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Aminoacid, Vitamin, Mineral liquid supplement
RMINVIT liquid fulfils the " ideal–protein" concept. Lysine and Methionine are the two most essential
building blocks in poultry nutrition. " Lysine " one of the building blocks for muscle protein, needs to
be supplied in appropriate proportions with methionine for optimum benefits.
RMINVIT is enhanced with a combination of essential Vitamins as well as Reservet. This ideal
combination works for the overall performance in Broilers as well as layers.
Methionine one of the major component of RMINVIT is the first limiting amino acid for poultry.
If the natural methionine content of a poultry feed is low, or if the it must be augmented with supplements.
The same is almost always deficient in modern broiler diets without amino acid supplementation, and
lysine may be in excess. Hence a supplement with the right combination is always beneficial
Why do Birds need a complete
Liquid Supplement ?
1.The birds generally go off feed whenever
they have systemic problems
2.When they are stressed due to
vaccination, heat stress and handling
3.The first week of chicks life is very
critical and needs the boost.
4.Whenever the birds go off feed.
RMINVIT provides all the essential nutrients
the birds should have
(vitamins, amino acids and minerals)
in liquid form which is substituted
when the birds go off feed and when
they need it the most.
w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m
Aminoacid, Vitamin, Mineral liquid supplement
Reservet in RMINVIT
RESERVET is a polyphenolic derivative of plant origin, derived from the fruits and seeds of grapes
and other plants, and conjugated into perfection by Arginine
Arginine is a very safe amino acid. Through conjugation of Resveratrol with Arginine, Reservet
ensures the enhanced availability of Arginine and Resveratrol in the system.
Reservet- Facts;
- Shows upto 7 times increase in the maximum plasma concentrations (Cmax)
- Up to 4 times increase in the AUC
- Improved Solubility as compared to Resveratrol alone
Advantages of Reservet:
- Reservet acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and boosts immune system
- Reservet, like antioxidant molecules, can donate electrons to unstable free radicals
and still remain stable themselves
- Reservet has been found to be more powerful and effective than Vitamin’s C and E
as antioxidants
- Reservet increases the bioavailability of minerals and amino acids substantially
- Reservet improves the uptake of electrolytes into the system
Each 500ml contains
Choline Chloride 64.0 g
Lysine 64.0 g
Methionine 128.5 g
Magnesium 595.5
Sodium 460.0
Iron 224.3
Copper 157.4
Cobalt 207.5
Manganese 383.1
Fortified with Vitamins
Enriched with Reservet
Broiler 1ml / L of water
& 1ml / 2L of water
500ml and 5L
One of the major causes of mortality in birds is "Heat Stress". Farmers incur huge losses during
major operations like vaccination, transportation and increased temperatures during summer. Birds
are ‘Heat Stressed' if they have difficulty achieving a balance between, heat produced and heat lost.
This can occur at all ages and in all types of poultry.
'Thermo-neutral zone’,12.8 C to 23.9 C ; Birds can lose heat at a controlled rate in a normal
manner. There is no heat stress if the body temperature is held constant. When conditions like the
'Upper critical temperature’, 35.5 C to 40.8 C ,is exceeded, birds must lose heat actively by panting.
The body temperature of the bird must remain between 39- 41°C . If body temperature rises more
than 41 ° C , the bird will be stressed ,leading to subsequent rise in mortality in the flock.
0 0
0 0
The most common sources of
increased body heat in birds !
* Heat is produced by metabolism
within the body, which includes:
maintenance, growth and egg
* Excluding temperature of the air
ventilating the house, heat is also
added from the roof and walls
and dry litter
* The heat of electric lights and
motors is a very small fraction(1%)
of heat produced by the body
* Increase in ambient temperature
in summer
Schematic summary of non-specific stress :
neural pathways and humoral pathways.
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis(HPA); Neurogenic System(NS)
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Summer stress!..don't distress !
w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m
Summer stress!..don't distress !
Consequences of Heat Stress !
High cage density,
Loud noise
Delay in
Ovulation and
Of shell gland
Cuticle formation
into circulation
Usage :
1 gm/2 L of water for 3-5 days or
as recommended by the Veterinarian
1 Kg / ton of feed
Presentation :
200 gms & 1 Kg pouches
Each 100g contains
Calcium lactate
Potassium chloride 5.5 g
Sodium chloride
Sodium bicarbonate
Sodium acid phosphate
Sodium citrate 6.6 g
Magnesium sulphate 0.9 g
Ascorbic acid (coated)
Lactobacillus viable spores 3000
Dextrose anhydrous Q.S.
Enhanced with Reservet
Fortified with ASA
2.0 g
0.75 g
1.8 g
3.0 g
0.9 g
Cock A Doodle Dooo !
Dololyte now enhanced
with temperature busters
and Reservet !
w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m
A potent immunostimulant with Reservet
The immune system of the poultry birds is very helpful in preventing disease and helping to ensure
maximum productive potential is realized. One of the major causes of poor immune response of the
birds innate immunity is natural cell death caused by cellular mechanisms.
Oxidation is one of nature's age old mechanism. It is nature's natural recycling process by
decomposing materials to their basic elements. These free radicals are unstable compounds
with an unpaired or extra electron in their chemical make-up looking for an electron to become
stable. The antioxidant offers this electron that the free radical is looking for, rendering it stable,
preventing it from becoming destructive to living cells
ReSerGen contains Vitamin E & Selenium topped with Reservet and unique essential oils.
Vitamin E saves Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acid (PUFA) enzyme and transport proteins located in
membranes, from free radical attack. Selenium, forms a major part of the physiological
antioxidation process along with Vitamin E. Reservet is proven for its anti-in
flammatory, adaptogenic & immunomodulating action.
Immunosuppresion the silent killer
resulting in;
High disease susceptibility of flock
Vaccination failures
Misleading diagnosis
Complicating the therapy
Poor performance
Fig .2: Vit E and Selenium mechanism of action as antioxidant
Vitamin E and Selenium for improvement
of Immunity
- Protect most vulnerable, rapidly proliferating
cells of immune system from oxidative damage
- Inhibition of prostaglandin – PGE production
- Better antigen recognition
- Favour the proliferation of T-cells
- Balance between T-cells and macrophages
Fig.1: Damage caused by free radicals
w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m
Properties of Reservet
• Anti-inflammatory
• Immunostimulant
• Anti-oxidant
• Vitamin E
• Selenium
Enhanced with
Reservet &
Essential oil of ‘A’
100-200g/ton of feed
Chicks/Growers/Layers: 1g/ 5 L of drinking water
Breeders : 1g/2 L of drinking water
200 g, 1kg
Essential oil of ‘A’ in ReSerGen acts as
- Immunostimulant
- Antibacterial
- Carminative
Reservet - The new age molecule !
RESERVET is a polyphenolic derivative of plant origin, derived from
the fruits and seeds of Grapes and other plants
It is relatively non-genotoxic, non-mutagenic, and no reproductive
toxicity has been reported.
•Reservet, acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and boosts
immune system
Reservet, like antioxidant molecules, can donate electrons
to unstable free radicals and still remain stable themselves
A potent immunostimulant with Reservet
w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m
Water acidifier with an edge !
Olacid plus contains the optimum blend of buffered organic acids and essential oils. The appropriate
combination of 5 major elements synergistically work to control the pathogen load by reducing
the pH of drinking water and the gut. Olacid plus controls and prevents contamination of drinking
water when administered through drinking water and that of feed when administered through feed.
Water acidifiers help reduce pathogen load, promotes digestive process and help enhanced nutrient
a b s o r p t i o n , f u r t h e r p r o m o t i n g t h e p r o l i f e r a t i o n o f n o r m a l g u t f l o r a .
In modern animal production, acidifiers
have been proven to be an efficient alternative
to antibiotics. Water acidification contributes
to environmental hygiene, with a continued
function through either the feed or water into
the animals' gastrointestinal tract. The acidifiers
have been successful in alleviating the effects
of various intestinal diseases, with its action
against ascites in broilers the latest solution
available to producers.
....Feed management ,2009
Fig: Acid dissociation causes
bacterial cell death
Lactic acid
Formic acid
Citric acid
Phosphoric acid
Enhanced with Essential Oils
1. To decontaminate water
2. To prevent the incidences of Salmonellosis
& Colibacillosis transmitted through water
3. To lower pathogen load
4. To improve the FCR
5. Promotes normal gut flora and enhances
gut integrity
6. Promotes digestive process and enhances
nutrient absorption
1ml/ 5L of drinking water
1L and 5L cans
The mode of action of phytogenic substances like essential oils and its relative synergism with organic
acids is substancial. The synergy is associated with the ability of the essential oils to weaken bacterial
cell walls, increasing its permeability to organic acids which act on bacterial cells to destroy them.
w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m
Probiotics are live microbial feed supplement which beneficially affects the host animal by improving
its intestinal microbial balance. In an age where antibiotics are being banned to reduce the harmful
residual effects in humans, probiotics provide a new horizon in growth promotion for the livestock
Probiotics the new revolution in growth promotion !
Why probiotics ?
* Development of a number of specific diseases in poultry
* Resistance of organisms to antibiotics
* No poultry farm is free of pathogen
* Speed at which pathogenic organism
multiply and colonize
* Consumer awareness and interest in newer options
* Increased costs of therapeutic medication
Characteristics of an effective probiotic !
* Capable of being prepared as viable product
* Stable and viable for extended period
* Capable of colonizing and surviving in the
* Produce beneficial effect in the host
What is Competitive Exclusion ?
 Benefits of Bio-Pro Q due to CE
1. Lowered pH in the intestine (Fuller 1997)
2. Production of 2 deoxy D glucose by LAB
3. Production of Hydrogen peroxide which forms
hypothianate and toxic to bacteria.(Leon 1998)
 4. Production of Bactriocins by LAB.(Leon 1994)
5. Absorption and expulsion of E.coli and
Salmonella organism (Newman 1996)
*LAB: Lactobacillus
Advantages of Probiotics !
* Improves performance - body weight and FCR
* Increases absorption of nutrients.
* Protects hepatic cells against injury/inflammation
* Improves utilization of protein
* Stimulates immunity - Humoral & CMI
* Competitively excludes pathogenic organisms
(Upendra 2000)
CE is a set of environmental consitions that
favour the ‘good bacteria’ and selects
against ‘bad bacteria’
w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m
100 g pouch
w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m
1 g/ 15 L of water
Each 1g contains: 5 x 10 CFU/g of viable organisms
Probiotics the new revolution in growth promotion !
Bio-Pro Q ; Composition of Probiotics
6 sps of Lactobacillus
4 sps of Bifidobacterium
1 sps of Streptococcus
* To improve immunity and establishment of useful bacteria in the gut if day old chicks
* To improve immunity, survivability and uniformity of growing chicks
* Improve feed efficiency and , improve daily weight gains and reduce days to market
* Reduce medication costs
* Reduce Salmonella spp. and other undesirable infections
* Improve gut health and litter
Directions for use:
* Dissolve 1g in 15 L of drinking water, along with vaccine stabilizer or skim milk .
The treated water provided should preferably not last for more than 12 hrs for each application.
* Day old chicks can be sprayed with spray encriched with Bio-Pro Q to enhance establishment
of useful gut microbes.
* Water acidifier , chlorine or disinfectant may be avoided at the time of application.
The same may be resumed after treatment water is over.
* A minimum of 3 consecutive days is recmmended for chicks. For adults, treatment after
antibiotic treatment and during outbreak of gut infections is imperative.
Liver stimulant and tonic
1. Lameness due to calcium defiiciency
w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m
Multivitamin supplement!
QUADRAVIT SUPER contains the right blend of vitamin and trace mineral components that provide a complete
supplement to meet all requirements of the body, for maintenance, improving performance
and also in the repair of damages caused by any extraneous causes. It uniquely combines
the most essential nutrients as ideal synergistic agents to strengthen various physiological functions.
Each 1g contains
Vitamin A 20000 IU
Vitamin B1 1 mg
Vitamin B2 4 mg
Vitamin B3 5 mg
Vitamin B6 1 mg
Vitamin B12 20 mcg
Vitamin C 10 mg
Vitamin D3 4000 IU
Vitamin E 20 mg
Vitamin K3 3 mg
Nicotinic acids 20 mg
Folic acid 400 mcg
Biotin 20 mcg
Inositol 3 mg
Choline 20 mg
Manganese 11 mg
Potassium 0.5 mg
Cobalt 1 mg
Zinc 4 mg
Iron 10 mg
Copper 2 mg
1. To combat the deficiency of vitamins and
trace elements in poultry and livestock
2. As a regular supplementation in daily diet
to meet daily requirements in case of poor
feed quality
Vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K along with Biotin, Choline and mineral conglomerates act as a complete supplement to
help overcome deficiencies thereby enhancing performance in broilers, productivity along with hatchability in layers
and breeders.
Administration/ Dosage:
Oral, via drinking water/ feed
Calves ( till 45 kg) : 3 g / animal/ day for 5 days
Calves ( 45-75 kg) : 5g/ animal/ day for 5 days
Poultry : 0.5-1 kg/1000L of drinking water
Camels 20 g/ head/ day
Horses : 15g/ head/ day
Presentation: 1 kg pack
w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m
Vitamin B and Amino acid supplement!
The B complex vitamins are water soluble and not stored to any significant extent in the body. They act in a broad
range of metabolic pathways. However, because a continuous supply is required, damage to the intestine or when body
is challenged to with a higher demand for some reason the availability of vitamins may have profound effects.
Reduced productivity, including poor growth in the young animals, and reduced egg production in the layers are common
scenarios. The embryo is particularly dependent on having adequate supplies of vitamins deposited in the egg.
Birds suffering from chronic vitamin deficiencies are especially prone to cause problems of hatchability.
The combined availability of Vitamin B complex, along with Methionine,
Lysine, Choline and added advantage of Reservet provide a complete
supplement for both Broiler and Layer birds
Thiamine mononitrate 7.5
Riboflavin 2.5
Niacinamide 75.0
Pyridoxine Hcl 1.25
Cyanocobalamine 12.0 mcg
Biotin 10.0 mcg
Methionine 25.0
D-Panthenol 2.5
Choline chloride 50.0
Lysine Hcl 10.0
Enhanced with Reservet
Each 10ml contains: - To overcome problems associated with deficiency
of B complex vitamins
- To improve hatchability in breeder animals and birds
- To improve growth in broilers and productivity in layers
- To ensure faster recovery from infectious diseases
Chicks : 10ml/ 100 birds
Growers/layers/broilers: 20ml/ 100 birds
Breeders : 30ml/ 100 birds
Cattle : 40-60ml/day
Small ruminants: 20-30ml/day
Presentation : 1L
w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m
Gout- free flock always!
Poultry industry today aims for higher performance and productivity in a short period of time. Gout
is one such metabolic disorder which affects the kidneys functions.
In gout, the kidney
function is slowed down to a point where uric acid accumulates in blood and body-fluids.
In birds uric acid is the end product
of nitrogen metabolism. Uric acid is a nitrogenous waste from protein breakdown.
Gout is commonly observed in chicken as they are uricotelic and lack the enzyme uricase. In gout, blood levels
of uric acid can be as high as 44mg/100ml as compared to 5-7mg/100ml in a normal bird.
Articular gout is considered to be the chronic form of the
disease and is less common. Lesions observed are urate
deposition around joints, ligaments and tendon sheaths.
There is a predilection for peripheral articulation. Clinical
signs observed are shifting leg lameness with joints becoming
warm, swollen and tender.
Accumulation of white uric acid or urate - crystals in soft
tissues of various organs in body is called as visceral gout.
Visceral form of gout is commonly noticed in broilers resulting
in economic losses due to mortality and morbidity. Affected
birds are characterized by depression, dehydration and
sometimes accompanied with greenish diarrhea. Affected
chicks appear dull with ruffled feathers and moist vent.
Causes of visceral gout are mostly infectious, nutritional or toxic origin. The kidney damage can arise from
infection with certain strains of infectious Bronchitis, Avian Nephritis virus, exposure to some mycotoxin or
inadequate water intake. Even low humidity during first 3 days of chick life or inadequate water intake during
first few days of life can favour the gout condition along with other factors
Goutban contains specially selected urinary acidifiers that help in the excretion of excessive uric acid
through the kidneys instead of collecting in the tissues . In addition herbal component in GOUTBAN
helps in supplying essential vitamins in its natural form, which can prevent the further accumulation
of urate crystals and also reduces the problem.
Vitamin C
Acetic acid
Potassium and Ammonium salts
Specific Herbal extracts of anti-gout plants
w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m
Gout- free flock always!
Visceral gout:
-Abnormal droppings
- Birds eating poorly, feed left over in troughs
- Pasty vent
- Mortality
- Post-mortem lesions of urate deposits on organs
Articular gout:
- Swollen, knotty joints
- Pain produces lameness
- Often coexists with visceral gout
Broilers: 10ml/ 100 birds in drinking water for minimum of 2 weeks
Layers : 20-30ml/ 100 birds in drinking water for minimum of 4 weeks
1L, 5L and 30L cans

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Ageless Beauty - Rejuvenation

Water additives for poultry 2015

  • 1. R MINVIT w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m Aminoacid, Vitamin, Mineral liquid supplement RMINVIT liquid fulfils the " ideal–protein" concept. Lysine and Methionine are the two most essential building blocks in poultry nutrition. " Lysine " one of the building blocks for muscle protein, needs to be supplied in appropriate proportions with methionine for optimum benefits. RMINVIT is enhanced with a combination of essential Vitamins as well as Reservet. This ideal combination works for the overall performance in Broilers as well as layers. Methionine one of the major component of RMINVIT is the first limiting amino acid for poultry. If the natural methionine content of a poultry feed is low, or if the it must be augmented with supplements. The same is almost always deficient in modern broiler diets without amino acid supplementation, and lysine may be in excess. Hence a supplement with the right combination is always beneficial Why do Birds need a complete Liquid Supplement ? 1.The birds generally go off feed whenever they have systemic problems 2.When they are stressed due to vaccination, heat stress and handling 3.The first week of chicks life is very critical and needs the boost. 4.Whenever the birds go off feed. RMINVIT provides all the essential nutrients the birds should have (vitamins, amino acids and minerals) in liquid form which is substituted when the birds go off feed and when they need it the most. B1,B2,B6,B12 RMINVIT Reservet Lysine Methionine Vitamins Minerals
  • 2. w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m RMINVIT Aminoacid, Vitamin, Mineral liquid supplement Reservet in RMINVIT RESERVET is a polyphenolic derivative of plant origin, derived from the fruits and seeds of grapes and other plants, and conjugated into perfection by Arginine Arginine is a very safe amino acid. Through conjugation of Resveratrol with Arginine, Reservet ensures the enhanced availability of Arginine and Resveratrol in the system. Reservet- Facts; - Shows upto 7 times increase in the maximum plasma concentrations (Cmax) - Up to 4 times increase in the AUC - Improved Solubility as compared to Resveratrol alone Advantages of Reservet: - Reservet acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and boosts immune system - Reservet, like antioxidant molecules, can donate electrons to unstable free radicals and still remain stable themselves - Reservet has been found to be more powerful and effective than Vitamin’s C and E as antioxidants - Reservet increases the bioavailability of minerals and amino acids substantially - Reservet improves the uptake of electrolytes into the system Ingredients Each 500ml contains Choline Chloride 64.0 g Lysine 64.0 g Methionine 128.5 g Phosphorus Magnesium 595.5 Sodium 460.0 Zinc Iron 224.3 Copper 157.4 Cobalt 207.5 Manganese 383.1 Fortified with Vitamins Enriched with Reservet 155.2 217.0 Usage: Broiler 1ml / L of water Breeder & 1ml / 2L of water Layers Presentation: 500ml and 5L mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg
  • 3. DOLOLYTE HEAT STRESS IN BIRDS ! One of the major causes of mortality in birds is "Heat Stress". Farmers incur huge losses during major operations like vaccination, transportation and increased temperatures during summer. Birds are ‘Heat Stressed' if they have difficulty achieving a balance between, heat produced and heat lost. This can occur at all ages and in all types of poultry. 'Thermo-neutral zone’,12.8 C to 23.9 C ; Birds can lose heat at a controlled rate in a normal manner. There is no heat stress if the body temperature is held constant. When conditions like the 'Upper critical temperature’, 35.5 C to 40.8 C ,is exceeded, birds must lose heat actively by panting. The body temperature of the bird must remain between 39- 41°C . If body temperature rises more than 41 ° C , the bird will be stressed ,leading to subsequent rise in mortality in the flock. 0 0 0 0 The most common sources of increased body heat in birds ! * Heat is produced by metabolism within the body, which includes: maintenance, growth and egg production * Excluding temperature of the air ventilating the house, heat is also added from the roof and walls and dry litter * The heat of electric lights and motors is a very small fraction(1%) of heat produced by the body metabolism * Increase in ambient temperature in summer Schematic summary of non-specific stress : neural pathways and humoral pathways. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis(HPA); Neurogenic System(NS) w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m Summer stress!..don't distress !
  • 4. DOLOLYTE w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m Summer stress!..don't distress ! Consequences of Heat Stress ! STRESSORS High cage density, Handling, Loud noise Delay in Ovulation and Cessation Of shell gland Cuticle formation Epinephrine released into circulation Usage : 1 gm/2 L of water for 3-5 days or as recommended by the Veterinarian 1 Kg / ton of feed Presentation : 200 gms & 1 Kg pouches Ingredients: Each 100g contains Calcium lactate Potassium chloride 5.5 g Sodium chloride Sodium bicarbonate Sodium acid phosphate Sodium citrate 6.6 g Magnesium sulphate 0.9 g Ascorbic acid (coated) Lactobacillus viable spores 3000 million Dextrose anhydrous Q.S. Enhanced with Reservet Fortified with ASA 2.0 g 0.75 g 1.8 g 3.0 g 0.9 g Cock A Doodle Dooo ! Dololyte now enhanced with temperature busters and Reservet !
  • 5. ReSerGen w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m A potent immunostimulant with Reservet The immune system of the poultry birds is very helpful in preventing disease and helping to ensure maximum productive potential is realized. One of the major causes of poor immune response of the birds innate immunity is natural cell death caused by cellular mechanisms. Oxidation is one of nature's age old mechanism. It is nature's natural recycling process by decomposing materials to their basic elements. These free radicals are unstable compounds with an unpaired or extra electron in their chemical make-up looking for an electron to become stable. The antioxidant offers this electron that the free radical is looking for, rendering it stable, preventing it from becoming destructive to living cells ReSerGen contains Vitamin E & Selenium topped with Reservet and unique essential oils. Vitamin E saves Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acid (PUFA) enzyme and transport proteins located in membranes, from free radical attack. Selenium, forms a major part of the physiological antioxidation process along with Vitamin E. Reservet is proven for its anti-in flammatory, adaptogenic & immunomodulating action. Immunosuppresion the silent killer resulting in; High disease susceptibility of flock Vaccination failures Misleading diagnosis Complicating the therapy Poor performance Fig .2: Vit E and Selenium mechanism of action as antioxidant Vitamin E and Selenium for improvement of Immunity - Protect most vulnerable, rapidly proliferating cells of immune system from oxidative damage - Inhibition of prostaglandin – PGE production - Better antigen recognition - Favour the proliferation of T-cells - Balance between T-cells and macrophages Fig.1: Damage caused by free radicals
  • 6. w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m ReSerGen Properties of Reservet • Anti-inflammatory • Immunostimulant • Anti-oxidant INGREDIENTS • Vitamin E • Selenium Enhanced with Reservet & Essential oil of ‘A’ Usage: 100-200g/ton of feed Chicks/Growers/Layers: 1g/ 5 L of drinking water Breeders : 1g/2 L of drinking water Presentation: 200 g, 1kg Essential oil of ‘A’ in ReSerGen acts as - Immunostimulant - Antibacterial - Carminative Reservet - The new age molecule ! RESERVET is a polyphenolic derivative of plant origin, derived from the fruits and seeds of Grapes and other plants It is relatively non-genotoxic, non-mutagenic, and no reproductive toxicity has been reported. •Reservet, acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and boosts immune system Reservet, like antioxidant molecules, can donate electrons to unstable free radicals and still remain stable themselves • A potent immunostimulant with Reservet
  • 7. OLACID PLUS w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m Water acidifier with an edge ! Olacid plus contains the optimum blend of buffered organic acids and essential oils. The appropriate combination of 5 major elements synergistically work to control the pathogen load by reducing the pH of drinking water and the gut. Olacid plus controls and prevents contamination of drinking water when administered through drinking water and that of feed when administered through feed. Water acidifiers help reduce pathogen load, promotes digestive process and help enhanced nutrient a b s o r p t i o n , f u r t h e r p r o m o t i n g t h e p r o l i f e r a t i o n o f n o r m a l g u t f l o r a . ACIDIFIERS OFFER A SOLUTION AS ALTERNATIVE TO ANTIBIOTICS In modern animal production, acidifiers have been proven to be an efficient alternative to antibiotics. Water acidification contributes to environmental hygiene, with a continued function through either the feed or water into the animals' gastrointestinal tract. The acidifiers have been successful in alleviating the effects of various intestinal diseases, with its action against ascites in broilers the latest solution available to producers. ....Feed management ,2009 Fig: Acid dissociation causes bacterial cell death Ingredients Lactic acid Formic acid Citric acid Phosphoric acid Citrate Enhanced with Essential Oils RECOMMENDATIONS : 1. To decontaminate water 2. To prevent the incidences of Salmonellosis & Colibacillosis transmitted through water 3. To lower pathogen load 4. To improve the FCR 5. Promotes normal gut flora and enhances gut integrity 6. Promotes digestive process and enhances nutrient absorption Usage: 1ml/ 5L of drinking water Presentation: 1L and 5L cans The mode of action of phytogenic substances like essential oils and its relative synergism with organic acids is substancial. The synergy is associated with the ability of the essential oils to weaken bacterial cell walls, increasing its permeability to organic acids which act on bacterial cells to destroy them.
  • 8. BIO-PRO Q w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m Probiotics are live microbial feed supplement which beneficially affects the host animal by improving its intestinal microbial balance. In an age where antibiotics are being banned to reduce the harmful residual effects in humans, probiotics provide a new horizon in growth promotion for the livestock industry. Probiotics the new revolution in growth promotion ! Why probiotics ? * Development of a number of specific diseases in poultry * Resistance of organisms to antibiotics * No poultry farm is free of pathogen * Speed at which pathogenic organism multiply and colonize * Consumer awareness and interest in newer options * Increased costs of therapeutic medication Characteristics of an effective probiotic ! * Capable of being prepared as viable product * Stable and viable for extended period * Capable of colonizing and surviving in the intestine * Produce beneficial effect in the host What is Competitive Exclusion ?  Benefits of Bio-Pro Q due to CE 1. Lowered pH in the intestine (Fuller 1997) 2. Production of 2 deoxy D glucose by LAB 3. Production of Hydrogen peroxide which forms hypothianate and toxic to bacteria.(Leon 1998)  4. Production of Bactriocins by LAB.(Leon 1994) 5. Absorption and expulsion of E.coli and Salmonella organism (Newman 1996) *LAB: Lactobacillus Advantages of Probiotics ! * Improves performance - body weight and FCR * Increases absorption of nutrients. * Protects hepatic cells against injury/inflammation * Improves utilization of protein * Stimulates immunity - Humoral & CMI * Competitively excludes pathogenic organisms (Upendra 2000) * CE is a set of environmental consitions that favour the ‘good bacteria’ and selects against ‘bad bacteria’
  • 9. w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m Presentation: 100 g pouch w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m Usage: 1 g/ 15 L of water Ingredient: Each 1g contains: 5 x 10 CFU/g of viable organisms 9 BIO-PRO Q Probiotics the new revolution in growth promotion ! Bio-Pro Q ; Composition of Probiotics 6 sps of Lactobacillus 4 sps of Bifidobacterium 1 sps of Streptococcus Indications: * To improve immunity and establishment of useful bacteria in the gut if day old chicks * To improve immunity, survivability and uniformity of growing chicks * Improve feed efficiency and , improve daily weight gains and reduce days to market * Reduce medication costs * Reduce Salmonella spp. and other undesirable infections * Improve gut health and litter Directions for use: * Dissolve 1g in 15 L of drinking water, along with vaccine stabilizer or skim milk . The treated water provided should preferably not last for more than 12 hrs for each application. * Day old chicks can be sprayed with spray encriched with Bio-Pro Q to enhance establishment of useful gut microbes. * Water acidifier , chlorine or disinfectant may be avoided at the time of application. The same may be resumed after treatment water is over. * A minimum of 3 consecutive days is recmmended for chicks. For adults, treatment after antibiotic treatment and during outbreak of gut infections is imperative. 9
  • 11.
  • 12. 1. Lameness due to calcium defiiciency Usage:
  • 13. QUADRAVIT SUPER w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m Multivitamin supplement! QUADRAVIT SUPER contains the right blend of vitamin and trace mineral components that provide a complete supplement to meet all requirements of the body, for maintenance, improving performance and also in the repair of damages caused by any extraneous causes. It uniquely combines the most essential nutrients as ideal synergistic agents to strengthen various physiological functions. Ingredients Each 1g contains Vitamin A 20000 IU Vitamin B1 1 mg Vitamin B2 4 mg Vitamin B3 5 mg Vitamin B6 1 mg Vitamin B12 20 mcg Vitamin C 10 mg Vitamin D3 4000 IU Vitamin E 20 mg Vitamin K3 3 mg Nicotinic acids 20 mg Folic acid 400 mcg Biotin 20 mcg Inositol 3 mg Choline 20 mg Manganese 11 mg Potassium 0.5 mg Cobalt 1 mg Zinc 4 mg Iron 10 mg Copper 2 mg RECOMMENDATIONS : 1. To combat the deficiency of vitamins and trace elements in poultry and livestock 2. As a regular supplementation in daily diet to meet daily requirements in case of poor feed quality Vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K along with Biotin, Choline and mineral conglomerates act as a complete supplement to help overcome deficiencies thereby enhancing performance in broilers, productivity along with hatchability in layers and breeders. Usage: Administration/ Dosage: Oral, via drinking water/ feed Calves ( till 45 kg) : 3 g / animal/ day for 5 days Calves ( 45-75 kg) : 5g/ animal/ day for 5 days Poultry : 0.5-1 kg/1000L of drinking water Camels 20 g/ head/ day Horses : 15g/ head/ day : Presentation: 1 kg pack
  • 14. AMINOVIT PLUS w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m Vitamin B and Amino acid supplement! The B complex vitamins are water soluble and not stored to any significant extent in the body. They act in a broad range of metabolic pathways. However, because a continuous supply is required, damage to the intestine or when body is challenged to with a higher demand for some reason the availability of vitamins may have profound effects. Reduced productivity, including poor growth in the young animals, and reduced egg production in the layers are common scenarios. The embryo is particularly dependent on having adequate supplies of vitamins deposited in the egg. Birds suffering from chronic vitamin deficiencies are especially prone to cause problems of hatchability. . The combined availability of Vitamin B complex, along with Methionine, Lysine, Choline and added advantage of Reservet provide a complete supplement for both Broiler and Layer birds Thiamine mononitrate 7.5 Riboflavin 2.5 Niacinamide 75.0 Pyridoxine Hcl 1.25 Cyanocobalamine 12.0 mcg Biotin 10.0 mcg Methionine 25.0 D-Panthenol 2.5 Choline chloride 50.0 Lysine Hcl 10.0 Enhanced with Reservet mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg Ingredients: Each 10ml contains: - To overcome problems associated with deficiency of B complex vitamins - To improve hatchability in breeder animals and birds - To improve growth in broilers and productivity in layers - To ensure faster recovery from infectious diseases Usage: Chicks : 10ml/ 100 birds Growers/layers/broilers: 20ml/ 100 birds Breeders : 30ml/ 100 birds Cattle : 40-60ml/day Small ruminants: 20-30ml/day Indications: Presentation : 1L
  • 15. GOUTBAN w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m Gout- free flock always! Poultry industry today aims for higher performance and productivity in a short period of time. Gout is one such metabolic disorder which affects the kidneys functions. In gout, the kidney function is slowed down to a point where uric acid accumulates in blood and body-fluids. In birds uric acid is the end product of nitrogen metabolism. Uric acid is a nitrogenous waste from protein breakdown. Gout is commonly observed in chicken as they are uricotelic and lack the enzyme uricase. In gout, blood levels of uric acid can be as high as 44mg/100ml as compared to 5-7mg/100ml in a normal bird. Articular gout is considered to be the chronic form of the disease and is less common. Lesions observed are urate deposition around joints, ligaments and tendon sheaths. There is a predilection for peripheral articulation. Clinical signs observed are shifting leg lameness with joints becoming warm, swollen and tender. Accumulation of white uric acid or urate - crystals in soft tissues of various organs in body is called as visceral gout. Visceral form of gout is commonly noticed in broilers resulting in economic losses due to mortality and morbidity. Affected birds are characterized by depression, dehydration and sometimes accompanied with greenish diarrhea. Affected chicks appear dull with ruffled feathers and moist vent. Causes of visceral gout are mostly infectious, nutritional or toxic origin. The kidney damage can arise from infection with certain strains of infectious Bronchitis, Avian Nephritis virus, exposure to some mycotoxin or inadequate water intake. Even low humidity during first 3 days of chick life or inadequate water intake during first few days of life can favour the gout condition along with other factors Goutban contains specially selected urinary acidifiers that help in the excretion of excessive uric acid through the kidneys instead of collecting in the tissues . In addition herbal component in GOUTBAN helps in supplying essential vitamins in its natural form, which can prevent the further accumulation of urate crystals and also reduces the problem. Ingredients: Vitamin C Acetic acid Potassium and Ammonium salts Specific Herbal extracts of anti-gout plants
  • 16. GOUTBAN w w w. q u a d r a v e t. c o m Gout- free flock always! Indications: Visceral gout: -Abnormal droppings - Birds eating poorly, feed left over in troughs - Pasty vent - Mortality - Post-mortem lesions of urate deposits on organs Articular gout: - Swollen, knotty joints - Pain produces lameness - Often coexists with visceral gout Usage: Broilers: 10ml/ 100 birds in drinking water for minimum of 2 weeks Layers : 20-30ml/ 100 birds in drinking water for minimum of 4 weeks Presentation: 1L, 5L and 30L cans