating success in your work and life. New York: John Wiley. 0 Orr, L. (2013) 20 Connected Breaths. Rebirthing Breathwork. 0 Weinstein, S. (2014). B is for Balance: 12 steps to work/life balance. Indianapolis: STTI
  • 35. 35 Questions Thank you Sharon M. Weinstein, MS, RN, CRNI, FACW, FAAN