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  Volume 10/Number 6    November/December 2000

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Mideast Peace Comes Unraveled

Many have stated that it is impossible to know whether or       3.        WORLDWIDE NUMBERING SYSTEM PRE-
not we are living in the last days before the second coming     DICTED: In Revelation chapter 13, the Bible prophesies
of Jesus Christ. However, below you will find dramatic          that a world dictator will soon rule over a world govern-
proof that this is the last times. All of the proofs below      ment. He will cause all people on the earth to receive a
taken together defy coincidence.                                number without which they will be unable to buy or sell.
                                                                We are seeing this prophecy fulfilled before our eyes in a
                                                                most astonishing way. Nearly every human being in the
1.         EUPHRATES RIVER TO BE DRIED UP: In                   world now has been assigned a number. In America it is our
                                          Revelation 16:12,     social security number. In the last few years we have seen
                                          the Bible predicts    this number extended to small children. A child without a
                                          that the Euphrates    social security number cannot be declared as a dependent on
                                          River will be dried   an income tax return. We have seen the emergence of elec-
                                          up to prepare the     tronic money, shopping with credit cards, and many people
                                          way for the kings     are urging the abolishment of cash. All of these things could
                                          of the east to in-    not possibly have been fulfilled until this present time. Only
                                          vade Israel. This     after the invention of the computer could such a worldwide
                                          will happen at the    numbering system be administered.
                                          time of the battle
                                          of Armageddon         4.           THE EMERGENCE OF A NEW WORLD
                                          according to verse    ORDER: Revelation 13:7 and Daniel 7:23 prophesy the
                                          16 of the same        establishment of a
chapter. The battle of Armageddon will be the final battle at   world government.
which time Jesus Christ will return and fight on the side of    We recently have
the nation of Israel. Immediately thereafter He will estab-     seen the term “new
lish His kingdom and usher in His 1000-year reign of            world order” being
peace.                                                          used by the leading
On January 13th, 1990, the Indianapolis Star carried the        political people of our
headline “Turkey will cut off flow of Euphrates for 1           world.          Mikhail
month.” The article stated that a huge reservoir had been       Gorbachev has made
built by Turkey. While filling up the reservoir, the flow of    the term famous, and
the Euphrates would be stopped for one month and a con-         Pope John Paul II has
crete plug for a diversion channel built. These things have     referred to it repeat-
now been done. With this newly built dam, Turkey has the        edly. Finally our
ability to stop the Euphrates River at will. The conditions     former       President,
for fulfilling this 1900 year old prophecy are now in place!    George Bush, in the
                                                                Chicago Tribune, September 12, 1990, said “Iraq is the
2.       CHINA GOES TO WAR: In Revelation 9:15-                 first test for the new world order.” He stated emphatically
16, the Bible prophesies that an army of 200 million            that the Iraq War is Saddam Hussein against the world. The
                                     soldiers will launch a     United Nations troops are continually referred to as the
                                     war which will kill        multi-national forces. The decision has been made to estab-
                                     “the third part of         lish an interdependent community of nations that will rule
                                     men”. Never in the         the world under United Nations authority. The Bible says
                                     history of the world,      that this will lead us into a great world government. We can
                                     until our present gen-     see this happening right before our eyes.
                                     eration, has there
                                     been a power on            COINCIDENCE OR DIVINE PROVIDENCE? The
                                     earth that could field     Euphrates River can be dried up, the necessary 200 million
                                     200 million soldiers.      man army is available, a worldwide numbering system is
                                     However, the late          possible because of the computer, and now the new world
                                     ruler of China, Mao        order is appearing.
                                     Tsetung boasted in
                                     his diary that he          Is it coincidental that all of these major prophecies pertain-
could field an army of 200 million. We see that this            ing to the last times are being fulfilled simultaneously?
prophecy pertaining to the very last times could not ever
have been fulfilled until now.                                  Hardly!

                     Source: Endtime Magazine, P.O. Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375, 1-800-Endtime
                                    This page may be copied and distributed freely.
contents                                                                                            presenting world events
                                                                                                   from a biblical perspective

  8 Mideast Chaos — What Does It Mean?
          When the violence first erupted, the phones at Endtime began to
          ring. “What’s going on? What will happen? Could this be the
          beginning of Armageddon? How close are we? Is this The Big
          One?” Irvin Baxter Jr. puts the chaos into perspective.

F E AT U R E A R T I C L E S                                                                                                                             AP WideWorld Photos
  12 Mideast Peace Comes Unraveled                                                                                  Page 8
          President Clinton was recently overhead to say, “This Middle East
          problem is absolutely maddening.” Why is peace in the Middle East
          so elusive and seemingly impossible?

  14      Mary’s View From Within
          “Mary” joined a UN-sanctioned organization to help bring humanitar-
          ian relief to a poverty-stricken world. On the inside, however, what
          she found was not so idealistic. An agenda was well underway for the
          establishment of an unchecked totalitarian world government. This is
          Mary’s story.

  18      Temple — How Close?
          For 33 years, Gershon Salomon has been in the forefront of the battle                                     Page 12
                                                                                                                                                       AP WideWorld Photos

          to build Israel’s Third Temple on the Temple Mount. His mission,
          which began just following the Six-Day War, has now become the
          focus of international attention. Endtime interviewed Mr. Salomon on
          October 5, just a few days after Ariel Sharon paid his fateful visit to
          the Temple Mount.

  24      World Review

   4 Editorial
   6 Letters
  11 Whetstone
  29 Crossword                                                                                                                                              Endtime Archive
                                                                                                                    Page 14
  31 Seek & Find and Answers
                                                                                                                     Endtime’s World Wide Web Address:

 Endtime, Inc. is published bi-monthly by Endtime, Inc., 1214 South 8th Street, Richmond, IN 47374. Subscription price is $24.97 for 12 issues. Periodical postage paid
 #009267, ISSN# 1066-6885, Richmond, IN, and additional mailing offices. © 2000 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written per-
 mission is prohibited. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Endtime, PO Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375-2066. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week
 1-800-ENDTIME. Other inquiries call 1-765-962-6344 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (EST)

Cover: AP WideWorld Photos/Elizabeth Dalziel


                                                                                                                                                                 Endtime photo
                 s we go to press, it is being   a mere visit to the Temple Mount by
                 reported that Yasser            Ariel Sharon ignited the violence of the
                 Arafat plans to declare a       last six weeks, what would happen if
                 Palestinian state on            Israel claimed permanent sovereignty
                 November 15th. Arafat           over the Temple Mount?
and Barak are scheduled to meet                     Arafat would much rather see interna-
President Clinton at the White House             tional intervention than unilateral
on November 9th and 12th respectively.           action by Israel. He has used the violence
This is Clinton’s last-ditch effort to head      in Israel as a pretext to request that UN
off the absolute chaos that could be             troops be placed on the ground to protect
unleashed by Arafat’s unilateral declara-        Palestinians from the superior force of
tion.                                            Israel. Israel has resisted bringing UN
   If a Palestinian declaration of indepen-      troops in, which would effectively sur-
dence is made, it would force Israel to          render the future of Israel to the
draw the borders between the nation of           decisions of the World Community. The                   Irvin Baxter Jr., Endtime Editor
Israel and the new nation of Palestine. If       United Nations has consistently sided
                                                 with the Palestinians while condemning                  Other world leaders don’t agree, how-
     M A G A Z I N E S TA F F                    Israel. The UN contends that Israel must                ever. Dr. Nasser Al-Kidwa, the
                    EDITOR                       withdraw to pre-1967 boundaries. The                    Palestinians’ permanent observer at the
              IRVIN BAXTER JR.
                                                 United Nations also denies Israel’s right               United Nations, argued that this action
               EDITOR’S ASSISTANT                to have Jerusalem for its capital. The UN               would not be a violation of sovereignty
                                                 declared Jerusalem an international city                since the areas under discussion are “oc-
                OFFICE MANAGER                   in 1947, and has never rescinded that                   cupied territories.”
               JANA ROBBINS
                                                 ruling. It is because of UN pressure that                  Ladies and Gentlemen: This is not a
                  CIRCULATION                    all of the nations on earth, except two,                time to be asleep spiritually—not when
                JUDY BAXTER                      locate their embassies to Israel in Tel                 world leaders are wrestling with the very
               PAULA GULLEY                      Aviv, not in Jerusalem.                                 issues that ultimately will lead to the
               MICHELE JACK                         Israel has served notice that she will               “confirmation of the covenant” spoken
               LORA KENDALL
             TRACEY KIDWELL                      not welcome UN forces on Israeli soil.                  about in Daniel 9:27. When the
             SAMANTHA LEGG                       UN Secretary General Kofi Annan does-                   covenant is confirmed, the final seven-
               KARA MCPEAK                       n’t think deploying troops on Israeli soil              year countdown to Armageddon and the
                 JEFF RICHEY
              JESSICA TURNER                     is possible without Israeli permission.                 Second Coming begins! ❏
             SHERI WOODRING

             NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR                                                     What is Endtime Magazine?
              DAVE NORTHROP                           In 1968, Irvin Baxter Jr. discovered the United States and other modern nations in the Bible. He also
                                                 found the Berlin Wall in the Bible and that one day it was to be torn down, reuniting Germany, and that event
                  WEBMASTER                      would be the catalyst to spark an international movement called the "New World Order." These things have
                DAN BARKLEY                      now come to pass.
                                                     Irvin Baxter Jr., a Pentecostal minister, began Endtime Ministries in 1986 when he wrote A Message For
                 STAFF WRITERS
              JOHN L. BRYANT                     The President, a book explaining the major prophecies of the Bible which he had been teaching since 1968.
              N. TERI GROTTKE                        After the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic fulfillment accelerated rapidly. The decision was made to
                  EDDIE SAX                      launch Endtime. The purpose of the magazine is to explain the prophecies of the Bible and to show that
                                                 they are now being fulfilled in intricate detail.
               RADIO OPERATIONS                      Articles focus on the soon return of Jesus Christ, the truth of the Bible, and the need for salvation.
               JIM STIGLEMAN                     Endtime does not deal with doctrinal controversies, as valid as they may be. This will be left to other pub-
                   RESEARCH                      lications.
             HAROLD HENWOOD                          STATEMENT OF FAITH: We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the
              KATHY MCKINNEY                     Savior of the world, and that He will come again to establish a kingdom that shall never be destroyed (Daniel
                                                 2:44). Those who are born again (John 3:3-5) will have eternal life and rule as kings and priests with Christ
                  ACCOUNTING                     forever.
               DEBBIE BARKLEY

 4    endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000                                                E-mail:, Website:
Prophecy Tour 2001
          United Nations-Egypt-Israel
                               March 27-April 7 (12 days)

                                   Moses grimaced when he saw the whip of the Egyptian taskmaster snake across the back of the
                                Israeli slave. Anger welled up in him when he saw the angry stripe that was left across the Jewish
                                back. At that moment, he made up in his mind that he and his people were leaving that place! It
                                took forty years, but leave they did.
                                   The excitement was high as they headed north toward the long-dreamed-of “Promised Land.”
                                Little did Moses know that it would be forty years before he would stand on Mount Nebo, gazing
                                longingly into the land of Israel. That was as close as he would ever get.

                                In Egypt:
                                   The overseas portion of Prophecy Tour 2001 will begin by walking in the footsteps of Moses and
                                the children of Israel in the land of Egypt. We will visit Goshen where they lived while in Egypt and
                                see the brickyards where they toiled. Believe it or not, bricks are still being made there till this day!
                                   While in Egypt, we will also see the Great Pyramid, the Great Sphinx, the Cairo Museum and
                                visit Old Cairo. We will then travel north through the Sinai desert, across the Suez Canal, finally
                                arriving in the land of Israel.

                                In Israel:
                                   Stand on the Mount of Olives where Jesus will stand when He returns—Visit the Temple Mount
                                itself where the Third Temple will soon be built—See the cornerstone intended for the rebuilding
                                of the Third Temple—At the Temple Institute we will see the vessels and the garments already pre-
                                pared for resumption of temple worship—Visit the Garden Tomb and the Garden of
                                Gethsemane—See the site of the coming Battle of Armageddon—We will visit Judean settlements
                                where Jesus prophesied great tribulation will come in the near future (Matthew 24:15-16)—Boat
                                across the Sea of Galilee where Jesus walked on the water. And much, much more!

                                At the United Nations:
                                   Prophecy Tour 2001 will begin in New York City at the United Nations—the seat of world gov-
                                ernment. A guided tour will take us through the chambers of the UN where decisions are made that
                                change the course of the world. A one-hour briefing by a UN official has been arranged especially
                                for the members of our Endtime Prophecy Tour.

                                   We have just scratched the surface concerning the things you will experience in the land of the
                                Bible. There is no doubt that Prophecy Tour 2001 will be the trip of a lifetime! I hope that you can
                                join my wife, Judy, and me as we experience the UN, Egypt, and the Holy Land together. Eddie Sax,
                                co-host for “Politics & Religion,” and his wife Charlotte will be with us on the tour. It will be a great
                                time. Don’t miss it!
                                   The cost for the entire 12-day United Nations, Egypt, and Israel tour will be $2195 plus tips and
                                taxes. You can insure your place on the tour by sending your deposit of $250 to Endtime, PO Box
                                2066, Richmond, IN 47375. Total payment will need to be made 45 days before departure. If you
                                have further questions, you may call us here at 1-800-endtime.

Irvin Baxter Jr. — Tour Host           Call 1-800-ENDTIME for more information. (Ask for Christi at extension 226 or Debbie.)
Letters to Endtime
Wars involving Israel                                                          conclusive proof of the Bible.
  It seems that there will be several wars during the endtime                     Revelation 11:10 calls the two witnesses, two prophets. It cer-
period which involve Israel. The Battle of Armageddon is the                   tainly sounds like two individuals to me.
obvious one, but what about the red horse and the prophecies
that speak about the destruction of Damascus?
  What is the chronological order of these events?                             “Politics & Religion” in Nagasaki
                                                                                  I am a foreign student here in Nagasaki, Japan. I originally
                                  Thanks,                                      started listening to “Politics & Religion” on my short-wave
                                  B. Jenny                                     radio in Madagascar, where I am from. The reception in
                                  Internet                                     Madagascar is not very good, but I listened as often as I could.
                                                                                  Since I have been studying in Nagasaki for a year and a half,
   Reply: Many prophecy books have taught that the red horse of                I listen to the program all the time. The reception is better
Revelation 6 symbolizes war. However, I have never found any                   here.
convincing proof that this is true. I believe that the red horse sym-             I am glad I found your show. I appreciate “Politics and
bolizes Communism. This is proven conclusively in Lesson 4 of                  Religion”, and especially the Bible Study programs you broad-
Understanding the Endtime—Level One.                                           cast.
   There may be several wars fought in Israel between now and
Armageddon, but I know of no prophecy that specifically indicates                                            Yours sincerely,
this.                                                                                                        H. Rafidinarivo
   Concerning Damascus, Ezekiel 48:1 does indicate that                                                      Nagasaki, Japan
Damascus will be a part of the nation of Israel during the millen-
nium. Whether that is accomplished during the Battle of                        Benjamin Creme
Armageddon or by decree of Jesus Christ when He sets up His                      I just want to let you know how much I appreciated the in-
kingdom is not indicated in the Bible.                                         terview that you had with Benjamin Creme. Most definitely,
                                                                               his theology does not agree with ours, but that was expected!
                                                                                 I told someone about it. They could not understand why
Two witnesses—Jerusalem or Babylon?                                            you guys would interview him. I answered for you. To me, you
   Nowhere does the Bible state that the two witnesses will lie                did that interview to show “from the horse’s mouth” that the
dead in the streets of Jerusalem. It says the two witnesses will               man of sin is coming.
lie in the streets of the “great city”, which can only be                        As always, I appreciate your program and your materials. I
prophetic Babylon! Jerusalem is nowhere in scripture referred                  am a supporter of your ministry and had the opportunity to
to as “great”, but Babylon is, repeatedly. As you know, Jesus                  meet you at your last conference here.
was not crucified in Jerusalem, but “without the walls.”
   The two witnesses cannot be two individuals because the                                                   Dave H.
angel tells John that one of the two witnesses is the two lamp                                               Dallas, TX
stands. Two being the number of corporate identity, and the
other witness is the two olive branches. It’s clear to me.
                                                                               How long is a generation?
                                  B. Hamrick                                     How do people equate the phrase, “This generation shall
                                  Internet                                     not pass” with the rebirth of Israel? Matthew 24 is talking
                                                                               about all the things that will happen. I have heard that it is
   Reply: Revelation 11:8 says that the dead bodies of the two wit-            about the fig tree, but it looks like Jesus is simply saying that,
nesses will lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called   when a fig tree puts on leaves, you know it is springtime. I see
Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. Where was                  no way that the fig tree in Matthew 24 could point to this.
Jesus crucified? In Jerusalem, of course, even if the act was perpe-
trated just outside the walls.                                                                               Thank you for your time,
   In Luke 13:33, Jesus said, “Nevertheless I must walk today, and                                           D. Marion
tomorrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet
perish out of Jerusalem.” Jesus Himself knew that He was destined                 Reply: Many people have contended that the fig tree is a type of
to die in Jerusalem. From this we know for certain that the two wit-           the nation of Israel. Consequently, they have taught that the gener-
nesses will also be killed in Jerusalem. To insist that Jesus was              ation that witnessed the rebirth of Israel as a nation would not pass
crucified in prophetic Babylon (Rome), is to totally disregard the             until all things in the Matthew 24 prophecy were fulfilled.

6    endtime      NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000                                              E-mail:, Website:
I have never found proof of this interpretation in scripture.          tained in the Seventh Seal.
 However, I do believe that the generation that witnesses the events
 referred to in Matthew 24 will not pass until the entirety of the chap-
 ter is fulfilled. This, of course, would include the rapture of the       Should we donate to Temple Fund?
 church.                                                                     Thanks for overseeing this outreach. It is a definite blessing.
    By the way, we are the generation that is witnessing the fulfill-        Since you know Gershon Salomon well, do you know his
 ments of Matthew 24; therefore, we are the generation that will           position on the scriptures regarding the outer court of the tem-
 see the Second Coming of Jesus.                                           ple being trodden down by the Gentiles, the false peace and
                                                                           the false messiah, and the fact that they will mourn for Jesus
                                                                           when they see Him?
 Revelation can’t be chronological…or can it?                                I left this strictly Old Testament. I have a feeling that since
    I have been a subscriber to Endtime magazine for over four             he believes in the veracity of scripture, he might be inclined
 years and do appreciate your ministry. Your latest issue was              to revisit some positions.
 quite incisive and packed with information. I always wondered               My second question is this: We are to bless Israel. The tem-
 why you believed that we were in the “trumpet” series, and                ple will be built because it is in the Word. Does blessing Israel
 now I can understand from your article on “Understanding the              include giving to the Temple Fund?
 Book of Revelation.” I do disagree with your conclusions
 however.                                                                                                K. Eko
    The seals, trumpets and vials do NOT run parallel but are                                            South Bend, IN
 in sequence (or chronological). This can be shown by a num-
 ber of verses, but is most clearly expressed in Revelation                   Reply: The prophecy that the outer court will be trodden down
 8:1,2,6. The verses clearly show that, when the Seventh Seal              of the Gentiles is in the New Testament—Revelation 11:1-2.
 is opened, the seven trumpets are given to the angels, and                Consequently, Gershon would not consider this prophecy as Holy
 then they sound in sequence. The trumpets come after the                  Scripture.
 seals and cannot possibly run parallel with them.                            I have never had the opportunity to ask Gershon how he explains
    I would be interested in your comments.                                Zechariah 12:10 where the Jews will look upon him whom they
                                                                           have pierced and mourn for him. I certainly want to discuss this
                                J. Ferro                                   with him at some point.
                                Cyberspace, USA                               Concerning giving to the Temple Fund, I think that is an indi-
                                                                           vidual choice. The scriptures teach us that God does not dwell in
    Reply: Many have taught that the seven trumpets are contained          temples made with hands. We know that our bodies are the tem-
 within the Seventh Seal. However, close examination of scripture          ples of the Holy Ghost. Since this is true, we are not mandated
 shows that this cannot be true.                                           to build the temple, but we are commanded to preach the gospel
    Revelation 8:1 records the Seventh Seal, “And when he had              to every creature. That’s the reason I invest everything I can in
 opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space      fulfilling this great commission given to us by Jesus Christ.
 of half an hour.” Note that there were no chapters or verses in the
 original writing of the Bible. Because the publishers chose to create
 a chapter break before the Seventh Seal instead of after the Seventh      Does Jerusalem Covenant fulfill Daniel 9:27?
 Seal where it would probably have been more appropriate, many                While it seems that the majority of prophecy students,
 people assume that the seven trumpets are contained in the Seventh        church leaders, and the body of Christ are focused on Oslo I
 Seal. But the scriptures do not say this.                                 & II and the Wye River Agreements as the peace
    How do we know then that the seven trumpets are not contained          process/treaty of Daniel 9, why is no one giving any consider-
 in the Seventh Seal? Because the Sixth Seal happens after the Great       ation to the Jerusalem Covenant of May 31, 1993, as the
 Tribulation, and the Sixth Trumpet takes place before the Great           covenant of Daniel 9?
 Tribulation.                                                                 Daniel 9:27 clearly mentions that the Antichrist, as leader
    We know that the Sixth Seal happens after the Great Tribulation        of the New World Order (UN), will “confirm the covenant
 because, under the Sixth Seal, the sun and moon are darkened and          with many for one week.” The Hebrew language is clear that
 the stars shall fall from heaven (Revelation 6:12-14). Jesus said in      the “prince that shall come” shall confirm a covenant, not a
 Matthew 24:29 that these things happen immediately after the              so-called peace treaty. To confirm a covenant implies that one
 Great Tribulation.                                                        is already in place. In the context of Daniel 9, I believe “with
    We know that the sounding of the Sixth Trumpet in Revelation 9         many” means “many Jews and possibly Gentile heads-of-
 is before the Great Tribulation because the Two Witnesses begin           state.”
 their ministries after the Sixth Trumpet in Revelation 11. They then         The context of Daniel 9:24-27 deals with the City of
 prophesy during the 1,260 days of the Great Tribulation. So the           Jerusalem and the Jewish people living in Jerusalem when this
 Sixth Trumpet sounds before the beginning of the last three and one-      endtime scenario begins. Therefore, the focus of the covenant
 half years.                                                               is upon the City of Jerusalem and the Jewish people living in
    Since the Sixth Seal is loosed after the Great Tribulation, and        that holy city.
 since trumpets one through six sound before the Great                        The Jerusalem Covenant emphatically deals with the City
 Tribulation, it is conclusive that the Seven Trumpets are not con-                                                  continued on page 28

E-mail:, Website:                                     NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000endtime             7

                      Mideast Chaos
                      What does it mean?
                      by Irvin Baxter Jr.

                                                                                                                                                      AP Widwworld Photos/Lefteris Pitarakis
                 ost of the world knows
                 that a battle called
                 Armageddon is prophe-
                 sied for the Middle East.
                 Consequently,       every
time conflict breaks out there, we all
wonder if this one is “the big one.”
  As the latest occurrences of violence
in Israel escalated, our phones at
Endtime Ministries began to ring. The
callers asked: “What’s going on? What
does all this mean? What’s going to hap-
pen? Could this be the beginning of
Armageddon? How close are we to the
                                              Women rush for safety from the Western Wall Plaza on September 29, the eve of Rosh Hashanah,
                                              the Jewish New Year. They were being stoned by hundreds of Palestinians from the Temple
                                              Mount, located just above the wall in reaction to Ariel Sharon’s visit to the Mount. Israeli riot po-
What triggered the latest                     lice fired rubber bullets, killing three, in the bloodiest clashes in four years at the site.
   For the last seven years, the hope of
peace in the Middle East has been dan-        final status of Jerusalem and final borders         elected Barak government established a
gled tantalizingly in front of Israelis and   between Israelis and Palestinians were to           new deadline, September 13, 2000, for
Arabs alike. Even though progress has         have been determined by May 4, 1999.                final status issues to be negotiated and
been maddeningly slow, enough has been        Arafat had said that if final status talks          implemented.
accomplished to keep the flickering hope      were not concluded by this deadline, he                With the September 13th deadline
of peace alive. Ninety-eight percent of       would unilaterally declare a Palestinian            looming just ahead, President Clinton
Arabs in the occupied territories now         state.                                              called for a Middle East Summit at Camp
live under the control of the Palestinian        Due to the toppling of Benjamin                  David for July 11th. For two grueling
Authority; Palestinians have their own        Netanyahu’s government in the spring of             weeks, Arafat, Barak and Clinton la-
airport and seaport; and negotiations         1999, Arafat decided to postpone the de-            bored to hammer out a final set of
have continued.                               claration of Palestinian independence.              accords that would signal the end of the
   According to the Oslo Accords, the         Subsequent negotiations with the newly              seemingly eternal Arab-Israeli conflict.

 8   endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000                                             E-mail:, Website:
Just when it seemed that peace was

                                                                                                                                                 Endtime Archive
within reach, the talks stalled. The issue
on which the two sides could not reach
agreement was control of the 36 acres
that Israelis call the Temple Mount.
Muslims call it the Haram al-Sharif or
the Noble Sanctuary. Israel’s First and
Second Temples stood there, and Jews
have prayed toward this place for the last
2,000 years. Muslims claim that
Mohammed ascended into heaven on his
horse from the Temple Mount back in
the Seventh Century.
   Even though the future for peace in
the Middle East depended on solving the
status of the Temple Mount, still Arafat
and Barak could not agree. Arafat con-
tended that the Temple Mount belonged
to Muslims and that its holiness could
not be compromised. Barak said that no
Israeli prime minister could ever perma-
nently surrender control of the center of
Jewish life and the heart and soul of the
Jewish nation to the Palestinians.            President Clinton’s bridging proposal could make the Temple Mount look something like this com-
   When it became obvious that the talks      puter generated image. Clinton has said the Jews should be allowed to worship at their most Holy
had reached an impasse, President             Site.
Clinton decided to offer a bridging pro-
posal. He proposed that Muslims be            the violence began.                                 According to Daniel 9:27 and Daniel
allowed unlimited access to their holy                                                         11:31, the prophesied covenant will be
places and that Jews be allowed to pray       What prophecies are being                        confirmed by the Antichrist. Three and
on the Temple Mount. Simply stated, he        fulfilled?                                       one-half years later, a temple will have
suggested the sharing of the Temple              Some of the greatest prophetic fulfill-       been built, animal sacrifices will have
Mount.                                        ments of all time are presently taking           been resumed, and the Temple Mount
   It appeared that Barak was prepared to     place in the Middle East. It would be a          will be shared.
consider the Clinton proposal, but            travesty for us to live through these un-           Notice that all of these fulfillments are
Arafat said that Jews being allowed to        precedented       fulfillments     without       tied directly to the principle issue that
pray on the Temple Mount was out of the       understanding the significance of what           has stalled the Middle East peace
question. Consequently, the talks broke       we are experiencing.                             process—the status of the Temple
off.                                             Some of the prophecies that are               Mount. It appears that the prophesied
   With the deadline of September 13th        presently unfolding are: 1. The final            covenant will concern the status of
just ahead, Clinton urged Arafat not to       seven-year period that precedes                  Jerusalem and the status of the Temple
unilaterally declare Palestinian state-       Armageddon is about to begin. 2. The             Mount in particular.
hood. He promised that America would          Temple Mount will be placed under a
continue to aggressively pursue a solu-       sharing arrangement. 3. Israel’s Third           Temple Mount will be shared
tion to the remaining obstacles to peace.     Temple will be built there. 4. A great in-          The issue that caused the failure at
European leaders joined Clinton’s call for    ternational leader, the Antichrist, will         Camp David was the right of Jews to
allowing more time to achieve a peace         stand in the rebuilt temple claiming to be       have access to the Temple Mount. In
agreement. It was felt that unilateral ac-    God. 5. Great persecution will be                President Clinton’s bridging proposal, he
tion could only bring disaster.               launched against the settlers living in the      stated that Muslims would worship at the
   After meeting with the Palestinian         West Bank area.                                  Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the
Council, Arafat decided to postpone de-                                                        Rock, and that “Jews would be allowed to
claring Palestinian independence until        The final seven years                            pray on the Temple Mount.” This very
November 15, 2000, or possibly even as           The Bible prophesies a seven-year pe-         arrangement for the Temple Mount was
late as January 1, 2001.                      riod that begins with the confirmation of        prophesied in the Bible almost 2,000
   As the November 15th deadline ap-          a covenant and ends at the Battle of             years ago. In Revelation 11:1-2, the
proached with no significant progress         Armageddon. It appears almost certain            Apostle John stated, “And there was
having been realized, Arafat apparently       that we are on the brink of the beginning        given me a reed like unto a rod: and the
concluded that diplomacy would not de-        of this climatic seven-year period. How          angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure
liver the desired results. Consequently,      do we know this?                                 the temple of God, and the altar, and

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mideast chaos — what does it mean?

them that worship therein. But the court       ing proposal, which was reported in              Jesus foresaw that this situation would
which is without the temple leave out,         Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper on September      exist in the endtime and prophesied
and measure it not; for it is given unto       22, 2000. The article’s title read, “Israel   about it almost 2,000 years ago. In
the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they     Presses for UN Role on Temple Mount.”         Matthew 24:15-21, Jesus prophesied
tread under foot forty and two months.”        Israeli Prime Minister Barak was quoted       specifically about the West Bank: “When
Notice that Jews will control the temple,      as saying, “Israel now believes bringing      ye therefore shall see the abomination of
but the outer court of the temple will be      the Temple Mount under the aegis of the       desolation, spoken of by Daniel the
under Gentile control.                         international community could be the          prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso
   Two-thousand years ago, the Bible           best way to safeguard the rights and in-      readeth, let him understand:) Then let
prophesied that the Temple Mount               terests of both faiths, while retaining the   them which be in Judea flee into the
would be shared in the endtime. Four           status quo on the ground.”                    mountains (Judea is the West Bank
months ago, President Clinton suggested           Longtime followers of Israel were          where the settlers live): Let him which is
the exact same thing—the sharing of the        stunned! The UN has historically been         on the housetop not come down to take
Temple Mount!                                  pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli. Yet here    any thing out of his house: Neither let
                                               is Israel’s leader proposing to place the     him which is in the field return back to
Israel’s temple will be built                  heart and soul of the Jewish nation under     take his clothes. And woe unto them
   The Bible specifically prophesies that a    UN control! As unthinkable as this de-        that are with child, and to them that give
Jewish temple will stand on the Temple         velopment was, it certainly would set the     suck in those days! But pray ye that your
Mount in the near future (II                   table for the international leader of the     flight be not in the winter, neither on the
Thessalonians 2:3-4 and Revelation             world, the Antichrist, to stand on the        sabbath day: For then shall be great tribu-
11:1-2). If Jews obtain the right to pray      Temple Mount and assert his sovereignty       lation, such as was not since the
on the Temple Mount, it is obvious that        there, just as the prophecy indicates that    beginning of the world to this time, no,
they will want a house of prayer—a tem-        he will! It now appears quite likely that     nor ever shall be.”
ple.                                           this is the course that events will take.        This prophecy speaks of the event
   The Temple Institute in Jerusalem is                                                      called the Abomination of Desolation
far along in its plans to build the Third                                                    when the Antichrist will stand in the re-
Temple and resume the Old Testament
temple rituals.
                                                  “Israel Presses                            built Jewish temple claiming to be God.
                                                                                             Jesus warned those living in the West
   Gershon Salomon, head of the Temple
Mount Faithful, already has a 4,000-
                                                   for UN Role                               Bank to immediately flee for their lives
                                                                                             when this occurs. He said that then
pound solid marble cornerstone ready to
begin constructing Israel’s temple.
                                                    on Temple                                would be great tribulation such as had
                                                                                             never been experienced before. He told
   Two weeks after Camp David, the
Chief Rabbinate Council of Israel con-               Mount.”                                 us that this event called the
                                                                                             Abomination of Desolation would trig-
sidered passing a resolution to call for the                                                 ger the time known as the Great
construction of a synagogue on the                 —Ha’aretz newspaper                       Tribulation.
Temple Mount. This resolution has now               September 22, 2000
been consigned to a committee for study.                                                     So what is going to happen?
                                                                                                We know for certain that several spe-
Antichrist will assert authority               Great persecution against the                 cific things will take place in the Middle
over Temple Mount                              West Bank settlers                            East. The Temple Mount will be shared.
   II Thessalonians 2:3-4 says that a great       The second most vexing issue in the        Israel’s temple will be built there. Animal
international leader (the man of sin—          Middle East puzzle is what to do with the     sacrifices will be resumed. The
the Antichrist) will sit in the temple of      144 settlements that have been estab-         Antichrist will stand in the temple
God, claiming to be God. For years, it         lished in territory that Arafat is            claiming to be God. Great tribulation
has been difficult to understand how the       demanding be returned to Arab control.        will come against those living in the area
Antichrist could claim authority over          The population of these settlements is        of Judea (the West Bank). And in spite
the Temple Mount. Recent unforeseen            somewhere between 140,000 and                 of all these developments, the conflict in
developments in the peace process, how-        200,000 Israelis.                             the Middle East will continue to fester
ever, make this prophetic fulfillment             The settlers are the most hated of all     until it culminates in the invasion of
seem all too close.                            Israelis by the Palestinians. This is true    Israel by a UN “peacekeeping” force—
   As we have explained, the peace talks       because most of the settlers don’t believe    the Battle of Armageddon.
broke down because the two sides could         that any of the lands occupied in the            We know all of these things for certain
not agree on the status of the Temple          1967 War should be relinquished. Many         because they are specifically prophesied.
Mount. Barak was apparently willing to         of the settlers are determined to hold        What we don’t know is the exact path
share it, but Arafat demanded that it be       onto the land even if their government        that events will take in order to fulfill
totally under Palestinian sovereignty.         decides to redraw its borders in such a       these prophecies. For this, we will have
   In his desperation to reach some kind       way that some of the settlements are not      to wait and see. But it doesn’t appear that
of accommodation, Barak made a shock-          included in the boundaries of Israel.         we will have to wait long! ❏

 10   endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000                                        E-mail:, Website:
                     Radio Log                                                by John L. Bryant
                     Politics & Religion
                     with Irvin Baxter Jr.                                  1. Before Abraham was, ___ ___.(2 words)
      Red indicates new or change                   *Live Broadcast            A. I am B. You are C. They were
   AR      Ft. Smith          KFSA 950 AM                      3:00 pm*
                                                                            2. God told him to marry an unfaithful wife, named
   GA      Macon              WBML 900 AM                       6:00 pm        Gomer.
   IN      Indianapolis       WXLW 950 AM                       2:00 pm        A. Moses B. Joshua C. Hosea
           Ft. Wayne          WLYV 1450 AM                      3:00 pm     3. In Genesis 1:5, who called the light day?
           Richmond           WHON 930 AM                       3:00 pm        A. Adam B. Eve C. God
           South Bend         WHME 103.1 FM                    4:00 pm*     4. Who anointed David king over Israel?
   KS      Wichita            KSRX 1360 AM              4:00 & 10:30 pm        A. Nathan B. Samuel C. Adonijah
   LA      New Orleans        WLNO 1060 AM                     3:00 pm*     5. Christ is the ___ of the church.
   MD      Baltimore          WBMD 750 AM                      11:15 am
                                                                               A. Arm B. Head C. Eyes
           Denton             WKDI 840 AM                      11:00 am
   MA      Worcester          WCRN 830 AM                      4:00 pm*
                                                                            6. A ___ without blemish out of the flock, for a
   MI      Battle Creek       WOLY 1500 AM                     4:00 pm*        sacrifice,
           Detroit            WLQV 1500 AM                      6:00 pm        A. Ram B. Camel C. Horse
           Lansing            WLCM 1390 AM                     4:00 pm*     7. But ___ ye first the kingdom of God.
           Flint              WSNL 600 AM                      11:00 pm        A. Knock B. Find C. Seek
   MO      Poplar Bluff       KOKS 89.5 FM                      3:00pm*     8. ___ said, except a man be born again.
   NC      Durham             WFTK 1030 AM              10:30 & 4:15 pm        A. Jesus B. Nicodemus C. Peter
   NE      Omaha              KCRO 660 AM                      3:00 pm*     9. The woman who gleaned Boaz’ fields.
   OK      Muskogee           KMUS 1380 AM              4:00 & 10:30 pm
                                                                               A. Orpah B. Ruth C. Naomi
           Claremore          KMYZ 1570 AM              4:00 & 10:30 pm
           Tulsa              KTRT 1270 AM              4:00 & 10:30 pm
                                                                           10. Thy word is a ___ unto my feet.
   OR      Portland           KKSL 1290 AM                     1:00 pm*        A. Comfort B. Path C. Lamp
                              KPBC 1640 AM                     1:00 pm*    11. Thou art my beloved ___ in whom I am well pleased.
   TN      Memphis            KSUD 730 AM                        1:00pm        A. Bride B. Son C. Husband
   TX      Corpus Christi     KCTA 1030 AM                      4:00 pm    12. For ___ have sinned, and come short of the glory of
           Dallas             KVTT 91.7 FM                     3:00 pm*        God.
           Daingerfield       KEGG 91.9 FM                     11:00 am        A. All B. Few C. Some
   VA      Hampton Roads      WPMH 1010 AM                      3:30 pm    13. Which one of these women is connected with
   WA      Spokane            KTRW 970 AM                      1:00 pm*
                              KTRW 96.9 FM                     1:00 pm*
   WV      Point Pleasant     WBGS 1030 AM                      8:00 am
                                                                               A. Jezebel B. Bathsheba C. Delilah
   WI      Milwaukee          WEMP 1250 AM                      5:00 pm    14. Therefore the Lord shall give you a ___.
                                                                               A. Plan B. Sign C. Vision
                                  WHRI 6.040                    9:00 am    15. This king was eaten by worms for not giving God the
 Worldwide via Shortwave
                                  WHRA 17.650                   2:00 pm        glory.
   North America, South           WHRI 5.745                   4:00 pm*        A. Agrippa B. Herod C. Saul
 America, Europe, Russia,         WHRI 9.495                   4:00 pm*    16. My God shall supply all your ___ according to His
       Africa, Israel             WHRA 7.580                    8:00 pm        riches.
 Times shown are for U.S. Eastern WHRI 5.745                   11:00 pm
                                                                               A. Needs B. Wants C. Demands
                                  WHRI 7.315                   11:00 pm
  Pacific Rim Nations: China, KWHR 9.930                      0800 UTC
                                                                           17. Rugged in appearance and dress – a prototype of John
   Japan, India, New Zealand KWHR 17.780                      0200 UTC         the Baptist
                                                                               A. James B. Esau C. Elijah
          Internet                      24 hrs.   18. She, the worried housekeeper, was Lazarus’ sister
                                                                               A. Martha B. Mary C. Dorcas
                      Call 1-800-Endtime to find out how to get
                                                                           19. He made a brazen serpent and put it upon a pole.
                       Politics & Religion on the air in your city.
                                                                               A. Joshua B. Moses C. Caleb
                                                                           20. Which one is not a fruit of the Spirit?
                                                                               A. Hope B. Love C. Faith           Answers on page 31

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                     Mideast Peace
                     Comes Unraveled
                     by Irvin Baxter Jr.

                                                                                                                                                AP WideWorld Photos/Eyal Warshavsky
                    hen Yasser Arafat left
                    the Camp David
                    Summit in July, he ap-
                    parently realized he
                    had pushed Israeli
Prime Minister Ehud Barak as far as
Israeli public opinion would allow him to
go. Yet it was still not far enough for
Arafat. Only violence could soften the
Israeli stance, making additional gains
   Barak had come out of Camp David
looking like the conciliating peace-
maker, and Arafat was seen as rigid and
uncompromising.        Somehow,        the
Palestinians had to recapture the sympa-     Israeli security men guard opposition leader Ariel Sharon, center, as he leaves the Temple Mount
                                             compound in east Jerusalem's Old City, Thursday, September 28. Clashes erupted moments
thy of the World Community.
                                             after Sharon's visited the area. This is when Palestinians began stoning Jewish worshippers at
   Arafat knew what would work. It had
                                             the Western Wall Plaza, just below the Temple Mount.
worked every time. Find a plausible
premise to launch violent protests
against the Israeli occupier and oppres-     proposal that the UN be given sover-             is no prohibition against such visits in
sor. However, the outbreak of violence       eignty over the Temple Mount. The                the Oslo Agreement or in any other
had to appear to have been provoked.         leader of the opposition Likud Party in          agreement; and Jews regularly visit the
   Soon the perfect excuse presented it-     Israel, Ariel Sharon, couldn’t stand aside       Temple Mount. Sharon had visited there
self.                                        any longer. He decided he would person-          several times before. Sharon’s visit was
                                             ally visit the Temple Mount to assert            merely a pretext for the Palestinians to
Sharon’s visit to the Temple                 Israeli sovereignty over the nation’s most       launch the violence that had already
Mount                                        revered site. Arafat knew that his mo-           been decided upon by Arafat.
  Barak had shocked the nation of Israel     ment had come!                                      So why the condemnation of the
with the extent of the compromises he           It should be understood that Ariel            Sharon visit by the United Nations?
had offered to make at Camp David, es-       Sharon had every right in the world to           Why the vilification in the world press?
pecially concerning Jerusalem. The straw     visit the Temple Mount. The Temple               Simply this…Sharon had taken a stand
that broke the camel’s back was Barak’s      Mount is under Israeli sovereignty; there        on the issue on which the entire Middle

 12   endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000                                         E-mail:, Website:
East dispute turns—Israeli sovereignty        found in II Chronicles 6:6. God stated         of God Himself.
over the Temple Mount.                        there, “But I have chosen Jerusalem, that         Ezekiel 38:16-18 describes the World
                                              my name might be there; and have cho-          Community’s intervention—“And thou
Then came the violence                        sen David to be over my people Israel.”        shalt come up against my people of Israel,
   The day after Sharon’s visit violence         The Middle East conflict is more than       as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in
erupted throughout the nation of Israel.      an age-old dispute between ancient             the latter days… And it shall come to
This level of conflict had not been seen      cousins. It is more than a struggle for        pass at the same time when Gog shall
in Israel since the lethal suicide bomb-      control of a very strategic part of the        come against the land of Israel, saith the
ings of February and March of 1996.           world. This conflict is a spiritual battle!    Lord GOD, that my fury shall come up in
   Early on, the world’s sensibilities were   It has now boiled down to whether the          my face.”
assaulted by pictures of a 12 year-old        will of man or the will of God will pre-          The prophet Zechariah also prophe-
Palestinian boy dying in his father’s arms    vail.                                          sied specifically about the Battle of
after being shot by Israeli soldiers. Then       Believe it or not, two solutions have       Armageddon—“For I will gather all na-
the confrontations took on a pattern.         been proposed for the Temple Mount—            tions against Jerusalem to battle…Then
Young Palestinian boys would bait the         declaring God sovereign over the               shall the LORD go forth, and fight
Israeli forces by hurling stones at them.     Temple Mount or making the United              against those nations, as when he fought
The Israelis would then retaliate by firing   Nations sovereign there. What a choice!        in the day of battle” (Zechariah 14: 2-3).
rubber bullets. The adult Palestinian
men would be in hiding with guns.                                                            Armageddon will go nuclear
When the Israelis revealed their posi-             “The Middle                                  It has been an open secret for many
tions, the Palestinians would try to pick                                                    years now that Israel possesses nuclear
them off.                                         East conflict is                           weapons. Jane’s Intelligence Report
   When the number of Palestinian chil-                                                      states that Israel has at least 200 nuclear
dren that were being killed continued to          more than an                               sites throughout the area of Judea. The
rise, someone finally questioned what                                                        only question is: Will she ever have to
these 12 and 13 year-olds were doing in          age-old dispute                             use them?
the line of fire. It became apparent that                                                       The answer to that question was an-
the adult men were using them as decoys          between ancient                             swered conclusively by Zechariah almost
to draw out the Israelis. Furthermore, the                                                   2,600 years ago! “And this shall be the
death of mere children provided power-         cousins. It is more                           plague wherewith the LORD will smite
ful propaganda against Israel.                                                               all the people that have fought against
   Interviewed by journalists after these      than a struggle for                           Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume
tragedies, some of the parents of these                                                      away while they stand upon their feet,
young victims referred to their children        control of a very                            and their eyes shall consume away in
as shaheeds (martyrs), whose lives were                                                      their holes, and their tongue shall con-
given willingly and proudly to the               strategic part of                           sume away in their mouth” (Zechariah
Palestinian cause in fighting the hated                                                      14:12).
Zionist enemy.                                   the world. This                                This passage is an absolutely incredible
   In an unbelievably shocking scene,                                                        prophecy written by a man at a time
one mother boasted that she bore her son
precisely for this purpose, and the father
                                                   conflict is a                             when nuclear weapons and their effects
                                                                                             were yet unheard-of. Yet he described the
proudly claimed credit for providing the
training. The parents will also receive a
                                                spiritual battle!”                           effects of nuclear radiation so accurately
                                                                                             that there can be no doubt that nuclear
sizeable financial “reward” from the                                                         weapons will be unleashed against the
Palestinian Authority.                           It appears that the world is leaning        enemies of Jerusalem during the Battle of
   As this issue of Endtime goes to press,    strongly toward putting the United             Armageddon!
214 have been killed over the last six        Nations in charge of the site where God           It is no wonder the prophet Jeremiah
weeks, mostly Palestinians. The UN has        chose to place His name. Ultimately, this      said they shall say—“Peace, peace, when
passed a resolution condemning Israel’s       humanistic plan will not work. Demands         there is no peace.” Over the next few
use of “excessive force” in putting down      will eventually be made of Israel that she     years, world leaders will continue to pur-
the Palestinian riots. Palestinians are       cannot possibly submit to. She will refuse     sue a peace agreement between Israel
lobbying for Israel’s leaders to be placed    to comply to the resolutions of the UN,        and her Arab neighbors, but their efforts
on trial as war criminals.                    precipitating an invasion by the World         will not succeed. Events will continue to
                                              Community. Thus the Battle of                  plunge the world alternatively between
Why provoke Armageddon over                   Armageddon will begin.                         hope and despair. Yet it is crystal clear
36 acres?                                        This final effort by world government       that our world is ultimately destined for
  Why does world peace boil down to           to assert its authority over Jerusalem, the    the cataclysmic climax of Armageddon.
sovereignty over the thirty-six acres of      place where God chose to place His                Only the Prince of Peace will ever
the Temple Mount? The explanation is          name, will bring about the intervention        bring peace to the Middle East! ❏

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                       Mary’s View
                       From Within

                                                                                                                                                  Endtime Archive
An Eyewitness Report from inside
Mikhail Gorbachev’s State of the World

                  y name, for the purposes
                  of this article, is Mary. I
                  am an official of a non-
                  organization – an NGO.
We are approved by, and work in associ-
ation with, the United Nations. Our
NGO is made up of volunteers dedicated
to providing humanitarian relief to a
poverty-stricken world. We do good
   Over the last few years I have attended      I took this photo of Mikhail Gorbachev at the Rio+5 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1997. His
high level meetings at conferences across       translator is to his left.
the world. I was at Habitat II in Istanbul
in 1996, Rio+5 in Brazil in 1997 and
many others. Over the course of time,           mankind. O Lord, why me? I can’t ignore          whom I consider friends. They are my
however, I slowly began to see a different      this. The pieces have come together, and         friends, yes, but they meet with each
side of this movement of which I was            it is now time I must share.                     other behind closed doors. And they are
now a part. It was a dark side.                                                                  all involved.
   I bit my tongue and persevered. It was       A firsthand report                                  I recorded over 20 hours on audio of
also then when I began listening to a             I have seen Mikhail Gorbachev speak            the sessions I attended in New York.
radio program that had just begun airing        many times. He is an incredible orator. I        Much of it is quite disturbing. And I
on a Christian station in my area called        attended his State of the World Forum in         brought home reams of the documents
“Politics & Religion.”                          New York in September. I am personally           they were distributing. That on which I
   Everything I had been suspecting was         acquainted with Maurice Strong and his           report to you is true. What they are plan-
true! I was right smack in the middle of        lovely wife, Hanne. People whose names           ning, and what they have virtually
Satan’s most sinister plan ever for             are household in global circles are people       accomplished, is what we read in the

 14   endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000                                            E-mail:, Website:
prophecies of the Bible. Who is like unto

                                                                                                                                                       Endtime Archive
the beast? Who is able to make war with
   It is all based on spirituality. It is all
based on lust for power, greed and decep-
tion. Globalism is earth worship.
Globalism has become a religion unto it-

Earth Charter becomes
Millennium Declaration
   When I first started attending UN
conferences, I understood that the UN
was the umbrella under which the inde-
pendent nations and others could come
together to dialogue, discuss and solve
problems. This was a place where I per-
ceived I could make a difference—that
there was a real possibility our efforts
would help the peoples of the world.
What I found, however, was a preset
agenda. We were there to be educated, or
rather, indoctrinated. They were not
seeking my input.
   The expectation at the State of the
World Forum was that there would be a           Many spiritual ceremonies take place at UN conferences. This one is a Peace Prayer from Habitat
focus on the Earth Charter. It would be         II in Istanbul. The Whirling Dervishes are dancers in a spiritual trance. Their right palm faces up-
discussed, rehashed and then presented          ward, supposedly to receive power from God. The left palm faces downward to supposedly
to the UN Millennium Summit across              channel this power to the earth.
town. The voice of the people – civil so-
ciety, would be heard through our               support. From the inside I see this as the         for world peace, unity and brotherly love.
vehicle, the Earth Charter. But that’s not      “Trojan Horse” that will bring the one-            And to accomplish this, they taught,
what happened. The principles of our            world government to power, because en-             there must be a universal compromise on
Earth Charter had been skillfully incor-        vironmental concerns affect the entire             matters of spirituality. No one group can
porated into another document called            globe. Environmentalism tramples down              be selfish and exclusive, but must reach
the Millennium Declaration. It was the          national borders.                                  out in tolerance and love.
Millennium Declaration that was pre-              I am not against environmentalism,                  I had misgivings, and that’s when I
sented to the UN Summit and rubber              but rather, against how they are using the         stumbled onto Endtime’s radio broadcast,
stamped by the heads-of-state. It all           cause to further their very different              “Politics & Religion.” What was being
seemed somewhat strange.                        agenda.                                            discussed that day rang true in my spirit.
   And yet not. The underlying agenda, I                                                           I had just experienced firsthand every-
have come to discover, is spiritual. The        That which is rotten in Denmark                    thing that was being discussed on the
globalists are far advanced in the process        It was actually at the very first UN             program. I ordered and studied the mate-
of establishing an international belief         conference I attended that I began to sus-         rials. The prophecies hit me like a ton of
system to supplement their global politi-       pect something was wrong with the                  bricks. It all came together! New World
cal system and economic system. Once            entire picture. I felt uncomfortable in            Order is world government, and I was a
people believe the right things, all of         many of the sessions, especially those in-         part of it. Wham!
their actions will line up behind those         volving the religious and spiritual                   And the rate at which it is happening
principles. That’s the reason the Earth         leaders. They were more like ceremonies,           is accelerating. The pieces have almost
Charter is so important. It sets forth          and the Christ within me crawled. But              come together.
those principles. And now, in some mea-         who could disagree with the purposes of               I continued to attend the UN meet-
sure, presidents and prime ministers            the meetings? World peace!                         ings. My perspective, however, had
world over have signed off on it.                 I was a novice, too close and wanting            changed.
                                                to be tolerant. The Buddhists and
What have we done?                              Hindus have been such powerful forces              Under our noses
  The emphasis is clearly on worship-           on earth and within the UN itself.                   In Gorbachev’s opening keynote
ping creation rather than the Creator.          Maybe it was just that it was my first ex-         speech at the State of the World Forum
Creation worship is being used as an ap-        posure to it. But as I kept going to these         he said, “We must establish how we are
peal to the environmentalists to garner         conferences, I saw the thread. They cried          going to govern this new globalization.”

E-mail:, Website:                                      NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000endtime                 15
a view from within — mary

Globalization, although they won’t say it,   ution—United States wealth, that is.            Adoption of the Earth Charter is their
means world government. And the term,        The root of everything addressed at the      capstone. It’s the last piece of the puzzle.
Global Governance? The same. The             State of the World Forum was socialism.      Yes, there are a few other loose ends to
theme of most every Forum session was        What struck me was that these same peo-      tie up—global tax, ICC ratification, and
Global Governance. What is the differ-       ple advocating this global socialism were    elimination or circumvention of U.S.
ence between Global Governance and           the same people who failed with social-      veto power—to name a few. These were
world government? Nobody ever tried to       ism on a national scale. Now they want       all discussed in earnest. And it’s all being
explain.                                     to take their failure to an international    done in the name of democracy.
   Mikhail Gorbachev is forceful, enthu-     level and have the U.S. pay for it. Only        The infrastructure is in place. We
siastic, charismatic and dynamic. He’s a     now, when it doesn’t work, there won’t       should make no mistake about this. It’s
good salesman, and he knows where he’s       be any rich nations left on earth to play    time to sit back and wait for one big in-
going. The package is very pretty. He said   piggy bank. But by then they plan for the    ternational incident. China? Middle
that we must remove national borders         world’s weapons to be under their con-       East? Maybe some other hot spot will
and national sovereignty. Everyone           trol, so it might not matter.                flare up. They will rally around the man
seemed to agree. The prophecies also            Gorbachev has been the chief voice        with the answers; the man who says he
agree, but don’t speak for a pretty out-     and advocate of worldwide nuclear disar-     told us so; the man with the plan. Don’t
come. The whole world will wonder after      mament. If nuclear disaster were to occur    be surprised at anything. And it might
the one-world government beast.              in the world, whether it be from China       not be more than a few months off. I
   I am concerned about the lack of gen-     or even in the Middle East, the biggest I-   wouldn’t be surprised if it were tomorrow.
eral awareness, especially on the part of    Told-You-So would come from his camp.           Something will happen to put the
Christians. But the information is not       In fact, people would expect it. Some        global agenda into motion, and when it
readily available in the media.              even want it to happen.                              does it will come fast. This is no
Had I not been there and seen it                                                                  time for complacency.
for myself, I probably wouldn’t                                                                      The fall of the Berlin Wall is
be aware of it either. But I did
see it. Had I not smelled a spiri-
                                       “The fall of the Berlin                                    their rallying point. They perceive
                                                                                                  it to have been the birth of their
tual rat I might have even
accepted it!
                                       Wall is their rallying                                     New World Order. Vladimir Putin
                                                                                                  was Gorbachev’s KGB head in
   The package is so beautiful,      point. They perceive it to                                   Berlin when The Wall came
but the Lord told us not to be                                                                    down. Gorbachev is now the great
deceived.                              have been the birth of                                     world statesman and Putin runs
                                                                                                  his country. It has come full circle.
So much power, so few                     their New World                                         I’ve shaken his hand.
   A question was asked in one
                                    Order...Gorbachev is now                                          Step deep inside my global
                                                                                                  arena and you will see prophecy
particular session that I attended
on the International Criminal
                                    the great world statesman                                     come alive. It’s time to take the
                                                                                                  message out to the world. We must
Court: “Would the Secretary-
General be the final authority to
                                     and Putin runs his coun-                                     teach all nations. Time is short. I
                                                                                                  know. I have the t-shirt.
determine what constituted a        try. It has come full circle.                                 As for my real name…I am wait-
crime against humanity?” The                                                                      ing for God to give direction.
answer came after a pause.            I’ve shaken his hand.”                                      Right now I feel I can be more
“Yes…but of course he has an                                                                      valuable to His people on the in-
advisory council.” Another                                                                        side. God will give me the signal.
commented: “That’s a lot of power for        Just one crisis away                         Satan is soon to come down to earth
one man to have, don’t you think?”             Spirituality permeated every aspect of     having great wrath.
There was no response.                       the State of the World Forum, and it all
   There are no checks and balances.         centered on the Earth Charter. Prayers          When “Mary” appeared as a guest on
And the United States has no veto            went up to various gods and goddesses.       Politics & Religion, a special offer was made
power over the actions of the ICC. It’s      What once struck me as a positive I was      to the radio listeners to obtain copies of some
downright frightening.                       now seeing in a radically different light,   of the documents that were passed out to
   There was an overall anti-U.S. atti-      or rather, in a radically different dark-    participants at the State of the World Forum.
tude at this meeting, as well as at the      ness. Initially, I thought they were         We extracted 64 prime pages from the literal
others I have attended. It has always dis-   bringing God into this! Great idea! It       suitcasefull she provided. These pages are in
turbed me.                                   won’t work without Him—without Jesus         Endtime’s research files. You may want to
   Global taxes were mentioned, the          Christ. But I was naïve. Their concept       have them in yours. We will include them,
Tobin Tax in particular. Also discussed      does not include God. It is evil from the    upon request, with any product order from
was the elimination of Third World debt.     core, and it can be seen—but only from       the Understanding the Endtime series,
In other words, massive wealth redistrib-    discerning eyes wide open.                   Levels 1, 2 or 3. ❏

 16   endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000                                      E-mail:, Website:

                      Temple – How
                      Exclusive Interview with Gershon Salomon
                      Temple Mount Faithful Movement Director

                                                                                                                                                    AP Wide World Photos/Jacqueline Larma
         or 33 years, Gershon Salomon
         has been in the forefront of the
         battle to build Israel’s Third
         Temple on the Temple Mount.
         His mission, which began just
following the Six-Day War, has now be-
come the focus of international
attention. Endtime interviewed Mr.
Salomon on October 5, just a few days
after Ariel Sharon paid his fateful visit to
the Temple.

   Salomon: Shalom to everyone from
Jerusalem. It is wonderful to live in this
city. Don’t worry, God is in control.
Jerusalem will be forever the City of God
and the capital of Israel. Come here and
                                               A supporter of the Temple Mount Faithful, a group that advocates razing the Al Aqsa and Dome
feel the spirit of God dwelling all over       of the Rock mosques and rebuilding the biblical temple on its original site, blows a ram's horn as
this wonderful city.                           others gather around a 4.5 ton marble "cornerstone" for a new Temple. Gershon Salomon is
                                               seated above and to the right of the man with the horn.
  Baxter: What is going on there right
                                               still on the Temple Mount after a long            Mount to make a riot all over the land.
  Salomon: Jerusalem is under an attack        occupation of the hill of God of Israel, try      They are those who attacked the Israelis
by the enemies of God and Israel—the           to deny that the Temple has ever been             and the Israeli police; they are those who
so-called Palestinians and Yasser Arafat.      there. They destroy all the remains from          threw stones down on the prayers near
All of the riots that happened started on      the first and second Temples. And they            the Western Wall, and are in the middle
the Temple Mount. The real story is that       used the visit of Arik Sharon, the leader         of attack against the existence of Israel as
the Arabs, who are today unfortunately         of the opposition in Israel, to the Temple        a state in the Holy Land. I say more than

 18   endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000                                           E-mail:, Website:
Recommended videos & books


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 You can now enjoy this          Seven exciting lessons (see     The Sequence of Endtime         ference-setting video by global religion expert, Gary Kah. His
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 Nine infallible proofs from     how Saddam’s name is            Lesson 14: Will The UN          A careful look at our world’s    Revelation’s dreaded 6th
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E-mail:, Website:                                              NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000endtime                     19
TEmple — how close?

this, maybe the endtime war described in

                                                                                                                                                  Endtime Photo
Ezekiel 38-39 has started already.

 Baxter: You are speaking of the Gog-
Magog war?

   Salomon: Yes. And the battle of
Jerusalem as described by the prophet
Zechariah in chapters 12-14. We see how
all the nations—most of them, and I’m
afraid even your president, support
Arafat, who is dedicated to destroying
the God and people of Israel.

  Baxter: The war, which you are speak-
ing of, we also call Armageddon.

  Salomon: Yes.

   Baxter: We have been discussing how
present events are a prelude to this war.
We don’t think it is quite time yet for the
full-out battle of Armageddon, but we
think as you do that this could be the be-
ginning. You are the head of the Temple
Mount Faithful, and you were involved          This is the site where Palestinian rioters hurled stones at Jewish worshippers praying at the
in a riot yourself back in 1990.               Western Wall. The Dome of the Rock is located slightly to the left of center. The Al Aqsa Mosque
                                               is to the right (not shown in photo).
   Salomon: That was when we decided
to lay the cornerstone for the Third           Western Wall, and it was only a miracle          me to go up there. I told them that I am
Temple. We heard the voice of God              from God that the prayers weren’t                not afraid. God is my protector. He will
telling us, “Go lay the cornerstone for my     wounded from the thousands of stones.            be with me. Since then the Arabs have
house. This is the time.” We brought the       And then they attacked the police sta-           put me on the top of the hated list. They
4 1/2-ton marble stone to the Temple           tion. They burned it and stated, “We             have called on everyone to kill me. They
Mount, but unfortunately the weakness          occupy the Temple Mount.” The Israeli            stated I am the enemy of Islam. Pay at-
of the Israeli government did not allow        army and police had to enter the Temple          tention to this. Since they put me on this
us to bring it inside. They had the police     Mount and not leave it in the hands of           list, never before have I felt so safe.
block us because of fear. What will be the     the enemies. The Arabs were armed with
reaction of the Arabs?—The billion             guns. In the battle seventeen Arabs were          Caller: What compromise can be
Muslims?—The United Nations organi-            killed. I have no doubt that God pun-            made in your mind that will bring the
zation. We say we don’t fear anyone. We        ished them. And God will continue to             Arab world and Jewish world together to
trust in God. We fear God. And we shall        punish them because they are doing               make a peace deal work?
fulfill God’s will in us. So that’s what we    everything to destroy Israel. I want to tell
did. Together with God we are the ma-          everyone, this is not a peace negotiation.         Salomon: I want to say to you, my dear
jority and all the rest are the minority.      They don’t mean peace. Their one goal            brother, they will never accept an Israeli
                                               was, and still remains, to push Israel into      compromise. Even when Yasser Arafat is
  Baxter: When that riot broke out 17          the sea, and to stop the great event             speaking about a compromise, he means
died at that time.                             which Israel is doing in this land.              just to make another step to found a
                                                                                                Palestinian state in the middle of Israel—
   Salomon: Yes, very similar to the riot         Baxter: Do I understand correctly that        to get more power to destroy Israel from
last week. Thousands of Arabs came to          as a result of the 1990 riots you were for-      inside and outside with the Arab nations.
the Temple Mount the day before. They          bidden any access to the Temple Mount?           The Israeli nation came back to this land
prepared a lot of heavy stones to attack       Can you go there right now?                      in a godly event 52 years ago, not just to
the Temple Mount Faithful Movement                                                              be another nation in the world. This is
for when we shall come. In spite of the           Salomon: No. Since these riots the            an endtime event! Please read the
fact that the authorities didn’t allow us to   Mufti stated that, if I go to the Temple         prophecies. He gave us this land in a
enter and bring the cornerstone inside,        Mount, a river of Jewish blood will flow         covenant.
they still made the riot. They threw the       and cover all the city. The Israeli author-
stones on 15,000 Jewish prayers at the         ities decided for my security not to allow          Baxter: How can we have peace? If

 20   endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000                                          E-mail:, Website:
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Mid east chaos-what does it mean - nov-dec 2000

  • 1. $3.00 St Ey of at ew th e itn e W Volume 10/Number 6 November/December 2000 es o s rld Re F po or rt: um WORLD EVENTS FROM A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE Mideast Peace Comes Unraveled
  • 2. PROOF THIS IS THE ENDTIME THIS ARTICLE IS REPEATED IN EACH ISSUE OF ENDTIME FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR NEW READERS. Many have stated that it is impossible to know whether or 3. WORLDWIDE NUMBERING SYSTEM PRE- not we are living in the last days before the second coming DICTED: In Revelation chapter 13, the Bible prophesies of Jesus Christ. However, below you will find dramatic that a world dictator will soon rule over a world govern- proof that this is the last times. All of the proofs below ment. He will cause all people on the earth to receive a taken together defy coincidence. number without which they will be unable to buy or sell. We are seeing this prophecy fulfilled before our eyes in a most astonishing way. Nearly every human being in the 1. EUPHRATES RIVER TO BE DRIED UP: In world now has been assigned a number. In America it is our Revelation 16:12, social security number. In the last few years we have seen the Bible predicts this number extended to small children. A child without a that the Euphrates social security number cannot be declared as a dependent on River will be dried an income tax return. We have seen the emergence of elec- up to prepare the tronic money, shopping with credit cards, and many people way for the kings are urging the abolishment of cash. All of these things could of the east to in- not possibly have been fulfilled until this present time. Only vade Israel. This after the invention of the computer could such a worldwide will happen at the numbering system be administered. time of the battle of Armageddon 4. THE EMERGENCE OF A NEW WORLD according to verse ORDER: Revelation 13:7 and Daniel 7:23 prophesy the 16 of the same establishment of a chapter. The battle of Armageddon will be the final battle at world government. which time Jesus Christ will return and fight on the side of We recently have the nation of Israel. Immediately thereafter He will estab- seen the term “new lish His kingdom and usher in His 1000-year reign of world order” being peace. used by the leading On January 13th, 1990, the Indianapolis Star carried the political people of our headline “Turkey will cut off flow of Euphrates for 1 world. Mikhail month.” The article stated that a huge reservoir had been Gorbachev has made built by Turkey. While filling up the reservoir, the flow of the term famous, and the Euphrates would be stopped for one month and a con- Pope John Paul II has crete plug for a diversion channel built. These things have referred to it repeat- now been done. With this newly built dam, Turkey has the edly. Finally our ability to stop the Euphrates River at will. The conditions former President, for fulfilling this 1900 year old prophecy are now in place! George Bush, in the Chicago Tribune, September 12, 1990, said “Iraq is the 2. CHINA GOES TO WAR: In Revelation 9:15- first test for the new world order.” He stated emphatically 16, the Bible prophesies that an army of 200 million that the Iraq War is Saddam Hussein against the world. The soldiers will launch a United Nations troops are continually referred to as the war which will kill multi-national forces. The decision has been made to estab- “the third part of lish an interdependent community of nations that will rule men”. Never in the the world under United Nations authority. The Bible says history of the world, that this will lead us into a great world government. We can until our present gen- see this happening right before our eyes. eration, has there been a power on COINCIDENCE OR DIVINE PROVIDENCE? The earth that could field Euphrates River can be dried up, the necessary 200 million 200 million soldiers. man army is available, a worldwide numbering system is However, the late possible because of the computer, and now the new world ruler of China, Mao order is appearing. Tsetung boasted in his diary that he Is it coincidental that all of these major prophecies pertain- could field an army of 200 million. We see that this ing to the last times are being fulfilled simultaneously? prophecy pertaining to the very last times could not ever have been fulfilled until now. Hardly! Source: Endtime Magazine, P.O. Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375, 1-800-Endtime This page may be copied and distributed freely.
  • 3. contents presenting world events from a biblical perspective COVER STORY 8 Mideast Chaos — What Does It Mean? When the violence first erupted, the phones at Endtime began to ring. “What’s going on? What will happen? Could this be the beginning of Armageddon? How close are we? Is this The Big One?” Irvin Baxter Jr. puts the chaos into perspective. F E AT U R E A R T I C L E S AP WideWorld Photos 12 Mideast Peace Comes Unraveled Page 8 President Clinton was recently overhead to say, “This Middle East problem is absolutely maddening.” Why is peace in the Middle East so elusive and seemingly impossible? 14 Mary’s View From Within “Mary” joined a UN-sanctioned organization to help bring humanitar- ian relief to a poverty-stricken world. On the inside, however, what she found was not so idealistic. An agenda was well underway for the establishment of an unchecked totalitarian world government. This is Mary’s story. 18 Temple — How Close? For 33 years, Gershon Salomon has been in the forefront of the battle Page 12 AP WideWorld Photos to build Israel’s Third Temple on the Temple Mount. His mission, which began just following the Six-Day War, has now become the focus of international attention. Endtime interviewed Mr. Salomon on October 5, just a few days after Ariel Sharon paid his fateful visit to the Temple Mount. 24 World Review D E PA RT M E N T S 4 Editorial 6 Letters 11 Whetstone 29 Crossword Endtime Archive Page 14 31 Seek & Find and Answers Endtime’s World Wide Web Address: E-mail: Endtime, Inc. is published bi-monthly by Endtime, Inc., 1214 South 8th Street, Richmond, IN 47374. Subscription price is $24.97 for 12 issues. Periodical postage paid #009267, ISSN# 1066-6885, Richmond, IN, and additional mailing offices. © 2000 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written per- mission is prohibited. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Endtime, PO Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375-2066. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week 1-800-ENDTIME. Other inquiries call 1-765-962-6344 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (EST) Cover: AP WideWorld Photos/Elizabeth Dalziel
  • 4. EDITORIAL Editorial Endtime photo A s we go to press, it is being a mere visit to the Temple Mount by reported that Yasser Ariel Sharon ignited the violence of the Arafat plans to declare a last six weeks, what would happen if Palestinian state on Israel claimed permanent sovereignty November 15th. Arafat over the Temple Mount? and Barak are scheduled to meet Arafat would much rather see interna- President Clinton at the White House tional intervention than unilateral on November 9th and 12th respectively. action by Israel. He has used the violence This is Clinton’s last-ditch effort to head in Israel as a pretext to request that UN off the absolute chaos that could be troops be placed on the ground to protect unleashed by Arafat’s unilateral declara- Palestinians from the superior force of tion. Israel. Israel has resisted bringing UN If a Palestinian declaration of indepen- troops in, which would effectively sur- dence is made, it would force Israel to render the future of Israel to the draw the borders between the nation of decisions of the World Community. The Irvin Baxter Jr., Endtime Editor Israel and the new nation of Palestine. If United Nations has consistently sided with the Palestinians while condemning Other world leaders don’t agree, how- M A G A Z I N E S TA F F Israel. The UN contends that Israel must ever. Dr. Nasser Al-Kidwa, the EDITOR withdraw to pre-1967 boundaries. The Palestinians’ permanent observer at the IRVIN BAXTER JR. United Nations also denies Israel’s right United Nations, argued that this action EDITOR’S ASSISTANT to have Jerusalem for its capital. The UN would not be a violation of sovereignty MARY BETH STIGLEMAN declared Jerusalem an international city since the areas under discussion are “oc- OFFICE MANAGER in 1947, and has never rescinded that cupied territories.” JANA ROBBINS ruling. It is because of UN pressure that Ladies and Gentlemen: This is not a CIRCULATION all of the nations on earth, except two, time to be asleep spiritually—not when JUDY BAXTER locate their embassies to Israel in Tel world leaders are wrestling with the very CHRISTI BENJAMIN PAULA GULLEY Aviv, not in Jerusalem. issues that ultimately will lead to the MICHELE JACK Israel has served notice that she will “confirmation of the covenant” spoken LORA KENDALL TRACEY KIDWELL not welcome UN forces on Israeli soil. about in Daniel 9:27. When the SAMANTHA LEGG UN Secretary General Kofi Annan does- covenant is confirmed, the final seven- KARA MCPEAK n’t think deploying troops on Israeli soil year countdown to Armageddon and the JEFF RICHEY JESSICA TURNER is possible without Israeli permission. Second Coming begins! ❏ SHERI WOODRING NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR What is Endtime Magazine? DAVE NORTHROP In 1968, Irvin Baxter Jr. discovered the United States and other modern nations in the Bible. He also found the Berlin Wall in the Bible and that one day it was to be torn down, reuniting Germany, and that event WEBMASTER would be the catalyst to spark an international movement called the "New World Order." These things have DAN BARKLEY now come to pass. Irvin Baxter Jr., a Pentecostal minister, began Endtime Ministries in 1986 when he wrote A Message For STAFF WRITERS JOHN L. BRYANT The President, a book explaining the major prophecies of the Bible which he had been teaching since 1968. N. TERI GROTTKE After the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic fulfillment accelerated rapidly. The decision was made to EDDIE SAX launch Endtime. The purpose of the magazine is to explain the prophecies of the Bible and to show that they are now being fulfilled in intricate detail. RADIO OPERATIONS Articles focus on the soon return of Jesus Christ, the truth of the Bible, and the need for salvation. JIM STIGLEMAN Endtime does not deal with doctrinal controversies, as valid as they may be. This will be left to other pub- RESEARCH lications. HAROLD HENWOOD STATEMENT OF FAITH: We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the KATHY MCKINNEY Savior of the world, and that He will come again to establish a kingdom that shall never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44). Those who are born again (John 3:3-5) will have eternal life and rule as kings and priests with Christ ACCOUNTING forever. DEBBIE BARKLEY 4 endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000 E-mail:, Website:
  • 5. Prophecy Tour 2001 United Nations-Egypt-Israel March 27-April 7 (12 days) Moses grimaced when he saw the whip of the Egyptian taskmaster snake across the back of the Israeli slave. Anger welled up in him when he saw the angry stripe that was left across the Jewish back. At that moment, he made up in his mind that he and his people were leaving that place! It took forty years, but leave they did. The excitement was high as they headed north toward the long-dreamed-of “Promised Land.” Little did Moses know that it would be forty years before he would stand on Mount Nebo, gazing longingly into the land of Israel. That was as close as he would ever get. In Egypt: The overseas portion of Prophecy Tour 2001 will begin by walking in the footsteps of Moses and the children of Israel in the land of Egypt. We will visit Goshen where they lived while in Egypt and see the brickyards where they toiled. Believe it or not, bricks are still being made there till this day! While in Egypt, we will also see the Great Pyramid, the Great Sphinx, the Cairo Museum and visit Old Cairo. We will then travel north through the Sinai desert, across the Suez Canal, finally arriving in the land of Israel. In Israel: Stand on the Mount of Olives where Jesus will stand when He returns—Visit the Temple Mount itself where the Third Temple will soon be built—See the cornerstone intended for the rebuilding of the Third Temple—At the Temple Institute we will see the vessels and the garments already pre- pared for resumption of temple worship—Visit the Garden Tomb and the Garden of Gethsemane—See the site of the coming Battle of Armageddon—We will visit Judean settlements where Jesus prophesied great tribulation will come in the near future (Matthew 24:15-16)—Boat across the Sea of Galilee where Jesus walked on the water. And much, much more! At the United Nations: Prophecy Tour 2001 will begin in New York City at the United Nations—the seat of world gov- ernment. A guided tour will take us through the chambers of the UN where decisions are made that change the course of the world. A one-hour briefing by a UN official has been arranged especially for the members of our Endtime Prophecy Tour. We have just scratched the surface concerning the things you will experience in the land of the Bible. There is no doubt that Prophecy Tour 2001 will be the trip of a lifetime! I hope that you can join my wife, Judy, and me as we experience the UN, Egypt, and the Holy Land together. Eddie Sax, co-host for “Politics & Religion,” and his wife Charlotte will be with us on the tour. It will be a great time. Don’t miss it! The cost for the entire 12-day United Nations, Egypt, and Israel tour will be $2195 plus tips and taxes. You can insure your place on the tour by sending your deposit of $250 to Endtime, PO Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375. Total payment will need to be made 45 days before departure. If you have further questions, you may call us here at 1-800-endtime. Irvin Baxter Jr. — Tour Host Call 1-800-ENDTIME for more information. (Ask for Christi at extension 226 or Debbie.)
  • 6. Letters to Endtime Wars involving Israel conclusive proof of the Bible. It seems that there will be several wars during the endtime Revelation 11:10 calls the two witnesses, two prophets. It cer- period which involve Israel. The Battle of Armageddon is the tainly sounds like two individuals to me. obvious one, but what about the red horse and the prophecies that speak about the destruction of Damascus? What is the chronological order of these events? “Politics & Religion” in Nagasaki I am a foreign student here in Nagasaki, Japan. I originally Thanks, started listening to “Politics & Religion” on my short-wave B. Jenny radio in Madagascar, where I am from. The reception in Internet Madagascar is not very good, but I listened as often as I could. Since I have been studying in Nagasaki for a year and a half, Reply: Many prophecy books have taught that the red horse of I listen to the program all the time. The reception is better Revelation 6 symbolizes war. However, I have never found any here. convincing proof that this is true. I believe that the red horse sym- I am glad I found your show. I appreciate “Politics and bolizes Communism. This is proven conclusively in Lesson 4 of Religion”, and especially the Bible Study programs you broad- Understanding the Endtime—Level One. cast. There may be several wars fought in Israel between now and Armageddon, but I know of no prophecy that specifically indicates Yours sincerely, this. H. Rafidinarivo Concerning Damascus, Ezekiel 48:1 does indicate that Nagasaki, Japan Damascus will be a part of the nation of Israel during the millen- nium. Whether that is accomplished during the Battle of Benjamin Creme Armageddon or by decree of Jesus Christ when He sets up His I just want to let you know how much I appreciated the in- kingdom is not indicated in the Bible. terview that you had with Benjamin Creme. Most definitely, his theology does not agree with ours, but that was expected! I told someone about it. They could not understand why Two witnesses—Jerusalem or Babylon? you guys would interview him. I answered for you. To me, you Nowhere does the Bible state that the two witnesses will lie did that interview to show “from the horse’s mouth” that the dead in the streets of Jerusalem. It says the two witnesses will man of sin is coming. lie in the streets of the “great city”, which can only be As always, I appreciate your program and your materials. I prophetic Babylon! Jerusalem is nowhere in scripture referred am a supporter of your ministry and had the opportunity to to as “great”, but Babylon is, repeatedly. As you know, Jesus meet you at your last conference here. was not crucified in Jerusalem, but “without the walls.” The two witnesses cannot be two individuals because the Dave H. angel tells John that one of the two witnesses is the two lamp Dallas, TX stands. Two being the number of corporate identity, and the other witness is the two olive branches. It’s clear to me. How long is a generation? B. Hamrick How do people equate the phrase, “This generation shall Internet not pass” with the rebirth of Israel? Matthew 24 is talking about all the things that will happen. I have heard that it is Reply: Revelation 11:8 says that the dead bodies of the two wit- about the fig tree, but it looks like Jesus is simply saying that, nesses will lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called when a fig tree puts on leaves, you know it is springtime. I see Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. Where was no way that the fig tree in Matthew 24 could point to this. Jesus crucified? In Jerusalem, of course, even if the act was perpe- trated just outside the walls. Thank you for your time, In Luke 13:33, Jesus said, “Nevertheless I must walk today, and D. Marion tomorrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem.” Jesus Himself knew that He was destined Reply: Many people have contended that the fig tree is a type of to die in Jerusalem. From this we know for certain that the two wit- the nation of Israel. Consequently, they have taught that the gener- nesses will also be killed in Jerusalem. To insist that Jesus was ation that witnessed the rebirth of Israel as a nation would not pass crucified in prophetic Babylon (Rome), is to totally disregard the until all things in the Matthew 24 prophecy were fulfilled. 6 endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000 E-mail:, Website:
  • 7. I have never found proof of this interpretation in scripture. tained in the Seventh Seal. However, I do believe that the generation that witnesses the events referred to in Matthew 24 will not pass until the entirety of the chap- ter is fulfilled. This, of course, would include the rapture of the Should we donate to Temple Fund? church. Thanks for overseeing this outreach. It is a definite blessing. By the way, we are the generation that is witnessing the fulfill- Since you know Gershon Salomon well, do you know his ments of Matthew 24; therefore, we are the generation that will position on the scriptures regarding the outer court of the tem- see the Second Coming of Jesus. ple being trodden down by the Gentiles, the false peace and the false messiah, and the fact that they will mourn for Jesus when they see Him? Revelation can’t be chronological…or can it? I left this strictly Old Testament. I have a feeling that since I have been a subscriber to Endtime magazine for over four he believes in the veracity of scripture, he might be inclined years and do appreciate your ministry. Your latest issue was to revisit some positions. quite incisive and packed with information. I always wondered My second question is this: We are to bless Israel. The tem- why you believed that we were in the “trumpet” series, and ple will be built because it is in the Word. Does blessing Israel now I can understand from your article on “Understanding the include giving to the Temple Fund? Book of Revelation.” I do disagree with your conclusions however. K. Eko The seals, trumpets and vials do NOT run parallel but are South Bend, IN in sequence (or chronological). This can be shown by a num- ber of verses, but is most clearly expressed in Revelation Reply: The prophecy that the outer court will be trodden down 8:1,2,6. The verses clearly show that, when the Seventh Seal of the Gentiles is in the New Testament—Revelation 11:1-2. is opened, the seven trumpets are given to the angels, and Consequently, Gershon would not consider this prophecy as Holy then they sound in sequence. The trumpets come after the Scripture. seals and cannot possibly run parallel with them. I have never had the opportunity to ask Gershon how he explains I would be interested in your comments. Zechariah 12:10 where the Jews will look upon him whom they have pierced and mourn for him. I certainly want to discuss this J. Ferro with him at some point. Cyberspace, USA Concerning giving to the Temple Fund, I think that is an indi- vidual choice. The scriptures teach us that God does not dwell in Reply: Many have taught that the seven trumpets are contained temples made with hands. We know that our bodies are the tem- within the Seventh Seal. However, close examination of scripture ples of the Holy Ghost. Since this is true, we are not mandated shows that this cannot be true. to build the temple, but we are commanded to preach the gospel Revelation 8:1 records the Seventh Seal, “And when he had to every creature. That’s the reason I invest everything I can in opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space fulfilling this great commission given to us by Jesus Christ. of half an hour.” Note that there were no chapters or verses in the original writing of the Bible. Because the publishers chose to create a chapter break before the Seventh Seal instead of after the Seventh Does Jerusalem Covenant fulfill Daniel 9:27? Seal where it would probably have been more appropriate, many While it seems that the majority of prophecy students, people assume that the seven trumpets are contained in the Seventh church leaders, and the body of Christ are focused on Oslo I Seal. But the scriptures do not say this. & II and the Wye River Agreements as the peace How do we know then that the seven trumpets are not contained process/treaty of Daniel 9, why is no one giving any consider- in the Seventh Seal? Because the Sixth Seal happens after the Great ation to the Jerusalem Covenant of May 31, 1993, as the Tribulation, and the Sixth Trumpet takes place before the Great covenant of Daniel 9? Tribulation. Daniel 9:27 clearly mentions that the Antichrist, as leader We know that the Sixth Seal happens after the Great Tribulation of the New World Order (UN), will “confirm the covenant because, under the Sixth Seal, the sun and moon are darkened and with many for one week.” The Hebrew language is clear that the stars shall fall from heaven (Revelation 6:12-14). Jesus said in the “prince that shall come” shall confirm a covenant, not a Matthew 24:29 that these things happen immediately after the so-called peace treaty. To confirm a covenant implies that one Great Tribulation. is already in place. In the context of Daniel 9, I believe “with We know that the sounding of the Sixth Trumpet in Revelation 9 many” means “many Jews and possibly Gentile heads-of- is before the Great Tribulation because the Two Witnesses begin state.” their ministries after the Sixth Trumpet in Revelation 11. They then The context of Daniel 9:24-27 deals with the City of prophesy during the 1,260 days of the Great Tribulation. So the Jerusalem and the Jewish people living in Jerusalem when this Sixth Trumpet sounds before the beginning of the last three and one- endtime scenario begins. Therefore, the focus of the covenant half years. is upon the City of Jerusalem and the Jewish people living in Since the Sixth Seal is loosed after the Great Tribulation, and that holy city. since trumpets one through six sound before the Great The Jerusalem Covenant emphatically deals with the City Tribulation, it is conclusive that the Seven Trumpets are not con- continued on page 28 E-mail:, Website: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000endtime 7
  • 8. COVER STORY Mideast Chaos What does it mean? by Irvin Baxter Jr. AP Widwworld Photos/Lefteris Pitarakis M ost of the world knows that a battle called Armageddon is prophe- sied for the Middle East. Consequently, every time conflict breaks out there, we all wonder if this one is “the big one.” As the latest occurrences of violence in Israel escalated, our phones at Endtime Ministries began to ring. The callers asked: “What’s going on? What does all this mean? What’s going to hap- pen? Could this be the beginning of Armageddon? How close are we to the Women rush for safety from the Western Wall Plaza on September 29, the eve of Rosh Hashanah, rapture?” the Jewish New Year. They were being stoned by hundreds of Palestinians from the Temple Mount, located just above the wall in reaction to Ariel Sharon’s visit to the Mount. Israeli riot po- What triggered the latest lice fired rubber bullets, killing three, in the bloodiest clashes in four years at the site. violence? For the last seven years, the hope of peace in the Middle East has been dan- final status of Jerusalem and final borders elected Barak government established a gled tantalizingly in front of Israelis and between Israelis and Palestinians were to new deadline, September 13, 2000, for Arabs alike. Even though progress has have been determined by May 4, 1999. final status issues to be negotiated and been maddeningly slow, enough has been Arafat had said that if final status talks implemented. accomplished to keep the flickering hope were not concluded by this deadline, he With the September 13th deadline of peace alive. Ninety-eight percent of would unilaterally declare a Palestinian looming just ahead, President Clinton Arabs in the occupied territories now state. called for a Middle East Summit at Camp live under the control of the Palestinian Due to the toppling of Benjamin David for July 11th. For two grueling Authority; Palestinians have their own Netanyahu’s government in the spring of weeks, Arafat, Barak and Clinton la- airport and seaport; and negotiations 1999, Arafat decided to postpone the de- bored to hammer out a final set of have continued. claration of Palestinian independence. accords that would signal the end of the According to the Oslo Accords, the Subsequent negotiations with the newly seemingly eternal Arab-Israeli conflict. 8 endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000 E-mail:, Website:
  • 9. Just when it seemed that peace was Endtime Archive within reach, the talks stalled. The issue on which the two sides could not reach agreement was control of the 36 acres that Israelis call the Temple Mount. Muslims call it the Haram al-Sharif or the Noble Sanctuary. Israel’s First and Second Temples stood there, and Jews have prayed toward this place for the last 2,000 years. Muslims claim that Mohammed ascended into heaven on his horse from the Temple Mount back in the Seventh Century. Even though the future for peace in the Middle East depended on solving the status of the Temple Mount, still Arafat and Barak could not agree. Arafat con- tended that the Temple Mount belonged to Muslims and that its holiness could not be compromised. Barak said that no Israeli prime minister could ever perma- nently surrender control of the center of Jewish life and the heart and soul of the Jewish nation to the Palestinians. President Clinton’s bridging proposal could make the Temple Mount look something like this com- When it became obvious that the talks puter generated image. Clinton has said the Jews should be allowed to worship at their most Holy had reached an impasse, President Site. Clinton decided to offer a bridging pro- posal. He proposed that Muslims be the violence began. According to Daniel 9:27 and Daniel allowed unlimited access to their holy 11:31, the prophesied covenant will be places and that Jews be allowed to pray What prophecies are being confirmed by the Antichrist. Three and on the Temple Mount. Simply stated, he fulfilled? one-half years later, a temple will have suggested the sharing of the Temple Some of the greatest prophetic fulfill- been built, animal sacrifices will have Mount. ments of all time are presently taking been resumed, and the Temple Mount It appeared that Barak was prepared to place in the Middle East. It would be a will be shared. consider the Clinton proposal, but travesty for us to live through these un- Notice that all of these fulfillments are Arafat said that Jews being allowed to precedented fulfillments without tied directly to the principle issue that pray on the Temple Mount was out of the understanding the significance of what has stalled the Middle East peace question. Consequently, the talks broke we are experiencing. process—the status of the Temple off. Some of the prophecies that are Mount. It appears that the prophesied With the deadline of September 13th presently unfolding are: 1. The final covenant will concern the status of just ahead, Clinton urged Arafat not to seven-year period that precedes Jerusalem and the status of the Temple unilaterally declare Palestinian state- Armageddon is about to begin. 2. The Mount in particular. hood. He promised that America would Temple Mount will be placed under a continue to aggressively pursue a solu- sharing arrangement. 3. Israel’s Third Temple Mount will be shared tion to the remaining obstacles to peace. Temple will be built there. 4. A great in- The issue that caused the failure at European leaders joined Clinton’s call for ternational leader, the Antichrist, will Camp David was the right of Jews to allowing more time to achieve a peace stand in the rebuilt temple claiming to be have access to the Temple Mount. In agreement. It was felt that unilateral ac- God. 5. Great persecution will be President Clinton’s bridging proposal, he tion could only bring disaster. launched against the settlers living in the stated that Muslims would worship at the After meeting with the Palestinian West Bank area. Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Council, Arafat decided to postpone de- Rock, and that “Jews would be allowed to claring Palestinian independence until The final seven years pray on the Temple Mount.” This very November 15, 2000, or possibly even as The Bible prophesies a seven-year pe- arrangement for the Temple Mount was late as January 1, 2001. riod that begins with the confirmation of prophesied in the Bible almost 2,000 As the November 15th deadline ap- a covenant and ends at the Battle of years ago. In Revelation 11:1-2, the proached with no significant progress Armageddon. It appears almost certain Apostle John stated, “And there was having been realized, Arafat apparently that we are on the brink of the beginning given me a reed like unto a rod: and the concluded that diplomacy would not de- of this climatic seven-year period. How angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure liver the desired results. Consequently, do we know this? the temple of God, and the altar, and E-mail:, Website: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000endtime 9
  • 10. mideast chaos — what does it mean? them that worship therein. But the court ing proposal, which was reported in Jesus foresaw that this situation would which is without the temple leave out, Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper on September exist in the endtime and prophesied and measure it not; for it is given unto 22, 2000. The article’s title read, “Israel about it almost 2,000 years ago. In the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they Presses for UN Role on Temple Mount.” Matthew 24:15-21, Jesus prophesied tread under foot forty and two months.” Israeli Prime Minister Barak was quoted specifically about the West Bank: “When Notice that Jews will control the temple, as saying, “Israel now believes bringing ye therefore shall see the abomination of but the outer court of the temple will be the Temple Mount under the aegis of the desolation, spoken of by Daniel the under Gentile control. international community could be the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso Two-thousand years ago, the Bible best way to safeguard the rights and in- readeth, let him understand:) Then let prophesied that the Temple Mount terests of both faiths, while retaining the them which be in Judea flee into the would be shared in the endtime. Four status quo on the ground.” mountains (Judea is the West Bank months ago, President Clinton suggested Longtime followers of Israel were where the settlers live): Let him which is the exact same thing—the sharing of the stunned! The UN has historically been on the housetop not come down to take Temple Mount! pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli. Yet here any thing out of his house: Neither let is Israel’s leader proposing to place the him which is in the field return back to Israel’s temple will be built heart and soul of the Jewish nation under take his clothes. And woe unto them The Bible specifically prophesies that a UN control! As unthinkable as this de- that are with child, and to them that give Jewish temple will stand on the Temple velopment was, it certainly would set the suck in those days! But pray ye that your Mount in the near future (II table for the international leader of the flight be not in the winter, neither on the Thessalonians 2:3-4 and Revelation world, the Antichrist, to stand on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribu- 11:1-2). If Jews obtain the right to pray Temple Mount and assert his sovereignty lation, such as was not since the on the Temple Mount, it is obvious that there, just as the prophecy indicates that beginning of the world to this time, no, they will want a house of prayer—a tem- he will! It now appears quite likely that nor ever shall be.” ple. this is the course that events will take. This prophecy speaks of the event The Temple Institute in Jerusalem is called the Abomination of Desolation far along in its plans to build the Third when the Antichrist will stand in the re- Temple and resume the Old Testament temple rituals. “Israel Presses built Jewish temple claiming to be God. Jesus warned those living in the West Gershon Salomon, head of the Temple Mount Faithful, already has a 4,000- for UN Role Bank to immediately flee for their lives when this occurs. He said that then pound solid marble cornerstone ready to begin constructing Israel’s temple. on Temple would be great tribulation such as had never been experienced before. He told Two weeks after Camp David, the Chief Rabbinate Council of Israel con- Mount.” us that this event called the Abomination of Desolation would trig- sidered passing a resolution to call for the ger the time known as the Great construction of a synagogue on the —Ha’aretz newspaper Tribulation. Temple Mount. This resolution has now September 22, 2000 been consigned to a committee for study. So what is going to happen? We know for certain that several spe- Antichrist will assert authority Great persecution against the cific things will take place in the Middle over Temple Mount West Bank settlers East. The Temple Mount will be shared. II Thessalonians 2:3-4 says that a great The second most vexing issue in the Israel’s temple will be built there. Animal international leader (the man of sin— Middle East puzzle is what to do with the sacrifices will be resumed. The the Antichrist) will sit in the temple of 144 settlements that have been estab- Antichrist will stand in the temple God, claiming to be God. For years, it lished in territory that Arafat is claiming to be God. Great tribulation has been difficult to understand how the demanding be returned to Arab control. will come against those living in the area Antichrist could claim authority over The population of these settlements is of Judea (the West Bank). And in spite the Temple Mount. Recent unforeseen somewhere between 140,000 and of all these developments, the conflict in developments in the peace process, how- 200,000 Israelis. the Middle East will continue to fester ever, make this prophetic fulfillment The settlers are the most hated of all until it culminates in the invasion of seem all too close. Israelis by the Palestinians. This is true Israel by a UN “peacekeeping” force— As we have explained, the peace talks because most of the settlers don’t believe the Battle of Armageddon. broke down because the two sides could that any of the lands occupied in the We know all of these things for certain not agree on the status of the Temple 1967 War should be relinquished. Many because they are specifically prophesied. Mount. Barak was apparently willing to of the settlers are determined to hold What we don’t know is the exact path share it, but Arafat demanded that it be onto the land even if their government that events will take in order to fulfill totally under Palestinian sovereignty. decides to redraw its borders in such a these prophecies. For this, we will have In his desperation to reach some kind way that some of the settlements are not to wait and see. But it doesn’t appear that of accommodation, Barak made a shock- included in the boundaries of Israel. we will have to wait long! ❏ 10 endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000 E-mail:, Website:
  • 11. Whetstone Radio Log by John L. Bryant Politics & Religion with Irvin Baxter Jr. 1. Before Abraham was, ___ ___.(2 words) Red indicates new or change *Live Broadcast A. I am B. You are C. They were AR Ft. Smith KFSA 950 AM 3:00 pm* 2. God told him to marry an unfaithful wife, named GA Macon WBML 900 AM 6:00 pm Gomer. IN Indianapolis WXLW 950 AM 2:00 pm A. Moses B. Joshua C. Hosea Ft. Wayne WLYV 1450 AM 3:00 pm 3. In Genesis 1:5, who called the light day? Richmond WHON 930 AM 3:00 pm A. Adam B. Eve C. God South Bend WHME 103.1 FM 4:00 pm* 4. Who anointed David king over Israel? KS Wichita KSRX 1360 AM 4:00 & 10:30 pm A. Nathan B. Samuel C. Adonijah LA New Orleans WLNO 1060 AM 3:00 pm* 5. Christ is the ___ of the church. MD Baltimore WBMD 750 AM 11:15 am A. Arm B. Head C. Eyes Denton WKDI 840 AM 11:00 am MA Worcester WCRN 830 AM 4:00 pm* 6. A ___ without blemish out of the flock, for a MI Battle Creek WOLY 1500 AM 4:00 pm* sacrifice, Detroit WLQV 1500 AM 6:00 pm A. Ram B. Camel C. Horse Lansing WLCM 1390 AM 4:00 pm* 7. But ___ ye first the kingdom of God. Flint WSNL 600 AM 11:00 pm A. Knock B. Find C. Seek MO Poplar Bluff KOKS 89.5 FM 3:00pm* 8. ___ said, except a man be born again. NC Durham WFTK 1030 AM 10:30 & 4:15 pm A. Jesus B. Nicodemus C. Peter NE Omaha KCRO 660 AM 3:00 pm* 9. The woman who gleaned Boaz’ fields. OK Muskogee KMUS 1380 AM 4:00 & 10:30 pm A. Orpah B. Ruth C. Naomi Claremore KMYZ 1570 AM 4:00 & 10:30 pm Tulsa KTRT 1270 AM 4:00 & 10:30 pm 10. Thy word is a ___ unto my feet. OR Portland KKSL 1290 AM 1:00 pm* A. Comfort B. Path C. Lamp KPBC 1640 AM 1:00 pm* 11. Thou art my beloved ___ in whom I am well pleased. TN Memphis KSUD 730 AM 1:00pm A. Bride B. Son C. Husband TX Corpus Christi KCTA 1030 AM 4:00 pm 12. For ___ have sinned, and come short of the glory of Dallas KVTT 91.7 FM 3:00 pm* God. Daingerfield KEGG 91.9 FM 11:00 am A. All B. Few C. Some VA Hampton Roads WPMH 1010 AM 3:30 pm 13. Which one of these women is connected with WA Spokane KTRW 970 AM 1:00 pm* Samson? KTRW 96.9 FM 1:00 pm* WV Point Pleasant WBGS 1030 AM 8:00 am A. Jezebel B. Bathsheba C. Delilah WI Milwaukee WEMP 1250 AM 5:00 pm 14. Therefore the Lord shall give you a ___. A. Plan B. Sign C. Vision WHRI 6.040 9:00 am 15. This king was eaten by worms for not giving God the Worldwide via Shortwave WHRA 17.650 2:00 pm glory. North America, South WHRI 5.745 4:00 pm* A. Agrippa B. Herod C. Saul America, Europe, Russia, WHRI 9.495 4:00 pm* 16. My God shall supply all your ___ according to His Africa, Israel WHRA 7.580 8:00 pm riches. Times shown are for U.S. Eastern WHRI 5.745 11:00 pm A. Needs B. Wants C. Demands WHRI 7.315 11:00 pm Pacific Rim Nations: China, KWHR 9.930 0800 UTC 17. Rugged in appearance and dress – a prototype of John Japan, India, New Zealand KWHR 17.780 0200 UTC the Baptist A. James B. Esau C. Elijah Internet 24 hrs. 18. She, the worried housekeeper, was Lazarus’ sister A. Martha B. Mary C. Dorcas Call 1-800-Endtime to find out how to get 19. He made a brazen serpent and put it upon a pole. Politics & Religion on the air in your city. A. Joshua B. Moses C. Caleb 20. Which one is not a fruit of the Spirit? A. Hope B. Love C. Faith Answers on page 31 E-mail:, Website: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000endtime 11
  • 12. MIDEAST UPDATE Mideast Peace Comes Unraveled by Irvin Baxter Jr. AP WideWorld Photos/Eyal Warshavsky W hen Yasser Arafat left the Camp David Summit in July, he ap- parently realized he had pushed Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak as far as Israeli public opinion would allow him to go. Yet it was still not far enough for Arafat. Only violence could soften the Israeli stance, making additional gains possible. Barak had come out of Camp David looking like the conciliating peace- maker, and Arafat was seen as rigid and uncompromising. Somehow, the Palestinians had to recapture the sympa- Israeli security men guard opposition leader Ariel Sharon, center, as he leaves the Temple Mount compound in east Jerusalem's Old City, Thursday, September 28. Clashes erupted moments thy of the World Community. after Sharon's visited the area. This is when Palestinians began stoning Jewish worshippers at Arafat knew what would work. It had the Western Wall Plaza, just below the Temple Mount. worked every time. Find a plausible premise to launch violent protests against the Israeli occupier and oppres- proposal that the UN be given sover- is no prohibition against such visits in sor. However, the outbreak of violence eignty over the Temple Mount. The the Oslo Agreement or in any other had to appear to have been provoked. leader of the opposition Likud Party in agreement; and Jews regularly visit the Soon the perfect excuse presented it- Israel, Ariel Sharon, couldn’t stand aside Temple Mount. Sharon had visited there self. any longer. He decided he would person- several times before. Sharon’s visit was ally visit the Temple Mount to assert merely a pretext for the Palestinians to Sharon’s visit to the Temple Israeli sovereignty over the nation’s most launch the violence that had already Mount revered site. Arafat knew that his mo- been decided upon by Arafat. Barak had shocked the nation of Israel ment had come! So why the condemnation of the with the extent of the compromises he It should be understood that Ariel Sharon visit by the United Nations? had offered to make at Camp David, es- Sharon had every right in the world to Why the vilification in the world press? pecially concerning Jerusalem. The straw visit the Temple Mount. The Temple Simply this…Sharon had taken a stand that broke the camel’s back was Barak’s Mount is under Israeli sovereignty; there on the issue on which the entire Middle 12 endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000 E-mail:, Website:
  • 13. East dispute turns—Israeli sovereignty found in II Chronicles 6:6. God stated of God Himself. over the Temple Mount. there, “But I have chosen Jerusalem, that Ezekiel 38:16-18 describes the World my name might be there; and have cho- Community’s intervention—“And thou Then came the violence sen David to be over my people Israel.” shalt come up against my people of Israel, The day after Sharon’s visit violence The Middle East conflict is more than as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in erupted throughout the nation of Israel. an age-old dispute between ancient the latter days… And it shall come to This level of conflict had not been seen cousins. It is more than a struggle for pass at the same time when Gog shall in Israel since the lethal suicide bomb- control of a very strategic part of the come against the land of Israel, saith the ings of February and March of 1996. world. This conflict is a spiritual battle! Lord GOD, that my fury shall come up in Early on, the world’s sensibilities were It has now boiled down to whether the my face.” assaulted by pictures of a 12 year-old will of man or the will of God will pre- The prophet Zechariah also prophe- Palestinian boy dying in his father’s arms vail. sied specifically about the Battle of after being shot by Israeli soldiers. Then Believe it or not, two solutions have Armageddon—“For I will gather all na- the confrontations took on a pattern. been proposed for the Temple Mount— tions against Jerusalem to battle…Then Young Palestinian boys would bait the declaring God sovereign over the shall the LORD go forth, and fight Israeli forces by hurling stones at them. Temple Mount or making the United against those nations, as when he fought The Israelis would then retaliate by firing Nations sovereign there. What a choice! in the day of battle” (Zechariah 14: 2-3). rubber bullets. The adult Palestinian men would be in hiding with guns. Armageddon will go nuclear When the Israelis revealed their posi- “The Middle It has been an open secret for many tions, the Palestinians would try to pick years now that Israel possesses nuclear them off. East conflict is weapons. Jane’s Intelligence Report When the number of Palestinian chil- states that Israel has at least 200 nuclear dren that were being killed continued to more than an sites throughout the area of Judea. The rise, someone finally questioned what only question is: Will she ever have to these 12 and 13 year-olds were doing in age-old dispute use them? the line of fire. It became apparent that The answer to that question was an- the adult men were using them as decoys between ancient swered conclusively by Zechariah almost to draw out the Israelis. Furthermore, the 2,600 years ago! “And this shall be the death of mere children provided power- cousins. It is more plague wherewith the LORD will smite ful propaganda against Israel. all the people that have fought against Interviewed by journalists after these than a struggle for Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume tragedies, some of the parents of these away while they stand upon their feet, young victims referred to their children control of a very and their eyes shall consume away in as shaheeds (martyrs), whose lives were their holes, and their tongue shall con- given willingly and proudly to the strategic part of sume away in their mouth” (Zechariah Palestinian cause in fighting the hated 14:12). Zionist enemy. the world. This This passage is an absolutely incredible In an unbelievably shocking scene, prophecy written by a man at a time one mother boasted that she bore her son precisely for this purpose, and the father conflict is a when nuclear weapons and their effects were yet unheard-of. Yet he described the proudly claimed credit for providing the training. The parents will also receive a spiritual battle!” effects of nuclear radiation so accurately that there can be no doubt that nuclear sizeable financial “reward” from the weapons will be unleashed against the Palestinian Authority. It appears that the world is leaning enemies of Jerusalem during the Battle of As this issue of Endtime goes to press, strongly toward putting the United Armageddon! 214 have been killed over the last six Nations in charge of the site where God It is no wonder the prophet Jeremiah weeks, mostly Palestinians. The UN has chose to place His name. Ultimately, this said they shall say—“Peace, peace, when passed a resolution condemning Israel’s humanistic plan will not work. Demands there is no peace.” Over the next few use of “excessive force” in putting down will eventually be made of Israel that she years, world leaders will continue to pur- the Palestinian riots. Palestinians are cannot possibly submit to. She will refuse sue a peace agreement between Israel lobbying for Israel’s leaders to be placed to comply to the resolutions of the UN, and her Arab neighbors, but their efforts on trial as war criminals. precipitating an invasion by the World will not succeed. Events will continue to Community. Thus the Battle of plunge the world alternatively between Why provoke Armageddon over Armageddon will begin. hope and despair. Yet it is crystal clear 36 acres? This final effort by world government that our world is ultimately destined for Why does world peace boil down to to assert its authority over Jerusalem, the the cataclysmic climax of Armageddon. sovereignty over the thirty-six acres of place where God chose to place His Only the Prince of Peace will ever the Temple Mount? The explanation is name, will bring about the intervention bring peace to the Middle East! ❏ E-mail:, Website: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000endtime 13
  • 14. WORLD GOVERNMENT WATCH Mary’s View From Within Endtime Archive An Eyewitness Report from inside Mikhail Gorbachev’s State of the World Forum M y name, for the purposes of this article, is Mary. I am an official of a non- governmental organization – an NGO. We are approved by, and work in associ- ation with, the United Nations. Our NGO is made up of volunteers dedicated to providing humanitarian relief to a poverty-stricken world. We do good work. Over the last few years I have attended I took this photo of Mikhail Gorbachev at the Rio+5 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1997. His high level meetings at conferences across translator is to his left. the world. I was at Habitat II in Istanbul in 1996, Rio+5 in Brazil in 1997 and many others. Over the course of time, mankind. O Lord, why me? I can’t ignore whom I consider friends. They are my however, I slowly began to see a different this. The pieces have come together, and friends, yes, but they meet with each side of this movement of which I was it is now time I must share. other behind closed doors. And they are now a part. It was a dark side. all involved. I bit my tongue and persevered. It was A firsthand report I recorded over 20 hours on audio of also then when I began listening to a I have seen Mikhail Gorbachev speak the sessions I attended in New York. radio program that had just begun airing many times. He is an incredible orator. I Much of it is quite disturbing. And I on a Christian station in my area called attended his State of the World Forum in brought home reams of the documents “Politics & Religion.” New York in September. I am personally they were distributing. That on which I Everything I had been suspecting was acquainted with Maurice Strong and his report to you is true. What they are plan- true! I was right smack in the middle of lovely wife, Hanne. People whose names ning, and what they have virtually Satan’s most sinister plan ever for are household in global circles are people accomplished, is what we read in the 14 endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000 E-mail:, Website:
  • 15. prophecies of the Bible. Who is like unto Endtime Archive the beast? Who is able to make war with him? It is all based on spirituality. It is all based on lust for power, greed and decep- tion. Globalism is earth worship. Globalism has become a religion unto it- self. Earth Charter becomes Millennium Declaration When I first started attending UN conferences, I understood that the UN was the umbrella under which the inde- pendent nations and others could come together to dialogue, discuss and solve problems. This was a place where I per- ceived I could make a difference—that there was a real possibility our efforts would help the peoples of the world. What I found, however, was a preset agenda. We were there to be educated, or rather, indoctrinated. They were not seeking my input. The expectation at the State of the World Forum was that there would be a Many spiritual ceremonies take place at UN conferences. This one is a Peace Prayer from Habitat focus on the Earth Charter. It would be II in Istanbul. The Whirling Dervishes are dancers in a spiritual trance. Their right palm faces up- discussed, rehashed and then presented ward, supposedly to receive power from God. The left palm faces downward to supposedly to the UN Millennium Summit across channel this power to the earth. town. The voice of the people – civil so- ciety, would be heard through our support. From the inside I see this as the for world peace, unity and brotherly love. vehicle, the Earth Charter. But that’s not “Trojan Horse” that will bring the one- And to accomplish this, they taught, what happened. The principles of our world government to power, because en- there must be a universal compromise on Earth Charter had been skillfully incor- vironmental concerns affect the entire matters of spirituality. No one group can porated into another document called globe. Environmentalism tramples down be selfish and exclusive, but must reach the Millennium Declaration. It was the national borders. out in tolerance and love. Millennium Declaration that was pre- I am not against environmentalism, I had misgivings, and that’s when I sented to the UN Summit and rubber but rather, against how they are using the stumbled onto Endtime’s radio broadcast, stamped by the heads-of-state. It all cause to further their very different “Politics & Religion.” What was being seemed somewhat strange. agenda. discussed that day rang true in my spirit. And yet not. The underlying agenda, I I had just experienced firsthand every- have come to discover, is spiritual. The That which is rotten in Denmark thing that was being discussed on the globalists are far advanced in the process It was actually at the very first UN program. I ordered and studied the mate- of establishing an international belief conference I attended that I began to sus- rials. The prophecies hit me like a ton of system to supplement their global politi- pect something was wrong with the bricks. It all came together! New World cal system and economic system. Once entire picture. I felt uncomfortable in Order is world government, and I was a people believe the right things, all of many of the sessions, especially those in- part of it. Wham! their actions will line up behind those volving the religious and spiritual And the rate at which it is happening principles. That’s the reason the Earth leaders. They were more like ceremonies, is accelerating. The pieces have almost Charter is so important. It sets forth and the Christ within me crawled. But come together. those principles. And now, in some mea- who could disagree with the purposes of I continued to attend the UN meet- sure, presidents and prime ministers the meetings? World peace! ings. My perspective, however, had world over have signed off on it. I was a novice, too close and wanting changed. to be tolerant. The Buddhists and What have we done? Hindus have been such powerful forces Under our noses The emphasis is clearly on worship- on earth and within the UN itself. In Gorbachev’s opening keynote ping creation rather than the Creator. Maybe it was just that it was my first ex- speech at the State of the World Forum Creation worship is being used as an ap- posure to it. But as I kept going to these he said, “We must establish how we are peal to the environmentalists to garner conferences, I saw the thread. They cried going to govern this new globalization.” E-mail:, Website: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000endtime 15
  • 16. a view from within — mary Globalization, although they won’t say it, ution—United States wealth, that is. Adoption of the Earth Charter is their means world government. And the term, The root of everything addressed at the capstone. It’s the last piece of the puzzle. Global Governance? The same. The State of the World Forum was socialism. Yes, there are a few other loose ends to theme of most every Forum session was What struck me was that these same peo- tie up—global tax, ICC ratification, and Global Governance. What is the differ- ple advocating this global socialism were elimination or circumvention of U.S. ence between Global Governance and the same people who failed with social- veto power—to name a few. These were world government? Nobody ever tried to ism on a national scale. Now they want all discussed in earnest. And it’s all being explain. to take their failure to an international done in the name of democracy. Mikhail Gorbachev is forceful, enthu- level and have the U.S. pay for it. Only The infrastructure is in place. We siastic, charismatic and dynamic. He’s a now, when it doesn’t work, there won’t should make no mistake about this. It’s good salesman, and he knows where he’s be any rich nations left on earth to play time to sit back and wait for one big in- going. The package is very pretty. He said piggy bank. But by then they plan for the ternational incident. China? Middle that we must remove national borders world’s weapons to be under their con- East? Maybe some other hot spot will and national sovereignty. Everyone trol, so it might not matter. flare up. They will rally around the man seemed to agree. The prophecies also Gorbachev has been the chief voice with the answers; the man who says he agree, but don’t speak for a pretty out- and advocate of worldwide nuclear disar- told us so; the man with the plan. Don’t come. The whole world will wonder after mament. If nuclear disaster were to occur be surprised at anything. And it might the one-world government beast. in the world, whether it be from China not be more than a few months off. I I am concerned about the lack of gen- or even in the Middle East, the biggest I- wouldn’t be surprised if it were tomorrow. eral awareness, especially on the part of Told-You-So would come from his camp. Something will happen to put the Christians. But the information is not In fact, people would expect it. Some global agenda into motion, and when it readily available in the media. even want it to happen. does it will come fast. This is no Had I not been there and seen it time for complacency. for myself, I probably wouldn’t The fall of the Berlin Wall is be aware of it either. But I did see it. Had I not smelled a spiri- “The fall of the Berlin their rallying point. They perceive it to have been the birth of their tual rat I might have even accepted it! Wall is their rallying New World Order. Vladimir Putin was Gorbachev’s KGB head in The package is so beautiful, point. They perceive it to Berlin when The Wall came but the Lord told us not to be down. Gorbachev is now the great deceived. have been the birth of world statesman and Putin runs his country. It has come full circle. So much power, so few their New World I’ve shaken his hand. people A question was asked in one Order...Gorbachev is now Step deep inside my global arena and you will see prophecy particular session that I attended on the International Criminal the great world statesman come alive. It’s time to take the message out to the world. We must Court: “Would the Secretary- General be the final authority to and Putin runs his coun- teach all nations. Time is short. I know. I have the t-shirt. determine what constituted a try. It has come full circle. As for my real name…I am wait- crime against humanity?” The ing for God to give direction. answer came after a pause. I’ve shaken his hand.” Right now I feel I can be more “Yes…but of course he has an valuable to His people on the in- advisory council.” Another side. God will give me the signal. commented: “That’s a lot of power for Just one crisis away Satan is soon to come down to earth one man to have, don’t you think?” Spirituality permeated every aspect of having great wrath. There was no response. the State of the World Forum, and it all There are no checks and balances. centered on the Earth Charter. Prayers When “Mary” appeared as a guest on And the United States has no veto went up to various gods and goddesses. Politics & Religion, a special offer was made power over the actions of the ICC. It’s What once struck me as a positive I was to the radio listeners to obtain copies of some downright frightening. now seeing in a radically different light, of the documents that were passed out to There was an overall anti-U.S. atti- or rather, in a radically different dark- participants at the State of the World Forum. tude at this meeting, as well as at the ness. Initially, I thought they were We extracted 64 prime pages from the literal others I have attended. It has always dis- bringing God into this! Great idea! It suitcasefull she provided. These pages are in turbed me. won’t work without Him—without Jesus Endtime’s research files. You may want to Global taxes were mentioned, the Christ. But I was naïve. Their concept have them in yours. We will include them, Tobin Tax in particular. Also discussed does not include God. It is evil from the upon request, with any product order from was the elimination of Third World debt. core, and it can be seen—but only from the Understanding the Endtime series, In other words, massive wealth redistrib- discerning eyes wide open. Levels 1, 2 or 3. ❏ 16 endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000 E-mail:, Website:
  • 17.
  • 18. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Temple – How Close? Exclusive Interview with Gershon Salomon Temple Mount Faithful Movement Director AP Wide World Photos/Jacqueline Larma F or 33 years, Gershon Salomon has been in the forefront of the battle to build Israel’s Third Temple on the Temple Mount. His mission, which began just following the Six-Day War, has now be- come the focus of international attention. Endtime interviewed Mr. Salomon on October 5, just a few days after Ariel Sharon paid his fateful visit to the Temple. Salomon: Shalom to everyone from Jerusalem. It is wonderful to live in this city. Don’t worry, God is in control. Jerusalem will be forever the City of God and the capital of Israel. Come here and A supporter of the Temple Mount Faithful, a group that advocates razing the Al Aqsa and Dome feel the spirit of God dwelling all over of the Rock mosques and rebuilding the biblical temple on its original site, blows a ram's horn as this wonderful city. others gather around a 4.5 ton marble "cornerstone" for a new Temple. Gershon Salomon is seated above and to the right of the man with the horn. Baxter: What is going on there right now? still on the Temple Mount after a long Mount to make a riot all over the land. Salomon: Jerusalem is under an attack occupation of the hill of God of Israel, try They are those who attacked the Israelis by the enemies of God and Israel—the to deny that the Temple has ever been and the Israeli police; they are those who so-called Palestinians and Yasser Arafat. there. They destroy all the remains from threw stones down on the prayers near All of the riots that happened started on the first and second Temples. And they the Western Wall, and are in the middle the Temple Mount. The real story is that used the visit of Arik Sharon, the leader of attack against the existence of Israel as the Arabs, who are today unfortunately of the opposition in Israel, to the Temple a state in the Holy Land. I say more than 18 endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000 E-mail:, Website:
  • 19. Recommended videos & books RECOMMENDED Understanding the Understanding the Understanding the Gary Kah Endtime Level 1 Endtime: Level 2 Endtime: Level 3 Special Package by Irvin Baxter Jr. by Irvin Baxter Jr. by Irvin Baxter Jr. “Countdown to Daniel’s Final Week” is a live, one-hour con- You can now enjoy this Seven exciting lessons (see The Sequence of Endtime ference-setting video by global religion expert, Gary Kah. His prophecy series by Irvin next row)—$20 each. Any Events is Irvin Baxter’s new focus is on the Vatican’s direct involvement in the Interfaith Baxter Jr. on 12 hours of three for $50. Any five for six-lesson broadcast quality Movement and New World Order. Highly, highly recom- broadcast-quality video. $80. All seven for $115. video series. Bonus video mended! Includes a Special (behind-the-scenes at the UN) Ideal to show at home Bible The two newest additions included: “Questions & Intelligence Report by Jamie Brendan. studies. See page 5 for more are now available!— Answers”—$20 value! details. “Antichrist Conspiracy” Order #930, $130 and “The China Threat.” Order #950, $100 Order #1456, $25. 11:59 P.M. The 7 Lessons 13, 14, 15 Antichrist The China Threat Fulfilled Trumpets by Irvin Baxter Jr. Conspiracy: by Irvin Baxter Jr. Prophecies by Irvin Baxter Jr. Lesson 13: Where Are We in The Men Who Run Intense look at the brewing of the Endtime Learn how Chernobyl ful- Prophecy Right Now? the World China-Taiwan crisis. Will by Irvin Baxter Jr. filled the 3rd Trumpet and Order #943, $20 by Irvin Baxter Jr. this be the flashpoint for Nine infallible proofs from how Saddam’s name is Lesson 14: Will The UN A careful look at our world’s Revelation’s dreaded 6th scripture that we are living specifically mentioned in Invade Israel Next? leaders reveals disturbing al- Trumpet? This lesson picks in the endtime right now. the Bible. Discover why we Order #944, $20 liances in high places. A up where “The 7 Trumpets” The first of five videos in are on the brink of the 6th Lesson 15: Is the Antichrist must-see video! Lesson #16. (#12) leaves off. Lesson #17. “Level Two.” Lesson #11 Trumpet! Lesson #12 Among Us? Order #941, $20 Order #942, $20 Order #945, $20 Order #946, $20 Order #947, $20 RECOMMENDED NEW! NEW! RECOMMENDED The China Threat Hope of Mideast Treaty Dr. Michael Coffman by Bill Gertz the Wicked by Irvin Baxter Jr. Special Package NEW!! The definitive book by by Ted Flynn See prophecy scriptures Extremely powerful two-hour video exposè on the UN by on China’s threat to the Rarely do we see a twinkle come alive. Describes in full recent Politics & Religion guest, Michael Coffman. We U.S. Outstanding supple- in Irvin Baxter’s eyes over a detail the final 7 years have found “Global Governance 2000” to be tremendous mental info to Irvin Baxter’s new book on global govern- preceding Armageddon. information and a witnessing tool. Includes printout of video by the same title. ment. This is one the best Understand the Abomin- Earth Charter and an issue of Coffman’s “Discerning the Highly, highly recom- and most comprehensive re- ation of Desolation, how to Times” Newsletter. Order #1466 $25. With his book, mended! sources on the subject. identify the Antichrist, the Saviors of the Earth, #1467, $40. Book only, #1053, $20. Third Temple and more. Order #1054, $25 Order #1055, $20 Order #1015, $12.50 E-mail:, Website: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000endtime 19
  • 20. TEmple — how close? this, maybe the endtime war described in Endtime Photo Ezekiel 38-39 has started already. Baxter: You are speaking of the Gog- Magog war? Salomon: Yes. And the battle of Jerusalem as described by the prophet Zechariah in chapters 12-14. We see how all the nations—most of them, and I’m afraid even your president, support Arafat, who is dedicated to destroying the God and people of Israel. Baxter: The war, which you are speak- ing of, we also call Armageddon. Salomon: Yes. Baxter: We have been discussing how present events are a prelude to this war. We don’t think it is quite time yet for the full-out battle of Armageddon, but we think as you do that this could be the be- ginning. You are the head of the Temple Mount Faithful, and you were involved This is the site where Palestinian rioters hurled stones at Jewish worshippers praying at the in a riot yourself back in 1990. Western Wall. The Dome of the Rock is located slightly to the left of center. The Al Aqsa Mosque is to the right (not shown in photo). Salomon: That was when we decided to lay the cornerstone for the Third Western Wall, and it was only a miracle me to go up there. I told them that I am Temple. We heard the voice of God from God that the prayers weren’t not afraid. God is my protector. He will telling us, “Go lay the cornerstone for my wounded from the thousands of stones. be with me. Since then the Arabs have house. This is the time.” We brought the And then they attacked the police sta- put me on the top of the hated list. They 4 1/2-ton marble stone to the Temple tion. They burned it and stated, “We have called on everyone to kill me. They Mount, but unfortunately the weakness occupy the Temple Mount.” The Israeli stated I am the enemy of Islam. Pay at- of the Israeli government did not allow army and police had to enter the Temple tention to this. Since they put me on this us to bring it inside. They had the police Mount and not leave it in the hands of list, never before have I felt so safe. block us because of fear. What will be the the enemies. The Arabs were armed with reaction of the Arabs?—The billion guns. In the battle seventeen Arabs were Caller: What compromise can be Muslims?—The United Nations organi- killed. I have no doubt that God pun- made in your mind that will bring the zation. We say we don’t fear anyone. We ished them. And God will continue to Arab world and Jewish world together to trust in God. We fear God. And we shall punish them because they are doing make a peace deal work? fulfill God’s will in us. So that’s what we everything to destroy Israel. I want to tell did. Together with God we are the ma- everyone, this is not a peace negotiation. Salomon: I want to say to you, my dear jority and all the rest are the minority. They don’t mean peace. Their one goal brother, they will never accept an Israeli was, and still remains, to push Israel into compromise. Even when Yasser Arafat is Baxter: When that riot broke out 17 the sea, and to stop the great event speaking about a compromise, he means died at that time. which Israel is doing in this land. just to make another step to found a Palestinian state in the middle of Israel— Salomon: Yes, very similar to the riot Baxter: Do I understand correctly that to get more power to destroy Israel from last week. Thousands of Arabs came to as a result of the 1990 riots you were for- inside and outside with the Arab nations. the Temple Mount the day before. They bidden any access to the Temple Mount? The Israeli nation came back to this land prepared a lot of heavy stones to attack Can you go there right now? in a godly event 52 years ago, not just to the Temple Mount Faithful Movement be another nation in the world. This is for when we shall come. In spite of the Salomon: No. Since these riots the an endtime event! Please read the fact that the authorities didn’t allow us to Mufti stated that, if I go to the Temple prophecies. He gave us this land in a enter and bring the cornerstone inside, Mount, a river of Jewish blood will flow covenant. they still made the riot. They threw the and cover all the city. The Israeli author- stones on 15,000 Jewish prayers at the ities decided for my security not to allow Baxter: How can we have peace? If 20 endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000 E-mail:, Website: