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The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville
  Mon 19 Mar 2012
  Issue 3. No. 30

                                           Weekly Bulletin

                                    Monday, 19 March 2012
                                       Program:                         International Night
   Last Meeting:
                                       Duty Roster tonight:
                12 March 2012
                                       Door                             PP Robert Mackey
                                       Minutes                          PP Wilf Van Emmerik
                      GSE              Rotary Grace                     PP Alan Jones
           Claire Thompson
                                       Birthdays:                       28th Sheila Prasad
                                       Anniversaries:                   31st Brian & Joy Wickham
          PP Ray Campbell
          Rtn Thomas Cann
             PP Greg Rieper            Toasts:
                                       Loyal                            PP Keith Stapley
                                       Overseas Club                    PE Bobby Redman

                                       What Am I Up To Now

                                    Tonight is our “International Night” orgnanised by PE and International Director Bobby
                                    Redman who has put together a very entertaining and informative informal evening. I know
Water and sanitation                you are going to enjoy yourselves.

One of Rotary's six areas of        Last Monday evening Claire Thompson, one of the GSE Outgoing Team members heading
focus, guiding the service          to the UK in May that we are sponsoring, came to give us an update on plans for the 5 week
efforts of clubs worldwide to       trip away. She is very excited and we enjoyed having her along to talk to us and to also
provide clean water,                promote a fundraiser Trivia Evening being held on 30 March at the Sydney Tatts Club.
                                    This weekend I, along with Wilf & Margaret van Emmerik, Keith & Lyn Stapley, Graeme &
                                    Edna Rohan and Bobby Redman attended this year’s “Go For Gold” District Conference at
                                    the WIN Entertainment Centre in Wollongong this weekend. The conference was deemed
                                    very successful by RI President Kaylan Banerjee’s Representative Manjit Sawhney who
 Next Meeting:                      attended the conference. The line up of Keynote Speakers was impressive and very
                                    informative who all gave inspiring presentations on how Rotary has made a difference in
           Monday 02 April 2012     their lives. Also presentations by representatives of all Rotary’s different Avenues of
                                    Service, The Rotary Foundation and Club based projects kept the audience enthralled.
 Program                            “End Polio Now” was featured highly and Keynote Speaker Ramesh Ferris who is a Polio
                                    Survivor, has dedicated his life to the cause and to assist fellow polio survivors in 3 world
   The Hills Environment &          countries including his birthplace India. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the audience
              Project Group         during his presentation.

                                                                                                                        Cont ….
                PP Keith Stapley
 Duty Roster
 Door                                                                                        Rotary Four-Way Test:
                PP Ray Campbell                 Rotary Grace:                                       Is it the TRUTH?
 Minutes                                 “O Lord our giver of all good                       Is it FAIR to all concerned?
                 PP Keith Stapley       We thank You for our daily food,              Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER
                                      May Rotary friends and Rotary ways,                           FRIENDSHIPS?
 Rotary Grace                          Help us to serve you all our days”.           Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
                   PP Alan Walker
Page 2

 Presidents Message Cont ….

                                              This year DG David Rands included a Club Showcase to inform
                                              Rotarians attending the conference on the many and varied Club &
                                              International Projects that they are sponsoring both in our local
                                              communities and around the globe. Prizes were awarded to the
                                              most popular displays voted on by conference attendees. Some
                                              were very impressive and although our showcase was both
                                              informative and interesting we didn’t win any of the prizes but we
                                              received some very favorable comments on interested patrons on
                                              our Breakfast Club Programme.

                                              Saturday evening’s Masked Ball and Dinner was very enjoyable with
                                              the entertainment provided by The Wollongong’s Conservatory of
                                              Music Jazz Orchestra. They are a very talented group of young
                                              people and really enhanced the evening’s celebrations and Keith
                                              and Lyn Stapley showed us their expertise on the dance floor.
                                              Prizes were given for the best individual and Club masks. We made
                                              a very picturesque group with our masks decorated by Bobby and
                                              myself. Sadly no prizes to us though.

 Next year’s Conference was announced - the last for District 9680 which is to be held in Nowra. Ryde Club
 will be the host and they have booked the state of the art new Entertainment Centre and the Navy Air Museum
 for the Saturday night’s special event evening. I’m sure it will be a wonderful weekend away. Early bird
 bookings will be available from 1 July.

 We had a great weekend and we are all revitalized and inspired by the wonderful work that we as Rotarians
 devote our time to.

 President Penny Hill

 Summary of Last meeting

         Thanks for involvement in last week’s Club Assembly.
         Reminder – District Conference this coming weekend.
         Volunteers needed for car parking duty for the Castle Hill Show, next weekend.
         Keith Stapley was welcomed back from his four-week trip to Tasmania.


         Keith thanked those who stood in for him while he was away.

         Keith went on to give a brief account of his travels in Tasmania. Lyn and Keith travelled extensively
         around the island to such places as Port Arthur, Strachan and Cradle Mountain to mention just a few.
         Lengthy walks (11 km in one day!) formed part of the experience.


         The latest edition of the club program has been emailed to members.
         Reminder about the Group Study Exchange combined meeting at the Castle Hill Country Club on
         Wednesday 28 March. This will replace our meeting for that week.
         The Norwest Inner Wheel Club is having a special day at the Newcastle Races on Saturday, 28

       The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start.
                          Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153
Page 3

        Almost $500 made at the Dan Murphy sausage Sizzle on Saturday.
        As Graeme will be away for two weeks he needed someone to do the Bowelcare pick-ups for his
        group of pharmacies. Wilf Van Emmerik volunteered


 No Report


        Nominations are needed for May’s Pride of Workmanship night.

    Bobby repeated her update on the End Polio Now fundraising where Club members have sold virtually all
    the 100 pins and 10 comic books to raise money for the Foundation Project. A total of $491.50 had been
    raised including the money that Penny raised in her workplace by holding a special morning tea
    fundraiser. There may be a few more dollars to come in, but generally we should be pretty happy with this
    fund-raising effort.
    Bobby again reminded everyone about our Club’s upcoming International Night on the 19 March and
    handed out a flyer to each member. A mention had already been made in the last edition of the Weekly
    Bulletin. A minimum of 30 people are needed in order for the Tavern to serve the special meal so
    members are encouraged to invite their partners and any friends who may be interested in coming along.


 No Report

 “WHAT AM I UP TO NOW” – Rtn Michael Griscti

                                    Michael commenced by recounting his experience when attending the 2011
                                    Christmas party at his former place of employment, Thorn Lighting. His
                                    technical knowledge was greatly missed by the current employees and
                                    finding a replacement for Michael has proved to be very difficult. Sales
                                    people can’t get technical advice locally so questions have to be sent to

                                    Michael went on to explain the plight of the special occasions professional
                                    photographers since the advent of digital photography. Specialised studios
                                    are disappearing as more and more people choose to do their own digital
                                    photography. The professional photographers have to take steps to stop
                                    clients simply copying the sample photos provided to them. Michael’s
                                    specialized camera which cost $20,000 is worth nothing now.


                        Wilf’s son-in-law (Alana’s father) is participating in the fundraiser for cancer research,
                        the World’s Greatest Shave. Wilf thanked the club for the contributions from the
                        Sergeant’s sessions in recent

      The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start.
                         Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153
Page 4
 Guest Speaker - Claire Thompson
                                    Claire is part of the Group Study Exchange team going to the UK this year.
                                    She is a Media adviser.

                                    Claire was born in Brisbane 30 years ago. Five years later her family moved
                                    to England and settled in the north-eastern town of Darlington where she
                                    missed the sun and surf of Queensland.

                               Six years ago Claire moved back to Australia with the goal of working in the
                               media. She completed a Diploma of Journalism covering print, TV, radio and
 digital media. This enabled her to get work as a casual reporter for NewsLocal (formerly Cumberland
 Newpapers). This presented her with the challenge of filling in for absent journalists, often at short notice, at
 any one of the weekly newspapers scattered across the 650 suburbs of Sydney and the Central Coast.

 Success here led to the position of council reporter at The Hills Shire Times. One of her most interesting
 stories resulted from a tip-off about the Pope’s secret retreat at the local Opus Dei Centre in Kenthurst during
 his 2008 visit to Sydney. Her front page story on The Hills Shire Times was quickly picked up by all major
 news outlets across Sydney. Channels 9 and 10 had their news choppers circling overhead.

 Claire is currently the Media Advisor at The Hills Shire Council where she works closely with the Mayor and
 Councillors. Her day can include speech writing, publicity liaison for special interviews and taking photos of
 the mayor’s visit to a special event. No two days are the same.

                   Claire hopes to become a communications manager at a major inner-city council (e.g.
                   Sydney County Council). She is adding to her qualifications by completing a Diploma of

                   Going to the UK as part of our District 9680’s GSE team has
                   presented her with a wonderful opportunity. Other members of
                   the team are Louise Schwarzkopff (Sydney Morning Herald),
                   Louise Holman (rural reporter with the ABC), and Stephen
                   Spierings (sports editor with the Hills News). The team leader is
                   Mark Wallace editor of Rotary Down Under.

                   Claire concluded by thanking Rotary for giving her the
                   opportunity to participate in the GSE program.
 Claire also promoted the Trivia fundraiser for GSE to be held at the Sydney Tattersall’s Club on Friday 30

 Penny Hill proposed a vote of thanks.

 The brand new Sydney Greater West Entertainment™ Books are here

                             Rotary Club of The Hills-Kellyville Inc is pleased to be selling the
                             Entertainment Book to help raise funds. Books will be available from
                             early April. If have any queries, please contact Greg Rieper on 0400
                             998 790 or email
                             Entertainment™ Books feature many of the area's best restaurants, cafes,
                             accommodation, attractions and activities, with up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers!

                             Purchase the new Book for just $65 and you’ll receive over $15,000 in valuable
                             offers you can use from now until 1st June, 2013.

 Available from early-April 2012, the Books are sold exclusively by fund-raising organisations. When you
 purchase a Book, you'll be helping community fund-raising! Find

       The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start.
                          Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153
Page 5
 Rotary Foundation Thought for the Week
 This week’s Rotary Foundation Thought is about Matching Grants

 Matching Grants are an ideal method of boosting funds made available to humanitarian projects. Club and
 Rotarian contributions are matched 50% and District Designated Funds (DDF) are matched 100%. A
 minimum Matching Grant will have an overall budget of about $12,500 and can go up to almost $500,000.

 The Rotary Club of Carlingford partnered with the RC Davis, D3150 USA and RC Ho, D9100 Ghana to
 amalgamate funds for a Matching Grant to provide clean drinking water to 9 villages in the Volta region,
 Ghana. With $2,000 from Carlingford, $200 from Ho and $25,000 from Davis plus DDF of $15,000 from the
 USA and $2,000 from D9680 the Rotary Foundation matched $30,600 for a total budget of $74,800.

 The Matching Grant multiplier effect can deliver remarkable lifesaving projects.

 Weekly Toast - Overseas Club

                                        This week we toast the Rotary Club of
                                        Trinconmalee, Sri Lanka, chartered on 3 May
                                        1979. No-one can say that this Club is not
                                        flexible – due to an electricity failure, they had
                                        their last weekly meeting in front of their Rotary
                                        Building. Well done fellows for not letting things
                                        get in the way of your meeting.

 Rotary Australia World Community Service Ltd
                                   Rotary Australia World Community Service Ltd (RAWCS) is the Australian arm of
                                   Rotary International that assists Rotary Clubs with the development and
                                   management of international community service projects.

                                   Whether it's projects to help rebuild in the aftermath of disaster, programs to bring
                                   education to countries where illiteracy stifles development or bringing health care
                                   and medical aid to those who can least access it, RAWCS so often has a hand in
                                   helping the world stand on its feet.

                                   RAWCS supports Rotary Clubs in sending teams of volunteers to developing
                                   countries to provide assistance upon the development of much needed facilities,
                                   especially within the health and education areas.

                                   Advice, assistance and training in building, construction and commercial
                                   operations (for example, assistance in obtaining microfinance) are are also
                                   provided by RAWCS to support developing communities in establishing

 What Has RAWCS Achieved?

          Established medical, dental and general health                   Established care homes for the elderly
           facilities across second and third world countries               Brought literacy programs to villages
          Brought clean water to villages                                  Provided AIDS education programs
          Helped street children into homes and education                  Established vocational education training programs
          Protected thousands against malaria                              Constructed staff accommodation to bring volunteers
          Provided shelter for those left homeless after                    and professionals into remote regions needing
           tragedies                                                         assistance
          Transported medical equipment to remote regions                  Helped provide critical post-natal care for mothers
          Provided microfinance to poverty-struck communities               and babies

         The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start.
                            Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153
Page 6
Club Members                                                                          Dan Murphy Roster
     Name                                                    Classification           Saturday 24 March 2012
 Ray               Campbell               PP,PHF         Education - Secondary        PE Bobby Redman
 Thomas            Cann                    PHF           Landscape Supplies           Rtn Michael Griscti
 Col               Davis                                 Accounting Taxation

 Russ              Evans                  PP,PHF         Finance

 Henry             Grech                    PP           Legal Practice               Saturday 31 March 2012
 Michael           Griscti                 PHF           Lighting Technician          PP Ian Pearce
 Penny             Hill                     PHF          Customer Service Manager     Rtn Paul Hasslam
 Alan              Jones                  PP,PHF         Marketing Consultancy

                                                                                      WHAT AM I UP TO NOW
 Bob               Low                     PHF           Electrical Distribution

 Robert            Mackey                 PP,PHF         Construction Services

 Ian               Pascoe                   PP           Gas Fitting                  2nd Apr PP Keith Stapley
 Bruce             Pike                                  Nursery Retail               16th Apr PP Jim Sifonios
 Suresh            Prasad                   PP           Sugar Research
                                                                                      23rd Apr PP Haran Ramachandran
                                                                                      30th Apr PP Greg Rieper
 Haran             Ramachandran           PP,PHF         Computer Support

 Bobby             Redman                                Psychology

 Michael           Richardson                            Honorary Member              Duty Roster
 Greg              Rieper                 PP,PHF         Consultancy                  Monday 02 April 2012
 Graeme            Rohan                  PP,PHF         Petroleum Distribution

 Gordon            Scoble                 PP,PHF         Education Primary            Door               PP Ray Campbell
 Jim               Sifonios               PP,PHF         Product Development          Minutes            PP Keith Stapley
 Keith             Stapley                PP,PHF         Photogrammetry               Rotary Grace       PP Alan Walker
 Rod               Tilden                 PP,PHF         Window Furnishing Sales

 Alex              Traill                 PP,PHF         Building & Maintenance
                                                                                      Joke of the Day Impossible to Please
 Wilf              Van Emmerik            PP,PHF         Specialised Transport

 Allan             Walker                   PP           Funeral Direction            A group of girlfriends is on vacation when they see a 5-
 Glenn             Willcox                  PP           Project Estimating           story hotel with a sign that reads: "For Women Only."
P – President   PP - Past President   PHF - Paul Harris Fellow                        Since they are without their boyfriends and husbands,
                                                                                      they decide to go in.

Club Calendar                                                                         The bouncer, a very attractive guy, explains to them
                                                                                      how it works. "We have 5 floors. Go up floor by floor,
                                                                                      and once you find what you are looking for, you can
                                                                                      stay there. It's easy to decide since each floor has a
                                                                                      sign telling you what's inside."

                                                                                      So they start going up and on the first floor the sign
                                                                                      reads: "All the men on this floor are short and plain."
                                                                                      The friends laugh and without hesitation move on to
                                                                                      the next floor.

                                                                                      The sign on the second floor reads: "All the men here
                                                                                      are short and handsome." Still, this isn't good enough,
                                                                                      so the friends continue on up.

                                                                                      They reach the third floor and the sign reads: "All the
                                                                                      men here are tall and plain."

                                                                                      They still want to do better, and so, knowing there are
                                                                                      still two floors left, they continued on up.

                                                                                      On the fourth floor, the sign is perfect: "All the men
                                                                                      here are tall and handsome." The women get all
                                                                                      excited and are going in when they realize that there is
         Note: Apologies must be in to PP Graeme                                      still one floor left. Wondering what they are missing,
         Rohan by 12pm on Mondays so numbers                                          they head on up to the fifth floor.
               can be confirmed for dinner.                                           There they find a sign that reads: "There are no men
                                                                                      here. This floor was built only to prove that there is no
                                                                                      way to please a woman."

                    The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start.
                                       Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153

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Weekly Club Bulletin 19 March 2012

  • 1. The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville Mon 19 Mar 2012 Issue 3. No. 30 Weekly Bulletin Monday, 19 March 2012 Program: International Night Last Meeting: Duty Roster tonight: 12 March 2012 Door PP Robert Mackey Minutes PP Wilf Van Emmerik Program: GSE Rotary Grace PP Alan Jones Claire Thompson Birthdays: 28th Sheila Prasad Apologies: Anniversaries: 31st Brian & Joy Wickham PP Ray Campbell Rtn Thomas Cann PP Greg Rieper Toasts: Loyal PP Keith Stapley Overseas Club PE Bobby Redman What Am I Up To Now Tonight is our “International Night” orgnanised by PE and International Director Bobby Redman who has put together a very entertaining and informative informal evening. I know Water and sanitation you are going to enjoy yourselves. One of Rotary's six areas of Last Monday evening Claire Thompson, one of the GSE Outgoing Team members heading focus, guiding the service to the UK in May that we are sponsoring, came to give us an update on plans for the 5 week efforts of clubs worldwide to trip away. She is very excited and we enjoyed having her along to talk to us and to also th provide clean water, promote a fundraiser Trivia Evening being held on 30 March at the Sydney Tatts Club. sustainably. This weekend I, along with Wilf & Margaret van Emmerik, Keith & Lyn Stapley, Graeme & Edna Rohan and Bobby Redman attended this year’s “Go For Gold” District Conference at the WIN Entertainment Centre in Wollongong this weekend. The conference was deemed very successful by RI President Kaylan Banerjee’s Representative Manjit Sawhney who Next Meeting: attended the conference. The line up of Keynote Speakers was impressive and very informative who all gave inspiring presentations on how Rotary has made a difference in Monday 02 April 2012 their lives. Also presentations by representatives of all Rotary’s different Avenues of Service, The Rotary Foundation and Club based projects kept the audience enthralled. Program “End Polio Now” was featured highly and Keynote Speaker Ramesh Ferris who is a Polio rd Survivor, has dedicated his life to the cause and to assist fellow polio survivors in 3 world The Hills Environment & countries including his birthplace India. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the audience Project Group during his presentation. Cont …. WHAT AM I UP TO NOW PP Keith Stapley l Duty Roster Door Rotary Four-Way Test: PP Ray Campbell Rotary Grace: Is it the TRUTH? Minutes “O Lord our giver of all good Is it FAIR to all concerned? PP Keith Stapley We thank You for our daily food, Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER May Rotary friends and Rotary ways, FRIENDSHIPS? Rotary Grace Help us to serve you all our days”. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? PP Alan Walker
  • 2. Page 2 Presidents Message Cont …. This year DG David Rands included a Club Showcase to inform Rotarians attending the conference on the many and varied Club & International Projects that they are sponsoring both in our local communities and around the globe. Prizes were awarded to the most popular displays voted on by conference attendees. Some were very impressive and although our showcase was both informative and interesting we didn’t win any of the prizes but we received some very favorable comments on interested patrons on our Breakfast Club Programme. Saturday evening’s Masked Ball and Dinner was very enjoyable with the entertainment provided by The Wollongong’s Conservatory of Music Jazz Orchestra. They are a very talented group of young people and really enhanced the evening’s celebrations and Keith and Lyn Stapley showed us their expertise on the dance floor. Prizes were given for the best individual and Club masks. We made a very picturesque group with our masks decorated by Bobby and myself. Sadly no prizes to us though. Next year’s Conference was announced - the last for District 9680 which is to be held in Nowra. Ryde Club will be the host and they have booked the state of the art new Entertainment Centre and the Navy Air Museum for the Saturday night’s special event evening. I’m sure it will be a wonderful weekend away. Early bird st bookings will be available from 1 July. We had a great weekend and we are all revitalized and inspired by the wonderful work that we as Rotarians devote our time to. President Penny Hill Summary of Last meeting President Thanks for involvement in last week’s Club Assembly. Reminder – District Conference this coming weekend. Volunteers needed for car parking duty for the Castle Hill Show, next weekend. Keith Stapley was welcomed back from his four-week trip to Tasmania. Treasurer Keith thanked those who stood in for him while he was away. Keith went on to give a brief account of his travels in Tasmania. Lyn and Keith travelled extensively around the island to such places as Port Arthur, Strachan and Cradle Mountain to mention just a few. Lengthy walks (11 km in one day!) formed part of the experience. DIRECTORS REPORTS CLUB SERVICE The latest edition of the club program has been emailed to members. Reminder about the Group Study Exchange combined meeting at the Castle Hill Country Club on th Wednesday 28 March. This will replace our meeting for that week. th The Norwest Inner Wheel Club is having a special day at the Newcastle Races on Saturday, 28 April. The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start. Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153
  • 3. Page 3 COMMUNITY SERVICE Almost $500 made at the Dan Murphy sausage Sizzle on Saturday. As Graeme will be away for two weeks he needed someone to do the Bowelcare pick-ups for his group of pharmacies. Wilf Van Emmerik volunteered YOUTH SERVICE No Report VOCATIONA SERVICE Nominations are needed for May’s Pride of Workmanship night. INTERNATIONAL SERVICE Bobby repeated her update on the End Polio Now fundraising where Club members have sold virtually all the 100 pins and 10 comic books to raise money for the Foundation Project. A total of $491.50 had been raised including the money that Penny raised in her workplace by holding a special morning tea fundraiser. There may be a few more dollars to come in, but generally we should be pretty happy with this fund-raising effort. th Bobby again reminded everyone about our Club’s upcoming International Night on the 19 March and handed out a flyer to each member. A mention had already been made in the last edition of the Weekly Bulletin. A minimum of 30 people are needed in order for the Tavern to serve the special meal so members are encouraged to invite their partners and any friends who may be interested in coming along. PUBLIC RELATIONS No Report “WHAT AM I UP TO NOW” – Rtn Michael Griscti Michael commenced by recounting his experience when attending the 2011 Christmas party at his former place of employment, Thorn Lighting. His technical knowledge was greatly missed by the current employees and finding a replacement for Michael has proved to be very difficult. Sales people can’t get technical advice locally so questions have to be sent to Austria. Michael went on to explain the plight of the special occasions professional photographers since the advent of digital photography. Specialised studios are disappearing as more and more people choose to do their own digital photography. The professional photographers have to take steps to stop clients simply copying the sample photos provided to them. Michael’s specialized camera which cost $20,000 is worth nothing now. SARGENTS SESSION Wilf’s son-in-law (Alana’s father) is participating in the fundraiser for cancer research, the World’s Greatest Shave. Wilf thanked the club for the contributions from the Sergeant’s sessions in recent The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start. Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153
  • 4. Page 4 Guest Speaker - Claire Thompson Claire is part of the Group Study Exchange team going to the UK this year. She is a Media adviser. Claire was born in Brisbane 30 years ago. Five years later her family moved to England and settled in the north-eastern town of Darlington where she missed the sun and surf of Queensland. Six years ago Claire moved back to Australia with the goal of working in the media. She completed a Diploma of Journalism covering print, TV, radio and digital media. This enabled her to get work as a casual reporter for NewsLocal (formerly Cumberland Newpapers). This presented her with the challenge of filling in for absent journalists, often at short notice, at any one of the weekly newspapers scattered across the 650 suburbs of Sydney and the Central Coast. Success here led to the position of council reporter at The Hills Shire Times. One of her most interesting stories resulted from a tip-off about the Pope’s secret retreat at the local Opus Dei Centre in Kenthurst during his 2008 visit to Sydney. Her front page story on The Hills Shire Times was quickly picked up by all major news outlets across Sydney. Channels 9 and 10 had their news choppers circling overhead. Claire is currently the Media Advisor at The Hills Shire Council where she works closely with the Mayor and Councillors. Her day can include speech writing, publicity liaison for special interviews and taking photos of the mayor’s visit to a special event. No two days are the same. Claire hopes to become a communications manager at a major inner-city council (e.g. Sydney County Council). She is adding to her qualifications by completing a Diploma of Management. Going to the UK as part of our District 9680’s GSE team has presented her with a wonderful opportunity. Other members of the team are Louise Schwarzkopff (Sydney Morning Herald), Louise Holman (rural reporter with the ABC), and Stephen Spierings (sports editor with the Hills News). The team leader is Mark Wallace editor of Rotary Down Under. Claire concluded by thanking Rotary for giving her the opportunity to participate in the GSE program. th Claire also promoted the Trivia fundraiser for GSE to be held at the Sydney Tattersall’s Club on Friday 30 March. Penny Hill proposed a vote of thanks. The brand new Sydney Greater West Entertainment™ Books are here Rotary Club of The Hills-Kellyville Inc is pleased to be selling the Entertainment Book to help raise funds. Books will be available from early April. If have any queries, please contact Greg Rieper on 0400 998 790 or email Entertainment™ Books feature many of the area's best restaurants, cafes, accommodation, attractions and activities, with up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers! Purchase the new Book for just $65 and you’ll receive over $15,000 in valuable offers you can use from now until 1st June, 2013. Available from early-April 2012, the Books are sold exclusively by fund-raising organisations. When you purchase a Book, you'll be helping community fund-raising! Find out The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start. Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153
  • 5. Page 5 Rotary Foundation Thought for the Week This week’s Rotary Foundation Thought is about Matching Grants Matching Grants are an ideal method of boosting funds made available to humanitarian projects. Club and Rotarian contributions are matched 50% and District Designated Funds (DDF) are matched 100%. A minimum Matching Grant will have an overall budget of about $12,500 and can go up to almost $500,000. The Rotary Club of Carlingford partnered with the RC Davis, D3150 USA and RC Ho, D9100 Ghana to amalgamate funds for a Matching Grant to provide clean drinking water to 9 villages in the Volta region, Ghana. With $2,000 from Carlingford, $200 from Ho and $25,000 from Davis plus DDF of $15,000 from the USA and $2,000 from D9680 the Rotary Foundation matched $30,600 for a total budget of $74,800. The Matching Grant multiplier effect can deliver remarkable lifesaving projects. Weekly Toast - Overseas Club This week we toast the Rotary Club of rd Trinconmalee, Sri Lanka, chartered on 3 May 1979. No-one can say that this Club is not flexible – due to an electricity failure, they had their last weekly meeting in front of their Rotary Building. Well done fellows for not letting things get in the way of your meeting. Rotary Australia World Community Service Ltd Rotary Australia World Community Service Ltd (RAWCS) is the Australian arm of Rotary International that assists Rotary Clubs with the development and management of international community service projects. Whether it's projects to help rebuild in the aftermath of disaster, programs to bring education to countries where illiteracy stifles development or bringing health care and medical aid to those who can least access it, RAWCS so often has a hand in helping the world stand on its feet. RAWCS supports Rotary Clubs in sending teams of volunteers to developing countries to provide assistance upon the development of much needed facilities, especially within the health and education areas. Advice, assistance and training in building, construction and commercial operations (for example, assistance in obtaining microfinance) are are also provided by RAWCS to support developing communities in establishing themselves. What Has RAWCS Achieved?  Established medical, dental and general health  Established care homes for the elderly facilities across second and third world countries  Brought literacy programs to villages  Brought clean water to villages  Provided AIDS education programs  Helped street children into homes and education  Established vocational education training programs  Protected thousands against malaria  Constructed staff accommodation to bring volunteers  Provided shelter for those left homeless after and professionals into remote regions needing tragedies assistance  Transported medical equipment to remote regions  Helped provide critical post-natal care for mothers  Provided microfinance to poverty-struck communities and babies The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start. Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153
  • 6. Page 6 Club Members Dan Murphy Roster Name Classification Saturday 24 March 2012 Ray Campbell PP,PHF Education - Secondary PE Bobby Redman Thomas Cann PHF Landscape Supplies Rtn Michael Griscti Col Davis Accounting Taxation Russ Evans PP,PHF Finance Henry Grech PP Legal Practice Saturday 31 March 2012 Michael Griscti PHF Lighting Technician PP Ian Pearce Penny Hill PHF Customer Service Manager Rtn Paul Hasslam Alan Jones PP,PHF Marketing Consultancy WHAT AM I UP TO NOW Bob Low PHF Electrical Distribution Robert Mackey PP,PHF Construction Services Ian Pascoe PP Gas Fitting 2nd Apr PP Keith Stapley Bruce Pike Nursery Retail 16th Apr PP Jim Sifonios Suresh Prasad PP Sugar Research 23rd Apr PP Haran Ramachandran 30th Apr PP Greg Rieper Haran Ramachandran PP,PHF Computer Support Bobby Redman Psychology Michael Richardson Honorary Member Duty Roster Greg Rieper PP,PHF Consultancy Monday 02 April 2012 Graeme Rohan PP,PHF Petroleum Distribution Gordon Scoble PP,PHF Education Primary Door PP Ray Campbell Jim Sifonios PP,PHF Product Development Minutes PP Keith Stapley Keith Stapley PP,PHF Photogrammetry Rotary Grace PP Alan Walker Rod Tilden PP,PHF Window Furnishing Sales Alex Traill PP,PHF Building & Maintenance Joke of the Day Impossible to Please Wilf Van Emmerik PP,PHF Specialised Transport Allan Walker PP Funeral Direction A group of girlfriends is on vacation when they see a 5- Glenn Willcox PP Project Estimating story hotel with a sign that reads: "For Women Only." P – President PP - Past President PHF - Paul Harris Fellow Since they are without their boyfriends and husbands, they decide to go in. Club Calendar The bouncer, a very attractive guy, explains to them how it works. "We have 5 floors. Go up floor by floor, and once you find what you are looking for, you can stay there. It's easy to decide since each floor has a sign telling you what's inside." So they start going up and on the first floor the sign reads: "All the men on this floor are short and plain." The friends laugh and without hesitation move on to the next floor. The sign on the second floor reads: "All the men here are short and handsome." Still, this isn't good enough, so the friends continue on up. They reach the third floor and the sign reads: "All the men here are tall and plain." They still want to do better, and so, knowing there are still two floors left, they continued on up. On the fourth floor, the sign is perfect: "All the men here are tall and handsome." The women get all excited and are going in when they realize that there is Note: Apologies must be in to PP Graeme still one floor left. Wondering what they are missing, Rohan by 12pm on Mondays so numbers they head on up to the fifth floor. can be confirmed for dinner. There they find a sign that reads: "There are no men here. This floor was built only to prove that there is no way to please a woman." The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start. Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153