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First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood
JULY 2017
• Welcome Back Pastor
• Zion UMC
• Summer Events
• First Impressions Team
GOOD NEWS is published monthly by
First United Methodist Church of North
Hollywood, California 91601
Phone (818) 763-8231
Grant Hagiya
Rev. James Powell
District Superintendent
Dr. Joey K. McDonald
Jeff Thomas
Director of Music
Roger Eshleman
Nylean Rapinac
Patty Kelsey
Director, Program Ministries
Tonya Peat
Director, Outreach Ministries
On July the fourth in the United States of America, we celebrate our
nation’s independence.   It became a national holiday in 1791 and the
Colonies signed the Declaration in 1776.   What began as a declarative
document in Philadelphia, and was won through armed aggression, has
come now to be symbolized by a long weekend, a picnic, some fireworks
and the largest volume of beer sales throughout the year.  The parents of
this nation started a revolution and we’ve turned it into a party.  A party in
and of itself is not a bad thing, but if celebration is the chief aim then, the
ceremony and sacred nature of the event can be lost.
Less than one hundred years later at the dedication of the Gettysburg
National Cemetery, President Abraham Lincoln spoke to those gathered of
the vision and value of freedom.   About a century and a half later
Lincoln’s words still carry weight.  “...It is rather for us to be here dedicated
to the great task remaining before us–that from these honored dead we take
increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of
devotion–that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in
vain–that this nation under God, shall have a new birth of freedom–and
that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not
perish from the earth.”
Abraham Lincoln was a person of faith.  He took to heart the idea that the
foundation of this country meant freedom and justice for all.  He was not
alone, Theodore Parker, an abolitionist preacher is believed to have
inspired the close of the address with these words from a sermon thirteen
years earlier.   “This American idea, demands... a democracy, that is, a
government of all the people, by all the people, for all the people...”  Not
everyone believed in President Lincoln’s theology or his politics.  When he
spoke at Gettysburg, the war was not over.  His intent to follow the vision,
to which he believed God had called him, would in time cost him his life. 
What a horrible price to pay, but imagine how much poorer in spirit this
Country would be without the likes of Abraham Lincoln.
The tenets of this country provide us freedom of religion, not freedom
from religion.   Our founders never intended agreement in religious or
political terms, which is why we have a Constitution and Bill of Rights.  In
every age and stage of this country there have been people of faith to speak
with integrity on behalf of the cause of freedom.  Men and women, from
all races and walks of life, who remind us as individuals and as a Nation of
the responsibility which comes with the freedoms democracy provides. 
The Fourth of July is indeed a party, but it is also fraught with the hope of
justice and freedom, yours, mine, ours and theirs.
Your Friend and Pastor,
The following Bible passages will be the basis for the 10:30 messages in July.
Please take time each week to read the selected passages.
July	 	 2	 	 	 Love Without Limits 	 	 	 Romans 6:12-23
July 	 	 9	 	 	 The Rule Of Grace	 	 Romans 7:15-25a
July 	 	 16	 	 	 	 	
July	 	 23	 	 	 	 Belief and Belonging 	 	 	 Romans 8:12-25
July	 	 30	 	 	 	 See It This Way	 	 Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
June 4 - Today was Pentecost and Bill Varney sat in the lectern. Pastor Joey’s sermon was based on 1
Corinthians 12:3b-13, titled, ‘Connected.’ This particular chapter talks about how the Spirit connects us
all. There are a variety of gifts but the same Spirit and a variety of graces but the same God. Paul likens
us as people who are connected like a body and Christ is the head. All of us have different gifts but we are
all blessed by the Spirit. Communion was served this morning.
June 11 - On this, First Sunday after Pentecost, Bill Varney sat in the lectern. Pastor Joey recognized
Jonash Poyaoan, who graduated from Van Nuys High School. Pastor Joey’s sermon was titled, ‘On Being
at Work,’ based on Matthew 28:16-20. The story of the commissioning of the disciples by Jesus, where he
tells them to go forward and spread the Good News by feeding the hungry and healing the sick in his
name. The reality is that this is still our task, even today. Our banner even today is to create disciples in the
name of Jesus Christ, for the transformation of the world.
June 18 - Today was Father’s Day and the Second Sunday after Pentecost. All the gentlemen in
attendance received a special gift. Patty Kelsey returned to the lectern a little earlier than expected. Pastor
Joey’s sermon, ‘Laughing Matters,’ was based on Genesis 18:1-15. This week’s scripture is the dual story
of ancient hospitality in the Middle East where visitors/angels come visit Abraham and Sarah. The angels
foretell of Sarah’s pending pregnancy and she laughs. But the Angels tell her that despite her disbelief and
laughter, she will conceive. God has the last laugh and provides Abraham and Sarah with a son and they
name him Isaac, which means, ‘he laughs,’. Program Ministries organized a special coffee fellowship,
catered by Tea Elle C Cafe! Thank you Genelita & Caesar for the delicious food!
June 25 - Today was Choir Recognition Sunday! We took a moment to recognize the Choir for their
dedication and hard work during the year. Patty Kelsey & Pastor Joey shared some words of gratitude to
our Choir, our Choir Director, Jeff Thomas, and organist, Roger Eshleman. Norman Kelsey shared
special music on the 50th anniversary of ‘All You Need Is Love.’ Pastor Joey’s sermon, ‘The Value of
Birds,’ was based on Matthew 10:24-39. This story is a follow up to the 9th chapter which is the
commissioning of the Disciples. Here God gets pointed and tells the Disciples that they can’t be greater
than their master and their purpose is to follow God, even if it costs them their lives. In verse 39: “If you
find your life, you may lose it and if you lose your life for the sake of God, you will find it.” Which is a
harsh thing to hear in the 21st century when we think we only have to be spiritual rather than religious.
Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23The Parabolic Word
Mark Your Calendars!
Sunset Socials
Monday, July 10th
Frozen Treat Social
Meet at 7:30 in our Patio
Friday, August 11th
6:30 - 8:30 PM on the Patio
Dress in your tropical duds!
Ukelele & Polynesian Dance
entertainment, and a screening of
Moana on the big screen!
Friday, July 14th
Gather outside the Lounge
7:00 PM - Dinner
8:15 PM - Outdoor Movie
Rogue One
Pizza, Popcorn & Punch!
*Bring blankets, beach chairs or bean bags!
(chairs also provided)
We will walk to
CREAM in the
NOHO Arts District
on Magnolia
rsvp please
What’s Happening in July?
Monday, July 10th - Frozen Treat Social! Meet
at 7:30 PM at the Patio and we will walk to CREAM.
Sunday, July 9th- Mission Sunday! Bring non-
perishable foods for the Food Pantry. Peanut Butter
and Tuna requested. Please bring a few extra
dollars for your offering!
Tuesday, July 11th - Breakfast Club meets at
Magnolia Grille at 9:00 AM. Limit 8ppl. RSVP.
Thursday, July 20th
7:00 PM
Please join us in making 150
sandwiches for the homeless &
hungry in our community.
Can’t make it but want to help?
Host a PB&J Project!
Saturday, July 15th
6:00 PM
Thursday, July 27th
7:30 PM
Creative Spirit group will meet in
North Lot to walk over to the
Sunday, July 2nd
Welcome Back Pastor Joey & Sue McDonald!
SPRC will recognize Pastor Joey & Sue during 10:30 worship.
Friday, July 21st - Tea Fellowship at Tea Elle C
Garden Cafe at 11:30 AM. Please RSVP.
Friday, July 14th - Outdoor Movie Night!
Lounge yard. 7PM Dinner and 8PM Movie.
Tuesday, July 11th
9:00 AM
Magnolia Grille
Limit 8 ppl. RSVP.
Friday, July 21st
11:30 AM
Tea Elle C Garden Cafe
26111 Bouquet Cyn. Rd.
Wednesday, July 19th - NO Ruth Circle meeting
this month.
Thursday, July 20th - PB & J Project meets in the
Lounge at 7:00 PM.
Saturday, July 22nd - Care Kit Prep Day!
Lounge. 11:30 AM. Help us organize our donations!
Saturday, August 5th
Vacation Bible School is Back! CAMP OUT VBS!
Meet in Boyer Chapel! 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM!
Music, Games, Bible Stories, Projects, T-shirt, Camp CD & Lunch! $15 per child.
Saturday, July 15th - Game Night! In the
Lounge! 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM.
Sunday, July 16th - Visioning Committee
Meeting. Following worship.
Thursday, July 27th - Experience NoHo Plaza!
7:30 PM. Led by Doug Eboch. (see details).
Sunday, July 30th - Kids Painting Workshop!
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM in the Community Room!
Sunday, July 23rd - Care Kit Assembly Day! In
front of Lounge. Following worship. 200 Kits!
Staff Parish Relations Committee would like to welcome
back Dr. Joey K. McDonald to begin his 27th year at
North Hollywood First United Methodist Church!
SPRC will take a moment to recognize Pastor Joey on
Sunday, July 2nd, during 10:30 AM worship.
Cake will be served during coffee fellowship to celebrate!
For many years Willa took care of the youngest children in our Sunday School. When Willa’s mother,
Pat Schoonmaker was living, the two of them always took care of the Boutique at the annual Fashion
Show. After Pat passed away, Willa manned the Boutique table at the Fashion Shows by herself. She
participated in Ruth Circle and UMW activities including making items to be sold at UMW boutiques.
A dog groomer, Willa often brought one of her beautiful poodles to amuse the children at the Children’s
Easter Party.
Judy Palmer is one of those quiet, dependable people that are the backbone of an organization. She
served on the UMW Executive Board for several years handling publicity and communications and,
even though she no longer is on the board, she still prepares programs for UMW meetings and creates
flyers for various UMW activities. She was in Ruth Circle and then led Martha Circle after Betty
Hogarth moved away. Judy has served on the Mission Team, acting as liaison with Red Bird Mission,
collecting and sending in the Box Tops and Labels for Education and she volunteers with Operation
Gratitude and PBJ when needed. She has been an alto in the church choir for a number of years. Judy
also quietly does lots of good deeds, driving people who can’t drive or don’t have cars and visiting
church shut-ins.
The Special Mission Recognition pin is a way of thanking Willa and Judy for their hard work and
By Lynn Yoshizumi
At the annual June Tea the United Methodist Women
gave Special Mission Recognition pins to 2  members
who have gone the extra mile to promote mission and
activities in UMW and in our church. Because Willa
Koenigsaecker recently moved to Puyallup, WA, to be
near one of her sons and his family which includes a
precious granddaughter, she was awarded the pin in
Free group tutoring is being offered by professional
tutor, Wendy Ince. Sign up with Tonya Peat!
Wendy has been a long time member of our church
and our altar flower arranger. She can tutor all subjects
but specializes in math.
By Jim Tyree
What is a First Impression?
Can you give an extra 45 minutes once or twice a month? NOHO has a very small but dedicated group
of people who arrive around 9:45 AM on Sunday morning. Some are there every week. They are there
to greet, hand out bulletins, staff the welcome table, open the front doors of the church, generally invite
the community into our lives and deal with whatever comes up on a Sunday morning. Think of it as
concierge service. Why then should you be one of them?
First of all there are far from enough of them to do all that needs doing. And what needs doing is all
around the campus.
For example on a recent Sunday in addition to handing out bulletins, the first impressions team did the
following outreach:
• Opened the front doors to Tujunga at 10 AM and maintained a cheerful welcoming presence at
both entrances to the sanctuary.
• Assisted a member with mobility issues by taking food and coffee hour treats from the north
parking lot to the lounge.
• Escorted a family to the Social Hall for their preparations in advance of a memorial service.
• Had a positive encounter with a homeless individual who had biked from Hollywood seeking
financial assistance resolving the matter in the process.
• Replenished the literature on the Welcome Table.
• Delivered Sunday bulletins to the Nursery staff.
• Opened the front church doors at the conclusion of the service.
• Generally helped out where needed.
It takes multiple individuals to do this work effectively. And it is a genuine need on a Sunday morning.
The term first impression speaks for itself. Why not give a little of your time and join us early on any
Sunday morning and make a great first impression.
Laurel Weber, daughter of Joanie and granddaughter
of Marion Elkerton, is a young woman to be reckoned
with just like her mother and grandmother. Laurel
graduated from high school at the age of 15. For the
past 2 years she has been attending Pasadena City
College loading up on all of the basic courses, intent
on transferring to the University of California at
Berkeley to major in Applied Mathematics with a
minor in Astronomy. All 3 women were thrilled when
Laurel received her acceptance from Cal Berkeley.
This past semester at PCC she received the
Outstanding Astronomy Department Award. On
campus, Laurel was active in She.Codes, a computer
science club for women that encourages young women
to prepare for careers in computer science. She was
also vice-president of the Feminist Club which
conducted several marches for abortion rights before
the national election last fall.
Laurel was selected for a highly competitive 2-month
internship this summer at California Institute of
Technology. She is working as a research assistant in
the astrophysics lab.
At the end of August Joanie will drive Laurel to
Berkeley where she will live in a co-op on campus.
Joanie will make that return drive to Los Angeles with
pride in her daughter but also some sadness that
Laurel will be so far away. For those who have missed
seeing Joanie, she has bought a house in Lake Hughes.
Instead of making the long drive to church, on
weekends she enjoys working in her yard in the fresh
air there.
Saturday, June 17, 2017 at 2:00 PM - the 33rd
Annual Session of the California Pacific Annual
Conference Plenary 6 took place in Redlands.
Bishop Hagiya honored six Annual Conference
members who have made considerable impacts
within the community with Lifetime Achievement
awards for service to Cal- Pac:
Rev. Dr. John Cobb, Jr.; Gaunnie Hardin Dixon;
Bishop Hagiya introduced the recipients with a
summary of why they were chosen: Becky Haase;
Stephen F. Harbison; Byron Hayes, Jr.; and James
M. Lawson, Jr. Each recipient was given an
opportunity to address the conference.
Byron Hayes, Jr. - As the first Cal-Pac chancellor,
he played a critical role in restoring financial
stability and fruitfulness during a challenging time,
and continues to offer his services pro-bono.
Byron is on the Board of Advisors of the Los
Angeles United Methodist Museum of Social
Justice. He, along with his lovely wife, DeAnne,
have continued to be supportive of our works here
at First United Methodist Church of North
Hollywood. Congratulations to Byron on a well-
deserved award!
By Lynn Yoshizumi
In a recent sermon, Pastor Joey stated that C. S. Lewis is the foremost Christian writer. Wikipedia tells us
that Clive Staples Lewis, who lived from November 29, 1898 to November 22, 1963, was a British novelist,
poet, academic, medievalist, literary critic, essayist, lay theologian, broadcaster, lecturer, and Christian
apologist (one who aims to present historical, reasoned, and evidential bases for Christianity, defending it
against objections). He held academic positions at both Oxford University (1925-1954) and Cambridge
University (1954-1963). He is best known for his works of fiction, especially The Screwtape Letters, The
Chronicles of Narnia, and The Space Trilogy, and for his non-fiction Christian apologetics, such as Mere
Christianity, Miracles, and The Problem of Pain.
According to Lewis' memoir Surprised by Joy, he was baptized in the Church of Ireland, but fell away
from his faith during adolescence. He returned to Anglicanism at the age of 32, owing to the influence of
J. R. Tolkien and other friends, and he became an "ordinary layman of the Church of England". His faith
profoundly affected his work, and his wartime radio broadcasts on the subject of Christianity brought him
wide acclaim.
Of the sixty plus books that Lewis wrote, we have 15 of them in our church library. Among his fiction
books, we have Prince Caspian: the Return to Narnia, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and the Silver
Chair, books #2, 3 and 4 of the Chronicles of Narnia. These books are shelved in the Junior Fiction
section (J813) to the left of the fireplace, next to the door. In the Adult Fiction section (813) you will find
The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Perelandra, The Pilgrim’s Regress and
Till We have Faces.
His non-fiction writings are classified according to subject. Under Christian Theology (230) you will find
The Joyful Christian: 127 Readings and The Visionary Christian: 131 Readings. Under Devotional
Literature (242) are A Grief Observed, Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer, and The Screwtape Letters
and Screwtape Proposes a Toast. Filed under the heading Christian Experience, Practice, Life (248) are
Surprised by Joy: Shape of My Early Life, an autobiography, and The Screwtape Letters. We have one
large print C. S. Lewis book, Reflections on the Psalms, which can be found filed as LP223 in the last
section, just to the left of the coffee pots.
We also have several books other authors have written about Lewis or compiled containing principally
letters he wrote. In section J828 (near the back door) is Lyle W. Dorsett and Marjorie Lamp Mead’s book
C. S. Lewis Letters to Children. In section 248 is Sheldon Vanaulken’s book A Severe Mercy: Includes 18
Letters by C. S. Lewis.  Paul L. Holmer’s book C. S. Lewis: The Shape of His Faith and Thought can be
found is Section 828, the 2nd section to the left of the coffee pots. Finally in Section 921 is David Barratt’s
biography, C. S. Lewis and His World.
Check out these oldies but goodies and ask me for help if you can’t find what you’re looking for.
June 6th the Zion UMC Sanctuary was gutted
by fire. Cause is still under investigation by a
number of agencies. The 100 year old
congregation is one of a few in the Desert
Southwest Conference. A request was made by
DSW to provide a cadre of trained/
experienced United Methodist Volunteers in
Mission (UMVIM) to assist with the site
cleanup. By June 21, six of us were onsite.
FRIDAY afternoon (June 23) we finally
received clearance to enter the building with
Three different code agencies are involved - 
one closed Fridays, one Monday's. Throw in a
green insurance adjuster who got into an
argument with one of the inspectors by
walking THRU the caution tape the previous
week. Add a little ash,  mix with record
temperature - mmmmmmmm what a recipe!
It was actually a blessing we were restricted for
a bit. Allowed time for the building of ramps,
putting up shade cloth, adding water misters to
the assembly area and being better organized
when volunteers arrived.
Saturday June 24
The cadre started at 4:30, breakfast on site at
6:00am, volunteers about 7. We are working 30
minutes on, 30 minutes off. Stop work @ 110°
- usually 1pm.  The first day was a good start!
The CAL-PAC cadre is augmenting the  DSW
UMVIM with knowledge and years of
experience. About a dozen volunteers came
Saturday. A few from area UMCs, a big group
of LDS, and several from Zion. 
Sunday June 25 we were warmly (not a pun)
greeted as we worshiped with Zion UMC.
Prayers for the congregation and their
By Ken Ellis
Ken Ellis on site at Zion UMC
The fire damage inside the sanctuary.
The fire made the news headlines.
Wishing you many blessings on your birthday!
Love, Your Church Family
July 1	 	 Alexander Parnell
July 2	 	 September Sucher
July 4	 	 Betty Hogarth
July 5	 	 Joyce Cunningham
July 9	 	 Heemanshu Bhagat
July 9	 	 Byron Hayes
July 12 	 Steven Ellis
July 12 	 Chris Koenigsaecker
July 13 	 Sage Doelitzsch
July 18	 Francis Nyaforh
July 19	 Andrew Merrill
July 23 DeAnne Hayes
July 26 Wendy Neckels
July 28 Kevin Ellis
July 28 Roger Eshleman
July 28 	 Gary Solt
July 31	 David Cox
Teri Geiger’s terminal cancer responded well to
chemotherapy and the cancer stopped
Tracy Hagan Ritter is recuperating after a
successful debridement procedure of her
throat and adenoid area. The doctor ordered
an MRI for her head. She has 5-10 years left of
her cancer treatment. Jeff Thomas’ friend, Monica Zevallos, is
undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer.
Jim Doggett
entered the church triumphant on
June 5, 2017
A memorial service will be held in the Main
Sanctuary on Saturday, July 8th at 11:00 AM
Norman Kelsey’s uncle, David Vail, has had an
ongoing fight with bladder cancer.
Keven McConnell was in a four car pile up
while visiting family in Oklahoma City. This
seemed to trigger his Bell’s Palsy symptoms.
Keven is home and going to see a doctor.
Margaret Doggett needs prayers of peace
following the loss of her husband, Jim.
Gary Solt will undergo surgery to remove
melanoma from his cheek.
Shannon Porsley lost her mother to lung cancer
and is finding the loss to be overwhelming.
Dick Orrill is still recovering after falling off a
roof from a diabetic episode.
Dr. Joey K. McDonald
Reflections are part of the weekly bulletin inserts for worship. This writing was originally from April 17, 2011.
Dr. McDonald’s sermon was titled “A Broken Vessel in Search of Glue,” based on Psalm 31:9-16.
There is a colloquial phrase which states, “If  it ain’t broke don’t fix it,” yet we devote a good
deal of time effort and money endeavoring to do just that. From Aunt Lois’ favorite butter dish
to some pottery given us by our grandmother, we seek to mend and fix everything around us. 
We have become ingenious people thanks to technology, and science.  The development of
adhesives and solvents allows us to fix and repair a wide variety of things.  We know how to get
gum out of hair, or off of a running shoe.  We can remove road tar from our cars. We can
figure out how to get wax out of a carpet.  There are glues which contain names we cannot
pronounce that enable us to repair everything from fine china to a leather belt.  However, what
if the broken item is a heart, mind, or soul.  For these we have books, seminars and sessions
with a therapist, or spiritual advisor.     
These precious elements can be broken, and mangled as well.  Left, so to speak, at the curb like
yesterdays trash, unfit even for the thrift store. What might be done to mend them?  The writer
of the thirty-first Psalm knew about the stress and strain of a broken life, and more
importantly, was practiced in how to mend and heal things. In verse nine the words are telling.
“Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am in distress; my eye wastes away from grief, my soul and
body also.”  This becomes more intense and explicit in verse twelve, and thirteen. “I have
passed out of mind like one who is dead; I have become like a broken vessel. For I hear the
whispering of many--terror all around!--as they scheme together against me, as they plot to
take my life.”  Now the repair is told in verse fourteen, as the Psalmist reveals that which will
mend life at its very core.   “But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, ‘You are My God.’”   This
statement of reliance becomes spiritual glue capable of holding a wreck of a life together says
the Psalmist.
Long before Brother Lawrence wrote of “practicing being in the presence of God,” the writer
of this prayer was schooled in how a Holy relationship helps us hold on, keeping us whole. 
Centuries ahead of the writing or singing the Palmist was, “Taking It To The Lord, In Prayer.”
The inference is as simple as it is real. Fragile human earthliness is no match for the wonder of 
Heavenly mucilage.   We may not be able to mouth the polymers employed to put a vase back
together, yet when we say ‘O Lord, Thou Art My Rock,’ we mend our very lives.
July	 	 2	 Fourth Sunday After Pentecost. Independence Sunday. Green.
	 	 	 Gen. 22:1-14; Ps. 13 (UMH 746); Rom. 6:12-23; Matt. 10:40-42
July	 	 9	 Fifth Sunday After Pentecost. Green.
	 	 	 Gen. 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67; Ps. 45:10-17 or Ps. 72 (UMH 795); Rom. 7:15-25a;
	 	 	 Matt. 11:16-19, 25-30
July 	 	 16	 Sixth Sunday After Pentecost. Green.
	 	 	 Gen. 25:19-34; Ps. 119:105-112 or Ps. 25 (UMH 756); Rom. 8:1-11; Matt. 13:1-9, 18-23
July	 	 23	 Seventh Sunday After Pentecost. Parents Day. Green.
	 	 	 Gen. 28:10-19a; Ps. 139:1-12, 23-24 (UMH 854); Rom. 8:12-25; Matt. 13:24-30, 36-43
July 	 	 30	 Eighth Sunday After Pentecost. Green.
	 	 	 Gen. 29:15-28; Ps. 105:1-11, 45b (UMH 828); Rom. 8:26-39; Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
Sunday Worship Services at 10:30 AM in the Main Sanctuary
Adult Sunday School meets every 2nd, 3rd & 5th Sunday at 9:00 AM in Boyer Chapel
Children’s Sunday School meets at 10:30 AM in the Community Room/Nursery
Children’s Time every 2nd & 3rd Sunday at 10:30 worship
Communion will be served on Sunday, July 2nd
8:15 AM Worship Services in Boyer Chapel
	 	 	 July 2- Pastor Joey	 	 July 9 - Norman Kelsey	
	 July 16 - Patty Kelsey 	 July 23 - Sandra Smith	 July 30 - Sandra Smith
Please have your articles for the Good News to the church office by July 17th for the August 2017 publication
or email them to
If you no longer wish to receive this publication, please contact the church office
or return this address label noting that we are to discontinue sending it. Thank you.
POSTMASTER - Please send changes of address to:
First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood
4832 Tujunga Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91601
Ice Cream Social
Monday, July 10th at 7:30 PM
Meet in the church courtyard to walk to CREAM NoHo for ice cream treats, exercise, and
Outdoor Movie Night
Friday, July 14th, 7:00 PM Dinner, 8:15 PM Movie - Rogue One in front of the Lounge!
Family Game Night!
Saturday, July 15, 6:00 PM in the Lounge
Does it sound fun to be a giant monster fighting for control of Tokyo? Or to team up to stop
epidemics from destroying humanity? Or to snowboard in July? It is when you’re playing
board games and Wii video games! Join us for an evening of play. The church has some
games or feel free to bring your own. We will have pizza and snacks. We encourage you to
RSVP to so that we can get an appropriate amount of food.
Tea Fellowship
Friday, July 21st at 11:30 AM. Join us for afternoon tea at Tea Elle C in Santa Clarita.
Experience NoHo Plaza
Thursday, July 27, 7:30 pm
The Creative Spirit group will meet in the North parking lot of the church to walk over to
NoHo Plaza for this weekly event. The 27th features Angel City Fiddle Squad, a party band
that will get you dancing to fiddle-driven rockin' bluegrass mashed-up with a "thrash-country-
cow-punk" sound. All are welcome.
Kids Painting Workshop
Sunday, July 30, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Gustavo Alberto Garcia Vaca returns with another great art workshop for kids! This time
we’ll be learning about abstract expressionism as we paint to the jazz music that inspired
painters like Jackson Pollock and Henri Matisse. Supplies will be provided. Please RSVP to
nohofumc@gmail so we can make sure there is enough for everyone.
Vacation Bible School! Camp Out! Getting S’more of Jesus!
Saturday, August 5th, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Kids will go on a journey to find that Jesus is the light of the world! Through wilderness
games, projects-with-a-purpose, fire pit Bible stories, music and more! $15 per child
(discounts for more than one child available)
Hawaiian Night
Friday, August 11th at 6:30 PM in the Patio Courtyard
Dinner, Ukelele Performance, Polynesian Dance Demonstration, Moana on the big screen!
We provide the entree & punch - you bring the sides & dessert! Please RSVP!
United Methodist Dodger Night
Saturday, August 12th, 6:10 PM - $45 includes all you can eat food in the Pavilion!
Deadline to sign up is Sunday, July 16th with Roger Eshleman.

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Good News July 2017

  • 1. First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood GOOD NEWS e-mail: JULY 2017 IN THIS ISSUE: • Welcome Back Pastor • Zion UMC • Summer Events • First Impressions Team GOOD NEWS is published monthly by First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood, California 91601 Phone (818) 763-8231 Grant Hagiya Bishop Rev. James Powell District Superintendent Dr. Joey K. McDonald Pastor Congregation Ministers Jeff Thomas Director of Music Roger Eshleman Organist Nylean Rapinac Administrator Patty Kelsey Director, Program Ministries Tonya Peat Director, Outreach Ministries On July the fourth in the United States of America, we celebrate our nation’s independence.   It became a national holiday in 1791 and the Colonies signed the Declaration in 1776.   What began as a declarative document in Philadelphia, and was won through armed aggression, has come now to be symbolized by a long weekend, a picnic, some fireworks and the largest volume of beer sales throughout the year.  The parents of this nation started a revolution and we’ve turned it into a party.  A party in and of itself is not a bad thing, but if celebration is the chief aim then, the ceremony and sacred nature of the event can be lost. Less than one hundred years later at the dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery, President Abraham Lincoln spoke to those gathered of the vision and value of freedom.   About a century and a half later Lincoln’s words still carry weight.  “...It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us–that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion–that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain–that this nation under God, shall have a new birth of freedom–and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Abraham Lincoln was a person of faith.  He took to heart the idea that the foundation of this country meant freedom and justice for all.  He was not alone, Theodore Parker, an abolitionist preacher is believed to have inspired the close of the address with these words from a sermon thirteen years earlier.   “This American idea, demands... a democracy, that is, a government of all the people, by all the people, for all the people...”  Not everyone believed in President Lincoln’s theology or his politics.  When he spoke at Gettysburg, the war was not over.  His intent to follow the vision, to which he believed God had called him, would in time cost him his life.  What a horrible price to pay, but imagine how much poorer in spirit this Country would be without the likes of Abraham Lincoln. The tenets of this country provide us freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.   Our founders never intended agreement in religious or political terms, which is why we have a Constitution and Bill of Rights.  In every age and stage of this country there have been people of faith to speak with integrity on behalf of the cause of freedom.  Men and women, from all races and walks of life, who remind us as individuals and as a Nation of the responsibility which comes with the freedoms democracy provides.  The Fourth of July is indeed a party, but it is also fraught with the hope of justice and freedom, yours, mine, ours and theirs. Your Friend and Pastor, Joey A NOTE FROM PASTOR JOEY
  • 2. COME AND WORSHIP The following Bible passages will be the basis for the 10:30 messages in July. Please take time each week to read the selected passages. July 2 Love Without Limits Romans 6:12-23 July 9 The Rule Of Grace Romans 7:15-25a July 16 July 23 Belief and Belonging Romans 8:12-25 July 30 See It This Way Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 HIGHLIGHTS OF WORSHIP June 4 - Today was Pentecost and Bill Varney sat in the lectern. Pastor Joey’s sermon was based on 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13, titled, ‘Connected.’ This particular chapter talks about how the Spirit connects us all. There are a variety of gifts but the same Spirit and a variety of graces but the same God. Paul likens us as people who are connected like a body and Christ is the head. All of us have different gifts but we are all blessed by the Spirit. Communion was served this morning. June 11 - On this, First Sunday after Pentecost, Bill Varney sat in the lectern. Pastor Joey recognized Jonash Poyaoan, who graduated from Van Nuys High School. Pastor Joey’s sermon was titled, ‘On Being at Work,’ based on Matthew 28:16-20. The story of the commissioning of the disciples by Jesus, where he tells them to go forward and spread the Good News by feeding the hungry and healing the sick in his name. The reality is that this is still our task, even today. Our banner even today is to create disciples in the name of Jesus Christ, for the transformation of the world. June 18 - Today was Father’s Day and the Second Sunday after Pentecost. All the gentlemen in attendance received a special gift. Patty Kelsey returned to the lectern a little earlier than expected. Pastor Joey’s sermon, ‘Laughing Matters,’ was based on Genesis 18:1-15. This week’s scripture is the dual story of ancient hospitality in the Middle East where visitors/angels come visit Abraham and Sarah. The angels foretell of Sarah’s pending pregnancy and she laughs. But the Angels tell her that despite her disbelief and laughter, she will conceive. God has the last laugh and provides Abraham and Sarah with a son and they name him Isaac, which means, ‘he laughs,’. Program Ministries organized a special coffee fellowship, catered by Tea Elle C Cafe! Thank you Genelita & Caesar for the delicious food! June 25 - Today was Choir Recognition Sunday! We took a moment to recognize the Choir for their dedication and hard work during the year. Patty Kelsey & Pastor Joey shared some words of gratitude to our Choir, our Choir Director, Jeff Thomas, and organist, Roger Eshleman. Norman Kelsey shared special music on the 50th anniversary of ‘All You Need Is Love.’ Pastor Joey’s sermon, ‘The Value of Birds,’ was based on Matthew 10:24-39. This story is a follow up to the 9th chapter which is the commissioning of the Disciples. Here God gets pointed and tells the Disciples that they can’t be greater than their master and their purpose is to follow God, even if it costs them their lives. In verse 39: “If you find your life, you may lose it and if you lose your life for the sake of God, you will find it.” Which is a harsh thing to hear in the 21st century when we think we only have to be spiritual rather than religious. Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23The Parabolic Word
  • 3. Mark Your Calendars! Sunset Socials Monday, July 10th Frozen Treat Social Meet at 7:30 in our Patio Friday, August 11th DINNER 6:30 - 8:30 PM on the Patio HAWAIIAN THEME Dress in your tropical duds! Ukelele & Polynesian Dance entertainment, and a screening of Moana on the big screen! Outdoor Friday, July 14th Gather outside the Lounge 7:00 PM - Dinner 8:15 PM - Outdoor Movie Rogue One Pizza, Popcorn & Punch! *Bring blankets, beach chairs or bean bags! (chairs also provided) We will walk to CREAM in the NOHO Arts District on Magnolia rsvp please
  • 4. What’s Happening in July? Monday, July 10th - Frozen Treat Social! Meet at 7:30 PM at the Patio and we will walk to CREAM. Sunday, July 9th- Mission Sunday! Bring non- perishable foods for the Food Pantry. Peanut Butter and Tuna requested. Please bring a few extra dollars for your offering! Tuesday, July 11th - Breakfast Club meets at Magnolia Grille at 9:00 AM. Limit 8ppl. RSVP. PB&J PROJECT Thursday, July 20th 7:00 PM Lounge Please join us in making 150 sandwiches for the homeless & hungry in our community. Can’t make it but want to help? Host a PB&J Project! Saturday, July 15th 6:00 PM Lounge Thursday, July 27th 7:30 PM Creative Spirit group will meet in North Lot to walk over to the plaza. Sunday, July 2nd Welcome Back Pastor Joey & Sue McDonald! SPRC will recognize Pastor Joey & Sue during 10:30 worship. Friday, July 21st - Tea Fellowship at Tea Elle C Garden Cafe at 11:30 AM. Please RSVP. Friday, July 14th - Outdoor Movie Night! Lounge yard. 7PM Dinner and 8PM Movie. Tuesday, July 11th 9:00 AM Magnolia Grille Limit 8 ppl. RSVP. TEA FELLOWSHIP Friday, July 21st 11:30 AM Tea Elle C Garden Cafe 26111 Bouquet Cyn. Rd. Wednesday, July 19th - NO Ruth Circle meeting this month. Thursday, July 20th - PB & J Project meets in the Lounge at 7:00 PM. Saturday, July 22nd - Care Kit Prep Day! Lounge. 11:30 AM. Help us organize our donations! Saturday, August 5th Vacation Bible School is Back! CAMP OUT VBS! Meet in Boyer Chapel! 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM! Music, Games, Bible Stories, Projects, T-shirt, Camp CD & Lunch! $15 per child. Saturday, July 15th - Game Night! In the Lounge! 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM. Sunday, July 16th - Visioning Committee Meeting. Following worship. Thursday, July 27th - Experience NoHo Plaza! 7:30 PM. Led by Doug Eboch. (see details). Sunday, July 30th - Kids Painting Workshop! 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM in the Community Room! Sunday, July 23rd - Care Kit Assembly Day! In front of Lounge. Following worship. 200 Kits!
  • 5. WELCOME BACK PASTOR JOEY & SUE MCDONALD Staff Parish Relations Committee would like to welcome back Dr. Joey K. McDonald to begin his 27th year at North Hollywood First United Methodist Church! SPRC will take a moment to recognize Pastor Joey on Sunday, July 2nd, during 10:30 AM worship. Cake will be served during coffee fellowship to celebrate! For many years Willa took care of the youngest children in our Sunday School. When Willa’s mother, Pat Schoonmaker was living, the two of them always took care of the Boutique at the annual Fashion Show. After Pat passed away, Willa manned the Boutique table at the Fashion Shows by herself. She participated in Ruth Circle and UMW activities including making items to be sold at UMW boutiques. A dog groomer, Willa often brought one of her beautiful poodles to amuse the children at the Children’s Easter Party. Judy Palmer is one of those quiet, dependable people that are the backbone of an organization. She served on the UMW Executive Board for several years handling publicity and communications and, even though she no longer is on the board, she still prepares programs for UMW meetings and creates flyers for various UMW activities. She was in Ruth Circle and then led Martha Circle after Betty Hogarth moved away. Judy has served on the Mission Team, acting as liaison with Red Bird Mission, collecting and sending in the Box Tops and Labels for Education and she volunteers with Operation Gratitude and PBJ when needed. She has been an alto in the church choir for a number of years. Judy also quietly does lots of good deeds, driving people who can’t drive or don’t have cars and visiting church shut-ins. The Special Mission Recognition pin is a way of thanking Willa and Judy for their hard work and dedication. By Lynn Yoshizumi At the annual June Tea the United Methodist Women gave Special Mission Recognition pins to 2  members who have gone the extra mile to promote mission and activities in UMW and in our church. Because Willa Koenigsaecker recently moved to Puyallup, WA, to be near one of her sons and his family which includes a precious granddaughter, she was awarded the pin in absentia. Free group tutoring is being offered by professional tutor, Wendy Ince. Sign up with Tonya Peat! Wendy has been a long time member of our church and our altar flower arranger. She can tutor all subjects but specializes in math.
  • 6. By Jim Tyree What is a First Impression? Can you give an extra 45 minutes once or twice a month? NOHO has a very small but dedicated group of people who arrive around 9:45 AM on Sunday morning. Some are there every week. They are there to greet, hand out bulletins, staff the welcome table, open the front doors of the church, generally invite the community into our lives and deal with whatever comes up on a Sunday morning. Think of it as concierge service. Why then should you be one of them? First of all there are far from enough of them to do all that needs doing. And what needs doing is all around the campus. For example on a recent Sunday in addition to handing out bulletins, the first impressions team did the following outreach: • Opened the front doors to Tujunga at 10 AM and maintained a cheerful welcoming presence at both entrances to the sanctuary. • Assisted a member with mobility issues by taking food and coffee hour treats from the north parking lot to the lounge. • Escorted a family to the Social Hall for their preparations in advance of a memorial service. • Had a positive encounter with a homeless individual who had biked from Hollywood seeking financial assistance resolving the matter in the process. • Replenished the literature on the Welcome Table. • Delivered Sunday bulletins to the Nursery staff. • Opened the front church doors at the conclusion of the service. • Generally helped out where needed. It takes multiple individuals to do this work effectively. And it is a genuine need on a Sunday morning. The term first impression speaks for itself. Why not give a little of your time and join us early on any Sunday morning and make a great first impression.
  • 7. Laurel Weber, daughter of Joanie and granddaughter of Marion Elkerton, is a young woman to be reckoned with just like her mother and grandmother. Laurel graduated from high school at the age of 15. For the past 2 years she has been attending Pasadena City College loading up on all of the basic courses, intent on transferring to the University of California at Berkeley to major in Applied Mathematics with a minor in Astronomy. All 3 women were thrilled when Laurel received her acceptance from Cal Berkeley. This past semester at PCC she received the Outstanding Astronomy Department Award. On campus, Laurel was active in She.Codes, a computer science club for women that encourages young women to prepare for careers in computer science. She was also vice-president of the Feminist Club which conducted several marches for abortion rights before the national election last fall. Laurel was selected for a highly competitive 2-month internship this summer at California Institute of Technology. She is working as a research assistant in the astrophysics lab. At the end of August Joanie will drive Laurel to Berkeley where she will live in a co-op on campus. Joanie will make that return drive to Los Angeles with pride in her daughter but also some sadness that Laurel will be so far away. For those who have missed seeing Joanie, she has bought a house in Lake Hughes. Instead of making the long drive to church, on weekends she enjoys working in her yard in the fresh air there. Saturday, June 17, 2017 at 2:00 PM - the 33rd Annual Session of the California Pacific Annual Conference Plenary 6 took place in Redlands. Bishop Hagiya honored six Annual Conference members who have made considerable impacts within the community with Lifetime Achievement awards for service to Cal- Pac: Rev. Dr. John Cobb, Jr.; Gaunnie Hardin Dixon; Bishop Hagiya introduced the recipients with a summary of why they were chosen: Becky Haase; Stephen F. Harbison; Byron Hayes, Jr.; and James M. Lawson, Jr. Each recipient was given an opportunity to address the conference. Byron Hayes, Jr. - As the first Cal-Pac chancellor, he played a critical role in restoring financial stability and fruitfulness during a challenging time, and continues to offer his services pro-bono. Byron is on the Board of Advisors of the Los Angeles United Methodist Museum of Social Justice. He, along with his lovely wife, DeAnne, have continued to be supportive of our works here at First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood. Congratulations to Byron on a well- deserved award!
  • 8. By Lynn Yoshizumi In a recent sermon, Pastor Joey stated that C. S. Lewis is the foremost Christian writer. Wikipedia tells us that Clive Staples Lewis, who lived from November 29, 1898 to November 22, 1963, was a British novelist, poet, academic, medievalist, literary critic, essayist, lay theologian, broadcaster, lecturer, and Christian apologist (one who aims to present historical, reasoned, and evidential bases for Christianity, defending it against objections). He held academic positions at both Oxford University (1925-1954) and Cambridge University (1954-1963). He is best known for his works of fiction, especially The Screwtape Letters, The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Space Trilogy, and for his non-fiction Christian apologetics, such as Mere Christianity, Miracles, and The Problem of Pain. According to Lewis' memoir Surprised by Joy, he was baptized in the Church of Ireland, but fell away from his faith during adolescence. He returned to Anglicanism at the age of 32, owing to the influence of J. R. Tolkien and other friends, and he became an "ordinary layman of the Church of England". His faith profoundly affected his work, and his wartime radio broadcasts on the subject of Christianity brought him wide acclaim. Of the sixty plus books that Lewis wrote, we have 15 of them in our church library. Among his fiction books, we have Prince Caspian: the Return to Narnia, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and the Silver Chair, books #2, 3 and 4 of the Chronicles of Narnia. These books are shelved in the Junior Fiction section (J813) to the left of the fireplace, next to the door. In the Adult Fiction section (813) you will find The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Perelandra, The Pilgrim’s Regress and Till We have Faces. His non-fiction writings are classified according to subject. Under Christian Theology (230) you will find The Joyful Christian: 127 Readings and The Visionary Christian: 131 Readings. Under Devotional Literature (242) are A Grief Observed, Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer, and The Screwtape Letters and Screwtape Proposes a Toast. Filed under the heading Christian Experience, Practice, Life (248) are Surprised by Joy: Shape of My Early Life, an autobiography, and The Screwtape Letters. We have one large print C. S. Lewis book, Reflections on the Psalms, which can be found filed as LP223 in the last section, just to the left of the coffee pots. We also have several books other authors have written about Lewis or compiled containing principally letters he wrote. In section J828 (near the back door) is Lyle W. Dorsett and Marjorie Lamp Mead’s book C. S. Lewis Letters to Children. In section 248 is Sheldon Vanaulken’s book A Severe Mercy: Includes 18 Letters by C. S. Lewis.  Paul L. Holmer’s book C. S. Lewis: The Shape of His Faith and Thought can be found is Section 828, the 2nd section to the left of the coffee pots. Finally in Section 921 is David Barratt’s biography, C. S. Lewis and His World. Check out these oldies but goodies and ask me for help if you can’t find what you’re looking for.
  • 9. June 6th the Zion UMC Sanctuary was gutted by fire. Cause is still under investigation by a number of agencies. The 100 year old congregation is one of a few in the Desert Southwest Conference. A request was made by DSW to provide a cadre of trained/ experienced United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) to assist with the site cleanup. By June 21, six of us were onsite. FRIDAY afternoon (June 23) we finally received clearance to enter the building with restrictions. Three different code agencies are involved -  one closed Fridays, one Monday's. Throw in a green insurance adjuster who got into an argument with one of the inspectors by walking THRU the caution tape the previous week. Add a little ash,  mix with record temperature - mmmmmmmm what a recipe! It was actually a blessing we were restricted for a bit. Allowed time for the building of ramps, putting up shade cloth, adding water misters to the assembly area and being better organized when volunteers arrived. Saturday June 24 The cadre started at 4:30, breakfast on site at 6:00am, volunteers about 7. We are working 30 minutes on, 30 minutes off. Stop work @ 110° - usually 1pm.  The first day was a good start! The CAL-PAC cadre is augmenting the  DSW UMVIM with knowledge and years of experience. About a dozen volunteers came Saturday. A few from area UMCs, a big group of LDS, and several from Zion.  Sunday June 25 we were warmly (not a pun) greeted as we worshiped with Zion UMC. Prayers for the congregation and their ministry! By Ken Ellis Ken Ellis on site at Zion UMC The fire damage inside the sanctuary. The fire made the news headlines.
  • 10. Wishing you many blessings on your birthday! Love, Your Church Family July 1 Alexander Parnell July 2 September Sucher July 4 Betty Hogarth July 5 Joyce Cunningham July 9 Heemanshu Bhagat July 9 Byron Hayes July 12 Steven Ellis July 12 Chris Koenigsaecker July 13 Sage Doelitzsch July 18 Francis Nyaforh July 19 Andrew Merrill July 23 DeAnne Hayes July 26 Wendy Neckels July 28 Kevin Ellis July 28 Roger Eshleman July 28 Gary Solt July 31 David Cox Teri Geiger’s terminal cancer responded well to chemotherapy and the cancer stopped spreading. Tracy Hagan Ritter is recuperating after a successful debridement procedure of her throat and adenoid area. The doctor ordered an MRI for her head. She has 5-10 years left of her cancer treatment. Jeff Thomas’ friend, Monica Zevallos, is undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. Jim Doggett entered the church triumphant on June 5, 2017 A memorial service will be held in the Main Sanctuary on Saturday, July 8th at 11:00 AM Norman Kelsey’s uncle, David Vail, has had an ongoing fight with bladder cancer. Keven McConnell was in a four car pile up while visiting family in Oklahoma City. This seemed to trigger his Bell’s Palsy symptoms. Keven is home and going to see a doctor. Margaret Doggett needs prayers of peace following the loss of her husband, Jim. Gary Solt will undergo surgery to remove melanoma from his cheek. Shannon Porsley lost her mother to lung cancer and is finding the loss to be overwhelming. Dick Orrill is still recovering after falling off a roof from a diabetic episode.
  • 11. Reflections Dr. Joey K. McDonald Reflections are part of the weekly bulletin inserts for worship. This writing was originally from April 17, 2011. Dr. McDonald’s sermon was titled “A Broken Vessel in Search of Glue,” based on Psalm 31:9-16. There is a colloquial phrase which states, “If  it ain’t broke don’t fix it,” yet we devote a good deal of time effort and money endeavoring to do just that. From Aunt Lois’ favorite butter dish to some pottery given us by our grandmother, we seek to mend and fix everything around us.  We have become ingenious people thanks to technology, and science.  The development of adhesives and solvents allows us to fix and repair a wide variety of things.  We know how to get gum out of hair, or off of a running shoe.  We can remove road tar from our cars. We can figure out how to get wax out of a carpet.  There are glues which contain names we cannot pronounce that enable us to repair everything from fine china to a leather belt.  However, what if the broken item is a heart, mind, or soul.  For these we have books, seminars and sessions with a therapist, or spiritual advisor.      These precious elements can be broken, and mangled as well.  Left, so to speak, at the curb like yesterdays trash, unfit even for the thrift store. What might be done to mend them?  The writer of the thirty-first Psalm knew about the stress and strain of a broken life, and more importantly, was practiced in how to mend and heal things. In verse nine the words are telling. “Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am in distress; my eye wastes away from grief, my soul and body also.”  This becomes more intense and explicit in verse twelve, and thirteen. “I have passed out of mind like one who is dead; I have become like a broken vessel. For I hear the whispering of many--terror all around!--as they scheme together against me, as they plot to take my life.”  Now the repair is told in verse fourteen, as the Psalmist reveals that which will mend life at its very core.   “But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, ‘You are My God.’”   This statement of reliance becomes spiritual glue capable of holding a wreck of a life together says the Psalmist. Long before Brother Lawrence wrote of “practicing being in the presence of God,” the writer of this prayer was schooled in how a Holy relationship helps us hold on, keeping us whole.  Centuries ahead of the writing or singing the Palmist was, “Taking It To The Lord, In Prayer.” The inference is as simple as it is real. Fragile human earthliness is no match for the wonder of  Heavenly mucilage.   We may not be able to mouth the polymers employed to put a vase back together, yet when we say ‘O Lord, Thou Art My Rock,’ we mend our very lives.
  • 12. LECTIONARY READINGS FOR JULY July 2 Fourth Sunday After Pentecost. Independence Sunday. Green. Gen. 22:1-14; Ps. 13 (UMH 746); Rom. 6:12-23; Matt. 10:40-42 July 9 Fifth Sunday After Pentecost. Green. Gen. 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67; Ps. 45:10-17 or Ps. 72 (UMH 795); Rom. 7:15-25a; Matt. 11:16-19, 25-30 July 16 Sixth Sunday After Pentecost. Green. Gen. 25:19-34; Ps. 119:105-112 or Ps. 25 (UMH 756); Rom. 8:1-11; Matt. 13:1-9, 18-23 July 23 Seventh Sunday After Pentecost. Parents Day. Green. Gen. 28:10-19a; Ps. 139:1-12, 23-24 (UMH 854); Rom. 8:12-25; Matt. 13:24-30, 36-43 July 30 Eighth Sunday After Pentecost. Green. Gen. 29:15-28; Ps. 105:1-11, 45b (UMH 828); Rom. 8:26-39; Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 Sunday Worship Services at 10:30 AM in the Main Sanctuary Adult Sunday School meets every 2nd, 3rd & 5th Sunday at 9:00 AM in Boyer Chapel Children’s Sunday School meets at 10:30 AM in the Community Room/Nursery Children’s Time every 2nd & 3rd Sunday at 10:30 worship Communion will be served on Sunday, July 2nd 8:15 AM Worship Services in Boyer Chapel July 2- Pastor Joey July 9 - Norman Kelsey July 16 - Patty Kelsey July 23 - Sandra Smith July 30 - Sandra Smith Please have your articles for the Good News to the church office by July 17th for the August 2017 publication or email them to If you no longer wish to receive this publication, please contact the church office or return this address label noting that we are to discontinue sending it. Thank you. POSTMASTER - Please send changes of address to: First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood 4832 Tujunga Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91601
  • 13. Ice Cream Social Monday, July 10th at 7:30 PM Meet in the church courtyard to walk to CREAM NoHo for ice cream treats, exercise, and fellowship! Outdoor Movie Night Friday, July 14th, 7:00 PM Dinner, 8:15 PM Movie - Rogue One in front of the Lounge! Family Game Night! Saturday, July 15, 6:00 PM in the Lounge Does it sound fun to be a giant monster fighting for control of Tokyo? Or to team up to stop epidemics from destroying humanity? Or to snowboard in July? It is when you’re playing board games and Wii video games! Join us for an evening of play. The church has some games or feel free to bring your own. We will have pizza and snacks. We encourage you to RSVP to so that we can get an appropriate amount of food. Tea Fellowship Friday, July 21st at 11:30 AM. Join us for afternoon tea at Tea Elle C in Santa Clarita. Experience NoHo Plaza Thursday, July 27, 7:30 pm The Creative Spirit group will meet in the North parking lot of the church to walk over to NoHo Plaza for this weekly event. The 27th features Angel City Fiddle Squad, a party band that will get you dancing to fiddle-driven rockin' bluegrass mashed-up with a "thrash-country- cow-punk" sound. All are welcome. Kids Painting Workshop Sunday, July 30, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Gustavo Alberto Garcia Vaca returns with another great art workshop for kids! This time we’ll be learning about abstract expressionism as we paint to the jazz music that inspired painters like Jackson Pollock and Henri Matisse. Supplies will be provided. Please RSVP to nohofumc@gmail so we can make sure there is enough for everyone. Vacation Bible School! Camp Out! Getting S’more of Jesus! Saturday, August 5th, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Kids will go on a journey to find that Jesus is the light of the world! Through wilderness games, projects-with-a-purpose, fire pit Bible stories, music and more! $15 per child (discounts for more than one child available) Hawaiian Night Friday, August 11th at 6:30 PM in the Patio Courtyard Dinner, Ukelele Performance, Polynesian Dance Demonstration, Moana on the big screen! We provide the entree & punch - you bring the sides & dessert! Please RSVP! United Methodist Dodger Night Saturday, August 12th, 6:10 PM - $45 includes all you can eat food in the Pavilion! Deadline to sign up is Sunday, July 16th with Roger Eshleman. INVITE YOUR NEIGHBORS, FRIENDS AND FAMILY!