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This is part two of the bachelor challenge, this will cover days 4-7. So go on back and
read part one first. We’re heading in. Also known as the Day of the Glitched Prince. I
fixed him of course, I knew what caused it.
On the agenda today is two flirts with each girl, hot tubbing, and a Share Interests after noon.
Elise: Oh, the weird water spray coming off you is getting my hair wet.
Prince Nemo: Yes I do find that rather vexing, I have no idea why it is happening.
I do. It was the custom corner tub/shower thing in his private bathroom, it was deleted right after
but the glitch remained. It would give off the broken animation and then it would get stuck to
Nemo. But it wasn’t actually broken, so it went away.
Elise: Okay, you may Charm me but no Suggestions. That’s too much.
Prince Nemo: Oh, I see.
Bad, bad girl, you know rejecting flirts is a first class ticket out of here right?
Princess Eowyn: Oh my, now I wish I had not been so off yesterday. You really
are quite charming.
Prince Nemo: Yes I can be, I am glad you agree.
Charm was accepted, good girl.
Princess Eowyn: Do tell me more your Highness.
Prince Nemo: Has anyone ever told you your eyes sparkle like rubies?
Princess Eowyn: No, but do go on.
Suggestion also accepted.
Prince Nemo: I never noticed how warm and inviting your eyes were.
Mia: Oh… *blushes* Really?
Prince Nemo: Really.
Another accepted flirt, Mia knows how to work this challenge.
Suggestion also was accepted, and then I see these two have triple bolts! No wonder she
accepted. Family and Knowledge just work well together.
We have a second heart fart, good, this is good.
Celestia: You really like my hair?
Prince Nemo: Of course, it is a lovely shade.
Suggestion also accepted. I think Celestia knows how to play this game.
And last but not least, Mandy. She of course accepted the Charm. And pulled ahead
by giving the first crush of the challenge. One sided though, but still it’s a start.
Suggestion also accepted. Mandy is setting the bar high here isn’t she? But as always
someone must go and today that someone is:
Day Four Scores:
Eowyn: 57
Elise: 55
Mandy: 106, crush
Mia: 76
Celestia: 64
I tried to warn Elise two rejected flirts in two days would cost her, guess she didn’t
listen. So today we say adios to Elise. But the show must go on and we have one on one
Share Interests date for today.
That took longer than I thought so it looks like a night tubbing scene this time. First
three in were Princess Eowyn, Mandy and Mia. Those girls were fast.
Celestia: This sucks…I can’t wait until there’s only three of us left so we can
all get in there.
Prince Nemo still has to Share Interests and he’s getting tired so let’s hope it goes well.
Travel seems to be a good topic, Celestia likes to travel apparently.
Construction is also a winner for Mia. I guess she has some plans for Arkadia. Two for
two so far.
Very good it seems, we have a heart fart.
Travel works with Princess Eowyn too, that reminds me I need to add the vacation
destinations, apparently you can do that. I never remember if I can or not.
Okay, okay hint taken. Travel is good, they all want travel. Anyway, that’s four for
four. Now let’s check in with Cupid and Elise.
Cupid: So?
Elise: I don’t know, it’s all a blur. I must have known that rejecting flirts would
be a bad thing but I just couldn’t help it.
Cupid: Did you just not like him or something?
Elise: He’s a prince, what’s not to like?
Cupid: Well sometimes that just doesn’t matter, you either have chemistry or
you don’t.
Elise: So what do I do now?
Cupid: Like the others, you get a choice to either remain playable or become a
Townie. There’s no pressure to choose now, you can wait.
Elise: I don’t know, maybe I’ll become a Townie. Don’t the rules say something
about women not being able to live alone here?
Cupid: Yes, there’s that.
Cupid: Madame Laveaux has offered her home to you girls so you won’t be
alone. She’s a lovely landlord, I think you’d like her.
Elise: Don’t you need to pay a landlord rent or something?
Cupid: You all brought money with you when you came here, that is how she
is paid.
Celestia: Today is kiss-kiss day, I can’t wait.
Celestia: Oh yes, it is isn’t it?
Princess Eowyn: I am nervous, I have never had a First Kiss.
Celestia: And who better to have it with than a fine young prince?
Prince Nemo: I am right here you know. We must conduct three flirts first
Mia: Sounds fun, I can’t wait.
Today’s flirts were a Hold Hands, a
Suggestion and a Goose. But here with
Princess Eowyn there was no Goose option
so she got two suggestions instead. All were
well received.
The Hold Hands was good for Celestia, this
is going well so far.
So was a Suggestion, while Celestia thinks
about babies, way to be subtle there. She
did get a Goose too but I can’t find the
picture. >_<
I did not get a Goose option for Mandy so
instead she got two high level Caresses and
a Hold Hands. Usually the Caress is risky
because of the higher chance of rejection
but that didn’t matter to Mandy, she was
all for it.
As if there was any doubt that these two
triple-bolters would reject anything.
Suggestion, Goose and Serenade. Mia even
threw in a nice heart-fart on the Goose.
Now it seems all four ladies have a crush on
the prince, though he’s still uncrushed on
any of them. It could be disastrous if I
didn’t turn off free will. Hehe…
But someone just did not have enough to survive.
Day Five Scores:
Eowyn: 105, crush
Mandy: 135, crush
Mia: 127, crush
Celestia: 103, crush
So today we say good bye to Celestia. She made it pretty far, and I think getting rid of
her enemy Jane may have helped out a lot with her advancing to fourth place. Still to
come on Day 5 is one Romantic kiss with the three remaining ladies in waiting.
As usual, I go last to first. Princess Eowyn lucks out and gets two kisses from Prince
Nemo, you see when I place them on a new lot I use the Bat Box to remove any trash
memories, and in this case every one of them got their Mystery Sim first kiss memories
nuked. Removing them keeps the glitches away from having too many memories. It’s my
thing…don’t question it.
How cute are these two together? Aww…*sighs happily* Only two bolts between them
but that’s good enough to accept almost everything.
Next is Mia who also gets her First Kiss from Prince Nemo. No swirly hearts since she
was not the one who initiated the kiss.
Overall, a nice way to end Day five. Mandy has one bolt with him, probably because
Pleasure and Family don’t go well together.
Cupid: So you made it pretty far, what do you think it was that had you here
Celestia: Missing the hot tub probably. That is a crucial time to build
relationships you know?
Cupid: I see, so in your world you were a witch?
Celestia: I am, yes. And as much as I like being one, it has made me have to
make some tough decisions, such as banishing my own sister.
Cupid: Where I come from we had problems with witches too, it wasn’t nice. It
all worked out in the end of course but still…
Celestia: I know, I can feel the presence of magic on you.
Cupid: At least you made some good friends here right?
Celestia: With some exceptions of course…but yes the Pop sim in me is very happy about
Cupid: So as I told the others, you can either choose to be playable or become a Townie, we
can give you back your magic as well if you want.
Celestia: Being a Townie sounds fun, I’d like to have my magic back as one too.
Day six begins with three flirts for each girl, and finally the Goose option was one for
Princess Eowyn. It also made them best friends. Will it be enough to keep her around
She also accepted the high value Caress. This is good. It may yet save her.
And Prince Nemo finishes with another Goose. Serenade was not an option sadly,
neither was Hit On which was the other choice, it vanished before I could use it on
Princess Eowyn. Mandy and Mia also got three choices of Goose, Hit On, and
Serenade and thus begins my problem…Day Six, I have a tie score.
Day Six Scores:
Eowyn: 150, double crush, two bolts
Mandy: 152, double crush, one bolt
Mia: 150, double crush, three bolts
So I turn to the bolts, Mandy gets to stay simply because of those two extra points with
one bolt. Mia has three so that already gives her the edge, and that leaves Princess
Eowyn with only two bolts. So…as much as she was a favourite to win, she must be the
one that leaves today.
For the rest of Day Six, there’s the last hot tubbing session and two make outs with the
remaining two.
Prince Nemo: The clouds are finally parting on this challenge.
Mia: Yeah, I never thought I’d make it this far.
Mandy: Me neither, my one bolt never seems to help me much.
Mia: Bolts aren’t everything you know. You did well for someone who never
rejected any flirts or chats.
Mandy: I guess I did.
Prince Nemo: I do not know how to choose, both of you are so lovely and
would make excellent queens for Arkadia.
And finally as the day closes out the two make outs with each of the girls.
Don’t you just love how they make me choose…
Cupid: You must be so disappointed it came down to bolts.
Princess Eowyn: It pains me so to have gone out on bolts but His Highness just
liked Mia a little bit more than me I suppose.
Cupid: So what will you do now?
Princess Eowyn: I shall become an envoy between my brother King Thorin and
the future King Nemo. I believe that a uniting of two young kingdoms is still
worth pursuing.
Cupid: So you are choosing to remain playable then?
Princess Eowyn: Yes, I am.
Cupid: Hearing you say that makes ME want to stay and be an envoy too.
Princess Eowyn: Oh? Are you a king of your realm as well?
Cupid: No, I’m a god but I guess that means something special right?
Princess Eowyn: A god you say? I have never met one before.
Cupid: Well you have now.
Princess Eowyn: I am honoured.
Cupid: Don’t hear that much, I mean I have been around, I even helped bring in a
generation of a legacy. Although since then I haven’t met anyone else…too painful when
they die and I stay the same you know?
Princess Eowyn: How terrible your loss must have been.
Prince Nemo: The last day…today one of you will become my queen.
Mia: I know, I can hardly believe it’s already here.
Three flirts before noon then the lowest one is eliminated…so suspenseful.
Duck, duck, GOOSE.
And then the prince finally falls in love. Took him long enough.
And one more for the road, a Serenade.
Goose while thinking of Mia, bad Prince Nemo, for shame…
And then love after one more Goose. Now they are tied again…grr.
Day Seven Scores:
Mandy: 170, double crush, love, one bolt
Mia: 170, double crush, love, three bolts
And once more we come to bolts, Pleasure and Family just cannot compete with
Knowledge and Family so today we must send Mandy home. She made it this far which
is impressive, it came down to your two remaining girls Anne and it looks like your cute
little alien spawn managed to pull out the win.
Prince Nemo: A toast to my new queen, Mia McHero.
Prince Nemo: To you, my verdant green princess. Once we are back at the castle I shall
make an announcement to the whole kingdom and introduce them to their queen.
Mia: Are you sure they will like me? I am green…
Prince Nemo: Yes you are, that will not matter because I love you. Once my people get to
know you, I am sure they will too.
Prince Nemo: There are some formalities I must do before I present you with
the ring, like my sister Princess Anne. I would like to see her taken care of
before I am wed. Is this acceptable to you my love?
Mia: I can wait; I know you’re a prince and you have a lot to do. I can be
Cupid: I was sure you would have it, those Day Six scores were pretty good.
Mandy: I am happy for Mia, I founded an Apocalypse and made the world a
better place for her. I’m good with that.
Cupid: Pleasure and Family just aren’t that great together, however Pleasure and
Pleasure…there’s magic there.
Mandy: *sly grin* Are you hitting on me?
Cupid: Maaybee…I could see us on a bubble blower and playing couch leap frog
all day long in our very own Pleasure Palace.
Mandy: To be honest, I thought maybe I’d change to a more suitable aspiration,
like Knowledge or something, I’m pretty serious.
Mandy: I think I just might.
Cupid: Well before that, you have a choice; you can stay playable or become a Townie.
Mandy: Townie please. I’m sure I can find out a lot about this place.
Cupid: As you wish, though I would have rocked your world, just saying…
We will see more of Prince Nemo and his new queen Mia McHero in Rotation 2.
Everyone except Princess Eowyn and Kindle became Townies so right now only Cupid,
Madame Laveaux, and Princess Eowyn are at the governess house. Kindle was moved
out and is waiting in the bin to be placed with her brothers and sisters as the fourth
Noble house in Arkadia.
See you next time in Arkadia!

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Charming the Prince: Part 2

  • 1.
  • 2. This is part two of the bachelor challenge, this will cover days 4-7. So go on back and read part one first. We’re heading in. Also known as the Day of the Glitched Prince. I fixed him of course, I knew what caused it.
  • 3. On the agenda today is two flirts with each girl, hot tubbing, and a Share Interests after noon. Elise: Oh, the weird water spray coming off you is getting my hair wet. Prince Nemo: Yes I do find that rather vexing, I have no idea why it is happening. I do. It was the custom corner tub/shower thing in his private bathroom, it was deleted right after but the glitch remained. It would give off the broken animation and then it would get stuck to Nemo. But it wasn’t actually broken, so it went away.
  • 4. Elise: Okay, you may Charm me but no Suggestions. That’s too much. Prince Nemo: Oh, I see. Bad, bad girl, you know rejecting flirts is a first class ticket out of here right?
  • 5. Princess Eowyn: Oh my, now I wish I had not been so off yesterday. You really are quite charming. Prince Nemo: Yes I can be, I am glad you agree. Charm was accepted, good girl.
  • 6. Princess Eowyn: Do tell me more your Highness. Prince Nemo: Has anyone ever told you your eyes sparkle like rubies? Princess Eowyn: No, but do go on. Suggestion also accepted.
  • 7. Prince Nemo: I never noticed how warm and inviting your eyes were. Mia: Oh… *blushes* Really? Prince Nemo: Really. Another accepted flirt, Mia knows how to work this challenge.
  • 8. Suggestion also was accepted, and then I see these two have triple bolts! No wonder she accepted. Family and Knowledge just work well together.
  • 9. We have a second heart fart, good, this is good. Celestia: You really like my hair? Prince Nemo: Of course, it is a lovely shade.
  • 10. Suggestion also accepted. I think Celestia knows how to play this game.
  • 11. And last but not least, Mandy. She of course accepted the Charm. And pulled ahead by giving the first crush of the challenge. One sided though, but still it’s a start.
  • 12. Suggestion also accepted. Mandy is setting the bar high here isn’t she? But as always someone must go and today that someone is:
  • 13. Day Four Scores: Eowyn: 57 Elise: 55 Mandy: 106, crush Mia: 76 Celestia: 64 I tried to warn Elise two rejected flirts in two days would cost her, guess she didn’t listen. So today we say adios to Elise. But the show must go on and we have one on one Share Interests date for today.
  • 14. That took longer than I thought so it looks like a night tubbing scene this time. First three in were Princess Eowyn, Mandy and Mia. Those girls were fast.
  • 15. Celestia: This sucks…I can’t wait until there’s only three of us left so we can all get in there.
  • 16. Prince Nemo still has to Share Interests and he’s getting tired so let’s hope it goes well. Travel seems to be a good topic, Celestia likes to travel apparently.
  • 17. Construction is also a winner for Mia. I guess she has some plans for Arkadia. Two for two so far.
  • 18. Very good it seems, we have a heart fart.
  • 19. Travel works with Princess Eowyn too, that reminds me I need to add the vacation destinations, apparently you can do that. I never remember if I can or not.
  • 20. Okay, okay hint taken. Travel is good, they all want travel. Anyway, that’s four for four. Now let’s check in with Cupid and Elise.
  • 21. Cupid: So? Elise: I don’t know, it’s all a blur. I must have known that rejecting flirts would be a bad thing but I just couldn’t help it. Cupid: Did you just not like him or something?
  • 22. Elise: He’s a prince, what’s not to like? Cupid: Well sometimes that just doesn’t matter, you either have chemistry or you don’t. Elise: So what do I do now?
  • 23. Cupid: Like the others, you get a choice to either remain playable or become a Townie. There’s no pressure to choose now, you can wait. Elise: I don’t know, maybe I’ll become a Townie. Don’t the rules say something about women not being able to live alone here? Cupid: Yes, there’s that.
  • 24. Cupid: Madame Laveaux has offered her home to you girls so you won’t be alone. She’s a lovely landlord, I think you’d like her. Elise: Don’t you need to pay a landlord rent or something? Cupid: You all brought money with you when you came here, that is how she is paid.
  • 25.
  • 26. Celestia: Today is kiss-kiss day, I can’t wait. Celestia: Oh yes, it is isn’t it? Princess Eowyn: I am nervous, I have never had a First Kiss.
  • 27. Celestia: And who better to have it with than a fine young prince? Prince Nemo: I am right here you know. We must conduct three flirts first though. Mia: Sounds fun, I can’t wait.
  • 28. Today’s flirts were a Hold Hands, a Suggestion and a Goose. But here with Princess Eowyn there was no Goose option so she got two suggestions instead. All were well received.
  • 29. The Hold Hands was good for Celestia, this is going well so far. So was a Suggestion, while Celestia thinks about babies, way to be subtle there. She did get a Goose too but I can’t find the picture. >_<
  • 30. I did not get a Goose option for Mandy so instead she got two high level Caresses and a Hold Hands. Usually the Caress is risky because of the higher chance of rejection but that didn’t matter to Mandy, she was all for it.
  • 31. As if there was any doubt that these two triple-bolters would reject anything. Suggestion, Goose and Serenade. Mia even threw in a nice heart-fart on the Goose. Now it seems all four ladies have a crush on the prince, though he’s still uncrushed on any of them. It could be disastrous if I didn’t turn off free will. Hehe…
  • 32. But someone just did not have enough to survive. Day Five Scores: Eowyn: 105, crush Mandy: 135, crush Mia: 127, crush Celestia: 103, crush So today we say good bye to Celestia. She made it pretty far, and I think getting rid of her enemy Jane may have helped out a lot with her advancing to fourth place. Still to come on Day 5 is one Romantic kiss with the three remaining ladies in waiting.
  • 33. As usual, I go last to first. Princess Eowyn lucks out and gets two kisses from Prince Nemo, you see when I place them on a new lot I use the Bat Box to remove any trash memories, and in this case every one of them got their Mystery Sim first kiss memories nuked. Removing them keeps the glitches away from having too many memories. It’s my thing…don’t question it.
  • 34. How cute are these two together? Aww…*sighs happily* Only two bolts between them but that’s good enough to accept almost everything.
  • 35. Next is Mia who also gets her First Kiss from Prince Nemo. No swirly hearts since she was not the one who initiated the kiss.
  • 36. Overall, a nice way to end Day five. Mandy has one bolt with him, probably because Pleasure and Family don’t go well together.
  • 37. Cupid: So you made it pretty far, what do you think it was that had you here tonight? Celestia: Missing the hot tub probably. That is a crucial time to build relationships you know? Cupid: I see, so in your world you were a witch?
  • 38. Celestia: I am, yes. And as much as I like being one, it has made me have to make some tough decisions, such as banishing my own sister. Cupid: Where I come from we had problems with witches too, it wasn’t nice. It all worked out in the end of course but still… Celestia: I know, I can feel the presence of magic on you.
  • 39. Cupid: At least you made some good friends here right? Celestia: With some exceptions of course…but yes the Pop sim in me is very happy about that. Cupid: So as I told the others, you can either choose to be playable or become a Townie, we can give you back your magic as well if you want. Celestia: Being a Townie sounds fun, I’d like to have my magic back as one too.
  • 40.
  • 41. Day six begins with three flirts for each girl, and finally the Goose option was one for Princess Eowyn. It also made them best friends. Will it be enough to keep her around though?
  • 42. She also accepted the high value Caress. This is good. It may yet save her.
  • 43. And Prince Nemo finishes with another Goose. Serenade was not an option sadly, neither was Hit On which was the other choice, it vanished before I could use it on Princess Eowyn. Mandy and Mia also got three choices of Goose, Hit On, and Serenade and thus begins my problem…Day Six, I have a tie score.
  • 44. Day Six Scores: Eowyn: 150, double crush, two bolts Mandy: 152, double crush, one bolt Mia: 150, double crush, three bolts So I turn to the bolts, Mandy gets to stay simply because of those two extra points with one bolt. Mia has three so that already gives her the edge, and that leaves Princess Eowyn with only two bolts. So…as much as she was a favourite to win, she must be the one that leaves today. For the rest of Day Six, there’s the last hot tubbing session and two make outs with the remaining two.
  • 45. Prince Nemo: The clouds are finally parting on this challenge. Mia: Yeah, I never thought I’d make it this far. Mandy: Me neither, my one bolt never seems to help me much.
  • 46. Mia: Bolts aren’t everything you know. You did well for someone who never rejected any flirts or chats. Mandy: I guess I did. Prince Nemo: I do not know how to choose, both of you are so lovely and would make excellent queens for Arkadia.
  • 47. And finally as the day closes out the two make outs with each of the girls.
  • 48. Don’t you just love how they make me choose…
  • 49. Cupid: You must be so disappointed it came down to bolts. Princess Eowyn: It pains me so to have gone out on bolts but His Highness just liked Mia a little bit more than me I suppose. Cupid: So what will you do now?
  • 50. Princess Eowyn: I shall become an envoy between my brother King Thorin and the future King Nemo. I believe that a uniting of two young kingdoms is still worth pursuing. Cupid: So you are choosing to remain playable then? Princess Eowyn: Yes, I am.
  • 51. Cupid: Hearing you say that makes ME want to stay and be an envoy too. Princess Eowyn: Oh? Are you a king of your realm as well? Cupid: No, I’m a god but I guess that means something special right? Princess Eowyn: A god you say? I have never met one before.
  • 52. Cupid: Well you have now. Princess Eowyn: I am honoured. Cupid: Don’t hear that much, I mean I have been around, I even helped bring in a generation of a legacy. Although since then I haven’t met anyone else…too painful when they die and I stay the same you know? Princess Eowyn: How terrible your loss must have been.
  • 53.
  • 54. Prince Nemo: The last day…today one of you will become my queen. Mia: I know, I can hardly believe it’s already here. Three flirts before noon then the lowest one is eliminated…so suspenseful.
  • 56. And then the prince finally falls in love. Took him long enough.
  • 57. And one more for the road, a Serenade.
  • 59. Goose while thinking of Mia, bad Prince Nemo, for shame…
  • 60. And then love after one more Goose. Now they are tied again…grr.
  • 61. Day Seven Scores: Mandy: 170, double crush, love, one bolt Mia: 170, double crush, love, three bolts And once more we come to bolts, Pleasure and Family just cannot compete with Knowledge and Family so today we must send Mandy home. She made it this far which is impressive, it came down to your two remaining girls Anne and it looks like your cute little alien spawn managed to pull out the win.
  • 62. Prince Nemo: A toast to my new queen, Mia McHero.
  • 63. Prince Nemo: To you, my verdant green princess. Once we are back at the castle I shall make an announcement to the whole kingdom and introduce them to their queen. Mia: Are you sure they will like me? I am green… Prince Nemo: Yes you are, that will not matter because I love you. Once my people get to know you, I am sure they will too.
  • 64. Prince Nemo: There are some formalities I must do before I present you with the ring, like my sister Princess Anne. I would like to see her taken care of before I am wed. Is this acceptable to you my love? Mia: I can wait; I know you’re a prince and you have a lot to do. I can be patient.
  • 65. Cupid: I was sure you would have it, those Day Six scores were pretty good. Mandy: I am happy for Mia, I founded an Apocalypse and made the world a better place for her. I’m good with that. Cupid: Pleasure and Family just aren’t that great together, however Pleasure and Pleasure…there’s magic there.
  • 66. Mandy: *sly grin* Are you hitting on me? Cupid: Maaybee…I could see us on a bubble blower and playing couch leap frog all day long in our very own Pleasure Palace. Mandy: To be honest, I thought maybe I’d change to a more suitable aspiration, like Knowledge or something, I’m pretty serious.
  • 67. Mandy: I think I just might. Cupid: Well before that, you have a choice; you can stay playable or become a Townie. Mandy: Townie please. I’m sure I can find out a lot about this place. Cupid: As you wish, though I would have rocked your world, just saying… ******
  • 68. We will see more of Prince Nemo and his new queen Mia McHero in Rotation 2. Everyone except Princess Eowyn and Kindle became Townies so right now only Cupid, Madame Laveaux, and Princess Eowyn are at the governess house. Kindle was moved out and is waiting in the bin to be placed with her brothers and sisters as the fourth Noble house in Arkadia. See you next time in Arkadia!