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Copyright © 2011 ValueTeam.

All rights reserved.
The current challenge for companies is
“change management“ (from culture, to
the organisation, to technology).
Organisations face many challenges: competition coming out of nowhere , international
turmoil, rising costs of raw materials, energy and labour, access to qualified knowledge
workers and an ever accelerating of technological innovation.
In this environment, it is not easy to stay on course, have a coherent strategy and at the
same time maintain costs under control.
CEOs, CTOs and CIOs have to provide their companies and organisations with a set of
solutions where the orchestration of a huge array of resources is the key success factor.
In this paper, Value Team states how it can support its clients in attaining this ability to
orchestrate and govern their organisations through an adaptive use of disruptive
technologies such as Cloud Computing.

The revenues generated by Cloud Computing services are growing worldwide 148.8 US$
billion forecast by Gartner for 2014.
What is also thought to increase is the adoption of cloud services by both companies and
end-users. Over the next 5 years, they will spend US $ 112 billion on software-as-a-service
(SaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS).

Coping with the world of Cloud Computing implies a mindset shift and requires the know-
how and experience from those who have it. It is the combined knowledge of the assets
involved, like that of technology, organisation and resources together with that of the
environments, like the infrastructure, the platforms and the applications.

Value Team, with competences, methodologies and experiences, aims today to serve the
market as a Cloud Services Enabler. ICT governance in this relatively new paradigm, is a
question of balancing the competitive cost of not using the cloud, against the risks of actually
using it. There are opportunities and risks to take into account. This requires a fair
assessment of the situation, and to face and address themes such as data and infrastructure
security as well as quality of service requirements.

So how are organisations reacting to the “paradigm shift” which “cloud” stimulates?
Telecommunications operators are investing in the development of those advanced services
which Cloud Computing enables to introduce ICT cloud offerings to their markets.
Financial Services and Insurance are looking to Cloud Computing not only to optimise costs
and deliver efficiency, but also to improve existing channels and exploit new ones.
In the Utilities market, remote-reading and remote-management are areas where governed
Cloud Computing delivers interesting real-time synergies when combined with innovative
CRM platforms and the “internet of things”.

For Government (both central and local) the role of Cloud Computing, along with the
adoption of “open source” technologies is even more crucial in delivering digital services to
the citizens.

We believe that the overall challenge can be paraphrased in “governing the context”.
This means to address ever-growing expectations of users towards technology (don’t we all
expect our ICT operations to run as smoothly as the commodities we use every day: easy as
the music on our iPod? safe as our Volvo, and as much fun as drinking our Coke?). It means
to control securely virtual environments, deliver services seamlessly on time, on budget and
in an elastic fashion.
It means to make more and more services available on a self-provisioning and self-serving
                                                 basis. It means to run business-oriented

“The revenues
                                                 services in the cloud.

generated by cloud
                                                 The managers of our clients and prospects

computing services
                                                 are all facing this “shift” and we are aware of
                                                 that. We are also aware that Cloud

are growing
                                                 Computing can be a very “democratic”
                                                 technology. For example it allows even small

worldwide; 148.8
                                                 companies to access very powerful

US$ billion forecast
                                                 solutions easily. Ten years ago only large
                                                 corporations could afford CRM systems.

by Gartner for
                                                 Nowadays even the bakery in your
                                                 neighbourhood could have a

                                                 “” account (and it could have
                                                 it within minutes from ordering online) to
                                                 better serve his/her clientele.

Then there is the widespread availability of super-functional mobile technology with the likes
of smart-phones, tablets, thin clients etc. This mobile technology responds very well to the
new ways of conducting business and to what we now call “mobile workers”. Finally there is
the emergence of strong business models that leverage the “social” side of internet
computing. Facebook, Twitter, Google mail, Dropbox etc. are now household names.
These disruptive tools (and others) have boosted overall productivity and are a strong
reinforcing trend in the adoption of Cloud Computing which exalt the horizontal scalability,
typical of “social networks”.

The provisioning of these services, which when you look at Amazon or Google, seems to be
performed effortlessly, actually requires massive preparation and a general mobilisation of IT
resources which is far from easy to execute.

In this ever-changing framework, the Value Team value proposition is independent of the
Cloud Computing services and IT offerings currently on the market. At our core, as a

strategic consulting company specialised in ICT themes and as a systems integrator, Value
Team has the capability to design and enable Cloud Computing, and also to engineer and
deliver the instruments necessary to govern the cloud and eliminate the risk. That’s why we
describe ourselves as a Cloud Services Enabler.
In fact, in spite of the great hype which surrounds “cloud”, we are fully aware of the fact that
although “cloud” is often referred to as a “game changer”, so have the rules of the game
changed!. Best practices in the cloud are yet to be established and the integration of
systems, business rules and legal frameworks is far from simple in terms of analysis,
process and execution. It is facing and overcoming these various degrees of complexity that
we aim to deliver to our clients and prospects.

Finally we also offer a selection of Software-as-a-Service turnkey solutions built upon our
direct experience in the market. This serves also to prove our ability to implement in the first
person cloud services, and to build our credibility in the eyes of our clients and prospects
when it come to putting our money where our mouth is.

Navigating the cloud is not easy but Value Team is ready to guide you.

“CLOUD COMPUTING” :            1

                                                            A SERVICE ORIENTED ECONOMY.

                                     DEVELOPMENT AND                                     Technologies (ICT) are an enabling factor of

                                     BUSINESS MODELS                                     contemporary society and the very sectors

                                     As we anticipated earlier, Cloud Computing          which are driving the economy are

                                     developed thanks to the convergence of at           experiencing parallel organisational evolution

                                     least three major trends over the last few          solicited by the availability of new

                                     years: service orientation of IT, virtualisation,   communications channels and devices.

                                     and simplified access to resources via the          For ICT, the change is driven by both

                                     Internet. Its diffusion is due to the               external factors, such as the evolution of

                                     development of large-scale data centers,            services from large providers (infrastructure

                                     broadband connections and pay-per-use               and application), the availability of new
 “Cloud computing is a model for                                                         instruments and the penetration of Internet
enabling convenient, on-demand
                                     payment models.
network access to a shared pool      Cloud Computing is differentiated by three          usage [Fig 2], but also internal factors, such
of configurable computing
resources (e.g., networks,           service models (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS) and               as aggressive IT cost control and
servers, storage, applications,      three deployment models (Public, Private,           technological and product innovation have a
and services) that can be rapidly
provisioned and released with        Hybrid). [Fig. 1]                                   big impact.
minimal management effort or                                                             In this sense opportunities have arisen which
service provider interaction”. The
                                     Internet and mobile markets are moving the
NIST Definition of Cloud             attention of both businesses and consumers          certain companies have managed to take
Computing , Authors: Peter Mell
and Tim Grance, Version 15, 10-      to “service oriented” models. Therefore             timely advantage of, such as Rentokil Initial
7-09                                 Information and Communication                       for example2 , which is implementing Cloud


                                                                                                    CLOUD TYPOLOGIES:

                                                                                                    PRIVATE, PUBLIC E HYBRID

solutions to handle e-mail and collaboration     NAVIGATION THROUGH THE
systems and cutting its’ costs in this area by   CLOUDS
70%.                                             Cloud Computing requires decisions made in
The current challenge for companies is           a framework of both opportunities and risks:
“change management“ (from culture, to the        OPPORTUNITIES
organisation, to technology). Cloud              • Newly defined business models;
Computing, in this sense, is similar to the      • Economic sustainability;
urban development of a large metropolis:         • Maturity of the model and services;
one may decide to govern the growth of a         • Solidity of SLAs and infrastructures;
city following a regulatory plan or suffer       • Flexible governance of fragmented,
random growth, witnessing the development         distributed services;
of unstructured suburban areas, which future     • Management of the transformation process
generations will then have to deal with and       of the architectural model.


                                                                                                    DIFFUSION OF INTERNET

                                                                                                    AND PERCENTAGE OF

                                                                                                    USERS BY COUNTRY.

                                                                                                     BBC Business News, May 5,
                                                                                                    2010, “Cloud Computing for
                                                                                                    business foes mainstream”, Tim

RISKS                                              The diffusion of Cloud Computing is also

                                  • Low level of penetration;                        driven by benefits including:

                                  • Offer not very clear;                            • Access to distributed resources: Cloud

                                  • Lack of clear evolutionary roadmap;               services fit well with mobile interaction, for

                                  • Infrastructural problems for external/public      example from a optimised web interface on

                                      cloud;                                          a handheld device. This applied in a global

                                  • Difficulty of data management in Clouds           market with distributed organisation means

                                      (e.g., person data privacy laws in different    the ability to access services regarless of

                                      countries).                                     the location (think of the workforce
                                                                                      management systems or the sales force

                                  Value Team is proposing to its clients and          tools).

                                  prospects a model for active risk                  • Velocity: basic Cloud services are

                                  management and to control the virtual               “transparent” and designed for enabling

                                  environment, rendering the cloud elastic for        direct or even self-procurement of hardware

                                  business use while offering secure services.        and software systems (for example on
                                                                                      Amazon AWS you can get “virtual”

                                  WHY CHOOSING CLOUD                                  resources less than15 minutes)

                                  Gartner and other international research and       • Value for money providers operate

                                  analysts companies3 have highlighted the            systems for multiple organisations on a very

                                  fact that Cloud Computing is a technology           large scale. Sharing the resources and

                                  “which cannot be ignored”. [Table1]                 obtaining greater economies of scale at a

                                  The major analyst firms estimate that some          lower cost for the organisation is a direct

                                  4 billion people worldwide use a mobile             benefit which IT can pass on to the

                                  phone, and some 450 million connect to the          business side.

                                  Internet mainly via a mobile device.               • Scalability: Cloud enables rapid growth,

    TABLE 1                           NEEDS                                           USE
                                       Handling enormous quantities of data           Distributed computing
                                                                                      Remote storage

                                       Designing distributed products and             Blog

                                       services (co-creation)                         Messaging and collaboration and/or

                                                                                      distributed supply chain management

                                       Horizontal communications (between             Machine to machine communication
 OVUM, “2010 Trend to Watch:           persons, persona-to-thing, and thing-to-
                                                                                      (remote metering & reading in utilities )
cloud computing”, 2010,                thing)
Laurence Lachal, Steve                                                                Domotics (intelligent building)
Hodgkinson - “Computer
mediated transaction” Hal R.           Eco-sustainability of IT                      Green IT
Varian, Ely lecture to the                                                           Shared resources.
american economics association,
Atlanta GA, 2010 - “The data           Collaboration and interaction in mobility,    Social CRM
deluge” The Economist,                 in real time                                  eLearning
Economist Special report, 2010                                                       Video Conferencing
“The Big Switch: rewiring the
world from Edison to Google”
Nicholas Carr, 2009

the management of peaks and                     THE ECONOMICS OF CLOUD
 overloads is catered of. Even small and         In these times of financial discontinuity and
 medium firms can easily access these            economic turmoil, reflected in the media and
 large-scale operations.                         experienced directly through domestic
• Continuous innovation:                         markets, Cloud Computing is sometimes
 the majority of providers continuouslupdate     perceived as the response to a greater
   their   infrastructures, regularly            demand for rationalisation of ICT costs. This
   proposing new                                 demand is what every CTO or CIO has to
 services and functionalities that are made      deal with everyday in their own organisation
 readily available to organisations              and about which every CEO and CFO is
 regardless of size, ability to invest and       asking these key IT roles. The request to
 more and more often, their ability to           “reduce cost” is hard to answer to. Which
 understand technology.                          costs then? How? What is the business
Value Team has worked accurately in order
to build a new capability within its             Value Team believes that the actual problem
organisation to help customers and               lies in the alignment of costs to business
prospects to assess, case by case, which         value (e.g., revenue, profit, market share,
benefits can be effectively obtained given a     etc.).
specific company background. Finally to
enable these through the implementation of       This imposes a discipline and a novel ability
a customised Cloud strategy programme            to answer key questions such as:
which fits the organisation and its ability to   • How to quantify and qualify the impact of ICT
actually implement such a plan.                     costs by service on the businesses they


                                                                                                     NEW CHALLENGES: COMPANIES

                                                                                                     MUST BE ABLE TO MATCH LEGACY

                                                                                                     SOLUTIONS WITH THE INTERNET

                                                                                                     AND CLOUD APPLICATIONS

                                                                                                     BROUGHT INTO THE COMPANY

• How do you make these costs visible in a           organisations we work with, nor does it works
     clear and transparent manner to the             for all business processes, we think it may be
     business?                                       sensible to commence measuring ourselves
• Which performance indicators do you use?           against Cloud Computing on terrains which,
• What are the business KPIs?                        by their nature, are better suited to
• What does “pay-for-use” mean in your               experimentation.
• How can this model be defined and                  The experience which emerges from the
     integrated in your company accounting           analysis of the conduct of the most
     system?                                         innovative companies in the field of Cloud
• How do we measure the “added value” of             Computing indicates that it may be sensible
     this effort in business terms (for example in   to “move” services such as collaboration (e-
     terms of indicators such as the reduction of    mail, messaging etc.), personnel accounting,
     client and contact acquisition costs etc.)?     Enterprise Content and Document
                                                     Management, CRM applications. Cloud
From our standpoint, the massive and                 Computing can also assist peak traffic
pervasive presence of ICT in all of the              management when dealing with Portals and
company’s processes and activities, the              e-Commerce sites.
increasing complexity of ICT let alone its
“global” character (no -related to domestic
issues), non conventional competition and
rapid adoption of new enabling technologies,
are exposing in all of the organisations we
work with, both large and small ones, that a
new model of governance is mandatory.

The concept of “ICT Governance” when
applied to Cloud Computing, indicates the
process of controlling all of the ICT resources
in order to manage and guarantee that the
organisation reaches its own objectives:
• Strategic alignment of ICT to the
• Control of the costs and value which the
     use of ICT generates or may generate;
• Management of ICT related risks;
• Infrastructure management;
• Management and measurements of
     performance on hybrid systems (internal
     and external to the organisation) [Fig.3]

Although we are aware that caution is
required and that it is true that this model
does not necessarily fits to all the

                                         THE CLOUD

VALUE TEAM VISION                                  organisative which have been more

To achieve a “governed Cloud” means being          innovate in adopting Cloud Computing, one

able to offer business and IT services rapidly     observes that two further reasons push

with an underpinning economic logic of “pay-       towards the Cloud: on one hand the growing

per-use”. In further detail it means to have       need to co-create content, products and

put together a clear cost-assignment model         services (the “Facebook” model, which is

for the use of the resources, their availability   addictive and self-sustaining) and on the

level of reliability, and their horizontal         other hand their highly distributed nature (just

scalability etc. Cloud in this sense represents    think about the mobile technologies available

the idea of provisioning services and              today vs. 5 years ago).

resources oriented towards key business
performance indicators (KPIs, Service Levels       The infrastructures on which this massive

or SLAs).                                          collaboration is occurring today (and will

The elastic delivery of resources on a pay-        occur with increasing frequency in the future)

per-use basis however, is founded on top of        are distributed. They are virtualised

real infrastructures, and although they are        architectures, that is; Cloud Computing.

aimed to respond to the evolution of               As we have said, this “virtualisation” depends

organisational necessities, albeit now             directly on physical elements of the

virtualised, they are still real.                  infrastructure. Furthermore it is important to

Again exploiting the experience of those           make our clients and prospects consider the

fact that virtualisation is never free of charge,   SCALABILITY AND ELASTIC
                          nor does it deliver benefits by itself, without     COMPUTING
                          impacting management of the complexity of           The association between service oriented
                          the underlying ICT infrastructure.                  economy and Cloud Computing has its’
                          For example the virtualisation of physical          origins in the model of virtualisation, of
                          resources (a pre-requisite of Cloud                 abstraction and definition of software
                          Computing ) operationally imposes                   architecture which was anticipated an lead
                          maintaining control of many aspects,                by SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)
                          including:                                          some years ago. Successfully operating on
                          • proliferation of virtual servers;                 services that expand and contract
                          • the increment in physical storage;                dynamically as needed according to
                          • system configurations;                            business policies means approaching a cost
                          • the management of peaks in workload;              model which adapts elastically to business
                          • the heterogeneous nature of the platforms;        needs and objectives. Many international
                          • the complexity of the architectures;              vendors are moving in this direction. Each of
                          • data security.                                    the players we observed are working mainly
                                                                              in a single layer (generally their strengths or
                          In this sense Value Team can support clients        core business) focussing on criteria of
                          and prospects in assessing the impact of            technical elasticity and often not bound by
                          Cloud Computing on IT investment plans.             economic and business value criteria.
                          One typical assignment which VT performs is
                          assessing the need to purchase new, large,          Value Team is not limited to a single layer of
                          costly proprietary infrastructures vs.              the Cloud computing services (i.e.: IaaS,
                          outsourcing into public, hybrid and private         SaaS, PaaS) but carries forward a vision
                          clouds “hosted” by cloud providers such as          aimed at governing the trends in peaks,
                          Telecom Italia, BT, NTT Data, Verizon or            allocation and the relative impacts on the
                          international players such as Microsoft-            ROI of all services across all models of the
                          Azure, Amazon Web Services, Rackspace               Cloud Computing.
                          Hosting, etc..









FIG. 5

                                                                                                           SETTING UP THE

                                                                                                           OPERATIONAL MODEL

PROCESSES & TOOLS OF                               health of services, guarantees the security of

GOVERNANCE FOR                                     the environment, provides visibility of critical

APPLICATIONS &                                     components, and delivers effectiveness in

INFRASTRUCTURE                                     respecting Service Levels (Security,

The growing evolution of IT applications and       Management & Control, Application

services imposes on the platforms and              Performance Monitoring, Adaptable

infrastructures, as on the processes which         Automation).

govern them, deal with variable workloads         • SLA Compliance between business KPIs

and respond to business requirements in            and ICT services/resources (e.g., Intercloud

terms of availability, costs, performance,         SLA Broker, Peak Overload, Dynamic Work

scalability, reliability and agility.              Load Management, etc.);

The same underlying technological
components must have characteristics of           In addition to these dimensions there is the

granularity, inter-operability, portability and   integration to and with security services,

independence of the hardware layer in order       which enables user and access

to permit their dynamic organisation,             management, handling data privacy issues,

operation and delivery on the basis of            audit independence, Business Continuity

service criteria that comply with these           and Disaster Recovery. Value Team has the

objectives.                                       competencies to support the design and

Cloud Computing is characterised by 3             construction of solutions with structured

dimensions: [Fig.4]                               operational models [Fig. 5], guaranteeing

• Enabling technologies and solutions,            high standards of security, performance,

 which provide elasticity, security and           availability, flexibility and automation

 scalability of data and application              THE ENABLING
 management (vStorage, vNetwork,                  TECHNOLOGIES
 vComputing).                                     This paradigm of delivery requires

• Governance processes and solutions              substantial re-engineering of the

 which deliver direct feedback on the state of    technologies and methodologies in the field

at both the infrastructure level and that of       PROCESSES, TOOLS AND
applications and services:                         INTEGRATION
                                                   The ease of use and speed of adoption
INFRASTRUCTURE                                     introduced by Cloud Computing is reflected
The network, as the storage systems and            in a greater complexity of the architectures
servers, must offer elevated performance so        and technologies, and in greater stratification
as to constitute an ample reservoir to draw        of the application context. This poses new,
on and to instantiate the necessary                more challenging problems with respect to
resources, assigning them configurable             the traditional “silos” models, such as
levels of service (Quality of Service) on the      contention for hardware resources, the
basis of the criticality of the data, the          reconciliation of application priorities, and the
importance of the user and the application         fragmentation of governance responsibilities.
context, with the ability to handle any
possible peak overloads drawing, for               In Value Team’s view, the definition and
example, on a pool of external resources           enforcement of Service Levels (SLA) is the
(previously negotiated), applying clear            critical element of delivery of ICT services in
business rules (e.g., to protect the paying        the cloud. For example, one might
user, preserve the availability and execution      hypothesise sizing an application or a portal
of the showcase components, etc.).                 on the basis of its actual adoption, privileging
                                                   business users (e.g., “Gold” or “VIPs” ) over
PLATFORM                                           guest users and predicting dynamic growth
Selected platform containers must be               of the resources against peaks in utilisation
engineered to enable and guarantee high            through opportunistically configured
standardisation of the application layer, and      automation measures.
at the same time guaranteeing high level of
scalability and reliability as well as efficient   This permits a significant reduction in the
use of resources.                                  initial investment (usually CAPEX) and by
                                                   introducing a pay-per-use model correlates
APPLICATION                                        effective use of the resources (costs) to
Service oriented architectures have the            business growth (revenues, share, customer
objective of transforming complex processes        satisfaction, etc.) not to mention the ability to
into the controlled orchestration of more          discriminate among users and the impact
simple and discrete application components         that can have on your CRM’s capabilities
or services. It is therefore also possible to
modify and simplify the interaction between        SECURITY INTHE CLOUDS
services, and it is easier to add new services     An integrated approach to Cloud Computing
or modify processes to respond to changing         cannot ignore data and infrastructure related
business requirements, given the                   security themes. The security themes
independence of binding to a specific              requiring attention in the move to Cloud
platform or to a monolithic application            Computing solutions may be summarised as
architecture. In this sense the service may be     follows:
considered as a component in a wider               • User and Access management (certified
process, which can be re-used and modified.         authentication and traceability of operations).
                                                    Cloud Computing exacerbates the problems

of managing users: the multitudes of                • Data privacy problems.
 accounts, the management of diverse silos            Legislative regulations (Italian, EU and
 linked with identities, the use of                   international) impose strict obligations, which
 heterogeneous administration tools are some          can also set limitations on the country for
 of the aspects to be considered. In the case of      storage of the data. The European
 use of Cloud Computing services split over           Community, for example, with Data Protection
 diverse providers the governance of the life         Directive 95/46/EC, mandated that the data
 cycle of users becomes even more important           must be handled/processed in European
 in order to guarantee effective control. The         Union nations or, where outside the EU, which
 user federation mechanism too, if on the one         have adopted specific protection measures in
 hand guarantees easy user access to                  line with EU legislation.
 services operated by distinct providers, poses      • Audit independence. The faculty to perform
 a series of operational and technological            independent audits on the infrastructure
 challenges, which must be comprehensively            delivering the service, in technological and
 addressed.                                           legal terms, is another factor guaranteeing a
• Provisioning. This aspect takes on particular       company wishing to approach the world of
 relevance where account management is                Cloud Computing. It becomes even more
 delegated to diverse providers, each with their      important, in the specific case of SaaS, to be
 own management method. In this case it is            able to verify opportune levels of logical, and
 important to rely on identity management             eventually physical, data segregation
 services integrated with the principal private or    respecting the regulations cited above.
 public Cloud service providers. Some security       • Business Continuity and Disaster
 technology (Identity & Access Management)            Recovery. If, on the one hand, Cloud
 service providers are thus beginning to supply       Computing offers a greater degree of flexibility
 integrated services, which can fully manage          than normal BC solution, on the other it
 users, even in the environments of external          requires careful assessment, including
 public cloud providers.                              contractual terms, so that the business


                                                                                                          SETTING UP THE SERVICE MODEL

processes managed by Cloud Computing             personalised questions that helps us to
 continue to respect their respective planned     address the specific nature and needs of our
 recovery limitations.                            clients and prospects. The following is an
                                                  example of our checklists
Security is today probably the biggest            • What is the priority for the general
concern of IT executives weighing the                business and the specific department?
adoption of cloud. Issues such as how do          • How is it possible to deliver “just-in-time”
users authenticate into the cloud? Who’s             resources to support business objectives?
responsible for data? Where are services          • How can costs for determined services or
being hosted? What is the back-up policy of          service types be identified, measured and
data? How can we be sure that a given                controlled?
provider is “trusted” and that they adhere to a   • How is it possible to align resources with
given policy?                                        the service levels expected by the
However Cloud Computing is rapidly                • How is it possible to govern a system in a
addressing such concerns. Several                    Cloud where the application has been
organisations have been operating mission-           developed and/or used by third parties?
critical operation in the cloud. For example,     • How is it possible to establish a software
since October 2008 Wall Street Systems has           development service directed solely to the
announced its cloud based Electronic                 most important services with frequent
Settlement Network (a pay-as-you-go post-            releases to production environments?
trade processing tool for the capital markets),   • What are the key application and
which has been used by five mid-tier, banks          architectural parameters (review of multi-
for a couple of years already.                       tenancy of services)?
So although we are fully aware that there are     • Should “Mock-up” techniques (simulation)
security concerns, we also know that as              be used?
soon as business will be satisfied with the       • How can precise access privilege
security offered by Cloud Computing, this will       management be assured?
transform the world.                              • How to handle sensitive and personal data
                                                     for Cloud infrastructure delivery and
THE SERVICES OFFERED                                 correctly map the counter measures to be
The Value Team offer consists of                     enacted to respect the legislative
consultancy services, together with                  regulations and guarantee correct
governance tools and solutions already               management of the risk scenarios?
developed and operational, thanks to which        • How to identify and map the perimeters of
it is possible to define and navigate a custom       the classic on-premise systems, private
route to and through the Cloud. [Fig.6]              Cloud infrastructures and services, which
                                                     can be operated on public or hybrid
A) DESIGNING THE CLOUD                               Clouds?
Definition of a personalised Checklist            • How to modify business continuity and
In Value Team’s methodology, the approach            disaster recovery plans to take into
to Cloud Computing begins with the                   account the specific behaviours of Cloud
assessment of client “cloud-readiness”. This         services?
can be achieved through a set of

Structuring by business priority.                   can be automated to handle risk situations.
Operationally the cloud strategy translates to      For example, if SLA adherence is at risk, a
the ability to select the most critical business    series of actions and notifications cloud be
applications or services and to assign them         set up to return the situation to normal.
additional resources only when needed from
the qualified pool of ICT services – in-house       B) GOVERNANCE TOOLS
data centre, hosted or partner DC, trusted or       Intelligent workload balancing.
private cloud services provider, public cloud       It is possible to configure a minimum kit
services provider or some combination of            internally for a new to-be-offered service or a
these.                                              new campaign, and set trigger values
                                                    beyond which additional resources must be
SLA Definition:                                     provisioned “just-in-time” to balance the
A consistent set of rules, that support a given     workload across the system. Once a stable
business policy, is defined to discipline the       workload is identified, a decision on
provisioning and deprovisioning of resources        incrementing/decreasing the dedicated
as needed, against a determined load and in         resources can be taken (with resources from
pursuit of specific service level objectives        the in house DC or from a partner/provider).
(also know as KPIs – Key Performance                Once the desired workload is set up for each
Indicators). Value Team offers solutions,           application, this load is constantly monitored
which permit agile management of ICT                and where there are indications of overload
resources respecting given sets of SLAs. It         or ‘stressed’ service levels, the application is
also proposes a well-defined service level          supplied in near real-time with additional
governance “within and among the clouds”            resources from the “virtualised environment”
(known as “SLA Brokerage”). This entire             (e.g. CPU, memory, data storage from the
solution can guarantees correct operation of        virtualised Data Center, etc.) or cloud, with
the applications even with the most elevated        the mission of balancing the workload during
loads requiring the highest level of reliability.   these peaks. The additional resources are
                                                    then released when the workload returns to
Modularity and risk mitigation:                     normal. All scaling operations and the KPIs
It is possible to define a series of detailed       that triggered them are recorded and
rules tailored to specific business                 available for analysis, billing or charge-back,
requirements, for example, enable for certain       SLA outage reports, etc.
users the use of determined resources, and          So not only is the workload optimized to
redirect others to a controlled ‘No’ or invite      operate with just the right amount of ‘power’
them to take up some kind of engagement or          the IT and business owners are provided
special offer. Also, you can govern the type,       with details of the exact cause and resolution
number and size of the resource or even its         of SLA outages for future improvements and
usage cost can be limited to certain users (or      customer satisfaction management.
user classes). A secure web portal can be
used to control and manage the usage status         Application performance monitoring
of all services and to obtain reports on            It is possible to provide timely control of
service level delivery and SLA ‘health’.            increasingly complex applications with
Further, through continuous monitoring of           distributed critical components, using an
service health against KPIs, real-time actions      Application Performance Monitoring solution,

which enables real time observations of
business transactions and intervention to         In Italy, in particular, the FFM products on the
improve adherence to agreed Service               market require ad hoc customisation to
Levels.                                           comply with current national legislation in
For example, one might consider an e-             matters of labour control. Value Team WFM
commerce portal where it may be opportune         solution implements all the legislation
to identify and monitor the more critical         foreseen for shift workers. The optional SaaS
business transactions, such as the addition       delivery model, further enables the
of a product to a basket or the conclusion of     implementation of home/remote working
a purchase. During the effective execution of     while maintaining control of the infrastructural
the transactions by users, it is possible to      impacts.
identify the application components involved
and visualise the relationship between these      Payment as a Service ( VTPie)
and the effective usage experience of the         The VTPie solution provides the full set of
end user. Analysis of the results provides the    tools needed for flexible payment
basis for construction of intervention actions    management, delivered as a service.
on the infrastructure and in the application.     The architecture and technologies selected
                                                  from the inception are open to the adoption
C) “SAAS” SOLUTIONS                               of Cloud models.
Workforce Management
Value Team supports all phases of Work            VTPie was conceived for core banking
Force (WFM) and Field Force Management            application management and supports
(FFM) projects with a flexible, modular,          elevated volumes of events and operations.
scalable, integrated approach: from definition    Indeed the architecture is fully scalable in
of the strategy, to the model and roadmap,        order to handle increased calculation
and to solution design, development,              capacity, while maintaining the same
implementation and operation/management.          structure. VTPie modules handle “client-
The WFM and FFM products on the market            bank”, bank-bank” and “interbank network”
cover distinct yet limited areas, while the       processes.
solution developed by Value Team presents
a wider functional coverage than most             Adoption of the Cloud model, on the one
market products. The solution plans and           hand, guarantees data security and
distributes the workforce in an optimal           segregation in compliance with banking
manner. In particular, it enables requirements    regulations, and on the other hand process
forecasting, resource and working hours/shift     customisation on the basis of client needs in
planning and management and monitoring of         order to maintain a differentiation of the
the correspondence between planned and            services offered to their markets.
effective use. Nor should it be forgotten that,   The offer provides both a user license
also in the case of SaaS delivery, a project of   approach and a service approach. In the first
this type also implies accurate Change            case, it addresses banks, which intend using
Management activities to manage the               their own IT structures and acquire VTPie
impacts from viewpoint of personnel               user licenses to fully govern within their
management.                                       environments. The service model enables

Banks adopting an outsourcing strategy to
exploit fully turn key services with pricing      Security
policies based on the effective use of            The Identity & Access Management solution
infrastructures (for example the number of        integrates account management and that of
transactions).                                    the Cloud application identities through
                                                  specific security SaaS. On the one side these
The heart of the VTPie platform provides the      interface with the applications/ services from
elements to build the diverse front-end           the service provider coherently managing the
modules and manages interactions with the         user life cycle and the access management
re-usable components (services, workflow          aspects, on the other the SaaS security
management, transaction engine, etc).             services can expose the application
Starting from these principles, the               interfaces to integrate with the end user on-
architectural orientation is service based        premise Identity & Access management
(100%) SOA, while development has                 systems.
followed the J2EE standard and is 100%

Document Management
Our solutions are VTDocs and Cruisenet.
The first is a document management system
vertically integrated for Italian regulation of
the so called “dematerialisation” (e-
document or e-paper), which supports the
digital signature, IT protocol and
interoperability via certified e-mail.
The second is a support system for

                                                        “The system is
adaptation to regulations (for example for

                                                          structured to
ISO certification) and to describe enterprise
processes and organisations.

Both are framework based using Microsoft™              deliver solution
                                                        under the SaaS
technology, modular, scalable structures fully

                                                     model: each client
customisable on the basis of client
requirements. They can, naturally, be

                                                             activates a
integrated with the major document

                                                     maximum number
management systems and SSO( Single Sign
On) systems in the market today. The

                                                      of users, profiled
system is designed to supply solutions under
a SaaS model: each client activates a

                                                        for the specific
maximum number of user accounts, profiles

as per the specific needs (pay-per-use). The
service provision mode is multi-tenant, multi-


CLOUD IN THE                                     requires guarantees at service and security

TELCO & MEDIA MARKET                             levels for “solutions”. The most typical of

With the premise that without a good             these are generally: collaboration

network, talking about Cloud Computing has       applications, connectivity services, on

no sense whatever, in Italy, the adoption of a   demand processing resources and CRM.

structured ICT governance system is              In general, TLC operators aim to propose

generally the prerogative of large industrial    three macro-service types:

companies and certain local and central          • IT infrastructure and communications

public administrations. So any proposal of          integration;

value in the Cloud Computing arena, must         • virtualisation of physical assets;

be based on a reliable, redundant, resilient,    • de-coupling of applications from physical

high performance communications system.             infrastructures.

With specific reference to the Telco market,     Although it is true that the large carriers

Cloud Computing is a contemporary                have, to date, had a marginal role in the set

challenge for adaption of infrastructures and    up and sale of generally defined public

an opportunity for the diffusion of a new        Clouds services (mostly IaaS), some are

business model by Telco and Media                now making significant investments for the

companies.                                       development of the advanced services which

The demand for Cloud Computing services          Cloud Computing enables.


                                                                                                     “WITH REFERENCE TO THE TELCO

                                                                                                     MARKET, CLOUD COMPUTING IS A

                                                                                                     CHALLENGE FOR ADAPTATION OF

                                                                                                     INFRASTRUCTURES AND AN

                                                                                                     OPPORTUNITY FOR THE

                                                                                                     DIFFUSION OF A NEW BUSINESS

                                                                                                     MODEL ”

In this scenario, Value Team is aiming above    as an opportunity to improve their services
all to play the role of enabler thanks to its   and reduce operating costs. Cloud
competency in sector specific processes:        Computing is a technology which is reaching
• Mission critical applications (e.g. mobile    interesting levels of maturity for many
   operator top up systems, provisioning        decidedly heterogeneous sectors, from on-
   systems, billing, etc.);                     line collaboration to entertainment.
• System operations support applications        In the world of Financial Services and
   (OSS such as Trouble management for          Insurance, the need to deliver services to
   the field, trouble management for            employees and partners contrasts with the
   customer operations);                        necessity for a capillary infrastructure
• Business support applications (BSS such       requiring complex maintenance. Making
   as CRM, Human Digital Assistants,            information available to be shared by diverse
   Federated Identity Management,               actors, thus having by necessity to manage
   Workforce Management).                       a diversified infrastructure, is often the
                                                reason for costs spiralling out of control.
CLOUD IN THE                                    Further, the lack of agility of processes, often
FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS                          does not permit taking business
MARKET                                          opportunities as they are presented.
Major banking and insurance groups are          Cloud Computing, however, not only enables
looking at this combination of technologies     cost optimisation and delivers efficiency; it

also permits better exploitation of new           capacity enables analysis of an extraordinary
                                 information distribution channels. Thanks to      number of transactions and also in Financial
                                 Cloud Computing it is possible to provide         Provisioning and market analysis, to rapidly
                                 access to one or more databases in real time      execute simulations without requiring the
                                 from any device utilised by a broker/agent.       setup and operation of a costly infrastructure.
                                 For brokers, real time mobile systems             The flexibility, which Cloud-based solutions
                                 access is a critical factor for success,          can deliver in the business model, is highly
                                 especially where a broker is multi-               significant. In particular, the facility to have
                                 representative.                                   only the services really needed available, is
                                                                                   a source of significant savings in a period in
                                 A study performed in the United States (by        which cost saving is more important than
                                 International Data Corporation IDC))              ever.
                                 indicates that 25% of US banking institutions
                                 use web-based technologies to supply on-          Value Team plays the role of enabler in many
                                 demand services to their clients/partners,        business areas in this sector where this
                                 while a solid 20% of financial institutions       technology can be employed effectively.
                                 foresee passing to Cloud Computing over           Among the most important we can cite:
                                 the next 3 years.                                 • Enterprise content management
                                                                                   • Document archiving and search solutions,
                                 Cloud Computing is used in the anti-money            e-mail archiving and security;
                                 laundering filed, where distributed calculation   • Back-office activities;






• Credit card processing                         of the private cloud to become hybrid with
• Management and consolidation of diverse        use of state of the art solutions already
   payment process types;                        existing for other primary industrial realities.
• Enterprise risk management – dedicated         Tele-metering, tele-management and tele-
   IT framework for financial services           reading are other areas where governed
• Enterprise portals;                            Cloud offers interesting real time synergies
• Extreme Transaction Processing                 with CRM platforms. Think of a future where
   Platforms;                                    intelligent meters can communicate, and
• Enterprise CRM;                                power distribution is effected in peer to peer
• Consumer credit reporting;                     mode as the Internet of Things paradigm is
• Client support systems;                        realised.
• Retail banking and stock trading;
• Sales support (Sales force automation).        Finally, harmonising the
                                                 operation/management of multiple data
CLOUD FOR THE ENERGY                             centres, now migrated to a Cloud Computing
MARKET AND PUBBLIC                               model, is hitting that target of mobility, agility,
ADMINISTRATION                                   economy and scalability which have been
Operators in the Energy field have to deal       the centre of presentations by industry
with a “mixed bag” of an application             analysts for years.
portfolios, because there are so many
specific operation areas to cover, from          For Energy operators, creating their own
communications with customers to energy          Cloud means taking the opportunity to
resource management. In this context, the        maximise investments, free processing
role of ICT is increasingly strategic in         resources and, at the same time, prepare for
delivering competitiveness and differentiation   the challenges of the future.
that offers the business rapid responses to
fast changing needs, preferably leveraging       For public administration (Defence, Welfare,
the infrastructural assets available.            central, regional and local government, etc.)
                                                 the need to use Cloud applications becomes
There already many applications, which           fundamental where services shared by
have switched from dedicated to virtual          several administrations (private Clouds) to
infrastructure for diverse motives, or they      offer added value services to citizens in the
have been subjected to consolidation             areas of revenue management, health,
processes due to overlap of the services         welfare also from a regional view.
supported. Here a Cloud governance
solution finds immediate application in the      The boundaries among the diverse sectors
systems supporting simulation activities oil     are becoming less distinct and we often hear
exploration and production models, at the        of “open government” where information
front-end towards the retail clients, on the     (e.g. civil state data) is owned by
CRM, through field force management              Government, while the services built on top
systems.                                         of these data may be offered by third parties,
                                                 though regulated and guided by the public
For example, in field force management, the      administration (e.g. city councils, regional
Value Team offer can also escape the limits      government, etc.).

FIG. 9

                                               “CLOUD COMPUTING, IT AS A SERVICE, GREEN IT ARE BUT A

                                               FEW OF THE TRENDS EMERGING”

Indeed, today in the world of public
                                                          “.. there is a need
                                                                 to integrate
administration, there is a need to integrate
services to the public with financial or

                                                              services to the
administrative services. And nowhere is it

                                                                 public with
more the mandate to ‘do more with less’.

                                                                 financial or
                                                               services. And
                                                        nowhere is it more
                                                        the mandate to ‘do
                                                           more with less’”

To navigate in the vast world of Cloud Computing it is necessary to count on a consolidated
approach to methodology and use tools and applications suited to governance management of
Value Team’s Cloud offering can be summarised as follows:

    DESIGN                           GOVERNANCE                      SaaS SERVICES

    CONSULTANCY SERVICES         &   CONSULTANCY &                   OFF THE SHELF
    METHODOLGY                       LINKED TO THE                   FOR THE ENTERPRISE
                                     INFRASTRUCTURES AND             MARKET
                                     WITH OUSOURCING

    Key factors                      Key factors                     Key factors
    • Scouting and auditing of       • Audit of the governance       • Internally developed
     the services, processes,         and “factory” infrastructure    products which better meet
     policies and the                • Re-engineering of              customer needs
     supporting KPIS and              applications for Cloud         • Technological competency
     SLAs;                            (physical to virtual) and of    and installation at large
    • Service simulation design,      the development, testing        clients
     validation to support the        and deployment
     economic models                  environments for elastic

    Activities                       Activities                      Activities
    1. Definition of custom check    1. Intelligent workload         1. Work Force e Field Force
       lists                            balancing                       Management
    2. Structuring to business       2. Application performance      2. VTPie: Payment as a
       priorities                       monitoringe                     Service
    3. SLA Definition                                                3. Document Management
    4. Modularity and risk                                           4. Identity & Access
       mitigation                                                       Management

The method of approach for Cloud Computing applied by Value Team is advantageous because:
• it is action-based: it enables the set up of a series of preventive actions and risk mitigation;
• it is distributed and close to the potential points of failure of the systems and processes;
• it is independent and high level, integrating with the decision systems available on the market;
• it optimises just-in-time resource provisioning to respect the service levels required by
• it enables a pay-for-use licensing model.

The challenge to private or public organisations is that of governing the risks while fully exploiting
the opportunities, which this new model proposes, that is succeeding in managing the Cloud,
which delivers business oriented added value services.
In this context, the key role is that of defining the operational model of Cloud utilisation within the
company, enabling services with defined, dynamic Service Levels and aggregating in house
functionalities and those sourced from other Clouds (private, public and hybrid).
With our experience all along the value chain (consultancy, projects and services), Value Team is
an international partner for both enterprise and government organisations, as well as for
infrastructure providers, who knows how to navigate You in the Cloud.

Value Team is an IT consultancy and services company developing innovative solutions for
business, whose offer covers the entire value chain.
Counting on more than 3000 professionals world wide, with a significant presence in Italy, Europe
and Latin America, Value Team works for major multinationals and leaders in their respective
sectors and geographic areas, and has always collaborated with the principal universities and
centres of research and innovation.

                                                “Value Team is an
                                          international partner for
                                      both enterprise, government
                                             organisations and for
                                          infrastructure providers,
                                               who knows how to
                                      navigarte You to the Cloud”

Value Team is an IT consultancy and
service company developing innovative
solutions for business, whose offer
covers the entire value chain.
Counting on some 3000 professionals
world wide, with a significant presence
in Italy, Europe and Latin America,
Value Team works for major
multinationals and leaders in their
respective sectors and geographic
areas, and has always collaborated
with the principal universities and
centres of research and innovation.

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  • 2. Copyright © 2011 ValueTeam. All rights reserved.
  • 3. The current challenge for companies is “change management“ (from culture, to the organisation, to technology). Organisations face many challenges: competition coming out of nowhere , international turmoil, rising costs of raw materials, energy and labour, access to qualified knowledge workers and an ever accelerating of technological innovation. In this environment, it is not easy to stay on course, have a coherent strategy and at the same time maintain costs under control. CEOs, CTOs and CIOs have to provide their companies and organisations with a set of solutions where the orchestration of a huge array of resources is the key success factor. In this paper, Value Team states how it can support its clients in attaining this ability to orchestrate and govern their organisations through an adaptive use of disruptive technologies such as Cloud Computing. The revenues generated by Cloud Computing services are growing worldwide 148.8 US$ billion forecast by Gartner for 2014. What is also thought to increase is the adoption of cloud services by both companies and end-users. Over the next 5 years, they will spend US $ 112 billion on software-as-a-service (SaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). Coping with the world of Cloud Computing implies a mindset shift and requires the know- how and experience from those who have it. It is the combined knowledge of the assets involved, like that of technology, organisation and resources together with that of the environments, like the infrastructure, the platforms and the applications. Value Team, with competences, methodologies and experiences, aims today to serve the market as a Cloud Services Enabler. ICT governance in this relatively new paradigm, is a question of balancing the competitive cost of not using the cloud, against the risks of actually using it. There are opportunities and risks to take into account. This requires a fair assessment of the situation, and to face and address themes such as data and infrastructure security as well as quality of service requirements. So how are organisations reacting to the “paradigm shift” which “cloud” stimulates? Telecommunications operators are investing in the development of those advanced services which Cloud Computing enables to introduce ICT cloud offerings to their markets. Financial Services and Insurance are looking to Cloud Computing not only to optimise costs and deliver efficiency, but also to improve existing channels and exploit new ones. In the Utilities market, remote-reading and remote-management are areas where governed Cloud Computing delivers interesting real-time synergies when combined with innovative CRM platforms and the “internet of things”. 3
  • 4. For Government (both central and local) the role of Cloud Computing, along with the adoption of “open source” technologies is even more crucial in delivering digital services to the citizens. We believe that the overall challenge can be paraphrased in “governing the context”. This means to address ever-growing expectations of users towards technology (don’t we all expect our ICT operations to run as smoothly as the commodities we use every day: easy as the music on our iPod? safe as our Volvo, and as much fun as drinking our Coke?). It means to control securely virtual environments, deliver services seamlessly on time, on budget and in an elastic fashion. It means to make more and more services available on a self-provisioning and self-serving basis. It means to run business-oriented “The revenues services in the cloud. generated by cloud The managers of our clients and prospects computing services are all facing this “shift” and we are aware of that. We are also aware that Cloud are growing Computing can be a very “democratic” technology. For example it allows even small worldwide; 148.8 companies to access very powerful US$ billion forecast solutions easily. Ten years ago only large corporations could afford CRM systems. by Gartner for Nowadays even the bakery in your neighbourhood could have a 2014.” “” account (and it could have it within minutes from ordering online) to better serve his/her clientele. Then there is the widespread availability of super-functional mobile technology with the likes of smart-phones, tablets, thin clients etc. This mobile technology responds very well to the new ways of conducting business and to what we now call “mobile workers”. Finally there is the emergence of strong business models that leverage the “social” side of internet computing. Facebook, Twitter, Google mail, Dropbox etc. are now household names. These disruptive tools (and others) have boosted overall productivity and are a strong reinforcing trend in the adoption of Cloud Computing which exalt the horizontal scalability, typical of “social networks”. The provisioning of these services, which when you look at Amazon or Google, seems to be performed effortlessly, actually requires massive preparation and a general mobilisation of IT resources which is far from easy to execute. In this ever-changing framework, the Value Team value proposition is independent of the Cloud Computing services and IT offerings currently on the market. At our core, as a 4
  • 5. strategic consulting company specialised in ICT themes and as a systems integrator, Value Team has the capability to design and enable Cloud Computing, and also to engineer and deliver the instruments necessary to govern the cloud and eliminate the risk. That’s why we describe ourselves as a Cloud Services Enabler. In fact, in spite of the great hype which surrounds “cloud”, we are fully aware of the fact that although “cloud” is often referred to as a “game changer”, so have the rules of the game changed!. Best practices in the cloud are yet to be established and the integration of systems, business rules and legal frameworks is far from simple in terms of analysis, process and execution. It is facing and overcoming these various degrees of complexity that we aim to deliver to our clients and prospects. Finally we also offer a selection of Software-as-a-Service turnkey solutions built upon our direct experience in the market. This serves also to prove our ability to implement in the first person cloud services, and to build our credibility in the eyes of our clients and prospects when it come to putting our money where our mouth is. Navigating the cloud is not easy but Value Team is ready to guide you. 5
  • 6. “CLOUD COMPUTING” : 1 A SERVICE ORIENTED ECONOMY. DEVELOPMENT AND Technologies (ICT) are an enabling factor of BUSINESS MODELS contemporary society and the very sectors As we anticipated earlier, Cloud Computing which are driving the economy are developed thanks to the convergence of at experiencing parallel organisational evolution least three major trends over the last few solicited by the availability of new years: service orientation of IT, virtualisation, communications channels and devices. and simplified access to resources via the For ICT, the change is driven by both Internet. Its diffusion is due to the external factors, such as the evolution of development of large-scale data centers, services from large providers (infrastructure broadband connections and pay-per-use and application), the availability of new 1 “Cloud computing is a model for instruments and the penetration of Internet enabling convenient, on-demand payment models. network access to a shared pool Cloud Computing is differentiated by three usage [Fig 2], but also internal factors, such of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, service models (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS) and as aggressive IT cost control and servers, storage, applications, three deployment models (Public, Private, technological and product innovation have a and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with Hybrid). [Fig. 1] big impact. minimal management effort or In this sense opportunities have arisen which service provider interaction”. The Internet and mobile markets are moving the NIST Definition of Cloud attention of both businesses and consumers certain companies have managed to take Computing , Authors: Peter Mell and Tim Grance, Version 15, 10- to “service oriented” models. Therefore timely advantage of, such as Rentokil Initial 7-09 Information and Communication for example2 , which is implementing Cloud 6
  • 7. Fig.1 CLOUD TYPOLOGIES: PRIVATE, PUBLIC E HYBRID solutions to handle e-mail and collaboration NAVIGATION THROUGH THE systems and cutting its’ costs in this area by CLOUDS 70%. Cloud Computing requires decisions made in The current challenge for companies is a framework of both opportunities and risks: “change management“ (from culture, to the OPPORTUNITIES organisation, to technology). Cloud • Newly defined business models; Computing, in this sense, is similar to the • Economic sustainability; urban development of a large metropolis: • Maturity of the model and services; one may decide to govern the growth of a • Solidity of SLAs and infrastructures; city following a regulatory plan or suffer • Flexible governance of fragmented, random growth, witnessing the development distributed services; of unstructured suburban areas, which future • Management of the transformation process generations will then have to deal with and of the architectural model. manage. FIG.2 DIFFUSION OF INTERNET AND PERCENTAGE OF USERS BY COUNTRY. 2 BBC Business News, May 5, 2010, “Cloud Computing for business foes mainstream”, Tim Weber 7
  • 8. RISKS The diffusion of Cloud Computing is also • Low level of penetration; driven by benefits including: • Offer not very clear; • Access to distributed resources: Cloud • Lack of clear evolutionary roadmap; services fit well with mobile interaction, for • Infrastructural problems for external/public example from a optimised web interface on cloud; a handheld device. This applied in a global • Difficulty of data management in Clouds market with distributed organisation means (e.g., person data privacy laws in different the ability to access services regarless of countries). the location (think of the workforce management systems or the sales force Value Team is proposing to its clients and tools). prospects a model for active risk • Velocity: basic Cloud services are management and to control the virtual “transparent” and designed for enabling environment, rendering the cloud elastic for direct or even self-procurement of hardware business use while offering secure services. and software systems (for example on Amazon AWS you can get “virtual” WHY CHOOSING CLOUD resources less than15 minutes) Gartner and other international research and • Value for money providers operate analysts companies3 have highlighted the systems for multiple organisations on a very fact that Cloud Computing is a technology large scale. Sharing the resources and “which cannot be ignored”. [Table1] obtaining greater economies of scale at a The major analyst firms estimate that some lower cost for the organisation is a direct 4 billion people worldwide use a mobile benefit which IT can pass on to the phone, and some 450 million connect to the business side. Internet mainly via a mobile device. • Scalability: Cloud enables rapid growth, TABLE 1 NEEDS USE VIRTUALISATION OF ICT Handling enormous quantities of data Distributed computing RESOURCES FIRST AND CLOUD Remote storage Designing distributed products and Blog COMPUTING TODAY PROVIDE A services (co-creation) Messaging and collaboration and/or RESPONSE TO CONSUMER AND distributed supply chain management BUSINESS NEEDS platforms Horizontal communications (between Machine to machine communication OVUM, “2010 Trend to Watch: persons, persona-to-thing, and thing-to- 3 (remote metering & reading in utilities ) cloud computing”, 2010, thing) Laurence Lachal, Steve Domotics (intelligent building) Hodgkinson - “Computer mediated transaction” Hal R. Eco-sustainability of IT Green IT Varian, Ely lecture to the Shared resources. american economics association, Atlanta GA, 2010 - “The data Collaboration and interaction in mobility, Social CRM deluge” The Economist, in real time eLearning Economist Special report, 2010 Video Conferencing “The Big Switch: rewiring the world from Edison to Google” Nicholas Carr, 2009 8
  • 9. the management of peaks and THE ECONOMICS OF CLOUD overloads is catered of. Even small and In these times of financial discontinuity and medium firms can easily access these economic turmoil, reflected in the media and large-scale operations. experienced directly through domestic • Continuous innovation: markets, Cloud Computing is sometimes the majority of providers continuouslupdate perceived as the response to a greater their infrastructures, regularly demand for rationalisation of ICT costs. This proposing new demand is what every CTO or CIO has to services and functionalities that are made deal with everyday in their own organisation readily available to organisations and about which every CEO and CFO is regardless of size, ability to invest and asking these key IT roles. The request to more and more often, their ability to “reduce cost” is hard to answer to. Which understand technology. costs then? How? What is the business impact? Value Team has worked accurately in order to build a new capability within its Value Team believes that the actual problem organisation to help customers and lies in the alignment of costs to business prospects to assess, case by case, which value (e.g., revenue, profit, market share, benefits can be effectively obtained given a etc.). specific company background. Finally to enable these through the implementation of This imposes a discipline and a novel ability a customised Cloud strategy programme to answer key questions such as: which fits the organisation and its ability to • How to quantify and qualify the impact of ICT actually implement such a plan. costs by service on the businesses they support? FIG.3 NEW CHALLENGES: COMPANIES MUST BE ABLE TO MATCH LEGACY SOLUTIONS WITH THE INTERNET AND CLOUD APPLICATIONS BROUGHT INTO THE COMPANY 9
  • 10. • How do you make these costs visible in a organisations we work with, nor does it works clear and transparent manner to the for all business processes, we think it may be business? sensible to commence measuring ourselves • Which performance indicators do you use? against Cloud Computing on terrains which, • What are the business KPIs? by their nature, are better suited to • What does “pay-for-use” mean in your experimentation. organisation? • How can this model be defined and The experience which emerges from the integrated in your company accounting analysis of the conduct of the most system? innovative companies in the field of Cloud • How do we measure the “added value” of Computing indicates that it may be sensible this effort in business terms (for example in to “move” services such as collaboration (e- terms of indicators such as the reduction of mail, messaging etc.), personnel accounting, client and contact acquisition costs etc.)? Enterprise Content and Document Management, CRM applications. Cloud From our standpoint, the massive and Computing can also assist peak traffic pervasive presence of ICT in all of the management when dealing with Portals and company’s processes and activities, the e-Commerce sites. increasing complexity of ICT let alone its “global” character (no -related to domestic issues), non conventional competition and rapid adoption of new enabling technologies, are exposing in all of the organisations we work with, both large and small ones, that a new model of governance is mandatory. The concept of “ICT Governance” when applied to Cloud Computing, indicates the process of controlling all of the ICT resources in order to manage and guarantee that the organisation reaches its own objectives: • Strategic alignment of ICT to the business; • Control of the costs and value which the use of ICT generates or may generate; • Management of ICT related risks; • Infrastructure management; • Management and measurements of performance on hybrid systems (internal and external to the organisation) [Fig.3] Although we are aware that caution is required and that it is true that this model does not necessarily fits to all the 10
  • 11. NAVIGATING THROUGH THE CLOUD VALUE TEAM VISION organisative which have been more To achieve a “governed Cloud” means being innovate in adopting Cloud Computing, one able to offer business and IT services rapidly observes that two further reasons push with an underpinning economic logic of “pay- towards the Cloud: on one hand the growing per-use”. In further detail it means to have need to co-create content, products and put together a clear cost-assignment model services (the “Facebook” model, which is for the use of the resources, their availability addictive and self-sustaining) and on the level of reliability, and their horizontal other hand their highly distributed nature (just scalability etc. Cloud in this sense represents think about the mobile technologies available the idea of provisioning services and today vs. 5 years ago). resources oriented towards key business performance indicators (KPIs, Service Levels The infrastructures on which this massive or SLAs). collaboration is occurring today (and will The elastic delivery of resources on a pay- occur with increasing frequency in the future) per-use basis however, is founded on top of are distributed. They are virtualised real infrastructures, and although they are architectures, that is; Cloud Computing. aimed to respond to the evolution of As we have said, this “virtualisation” depends organisational necessities, albeit now directly on physical elements of the virtualised, they are still real. infrastructure. Furthermore it is important to Again exploiting the experience of those make our clients and prospects consider the 11
  • 12. fact that virtualisation is never free of charge, SCALABILITY AND ELASTIC nor does it deliver benefits by itself, without COMPUTING impacting management of the complexity of The association between service oriented the underlying ICT infrastructure. economy and Cloud Computing has its’ For example the virtualisation of physical origins in the model of virtualisation, of resources (a pre-requisite of Cloud abstraction and definition of software Computing ) operationally imposes architecture which was anticipated an lead maintaining control of many aspects, by SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) including: some years ago. Successfully operating on • proliferation of virtual servers; services that expand and contract • the increment in physical storage; dynamically as needed according to • system configurations; business policies means approaching a cost • the management of peaks in workload; model which adapts elastically to business • the heterogeneous nature of the platforms; needs and objectives. Many international • the complexity of the architectures; vendors are moving in this direction. Each of • data security. the players we observed are working mainly in a single layer (generally their strengths or In this sense Value Team can support clients core business) focussing on criteria of and prospects in assessing the impact of technical elasticity and often not bound by Cloud Computing on IT investment plans. economic and business value criteria. One typical assignment which VT performs is assessing the need to purchase new, large, Value Team is not limited to a single layer of costly proprietary infrastructures vs. the Cloud computing services (i.e.: IaaS, outsourcing into public, hybrid and private SaaS, PaaS) but carries forward a vision clouds “hosted” by cloud providers such as aimed at governing the trends in peaks, Telecom Italia, BT, NTT Data, Verizon or allocation and the relative impacts on the international players such as Microsoft- ROI of all services across all models of the Azure, Amazon Web Services, Rackspace Cloud Computing. Hosting, etc.. FIG.4 THREE DIMENSIONS OF THE CLOUD: ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES, GOVERNANCE PROCESSES AND SLA COMPLIANCE, AS SEEN WITH A SECURITY VIEWPOINT 12
  • 13. FIG. 5 SETTING UP THE OPERATIONAL MODEL PROCESSES & TOOLS OF health of services, guarantees the security of GOVERNANCE FOR the environment, provides visibility of critical APPLICATIONS & components, and delivers effectiveness in INFRASTRUCTURE respecting Service Levels (Security, The growing evolution of IT applications and Management & Control, Application services imposes on the platforms and Performance Monitoring, Adaptable infrastructures, as on the processes which Automation). govern them, deal with variable workloads • SLA Compliance between business KPIs and respond to business requirements in and ICT services/resources (e.g., Intercloud terms of availability, costs, performance, SLA Broker, Peak Overload, Dynamic Work scalability, reliability and agility. Load Management, etc.); The same underlying technological components must have characteristics of In addition to these dimensions there is the granularity, inter-operability, portability and integration to and with security services, independence of the hardware layer in order which enables user and access to permit their dynamic organisation, management, handling data privacy issues, operation and delivery on the basis of audit independence, Business Continuity service criteria that comply with these and Disaster Recovery. Value Team has the objectives. competencies to support the design and Cloud Computing is characterised by 3 construction of solutions with structured dimensions: [Fig.4] operational models [Fig. 5], guaranteeing • Enabling technologies and solutions, high standards of security, performance, which provide elasticity, security and availability, flexibility and automation scalability of data and application THE ENABLING management (vStorage, vNetwork, TECHNOLOGIES vComputing). This paradigm of delivery requires • Governance processes and solutions substantial re-engineering of the which deliver direct feedback on the state of technologies and methodologies in the field 13
  • 14. at both the infrastructure level and that of PROCESSES, TOOLS AND applications and services: INTEGRATION The ease of use and speed of adoption INFRASTRUCTURE introduced by Cloud Computing is reflected The network, as the storage systems and in a greater complexity of the architectures servers, must offer elevated performance so and technologies, and in greater stratification as to constitute an ample reservoir to draw of the application context. This poses new, on and to instantiate the necessary more challenging problems with respect to resources, assigning them configurable the traditional “silos” models, such as levels of service (Quality of Service) on the contention for hardware resources, the basis of the criticality of the data, the reconciliation of application priorities, and the importance of the user and the application fragmentation of governance responsibilities. context, with the ability to handle any possible peak overloads drawing, for In Value Team’s view, the definition and example, on a pool of external resources enforcement of Service Levels (SLA) is the (previously negotiated), applying clear critical element of delivery of ICT services in business rules (e.g., to protect the paying the cloud. For example, one might user, preserve the availability and execution hypothesise sizing an application or a portal of the showcase components, etc.). on the basis of its actual adoption, privileging business users (e.g., “Gold” or “VIPs” ) over PLATFORM guest users and predicting dynamic growth Selected platform containers must be of the resources against peaks in utilisation engineered to enable and guarantee high through opportunistically configured standardisation of the application layer, and automation measures. at the same time guaranteeing high level of scalability and reliability as well as efficient This permits a significant reduction in the use of resources. initial investment (usually CAPEX) and by introducing a pay-per-use model correlates APPLICATION effective use of the resources (costs) to Service oriented architectures have the business growth (revenues, share, customer objective of transforming complex processes satisfaction, etc.) not to mention the ability to into the controlled orchestration of more discriminate among users and the impact simple and discrete application components that can have on your CRM’s capabilities or services. It is therefore also possible to modify and simplify the interaction between SECURITY INTHE CLOUDS services, and it is easier to add new services An integrated approach to Cloud Computing or modify processes to respond to changing cannot ignore data and infrastructure related business requirements, given the security themes. The security themes independence of binding to a specific requiring attention in the move to Cloud platform or to a monolithic application Computing solutions may be summarised as architecture. In this sense the service may be follows: considered as a component in a wider • User and Access management (certified process, which can be re-used and modified. authentication and traceability of operations). Cloud Computing exacerbates the problems 14
  • 15. of managing users: the multitudes of • Data privacy problems. accounts, the management of diverse silos Legislative regulations (Italian, EU and linked with identities, the use of international) impose strict obligations, which heterogeneous administration tools are some can also set limitations on the country for of the aspects to be considered. In the case of storage of the data. The European use of Cloud Computing services split over Community, for example, with Data Protection diverse providers the governance of the life Directive 95/46/EC, mandated that the data cycle of users becomes even more important must be handled/processed in European in order to guarantee effective control. The Union nations or, where outside the EU, which user federation mechanism too, if on the one have adopted specific protection measures in hand guarantees easy user access to line with EU legislation. services operated by distinct providers, poses • Audit independence. The faculty to perform a series of operational and technological independent audits on the infrastructure challenges, which must be comprehensively delivering the service, in technological and addressed. legal terms, is another factor guaranteeing a • Provisioning. This aspect takes on particular company wishing to approach the world of relevance where account management is Cloud Computing. It becomes even more delegated to diverse providers, each with their important, in the specific case of SaaS, to be own management method. In this case it is able to verify opportune levels of logical, and important to rely on identity management eventually physical, data segregation services integrated with the principal private or respecting the regulations cited above. public Cloud service providers. Some security • Business Continuity and Disaster technology (Identity & Access Management) Recovery. If, on the one hand, Cloud service providers are thus beginning to supply Computing offers a greater degree of flexibility integrated services, which can fully manage than normal BC solution, on the other it users, even in the environments of external requires careful assessment, including public cloud providers. contractual terms, so that the business FIG.6 SETTING UP THE SERVICE MODEL 15
  • 16. processes managed by Cloud Computing personalised questions that helps us to continue to respect their respective planned address the specific nature and needs of our recovery limitations. clients and prospects. The following is an example of our checklists Security is today probably the biggest • What is the priority for the general concern of IT executives weighing the business and the specific department? adoption of cloud. Issues such as how do • How is it possible to deliver “just-in-time” users authenticate into the cloud? Who’s resources to support business objectives? responsible for data? Where are services • How can costs for determined services or being hosted? What is the back-up policy of service types be identified, measured and data? How can we be sure that a given controlled? provider is “trusted” and that they adhere to a • How is it possible to align resources with given policy? the service levels expected by the business? However Cloud Computing is rapidly • How is it possible to govern a system in a addressing such concerns. Several Cloud where the application has been organisations have been operating mission- developed and/or used by third parties? critical operation in the cloud. For example, • How is it possible to establish a software since October 2008 Wall Street Systems has development service directed solely to the announced its cloud based Electronic most important services with frequent Settlement Network (a pay-as-you-go post- releases to production environments? trade processing tool for the capital markets), • What are the key application and which has been used by five mid-tier, banks architectural parameters (review of multi- for a couple of years already. tenancy of services)? So although we are fully aware that there are • Should “Mock-up” techniques (simulation) security concerns, we also know that as be used? soon as business will be satisfied with the • How can precise access privilege security offered by Cloud Computing, this will management be assured? transform the world. • How to handle sensitive and personal data for Cloud infrastructure delivery and THE SERVICES OFFERED correctly map the counter measures to be The Value Team offer consists of enacted to respect the legislative consultancy services, together with regulations and guarantee correct governance tools and solutions already management of the risk scenarios? developed and operational, thanks to which • How to identify and map the perimeters of it is possible to define and navigate a custom the classic on-premise systems, private route to and through the Cloud. [Fig.6] Cloud infrastructures and services, which can be operated on public or hybrid A) DESIGNING THE CLOUD Clouds? Definition of a personalised Checklist • How to modify business continuity and In Value Team’s methodology, the approach disaster recovery plans to take into to Cloud Computing begins with the account the specific behaviours of Cloud assessment of client “cloud-readiness”. This services? can be achieved through a set of 16
  • 17. Structuring by business priority. can be automated to handle risk situations. Operationally the cloud strategy translates to For example, if SLA adherence is at risk, a the ability to select the most critical business series of actions and notifications cloud be applications or services and to assign them set up to return the situation to normal. additional resources only when needed from the qualified pool of ICT services – in-house B) GOVERNANCE TOOLS data centre, hosted or partner DC, trusted or Intelligent workload balancing. private cloud services provider, public cloud It is possible to configure a minimum kit services provider or some combination of internally for a new to-be-offered service or a these. new campaign, and set trigger values beyond which additional resources must be SLA Definition: provisioned “just-in-time” to balance the A consistent set of rules, that support a given workload across the system. Once a stable business policy, is defined to discipline the workload is identified, a decision on provisioning and deprovisioning of resources incrementing/decreasing the dedicated as needed, against a determined load and in resources can be taken (with resources from pursuit of specific service level objectives the in house DC or from a partner/provider). (also know as KPIs – Key Performance Once the desired workload is set up for each Indicators). Value Team offers solutions, application, this load is constantly monitored which permit agile management of ICT and where there are indications of overload resources respecting given sets of SLAs. It or ‘stressed’ service levels, the application is also proposes a well-defined service level supplied in near real-time with additional governance “within and among the clouds” resources from the “virtualised environment” (known as “SLA Brokerage”). This entire (e.g. CPU, memory, data storage from the solution can guarantees correct operation of virtualised Data Center, etc.) or cloud, with the applications even with the most elevated the mission of balancing the workload during loads requiring the highest level of reliability. these peaks. The additional resources are then released when the workload returns to Modularity and risk mitigation: normal. All scaling operations and the KPIs It is possible to define a series of detailed that triggered them are recorded and rules tailored to specific business available for analysis, billing or charge-back, requirements, for example, enable for certain SLA outage reports, etc. users the use of determined resources, and So not only is the workload optimized to redirect others to a controlled ‘No’ or invite operate with just the right amount of ‘power’ them to take up some kind of engagement or the IT and business owners are provided special offer. Also, you can govern the type, with details of the exact cause and resolution number and size of the resource or even its of SLA outages for future improvements and usage cost can be limited to certain users (or customer satisfaction management. user classes). A secure web portal can be used to control and manage the usage status Application performance monitoring of all services and to obtain reports on It is possible to provide timely control of service level delivery and SLA ‘health’. increasingly complex applications with Further, through continuous monitoring of distributed critical components, using an service health against KPIs, real-time actions Application Performance Monitoring solution, 17
  • 18. which enables real time observations of business transactions and intervention to In Italy, in particular, the FFM products on the improve adherence to agreed Service market require ad hoc customisation to Levels. comply with current national legislation in For example, one might consider an e- matters of labour control. Value Team WFM commerce portal where it may be opportune solution implements all the legislation to identify and monitor the more critical foreseen for shift workers. The optional SaaS business transactions, such as the addition delivery model, further enables the of a product to a basket or the conclusion of implementation of home/remote working a purchase. During the effective execution of while maintaining control of the infrastructural the transactions by users, it is possible to impacts. identify the application components involved and visualise the relationship between these Payment as a Service ( VTPie) and the effective usage experience of the The VTPie solution provides the full set of end user. Analysis of the results provides the tools needed for flexible payment basis for construction of intervention actions management, delivered as a service. on the infrastructure and in the application. The architecture and technologies selected from the inception are open to the adoption C) “SAAS” SOLUTIONS of Cloud models. Workforce Management Value Team supports all phases of Work VTPie was conceived for core banking Force (WFM) and Field Force Management application management and supports (FFM) projects with a flexible, modular, elevated volumes of events and operations. scalable, integrated approach: from definition Indeed the architecture is fully scalable in of the strategy, to the model and roadmap, order to handle increased calculation and to solution design, development, capacity, while maintaining the same implementation and operation/management. structure. VTPie modules handle “client- The WFM and FFM products on the market bank”, bank-bank” and “interbank network” cover distinct yet limited areas, while the processes. solution developed by Value Team presents a wider functional coverage than most Adoption of the Cloud model, on the one market products. The solution plans and hand, guarantees data security and distributes the workforce in an optimal segregation in compliance with banking manner. In particular, it enables requirements regulations, and on the other hand process forecasting, resource and working hours/shift customisation on the basis of client needs in planning and management and monitoring of order to maintain a differentiation of the the correspondence between planned and services offered to their markets. effective use. Nor should it be forgotten that, The offer provides both a user license also in the case of SaaS delivery, a project of approach and a service approach. In the first this type also implies accurate Change case, it addresses banks, which intend using Management activities to manage the their own IT structures and acquire VTPie impacts from viewpoint of personnel user licenses to fully govern within their management. environments. The service model enables 18
  • 19. Banks adopting an outsourcing strategy to exploit fully turn key services with pricing Security policies based on the effective use of The Identity & Access Management solution infrastructures (for example the number of integrates account management and that of transactions). the Cloud application identities through specific security SaaS. On the one side these The heart of the VTPie platform provides the interface with the applications/ services from elements to build the diverse front-end the service provider coherently managing the modules and manages interactions with the user life cycle and the access management re-usable components (services, workflow aspects, on the other the SaaS security management, transaction engine, etc). services can expose the application Starting from these principles, the interfaces to integrate with the end user on- architectural orientation is service based premise Identity & Access management (100%) SOA, while development has systems. followed the J2EE standard and is 100% Java. Document Management Our solutions are VTDocs and Cruisenet. The first is a document management system vertically integrated for Italian regulation of the so called “dematerialisation” (e- document or e-paper), which supports the digital signature, IT protocol and interoperability via certified e-mail. The second is a support system for “The system is adaptation to regulations (for example for structured to ISO certification) and to describe enterprise processes and organisations. Both are framework based using Microsoft™ deliver solution under the SaaS technology, modular, scalable structures fully model: each client customisable on the basis of client requirements. They can, naturally, be activates a integrated with the major document maximum number management systems and SSO( Single Sign On) systems in the market today. The of users, profiled system is designed to supply solutions under a SaaS model: each client activates a for the specific maximum number of user accounts, profiles needs” as per the specific needs (pay-per-use). The service provision mode is multi-tenant, multi- instance. 19
  • 20. CLOUD ON THE MARKETS CLOUD IN THE requires guarantees at service and security TELCO & MEDIA MARKET levels for “solutions”. The most typical of With the premise that without a good these are generally: collaboration network, talking about Cloud Computing has applications, connectivity services, on no sense whatever, in Italy, the adoption of a demand processing resources and CRM. structured ICT governance system is In general, TLC operators aim to propose generally the prerogative of large industrial three macro-service types: companies and certain local and central • IT infrastructure and communications public administrations. So any proposal of integration; value in the Cloud Computing arena, must • virtualisation of physical assets; be based on a reliable, redundant, resilient, • de-coupling of applications from physical high performance communications system. infrastructures. With specific reference to the Telco market, Although it is true that the large carriers Cloud Computing is a contemporary have, to date, had a marginal role in the set challenge for adaption of infrastructures and up and sale of generally defined public an opportunity for the diffusion of a new Clouds services (mostly IaaS), some are business model by Telco and Media now making significant investments for the companies. development of the advanced services which The demand for Cloud Computing services Cloud Computing enables. 20
  • 21. FIG 7 “WITH REFERENCE TO THE TELCO MARKET, CLOUD COMPUTING IS A CHALLENGE FOR ADAPTATION OF INFRASTRUCTURES AND AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF A NEW BUSINESS MODEL ” In this scenario, Value Team is aiming above as an opportunity to improve their services all to play the role of enabler thanks to its and reduce operating costs. Cloud competency in sector specific processes: Computing is a technology which is reaching • Mission critical applications (e.g. mobile interesting levels of maturity for many operator top up systems, provisioning decidedly heterogeneous sectors, from on- systems, billing, etc.); line collaboration to entertainment. • System operations support applications In the world of Financial Services and (OSS such as Trouble management for Insurance, the need to deliver services to the field, trouble management for employees and partners contrasts with the customer operations); necessity for a capillary infrastructure • Business support applications (BSS such requiring complex maintenance. Making as CRM, Human Digital Assistants, information available to be shared by diverse Federated Identity Management, actors, thus having by necessity to manage Workforce Management). a diversified infrastructure, is often the reason for costs spiralling out of control. CLOUD IN THE Further, the lack of agility of processes, often FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS does not permit taking business MARKET opportunities as they are presented. Major banking and insurance groups are Cloud Computing, however, not only enables looking at this combination of technologies cost optimisation and delivers efficiency; it 21
  • 22. also permits better exploitation of new capacity enables analysis of an extraordinary information distribution channels. Thanks to number of transactions and also in Financial Cloud Computing it is possible to provide Provisioning and market analysis, to rapidly access to one or more databases in real time execute simulations without requiring the from any device utilised by a broker/agent. setup and operation of a costly infrastructure. For brokers, real time mobile systems The flexibility, which Cloud-based solutions access is a critical factor for success, can deliver in the business model, is highly especially where a broker is multi- significant. In particular, the facility to have representative. only the services really needed available, is a source of significant savings in a period in A study performed in the United States (by which cost saving is more important than International Data Corporation IDC)) ever. indicates that 25% of US banking institutions use web-based technologies to supply on- Value Team plays the role of enabler in many demand services to their clients/partners, business areas in this sector where this while a solid 20% of financial institutions technology can be employed effectively. foresee passing to Cloud Computing over Among the most important we can cite: the next 3 years. • Enterprise content management • Document archiving and search solutions, Cloud Computing is used in the anti-money e-mail archiving and security; laundering filed, where distributed calculation • Back-office activities; FIG 8 “25% OF US BANKS USE WEB-BASED TECHNOLOGIES TO DELIVER ON- DEMAND SERVICES TO THEIR CLIENTS/” 22
  • 23. • Credit card processing of the private cloud to become hybrid with • Management and consolidation of diverse use of state of the art solutions already payment process types; existing for other primary industrial realities. • Enterprise risk management – dedicated Tele-metering, tele-management and tele- IT framework for financial services reading are other areas where governed • Enterprise portals; Cloud offers interesting real time synergies • Extreme Transaction Processing with CRM platforms. Think of a future where Platforms; intelligent meters can communicate, and • Enterprise CRM; power distribution is effected in peer to peer • Consumer credit reporting; mode as the Internet of Things paradigm is • Client support systems; realised. • Retail banking and stock trading; • Sales support (Sales force automation). Finally, harmonising the operation/management of multiple data CLOUD FOR THE ENERGY centres, now migrated to a Cloud Computing MARKET AND PUBBLIC model, is hitting that target of mobility, agility, ADMINISTRATION economy and scalability which have been Operators in the Energy field have to deal the centre of presentations by industry with a “mixed bag” of an application analysts for years. portfolios, because there are so many specific operation areas to cover, from For Energy operators, creating their own communications with customers to energy Cloud means taking the opportunity to resource management. In this context, the maximise investments, free processing role of ICT is increasingly strategic in resources and, at the same time, prepare for delivering competitiveness and differentiation the challenges of the future. that offers the business rapid responses to fast changing needs, preferably leveraging For public administration (Defence, Welfare, the infrastructural assets available. central, regional and local government, etc.) the need to use Cloud applications becomes There already many applications, which fundamental where services shared by have switched from dedicated to virtual several administrations (private Clouds) to infrastructure for diverse motives, or they offer added value services to citizens in the have been subjected to consolidation areas of revenue management, health, processes due to overlap of the services welfare also from a regional view. supported. Here a Cloud governance solution finds immediate application in the The boundaries among the diverse sectors systems supporting simulation activities oil are becoming less distinct and we often hear exploration and production models, at the of “open government” where information front-end towards the retail clients, on the (e.g. civil state data) is owned by CRM, through field force management Government, while the services built on top systems. of these data may be offered by third parties, though regulated and guided by the public For example, in field force management, the administration (e.g. city councils, regional Value Team offer can also escape the limits government, etc.). 23
  • 24. FIG. 9 “CLOUD COMPUTING, IT AS A SERVICE, GREEN IT ARE BUT A FEW OF THE TRENDS EMERGING” Indeed, today in the world of public “.. there is a need to integrate administration, there is a need to integrate services to the public with financial or services to the administrative services. And nowhere is it public with more the mandate to ‘do more with less’. financial or administrative services. And nowhere is it more the mandate to ‘do more with less’” 24
  • 25. HOW TO NAVIGATE IN THE CLOUDS THE APPROACH PROPOSED. To navigate in the vast world of Cloud Computing it is necessary to count on a consolidated approach to methodology and use tools and applications suited to governance management of ‘services’’ . Value Team’s Cloud offering can be summarised as follows: DESIGN GOVERNANCE SaaS SERVICES INSTRUMENTS CONSULTANCY SERVICES & CONSULTANCY & OFF THE SHELF APPROACH & SET UP IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS METHODOLGY LINKED TO THE FOR THE ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURES AND MARKET WITH OUSOURCING SERVICES Key factors Key factors Key factors • Scouting and auditing of • Audit of the governance • Internally developed the services, processes, and “factory” infrastructure products which better meet policies and the • Re-engineering of customer needs supporting KPIS and applications for Cloud • Technological competency SLAs; (physical to virtual) and of and installation at large • Service simulation design, the development, testing clients validation to support the and deployment economic models environments for elastic delivery Activities Activities Activities 1. Definition of custom check 1. Intelligent workload 1. Work Force e Field Force lists balancing Management 2. Structuring to business 2. Application performance 2. VTPie: Payment as a priorities monitoringe Service 3. SLA Definition 3. Document Management 4. Modularity and risk 4. Identity & Access mitigation Management 25
  • 26. The method of approach for Cloud Computing applied by Value Team is advantageous because: • it is action-based: it enables the set up of a series of preventive actions and risk mitigation; • it is distributed and close to the potential points of failure of the systems and processes; • it is independent and high level, integrating with the decision systems available on the market; • it optimises just-in-time resource provisioning to respect the service levels required by business; • it enables a pay-for-use licensing model. The challenge to private or public organisations is that of governing the risks while fully exploiting the opportunities, which this new model proposes, that is succeeding in managing the Cloud, which delivers business oriented added value services. In this context, the key role is that of defining the operational model of Cloud utilisation within the company, enabling services with defined, dynamic Service Levels and aggregating in house functionalities and those sourced from other Clouds (private, public and hybrid). With our experience all along the value chain (consultancy, projects and services), Value Team is an international partner for both enterprise and government organisations, as well as for infrastructure providers, who knows how to navigate You in the Cloud. Value Team is an IT consultancy and services company developing innovative solutions for business, whose offer covers the entire value chain. Counting on more than 3000 professionals world wide, with a significant presence in Italy, Europe and Latin America, Value Team works for major multinationals and leaders in their respective sectors and geographic areas, and has always collaborated with the principal universities and centres of research and innovation. . “Value Team is an international partner for both enterprise, government organisations and for infrastructure providers, who knows how to navigarte You to the Cloud” 26
  • 27.
  • 28. Value Team is an IT consultancy and service company developing innovative solutions for business, whose offer covers the entire value chain. Counting on some 3000 professionals world wide, with a significant presence in Italy, Europe and Latin America, Value Team works for major multinationals and leaders in their respective sectors and geographic areas, and has always collaborated with the principal universities and centres of research and innovation.