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January 2012
Web Analytics: Marketing Beyond Online
Customer Data
As the volume of customer-related data (transactional, behavioral and
unstructured) continues to grow, marketing organizations are in danger of
becoming increasingly data-rich, but insight-poor. In July and August 2011,
Aberdeen surveyed 176 organizations regarding their use of analytical tools
and processes in marketing campaigns and programs, with 93 of the
responding businesses indicating that they are actively using web analytics to
support their marketing activities. This Analyst Insight will identify how Best-
in-Class companies among those 93 respondents track, measure and use
online customer data to improve their performance in key indicators of
marketing program success. These metrics include marketing's contribution
to company revenue, and the incremental sales lift resulting from marketing
campaigns and programs. The analysis review key factors that help
businesses move beyond simply collecting customer data through their
websites, to using this information as a strategic lever to help marketing
become a truly data-driven function that has quantifiable impact on company
Business Context
The rising and falling tides of economic instability over the past three years
have left many organizations engaged in fierce competition to survive and
thrive. Aberdeen's Q2 2011 Quarterly Business Review study shows that the
top challenges organizations face in meeting their business goals are
economic conditions (39%) and increased competition (36%). These harsh
realities put marketing at the forefront of the organization's drive to make
the business stand out from its competitors, and to maintain and improve its
financial health.
Table 1: Top Pressures Driving Marketing Agendas
All Analytics Users
Pressure to increase the returns from
marketing spend
 52%
Organizational pressure to deliver higher
quality sales leads
 51%
Faster response time to customer activities
required for business impact
 30%
Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011
Analyst Insight
Aberdeen’s Insights provide the
analyst perspective of the
research as drawn from an
aggregated view of the research
surveys, interviews, and
data analysis
Aberdeen’s PACE Methodology
Aberdeen applies a methodology
to benchmark research that
evaluates the business Pressures,
Actions, Capabilities, and
Enablers (PACE) that indicate
corporate behavior in specific
business processes:
√ Pressures — external forces
that impact an organization’s
market position,
competitiveness, or business
√ Actions — the strategic
approaches that an
organization takes in response
to industry pressures.
√ Capabilities — the business
process competencies
(process, organization,
performance and knowledge
management) required to
execute corporate strategy.
√ Enablers — the key
functionality of technology
solutions required to support
the organization’s enabling
business practices.
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© 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897
Aberdeen's October 2011 study, The Marketing Executive's Agenda for 2012,
reflects these rising organizational expectations from marketing. Fifty-one
percent (51%) of all companies surveyed indicated they are holding
marketing accountable for demonstrating quantifiable returns on investment.
Data from Aberdeen's current study shows that 52% of the companies using
analytical tools (e.g. web analytics) to support their marketing programs are
struggling with organizational pressure to demonstrate quantifiable ROI
from their marketing spend, as shown in Table 1. Marketers need to use
online customer data for more than just managing website content--they
must leverage web analytics tools strategically, to improve targeting and
personalization and provide the right messaging / offer(s) at the right time to
each customer, leading to increased returns.
What better way is there to demonstrate the value of marketing besides
correlating marketing programs with selling results? Unsurprisingly, one out
of two companies using analytical tools to support marketing activities
indicated that they expect their marketing departments to deliver higher-
quality leads to support sales reps - see Table 1 above. Marketers are
challenged with using web analytics tools to convert information captured
through the website into high-quality leads for their sales teams. Aberdeen's
December 2011 Sales and Marketing Alignment: The New Power Couple study
affirms this finding; the second top organizational goal after increasing top-
line revenue is improving the quality of leads marketing sends to sales.
Best-in-Class Results
Aberdeen used two performance criteria to study how web analytics help
Best-in-Class businesses differentiate themselves from Industry Average and
Table 2: Top Performers Earn Best-in-Class Status
Definition of
Maturity Class
Mean Class Performance
Top 20%
of aggregate
performance scorers
 65% of all closed business coming from marketing
campaigns and programs
 7.1% average year-over-year improvement in
incremental sales lift resulting from marketing
Industry Average:
Middle 50%
of aggregate
performance scorers
 11% of all closed business coming from marketing
campaigns and programs
 1.7% average year-over-year improvement in
incremental sales lift resulting from marketing
Bottom 30%
of aggregate
performance scorers
 2% of all closed business coming from marketing
campaigns and programs
 1.9% average year-over-year decline in incremental
sales lift resulting from marketing campaigns
Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011
Defining Metrics
The performance criteria in
Table 2 are defined as follows;
√ Marketing's contribution
to company revenue: The
percentage of company
revenue that is attributable
to multi-channel marketing
campaigns and programs. It
is typically measured by
determining the percentage
of closed business that was
generated or influenced
(nurtured, touched) by
marketing campaigns before
resulting in a sale.
√ Incremental sales lift
from marketing
programs: Year-over-year
performance measure
demonstrating the impact of
marketing activities on
improving organization's
selling results.
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Why These Metrics?
Aberdeen asked the survey respondents to rate the value of specific
performance metrics to measuring the effectiveness of analytical tools, in
this case web analytics, in improving marketing results. The top two
measures identified were Return on Marketing Investments (72%) and
incremental sales lift from marketing programs (66%). As for the former
measure, research findings reveal that most companies (66%) use
marketing's contribution to sales pipeline and company revenue to
determine the ROI of their marketing activities.
In the world of web analytics, these metrics translate into identifying how
each online customer activity is converted into an online or offline purchase.
While marketing's contribution to company revenue is an enterprise-level
metric measuring overall marketing effectiveness, sales lift from marketing
campaigns can be measured by identifying how each multi-channel marketing
campaign drives business in various forms, including in-store purchase,
online order and phone order.
The Best-in-Class PACE Model
Integrating web analytics as a strategic differentiator to achieve
organizational goals and mitigate the pressures mentioned above requires a
combination of strategic actions, business processes, and enabling
technologies summarized as shown in Table 3.
Table 3: The Best-in-Class PACE Framework
Pressures Actions Capabilities Enablers
 Pressure to
increase the
returns from
program spend
 Improve the
targeting of
marketing offers to
optimize marketing
 Gain insight into
effectiveness of
specific marketing
campaigns and
 Executive support for
using customer analytics
in marketing programs
 Test effectiveness of
campaign content
 Measure customer
 Customer behavior is
used to segment and
target marketing
 Disseminate knowledge
on marketing campaigns
to key decision makers
 Capture customer
sentiment data
 Data management / cleansing
 Marketing content management
 Marketing automation
 Predictive analytics
Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011
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© 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897
Best-in-Class Strategies
The study results indicate that Best-in-Class companies focus on
customizing their marketing messages based on each website visitor persona
and identify which marketing efforts provide the greatest impact on driving
marketing effectiveness - Figure 1.
Using online customer data captured through web analytics tools is a key
enabler in helping organizations better personalize their marketing
campaigns in order to improve their marketing ROI. Aberdeen's September
2011 Customer Relevancy Drives Precision Marketing in the Mobile Channel study
demonstrates the value of this strategy; companies using customer data to
create customized marketing campaigns achieve 72% greater (6.4% vs. 3.7%)
year-over-year improvement in marketing's contribution to company
revenue, compared to those don't.
Figure 1: Best-in-Class Web Analytics Strategies
Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011
In addition to their focus on using customer information to customize their
multi-channel marketing activities and improve ROI, Best-in-Class marketers
are also keen on getting granular with the specific impact of each marketing
channel and campaign. This helps those businesses integrate their web
analytics deployments with broader multi-channel and cross-channel
marketing efforts, and provides the ability to trace the results of each
marketing campaign. Using this strategy in conjunction with personalization
efforts allows the Best-in-Class to go beyond operational reporting of web
activities to strategic marketing activities that impact returns from their web
Improve the targeting of
marketing offers to optimize
marketing ROI
Gain insight into effectiveness
of specific marketing
campaigns and channels
Percent of respondents, n=176
Best in Class
"Having timely and accurate
insights into which marketing
campaigns were successful
helps us to eventually optimize
our marketing programs based
on prospect activity."
~ Chris Kuelbs, Lead Project
Manager, Polaris
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© 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897
Case Study - Mid-size Financial Education Services Company
A leading financial education provider in North America broadcasts one
of the largest independent radio shows, and providing a wide array of
products and services to its customers. To align the online delivery of
these products and services with its business strategy, the company
launched a new web site and adopted a marketing automation solution
to manage the site. “We changed our approach to marketing by
automating it and making it a more data-driven function, with precise
measures to assess marketing campaign results and utilizing web
analytics is a key ingredient of this strategy,” says the company's Lead
Web Analyst.
One of the first steps the company took was to use a web analytics tool
to track results (visitations and click-throughs) to understand the paths
visitors take online. “The ability to understand how to effectively utilize
our online real estate was an immediate benefit for us. It allowed us to
improve the impact of our marketing assets, thus truly integrating the
content on our new web site with our business.”
Another key component of the company’s marketing automation
strategy is disseminating marketing campaign results to relevant
stakeholders. Today, 20 individuals from different roles, ranging from
executive management to marketing staff, can view campaign results.
While putting these capabilities in place, the company kept a keen eye
on the costs of its campaigns to determine which were successful. “Our
new solution enabled us to associate returns from each marketing
campaign with its respective costs and as a result, we are able to
determine marketing campaigns that would deliver the maximum return
on investment (ROI) for us,” adds the Lead Web Analyst.
Careful planning and implementation of a marketing automation strategy
allowed the company to reap many fruits of its labors. The first year
after implementing the new solution, it increased ROI 5-fold.
Marketing’s contribution to online business has jumped to 50%. Time-
to-market (time to create and deliver marketing assets or content to
market) also improved significantly. “It used to take us weeks to create
content and put on our website; today we do it virtually in real-time,”
concludes the Lead Web Analyst at the company.
Key Capabilities
As illustrated in Table 4, Aberdeen has identified six key business processes
and four technology enablers required to successfully implement the core
web analytics strategies above, and achieve Best-in-Class results.
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Table 4: The Competitive Framework
Best-in-Class Average Laggards
Test effectiveness of campaign content
76% 51% 21%
Customer behavior is used to segment and target marketing
65% 56% 41%
Executive support for using customer analytics in marketing
76% 61% 38%
Disseminate knowledge on marketing campaigns to key
decision makers
62% 49% 28%
Capture customer sentiment data
57% 41% 14%
 62% Data
management /
 57% Marketing
 50% Marketing
 43% Predictive
 56% Data
management /
 45% marketing
 41% marketing
 33% Predictive
 46% Data
management /
 34% marketing
 24% marketing
 17% Predictive
Measure customer profitability
67% 48% 36%
Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011
Capabilities and Enablers
Based on the findings of the Competitive Framework and interviews with
end user companies, Aberdeen’s analysis of the Best-in-Class demonstrates
that these top performers are dedicated to using a certain set of business
processes and technologies, which help them succeed at web analytics.
• Measure effectiveness of each marketing campaign
content. Maximizing marketing ROI requires that the business
understand which marketing campaign(s) deliver the greatest results
/ returns, in order to help them identify and repeat successful
campaigns, and avoid unsuccessful ones. Using web analytics tools to
evaluate the effectiveness of campaign content is an essential step in
this process, along with determining the proper timing and
channel(s) of the campaign. Aberdeen's November 2010 Marketing
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Asset Management report notes; "…Best-in-Class companies are keenly
aware of utilizing both fundamental and innovative performance
management measures to advance their marketing materials and content
in a manner that directly supports the business," highlighting the
importance of measuring the effect of each content in multi-channel
and cross-channel marketing campaigns on business results.
• Using customer behavioral data for segmentation and
targeting. This process lets organizations use customer behavior
data captured through the web analytics to craft different marketing
strategies based on the unique needs and characteristics of various
customer segments. Companies can use one or many criteria (e.g.
age, location, historical spend) to segment their customer base. In
addition to streamlining the management of typically exhaustive
customer databases, this process also enhances companies' ability to
contextualize marketing messages. For example, using prior
customer spend history (which can typically be obtained through
web analytics tools), a company can identify high-value / spend
customers and create customized marketing messages for these
VICs (Very Important Customers). Companies using this process
achieve 82% greater incremental sales lift from marketing campaigns,
compared to organizations that don't use customer behavioral data
to segment and target their customers - Figure 2.
Figure 2: Performance Impact of Customer Segmentation
Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011
Executive-level support for integrating customer analytics within
marketing programs. To target customers through the web in a
personalized fashion, companies must use web analytics to understand
customer personas in order to pair the right content with the right
message. Data shows that Best-in-Class companies are twice as likely as
Laggard businesses to have executive support for leveraging customer
Average incremental sales lift resulting from a marketing campaign
Percent of respondents, n=176
Companies using customer behavioral data for segmentation
and targeting
All Others
82% greater
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© 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897
analytics within marketing programs. Using customer analytics with web
analytics tools helps companies unlock insights otherwise hidden behind
online customer data. These insights can in turn be used to tune marketing
programs and enhance the contextualization of marketing campaigns.
Companies without executive-level support for customer analytics
experience 80% lower (0.5% vs. 2.7%) year-over-year performance gains in
marketing program contribution to company revenue compared to their
counterparts who lack executive-level support for their broader web
analytics initiatives.
Knowledge Management
• Share knowledge of marketing campaign results with key
decision-makers. Best-in-Class companies in this study are 49%
more likely than all others to provide executive-level insights to key
decision-makers within the organization. Using web analytics tools
allows companies to track and measure the specific impact of each
marketing program on online conversions and customer behavior
(e.g. sign-up for newsletters or download a coupon). Sharing these
insights is a crucial part of both marketing and organizational
success. It provides company leadership with much needed
information about the organization's strategic position within the
marketplace, as well as data-driven insights required to manage the
existing product / service portfolio and create new products that
meet customers' needs. Furthermore, as illustrated in Table 1, when
marketers are under constant pressure to demonstrate ROI from
their activities, this process lets them share the impact of their
marketing campaigns on business results.
• Capture customer sentiment data. Using analytical tools and
processes to capture website visitation data is different from
capturing customer sentiment information. The former provides
businesses with insight into the behavior patterns of website
visitors, whereas the latter reveals what drives these behaviors.
Customer sentiment data can be captured in many ways--for
example, by monitoring likes, product / service ratings, online
comments, forums and social media status updates. Combining
online customer activity data with sentiment information through
analytical tools lets companies take their web analytics to the next
step - it opens the door to the hearts and minds of customers and
helps businesses improve the results of their marketing initiatives.
This process is an integral part of web analytics activities for 57% of
Best-in-Class companies, compared to 30% of other companies.
When it comes to leveraging technology tools to support existing web
analytics deployments, Best-in-Class companies focus on four key
technologies (Figure 3);
"The focus of most marketing
organizations has changed
dramatically; we are no longer
leading the marketplace, we are
simply following the customers.
If companies can do a good job
managing customer
information, then the results
will translate into improved
marketing effectiveness.”
~Virginia Bonofiglio, Ex-
Marketing Manager of a
Chemicals Company based in
the U.S.
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Figure 3: Adoption of Technology Enablers
Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011
• Data management/cleansing. Customer data is one of the most
important tangible assets any organization owns. Managing and
cleansing databases that store this information is paramount in
helping companies use this data. Data management and cleansing
tools support businesses by ensuring the accuracy of customer data
obtained through web analytics. This information can be used to
generate targeted marketing campaigns. There are various methods
of integrating customer data with web operations; for example,
companies can use reverse-IP technology to gather information on
website visitors and customize their marketing messages.
Companies using data management / cleansing tools are 39% less
likely (19% vs. 31%) to struggle with interpreting customer data
from web analytics.
• Marketing content management. This technology is associated
with the second process capability in Table 3 - testing the
effectiveness of marketing content. Marketing content management
tools automatically update web marketing content based on
customer information, typically gleaned through web analytics
deployments. When a business lacks prior data on a website visitor,
it uses information captured from other customers to personalize
the visitors' web experience. For example, a client visiting a clothing
company's website for the first time might click to see more coats.
Based on this information, the company can use data from other
visitors' sessions to make an offer to the first-time customer with
trending coats or complementary products, such as gloves and
scarves, that other visitors view or purchase when they click on
coats. Businesses using marketing content management achieve 2.3-
times greater (4.3% vs. 1.9%) year-over-year gains in cross-sell/up-
sell revenue compared to those that don't.
• Marketing automation. One out of every two Best-in-Class
companies currently uses this technology to support their web
analytics activities. Marketing automation tools help businesses use
online customer data within the scope of their broader multi-
Marketing content
Marketing automation
Predictive analytics
Percent of respondents, n=176
Best in Class All Others
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© 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897
channel marketing campaigns. Customer information helps
companies coordinate different touch-points for each account
across multiple digital and off-line channels. In addition to providing
timely and broad communication capabilities, this technology also
enhances the consistency of multi-channel marketing messages. Data
from Aberdeen's August 2011 Metric-Driven Mobile Marketing
research shows that companies using marketing automation
technology are 2.3-times (43% vs. 19%) more likely to indicate that
they have established consistency within their marketing messages
across all channels.
• Predictive analytics. These tools let organizations take advantage
of online customer data captured through the company's website by
using web analytics tools to predict what customers will want, as
well as how, when and where they will want it. Despite being
currently used by less than half of Best-in-Class, the deltas in
adoption of this technology between Industry Average (43%) and
Laggards (153%) are significant. This reflects the value of this
technology in helping companies achieve the Best-in-Class results
demonstrated in Table 1. The table below illustrates the planned
adoption patterns of this technology among all web analytics users.
Table 5: Planned Adoption of Predictive Analytics Tools
All Web Analytics Users
Plan to Implement by August 2012  34%
Plan to Implement after August 2012  21%
Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011
Performance Management
• Measure customer profitability. Sixty-one percent (61%) of all
organizations participating in Aberdeen's upcoming January 2012
Customer Experience Management: Using the Power of Analytics to
Optimize Customer Delight study indicated customer profitability as a
key measure of the effectiveness of customer management activities.
Improving this measure begins with understanding each customer or
account's impact on the company's top-line and bottom-line results.
Establishing visibility into customer profitability begins with back-end
data systems that capture and store customer data, typically
collected from myriad sources including web analytics tools.
Organizations with a well-structured customer data system can drill
down into information on historical customer spend, and correlate
this information with the costs of acquiring and targeting each
customer. With this net number, businesses have a quantified
measure of the profitability of each customer and marketing
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channel, including the web. Research results from the Customer
Experience Management study indicate that businesses conducting a
cost / benefit analysis of each customer interaction improved their
average profit margin per customer by 4.7% year-over-year,
compared to a 1.2% decrease for businesses that are not
performing such calculations.
Free or Paid Web Analytics?
This research document has noted the business impact of web analytics
tools and the differentiating business processes and technologies which
support them. However, which tools should businesses use? The web
analytics market is a mix of free, paid and mix (free and paid) tools. Figure 4
below and the sidebar illustrate the impact of each model.
Figure 4: Business Value of Free vs. Paid Web Analytics
Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011
Companies using free web analytics are more likely to struggle to interpret
data output from these systems, compared to peers using paid or mixed
(free and paid) web analytics deployments (Free: 31% vs. Paid: 27% vs.
Mixed: 24%). Interestingly enough, however, those businesses that deploy
only paid web analytics are 64% more likely to indicate they are not getting
the full value from these tools. On the other hand, paid web analytics users
are 2.9-times more satisfied than free web analytics users with the quality of
information they receive from their web analytics tools - see sidebar. Let's
put the findings into context and observe the disconnect between why paid
web analytics users are more satisfied with the quality of data, yet indicate
that they are not receiving the full value from their solutions. Is it related to
the sub-par performance of these companies? Or are organizations not fully
leveraging the capabilities of their paid web analytics deployments? Figure 5
below demonstrates the year-over-year performance results of companies
using all three models of web analytics.
We are not getting the full value from our web analytics solution
Percent of respondents, n=176
Free web analytics users
Paid web analytics users
Free and Paid web analytics users
Fast Fact
The breakdown of companies
indicating that they are
currently satisfied with the
quality of information delivered
through their web analytics
deployments is as follows;
√ Free web analytics users:
√ Paid web analytics users:
√ Free and paid web analytics
users: 32%
“There are free analytics
solutions out there that are
good at providing click-through
data; however, if a company
doesn’t associate that
information with conversions
on the site, it’s useless data.”
~ Ex-SVP of Marketing at Large
North American Consumer
Services Company
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Figure 5: Free vs. Paid - Year-over-Year Performance Comparison
Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011
The figure above indicates that companies using only free web analytics
solutions experience a year-over-year decline in marketing campaign
performance. Companies that use paid web analytics tools, on the other
hand, achieve consistent improvements in year-over-year marketing results.
Paid web analytics users are not experiencing sub-par performance gains; on
the contrary, they reap the greatest benefits compared to businesses using
free or mixed web analytics. The main reason these companies feel they are
not getting the most from their investment is that they lack strategies and
business processes to track, capture and comprehend the impact of their
web analytics deployments. The following section presents practical
guidelines to mitigate this challenge.
Key Takeaways
Whether a company is trying to improve its performance in web analytics
activities from Laggard to Industry Average, Industry Average to Best-in-
Class or maintain Best-in-Class results, the following actions will help spur
the necessary performance improvements:
Laggard Steps to Success:
• Determine key metrics. Sixty-six percent (66%) of Laggard
businesses still don't have defined measures to evaluate the
effectiveness of their marketing campaign performance. Establishing
a process and metrics for measuring online marketing results with
web analytics is a critical step toward creating a data-driven view of
marketing results. This should be complemented with frequent
Marketing’s contribution
to closed business
Average incremental
sales lift resulting from
a marketing campaign
Return on Marketing
Free web analytics users
Paid web analytics users
Free and Paid web analytics users
Fast Fact
While findings demonstrated
in Figure 5 show that mixed
analytics users outperform
free analytics users, close
analysis of the data reveals
that focusing on fully utilizing
the capabilities of paid
platforms helps businesses
achieve further performance
gains, compared to peers
using a mix of free and paid
web analytics.
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reports to the key stakeholders within the organization, to build a
clear picture of how marketing contributes to the health and
success of the organization.
• Test the effectiveness of each marketing campaign. Despite
the plethora of techniques and tools available to test marketing
campaign results, only 21% of Laggard organizations are testing their
campaign effectiveness. Using web analytics to conduct such tests
helps businesses set expectations on how upcoming marketing
campaigns might perform, and use this information to fine-tune their
activities to achieve desired results. Companies testing the
effectiveness of each marketing campaign achieve 3.8-times greater
(3.2% vs. 0.9%) year over-year improvement in return on their
marketing investments compared to companies that don't.
Industry Average Steps to Success:
• Improve the relevancy of your web content. The increasing
adoption of social media portals and mobile devices lets customers
easily access almost any information, anytime and anywhere. To
attract customers' attention in this environment, businesses must
deliver the most relevant marketing messages through the most
relevant channel(s) at the opportune time(s). This is best
accomplished by customizing web content based on customer
behavioral data captured through web analytics tools.
Approximately half (49%) of Industry Average companies currently
implement this process; there is ample opportunity for all Industry
Average companies to adopt and constantly improve this process.
• Ensure the quality of your customer database. The ability to
personalize marketing messages hinges on an organization's ability
to use customer data gleaned from their web analytics deployments.
Aberdeen's upcoming January 2012 Customer Experience Management
study shows that businesses that adopt technology tools to ensure
the quality of customer information within their customer database
achieve approximately two times the year-over-year improvement
in their annual company revenue compared to organizations that
are not using these tools.
Best-in-Class Steps to Success:
• Use predictive capabilities. Less than half (43%) the Best-in-
Class use predictive analytics tools and processes to forecast
customers' future behavioral patterns based on historical and
existing data. While web analytics tools provide a lens to focus on
the past and recent information, adding predictive capabilities into
the mix will strengthen forecasts about how customers will respond
to upcoming marketing campaigns, resulting in greater success.
• Go beyond collecting customer data; conduct sentiment
analysis. Customer sentiment data is a powerful tool that allows
Of the 176 responding
organizations, demographics
include the following:
√ Job title: Senior Management
(34%); EVP / SVP / VP (19%);
Director (21%); Manager
(13%); Other (13%)
√ Department / function: Sales
and Marketing (54%); IT
(9%); Business Management
(16%); Operations (6%);
Other (15%)
√ Segment: IT consulting /
services (22%); Software
(17%); Telecommunications
equipment & services (7%);
Financial services (6%); Retail
(13%); Other (35%)
√ Geography: Americas (73%);
APAC region (10%) and
EMEA (17%)
√ Company size: Large
enterprises (annual revenues
above US $1 billion)- 26%;
midsize enterprises (annual
revenues between $50
million and $1 billion)- 27%;
and small businesses (annual
revenues of $50 million or
less)- 47%
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businesses to understand what drives their customers' behavior.
Businesses often note that what the customer says they want is not
the same as what they actually want. Capturing customer sentiment
information can solve or mitigate this challenge. Best-in-Class can
take customization to the next step by combining it with web
analytics to identify the drivers motivating their customers: their
thought processes and even their feelings. Data validates this
strategy; companies capturing customer sentiment data are 36%
more likely (34% vs. 25%) to improve the contribution of marketing
programs on top-line revenue results year-over-year.
For more information on this or other research topics, please visit
Related Research
Customer Experience Management:
Using the Power of Analytics to Optimize
Customer Delight; January 2012
Metric-Driven Mobile Marketing:
Increase Marketing's Revenue
Contribution; August 2011
Social Media Connecting B2C Companies
with Generation Y and Z Consumers;
March 2011
Results Speak Louder than Words: Using
Marketing to Improve Sales Effectiveness;
December 2010
Web Analytics: Actionable Insights for
Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Online
Data; April 2009
Web Analytics: The Crystal Ball of
Customer Behavior; April 2007
Author: Omer Minkara, Senior Research Associate, Customer Management
Technology Group (
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Having benchmarked the performance of more than 644,000 companies, Aberdeen is uniquely positioned to provide
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our research is relied on by more than 2.5 million readers in over 40 countries, 90% of the Fortune 1,000, and 93% of
the Technology 500.
As a Harte-Hanks Company, Aberdeen’s research provides insight and analysis to the Harte-Hanks community of
local, regional, national and international marketing executives. Combined, we help our customers leverage the power
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This document is the result of primary research performed by Aberdeen Group. Aberdeen Group's methodologies
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  • 1. This document is the result of primary research performed by Aberdeen Group. Aberdeen Group's methodologies provide for objective fact-based research and represent the best analysis available at the time of publication. Unless otherwise noted, the entire contents of this publication are copyrighted by Aberdeen Group, Inc. and may not be reproduced, distributed, archived, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent by Aberdeen Group, Inc. January 2012 Web Analytics: Marketing Beyond Online Customer Data As the volume of customer-related data (transactional, behavioral and unstructured) continues to grow, marketing organizations are in danger of becoming increasingly data-rich, but insight-poor. In July and August 2011, Aberdeen surveyed 176 organizations regarding their use of analytical tools and processes in marketing campaigns and programs, with 93 of the responding businesses indicating that they are actively using web analytics to support their marketing activities. This Analyst Insight will identify how Best- in-Class companies among those 93 respondents track, measure and use online customer data to improve their performance in key indicators of marketing program success. These metrics include marketing's contribution to company revenue, and the incremental sales lift resulting from marketing campaigns and programs. The analysis review key factors that help businesses move beyond simply collecting customer data through their websites, to using this information as a strategic lever to help marketing become a truly data-driven function that has quantifiable impact on company results. Business Context The rising and falling tides of economic instability over the past three years have left many organizations engaged in fierce competition to survive and thrive. Aberdeen's Q2 2011 Quarterly Business Review study shows that the top challenges organizations face in meeting their business goals are economic conditions (39%) and increased competition (36%). These harsh realities put marketing at the forefront of the organization's drive to make the business stand out from its competitors, and to maintain and improve its financial health. Table 1: Top Pressures Driving Marketing Agendas All Analytics Users Pressure to increase the returns from marketing spend  52% Organizational pressure to deliver higher quality sales leads  51% Faster response time to customer activities required for business impact  30% Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011 Analyst Insight Aberdeen’s Insights provide the analyst perspective of the research as drawn from an aggregated view of the research surveys, interviews, and data analysis Aberdeen’s PACE Methodology Aberdeen applies a methodology to benchmark research that evaluates the business Pressures, Actions, Capabilities, and Enablers (PACE) that indicate corporate behavior in specific business processes: √ Pressures — external forces that impact an organization’s market position, competitiveness, or business operations. √ Actions — the strategic approaches that an organization takes in response to industry pressures. √ Capabilities — the business process competencies (process, organization, performance and knowledge management) required to execute corporate strategy. √ Enablers — the key functionality of technology solutions required to support the organization’s enabling business practices.
  • 2. Web Analytics: Marketing Beyond Online Customer Data Page 2 © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897 Aberdeen's October 2011 study, The Marketing Executive's Agenda for 2012, reflects these rising organizational expectations from marketing. Fifty-one percent (51%) of all companies surveyed indicated they are holding marketing accountable for demonstrating quantifiable returns on investment. Data from Aberdeen's current study shows that 52% of the companies using analytical tools (e.g. web analytics) to support their marketing programs are struggling with organizational pressure to demonstrate quantifiable ROI from their marketing spend, as shown in Table 1. Marketers need to use online customer data for more than just managing website content--they must leverage web analytics tools strategically, to improve targeting and personalization and provide the right messaging / offer(s) at the right time to each customer, leading to increased returns. What better way is there to demonstrate the value of marketing besides correlating marketing programs with selling results? Unsurprisingly, one out of two companies using analytical tools to support marketing activities indicated that they expect their marketing departments to deliver higher- quality leads to support sales reps - see Table 1 above. Marketers are challenged with using web analytics tools to convert information captured through the website into high-quality leads for their sales teams. Aberdeen's December 2011 Sales and Marketing Alignment: The New Power Couple study affirms this finding; the second top organizational goal after increasing top- line revenue is improving the quality of leads marketing sends to sales. Best-in-Class Results Aberdeen used two performance criteria to study how web analytics help Best-in-Class businesses differentiate themselves from Industry Average and Laggards; Table 2: Top Performers Earn Best-in-Class Status Definition of Maturity Class Mean Class Performance Best-in-Class: Top 20% of aggregate performance scorers  65% of all closed business coming from marketing campaigns and programs  7.1% average year-over-year improvement in incremental sales lift resulting from marketing campaigns Industry Average: Middle 50% of aggregate performance scorers  11% of all closed business coming from marketing campaigns and programs  1.7% average year-over-year improvement in incremental sales lift resulting from marketing campaigns Laggard: Bottom 30% of aggregate performance scorers  2% of all closed business coming from marketing campaigns and programs  1.9% average year-over-year decline in incremental sales lift resulting from marketing campaigns Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011 Defining Metrics The performance criteria in Table 2 are defined as follows; √ Marketing's contribution to company revenue: The percentage of company revenue that is attributable to multi-channel marketing campaigns and programs. It is typically measured by determining the percentage of closed business that was generated or influenced (nurtured, touched) by marketing campaigns before resulting in a sale. √ Incremental sales lift from marketing programs: Year-over-year performance measure demonstrating the impact of marketing activities on improving organization's selling results.
  • 3. Web Analytics: Marketing Beyond Online Customer Data Page 3 © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897 Why These Metrics? Aberdeen asked the survey respondents to rate the value of specific performance metrics to measuring the effectiveness of analytical tools, in this case web analytics, in improving marketing results. The top two measures identified were Return on Marketing Investments (72%) and incremental sales lift from marketing programs (66%). As for the former measure, research findings reveal that most companies (66%) use marketing's contribution to sales pipeline and company revenue to determine the ROI of their marketing activities. In the world of web analytics, these metrics translate into identifying how each online customer activity is converted into an online or offline purchase. While marketing's contribution to company revenue is an enterprise-level metric measuring overall marketing effectiveness, sales lift from marketing campaigns can be measured by identifying how each multi-channel marketing campaign drives business in various forms, including in-store purchase, online order and phone order. The Best-in-Class PACE Model Integrating web analytics as a strategic differentiator to achieve organizational goals and mitigate the pressures mentioned above requires a combination of strategic actions, business processes, and enabling technologies summarized as shown in Table 3. Table 3: The Best-in-Class PACE Framework Pressures Actions Capabilities Enablers  Pressure to increase the returns from marketing program spend  Improve the targeting of marketing offers to optimize marketing ROI  Gain insight into effectiveness of specific marketing campaigns and channels  Executive support for using customer analytics in marketing programs  Test effectiveness of campaign content  Measure customer profitability  Customer behavior is used to segment and target marketing audiences  Disseminate knowledge on marketing campaigns to key decision makers  Capture customer sentiment data  Data management / cleansing  Marketing content management  Marketing automation  Predictive analytics Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011
  • 4. Web Analytics: Marketing Beyond Online Customer Data Page 4 © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897 Best-in-Class Strategies The study results indicate that Best-in-Class companies focus on customizing their marketing messages based on each website visitor persona and identify which marketing efforts provide the greatest impact on driving marketing effectiveness - Figure 1. Using online customer data captured through web analytics tools is a key enabler in helping organizations better personalize their marketing campaigns in order to improve their marketing ROI. Aberdeen's September 2011 Customer Relevancy Drives Precision Marketing in the Mobile Channel study demonstrates the value of this strategy; companies using customer data to create customized marketing campaigns achieve 72% greater (6.4% vs. 3.7%) year-over-year improvement in marketing's contribution to company revenue, compared to those don't. Figure 1: Best-in-Class Web Analytics Strategies Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011 In addition to their focus on using customer information to customize their multi-channel marketing activities and improve ROI, Best-in-Class marketers are also keen on getting granular with the specific impact of each marketing channel and campaign. This helps those businesses integrate their web analytics deployments with broader multi-channel and cross-channel marketing efforts, and provides the ability to trace the results of each marketing campaign. Using this strategy in conjunction with personalization efforts allows the Best-in-Class to go beyond operational reporting of web activities to strategic marketing activities that impact returns from their web spend. 38% 33% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Improve the targeting of marketing offers to optimize marketing ROI Gain insight into effectiveness of specific marketing campaigns and channels Percent of respondents, n=176 Best in Class "Having timely and accurate insights into which marketing campaigns were successful helps us to eventually optimize our marketing programs based on prospect activity." ~ Chris Kuelbs, Lead Project Manager, Polaris
  • 5. Web Analytics: Marketing Beyond Online Customer Data Page 5 © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897 Case Study - Mid-size Financial Education Services Company A leading financial education provider in North America broadcasts one of the largest independent radio shows, and providing a wide array of products and services to its customers. To align the online delivery of these products and services with its business strategy, the company launched a new web site and adopted a marketing automation solution to manage the site. “We changed our approach to marketing by automating it and making it a more data-driven function, with precise measures to assess marketing campaign results and utilizing web analytics is a key ingredient of this strategy,” says the company's Lead Web Analyst. One of the first steps the company took was to use a web analytics tool to track results (visitations and click-throughs) to understand the paths visitors take online. “The ability to understand how to effectively utilize our online real estate was an immediate benefit for us. It allowed us to improve the impact of our marketing assets, thus truly integrating the content on our new web site with our business.” Another key component of the company’s marketing automation strategy is disseminating marketing campaign results to relevant stakeholders. Today, 20 individuals from different roles, ranging from executive management to marketing staff, can view campaign results. While putting these capabilities in place, the company kept a keen eye on the costs of its campaigns to determine which were successful. “Our new solution enabled us to associate returns from each marketing campaign with its respective costs and as a result, we are able to determine marketing campaigns that would deliver the maximum return on investment (ROI) for us,” adds the Lead Web Analyst. Careful planning and implementation of a marketing automation strategy allowed the company to reap many fruits of its labors. The first year after implementing the new solution, it increased ROI 5-fold. Marketing’s contribution to online business has jumped to 50%. Time- to-market (time to create and deliver marketing assets or content to market) also improved significantly. “It used to take us weeks to create content and put on our website; today we do it virtually in real-time,” concludes the Lead Web Analyst at the company. Key Capabilities As illustrated in Table 4, Aberdeen has identified six key business processes and four technology enablers required to successfully implement the core web analytics strategies above, and achieve Best-in-Class results.
  • 6. Web Analytics: Marketing Beyond Online Customer Data Page 6 © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897 Table 4: The Competitive Framework Best-in-Class Average Laggards Process Test effectiveness of campaign content 76% 51% 21% Customer behavior is used to segment and target marketing audiences 65% 56% 41% Organization Executive support for using customer analytics in marketing programs 76% 61% 38% Knowledge Disseminate knowledge on marketing campaigns to key decision makers 62% 49% 28% Capture customer sentiment data 57% 41% 14% Enabling Technologies  62% Data management / cleansing  57% Marketing content management  50% Marketing automation  43% Predictive analytics  56% Data management / cleansing  45% marketing content management  41% marketing automation  33% Predictive analytics  46% Data management / cleansing  34% marketing content management  24% marketing automation  17% Predictive analytics Performance Measure customer profitability 67% 48% 36% Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011 Capabilities and Enablers Based on the findings of the Competitive Framework and interviews with end user companies, Aberdeen’s analysis of the Best-in-Class demonstrates that these top performers are dedicated to using a certain set of business processes and technologies, which help them succeed at web analytics. Process • Measure effectiveness of each marketing campaign content. Maximizing marketing ROI requires that the business understand which marketing campaign(s) deliver the greatest results / returns, in order to help them identify and repeat successful campaigns, and avoid unsuccessful ones. Using web analytics tools to evaluate the effectiveness of campaign content is an essential step in this process, along with determining the proper timing and channel(s) of the campaign. Aberdeen's November 2010 Marketing
  • 7. Web Analytics: Marketing Beyond Online Customer Data Page 7 © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897 Asset Management report notes; "…Best-in-Class companies are keenly aware of utilizing both fundamental and innovative performance management measures to advance their marketing materials and content in a manner that directly supports the business," highlighting the importance of measuring the effect of each content in multi-channel and cross-channel marketing campaigns on business results. • Using customer behavioral data for segmentation and targeting. This process lets organizations use customer behavior data captured through the web analytics to craft different marketing strategies based on the unique needs and characteristics of various customer segments. Companies can use one or many criteria (e.g. age, location, historical spend) to segment their customer base. In addition to streamlining the management of typically exhaustive customer databases, this process also enhances companies' ability to contextualize marketing messages. For example, using prior customer spend history (which can typically be obtained through web analytics tools), a company can identify high-value / spend customers and create customized marketing messages for these VICs (Very Important Customers). Companies using this process achieve 82% greater incremental sales lift from marketing campaigns, compared to organizations that don't use customer behavioral data to segment and target their customers - Figure 2. Figure 2: Performance Impact of Customer Segmentation Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011 Organization Executive-level support for integrating customer analytics within marketing programs. To target customers through the web in a personalized fashion, companies must use web analytics to understand customer personas in order to pair the right content with the right message. Data shows that Best-in-Class companies are twice as likely as Laggard businesses to have executive support for leveraging customer 4.8% 2.6% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% Average incremental sales lift resulting from a marketing campaign Percent of respondents, n=176 Companies using customer behavioral data for segmentation and targeting All Others 82% greater performance
  • 8. Web Analytics: Marketing Beyond Online Customer Data Page 8 © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897 analytics within marketing programs. Using customer analytics with web analytics tools helps companies unlock insights otherwise hidden behind online customer data. These insights can in turn be used to tune marketing programs and enhance the contextualization of marketing campaigns. Companies without executive-level support for customer analytics experience 80% lower (0.5% vs. 2.7%) year-over-year performance gains in marketing program contribution to company revenue compared to their counterparts who lack executive-level support for their broader web analytics initiatives. Knowledge Management • Share knowledge of marketing campaign results with key decision-makers. Best-in-Class companies in this study are 49% more likely than all others to provide executive-level insights to key decision-makers within the organization. Using web analytics tools allows companies to track and measure the specific impact of each marketing program on online conversions and customer behavior (e.g. sign-up for newsletters or download a coupon). Sharing these insights is a crucial part of both marketing and organizational success. It provides company leadership with much needed information about the organization's strategic position within the marketplace, as well as data-driven insights required to manage the existing product / service portfolio and create new products that meet customers' needs. Furthermore, as illustrated in Table 1, when marketers are under constant pressure to demonstrate ROI from their activities, this process lets them share the impact of their marketing campaigns on business results. • Capture customer sentiment data. Using analytical tools and processes to capture website visitation data is different from capturing customer sentiment information. The former provides businesses with insight into the behavior patterns of website visitors, whereas the latter reveals what drives these behaviors. Customer sentiment data can be captured in many ways--for example, by monitoring likes, product / service ratings, online comments, forums and social media status updates. Combining online customer activity data with sentiment information through analytical tools lets companies take their web analytics to the next step - it opens the door to the hearts and minds of customers and helps businesses improve the results of their marketing initiatives. This process is an integral part of web analytics activities for 57% of Best-in-Class companies, compared to 30% of other companies. Technology When it comes to leveraging technology tools to support existing web analytics deployments, Best-in-Class companies focus on four key technologies (Figure 3); "The focus of most marketing organizations has changed dramatically; we are no longer leading the marketplace, we are simply following the customers. If companies can do a good job managing customer information, then the results will translate into improved marketing effectiveness.” ~Virginia Bonofiglio, Ex- Marketing Manager of a Chemicals Company based in the U.S.
  • 9. Web Analytics: Marketing Beyond Online Customer Data Page 9 © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897 Figure 3: Adoption of Technology Enablers Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011 • Data management/cleansing. Customer data is one of the most important tangible assets any organization owns. Managing and cleansing databases that store this information is paramount in helping companies use this data. Data management and cleansing tools support businesses by ensuring the accuracy of customer data obtained through web analytics. This information can be used to generate targeted marketing campaigns. There are various methods of integrating customer data with web operations; for example, companies can use reverse-IP technology to gather information on website visitors and customize their marketing messages. Companies using data management / cleansing tools are 39% less likely (19% vs. 31%) to struggle with interpreting customer data from web analytics. • Marketing content management. This technology is associated with the second process capability in Table 3 - testing the effectiveness of marketing content. Marketing content management tools automatically update web marketing content based on customer information, typically gleaned through web analytics deployments. When a business lacks prior data on a website visitor, it uses information captured from other customers to personalize the visitors' web experience. For example, a client visiting a clothing company's website for the first time might click to see more coats. Based on this information, the company can use data from other visitors' sessions to make an offer to the first-time customer with trending coats or complementary products, such as gloves and scarves, that other visitors view or purchase when they click on coats. Businesses using marketing content management achieve 2.3- times greater (4.3% vs. 1.9%) year-over-year gains in cross-sell/up- sell revenue compared to those that don't. • Marketing automation. One out of every two Best-in-Class companies currently uses this technology to support their web analytics activities. Marketing automation tools help businesses use online customer data within the scope of their broader multi- 62% 57% 50% 43% 52% 41% 34% 27% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Data management/cleansing Marketing content management Marketing automation solution Predictive analytics Percent of respondents, n=176 Best in Class All Others
  • 10. Web Analytics: Marketing Beyond Online Customer Data Page 10 © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897 channel marketing campaigns. Customer information helps companies coordinate different touch-points for each account across multiple digital and off-line channels. In addition to providing timely and broad communication capabilities, this technology also enhances the consistency of multi-channel marketing messages. Data from Aberdeen's August 2011 Metric-Driven Mobile Marketing research shows that companies using marketing automation technology are 2.3-times (43% vs. 19%) more likely to indicate that they have established consistency within their marketing messages across all channels. • Predictive analytics. These tools let organizations take advantage of online customer data captured through the company's website by using web analytics tools to predict what customers will want, as well as how, when and where they will want it. Despite being currently used by less than half of Best-in-Class, the deltas in adoption of this technology between Industry Average (43%) and Laggards (153%) are significant. This reflects the value of this technology in helping companies achieve the Best-in-Class results demonstrated in Table 1. The table below illustrates the planned adoption patterns of this technology among all web analytics users. Table 5: Planned Adoption of Predictive Analytics Tools All Web Analytics Users Plan to Implement by August 2012  34% Plan to Implement after August 2012  21% Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011 Performance Management • Measure customer profitability. Sixty-one percent (61%) of all organizations participating in Aberdeen's upcoming January 2012 Customer Experience Management: Using the Power of Analytics to Optimize Customer Delight study indicated customer profitability as a key measure of the effectiveness of customer management activities. Improving this measure begins with understanding each customer or account's impact on the company's top-line and bottom-line results. Establishing visibility into customer profitability begins with back-end data systems that capture and store customer data, typically collected from myriad sources including web analytics tools. Organizations with a well-structured customer data system can drill down into information on historical customer spend, and correlate this information with the costs of acquiring and targeting each customer. With this net number, businesses have a quantified measure of the profitability of each customer and marketing
  • 11. Web Analytics: Marketing Beyond Online Customer Data Page 11 © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897 channel, including the web. Research results from the Customer Experience Management study indicate that businesses conducting a cost / benefit analysis of each customer interaction improved their average profit margin per customer by 4.7% year-over-year, compared to a 1.2% decrease for businesses that are not performing such calculations. Free or Paid Web Analytics? This research document has noted the business impact of web analytics tools and the differentiating business processes and technologies which support them. However, which tools should businesses use? The web analytics market is a mix of free, paid and mix (free and paid) tools. Figure 4 below and the sidebar illustrate the impact of each model. Figure 4: Business Value of Free vs. Paid Web Analytics Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011 Companies using free web analytics are more likely to struggle to interpret data output from these systems, compared to peers using paid or mixed (free and paid) web analytics deployments (Free: 31% vs. Paid: 27% vs. Mixed: 24%). Interestingly enough, however, those businesses that deploy only paid web analytics are 64% more likely to indicate they are not getting the full value from these tools. On the other hand, paid web analytics users are 2.9-times more satisfied than free web analytics users with the quality of information they receive from their web analytics tools - see sidebar. Let's put the findings into context and observe the disconnect between why paid web analytics users are more satisfied with the quality of data, yet indicate that they are not receiving the full value from their solutions. Is it related to the sub-par performance of these companies? Or are organizations not fully leveraging the capabilities of their paid web analytics deployments? Figure 5 below demonstrates the year-over-year performance results of companies using all three models of web analytics. 25% 41% 30% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% We are not getting the full value from our web analytics solution Percent of respondents, n=176 Free web analytics users Paid web analytics users Free and Paid web analytics users Fast Fact The breakdown of companies indicating that they are currently satisfied with the quality of information delivered through their web analytics deployments is as follows; √ Free web analytics users: 10% √ Paid web analytics users: 29% √ Free and paid web analytics users: 32% “There are free analytics solutions out there that are good at providing click-through data; however, if a company doesn’t associate that information with conversions on the site, it’s useless data.” ~ Ex-SVP of Marketing at Large North American Consumer Services Company
  • 12. Web Analytics: Marketing Beyond Online Customer Data Page 12 © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897 Figure 5: Free vs. Paid - Year-over-Year Performance Comparison Source: Aberdeen Group, August 2011 The figure above indicates that companies using only free web analytics solutions experience a year-over-year decline in marketing campaign performance. Companies that use paid web analytics tools, on the other hand, achieve consistent improvements in year-over-year marketing results. Paid web analytics users are not experiencing sub-par performance gains; on the contrary, they reap the greatest benefits compared to businesses using free or mixed web analytics. The main reason these companies feel they are not getting the most from their investment is that they lack strategies and business processes to track, capture and comprehend the impact of their web analytics deployments. The following section presents practical guidelines to mitigate this challenge. Key Takeaways Whether a company is trying to improve its performance in web analytics activities from Laggard to Industry Average, Industry Average to Best-in- Class or maintain Best-in-Class results, the following actions will help spur the necessary performance improvements: Laggard Steps to Success: • Determine key metrics. Sixty-six percent (66%) of Laggard businesses still don't have defined measures to evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing campaign performance. Establishing a process and metrics for measuring online marketing results with web analytics is a critical step toward creating a data-driven view of marketing results. This should be complemented with frequent -2.1% -2.5% -5.0% 4.7% 3.6% 5.4% 3.7% 2.0% 3.3% -6% -4% -2% 0% 2% 4% 6% Marketing’s contribution to closed business Average incremental sales lift resulting from a marketing campaign Return on Marketing Investment Year-over-yearpercentchange,n=176 Free web analytics users Paid web analytics users Free and Paid web analytics users Fast Fact While findings demonstrated in Figure 5 show that mixed analytics users outperform free analytics users, close analysis of the data reveals that focusing on fully utilizing the capabilities of paid platforms helps businesses achieve further performance gains, compared to peers using a mix of free and paid web analytics.
  • 13. Web Analytics: Marketing Beyond Online Customer Data Page 13 © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897 reports to the key stakeholders within the organization, to build a clear picture of how marketing contributes to the health and success of the organization. • Test the effectiveness of each marketing campaign. Despite the plethora of techniques and tools available to test marketing campaign results, only 21% of Laggard organizations are testing their campaign effectiveness. Using web analytics to conduct such tests helps businesses set expectations on how upcoming marketing campaigns might perform, and use this information to fine-tune their activities to achieve desired results. Companies testing the effectiveness of each marketing campaign achieve 3.8-times greater (3.2% vs. 0.9%) year over-year improvement in return on their marketing investments compared to companies that don't. Industry Average Steps to Success: • Improve the relevancy of your web content. The increasing adoption of social media portals and mobile devices lets customers easily access almost any information, anytime and anywhere. To attract customers' attention in this environment, businesses must deliver the most relevant marketing messages through the most relevant channel(s) at the opportune time(s). This is best accomplished by customizing web content based on customer behavioral data captured through web analytics tools. Approximately half (49%) of Industry Average companies currently implement this process; there is ample opportunity for all Industry Average companies to adopt and constantly improve this process. • Ensure the quality of your customer database. The ability to personalize marketing messages hinges on an organization's ability to use customer data gleaned from their web analytics deployments. Aberdeen's upcoming January 2012 Customer Experience Management study shows that businesses that adopt technology tools to ensure the quality of customer information within their customer database achieve approximately two times the year-over-year improvement in their annual company revenue compared to organizations that are not using these tools. Best-in-Class Steps to Success: • Use predictive capabilities. Less than half (43%) the Best-in- Class use predictive analytics tools and processes to forecast customers' future behavioral patterns based on historical and existing data. While web analytics tools provide a lens to focus on the past and recent information, adding predictive capabilities into the mix will strengthen forecasts about how customers will respond to upcoming marketing campaigns, resulting in greater success. • Go beyond collecting customer data; conduct sentiment analysis. Customer sentiment data is a powerful tool that allows Demographics Of the 176 responding organizations, demographics include the following: √ Job title: Senior Management (34%); EVP / SVP / VP (19%); Director (21%); Manager (13%); Other (13%) √ Department / function: Sales and Marketing (54%); IT (9%); Business Management (16%); Operations (6%); Other (15%) √ Segment: IT consulting / services (22%); Software (17%); Telecommunications equipment & services (7%); Financial services (6%); Retail (13%); Other (35%) √ Geography: Americas (73%); APAC region (10%) and EMEA (17%) √ Company size: Large enterprises (annual revenues above US $1 billion)- 26%; midsize enterprises (annual revenues between $50 million and $1 billion)- 27%; and small businesses (annual revenues of $50 million or less)- 47%
  • 14. Web Analytics: Marketing Beyond Online Customer Data Page 14 © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897 businesses to understand what drives their customers' behavior. Businesses often note that what the customer says they want is not the same as what they actually want. Capturing customer sentiment information can solve or mitigate this challenge. Best-in-Class can take customization to the next step by combining it with web analytics to identify the drivers motivating their customers: their thought processes and even their feelings. Data validates this strategy; companies capturing customer sentiment data are 36% more likely (34% vs. 25%) to improve the contribution of marketing programs on top-line revenue results year-over-year. For more information on this or other research topics, please visit Related Research Customer Experience Management: Using the Power of Analytics to Optimize Customer Delight; January 2012 Metric-Driven Mobile Marketing: Increase Marketing's Revenue Contribution; August 2011 Social Media Connecting B2C Companies with Generation Y and Z Consumers; March 2011 Results Speak Louder than Words: Using Marketing to Improve Sales Effectiveness; December 2010 Web Analytics: Actionable Insights for Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Online Data; April 2009 Web Analytics: The Crystal Ball of Customer Behavior; April 2007 Author: Omer Minkara, Senior Research Associate, Customer Management Technology Group ( For more than two decades, Aberdeen's research has been helping corporations worldwide become Best-in-Class. Having benchmarked the performance of more than 644,000 companies, Aberdeen is uniquely positioned to provide organizations with the facts that matter — the facts that enable companies to get ahead and drive results. That's why our research is relied on by more than 2.5 million readers in over 40 countries, 90% of the Fortune 1,000, and 93% of the Technology 500. As a Harte-Hanks Company, Aberdeen’s research provides insight and analysis to the Harte-Hanks community of local, regional, national and international marketing executives. Combined, we help our customers leverage the power of insight to deliver innovative multichannel marketing programs that drive business-changing results. For additional information, visit Aberdeen or call (617) 854-5200, or to learn more about Harte-Hanks, call (800) 456-9748 or go to This document is the result of primary research performed by Aberdeen Group. Aberdeen Group's methodologies provide for objective fact-based research and represent the best analysis available at the time of publication. Unless otherwise noted, the entire contents of this publication are copyrighted by Aberdeen Group, Inc. and may not be reproduced, distributed, archived, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent by Aberdeen Group, Inc. (2011a)