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                                                  MAURICE STRONG EXCLUSIVE      P 15
                                                  BENEDICT XVI: LAST POPE?      P 22
                                                  ROADMAP BACK ON TRACK?        P 24
                                                  FIGHTING THE NATIONAL ID      P 28

                                     Will the
                                  Next Pope
                                be the False
Many have stated that it is impossible to know whether or not we are living in the last days
                                    before the second coming of Jesus Christ. However, below you will find dramatic proof that
                                                                     these are the endtimes. The proofs below defy coincidence.

Euphrates River to Be Dried Up                                 In Revelation 16:12, the Bible predicts that the Euphrates
River will be dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the east to invade Israel. This will happen at the time of the bat-
tle of Armageddon according to verse 16 of the same chapter. The battle of Armageddon will be the final battle at which
time Jesus will return and fight on the side of the nation of Israel. Immediately thereafter He will establish His kingdom
and usher in His one thousand-year reign of peace. On January 13, 1990, the Indianapolis Star carried the headline “Turkey
Will Cut Off Flow of Euphrates for One Month.” The article stated that a huge reservoir had been built by Turkey. While
filling up the reservoir, the flow of the Euphrates would be stopped for one month and a concrete plug for a diversion chan-
nel built. These things have now been done. With this newly built dam, Turkey has the ability to stop the Euphrates River
at will. The conditions for fulfilling this 1,900 year-old prophecy are now in place.

                                                                       China Goes to War          In Revelation 9:15-16, the
     Bible prophesies that an army of 200 million soldiers will launch a war which would kill “the third part of men.” Never in
     the history of the world until our present generation has there been a power on earth that could field 200 million soldiers.
     However, the late ruler of China, Mao Tse Tung boasted in his diary that he could field an army of 200 million. The CIA
     World Factbook reports that in the year 2001, it is estimated that China has 200,886,946 men of military age, and this num-
     ber is growing by 10 million per year.

Worldwide Numbering System Predicted In Revelation 13, the Bible prophesies that a
world dictator will soon rule over a world government. He will cause all people in the earth to receive a number without
which they will be unable to buy or sell. We are seeing this prophecy fulfilled before our eyes in a most astonishing way.
Nearly every human being in the world now has been assigned a number. In America it is our Social Security number. In
the past few years, we have seen this number extended to newborns. A child without a Social Security number cannot be
declared as a dependent on an income tax return. We have seen the emergence of electronic money, shopping with credit
cards, and many people urging the abolishment of cash. All of these things could not possibly have been fulfilled until this
present time. Only after the invention of the computer could such a worldwide numbering system be administered.

                               The Emergence of a New World Order                                     Revelation 13:7 and
   Daniel 7:23 prophesy the establishment of a world government. The term “New World Order” has become a prevalent
   phrase in the world’s political culture. Mikhail Gorbachev made the term famous, and Pope John Paul II has referred to
   it repeatedly. In the September 12, 1990 issue of the Chicago Tribune, our former president George Bush said, “Iraq is
   the first test for the New World Order.” He emphatically stated that the Iraq War is Saddam Hussein against the world.
   The United Nations’ troops are continually referred to as the multi-national forces. The decision has been made to estab-
   lish an interdependent community of nations that will rule the world under United Nations authority. The Bible says
   that this will lead us into a great world government. The formation of this government is at hand.

Coincidence or Divine Providence?
Is it coincidental that all of these major prophecies pertaining to the last times are being fulfilled simultane-
                               Source: Endtime Magazine, P.O. Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375
                                       This page may be copied and distributed freely                       Hardly.
                            Prophecy Conference Schedule
Poplar Bluff, MO — Thu., May 19                                          Milwaukee, WI — Fri., July 22, Parkway Apostolic
7:30 P.M.; Bluff City UPC, corner of South “C” and Walnut, at east       Church (Oak Creek), Hosts: Pastors Frank and Anthony Tamil
entrance to Clinton Park. Host: Pastor Ted Elledge, (573) 785-7631
                                                                         New Orleans, LA — Fri., Aug. 12, Ponchatrain Center
St. Louis, MO — Fri., May 20                                             (Kenner)
7:30 P.M.; Florissant Valley Apostolic Church, 3465 Shackelford Rd., 6
miles north of I-270, McDonnell Rd. exit. McDonnell Rd. changes          South Bend, IN — Fri., Sept. 9, Ironwood United
names several times on your way up north, but there are no turns. The    Pentecostal Church, Host: Pastor Kenneth Mendenhall
church is a large brick building on the left hand side of road. Hosts:
Pastors Tim Dugas and Scott Graham, (314) 831-5577                       Jackson, MS — Fri., Oct. 21, Parkway Pentecostal Church
                                                                         (Madison), Host: Pastor Jerry Dillon
Dallas, TX — Fri., June 24
7:30 P.M.; Arlington Convention Center, located next to Ameriquest       Corpus Christi, TX — Fri., Nov. 4, Holiday Inn Airport
Field, home of the Texas Rangers, I-30, Nolan Ryan exit.

Chesapeake, VA — Thu., July 14, Bible World Church,
Host: Pastor Jack Cunningham                                             Prophecy Tour 2006
                                                                         Would you like to join Irvin Baxter on his next Holy Land Tour in the
Chicago, IL — Thu., July 21, Pentecostals of South Lake                  spring of 2006? Be among the first to get the information when it
(Merrilville, IN), Host: Pastor Robert Stroup                            becomes available by calling Mary Beth at 1-800-Endtime

                                                                                          ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005 3

                               Irvin Baxter Jr.                                              REVEALING THE FUTURE THROUGH BIBLE PROPHECY

                               EDITOR-IN-CHIEF                                                    MAGAZINE STAFF
                                                                                        Editor-in-Chief: Irvin Baxter Jr.

                                                                                        Assistant Editor: Eddie Sax

                                                                                        Editorial Assistants: Ginger Boerkircher,
                                                                                        Liz Freeman

                                                                                        Research: Kathy McKinney

         The                                                                            Partner Relations: Jana Robbins

                                                                                        Conference Director: Kara McPeak

                                                                                        Webmaster: Dan Barkley

                                                                                              ENDTIME MINISTRIES
                                                                                              STATEMENT OF FAITH

                                                     Pope?                              WE BELIEVE that the Bible is the inspired
                                                                                        Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the Savior
                                                                                        of the world, and that He will come again to
                                                                                        establish a kingdom that shall never be
                                                                                        destroyed (Daniel 2:44). Those who are born

     t was a record-setting funeral.         ing the rebirth of the Holy Roman          again (John 3:3-5) will have eternal life and
     Millions flocked to Rome. Some          Empire right now. On October 29,           rule as kings and priests with Christ forever.
     stood in line for over 24 hours just    2004, the 25 members of the
 to catch a 20-second look at Pope           European Union adopted the first-
 John Paul II lying in state. It was esti-   ever European Constitution. The
                                                                                                 WHAT IS ENDTIME
 mated that two billion worldwide            European euro has surged past the
 viewed his funeral via television.          dollar in strength and value.                         MAGAZINE?
   Not just Roman Catholics were               Since the original birth of the Holy
                                                                                             In 1968, Irvin Baxter Jr. discovered the
 drawn to the second longest reigning        Roman Empire in 800 AD, two per-
                                                                                        United States and other modern nations in the
 pope in church history. Protestants,        sonages have always ruled there—a          Bible. He also found the Berlin Wall in the Bible
 Jews, Muslims and Buddhists came to         political leader from Europe and a         and that one day it was to be torn down,
 pay homage to the man that many             religious leader from Italy. Without       reuniting Germany, and that event would be
 believe brought communism crashing          fail, the pope has always supplied the     the catalyst to spark an international move-
 down to the ground.                         “holy” element of the Holy Roman           ment called the “New World Order.” These
   During the news coverage, it was          Empire.                                    things have now come to pass.
 heard over and over again, “He was-           The Bible prophesies that this will             Irvin Baxter Jr., a Pentecostal minister,
                                                                                        began Endtime Ministries in 1986 when he
 n’t just a religious leader to Catholics.   happen one more time. The final            wrote A Message For The President, a book
 He was a leader for all of us.”             time, the political leader will be the     explaining the major prophecies of the Bible
   President Bush called him a man of        Antichrist and the spiritual leader will   which he had been teaching since 1968.
 God whom God sent to earth to               be the False Prophet.                           After the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic ful-
 occupy the seat of St. Peter. By the          Since all the prophetic signs indi-      fillment accelerated rapidly. The decision was
 time the actual funeral arrived, it         cate that we are very near the time of     made to launch Endtime. The purpose of the
 became easy to see how the papacy           the Antichrist, we have to wonder if       magazine is to explain the prophecies of the
                                                                                        Bible and to show that they are now being ful-
 could exercise spiritual leadership         the pope elected to replace Pope John
                                                                                        filled in intricate detail.
 over all the earth, just as the Bible       Paul II will be the False Prophet him-          Articles focus on the soon return of Jesus
 says it will.                               self. At this time, we can’t know for      Christ, the truth of the Bible, and the need for
                                             sure. But this one thing we do know        salvation. Endtime does not deal with doctrinal
 Where to from here?                         for certain: Whoever is pope at the        controversies, as valid as they may be. This will
   Those who understand Bible                time of the Antichrist, that man will      be left to other publications.
 prophecy know that we are witness-          be the False Prophet!                e


                                                                                                       CONTENTS      >> COVERSTORY
                                                                                                                                     MAY / JUNE VOL. 15 / NO. 3

                                                                                                             12 WILL THE NEW POPE BE THE FALSE PROPHET?
                                                                                                                    Whoever is pope at the time of the Antichrist—that
                                                                                                                    man will be the False Prophet. This should not come
                                                                                                                    as a shock, even to Roman Catholics. It is taught in
                                                                                                                    many Catholic prophecy books that there is an evil
                                                                                                                    pope coming. And so we ask, are we near the reign of
    DEPARTMENTS                                                                                                     the Antichrist?

4   EDITORIAL The Next Pope?                                                                                 15 SOME PEOPLE CALL HIM MAURICE
                                                                                                                    It’s not often you’re able to sit down and have a one
                                                                                                                    hour conversation with a man who has been in charge
6 LETTERS & FEEDBACK                                                                                                of reforming the United Nations. According to some,
                                                                                                                    the UN is the singular structure designed to rule the
8 RADIO LOG                                                                                                         world. Maurice Strong sits at the elbow of Secretary-
                                                                                                                    General Kofi Annan. Part 2 of a three-part series.
    G   St. Malachy prophecy: two popes remain                                                                      WORLDRELIGION
    G   Annan: Pope was interfaith pioneer                                                                   22 BENEDICT XVI: THE LAST POPE?
    G   Microsoft plans RFID software in ‘06                                                                        Benedict XVI is insisting that Protestant churches not
                                                                                                                    be called "sister churches," but "daughter churches".
    G   Disengagement obstacle removed
                                                                                                                    He contends that the Roman Catholic Church is the
    G   U.S. limits World Court jurisdiction                                                                        “Mother” of other Christian churches — an amazing
    G   U.S., China at risk of conflict                                                                             affirmation in light of Revelation 17:5.

16 PRODUCT PAGES                                                                                                    ISRAEL&THEMIDDLEEAST
                                                                                                             24 FROM DISENGAGEMENT TO ARMAGEDDON
25 WHETSTONE BIBLE QUIZ                                                                                             Israel’s newly reestablished Sanhedrin issued its
                                                                                                                    objections to Ariel Sharon’s Disengagement Plan,
                                                                                                                    stating that any Jew who cooperates with the pro-
                                                                                                                    gram transgresses a large number of Torah command-
                                                                                                                    ments; that the uprooting of the residents of the Gaza
                                                                                                                    Strip and Samaria is an injustice, a crime, and places
                                                                                                                    all Israeli citizens in mortal danger.
    TOP: COURTESY OF KYLE T. DAVIS | LEFT: COURTESY                                   OF   KENN
    THORPE | RIGHT: COURTESY OF NATAN GESHER                                                                        ISRAEL&THEMIDDLEEAST
                                                                                                             26 SANHEDRIN’S DECLARATION CONCERNING THE
                                                                                                                    Read for yourself what the newly formed Sanhedrin
                                                                                                                    thinks of Ariel Sharon’s Disengagement Plan.

                                                                                                             28 NATIONAL ID: FIGHTING THE ISSUE, NOT THE MAN
                                                                                                                    “Who will drive us into the mark of the beast faster—
                                                                                                                    Bush or Kerry?” That was the pre-election question

                            18                                                  26                                  six months ago. Today, the answer is apparent. It’s
                                                                                                                    Bush. As Christians, what are we to do with this

    Endtime is published bi-monthly by Endtime, Inc., 1301 South 8th Street, Richmond, IN 47374. Subscription price is $29 for 12 issues. Periodical postage paid #009267, ISSN# 1066-6885, Richmond, IN,
    and additional mailing offices. © 2005 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Endtime, PO
    Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375-2066. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week 1-800-ENDTIME. Other inquiries call 1-765-962-6344 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Eastern).

                                   &FEEDBACK     WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND?
                                            E N D T I M E WA N T S T O K N O W.

 Not tasting death                           And out of his mouth goeth a sharp        colossal mistake. I ask God’s forgive-
    What did Jesus mean in Matthew           sword, that with it he should smite       ness. —Joe G.
 16:28 when He said, “Verily I say           the nations: and he shall rule them
 unto you, There be some standing            with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the     REPLY: I too have been disappoint-
 here, which shall not taste of death,       winepress of the fierceness and wrath     ed in many things President Bush has
 till they see the Son of man coming in      of Almighty God. And he hath on his       done. However, I would remind you
 his kingdom”? —A. Mounsey                   vesture and on his thigh a name writ-     that we are commanded to honor and
                                             ten, KING OF KINGS, AND                   pray for those in authority. When the
    REPLY: There are two possible            LORD OF LORDS.”                           Apostle Paul appeared before ungod-
 explanations to these words of Jesus.                                                 ly kings and governors, he treated
    The very next event recorded in the                                                them with the utmost respect. He
 Bible was the transfiguration of Jesus:     Not to mention bathrooms                  addressed Festus as “most noble
    “And after six days Jesus taketh           I was talking to a co-worker about      Festus.”
 Peter, James, and John his brother,         Revelation 9’s 200 million-men 6th          I agree that it is a mistake to put our
 and bringeth them up into an high           Trumpet army. He asserted that it         faith in the political system. I don’t
 mountain apart, And was transfig-           would be impossible to feed and have      think it’s wrong to vote for the leader
 ured before them: and his face did          clean water for such a large army, and    that would, in a person’s judgment,
 shine as the sun, and his raiment was       that nuclear wars are not fought with     govern more closely than his oppo-
 white as the light. And, behold, there      large numbers of men. How can I get       nent to biblical principles.
 appeared unto them Moses and Elias          through on this sticky point?
 talking with him.” (Matthew 17:1-3)           —Thomas
    Peter, James and John seeing Jesus                                                 Fighting the Real ID Act
 transfigured into the glory He will            REPLY: I don’t necessarily believe        I am a Police Officer in Buffalo,
 have when He comes in the power of          Revelation 9 indicates that there will    NY. I must have a driver’s license in
 His kingdom may have been what              be a standing army of 200 million.        order to work. Congressman Ron
 Jesus referred to.                          This may just have been God’s way of      Paul talked about this on your pro-
    The other very plausible explana-        identifying for us one of the promi-      gram. I understand the implications
 tion is that this prophecy was fulfilled    nent nations that will participate in     and do not agree with this. I did email
 when John the Revelator received the        the prophesied war. Since China has       my Senators to vote against the Real
 book of Revelation. In Revelation           specifically boasted that she could       ID Act, but, if it gets passed what do
 19:11-16, John saw Jesus coming in          field an army of 200 million, it seems    we do? I, for one, feel as though I
 His kingdom:                                almost sure that she will be a princi-    should not “volunteer” for this, but
    “And I saw heaven opened, and            ple player in Revelation 9.               then I lose my job. I have no problem
 behold a white horse; and he that sat                                                 fighting against it and not taking it,
 upon him was called Faithful and                                                      but how many of us are going to do
 True, and in righteousness he doth          Bush duped Christians                     this? —Ron W.
 judge and make war. His eyes were as          G.W. Bush and his crew effectively
 a flame of fire, and on his head were       duped all of us Christians into voting      REPLY: I do not believe that a per-
 many crowns; and he had a name              for him because of his ability to         son who complies with these new
 written, that no man knew, but he           decide who our next Supreme Court         requirements for drivers’ licenses has
 himself. And he was clothed with a          justices will be. Placing our faith in    taken the mark of the beast. We are
 vesture dipped in blood: and his name       the political system is simply a mis-     merely pointing out these develop-
 is called The Word of God. And the          take. My pastor advised us as a con-      ments so everyone can see how close
 armies which were in heaven fol-            gregation not to vote at all. I was       to the mark of the beast we really are.
 lowed him upon white horses,                tempted not to and now more and           I would not recommend that you lose
 clothed in fine linen, white and clean.     more it seems as though it was a          your job over this issue at this time.


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However, there is coming a time           same principle could possibly apply      site and was astonished, to say the
when all of us will be required to take   here, but I’m not sure I would feel      least, to see that your organization
a stand.                                  comfortable doing it.                    accepts credit cards as payment
  To consider this further, read                                                   through your web-store, when I hear
“National ID: Fighting the Issue,                                                  so much on your program of the evils
Not the Man” article by Eddie Sax in      Possible papal successor                 of credit cards. If I’m not mistaken,
this issue.                                 With the pope’s health deteriorat-     you do not use credit cards. Is this a
                                          ing and the fulfillment of endtime       conflict of interest? —A. Carpenter
                                          prophecies accelerating, I am curious
Investing in the devil                    to see if you think that Jean-Marie        REPLY: Actually, I do use credit
  In your opinion, would it be wrong      Lustiger may be the new pope.            cards—as little as possible, I might
to invest in a company such as ADSX       Lustiger was born of a Polish Jewish     add. You may have heard me say that
(Applied Digital Solutions), makers       family in France, and is currently the   I have never used an ATM machine.
of Verichip? We know through              Archbishop of Paris. It makes sense      Credit cards are not inherently evil.
prophecy and your program that this       for the Jewish people to be expecting    The technology used by credit cards
technology is going to take off. If we    a Jew, especially since they are wait-   will someday lead society into the
took the first 10% of any earnings        ing for Elijah to lead the way to the    system called the mark of the beast.
from this stock and placed it in your     Messiah, although we know that role      As with many other things in this
programs or other Christian pro-          was fulfilled by John the Baptist.       world, we use this system while
grams, would that be in a sense sup-        —Ismael C.                             avoiding the coming abuse of it.
porting the machinations of the beast
or would it be a good way to use            REPLY: Lustiger is definitely a pos-
what we know is going to happen to        sibility, but I’m not willing to make    Grasping the mark
spread the word and urgent message        that a prediction. By the time you         After teaching your Under-
of our Lord? —J. Cattoor                  read this, you will probably know        standing the Endtime lesson on the
                                          who the new pope is.                     mark of the beast, a person asked
  REPLY: In the Old Testament, Israel                                              me, “What if some unsaved individ-
was allowed to raise pigs, but they                                                ual takes the mark in his right hand
were not allowed to eat them. They        Those evil credit cards                  and then sometime later encounters
could sell them to the heathen. The         I was browsing through your web-       a Bible study like this and wants to

                                                                             ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005 7
 be born again?”                              include the situation in the Middle             their peace of mind. They should
   My initial lighthearted reply was,         East.                                           listen to the Politics & Religion
 “Hmmm....Well, first, that right hand                                                        programs in full and then do the
 would be offending him so I would                                                            proper research if they want to take
 tell him to cut it off. And it’s a good                                                      you to task on a particular subject.
 thing he didn’t take the mark in his         Feedback                                        They should beware that their per-
 forehead.... Second,…”                       G   My husband and I would like to              ception is not God’s reality. God’s
   Before I could finish he said, “So, if         take time to say, “Thank You.” We           word is fact with no room for
 I have to take the mark, I should                recently made a donation to                 wishy-washiness. —Jerry
 make sure to only take in the hand,              Endtime Ministries although the
 right?”                                          knowledge we have received is           G   I’ve heard callers accuse you of
   Somehow, I don’t think he fully                priceless. There is no way we could         being unloving, yet so many others,
 grasped the essence of the lesson.               ever send enough money or order             myself included, often comment on
   —Arthur                                        enough materials to show just how           just how “loving” you guys in fact
                                                  much Endtime has meant to us.               are with all callers! True love is
 Peace and safety                                 You have opened our eyes, and               when you don’t withhold the truth,
   Does I Thessalonians 5:3 refer to              from the way it looks, God is put-          especially about such important
 the apparent peace initiative between            ting us in a very good place to teach       biblical information. Keep up the
 the Palestinians and Israelis or does it         others. We have put an ad in our            good work and continue to fight
 refer to something else? [“For when              local newspaper and on the local            the good fight! —Rebecca C.
 they shall say, Peace and safety; then           gospel music station trying to reach
 sudden destruction cometh upon                   as many people in our area as pos-
 them, as travail upon a woman with               sible. If it were not for Bro. Baxter
 child; and they shall not escape.”] —            and all of the staff at Endtime, we
 Dewaun S.                                        would not have this wonderful           ENDTIME thanks you for your
                                                  opportunity to teach others about       letters. The letters we use do not
   REPLY: The people of the world will            Bible prophecy. We are so excited       necessarily reflect the views of
 apparently feel they have achieved               about all we see going on around        ENDTIME and/or its staff. END-
 peace and safety when they succeed               the world. —A & A Blue                  TIME reserves the right to edit let-
 in firmly establishing their one-                                                        ters according to space and style.
 world government. This feeling of            G   You have a lot of people trying to
 peace and safety will undoubtedly                refute the truth for the benefit of

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                                WORLD                                                          by Liz Freeman &
                                                                                                       Ginger Boerkircher

                                        GLOBAL NEWS SEEN THROUGH
                                    THE EYES OF BIBLE PROPHECY
>> WORLDRELIGION                           belief that all religions are valid path-      Officials say that critics are over-
                                           ways to God, were not taken aback           stating the risks and that the chips
                                           by Kofi Annan’s statement issued            will serve to diminish passport for-
St. Malachy’s prophecy: Only two           after the pope’s death on April 2.          gery, improve security and speed up
popes remain                                  “Quite apart from his role as a spir-    border crossings. Technical features
   According to the prophecy of St.        itual guide to more than a billion          will be added to prevent the RFID
Malachy, an Irish bishop who died in       men, women and children,” said the          chips from being “skimmed” by
1148 A.D., the cardinals of the world      UN leader, “he was a tireless advo-         unauthorized readers. In addition to a
may be choosing the next-to-last           cate of peace, a true pioneer in inter-     person’s name, date of birth and digi-
pope when they pick John Paul II’s         faith dialogue and a strong force for       tized photo, at a later date the chips
successor. The pope who then fol-          critical self-evaluation by the Church      will be able to include fingerprints or
lows will be the last. His reign will be   itself.”                                    iris prints.
followed by Rome’s destruction.               The Catholic Church has long been
   St. Malachy left behind a prophetic     an open supporter of global gover-          RFID to rule the world
list of all future popes beginning with    nance through the United Nations.              According to RFID News, there is
Pope Celestine II, whose papacy            To this end, Annan remarked, “I was         a definite interest in establishing true
began in 1143 A.D. Historians claim        always struck by [the pope’s] com-          global RFID standards. It will ensure
that his prediction listing 112 popes      mitment to having the United                interoperability of all devices and
has been astonishingly accurate.           Nations become, as he said during his       accommodate regional differences.
   The last seven popes as identified in   address to the General Assembly in             Are we witnessing the development
St. Malachy’s list are as follows: Pius    1995, ‘a moral center where all the         of the infrastructure that will eventu-
XII; John XXIII; Paul VI; John Paul        nations of the world feel at home and       ally become the mark of the beast?
I; John Paul II; the next pope and; the    develop a shared awareness of being,
last pope, described by Malachy as         as it were, a family of nations.’”          Microsoft plans RFID software in
“Petrus Romanus” (Peter the                   The Secretary-General offered his        2006
Roman).                                    condolences to Catholics, as well as           Microsoft has plans to release the
   Malachy’s prophecy concerning           “others around the world” who were          RFID Services Platform early next
Peter the Roman describes events           touched by John Paul’s life of prayer       year. A “middleware” product, it
eerily similar to those in the Book of     and lifelong dedication to nonvio-          connects RFID signal-monitoring
Revelation: “In extreme persecution,       lence and peace.”                           hardware with business software that
the seat of the Holy Roman Church                                                      is used to interpret the information.
will be occupied by Peter the Roman,                                                   Microsoft has invested heavily in
who will feed the sheep through            >> MARKOFTHEBEAST                           RFID technology and has made it a
many tribulations, at the term of                                                      key part of its broader “Smarter
which the city of seven hills will be                                                  Retail Initiative.” Plans have been
destroyed, and the formidable Judge        Passport chip criticism grows               announced to support the tagging
will judge the people.”                      In light of U.S. State Department         technology in an embedded version
   It should be noted that some con-       plans to begin issuing new American         of Windows XP specifically aimed at
tend St. Malachy’s original prophecy       passports that contain remotely read-       retailers.
only foretold 111 popes. They say the      able chips, business travel groups,
112th pope, Peter the Roman, was           security experts and privacy advo-          >> ISRAEL&THEMIDDLEEAST
added several hundred years later by       cates are looking for ways to stop the
an unknown person.                         implementation. It is feared that the
                                           chips will become homing devices for        Disengagement obstacle
Annan: Pope was true pioneer in            high-tech muggers, identity thieves         removed with budget passing
interfaith dialogue                        and terrorists, ultimately turning            Israel’s parliament, the Knesset,
  Those who recognize the UN’s             American tourists into targets wher-        passed the 2005 State Budget by a 58-
“religion” to be Interfaithism, the        ever they go.                               36 vote. This appears to be the final

                                                                                 ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005 9
 political obstacle that could have pre-   soon be over. He said that it is only    talks including North Korea were
 vented the implementation of the          a matter of time before individual       about to start, Bolton called North
 Disengagement Plan in July.               European nations are swallowed up        Korean leader Kim Jong II a “tyranni-
                                           by a new European superstate.            cal dictator” of a country where “life is
 Jericho handed over to                    Moratinos admitted that the EU           a hellish nightmare.” Regarding Iran,
 Palestinian control                       Constitution would be a death war-       he said, “All options are on the table.”
   Israeli and Palestinian security        rant for sovereignty of the 25 mem-        When asked about what seemed to
 commanders signed an agreement in         ber states. He stated that they had      be mixed signals from the Bush
 March handing over Jericho to             already signed away power to run         administration on North Korea in a
 Palestinian     control.   Ironically,    their own economy, legal system          2002 New York Times interview,
 Jericho was the first city given to       and human rights rules, and that the     Bolton grabbed a book from a shelf
 Israel as an inheritance by God. The      next steps would be to form a            and laid it on the table. Its title: “The
 handover was seen as a message to         Europe-wide foreign policy and           End of North Korea.”
 Palestinians that an informal truce       merge the armed forces into a single       “That,” he told the interviewer, “is
 was starting to pay off.                  EU army.                                 our policy.”
                                                                                      In 1994, Bolton was quoted as say-
 >> 6THTRUMPETWATCH                        >> ONEWORLDGOVERNMENT                    ing that “if the UN secretariat build-
                                                                                    ing in New York lost 10 stories, it
                                                                                    wouldn’t make a bit of difference.”
 U.S., China now at risk of heading Bush picks UN critic as UN
 into conflict                      ambassador                                      Annan to resign over Oil-for-Food
    Just days before U.S. Secretary of        He is described as a blunt-spoken     scandal?
 State Condoleezza Rice’s arrival in       hawk with a history of skepticism          United Nations secretary-general
 Beijing on March 18, Ukraine’s            toward the United Nations. Those         Kofi Annan was said to be struggling
 Prosecutor General Piskun revealed        qualifications were apparently what      with depression. Colleagues reported
 that Ukrainian arms dealers had           President Bush was looking for in a      concerns about Annan ahead of the
 exported 12 strategic X-55 cruise         United States ambassador to the UN.      official report that would examine his
 missiles to Iran and six to China in         Secretary of State Condoleezza        son’s connection to the controversial
 2001. By illegally obtaining the X-55,    Rice announced John Bolton’s             Iraqi oil-for-food scheme. Annan
 Iran and China have revealed their        appointment on March 7, saying,          might have to choose between the
 true intentions: Iran’s goal is to        “The president and I have asked John     secretary-generalship and loyalty to
 obtain nuclear weapons, and China’s       to do this work because he knows         his son. However, after a critical new
 is to punch a hole in the defensive net   how to get things done. He is a          report on the scandal-tainted pro-
 provided by the U.S. missile defense      tough-minded diplomat, he has a          gram, Annan vowed not to resign.
 system. Although the U.S.-China           strong record of success, and he has a   The UN chief, embattled by the
 relationship still hasn’t reached the     proven track record of effective mul-    ongoing scandal, which cast a shadow
 breaking point, both sides are push-      tilateralism.” She credits Bolton with   over the United Nations, seized on
 ing in that direction.                    helping to build an international        the enquiry’s finding that he had not
                                           coalition to combat the spread of        helped in getting a program contract
 Flirting with Armageddon:                 weapons of mass destruction and          for the Swiss firm that employed his
 welcome to a new arms race                helping to convince Libya to             son. When asked if he would step
   The Observer out of London              renounce such weapons. He pressed        down, he replied with an emphatic
 reported that a new nuclear arms race     the case for war with Iraq, and has      “No.”
 is gripping the world, and many           been outspokenly critical of North
 experts believe the likelihood of a       Korea, Iran, Syria and Cuba.             U.S. limits World Court
 nuclear attack is greater now than it        Not pleased with the appointment,     jurisdiction
 was during the Cold War. The article      Democratic Senator John Kerry              The United States withdrew from a
 noted that the new nuclear threat         observed, “If the president is serious   Vienna Convention protocol, which
 comes from terrorist groups, not just     about reaching out to the world, why     gave the International Court of
 rogue states. It appears that no one is   would he choose someone who has          Justice the right to intervene in the
 abiding by the provisions of the 30-      expressed such disdain for working       cases of foreigners held in U.S. jails.
 year-old Nuclear Non-Proliferation        with our allies?” Senate minority        The move followed a decision by the
 Treaty.                                   leader, Harry Reid called the nomina-    World Court that 51 Mexicans on
                                           tion a “disappointing choice and one     death row in U.S. jails should get a
 >> MARKOFTHEBEAST                         that sends all the wrong signals.”       new hearing. President Bush decided
                                              The Democrats do have a point. In     that the United States would comply
                                           1999, Bolton called for full diplomat-   with the ruling and review the cases,
 EU plan is ‘death of nations’             ic recognition of Taiwan and said the    but the withdrawal would mean the
   Miguel Angel Moratinos, Spain’s         notion that “China would actually        U.S. would not have to bow to the
 foreign minister, said that Britain’s     respond with force is a fantasy.”        international court in such a case
 days as an independent country will          In July 2003, as delicate six-party   again.                               e

New York              G    Israel        G    Brussels            G    Germany

Join Irvin Baxter Jr. on his next trip to the Holy Land! This tour will be special – the first of its
kind. In addition to touring United Nations Headquarters in New York and six days in Israel,
Prophecy Tour 2006 will be topped off with a tour through northern Europe’s Holy Roman
Empire territory.

Experience Israel through the eyes of Irvin Baxter Jr. as he leads you to the Mount of Olives,
Temple Mount, Masada, Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee, and much, much more.

From there we fly to Frankfurt and begin our exploration in Aachen, Germany, home and burial
place of Charlemagne—the place where President Clinton and Pope John Paul II were awarded the
Charlemagne Prize. The tour continues in Brussels, Belgium where we will go behind the scenes
at EU Headquarters.

The itinerary and cost are still being finalized at press time. The tour will likely be for 12 days in
early May and cost less than $3,000. To be among the first to receive information once the itiner-
ary is finalized, call 1-800-Endtime and ask for Mary Beth.
And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that
wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that
had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his
image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with

                                                Revelation 19:20

       he Bible prophesies that a re-     Greece. The Grecian Empire was            Mary. Mary is depicted many times in
       born Holy Roman Empire will        depicted as the belly and thighs of       Catholic iconography with these
       be in power at the time of the     brass and ruled from 331 to 197 BC.       twelve stars about her. When Arsene
Second Coming of Jesus. The Holy            The legs of iron in the prophecy        Heitz designed the EU flag, he used
Roman Empire first came into exis-        represented the same Roman Empire         the twelve stars of Mary on a blue
tence in 800 AD when Pope Leo III         that ruled the world from 197 BC to       background to illustrate the role of
placed a crown on the head of             284 AD. It was the Roman Empire           the church in the newly reunited
Charlemagne, pronouncing him              that ruled the world in the time of       Europe. Europe’s flag bears the
emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.         Christ. That’s the reason that Roman      twelve stars, as do its automobile
The empire, throughout its 1,200-         soldiers were present at the crucifix-    license plates and the euro, its curren-
year history, has always been a union     ion. These were occupying forces,         cy. The prominent use of this symbol
of politics and religion—thus the         enforcing the will of the Roman gov-      of Mary declares that the Roman
name “Holy-Roman”. Its leadership         ernment upon the people of Israel.        Catholic Church is very much a part-
has always consisted of an alliance       The Roman Empire decayed from             ner in the European Union. The same
between a political leader and a reli-    within and ceased to exist around 300     Holy Roman Empire that has risen
gious leader. The political leader has    AD. Another global power did not          and fallen many times over the last
always come from Europe, and the          emerge onto the world scene for           1,200 years is now reborn.
religious leader has always been the      almost 500 years.
pope of the Roman Catholic Church.          It should be noted that there was a     Is it time for the Antichrist and
  It will be the same in the re-born      total change of metal each time the       the False Prophet?
Holy Roman Empire. Ultimately, the        prophecy moved from one empire to           There are several specific events
man called the Antichrist (or the         the next. This was true every time        that are prophesied to occur right
beast) in the Bible will become the       except for the last. When the prophe-     before and during the reign of the
leader of the re-born empire.             cy moved from the legs of iron to the     Antichrist. It is obvious that most of
Whoever is pope at the time of the        feet of iron mingled with clay, the       these things are in process of coming
Antichrist—that man will be the           Roman element (iron) was retained,        to pass right now. Let’s consider a few
False Prophet.                            but another factor was added—the          examples.
  This should not come as a shock,        clay. The feet and toes were of iron
even to Roman Catholics. It is taught     mingled with clay. The clay repre-        Confirmation of the covenant
in many Catholic prophecy books           sented the religious element that was       The scriptures teach that, seven
that there is an evil pope coming. (See   to be incorporated into the Roman         years before Armageddon and the
The Coming Chastisement by Yves           Empire making it the Holy Roman           Second Coming, the Antichrist and
Dupont.)                                  Empire.                                   the world community will confirm a
                                            The Holy Roman Empire began on          covenant with Israel. This covenant
Rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire          December 25, 800 AD, when Pope            will deal with the borders of the Holy
prophesied                                Leo III put the crown on the head of      Land, the status of Jerusalem and
   Five powers were prophesied to         Charlemagne, who was king of the          control of the Temple Mount.
rule the world from the time of           Franks. The Holy Roman Empire has           The world community presented a
Nebuchadnezzar until the Second           existed in Europe off and on since        peace plan called the Roadmap for
Coming of Jesus. These five empires       that time.                                Peace to Israel and the Palestinians in
were depicted in a prophecy given to        The prophecy states that a stone,       2003. The Roadmap deals with the
Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, in       which represents the kingdom of           borders of the Holy Land, the status
a dream and interpreted by the            God, will smite the image on the feet     of Jerusalem and control of the
prophet Daniel. (Daniel 2:31-45)          of iron and clay. From this we know       Temple Mount. If the Roadmap for
   These world powers are depicted as     that the Holy Roman Empire will be        Peace is not the confirmation of the
sections of an image of a man. A man      reborn and in power when Jesus            covenant, it certainly looks like it.
is used for the prophecy because it       returns to earth to establish His king-     The Roadmap was stalled from
portrays the human governments that       dom.                                      2003 to 2005. However, with the
will rule on earth until the establish-     We are watching the prophesied          death of Yasser Arafat, world leaders
ment of the kingdom of God.               rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire          are saying that the Roadmap will
   The head of gold in the image rep-     right now. On October 29, 2004, the       soon be back on track. It is very pos-
resented the kingdom of Babylon,          twenty-five member nations of the         sible that the final seven years could
which ruled from 606 to 539 BC. The       European Union signed the first           begin soon.
prophecy plainly tells us that.           European Constitution that has ever
   The arms and breasts of silver sym-    existed in the history of the world.      War originating from the
bolized the Media-Persian Empire            The EU flag illustrates the influ-      Euphrates River
that replaced the empire of Babylon       ence of the Roman Catholic Church           The prophecy of Revelation 9:13-
and ruled from 539 to 331 BC.             in the present European Union. The        16 simply says that a war will
   After this, Alexander the Great        Catholic Church teaches that the          emanate from the area of the
conquered Media-Persia, establishing      woman with twelve stars about her         Euphrates River and will result in the
the world-dominating empire of            head in Revelation 12:1, is the Virgin    killing of one-third of mankind. Most

                                                                             ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005 13
                                                                                                 where the contemplated Third
                                                                                                 Temple should be built. If the
                                                                                                 Roadmap for Peace is implemented, it
                                                                                                 will provide for the sharing of the
                                                                                                 Temple Mount between Muslim and
                                                                                                 Jew. It appears that all the factors are
                                                                                                 now aligning for the temple to be

                                                                                                 Mark of the beast—National ID
                                                                                                    Of all the prophecies, this is the
                                                                                                 most dreaded. Revelation 13 simply
                                                                                                 says that every person will be
                                                                                                 required to receive a number or a
                                                                                                 mark of some sort in order to partic-
                                                                                                 ipate in the world’s economy.
                                                                                                    The prophecy is 2,000 years old,
                                                                                                 but it could only be fulfilled since
                                                                                                 the invention of the computer and
                                                                                                 the advent of the Internet. The real-
                                                                                                 ization of this prophecy prior to
                                                                                                 today has been technologically
                                                                                                 impossible. However now it is all
                                                                                                 too possible!
                                                                                                    At present, eighty-five percent of
                                                                                                 all financial transactions done in the
                                                                                                 world are performed electronically.
                                                                                                 Of course, a number is needed to
                                                                                                 make this possible. A social security
                                                                                                 number is required to hold a job,
                                                                                                 open a bank account or get a drivers’
 Understanding the significance of the Virgin Mary’s direct link with the European Union flag,
                                                                                                    The U.S. House of Representatives
 Endtime subscriber Kyle T. Davis snapped this photo while on a business trip to Brussels in
                                                                                                 approved a bill on February 10, 2005,
 early 2004.
                                                                                                 called the Real ID Act. If passed by
                                                                                                 the Senate, you will be required to
 of the Euphrates is in the nation of            is sufficient to kill one-third of              have an identity card containing your
 Iraq, the land where, currently,                mankind. The involvement of the                 social security number. Without this
 150,000 U.S. troops are fighting. Is            United States in the coming war                 card, you will not be permitted to
 this a coincidence, or does this have           looks inevitable.                               board an airplane, a train, or enter
 meaning for us?                                                                                 Federal buildings. Your records will
    The prophecy also states that an             Building the Third Temple                       be in a database connected to the
 army of 200 million will be involved               According to 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4           databases of the other forty-nine
 in this war that kills 2 billion human          and Revelation 11:1-2, a temple will            states. Once accomplished, the gov-
 beings. Only one nation can present-            be standing on the Temple Mount at              ernment will be positioned to exer-
 ly put 200 million soldiers on the bat-         least three and one-half years before           cise total control over your move-
 tlefield. The CIA World Factbook of             the Battle of Armageddon.                       ments and your activities.
 2003 says that China has over 200                  For quite some time, the Temple                 How far are we from the imple-
 million men of military age. Not until          Institute in Jerusalem has been recre-          menting of the mark of the beast? We
 the last five years could any nation in         ating the furniture and the utensils            are closer than we want to believe!
 existence make such a boast.                    needed for the resumption of wor-
    China recently passed an anti-               ship in the Temple. All of these are              As we can see, all the prophecies
 secession law aimed at forcing Taiwan           now completed except for the Ark of             pertaining to the endtime are coming
 to unify with the mainland. The law             the Covenant. Since Israel did not              to pass right now. Are we near the
 authorizes the use of military force            have the Ark of the Covenant during             reign of the Antichrist? Certainly.
 against Taiwan if she does not reunify          the Second Temple era, Jews believe             Does this indicate that the newly
 voluntarily. President Bush has said            they can proceed with the rebuilding            elected pope is the False Prophet?
 that the United States will do “what-           of the temple without it.                       We can’t yet say that for sure. We
 ever it takes” to defend Taiwan if                 The Sanhedrin was reborn in Israel           can say that it is a very real possibil-
 China does attack.                              on October 13, 2004. The Sanhedrin              ity! And it won’t be long before we
    Only the military might of the U.S.          is now studying to determine exactly            know!                                 e


                                             Some People Call
                                                Him Maurice     Exclusive Interview with UN Under-
                                                                Secretary-General Maurice Strong
                                                                                       of the UN before going into Iraq?

                                                                                          Maurice: I don’t think regret is the
                                                                                       appropriate word. I’ve heard him
                                                                      Part 2           respond to that question. He makes it
                                                                                       clear that he did, in fact, go to the
                                                                                       United Nations. He wasn’t always
                                                                                       satisfied with the results, and he did
                                                                                       believe that when he launched the
                                                                                       war in Iraq he was doing so in accor-
                                                                                       dance with a United Nations resolu-
                                                                                       tion. There are others who do not
                                                                                       accept that interpretation, but I think
                                                                                       it’s important that he makes that
                                                                                       claim and that others do conform
                                                                                       with it. It’s a question of interpreta-
                                                                                       tion. I think the important thing is
                                                                                       that he did, in fact, go to the United
                                                                                       Nations and he does insist that the
                                                                                       action he took in launching that war
  Courtesy of Corbin Runnels                                                           was in accord with the United
                                                                                       Nations Security Council resolution.

   It’s not often you’re able to sit         …on Iraq                                     Irvin: Dr. Strong, you are a very
down and have a one-hour conversa-            Irvin: Some people think the war         astute observer of international rela-
tion with a man who has been in              with Iraq has weakened the United         tions. Where is the crisis in Iraq head-
charge of reforming the United               Nations. Do you agree?                    ed? Is the UN going to end up play-
Nations. According to some, the UN                                                     ing a major role there? How is that
is the singular structure designed to          Maurice: There’s no question that       going to turn out?
rule the world. Although many of us          it generated immense pressures on
object to the United Nations running         the United Nations and, of course,          Maurice: The problems of Iraq are
the world, the truth is that it is specif-   creates tendencies towards weakness.      not going to go away easily. It is an
ically designed to be a world govern-        On the other hand, it also demon-         ancient civilization, a country that
mental system. A further truth is that       strated the strengths of the United       was put together artificially years
those who want a UN-led world                Nations, the importance of it, the fact   ago, primarily by the British when
government will vehemently deny              that it was not possible to avoid the     they controlled the situation there.
that such is their intention. That is        United Nations in dealing with the        Some of the problems they encoun-
because they know what kind of vio-          crisis of this kind. The United           tered then continue into the present
lent knee-jerk reaction it would gen-        Nations has no magic of its own. It is    day and are now being faced by the
erate.                                       actually the forum through which its      United States and the world commu-
                                             members, which are over 190 nations,      nity. Obviously, if those problems are
  Maurice Strong sits at the elbow of        can consult and deal with issues that     going to be resolved, primarily, they
Secretary-General Kofi Annan as his          they cannot deal with alone.              have to be resolved by the Iraqis.
Under-Secretary-General for UN               Therefore, it reflects the hopes and      Everybody accepts that fact, but it is
Reform. He has served for a long time        aspirations, but also the weaknesses      not going to be an easy road. It was-
at the highest levels of power. Here is      of our modern world.                      n’t expected to be an easy road. It is
the second part of a three-part series                                                 not easy to create instant democracy
— Endtime’s interview with Dr.                Irvin: Do you think President            in a country that has not been accus-
Strong.                                      Bush regrets not getting the approval     tomed to democracy. It’s not just a

                                                                                ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005 15
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 The Security Council Chamber at the United Nations. (Photo courtesy of Kenn Thorpe)

 voting system. It is a culture, a system     have not accepted the treaty. It is bind-   regime. That is still very much in its
 of values that expresses itself in the       ing on those accepting it.                  infancy. It is inconceivable that we
 political arena. And we’re a long way                                                    will have such a regime without the
 from that. There’s been a commend-             Irvin: I know President Bush was          participation of the United States.
 able start, but it’s only a start.           very concerned that it would be
                                              enforced, even though we were not             Irvin: President Bush chose not to
                                              one of the signers. He demanded and         ask for that waiver this year when the
 …on Bush & the International                 was granted a waiver from the United        time came around for its renewal. Do
 Criminal Court                               Nations. If there is no danger of [the      you have any idea what brought
   Irvin: One of the big developments         ICC] being forced upon us, even             about that change in policy?
 on the world scene over the last few         though we did not sign it, why was he
 years has been the birth of the              so concerned about a waiver?                   Maurice: No, I can only speculate.
 International      Criminal    Court.                                                    I think the United States has been sat-
 President Bush withdrew the signa-              Maurice: I can’t put myself in           isfied, at least up to this point, that
 ture of the U.S. from that treaty. The       President Bush’s place, but when I          there is no intention on anyone’s part
 United Nations continued to contend          said that it couldn’t be readily            to use that particular convention to
 that once the necessary 60 nations           enforced, that does not mean that           disadvantage or embarrass the United
 ratified it that the treaty still had        there’s not a legitimate concern on the     States. Those who have argued
 power. I have two questions: How             part of President Bush and the              against giving a waiver did so because
 did they pick the number 60 when             United States about its application to      they felt that the U.S. concerns were
 there are 190 nations in the world?          U.S. citizens. Of course there was          already well satisfied by the existing
 And how did they arbitrarily decide          that concern, and that is the reason        convention and its provisions. It
 that 60 nations can bring this to the        that, if I understand it, they sought       doesn’t mean the problem has gone
 level of international law?                  the waiver. It is one of the weakness-      away but it does mean that the prob-
                                              es and difficulties of the fact that we     lem is seen as a little less acute at this
    Maurice: It may sound arbitrary, but      still do not have a fully enforceable       point.
 it was the decision made by the mem-         regime of international law that can
 bership of the United Nations when           enforce measures against countries            Irvin: I read one article in which
 they decided to act to create this           that have not signed on to a particular     the author claimed that, when the
 accord. However, it is quite clear that it   UN treaty or convention. That is a          U.S. didn’t ask for the waiver to be
 cannot enforce jurisdiction on member        problem. We do not have, on a global        renewed, the United Nations passed
 countries, like the United States, that      basis, that kind of enforceable legal       the resolution recognizing the U.S.-

EXCLUSIVEINTERVIEW                <<
installed government in Iraq. He
speculated that perhaps an exchange
was made. A deal. Is that possible?

  Maurice: Well, anything’s possible,
but I cannot speak with authority on
                                                            Order Form
anything to which I have not been a                                                   Page 1
direct party. I simply don’t know. I
think that’s really speculative.
                                          Order by phone with your credit card or check-by-phone by
…on Iran’s nukes                          calling 1-800-Endtime (1-800-363-8463 Mon.-Fri. 9:00-
  Eddie: You are involved with the
North Korean nuclear situation.           5:00pm Eastern)
There’s another one brewing right
now with Iran that’s also pretty seri-    Order online with your credit card at
ous. Iran’s logic is, Israel has nukes.
Why can’t we? If you’re going to do
something about us, do something
                                          Order by mail by following the simple instructions below
about Israel.

   Maurice: That is the logic that they
put forward. They also put forward
                                          Step #1. What do you want to order? Please fill out this
the argument that under the Nuclear
Nonproliferation Treaty the nuclear       chart. For steps 2 through 4, see next page.
powers agree not to threaten the non-
nuclear powers. Israel has not             Item      Description of Item                                        Price      How
become a party to the Nuclear                #       (be sure to circle media format where applicable)          each       many
Nonproliferation Treaty. Iran con-                                                                DVD VHS
                                                                                                CD Cassttte
tends that that doesn’t mean Israel
                                                                                                  DVD VHS
should be entirely exempted from the                                                            CD Cassttte
will of the nations of the world to                                                               DVD VHS
prevent the dissemination of nuclear                                                            CD Cassttte
                                                                                                  DVD VHS
weapons, and that Israel has them in                                                            CD Cassttte
the region in which Iran is located.                                                              DVD VHS
   Also Iran makes the claim (and I’m                                                           CD Cassttte
not taking their position) that they                                                          Total amount of products
are fully entitled to develop a peace-
ful nuclear program, which, they say,           Shipping & Handling
is exactly what they are doing. Of                                                       Add for Shipping & Handing
                                          U.S. addresses
course, that has not been accepted by            For orders under $20, add $5                                   See chart to the left
the United States or other members               $21-50, add $7
of the International Community. It is            $51-100, add $9
still an unresolved issue. But the               $100+, add $11
                                          Canada & Mexico
North Koreans contend that they                                                                   Magazine Subscription
                                                 Add $3 to U.S. prices
have been threatened by the world’s       Western Hemisphere                                 2 years U.S. $29    4 years U.S. $49
major nuclear power. The U.S. con-               Add $6 to U.S. prices                                                 Online $15
tends that is not the case, but the       Europe                                                   Bulk-10 copies $15 bi-monthly
                                                 Add $8 to U.S. prices
North Koreans read some of the            Asia, Africa, Pacific Rim
                                                                                                          2 yrs non-U.S. 35 USD
                                                                                                          4 yrs non-U.S. 61 USD
things that have been said by the U.S.           Add $12 to U.S. prices
administration as certainly constitut-                                                                        Is this subscription…
                                                                                                    1 New? 1 Renewal? 1 Gift?
ing a threat. They say that they are                                                           (If gift, enclose name and address
willing to disband their nuclear                                                                of person to receive subscription)
weapons program, but only when
they can get suitable alternative guar-
antees for their security. In the mean-                                                Tax-deductible gift to Endtime
time, nuclear weapons capability is
the only way in which a small nation                    Tax-deductible monthly pledge (1st month enclosed)
like North Korea can feel like they
have a credible defense against threats
from a world’s major nuclear power.                                                                Total amount enclosed
There are always two sides to an

                                                                                    ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005 19
                                                                 argument. You don’t have to be an
                                                                 advocate for that regime to at least try
               Order Form                                        to understand the basis for their con-
                                                                 cerns and their claims.

                                 Page 2                            Irvin: You have been at the pinna-
                                                                 cles of power at the United Nations
   Step #2. What is your contact information and ship-to         for a long time. Have you ever seen a
                                                                 time when we were perhaps as close
   address?                                                      to nuclear war as we are right now?

                                                                   Maurice: Yes, I think we were
   Name                                                          much closer to nuclear war during
   Address                                                       the so-called Cold War days. There
                                                                 were moments when the Cold War
                                                                 could have become a hot war, the
                                                                 Cuban Missile Crisis being a primary
                                                                 example. Remember that a nuclear
   Phone                                                         war involving the major nuclear pow-
   E-mail                                                        ers during the Cold War period
                                                                 would have been a very different war,
                                                                 far more massively destructive than a
                                                                 nuclear war today involving the use
                                                                 of one or two nuclear weapons by a
   Step #3. How will you be paying for your order?               small and weak state.

      A check or money order is enclosed (please make payable    …on Gorbachev & the Earth
      to Endtime, Inc.)                                            Irvin: Mikhail Gorbachev and you
                                                                 played a large role in the Earth
      Please charge my credit card or debit card                 Charter. What is the present status of
                                                                 the charter? Has it been adopted by
                                                                 anyone, and will it eventually be
        MC       Visa     AmEx      Discover   Exp. Date __/__   adopted by the United Nations?

                                                                   Maurice: The Earth Charter was
      Card No.                                                   really designed to be a people’s char-
                                                                 ter, an expression by people through-
      Signature (for cardholders) X                              out the world of their commitment to
                                                                 certain basic moral and ethical princi-
                                                                 ples to guide the conduct of people
   Step #4. Mail or fax                                          and nations toward the earth and
                                                                 toward each other. It was never
                                                                 designed as a formal international
      Cut this page along the dotted line, slip it into an       treaty. It derives its authority from
      envelope, and mail to:                                     the millions of people and thousands
                                                                 of organizations that have accepted it.
                                                                 It has received significant blessings
                                Endtime                          from the various members of the
                             P.O. Box 2066                       United Nations. Some have even
                                                                 adopted it more formally at the
                          Richmond, IN 47374                     national level, but it was not designed
                                                                 as an international agreement. At
      Prefer fax? Fax both sides of this Order Form to:          some point it may receive a more for-
                                                                 mal endorsement from the United
      (765) 965-4674                                             Nations, but that is not its purpose.

      Questions? Call 1-800-Endtime or email:                      Irvin: It’s an expression of values
                                                                 that the presenters of this document                                        believe the world should embrace for
                                                                 the good of the world.

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Will the next pope be the false prophet   may-jun 2005
Will the next pope be the false prophet   may-jun 2005
Will the next pope be the false prophet   may-jun 2005
Will the next pope be the false prophet   may-jun 2005
Will the next pope be the false prophet   may-jun 2005
Will the next pope be the false prophet   may-jun 2005
Will the next pope be the false prophet   may-jun 2005
Will the next pope be the false prophet   may-jun 2005
Will the next pope be the false prophet   may-jun 2005
Will the next pope be the false prophet   may-jun 2005
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Will the next pope be the false prophet may-jun 2005

  • 2. Many have stated that it is impossible to know whether or not we are living in the last days before the second coming of Jesus Christ. However, below you will find dramatic proof that these are the endtimes. The proofs below defy coincidence. Euphrates River to Be Dried Up In Revelation 16:12, the Bible predicts that the Euphrates River will be dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the east to invade Israel. This will happen at the time of the bat- tle of Armageddon according to verse 16 of the same chapter. The battle of Armageddon will be the final battle at which time Jesus will return and fight on the side of the nation of Israel. Immediately thereafter He will establish His kingdom and usher in His one thousand-year reign of peace. On January 13, 1990, the Indianapolis Star carried the headline “Turkey Will Cut Off Flow of Euphrates for One Month.” The article stated that a huge reservoir had been built by Turkey. While filling up the reservoir, the flow of the Euphrates would be stopped for one month and a concrete plug for a diversion chan- nel built. These things have now been done. With this newly built dam, Turkey has the ability to stop the Euphrates River at will. The conditions for fulfilling this 1,900 year-old prophecy are now in place. China Goes to War In Revelation 9:15-16, the Bible prophesies that an army of 200 million soldiers will launch a war which would kill “the third part of men.” Never in the history of the world until our present generation has there been a power on earth that could field 200 million soldiers. However, the late ruler of China, Mao Tse Tung boasted in his diary that he could field an army of 200 million. The CIA World Factbook reports that in the year 2001, it is estimated that China has 200,886,946 men of military age, and this num- ber is growing by 10 million per year. Worldwide Numbering System Predicted In Revelation 13, the Bible prophesies that a world dictator will soon rule over a world government. He will cause all people in the earth to receive a number without which they will be unable to buy or sell. We are seeing this prophecy fulfilled before our eyes in a most astonishing way. Nearly every human being in the world now has been assigned a number. In America it is our Social Security number. In the past few years, we have seen this number extended to newborns. A child without a Social Security number cannot be declared as a dependent on an income tax return. We have seen the emergence of electronic money, shopping with credit cards, and many people urging the abolishment of cash. All of these things could not possibly have been fulfilled until this present time. Only after the invention of the computer could such a worldwide numbering system be administered. The Emergence of a New World Order Revelation 13:7 and Daniel 7:23 prophesy the establishment of a world government. The term “New World Order” has become a prevalent phrase in the world’s political culture. Mikhail Gorbachev made the term famous, and Pope John Paul II has referred to it repeatedly. In the September 12, 1990 issue of the Chicago Tribune, our former president George Bush said, “Iraq is the first test for the New World Order.” He emphatically stated that the Iraq War is Saddam Hussein against the world. The United Nations’ troops are continually referred to as the multi-national forces. The decision has been made to estab- lish an interdependent community of nations that will rule the world under United Nations authority. The Bible says that this will lead us into a great world government. The formation of this government is at hand. Coincidence or Divine Providence? Is it coincidental that all of these major prophecies pertaining to the last times are being fulfilled simultane- ously? Source: Endtime Magazine, P.O. Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375 1-800-Endtime,, This page may be copied and distributed freely Hardly.
  • 3. ON THE ROAD Prophecy Conference Schedule Poplar Bluff, MO — Thu., May 19 Milwaukee, WI — Fri., July 22, Parkway Apostolic 7:30 P.M.; Bluff City UPC, corner of South “C” and Walnut, at east Church (Oak Creek), Hosts: Pastors Frank and Anthony Tamil entrance to Clinton Park. Host: Pastor Ted Elledge, (573) 785-7631 New Orleans, LA — Fri., Aug. 12, Ponchatrain Center St. Louis, MO — Fri., May 20 (Kenner) 7:30 P.M.; Florissant Valley Apostolic Church, 3465 Shackelford Rd., 6 miles north of I-270, McDonnell Rd. exit. McDonnell Rd. changes South Bend, IN — Fri., Sept. 9, Ironwood United names several times on your way up north, but there are no turns. The Pentecostal Church, Host: Pastor Kenneth Mendenhall church is a large brick building on the left hand side of road. Hosts: Pastors Tim Dugas and Scott Graham, (314) 831-5577 Jackson, MS — Fri., Oct. 21, Parkway Pentecostal Church (Madison), Host: Pastor Jerry Dillon Dallas, TX — Fri., June 24 7:30 P.M.; Arlington Convention Center, located next to Ameriquest Corpus Christi, TX — Fri., Nov. 4, Holiday Inn Airport Field, home of the Texas Rangers, I-30, Nolan Ryan exit. Chesapeake, VA — Thu., July 14, Bible World Church, Host: Pastor Jack Cunningham Prophecy Tour 2006 Would you like to join Irvin Baxter on his next Holy Land Tour in the Chicago, IL — Thu., July 21, Pentecostals of South Lake spring of 2006? Be among the first to get the information when it (Merrilville, IN), Host: Pastor Robert Stroup becomes available by calling Mary Beth at 1-800-Endtime ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005 3
  • 4. >> PERSPECTIVE EDITORIAL Irvin Baxter Jr. REVEALING THE FUTURE THROUGH BIBLE PROPHECY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MAGAZINE STAFF Editor-in-Chief: Irvin Baxter Jr. Assistant Editor: Eddie Sax Editorial Assistants: Ginger Boerkircher, Liz Freeman Research: Kathy McKinney The Partner Relations: Jana Robbins Conference Director: Kara McPeak Next Webmaster: Dan Barkley ENDTIME MINISTRIES STATEMENT OF FAITH Pope? WE BELIEVE that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, and that He will come again to establish a kingdom that shall never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44). Those who are born I t was a record-setting funeral. ing the rebirth of the Holy Roman again (John 3:3-5) will have eternal life and Millions flocked to Rome. Some Empire right now. On October 29, rule as kings and priests with Christ forever. stood in line for over 24 hours just 2004, the 25 members of the to catch a 20-second look at Pope European Union adopted the first- John Paul II lying in state. It was esti- ever European Constitution. The WHAT IS ENDTIME mated that two billion worldwide European euro has surged past the viewed his funeral via television. dollar in strength and value. MAGAZINE? Not just Roman Catholics were Since the original birth of the Holy In 1968, Irvin Baxter Jr. discovered the drawn to the second longest reigning Roman Empire in 800 AD, two per- United States and other modern nations in the pope in church history. Protestants, sonages have always ruled there—a Bible. He also found the Berlin Wall in the Bible Jews, Muslims and Buddhists came to political leader from Europe and a and that one day it was to be torn down, pay homage to the man that many religious leader from Italy. Without reuniting Germany, and that event would be believe brought communism crashing fail, the pope has always supplied the the catalyst to spark an international move- down to the ground. “holy” element of the Holy Roman ment called the “New World Order.” These During the news coverage, it was Empire. things have now come to pass. heard over and over again, “He was- The Bible prophesies that this will Irvin Baxter Jr., a Pentecostal minister, began Endtime Ministries in 1986 when he n’t just a religious leader to Catholics. happen one more time. The final wrote A Message For The President, a book He was a leader for all of us.” time, the political leader will be the explaining the major prophecies of the Bible President Bush called him a man of Antichrist and the spiritual leader will which he had been teaching since 1968. God whom God sent to earth to be the False Prophet. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic ful- occupy the seat of St. Peter. By the Since all the prophetic signs indi- fillment accelerated rapidly. The decision was time the actual funeral arrived, it cate that we are very near the time of made to launch Endtime. The purpose of the became easy to see how the papacy the Antichrist, we have to wonder if magazine is to explain the prophecies of the Bible and to show that they are now being ful- could exercise spiritual leadership the pope elected to replace Pope John filled in intricate detail. over all the earth, just as the Bible Paul II will be the False Prophet him- Articles focus on the soon return of Jesus says it will. self. At this time, we can’t know for Christ, the truth of the Bible, and the need for sure. But this one thing we do know salvation. Endtime does not deal with doctrinal Where to from here? for certain: Whoever is pope at the controversies, as valid as they may be. This will Those who understand Bible time of the Antichrist, that man will be left to other publications. prophecy know that we are witness- be the False Prophet! e 4 ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005
  • 5. CONTENTS >> COVERSTORY MAY / JUNE VOL. 15 / NO. 3 14 12 WILL THE NEW POPE BE THE FALSE PROPHET? Whoever is pope at the time of the Antichrist—that man will be the False Prophet. This should not come as a shock, even to Roman Catholics. It is taught in many Catholic prophecy books that there is an evil pope coming. And so we ask, are we near the reign of DEPARTMENTS the Antichrist? 3 PROPHECY CONFERENCES WORLDGOVERNMENT 4 EDITORIAL The Next Pope? 15 SOME PEOPLE CALL HIM MAURICE It’s not often you’re able to sit down and have a one hour conversation with a man who has been in charge 6 LETTERS & FEEDBACK of reforming the United Nations. According to some, the UN is the singular structure designed to rule the 8 RADIO LOG world. Maurice Strong sits at the elbow of Secretary- General Kofi Annan. Part 2 of a three-part series. 9 WORLD REVIEW G St. Malachy prophecy: two popes remain WORLDRELIGION G Annan: Pope was interfaith pioneer 22 BENEDICT XVI: THE LAST POPE? G Microsoft plans RFID software in ‘06 Benedict XVI is insisting that Protestant churches not be called "sister churches," but "daughter churches". G Disengagement obstacle removed He contends that the Roman Catholic Church is the G U.S. limits World Court jurisdiction “Mother” of other Christian churches — an amazing G U.S., China at risk of conflict affirmation in light of Revelation 17:5. 16 PRODUCT PAGES ISRAEL&THEMIDDLEEAST 24 FROM DISENGAGEMENT TO ARMAGEDDON 25 WHETSTONE BIBLE QUIZ Israel’s newly reestablished Sanhedrin issued its objections to Ariel Sharon’s Disengagement Plan, stating that any Jew who cooperates with the pro- 27 ENDTIME BIBLE STUDIES gram transgresses a large number of Torah command- ments; that the uprooting of the residents of the Gaza Strip and Samaria is an injustice, a crime, and places all Israeli citizens in mortal danger. TOP: COURTESY OF KYLE T. DAVIS | LEFT: COURTESY OF KENN THORPE | RIGHT: COURTESY OF NATAN GESHER ISRAEL&THEMIDDLEEAST 26 SANHEDRIN’S DECLARATION CONCERNING THE DISENGAGEMENT Read for yourself what the newly formed Sanhedrin thinks of Ariel Sharon’s Disengagement Plan. MARKOFTHEBEAST 28 NATIONAL ID: FIGHTING THE ISSUE, NOT THE MAN “Who will drive us into the mark of the beast faster— Bush or Kerry?” That was the pre-election question 18 26 six months ago. Today, the answer is apparent. It’s Bush. As Christians, what are we to do with this information? Endtime is published bi-monthly by Endtime, Inc., 1301 South 8th Street, Richmond, IN 47374. Subscription price is $29 for 12 issues. Periodical postage paid #009267, ISSN# 1066-6885, Richmond, IN, and additional mailing offices. © 2005 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Endtime, PO Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375-2066. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week 1-800-ENDTIME. Other inquiries call 1-765-962-6344 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Eastern).
  • 6. >> LETTERSTOTHEEDITOR LETTERS &FEEDBACK WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND? E N D T I M E WA N T S T O K N O W. Not tasting death And out of his mouth goeth a sharp colossal mistake. I ask God’s forgive- What did Jesus mean in Matthew sword, that with it he should smite ness. —Joe G. 16:28 when He said, “Verily I say the nations: and he shall rule them unto you, There be some standing with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the REPLY: I too have been disappoint- here, which shall not taste of death, winepress of the fierceness and wrath ed in many things President Bush has till they see the Son of man coming in of Almighty God. And he hath on his done. However, I would remind you his kingdom”? —A. Mounsey vesture and on his thigh a name writ- that we are commanded to honor and ten, KING OF KINGS, AND pray for those in authority. When the REPLY: There are two possible LORD OF LORDS.” Apostle Paul appeared before ungod- explanations to these words of Jesus. ly kings and governors, he treated The very next event recorded in the them with the utmost respect. He Bible was the transfiguration of Jesus: Not to mention bathrooms addressed Festus as “most noble “And after six days Jesus taketh I was talking to a co-worker about Festus.” Peter, James, and John his brother, Revelation 9’s 200 million-men 6th I agree that it is a mistake to put our and bringeth them up into an high Trumpet army. He asserted that it faith in the political system. I don’t mountain apart, And was transfig- would be impossible to feed and have think it’s wrong to vote for the leader ured before them: and his face did clean water for such a large army, and that would, in a person’s judgment, shine as the sun, and his raiment was that nuclear wars are not fought with govern more closely than his oppo- white as the light. And, behold, there large numbers of men. How can I get nent to biblical principles. appeared unto them Moses and Elias through on this sticky point? talking with him.” (Matthew 17:1-3) —Thomas Peter, James and John seeing Jesus Fighting the Real ID Act transfigured into the glory He will REPLY: I don’t necessarily believe I am a Police Officer in Buffalo, have when He comes in the power of Revelation 9 indicates that there will NY. I must have a driver’s license in His kingdom may have been what be a standing army of 200 million. order to work. Congressman Ron Jesus referred to. This may just have been God’s way of Paul talked about this on your pro- The other very plausible explana- identifying for us one of the promi- gram. I understand the implications tion is that this prophecy was fulfilled nent nations that will participate in and do not agree with this. I did email when John the Revelator received the the prophesied war. Since China has my Senators to vote against the Real book of Revelation. In Revelation specifically boasted that she could ID Act, but, if it gets passed what do 19:11-16, John saw Jesus coming in field an army of 200 million, it seems we do? I, for one, feel as though I His kingdom: almost sure that she will be a princi- should not “volunteer” for this, but “And I saw heaven opened, and ple player in Revelation 9. then I lose my job. I have no problem behold a white horse; and he that sat fighting against it and not taking it, upon him was called Faithful and but how many of us are going to do True, and in righteousness he doth Bush duped Christians this? —Ron W. judge and make war. His eyes were as G.W. Bush and his crew effectively a flame of fire, and on his head were duped all of us Christians into voting REPLY: I do not believe that a per- many crowns; and he had a name for him because of his ability to son who complies with these new written, that no man knew, but he decide who our next Supreme Court requirements for drivers’ licenses has himself. And he was clothed with a justices will be. Placing our faith in taken the mark of the beast. We are vesture dipped in blood: and his name the political system is simply a mis- merely pointing out these develop- is called The Word of God. And the take. My pastor advised us as a con- ments so everyone can see how close armies which were in heaven fol- gregation not to vote at all. I was to the mark of the beast we really are. lowed him upon white horses, tempted not to and now more and I would not recommend that you lose clothed in fine linen, white and clean. more it seems as though it was a your job over this issue at this time. 6 ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005
  • 7. LETTERSTOTHEEDITOR << No Monthly Fees. 3.9 cents/min long distance No Gimmicks. No Kidding. Support Endtime while saving money! We are proud to partner with PowerNet Global, a company developed with biblical principles, for a unique way to raise much-needed funds for Endtime Ministries. Every time you make a call, Endtime will receive a portion of the proceeds. No long- term contracts, no hidden charges. Save money and do your part for the king- dom of God! For more information and to sign up—call 1-877-3-Endtime (877-336-3846) However, there is coming a time same principle could possibly apply site and was astonished, to say the when all of us will be required to take here, but I’m not sure I would feel least, to see that your organization a stand. comfortable doing it. accepts credit cards as payment To consider this further, read through your web-store, when I hear “National ID: Fighting the Issue, so much on your program of the evils Not the Man” article by Eddie Sax in Possible papal successor of credit cards. If I’m not mistaken, this issue. With the pope’s health deteriorat- you do not use credit cards. Is this a ing and the fulfillment of endtime conflict of interest? —A. Carpenter prophecies accelerating, I am curious Investing in the devil to see if you think that Jean-Marie REPLY: Actually, I do use credit In your opinion, would it be wrong Lustiger may be the new pope. cards—as little as possible, I might to invest in a company such as ADSX Lustiger was born of a Polish Jewish add. You may have heard me say that (Applied Digital Solutions), makers family in France, and is currently the I have never used an ATM machine. of Verichip? We know through Archbishop of Paris. It makes sense Credit cards are not inherently evil. prophecy and your program that this for the Jewish people to be expecting The technology used by credit cards technology is going to take off. If we a Jew, especially since they are wait- will someday lead society into the took the first 10% of any earnings ing for Elijah to lead the way to the system called the mark of the beast. from this stock and placed it in your Messiah, although we know that role As with many other things in this programs or other Christian pro- was fulfilled by John the Baptist. world, we use this system while grams, would that be in a sense sup- —Ismael C. avoiding the coming abuse of it. porting the machinations of the beast or would it be a good way to use REPLY: Lustiger is definitely a pos- what we know is going to happen to sibility, but I’m not willing to make Grasping the mark spread the word and urgent message that a prediction. By the time you After teaching your Under- of our Lord? —J. Cattoor read this, you will probably know standing the Endtime lesson on the who the new pope is. mark of the beast, a person asked REPLY: In the Old Testament, Israel me, “What if some unsaved individ- was allowed to raise pigs, but they ual takes the mark in his right hand were not allowed to eat them. They Those evil credit cards and then sometime later encounters could sell them to the heathen. The I was browsing through your web- a Bible study like this and wants to ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005 7
  • 8. >> LETTERSTOTHEEDITOR be born again?” include the situation in the Middle their peace of mind. They should My initial lighthearted reply was, East. listen to the Politics & Religion “Hmmm....Well, first, that right hand programs in full and then do the would be offending him so I would proper research if they want to take tell him to cut it off. And it’s a good you to task on a particular subject. thing he didn’t take the mark in his Feedback They should beware that their per- forehead.... Second,…” G My husband and I would like to ception is not God’s reality. God’s Before I could finish he said, “So, if take time to say, “Thank You.” We word is fact with no room for I have to take the mark, I should recently made a donation to wishy-washiness. —Jerry make sure to only take in the hand, Endtime Ministries although the right?” knowledge we have received is G I’ve heard callers accuse you of Somehow, I don’t think he fully priceless. There is no way we could being unloving, yet so many others, grasped the essence of the lesson. ever send enough money or order myself included, often comment on —Arthur enough materials to show just how just how “loving” you guys in fact much Endtime has meant to us. are with all callers! True love is Peace and safety You have opened our eyes, and when you don’t withhold the truth, Does I Thessalonians 5:3 refer to from the way it looks, God is put- especially about such important the apparent peace initiative between ting us in a very good place to teach biblical information. Keep up the the Palestinians and Israelis or does it others. We have put an ad in our good work and continue to fight refer to something else? [“For when local newspaper and on the local the good fight! —Rebecca C. they shall say, Peace and safety; then gospel music station trying to reach sudden destruction cometh upon as many people in our area as pos- them, as travail upon a woman with sible. If it were not for Bro. Baxter child; and they shall not escape.”] — and all of the staff at Endtime, we Dewaun S. would not have this wonderful ENDTIME thanks you for your opportunity to teach others about letters. The letters we use do not REPLY: The people of the world will Bible prophecy. We are so excited necessarily reflect the views of apparently feel they have achieved about all we see going on around ENDTIME and/or its staff. END- peace and safety when they succeed the world. —A & A Blue TIME reserves the right to edit let- in firmly establishing their one- ters according to space and style. world government. This feeling of G You have a lot of people trying to peace and safety will undoubtedly refute the truth for the benefit of POLITICSStation Log Radio & RELIGION ARKANSAS Ft. Smith KFSA 950 AM 3:00-4:00pm Live Little Rock KAAY 1090 AM 3:00-4:00pm CALIFORNIA Santa Maria KGDP 660 AM 2:00- 3:00pm GEORGIA Atlanta WGUN 1010 AM 2:00-2:30pm Macon WBML 900 AM 4:00-5:00pm Live ILLINOIS Chicago WNDZ 760 AM 7:00-7:30am INDIANA South Bend WHME 103.1 FM 4:00-5:00pm Richmond WHON 930 AM 2:00-3:00pm Ft. Wayne WLYV 1450 AM 4:30-5:00pm Indianapolis WNTS 1590 AM 4:00-5:00pm Live IOWA Des Moines KPSZ 940 AM 3:00-3:30pm Live LOUISIANA New Orleans WLNO 1060 AM 3:00-4:00pm Live MICHIGAN Battle Creek WOLY 1550 AM 4:00-5:00pm Live Detroit WLQV 1500 AM 6:00-6:30pm MISSISSIPPI Jacksonville WTWZ 1120 AM 9:30-10:30am MISSOURI Mexico KMFC 92.1 FM 1:00-2:00pm Poplar Bluff KOKS 89.5 FM 3:00-3:30pm Live St. Louis KXEN 1010 AM 3:00-4:00pm Live NEBRASKA Omaha KCRO 660 AM 11:00pm-12mid NEW YORK New York WMCA 970 AM 11:00pm-12mid OREGON Portland KKSL 1290 AM 1:00-2:00pm Live TEXAS Daingerfield KEGG 91.9 FM 11:00am-12:00 Corpus Christi KCTA 1030 AM 4:00-4:30pm Dallas KVTT 91.7 FM 3:00-4:00pm Live WASHINGTON Spokane KTRW 970 AM 1:00-2:00pm Live WISCONSIN Milwaukee WJYI 1340 AM 3:00-4:00pm Live WORLDWIDE—SHORTWAVE RADIO (times shown for U.S. Eastern) North America & South America WHRI 15.285 4:00-5:00pm Live North America, Middle East, Africa WHRA 17.640 2:00-3:00pm North America, Europe WHRI 15.785 4:00-5:00pm Live, 7.520 6:00-7:00am WORLDWIDE—INTERNET — listen live or to archives 8 ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005
  • 9. AROUNDTHEGLOBE << WORLD by Liz Freeman & Ginger Boerkircher REVIEW GLOBAL NEWS SEEN THROUGH THE EYES OF BIBLE PROPHECY >> WORLDRELIGION belief that all religions are valid path- Officials say that critics are over- ways to God, were not taken aback stating the risks and that the chips by Kofi Annan’s statement issued will serve to diminish passport for- St. Malachy’s prophecy: Only two after the pope’s death on April 2. gery, improve security and speed up popes remain “Quite apart from his role as a spir- border crossings. Technical features According to the prophecy of St. itual guide to more than a billion will be added to prevent the RFID Malachy, an Irish bishop who died in men, women and children,” said the chips from being “skimmed” by 1148 A.D., the cardinals of the world UN leader, “he was a tireless advo- unauthorized readers. In addition to a may be choosing the next-to-last cate of peace, a true pioneer in inter- person’s name, date of birth and digi- pope when they pick John Paul II’s faith dialogue and a strong force for tized photo, at a later date the chips successor. The pope who then fol- critical self-evaluation by the Church will be able to include fingerprints or lows will be the last. His reign will be itself.” iris prints. followed by Rome’s destruction. The Catholic Church has long been St. Malachy left behind a prophetic an open supporter of global gover- RFID to rule the world list of all future popes beginning with nance through the United Nations. According to RFID News, there is Pope Celestine II, whose papacy To this end, Annan remarked, “I was a definite interest in establishing true began in 1143 A.D. Historians claim always struck by [the pope’s] com- global RFID standards. It will ensure that his prediction listing 112 popes mitment to having the United interoperability of all devices and has been astonishingly accurate. Nations become, as he said during his accommodate regional differences. The last seven popes as identified in address to the General Assembly in Are we witnessing the development St. Malachy’s list are as follows: Pius 1995, ‘a moral center where all the of the infrastructure that will eventu- XII; John XXIII; Paul VI; John Paul nations of the world feel at home and ally become the mark of the beast? I; John Paul II; the next pope and; the develop a shared awareness of being, last pope, described by Malachy as as it were, a family of nations.’” Microsoft plans RFID software in “Petrus Romanus” (Peter the The Secretary-General offered his 2006 Roman). condolences to Catholics, as well as Microsoft has plans to release the Malachy’s prophecy concerning “others around the world” who were RFID Services Platform early next Peter the Roman describes events touched by John Paul’s life of prayer year. A “middleware” product, it eerily similar to those in the Book of and lifelong dedication to nonvio- connects RFID signal-monitoring Revelation: “In extreme persecution, lence and peace.” hardware with business software that the seat of the Holy Roman Church is used to interpret the information. will be occupied by Peter the Roman, Microsoft has invested heavily in who will feed the sheep through >> MARKOFTHEBEAST RFID technology and has made it a many tribulations, at the term of key part of its broader “Smarter which the city of seven hills will be Retail Initiative.” Plans have been destroyed, and the formidable Judge Passport chip criticism grows announced to support the tagging will judge the people.” In light of U.S. State Department technology in an embedded version It should be noted that some con- plans to begin issuing new American of Windows XP specifically aimed at tend St. Malachy’s original prophecy passports that contain remotely read- retailers. only foretold 111 popes. They say the able chips, business travel groups, 112th pope, Peter the Roman, was security experts and privacy advo- >> ISRAEL&THEMIDDLEEAST added several hundred years later by cates are looking for ways to stop the an unknown person. implementation. It is feared that the chips will become homing devices for Disengagement obstacle Annan: Pope was true pioneer in high-tech muggers, identity thieves removed with budget passing interfaith dialogue and terrorists, ultimately turning Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, Those who recognize the UN’s American tourists into targets wher- passed the 2005 State Budget by a 58- “religion” to be Interfaithism, the ever they go. 36 vote. This appears to be the final ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005 9
  • 10. >> AROUNDTHEGLOBE political obstacle that could have pre- soon be over. He said that it is only talks including North Korea were vented the implementation of the a matter of time before individual about to start, Bolton called North Disengagement Plan in July. European nations are swallowed up Korean leader Kim Jong II a “tyranni- by a new European superstate. cal dictator” of a country where “life is Jericho handed over to Moratinos admitted that the EU a hellish nightmare.” Regarding Iran, Palestinian control Constitution would be a death war- he said, “All options are on the table.” Israeli and Palestinian security rant for sovereignty of the 25 mem- When asked about what seemed to commanders signed an agreement in ber states. He stated that they had be mixed signals from the Bush March handing over Jericho to already signed away power to run administration on North Korea in a Palestinian control. Ironically, their own economy, legal system 2002 New York Times interview, Jericho was the first city given to and human rights rules, and that the Bolton grabbed a book from a shelf Israel as an inheritance by God. The next steps would be to form a and laid it on the table. Its title: “The handover was seen as a message to Europe-wide foreign policy and End of North Korea.” Palestinians that an informal truce merge the armed forces into a single “That,” he told the interviewer, “is was starting to pay off. EU army. our policy.” In 1994, Bolton was quoted as say- >> 6THTRUMPETWATCH >> ONEWORLDGOVERNMENT ing that “if the UN secretariat build- ing in New York lost 10 stories, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference.” U.S., China now at risk of heading Bush picks UN critic as UN into conflict ambassador Annan to resign over Oil-for-Food Just days before U.S. Secretary of He is described as a blunt-spoken scandal? State Condoleezza Rice’s arrival in hawk with a history of skepticism United Nations secretary-general Beijing on March 18, Ukraine’s toward the United Nations. Those Kofi Annan was said to be struggling Prosecutor General Piskun revealed qualifications were apparently what with depression. Colleagues reported that Ukrainian arms dealers had President Bush was looking for in a concerns about Annan ahead of the exported 12 strategic X-55 cruise United States ambassador to the UN. official report that would examine his missiles to Iran and six to China in Secretary of State Condoleezza son’s connection to the controversial 2001. By illegally obtaining the X-55, Rice announced John Bolton’s Iraqi oil-for-food scheme. Annan Iran and China have revealed their appointment on March 7, saying, might have to choose between the true intentions: Iran’s goal is to “The president and I have asked John secretary-generalship and loyalty to obtain nuclear weapons, and China’s to do this work because he knows his son. However, after a critical new is to punch a hole in the defensive net how to get things done. He is a report on the scandal-tainted pro- provided by the U.S. missile defense tough-minded diplomat, he has a gram, Annan vowed not to resign. system. Although the U.S.-China strong record of success, and he has a The UN chief, embattled by the relationship still hasn’t reached the proven track record of effective mul- ongoing scandal, which cast a shadow breaking point, both sides are push- tilateralism.” She credits Bolton with over the United Nations, seized on ing in that direction. helping to build an international the enquiry’s finding that he had not coalition to combat the spread of helped in getting a program contract Flirting with Armageddon: weapons of mass destruction and for the Swiss firm that employed his welcome to a new arms race helping to convince Libya to son. When asked if he would step The Observer out of London renounce such weapons. He pressed down, he replied with an emphatic reported that a new nuclear arms race the case for war with Iraq, and has “No.” is gripping the world, and many been outspokenly critical of North experts believe the likelihood of a Korea, Iran, Syria and Cuba. U.S. limits World Court nuclear attack is greater now than it Not pleased with the appointment, jurisdiction was during the Cold War. The article Democratic Senator John Kerry The United States withdrew from a noted that the new nuclear threat observed, “If the president is serious Vienna Convention protocol, which comes from terrorist groups, not just about reaching out to the world, why gave the International Court of rogue states. It appears that no one is would he choose someone who has Justice the right to intervene in the abiding by the provisions of the 30- expressed such disdain for working cases of foreigners held in U.S. jails. year-old Nuclear Non-Proliferation with our allies?” Senate minority The move followed a decision by the Treaty. leader, Harry Reid called the nomina- World Court that 51 Mexicans on tion a “disappointing choice and one death row in U.S. jails should get a >> MARKOFTHEBEAST that sends all the wrong signals.” new hearing. President Bush decided The Democrats do have a point. In that the United States would comply 1999, Bolton called for full diplomat- with the ruling and review the cases, EU plan is ‘death of nations’ ic recognition of Taiwan and said the but the withdrawal would mean the Miguel Angel Moratinos, Spain’s notion that “China would actually U.S. would not have to bow to the foreign minister, said that Britain’s respond with force is a fantasy.” international court in such a case days as an independent country will In July 2003, as delicate six-party again. e 10 ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005
  • 11. New York G Israel G Brussels G Germany Join Irvin Baxter Jr. on his next trip to the Holy Land! This tour will be special – the first of its kind. In addition to touring United Nations Headquarters in New York and six days in Israel, Prophecy Tour 2006 will be topped off with a tour through northern Europe’s Holy Roman Empire territory. Experience Israel through the eyes of Irvin Baxter Jr. as he leads you to the Mount of Olives, Temple Mount, Masada, Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee, and much, much more. From there we fly to Frankfurt and begin our exploration in Aachen, Germany, home and burial place of Charlemagne—the place where President Clinton and Pope John Paul II were awarded the Charlemagne Prize. The tour continues in Brussels, Belgium where we will go behind the scenes at EU Headquarters. The itinerary and cost are still being finalized at press time. The tour will likely be for 12 days in early May and cost less than $3,000. To be among the first to receive information once the itiner- ary is finalized, call 1-800-Endtime and ask for Mary Beth.
  • 12. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. Revelation 19:20
  • 13. COVERSTORY << T he Bible prophesies that a re- Greece. The Grecian Empire was Mary. Mary is depicted many times in born Holy Roman Empire will depicted as the belly and thighs of Catholic iconography with these be in power at the time of the brass and ruled from 331 to 197 BC. twelve stars about her. When Arsene Second Coming of Jesus. The Holy The legs of iron in the prophecy Heitz designed the EU flag, he used Roman Empire first came into exis- represented the same Roman Empire the twelve stars of Mary on a blue tence in 800 AD when Pope Leo III that ruled the world from 197 BC to background to illustrate the role of placed a crown on the head of 284 AD. It was the Roman Empire the church in the newly reunited Charlemagne, pronouncing him that ruled the world in the time of Europe. Europe’s flag bears the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Christ. That’s the reason that Roman twelve stars, as do its automobile The empire, throughout its 1,200- soldiers were present at the crucifix- license plates and the euro, its curren- year history, has always been a union ion. These were occupying forces, cy. The prominent use of this symbol of politics and religion—thus the enforcing the will of the Roman gov- of Mary declares that the Roman name “Holy-Roman”. Its leadership ernment upon the people of Israel. Catholic Church is very much a part- has always consisted of an alliance The Roman Empire decayed from ner in the European Union. The same between a political leader and a reli- within and ceased to exist around 300 Holy Roman Empire that has risen gious leader. The political leader has AD. Another global power did not and fallen many times over the last always come from Europe, and the emerge onto the world scene for 1,200 years is now reborn. religious leader has always been the almost 500 years. pope of the Roman Catholic Church. It should be noted that there was a Is it time for the Antichrist and It will be the same in the re-born total change of metal each time the the False Prophet? Holy Roman Empire. Ultimately, the prophecy moved from one empire to There are several specific events man called the Antichrist (or the the next. This was true every time that are prophesied to occur right beast) in the Bible will become the except for the last. When the prophe- before and during the reign of the leader of the re-born empire. cy moved from the legs of iron to the Antichrist. It is obvious that most of Whoever is pope at the time of the feet of iron mingled with clay, the these things are in process of coming Antichrist—that man will be the Roman element (iron) was retained, to pass right now. Let’s consider a few False Prophet. but another factor was added—the examples. This should not come as a shock, clay. The feet and toes were of iron even to Roman Catholics. It is taught mingled with clay. The clay repre- Confirmation of the covenant in many Catholic prophecy books sented the religious element that was The scriptures teach that, seven that there is an evil pope coming. (See to be incorporated into the Roman years before Armageddon and the The Coming Chastisement by Yves Empire making it the Holy Roman Second Coming, the Antichrist and Dupont.) Empire. the world community will confirm a The Holy Roman Empire began on covenant with Israel. This covenant Rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire December 25, 800 AD, when Pope will deal with the borders of the Holy prophesied Leo III put the crown on the head of Land, the status of Jerusalem and Five powers were prophesied to Charlemagne, who was king of the control of the Temple Mount. rule the world from the time of Franks. The Holy Roman Empire has The world community presented a Nebuchadnezzar until the Second existed in Europe off and on since peace plan called the Roadmap for Coming of Jesus. These five empires that time. Peace to Israel and the Palestinians in were depicted in a prophecy given to The prophecy states that a stone, 2003. The Roadmap deals with the Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, in which represents the kingdom of borders of the Holy Land, the status a dream and interpreted by the God, will smite the image on the feet of Jerusalem and control of the prophet Daniel. (Daniel 2:31-45) of iron and clay. From this we know Temple Mount. If the Roadmap for These world powers are depicted as that the Holy Roman Empire will be Peace is not the confirmation of the sections of an image of a man. A man reborn and in power when Jesus covenant, it certainly looks like it. is used for the prophecy because it returns to earth to establish His king- The Roadmap was stalled from portrays the human governments that dom. 2003 to 2005. However, with the will rule on earth until the establish- We are watching the prophesied death of Yasser Arafat, world leaders ment of the kingdom of God. rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire are saying that the Roadmap will The head of gold in the image rep- right now. On October 29, 2004, the soon be back on track. It is very pos- resented the kingdom of Babylon, twenty-five member nations of the sible that the final seven years could which ruled from 606 to 539 BC. The European Union signed the first begin soon. prophecy plainly tells us that. European Constitution that has ever The arms and breasts of silver sym- existed in the history of the world. War originating from the bolized the Media-Persian Empire The EU flag illustrates the influ- Euphrates River that replaced the empire of Babylon ence of the Roman Catholic Church The prophecy of Revelation 9:13- and ruled from 539 to 331 BC. in the present European Union. The 16 simply says that a war will After this, Alexander the Great Catholic Church teaches that the emanate from the area of the conquered Media-Persia, establishing woman with twelve stars about her Euphrates River and will result in the the world-dominating empire of head in Revelation 12:1, is the Virgin killing of one-third of mankind. Most ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005 13
  • 14. >> COVERSTORY where the contemplated Third Temple should be built. If the Roadmap for Peace is implemented, it will provide for the sharing of the Temple Mount between Muslim and Jew. It appears that all the factors are now aligning for the temple to be rebuilt. Mark of the beast—National ID Of all the prophecies, this is the most dreaded. Revelation 13 simply says that every person will be required to receive a number or a mark of some sort in order to partic- ipate in the world’s economy. The prophecy is 2,000 years old, but it could only be fulfilled since the invention of the computer and the advent of the Internet. The real- ization of this prophecy prior to today has been technologically impossible. However now it is all too possible! At present, eighty-five percent of all financial transactions done in the world are performed electronically. Of course, a number is needed to make this possible. A social security number is required to hold a job, open a bank account or get a drivers’ license. Understanding the significance of the Virgin Mary’s direct link with the European Union flag, The U.S. House of Representatives Endtime subscriber Kyle T. Davis snapped this photo while on a business trip to Brussels in approved a bill on February 10, 2005, early 2004. called the Real ID Act. If passed by the Senate, you will be required to of the Euphrates is in the nation of is sufficient to kill one-third of have an identity card containing your Iraq, the land where, currently, mankind. The involvement of the social security number. Without this 150,000 U.S. troops are fighting. Is United States in the coming war card, you will not be permitted to this a coincidence, or does this have looks inevitable. board an airplane, a train, or enter meaning for us? Federal buildings. Your records will The prophecy also states that an Building the Third Temple be in a database connected to the army of 200 million will be involved According to 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 databases of the other forty-nine in this war that kills 2 billion human and Revelation 11:1-2, a temple will states. Once accomplished, the gov- beings. Only one nation can present- be standing on the Temple Mount at ernment will be positioned to exer- ly put 200 million soldiers on the bat- least three and one-half years before cise total control over your move- tlefield. The CIA World Factbook of the Battle of Armageddon. ments and your activities. 2003 says that China has over 200 For quite some time, the Temple How far are we from the imple- million men of military age. Not until Institute in Jerusalem has been recre- menting of the mark of the beast? We the last five years could any nation in ating the furniture and the utensils are closer than we want to believe! existence make such a boast. needed for the resumption of wor- China recently passed an anti- ship in the Temple. All of these are As we can see, all the prophecies secession law aimed at forcing Taiwan now completed except for the Ark of pertaining to the endtime are coming to unify with the mainland. The law the Covenant. Since Israel did not to pass right now. Are we near the authorizes the use of military force have the Ark of the Covenant during reign of the Antichrist? Certainly. against Taiwan if she does not reunify the Second Temple era, Jews believe Does this indicate that the newly voluntarily. President Bush has said they can proceed with the rebuilding elected pope is the False Prophet? that the United States will do “what- of the temple without it. We can’t yet say that for sure. We ever it takes” to defend Taiwan if The Sanhedrin was reborn in Israel can say that it is a very real possibil- China does attack. on October 13, 2004. The Sanhedrin ity! And it won’t be long before we Only the military might of the U.S. is now studying to determine exactly know! e 14 ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005
  • 15. EXCLUSIVEINTERVIEW << Some People Call Him Maurice Exclusive Interview with UN Under- Secretary-General Maurice Strong of the UN before going into Iraq? Maurice: I don’t think regret is the appropriate word. I’ve heard him Part 2 respond to that question. He makes it clear that he did, in fact, go to the United Nations. He wasn’t always satisfied with the results, and he did believe that when he launched the war in Iraq he was doing so in accor- dance with a United Nations resolu- tion. There are others who do not accept that interpretation, but I think it’s important that he makes that claim and that others do conform with it. It’s a question of interpreta- tion. I think the important thing is that he did, in fact, go to the United Nations and he does insist that the action he took in launching that war Courtesy of Corbin Runnels was in accord with the United Nations Security Council resolution. It’s not often you’re able to sit …on Iraq Irvin: Dr. Strong, you are a very down and have a one-hour conversa- Irvin: Some people think the war astute observer of international rela- tion with a man who has been in with Iraq has weakened the United tions. Where is the crisis in Iraq head- charge of reforming the United Nations. Do you agree? ed? Is the UN going to end up play- Nations. According to some, the UN ing a major role there? How is that is the singular structure designed to Maurice: There’s no question that going to turn out? rule the world. Although many of us it generated immense pressures on object to the United Nations running the United Nations and, of course, Maurice: The problems of Iraq are the world, the truth is that it is specif- creates tendencies towards weakness. not going to go away easily. It is an ically designed to be a world govern- On the other hand, it also demon- ancient civilization, a country that mental system. A further truth is that strated the strengths of the United was put together artificially years those who want a UN-led world Nations, the importance of it, the fact ago, primarily by the British when government will vehemently deny that it was not possible to avoid the they controlled the situation there. that such is their intention. That is United Nations in dealing with the Some of the problems they encoun- because they know what kind of vio- crisis of this kind. The United tered then continue into the present lent knee-jerk reaction it would gen- Nations has no magic of its own. It is day and are now being faced by the erate. actually the forum through which its United States and the world commu- members, which are over 190 nations, nity. Obviously, if those problems are Maurice Strong sits at the elbow of can consult and deal with issues that going to be resolved, primarily, they Secretary-General Kofi Annan as his they cannot deal with alone. have to be resolved by the Iraqis. Under-Secretary-General for UN Therefore, it reflects the hopes and Everybody accepts that fact, but it is Reform. He has served for a long time aspirations, but also the weaknesses not going to be an easy road. It was- at the highest levels of power. Here is of our modern world. n’t expected to be an easy road. It is the second part of a three-part series not easy to create instant democracy — Endtime’s interview with Dr. Irvin: Do you think President in a country that has not been accus- Strong. Bush regrets not getting the approval tomed to democracy. It’s not just a ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005 15
  • 16. Subscribe to... Endtime Magazine The World’s Most Widely Read Prophecy Magazine Magazine Online Edition VOL. 15/NO.3 MAY/JUNE 2005 $3.00 2 years, 12 bi-monthly issues ($15) MAURICE STRONG EXCLUSIVE P 15 BENEDICT XVI: LAST POPE? P 22 ROADMAP BACK ON TRACK? P 24 REVEALING THE FUTURE THROUGH BIBLE PROPHECY FIGHTING THE NATIONAL ID EVEALING THE UTURE THROUGH IBLE ROPHECY P 28 Subscription for U.S. addresses 2 years, 12 bi-monthly issues ($29) 4 years, 24 bi-monthly issues ($49) Will the Bulk Subscription Next Pope Start Your Own Ministry! Order 10 or more copies of each issue of Endtime for 50% be the False off cover price ($15 bi-monthly for 10 copies) Prophet? Gift Subscriptions Order a 2-year Gift Subscription for a friend or loved one. ($29) Understanding the Endtime Level 1 The original 10-lesson, 12-hour prophecy teaching series—offers indisputable proof that Prophecy Courses we are on the brink of the second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth right now! SPECIAL SAVINGS Understanding the Endtime Level 2 FOR ORDERING Ten high-impact 1-hour “sledgehammers.” Each lesson is designed to serve as a wake-up call to ALL 3 LEVELS the times in which we are living because the endtime is not coming. It’s here! Study Manual Understanding the Endtime ($19, #946M), Audio on CD or Cassette ($60, Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 #946CD, #946-Cas), Video on DVD or VHS—all on DVD or VHS 10 ($155, #976D, #976VHS) Reg. Price $385 Understanding the Endtime Level 3 Order now for only $325 Six-lesson series—uses charts and timelines to Save $60 establish what happens when! Walks you through the key scriptures in Revelation which and receive a offer indisputable proof for the order in which SPECIAL FREE BONUS endtime events will unfold. Study Manual ($19, Study Manuals for all 3 levels! #954), Audio on CD or Cassette ($60, #953CD, Saves an additional $57! #953-Cas), Video on DVD or VHS ($100, #950- DVD, #950-VHS) Total Savings—$117—30% See Order Form on page 19
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  • 18. >> EXCLUSIVEINTERVIEW The Security Council Chamber at the United Nations. (Photo courtesy of Kenn Thorpe) voting system. It is a culture, a system have not accepted the treaty. It is bind- regime. That is still very much in its of values that expresses itself in the ing on those accepting it. infancy. It is inconceivable that we political arena. And we’re a long way will have such a regime without the from that. There’s been a commend- Irvin: I know President Bush was participation of the United States. able start, but it’s only a start. very concerned that it would be enforced, even though we were not Irvin: President Bush chose not to one of the signers. He demanded and ask for that waiver this year when the …on Bush & the International was granted a waiver from the United time came around for its renewal. Do Criminal Court Nations. If there is no danger of [the you have any idea what brought Irvin: One of the big developments ICC] being forced upon us, even about that change in policy? on the world scene over the last few though we did not sign it, why was he years has been the birth of the so concerned about a waiver? Maurice: No, I can only speculate. International Criminal Court. I think the United States has been sat- President Bush withdrew the signa- Maurice: I can’t put myself in isfied, at least up to this point, that ture of the U.S. from that treaty. The President Bush’s place, but when I there is no intention on anyone’s part United Nations continued to contend said that it couldn’t be readily to use that particular convention to that once the necessary 60 nations enforced, that does not mean that disadvantage or embarrass the United ratified it that the treaty still had there’s not a legitimate concern on the States. Those who have argued power. I have two questions: How part of President Bush and the against giving a waiver did so because did they pick the number 60 when United States about its application to they felt that the U.S. concerns were there are 190 nations in the world? U.S. citizens. Of course there was already well satisfied by the existing And how did they arbitrarily decide that concern, and that is the reason convention and its provisions. It that 60 nations can bring this to the that, if I understand it, they sought doesn’t mean the problem has gone level of international law? the waiver. It is one of the weakness- away but it does mean that the prob- es and difficulties of the fact that we lem is seen as a little less acute at this Maurice: It may sound arbitrary, but still do not have a fully enforceable point. it was the decision made by the mem- regime of international law that can bership of the United Nations when enforce measures against countries Irvin: I read one article in which they decided to act to create this that have not signed on to a particular the author claimed that, when the accord. However, it is quite clear that it UN treaty or convention. That is a U.S. didn’t ask for the waiver to be cannot enforce jurisdiction on member problem. We do not have, on a global renewed, the United Nations passed countries, like the United States, that basis, that kind of enforceable legal the resolution recognizing the U.S.- 18 ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005
  • 19. EXCLUSIVEINTERVIEW << installed government in Iraq. He speculated that perhaps an exchange was made. A deal. Is that possible? Maurice: Well, anything’s possible, but I cannot speak with authority on Order Form anything to which I have not been a Page 1 direct party. I simply don’t know. I think that’s really speculative. Order by phone with your credit card or check-by-phone by …on Iran’s nukes calling 1-800-Endtime (1-800-363-8463 Mon.-Fri. 9:00- Eddie: You are involved with the North Korean nuclear situation. 5:00pm Eastern) There’s another one brewing right now with Iran that’s also pretty seri- Order online with your credit card at ous. Iran’s logic is, Israel has nukes. Why can’t we? If you’re going to do something about us, do something Order by mail by following the simple instructions below about Israel. Maurice: That is the logic that they put forward. They also put forward Step #1. What do you want to order? Please fill out this the argument that under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty the nuclear chart. For steps 2 through 4, see next page. powers agree not to threaten the non- nuclear powers. Israel has not Item Description of Item Price How Total become a party to the Nuclear # (be sure to circle media format where applicable) each many Nonproliferation Treaty. Iran con- DVD VHS CD Cassttte tends that that doesn’t mean Israel DVD VHS should be entirely exempted from the CD Cassttte will of the nations of the world to DVD VHS prevent the dissemination of nuclear CD Cassttte DVD VHS weapons, and that Israel has them in CD Cassttte the region in which Iran is located. DVD VHS Also Iran makes the claim (and I’m CD Cassttte not taking their position) that they Total amount of products are fully entitled to develop a peace- ful nuclear program, which, they say, Shipping & Handling is exactly what they are doing. Of Add for Shipping & Handing U.S. addresses course, that has not been accepted by For orders under $20, add $5 See chart to the left the United States or other members $21-50, add $7 of the International Community. It is $51-100, add $9 still an unresolved issue. But the $100+, add $11 Canada & Mexico North Koreans contend that they Magazine Subscription Add $3 to U.S. prices have been threatened by the world’s Western Hemisphere 2 years U.S. $29 4 years U.S. $49 major nuclear power. The U.S. con- Add $6 to U.S. prices Online $15 tends that is not the case, but the Europe Bulk-10 copies $15 bi-monthly Add $8 to U.S. prices North Koreans read some of the Asia, Africa, Pacific Rim 2 yrs non-U.S. 35 USD 4 yrs non-U.S. 61 USD things that have been said by the U.S. Add $12 to U.S. prices administration as certainly constitut- Is this subscription… 1 New? 1 Renewal? 1 Gift? ing a threat. They say that they are (If gift, enclose name and address willing to disband their nuclear of person to receive subscription) weapons program, but only when they can get suitable alternative guar- antees for their security. In the mean- Tax-deductible gift to Endtime time, nuclear weapons capability is the only way in which a small nation Tax-deductible monthly pledge (1st month enclosed) like North Korea can feel like they have a credible defense against threats from a world’s major nuclear power. Total amount enclosed There are always two sides to an ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005 19
  • 20. >> EXCLUSIVEINTERVIEW argument. You don’t have to be an advocate for that regime to at least try Order Form to understand the basis for their con- cerns and their claims. Page 2 Irvin: You have been at the pinna- cles of power at the United Nations Step #2. What is your contact information and ship-to for a long time. Have you ever seen a time when we were perhaps as close address? to nuclear war as we are right now? Maurice: Yes, I think we were Name much closer to nuclear war during Address the so-called Cold War days. There were moments when the Cold War could have become a hot war, the Cuban Missile Crisis being a primary example. Remember that a nuclear Phone war involving the major nuclear pow- E-mail ers during the Cold War period would have been a very different war, far more massively destructive than a nuclear war today involving the use of one or two nuclear weapons by a Step #3. How will you be paying for your order? small and weak state. A check or money order is enclosed (please make payable …on Gorbachev & the Earth Charter to Endtime, Inc.) Irvin: Mikhail Gorbachev and you played a large role in the Earth Please charge my credit card or debit card Charter. What is the present status of the charter? Has it been adopted by anyone, and will it eventually be MC Visa AmEx Discover Exp. Date __/__ adopted by the United Nations? Maurice: The Earth Charter was Card No. really designed to be a people’s char- ter, an expression by people through- Signature (for cardholders) X out the world of their commitment to certain basic moral and ethical princi- ples to guide the conduct of people Step #4. Mail or fax and nations toward the earth and toward each other. It was never designed as a formal international Cut this page along the dotted line, slip it into an treaty. It derives its authority from envelope, and mail to: the millions of people and thousands of organizations that have accepted it. It has received significant blessings Endtime from the various members of the P.O. Box 2066 United Nations. Some have even adopted it more formally at the Richmond, IN 47374 national level, but it was not designed as an international agreement. At Prefer fax? Fax both sides of this Order Form to: some point it may receive a more for- mal endorsement from the United (765) 965-4674 Nations, but that is not its purpose. Questions? Call 1-800-Endtime or email: Irvin: It’s an expression of values that the presenters of this document believe the world should embrace for the good of the world. 20 ENDTIME MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2005