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would he
How would he
have explained
2.0 to solve
toKHy’s IusPnLss
a proposed Curriculum
About successful organizations
Drucker stressed three things



Drucker thought a MANAGER’S task is to
make the strengths of people effective and
their weaknesses irrelevant
Drucker believed that rLlyPnN on yLstLrKHy’s
successes are far more risky than constantly

Drucker considered a business an
economic organ that was equally a

As for technology he deemed it an
extension of the KNOWLEDGE WORKER
DRUCKER:      Work creates a unique social bond
HmonNst LmployLLs. |t’s Hlso tOL PntLrMHJL Mor
using technology as tools which in turn helps
shape corporate culture and personality.
determines the other, but each shapes the other
So that the result is a more
Work has always been
But TODAY’S Enterprise 1.0 knowledge
worker is SEPARATED from his colleagues
and customers
by voice mail, email and noise
by voice mail, email and noise

So we’re less social
by voice mail, email and noise

So we’re less social
Less of a community
by voice mail, email and noise

So we’re less social
Less of a community
Less effective
But ENTERPRISE 2.0 technologies
and strategies can bring community
back to work
is not a substitute for poor

‚Life can only
be understood
backwards. But
then one forgets
the other
principle: that it
must be lived
So lLt’s look IHJkwHrK HnK sLL
THE   31st   FLOOR
arrived at Headquarters in NYC they
would call the front desk
The front desk would get the security
The private elevator was programmed
to go straight to the 31ST FLOOR
Why did they spend an estimated

$100,000                to create
                        this process?
Why did they spend an estimated

 $100,000                      to create
                               this process?

          INEXPLICABLE – ‚GLt out and meet
          pLoplL tOHt’s your laboratory, hands on‛
Worse, most Lehman employees NEVER saw
    OR heard from their top Executives
In fact the CEO was nicknamed the
              RICHARD FULD
So why did Lehman Executives
SomL JlHPm tOLy KPKn’t wHnt to IL
EXPOSED Mor Hll tOLy KPKn’t unKLrstHnK
Like the sub-prime mortgage CRISIS
Made worse by their ISOLATION
And alarmingly, the best at Lehman were
SILENCED as they issued WARNINGS
Execs KPKn’t wHnt to OLHr

Later, banks refused to do business with
Lehman because of its COMPLEX &
OPAQUE methods of trading
Soon, investors lost
  And the stocked plunged
Soon, investors lost
  And the stocked plunged

But if implemented, would ENTERPRISE
saved Lehman?

    Because they were disconnected from the rest of the organization,
    bad news was either ignored (because they could ignore it in
    private) or never made it to the 31st floor.

    The organization became “sick” when management failed to ask
    themselves, “how long can this market sustain itself?” or even
    “what’s our current position and what happens if this bubble
    pops?” Where were the community feedback loops?

    MindTouch (Social Intranets) or ThoughtFarmer & Yammer
    (Microblogging ) would have given the Lehman community a
    social platform to alert the organization to the impending housing
    bubble collapse.

           POSSIBLY         No methodologies or
           technologies can replace extremely poor
           leadership, but the right E2.0 tools and
           resulting community would have caused
DRUCKER    enormous pressure to change course.

                 NO LLOmHn’s demise was a failure of leadership in
                 multiple areas including strategy, risk management,
                 organizational culture, integrity and ethics, and possibly
                 including information systems. Enterprise 2.0 technologies
                 can certainly enable greater information transparency up
                 and down the corporate hierarchy but they cannot solve
                 systemic malfeasance and deception. E2.0 systems would
Jas Dhillon      not have been able to overcome this organizational
ThinkPassenger   penchant for secrecy and opaqueness as they were too
                 ingrained in the organizational culture.
The Aztek – ‚|t looks
tOL wHy MontLzumH’s
rLvLnNL MLLls.‛
The Original AZTEK concept car
wHsn’t tOHt IHK
So HOW did it end up like this?
In fact, the concept car received
mostly POSITIVE feedback

So good in fact that GM decided to
PRODUCE the vehicle
SALES anticipation was high

                         GM ANNUAL
                       SALES FORECAST
                          PER YEAR
Only 30,000 cars were needed to
   be sold to BREAK EVEN
               BREAK EVEN     GM ANNUAL
                 POINT      SALES FORECAST
                30,000        75,000
                PER YEAR       PER YEAR
But ACTUAL SALES were than
   lower than break even
      SOLD         POINT      SALES FORECAST
    27,332       30,000         75,000
But ACTUAL SALES were than
   lower than break even
      SOLD         POINT       SALES FORECAST
    27,332        30,000         75,000

  WORSE: Of the cars sold more than
  50% were sold to Rental Car fleets
Beset by money
woes, the
the legendary
design department
which was blamed
for rolling out cars
that cost too much
to produce.
Then manufacturing boss Don Hackworth
     & team ordered the design to be

WEIRD FRONT                         SQUARE BODY

        a tall hatchback

                                   PLASTIC CLAD

The Aztek is declared a
The Aztek is declared a

  SomL JHllLK Pt tOL ‚The AMC
  PACER of tOL 21st JLntury.‛
‚WL’K MPrL tOL Nuy wOo
                  GREENLIGHTED the
                  Aztek if we could find
                  anyone willing to
    Bob Lutz      HKmPt Pt.‛
GM Product Boss
Shortly thereafter,
and ‚JoPnJPKLntHlly‛
Manufacturing Boss
Don Hackworth
announced his
retirement after 38
years with GM
So what went

No one noticed the LEMON
      went unheeded
             went unheeded

    was changed to a Saccharine
    adaptation of the original
            went unheeded

    was changed to a Saccharine
    adaptation of the original

           3   MANUFACTURING
               made key decisions based
               solely on cost
But could
have saved the
Aztek or caused
it not to be built?

    When the Manufacturing division of Pontiac took “control” they
    ignored the concept car data and made decisions based on cost.
    These decisions changed the car and thus demand for it.

    Pontiac either ignored key data or didn’t reach out to potential
    prospective customers once the design changes were made. Thus
    the build/no build market data was outdated and ultimately

    ThinkPassenger, Spigit, or Brightidea would have provided a
    portal for GM to continuously seek community input (customer &
    employee) in order to test different ideas or gain new ones.
         PROBABLY          While Manufacturing may
        have ignored any data produced by having an
        E2.0 organization, at the very least Pontiac would
        have seen the weaknesses of the Aztek and
DRUCKER responded more sharply and sooner

            PROBABLY         If they were able to
           measure sentiment of the concept car,
           manufacturing may have seen that perhaps a
           new cost model was warranted and gone
   Mike    with original design instead of the design
Puterbaugh that was taken to market
September 11
Spooks, Suits &
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and
the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
have been at WAR for decades
The reasons behind this war are due to culture,
charter, & INEFFECTIVE communication
The Mission of the FBI is
to protect the United States
to provide leadership and
law enforcement
assistance to federal, state,
local, and international
The CIA is charged with
national security,
counterintelligence activities,
special activities, and other
functions related to FOREIGN
directed by the President.
On Feb 26th, 1993 an explosive devise was
planted and DETONATED on the second level
of the World Trade Center parking garage
As a result

          People were killed
were injured
50   thousand   EVACUATED
After an investigation both the CIA and FBI were
criticized for how they had communicated
information received about the attack prior to the

‚ VP t H l i n fo rm at i o n w a s
ex ch a n ge d w i t h
A m e r i c a n I n t e l l i ge n c e
a n d t h at t h e at t a ck
c o u l d h ave b e e n
P R E V E N T E D i f t h ey               President
l i s t e n e d t o o u r a dv i s e ‛   Hosni Mubarak
It was assumed by Egyptian
Intelligence that the CIA
would pass this information
along to its domestic
counterpart, the FBI. But due
to past differences the chain
for sharing this information
was not in place.
‚| want coordinated
              law enforcement
              and interdiction
              LMMorts… tOHt mHkL
  Senator     sLnsL…HnK rPNOt
Orrin Hatch   now, tOLy’rL not‛
But the rivalry lead
to other failures in
And all of these examples point to a pattern of

between the FBI and CIA due to mistrust.
Unfortunately, these
LHpsLs wLrL not MPxLK…
Unfortunately, these
LHpsLs wLrL not MPxLK…

    Which led to DEVASTATING
"It's going to look like
a mosaic that was not
put together at the
right time. A lot of
the failures will go
back to the lack of
communication              Richard Shelby
between various                Senate
agencies."                  Intelligence
Communication between the FBI and
CIA in the months leading up to 9/11
revealed several instances of
If the two agencies had been
effectively sharing intelligence the
"In terms of whether
or not the FBI and
the CIA were
properly, I think it is
clear that they
As early as January 2000, CIA agents were tracking
Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi in Malaysia
at an al-Qaeda conference whom then promptly
returned to a flight school in the United States.
But an unnamed
CIA officer was
quoted as saying
‚No onL pPJkLK up
on tOHt‛
Worse, that
was not shared with the
FBI prior to 9/11
Worse, that
was not shared with the
FBI prior to 9/11

     Nor did the CIA NOTIFY ANY
     GOVERNMENT agencies when Almihdhar
     and Alhazmi returned to the United States
     after the al-Qaeda conference
Thus INS did not
catch them upon
entry into the
United States
Shockingly, Almihdhar
and Alhazmi were finally
placed on the State
Department watch list
through CIA
communication on August
23, 2001

The CIA cable warned that
two ‘BPn LHKLn rLlHtLK
entered the United States
and that two other
suspected terrorists should
be barred from entering
Unfortunately Almihdhar and
Alhazmi had already obtained new
visas by then and had
        in the US
Unfortunately Almihdhar and
Alhazmi had already obtained new
visas by then and had
        in the US

    They were part of the group that flew
    a passenger airliner into the Pentagon.
Similar issues

PLAGUED          the FBI
FBI Field Agent Colleen Riley complained
to FBI Director Robert Mueller that her
immediate supervisors discouraged her
Minnesota Field Office to search the
computer hard drive and belongings of
Zacarius Moussaoui (considered to be the
20th terrorist in the hijackings).
Worse, the FBI was NOT ALLOWED to

COOPERATE       with the CIA nor see the
                CIA files on Moussaoui
In a separate occurrence, Special
Agent Kenneth Williamson sent a
memo to FBI superiors in the
summer of 2001

              “I’m concerned that
              suspected al-Qaeda
              members are enrolled in
              flight schools in
But WPllPHmson’s superiors
largely ignored the memo, and failed to
pass information on through

intelligence channels
Not only did these concerns fall upon deaf
ears, neither FBI office was aware of the
otOLr’s rLlHtLK JonJLrns KuL to Hn

Minneapolis                       Phoenix
‚TOL FB| has no way to
place leads, tips and
other potentially useful
information in an
electronic repository
that agents can sLHrJO‛
‚TOL FB| has no way to
            place leads, tips and
            other potentially useful
            information in an
            electronic repository
            that agents can sLHrJO‛

In effect, not only was the information
not passed to others at the FBI, it
definitely did not make it to the CIA.
The cultures at the FBI and CIA lead to an
additional level of communication
ineffectiveness and contributed to the inaction
prior to the 9/11 attacks
There are also various institutional constraints,
such as organizational bylaws and even federal
laws that restrict certain aspects of the sharing
of intelligence between the two agencies.
D|DN’T T{E FB| &

If implemented
changed the culture
and IT systems at
the FBI and CIA and
thus prevented the
9/11 attacks?
    The Government failed the American People by not establishing a
    more effective communication system after the 1993 attacks.
    They also didn’t act to change the negative impact of FBI/CIA

    The lack of an organized system, cultural issues, legal restraints
    and an inferior information sharing structure led to the
    “malfunction in information”.

    MindTouch (Secure Social Intranets), SharePoint, Jive Software, or
    Atlassian Confluence would have provided a secure information
    sharing hub between agencies.

          POSSIBLY         Had the proper information
          sharing system been in place prior to 9/11, the
          collaborative efforts of the FBI & CIA may have
          uncovered the plot. Yet deep cultural issues and
DRUCKER   a lack of overall leadership may have rendered
          any E2.0 efforts useless

           A SKEPTICAL MAYBE               while
          E2.0 solutions would have certainly
          helped and may have allowed the CIA or
          FBI connect the dots, I am not convinced
  Aaron   the US Government would have adopted
Fulkerson a proper E2.0 strategy due to cultural issues
    are going to
When there is an easy way to
COLLABORATE people always will
The key is to provide technology
that enables EASIER collaboration
to thrive
So that the technology facilitates
social connections with people
which IMPROVES business
and creates NEW customers
and catastrophic mistakes are
We call this
‚MHnHNLmLnt is about human
beings. Its task is to make
people capable of joint
performance, to make their
strengths effective and their
weaknesses irrelevant. This is
what organization is all about,
and it is the reason that
management is the critical,
determining factor.‛
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Slide       Sources                                                                         Notes





124 - 129

120, 123,
        Lehman Brothers case history

46, 74   Oscar Berg
Enterprise 2.0


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What if Peter Drucker Taught Enterprise 2.0 Strategy?

  • 3. How would he have explained ENTERPRISE 2.0 to solve toKHy’s IusPnLss problems?
  • 5.
  • 6. INTRODUCTION About successful organizations Drucker stressed three things MANAGEMENT INNOVATION COMMUNITY
  • 7. Drucker thought a MANAGER’S task is to make the strengths of people effective and their weaknesses irrelevant
  • 8. Drucker believed that rLlyPnN on yLstLrKHy’s successes are far more risky than constantly INNOVATING
  • 9. Drucker considered a business an economic organ that was equally a COMMUNITY
  • 10. As for technology he deemed it an extension of the KNOWLEDGE WORKER
  • 11. DRUCKER: Work creates a unique social bond HmonNst LmployLLs. |t’s Hlso tOL PntLrMHJL Mor using technology as tools which in turn helps shape corporate culture and personality.
  • 12. NEITHER TECHNOLOGY OR PEOPLE determines the other, but each shapes the other
  • 13. So that the result is a more EFFECTIVE CORPORATION
  • 14. Work has always been SOCIAL
  • 15. But TODAY’S Enterprise 1.0 knowledge worker is SEPARATED from his colleagues and customers
  • 16. Blocked by voice mail, email and noise
  • 17. Blocked by voice mail, email and noise So we’re less social
  • 18. Blocked by voice mail, email and noise So we’re less social Less of a community
  • 19. Blocked by voice mail, email and noise So we’re less social Less of a community Less effective
  • 20. But ENTERPRISE 2.0 technologies and strategies can bring community back to work
  • 22. ENTERPRISE 2.0 is not a substitute for poor LEADERSHIP
  • 23. ‚Life can only be understood backwards. But then one forgets the other principle: that it must be lived forwards.‛
  • 24. So lLt’s look IHJkwHrK HnK sLL WHATWOULD DRUCKERDO
  • 26.
  • 27. Before top LEHMAN EXECUTIVES arrived at Headquarters in NYC they would call the front desk
  • 28. The front desk would get the security guard to HOLD A PRIVATE ELEVATOR
  • 29. The private elevator was programmed to go straight to the 31ST FLOOR
  • 30. Why did they spend an estimated $100,000 to create this process?
  • 31. Why did they spend an estimated $100,000 to create this process? INEXPLICABLE – ‚GLt out and meet pLoplL tOHt’s your laboratory, hands on‛ DRUCKER
  • 32. Worse, most Lehman employees NEVER saw OR heard from their top Executives
  • 33. In fact the CEO was nicknamed the INVISIBLE MAN
  • 35. So why did Lehman Executives AVOIDTHEIR OWNEMPLOYEES
  • 36. SomL JlHPm tOLy KPKn’t wHnt to IL EXPOSED Mor Hll tOLy KPKn’t unKLrstHnK
  • 37. Like the sub-prime mortgage CRISIS
  • 38. Made worse by their ISOLATION
  • 39. And alarmingly, the best at Lehman were SILENCED as they issued WARNINGS
  • 40. Execs KPKn’t wHnt to OLHr TRUTH THE
  • 41. Later, banks refused to do business with Lehman because of its COMPLEX & OPAQUE methods of trading
  • 42. Soon, investors lost CONFIDENCE And the stocked plunged
  • 43. Soon, investors lost CONFIDENCE And the stocked plunged -95%
  • 45. But if implemented, would ENTERPRISE 2.0 STRATEGY AND TECHNOLOGY have saved Lehman?
  • 46. DRUCKER & E2.0 LESSONS LEARNED MANAGEMENT Because they were disconnected from the rest of the organization, bad news was either ignored (because they could ignore it in private) or never made it to the 31st floor. ORGANIZATION & COMMUNITY The organization became “sick” when management failed to ask themselves, “how long can this market sustain itself?” or even “what’s our current position and what happens if this bubble pops?” Where were the community feedback loops? TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS MindTouch (Social Intranets) or ThoughtFarmer & Yammer (Microblogging ) would have given the Lehman community a social platform to alert the organization to the impending housing bubble collapse.
  • 47. WOULD E2.0 HAVE SAVED LEHMAN? POSSIBLY No methodologies or technologies can replace extremely poor leadership, but the right E2.0 tools and resulting community would have caused DRUCKER enormous pressure to change course. NO LLOmHn’s demise was a failure of leadership in multiple areas including strategy, risk management, organizational culture, integrity and ethics, and possibly including information systems. Enterprise 2.0 technologies can certainly enable greater information transparency up and down the corporate hierarchy but they cannot solve systemic malfeasance and deception. E2.0 systems would Jas Dhillon not have been able to overcome this organizational ThinkPassenger penchant for secrecy and opaqueness as they were too ingrained in the organizational culture.
  • 48. GENERAL MOTORS The Aztek – ‚|t looks tOL wHy MontLzumH’s rLvLnNL MLLls.‛
  • 49. The Original AZTEK concept car wHsn’t tOHt IHK
  • 50. So HOW did it end up like this?
  • 51. In fact, the concept car received mostly POSITIVE feedback =
  • 52. So good in fact that GM decided to PRODUCE the vehicle
  • 53. SALES anticipation was high GM ANNUAL SALES FORECAST 75,000 PER YEAR
  • 54. Only 30,000 cars were needed to be sold to BREAK EVEN BREAK EVEN GM ANNUAL POINT SALES FORECAST 30,000 75,000 PER YEAR PER YEAR
  • 56. But ACTUAL SALES were than lower than break even ACTUAL CARS BREAK EVEN GM ANNUAL SOLD POINT SALES FORECAST 27,332 30,000 75,000 FIRST YEAR PER YEAR PER YEAR WORSE: Of the cars sold more than 50% were sold to Rental Car fleets
  • 58. Beset by money woes, the Manufacturing Dept. DETHRONED the legendary design department which was blamed for rolling out cars that cost too much to produce.
  • 59. Then manufacturing boss Don Hackworth & team ordered the design to be DELIBERATELY HARDENED WEIRD FRONT SQUARE BODY END a tall hatchback PLASTIC CLAD SIDING
  • 61.
  • 62. The Aztek is declared a FAILURE
  • 63. The Aztek is declared a FAILURE SomL JHllLK Pt tOL ‚The AMC PACER of tOL 21st JLntury.‛
  • 64. ‚WL’K MPrL tOL Nuy wOo GREENLIGHTED the Aztek if we could find anyone willing to Bob Lutz HKmPt Pt.‛ GM Product Boss
  • 65. Shortly thereafter, and ‚JoPnJPKLntHlly‛ Manufacturing Boss Don Hackworth announced his retirement after 38 years with GM
  • 67. No one noticed the LEMON
  • 70. 1 INTERNAL MARKET RESEARCH went unheeded
  • 71. 1 INTERNAL MARKET RESEARCH went unheeded 2 THE CONCEPT CAR was changed to a Saccharine adaptation of the original
  • 72. 1 INTERNAL MARKET RESEARCH went unheeded 2 THE CONCEPT CAR was changed to a Saccharine adaptation of the original 3 MANUFACTURING made key decisions based solely on cost
  • 73. But could ENTERPRISE 2.0 STRATEGY and TECHNOLOGY have saved the Aztek or caused it not to be built?
  • 74. DRUCKER & E2.0 LESSONS LEARNED MANAGEMENT When the Manufacturing division of Pontiac took “control” they ignored the concept car data and made decisions based on cost. These decisions changed the car and thus demand for it. ORGANIZATION & COMMUNITY Pontiac either ignored key data or didn’t reach out to potential prospective customers once the design changes were made. Thus the build/no build market data was outdated and ultimately wrong. TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS ThinkPassenger, Spigit, or Brightidea would have provided a portal for GM to continuously seek community input (customer & employee) in order to test different ideas or gain new ones.
  • 75. WOULD E2.0 HAVE CHANGED THE OUTCOME? PROBABLY While Manufacturing may have ignored any data produced by having an E2.0 organization, at the very least Pontiac would have seen the weaknesses of the Aztek and DRUCKER responded more sharply and sooner PROBABLY If they were able to measure sentiment of the concept car, manufacturing may have seen that perhaps a new cost model was warranted and gone Mike with original design instead of the design Puterbaugh that was taken to market Mindtouch
  • 77. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have been at WAR for decades
  • 78. The reasons behind this war are due to culture, charter, & INEFFECTIVE communication
  • 79. The Mission of the FBI is to protect the United States from FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE AND TERRORIST ACTIVITIES; to provide leadership and law enforcement assistance to federal, state, local, and international agencies
  • 80. The CIA is charged with national security, counterintelligence activities, special activities, and other functions related to FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE AND NATIONAL SECURITY as directed by the President.
  • 81. On Feb 26th, 1993 an explosive devise was planted and DETONATED on the second level of the World Trade Center parking garage
  • 82. As a result People were killed
  • 84. 50 thousand EVACUATED
  • 85. After an investigation both the CIA and FBI were criticized for how they had communicated information received about the attack prior to the occurrence. Ramzi YouSef
  • 86. ‚ VP t H l i n fo rm at i o n w a s ex ch a n ge d w i t h A m e r i c a n I n t e l l i ge n c e a n d t h at t h e at t a ck c o u l d h ave b e e n Egyptian P R E V E N T E D i f t h ey President l i s t e n e d t o o u r a dv i s e ‛ Hosni Mubarak
  • 87. It was assumed by Egyptian Intelligence that the CIA would pass this information along to its domestic counterpart, the FBI. But due to past differences the chain for sharing this information was not in place.
  • 88. ‚| want coordinated law enforcement and interdiction LMMorts… tOHt mHkL Senator sLnsL…HnK rPNOt Orrin Hatch now, tOLy’rL not‛
  • 89. But the rivalry lead to other failures in COMMUNICATION
  • 90. And all of these examples point to a pattern of MISCOMMUNICATION between the FBI and CIA due to mistrust.
  • 92. Unfortunately, these COMMUNICATION LHpsLs wLrL not MPxLK… Which led to DEVASTATING CONSEQUENCES
  • 94. 9/11 TERROR REDUX
  • 95. "It's going to look like a mosaic that was not put together at the right time. A lot of the failures will go back to the lack of communication Richard Shelby between various Senate agencies." Intelligence Committee
  • 96. Communication between the FBI and CIA in the months leading up to 9/11 revealed several instances of COMMUNICATION FAILURES
  • 97. If the two agencies had been effectively sharing intelligence the attacks MAY HAVE BEEN PREVENTED
  • 98. "In terms of whether or not the FBI and the CIA were COMMUNICATING properly, I think it is clear that they weren't"
  • 99. As early as January 2000, CIA agents were tracking Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi in Malaysia at an al-Qaeda conference whom then promptly returned to a flight school in the United States.
  • 100. But an unnamed CIA officer was quoted as saying ‚No onL pPJkLK up on tOHt‛
  • 101. Worse, that INFORMATION was not shared with the FBI prior to 9/11
  • 102. Worse, that INFORMATION was not shared with the FBI prior to 9/11 Nor did the CIA NOTIFY ANY GOVERNMENT agencies when Almihdhar and Alhazmi returned to the United States after the al-Qaeda conference
  • 103. Thus INS did not catch them upon entry into the United States
  • 104. Shockingly, Almihdhar and Alhazmi were finally placed on the State Department watch list through CIA communication on August 23, 2001 The CIA cable warned that two ‘BPn LHKLn rLlHtLK PnKPvPKuHls’ OHK HlrLHKy entered the United States and that two other suspected terrorists should be barred from entering
  • 105. Unfortunately Almihdhar and Alhazmi had already obtained new visas by then and had DISAPPEARED in the US
  • 106. Unfortunately Almihdhar and Alhazmi had already obtained new visas by then and had DISAPPEARED in the US They were part of the group that flew a passenger airliner into the Pentagon.
  • 108. FBI Field Agent Colleen Riley complained to FBI Director Robert Mueller that her immediate supervisors discouraged her Minnesota Field Office to search the computer hard drive and belongings of Zacarius Moussaoui (considered to be the 20th terrorist in the hijackings).
  • 109. Worse, the FBI was NOT ALLOWED to COOPERATE with the CIA nor see the CIA files on Moussaoui
  • 110. In a separate occurrence, Special Agent Kenneth Williamson sent a memo to FBI superiors in the summer of 2001 “I’m concerned that suspected al-Qaeda members are enrolled in flight schools in Arizona.”
  • 111. But WPllPHmson’s superiors largely ignored the memo, and failed to pass information on through intelligence channels
  • 112. Not only did these concerns fall upon deaf ears, neither FBI office was aware of the otOLr’s rLlHtLK JonJLrns KuL to Hn OUTDATED, INEFFECTIVE INFORMATION system Minneapolis Phoenix
  • 113. ‚TOL FB| has no way to place leads, tips and other potentially useful information in an electronic repository that agents can sLHrJO‛
  • 114. ‚TOL FB| has no way to place leads, tips and other potentially useful information in an electronic repository that agents can sLHrJO‛ In effect, not only was the information not passed to others at the FBI, it definitely did not make it to the CIA.
  • 116. DISTRUST The cultures at the FBI and CIA lead to an additional level of communication ineffectiveness and contributed to the inaction prior to the 9/11 attacks
  • 117. DISTRUST There are also various institutional constraints, such as organizational bylaws and even federal laws that restrict certain aspects of the sharing of intelligence between the two agencies.
  • 118. WHY D|DN’T T{E FB| & CIA CHANGE
  • 120. If implemented would ENTERPRISE 2.0 STRATEGY AND TECHNOLOGY have changed the culture and IT systems at the FBI and CIA and thus prevented the 9/11 attacks?
  • 121. DRUCKER & E2.0 LESSONS LEARNED LEADERSHIP The Government failed the American People by not establishing a more effective communication system after the 1993 attacks. They also didn’t act to change the negative impact of FBI/CIA culture ORGANIZATION & COMMUNITY The lack of an organized system, cultural issues, legal restraints and an inferior information sharing structure led to the “malfunction in information”. TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS MindTouch (Secure Social Intranets), SharePoint, Jive Software, or Atlassian Confluence would have provided a secure information sharing hub between agencies.
  • 122. WOULD E2.0 HAVE CHANGED 9/11? POSSIBLY Had the proper information sharing system been in place prior to 9/11, the collaborative efforts of the FBI & CIA may have uncovered the plot. Yet deep cultural issues and DRUCKER a lack of overall leadership may have rendered any E2.0 efforts useless A SKEPTICAL MAYBE while E2.0 solutions would have certainly helped and may have allowed the CIA or FBI connect the dots, I am not convinced Aaron the US Government would have adopted Fulkerson a proper E2.0 strategy due to cultural issues Mindtouch
  • 123. SUMMARY Organizations are going to change
  • 124. When there is an easy way to COLLABORATE people always will
  • 125. The key is to provide technology that enables EASIER collaboration
  • 127. So that the technology facilitates social connections with people
  • 129. and creates NEW customers
  • 132. DRUCKER ‚MHnHNLmLnt is about human beings. Its task is to make people capable of joint performance, to make their strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant. This is what organization is all about, and it is the reason that management is the critical, determining factor.‛
  • 133. Did you like this presentation? THEN VOTE
  • 134. Did you like this presentation? THEN VOTE HERE
  • 135. CREDITS & ATTRIBUTION Slide Sources Notes 7-15 26 27 39 96 124 - 129 120, 123, 132 Lehman Brothers case history 46, 74 Oscar Berg