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You must do the right things in the right order to get high search engine rankings. Follow the tips in
this checklist to make sure that your website gets the highest possible rankings.

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“Small Business Marketing Help © 2011”
          Big Picture Introduction -- Prepare To Succeed
This Website promotion checklist is intended to serve as a frame for those just getting
their feet wet in the website promotion activities. It will cover everything from pre‐SEO
tips, on/off site optimization, tracking and more.

 I understand….
 - One step at a time is do-able
 - I will reach humps along the way and beat them.

While this is not a technical guide, the goal of this guide it is to provide DO IT YOUR SELF
website owners’ with the information they need to
begin their own website promotion journey with a
little more confidence.
                                                              I have completed these tasks…

                                                                                Join WPH! Facebook Page.
                                                                                Follow “WPH! Twitter”
      Step-by-step instructions                                                 Subscribe to WPH! RSS

You must do the right things in the right order to get
high search engine rankings. Follow the tips in this
checklist to make sure that your website gets the highest possible rankings.

Before you start

Step 1: Find the best keywords

Step 2: Optimize your web pages

Step 3: Optimize your inbound links

Step 4: Submit your website


Checklist (what you should have done)


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          Before You Start
 Before you begin to promote your website, you need to decide what it is you want your
  site to accomplish. You must establish what your internet marketing strategy will be.
There are two basic kinds of users on the web, those interested in researching a topic
 and shoppers who have finished their research and are ready to act. Your site should be
     built to satisfy whichever of these types of searchers you are looking to attract.

       Determine before you begin if you are going to be selling something or if
        you are going to be providing information. Knowing your niche is critical to the
        success of your website promotion journey.

Know who your audience will be and who you want to target. Researchers have different
needs than shoppers and it can be tricky to target both. Your target audience will
determine your site focus.

1-The goal of the website has to be clearly defined and obvious on every page.

Check out this image from the WPH! website:

One of the site’s goals is to get visitors to subscribe to mailing list; the form box is
featured on home page, while image call‐to‐action are present to remind the visitor what
they will get (the site’s intent.)

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                    An interesting tool and useful tool that can help you make sure your
                        business is customer-centric not "you-centric" is the We We
                   Calculator. It checks your content and gives you a score that compares
                    how much you talk about yourself to how much you talk about your
                                     customers and meeting their needs.

Once you have determined what your site is going to be about and who it's going to target,
you need to

2-Analyze your competition. How are they accomplishing their goals, can you improve
on what they are doing, and can you offer something more? What is going to set you apart
from them, and more importantly, put you above them?

Consider business factors when deciding who your true competition is

Sure, the target audience might be the same, but that doesn’t mean they are a direct
competitor to your site. For instance, let’s say you run a small site for your local travel
agency. You could say tripadvisor is one of your competitors, since they also provide travel

Your local travel agency will never be able to compete against tripadvisor in terms of
marketing budget, brand recognition and online presence. And that’s ok! Don’t try to beat
tripadvisor. Focus on beating the other travel agencies across town. They are competing in
the same geographic region for the same foot traffic you are. That is your competition!

                                      The following sites can provide
                                      you with all the data you need,
                                      but you need a human brain to
                                          digest and process the
                                      information so it can be useful.

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     is powered by and gives you an overview of your site. It’s great for
        measuring the inbound marketing effectiveness of a site.

     provides you with intelligent data about your competitors’ sites: check out what keywords
        they are ranking for, their various traffic sources, even their ad spending.

     is used for pay‐per‐click (PPC) advertising and lets you know the cost of certain keywords.

     can give you a good estimate of how much traffic a site is getting.

        3-Site structure and navigation

You want to make it easy for someone to do business with you. Your site structure
should lead visitors done a predetermined path of conversion. A website’s goals should be
well reflected in the site design and structure. If your goal is to sell a product, make it
evident from the home page.

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          Step 1: Find the best keywords
       The basics: Why is it important to invest some time to find the best keywords?

Keywords are the words that web surfers enter in search engines to find websites. It's
pointless to optimize your web pages for keywords that nobody uses in the search

For a successful online marketing campaign, you must target the right keywords. The
keywords you use should be relevant for your website and web surfers should be searching
for your keywords.

If you target the wrong keywords, your website promotion efforts will be in vain and you
will waste a lot of time and money.

Here is the critical part: the keywords have to be directly relevant to the content on that
page. This can be the hardest thing to do well. Let’s take a look at the SEO Pack!

The keywords for this page are “seo pack”, “affordable SEO”, “SEO service” and
“affordable SEO service.”

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Keyword research isn’t about what your site does; it’s about what that individual page
does. Remember, search engine rank individual pages, not entire sites. Your page has to
match the user’s search to get pulled.

                                  Details about the different
                               keyword types can be discussed

       Tips: Which keywords are good keywords?

There are three different keyword types:

            keywords for browsing
            keywords for comparing
            keywords for buying.
Keywords for comparing are usually the keywords that work best for search engine
optimization. People who use that keyword type are looking for a solution to their problem
and they are ready to buy. To get best results with your search engine optimization efforts,
you should concentrate on that keyword type.

Most people use a two to four word phrase in a search (Long‐tail keywords ), so phrases
are very effective. Single words cannot be promoted effectively because they are not very
targeted. Internet users who use four-word searches are more likely to purchase goods
or services than those using fewer words (source: Oneupweb Research).

Keyword Competition

The broader a keyword is (shoes, cat, software, etc) the more competition there is for it.
There are plenty of companies who have been at it a lot longer than you and they don’t
intend on letting go of their rank.

                                Volume and Competition! How to
                               decide what’s a reasonable keyword
                                     You can read more here

The goal of keyword research is to find the mid range keywords, where there isn’t too
much competition but still a healthy search volume. A site should have a good mix of
broad, mid range and long‐tail keywords to make sure they are ideally optimized for any
user’s search.

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       Warning: What can happen if you target the wrong keywords?

If you target the wrong keywords, you will lose time and money.

You will invest a lot of time/money in optimizing your web pages for keywords for which
your website cannot get high rankings at the moment.

Or you will invest a lot of time/money in optimizing your web pages for keywords that
don't convert to sales.

It is very important that you choose the right keywords that lead to high search engine
rankings and sales. Make sure that you choose the correct keyword type.


One word keywords are not very effective because they are not very
                                                                                                        I know that
targeted. In addition, the competition for these keywords is very high
and it is very difficult to get good rankings for them.

Web surfers might not use the keywords you expect. For example,
                                                                                                        I know that
people searching for "web design" might actually enter "graphic
designer" as the keyword. It is important to find the keywords that
potential customers really use.

Internet users who use four-word searches are more likely to purchase
                                                                                                        I know that
goods or services than those using fewer words (source: Oneupweb

       Action plan: What you should do now

        o     Go to Google free Adword to get estimate for keywords demand and supply
        o     Prepare list of 30-40 related keywords to your business ( keywords that have
        high search volume with medium-low supply)
        o     Start writing articles about those keywords that provide your clients valuable

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          Step 2: Optimize your web pages
       The basics: Why is it important to optimize your web pages?

By optimizing your web pages, you tell search engines for which keywords you want to be

If you do not optimize your web pages, then search engines won't list your website or they
will list it for the wrong keywords.

Optimizing your web pages makes sure that your website can get high rankings for the
keywords of your choice.

       Tips: How to optimize your web pages

High rankings on Google and other search engines are the result of optimized web page
content and good incoming links. Start with optimizing your web page content.

By optimizing your web page content, you tell search engines for which keywords you want
to be found. Search engines can only give your web page a high ranking for a certain
keyword if your web page is relevant to that keyword. Make sure that your web pages
don't have major HTML code errors that prevent search engines from indexing your site.

Onsite optimization is all about going through each page of your website and
incorporating your selected keywords. The following is a list of website components
that need to be optimized for SEO:

Meta Title Tag: Max 70 characters (including space.). The Meta title tag summarizes the
content on the page. You’ll also notice the Meta title tag at the top of the webpage when it
is opened.

Meta Description: Max 150 characters (including spaces). The Meta description is a
unique description on the page. This is what is going to convince someone to click through
to your site.

Meta Keywords: These are the 2‐5 keywords you have selected for each page. If you
right click on a webpage, you’ll see the option to “VIEW PAGE SOURCE.” Here you will
see the code for your webpage.

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 This is something that can be changed with your web design tools. You’ll list the Meta
keywords here. The order of keywords matters, with the most important being listed first.
This denotes significance to the search engines.

H1 Tag: The headline of your page. It should incorporate the most important keyword.
H2/H3/H4 tags and so on refer to the subheadings of your page.

• URL Structure : The URL structure should be used to describe the page. Avoid using
lengthy URLS or choosing generic names like “page1.html.” Don’t stuff your URLs with
excessive keywords (ex: search‐engine‐optmization‐SEO‐searchengineoptimization) as this
looks spammy

Image Tags: Also known as alt text, this is what you see when your cursor comes to rest
on an image. Since the search spiders can’t see images, just text, incorporating an image
tag allows that image to show up in the search results. This is especially useful for
e‐commerce sites. It is also good in case the visitor’s browser is having a hard time loading
the image. They still know what was supposed to be there.

• XML Sitemap: This is the last thing you should do to complete onsite
optimization. XML sitemaps allow search spiders to crawl and index every page on your
site. Once you have installed a root directory, check out http://www.xml‐

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Check out the Google Webmaster Guidelines for further instructions on submitting your

Each page should be treated as a possible entryway to your website. Most website
owners spend a lot of time on their homepage to the neglect of internal pages. If you do
your SEO right, each page should be able to deliver traffic to your site. Remember, search
engines look at individual pages, not websites as a whole!

           You should optimize at least six different pages of your website for different but
            related keywords (the keywords that you found in step 1). Do not optimize the
                       same page for more than one or two keyword phrases.

       Warning: What can happen if you do not optimize your web pages?

If you do not optimize your web pages then search engines might not be able to index your
pages. In addition, search engines might not be able to find out what your web pages are

If you optimize only one web page of your site then it will be very difficult to get high
search engine rankings. Search engines take your complete website into account. If you
have many web pages that are optimized for different but related keywords than search
engines will think that your web pages are relevant to a certain topic.

   Relevant web pages get better search engine rankings. For that reason, you
  should optimize as many pages as possible for different but related keywords.

Some HTML errors can prevent search engines from indexing your web pages. If your web
pages have such an HTML error, you won't get listed on search engines because search
engines cannot index your pages. For that reason, it is also important to check the HTML
code of your pages.

       Action plan: What you should do now

You should optimize every page of your website according to the above guidelines

Prepare list of your current website page’s and the new pages according to new keywords
from step 1

Make a plan and start to optimize page after page, don’t try to do optimization for all
pages in the same time

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          Step 3: Optimize your inbound links

       The basics: Why are inbound links important?

Links are one of the most important factors for high search engine rankings. It is
not possible to get high search engine rankings without good incoming links!

The idea behind this concept is that search engines think that your website must be
important if many other websites link to your site. The more other websites link to your
website, the higher your search engine rankings will be.

If more than one website has been optimized for the same keyword (see step 2) then the
page with the best incoming links will get the highest search engine rankings.

       Tips: How to optimize your inbound links

High rankings on Google and other search engines are the result of optimized web page
content and good incoming links. You need both to get high search engine rankings.

The number of links alone is not enough to improve your search engine rankings. It is also
important that the other websites are related to your website. If the links to your
website include your important keywords in the link text, then it's easier to get high
rankings for these keywords.

If the links to your site include your keywords, then search engines will think that your
website must be relevant for these keywords.

The goal of link building is to grow links from many different (yet relevant!) sites
over a period of time. Doing too much or too little link building will actually hurt your
website and SEO efforts. Too much link building looks suspicious to the search
engines. How did one site get 10,000 links in a month without employing some black hat
SEO tricks to make it happen? Too little link building means it is not bringing any value to
your site.

The first step in link building is to conduct a link audit. You want to run a link audit
on your site, as well as your top 10 competitors. This will give you a good baseline to work
from. You’ll see how much (if any) link building your competitors have done, and you’ll be
able to make sure there aren’t any “bad sites” (porn, gambling, alcohol, etc) pointing
towards you. Search engines look at where your one‐way links are coming from and these
“bad sites” can negatively impact your ranking.

You can use Google Webmaster Tools to analyze your own site if you have signed up for
the free tool (which every website owner should).

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    Link building is all about placing your website into areas online that provide good, quality
                          links AND can help generate visitors to your site.

Seek to build your website as an “authority” in your industry! Link building should just fall
in line with the rest of your online marketing activities.

Here are the numerous different promotion channels/link building activities
available to website owners:

•        Article Marketing

         Article marketing includes writing for other sites as well as publishing a company
         blog and newsletter.
         Write helpful articles and submit them to online article directories, or guest write for
         other industry websites and blogs. This can help get your company name in more
         places, as well as establish you as an expert in your field.
         Practice Tip: make it good. The Google Panda update declared war on content
         farms (site that churn out spammy, low quality articles purely written for links) and
         a lot of article directory sites took a hit.
         You have to be writing quality content that actually interests your audience. Articles
         should always be informative and not used as a way to sell your product/services.
         Feel free to include an author’s bio with a few links and anchor text pointing back at
         you main site.

•        Document Sharing

         If you have a few old whitepapers, PowerPoint presentations or transcribed
         speeches, these make great content to share on document sharing sites like
         Scribd, DocShare, .doctoc and SlideShare.

•        Video Marketing

         Video marketing is inexpensive and easy. Your online video doesn’t have to be a
         fantasy to be useful. Take a tour of your company’s office, interview various staff
         members, provide product demonstrations, etc. Videos only need to be 30 seconds
         to a few minutes to serve their purpose.
         Any videos that are much longer than that risk losing viewers attention.
         Practice Tip: optimize each video’s description to help it rank in the search
         engines, as well as be found by viewers on sites like YouTube, MetaCafe, Vimeo and

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•       Social Networking/bookmarking

        Create profiles for your business and active users on some of the top social
        networking sites like Facebook, Twitter LinkedIn etc. There are dozens, if not
        hundreds of social networking sites available.
        It will take time to figure out which profiles are useful for your business.
        With social search gaining importance in the search engine ranking system, it’s not
        enough to just have social networking profiles. You have to actually use them!
        Google’s RealTime updates show how much a brand is being talked about online; the
        more active you are the better.

•       Blog/forum Comments

        Research highly relevant blogs that relate to you industry, customers and business
        and leave appropriate comments. This doesn’t mean you find a blog and drop one of
        those “OMG! This is exactly the info I needed, thnx!” comments you see clogging the

        Practice Tip: actually contribute to the conversation.

        Take the time and actually read the blog! Focus your comment on one of the main
        points raised by the author. It’s very obvious when someone didn’t actually read the
        post and their comment is way off base.
        It doesn’t do anything to help build your reputation. In every possible case, actually
        use a human name to leave the comment.
        This is a good faith measure with the blog writer, as people don’t intentionally spam
        blogs like an automated computer program does.
        Aim for a minimum of three sentences, as it shows that you put some thought
        into it. If you get flagged as a spammer, you lose the opportunity to ever comment
        on that blog again, no matter how much effort you put into leaving comments the
        second time around.

•       Directory Submission

        Submit your website to quality online directories like Yahoo! Directory, dmoz and There are hundreds of general directory sites that you can submit
        your website to. Most allow for a short bio as well as the link, so it’s one more place
        to put a company phone number and go after targeted keywords. Also investigate
        industry specific online directories!
        Submit to directories that are US based and receive a good amount of traffic
        and DoFollow PR3+.

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 will tell you where the site is listed and can give you an idea of how much
        traffic the directory gets

•       Local Profiles

        More and more users are looking at local search profiles when conducting a search,
        especially if they are searching from a mobile device. These individual profiles can
        individually rank, increasing your presence in the SERP (search engine results page).
        You should create local search profiles for your business at the following places and

        •        Google Places
        •        Yahoo! Local
        •        Bing
        •        Yelp
        •        CitySearch

        Practice Tip: Fill out these local search profiles as completely as possible. If
        you’re allowed to upload video or photos, do it. Give you complete address and
        phone number every chance possible! The more information you include the more
        weight that profile has with the search engines.
        Local search profiles also provide a place for customers to review your business.
        Keep an eye on these as a few bad reviews can do severe damage to your foot
        traffic! Don’t create fake profiles and review your own business. People
        realize when a company has done this and it devalues your brand.

•       Industry Associations

        While this can be expensive, joining industry associations has its own benefits.
        Becoming a member of your local Chamber of Commerce or other industry
        associations adds credibility to your website and legitimizes your business. Most
        industry sites link back to their members, so it might help drive some traffic as well.

•       Natural Links

        As you promote your website and build your authority as a leader in your industry
        through quality content, you will see one‐way links develop naturally over time.
        They will come from your articles being used as sources, when your posts on

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          Facebook are shared by Fans, as press releases are picked up by media sources and
          so on. Consider these natural links the bonus for all your link building efforts.

•         Online Publicity

          Write extraordinary press releases and distribute them online using services* such
          PRWeb         PRLeap       BusinessWire
          Press releases should be at least 350‐400 words. You can include anchor text and
          full links in the body of the press release.

      Link building efforts should be SCHEDULED with up to 10‐20 different tasks each month for
    12 months! Link building is an ongoing process and creating a link building schedule will help you
      keep track of what you’ve done and where you are lacking. You want to take a diversified
     approach to your link building. That means you don’t do all your directory submissions one
month, video marketing the next and so on. Search engines like to see a broad sweep of activities.
     It feeds into the trust factor‐you are taking your time with your link building, aren’t focusing on
               one thing and are employing white hat SEO techniques to get the job done.

         Warning: What can happen if you do not build inbound links?

It is impossible to get high rankings on Google or other major search engines without good
inbound links. It is absolutely crucial to the success of your website that you work on the
inbound links to your site.

Inbound links are extremely important for modern search engines. You cannot get high
search engine rankings without good inbound links.

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Good inbound links are very important if you want to get high search
                                                                                                        I know that
engine rankings.

It is difficult to get high search engine rankings for a web page with
                                                                                                        I know that
optimized content that does not have good inbound links.

It is difficult to get high search engine rankings for a web page with good
                                                                                                        I know that
inbound links that does not have optimized content.

Links from related websites that contain your keywords will increase the
                                                                                                        I know that
ranking of your website on search engines.

Links from automated linking schemes and FFA (free for all) link pages
                                                                                                        I know that
won't help your rankings because search engines can detect them.

Links from your website to websites with a bad reputation (spam sites,
                                                                                                        I know that
linking schemes, etc.) can hurt your search engine rankings.

The PageRank number that Google displays in the Google toolbar is often
                                                                                                        I know that
outdated. If you see a website that seems to have a high quality and
that is related to your website then it's okay to exchange links, no matter
what the displayed PageRank is.

       Action plan: What you should do now

Submit your website to the above places and it will increase your search engine rankings.

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              Step 4: Submit your website
The basics: Why should you submit your website?

By submitting your website to search engines you invite search engines to visit your
website. You ask search engines to take a look at your pages.

       Tips: How to submit your site correctly

WPH allows you to submit your website to search engines, Internet directories and special
interest sites. Only submit your website to the correct categories in Internet directories
and only submit your website to a special interest site if the site matches the topic of your

Do not submit your website if you don't have your own domain name or if your domain
name is only a redirection to another domain. Do not submit multiple domains that lead to
the same web space.

       Warning: What can happen if you do not submit your site correctly?

                           Do Not Submit Your Site to All Search Engines

When you submit your website to search engines, you invite search engine spiders to visit
your web pages. That does not mean that your website will get high search engine

                          If you did not optimize your web pages, it's pointless to
                        submit your website to search engines. You won't get high
                         rankings if your web pages are not search engine ready.

If you don't use your own domain name or if your website is hosted by an unreliable web
host then it is likely that your website will not be listed on search engines. If the submitted
website URL is only a redirection or a welcome page then it's also likely that search
engines won't index your website.

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It is enough to submit only the index page of your web site because
                                                                                                        I know that
search engines will find all other pages of your website through the links
on your site. Do not submit all pages of your website.

The moment a search engine spider visits your website is not the
                                                                                                        I know that
moment your website is added to the search engine index. It's only the
moment in which the search engine takes a look at your site.

It takes some time until search engines show your new pages in the
                                                                                                        I know that
index. Search engine spiders have to visit your web pages, they have to
scan the web pages, they have to evaluate your web pages and they
have to add your web pages to the index. If your website has many
inbound links, search engines will index your website faster.

If you submit an unoptimized website then you won't get high rankings.
                                                                                                        I know that

Only submit your website to Internet directories and special interest sites
                                                                                                        I know that
that are related to your website. Anything else might be considered

       Action plan: What you should do now

        Make sure that you have optimized web pages before you submit your website.

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How do you measure the success of your SEO efforts? If you are the marketing manager
for your company, chances are someone is pushing you
to prove a return on investment (ROI), so how do you
measure promotion ROI?                                         Google Analytics also tracks
                                                                                    what keywords and keyword
                                                                                    phrases led visitors to your site.
You can look at a few things: leads, sales, conversion
                                                                                    This lets you know if you missed
ratio and the number of visitors to the site to start..
                                                                                    the mark with your keyword
Google Analytics is a must for all websites! This free                              research.
tool can help you track how your web traffic interacts
with your website. This is incredibly important to
understand because this information will help you decide what tweaks you need to make to
your                                                               website to better
position it.

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              Checklist: What you should have done
        Make sure that you can tick all of the following boxes:


Have you focused on keywords that consist of two to four words?

Have you focused on keywords that will bring you targeted visitors instead of keywords with a high
search volume?

Have you avoided keywords that consist of only one word?

Are your keywords so targeted that it is very likely that they'll attract visitors that are interested in
your products?

Do you know which keywords potential customers use to find websites that are similar to yours?

Do you know the three different keyword types?

Can you tick all boxes? Great! You can now proceed with the next search engine optimization step.

Don't cheat yourself. If you want to get the best results for your website, you really should be able to tick all
boxes before you proceed.

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Does your website consist of at least 5-15 individual web pages?

Does each of these web pages contain at least 200 words of visible text?

Do your web pages contain so much text content that it is easy for web surfers and search engines to
find out what your web site is all about?

Are your web pages linked so that search engines and web surfers can find all web pages of your
website through the links on other pages of your site?

Does your website navigation use links that search engines can follow? Flash links and JavaScript links
can cause problems.

Do you have optimized at least six of your web pages for your keywords? Each web page should not
be optimized for more than one or two keywords or key phrases.

Have you made sure that the HTML code of your web pages is valid so that search engines don't have
difficulty when they try to index your website?

Have you removed frames wherever possible on your website? It is very difficult to get high search
engine rankings with a website that uses frames.

Have you made sure that you don't use a welcome page or intro page on your website? Many search
engines won't be able to index your site if you use such a page.

Do you use as few Flash elements as possible? Search engines cannot index them properly.

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Have you made sure that your website URLs don't use special characters or too many variables?
Search engines have difficulty with web page URLs that contain many variables.

Do your web pages look attractive to human web surfers although they are optimized for search

Would you prefer your website over a competitor website if you were a web surfer who is not
affiliated with you?

Does your website have its own domain name and is it hosted on a fast and reliable web server?

Have you made sure that your web pages don't contain spam elements (hidden text, cloaking or other
shady tricks)?

Do you have an "OK" for all factors in the Top 10 Optimizer report?


Do the links from other websites to your website contain your keywords in the link text?

Have you used WPH's to submit your site to Internet directories?

Have use used WPH's to build inbound links to your site?

Do you get an "OK" for all aspects in WPH's Top 10 Optimizer report?

Can you tick all boxes? Great! You can now proceed with the next search engine optimization step.

Don't cheat yourself. If you want to get the best results for your website, you really should be able to tick all
boxes before you proceed.

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                                                        Page 23
“Small Business Marketing Help © 2011”

4-submit your website:

Does your website have its own domain name?

Have you made sure that your website URL is not just a redirection to another URL? Many search
engines won't index redirections.

Is your website hosted on a fast and reliable web server? Search engines might not index your website
if your server is too slow of if it is down when the search engine visits your pages.

Have you made sure that your website is not hosted on a free server? Many search engines don't
index websites that are hosted on free hosting services because they often contain spam.

Have you made sure that your website URL doesn't contain special characters?

Can you tick all boxes? Great!

Don't cheat yourself. If you want to get the best results for your website, you really should be able to tick all
boxes before you proceed.

If you follow the steps described in this checklist then your website will get the best possible rankings on Google
and other search engines.

If you have a new website then it will take some time until search engines permanently list your site. Most
search engines have filters for newly created websites to avoid spam problems.

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                                                        Page 24
“Small Business Marketing Help © 2011”

               Website Promotion Resources

In a nutshell, website promotion is an on‐going process. The Internet is constantly
growing, with new pages being added and new technology being adapted every day. The
definition and critical components of SEO have changed as the way we use the Internet
has changed. And I fully expect the industry to keep evolving and keep adapting as time
goes by.

I hope this website promotion guide shed some light on a few of your questions and
concerns, and gave you a clearer picture of what website promotion really entails. It’s not
all black hat practitioners out to spam your inbox and flood your search results with low
quality content.

Here are some recommended resources:

•       Google Webmaster Guidelines
•       Bing Webmaster Guidelines/Tools
•       Google SEO Information

For Keywords
•       Google Keyword Tool

For Content Creation
•                 (This is not free, it cost around 10$/month and $8-

For Ranking Reports

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 (WPH!) Services

                                  Your Website Promotion Plan

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Website Promotion Plan

  • 1. WEBSITE PROMOTION PLAN A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO PROMOT YOUR WEBSITE You must do the right things in the right order to get high search engine rankings. Follow the tips in this checklist to make sure that your website gets the highest possible rankings.
  • 2. WEBSITE PROMOTION PLAN A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO PROMOT YOUR WEBSITE NOTICE: You Have the Right To Reprint or Give Away this Report If You Keep It Unchanged 2011 Copyright Yasser Khodier ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express written, dated and signed permission from the author. Disclaimer. This disclaimer pertains only to the information contained in The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by and whilst we endeavor to keep the information up-to-date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use of this website. Through this website you are able to link to other websites which are not under the control of We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them. Every effort is made to keep the website up and running smoothly. However, takes no responsibility for and will not be liable for the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond our control. . 1
  • 3. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” Big Picture Introduction -- Prepare To Succeed This Website promotion checklist is intended to serve as a frame for those just getting their feet wet in the website promotion activities. It will cover everything from pre‐SEO tips, on/off site optimization, tracking and more. I understand…. - One step at a time is do-able - I will reach humps along the way and beat them. While this is not a technical guide, the goal of this guide it is to provide DO IT YOUR SELF website owners’ with the information they need to begin their own website promotion journey with a little more confidence. I have completed these tasks…  Join WPH! Facebook Page.  Follow “WPH! Twitter” Step-by-step instructions  Subscribe to WPH! RSS You must do the right things in the right order to get high search engine rankings. Follow the tips in this checklist to make sure that your website gets the highest possible rankings. Before you start Step 1: Find the best keywords Step 2: Optimize your web pages Step 3: Optimize your inbound links Step 4: Submit your website Measurability Checklist (what you should have done) Resources © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 2
  • 4. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” Before You Start Before you begin to promote your website, you need to decide what it is you want your site to accomplish. You must establish what your internet marketing strategy will be. There are two basic kinds of users on the web, those interested in researching a topic and shoppers who have finished their research and are ready to act. Your site should be built to satisfy whichever of these types of searchers you are looking to attract.  Determine before you begin if you are going to be selling something or if you are going to be providing information. Knowing your niche is critical to the success of your website promotion journey. Know who your audience will be and who you want to target. Researchers have different needs than shoppers and it can be tricky to target both. Your target audience will determine your site focus. 1-The goal of the website has to be clearly defined and obvious on every page. Check out this image from the WPH! website: One of the site’s goals is to get visitors to subscribe to mailing list; the form box is featured on home page, while image call‐to‐action are present to remind the visitor what they will get (the site’s intent.) © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 3
  • 5. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” An interesting tool and useful tool that can help you make sure your business is customer-centric not "you-centric" is the We We Calculator. It checks your content and gives you a score that compares how much you talk about yourself to how much you talk about your customers and meeting their needs. Once you have determined what your site is going to be about and who it's going to target, you need to 2-Analyze your competition. How are they accomplishing their goals, can you improve on what they are doing, and can you offer something more? What is going to set you apart from them, and more importantly, put you above them? Consider business factors when deciding who your true competition is Sure, the target audience might be the same, but that doesn’t mean they are a direct competitor to your site. For instance, let’s say you run a small site for your local travel agency. You could say tripadvisor is one of your competitors, since they also provide travel service. Your local travel agency will never be able to compete against tripadvisor in terms of marketing budget, brand recognition and online presence. And that’s ok! Don’t try to beat tripadvisor. Focus on beating the other travel agencies across town. They are competing in the same geographic region for the same foot traffic you are. That is your competition! The following sites can provide you with all the data you need, but you need a human brain to digest and process the information so it can be useful. © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 4
  • 6. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011”  is powered by and gives you an overview of your site. It’s great for measuring the inbound marketing effectiveness of a site.  provides you with intelligent data about your competitors’ sites: check out what keywords they are ranking for, their various traffic sources, even their ad spending.  is used for pay‐per‐click (PPC) advertising and lets you know the cost of certain keywords.  can give you a good estimate of how much traffic a site is getting. 3-Site structure and navigation You want to make it easy for someone to do business with you. Your site structure should lead visitors done a predetermined path of conversion. A website’s goals should be well reflected in the site design and structure. If your goal is to sell a product, make it evident from the home page. © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 5
  • 7. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” Step 1: Find the best keywords  The basics: Why is it important to invest some time to find the best keywords? Keywords are the words that web surfers enter in search engines to find websites. It's pointless to optimize your web pages for keywords that nobody uses in the search engines. For a successful online marketing campaign, you must target the right keywords. The keywords you use should be relevant for your website and web surfers should be searching for your keywords. If you target the wrong keywords, your website promotion efforts will be in vain and you will waste a lot of time and money. Here is the critical part: the keywords have to be directly relevant to the content on that page. This can be the hardest thing to do well. Let’s take a look at the SEO Pack! The keywords for this page are “seo pack”, “affordable SEO”, “SEO service” and “affordable SEO service.” © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 6
  • 8. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” Keyword research isn’t about what your site does; it’s about what that individual page does. Remember, search engine rank individual pages, not entire sites. Your page has to match the user’s search to get pulled. Details about the different keyword types can be discussed here  Tips: Which keywords are good keywords? There are three different keyword types:  keywords for browsing  keywords for comparing  keywords for buying. Keywords for comparing are usually the keywords that work best for search engine optimization. People who use that keyword type are looking for a solution to their problem and they are ready to buy. To get best results with your search engine optimization efforts, you should concentrate on that keyword type. Most people use a two to four word phrase in a search (Long‐tail keywords ), so phrases are very effective. Single words cannot be promoted effectively because they are not very targeted. Internet users who use four-word searches are more likely to purchase goods or services than those using fewer words (source: Oneupweb Research). Keyword Competition The broader a keyword is (shoes, cat, software, etc) the more competition there is for it. There are plenty of companies who have been at it a lot longer than you and they don’t intend on letting go of their rank. Volume and Competition! How to decide what’s a reasonable keyword strategy You can read more here The goal of keyword research is to find the mid range keywords, where there isn’t too much competition but still a healthy search volume. A site should have a good mix of broad, mid range and long‐tail keywords to make sure they are ideally optimized for any user’s search. © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 7
  • 9. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011”  Warning: What can happen if you target the wrong keywords? If you target the wrong keywords, you will lose time and money. You will invest a lot of time/money in optimizing your web pages for keywords for which your website cannot get high rankings at the moment. Or you will invest a lot of time/money in optimizing your web pages for keywords that don't convert to sales. It is very important that you choose the right keywords that lead to high search engine rankings and sales. Make sure that you choose the correct keyword type. Summary: One word keywords are not very effective because they are not very I know that targeted. In addition, the competition for these keywords is very high and it is very difficult to get good rankings for them. Web surfers might not use the keywords you expect. For example, I know that people searching for "web design" might actually enter "graphic designer" as the keyword. It is important to find the keywords that potential customers really use. Internet users who use four-word searches are more likely to purchase I know that goods or services than those using fewer words (source: Oneupweb Research).  Action plan: What you should do now o Go to Google free Adword to get estimate for keywords demand and supply o Prepare list of 30-40 related keywords to your business ( keywords that have high search volume with medium-low supply) o Start writing articles about those keywords that provide your clients valuable information. © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 8
  • 10. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” Step 2: Optimize your web pages  The basics: Why is it important to optimize your web pages? By optimizing your web pages, you tell search engines for which keywords you want to be found. If you do not optimize your web pages, then search engines won't list your website or they will list it for the wrong keywords. Optimizing your web pages makes sure that your website can get high rankings for the keywords of your choice.  Tips: How to optimize your web pages High rankings on Google and other search engines are the result of optimized web page content and good incoming links. Start with optimizing your web page content. By optimizing your web page content, you tell search engines for which keywords you want to be found. Search engines can only give your web page a high ranking for a certain keyword if your web page is relevant to that keyword. Make sure that your web pages don't have major HTML code errors that prevent search engines from indexing your site. Onsite optimization is all about going through each page of your website and incorporating your selected keywords. The following is a list of website components that need to be optimized for SEO: Meta Title Tag: Max 70 characters (including space.). The Meta title tag summarizes the content on the page. You’ll also notice the Meta title tag at the top of the webpage when it is opened. Meta Description: Max 150 characters (including spaces). The Meta description is a unique description on the page. This is what is going to convince someone to click through to your site. Meta Keywords: These are the 2‐5 keywords you have selected for each page. If you right click on a webpage, you’ll see the option to “VIEW PAGE SOURCE.” Here you will see the code for your webpage. © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 9
  • 11. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” This is something that can be changed with your web design tools. You’ll list the Meta keywords here. The order of keywords matters, with the most important being listed first. This denotes significance to the search engines. H1 Tag: The headline of your page. It should incorporate the most important keyword. H2/H3/H4 tags and so on refer to the subheadings of your page. • URL Structure : The URL structure should be used to describe the page. Avoid using lengthy URLS or choosing generic names like “page1.html.” Don’t stuff your URLs with excessive keywords (ex: search‐engine‐optmization‐SEO‐searchengineoptimization) as this looks spammy Image Tags: Also known as alt text, this is what you see when your cursor comes to rest on an image. Since the search spiders can’t see images, just text, incorporating an image tag allows that image to show up in the search results. This is especially useful for e‐commerce sites. It is also good in case the visitor’s browser is having a hard time loading the image. They still know what was supposed to be there. • XML Sitemap: This is the last thing you should do to complete onsite optimization. XML sitemaps allow search spiders to crawl and index every page on your site. Once you have installed a root directory, check out http://www.xml‐ © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 10
  • 12. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” Check out the Google Webmaster Guidelines for further instructions on submitting your sitemap. Each page should be treated as a possible entryway to your website. Most website owners spend a lot of time on their homepage to the neglect of internal pages. If you do your SEO right, each page should be able to deliver traffic to your site. Remember, search engines look at individual pages, not websites as a whole! You should optimize at least six different pages of your website for different but related keywords (the keywords that you found in step 1). Do not optimize the same page for more than one or two keyword phrases.  Warning: What can happen if you do not optimize your web pages? If you do not optimize your web pages then search engines might not be able to index your pages. In addition, search engines might not be able to find out what your web pages are about. If you optimize only one web page of your site then it will be very difficult to get high search engine rankings. Search engines take your complete website into account. If you have many web pages that are optimized for different but related keywords than search engines will think that your web pages are relevant to a certain topic. Relevant web pages get better search engine rankings. For that reason, you should optimize as many pages as possible for different but related keywords. Some HTML errors can prevent search engines from indexing your web pages. If your web pages have such an HTML error, you won't get listed on search engines because search engines cannot index your pages. For that reason, it is also important to check the HTML code of your pages.  Action plan: What you should do now You should optimize every page of your website according to the above guidelines Prepare list of your current website page’s and the new pages according to new keywords from step 1 Make a plan and start to optimize page after page, don’t try to do optimization for all pages in the same time © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 11
  • 13. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” Step 3: Optimize your inbound links  The basics: Why are inbound links important? Links are one of the most important factors for high search engine rankings. It is not possible to get high search engine rankings without good incoming links! The idea behind this concept is that search engines think that your website must be important if many other websites link to your site. The more other websites link to your website, the higher your search engine rankings will be. If more than one website has been optimized for the same keyword (see step 2) then the page with the best incoming links will get the highest search engine rankings.  Tips: How to optimize your inbound links High rankings on Google and other search engines are the result of optimized web page content and good incoming links. You need both to get high search engine rankings. The number of links alone is not enough to improve your search engine rankings. It is also important that the other websites are related to your website. If the links to your website include your important keywords in the link text, then it's easier to get high rankings for these keywords. If the links to your site include your keywords, then search engines will think that your website must be relevant for these keywords. The goal of link building is to grow links from many different (yet relevant!) sites over a period of time. Doing too much or too little link building will actually hurt your website and SEO efforts. Too much link building looks suspicious to the search engines. How did one site get 10,000 links in a month without employing some black hat SEO tricks to make it happen? Too little link building means it is not bringing any value to your site. The first step in link building is to conduct a link audit. You want to run a link audit on your site, as well as your top 10 competitors. This will give you a good baseline to work from. You’ll see how much (if any) link building your competitors have done, and you’ll be able to make sure there aren’t any “bad sites” (porn, gambling, alcohol, etc) pointing towards you. Search engines look at where your one‐way links are coming from and these “bad sites” can negatively impact your ranking. You can use Google Webmaster Tools to analyze your own site if you have signed up for the free tool (which every website owner should). © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 12
  • 14. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” Link building is all about placing your website into areas online that provide good, quality links AND can help generate visitors to your site. Seek to build your website as an “authority” in your industry! Link building should just fall in line with the rest of your online marketing activities. Here are the numerous different promotion channels/link building activities available to website owners: • Article Marketing Article marketing includes writing for other sites as well as publishing a company blog and newsletter. Write helpful articles and submit them to online article directories, or guest write for other industry websites and blogs. This can help get your company name in more places, as well as establish you as an expert in your field. Practice Tip: make it good. The Google Panda update declared war on content farms (site that churn out spammy, low quality articles purely written for links) and a lot of article directory sites took a hit. You have to be writing quality content that actually interests your audience. Articles should always be informative and not used as a way to sell your product/services. Feel free to include an author’s bio with a few links and anchor text pointing back at you main site. • Document Sharing If you have a few old whitepapers, PowerPoint presentations or transcribed speeches, these make great content to share on document sharing sites like Scribd, DocShare, .doctoc and SlideShare. • Video Marketing Video marketing is inexpensive and easy. Your online video doesn’t have to be a fantasy to be useful. Take a tour of your company’s office, interview various staff members, provide product demonstrations, etc. Videos only need to be 30 seconds to a few minutes to serve their purpose. Any videos that are much longer than that risk losing viewers attention. Practice Tip: optimize each video’s description to help it rank in the search engines, as well as be found by viewers on sites like YouTube, MetaCafe, Vimeo and DailyMotion. © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 13
  • 15. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” • Social Networking/bookmarking Create profiles for your business and active users on some of the top social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter LinkedIn etc. There are dozens, if not hundreds of social networking sites available. It will take time to figure out which profiles are useful for your business. With social search gaining importance in the search engine ranking system, it’s not enough to just have social networking profiles. You have to actually use them! Google’s RealTime updates show how much a brand is being talked about online; the more active you are the better. • Blog/forum Comments Research highly relevant blogs that relate to you industry, customers and business and leave appropriate comments. This doesn’t mean you find a blog and drop one of those “OMG! This is exactly the info I needed, thnx!” comments you see clogging the blogosphere. Practice Tip: actually contribute to the conversation. Take the time and actually read the blog! Focus your comment on one of the main points raised by the author. It’s very obvious when someone didn’t actually read the post and their comment is way off base. It doesn’t do anything to help build your reputation. In every possible case, actually use a human name to leave the comment. This is a good faith measure with the blog writer, as people don’t intentionally spam blogs like an automated computer program does. Aim for a minimum of three sentences, as it shows that you put some thought into it. If you get flagged as a spammer, you lose the opportunity to ever comment on that blog again, no matter how much effort you put into leaving comments the second time around. • Directory Submission Submit your website to quality online directories like Yahoo! Directory, dmoz and There are hundreds of general directory sites that you can submit your website to. Most allow for a short bio as well as the link, so it’s one more place to put a company phone number and go after targeted keywords. Also investigate industry specific online directories! Submit to directories that are US based and receive a good amount of traffic and DoFollow PR3+. © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 14
  • 16. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” will tell you where the site is listed and can give you an idea of how much traffic the directory gets • Local Profiles More and more users are looking at local search profiles when conducting a search, especially if they are searching from a mobile device. These individual profiles can individually rank, increasing your presence in the SERP (search engine results page). You should create local search profiles for your business at the following places and more • Google Places • Yahoo! Local • Bing • • Yelp • • • CitySearch • Practice Tip: Fill out these local search profiles as completely as possible. If you’re allowed to upload video or photos, do it. Give you complete address and phone number every chance possible! The more information you include the more weight that profile has with the search engines. Local search profiles also provide a place for customers to review your business. Keep an eye on these as a few bad reviews can do severe damage to your foot traffic! Don’t create fake profiles and review your own business. People realize when a company has done this and it devalues your brand. • Industry Associations While this can be expensive, joining industry associations has its own benefits. Becoming a member of your local Chamber of Commerce or other industry associations adds credibility to your website and legitimizes your business. Most industry sites link back to their members, so it might help drive some traffic as well. • Natural Links As you promote your website and build your authority as a leader in your industry through quality content, you will see one‐way links develop naturally over time. They will come from your articles being used as sources, when your posts on © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 15
  • 17. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” Facebook are shared by Fans, as press releases are picked up by media sources and so on. Consider these natural links the bonus for all your link building efforts. • Online Publicity Write extraordinary press releases and distribute them online using services* such as: PRWeb PRLeap BusinessWire Press releases should be at least 350‐400 words. You can include anchor text and full links in the body of the press release. Link building efforts should be SCHEDULED with up to 10‐20 different tasks each month for 12 months! Link building is an ongoing process and creating a link building schedule will help you keep track of what you’ve done and where you are lacking. You want to take a diversified approach to your link building. That means you don’t do all your directory submissions one month, video marketing the next and so on. Search engines like to see a broad sweep of activities. It feeds into the trust factor‐you are taking your time with your link building, aren’t focusing on one thing and are employing white hat SEO techniques to get the job done.  Warning: What can happen if you do not build inbound links? It is impossible to get high rankings on Google or other major search engines without good inbound links. It is absolutely crucial to the success of your website that you work on the inbound links to your site. Inbound links are extremely important for modern search engines. You cannot get high search engine rankings without good inbound links. © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 16
  • 18. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” Summary: Good inbound links are very important if you want to get high search I know that engine rankings. It is difficult to get high search engine rankings for a web page with I know that optimized content that does not have good inbound links. It is difficult to get high search engine rankings for a web page with good I know that inbound links that does not have optimized content. Links from related websites that contain your keywords will increase the I know that ranking of your website on search engines. Links from automated linking schemes and FFA (free for all) link pages I know that won't help your rankings because search engines can detect them. Links from your website to websites with a bad reputation (spam sites, I know that linking schemes, etc.) can hurt your search engine rankings. The PageRank number that Google displays in the Google toolbar is often I know that outdated. If you see a website that seems to have a high quality and that is related to your website then it's okay to exchange links, no matter what the displayed PageRank is.  Action plan: What you should do now Submit your website to the above places and it will increase your search engine rankings. © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 17
  • 19. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” Step 4: Submit your website The basics: Why should you submit your website? By submitting your website to search engines you invite search engines to visit your website. You ask search engines to take a look at your pages.  Tips: How to submit your site correctly WPH allows you to submit your website to search engines, Internet directories and special interest sites. Only submit your website to the correct categories in Internet directories and only submit your website to a special interest site if the site matches the topic of your website. Do not submit your website if you don't have your own domain name or if your domain name is only a redirection to another domain. Do not submit multiple domains that lead to the same web space.  Warning: What can happen if you do not submit your site correctly? Do Not Submit Your Site to All Search Engines When you submit your website to search engines, you invite search engine spiders to visit your web pages. That does not mean that your website will get high search engine rankings. If you did not optimize your web pages, it's pointless to submit your website to search engines. You won't get high rankings if your web pages are not search engine ready. If you don't use your own domain name or if your website is hosted by an unreliable web host then it is likely that your website will not be listed on search engines. If the submitted website URL is only a redirection or a welcome page then it's also likely that search engines won't index your website. © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 18
  • 20. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” Summary: It is enough to submit only the index page of your web site because I know that search engines will find all other pages of your website through the links on your site. Do not submit all pages of your website. The moment a search engine spider visits your website is not the I know that moment your website is added to the search engine index. It's only the moment in which the search engine takes a look at your site. It takes some time until search engines show your new pages in the I know that index. Search engine spiders have to visit your web pages, they have to scan the web pages, they have to evaluate your web pages and they have to add your web pages to the index. If your website has many inbound links, search engines will index your website faster. If you submit an unoptimized website then you won't get high rankings. I know that Only submit your website to Internet directories and special interest sites I know that that are related to your website. Anything else might be considered spamming.  Action plan: What you should do now Make sure that you have optimized web pages before you submit your website. © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 19
  • 21. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” Measurability How do you measure the success of your SEO efforts? If you are the marketing manager for your company, chances are someone is pushing you to prove a return on investment (ROI), so how do you measure promotion ROI? Google Analytics also tracks what keywords and keyword phrases led visitors to your site. You can look at a few things: leads, sales, conversion This lets you know if you missed ratio and the number of visitors to the site to start.. the mark with your keyword Google Analytics is a must for all websites! This free research. tool can help you track how your web traffic interacts with your website. This is incredibly important to understand because this information will help you decide what tweaks you need to make to your website to better position it. © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 20
  • 22. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” Checklist: What you should have done Make sure that you can tick all of the following boxes: 1-Keywords: Have you focused on keywords that consist of two to four words? yes Have you focused on keywords that will bring you targeted visitors instead of keywords with a high yes search volume? Have you avoided keywords that consist of only one word? yes Are your keywords so targeted that it is very likely that they'll attract visitors that are interested in yes your products? Do you know which keywords potential customers use to find websites that are similar to yours? yes Do you know the three different keyword types? yes Can you tick all boxes? Great! You can now proceed with the next search engine optimization step. Don't cheat yourself. If you want to get the best results for your website, you really should be able to tick all boxes before you proceed. © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 21
  • 23. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” 2-Optimization: Does your website consist of at least 5-15 individual web pages? yes Does each of these web pages contain at least 200 words of visible text? yes Do your web pages contain so much text content that it is easy for web surfers and search engines to yes find out what your web site is all about? Are your web pages linked so that search engines and web surfers can find all web pages of your yes website through the links on other pages of your site? Does your website navigation use links that search engines can follow? Flash links and JavaScript links yes can cause problems. Do you have optimized at least six of your web pages for your keywords? Each web page should not yes be optimized for more than one or two keywords or key phrases. Have you made sure that the HTML code of your web pages is valid so that search engines don't have yes difficulty when they try to index your website? Have you removed frames wherever possible on your website? It is very difficult to get high search yes engine rankings with a website that uses frames. Have you made sure that you don't use a welcome page or intro page on your website? Many search yes engines won't be able to index your site if you use such a page. Do you use as few Flash elements as possible? Search engines cannot index them properly. yes © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 22
  • 24. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” Have you made sure that your website URLs don't use special characters or too many variables? yes Search engines have difficulty with web page URLs that contain many variables. Do your web pages look attractive to human web surfers although they are optimized for search yes engines? Would you prefer your website over a competitor website if you were a web surfer who is not yes affiliated with you? Does your website have its own domain name and is it hosted on a fast and reliable web server? yes Have you made sure that your web pages don't contain spam elements (hidden text, cloaking or other yes shady tricks)? Do you have an "OK" for all factors in the Top 10 Optimizer report? yes 3-Links: Do the links from other websites to your website contain your keywords in the link text? yes Have you used WPH's to submit your site to Internet directories? yes Have use used WPH's to build inbound links to your site? yes Do you get an "OK" for all aspects in WPH's Top 10 Optimizer report? yes Can you tick all boxes? Great! You can now proceed with the next search engine optimization step. Don't cheat yourself. If you want to get the best results for your website, you really should be able to tick all boxes before you proceed. © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 23
  • 25. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” 4-submit your website: Does your website have its own domain name? yes Have you made sure that your website URL is not just a redirection to another URL? Many search yes engines won't index redirections. Is your website hosted on a fast and reliable web server? Search engines might not index your website yes if your server is too slow of if it is down when the search engine visits your pages. Have you made sure that your website is not hosted on a free server? Many search engines don't yes index websites that are hosted on free hosting services because they often contain spam. Have you made sure that your website URL doesn't contain special characters? yes Can you tick all boxes? Great! Don't cheat yourself. If you want to get the best results for your website, you really should be able to tick all boxes before you proceed. If you follow the steps described in this checklist then your website will get the best possible rankings on Google and other search engines. If you have a new website then it will take some time until search engines permanently list your site. Most search engines have filters for newly created websites to avoid spam problems. © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 24
  • 26. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” Website Promotion Resources In a nutshell, website promotion is an on‐going process. The Internet is constantly growing, with new pages being added and new technology being adapted every day. The definition and critical components of SEO have changed as the way we use the Internet has changed. And I fully expect the industry to keep evolving and keep adapting as time goes by. I hope this website promotion guide shed some light on a few of your questions and concerns, and gave you a clearer picture of what website promotion really entails. It’s not all black hat practitioners out to spam your inbox and flood your search results with low quality content. Here are some recommended resources: • Google Webmaster Guidelines • Bing Webmaster Guidelines/Tools • Google SEO Information For Keywords • • Google Keyword Tool For Content Creation • (This is not free, it cost around 10$/month and $8- 15/article) For Ranking Reports © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 25
  • 27. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” (WPH!) Services Your Website Promotion Plan © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 26
  • 28. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 27
  • 29. “Small Business Marketing Help © 2011” © 2011 Yasser Khodier - All Rights Reserved. Page 28