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Fighting Heart Disease
Heart and Stroke
Disease and injuries of
the cardiovascular
system: the heart, blood
vessels of the heart and
system of blood vessels
(veins and arteries) in the
body and in the brain.

Stroke is due to blood
flow problem in the brain.
Considered a form of
cardiovascular disease.
What’s really happening -
Over 50% of all westerners die of diseases that have
an underlying cause of hardening of the arteries.
The material (“plaque”) that blocks blood vessels
builds up gradually over many years.
As plaque builds up in key locations, circulating
blood clots may become trapped in these narrow
openings, suddenly cutting off the blood supply to
vital tissues and precipitating heart attacks, strokes
or gangrene, depending on where the blockages
Often times the plaque itself can keep on
accumulating until it completely closes the artery.
Every 7 minutes in Canada, someone
    dies from heart disease or stroke. #1
    disease killer.

In 2008 cardiovascular disease accounted
     29% of all deaths in Canada
     Src: StatsCan 2008

In 2008, of all cardiovascular deaths:
     54% were due to ischemic heart
     20% to stroke
     23% to heart attack
Since the 70s, when “low fat”
became mainstream, heart
disease has increased

In spite of decades of low
cholesterol diets, an
abundance of drugs and
surgical procedures,
atherosclerosis has reached
epidemic proportions.

As young as children of 10
(McDonald’s diet)

Autopsies finding plaque
buildup in teens & 20s.
Risk Factors
Risk Factors
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Consumption of
polyunsatured oils
Nitrates and nitrites
(food preservatives)
Inhalation of carbon
Air pollution, inhalation
of toxic chemicals
Chronic constipation
Drinking or bathing in
chlorinated water
Radiation (e.g. x-rays,
gamma rays, ultra violet)
Lack of regular exercise
Excessive intake of
sugars, alcohol, and/or
Early Warning Signs
Fingers and/or toes often go cold

Arms and/or legs often “go to sleep”

Numbness or heaviness in arms or legs

Cramps in hand when writing

Sharp, diagonal crease in the earlobe

Tingling sensations in lips or fingers

Short walk causes cramping or pains in the legs
Memory not as good as it used to be

Ankles swell late in the day

Persistent, nagging cough

Breathlessness on slight exertion or lying down

Urinating more than twice during the night

Whitish ring under outer part of the cornea in the eye

High blood pressure

Chest pain after physical exertion or emotional
Cardiac Arrest
 Up to 45,000 cardiac arrests occur each
year in Canada. That’s one cardiac arrest
every 12 minutes.
 As many as 85% of all cardiac arrests occur
in homes and public places.
 Less than 5% of those who have a cardiac
arrest outside of a hospital survive.
 Cardiac arrest incidence rates per 100,000
vary between 53 and 59 across Canada.
Cardiac Arrest
 Majority of cardiac arrests occur in
residential or public locations
 For every 1 minute delay in
defibrillation, survival rate of a
cardiac arrest victim decreases by
 Use of an AED with CPR before the
arrival of Emergency Medical
Services can increase the chance of
survival by up to 75%.
Don’t be afraid to use a defibrillator
 80% of strokes are ischemic caused by the
interruption of blood flow to the brain due to a
blood clot.
 20% of strokes are hemorrhagic caused by
uncontrolled bleeding in the brain.
 3rd leading cause of death in Canada
 14,000 Canadians die from stroke / year
 More women than men die from stroke.
One stroke every 10 minutes.
 For every 100,000 Canadian
children under the age of 19, there
are 6.7 strokes.
 About 300,000 Canadians are living
with the effects of stroke.
 After age 55, the risk of stroke
doubles every 10 years.
 A stroke survivor has a 20% chance of
having another stroke within 2 years
Transient Ischemic Attacks
  (TIAs) aka mini stroke

  Blood supply to brain stops briefly.
  Some are unaware that this has
 happened to them - chalk it up to
 “aging (balance problems), confusion
 or fatigue”
  5x more likely to have a stroke over
 the next 2 years
Of every 100 people who have a stroke
15 die
10 recover completely
25 recover with a minor impairment or
40 are left with a moderate to severe
10 are so severely disabled they require long-
term care
For every minute delay in treating a stroke, the
average patient loses 1.9 million brain cells,
13.8 billion synapses, 12 km of nerve fibres.
Each hour in which treatment does not occur,
the brain loses as many neurons as it does in
almost 3.6 years of normal aging.
Risk Factors
Healthy cholesterol levels are dependent upon your
risk of developing heart disease or stroke.
Your doctor will take into account factors that
increase your risk of heart disease and stroke such
as your age, sex, blood pressure, and whether you
have diabetes or smoke.
The higher your risk, the lower your target levels
should be. Your doctor will determine the target
level that is right for you.

Diet and lifestyle, not genetics, plays a major role in
elevated blood cholesterol
Stay away from the frozen food
section, especially the prepared
foods which are laden with
saturated fats, high sodium,
sugar and lots of calories for
little quantity, let alone chemicals
that are destructive to your
Limit your consumption of red
meat to only once per week.
Food consumption among adults
is linked to their household
income, but not so much among
children. Lead by example.
Nutrition begins at home!
Heart disease takes root in
lifestyle habits and formed
during childhood, even in
children, as plaques can start to
build up in arteries.
Consume 35-40g
fiber daily.
Soluble fiber (e.g.
strawberries, beans,
- bind dietary
- carry it out of the
- stabilize blood
- slows the release of
sugar into your
Insoluble fiber (e.g.
      whole grain products,
      nuts, fruits and

- speeds elimination
- rids environmental and
dietary toxins.

Drink 8-10 cups water daily
to cleanse colon.
Note: if you have kidney or
adrenal gland problems or take
diuretics, you need to speak to
your doctor about how much
water you should drink daily, as
there are specific guidelines for
these conditions.
Fats and oils should be 20-30% of total daily caloric
intake and that should largely be from the healthy
fats (omega-3 and omega-6 sources).

The biggest problem is that consumption of these
fats are from polyunsaturated oils (especially
rancid ones e.g. deep frying or exposure to high
heat) such as vegetable oils, margarines, shortenings
and other processed oils.
They contain peroxidized fats, trans fatty acids and
other modified fat molecules which severely
compromise the immune processes in the body.
Direct correlation between the increase of these fats
and the increase in the incidence of heart disease.
However, healthy fats are crucial to our survival.
Fatty acids are of 3 basic types: saturated
(e.g., palmitic acid, stearic acid),
monounsaturated (e.g. oleic acid) and
polyunsaturated (e.g. linoleic, linolenic,
arachidonic) – all of these fats and oils in
our diet consist of various combinations
and proportions of these 3 groups
If our diet provides an adequate supply,
the body chooses the best ones for the
tasks needed on that given day for health.
  If the best ones are not available, then we
force our bodies to make do with
 If only rancid or peroxidized fats or trans
fatty acids are available, then we end up
with inferior or “leaky” cellular membranes
 Plus inadequate prostaglandins (anti-
inflammatory control)
 Overloaded immune system which may
struggle to stave off free radical damage.
There are 2 healthy fats that are “essential”
because we need them for our survival as our
body does not make it, so we have to get it from
our food:
Omega-6 (linoleic acid)
Omega-3 (linolenic acid).
The body can manufacture all of the other fatty
acids it needs.
Udo Erasmus, Ph.D.: the ratio that gives the best
results consistently comes from oils blended to
be richer in Omega 3 (but not too rich) than
Omega 6. He suggests the optimal ratio is 2:1 in
favor of Omega 3 (two Omega 3 to one Omega 6).
Omega-6 = predominantly
in seeds, nuts, grains and
leafy vegetables.
 Grapeseed oil, pumpkin
seeds, sesame oil, walnut
oil, pine nuts, olive oil,
spirulina (blue-green
algae), borage oil, evening
primrose oil, black currant
seed oil, wheatgerm oil,
cereal grains, and eggs.
 Corn, safflower, sunflower,
soybean and cottonseed
oils are also sources of
linoleic acid, but are refined
and may be nutrient-
deficient as sold in stores.
Omega 3 = flax seeds, flax seed
oil, hemp seeds, canola oil,
walnuts, blue-green algae
(E3Live) marine sources, walnut
oil, linseed oil, almonds, chia
seeds, lentils, chickpeas,
avocados, oat germ, wheat bran,
leafy green vegetables, lima
beans, split peas, citrus fruits,
melons, cherries and more.

Omega-3’s and omega-6’s are
damaged by heat, except for
grapeseed oil which has a high
smoke point. Better yet, use
Coconut Oil.

These healthy fats must be in the
presence of adequate vitamins
and minerals to be effective.
Coconut Oil
Maintaining cholesterol levels,
Increased immunity,
Proper digestion and metabolism,
Hair and skin care,
Stress relief, relief from kidney problems, bone strength
Contains Vitamin E, Vitamin K and iron.
High smoke point so good for cooking.
Antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial
Coconut Oil
 It contains about 50%
lauric acid, which helps in
preventing various heart
problems including high
cholesterol levels and
high blood pressure.
 It does not lead to
increase in LDL levels.
 Reduces the incidence of
injury in arteries and
therefore helps in
Plaque is a composite of fibrin, collagen,
phospholipids, triglycerides, cholesterol,
mucopolysaccharides, foreign proteins, heavy
metals, muscle tissue, and debris – all bonded
together with calcium. Therefore, cholesterol is only
one component of the plaque.
In fact, cholesterol is one of the later substances to
be laid down in the plaque – and it may have a
protective role – preventing blood cells from being
damaged by what would otherwise be a rough
surface in the muscular layer of an artery (it’s never
in a vein).
Statins have not proven to be very effective and
come with many side effects, some serious.
Furthermore, there is evidence that reducing
cholesterol too much is causing more problems.
Cholesterol is vital to many functions in the body,
from the production of hormones to manufacturing
of Vitamin D.
Vitamin D is a major contributor to immune health.
Test to know how much your body has
already been affected by free radicals:
Extend your hand, palm down, in a
relaxed position. Pinch the skin on the
back of your hand and lift the fold
Release this fold of skin and see how
long it takes to pull back into position.
If you are young or have minimal free
radical damage, your skin will snap
back immediately.
Where there is considerable cross-
linkage of collagen, the skin fold will
slowly slip back into place, sometimes
taking several seconds.
Dr. Duane Graveline, M.D.
reports on serious side effects
          of Statins
Cognitive problems, Dr. Graveline, a family doctor and former
astronaut, suffered from transient global amnesia when taking
statins and has now investigated statins for over 10 years on it’s
effects and detriments.
Personality changes / mood disorders (probably due to the
decrease of cholesterol that diminishes the production of
Muscle problems, polyneuropathy (nerve damage in the hands and
feet), and rhabdomyolysis (a serious degenerative muscle tissue
Sexual dysfunction
Immune suppression (they very thing you require for heart
The Stress Connection
 As noted earlier, atherosclerosis is found in the
 arteries only. The arteries have an inner muscular
 layer/wall. This wall enables the arteries to expand
 and contract with the flow of blood that is pumped
 by the heart. It also constricts the arteries during
 stress, thereby increasing blood pressure so that
 more oxygen and nutrients can be delivered to the
 outermost parts of the body – to increase energy
 levels in preparation for “fight or flight”.
 The veins are the low pressure part of the circulatory
 system, which returns blood to the heart; and they
 do not require a muscular layer to do so.
 Reduce stress – exercise, meditation, proper diet,
 lifestyle modification, psychotherapy, dance, sing,
 art classes.
Dr. Dean Ornish
     Dr. Ornish's 35 years of research was the
    first to scientifically prove that
    integrative lifestyle changes can:

 Reverse heart disease

Through diet, exercise, how you respond to
stress, and having love in your life.
A study at Penn State University compared
rats fed either a high fat diet or a control
diet. Each group exercised on a treadmill
or stayed sedentary. After 6 months,
microscopic examination of the aorta
showed significant differences.
Degeneration of the arterial lining was
greatest in the sedentary rats, regardless
of diet. The arterial lining was healthiest
in the group that exercised – again,
regardless of diet. (Nutrition Report, July/

Sustained sweat for 30 minutes of
exercise daily, but no less than 3X per
week. Note: please check with your
doctor prior to starting any exercise
1.   Stop smoking.
2.   Exercise regularly.
3.   Increase dietary fibre.
4.   8 glasses of purified water daily.
5.   Avoid bathing in chlorinated water.
6.   Restrict or eliminate refined sugars.
7.   Restrict or eliminate caffeine from all
9. Avoid processed meats, nitrates, nitrites
and other preservatives.
10. Limit alcohol to 1 drink daily (0 if you
have heart disease)
11. Reduce exposure to radiation, x-rays,
exhaust fumes, carbon tetrachloride and
other inhalant chemicals.
12. Do an Arterial Cleansing Formula
(supplements to remove plaque naturally).
13. Sleep 7-9 hours.
14. Reduce stress.
Omega-3 fatty acid with DHA and EPA – reduces
CoQ10 enzyme – strengths heart muscle
Calcium and magnesium, taken together is best
Vitamin C – antioxidant and chelating agent
Vitamin E (antioxidant)
Vitamin D3 – powerful immune booster and hormone
Selenium (antioxidant), 200-500 times more potent than
vitamin E
Zinc (a free radical inhibitor)
Niacin (nicotinic acid or niacin flush form) – helps to dilate
or enlarge blood vessels and helps the body eliminate
excess cholesterol. Note: this vitamin will create a flushing/
rash like symptom that may last up to 3 hours.
Garlic – reduces high blood pressure
Parsley – detoxification and indigestion
Saffron and Tarragon – important for immune system
Turmeric – anti-inflammatory, helps blood flow, reduces
cholesterol levels and improves blood vessel health.

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Wellspiration 6 - Fighting Heart Disease Naturally

  • 2. Heart and Stroke Foundation Disease and injuries of the cardiovascular system: the heart, blood vessels of the heart and system of blood vessels (veins and arteries) in the body and in the brain. Stroke is due to blood flow problem in the brain. Considered a form of cardiovascular disease.
  • 3. What’s really happening - Atherosclerosis Over 50% of all westerners die of diseases that have an underlying cause of hardening of the arteries. The material (“plaque”) that blocks blood vessels builds up gradually over many years. As plaque builds up in key locations, circulating blood clots may become trapped in these narrow openings, suddenly cutting off the blood supply to vital tissues and precipitating heart attacks, strokes or gangrene, depending on where the blockages occur. Often times the plaque itself can keep on accumulating until it completely closes the artery.
  • 4. Every 7 minutes in Canada, someone dies from heart disease or stroke. #1 disease killer. In 2008 cardiovascular disease accounted for: 29% of all deaths in Canada Src: StatsCan 2008 In 2008, of all cardiovascular deaths: 54% were due to ischemic heart disease 20% to stroke 23% to heart attack
  • 5. Since the 70s, when “low fat” became mainstream, heart disease has increased In spite of decades of low cholesterol diets, an abundance of drugs and surgical procedures, atherosclerosis has reached epidemic proportions. As young as children of 10 (McDonald’s diet) Autopsies finding plaque buildup in teens & 20s.
  • 7. Risk Factors Smoking Diabetes High blood pressure High cholesterol Obesity Consumption of polyunsatured oils (rancid) Nitrates and nitrites (food preservatives) Inhalation of carbon monoxide-exhaust fumes
  • 8. Air pollution, inhalation of toxic chemicals Chronic constipation Drinking or bathing in chlorinated water Radiation (e.g. x-rays, gamma rays, ultra violet) Stress Lack of regular exercise Excessive intake of sugars, alcohol, and/or caffeine
  • 9. Early Warning Signs Fingers and/or toes often go cold Arms and/or legs often “go to sleep” Numbness or heaviness in arms or legs Cramps in hand when writing Sharp, diagonal crease in the earlobe Tingling sensations in lips or fingers Short walk causes cramping or pains in the legs
  • 10. Memory not as good as it used to be Ankles swell late in the day Persistent, nagging cough Breathlessness on slight exertion or lying down Urinating more than twice during the night Whitish ring under outer part of the cornea in the eye High blood pressure Chest pain after physical exertion or emotional stress
  • 11. Cardiac Arrest Up to 45,000 cardiac arrests occur each year in Canada. That’s one cardiac arrest every 12 minutes. As many as 85% of all cardiac arrests occur in homes and public places. Less than 5% of those who have a cardiac arrest outside of a hospital survive. Cardiac arrest incidence rates per 100,000 vary between 53 and 59 across Canada.
  • 12. Cardiac Arrest Majority of cardiac arrests occur in residential or public locations For every 1 minute delay in defibrillation, survival rate of a cardiac arrest victim decreases by 10%. Use of an AED with CPR before the arrival of Emergency Medical Services can increase the chance of survival by up to 75%.
  • 13. Don’t be afraid to use a defibrillator
  • 14. STROKE 80% of strokes are ischemic caused by the interruption of blood flow to the brain due to a blood clot. 20% of strokes are hemorrhagic caused by uncontrolled bleeding in the brain. 3rd leading cause of death in Canada 14,000 Canadians die from stroke / year More women than men die from stroke.
  • 15. One stroke every 10 minutes. For every 100,000 Canadian children under the age of 19, there are 6.7 strokes. About 300,000 Canadians are living with the effects of stroke. After age 55, the risk of stroke doubles every 10 years. A stroke survivor has a 20% chance of having another stroke within 2 years
  • 16. Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs) aka mini stroke Blood supply to brain stops briefly. Some are unaware that this has happened to them - chalk it up to “aging (balance problems), confusion or fatigue” 5x more likely to have a stroke over the next 2 years
  • 17. Of every 100 people who have a stroke 15 die 10 recover completely 25 recover with a minor impairment or disability 40 are left with a moderate to severe impairment 10 are so severely disabled they require long- term care For every minute delay in treating a stroke, the average patient loses 1.9 million brain cells, 13.8 billion synapses, 12 km of nerve fibres. Each hour in which treatment does not occur, the brain loses as many neurons as it does in almost 3.6 years of normal aging.
  • 19. RISK FACTOR: Blood Cholesterol Healthy cholesterol levels are dependent upon your risk of developing heart disease or stroke. Your doctor will take into account factors that increase your risk of heart disease and stroke such as your age, sex, blood pressure, and whether you have diabetes or smoke. The higher your risk, the lower your target levels should be. Your doctor will determine the target level that is right for you. Diet and lifestyle, not genetics, plays a major role in elevated blood cholesterol
  • 20. RISK FACTOR: Diet Stay away from the frozen food section, especially the prepared foods which are laden with saturated fats, high sodium, sugar and lots of calories for little quantity, let alone chemicals that are destructive to your health. Limit your consumption of red meat to only once per week. Food consumption among adults is linked to their household income, but not so much among children. Lead by example. Nutrition begins at home! Heart disease takes root in lifestyle habits and formed during childhood, even in children, as plaques can start to build up in arteries.
  • 21.
  • 22. Consume 35-40g fiber daily. Soluble fiber (e.g. strawberries, beans, oatmeal) - bind dietary cholesterol - carry it out of the body - stabilize blood sugar - slows the release of sugar into your bloodstream.
  • 23. Insoluble fiber (e.g. whole grain products, nuts, fruits and vegetables) - speeds elimination - rids environmental and dietary toxins. Drink 8-10 cups water daily to cleanse colon. Note: if you have kidney or adrenal gland problems or take diuretics, you need to speak to your doctor about how much water you should drink daily, as there are specific guidelines for these conditions.
  • 24. RISK FACTOR: Fat Fats and oils should be 20-30% of total daily caloric intake and that should largely be from the healthy fats (omega-3 and omega-6 sources). The biggest problem is that consumption of these fats are from polyunsaturated oils (especially rancid ones e.g. deep frying or exposure to high heat) such as vegetable oils, margarines, shortenings and other processed oils. They contain peroxidized fats, trans fatty acids and other modified fat molecules which severely compromise the immune processes in the body. Direct correlation between the increase of these fats and the increase in the incidence of heart disease. However, healthy fats are crucial to our survival.
  • 25. Fatty acids are of 3 basic types: saturated (e.g., palmitic acid, stearic acid), monounsaturated (e.g. oleic acid) and polyunsaturated (e.g. linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic) – all of these fats and oils in our diet consist of various combinations and proportions of these 3 groups
  • 26. If our diet provides an adequate supply, the body chooses the best ones for the tasks needed on that given day for health. If the best ones are not available, then we force our bodies to make do with substitutes. If only rancid or peroxidized fats or trans fatty acids are available, then we end up with inferior or “leaky” cellular membranes Plus inadequate prostaglandins (anti- inflammatory control) Overloaded immune system which may struggle to stave off free radical damage.
  • 27. There are 2 healthy fats that are “essential” because we need them for our survival as our body does not make it, so we have to get it from our food: Omega-6 (linoleic acid) Omega-3 (linolenic acid). The body can manufacture all of the other fatty acids it needs. Udo Erasmus, Ph.D.: the ratio that gives the best results consistently comes from oils blended to be richer in Omega 3 (but not too rich) than Omega 6. He suggests the optimal ratio is 2:1 in favor of Omega 3 (two Omega 3 to one Omega 6).
  • 28. Omega-6 = predominantly in seeds, nuts, grains and leafy vegetables. Grapeseed oil, pumpkin seeds, sesame oil, walnut oil, pine nuts, olive oil, spirulina (blue-green algae), borage oil, evening primrose oil, black currant seed oil, wheatgerm oil, cereal grains, and eggs. Corn, safflower, sunflower, soybean and cottonseed oils are also sources of linoleic acid, but are refined and may be nutrient- deficient as sold in stores.
  • 29.
  • 30. Omega 3 = flax seeds, flax seed oil, hemp seeds, canola oil, walnuts, blue-green algae (E3Live) marine sources, walnut oil, linseed oil, almonds, chia seeds, lentils, chickpeas, avocados, oat germ, wheat bran, leafy green vegetables, lima beans, split peas, citrus fruits, melons, cherries and more. Omega-3’s and omega-6’s are damaged by heat, except for grapeseed oil which has a high smoke point. Better yet, use Coconut Oil. These healthy fats must be in the presence of adequate vitamins and minerals to be effective.
  • 31.
  • 32. Coconut Oil Maintaining cholesterol levels, Increased immunity, Proper digestion and metabolism, Hair and skin care, Stress relief, relief from kidney problems, bone strength Contains Vitamin E, Vitamin K and iron. High smoke point so good for cooking. Antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial
  • 33. Coconut Oil It contains about 50% lauric acid, which helps in preventing various heart problems including high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. It does not lead to increase in LDL levels. Reduces the incidence of injury in arteries and therefore helps in preventing atherosclerosis.
  • 34. Plaque is a composite of fibrin, collagen, phospholipids, triglycerides, cholesterol, mucopolysaccharides, foreign proteins, heavy metals, muscle tissue, and debris – all bonded together with calcium. Therefore, cholesterol is only one component of the plaque. In fact, cholesterol is one of the later substances to be laid down in the plaque – and it may have a protective role – preventing blood cells from being damaged by what would otherwise be a rough surface in the muscular layer of an artery (it’s never in a vein). Statins have not proven to be very effective and come with many side effects, some serious. Furthermore, there is evidence that reducing cholesterol too much is causing more problems. Cholesterol is vital to many functions in the body, from the production of hormones to manufacturing of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a major contributor to immune health.
  • 35. Test to know how much your body has already been affected by free radicals: Extend your hand, palm down, in a relaxed position. Pinch the skin on the back of your hand and lift the fold upwards. Release this fold of skin and see how long it takes to pull back into position. If you are young or have minimal free radical damage, your skin will snap back immediately. Where there is considerable cross- linkage of collagen, the skin fold will slowly slip back into place, sometimes taking several seconds.
  • 36. Dr. Duane Graveline, M.D. reports on serious side effects of Statins Cognitive problems, Dr. Graveline, a family doctor and former astronaut, suffered from transient global amnesia when taking statins and has now investigated statins for over 10 years on it’s effects and detriments. Personality changes / mood disorders (probably due to the decrease of cholesterol that diminishes the production of hormones) Muscle problems, polyneuropathy (nerve damage in the hands and feet), and rhabdomyolysis (a serious degenerative muscle tissue condition) Sexual dysfunction Immune suppression (they very thing you require for heart disease)
  • 37.
  • 38. The Stress Connection As noted earlier, atherosclerosis is found in the arteries only. The arteries have an inner muscular layer/wall. This wall enables the arteries to expand and contract with the flow of blood that is pumped by the heart. It also constricts the arteries during stress, thereby increasing blood pressure so that more oxygen and nutrients can be delivered to the outermost parts of the body – to increase energy levels in preparation for “fight or flight”. The veins are the low pressure part of the circulatory system, which returns blood to the heart; and they do not require a muscular layer to do so. Reduce stress – exercise, meditation, proper diet, lifestyle modification, psychotherapy, dance, sing, art classes.
  • 39. Dr. Dean Ornish Dr. Ornish's 35 years of research was the first to scientifically prove that integrative lifestyle changes can: Reverse heart disease Through diet, exercise, how you respond to stress, and having love in your life.
  • 40.
  • 41. A study at Penn State University compared rats fed either a high fat diet or a control diet. Each group exercised on a treadmill or stayed sedentary. After 6 months, microscopic examination of the aorta showed significant differences. Degeneration of the arterial lining was greatest in the sedentary rats, regardless of diet. The arterial lining was healthiest in the group that exercised – again, regardless of diet. (Nutrition Report, July/ 85) Sustained sweat for 30 minutes of exercise daily, but no less than 3X per week. Note: please check with your doctor prior to starting any exercise program.
  • 42. NUTRITIONAL PROGRAM 1. Stop smoking. 2. Exercise regularly. 3. Increase dietary fibre. 4. 8 glasses of purified water daily. 5. Avoid bathing in chlorinated water. 6. Restrict or eliminate refined sugars. 7. Restrict or eliminate caffeine from all sources.
  • 43. 9. Avoid processed meats, nitrates, nitrites and other preservatives. 10. Limit alcohol to 1 drink daily (0 if you have heart disease) 11. Reduce exposure to radiation, x-rays, exhaust fumes, carbon tetrachloride and other inhalant chemicals. 12. Do an Arterial Cleansing Formula (supplements to remove plaque naturally). 13. Sleep 7-9 hours. 14. Reduce stress.
  • 44. Omega-3 fatty acid with DHA and EPA – reduces inflammation CoQ10 enzyme – strengths heart muscle Calcium and magnesium, taken together is best Vitamin C – antioxidant and chelating agent Vitamin E (antioxidant) Vitamin D3 – powerful immune booster and hormone regulator Selenium (antioxidant), 200-500 times more potent than vitamin E Zinc (a free radical inhibitor) Niacin (nicotinic acid or niacin flush form) – helps to dilate or enlarge blood vessels and helps the body eliminate excess cholesterol. Note: this vitamin will create a flushing/ rash like symptom that may last up to 3 hours. Garlic – reduces high blood pressure Parsley – detoxification and indigestion Saffron and Tarragon – important for immune system Turmeric – anti-inflammatory, helps blood flow, reduces cholesterol levels and improves blood vessel health.

Editor's Notes

  1. \n
  2. According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation in Canada the definition of Cardiovascular diseases are defined as diseases and injuries of the cardiovascular system: the heart, the blood vessels of the heart and the system of blood vessels (veins and arteries) throughout the body and within the brain. Stroke is the result of a blood flow problem in the brain. It is considered a form of cardiovascular disease.\n
  5. As of the past few years, doctors have been reporting heart disease in children as young as 10 years of age, due to arteriosclerosis. When they looked at their diets, it consisted mainly of fast food e.g. Tim Horton’s and McDonald’s.\nNow autopsies are finding plaque buildup in young people in their teens and twenties.\n
  6. \n
  7. READ SLIDE\nIn the interest of time, we can only expand on some of these risk factors.\n
  8. \n
  10. \n
  11. READ SLIDE briefly. \nImportant to note here is that the use of an AED with CPR before the arrival of Emergency Medical Services can increase the chance of survival by up to 75%. Therefore, if you haven’t already done so, get certified in CPR and do not be afraid to use the defibrillation machines provided at some sites, as you do not require prior experience in order to operate it. Once you open the container it will audibly prompt you on how to proceed. Do not hesitate as each minute is crucial to the survival of the person!\n
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  14. READ SLIDE\n
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  21. \n
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  24. \n
  25. Healthy Fats are so essential to well-being and heart disease that we have provided further information here to illustrate.\nREAD SLIDE\n
  26. \n
  27. READ SLIDE\n
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  30. \n
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  38. READ SLIDE \n
  39. READ SLIDE\n
  40. \n
  41. READ SLIDE\nExercise is both protective of our cardiovascular system and supportive of immune system.\nIt tones muscles, enlarges the diameter of blood vessels, eases stress, stimulates internal organs, relieves depression, promotes sleep, helps to lower cholesterol, improves lymphatic flow.\n
  42. Briefly READ SLIDE\nFor info only.\n
  43. Briefly go over slide.\n
  44. There are many more supplements and herbs that are hugely beneficial and may be more specific to your needs. Contact a Natural Health Care provider or Nutritionist for further consultation.\n