SlideShare a Scribd company logo   VOL. 14 / NO. 3   MAY / JUN 2004   $3.00

                                               BATTLE FOR AMERICA’S SOUL PP44
                                                     SHARON DISENGAGES PP1313

                                              “COINCIDENCES” OF EU FLAG PP18


    Holy Roman
    Empire 2004
Can the Antichrist and False Prophet be far behind?
Can the Antichrist and False Prophet be far behind?
Many have stated that it is impossible to know whether or not we are living in the last days
                            before the second coming of Jesus Christ. However, below you will find dramatic proof that
                            these are the endtimes. The proofs below defy coincidence.

Euphrates River to Be Dried Up                                     In Revelation 16:12, the Bible predicts that the Euphrates River
will be dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the east to invade Israel. This will happen at the time of the battle of
Armageddon according to verse 16 of the same chapter. The battle of Armageddon will be the final battle at which time Jesus
will return and fight on the side of the nation of Israel. Immediately thereafter He will establish His kingdom and usher in His
one thousand-year reign of peace. On January 13, 1990, the Indianapolis Star carried the headline “Turkey Will Cut Off Flow of
Euphrates for One Month.” The article stated that a huge reservoir had been built by Turkey. While filling up the reservoir, the
flow of the Euphrates would be stopped for one month and a concrete plug for a diversion channel built. These things have now
been done. With this newly built dam, Turkey has the ability to stop the Euphrates River at will. The conditions for fulfilling this
1,900 year-old prophecy are now in place.

                                                                   China Goes to War                 In Revelation 9:15-16,
the Bible prophesies that an army of 200 million soldiers will launch a war which would kill “the third part of men.” Never in the
history of the world until our present generation has there been a power on earth that could field 200 million soldiers. However,
the late ruler of China, Mao Tse Tung boasted in his diary that he could field an army of 200 million. The CIA World Factbook
reports that in the year 2001, it is estimated that China has 200,886,946 men of military age, and this number is growing by 10
million per year.

Worldwide Numbering System Predicted                                                 In Revelation 13, the Bible prophesies that a
world dictator will soon rule over a world government. He will cause all people in the earth to receive a number without which
they will be unable to buy or sell. We are seeing this prophecy fulfilled before our eyes in a most astonishing way. Nearly every
human being in the world now has been assigned a number. In America it is our Social Security number. In the past few years,
we have seen this number extended to newborns. A child without a Social Security number cannot be declared as a dependent
on an income tax return. We have seen the emergence of electronic money, shopping with credit cards, and many people urging
the abolishment of cash. All of these things could not possibly have been fulfilled until this present time. Only after the invention
of the computer could such a worldwide numbering system be administered.

                            The Emergence of a New World Order                                                  Revelation 13:7 and
Daniel 7:23 prophesy the establishment of a world government. The term “New World Order” has become a prevalent phrase in
the world’s political culture. Mikhail Gorbachev made the term famous, and Pope John Paul II has referred to it repeatedly. In
the September 12, 1990 issue of the Chicago Tribune, our former president George Bush said, “Iraq is the first test for the New
World Order.” He emphatically stated that the Iraq War is Saddam Hussein against the world. The United Nations’ troops are
continually referred to as the multi-national forces. The decision has been made to establish an interdependent community of
nations that will rule the world under United Nations authority. The Bible says that this will lead us into a great world govern-
ment. The formation of this government is at hand.

                                              or Divine Providence?
Is it coincidental that all of these major prophecies pertaining to the last times are being fulfilled simultaneously?

                              Source: Endtime Magazine, P.O. Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375
                                       This page may be copied and distributed freely

               N     E   W     R     E    L      E      A   S     E     S

PROPHETIC DESTINY                                       ISRAEL’S
            OF THE
            OF THE                                    PROPHESIED
  UNITED STATES                                         REVIVAL

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                                                  » “Tongues: Devilish or Divine”
                                                  » “True Christianity vs.
                                                      False Christianity”

                                                  Call 1-800-Endtime for more
                                                  information on this new series!
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                              Irvin Baxter
                                                                                                    WORLD EVENTS FROM A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE

                                                                                                               MAGAZINE STAFF
                                                                                                  Editor-in-Chief: Irvin Baxter
                                                                                                  Assistant Editor: Eddie Sax
                                                                                                  Editorial Assistants: Ginger Boerkircher,
                                                                                                   Liz Freeman, Dana Grohman, Craig Treadwell,
                                                                                                   Ray Zweidinger
                                                                                                  Research: Kathy McKinney

     BATTLING FOR THE                                                                             Radio Outreach Director: Kara McPeak
                                                                                                  Radio Operations: Jim Stigleman

     SOUL OF AMERICA                                                                              Donor Relations: Tracey Kidwell
                                                                                                  Webmaster: Dan Barkley
                                                                                                  Layout/Design: Andy Van Engen, Dustin Hall
     “One Nation, Under God”
                        s we go to press with         Opponents to the acknowledgement of

                        this edition of ENDTIME,    God by our government cite the First                  ENDTIME MINISTRIES
                        the U.S. Supreme            Amendment, contending that it mandates                STATEMENT OF FAITH
                        Court is deliberating       the separation of church and state. The       WE BELIEVE that the Bible is the inspired Word
                        the constitutionality of    ignominious result of this convoluted         of God, that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, and
                        the phrase “under           logic is to negate the very foundation on     that He will come again to establish a kingdom that
    God” in our Pledge of Allegiance.               which our nation was founded—that             shall never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44). Those who are
       The plaintiff in the proceedings,            foundation being that we derive our           born again (John 3:3-5) will have eternal life and rule
    Michael Newdow, contends that saying            unalienable rights from our Creator.          as kings and priests with Christ forever.
    “under God” takes away his rights—rights
    to be an atheist and rights to train his        What about the separation of
    daughter to be an atheist.                      church and state?
                                                                                                  WHAT IS ENDTIME MAGAZINE?
                                                                                                       In 1968, Irvin Baxter discovered the United
       The truth is that Mr. Newdow would             What does the First Amendment really
    have no rights at all if it were not for God.   say, and what was the original intent of      States and other modern nations in the Bible. He
    In the founding document of the United          our founding fathers who wrote it? Did        also found the Berlin Wall in the Bible and that one
    States of America—the Declaration of            they intend for a court someday to use the    day it was to be torn down, reuniting Germany, and
    Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote:           First Amendment to remove acknowl-            that event would be the catalyst to spark an inter-
    “We hold these truths to be self-evident,       edgement of God from our Declaration of       national movement called the “New World Order.”
    that all men are created equal, that they       Independence? Did they intend to forbid       These things have now come to pass.
    are endowed by their Creator with certain       the acknowledgement of God in our                  Irvin Baxter, a Pentecostal minister, began
    unalienable rights…”                            Pledge of Allegiance? Obviously not!          Endtime ministries in 1986 when he wrote
       Our forefathers understood and               They included God in the Declaration of       A Message For The President, a book explaining
    acknowledged that some rights come only         Independence.
                                                                                                  the major prophecies of the Bible which he had
    from God, not from government. If gov-
    ernment forbids the official acknowledge-       So what was the original intent of            been teaching since 1968.
    ment of our Creator, as recent court rul-       our founding fathers?                              After the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic
    ings have done, then the unalienable              The First Amendment reads as follows:       fulfillment accelerated rapidly. The decision was
    rights that flow from that Creator will also    “Congress shall make no law respecting        made to launch ENDTIME. The purpose of the
    no longer be acknowledged. The                  an establishment of religion, or prohibit-    magazine is to explain the prophecies of the Bible
    inevitable end of that slippery slope,          ing the free exercise thereof; or abridging   and to show that they are now being fulfilled in
    which America is presently traveling, is        the freedom of speech, or of the press; or    intricate detail.
    that our only rights are those granted by       the right of the people peaceably to               Articles focus on the soon return of Jesus
    government. Of course, if the government        assemble, and to petition the government      Christ, the truth of the Bible, and the need for
    can grant rights, then it can take them         for a redress of grievances.”
                                                                                                  salvation. ENDTIME does not deal with doctrinal
    away. Unalienable means “not capable of           Fisher Ames was the author of the First
    being transferred by a legal process to         Amendment. Did he intend for this             controversies, as valid as they may be. This will be
    another owner.”                                                   continued on page 31        left to other publications.

    4 EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004

                                                                                                            CONTENTS       PERSPECTIVE
                                                                                                                 10 WHO KILLED JESUS?
                                                                                                                                                            MAY / JUN 2004 VOL. 14 / NO. 3

                                                        COVER                        18                                    In the wake of Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ”
                                                                                                                           opening, the pastor of a Denver church decided that it would
                                                                                                                           be apropos to remind rush-hour travelers of who should be

                  DEPARTMENTS                                                                                              blamed for paving the way for our eternal salvation. What the
                                                                                                                           Bible says about who is responsible for the death of Jesus.
            4 EDITORIAL Battle For America’s Soul                                                                          ISRAELWATCH
            6 LETTERS & FEEDBACK                                                                                 13 SHARON’S DISENGAGEMENT PLAN
                                                                                                                           What we know for sure from the Bible, the facts on the
            8 WORLD REVIEW                                                                                                 ground, and where it may be heading.
                 • Al-Qaida plot to split Spain from allies
                 • Hundreds help after anti-Semitic attack
                 • China’s warnings                                                                                        EUROPEWATCH
                 • Congress hears U.S. forces ready for Chinese threat                                           18 “COINCIDENCES” OF THE EUROPEAN FLAG
                 • Religious discrimination gets high-court OK                                                             How close are the EU’s ties to the Vatican? Look no further
                                                                                                                           than their flag.
                 • Germans ban Muslim headscarves in schools
                 • EU grants Gaza Strip homeless 1 million Euro                                                  20 HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE — 2004
                 • EU chief, Solana urges tighter global cooperation                                                       Can the Antichrist and the False Prophet be far behind?
                 • Rome’s green light for Nazi demo                                                                        Where can the prophecies be found? It’s about Europe, the
                                                                                                                           Antichrist and the False Prophet... where we are and where
                 • Push for plastic                                                                                        we’re going.
                 • Wal-Mart hits snags in push to use radio tags to track goods
         15 TEACHING MATERIALS Product Pages                                                                     22 KINGS AND PAWNS IN THE GAME
         25 ENDTIME STUDY GROUPS & RADIO LOG                                                                               OF GLOBALIZATION
         25 ENDTIME PROPHECY CONFERENCES                                                                                   There is a player upon the grand chessboard of globalization
                                                                                                                           that is often overlooked by the average North American. For cen-
                                                                                                                           turies, world leaders have gingerly approached the high offices
Cover & Top:   PHOTO BY KYLE T. DAVIS | Bottom Left: Photo of the Vatican FROM COREL                                       of this institution, seeking special blessings and paying homage
WORDPERFECT SUITE, ACADEMIC EDITION, CLIPART PHOTO FILES | Bottom Right: Democratic                                        to its long-standing position of high-authority. It’s the Vatican.
Presidential hopeful John Kerry reacts to supporters and takes questions at Tougaloo College in
Jackson, Mississippi on March 7th. EPA/JUDI BOTTONI
                                                                                                                 26 THE POLITICS AND RELIGION OF
                                                                                                                    HOMOSEXUALITY: KERRY SPEAKS
                                                                                                                           Here’s what he said: “I believe that marriage is between a man
                                                                                                                           and a woman, but I believe it’s important in the United States
                                                                                                                           of America that we recognize that we have a Constitution
                                                                                                                           which has an equal protection clause.” But what does he mean?

                                                                                                                 28 CHRISTIAN POSITION ON
                                                                                                                           The Christian Position on any subject is determined by the
                                                                                                                           teachings of the Bible. Endtime’s editor dives in.

                                                                                                                 30 7000 WILL DIE IN
                                                                                                                           JERUSALEM EARTHQUAKE
                                                                                                                           An Israeli seismologist warned that 5,000-10,000 people

                         22                                                       26                                       would probably die if an earthquake hit Israel. The book of
                                                                                                                           Revelation says 7,000.

   Endtime is published bi-monthly by Endtime, Inc., 1301 South 8th Street, Richmond, IN 47374. Subscription price is $29 for 12 issues. Periodical postage paid #009267, ISSN# 1066-6885, Richmond, IN, and additional
   mailing offices. © 2004 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Endtime, PO Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375-
   2066. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week 1-800-ENDTIME. Other inquiries call 1-765-962-6344 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Central).

                                 &FEEDBACK              W H AT ’ S O N YO U R M I N D ?
                                               E N DTI M E WANTS TO KN OW.

    Saving the U.S.A.                                                      I send this message in love and hope your ministry contin-
       As always I enjoy your show. I continue to be fascinated by       ues to reveal hidden truths that can bring people to Christ
    your zeal to save the U.S.A., and for the life of me, I cannot       Jesus. —Michael
    find this example in scripture, which doesn’t necessarily
    mean it is misguided.                                                   REPLY I am a firm believer that God no longer dwells in
       As far as the U.S. in the corporal sense, I couldn’t care less.   temples made with hands. However, the prophecies about the
    I am much more interested in seeing individual people in the         temple that will stand in the endtime do not depict the tem-
    U.S. become born again. Passing laws and constitutional              ple as an abomination. In both II Thessalonians 2:4 and in
    amendments is not going to get or convince anyone of eternal         Revelation 11:1-2, the temple is described as the “temple of
    salvation. —B. Russell                                               God.” Both of these prophecies describe the state of affairs
                                                                         that will exist 3 1/2 years before Armageddon. This is 3 1/2
      REPLY God not only loves the USA, He loves the whole               years before the fulfillment of Romans 11:25-26, which tells
    world. I admit that I do love this country and pray that God         us that all of Israel shall be saved.
    would pour out a great revival upon it.                                 The prophecy declares that the rebuilt temple will stand
      And by the way, if Sodom and Gomorrah would have had               after Israel’s 2,000-year exile is over and her nation has been
    a constitutional amendment against same-sex relations and            reborn. Israel’s revival spoken of by Hosea 6:1-2 will be in
    would have enforced it, God would not have destroyed them.           progress:
                                                                            “Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn,
    A little closer to the mark                                          and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.
       I just thought this was too close for comfort. I was telling a    After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise
    friend of mine at work that my daughter was a little upset that      us up, and we shall live in his sight.”
    her kids now have debit cards instead of money for their                It is obvious that part of the prophecies concerning Israel in
    school lunches. She said, “They don’t do that at my kids’            the last days has now been fulfilled. Part of them is yet to
    school. They just scan their fingerprint, and all the informa-       come. These prophecies in progress are a great witnessing
    tion they need comes right up on the screen.” Not only that,         tool that can win Jew and Gentile alike.
    my friend didn’t even have to give permission for her kids’
    fingerprints to be taken. And people don’t think that we’re          Long way off?
    living in the endtimes!                                                  I have a few questions about the endtimes. In Matthew
       Keep up the good work, and God be with you. —Debbie               24:32-35, could “this generation” mean mankind? Is this
                                                                         when the human experience ends? With 2002 stats of four bil-
    Misplaced enthusiasm?                                                lion who have not heard a clear message of the gospel, and
      I feel your temple enthusiasm is misplaced. It’s one thing         two billion with no Christian living nearby to tell them, do
    to confirm scripture by showing how building plans exist –           you think the Church has fulfilled the commission of preach-
    that is cause for excitement, I agree. But you at Endtime are        ing the gospel to all nations?
    aware of its existence because of an unbelieving people who             I believe most of the trumpets have sounded, as you teach,
    refuse to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. This temple is an         but could there still be many years before the tribulation? We
    abomination to God, but Endtime seems to glorify it and cater        will know for sure when we see the Antichrist stand in the
    to the people who intend to build it.                                temple, but could that still be a long way off?
      [When you provide links on the news page of your website                 —S. Simpson, South Korea
    to sites such the Temple Institute in Jerusalem], it seems to
    suggest that we should buy jewelry from these people. I sug-            REPLY The generation of which Jesus spoke could not pos-
    gest Endtime should focus more on witnessing to these peo-           sibly refer to the end of the human experience. The prophe-
    ple about Jesus Christ. I hope you’re not waiting for the            cies of Matthew 24 are signs of the Second Coming and the
    appropriate time, which may never present itself, in order to        end of the age. There will be another 1,000 years after the
    get guided tours and acceptance from them.                           Second Coming (Revelation 20:1-15).

    6 EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004
LETTERSTOTHEEDITOR                                        «
Rare compliment                                                   ment scriptures all the time for future events at that! How can
  I never agree with what you say about prophecy, but the         you even think the old and new are totally different?? Do we
program in which you spoke of the difference between the          not serve the same God? Perhaps you should read again John
wrath of Satan and the wrath of God was one of the few            chapter 1 then go to some of the references: Genesis, Isaiah,
exceptions. Everything you said was correct.                      Zephaniah 3:8,9. —T. Vaclavik
  Congratulations (trust me, this a rare compliment). I know
more about prophecy than anyone I know, but there will be           REPLY The word “testament” means will. I’m sure you have
those who will come in the future knowing far more about          heard of the “last will and testament” of a person. The Old Tes-
prophecy than you and I. —Paul                                    tament is the old will of God. The New Testament is the new
                                                                  will of God. This does not mean that the Old Testament is not
The eagle                                                         valuable or that it is not the word of God. Scripture teaches us
  I wondered what you thought about any connection                that the Old Testament object lessons are types and shadows
between the eagle in Revelation and Rome. I have always           of the spiritual realities of the New Testament.
agreed with your idea that the eagle represented the U.S.           Romans 6:14 tells us, “For sin shall not have dominion over
until I was told that the symbol for Rome, and specifically its   you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.” Romans
military, was the eagle. I was pretty shaken up and spent         7:6 teaches, “But now we are delivered from the law, that
some time researching it online and found the information to      being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in
be true. I am anxious to hear your thoughts. —C. Wulfsberg        newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.”

   REPLY The eagle has been used as a symbol by many
nations. However, the eagle’s wings in Daniel 7:4 are depict-
                                                                  F E E D B A C K
ed as coming out of the lion. The lion is Great Britain. Obvi-    Cannot put the Bible down
ously, Rome did not come out of Great Britain. The U.S. did.        I received your [free] “What Do You Mean Born Again?”
The rest of this prophecy fits the United States explicitly.      brochure from some guy I don’t even know. I read it and was
   In the book of Revelation, the eagle’s wings are portrayed     fascinated. I wasn’t much of a Bible reader, but now I cannot
as helping the woman—Israel. Rome has not been a protector        put the Bible down. Thank you! —Dole, Frankfort, IN
of Israel. The U.S., on the other hand, is Israel’s number one
friend and ally.                                                  Thanks for your ministry.
   Also we should consider that two entire chapters in Reve-         I’ve had the fortunate pleasure of meeting you several
lation are devoted to prophecies about Rome. Chapters 17          times and being in the studio audience for two of your videos.
and 18 speak of Rome as the great whore.                          I came to Christ thanks to your ministry, and recently found
                                                                  out that someone else at my church did as well.
The Harvests                                                               —Rich, Naperville, IL
  Revelation 14 talks about the harvest. If the saints and sin-
ners are both harvested, who’s left? —Susan                       Stretching exercises
                                                                    Thanks for the information you are disseminating. Your
  REPLY Revelation 14:14-20 describes two harvests. These         radio program is a treasure to me. You stretch people to think
two harvests are the same two harvests described by Jesus in      through things and I love this! You keep me better prepared.
Matthew 13 as the harvest of the wheat and the tares. In Rev-              —Beverly
elation 14, the harvest that was cast into the winepress refers
to the Battle of Armageddon. We know that not every person        Precept upon precept
on earth will be at Armageddon. We also know that the earth          Your teachings have helped me put line upon line and pre-
will be inhabited during the 1000-year reign of Jesus that        cept upon precept. I can now read Revelation and understand
immediately follows Armageddon. Obviously, not everyone           it for myself, but more than that, you have equipped me so
on earth will be destroyed. Daniel 7:11-12 describes nations      that I can help others. I appreciate that you are willing to stand
that will lose their power when the Antichrist is destroyed;      against the odds and speak God’s word as He has given it!
but they continue to live into the millennium under the reign               —Irene
of Jesus and His church.
                                                                  A glorious thought
Old vs. New Testament                                                I never thought I would see the endtime come to pass, but
  In discussing the situation of North Korea one day, you         here it is. Soon our Precious Lord will return. That’s a glori-
used the expression, “If we were living in the Old Testament.”    ous thought for all of us who are ready. I thank Him because
Since Jesus came we have moved into the New Testament,            I have now moved to Mississippi for the winter months and
the spiritual kingdom. The Old Testament was the physical         can finally hear Politics & Religion. I can hardly wait for the
kingdom, and they are totally different.                          program to come on each day. —Helen, 88, Jackson, MS
  Mr. Baxter, last time I checked we were still living in God’s
physical kingdom, but we walk in the spirit. God has never
changed His Word. It is eternal and everlasting. I believe that    ENDTIME   thanks you for your letters. The letters we use in ENDTIME do not necessarily reflect the views of
means all of His word and not part of it. You use Old Testa-       ENDTIME and/or its staff. ENDTIME  reserves the right to edit letters according to space and editorial style.

                                                                                                                EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004                      7

                              WORLD                                           by Liz Freeman &

                                 REVIEW                  GLOBAL NEWS SEEN THROUGH
                                                                                      Ginger Boerkircher

                                               T H E E Y E S O F B I B L E P R O P H E CY.

    » WARONTERROR                                 ple had to stand in line for a turn. Doug
                                                  Mix, who is not a member of the con-
                                                                                                 vices Committee hearing, Admiral
                                                                                                 Thomas Fargo, the top U.S. naval com-
    Al-Qaida plot to split Spain                  gregation said, “We all came out here          mander in the Pacific, told Congress
    from allies                                   because America is still America, and          that American forces are well-posi-
       A recently revealed document shows         we don’t tolerate this.”                       tioned to deal with any Chinese military
    that al-Qaida planned to carry out              Among the congregation was Holo-             action aimed at Taiwan. Fargo added
    attacks to separate Madrid from the           caust survivor, Fanny Starr. “I was just       that the U.S. did not see any signal of an
    U.S. and its allies in the war on terror.     shaking and broke down,” she said. “All        imminent threat in the time surround-
    The document was published on an              the wounds, the old wounds started             ing Taiwan’s presidential election.
    Internet message board used by al-            opening again.”                                   When asked about the risk of a mis-
    Qaida months before Spain’s national            Rabbi Daniel Cohen said the vandal-          calculation that could be “catastrophic”
    elections.                                    ism may have been sparked by Mel Gib-          for Taiwan, Fargo replied, “I’m pretty
       The document made the following            son’s “The Passion of the Christ”. The         confident of our deterrent capability.
    claim: “We think the Spanish govern-          movie, which some feel wrongly                 Certainly, we’re well-postured right
    ment… will be forced to withdraw              blames Jews for the death of Christ, has       now. We understand the problem. Our
    because of the public pressure on it….        been criticized as anti-Semitic.               forces are well-trained. So our ability to
    the victory of the Socialist Party will be                                                   dissuade and deter China, I think, is
    almost guaranteed – and the withdraw-
    al of Spanish forces will be on its cam-
                                                  » 6THTRUMPETWATCH                              really very good.”
                                                                                                    Fargo called the cross-strait issues
    paign manifesto.”                             China’s warnings                               “the largest friction point in the relation-
       That prediction was fulfilled when the       China told the United States that Hong       ship between China and the United
    Socialists who were lagging in the polls      Kong’s affairs are none of their business.     States... and has long been recognized as
    ousted Prime Minister Jose Maria              The warning came after an address to a         an international flashpoint.”
    Aznar’s Popular Party three days after 10     U.S. Senate hearing on the issue of
    bombs ripped through Madrid’s Atocha
    station, killing at least 201 people.
                                                  democracy in the former British colony.
                                                    In addition, Taiwan President Chen
                                                                                                 » WORLDRELIGION
       Immediately after the victory, Prime       Shui-bian was dubbed “immoral” and             Religious discrimination gets
    Minister-elect Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapa-      warned by the Chinese parliament that          high-court OK
    tero vowed to pull out Spain’s 1,300          his “splittist activities under the cloak of     In a recent court case, the U.S.
    troops in Iraq by June 30th if the Unit-      democracy” will not be tolerated.              Supreme Court ruled that taxpayer-
    ed Nations “doesn’t take control of             On the eve of Taiwan’s presidential          funded college scholarship programs
    Iraq.” Zapatero said the war in Iraq was      elections in March, the United States          can be denied to students majoring in
    a mistake and Spain’s participation in it     kept a close watch for signs of Chinese        theological studies. This ruling could
    “has been a total error.”                     military activity. The elections were          have a dramatic effect on a wide range
                                                  considered to be a potential flashpoint,       of religious-freedom issues and marks a
    » GODINAMERICA                                and according to U.S. officials, with
                                                  “high confidence” that China would be
                                                                                                 departure from a recent trend of allow-
                                                                                                 ing religion in state-sponsored settings.
    Hundreds help after anti-Semitic              the loser if the United States became            The 7-2 ruling said the state of Wash-
    attack                                        involved. A U.S.-Chinese conflict could        ington did not violate the Constitution
      In Denver, Colorado, about 300 peo-         very possibly trigger the war prophesied       when it denied a scholarship to a stu-
    ple of various faiths cleaned up a syna-      in Revelation 9 in which one-third of          dent studying to be a minister.
    gogue vandalized with swastikas and           mankind will be killed.                          Writing for the majority, Chief Justice
    Nazi symbols on the eve of the Jewish                                                        William H. Rehnquist stated, “Training
    holiday Purim.                                Congress hears U.S. forces ready               someone to lead a congregation is an
      The crowd that showed up at BMH-            for Chinese threat                             essentially religious endeavor. Indeed,
    BJ Congregation was so large that peo-          Speaking before a House Armed Ser-           majoring in devotional theology is akin

    8 EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004
AROUNDTHE GLOBE                    «
to a religious calling as well as an aca-      the Palestinians.”                            legal grounds to ban a protest march.
demic pursuit… That a state would deal           He said families that lose their            Sources at city hall said they would cut
differently with religious education for       homes as a result would receive money         off electric power at the protest site.
the ministry than with education for           to pay “for alternative accommodation           Rome’s Jewish community and an
other callings” is not evidence of “hostil-    until permanent re-housing is made            association of families of victims of the
ity toward religion.”                          available.”                                   Ardeatine massacre said two counter-
   Rehnquist noted the scholarship pro-                                                      demonstrations would be held that
gram “goes a long way toward including         EU chief, Solana urges tighter                same day, one in the capital and the
religion in its benefits,” because it allows   global cooperation                            other in the caves.
students to use scholarship money to              Speaking at Beijing’s Tsinghua Uni-
attend accredited religious schools…
The state has merely chosen not to fund
                                               versity, European Union’s Javier Solana
                                               has urged increased global cooperation,
                                                                                             » MARKOFTHEBEAST
a distinct category of instruction.”           saying no one country can solve the           Push for plastic
   Writing the dissent, Justice Antonin        world’s problems alone. Referring to             According to, the U.S.’
Scalia, along with Justice Clarence            the recent deadly bombings in Madrid,         estimated 185 million card-holding con-
Thomas, charged that the scholarship           Solana said the coordinated explosions        sumers carry three bank-issued credit
program “discriminates against religion.”      constituted not only an attack on Spain       cards, four retail credit cards and one
   Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the           but on “the people of Europe and of the       debit card.
American Center for Law and Justice            civilized world.”                                Banks are also moving very quickly
believes that the ruling “clearly sanc-           When asked about the relationship          into pre-paid, gift and payroll cards.
tions religious discrimination.”               between Europe and the United States,         There are mini-cards for a key chain,
                                               Solana said unilateralism was not the         and wireless card acceptance terminals.
Germans ban Muslim head-                       answer. Although he did not refer                According to a survey conducted by
scarves in schools                             directly to the U.S., he said, “What we       the American Bankers Association and
  Lawmakers in Baden-Wuerttemberg,             have learned in the last period of time is    Dove Consulting, plastic payments now
a conservative state, voted to bar Mus-        that no single country, no matter how         account for 53 percent of consumer
lim teachers from wearing headscarves          powerful it may be, no matter how             purchases, compared to 43 percent in
in public schools. It is the first in Ger-     much might it may have, can resolve           1999. Total plastic purchases — either
many to impose such a ban. The oppos-          the difficult challenges of today.” He        credit or debit — are up 54 percent
ing party stated that it was unbalanced        believes these resolutions “have to be        since 1999. The numbers prove that we
because it still allows Christian symbols      obtained through cooperation.”                are headed towards a cashless society.
in the classroom.                                 He welcomed comments by Chinese
  The ban’s backers argued that the            Premier Wen Jiabao that there had been        Wal-Mart hits snags in push to
cloth could be seen as an Islamic politi-      too much “unilateralism” in 2003.             use radio tags to track goods
cal symbol, and part of the history of         Solana also said the EU was working to           In the summer of 2003, Wal-Mart sur-
women’s suppression while Christian            end a 14-year-old arms embargo on Bei-        prised its suppliers by announcing an
symbols were part of Western tradition.        jing despite efforts by the U.S. to contin-   aggressive program for putting radio
  At least four other German states            ue the ban. He said he hoped the EU           frequency tags on their shipments.
have proposed legislation banning Mus-         would make a decision on the issue            With the declared deadline quickly
lim teachers from wearing headscarves          “soon” and insisted the EU would make         approaching, Wal-Mart is now admit-
in school.                                     a decision on its own.                        ting that it will not be met.
                                                                                                Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer,
» EUWATCH                                      Rome’s green light for Nazi demo
                                                  In March, Rome’s police overruled
                                                                                             has been forced to make numerous
                                                                                             accommodations as it pushes to deploy
EU grants Gaza Strip homeless                  the city’s mayor giving the go-ahead for      radio frequency identification in its sup-
1 million Euros                                sympathizers of convicted Nazi war            ply tracking process.
  The EU head office said it will grant        criminal Erich Priebke to stage a                One hurdle is the cost of the devices,
1 million euros (US$1.2 million) to            demonstration to back demands for his         currently priced at 25 cents to 30 cents
secure alternative accommodation for           release on grounds of advanced age.           each. Analysts argue that the price
13,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip          Priebke was given a life sentence in          needs to fall to 5 cents or less before
whose homes have been demolished               1998 for his role in the massacre of 335      savings are realized.
recently by Israeli security forces.           civilians in the Ardeatine caves during          “Wal-Mart keeps cutting back on its
  EU Development Commissioner Poul             World War II.                                 requirements,” said Michael J. Liard, a
Nielson stated, “The demolitions are              The daily Corriere della Sera quoted       senior analyst following radio tag tech-
disproportionate acts that contravene          the city’s chief administrator of police,     nology at the Venture Development
international humanitarian law. We             Achille Sera, as saying “the demonstra-       Corporation, a market research compa-
urge the Israeli military authorities to       tion poses no problems of public order        ny in Natick, Mass. “They’re not ready;
refrain from practices that aggravate the      or safety.” A possible threat to public       the industry’s not ready; and the tech-
humanitarian and economic plight of            order, safety or health was the only          nology is not ready.”                  e

                                                                                                 EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004   9

    Who Killed
    Jesus?                                                                                                   BY LIZ FREEMAN
                                                                                                              AND EDDIE SAX

    Good morning,                                                   Reaction among the         So how does this all come together?

    Denver. And by                                                  Jewish community
                                                                    was mixed. Some
                                                                    spoke out against it
                                                                                               Jews only?
                                                                                                 Would it be accurate to say that the
    the way, don’t                                                  vociferously, while
                                                                    others maintain that
                                                                                               Jews were the only party responsible
                                                                                               for the death of Jesus? Does it therefore

    forget that it was                                              Christians are their
                                                                    best friends.
                                                                       A      considerable
                                                                                               logically follow that today’s Jews, 20
                                                                                               generations later, are responsible for
                                                                                               what their ancestors did? Or could it be
    the Jews who                                                    segment of Christian-
                                                                    ity has had a history
                                                                                               that the first-century Jews were one of
                                                                                               many responsible parties?

    killed Jesus.                                                   of      anti-Semitism,
                                                                    holding to the teach-
                                                                    ing that the Jews
                                                                                                 Matthew 27:20-26 gives the account
                                                                                               of the chief priests and rabbis persuad-
                                                                                               ing the crowd to ask for Barabbas and
       In the wake of Mel Gibson’s “The         killed Jesus Christ, and therefore it          demand that Jesus be killed. The gover-
    Passion of the Christ” opening, the pas-    would be righteous to kill the Jews.           nor asked what should be done with
    tor of a Denver church decided that it      Many people believe Adolph Hitler              Jesus. Their reply was, “Crucify him!”
    would be apropos to remind rush-hour        acted under that premise.                        Again he asked, “What crime has he
    travelers of who should be blamed for          The I Thessalonians scripture refer-        committed?” Their reply was the same.
    paving the way for our eternal salva-       enced on Gordon’s sign reads, “For ye,         Pilate, realizing that he could not pre-
    tion. “Jews killed the Lord Jesus,” read    brethren, became followers of the              vail, washed his hands before the peo-
    the marquee in front of the Lovingway       churches of God which in Judaea are in         ple and said, “I am innocent of the
    Pentecostal Church on February 25th.        Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered        blood of this just person: see ye to it.”
       Some passersby thought the sign was      like things of your own countrymen,              The crowd yelled back, “His blood be
    not very loving.                            even as they have of the Jews: Who             on us, and on our children.”
       Below this traffic-slowing headline,     both killed the Lord Jesus, and their            Pilate was trying to convince the peo-
    Pastor Maurice Gordon cited the scrip-      own prophets, and have persecuted us;          ple to let Jesus go free, but politics stood
    ture I Thessalonians 2:14-15.               and they please not God, and are con-          in his way. Some of the more vocal and
       Gordon’s message was inspired by         trary to all men.”                             zealous Jewish people in the crowd
    Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the               In this passage of Scripture, the Apos-     played the loyalty-to-Caesar card, draw-
    Christ,” a movie in which Gibson            tle Paul did, in fact, attribute the killing   ing into question Pilate’s allegiance to
    claims he did not blame the crucifixion     of Jesus Christ to the Jewish people and       the Roman emperor. After all, Jesus
    of Jesus on the Jews. However, this is      asserted that they are the church’s ene-       spoke against Caesar. John 19:12
    the controversy that had been raging        mies. Yet Paul himself was Jewish. He          recounts, “And from thenceforth Pilate
    since even before the movie’s release.      was Saul, also known as Paul (Acts 13:9).      sought to release him: but the Jews

    10 EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004
PERSPECTIVE                                                «
cried out, saying, If thou let this man      God rather than men. The God of our         which becomes the atonement for sin
go, thou art not Caesar’s friend: whoso-     fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew       (Romans 5:9-11). Conversely, all those
ever maketh himself a king speaketh          and hanged on a tree.”                      who reject Him are guilty of His blood.
against Caesar.”                                If this judgment was only for the
  Instead of releasing Jesus, a man          Jews who rejected Jesus, was it also to     The real reason for His death
whom he knew was innocent, Pilate            the Gentiles who rejected Him? This is         We cannot overlook Isaiah 53:10-11.
gave the people a choice, then washed        a critical point. Gentiles were as guilty   It says, “Yet it pleased the LORD to
his hands of the matter. The crazed mob      of the crucifixion of Jesus as the ones     bruise him; he hath put him to grief:
chose Barabbas.                              who cried out for Barabbas. Acts 10 tells   when thou shalt make his soul an offer-
                                             us of Cornelius, the first Gentile to       ing for sin… by his knowledge shall my
Rome’s guilt                                 whom the Gospel was preached and            righteous servant justify many; for he
   Under Roman rule, Israel was not          received. The Bible tells how Cornelius     shall bear their iniquities.”
allowed to exact capital punishment          gladly received the word. He and his           Nor can we overlook John 10:18 in
upon its citizens; therefore Jesus could     household were saved.                       which Jesus tells Pilate: “No man taketh
not be judged according to Jewish law.          But what of those who don’t receive      it from me, but I lay it down of myself.
The Jewish high priests wanted Him           it? Paul preached that through Jesus the    I have power to lay it down, and I have
dead. In order to accomplish this, Jesus     forgiveness of sins is preached and that    power to take it again. This command-
had to be brought before a Roman             all who believe are justified (declared     ment have I received of my Father.”
court. The religious leaders influenced      innocent) from all things (Acts 13:38-         John Sullivan, in a letter to ENDTIME,
the people to reject their Messiah, but it   39). By accepting Jesus as Lord and Sav-    summarized it this way: “What drives
cannot be forgotten that it was the Gen-     ior, a person is justified by His blood,    the nail into the wood? The hammer, the
tiles who killed him. In this respect, the
Romans had their part.
   Looking at it in present day terms, the
one who places the hit is as guilty as the
one who carries it out. In a court of law,
both get Murder One.

Spreading the guilt
  When Messiah came to the Jewish
people, he was rejected. Jesus expressed
in Luke 13:34-35: “O Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, which killest the prophets,
and stonest them that are sent unto
thee; how often would I have gathered
thy children together, as a hen doth
gather her brood under her wings, and
ye would not! Behold, your house is left
unto you desolate: and verily I say unto
you, Ye shall not see me, until the time
come when ye shall say, Blessed is he
that cometh in the name of the Lord.”
  Jesus related the coming judgment to
the seriousness of their sin; however,
not all of them rejected Him. Most peo-
ple overlook the fact that the early
church was comprised exclusively of
Jews who had believed Jesus to be the
  Acts 5:27-30 relates, “And when they
had brought them, they set them before
                                                                                                                                     AP PHOTO/THE DENVER POST, GLEN MARTIN

the council: and the high priest asked
them, Saying, Did not we straitly com-
mand you that ye should not teach in
this name? and, behold, ye have filled
Jerusalem with your doctrine, and
intend to bring this man’s blood upon
us. Then Peter and the other apostles
answered and said, We ought to obey

                                                                                           EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004   11

    Rabbi Daniel Cohen of the BMH-BJ Synagogue in
    Denver talks to the congregation as they gathered on
    March 7th at the synagogue’s entrance the day after
    swastikas were found painted on the wall. About 300
    people of different faiths turned out to clean up the
    synagogue vandalized with Nazi symbols, which
    occurred ten days after the Lovingway incident on the
    eve of the Jewish holiday Purim. AP PHOTO/THE DENVER

    hand holding the hammer, the motion
    and force of swinging the hammer or
    the desire of the carpenter?”
       The Jews wanted Jesus dead. The
    Jews did it. The Romans put Him on
    the cross. The Romans did it. Our
    sins made it necessary. We did it. In
    Isaiah, God said that He was pleased
    to bruise the Son. The Father put His
    Son to death. Jesus said no man takes
    His life but He lays it down willing-
    ly. Jesus sacrificed Himself.
       The Jews killed Jesus? It doesn’t
    exactly tell the whole story.

    The true loving way
       Quick in response to the national furor created by
    Gordon, his denomination’s headquarters issued a
    definitive statement explaining that it does not now,
    nor has it ever in the past taught that the Jewish peo-
    ple as a race or nation are responsible for the death
    of Jesus Christ. “It is neither biblical nor logical to
    hold an entire people responsible for the crucifixion.”
       It continued, “Jesus’ death was for all mankind. Its
    message is one of love and forgiveness, offering free-
    dom and hope to all people regardless of race, lan-
    guage or culture. Through His Spirit and the power
    of His Name all are included in the biblical state-
    ment that Jesus died ‘once for all’ (Hebrews 10:10).
       “Contrary to what has been expressed, our con-
    stituency is largely pro-Israel and accustomed to
    praying daily for Jerusalem. We wholeheartedly
    believe that the Jews were chosen of God to be His
    instrument to bring monotheism to the world.
       “We strongly disagree with any who would
    attempt to use the Cross and the suffering of Jesus
    as an excuse to justify anti-Semitism or any other
    form of racism or prejudice. If one would attempt to
    explain the reason for the death of Christ, he need
    look no further than Romans 5:8: ‘But God com-
    mendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were
    yet sinners, Christ died for us.’”
       This is the whole council of Scripture and the true
    way to share the good news with the world, especial-
    ly to our Jewish friends – for these are the people to
    whom we are indebted for preserving the Holy
    Scriptures and giving us our Messiah.               e

    12 EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004
ISRAELWATCH                      «
M           I       D          E         A            S             T                         U             P               D              A             T              E

PROPHETIC IMPLICATIONS                                                                                                            BY IRVIN BAXTER

What do we know for sure                      hostilities, the establishment of a Pales-                        ing. When pressed to stop terrorism and
about the future course of                    tinian state, mutual respect for holy                             to disarm terrorist entities such as
events in the Middle East?                    sites, a negotiated solution to the status                        Hamas and the al Aqsa Brigade, Abbas
   1. We know that the Antichrist and         of Jerusalem and a resolving of all other                         openly said that he would not disman-
the world community will confirm a            issues by 2005.                                                   tle the terrorist organizations—even
covenant with Israel for the final seven         In June of 2003, the Palestinians and                          though the Roadmap that he signed
years prior to the Battle of Armaged-         the Israelis officially signed on to the                          specifically required it.
don. This covenant refers to the              Roadmap. While signing, the Israelis                                 After Abbas resigned in frustration
covenant God made with Abraham that           emphasized repeatedly that they would                             because of being continually hand-
His seed would possess the land of            not fulfill their obligations unless the                          cuffed by Arafat, a new prime minister,
Israel.                                       Palestinians stopped terrorism and dis-                           Ahmed Qureia, was appointed by
   2. The Temple Mount will be shared         mantled terrorist entities, the first steps                       Arafat. The world hoped that Qureia
between Jew and Gentile, a Jewish tem-        required by the agreement.                                        would be willing to bring terrorism
ple will be built and animal sacrifices          Mahmoud Abbas was the Palestinian                              under control. However, he soon
will be instituted. This will all come to     prime minister at the time of the sign-                           announced that he would not attempt
pass before the final three and one-half
   3. Three and one-half years before
Armageddon the Antichrist will claim
sovereignty over the Temple Mount.
This event is called the abomination of
desolation in scripture.
   At this same time, terrible conflict
will break out in the West Bank, the
area of biblical Judea. Jews living in this
area will have to flee for their lives.
Many will be slaughtered.
   At the end of the final seven years,
the United Nations will launch an inva-
sion of Israel. This will ignite the Battle
of Armageddon. When Israel is on the
brink of defeat, Jesus will appear and
fight for her. This will end the age of
human government and begin the reign
of the kingdom of God.

The present situation
   The world community is more heavi-
ly involved in the Middle East than ever
before. On April 30, 2003, it presented
Israel and the Palestinians with a plan
to finally bring peace to the Middle          Six months after trying and failing to kill Hamas founder and spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, Israel suc-
East. This plan, called the Roadmap for       ceeded with a missile from a helicopter. On March 22nd, the man who made the goal of his life the destruction of the
Peace, was formulated by the United           Jewish state was on the receiving end of a Jewish missile as he left a Gaza City mosque. The precise targeting, which
States, the European Union, the Russ-         also killed two of his sons and several of his bodyguards, took place hours after Israel warned it would be militarily down-
ian Federation and the United Nations.        grading Hamas’ terrorist capabilities. Fox News reported that all that was left of the blind, wheelchair-bound Muslim killer
   The Roadmap called for an end to ter-      was his head. This photo was taken in September 2003 just after he was targeted by an Israeli warplane which fired a
rorist activities, the dismantling of ter-    missile at a building in Gaza City minutes after Yassin had left it. He was slightly injured in the attack. In the photo, Yassin
rorist organizations, the cessation of        is seated, flanked by bodyguards. EPA PHOTO/EPA/MOHAMMED SABER

                                                                                                                    EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004              13

    to disarm the terrorists. He stated that         implementing the disengagement plan.          renewal of religious devotion could
    to do so would cause civil war in the              In the meantime, the U.S. has urged         become commonplace. The Jews con-
    Palestinian territories.                         the United Nations to endorse Israel’s        tend that their Third Temple will be a
                                                     unilateral engagement plan.                   “house of prayer for all nations,” not
    Unilateral disengagement                                                                       just for the Jews. The building of
       It soon became obvious to Israeli             The future                                    Israel’s Third Temple could be trumpet-
    Prime Minister Sharon and then to the               How do we move from where we are           ed as a source of religious unity for a
    world that the Palestinians wouldn’t or          today to the events prophesied for the        battered and wounded world.
    couldn’t fulfill the first step in the           future?                                          Jews have not offered animal sacri-
    Roadmap for Peace. The plan was obvi-               • Confirmation of the covenant: If         fices in almost 2,000 years since they
    ously a non-starter. Events went into a          the UN signs on to the disengagement          believe these should be done in their
    holding pattern while the suicide bomb-          plan, then Israel will be proceeding          temple on the Temple Mount. Once
    ings and Israel’s reprisals to them con-         with the approval of the nations of the       their temple is rebuilt, animal sacrifices
    tinued.                                          world. Remember, the prophecies indi-         will be resumed.
       With no light at the end of the tunnel,       cate that the world community will               • Abomination of desolation: Any-
    Israeli morale began to suffer. Sharon           confirm Israel’s right to the land that       one who has followed events in the
    knew that something had to be done...            God covenanted to Abraham. When               Middle East knows that conflict
    but what?                                        they do, the final seven years to             between Jews and Arabs attempting to
       On December 18, 2003, Prime Minis-            Armageddon will begin. We have to             share the 35 acres of the Temple Mount
    ter Sharon delivered an historic speech          wonder if world community support for         is inevitable. When disputes arise, the
    at the annual Herzliya Conference. In            Israel’s disengagement plan could be          world community and its leader will be
    the speech, he announced his intention           the confirmation of the covenant spo-         called on to arbitrate. This is when the
    to build a security fence the entire             ken of in Daniel 9:27.                        Antichrist will stand on the Temple
    length of the nation of Israel. He said             • Temple Mount shared: Some peo-           Mount claiming authority there. Scrip-
    that once the fence was completed,               ple believe that Israel’s unilateral disen-   tures states that he will claim to be God.
    Israel would unilaterally withdraw               gagement could break the present stale-       The actual words that he will use
    from Gaza and from much of the area              mate in the peace process and create          remain to be seen.
    of Judea-Samaria. By withdrawing to              conditions that would allow the eventu-          • The great tribulation: Ariel
    the security fence, Israel would sepa-           al implementing of the world communi-         Sharon claims that he will withdraw
    rate herself from the Palestinians with          ty’s Roadmap. Under the Roadmap, all          Israeli troops from all territories outside
    whom she could not make peace.                   outstanding issues between Palestinians       the proposed security fence. Many Jew-
    Sharon was careful to say that the               and Israelis are to be permanently            ish settlers living in this area called
    Roadmap would be better, but that the            resolved. The most sensitive of these         Judea contend that this territory is their
    Palestinians were unwilling to disarm            issues is control of the Temple Mount         promised land and that they will not
    terrorism. Consequently the Roadmap              and the desire of Jews to worship there.      leave their homes, even if Israel with-
    could not be implemented.                        Whether Israel’s disengagement plan           draws. In Matthew 24:15-21, Jesus said
       In the Herzliya speech, Sharon said           appears to be a success or the peace          that those living in Judea would experi-
    that he had consulted with the United            process proceeds in another way, the          ence tribulation “such as was not since
    States about his unilateral disengage-           status of the Temple Mount will eventu-       the beginning of the world to this time,
    ment plan. More recently, intense nego-          ally have to be dealt with. It is the gen-    no, nor ever shall be.”
    tiations have been conducted between             eral consensus that the only realistic           Sharon’s unilateral withdrawal plan
    U.S. and Israeli diplomats. Sharon will          solution to the Temple Mount, which           certainly seems to be setting the stage
    travel to the United States as this issue        both Muslims and Jews consider holy, is       for the fulfillment of this prophecy.
    goes to press in an attempt to reach total       to share it. It is generally believed that       • Armageddon: The Battle of
    agreement with President Bush on                 such a sharing arrangement will have to       Armageddon will be triggered when the
                                                     be done under international supervi-          international community decides to
                                                     sion—meaning the UN.                          invade Israel because it refuses to com-
                                                        • The Third Temple: It is difficult to     ply to some UN mandate. The issue
       WHAT DOES IT COST TO                          see how the building of Israel’s Third        could be final Palestinian-Israeli bor-
                                                     Temple will come to pass. However, it         ders. It could be Israel’s refusal to sur-
        TEACH ALL NATIONS?                           will happen because the Bible specifi-        render her nuclear weapons program.
                                                     cally says that it will. History teaches us      Whatever the premise, the armies of
            Endtime Ministries                       that in times of global upheaval, devel-      the world will invade Israel, pushing
           Needs Your Support                        opments previously thought impossible         her to the brink of defeat. Then Jesus
                                                     suddenly become acceptable.                   will appear in the clouds of heaven. He
          Endtime relies on the financial support       Consider this possible scenario.           will defeat the armies of the Antichrist,
       of our listeners and readers. Be a Ministry   When the prophesied war that will kill        and we will crown Him King of kings
            Partner. Call us at 1-800-Endtime.       one-third of mankind occurs, the              and Lord of lords!                      e

    14 EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004
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    Level 2, Lesson #11                      Level 2, Lesson #12                       Level 2, Lesson #13                     Level 2, Lesson #14
                                                                                                                                                                       Level 2, Lesson #15
         11:59 P.M.                          The 7 Trumpets                           Babylon the Great                       Will the UN Invade                       Is the Antichrist
         by Irvin Baxter                        by Irvin Baxter                          Who Is It?                               Israel Next                              Among Us
Nine infallible proofs that we are      Learn how Chernobyl fulfilled the                  by Irvin Baxter                          by Irvin Baxter
                                                                                                                                                                          by Irvin Baxter
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 The Men Who Run the World                                        by Irvin Baxter                            The Global Religion of                                     for Armageddon
               by Irvin Baxter                          An intense look at the still-brewing                      the Endtime                                              by Irvin Baxter
 A careful look at our world’s leaders reveals          China-Taiwan crisis. Will this be the                         by Irvin Baxter                             Two-part lesson on the Israeli-
 disturbing alliances in high places. Most of           flashpoint for Revelation’s dreaded                 Interfaithism, the unbiblical belief                  Palestinian conflict—spiritual back-
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                                                                                  BY DR. SAMUELE BACCHIOCCHI

                      ecember 8th is a very       introit of the new Mass of Mary’s           the European Union.”

    D                 special day for Europe:
                      in 1955, on that day,
                      the European Minis-
                      ters’ delegates official-
    ly adopted the European flag designed
    by Arsene Heitz, who today is an octo-
    genarian artist in Strasbourg. Perhaps,
                                                     The European Union’s flag’s 12 stars
                                                  were inspired by the halo of 12 stars
                                                  that appear around the Madonna in
                                                  Catholic pictures of her. A former secre-
                                                  tary general of the Council of Europe,
                                                  Leon Marchal, affirmed that the stars
                                                                                              Artist reveals Virgin Mary was
                                                                                              inspiration for design
                                                                                                 Recently Heitz revealed to a French
                                                                                              magazine the reason for his inspira-
                                                                                              tion. At that time he was reading the
                                                                                              history of the Blessed Virgin’s appari-
    not by coincidence, December 8th is           are those of “the woman of the Apoca-       tions in Paris’ Rue du Bac, known
    the Feast of The Immaculate Concep-           lypse.” Enthusiastically he explained,      today as the Virgin of the Miraculous
    tion of Mary our co-redeemer.                 “It’s wonderful that we have gotten         Medal. According to the artist, he
       The decision was taken following the       back to the Introit of the new Mass of      thought of the 12 stars in a circle on a
    1950 European Council’s (one of the           the Assumption. It’s the corona stel-       blue background, exactly the way it is
    predecessors of today’s European              larum duodecim (the crown
    Union) convocation of a competition to        of the twelve stars) of the
    design the flag of the newborn Euro-          woman of the Apocalypse.”
    pean Community. Among many other              This is a reference to the
    artists, Heitz presented several designs,     woman in Revelation 12
    and one was chosen: 12 stars on a blue        who appears with a crown
    background.                                   of 12 stars. The Catholic
                                                  Church has always claimed
    Its Catholic origins                          that she represents the Vir-
      The original idea for the blue Euro-        gin Mary, “the mother of
    pean flag has a Roman Catholic origin.        God.”
    Paul G.M. Levi, professor at the Roman           The EU, which now has
    Catholic University of Leuven (Bel-           15 member countries, has
    gium) was a Jew but became a Roman            confirmed that the number
    Catholic. In 1949 he became director of       of stars will always stay at
    the Cultural department of the Board of       12, which indicates that the
    Europe. Six years later he came up            stars do not represent coun-
    (according to the leading German              tries. I quote from a leaflet,
    Newspaper Die Welt) with the concept          “Building Europe Together,”
    of the European flag. Levi, fascinated        which was given to visitors
    by the holy virgin with the stars around      to EU headquarters in Brus-
    her head, proposed to the Secretary           sels: “The European flag (is)
    General of Board of Europe, Earl Ben-         a shared flag, blue with 12
    venuti, to choose the symbol of Mary.         gold stars symbolizing com-
    When the members of parliament                pleteness. The number will
    agreed, Levi said: “How on earth is it        remain 12 no matter how
    possible? We just rediscovered the            many countries there are in

    18 EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004
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Holy roman empire 2004   may-jun 2004
Holy roman empire 2004   may-jun 2004
Holy roman empire 2004   may-jun 2004
Holy roman empire 2004   may-jun 2004
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Holy roman empire 2004   may-jun 2004
Holy roman empire 2004   may-jun 2004
Holy roman empire 2004   may-jun 2004
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Holy roman empire 2004 may-jun 2004

  • 1. VOL. 14 / NO. 3 MAY / JUN 2004 $3.00 BATTLE FOR AMERICA’S SOUL PP44 SHARON DISENGAGES PP1313 “COINCIDENCES” OF EU FLAG PP18 18 WORLD EVENTS FROM A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE WORLD EVENTS FROM A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE KERRY ON HOMOSEXUALITY PP2626 Holy Roman Empire 2004 Can the Antichrist and False Prophet be far behind? Can the Antichrist and False Prophet be far behind?
  • 2. Many have stated that it is impossible to know whether or not we are living in the last days before the second coming of Jesus Christ. However, below you will find dramatic proof that these are the endtimes. The proofs below defy coincidence. Euphrates River to Be Dried Up In Revelation 16:12, the Bible predicts that the Euphrates River will be dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the east to invade Israel. This will happen at the time of the battle of Armageddon according to verse 16 of the same chapter. The battle of Armageddon will be the final battle at which time Jesus will return and fight on the side of the nation of Israel. Immediately thereafter He will establish His kingdom and usher in His one thousand-year reign of peace. On January 13, 1990, the Indianapolis Star carried the headline “Turkey Will Cut Off Flow of Euphrates for One Month.” The article stated that a huge reservoir had been built by Turkey. While filling up the reservoir, the flow of the Euphrates would be stopped for one month and a concrete plug for a diversion channel built. These things have now been done. With this newly built dam, Turkey has the ability to stop the Euphrates River at will. The conditions for fulfilling this 1,900 year-old prophecy are now in place. China Goes to War In Revelation 9:15-16, the Bible prophesies that an army of 200 million soldiers will launch a war which would kill “the third part of men.” Never in the history of the world until our present generation has there been a power on earth that could field 200 million soldiers. However, the late ruler of China, Mao Tse Tung boasted in his diary that he could field an army of 200 million. The CIA World Factbook reports that in the year 2001, it is estimated that China has 200,886,946 men of military age, and this number is growing by 10 million per year. Worldwide Numbering System Predicted In Revelation 13, the Bible prophesies that a world dictator will soon rule over a world government. He will cause all people in the earth to receive a number without which they will be unable to buy or sell. We are seeing this prophecy fulfilled before our eyes in a most astonishing way. Nearly every human being in the world now has been assigned a number. In America it is our Social Security number. In the past few years, we have seen this number extended to newborns. A child without a Social Security number cannot be declared as a dependent on an income tax return. We have seen the emergence of electronic money, shopping with credit cards, and many people urging the abolishment of cash. All of these things could not possibly have been fulfilled until this present time. Only after the invention of the computer could such a worldwide numbering system be administered. The Emergence of a New World Order Revelation 13:7 and Daniel 7:23 prophesy the establishment of a world government. The term “New World Order” has become a prevalent phrase in the world’s political culture. Mikhail Gorbachev made the term famous, and Pope John Paul II has referred to it repeatedly. In the September 12, 1990 issue of the Chicago Tribune, our former president George Bush said, “Iraq is the first test for the New World Order.” He emphatically stated that the Iraq War is Saddam Hussein against the world. The United Nations’ troops are continually referred to as the multi-national forces. The decision has been made to establish an interdependent community of nations that will rule the world under United Nations authority. The Bible says that this will lead us into a great world govern- ment. The formation of this government is at hand. or Divine Providence? Is it coincidental that all of these major prophecies pertaining to the last times are being fulfilled simultaneously? Hardly. Source: Endtime Magazine, P.O. Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375 1-800-Endtime,, This page may be copied and distributed freely
  • 3. » » N E W R E L E A S E S PROPHETIC DESTINY ISRAEL’S ISRAEL’S OF THE OF THE PROPHESIED PROPHESIED UNITED STATES REVIVAL REVIVAL Two new one-hour lessons by Irvin Baxter available on VHS ($20) or DVD ($20) » NEWSERIES THE SALVATION PACKAGE Several newly filmed lessons by Irvin Baxter, including: » “Understanding the Godhead” » “Tongues: Devilish or Divine” » “True Christianity vs. False Christianity” Call 1-800-Endtime for more information on this new series! VHS or DVD » NEWRELEASE DARK INTENTIONS DARK INTENTIONS INSIDE THE MIND OF THE ANTICHRIST INSIDE THE MIND OF THE ANTICHRIST A new prophecy fiction book by Irvin Baxter » $14
  • 4. » PERSPECTIVE EDITORIAL Irvin Baxter EDITOR-IN-CHIEF WORLD EVENTS FROM A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE MAGAZINE STAFF Editor-in-Chief: Irvin Baxter Assistant Editor: Eddie Sax Editorial Assistants: Ginger Boerkircher, Liz Freeman, Dana Grohman, Craig Treadwell, Ray Zweidinger Research: Kathy McKinney BATTLING FOR THE Radio Outreach Director: Kara McPeak Radio Operations: Jim Stigleman SOUL OF AMERICA Donor Relations: Tracey Kidwell Webmaster: Dan Barkley Layout/Design: Andy Van Engen, Dustin Hall “One Nation, Under God” s we go to press with Opponents to the acknowledgement of A this edition of ENDTIME, God by our government cite the First ENDTIME MINISTRIES the U.S. Supreme Amendment, contending that it mandates STATEMENT OF FAITH Court is deliberating the separation of church and state. The WE BELIEVE that the Bible is the inspired Word the constitutionality of ignominious result of this convoluted of God, that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, and the phrase “under logic is to negate the very foundation on that He will come again to establish a kingdom that God” in our Pledge of Allegiance. which our nation was founded—that shall never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44). Those who are The plaintiff in the proceedings, foundation being that we derive our born again (John 3:3-5) will have eternal life and rule Michael Newdow, contends that saying unalienable rights from our Creator. as kings and priests with Christ forever. “under God” takes away his rights—rights to be an atheist and rights to train his What about the separation of daughter to be an atheist. church and state? WHAT IS ENDTIME MAGAZINE? In 1968, Irvin Baxter discovered the United The truth is that Mr. Newdow would What does the First Amendment really have no rights at all if it were not for God. say, and what was the original intent of States and other modern nations in the Bible. He In the founding document of the United our founding fathers who wrote it? Did also found the Berlin Wall in the Bible and that one States of America—the Declaration of they intend for a court someday to use the day it was to be torn down, reuniting Germany, and Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote: First Amendment to remove acknowl- that event would be the catalyst to spark an inter- “We hold these truths to be self-evident, edgement of God from our Declaration of national movement called the “New World Order.” that all men are created equal, that they Independence? Did they intend to forbid These things have now come to pass. are endowed by their Creator with certain the acknowledgement of God in our Irvin Baxter, a Pentecostal minister, began unalienable rights…” Pledge of Allegiance? Obviously not! Endtime ministries in 1986 when he wrote Our forefathers understood and They included God in the Declaration of A Message For The President, a book explaining acknowledged that some rights come only Independence. the major prophecies of the Bible which he had from God, not from government. If gov- ernment forbids the official acknowledge- So what was the original intent of been teaching since 1968. ment of our Creator, as recent court rul- our founding fathers? After the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic ings have done, then the unalienable The First Amendment reads as follows: fulfillment accelerated rapidly. The decision was rights that flow from that Creator will also “Congress shall make no law respecting made to launch ENDTIME. The purpose of the no longer be acknowledged. The an establishment of religion, or prohibit- magazine is to explain the prophecies of the Bible inevitable end of that slippery slope, ing the free exercise thereof; or abridging and to show that they are now being fulfilled in which America is presently traveling, is the freedom of speech, or of the press; or intricate detail. that our only rights are those granted by the right of the people peaceably to Articles focus on the soon return of Jesus government. Of course, if the government assemble, and to petition the government Christ, the truth of the Bible, and the need for can grant rights, then it can take them for a redress of grievances.” salvation. ENDTIME does not deal with doctrinal away. Unalienable means “not capable of Fisher Ames was the author of the First being transferred by a legal process to Amendment. Did he intend for this controversies, as valid as they may be. This will be another owner.” continued on page 31 left to other publications. 4 EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004
  • 5. CONTENTS PERSPECTIVE 10 WHO KILLED JESUS? MAY / JUN 2004 VOL. 14 / NO. 3 COVER 18 In the wake of Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” opening, the pastor of a Denver church decided that it would be apropos to remind rush-hour travelers of who should be DEPARTMENTS blamed for paving the way for our eternal salvation. What the Bible says about who is responsible for the death of Jesus. 4 EDITORIAL Battle For America’s Soul ISRAELWATCH 6 LETTERS & FEEDBACK 13 SHARON’S DISENGAGEMENT PLAN What we know for sure from the Bible, the facts on the 8 WORLD REVIEW ground, and where it may be heading. • Al-Qaida plot to split Spain from allies COVERSTORIES • Hundreds help after anti-Semitic attack • China’s warnings EUROPEWATCH • Congress hears U.S. forces ready for Chinese threat 18 “COINCIDENCES” OF THE EUROPEAN FLAG • Religious discrimination gets high-court OK How close are the EU’s ties to the Vatican? Look no further than their flag. • Germans ban Muslim headscarves in schools • EU grants Gaza Strip homeless 1 million Euro 20 HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE — 2004 • EU chief, Solana urges tighter global cooperation Can the Antichrist and the False Prophet be far behind? • Rome’s green light for Nazi demo Where can the prophecies be found? It’s about Europe, the Antichrist and the False Prophet... where we are and where • Push for plastic we’re going. • Wal-Mart hits snags in push to use radio tags to track goods WORLDGOVERNMENT 15 TEACHING MATERIALS Product Pages 22 KINGS AND PAWNS IN THE GAME 25 ENDTIME STUDY GROUPS & RADIO LOG OF GLOBALIZATION 25 ENDTIME PROPHECY CONFERENCES There is a player upon the grand chessboard of globalization that is often overlooked by the average North American. For cen- turies, world leaders have gingerly approached the high offices Cover & Top: PHOTO BY KYLE T. DAVIS | Bottom Left: Photo of the Vatican FROM COREL of this institution, seeking special blessings and paying homage WORDPERFECT SUITE, ACADEMIC EDITION, CLIPART PHOTO FILES | Bottom Right: Democratic to its long-standing position of high-authority. It’s the Vatican. Presidential hopeful John Kerry reacts to supporters and takes questions at Tougaloo College in Jackson, Mississippi on March 7th. EPA/JUDI BOTTONI GODINAMERICA 26 THE POLITICS AND RELIGION OF HOMOSEXUALITY: KERRY SPEAKS Here’s what he said: “I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, but I believe it’s important in the United States of America that we recognize that we have a Constitution which has an equal protection clause.” But what does he mean? 28 CHRISTIAN POSITION ON HOMOSEXUALITY The Christian Position on any subject is determined by the teachings of the Bible. Endtime’s editor dives in. ISRAELWATCH 30 7000 WILL DIE IN JERUSALEM EARTHQUAKE An Israeli seismologist warned that 5,000-10,000 people 22 26 would probably die if an earthquake hit Israel. The book of Revelation says 7,000. Endtime is published bi-monthly by Endtime, Inc., 1301 South 8th Street, Richmond, IN 47374. Subscription price is $29 for 12 issues. Periodical postage paid #009267, ISSN# 1066-6885, Richmond, IN, and additional mailing offices. © 2004 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Endtime, PO Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375- 2066. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week 1-800-ENDTIME. Other inquiries call 1-765-962-6344 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Central).
  • 6. » LETTERSTOTHEEDITOR LETTERS &FEEDBACK W H AT ’ S O N YO U R M I N D ? E N DTI M E WANTS TO KN OW. Saving the U.S.A. I send this message in love and hope your ministry contin- As always I enjoy your show. I continue to be fascinated by ues to reveal hidden truths that can bring people to Christ your zeal to save the U.S.A., and for the life of me, I cannot Jesus. —Michael find this example in scripture, which doesn’t necessarily mean it is misguided. REPLY I am a firm believer that God no longer dwells in As far as the U.S. in the corporal sense, I couldn’t care less. temples made with hands. However, the prophecies about the I am much more interested in seeing individual people in the temple that will stand in the endtime do not depict the tem- U.S. become born again. Passing laws and constitutional ple as an abomination. In both II Thessalonians 2:4 and in amendments is not going to get or convince anyone of eternal Revelation 11:1-2, the temple is described as the “temple of salvation. —B. Russell God.” Both of these prophecies describe the state of affairs that will exist 3 1/2 years before Armageddon. This is 3 1/2 REPLY God not only loves the USA, He loves the whole years before the fulfillment of Romans 11:25-26, which tells world. I admit that I do love this country and pray that God us that all of Israel shall be saved. would pour out a great revival upon it. The prophecy declares that the rebuilt temple will stand And by the way, if Sodom and Gomorrah would have had after Israel’s 2,000-year exile is over and her nation has been a constitutional amendment against same-sex relations and reborn. Israel’s revival spoken of by Hosea 6:1-2 will be in would have enforced it, God would not have destroyed them. progress: “Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, A little closer to the mark and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. I just thought this was too close for comfort. I was telling a After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise friend of mine at work that my daughter was a little upset that us up, and we shall live in his sight.” her kids now have debit cards instead of money for their It is obvious that part of the prophecies concerning Israel in school lunches. She said, “They don’t do that at my kids’ the last days has now been fulfilled. Part of them is yet to school. They just scan their fingerprint, and all the informa- come. These prophecies in progress are a great witnessing tion they need comes right up on the screen.” Not only that, tool that can win Jew and Gentile alike. my friend didn’t even have to give permission for her kids’ fingerprints to be taken. And people don’t think that we’re Long way off? living in the endtimes! I have a few questions about the endtimes. In Matthew Keep up the good work, and God be with you. —Debbie 24:32-35, could “this generation” mean mankind? Is this when the human experience ends? With 2002 stats of four bil- Misplaced enthusiasm? lion who have not heard a clear message of the gospel, and I feel your temple enthusiasm is misplaced. It’s one thing two billion with no Christian living nearby to tell them, do to confirm scripture by showing how building plans exist – you think the Church has fulfilled the commission of preach- that is cause for excitement, I agree. But you at Endtime are ing the gospel to all nations? aware of its existence because of an unbelieving people who I believe most of the trumpets have sounded, as you teach, refuse to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. This temple is an but could there still be many years before the tribulation? We abomination to God, but Endtime seems to glorify it and cater will know for sure when we see the Antichrist stand in the to the people who intend to build it. temple, but could that still be a long way off? [When you provide links on the news page of your website —S. Simpson, South Korea to sites such the Temple Institute in Jerusalem], it seems to suggest that we should buy jewelry from these people. I sug- REPLY The generation of which Jesus spoke could not pos- gest Endtime should focus more on witnessing to these peo- sibly refer to the end of the human experience. The prophe- ple about Jesus Christ. I hope you’re not waiting for the cies of Matthew 24 are signs of the Second Coming and the appropriate time, which may never present itself, in order to end of the age. There will be another 1,000 years after the get guided tours and acceptance from them. Second Coming (Revelation 20:1-15). 6 EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004
  • 7. LETTERSTOTHEEDITOR « Rare compliment ment scriptures all the time for future events at that! How can I never agree with what you say about prophecy, but the you even think the old and new are totally different?? Do we program in which you spoke of the difference between the not serve the same God? Perhaps you should read again John wrath of Satan and the wrath of God was one of the few chapter 1 then go to some of the references: Genesis, Isaiah, exceptions. Everything you said was correct. Zephaniah 3:8,9. —T. Vaclavik Congratulations (trust me, this a rare compliment). I know more about prophecy than anyone I know, but there will be REPLY The word “testament” means will. I’m sure you have those who will come in the future knowing far more about heard of the “last will and testament” of a person. The Old Tes- prophecy than you and I. —Paul tament is the old will of God. The New Testament is the new will of God. This does not mean that the Old Testament is not The eagle valuable or that it is not the word of God. Scripture teaches us I wondered what you thought about any connection that the Old Testament object lessons are types and shadows between the eagle in Revelation and Rome. I have always of the spiritual realities of the New Testament. agreed with your idea that the eagle represented the U.S. Romans 6:14 tells us, “For sin shall not have dominion over until I was told that the symbol for Rome, and specifically its you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.” Romans military, was the eagle. I was pretty shaken up and spent 7:6 teaches, “But now we are delivered from the law, that some time researching it online and found the information to being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in be true. I am anxious to hear your thoughts. —C. Wulfsberg newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.” REPLY The eagle has been used as a symbol by many nations. However, the eagle’s wings in Daniel 7:4 are depict- F E E D B A C K ed as coming out of the lion. The lion is Great Britain. Obvi- Cannot put the Bible down ously, Rome did not come out of Great Britain. The U.S. did. I received your [free] “What Do You Mean Born Again?” The rest of this prophecy fits the United States explicitly. brochure from some guy I don’t even know. I read it and was In the book of Revelation, the eagle’s wings are portrayed fascinated. I wasn’t much of a Bible reader, but now I cannot as helping the woman—Israel. Rome has not been a protector put the Bible down. Thank you! —Dole, Frankfort, IN of Israel. The U.S., on the other hand, is Israel’s number one friend and ally. Thanks for your ministry. Also we should consider that two entire chapters in Reve- I’ve had the fortunate pleasure of meeting you several lation are devoted to prophecies about Rome. Chapters 17 times and being in the studio audience for two of your videos. and 18 speak of Rome as the great whore. I came to Christ thanks to your ministry, and recently found out that someone else at my church did as well. The Harvests —Rich, Naperville, IL Revelation 14 talks about the harvest. If the saints and sin- ners are both harvested, who’s left? —Susan Stretching exercises Thanks for the information you are disseminating. Your REPLY Revelation 14:14-20 describes two harvests. These radio program is a treasure to me. You stretch people to think two harvests are the same two harvests described by Jesus in through things and I love this! You keep me better prepared. Matthew 13 as the harvest of the wheat and the tares. In Rev- —Beverly elation 14, the harvest that was cast into the winepress refers to the Battle of Armageddon. We know that not every person Precept upon precept on earth will be at Armageddon. We also know that the earth Your teachings have helped me put line upon line and pre- will be inhabited during the 1000-year reign of Jesus that cept upon precept. I can now read Revelation and understand immediately follows Armageddon. Obviously, not everyone it for myself, but more than that, you have equipped me so on earth will be destroyed. Daniel 7:11-12 describes nations that I can help others. I appreciate that you are willing to stand that will lose their power when the Antichrist is destroyed; against the odds and speak God’s word as He has given it! but they continue to live into the millennium under the reign —Irene of Jesus and His church. A glorious thought Old vs. New Testament I never thought I would see the endtime come to pass, but In discussing the situation of North Korea one day, you here it is. Soon our Precious Lord will return. That’s a glori- used the expression, “If we were living in the Old Testament.” ous thought for all of us who are ready. I thank Him because Since Jesus came we have moved into the New Testament, I have now moved to Mississippi for the winter months and the spiritual kingdom. The Old Testament was the physical can finally hear Politics & Religion. I can hardly wait for the kingdom, and they are totally different. program to come on each day. —Helen, 88, Jackson, MS Mr. Baxter, last time I checked we were still living in God’s physical kingdom, but we walk in the spirit. God has never changed His Word. It is eternal and everlasting. I believe that ENDTIME thanks you for your letters. The letters we use in ENDTIME do not necessarily reflect the views of means all of His word and not part of it. You use Old Testa- ENDTIME and/or its staff. ENDTIME reserves the right to edit letters according to space and editorial style. EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004 7
  • 8. » AROUNDTHE GLOBE WORLD by Liz Freeman & REVIEW GLOBAL NEWS SEEN THROUGH Ginger Boerkircher T H E E Y E S O F B I B L E P R O P H E CY. » WARONTERROR ple had to stand in line for a turn. Doug Mix, who is not a member of the con- vices Committee hearing, Admiral Thomas Fargo, the top U.S. naval com- Al-Qaida plot to split Spain gregation said, “We all came out here mander in the Pacific, told Congress from allies because America is still America, and that American forces are well-posi- A recently revealed document shows we don’t tolerate this.” tioned to deal with any Chinese military that al-Qaida planned to carry out Among the congregation was Holo- action aimed at Taiwan. Fargo added attacks to separate Madrid from the caust survivor, Fanny Starr. “I was just that the U.S. did not see any signal of an U.S. and its allies in the war on terror. shaking and broke down,” she said. “All imminent threat in the time surround- The document was published on an the wounds, the old wounds started ing Taiwan’s presidential election. Internet message board used by al- opening again.” When asked about the risk of a mis- Qaida months before Spain’s national Rabbi Daniel Cohen said the vandal- calculation that could be “catastrophic” elections. ism may have been sparked by Mel Gib- for Taiwan, Fargo replied, “I’m pretty The document made the following son’s “The Passion of the Christ”. The confident of our deterrent capability. claim: “We think the Spanish govern- movie, which some feel wrongly Certainly, we’re well-postured right ment… will be forced to withdraw blames Jews for the death of Christ, has now. We understand the problem. Our because of the public pressure on it…. been criticized as anti-Semitic. forces are well-trained. So our ability to the victory of the Socialist Party will be dissuade and deter China, I think, is almost guaranteed – and the withdraw- al of Spanish forces will be on its cam- » 6THTRUMPETWATCH really very good.” Fargo called the cross-strait issues paign manifesto.” China’s warnings “the largest friction point in the relation- That prediction was fulfilled when the China told the United States that Hong ship between China and the United Socialists who were lagging in the polls Kong’s affairs are none of their business. States... and has long been recognized as ousted Prime Minister Jose Maria The warning came after an address to a an international flashpoint.” Aznar’s Popular Party three days after 10 U.S. Senate hearing on the issue of bombs ripped through Madrid’s Atocha station, killing at least 201 people. democracy in the former British colony. In addition, Taiwan President Chen » WORLDRELIGION Immediately after the victory, Prime Shui-bian was dubbed “immoral” and Religious discrimination gets Minister-elect Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapa- warned by the Chinese parliament that high-court OK tero vowed to pull out Spain’s 1,300 his “splittist activities under the cloak of In a recent court case, the U.S. troops in Iraq by June 30th if the Unit- democracy” will not be tolerated. Supreme Court ruled that taxpayer- ed Nations “doesn’t take control of On the eve of Taiwan’s presidential funded college scholarship programs Iraq.” Zapatero said the war in Iraq was elections in March, the United States can be denied to students majoring in a mistake and Spain’s participation in it kept a close watch for signs of Chinese theological studies. This ruling could “has been a total error.” military activity. The elections were have a dramatic effect on a wide range considered to be a potential flashpoint, of religious-freedom issues and marks a » GODINAMERICA and according to U.S. officials, with “high confidence” that China would be departure from a recent trend of allow- ing religion in state-sponsored settings. Hundreds help after anti-Semitic the loser if the United States became The 7-2 ruling said the state of Wash- attack involved. A U.S.-Chinese conflict could ington did not violate the Constitution In Denver, Colorado, about 300 peo- very possibly trigger the war prophesied when it denied a scholarship to a stu- ple of various faiths cleaned up a syna- in Revelation 9 in which one-third of dent studying to be a minister. gogue vandalized with swastikas and mankind will be killed. Writing for the majority, Chief Justice Nazi symbols on the eve of the Jewish William H. Rehnquist stated, “Training holiday Purim. Congress hears U.S. forces ready someone to lead a congregation is an The crowd that showed up at BMH- for Chinese threat essentially religious endeavor. Indeed, BJ Congregation was so large that peo- Speaking before a House Armed Ser- majoring in devotional theology is akin 8 EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004
  • 9. AROUNDTHE GLOBE « to a religious calling as well as an aca- the Palestinians.” legal grounds to ban a protest march. demic pursuit… That a state would deal He said families that lose their Sources at city hall said they would cut differently with religious education for homes as a result would receive money off electric power at the protest site. the ministry than with education for to pay “for alternative accommodation Rome’s Jewish community and an other callings” is not evidence of “hostil- until permanent re-housing is made association of families of victims of the ity toward religion.” available.” Ardeatine massacre said two counter- Rehnquist noted the scholarship pro- demonstrations would be held that gram “goes a long way toward including EU chief, Solana urges tighter same day, one in the capital and the religion in its benefits,” because it allows global cooperation other in the caves. students to use scholarship money to Speaking at Beijing’s Tsinghua Uni- attend accredited religious schools… The state has merely chosen not to fund versity, European Union’s Javier Solana has urged increased global cooperation, » MARKOFTHEBEAST a distinct category of instruction.” saying no one country can solve the Push for plastic Writing the dissent, Justice Antonin world’s problems alone. Referring to According to, the U.S.’ Scalia, along with Justice Clarence the recent deadly bombings in Madrid, estimated 185 million card-holding con- Thomas, charged that the scholarship Solana said the coordinated explosions sumers carry three bank-issued credit program “discriminates against religion.” constituted not only an attack on Spain cards, four retail credit cards and one Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the but on “the people of Europe and of the debit card. American Center for Law and Justice civilized world.” Banks are also moving very quickly believes that the ruling “clearly sanc- When asked about the relationship into pre-paid, gift and payroll cards. tions religious discrimination.” between Europe and the United States, There are mini-cards for a key chain, Solana said unilateralism was not the and wireless card acceptance terminals. Germans ban Muslim head- answer. Although he did not refer According to a survey conducted by scarves in schools directly to the U.S., he said, “What we the American Bankers Association and Lawmakers in Baden-Wuerttemberg, have learned in the last period of time is Dove Consulting, plastic payments now a conservative state, voted to bar Mus- that no single country, no matter how account for 53 percent of consumer lim teachers from wearing headscarves powerful it may be, no matter how purchases, compared to 43 percent in in public schools. It is the first in Ger- much might it may have, can resolve 1999. Total plastic purchases — either many to impose such a ban. The oppos- the difficult challenges of today.” He credit or debit — are up 54 percent ing party stated that it was unbalanced believes these resolutions “have to be since 1999. The numbers prove that we because it still allows Christian symbols obtained through cooperation.” are headed towards a cashless society. in the classroom. He welcomed comments by Chinese The ban’s backers argued that the Premier Wen Jiabao that there had been Wal-Mart hits snags in push to cloth could be seen as an Islamic politi- too much “unilateralism” in 2003. use radio tags to track goods cal symbol, and part of the history of Solana also said the EU was working to In the summer of 2003, Wal-Mart sur- women’s suppression while Christian end a 14-year-old arms embargo on Bei- prised its suppliers by announcing an symbols were part of Western tradition. jing despite efforts by the U.S. to contin- aggressive program for putting radio At least four other German states ue the ban. He said he hoped the EU frequency tags on their shipments. have proposed legislation banning Mus- would make a decision on the issue With the declared deadline quickly lim teachers from wearing headscarves “soon” and insisted the EU would make approaching, Wal-Mart is now admit- in school. a decision on its own. ting that it will not be met. Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, » EUWATCH Rome’s green light for Nazi demo In March, Rome’s police overruled has been forced to make numerous accommodations as it pushes to deploy EU grants Gaza Strip homeless the city’s mayor giving the go-ahead for radio frequency identification in its sup- 1 million Euros sympathizers of convicted Nazi war ply tracking process. The EU head office said it will grant criminal Erich Priebke to stage a One hurdle is the cost of the devices, 1 million euros (US$1.2 million) to demonstration to back demands for his currently priced at 25 cents to 30 cents secure alternative accommodation for release on grounds of advanced age. each. Analysts argue that the price 13,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip Priebke was given a life sentence in needs to fall to 5 cents or less before whose homes have been demolished 1998 for his role in the massacre of 335 savings are realized. recently by Israeli security forces. civilians in the Ardeatine caves during “Wal-Mart keeps cutting back on its EU Development Commissioner Poul World War II. requirements,” said Michael J. Liard, a Nielson stated, “The demolitions are The daily Corriere della Sera quoted senior analyst following radio tag tech- disproportionate acts that contravene the city’s chief administrator of police, nology at the Venture Development international humanitarian law. We Achille Sera, as saying “the demonstra- Corporation, a market research compa- urge the Israeli military authorities to tion poses no problems of public order ny in Natick, Mass. “They’re not ready; refrain from practices that aggravate the or safety.” A possible threat to public the industry’s not ready; and the tech- humanitarian and economic plight of order, safety or health was the only nology is not ready.” e EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004 9
  • 10. » PERSPECTIVE Who Killed Jesus? BY LIZ FREEMAN AND EDDIE SAX DENVER PASTOR SAYS THE JEWS DID IT! Good morning, Reaction among the So how does this all come together? Denver. And by Jewish community was mixed. Some spoke out against it Jews only? Would it be accurate to say that the the way, don’t vociferously, while others maintain that Jews were the only party responsible for the death of Jesus? Does it therefore forget that it was Christians are their best friends. A considerable logically follow that today’s Jews, 20 generations later, are responsible for what their ancestors did? Or could it be the Jews who segment of Christian- ity has had a history that the first-century Jews were one of many responsible parties? killed Jesus. of anti-Semitism, holding to the teach- ing that the Jews Matthew 27:20-26 gives the account of the chief priests and rabbis persuad- ing the crowd to ask for Barabbas and In the wake of Mel Gibson’s “The killed Jesus Christ, and therefore it demand that Jesus be killed. The gover- Passion of the Christ” opening, the pas- would be righteous to kill the Jews. nor asked what should be done with tor of a Denver church decided that it Many people believe Adolph Hitler Jesus. Their reply was, “Crucify him!” would be apropos to remind rush-hour acted under that premise. Again he asked, “What crime has he travelers of who should be blamed for The I Thessalonians scripture refer- committed?” Their reply was the same. paving the way for our eternal salva- enced on Gordon’s sign reads, “For ye, Pilate, realizing that he could not pre- tion. “Jews killed the Lord Jesus,” read brethren, became followers of the vail, washed his hands before the peo- the marquee in front of the Lovingway churches of God which in Judaea are in ple and said, “I am innocent of the Pentecostal Church on February 25th. Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered blood of this just person: see ye to it.” Some passersby thought the sign was like things of your own countrymen, The crowd yelled back, “His blood be not very loving. even as they have of the Jews: Who on us, and on our children.” Below this traffic-slowing headline, both killed the Lord Jesus, and their Pilate was trying to convince the peo- Pastor Maurice Gordon cited the scrip- own prophets, and have persecuted us; ple to let Jesus go free, but politics stood ture I Thessalonians 2:14-15. and they please not God, and are con- in his way. Some of the more vocal and Gordon’s message was inspired by trary to all men.” zealous Jewish people in the crowd Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the In this passage of Scripture, the Apos- played the loyalty-to-Caesar card, draw- Christ,” a movie in which Gibson tle Paul did, in fact, attribute the killing ing into question Pilate’s allegiance to claims he did not blame the crucifixion of Jesus Christ to the Jewish people and the Roman emperor. After all, Jesus of Jesus on the Jews. However, this is asserted that they are the church’s ene- spoke against Caesar. John 19:12 the controversy that had been raging mies. Yet Paul himself was Jewish. He recounts, “And from thenceforth Pilate since even before the movie’s release. was Saul, also known as Paul (Acts 13:9). sought to release him: but the Jews 10 EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004
  • 11. PERSPECTIVE « cried out, saying, If thou let this man God rather than men. The God of our which becomes the atonement for sin go, thou art not Caesar’s friend: whoso- fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew (Romans 5:9-11). Conversely, all those ever maketh himself a king speaketh and hanged on a tree.” who reject Him are guilty of His blood. against Caesar.” If this judgment was only for the Instead of releasing Jesus, a man Jews who rejected Jesus, was it also to The real reason for His death whom he knew was innocent, Pilate the Gentiles who rejected Him? This is We cannot overlook Isaiah 53:10-11. gave the people a choice, then washed a critical point. Gentiles were as guilty It says, “Yet it pleased the LORD to his hands of the matter. The crazed mob of the crucifixion of Jesus as the ones bruise him; he hath put him to grief: chose Barabbas. who cried out for Barabbas. Acts 10 tells when thou shalt make his soul an offer- us of Cornelius, the first Gentile to ing for sin… by his knowledge shall my Rome’s guilt whom the Gospel was preached and righteous servant justify many; for he Under Roman rule, Israel was not received. The Bible tells how Cornelius shall bear their iniquities.” allowed to exact capital punishment gladly received the word. He and his Nor can we overlook John 10:18 in upon its citizens; therefore Jesus could household were saved. which Jesus tells Pilate: “No man taketh not be judged according to Jewish law. But what of those who don’t receive it from me, but I lay it down of myself. The Jewish high priests wanted Him it? Paul preached that through Jesus the I have power to lay it down, and I have dead. In order to accomplish this, Jesus forgiveness of sins is preached and that power to take it again. This command- had to be brought before a Roman all who believe are justified (declared ment have I received of my Father.” court. The religious leaders influenced innocent) from all things (Acts 13:38- John Sullivan, in a letter to ENDTIME, the people to reject their Messiah, but it 39). By accepting Jesus as Lord and Sav- summarized it this way: “What drives cannot be forgotten that it was the Gen- ior, a person is justified by His blood, the nail into the wood? The hammer, the tiles who killed him. In this respect, the Romans had their part. Looking at it in present day terms, the one who places the hit is as guilty as the one who carries it out. In a court of law, both get Murder One. Spreading the guilt When Messiah came to the Jewish people, he was rejected. Jesus expressed in Luke 13:34-35: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” Jesus related the coming judgment to the seriousness of their sin; however, not all of them rejected Him. Most peo- ple overlook the fact that the early church was comprised exclusively of Jews who had believed Jesus to be the Messiah. Acts 5:27-30 relates, “And when they had brought them, they set them before AP PHOTO/THE DENVER POST, GLEN MARTIN the council: and the high priest asked them, Saying, Did not we straitly com- mand you that ye should not teach in this name? and, behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man’s blood upon us. Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004 11
  • 12. » PERSPECTIVE Rabbi Daniel Cohen of the BMH-BJ Synagogue in Denver talks to the congregation as they gathered on March 7th at the synagogue’s entrance the day after swastikas were found painted on the wall. About 300 people of different faiths turned out to clean up the synagogue vandalized with Nazi symbols, which occurred ten days after the Lovingway incident on the eve of the Jewish holiday Purim. AP PHOTO/THE DENVER POST, JOHN LEYBA hand holding the hammer, the motion and force of swinging the hammer or the desire of the carpenter?” The Jews wanted Jesus dead. The Jews did it. The Romans put Him on the cross. The Romans did it. Our sins made it necessary. We did it. In Isaiah, God said that He was pleased to bruise the Son. The Father put His Son to death. Jesus said no man takes His life but He lays it down willing- ly. Jesus sacrificed Himself. The Jews killed Jesus? It doesn’t exactly tell the whole story. The true loving way Quick in response to the national furor created by Gordon, his denomination’s headquarters issued a definitive statement explaining that it does not now, nor has it ever in the past taught that the Jewish peo- ple as a race or nation are responsible for the death of Jesus Christ. “It is neither biblical nor logical to hold an entire people responsible for the crucifixion.” It continued, “Jesus’ death was for all mankind. Its message is one of love and forgiveness, offering free- dom and hope to all people regardless of race, lan- guage or culture. Through His Spirit and the power of His Name all are included in the biblical state- ment that Jesus died ‘once for all’ (Hebrews 10:10). “Contrary to what has been expressed, our con- stituency is largely pro-Israel and accustomed to praying daily for Jerusalem. We wholeheartedly believe that the Jews were chosen of God to be His instrument to bring monotheism to the world. “We strongly disagree with any who would attempt to use the Cross and the suffering of Jesus as an excuse to justify anti-Semitism or any other form of racism or prejudice. If one would attempt to explain the reason for the death of Christ, he need look no further than Romans 5:8: ‘But God com- mendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.’” This is the whole council of Scripture and the true way to share the good news with the world, especial- ly to our Jewish friends – for these are the people to whom we are indebted for preserving the Holy Scriptures and giving us our Messiah. e 12 EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004
  • 13. ISRAELWATCH « M I D E A S T U P D A T E SHARON’S DISENGAGEMENT PLAN PROPHETIC IMPLICATIONS BY IRVIN BAXTER What do we know for sure hostilities, the establishment of a Pales- ing. When pressed to stop terrorism and about the future course of tinian state, mutual respect for holy to disarm terrorist entities such as events in the Middle East? sites, a negotiated solution to the status Hamas and the al Aqsa Brigade, Abbas 1. We know that the Antichrist and of Jerusalem and a resolving of all other openly said that he would not disman- the world community will confirm a issues by 2005. tle the terrorist organizations—even covenant with Israel for the final seven In June of 2003, the Palestinians and though the Roadmap that he signed years prior to the Battle of Armaged- the Israelis officially signed on to the specifically required it. don. This covenant refers to the Roadmap. While signing, the Israelis After Abbas resigned in frustration covenant God made with Abraham that emphasized repeatedly that they would because of being continually hand- His seed would possess the land of not fulfill their obligations unless the cuffed by Arafat, a new prime minister, Israel. Palestinians stopped terrorism and dis- Ahmed Qureia, was appointed by 2. The Temple Mount will be shared mantled terrorist entities, the first steps Arafat. The world hoped that Qureia between Jew and Gentile, a Jewish tem- required by the agreement. would be willing to bring terrorism ple will be built and animal sacrifices Mahmoud Abbas was the Palestinian under control. However, he soon will be instituted. This will all come to prime minister at the time of the sign- announced that he would not attempt pass before the final three and one-half years. 3. Three and one-half years before Armageddon the Antichrist will claim sovereignty over the Temple Mount. This event is called the abomination of desolation in scripture. At this same time, terrible conflict will break out in the West Bank, the area of biblical Judea. Jews living in this area will have to flee for their lives. Many will be slaughtered. At the end of the final seven years, the United Nations will launch an inva- sion of Israel. This will ignite the Battle of Armageddon. When Israel is on the brink of defeat, Jesus will appear and fight for her. This will end the age of human government and begin the reign of the kingdom of God. The present situation The world community is more heavi- ly involved in the Middle East than ever before. On April 30, 2003, it presented Israel and the Palestinians with a plan to finally bring peace to the Middle Six months after trying and failing to kill Hamas founder and spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, Israel suc- East. This plan, called the Roadmap for ceeded with a missile from a helicopter. On March 22nd, the man who made the goal of his life the destruction of the Peace, was formulated by the United Jewish state was on the receiving end of a Jewish missile as he left a Gaza City mosque. The precise targeting, which States, the European Union, the Russ- also killed two of his sons and several of his bodyguards, took place hours after Israel warned it would be militarily down- ian Federation and the United Nations. grading Hamas’ terrorist capabilities. Fox News reported that all that was left of the blind, wheelchair-bound Muslim killer The Roadmap called for an end to ter- was his head. This photo was taken in September 2003 just after he was targeted by an Israeli warplane which fired a rorist activities, the dismantling of ter- missile at a building in Gaza City minutes after Yassin had left it. He was slightly injured in the attack. In the photo, Yassin rorist organizations, the cessation of is seated, flanked by bodyguards. EPA PHOTO/EPA/MOHAMMED SABER EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004 13
  • 14. » ISRAELWATCH to disarm the terrorists. He stated that implementing the disengagement plan. renewal of religious devotion could to do so would cause civil war in the In the meantime, the U.S. has urged become commonplace. The Jews con- Palestinian territories. the United Nations to endorse Israel’s tend that their Third Temple will be a unilateral engagement plan. “house of prayer for all nations,” not Unilateral disengagement just for the Jews. The building of It soon became obvious to Israeli The future Israel’s Third Temple could be trumpet- Prime Minister Sharon and then to the How do we move from where we are ed as a source of religious unity for a world that the Palestinians wouldn’t or today to the events prophesied for the battered and wounded world. couldn’t fulfill the first step in the future? Jews have not offered animal sacri- Roadmap for Peace. The plan was obvi- • Confirmation of the covenant: If fices in almost 2,000 years since they ously a non-starter. Events went into a the UN signs on to the disengagement believe these should be done in their holding pattern while the suicide bomb- plan, then Israel will be proceeding temple on the Temple Mount. Once ings and Israel’s reprisals to them con- with the approval of the nations of the their temple is rebuilt, animal sacrifices tinued. world. Remember, the prophecies indi- will be resumed. With no light at the end of the tunnel, cate that the world community will • Abomination of desolation: Any- Israeli morale began to suffer. Sharon confirm Israel’s right to the land that one who has followed events in the knew that something had to be done... God covenanted to Abraham. When Middle East knows that conflict but what? they do, the final seven years to between Jews and Arabs attempting to On December 18, 2003, Prime Minis- Armageddon will begin. We have to share the 35 acres of the Temple Mount ter Sharon delivered an historic speech wonder if world community support for is inevitable. When disputes arise, the at the annual Herzliya Conference. In Israel’s disengagement plan could be world community and its leader will be the speech, he announced his intention the confirmation of the covenant spo- called on to arbitrate. This is when the to build a security fence the entire ken of in Daniel 9:27. Antichrist will stand on the Temple length of the nation of Israel. He said • Temple Mount shared: Some peo- Mount claiming authority there. Scrip- that once the fence was completed, ple believe that Israel’s unilateral disen- tures states that he will claim to be God. Israel would unilaterally withdraw gagement could break the present stale- The actual words that he will use from Gaza and from much of the area mate in the peace process and create remain to be seen. of Judea-Samaria. By withdrawing to conditions that would allow the eventu- • The great tribulation: Ariel the security fence, Israel would sepa- al implementing of the world communi- Sharon claims that he will withdraw rate herself from the Palestinians with ty’s Roadmap. Under the Roadmap, all Israeli troops from all territories outside whom she could not make peace. outstanding issues between Palestinians the proposed security fence. Many Jew- Sharon was careful to say that the and Israelis are to be permanently ish settlers living in this area called Roadmap would be better, but that the resolved. The most sensitive of these Judea contend that this territory is their Palestinians were unwilling to disarm issues is control of the Temple Mount promised land and that they will not terrorism. Consequently the Roadmap and the desire of Jews to worship there. leave their homes, even if Israel with- could not be implemented. Whether Israel’s disengagement plan draws. In Matthew 24:15-21, Jesus said In the Herzliya speech, Sharon said appears to be a success or the peace that those living in Judea would experi- that he had consulted with the United process proceeds in another way, the ence tribulation “such as was not since States about his unilateral disengage- status of the Temple Mount will eventu- the beginning of the world to this time, ment plan. More recently, intense nego- ally have to be dealt with. It is the gen- no, nor ever shall be.” tiations have been conducted between eral consensus that the only realistic Sharon’s unilateral withdrawal plan U.S. and Israeli diplomats. Sharon will solution to the Temple Mount, which certainly seems to be setting the stage travel to the United States as this issue both Muslims and Jews consider holy, is for the fulfillment of this prophecy. goes to press in an attempt to reach total to share it. It is generally believed that • Armageddon: The Battle of agreement with President Bush on such a sharing arrangement will have to Armageddon will be triggered when the be done under international supervi- international community decides to sion—meaning the UN. invade Israel because it refuses to com- • The Third Temple: It is difficult to ply to some UN mandate. The issue WHAT DOES IT COST TO see how the building of Israel’s Third could be final Palestinian-Israeli bor- Temple will come to pass. However, it ders. It could be Israel’s refusal to sur- TEACH ALL NATIONS? will happen because the Bible specifi- render her nuclear weapons program. cally says that it will. History teaches us Whatever the premise, the armies of Endtime Ministries that in times of global upheaval, devel- the world will invade Israel, pushing Needs Your Support opments previously thought impossible her to the brink of defeat. Then Jesus suddenly become acceptable. will appear in the clouds of heaven. He Endtime relies on the financial support Consider this possible scenario. will defeat the armies of the Antichrist, of our listeners and readers. Be a Ministry When the prophesied war that will kill and we will crown Him King of kings Partner. Call us at 1-800-Endtime. one-third of mankind occurs, the and Lord of lords! e 14 EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004
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  • 18. » COVERSTORY “COINCIDENCES”OFTHE EUROPEANFLAG BY DR. SAMUELE BACCHIOCCHI ecember 8th is a very introit of the new Mass of Mary’s the European Union.” D special day for Europe: in 1955, on that day, the European Minis- ters’ delegates official- ly adopted the European flag designed by Arsene Heitz, who today is an octo- genarian artist in Strasbourg. Perhaps, Assumption!” The European Union’s flag’s 12 stars were inspired by the halo of 12 stars that appear around the Madonna in Catholic pictures of her. A former secre- tary general of the Council of Europe, Leon Marchal, affirmed that the stars Artist reveals Virgin Mary was inspiration for design Recently Heitz revealed to a French magazine the reason for his inspira- tion. At that time he was reading the history of the Blessed Virgin’s appari- not by coincidence, December 8th is are those of “the woman of the Apoca- tions in Paris’ Rue du Bac, known the Feast of The Immaculate Concep- lypse.” Enthusiastically he explained, today as the Virgin of the Miraculous tion of Mary our co-redeemer. “It’s wonderful that we have gotten Medal. According to the artist, he The decision was taken following the back to the Introit of the new Mass of thought of the 12 stars in a circle on a 1950 European Council’s (one of the the Assumption. It’s the corona stel- blue background, exactly the way it is predecessors of today’s European larum duodecim (the crown Union) convocation of a competition to of the twelve stars) of the design the flag of the newborn Euro- woman of the Apocalypse.” pean Community. Among many other This is a reference to the artists, Heitz presented several designs, woman in Revelation 12 and one was chosen: 12 stars on a blue who appears with a crown background. of 12 stars. The Catholic Church has always claimed Its Catholic origins that she represents the Vir- The original idea for the blue Euro- gin Mary, “the mother of pean flag has a Roman Catholic origin. God.” Paul G.M. Levi, professor at the Roman The EU, which now has Catholic University of Leuven (Bel- 15 member countries, has gium) was a Jew but became a Roman confirmed that the number Catholic. In 1949 he became director of of stars will always stay at the Cultural department of the Board of 12, which indicates that the Europe. Six years later he came up stars do not represent coun- (according to the leading German tries. I quote from a leaflet, Newspaper Die Welt) with the concept “Building Europe Together,” of the European flag. Levi, fascinated which was given to visitors by the holy virgin with the stars around to EU headquarters in Brus- her head, proposed to the Secretary sels: “The European flag (is) General of Board of Europe, Earl Ben- a shared flag, blue with 12 venuti, to choose the symbol of Mary. gold stars symbolizing com- When the members of parliament pleteness. The number will agreed, Levi said: “How on earth is it remain 12 no matter how possible? We just rediscovered the many countries there are in 18 EN DTI M E MAGAZI N E MAY / J U N 2004