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Are you ready to know that much of the information that you believe is just a beautiful lie? Then follow this post
and know what these 10 lies are!
Talking about weight loss is now important, since at least 50% of the world’s population is overweight and, more
than 30% have some level of obesity .
In addition, most children have contracted this disease, bringing health damage, such as cardiovascular
disease, respiratory diseases, metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, organ dysfunction among others.
Obesity is a fairly silent disease therefore, individuals almost never see themselves as true, especially when its
degree is higher.
Weight loss is also a current theme, suggesting that, because of the social pressures of the current “perfect”
biotype, people are increasingly playing in vain and, by this, want somehow to have a better body and in
physical style. .
Despite much discussion, commentary and despite the most endless theories and methods, weight loss is also
much said, myths and lies are wrong.
This fact means that many people (especially those who have little knowledge) end up, greatly damaging the
results and, by this, damaging the goals that they struggle so much to achieve.
With that in mind, today we will comment on ten of the biggest lies about weight loss , so that you can achieve
faster and more accurate results by correcting points that can be really important.
Are you ready to know that much of the information that you believe is just a beautiful lie? Then continue
reading this post!
Table of Contents [ Ocultar ]
1st: To lose weight, just cut soft drinks, sweets, snacks etc …
2nd: It is necessary to go without eating carbohydrates to lose weight
3: A lot of protein is needed for not losing muscle mass when losing weight
4: Weight loss is achieved by aerobic activities
5: I can’t eat what I like when the goal is to lose weight
6: To lose weight, I need to eliminate red meat from my diet
7: I need to remove gluten and lactose in order to lose weight
8th: To lose weight, we should start with 500Kcal less than total energy expenditure (VET)
9: I have to eat a lot of vegetable
10: It is possible to lose weight fast
1st: To lose weight, just cut soft drinks, sweets, snacks etc ...
How many times have I asked if there is a diet person and he says right, he has cut sweets, soft drinks, junkie
stuff from his routine and eating “normal”.
But, what can we define as “normal”? There are no standards that can be considered normal, as these can vary
according to each person, as we state the amount, macronutrient distribution, food distribution and even the
food options that work with each of these times. .
Saying that diet is synonymous with cutting everything is Junkie Food has nothing to do with really having a
balanced diet.
Obviously that this can start, but it’s far from DIET. This is because, a person thinks they can cut everything from
their routine, but, they eat a lot of food or even, a meal that takes a lot of oil / fat / sugar in its preparation, a
meal that can have a very high energy density or consume food incorrectly at the same time not worthy.
Because of that, it is very important for you to be able to focus on how to do the right things. Therefore, seek
guidance and do not think that you, simply removing some items from the diet will have good results. Although
relatively simple, the diet has a logic and STRUCTURE that requires some complexity.
2nd: It is necessary to go without eating carbohydrates to lose weight
More factors that are commented on are carbohydrate consumption andThis is carbohydrates are a major
source of energy for the body, either for work or for storage alone, because of our genetic and physiio -biological
In addition, they are a major nutrient that stimulates the release of insulin, the hormone responsible for
lipogenesis (the transformation of energy into body fat).
Carbohydrates, in fact, should be in smaller amounts when it comes to weight loss. However, this does not
mean that they should not be in the diet, or even, it should be in insignificant amounts, especially only to say
about dietary fiber.
Your body, in order for you to burn fat efficiently, you need a Krebs cycle in order to work properly. For this,
APMc, one of its components, must exist.
Low carbohydrate levels in the diet can reduce cAMP levels and therefore, by this, you will have difficulty in
burning fat.
When there is no diet, carbohydrates do not contribute to hormonal problems that aid in controlling appetite, in
feeling well -being and, therefore, this can produce some types of disorders with / or eating.
To be the point, you need to know where, when and how to consume carbohydrates. It is important to
emphasize complex carbohydrates (derived from starch, such as roots, grains, nuts, tubers, etc.), avoid simple
ones (fructose, honey, table sugar, soft drinks, sweets in general, etc.) and, in particular. , most indicated, that
before and after training, to maximize the function of expectations and, in fact, use it as energy rather than
3: A lot of protein is needed for not losing muscle mass when losing weight
Many people, with the reduction of calories in the diet and especially with lower carbohydrate consumption ,
start consuming very large amounts of protein, which they think may be necessary.
Although important, fundamental and even essential, an excess of protein will not do anything to help you
develop a good body. It is important to remember that when we talk about high protein diets, we are talking
about protein consumption that is good, but enough to meet your nutritional demands.
Today, most people think that they need a large amount of protein and start using many hyperprotein
supplements (whey protein, casein, protein mixture, albumin, etc.), because of course, it is difficult to consume
this with only solid foods. However, most of them do not have high demand and this will lose money especially
Excess protein, in addition to tending to be discarded, can still cause metabolism to inhibit protein synthesis (or
partially) by a rebound mechanism, especially when we report high consumption of the amino acid L-Leucine.
So, today's recommendations range from 1.5-4g / kg of protein for physical activity practitioners, but the average
consumption of 2g to 2.5g / kg as long as you lose weight is more than enough to ensure that you do not lose
muscle mass, properly stimulate protein synthesis and can use amino acids in many other functions that are in
metabolism in general.
Try to give preference to protein derived from food rather than supplements, except in special cases. In addition
to having protein, these foods are also important sources of micronutrients, especially those derived from
4: Weight loss is achieved by aerobic activities
Aerobic activity has two main functions: The first is to increase energy expenditure, because, for obvious
reasons, you lose energy during exercise and, of course, if you are on an energy deficit in the diet, you think you
can lose weight because fat will be the source of energy that works. .
The second is to increase cardiorespiratory and / or cardiovascular capacity, since aerobic physical activity has
been shown to increase heart output, blood flow, blood lipidemia levels and, of course, increase maximum VO2,
respectively. However, aerobic activity is not always synonymous with weight loss .
In order for them to truly have some efficiency, it is necessary that you first be on a diet that is suitable for your
goals (which does not have to mean being on a low calorie diet) and, especially, that you exercise bodybuilding
(resistance training), because that will promote the body’s ability to preserve muscle mass and thus achieve that
body fat is truly removed.
Often, aerobic activities, in aesthetic terms, may not even work with a good and balanced diet, associated with
regular and activity -oriented practices that are avoided can enable you to achieve your goals.
Because of this, there is no reason to spend hours doing aerobic exercise when it comes to losing weight and,
in fact, this can be an even slightly worse practice, given the hormonal effects that can be caused.
5: I can’t eat what I like when the goal is to lose weight
Losing weight is not the same as torture ! Conversely: If you are looking for weight loss, you need to think about
this process then, you need to be happy for as long as it is.
However, many people, especially those who want quick results (which is almost impossible in terms of
aesthetic changes) end up moving on and doing everything wrong, creating enormous restrictions and no
assistance. Be, of course, diet restricted, dull and you finally give up.
Eating is also a pleasure that is possessed by humans nowadays, by the way, gastronomy is there to aid
pleasure as well as nutrition that fits, by the way. So, there is no reason why you should not eat what you want.
It’s more obvious that you shouldn’t extend when out of the diet from time to time, but that then there are diets
that are bad for the body and mind, especially. Anything that is unbalanced and excessive will hurt you.
Also look for some alternatives that can minimize your binge eating and that’s where the “recipes that fit” come .
But remember that these recipes do n’t replace o that you will also have the luxury of doing.
The most important thing in the process is how much you do is right compared to how much you are wrong. And
it is very easy to put them on scale! Only you want and most importantly, prepare your mind!
6: To lose weight, I need to eliminate red meat from my diet
One of the biggest mistakes made in the past was to link a weight loss diet with only white meat, avoiding beef
and pork altogether. Usually, chicken (breast tie) is selected, some fill with white and slender fish, and
occasionally fish with higher lipid content, such as salmon or tuna, which are rich in omega -3, are important for
the body.
Undoubtedly, white meat usually has a lower calorie content , Because of its lower fat content. Removing the
skin and excess fat, it is thin thin. However, red meat and pork can even be thinner and even softer than they
are, resulting in only fat between the same fibers, when there is a significant amount.
However, the reality is not the amount of fat and calories that are in the meat itself. The fact is that red meat has
lipids that need to be consumed by the body , such as the amount of good cholesterol (which although not
having energy value, has many functions in the body, especially as a raw material for the production of steroid
In addition, they are very rich and by the way a better source for several nutrients, such as creatine (essential
for anyone and especially for physical activity practitioners), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), Ferro Heme,
present in red meat among others.
The pork itself is very rich in creatine, phosphorus and, they are thinner or slimmer (depending on the piece)
than the chicken breast itself, as the loin or shank is without fat (very clean, of course!)
You should use red meat and pork even in a weight loss diet . Opt for a slimmer cut, lift a clear excess of fat and
adapt your diet respectively.
7: I need to remove gluten and lactose in order to lose weight
Of course, I can’t forget one of the most frequently discussed points today when it comes to weight loss: I
mention the exclusion of lactose and gluten from the weight loss diet.
This is because, many people associate these two nutrients, gluten, protein and lactose, a carbohydrate that is
synonymous with “put on weight”, when, in fact, it’s just two nutrients.
Gluten and lactose have been shown to contain calories just like any other macronutrient. However, they did not
use more or less weight by other explained factors.
What normally causes people to associate the withdrawal of gluten and / or lactose from the diet with weight
loss is the fact that many foods and / or preparations have gluten and / or lactose. But not because they are
there to eat the fat, but because it’s solid energy.
Let’s use cakes, pasta (mainly stuffed), cookies and crackers, savory ingredients and more. And of course, not
accompanying this meal, you indirectly also remove, in addition to calories, a large amount of sugar,
hydrogenated fats, and others will reduce body weight.
However, it is a very clear science that people who are not lactose intolerant or even allergic to glue (or
compounds contained in wheat, which can mediate the action of inflammation in the body), should not take this
stuff from the diet, as this can lead to nutritional deficiencies by therefore, foods that contain these compounds
also have very important micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
Therefore, barrel out and exclude various things from your diet for no apparent reason. Make sure that you
really need to eliminate it and the reasons why it can be removed.
8th: To lose weight, we should start with 500Kcal less than total energy expenditure (VET)
Many people start a weight loss diet with less than 500Kcal of total energy expenditure, that is, they consume
500Kcal less than is needed throughout the day, which of course will cause an energy deficit in the body.
Put in a practical way, assume that the individual needs 2500Kcal per day to maintain his normal physiological
and physical activities. So, consuming 500Kcal less and producing this deficit, the body must look for energy in
stores, in this case, in the fat that is in the body.
This calculation is based more or less on the premise that, to maintain or reduce body weight, you must produce
each a calorie loss or deficit of around 20% of your TEV, or of the total energy value in the diet.
However, it is not always less than 500Kcal really that will make you lose weight and mainly, reduce weight by
quality, preserve muscle mass and only eradicate body fat. This is because, this number can and in fact, vary
according to each person.
Some will not have a good response with 500Kcal less, because they cannot lose weight due to some special
factors, needed to reduce more calories.
However, others will begin to lose a lot of weight, which can harm muscle mass, eventually sacrificing it. So, you
only need to weigh 300Kcal less, thought, or around.
You can even make some estimates of how or not to consume fewer calories to lose weight and even in fact you
can even start with 500Kcal more, again don’t get that as a rule and most importantly, watch your body’s
reaction on these pieces.
There needs to be feeling and observation to see not only your body, but aspects related to exercise
performance, muscle recovery, neuromuscular recovery and even for your sense of well -being, which is very
important and, in a very low calorie diet can be affected.
Still, it should be noted that a low -calorie diet will not mean losing weight , because in fact, with proper
manipulation of macronutrients, it is possible to achieve good results with the loss of body fat.
9: I have to eat a lot of vegetables
Vegetables and nuts are a very healthy food and they should not only be in a weight loss diet, but still, in any
diet, whether it is only to maintain weight and improve quality of life , to improve performance, to increase
muscle mass or any other purpose.
Vegetables and greens in general have high fiber content, both soluble and soluble, which you need to know the
function of each, a large number of vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, carotenoids and other micronutrients and,
certainly a great ally in the diet
Because of its low energy value and relatively low energy density, many vegetables are used in weight loss, not
only because of the nutritional problems provided, but to help the feeling of satiety, which is usually the greatest
difficulty in this process.
In general, fiber not only fills the physical part of the stomach, but also helps to delay digestion, causing
physiological processes to occur more slowly and thus, need less release of hunger signals.
However, excessive consumption of vegetables and nuts can cause losses : Excessive dietary fiber can inhibit
absorption and use of micro and macronutrients as well.
In addition, if associated with low consumption of water and fluids in general and / or used by people who tend
to this point, it can cause constipation, in addition to excess gas and other digestive tract disorders.
This recipe, consume in moderate amounts, either vegetables or nuts . Take advantage of it, but, like all, barrel
10: It is possible to lose weight fast
When you go to a professional and he suggests you lose weight, be suspicious! This is because , losing weight
takes time, because the process of fat utilization effectively takes time to occur.
Many people believe or deceive believe that they lose a lot of weight, because in the first weeks this loss is
obvious, since you absorb glycogen and, water molecules are also removed, reducing weight and the body in
general. But, this does not mean you are losing fat, but glycogen and water, as already mentioned.
Having patience and understanding that, as long as you don’t lose weight overnight, you won’t lose weight
overnight is very important to not be discouraged in the middle of the trip and put all that you have built.
Weight loss is one of the most sought after items in modern society. However, some myths remain, as many of
them have not been clarified.
Therefore, we basically need to know these points and what is true or false behind them to optimize our process
that will achieve our goals, of course, in a stable and durable way.
Good training!
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10 biggest lies about weight loss

  • 1. 10 BIGGEST LIES ABOUT WEIGHT LOSS Are you ready to know that much of the information that you believe is just a beautiful lie? Then follow this post and know what these 10 lies are! Talking about weight loss is now important, since at least 50% of the world’s population is overweight and, more than 30% have some level of obesity . In addition, most children have contracted this disease, bringing health damage, such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, organ dysfunction among others. Obesity is a fairly silent disease therefore, individuals almost never see themselves as true, especially when its degree is higher. Weight loss is also a current theme, suggesting that, because of the social pressures of the current “perfect” biotype, people are increasingly playing in vain and, by this, want somehow to have a better body and in physical style. .
  • 2. Despite much discussion, commentary and despite the most endless theories and methods, weight loss is also much said, myths and lies are wrong. This fact means that many people (especially those who have little knowledge) end up, greatly damaging the results and, by this, damaging the goals that they struggle so much to achieve. With that in mind, today we will comment on ten of the biggest lies about weight loss , so that you can achieve faster and more accurate results by correcting points that can be really important. Are you ready to know that much of the information that you believe is just a beautiful lie? Then continue reading this post! Table of Contents [ Ocultar ] 1st: To lose weight, just cut soft drinks, sweets, snacks etc … 2nd: It is necessary to go without eating carbohydrates to lose weight 3: A lot of protein is needed for not losing muscle mass when losing weight 4: Weight loss is achieved by aerobic activities
  • 3. 5: I can’t eat what I like when the goal is to lose weight 6: To lose weight, I need to eliminate red meat from my diet 7: I need to remove gluten and lactose in order to lose weight 8th: To lose weight, we should start with 500Kcal less than total energy expenditure (VET) 9: I have to eat a lot of vegetable 10: It is possible to lose weight fast Conclusion 1st: To lose weight, just cut soft drinks, sweets, snacks etc ... How many times have I asked if there is a diet person and he says right, he has cut sweets, soft drinks, junkie stuff from his routine and eating “normal”. But, what can we define as “normal”? There are no standards that can be considered normal, as these can vary according to each person, as we state the amount, macronutrient distribution, food distribution and even the food options that work with each of these times. .
  • 4. Saying that diet is synonymous with cutting everything is Junkie Food has nothing to do with really having a balanced diet. Obviously that this can start, but it’s far from DIET. This is because, a person thinks they can cut everything from their routine, but, they eat a lot of food or even, a meal that takes a lot of oil / fat / sugar in its preparation, a meal that can have a very high energy density or consume food incorrectly at the same time not worthy. Because of that, it is very important for you to be able to focus on how to do the right things. Therefore, seek guidance and do not think that you, simply removing some items from the diet will have good results. Although relatively simple, the diet has a logic and STRUCTURE that requires some complexity. 2nd: It is necessary to go without eating carbohydrates to lose weight More factors that are commented on are carbohydrate consumption andThis is carbohydrates are a major source of energy for the body, either for work or for storage alone, because of our genetic and physiio -biological characteristics. In addition, they are a major nutrient that stimulates the release of insulin, the hormone responsible for lipogenesis (the transformation of energy into body fat). Carbohydrates, in fact, should be in smaller amounts when it comes to weight loss. However, this does not mean that they should not be in the diet, or even, it should be in insignificant amounts, especially only to say about dietary fiber.
  • 5. Your body, in order for you to burn fat efficiently, you need a Krebs cycle in order to work properly. For this, APMc, one of its components, must exist. Low carbohydrate levels in the diet can reduce cAMP levels and therefore, by this, you will have difficulty in burning fat. When there is no diet, carbohydrates do not contribute to hormonal problems that aid in controlling appetite, in feeling well -being and, therefore, this can produce some types of disorders with / or eating. To be the point, you need to know where, when and how to consume carbohydrates. It is important to emphasize complex carbohydrates (derived from starch, such as roots, grains, nuts, tubers, etc.), avoid simple ones (fructose, honey, table sugar, soft drinks, sweets in general, etc.) and, in particular. , most indicated, that before and after training, to maximize the function of expectations and, in fact, use it as energy rather than storage. 3: A lot of protein is needed for not losing muscle mass when losing weight Many people, with the reduction of calories in the diet and especially with lower carbohydrate consumption , start consuming very large amounts of protein, which they think may be necessary. Although important, fundamental and even essential, an excess of protein will not do anything to help you develop a good body. It is important to remember that when we talk about high protein diets, we are talking about protein consumption that is good, but enough to meet your nutritional demands.
  • 6. Today, most people think that they need a large amount of protein and start using many hyperprotein supplements (whey protein, casein, protein mixture, albumin, etc.), because of course, it is difficult to consume this with only solid foods. However, most of them do not have high demand and this will lose money especially time. Excess protein, in addition to tending to be discarded, can still cause metabolism to inhibit protein synthesis (or partially) by a rebound mechanism, especially when we report high consumption of the amino acid L-Leucine. So, today's recommendations range from 1.5-4g / kg of protein for physical activity practitioners, but the average consumption of 2g to 2.5g / kg as long as you lose weight is more than enough to ensure that you do not lose muscle mass, properly stimulate protein synthesis and can use amino acids in many other functions that are in metabolism in general. Try to give preference to protein derived from food rather than supplements, except in special cases. In addition to having protein, these foods are also important sources of micronutrients, especially those derived from animals. 4: Weight loss is achieved by aerobic activities Aerobic activity has two main functions: The first is to increase energy expenditure, because, for obvious reasons, you lose energy during exercise and, of course, if you are on an energy deficit in the diet, you think you can lose weight because fat will be the source of energy that works. .
  • 7. The second is to increase cardiorespiratory and / or cardiovascular capacity, since aerobic physical activity has been shown to increase heart output, blood flow, blood lipidemia levels and, of course, increase maximum VO2, respectively. However, aerobic activity is not always synonymous with weight loss . In order for them to truly have some efficiency, it is necessary that you first be on a diet that is suitable for your goals (which does not have to mean being on a low calorie diet) and, especially, that you exercise bodybuilding (resistance training), because that will promote the body’s ability to preserve muscle mass and thus achieve that body fat is truly removed. Often, aerobic activities, in aesthetic terms, may not even work with a good and balanced diet, associated with regular and activity -oriented practices that are avoided can enable you to achieve your goals. Because of this, there is no reason to spend hours doing aerobic exercise when it comes to losing weight and, in fact, this can be an even slightly worse practice, given the hormonal effects that can be caused. 5: I can’t eat what I like when the goal is to lose weight Losing weight is not the same as torture ! Conversely: If you are looking for weight loss, you need to think about this process then, you need to be happy for as long as it is.
  • 8. However, many people, especially those who want quick results (which is almost impossible in terms of aesthetic changes) end up moving on and doing everything wrong, creating enormous restrictions and no assistance. Be, of course, diet restricted, dull and you finally give up. Eating is also a pleasure that is possessed by humans nowadays, by the way, gastronomy is there to aid pleasure as well as nutrition that fits, by the way. So, there is no reason why you should not eat what you want. It’s more obvious that you shouldn’t extend when out of the diet from time to time, but that then there are diets that are bad for the body and mind, especially. Anything that is unbalanced and excessive will hurt you. Also look for some alternatives that can minimize your binge eating and that’s where the “recipes that fit” come . But remember that these recipes do n’t replace o that you will also have the luxury of doing. The most important thing in the process is how much you do is right compared to how much you are wrong. And it is very easy to put them on scale! Only you want and most importantly, prepare your mind! 6: To lose weight, I need to eliminate red meat from my diet One of the biggest mistakes made in the past was to link a weight loss diet with only white meat, avoiding beef and pork altogether. Usually, chicken (breast tie) is selected, some fill with white and slender fish, and occasionally fish with higher lipid content, such as salmon or tuna, which are rich in omega -3, are important for the body. Undoubtedly, white meat usually has a lower calorie content , Because of its lower fat content. Removing the skin and excess fat, it is thin thin. However, red meat and pork can even be thinner and even softer than they are, resulting in only fat between the same fibers, when there is a significant amount.
  • 9. However, the reality is not the amount of fat and calories that are in the meat itself. The fact is that red meat has lipids that need to be consumed by the body , such as the amount of good cholesterol (which although not having energy value, has many functions in the body, especially as a raw material for the production of steroid hormones). In addition, they are very rich and by the way a better source for several nutrients, such as creatine (essential for anyone and especially for physical activity practitioners), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), Ferro Heme, present in red meat among others. The pork itself is very rich in creatine, phosphorus and, they are thinner or slimmer (depending on the piece) than the chicken breast itself, as the loin or shank is without fat (very clean, of course!) You should use red meat and pork even in a weight loss diet . Opt for a slimmer cut, lift a clear excess of fat and adapt your diet respectively. 7: I need to remove gluten and lactose in order to lose weight Of course, I can’t forget one of the most frequently discussed points today when it comes to weight loss: I mention the exclusion of lactose and gluten from the weight loss diet. This is because, many people associate these two nutrients, gluten, protein and lactose, a carbohydrate that is synonymous with “put on weight”, when, in fact, it’s just two nutrients.
  • 10. Gluten and lactose have been shown to contain calories just like any other macronutrient. However, they did not use more or less weight by other explained factors. What normally causes people to associate the withdrawal of gluten and / or lactose from the diet with weight loss is the fact that many foods and / or preparations have gluten and / or lactose. But not because they are there to eat the fat, but because it’s solid energy. Let’s use cakes, pasta (mainly stuffed), cookies and crackers, savory ingredients and more. And of course, not accompanying this meal, you indirectly also remove, in addition to calories, a large amount of sugar, hydrogenated fats, and others will reduce body weight. However, it is a very clear science that people who are not lactose intolerant or even allergic to glue (or compounds contained in wheat, which can mediate the action of inflammation in the body), should not take this stuff from the diet, as this can lead to nutritional deficiencies by therefore, foods that contain these compounds also have very important micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Therefore, barrel out and exclude various things from your diet for no apparent reason. Make sure that you really need to eliminate it and the reasons why it can be removed. 8th: To lose weight, we should start with 500Kcal less than total energy expenditure (VET) Many people start a weight loss diet with less than 500Kcal of total energy expenditure, that is, they consume 500Kcal less than is needed throughout the day, which of course will cause an energy deficit in the body. Put in a practical way, assume that the individual needs 2500Kcal per day to maintain his normal physiological and physical activities. So, consuming 500Kcal less and producing this deficit, the body must look for energy in stores, in this case, in the fat that is in the body.
  • 11. This calculation is based more or less on the premise that, to maintain or reduce body weight, you must produce each a calorie loss or deficit of around 20% of your TEV, or of the total energy value in the diet. However, it is not always less than 500Kcal really that will make you lose weight and mainly, reduce weight by quality, preserve muscle mass and only eradicate body fat. This is because, this number can and in fact, vary according to each person. Some will not have a good response with 500Kcal less, because they cannot lose weight due to some special factors, needed to reduce more calories. However, others will begin to lose a lot of weight, which can harm muscle mass, eventually sacrificing it. So, you only need to weigh 300Kcal less, thought, or around. You can even make some estimates of how or not to consume fewer calories to lose weight and even in fact you can even start with 500Kcal more, again don’t get that as a rule and most importantly, watch your body’s reaction on these pieces. There needs to be feeling and observation to see not only your body, but aspects related to exercise performance, muscle recovery, neuromuscular recovery and even for your sense of well -being, which is very important and, in a very low calorie diet can be affected. Still, it should be noted that a low -calorie diet will not mean losing weight , because in fact, with proper manipulation of macronutrients, it is possible to achieve good results with the loss of body fat. 9: I have to eat a lot of vegetables Vegetables and nuts are a very healthy food and they should not only be in a weight loss diet, but still, in any diet, whether it is only to maintain weight and improve quality of life , to improve performance, to increase muscle mass or any other purpose. Vegetables and greens in general have high fiber content, both soluble and soluble, which you need to know the function of each, a large number of vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, carotenoids and other micronutrients and, certainly a great ally in the diet
  • 12. Because of its low energy value and relatively low energy density, many vegetables are used in weight loss, not only because of the nutritional problems provided, but to help the feeling of satiety, which is usually the greatest difficulty in this process. In general, fiber not only fills the physical part of the stomach, but also helps to delay digestion, causing physiological processes to occur more slowly and thus, need less release of hunger signals. However, excessive consumption of vegetables and nuts can cause losses : Excessive dietary fiber can inhibit absorption and use of micro and macronutrients as well. In addition, if associated with low consumption of water and fluids in general and / or used by people who tend to this point, it can cause constipation, in addition to excess gas and other digestive tract disorders. This recipe, consume in moderate amounts, either vegetables or nuts . Take advantage of it, but, like all, barrel abuse! 10: It is possible to lose weight fast
  • 13. When you go to a professional and he suggests you lose weight, be suspicious! This is because , losing weight takes time, because the process of fat utilization effectively takes time to occur. Many people believe or deceive believe that they lose a lot of weight, because in the first weeks this loss is obvious, since you absorb glycogen and, water molecules are also removed, reducing weight and the body in general. But, this does not mean you are losing fat, but glycogen and water, as already mentioned. Having patience and understanding that, as long as you don’t lose weight overnight, you won’t lose weight overnight is very important to not be discouraged in the middle of the trip and put all that you have built. conclusion Weight loss is one of the most sought after items in modern society. However, some myths remain, as many of them have not been clarified. Therefore, we basically need to know these points and what is true or false behind them to optimize our process that will achieve our goals, of course, in a stable and durable way. Good training! Did you like its content? Click NO