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Weight-loss-plan is important for you to find the right kind of weight
reduction method to get back into shape.If you are able to combine a
proper and healthy diet with an exercise regime, then this could be
your passport to the fastest way to lose weight and that too naturally.
The first and foremost thing that you should remember is that you
should not skip meals or eat at irregular times in any weight loss plan.
If you ever thought that skipping a meal or two an eating a hearty meal
only once a day is never going to help in reducing your weight. Also,
make sure that you set realistic weight loss target goals before
beginning a weight loss program and try to achieve the set target.
Always bear in mind that you can only stretch your body to a certain
limit with rigorous exercise routines and a well balanced and healthy
diet plan.
One of the most popular and commonly followed diet plans of many
weight loss enthusiasts is the General Motors diet plan and this plan is
the best plan that you can come across on various sources that will
provide you with the fastest way to lose weight and that too naturally
without intake any other health supplements. General Motors is one of
the leading car manufacturing brands and they have come up with a
renowned and successful General Motors Diet Plan that is followed by
many other companies as well as educational institutions as it will help
in improving the well being of people working in an office or a school or
a college or any other industry.
There are quite a lot of people who are a bit plumper for their liking and
are looking at different ways to lose weight without putting in a big
effort. There have quite a lot of people who have tried various options
like yoga, workout in the gym, running, jogging and regular exercise to
reduce weight but have not been able to get rid of the excess fat
deposits on their body and to reduce their weight. If your bulkiness is
your worry and you would like to shed off those extra kilos from your
body, then GM diet could be the answer to all your weight problems.
If you are ready to go on diet plan.Only if you have a controlled and
peaceful mind will you be able to be successful in this weight loss plan
that offers you the fastest way to lose weight. The diet plan is for one
week and through this diet period you will only be allowed to take
specific foods as prescribed in the diet plan for each of these seven
days. It is believed that you will be able to reduce about 5 to 8
kilograms in weight when you follow the diet plan exactly as mentioned
The most important thing that you need to realize in this fastest way to
lose weight is to not stay hungry at all. This will do the opposite and
instead of your plans to lose weight you might end up gaining a few
extra kilograms. This plan suggests you the right amount and the right
quantity of food that you can intake in order to make you feel you are
full always. You might be curious thinking of how a diet plan will work
when you are allowed to eat and that too at a specified amount.there is
nothing to worry about in this diet plan as it is a sure shot procedure
that will help you to reduce your overall body weight by 5 to 8 kilos in
about a week.
 The first day is the most important day in your GM diet plan
program. You are just stepping into the world of knowing how
you can reduce your body weight and that too in 7 days time.
 The GM diet plan says that the first day of the diet must be a
complete fruit diet day. You have the option of eating all the
fruits that you possibly can and also take in whatever fruit that
you like. But, it is important for you to make sure that you
avoid bananas from your fruit list on day one. Some of the
suggested fruits that you can take on the GM’s weight loss diet
plan are watermelons and cantaloupe.
 You are also supposed to drink about 8 to 12 glasses of water
on day one and make sure that you do not even touch any
other food items, not even raw or boiled vegetables. If you
need this plan to work effectively in your body, then you
should only consume various kinds of assorted fruits
throughout the day. If you feel hungry, try to eat more fruits
and of course drink water.
 If day one was a day that gave you the opportunity to binge on
your favorite fruits, then day two provides you an opportunity to
eat only vegetables throughout the day.
 You can take in the vegetables that you like both in the raw state
and in cooked state. But, it is important for you to make sure
that you do not use any sort of oil while cooking vegetables.
Consuming boiled vegetables are also a good option.
 You can take any vegetable that you like including potatoes. But,
it would be safe for you to try out the boiled potatoes early in
the morning itself so that the carbohydrates get burnt during the
course of the day.
 Some of the common vegetables that are good to be consumed
on day 2 of the lose weight diet regime are: cooked beans, raw
and cooked carrot, broccoli, cucumber, boiled bottle and ridge
gourd, lettuce, boiled cabbage and so on.
 There is no doubt that your digestive system will completely
undergo an overhaul by the evening and you also would need to
visit the toilet more times than before. Make sure that you do
not miss out on your daily dose of 8 to 12 glasses of water along
with a strict veggie diet on day two.
 Get Healthy Skin with Fruits and Vegetables .
The third day of your GM weight lose plan will allow you to take
both vegetables and fruits for the entire day.
 Make sure that you do not touch potatoes in the veggie section
and also make sure that you do not consume bananas from the
fruit section.
 You have the option of going for a fruit diet in the morning
followed by a veggie diet in the afternoon and a fruit diet in the
evening followed by a veggie and fruit diet at night.
 The options and the permutations and combinations of consuming
the fruit and vegetable diet or combination of both the diets is
totally left to your disposal.
 You can decide on what you would like to have provided it is
fruits and vegetables.
 Never miss the option of drinking 8 to 12 glasses of water even
on day three as well.
Day four would interest dieters looking for the fastest way to lose
weight as it is filled with a banana and milk diet. Yes, you need to
take at least a minimum of 8 to 10 bananas throughout the day
and are allowed three glasses of milk.
 You might be a bit worried if this diet will make you feel hungry.
But, on the contrary, you will feel quite full with this diet plan at
the end of the day. You need to divide the bananas and the
glasses of milk properly so that you do not feel any kind of
starvation on the fourth day of GM diet plan regime.
 Consuming a banana and a glass of milk in the morning followed
by a couple of bananas during the midday will be an ideal start
today four.
 You can take a glass of milk and two bananas for lunch on day
four. You can also take a couple of bananas in the evening or
even three bananas and then take a couple of bananas and a
glass of milk at night.
 There will be no sign of hunger at all throughout the entire day if
you follow this simple day four regime.
 If you love having a feast, then day 5 of the GM’s lose weight diet
plan offers you the opportunity to a feast on day five.
 It is the day when you can have a cup of rice for lunch and take
about six to seven tomatoes throughout the day.
 As there is every chance of producing a lot of uric acid in your
 it is ideal for you to increase the water level from 12 glasses to
15 glasses on day five.
 You are in for another feast day on day six of the GM’s diet plan.
Here too, you will be allowed to take a cup of rice in the
afternoon for lunch and you also need to stick on to a vegetable
diet for the rest of the day.
 It is also important for you to make sure that you take at least 8
to 12 glasses of water on day six as well.
 This is the penultimate day of your seven day GM diet plan
regime and you are sure to feel quite lighter than before by the
sixth day.
 There is no doubt that you will also be improving your digestive
system completely with this seven day diet plan from General
 This is the last day of the lose weight diet plan from GM. Here,
you are allowed to take a cup of rice and all the veggies that you
would love to eat along with the fruit juice of your choice.
 This is considered to be the best day of your entire diet regime as
you have the option to eat all the vegetables that you like and to
flush it off by consuming the fruit juices of your choice.
There is no doubt that you will see a considerable amount of
weight loss in your body and you have done nothing other than
following a strict fruit and vegetable and drinking water diet plan.
There are also quite a lot of benefits that you gain from the GM
diet plan. You will see your face to glow even better than before
and also will improve your digestive system. The best advantage
though would be that you would see a reduction in your body
weight by about 4 to 5 kilos or even more.
Losing tummy fat is not an impossible task. With the proper changes in
the diet, lifestyle and exercise it is possible to get a flat tummy within
10 days. It is necessary to use specific dietary and exercise strategies
which target the abdominal area to lose tummy fat. Elevating
the metabolic rate is the key to reduce the fat deposits in the body.
 The first step in achieving flat tummy is to remove all the junk
food from your house. Replace the junk food with nutrient packed
and fiber rich food like fruits, vegetables, poultry, lean beef,
whole grains, low-fat dairy products, beans, nuts, seeds etc.
 Do not store hot dogs or sausages or candy bars in your home.
 Avoid all carbohydrate food for the first day.
 Start drinking 10-12 glass of water to cleanse your system and to
remove the fat from the body.
 You can also try fasting for one to three days prior to starting the
effort to get a flat tummy. During this fasting take only 3-5 apple
cider vinegar drinks.
 Mix 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar and one
tablespoon of honey and 8 ounces of pure water
Take this 2- 3 times a day to jump start the fat reduction
 Take more of boiled or raw vegetables this day. You can use thin
vegetable or chicken soup to reduce belly fat.
 Make sure that you consume something every two to three hours.
This will increase your metabolic rate and stabilize the blood
 Taking five to six servings of fruits and vegetables will prevent
cravings for food. Avoid high carb fruits like banana, apple etc.
 If you are a person who regularly does exercises, you can
continue your exercises along with these changes in the diet. If
you have not started exercising, start with mild exercises like
walking for 20 minutes.
 Consume about 50 grams of carbohydrate for your breakfast. Low
carb diets are important, if you want to lose fat faster.
 One cup of oatmeal has 50 grams of carbohydrate. For other
meals of the day consume lean protein about the size of your fist.
 You can use whey protein, yoghurt, fresh fruits and vegetables as
snacks. Limit the intake of fat to olive oil or fish oil.
 Avoid using mayonnaise, margarine, butter, other vegetable oils
etc. You can start doing exercises like breathing squat to get rid
of the belly fat.
 Lower your bottom as far as possible in the squat position. Inhale
while going down. Wait for a few minutes and come up exhaling
 Repeat the exercise for 10 times.
Day 4
 You can take omelet with three egg white and vegetables or
spinach added to it for your breakfast. You can take snacks like
boiled chicken with red pepper or cucumber with turkey breast as
 Include salads made of vegetables, chicken, olive oil etc for
lunch. Do not take more than 150gms of chicken or turkey at one
serving. You can also use a fistful of seeds or nuts when you feel
hungry. This will reduce the craving. Start doing some crunches
to mobilize the fat around the gut.
 Lie on your back with hands under your head, place the feet
firmly on the floor with the knees bend.
 Use the tummy muscles to crunch and raise your shoulders off
the floor
 Do at least three sets of crunches.
Day 5
 You can consume low fat milk and fruits this day. If you want you
can include one or two bananas. This provides the necessary
carbohydrate for your body.
 You can take vegetable soups or salads to fill your stomach and
to get all the nutrient supply. Drink plenty of water and add sit-
ups to your exercise regime.
 Lie on your back with the knees bent and feet on the floor.
Extend your arms so that the fingers are pointed upwards.
Exhale and try to sit up slowly
Inhale and lower yourself to the start position.
 You can use green beans, scrambled eggs made with one whole
egg and two egg whites and tomatoes for your breakfast. You can
use cod fillet or grilled chicken breast as your snack. You can
consume fish or lean meat in different forms.
 Do not forget to add five servings of fruits and vegetables. Do all
the exercises from walking to sit ups.
 You can increase the number of crunches and sit ups if you want
faster fat removal.
 You can use grilled or boiled chicken or duck breast for your
breakfast along with steamed spinach or grilled tomatoes.
 Use Brazil nuts or watermelon seeds or steamed broccoli as a
 You can change the exercise to aerobic exercise today.
Changing the exercise will give a shock to the body and increases
the metabolic rate effectively causing to lose fat from belly
 Do 30 minutes of aerobics exercise.
Day 8
 Avoid food with low nutrient content. You can opt for breakfast
with whole wheat bread and omelet using the white of two eggs.
 Continue drinking 10-12 glass of water and select healthy snacks
like soy crisps, fruit with yoghurt dip etc.
 You can opt for swimming apart from the regular exercise
Day 9
 Again make this day the vegetarian day. Use all the vegetables
which are less in calories throughout the day. This wills help to
cleanse tour digestive system of the fat deposits. Include the
most fibrous vegetables to get the best result.
 Increase walking to 40 minutes
You can either opt for all the crunches and sit-ups or you can do
only the swimming and aerobic exercise.
 You can have breakfast that includes whole grains food items and
fruits. Continue the low fat, high fiber snacks and soups as and
when required.
 Try to add diversity to your workout by getting a jumping rope or
adding leg tuck exercise. Continue with the low sugar, low carb
diet to make the results last forever.

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Weight loss

  • 1. WEIGHT-LOSS BY DIET PLAN Weight-loss-plan is important for you to find the right kind of weight reduction method to get back into shape.If you are able to combine a proper and healthy diet with an exercise regime, then this could be your passport to the fastest way to lose weight and that too naturally. The first and foremost thing that you should remember is that you should not skip meals or eat at irregular times in any weight loss plan. If you ever thought that skipping a meal or two an eating a hearty meal only once a day is never going to help in reducing your weight. Also, make sure that you set realistic weight loss target goals before beginning a weight loss program and try to achieve the set target. Always bear in mind that you can only stretch your body to a certain limit with rigorous exercise routines and a well balanced and healthy diet plan. One of the most popular and commonly followed diet plans of many weight loss enthusiasts is the General Motors diet plan and this plan is the best plan that you can come across on various sources that will provide you with the fastest way to lose weight and that too naturally without intake any other health supplements. General Motors is one of the leading car manufacturing brands and they have come up with a renowned and successful General Motors Diet Plan that is followed by many other companies as well as educational institutions as it will help in improving the well being of people working in an office or a school or a college or any other industry. There are quite a lot of people who are a bit plumper for their liking and are looking at different ways to lose weight without putting in a big effort. There have quite a lot of people who have tried various options like yoga, workout in the gym, running, jogging and regular exercise to reduce weight but have not been able to get rid of the excess fat deposits on their body and to reduce their weight. If your bulkiness is your worry and you would like to shed off those extra kilos from your body, then GM diet could be the answer to all your weight problems. If you are ready to go on diet plan.Only if you have a controlled and peaceful mind will you be able to be successful in this weight loss plan that offers you the fastest way to lose weight. The diet plan is for one week and through this diet period you will only be allowed to take specific foods as prescribed in the diet plan for each of these seven days. It is believed that you will be able to reduce about 5 to 8 kilograms in weight when you follow the diet plan exactly as mentioned below. The most important thing that you need to realize in this fastest way to lose weight is to not stay hungry at all. This will do the opposite and instead of your plans to lose weight you might end up gaining a few extra kilograms. This plan suggests you the right amount and the right
  • 2. quantity of food that you can intake in order to make you feel you are full always. You might be curious thinking of how a diet plan will work when you are allowed to eat and that too at a specified amount.there is nothing to worry about in this diet plan as it is a sure shot procedure that will help you to reduce your overall body weight by 5 to 8 kilos in about a week. Day-1 FRESH-FRUITS  The first day is the most important day in your GM diet plan program. You are just stepping into the world of knowing how you can reduce your body weight and that too in 7 days time.  The GM diet plan says that the first day of the diet must be a complete fruit diet day. You have the option of eating all the fruits that you possibly can and also take in whatever fruit that you like. But, it is important for you to make sure that you avoid bananas from your fruit list on day one. Some of the suggested fruits that you can take on the GM’s weight loss diet plan are watermelons and cantaloupe.  You are also supposed to drink about 8 to 12 glasses of water on day one and make sure that you do not even touch any other food items, not even raw or boiled vegetables. If you need this plan to work effectively in your body, then you should only consume various kinds of assorted fruits throughout the day. If you feel hungry, try to eat more fruits and of course drink water. Day-2 VEGETABLES  If day one was a day that gave you the opportunity to binge on your favorite fruits, then day two provides you an opportunity to eat only vegetables throughout the day.  You can take in the vegetables that you like both in the raw state and in cooked state. But, it is important for you to make sure that you do not use any sort of oil while cooking vegetables. Consuming boiled vegetables are also a good option.  You can take any vegetable that you like including potatoes. But, it would be safe for you to try out the boiled potatoes early in
  • 3. the morning itself so that the carbohydrates get burnt during the course of the day.  Some of the common vegetables that are good to be consumed on day 2 of the lose weight diet regime are: cooked beans, raw and cooked carrot, broccoli, cucumber, boiled bottle and ridge gourd, lettuce, boiled cabbage and so on.  There is no doubt that your digestive system will completely undergo an overhaul by the evening and you also would need to visit the toilet more times than before. Make sure that you do not miss out on your daily dose of 8 to 12 glasses of water along with a strict veggie diet on day two. Day-3  Get Healthy Skin with Fruits and Vegetables . The third day of your GM weight lose plan will allow you to take both vegetables and fruits for the entire day.  Make sure that you do not touch potatoes in the veggie section and also make sure that you do not consume bananas from the fruit section.  You have the option of going for a fruit diet in the morning followed by a veggie diet in the afternoon and a fruit diet in the evening followed by a veggie and fruit diet at night.  The options and the permutations and combinations of consuming the fruit and vegetable diet or combination of both the diets is totally left to your disposal.  You can decide on what you would like to have provided it is fruits and vegetables.  Never miss the option of drinking 8 to 12 glasses of water even on day three as well. Day-4  Day four would interest dieters looking for the fastest way to lose weight as it is filled with a banana and milk diet. Yes, you need to
  • 4. take at least a minimum of 8 to 10 bananas throughout the day and are allowed three glasses of milk.  You might be a bit worried if this diet will make you feel hungry. But, on the contrary, you will feel quite full with this diet plan at the end of the day. You need to divide the bananas and the glasses of milk properly so that you do not feel any kind of starvation on the fourth day of GM diet plan regime.  Consuming a banana and a glass of milk in the morning followed by a couple of bananas during the midday will be an ideal start today four.  You can take a glass of milk and two bananas for lunch on day four. You can also take a couple of bananas in the evening or even three bananas and then take a couple of bananas and a glass of milk at night.  There will be no sign of hunger at all throughout the entire day if you follow this simple day four regime. Day-5  If you love having a feast, then day 5 of the GM’s lose weight diet plan offers you the opportunity to a feast on day five.  It is the day when you can have a cup of rice for lunch and take about six to seven tomatoes throughout the day.  As there is every chance of producing a lot of uric acid in your body.  it is ideal for you to increase the water level from 12 glasses to 15 glasses on day five. Day-6  You are in for another feast day on day six of the GM’s diet plan. Here too, you will be allowed to take a cup of rice in the afternoon for lunch and you also need to stick on to a vegetable diet for the rest of the day.
  • 5.  It is also important for you to make sure that you take at least 8 to 12 glasses of water on day six as well.  This is the penultimate day of your seven day GM diet plan regime and you are sure to feel quite lighter than before by the sixth day.  There is no doubt that you will also be improving your digestive system completely with this seven day diet plan from General Motors. Day-7  This is the last day of the lose weight diet plan from GM. Here, you are allowed to take a cup of rice and all the veggies that you would love to eat along with the fruit juice of your choice.  This is considered to be the best day of your entire diet regime as you have the option to eat all the vegetables that you like and to flush it off by consuming the fruit juices of your choice. There is no doubt that you will see a considerable amount of weight loss in your body and you have done nothing other than following a strict fruit and vegetable and drinking water diet plan. There are also quite a lot of benefits that you gain from the GM diet plan. You will see your face to glow even better than before and also will improve your digestive system. The best advantage though would be that you would see a reduction in your body weight by about 4 to 5 kilos or even more. LOSING TUMMY FAT Losing tummy fat is not an impossible task. With the proper changes in the diet, lifestyle and exercise it is possible to get a flat tummy within 10 days. It is necessary to use specific dietary and exercise strategies which target the abdominal area to lose tummy fat. Elevating the metabolic rate is the key to reduce the fat deposits in the body. Day-1  The first step in achieving flat tummy is to remove all the junk food from your house. Replace the junk food with nutrient packed
  • 6. and fiber rich food like fruits, vegetables, poultry, lean beef, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, beans, nuts, seeds etc.  Do not store hot dogs or sausages or candy bars in your home.  Avoid all carbohydrate food for the first day.  Start drinking 10-12 glass of water to cleanse your system and to remove the fat from the body.  You can also try fasting for one to three days prior to starting the effort to get a flat tummy. During this fasting take only 3-5 apple cider vinegar drinks.  Mix 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey and 8 ounces of pure water Take this 2- 3 times a day to jump start the fat reduction program. Day-2  Take more of boiled or raw vegetables this day. You can use thin vegetable or chicken soup to reduce belly fat.  Make sure that you consume something every two to three hours. This will increase your metabolic rate and stabilize the blood sugar.  Taking five to six servings of fruits and vegetables will prevent cravings for food. Avoid high carb fruits like banana, apple etc.  If you are a person who regularly does exercises, you can continue your exercises along with these changes in the diet. If you have not started exercising, start with mild exercises like walking for 20 minutes. Day-3  Consume about 50 grams of carbohydrate for your breakfast. Low carb diets are important, if you want to lose fat faster.  One cup of oatmeal has 50 grams of carbohydrate. For other meals of the day consume lean protein about the size of your fist.  You can use whey protein, yoghurt, fresh fruits and vegetables as snacks. Limit the intake of fat to olive oil or fish oil.
  • 7.  Avoid using mayonnaise, margarine, butter, other vegetable oils etc. You can start doing exercises like breathing squat to get rid of the belly fat.  Lower your bottom as far as possible in the squat position. Inhale while going down. Wait for a few minutes and come up exhaling slowly.  Repeat the exercise for 10 times. Day 4  You can take omelet with three egg white and vegetables or spinach added to it for your breakfast. You can take snacks like boiled chicken with red pepper or cucumber with turkey breast as snacks.  Include salads made of vegetables, chicken, olive oil etc for lunch. Do not take more than 150gms of chicken or turkey at one serving. You can also use a fistful of seeds or nuts when you feel hungry. This will reduce the craving. Start doing some crunches to mobilize the fat around the gut.  Lie on your back with hands under your head, place the feet firmly on the floor with the knees bend.  Use the tummy muscles to crunch and raise your shoulders off the floor  Do at least three sets of crunches. Day 5  You can consume low fat milk and fruits this day. If you want you can include one or two bananas. This provides the necessary carbohydrate for your body.  You can take vegetable soups or salads to fill your stomach and to get all the nutrient supply. Drink plenty of water and add sit- ups to your exercise regime.  Lie on your back with the knees bent and feet on the floor. Extend your arms so that the fingers are pointed upwards. Exhale and try to sit up slowly Inhale and lower yourself to the start position. Day-6
  • 8.  You can use green beans, scrambled eggs made with one whole egg and two egg whites and tomatoes for your breakfast. You can use cod fillet or grilled chicken breast as your snack. You can consume fish or lean meat in different forms.  Do not forget to add five servings of fruits and vegetables. Do all the exercises from walking to sit ups.  You can increase the number of crunches and sit ups if you want faster fat removal. Day-7  You can use grilled or boiled chicken or duck breast for your breakfast along with steamed spinach or grilled tomatoes.  Use Brazil nuts or watermelon seeds or steamed broccoli as a snack.  You can change the exercise to aerobic exercise today. Changing the exercise will give a shock to the body and increases the metabolic rate effectively causing to lose fat from belly faster.  Do 30 minutes of aerobics exercise. Day 8  Avoid food with low nutrient content. You can opt for breakfast with whole wheat bread and omelet using the white of two eggs.  Continue drinking 10-12 glass of water and select healthy snacks like soy crisps, fruit with yoghurt dip etc.  You can opt for swimming apart from the regular exercise regime. Day 9
  • 9.  Again make this day the vegetarian day. Use all the vegetables which are less in calories throughout the day. This wills help to cleanse tour digestive system of the fat deposits. Include the most fibrous vegetables to get the best result.  Increase walking to 40 minutes You can either opt for all the crunches and sit-ups or you can do only the swimming and aerobic exercise. Day-10  You can have breakfast that includes whole grains food items and fruits. Continue the low fat, high fiber snacks and soups as and when required.  Try to add diversity to your workout by getting a jumping rope or adding leg tuck exercise. Continue with the low sugar, low carb diet to make the results last forever.