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This is the first time I think that I’ve had such a large lot to own, you see my parents
never had this much. And building on a hill proved to be quite the challenge. Sorry,
sorry this is Isaac Crane the heir and patriarch of the Noble House of Crane. What
would Amelia say now? She was my parental unit’s spouse back when we still lived in
Maladoreias. She thought that my twin sister and I would bring shame to the family
since we were not of this world.
This is my youngest sister Abigail, when we had to leave Maladoreias she was barely
a child. Like many others I had to be both her brother and father while we were on the
road. Starlight is my twin and we’re also aliens, or sorry (Fae folk) I forget what a
superstitious time we live in. Can you imagine what it’s like reconciling a modern
mind set with a Victorian era society? It’s troublesome and very tiring.
According to “custom” a Noble house must have a social gathering, or a meeting of
other Nobles, I would just call it a house party but that’s just me. And since I am the
heir it’s my duty to carry on the family name so I had to find a wife. The Prescotts were
a very social and strictly traditional Noble house and Connor, the patriarch, has three
sisters to marry off. I may look strange to them and it gets really tiring telling everyone
that my skin colour comes from the region where I grew up. I call it that since they
would not understand that I am not from this planet.
Catherine frankly, irritates me. She’s always bragging and making sure that everyone
knows her family is the “best”, she reminds me of Amelia and well I can’t stand
braggarts. But since she is the oldest female of the Prescott family, I will be polite and
try not to let her see me grind my teeth every time she talks.
But her little sister Delilah, I do find pleasant. She is nothing like her older sister. And
she’s a twin like me; her twin Diana I had heard is quite the aspiring baker. Problem is
she’s female and can’t own property which I think is bull but then again, my modern
mindset and Victorian values do not mesh. I do like Delilah and if I want her I have to
ask for her like she’s some sort of commodity. I just hope Duke Connor is more
reasonable than his twin.
Duke Connor: You wish to have Delilah? She is the youngest of my sisters and
I would prefer to marry her off last. Catherine is much more mature.
Isaac: I am sure she is, but it is Delilah I like. And I know she likes me too.
Duke Connor: Well…I suppose. I mean a firm hand is just what Delilah needs
to keep her in line, she is the youngest and still acts like a child. Very well, you
may have her.
Isaac: Thank you. I will be a good husband.
Duke Connor: Hmm, shame you have no brother. It seems you have the same
problem I do with three sisters to marry off.
Isaac: Indeed.
Delilah was very surprised when I proposed, she was under the impression that I was
calling on her brother to ask for Catherine instead of her. Maybe I should warn
Emmet and Marty about Catherine, although with the way that girl gets out to
socialize with everyone I may not even have to. They will find out soon enough.
I don’t regret my choice; I love Delilah and she is nothing like her brother claimed she
was. I find her childish delight in the small things refreshing, not off-putting.
It’s times like this that I’m glad I have such an interesting plot of land. Getting
married on a hillside next to the flower garden below is perfect. Delilah loves the
fragrance of flowers in the air and the beauty of springtime.
Also it was an honour for Prince Nemo to take time out of his Royal schedule to
attend my wedding. And the ever lovely Princess Anne as well, I was worried they
may not come. And Clara, she is my best friend I knew she wouldn’t miss this for the
Delilah: You can always count on my sister to know that I love pink
flavoured things.
Isaac: Pink is a lovely colour my dear. It suits you.
Delilah: Is it strawberry? I love strawberries.
Isaac: You tell me, is it strawberry?
Delilah: It is!! Aww, she remembered.
Isaac: Our twins always know us best don’t they my love?
Delilah: They do.
Princess Anne: This is a very beautiful vista for a wedding.
Isaac: Thank you, your Highness. I did my best to make sure it was perfect.
Delilah: So will there be a Royal wedding soon?
Princess Anne: Alas, I do not know. My brother has not shown any interest in anyone.
Delilah: I was talking about your wedding Princess.
Princess Anne: Oh, well again; I do not know.
Diana: Please forgive her your Highness; she did not mean to be rude.
Princess Anne: Oh, she was not rude. It is a perfectly reasonable question. No one has
asked the prince on my behalf yet. I cannot help but feel a bit jealous that my sister is
already married with a son and I am not.
Isaac: Perhaps he has not yet arrived in Arkadia your Highness…
Princess Anne: Perhaps.
Prince Nemo: I should really hire some artists to record the history of my
Jaime: I am just happy to be included in these affairs.
Prince Nemo: Well you are one of my guests after all, and a patron at my venue.
I wish to get to know everyone who resides here in Arkadia.
Isaac: I think that wedding went well don’t you?
Delilah: This room needs more pink. But yes, it did. It was fun though.
Isaac: Well, the fun is just beginning.
Delilah: Why? You have a bubble machine? I like bubbles.
Isaac: No, but I could get one. I meant other fun.
Delilah: OOHH!! That kind of fun…I see what you mean now.
Isaac: Yes. I have been waiting for this for a long time.
Delilah: Seems the fun had a side effect…
Isaac: Just look at this way; that was round one, this is round two.
Delilah: I see. Well, I suppose babies can fun too.
I am no good at recording things, but the prince said we had to so I guess that means I’ll have to
learn. My name is Emmet Van Braun, the eldest son of Lady Yanna and Lord Darius Van
Braun. I left Maladoreias with my two sisters and my younger brother Marty when we learned
there was meteor on a collision course with our home. The open space of this land is wild and
untamed and I wonder just what kind of difference I can make here. My father was a
businessman in Maladoreias and it’s become expected that I do the same here.
I don’t really want to go into business, I’d rather become a famous sports star but I’m
told that’s for the lower classes and a Noble born heir like me is supposed to strive for
“higher standards”. Also to romance a bunch of ladies, the idea of being tied down to
one for the rest of my life is frankly, terrifying. Clara, my oldest sister tells me we need
to host a party since it seems that’s what all Nobles are supposed to do. She’s the one
who knows everyone. I really don’t care.
Marty is a lot like my sister Clara, he wants to know everyone. He should be the heir,
not me. He actually wants to get married and have a family. And since we’re the only
Nobles with more than one male in the family everyone is looking to us, including
Catherine Prescott. Though according to Clara, Catherine wants the prince. Having
her as queen, is a scary thought.
I found out that Abigail Crane has been watching me a lot, and she’s cute in that girl
next door way; a little mousey though. Lorraine, my other sister is the one who steered
her my way. She was not very subtle at doing so. But she’s my triplet so if she thinks I
might like Abigail then she would know my preferences best of all.
Maybe Abigail knew I preferred women to make the first move, so she jumped me,
literally. And of course it would be ungentlemanly to drop a lady who throws herself at
you right?
She was right; Abigail is my type but so is Catherine. I like a woman who knows what
she wants and isn’t afraid to tell you that. Who knows, maybe Marty will take a shine
to Catherine.
I found a moment at the party to ask Isaac for Abby, it just felt right to ask first and I
got the impression Isaac was waiting for me to ask properly for his baby sister. I don’t
really want to get married but that’s the law in this land so if I want to remain in good
graces with the prince and the other Nobles I will do what a man has to do.
Maybe it’ll turn out to be for the best. Now if only I could teach her not to slouch
like a caveman, we’ll be getting somewhere.
What I do, I do for the Noble name of Van Braun. May it reign strong and true
throughout history.
Emmet: Ladies first.
Abigail: Oh, peach flavour, how did you know I liked it?
Emmet: I didn’t; I just asked Diana to make something as sweet as you.
Abigail: That is so romantic!
Emmet: I know.
Isaac: Who’s being a good baby for Auntie Abigail’s wedding? You are.
Delilah: Well so far, I do wish there was a water closet close by.
Catherine: How embarrassing…
Isaac: I’m glad my baby sister has found true love. The Van Braun name is a proud
Emmet: Well thank you.
Clara: I’m happy for you Emmet. Abigail is wonderful.
Princess Anne: So am I, she’s such a sweet girl.
Jaime: Where is your dress dear?
Lorraine: We haven’t found it yet; it must be somewhere in the boxes we haven’t
unpacked yet.
Catherine: It should always be unpacked first, a lady’s gown speaks a lot about her, how
horrible it would be if the gown was all wrinkled…
Abigail: I have some spares if you want.
Lorraine: Thank you maybe I’ll give them a look.
Catherine: We need a good dressmaker in this kingdom. I want to have the best
wedding dress for my marriage to the prince.
Jaime: I did not know he had asked you yet.
Catherine: He hasn’t; but he will. I know he will, he just has a kingdom to settle into
Prince Nemo: Once you get settled in, would you consider taking up the same mantle as your father
had for business? I really could use your advice in the matter.
Emmet: You want me to be your advisor?
Prince Nemo: I have had some requests for changes in the property laws, I confess it is not my area of
Emmet: I will give it some thought, after my wedding of course.
Prince Nemo: Of course. Just be sure to let me know what you decide.
Abigail: The prince wants you to be his business advisor? That’s wonderful!! I think you
should do it.
Emmet: Hmm, yeah it is a request from the prince…and it does mean I’d have a great
position of power in the kingdom. But I really want to be a sports star.
Abigail: I thought athletes were only allowed to be from the lower classes?
Emmet: Anyway, that’s a matter for another day. There is something else I want to do
right now.
Abigail: I am nervous about it but I really would love to have a baby. It’s been a dream of
Emmet: Well, then what are we waiting for?
Abigail: Brother look!! I have been waiting for this for a long time.
Marty: I see, I’m happy for you and my brother can we get back to the game
now? I need the skills for work, working for your brother in Politics is a dream
of my own, but that needs skills.
Abigail: Of course. My brother does like to have qualified people in his office.
Abigail: Maybe it will be possible to see three of my children graduate from
college. That would make me forever happy.
With that, two more rotations are done. The Van Braun week was interesting, at the
party literally two seconds after Abigail had jumped into Emmet’s arms, Catherine was
queuing up to do the same right after. It would have been a disaster with the slapping
and fighting since Abby and Emmet just fell in love. Good thing I managed to X it out
of Emmet’s queue before it happened. I think all the weddings are making Catherine
crazy, despite the fact that she’s ROMANCE like Emmet so try to figure that one out.
And she’s still obsessed with Prince Nemo.

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Arkadia: An RKC Rotation 1B

  • 1.
  • 2. This is the first time I think that I’ve had such a large lot to own, you see my parents never had this much. And building on a hill proved to be quite the challenge. Sorry, sorry this is Isaac Crane the heir and patriarch of the Noble House of Crane. What would Amelia say now? She was my parental unit’s spouse back when we still lived in Maladoreias. She thought that my twin sister and I would bring shame to the family since we were not of this world.
  • 3. This is my youngest sister Abigail, when we had to leave Maladoreias she was barely a child. Like many others I had to be both her brother and father while we were on the road. Starlight is my twin and we’re also aliens, or sorry (Fae folk) I forget what a superstitious time we live in. Can you imagine what it’s like reconciling a modern mind set with a Victorian era society? It’s troublesome and very tiring.
  • 4. According to “custom” a Noble house must have a social gathering, or a meeting of other Nobles, I would just call it a house party but that’s just me. And since I am the heir it’s my duty to carry on the family name so I had to find a wife. The Prescotts were a very social and strictly traditional Noble house and Connor, the patriarch, has three sisters to marry off. I may look strange to them and it gets really tiring telling everyone that my skin colour comes from the region where I grew up. I call it that since they would not understand that I am not from this planet.
  • 5. Catherine frankly, irritates me. She’s always bragging and making sure that everyone knows her family is the “best”, she reminds me of Amelia and well I can’t stand braggarts. But since she is the oldest female of the Prescott family, I will be polite and try not to let her see me grind my teeth every time she talks.
  • 6. But her little sister Delilah, I do find pleasant. She is nothing like her older sister. And she’s a twin like me; her twin Diana I had heard is quite the aspiring baker. Problem is she’s female and can’t own property which I think is bull but then again, my modern mindset and Victorian values do not mesh. I do like Delilah and if I want her I have to ask for her like she’s some sort of commodity. I just hope Duke Connor is more reasonable than his twin.
  • 7. Duke Connor: You wish to have Delilah? She is the youngest of my sisters and I would prefer to marry her off last. Catherine is much more mature. Isaac: I am sure she is, but it is Delilah I like. And I know she likes me too. Duke Connor: Well…I suppose. I mean a firm hand is just what Delilah needs to keep her in line, she is the youngest and still acts like a child. Very well, you may have her.
  • 8. Isaac: Thank you. I will be a good husband. Duke Connor: Hmm, shame you have no brother. It seems you have the same problem I do with three sisters to marry off. Isaac: Indeed.
  • 9. Delilah was very surprised when I proposed, she was under the impression that I was calling on her brother to ask for Catherine instead of her. Maybe I should warn Emmet and Marty about Catherine, although with the way that girl gets out to socialize with everyone I may not even have to. They will find out soon enough.
  • 10. I don’t regret my choice; I love Delilah and she is nothing like her brother claimed she was. I find her childish delight in the small things refreshing, not off-putting.
  • 11. It’s times like this that I’m glad I have such an interesting plot of land. Getting married on a hillside next to the flower garden below is perfect. Delilah loves the fragrance of flowers in the air and the beauty of springtime.
  • 12. Also it was an honour for Prince Nemo to take time out of his Royal schedule to attend my wedding. And the ever lovely Princess Anne as well, I was worried they may not come. And Clara, she is my best friend I knew she wouldn’t miss this for the world.
  • 13.
  • 14. Delilah: You can always count on my sister to know that I love pink flavoured things. Isaac: Pink is a lovely colour my dear. It suits you. Delilah: Is it strawberry? I love strawberries.
  • 15. Isaac: You tell me, is it strawberry? Delilah: It is!! Aww, she remembered. Isaac: Our twins always know us best don’t they my love? Delilah: They do.
  • 16. Princess Anne: This is a very beautiful vista for a wedding. Isaac: Thank you, your Highness. I did my best to make sure it was perfect. Delilah: So will there be a Royal wedding soon? Princess Anne: Alas, I do not know. My brother has not shown any interest in anyone. Delilah: I was talking about your wedding Princess. Princess Anne: Oh, well again; I do not know.
  • 17. Diana: Please forgive her your Highness; she did not mean to be rude. Princess Anne: Oh, she was not rude. It is a perfectly reasonable question. No one has asked the prince on my behalf yet. I cannot help but feel a bit jealous that my sister is already married with a son and I am not. Isaac: Perhaps he has not yet arrived in Arkadia your Highness… Princess Anne: Perhaps.
  • 18. Prince Nemo: I should really hire some artists to record the history of my kingdom. Jaime: I am just happy to be included in these affairs. Prince Nemo: Well you are one of my guests after all, and a patron at my venue. I wish to get to know everyone who resides here in Arkadia.
  • 19. Isaac: I think that wedding went well don’t you? Delilah: This room needs more pink. But yes, it did. It was fun though. Isaac: Well, the fun is just beginning. Delilah: Why? You have a bubble machine? I like bubbles. Isaac: No, but I could get one. I meant other fun.
  • 20. Delilah: OOHH!! That kind of fun…I see what you mean now. Isaac: Yes. I have been waiting for this for a long time.
  • 21. Delilah: Seems the fun had a side effect… Isaac: Just look at this way; that was round one, this is round two. Delilah: I see. Well, I suppose babies can fun too. ******
  • 22. I am no good at recording things, but the prince said we had to so I guess that means I’ll have to learn. My name is Emmet Van Braun, the eldest son of Lady Yanna and Lord Darius Van Braun. I left Maladoreias with my two sisters and my younger brother Marty when we learned there was meteor on a collision course with our home. The open space of this land is wild and untamed and I wonder just what kind of difference I can make here. My father was a businessman in Maladoreias and it’s become expected that I do the same here.
  • 23. I don’t really want to go into business, I’d rather become a famous sports star but I’m told that’s for the lower classes and a Noble born heir like me is supposed to strive for “higher standards”. Also to romance a bunch of ladies, the idea of being tied down to one for the rest of my life is frankly, terrifying. Clara, my oldest sister tells me we need to host a party since it seems that’s what all Nobles are supposed to do. She’s the one who knows everyone. I really don’t care.
  • 24. Marty is a lot like my sister Clara, he wants to know everyone. He should be the heir, not me. He actually wants to get married and have a family. And since we’re the only Nobles with more than one male in the family everyone is looking to us, including Catherine Prescott. Though according to Clara, Catherine wants the prince. Having her as queen, is a scary thought.
  • 25. I found out that Abigail Crane has been watching me a lot, and she’s cute in that girl next door way; a little mousey though. Lorraine, my other sister is the one who steered her my way. She was not very subtle at doing so. But she’s my triplet so if she thinks I might like Abigail then she would know my preferences best of all.
  • 26. Maybe Abigail knew I preferred women to make the first move, so she jumped me, literally. And of course it would be ungentlemanly to drop a lady who throws herself at you right?
  • 27. She was right; Abigail is my type but so is Catherine. I like a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to tell you that. Who knows, maybe Marty will take a shine to Catherine.
  • 28. I found a moment at the party to ask Isaac for Abby, it just felt right to ask first and I got the impression Isaac was waiting for me to ask properly for his baby sister. I don’t really want to get married but that’s the law in this land so if I want to remain in good graces with the prince and the other Nobles I will do what a man has to do.
  • 29. Maybe it’ll turn out to be for the best. Now if only I could teach her not to slouch like a caveman, we’ll be getting somewhere.
  • 30. What I do, I do for the Noble name of Van Braun. May it reign strong and true throughout history.
  • 31.
  • 32. Emmet: Ladies first. Abigail: Oh, peach flavour, how did you know I liked it? Emmet: I didn’t; I just asked Diana to make something as sweet as you. Abigail: That is so romantic! Emmet: I know.
  • 33. Isaac: Who’s being a good baby for Auntie Abigail’s wedding? You are. Delilah: Well so far, I do wish there was a water closet close by. Catherine: How embarrassing…
  • 34. Isaac: I’m glad my baby sister has found true love. The Van Braun name is a proud name. Emmet: Well thank you. Clara: I’m happy for you Emmet. Abigail is wonderful. Princess Anne: So am I, she’s such a sweet girl.
  • 35. Jaime: Where is your dress dear? Lorraine: We haven’t found it yet; it must be somewhere in the boxes we haven’t unpacked yet. Catherine: It should always be unpacked first, a lady’s gown speaks a lot about her, how horrible it would be if the gown was all wrinkled… Abigail: I have some spares if you want.
  • 36. Lorraine: Thank you maybe I’ll give them a look. Catherine: We need a good dressmaker in this kingdom. I want to have the best wedding dress for my marriage to the prince. Jaime: I did not know he had asked you yet. Catherine: He hasn’t; but he will. I know he will, he just has a kingdom to settle into first.
  • 37. Prince Nemo: Once you get settled in, would you consider taking up the same mantle as your father had for business? I really could use your advice in the matter. Emmet: You want me to be your advisor? Prince Nemo: I have had some requests for changes in the property laws, I confess it is not my area of expertise. Emmet: I will give it some thought, after my wedding of course. Prince Nemo: Of course. Just be sure to let me know what you decide.
  • 38. Abigail: The prince wants you to be his business advisor? That’s wonderful!! I think you should do it. Emmet: Hmm, yeah it is a request from the prince…and it does mean I’d have a great position of power in the kingdom. But I really want to be a sports star. Abigail: I thought athletes were only allowed to be from the lower classes?
  • 39. Emmet: Anyway, that’s a matter for another day. There is something else I want to do right now. Abigail: I am nervous about it but I really would love to have a baby. It’s been a dream of mine. Emmet: Well, then what are we waiting for?
  • 40. Abigail: Brother look!! I have been waiting for this for a long time. Marty: I see, I’m happy for you and my brother can we get back to the game now? I need the skills for work, working for your brother in Politics is a dream of my own, but that needs skills. Abigail: Of course. My brother does like to have qualified people in his office.
  • 41. Abigail: Maybe it will be possible to see three of my children graduate from college. That would make me forever happy. ******
  • 42. With that, two more rotations are done. The Van Braun week was interesting, at the party literally two seconds after Abigail had jumped into Emmet’s arms, Catherine was queuing up to do the same right after. It would have been a disaster with the slapping and fighting since Abby and Emmet just fell in love. Good thing I managed to X it out of Emmet’s queue before it happened. I think all the weddings are making Catherine crazy, despite the fact that she’s ROMANCE like Emmet so try to figure that one out. And she’s still obsessed with Prince Nemo.