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Windows Phone 7

       Windows Phone 7 overview

                           Soumow Atitallah

Windows Phone 7


Windows Phone 7


A bit of history…
                    Begining of major
                    WM Update :
                    « Photom »

 2000                           2005                    2009                2010
 First version                  Windows                 Windows             Windows
 of Pocket PC                   Mobile 5                Phone 6.5           Phone 7

            Usage of the name
            Windows Mobile                 Windows
                                                               Zune HD
                                           Mobile 6
                         2003                         2007               2009

Windows Phone 7


A bit of history…


                     Fall 2011 : Release of Mango

Windows Phone 7


The break point

 Windows Phone 7 has :
  No Retro-compatibility with Windows
  Based on Windows CE 6
  New Interface based-on Metro UI
  Hardware requirements
  Good-bye Stylus !

Windows Phone 7


The interface : Metro UI

                           Metro UI

Windows Phone 7


 Windows            Common
                                   Consistent   Quality
  Phone             Hardware
                                    Platform    Focus
 Hardware           Elements

      Consistent set of
      hardware capabilities
      defined by Microsoft
        One resolution at launch
        Second resolution added later
        Same touch input
        Consistent processor / GPU
        Same available RAM
        Optional keyboard
Windows Phone 7

Introduction : Original hardware requirements

                                           4 points of contacts

                                           A-GPS, Accelerometer, Luminosity, …

                                           5 Megapixels minimum, flash

                                           Codecs, Smooth Streaming

                                           256 Mo RAM minimum, 8Go of flash memory minimum


                                           1GHz or more

                                           Buttons | Back, Start, Search

Windows Phone 7

Introduction : Developement technologies

 User interfaces in XAML                   High performance game framework
 Easy & quick to create rich visuel        Rapid creation of multi-screen 2D & 3D
  applications                               games
 Metro-UI themed controls                  Rich content pipeline
 500 000 developers spanning Windows       Mature, robust, widely adopted
  & Web                                      spanning Xbox 360, Windows & Zune.

Windows Phone 7


                                                            Your App UI and logic


                                       Silverlight                 XNA                    HTML/JavaScript


           App Model                     UI Model                              Cloud Integration

                                                                               Xbox LIVE
           App management                 Shell frame                          Bing
           Licensing                      Session manager                      Location
           Chamber isolation              Direct3D                             Push notifications
           Software updates               Compositor                           Windows Live ID

                                                                                                    Hardware BSP
           Networking          A-GPS          AccelerometerCompass          Light        Proximity
           Storage             Media          Wi-Fi                         Radio        Graphics

                                                Hardware Foundation
Windows Phone 7

Introduction : App Model Concepts

Uniquely identifiable,
licensable and serviceable
software product packaged
as a XAP

Application Deployment
Steps include Ingestion,
Certification and Signing                           Windows Phone

Application license
Crypto-verifiable object
issued to grant rights to           Windows Phone
an application                       Marketplace
Windows Phone 7

Introduction : Deployement and distribution process

   Develop            Submit                     Certify
   & Debug            & Validate                 & Sign

           Windows Phone
           Application Deployment           Marketplace

Windows Phone 7

Introduction : Developement tools

                                                                         w/ Windows
                                                                         Phone SDK

                                                       Third party IDE

You can also use Visual studio 2010 Express Edition for Windows Phone
SDK Available at :
Windows Phone 7

Basics : Controls

  Some of the controls :
     Pivot
     Panorama
     Bing maps
     DatePickers
     Time Pickers
     …. And more in the SL toolkit

Windows Phone 7


Windows Phone 7

Some of the Tasks

    ShareStatusTask          19
Windows Phone 7

Tasks : AddressChooserTask

                             AddressChooserTask addressChooserTask;
                             addressChooserTask = new AddressChooserTask();
                             addressChooserTask.Completed += new EventHandler<AddressResult>(addressChooserTask_Completed);

                             catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex)
                                   MessageBox.Show("An error occurred.");

                             void addressChooserTask_Completed(object sender, AddressResult e)
                                 if (e.TaskResult == TaskResult.OK)
                                        MessageBox.Show("The address for " + e.DisplayName + " is " + e.Address);

Windows Phone 7

Tasks : BingMapsDirectionsTask

                BingMapsDirectionsTask bingMapsDirectionsTask = new BingMapsDirectionsTask();

                // You can specify a label and a geocoordinate for the end point.

                // GeoCoordinate spaceNeedleLocation = new GeoCoordinate(47.6204,-122.3493);
                // LabeledMapLocation spaceNeedleLML = new LabeledMapLocation("Space Needle", spaceNeedleLocation);
                // If you set the geocoordinate parameter to null, the label parameter is used as a search term.

                LabeledMapLocation spaceNeedleLML = new LabeledMapLocation("Space Needle", null);
                bingMapsDirectionsTask.End = spaceNeedleLML;

                // If bingMapsDirectionsTask.Start is not set, the user's current location is used as the start point.


Windows Phone 7

Tasks : BingMapsTask

                       BingMapsTask bingMapsTask = new BingMapsTask();

                       //Omit the Center property to use the user's current location.

                       //bingMapsTask.Center = new GeoCoordinate(47.6204, -122.3493);

                       bingMapsTask.SearchTerm = "coffee";

                       bingMapsTask.ZoomLevel = 2;


Windows Phone 7

Tasks : ConnectionSettingsTask

                                 ConnectionSettingsTask connectionSettingsTask = new ConnectionSettingsTask();
                                 connectionSettingsTask.ConnectionSettingsType = ConnectionSettingsType.WiFi;

Windows Phone 7

Tasks : GameInviteTask

                         GameInviteTask gameInviteTask;
                         gameInviteTask = new GameInviteTask();
                         gameInviteTask.Completed += new EventHandler<TaskEventArgs>(gameInviteTask_Completed);

                                             try {
                                                     gameInviteTask.SessionId = "<my session id>";
                                             catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex)
                                                   MessageBox.Show("An error occurred.");

                              void gameInviteTask_Completed(object sender, TaskEventArgs e)
                                            //Game logic for when the invite was sent successfully
                                           case TaskResult.OK:
                                                  MessageBox.Show("Game invitation sent.");
                                                  break; /
                                           //Game logic for when the invite is cancelled by the user
                                           case TaskResult.Cancel:
                                                  MessageBox.Show("Game invitation cancelled.");
                                           // Game logic for when the invite could not be sent
                                           case TaskResult.None:
                                                    MessageBox.Show("Game invitation could not be sent.");
Windows Phone 7

Tasks : SaveContactTask

                          SaveContactTask saveContactTask;

                          saveContactTask = new SaveContactTask();
                          saveContactTask.Completed += new EventHandler<SaveContactResult>(saveContactTask_Completed);

                                                try {
                                                        saveContactTask.FirstName = "John";
                                                        saveContactTask.LastName = "Doe";
                                                        saveContactTask.MobilePhone = "2065550123";
                                                catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex)
                                                       MessageBox.Show("An error occurred.");

Windows Phone 7           Company              Gets or sets the name of the company associated with the contact.
                          FirstName            Gets or sets the given name of the contact.
                                               Gets or sets the city of the home address associated with the
                                               Gets or sets the country or region of the home address associated
Tasks : SaveContactTask   HomeAddressCountry
                                               with the contact.
                                               Gets or sets the state of the home address associated with the
                                               Gets or sets the street name and number of the home address
                                               associated with the contact.
                                               Gets or sets the postal code of the home address associated with
                                               the contact.
                          HomePhone            Gets or sets the home phone number associated with the contact.

                          JobTitle             Gets or sets the job title associated with the contact.
                          LastName             Gets or sets the surname of the contact.
                          MiddleName           Gets or sets the middle name of the contact.
                          MobilePhone          Gets or sets the mobile phone number associated with the contact.
                          Nickname             Gets or sets the nickname of the contact.
                          Notes                Gets or sets a note associated with the contact.
                                               Gets or sets an additional email address associated with the
                          PersonalEmail        Gets or sets the personal email address associated with the contact.
                          Suffix               Gets or sets the suffix of the name of the contact.
                          Title                Gets or sets the title of the name of the contact.
                          Website              Gets or sets the website associated with the contact.
                                               Gets or sets the city of the work address associated with the
                                               Gets or sets the country or region of the work address associated
                                               with the contact.
                                               Gets or sets the state of the work address associated with the
                                               Gets or sets the street name and number of the work address
                                               associated with the contact.
                                               Gets or sets the postal code of the work address associated with
                                               the contact.
                          WorkEmail            Gets or sets the work email address associated with the contact.

                          WorkPhone            Gets or sets the work phone number associated with the contact.
Windows Phone 7

Tasks : SaveRingtoneTask

                           try {
                                   saveRingtoneChooser.Source = new Uri("appdata:/ReneLaTaupe.mp3");
                                   //saveRingtoneChooser.Source = new Uri("isostore:/ReneLaTaupe.mp3");

                                saveRingtoneChooser.DisplayName = "My custom ringtone"; saveRingtoneChooser.Show();
                           catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex)
                                 MessageBox.Show("An error occurred.");

Windows Phone 7

Tasks : ShareLinkTask

   ShareLinkTask shareLinkTask = new ShareLinkTask();
   shareLinkTask.Title = "Code Samples";
   shareLinkTask.LinkUri = new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute);
   shareLinkTask.Message = "Have you seen the latest demo ?";

Windows Phone 7

     Live Tiles & Push Notifications

Windows Phone 7

Live Tiles

                  Live Tiles allow content on a
                  tile to be updated and
                  changed remotely to signifly
                  a change in the backend

Windows Phone 7

Creating a tile

   ShellTile.Create(new Uri("/MainPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative),
             new StandardTileData(){
                       BackgroundImage = new Uri("isostore:/Shared/ShellContent/image.png",
             Title = "Sample"});

                                               Tiles are recto and verso

   There are also some additional properties that you can use in addition to the basic ones:
   BackContent - used to display a string onthe back of the tile. The tile itself will automatically rotate betwen the
   base and secondary content.

   BackTitle - the title to be displayed on the back of the tile.

   Count - the count displayed in the corner of the tile. Only displayed on the front side of the tile.

   BackBackgroundImage - the background image displayed on the back of the tile.

Windows Phone 7

Update/Deleting tiles

   Tiles can expire or need updating

                                Enumerate the tiles associated with the application, accessible
                                through the ShellTile.ActiveTiles IEnumerable:

                                foreach (ShellTile tile in ShellTile.ActiveTiles){

                                For each shell tile, we can either Update it (and pass a new
                                instance of StandardTileData with updated content) or Delete it.

Windows Phone 7

Push Notifications

                      3 Types of Push

                     Toast Notifications
                      Tile Notifications
                      Raw Notifications

Windows Phone 7

Push Notifications : Toast Notifications

   Title. A boldface string that displays immediately after the application icon. This is defined as
   the Text1 property in the XML schema.

   Content. A non-boldface string that displays immediately after the Title. This is defined as the
   Text2 property in the XML schema.

   Parameter. A parameter value that is not displayed but passed to your application if the user
   taps on the toast. This parameter can indicate what page the application should launch to. It
   can also contain name-value pairs to pass to the application. This is defined as the Param
   property in the XML schema.
Windows Phone 7


Windows Phone 7

              Fast App switching

Windows Phone 7

Application Lifecycle Pre-Mango


                        Activated                Deactivated

    Restore state                   Tombstoned                 Save state

Windows Phone 7

Application Lifecycle in Mango


                         Activated             Deactivated

                                                             Save state

Windows Phone 7

Application Lifecycle in Mango

             Launch Event
                 private void Application_Launching(object sender, LaunchingEventArgs e)

             Deactivated Event
                 private void Application_Deactivated(object sender, DeactivatedEventArgs e)

             Activated Event
                 private void Application_Activated(object sender, ActivatedEventArgs e)
                     if(e.IsApplicationInstancePreserved == true)
                             // Dormant State
                             // Tombstoned State

             Close Event
                 private void Application_Closing(object sender, ClosingEventArgs e) {

Windows Phone 7

             Background Agents

Windows Phone 7

What are background agents?

 Background Agents are a seperate project from the
  application you are creating.

 They are instantiated when the application isn’t in an
  active state. When the application is in an active state,
  they don’t run.

 Maximum of 18 simultaneous agents.

 Background Agents are desactivated 14 days if they are
  never used.
Windows Phone 7

What can/can’t you do with Background Agents

                        Allowed                        Not Allowed
            Tiles                                Interact with UI
            Toast                                XNA Libraries
            Location Services                    Microphone & Camera
            Connectivity                         Sensors
            Access to                            Play audio without using
             IsolatedStorage                       the appropriate APIs for
            Sockets                               background sound
            Most APIs

Windows Phone 7

Background Agents

                     Background Transfer Service
                     Background Audio
                     Background Agents
                        Periodic
                        On Idle
                     Alarms and Reminders

Windows Phone 7

Background Agents

  Background Agents in Mango take the form of a separate assembly, which gets linked
  in your WMAppManifest.xml

Windows Phone 7

             Background Agents
          Background Transfer Service

Windows Phone 7

Background Agents : Background Transfer Service

 Start in foreground, complete in background, even if
  app is closed

 Queue (of 5) persists across reboots

 Single service for many apps, FIFO

 Download ~20 MB ( > over Wi-Fi)

 Upload Size ~4 MB (limit to come)

 Transfers to Isolated Storage                          46
Windows Phone 7

Background Agents : Background Transfer Service

Windows Phone 7

             Background Agents
                  ScheduledTask Agent

Windows Phone 7

Background Agents : ScheduledTask Agent

It is possible to have in Windows Phone 7 to execute code
as a planned tack.

There are two types of scheduled tasks therefore one class
that from ScheduledTask for each of these types :
PeriodicTask and ResourceIntensiveTask

Windows Phone 7

Background Agents : ScheduledTask Agent

    Memory 5 Mo
    Expiration : 2 Weeks
    Restrained acces to APIs
    User can desactivate them

PeriodicTask :
 Every 30 minutes (+/-) for 15 seconds
 Can be dismissed if two many background agents are active

   Runs for 10 minutes
   Only runs if the phone is plugged in
   If the phone is connected to Wifi or PC
   If the phone is 90% Charged
   If absolutely no application is running on the phone
Windows Phone 7

Background Agents : ScheduledTask Agent

     PeriodicTask periodicTask = new PeriodicTask("TaskUniqueNameInApp");
     periodicTask.Description = "My Periodic Task Description";
     periodicTask.ExpirationTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10);

ResourceIntensiveTask intensiveTask new ResourceIntensiveTask("TaskUniqueNameInApp");
intensiveTask.Description = "My Intensive Task Description";
intensiveTask.ExpirationTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10);

Windows Phone 7

Background Agents : ScheduledTask Agent

Then create a class that inherits of ScheduledTaskAgent and override OnInvoke and OnCancel

            public class TaskScheduler : ScheduledTaskAgent
                protected override void OnInvoke(ScheduledTask task)
                    if (task is PeriodicTask)
                    {        }
                    else //is ResourceIntensiveTask
                    {        }

Windows Phone 7

     Using APIs, Camera & Sensors

Windows Phone 7


Windows Phone 7


Windows Phone provides the programming interface needed to create and use TCP and UDP sockets. You can select
which type of socket to use based on your application’s needs.

Windows Phone 7


using System.Net.Sockets;

 public string Connect(string hostName, int portNumber) {

      DnsEndPoint hostEntry = new DnsEndPoint(hostName, portNumber);

      _socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

      socketAsyncEventArgs socketEventArg = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();

      socketEventArg.RemoteEndPoint = hostEntry;

      socketEventArg.Completed += new EventHandler<SocketAsyncEventArgs>( delegate(object s, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
                                              result = e.SocketError.ToString();
                                              _clientDone.Set(); });
     return result;

Windows Phone 7


Windows Phone 7


In Windows Phone, you can now access the user information asynchrously, and even better you can query them with
Linq !!!

using Microsoft.Phone.UserData;

   Get contacts:
        private void ButtonContacts_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {

                     Contacts cons = new Contacts();

                      //Identify the method that runs after the asynchronous search completes.
                     cons.SearchCompleted += new EventHandler<ContactsSearchEventArgs>(Contacts_SearchCompleted);

                     //Start the asynchronous search.
                     cons.SearchAsync(String.Empty, FilterKind.None, "Contacts Test #1");

        void Contacts_SearchCompleted(object sender, ContactsSearchEventArgs e) {
                      //Do something with the results.

Windows Phone 7


using Microsoft.Phone.UserData;

   Get appoinments using Linq:

          void Appointments_SearchCompleted(object sender, AppointmentsSearchEventArgs e)
                                AppointmentResultsDataLINQ.DataContext = from Appointment appt in e.Results
                                                                         where appt.IsAllDayEvent == false
                                                                         select appt;
                       catch (System.Exception)
                                //No results

Windows Phone 7


Windows Phone 7


You can use the following features to consume media in a Windows Phone application:

   Use the MediaPlayerLauncher class for Windows Phone to embed audio or video using the device media player. Cf.
    Launchers and Choosers chapter

   Use the Silverlight MediaElement API to embed audio or video using a more customizable interface.

   MediaElement for Windows Phone has a few differences than MediaElement for the desktop.

   Add sound effects using XNA Game Studio.

   Use the MediaStreamSource class for adaptive streaming solutions.

   Use Microsoft.Phone.BackgroundAudio to create a media application that will continue playing audio when another
    application is in the foreground. Cf. background agents chapter

Windows Phone 7

Media : MediaElement
      <MediaElement Name="mediaElement1" Source="" AutoPlay="True"/>


Windows Phone 7

Media : Integration with the music hub

Windows Phone 7

Media : Integration with the music hub

Your Music + Videos Hub application must conform to the Application Certification
Requirements for Windows Phone to integrate with the Music + Videos Hub.

 Tiles that are displayed in the Music + Videos Hub must conform to additional iconography rules:
  You must include your application title or logo on each Tile.

  The now playing Tile must be 358 pixels x 358 pixels. The file size must be 75 KB or less.

  Other tiles must be 173 pixels x 173 pixels in size.

  The Title property of the MediaHistoryItem class must be set to text that represents the content, such as a
   station name or video title.

 To help avoid confusion for users, Hub Tiles should not contain album art unless the album plays when the Hub
 Tile is pressed.
 If your application plays a stream, the Hub Tile graphic should describe the stream that is being played.
 This is not a certification requirement, it is a good practice.

Windows Phone 7

 Media : Integration with the music hub

Updating the 'now playing' Tile of the 'history' List

                    MediaHistoryItem mediaHistoryItem = new MediaHistoryItem();

                    //<hubTileImageStream> must be a valid ImageStream.
                    mediaHistoryItem.ImageStream = <hubTileImageStream>;

                    mediaHistoryItem.Source = "";

                    mediaHistoryItem.Title = "NowPlaying";

                    mediaHistoryItem.PlayerContext.Add("keyString", "Song Name");

                    MediaHistory.Instance.NowPlaying = mediaHistoryItem;

Windows Phone 7

                  Camera API

Windows Phone 7

Application Lifecycle Pre-Mango

Windows Phone supports programmatic access to the camera on a device, offering a rich
set of APIs for developers to create their applications.

Some features include:
   Creating a camera application with a viewfinder and capturing still photos

   Providing real-time access to raw frames from the camera

   Adjusting the resolution of the captured photo

   Implementing functionality such as focus and flash

   Detecting and querying the device camera capabilities such as flash

   Accessing the camera hardware shutter button for capturing photos and triggering auto-focus

Windows Phone 7

Camera API

Windows Phone 7

Camera API

      To use a camera in your Windows Phone application, you must add the
      camera capability (ID_CAP_ISV_CAMERA) to the application manifest file.

                  <Capability Name="ID_CAP_ISV_CAMERA"/>
                  <Capability Name="ID_HW_FRONTCAMERA"/>

Windows Phone 7


Any questions ?


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Windows phone 7 overview

  • 1. Windows Phone 7 Windows Phone 7 overview Soumow Atitallah 1
  • 2. Windows Phone 7 Introduction 2
  • 3. Windows Phone 7 Introduction A bit of history… Begining of major WM Update : « Photom » 2000 2005 2009 2010 First version Windows Windows Windows of Pocket PC Mobile 5 Phone 6.5 Phone 7 Usage of the name Windows Mobile Windows Zune HD Mobile 6 2003 2007 2009 3
  • 4. Windows Phone 7 Introduction A bit of history… Now Fall 2011 : Release of Mango 4
  • 5. Windows Phone 7 Introduction The break point Windows Phone 7 has :  No Retro-compatibility with Windows Mobile  Based on Windows CE 6  New Interface based-on Metro UI  Hardware requirements  Good-bye Stylus ! 5
  • 6. Windows Phone 7 Introduction The interface : Metro UI Metro UI 6
  • 7. Windows Phone 7 Introduction Windows Common Consistent Quality Phone Hardware Platform Focus Hardware Elements Consistent set of hardware capabilities defined by Microsoft One resolution at launch Second resolution added later Same touch input Consistent processor / GPU Same available RAM Optional keyboard 7
  • 8. Windows Phone 7 Introduction : Original hardware requirements Touch 4 points of contacts Sensors A-GPS, Accelerometer, Luminosity, … APN 5 Megapixels minimum, flash Multimedia Codecs, Smooth Streaming Memory 256 Mo RAM minimum, 8Go of flash memory minimum GPU DirectX CPU 1GHz or more Buttons | Back, Start, Search 8
  • 9. Windows Phone 7 Introduction : Developement technologies  User interfaces in XAML  High performance game framework  Easy & quick to create rich visuel  Rapid creation of multi-screen 2D & 3D applications games  Metro-UI themed controls  Rich content pipeline  500 000 developers spanning Windows  Mature, robust, widely adopted & Web spanning Xbox 360, Windows & Zune. 11
  • 10. Windows Phone 7 Introduction Applications Your App UI and logic Frameworks Silverlight XNA HTML/JavaScript CLR App Model UI Model Cloud Integration Xbox LIVE App management Shell frame Bing Licensing Session manager Location Chamber isolation Direct3D Push notifications Software updates Compositor Windows Live ID Kernel Hardware BSP Security Networking A-GPS AccelerometerCompass Light Proximity Storage Media Wi-Fi Radio Graphics Hardware Foundation 12
  • 11. Windows Phone 7 Introduction : App Model Concepts Application Uniquely identifiable, licensable and serviceable software product packaged as a XAP Application Deployment Steps include Ingestion, Certification and Signing Windows Phone Marketplace Application license Crypto-verifiable object issued to grant rights to Windows Phone an application Marketplace 13
  • 12. Windows Phone 7 Introduction : Deployement and distribution process Develop Submit Certify & Debug & Validate & Sign Windows Phone Application Deployment Marketplace Service 14
  • 13. Windows Phone 7 Introduction : Developement tools w/ Windows Phone SDK OR Third party IDE You can also use Visual studio 2010 Express Edition for Windows Phone SDK Available at : 15
  • 14. Windows Phone 7 Basics : Controls Some of the controls :  Pivot  Panorama  Bing maps  DatePickers  Time Pickers  …. And more in the SL toolkit 17
  • 15. Windows Phone 7 Tasks 18
  • 16. Windows Phone 7 Some of the Tasks AddressChooserTask BingMapsDirectionsTask BingMapsTask ConnectionSettingsTask GameInviteTask PhoneCallTask SmsComposeTasks WebBrowserTask SaveContactTask SaveRingtoneTask ShareLinkTask ShareStatusTask 19
  • 17. Windows Phone 7 Tasks : AddressChooserTask AddressChooserTask addressChooserTask; addressChooserTask = new AddressChooserTask(); addressChooserTask.Completed += new EventHandler<AddressResult>(addressChooserTask_Completed); try { addressChooserTask.Show(); } catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex) { MessageBox.Show("An error occurred."); } void addressChooserTask_Completed(object sender, AddressResult e) { if (e.TaskResult == TaskResult.OK) { MessageBox.Show("The address for " + e.DisplayName + " is " + e.Address); } } 20
  • 18. Windows Phone 7 Tasks : BingMapsDirectionsTask BingMapsDirectionsTask bingMapsDirectionsTask = new BingMapsDirectionsTask(); // You can specify a label and a geocoordinate for the end point. // GeoCoordinate spaceNeedleLocation = new GeoCoordinate(47.6204,-122.3493); // LabeledMapLocation spaceNeedleLML = new LabeledMapLocation("Space Needle", spaceNeedleLocation); // If you set the geocoordinate parameter to null, the label parameter is used as a search term. LabeledMapLocation spaceNeedleLML = new LabeledMapLocation("Space Needle", null); bingMapsDirectionsTask.End = spaceNeedleLML; // If bingMapsDirectionsTask.Start is not set, the user's current location is used as the start point. bingMapsDirectionsTask.Show(); 21
  • 19. Windows Phone 7 Tasks : BingMapsTask BingMapsTask bingMapsTask = new BingMapsTask(); //Omit the Center property to use the user's current location. //bingMapsTask.Center = new GeoCoordinate(47.6204, -122.3493); bingMapsTask.SearchTerm = "coffee"; bingMapsTask.ZoomLevel = 2; bingMapsTask.Show(); 22
  • 20. Windows Phone 7 Tasks : ConnectionSettingsTask ConnectionSettingsTask connectionSettingsTask = new ConnectionSettingsTask(); connectionSettingsTask.ConnectionSettingsType = ConnectionSettingsType.WiFi; connectionSettingsTask.Show(); 23
  • 21. Windows Phone 7 Tasks : GameInviteTask GameInviteTask gameInviteTask; gameInviteTask = new GameInviteTask(); gameInviteTask.Completed += new EventHandler<TaskEventArgs>(gameInviteTask_Completed); try { gameInviteTask.SessionId = "<my session id>"; gameInviteTask.Show(); } catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex) { MessageBox.Show("An error occurred."); } void gameInviteTask_Completed(object sender, TaskEventArgs e) { switch(e.TaskResult) { //Game logic for when the invite was sent successfully case TaskResult.OK: MessageBox.Show("Game invitation sent."); break; / //Game logic for when the invite is cancelled by the user case TaskResult.Cancel: MessageBox.Show("Game invitation cancelled."); break; // Game logic for when the invite could not be sent case TaskResult.None: MessageBox.Show("Game invitation could not be sent."); break; } } 24
  • 22. Windows Phone 7 Tasks : SaveContactTask SaveContactTask saveContactTask; saveContactTask = new SaveContactTask(); saveContactTask.Completed += new EventHandler<SaveContactResult>(saveContactTask_Completed); try { saveContactTask.FirstName = "John"; saveContactTask.LastName = "Doe"; saveContactTask.MobilePhone = "2065550123"; saveContactTask.Show(); } catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex) { MessageBox.Show("An error occurred."); } 25
  • 23. Windows Phone 7 Company Gets or sets the name of the company associated with the contact. FirstName Gets or sets the given name of the contact. Gets or sets the city of the home address associated with the HomeAddressCity contact. Gets or sets the country or region of the home address associated Tasks : SaveContactTask HomeAddressCountry with the contact. Gets or sets the state of the home address associated with the HomeAddressState contact. Gets or sets the street name and number of the home address HomeAddressStreet associated with the contact. Gets or sets the postal code of the home address associated with HomeAddressZipCode the contact. HomePhone Gets or sets the home phone number associated with the contact. JobTitle Gets or sets the job title associated with the contact. LastName Gets or sets the surname of the contact. MiddleName Gets or sets the middle name of the contact. MobilePhone Gets or sets the mobile phone number associated with the contact. Nickname Gets or sets the nickname of the contact. Notes Gets or sets a note associated with the contact. Gets or sets an additional email address associated with the OtherEmail contact. PersonalEmail Gets or sets the personal email address associated with the contact. Suffix Gets or sets the suffix of the name of the contact. Title Gets or sets the title of the name of the contact. Website Gets or sets the website associated with the contact. Gets or sets the city of the work address associated with the WorkAddressCity contact. Gets or sets the country or region of the work address associated WorkAddressCountry with the contact. Gets or sets the state of the work address associated with the WorkAddressState contact. Gets or sets the street name and number of the work address WorkAddressStreet associated with the contact. Gets or sets the postal code of the work address associated with WorkAddressZipCode the contact. WorkEmail Gets or sets the work email address associated with the contact. WorkPhone Gets or sets the work phone number associated with the contact. 26
  • 24. Windows Phone 7 Tasks : SaveRingtoneTask try { saveRingtoneChooser.Source = new Uri("appdata:/ReneLaTaupe.mp3"); //saveRingtoneChooser.Source = new Uri("isostore:/ReneLaTaupe.mp3"); saveRingtoneChooser.DisplayName = "My custom ringtone"; saveRingtoneChooser.Show(); } catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex) { MessageBox.Show("An error occurred."); } 27
  • 25. Windows Phone 7 Tasks : ShareLinkTask ShareLinkTask shareLinkTask = new ShareLinkTask(); shareLinkTask.Title = "Code Samples"; shareLinkTask.LinkUri = new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute); shareLinkTask.Message = "Have you seen the latest demo ?"; shareLinkTask.Show(); 28
  • 26. Windows Phone 7 Live Tiles & Push Notifications 29
  • 27. Windows Phone 7 Live Tiles Live Tiles allow content on a tile to be updated and changed remotely to signifly a change in the backend application 30
  • 28. Windows Phone 7 Creating a tile ShellTile.Create(new Uri("/MainPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative), new StandardTileData(){ BackgroundImage = new Uri("isostore:/Shared/ShellContent/image.png", UriKind.Absolute), Title = "Sample"}); Tiles are recto and verso There are also some additional properties that you can use in addition to the basic ones: BackContent - used to display a string onthe back of the tile. The tile itself will automatically rotate betwen the base and secondary content. BackTitle - the title to be displayed on the back of the tile. Count - the count displayed in the corner of the tile. Only displayed on the front side of the tile. BackBackgroundImage - the background image displayed on the back of the tile. 31
  • 29. Windows Phone 7 Update/Deleting tiles Tiles can expire or need updating Enumerate the tiles associated with the application, accessible through the ShellTile.ActiveTiles IEnumerable: foreach (ShellTile tile in ShellTile.ActiveTiles){ Debug.WriteLine(tile.NavigationUri.ToString()); } For each shell tile, we can either Update it (and pass a new instance of StandardTileData with updated content) or Delete it. 32
  • 30. Windows Phone 7 Push Notifications 3 Types of Push Notifications Toast Notifications Tile Notifications Raw Notifications 33
  • 31. Windows Phone 7 Push Notifications : Toast Notifications Title. A boldface string that displays immediately after the application icon. This is defined as the Text1 property in the XML schema. Content. A non-boldface string that displays immediately after the Title. This is defined as the Text2 property in the XML schema. Parameter. A parameter value that is not displayed but passed to your application if the user taps on the toast. This parameter can indicate what page the application should launch to. It can also contain name-value pairs to pass to the application. This is defined as the Param property in the XML schema. 34
  • 32. Windows Phone 7 Multitasking 35
  • 33. Windows Phone 7 Fast App switching 36
  • 34. Windows Phone 7 Application Lifecycle Pre-Mango Running Activated Deactivated Restore state Tombstoned Save state 37
  • 35. Windows Phone 7 Application Lifecycle in Mango Running Restore state Activated Deactivated Dormant Save state Tombstoned 38
  • 36. Windows Phone 7 Application Lifecycle in Mango Launch Event private void Application_Launching(object sender, LaunchingEventArgs e) { } Deactivated Event private void Application_Deactivated(object sender, DeactivatedEventArgs e) { } Activated Event private void Application_Activated(object sender, ActivatedEventArgs e) { if(e.IsApplicationInstancePreserved == true) { // Dormant State } else { // Tombstoned State } } Close Event private void Application_Closing(object sender, ClosingEventArgs e) { } 39
  • 37. Windows Phone 7 Background Agents 40
  • 38. Windows Phone 7 What are background agents?  Background Agents are a seperate project from the application you are creating.  They are instantiated when the application isn’t in an active state. When the application is in an active state, they don’t run.  Maximum of 18 simultaneous agents.  Background Agents are desactivated 14 days if they are never used. 41
  • 39. Windows Phone 7 What can/can’t you do with Background Agents Allowed Not Allowed  Tiles  Interact with UI  Toast  XNA Libraries  Location Services  Microphone & Camera  Connectivity  Sensors  Access to  Play audio without using IsolatedStorage the appropriate APIs for  Sockets background sound  Most APIs 42
  • 40. Windows Phone 7 Background Agents  Background Transfer Service  Background Audio  Background Agents  Periodic  On Idle  Alarms and Reminders 43
  • 41. Windows Phone 7 Background Agents Background Agents in Mango take the form of a separate assembly, which gets linked in your WMAppManifest.xml 44
  • 42. Windows Phone 7 Background Agents Background Transfer Service 45
  • 43. Windows Phone 7 Background Agents : Background Transfer Service  Start in foreground, complete in background, even if app is closed  Queue (of 5) persists across reboots  Single service for many apps, FIFO  Download ~20 MB ( > over Wi-Fi)  Upload Size ~4 MB (limit to come)  Transfers to Isolated Storage 46
  • 44. Windows Phone 7 Background Agents : Background Transfer Service 47
  • 45. Windows Phone 7 Background Agents ScheduledTask Agent 48
  • 46. Windows Phone 7 Background Agents : ScheduledTask Agent It is possible to have in Windows Phone 7 to execute code as a planned tack. There are two types of scheduled tasks therefore one class that from ScheduledTask for each of these types : PeriodicTask and ResourceIntensiveTask 49
  • 47. Windows Phone 7 Background Agents : ScheduledTask Agent Limitations:  Memory 5 Mo  Expiration : 2 Weeks  Restrained acces to APIs  User can desactivate them PeriodicTask :  Every 30 minutes (+/-) for 15 seconds  Can be dismissed if two many background agents are active ResourceIntensiveTask  Runs for 10 minutes  Only runs if the phone is plugged in  If the phone is connected to Wifi or PC  If the phone is 90% Charged  If absolutely no application is running on the phone 50
  • 48. Windows Phone 7 Background Agents : ScheduledTask Agent Microsoft.Phone.Scheduler.PeriodicTask PeriodicTask periodicTask = new PeriodicTask("TaskUniqueNameInApp"); periodicTask.Description = "My Periodic Task Description"; periodicTask.ExpirationTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10); ScheduledActionService.Add(periodicTask); Microsoft.Phone.Scheduler.ResourceIntensiveTask ResourceIntensiveTask intensiveTask new ResourceIntensiveTask("TaskUniqueNameInApp"); intensiveTask.Description = "My Intensive Task Description"; intensiveTask.ExpirationTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10); ScheduledActionService.Add(intensiveTask) 51
  • 49. Windows Phone 7 Background Agents : ScheduledTask Agent Then create a class that inherits of ScheduledTaskAgent and override OnInvoke and OnCancel public class TaskScheduler : ScheduledTaskAgent { protected override void OnInvoke(ScheduledTask task) { if (task is PeriodicTask) { } else //is ResourceIntensiveTask { } NotifyComplete(); } } 52
  • 50. Windows Phone 7 Using APIs, Camera & Sensors 53
  • 51. Windows Phone 7 Sockets 54
  • 52. Windows Phone 7 Sockets Windows Phone provides the programming interface needed to create and use TCP and UDP sockets. You can select which type of socket to use based on your application’s needs. 55
  • 53. Windows Phone 7 Sockets using System.Net.Sockets; public string Connect(string hostName, int portNumber) { DnsEndPoint hostEntry = new DnsEndPoint(hostName, portNumber); _socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); socketAsyncEventArgs socketEventArg = new SocketAsyncEventArgs(); socketEventArg.RemoteEndPoint = hostEntry; socketEventArg.Completed += new EventHandler<SocketAsyncEventArgs>( delegate(object s, SocketAsyncEventArgs e) { result = e.SocketError.ToString(); _clientDone.Set(); }); _clientDone.Reset(); _socket.ConnectAsync(socketEventArg); _clientDone.WaitOne(TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS); }); return result; } 56
  • 54. Windows Phone 7 Contacts/Calendar 57
  • 55. Windows Phone 7 Contacts/Calendar In Windows Phone, you can now access the user information asynchrously, and even better you can query them with Linq !!! using Microsoft.Phone.UserData; Get contacts: private void ButtonContacts_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Contacts cons = new Contacts(); //Identify the method that runs after the asynchronous search completes. cons.SearchCompleted += new EventHandler<ContactsSearchEventArgs>(Contacts_SearchCompleted); //Start the asynchronous search. cons.SearchAsync(String.Empty, FilterKind.None, "Contacts Test #1"); } void Contacts_SearchCompleted(object sender, ContactsSearchEventArgs e) { //Do something with the results. MessageBox.Show(e.Results.Count().ToString()); } 58
  • 56. Windows Phone 7 Contacts/Calendar using Microsoft.Phone.UserData; Get appoinments using Linq: void Appointments_SearchCompleted(object sender, AppointmentsSearchEventArgs e) { try { AppointmentResultsDataLINQ.DataContext = from Appointment appt in e.Results where appt.IsAllDayEvent == false select appt; } catch (System.Exception) { //No results } } 59
  • 57. Windows Phone 7 Media 60
  • 58. Windows Phone 7 Media You can use the following features to consume media in a Windows Phone application:  Use the MediaPlayerLauncher class for Windows Phone to embed audio or video using the device media player. Cf. Launchers and Choosers chapter  Use the Silverlight MediaElement API to embed audio or video using a more customizable interface.  MediaElement for Windows Phone has a few differences than MediaElement for the desktop.  Add sound effects using XNA Game Studio.  Use the MediaStreamSource class for adaptive streaming solutions.  Use Microsoft.Phone.BackgroundAudio to create a media application that will continue playing audio when another application is in the foreground. Cf. background agents chapter 61
  • 59. Windows Phone 7 Media : MediaElement <MediaElement Name="mediaElement1" Source="" AutoPlay="True"/> mediaElement1.Play(); mediaElement1.Pause(); mediaElement1.Stop(); 62
  • 60. Windows Phone 7 Media : Integration with the music hub 63
  • 61. Windows Phone 7 Media : Integration with the music hub Your Music + Videos Hub application must conform to the Application Certification Requirements for Windows Phone to integrate with the Music + Videos Hub. Tiles that are displayed in the Music + Videos Hub must conform to additional iconography rules:  You must include your application title or logo on each Tile.  The now playing Tile must be 358 pixels x 358 pixels. The file size must be 75 KB or less.  Other tiles must be 173 pixels x 173 pixels in size.  The Title property of the MediaHistoryItem class must be set to text that represents the content, such as a station name or video title. To help avoid confusion for users, Hub Tiles should not contain album art unless the album plays when the Hub Tile is pressed. If your application plays a stream, the Hub Tile graphic should describe the stream that is being played. This is not a certification requirement, it is a good practice. 64
  • 62. Windows Phone 7 Media : Integration with the music hub Updating the 'now playing' Tile of the 'history' List MediaHistoryItem mediaHistoryItem = new MediaHistoryItem(); //<hubTileImageStream> must be a valid ImageStream. mediaHistoryItem.ImageStream = <hubTileImageStream>; mediaHistoryItem.Source = ""; mediaHistoryItem.Title = "NowPlaying"; mediaHistoryItem.PlayerContext.Add("keyString", "Song Name"); MediaHistory.Instance.NowPlaying = mediaHistoryItem; 65
  • 63. Windows Phone 7 Camera API 66
  • 64. Windows Phone 7 Application Lifecycle Pre-Mango Windows Phone supports programmatic access to the camera on a device, offering a rich set of APIs for developers to create their applications. Some features include:  Creating a camera application with a viewfinder and capturing still photos  Providing real-time access to raw frames from the camera  Adjusting the resolution of the captured photo  Implementing functionality such as focus and flash  Detecting and querying the device camera capabilities such as flash  Accessing the camera hardware shutter button for capturing photos and triggering auto-focus 67
  • 66. Windows Phone 7 Camera API To use a camera in your Windows Phone application, you must add the camera capability (ID_CAP_ISV_CAMERA) to the application manifest file. <Capability Name="ID_CAP_ISV_CAMERA"/> <Capability Name="ID_HW_FRONTCAMERA"/> 69
  • 67. Windows Phone 7 Conclusion 70