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War Eagle News
 U.S. Army Recruiting Battalion Albany                                                                November 2011

                                                                                                           Mr. Newfrock

   Troops to Teachers (TTT) provides Counseling and Referral services to military personnel interested in beginning a
   second career in public education as a teacher. The DANTES Troops to Teachers office will help applicants identify
   teacher certification requirements, programs leading to certification and employment opportunities.

   Goals and Objectives

   Reflecting the focus of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, the primary objective of TTT is to help recruit quality
   teachers for schools that serve low-income families throughout America . TTT helps relieve teacher shortages, espe-
   cially in math, science, special education and other high-needs subject areas, and assists military personnel in mak-
   ing successful transitions to second careers in teaching.

   Program Function

          The purpose of TTT is to assist eligible military personnel to transition to a new career as public school
            teachers in targeted schools. A network of State TTT Offices has been established to provide participants
            with counseling and assistance regarding certification requirements, routes to state certification, and em-
            ployment leads. The TTT homepage provides information and resource links, including a job referral sys-
            tem to allow participants to search for job vacancies as well as links to state Departments of Education,
            state certification offices, model resumes, and other job listing sites in public education.
          Pending availability of funds, financial assistance may be provided to eligible individuals as stipends up to
            $5K to help pay for teacher certification costs or as bonuses of $10K to teach in schools serving a high per-
            centage of students from low-income families. Participants who accept the Stipend or Bonus must agree to
            teach for three years in targeted schools in accordance with the authorizing legislation.

   As the teacher shortage continues to grow, school districts are increasingly turning to TTT to find new teacher can-
   didates. School districts that hire one military veteran through TTT almost always come back looking for more “just
   like him/her.” Military veterans have established a reputation as excellent teachers and exemplary role models for
   today’s students. The leadership skills, breadth of experience, dedication, commitment and maturity that our for-
   mer military bring to the classroom are attributes sought by public school administrators and parents. If you are
   considering teaching as a second career, visit
   for more information regarding the program and qualifications.

                              4-Executive Officer             8-IMO & S-2                    12-APA
      In This Issue:
                              5-S-1 & Family Matters          9-S-3                          13-17– Around the Companies

2-Commander’s Corner          6-IMO & S-2
                                                              10-RMS                         17-Birthday’s &
3-Sergeant Major’s            7-S-3                                                                 Anniversaries
Comments                                                      11—S-4
Page News                                                                                            Eagle Page 2

                                                           he loved video games, baseball and history, and that
                          Corner                           he was having lots of trouble with his other subjects
                          by Lt. Col. Janice M. Gravely    and that he had just broken up with his girlfriend.
                                                           They arrived at Bill's home first, and Mark was in-
                                                           vited in for a Coke and to watch some television. The
                                                           afternoon passed pleasantly with a few laughs and
                                                           some shared small talk, then Mark went home. They
                                                           continued to see each other around school, had lunch
                                                           together once or twice, they both graduated from jun-
                                                           ior high school. They ended up in the same high
                                                           school where they had brief contacts over the years.
 Team… this month’s newsletter is bitter sweet - I
 was so touched at the determination this great organi-    Finally the long-awaited senior year came, and three
 zation executed to ensure we made mission, it was         weeks before graduation, Bill asked Mark if they
 almost overwhelming. When I would visit stations,         could talk. Bill reminded him of the day years ago
 Soldiers were asking,” Do we still need X, we are         when they had first met. "Did you ever wonder why I
 working X to support the mission.” From the bottom        was carrying so many things home that day?" asked
 of my heart, I want to Thank-you, thank-you, thank-       Bill. "You see, I cleaned out my locker because
 you as this battalion would not be where it is today      I didn't want to leave a mess for anyone else. I had
 without the great warriors we have who continue to        stored away some of my mother's sleeping pills, and I
 fight each and every day. Let’s make this a three peat.   was going home to "commit suicide," But after
                                                           we spent some time together talking and laughing, I
 On a sad note, we have encountered some Soldiers          realized that if I had killed myself, I would have
 who have opted to violate our covenant. My big ques- missed that time, and so many others that might
 tion is where was their brother/sister who could have follow. So you see, Mark, when you picked up those
 stopped this before it went to a point that requires      books that day, you did a lot more, you saved my
 investigations, flags, embarrassment, etc. I still be-    life! . . . THE END.
 lieve this is a fluke and we can recover and NOT have
 any additional incidents. Each of you have reaffirmed "Every little hello, every little smile, every helping
 the oath so I have faith these will be the last issues we hand can save a hurting
 have to endure.                                           heart. Pass it on.

 As we just finished with Thanksgiving and begin to        With this message comes the token that says that
 celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Winter            YOU are special. Show your teammates how much
 Solstice, or any other forms of celebration, let us not   you appreciate them and what they mean to you...
 forget about our Recruiting Family. Ask your buddy
 how they are doing (Thanks to the Soldiers who have       Let’s take care of each other so we can ensure we
 asked the commander how she is doing. It was not          Never Leave a Fallen Comrade.
 expected as I am the commander, but those Soldiers
 reminded me that I am a Soldier as well- it was           Thank-you for all you do each and every day.
 enlightening and appreciated).
                                                           See It!!!!! Believe It!!! Achieve It!!!
 My Story of the month is below:

     THIS IS A TRUE STORY from Johnny Bristol              Eagle 6

 Mark was walking home from school one day when he
 noticed the boy ahead of him had tripped and
 dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with
 two sweaters, a baseball bat, a glove, and a small tape
 recorder. Mark knelt down and helped the boy pick
 up the scattered articles. Since they were going the
 same way, he helped carry part of the burden. As they
 walked Mark discovered the boy's name was Bill, that
Eagle News                                                                                           Page 3

                       Sergeant                              However, written values are useless
                                                             unless practiced. You must act cor-
                                                             rectly with character, complete un-
                       Comments                              derstanding, and sound motivation.
                       by Command Sgt. Maj. Gary D. Lynch    Your trusted leaders will aid you in
                                                             adopting such values by making sure
                                                             their core experiences validate them.
                                                     By this method, strategic leadership imbues
                       War Eagles,
                                                     Army Values into all Soldiers.
                        I would like to con-
                                                    CSAT is coming up in December... be ready!
 gratulate all the Soldier’s, Civilians and fam-    79Rs—this is your profession so let’s show
 ily members for making our combined mis-           USAREC that we know our craft. Last year
 sion for the second straight month and lead-       there was about a 60% average score in the
 ing USAREC with our accomplishments!               Command, so get into the regulations. It’s a
 Hooaahh!! Let’s do a three peat!                   70 question, open book test to be completed
                                                    in 60 minutes—if you try to look everything
 It takes everybody’s hard work and dedica-         up, you will run out of time. The more you
 tion and we couldn’t be successful without         are prepared before the test, the better you
 each and every one of you, just like a ladder      will score.
 you can’t climb up it if one or two of the steps
                                               Lastly, I would like to talk about the upcom-
 are broken!
                                               ing Holiday season and be thankful for what
 Next I would like to talk about our Army Val- we have! Let’s remember the less fortunate
                                               and be there to help one another instead of
 ues and how we live and breathe them as it
                                               worrying about what I can get. This is the
 states in FM 3-21.7                           perfect time to be in your communities help-
                                               ing and doing what is right!
 US Army Values reminds us and displays to
 the rest of the world—the civilian govern-    Enjoy the Holidays!!
 ments we serve, the nation we protect, other
 nations, and even our enemies—who we are CSM Lynch
 and what we stand for.
 The trust you have for your fellow Soldiers   War Eagle 7
 and the trust the American people have in
 you depends on how well you live up to the
 Army Values. After all, these values are the
 fundamental building blocks that enable you
 to understand right from wrong in any situa-
 tion. Army Values are consistent and
 support one another; you cannot follow one
 value and ignore the others.

 Army Values, which form the acrostic

 Army Values, including policies and proce-
 dures, form the foundation on which the
 Army’s institutional culture stands.
Eagle News                                                                                                          Page 4

                              Executive Officer
                              by MAJ Robert C. Lovejoy

                                          TATTOO SCREENING
     Tattoos are becoming more and more common in our American society. People get tattoos for different
     reasons. For some, it is a way to distinguish themselves from others and express their individuality.
     Some people get tattoos to remember loved ones or even religious experience that they have had. How-
     ever, some individuals get tattoos to identify themselves with a gang, hate group, or other organization
     that goes against the good order and discipline that we exonerate in the United States Army. Our job, as
     recruiters, is to make sure that those who are entering a lifestyle of military service conform to the rules
     and policies that govern tattoos.

     I will not repeat verbatim the USAREC regulations covering what is considered an acceptable tattoo and
     what requires a waiver. Instead, I would like to focus on the processing of USAREC Form 1241. Though
     photos of tattoos on the hands, neck, and face require an accompanying photo, photos still only tell part
     of the story. The Recruiter, Station Commander, First Sergeant, and Company Commander all have the
     opportunity to put actual eyes on the individual with the tattoo. If you believe that the tattoo is in com-
     pliance and that the Battalion Commander or Executive Officer should endorse it, you should not be
     afraid to mark the box stating that, “The above tattoos/brands ARE in accordance with AR 670-1 and
     current policy.”

     Photos are another important part of the waiver process. Photos should include a clear, good resolution,
     photo of the whole tattoo. If the tattoo wraps around the arm or is not able to be taken in a single shot,
     multiple shots are acceptable. Additional photos should include a shot of the whole person standing at
     attention, and a shot of how much the tattoo is covered up by ACU and APFU uniforms. Photos with
     poor resolution do not always tell the whole story of the Tattoo.

     Lastly, some tattoos closely resemble tattoos that are gang or hate group affiliated. In such cases, the
     applicant needs to fill out a sworn statement, DA Form 2823, swearing that they have never been associ-
     ated with any gang or hate group and that they did not know the tattoo was affiliated with any such
     group at the time they got it.

     USAREC has additional guidance and training posted on their portal at:
     portal/dt/usarec/HQ/G3/Enlistment Eligibility Processing/Tattoo.html
Eagle News                                                                                Page 5

S1                                                                                 By: Capt. Nolan

                           Birth Month Audit Records Updates
  Soldiers listed below have first priority 1‐10 December for records updates

                RSID          NAME                           RANK
                1A4V          ANDERSON, DANIEL J             SGT
                1A8J          AVILES, JUAN M                 SFC
                1A8G          BORJA, ROGER A                 SFC
                1A4W          BURDICK, DALE W                SSG
                1A6N          CUE, DONDRA E                  SFC
                1A1W          GRIMM, DAVID W                 SFC
                1A8G          HOLLENBECK, SCOTT B            SFC
                1A5F          KAUFMAN, MICHAEL B             SSG
                1A9S          KNIGHT, JUSTIN L               SSG
                1A5L          MALONEY, RICHARD P             SSG
                1A3P          MENTEGUIAGA, JAVIER            SGT
                1A3V          MORRIS, ZACHARY C              SGT
                1A6P          MURCKO, ROBERT L               SFC
                1A1Q          MURRAY, JOSHUA E               SGT
                1A8J          SALES, HERMAN L                SSG
                1A6L          SMITH, WILLIAM W               SSG
                1A9D          TAYLOR, ALEATHA J              SGT

                            Welcome to the War Eagle Battalion

          RSID             RSID    RANK   NAME
          HARTFORD         1A5F    SSG        GALIETTI, JOSEPH M     RECRUITER
          HARTFORD         1A5F    SGT        MISTOPOULOS, JASON E   RECRUITER
          WATERBURY        1A5W    SGT        DUTCHER, JUSTIN L      RECRUITER
          BRIDGEPORT CT    1A6D    SSG        YANEZ, CARLOS          RECRUITER
          RCTG CO EUROPE   1A8                MARTIN, MANUELA D      ADMIN ASST
Eagle News                                                                                Page 6


                    19 OCTOBER THRU 31 December

             Albany Battalion Combined Federal Campaign Kick‐Off Opens this year with a

                              COMMANDER CHALLENGE
                          COMBINED COMPANY DONATIONS
                            up to $3,000 MADE THIS YEAR!

        CFC Packets were distributed to your Company Commanders/1SG
        POC Jeannette Kamal (518) 266-7430

                                                                                 Eagles Rock!
Eagle News                                                                                    Page 7

      Mental Health Care and Counseling
There are many reasons to seek professional counseling. At some point you may face a prob-
    lem in your personal life or at work that may seem too big to handle on your own. Or the
    unique responsibilities that are part of military life may have you feeling overwhelmed
    by everyday demands or finding it hard to enjoy life.
For example, you may be having trouble concentrating at work or getting to sleep at night.
     Maybe you and your spouse are arguing more, or you're feeling anxious much of the
     time, or your child is eating poorly or seems "down." Whether your concerns are recent
     or long-term, it's important to know that there are professionals who can help you.
Military service members and their families have several options for counseling services, and
     many are offered free of charge. If you are considering counseling, be sure to look into
     these resources:

Military OneSource (1-800-342-9647,

Military OneSource counselors and consultants can provide short-term, solution-focused,
     non-medical counseling, up to 12 sessions per person, per issue, with a licensed profes-
     sional. Generally these sessions have to do with improving relationships at home and at
     work, marital issues, grief and loss issues (normal reactions that would benefit from
     short-term support), adjusting to a change in situation (such as a return from deploy-
     ment. These personal sessions are available in three ways: face-to-face, by telephone, or

                        Services are available in your areas: 
     Albany Stratton Veterans Medical Center — (518) 626-5330

     Saratoga Naval Support Medical Clinic—Appts available through Primary Care Provider
       (518) 583-5300

     South Burlington Veterans Center — (866) 687-8387

     Springfield US Veterans Medical Center —(413) 785-0301

     VA Connecticut Healthcare System - (860) 667-6765

     New Haven Medical Center—(203) 932-5711

     West Point-Keller Community Mental Health—(845) 938-7992
Eagle News                                                                                                 Page 8

  Small Unit Recruiting                                                                  By: Ms. Williams

              The Commanding General has identified six tenets of small unit recruiting. These tenets
                help to define his vision of recruiting operations and transform how we conduct the
                business of recruiting for the US Army –

                       Leader centric.

                       Team-based, aligns USAREC culture with Army culture.

                       Reward team success, not individual accomplishment.

                       Maximize organizational efficiencies by accentuating individual strengths.

                       Develop the individual and the team by cross-training across duty functions.

                       Establish routine and predictable engagement across rural and outlying markets
                         - persistent physical present is not required.

    To achieve this team focus will require leadership at all levels. Successful transformation does not
    depend on a change of facilities, technologies or resources. It does require leaders to understand
    and incorporate the Commanding General’s vision into daily operations. Leaders must enforce the
    tenets of teamwork, and not allow subordinates to regress to the practices of the past that rewarded
    individual performance. Recruiters in a station will have assigned roles (engagement team mem-
    ber, support team member, Future Soldier Leader) but will function as a team to accomplish the
    mission. All members of the team are cross trained and will “cover-down” as required.

              Small Unit Recruiting is the next step in the transformation to a Pinnacle architecture.
                The Army is a team and our operations should reflect this principle. Our current opera-
                tions are transforming from processes that emphasize individual missions to a team-
                based structure that is characterized by dividing the labor and the team members, spe-
                cializing in skills that leverage individual strengths and minimizes weaknesses, and al-
                lows the development of deeper skills and experience.

              Small Unit Recruiting will enable stations and companies to establish a routine and pre-
                dictable engagement rhythm across rural and outlying markets. This engagement does
                not require a physical presence in those areas. Leaders will capitalize on current and
                emerging technologies to support a holistic market penetration plan.
Eagle News                                                                                                                    Page 9

S3                                            Godspeed Albany                                                        By Cpt. Myers

                1LT Carey shows the stalwart face that is the future of the BN S3 section as CPT Myers
                solemnly relinquishes control of his duties.

            It is rare to have an opportunity or a forum to truly thank an organization during a PCS move, especially in USAREC,
  but I would like to do just that in this issue of the War Eagle. I would like to express my gratitude to each member of the Al-
  bany Recruiting Battalion, not to draw attention to my leaving, but to communicate how appreciative everyone in S3 is for the
  efforts each of you make day in and day out. When I arrived at the Battalion, I looked forward to a respite from the responsibil-
  ity of what seemed to be an endless cycle of deployments and training. Like many of you, my last several years in the Army took
  a toll on my family. I frankly did not expect a great deal professionally from my time here. It did not take long to realize that
  was absolutely untrue.

            As I stood in the mirror admiring myself last week, I noticed, to my horror, the beginnings of three gray hairs. This
  caused me to reflect on some of the other things I will take with me from the Albany Recruiting Battalion. I arrived here from
  the Ranger Regiment at least somewhat convinced no one in USAREC had much to offer me. I am leaving deeply humbled by
  how wrong I was. I have had the opportunity to work with some of the most technically proficient, motivated, competent NCO’s
  that this Army has produced. I have watched young men and women assess into the ranks and begin promising careers of ser-
  vice, and I have watched some of you retire honorably as your career came to an end. I have watched from the relative quiet of
  my cubicle great successes and a few failures as well, a microcosm of the Army experience and for certain a part of each of our
  Army Stories. The end result was that I rediscovered myself as a Soldier, and a love for being a member of the Army community
  that I had long forgotten. It is for this reason that I owe each of you a debt of gratitude for your great impact on my professional
  and personal life.

            Though Phase Line December will be my last, I will leave Operations in the capable hands of LT Shelley Carey. Fate is
  cruel, and as the collective sigh of relief was breathed when the RFO hit my inbox, an Airborne Ranger infinitely more fanatical
  than myself signed into Albany. LT Carey was a longtime member of 3rd Ranger Battalion (Known within the Regiment as the
  “Hollywood Battalion”), and will no doubt continue the tradition of excellence we have tried to maintain in Battalion Opera-
  tions. It has been a true pleasure serving each of you as a member of the Battalion staff. Thank you for your commitment, self-
  lessness, and professionalism. I leave truly inspired. God bless each of you in all of your future endeavors.
Eagle News                                                                               Page 10

                             CPT Myers talking Native Americans during our
                             Cultural Awareness Day.

     EEO – Cultural Awareness

     Oct 21, 2011 the Battalion Headquarters came together to recognize Italian American
     and German American contributions to the Unites States and United States Army with
     a potluck lunch. Also, on November 21, 2011 we again came together to recognize Na-
     tive American Heritage Month. During this event we had a special guest speaker CPT
     Elijah Myers. Potluck lunches are great way to get everyone involved in Cultural
     Awareness and to help build the Equal Opportunity program within your unit. The
     next Cultural Awareness observation will be held In February with Black History

                                                           Important Dates In December

                                         7 December—Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

                                         21 December-Hanukkah

                                         21 December-Winter Begins

                                         25 December-Christmas
Eagle News                                                                                                  Page 11

    S4                                                                                         By: Ms. Kubis

                Do You Know What Constitutes
           Authorized Use of a Government Vehicle??


     What’s the worst that can happen to me if I am a DA civilian and use the government vehicle for
     unofficial purposes?

     Answer: Employees who steal public property or convert it to their own use may be prosecuted by
     the Attorney General (18 U.S.C. § 641). The mandatory minimum penalty for willful misuse of gov-
     ernment vehicles is a 30-day suspension without compensation. This penalty has been upheld for
     simply stopping at McDonalds when returning from a meeting when the employee knew such use
     was unauthorized. See, e.g., Mattos v. Department of the Army, No. 93-3203 (Fed. Cir. Oct. 8,
     1993). Depending upon the circumstances, an employee may be suspended for longer than 30
     days, or even removed from office.

     What’s the worst that can happen to me if I am a Soldier and use the government vehicle for unoffi-
     cial purposes?

     Answer: You are subject to administrative and/or disciplinary action for wrongful use of a Govern-
     ment vehicle. Wrongful use of a Government vehicle by active duty personnel could lead to prose-
     cution for failure to obey a lawful general regulation, under paragraph 2-301.b. of the Joint Ethics
     Regulation. DoD 5500.7-R, for dereliction in the performance of duties, or for wrongful appropria-
     tion in violation of Articles 92(1), 92(3), or 121 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, respectively.
     The maximum punishment for failure to obey a lawful general regulation includes a dishonorable
     discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, reduction to pay grade E-1, and confinement for 2

     Are there other consequences that I might not be thinking about?

     Answer: Yes. As USAREC employees, we are constantly in the public eye. We are ambassadors of
     the Army. Even approved domicile-to-duty can be perceived by members of the general public as
     misuse of taxpayer dollars. Maintaining the image of the Army as responsible stewards of the pub-
     lic trust is paramount.

     518-266-7424 – Mr. Gilmore
     518-266-7425 – Mr. McMiller
     518-266-7459 – Ms. Kubis
Eagle News                                                                                   Page 12

S8                                                                           By: Ms. Spass

Your Reimbursement Could Be Affected—Keeping Your DTS Profile Up to Date

     It is important for travelers to ensure that Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), home address,
     and Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) information is current in their DTS profile. If
     this information is not kept up to date, travel reimbursements may be affected. In addition
     to the information above, travelers should periodically check their profiles in order to up-
     date other information such as rank, organization, phone number, emergency contact and
     other traveler information.

     When should I update my profile?

      GTCC expires or is reissued

      Moving/Permanent Change of Station

      Promotion/New job

     Steps for Updating Your Profile Information in DTS

     1. From your DTS homepage (after login), mouse over to Traveler Setup on the top menu
        bar and select Update Personal Profile.

     2. On the My Profile screen, click on each section to verify your information (My Prefer-
        ences, My Additional Information, My TSA Information, My Account Information).

     3. Save changes, select the Update Personal Information button

Eagle News                                                                                                                       Page 13

    Albany Bulldogs Company Future Soldier Event at SUNY Albany Military
    Appreciation Day

                                On Saturday 5 November 2011, The University of Albany Great
                                Danes played Bryant Bulldogs in football. The game was their
                                military appreciation day so I brought the entire Albany Com-
                                pany Family to the event; Soldiers, families, Future Soldiers and
                                friends. As we were getting prepared to tailgate the Future Sol-
                                diers and their friends challenged the Recruiters to a game of
    touch football. The game was closely matched and highly competitive with the score all tied
    up despite the Future Soldiers outnumbering us two to one.

           Following the feast we moved into the stadium to enjoy the game. We partnered with
    Siena ROTC for this event and we sat with them in the stands; between our two organiza-
    tions we accounted for half of the attendance at the game, it was a sea of ACU’s! Throughout
    the game we cheered on the Albany team and engaged the crowd trying to get them into the
    game. We threw out t-shirt, water bottles, key chains, and back packs. Every time Albany
    scored we ran in front of the crowd and did pushups for every point. The Albany cheerlead-
    ers even put some of the recruiters to work; SSG Zehender from Saratoga Station found
    himself hoisted into the air drawing a huge applause from the crowd.

           At halftime I had the honor and privilege of conducting an oath of enlistment for the
    approximately 30 Future Soldiers in attendance. Centered in front of the crowd the Future
    Soldiers marched into formation, raised their right hands, and swore an oath to the defend
    this great nation of ours. As soon as they put their arms down following the oath the crowd
    erupted into a thunderous cheer. It was a powerful moment that I’m sure will stay with each
    and every one of the Future Soldiers.

          Although the Albany Great Danes ultimately succumbed to the Bryant Bulldogs it was
    a tremendous day filled with great food, great family, and a great partnership with Siena

This newsletter is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. Army Recruiting Battalion, CONUS and overseas. Contents of newsletter
are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army or USAREC. It is
published quarterly by the Albany Recruiting Battalion, 1 Buffington Street, Bldg 25, Watervliet, NY 12189. Electronic and printed circulation
is 460 copies.

Commander                                                                                                                Lt. Col. Janice Gravely
Executive Officer                                                                                                          Maj. Robert Lovejoy
Chief, Advertising and Public Affairs                                                                                         Joseph Newfrock
Editor                                                                                                                             Kathie Abeel
Eagle News                                                                                            Page 14

             Burlington Company

   The Future Soldiers of Burlington and Plattsburgh col-
   laborated together in a large Future Soldier Function in
   order to build teamwork and a good competitive spirit.
   Also present were Future Airmen from the VT Air Na-
   tional Guard, who put up good competition for our Fu-
   ture Soldiers. The recruiters of Burlington Station
   worked with the USARs trainers from Detachment 2,
   Bravo Co., 1st BN/391st Regiment out of Smith-Goldberg
   Reserve Center in Colchester, VT to execute the event
   and have the proper amount of safeties. The safeties
   also included the recruiters from Burlington and Platts-
   burgh station, as well as the Air National Guard Recruiters. The Future Soldiers them-
   selves had an excellent time traversing the numerous obstacles, although a select few
   wasted no time in conducting the course two or three times!

   Overall, the event was an awesome experience for the Future Soldiers to meet other Fu-
   ture Soldiers from across Lake Champlain, as well as mingle with some Future Airmen.
   It was a great collaboration effort with multiple
   organizations, which ended up being a great FS

                                                       Photo:. SSG Dearth (3D) and SSG Cagle (3P)
                                                       assist as safeties during the FS Obstacle at
                                                       Camp Johnson, VT.

       Photo: The FSs had an awesome time traversing
       the obstacle course. Here a few USAR Soldiers
       assist a FS up the wall.
Eagle News                                                                                     Page 15

Springfield Company– Moving Springfield Recruiting Station

         On 20111026 Springfield Recruiting Station moved from 1550 Main St. in Springfield
 Massachusetts to 1472 Riverdale St. in West Springfield Massachusetts. The move had been
 forecasted since May of 2010. Although the station was already in the Mecca of the Springfield
 Recruiting Station’s footprint it was a move that many felt had to be done. The NCO’s of the
 station worked tirelessly in preparation of the move throughout 4th QTR while balancing mis-
 sion requirements and achieving the Top Large Station for Springfield Recruiting Company
 for their 2nd QTR of the year, helping them to achieve the Top Large Station in the Company
 for the as well. During the preparation these same NCO’s were charged with the coordination
 and execution of the Big E at the Eastern States Exposition Center, which is one of, if not the
 largest yearly event held in all of New England.

        Upon receipt of the exact move out date from 1550 Main St. all elements involved were
 in constant contact to execute all preparation so as to ensure that the transition was smooth
 and the station was mission capable at all times. The Station Commander, SFC Meredith
 found a coordinated with the Albany Recruiting Battalion S4 the moving company and S4 did
 an exceptional job of ensure all required coordination was flawlessly executed. The station has
 been one hundred percent operational since 1 Nov 2011, with only a few small deficiencies
 such as wireless printing and scanning. These issues are being worked through and will be
 corrected at the earliest time possible.

        The new location has many wonderful benefits. It is located on the busiest streets
 within the recruiting station’s area of operations. This is an area with a huge concentration of
 the area’s commerce such as restaurants, Movie Theater and major retailers. The station is
 located in one its must win zip codes and sit adjacent to Planet Fitness which is the areas 2nd
 most popular fitness facility.
Eagle News                                                                                              Page 16


                                     As the month of November comes to an end I am
                                     happy to reflect on a number of achievements. On
                                     10 November 2011, SSG Marco RiveraGonzalez reaf-
                                     firmed his commitment to Duty by reenlisting in
                                     front of a crowded High School Auditorium. Just
                                     minutes after watching a video put together by the
                                     students of Canton High School on the topic of what
                                     it meant to be a veteran, the audience sat in awe of
                                     the reenlistment ceremony. All of a sudden words
   such as “Support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies,
   foreign and domestic” took on a new tone and the audience responded with thunderous
   applause as SSG RiveraGonzalez finished with a loud “So help me God”.

    Also, the Warlords welcomed three new Soldiers on board the Beast of The East express. SGT Justin
    Dutcher, SGT Jason Mistopoulos and SSG Joseph Galietti have recently reported and begin integration into
    their respective recruiting stations.
Eagle News                                                                       Page 17

New Haven Company

             Leaders from the New Haven Recruiting Company attended the 2011 Sup-
      port the Troops and Honor the Veterans Breakfast Meeting. This breakfast meeting
      was honoring Paul W. Bucha (Medal of Honor Recipient, U.S. Army) on November
      15, 2011 at the Middlesex Chamber of Commerce. During the event, Mr. Bucha met
      the Soldiers from the New Haven Recruiting Company and discussed world events,
      budgetary, and current issues involving our military.

              Mr. Bucha embraced the U.S. Army and its Soldiers with a motivational and
      inspiring speech. Being part of this important event was an honor for our Leaders.
      The mayor and key community leaders were present and this was a great opportu-
      nity to enhance and strengthen our relationship and presence in the community.
Eagle News                                                                  Page 18

Europe Company—RED Ribbon Week

       On 22 October 2011, members of the Europe company participated in
  the USAG Kaiserslautern Red Ribbon Week ceremonies and 5K run. Red Rib-
  bon Week commemorates the ultimate sacrifice made by DEA Special Agent
  Enrique "Kiki" Camarena, who died at the hands of drug traffickers.

        Approximately 3500 Soldiers and family members participated in the
  festivities, which included fund raising booths for the local FRG’s, live music,
  and the 5K run.

        Europe Company regularly participates in community events, which
  help to integrate recruiting into the local military communities.

               Some of the participants for the 5K run.
Eagle News                                                                                                                Page 19


The Honorable Nan Hayworth, member of the US Congress, Representative to the 19th Congressional District, was a VIP to
the Bear Mountain area of operations - and our battalion. Her district covers Orange County and much of the lower Hudson

Congresswoman Hayworth, seeing the need for employers and job seekers to meet, arranged a job fair on 7 November 2011.
In order to get the greatest number of diverse employers, she partnered with the Dutchess County Chamber of Commerce
and the “Connections for Professionals (CCP)” committee.

Sgt. Andy New, A Bear Mountain NCO from our Poughkeepsie station, availed himself of this opportunity to partner with
the Congresswoman and the Chamber of Commerce. He also partnered with one of the local Army Medical recruiting NCOs
in the Area.

CPT Grant Brayley and Sgt. New were able to meet the Congresswoman, her operations director for Orange County, and
arrange for a seat at her annual board for evaluating potential West Point applicants.

This type of event typifies the efforts of our NCOs and the rich cultural environment which is the Hudson River Valley.
Eagle News
 Eagle News                                                                           Page 20
                                                                                Page 19

     November Birthday’s-

     November 4...Master Sgt. Holland

     November 9...Mr. McMiller

     November 15...Sgt. 1st Class Steele

     November 28...Mr. Stewart

     Albany Company

     November 17...Sgt. 1st Class Walker

     Burlington Company                           Europe Company

     November 3...Sgt. Pinson                      November 22...Staff Sgt. Newell

     November 14...Sgt. 1st Taylor

     Springfield Company

     November 6...Cpt. Lewellen                   Bear Mountain Company

     November 7… 1st Sgt. Henderson               November 4...Staff Sgt. Fabela

     November 16...Staff Sgt. Sirdevan            November 14...Sgt. Torres

     November 23...Sgt. Martinez                  November 28...Sgt. 1st Class Williams

     Hartford Company

     November 16...Staff Sgt. Thomas

     November 18...Sgt. Deforge

     New Haven Company

     November 7...Sgt. Goldup
                                         Lets all congratulate SFC Warren Steele who mar-
                                         ried Ms. Michelle Cote on the 5th of November.
We wish the following Soldiers and their spouses a

                     Happy Anniversary

   November 1...Sgt. 1st Class Rodriguez-Springfield MEPS

      November 7...Sgt. Goldrup-New Haven Company

    November 7...Staff Sgt. Knochel-Springfield Company

      November 9...Sgt. Anderson-Springfield Company

     November 11...Staff Sgt Peak-Burlington Company

       November 11...Sgt. Tesfay-Burlington Company

November 11...Sgt. 1st Class Williams-Bear Mountain Company

       November 12...Sgt. Bailey-Springfield Company

  November 12...Staff Sgt. Greene– Bear Mountain Company

 November 14...Staff Sgt. Anderson-Bear Mountain Company

 November 15...Staff Sgt. Beauchamp -New Haven Company

     November 19...Staff Sgt. Strong-Hartford Company

          November 21 ...Major Lovejoy-Battalion

   November 23...Staff Sgt. King-Bear Mountain Company

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War eagle newsletternov 2011

  • 1. War Eagle News U.S. Army Recruiting Battalion Albany November 2011 Mr. Newfrock Troops to Teachers (TTT) provides Counseling and Referral services to military personnel interested in beginning a second career in public education as a teacher. The DANTES Troops to Teachers office will help applicants identify teacher certification requirements, programs leading to certification and employment opportunities. Goals and Objectives Reflecting the focus of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, the primary objective of TTT is to help recruit quality teachers for schools that serve low-income families throughout America . TTT helps relieve teacher shortages, espe- cially in math, science, special education and other high-needs subject areas, and assists military personnel in mak- ing successful transitions to second careers in teaching. Program Function  The purpose of TTT is to assist eligible military personnel to transition to a new career as public school teachers in targeted schools. A network of State TTT Offices has been established to provide participants with counseling and assistance regarding certification requirements, routes to state certification, and em- ployment leads. The TTT homepage provides information and resource links, including a job referral sys- tem to allow participants to search for job vacancies as well as links to state Departments of Education, state certification offices, model resumes, and other job listing sites in public education.  Pending availability of funds, financial assistance may be provided to eligible individuals as stipends up to $5K to help pay for teacher certification costs or as bonuses of $10K to teach in schools serving a high per- centage of students from low-income families. Participants who accept the Stipend or Bonus must agree to teach for three years in targeted schools in accordance with the authorizing legislation. As the teacher shortage continues to grow, school districts are increasingly turning to TTT to find new teacher can- didates. School districts that hire one military veteran through TTT almost always come back looking for more “just like him/her.” Military veterans have established a reputation as excellent teachers and exemplary role models for today’s students. The leadership skills, breadth of experience, dedication, commitment and maturity that our for- mer military bring to the classroom are attributes sought by public school administrators and parents. If you are considering teaching as a second career, visit for more information regarding the program and qualifications. 4-Executive Officer 8-IMO & S-2 12-APA In This Issue: 5-S-1 & Family Matters 9-S-3 13-17– Around the Companies 2-Commander’s Corner 6-IMO & S-2 10-RMS 17-Birthday’s & 3-Sergeant Major’s 7-S-3 Anniversaries Comments 11—S-4
  • 2. Eagle2 Page News Eagle Page 2 News Commander’s he loved video games, baseball and history, and that Corner he was having lots of trouble with his other subjects by Lt. Col. Janice M. Gravely and that he had just broken up with his girlfriend. They arrived at Bill's home first, and Mark was in- vited in for a Coke and to watch some television. The afternoon passed pleasantly with a few laughs and some shared small talk, then Mark went home. They continued to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, they both graduated from jun- ior high school. They ended up in the same high school where they had brief contacts over the years. Team… this month’s newsletter is bitter sweet - I was so touched at the determination this great organi- Finally the long-awaited senior year came, and three zation executed to ensure we made mission, it was weeks before graduation, Bill asked Mark if they almost overwhelming. When I would visit stations, could talk. Bill reminded him of the day years ago Soldiers were asking,” Do we still need X, we are when they had first met. "Did you ever wonder why I working X to support the mission.” From the bottom was carrying so many things home that day?" asked of my heart, I want to Thank-you, thank-you, thank- Bill. "You see, I cleaned out my locker because you as this battalion would not be where it is today I didn't want to leave a mess for anyone else. I had without the great warriors we have who continue to stored away some of my mother's sleeping pills, and I fight each and every day. Let’s make this a three peat. was going home to "commit suicide," But after we spent some time together talking and laughing, I On a sad note, we have encountered some Soldiers realized that if I had killed myself, I would have who have opted to violate our covenant. My big ques- missed that time, and so many others that might tion is where was their brother/sister who could have follow. So you see, Mark, when you picked up those stopped this before it went to a point that requires books that day, you did a lot more, you saved my investigations, flags, embarrassment, etc. I still be- life! . . . THE END. lieve this is a fluke and we can recover and NOT have any additional incidents. Each of you have reaffirmed "Every little hello, every little smile, every helping the oath so I have faith these will be the last issues we hand can save a hurting have to endure. heart. Pass it on. As we just finished with Thanksgiving and begin to With this message comes the token that says that celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Winter YOU are special. Show your teammates how much Solstice, or any other forms of celebration, let us not you appreciate them and what they mean to you... forget about our Recruiting Family. Ask your buddy how they are doing (Thanks to the Soldiers who have Let’s take care of each other so we can ensure we asked the commander how she is doing. It was not Never Leave a Fallen Comrade. expected as I am the commander, but those Soldiers reminded me that I am a Soldier as well- it was Thank-you for all you do each and every day. enlightening and appreciated). See It!!!!! Believe It!!! Achieve It!!! My Story of the month is below: THIS IS A TRUE STORY from Johnny Bristol Eagle 6 Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had tripped and dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with two sweaters, a baseball bat, a glove, and a small tape recorder. Mark knelt down and helped the boy pick up the scattered articles. Since they were going the same way, he helped carry part of the burden. As they walked Mark discovered the boy's name was Bill, that
  • 3. Eagle News Page 3 Sergeant However, written values are useless unless practiced. You must act cor- Major’s rectly with character, complete un- Comments derstanding, and sound motivation. by Command Sgt. Maj. Gary D. Lynch Your trusted leaders will aid you in adopting such values by making sure their core experiences validate them. By this method, strategic leadership imbues War Eagles, Army Values into all Soldiers. I would like to con- CSAT is coming up in December... be ready! gratulate all the Soldier’s, Civilians and fam- 79Rs—this is your profession so let’s show ily members for making our combined mis- USAREC that we know our craft. Last year sion for the second straight month and lead- there was about a 60% average score in the ing USAREC with our accomplishments! Command, so get into the regulations. It’s a Hooaahh!! Let’s do a three peat! 70 question, open book test to be completed in 60 minutes—if you try to look everything It takes everybody’s hard work and dedica- up, you will run out of time. The more you tion and we couldn’t be successful without are prepared before the test, the better you each and every one of you, just like a ladder will score. you can’t climb up it if one or two of the steps Lastly, I would like to talk about the upcom- are broken! ing Holiday season and be thankful for what Next I would like to talk about our Army Val- we have! Let’s remember the less fortunate and be there to help one another instead of ues and how we live and breathe them as it worrying about what I can get. This is the states in FM 3-21.7 perfect time to be in your communities help- ing and doing what is right! US Army Values reminds us and displays to the rest of the world—the civilian govern- Enjoy the Holidays!! ments we serve, the nation we protect, other nations, and even our enemies—who we are CSM Lynch and what we stand for. The trust you have for your fellow Soldiers War Eagle 7 and the trust the American people have in you depends on how well you live up to the Army Values. After all, these values are the fundamental building blocks that enable you to understand right from wrong in any situa- tion. Army Values are consistent and support one another; you cannot follow one value and ignore the others. Army Values, which form the acrostic LDRSHIP. Army Values, including policies and proce- dures, form the foundation on which the Army’s institutional culture stands.
  • 4. Eagle News Page 4 Executive Officer Comments by MAJ Robert C. Lovejoy TATTOO SCREENING Tattoos are becoming more and more common in our American society. People get tattoos for different reasons. For some, it is a way to distinguish themselves from others and express their individuality. Some people get tattoos to remember loved ones or even religious experience that they have had. How- ever, some individuals get tattoos to identify themselves with a gang, hate group, or other organization that goes against the good order and discipline that we exonerate in the United States Army. Our job, as recruiters, is to make sure that those who are entering a lifestyle of military service conform to the rules and policies that govern tattoos. I will not repeat verbatim the USAREC regulations covering what is considered an acceptable tattoo and what requires a waiver. Instead, I would like to focus on the processing of USAREC Form 1241. Though photos of tattoos on the hands, neck, and face require an accompanying photo, photos still only tell part of the story. The Recruiter, Station Commander, First Sergeant, and Company Commander all have the opportunity to put actual eyes on the individual with the tattoo. If you believe that the tattoo is in com- pliance and that the Battalion Commander or Executive Officer should endorse it, you should not be afraid to mark the box stating that, “The above tattoos/brands ARE in accordance with AR 670-1 and current policy.” Photos are another important part of the waiver process. Photos should include a clear, good resolution, photo of the whole tattoo. If the tattoo wraps around the arm or is not able to be taken in a single shot, multiple shots are acceptable. Additional photos should include a shot of the whole person standing at attention, and a shot of how much the tattoo is covered up by ACU and APFU uniforms. Photos with poor resolution do not always tell the whole story of the Tattoo. Lastly, some tattoos closely resemble tattoos that are gang or hate group affiliated. In such cases, the applicant needs to fill out a sworn statement, DA Form 2823, swearing that they have never been associ- ated with any gang or hate group and that they did not know the tattoo was affiliated with any such group at the time they got it. USAREC has additional guidance and training posted on their portal at: portal/dt/usarec/HQ/G3/Enlistment Eligibility Processing/Tattoo.html
  • 6. Eagle News Page 6 2011 COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN CAMPAIGN TARGET: $18,500 – OPEN SEASON BEGINS WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER THRU 31 December Albany Battalion Combined Federal Campaign Kick‐Off Opens this year with a COMMANDER CHALLENGE BN CDR JANICE GRAVELY WILL MATCH THE HIGHEST (3) COMBINED COMPANY DONATIONS up to $3,000 MADE THIS YEAR! CFC Packets were distributed to your Company Commanders/1SG POC Jeannette Kamal (518) 266-7430 Eagles Rock!
  • 7. Eagle News Page 7 Mental Health Care and Counseling There are many reasons to seek professional counseling. At some point you may face a prob- lem in your personal life or at work that may seem too big to handle on your own. Or the unique responsibilities that are part of military life may have you feeling overwhelmed by everyday demands or finding it hard to enjoy life. For example, you may be having trouble concentrating at work or getting to sleep at night. Maybe you and your spouse are arguing more, or you're feeling anxious much of the time, or your child is eating poorly or seems "down." Whether your concerns are recent or long-term, it's important to know that there are professionals who can help you. Military service members and their families have several options for counseling services, and many are offered free of charge. If you are considering counseling, be sure to look into these resources: Military OneSource (1-800-342-9647, Military OneSource counselors and consultants can provide short-term, solution-focused, non-medical counseling, up to 12 sessions per person, per issue, with a licensed profes- sional. Generally these sessions have to do with improving relationships at home and at work, marital issues, grief and loss issues (normal reactions that would benefit from short-term support), adjusting to a change in situation (such as a return from deploy- ment. These personal sessions are available in three ways: face-to-face, by telephone, or online. Services are available in your areas:   Albany Stratton Veterans Medical Center — (518) 626-5330  Saratoga Naval Support Medical Clinic—Appts available through Primary Care Provider (518) 583-5300  South Burlington Veterans Center — (866) 687-8387  Springfield US Veterans Medical Center —(413) 785-0301  VA Connecticut Healthcare System - (860) 667-6765  New Haven Medical Center—(203) 932-5711  West Point-Keller Community Mental Health—(845) 938-7992
  • 8. Eagle News Page 8 S2 Small Unit Recruiting By: Ms. Williams  The Commanding General has identified six tenets of small unit recruiting. These tenets help to define his vision of recruiting operations and transform how we conduct the business of recruiting for the US Army –  Leader centric.  Team-based, aligns USAREC culture with Army culture.  Reward team success, not individual accomplishment.  Maximize organizational efficiencies by accentuating individual strengths.  Develop the individual and the team by cross-training across duty functions.  Establish routine and predictable engagement across rural and outlying markets - persistent physical present is not required. To achieve this team focus will require leadership at all levels. Successful transformation does not depend on a change of facilities, technologies or resources. It does require leaders to understand and incorporate the Commanding General’s vision into daily operations. Leaders must enforce the tenets of teamwork, and not allow subordinates to regress to the practices of the past that rewarded individual performance. Recruiters in a station will have assigned roles (engagement team mem- ber, support team member, Future Soldier Leader) but will function as a team to accomplish the mission. All members of the team are cross trained and will “cover-down” as required.  Small Unit Recruiting is the next step in the transformation to a Pinnacle architecture. The Army is a team and our operations should reflect this principle. Our current opera- tions are transforming from processes that emphasize individual missions to a team- based structure that is characterized by dividing the labor and the team members, spe- cializing in skills that leverage individual strengths and minimizes weaknesses, and al- lows the development of deeper skills and experience.  Small Unit Recruiting will enable stations and companies to establish a routine and pre- dictable engagement rhythm across rural and outlying markets. This engagement does not require a physical presence in those areas. Leaders will capitalize on current and emerging technologies to support a holistic market penetration plan.
  • 9. Eagle News Page 9 S3 Godspeed Albany By Cpt. Myers 1LT Carey shows the stalwart face that is the future of the BN S3 section as CPT Myers solemnly relinquishes control of his duties. It is rare to have an opportunity or a forum to truly thank an organization during a PCS move, especially in USAREC, but I would like to do just that in this issue of the War Eagle. I would like to express my gratitude to each member of the Al- bany Recruiting Battalion, not to draw attention to my leaving, but to communicate how appreciative everyone in S3 is for the efforts each of you make day in and day out. When I arrived at the Battalion, I looked forward to a respite from the responsibil- ity of what seemed to be an endless cycle of deployments and training. Like many of you, my last several years in the Army took a toll on my family. I frankly did not expect a great deal professionally from my time here. It did not take long to realize that was absolutely untrue. As I stood in the mirror admiring myself last week, I noticed, to my horror, the beginnings of three gray hairs. This caused me to reflect on some of the other things I will take with me from the Albany Recruiting Battalion. I arrived here from the Ranger Regiment at least somewhat convinced no one in USAREC had much to offer me. I am leaving deeply humbled by how wrong I was. I have had the opportunity to work with some of the most technically proficient, motivated, competent NCO’s that this Army has produced. I have watched young men and women assess into the ranks and begin promising careers of ser- vice, and I have watched some of you retire honorably as your career came to an end. I have watched from the relative quiet of my cubicle great successes and a few failures as well, a microcosm of the Army experience and for certain a part of each of our Army Stories. The end result was that I rediscovered myself as a Soldier, and a love for being a member of the Army community that I had long forgotten. It is for this reason that I owe each of you a debt of gratitude for your great impact on my professional and personal life. Though Phase Line December will be my last, I will leave Operations in the capable hands of LT Shelley Carey. Fate is cruel, and as the collective sigh of relief was breathed when the RFO hit my inbox, an Airborne Ranger infinitely more fanatical than myself signed into Albany. LT Carey was a longtime member of 3rd Ranger Battalion (Known within the Regiment as the “Hollywood Battalion”), and will no doubt continue the tradition of excellence we have tried to maintain in Battalion Opera- tions. It has been a true pleasure serving each of you as a member of the Battalion staff. Thank you for your commitment, self- lessness, and professionalism. I leave truly inspired. God bless each of you in all of your future endeavors.
  • 10. Eagle News Page 10 CPT Myers talking Native Americans during our Cultural Awareness Day. EEO – Cultural Awareness Oct 21, 2011 the Battalion Headquarters came together to recognize Italian American and German American contributions to the Unites States and United States Army with a potluck lunch. Also, on November 21, 2011 we again came together to recognize Na- tive American Heritage Month. During this event we had a special guest speaker CPT Elijah Myers. Potluck lunches are great way to get everyone involved in Cultural Awareness and to help build the Equal Opportunity program within your unit. The next Cultural Awareness observation will be held In February with Black History Month. Important Dates In December 7 December—Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day 21 December-Hanukkah 21 December-Winter Begins 25 December-Christmas
  • 11. Eagle News Page 11 S4 By: Ms. Kubis Do You Know What Constitutes Authorized Use of a Government Vehicle?? CONSEQUENCES FOR MISUSES OF A GOVERNMENT VEHICLE What’s the worst that can happen to me if I am a DA civilian and use the government vehicle for unofficial purposes? Answer: Employees who steal public property or convert it to their own use may be prosecuted by the Attorney General (18 U.S.C. § 641). The mandatory minimum penalty for willful misuse of gov- ernment vehicles is a 30-day suspension without compensation. This penalty has been upheld for simply stopping at McDonalds when returning from a meeting when the employee knew such use was unauthorized. See, e.g., Mattos v. Department of the Army, No. 93-3203 (Fed. Cir. Oct. 8, 1993). Depending upon the circumstances, an employee may be suspended for longer than 30 days, or even removed from office. What’s the worst that can happen to me if I am a Soldier and use the government vehicle for unoffi- cial purposes? Answer: You are subject to administrative and/or disciplinary action for wrongful use of a Govern- ment vehicle. Wrongful use of a Government vehicle by active duty personnel could lead to prose- cution for failure to obey a lawful general regulation, under paragraph 2-301.b. of the Joint Ethics Regulation. DoD 5500.7-R, for dereliction in the performance of duties, or for wrongful appropria- tion in violation of Articles 92(1), 92(3), or 121 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, respectively. The maximum punishment for failure to obey a lawful general regulation includes a dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, reduction to pay grade E-1, and confinement for 2 years. Are there other consequences that I might not be thinking about? Answer: Yes. As USAREC employees, we are constantly in the public eye. We are ambassadors of the Army. Even approved domicile-to-duty can be perceived by members of the general public as misuse of taxpayer dollars. Maintaining the image of the Army as responsible stewards of the pub- lic trust is paramount. 518-266-7424 – Mr. Gilmore 518-266-7425 – Mr. McMiller 518-266-7459 – Ms. Kubis
  • 12. Eagle News Page 12 S8 By: Ms. Spass Your Reimbursement Could Be Affected—Keeping Your DTS Profile Up to Date It is important for travelers to ensure that Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), home address, and Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) information is current in their DTS profile. If this information is not kept up to date, travel reimbursements may be affected. In addition to the information above, travelers should periodically check their profiles in order to up- date other information such as rank, organization, phone number, emergency contact and other traveler information. When should I update my profile?  GTCC expires or is reissued  Moving/Permanent Change of Station  Promotion/New job Steps for Updating Your Profile Information in DTS 1. From your DTS homepage (after login), mouse over to Traveler Setup on the top menu bar and select Update Personal Profile. 2. On the My Profile screen, click on each section to verify your information (My Prefer- ences, My Additional Information, My TSA Information, My Account Information). 3. Save changes, select the Update Personal Information button R
  • 13. Eagle News Page 13 Albany Bulldogs Company Future Soldier Event at SUNY Albany Military Appreciation Day On Saturday 5 November 2011, The University of Albany Great Danes played Bryant Bulldogs in football. The game was their military appreciation day so I brought the entire Albany Com- pany Family to the event; Soldiers, families, Future Soldiers and friends. As we were getting prepared to tailgate the Future Sol- diers and their friends challenged the Recruiters to a game of touch football. The game was closely matched and highly competitive with the score all tied up despite the Future Soldiers outnumbering us two to one. Following the feast we moved into the stadium to enjoy the game. We partnered with Siena ROTC for this event and we sat with them in the stands; between our two organiza- tions we accounted for half of the attendance at the game, it was a sea of ACU’s! Throughout the game we cheered on the Albany team and engaged the crowd trying to get them into the game. We threw out t-shirt, water bottles, key chains, and back packs. Every time Albany scored we ran in front of the crowd and did pushups for every point. The Albany cheerlead- ers even put some of the recruiters to work; SSG Zehender from Saratoga Station found himself hoisted into the air drawing a huge applause from the crowd. At halftime I had the honor and privilege of conducting an oath of enlistment for the approximately 30 Future Soldiers in attendance. Centered in front of the crowd the Future Soldiers marched into formation, raised their right hands, and swore an oath to the defend this great nation of ours. As soon as they put their arms down following the oath the crowd erupted into a thunderous cheer. It was a powerful moment that I’m sure will stay with each and every one of the Future Soldiers. Although the Albany Great Danes ultimately succumbed to the Bryant Bulldogs it was a tremendous day filled with great food, great family, and a great partnership with Siena ROTC. This newsletter is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. Army Recruiting Battalion, CONUS and overseas. Contents of newsletter are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army or USAREC. It is published quarterly by the Albany Recruiting Battalion, 1 Buffington Street, Bldg 25, Watervliet, NY 12189. Electronic and printed circulation is 460 copies. Commander Lt. Col. Janice Gravely Executive Officer Maj. Robert Lovejoy Chief, Advertising and Public Affairs Joseph Newfrock Editor Kathie Abeel
  • 14. Eagle News Page 14 Burlington Company The Future Soldiers of Burlington and Plattsburgh col- laborated together in a large Future Soldier Function in order to build teamwork and a good competitive spirit. Also present were Future Airmen from the VT Air Na- tional Guard, who put up good competition for our Fu- ture Soldiers. The recruiters of Burlington Station worked with the USARs trainers from Detachment 2, Bravo Co., 1st BN/391st Regiment out of Smith-Goldberg Reserve Center in Colchester, VT to execute the event and have the proper amount of safeties. The safeties also included the recruiters from Burlington and Platts- burgh station, as well as the Air National Guard Recruiters. The Future Soldiers them- selves had an excellent time traversing the numerous obstacles, although a select few wasted no time in conducting the course two or three times! Overall, the event was an awesome experience for the Future Soldiers to meet other Fu- ture Soldiers from across Lake Champlain, as well as mingle with some Future Airmen. It was a great collaboration effort with multiple organizations, which ended up being a great FS Event. Photo:. SSG Dearth (3D) and SSG Cagle (3P) assist as safeties during the FS Obstacle at Camp Johnson, VT. Photo: The FSs had an awesome time traversing the obstacle course. Here a few USAR Soldiers assist a FS up the wall.
  • 15. Eagle News Page 15 Springfield Company– Moving Springfield Recruiting Station On 20111026 Springfield Recruiting Station moved from 1550 Main St. in Springfield Massachusetts to 1472 Riverdale St. in West Springfield Massachusetts. The move had been forecasted since May of 2010. Although the station was already in the Mecca of the Springfield Recruiting Station’s footprint it was a move that many felt had to be done. The NCO’s of the station worked tirelessly in preparation of the move throughout 4th QTR while balancing mis- sion requirements and achieving the Top Large Station for Springfield Recruiting Company for their 2nd QTR of the year, helping them to achieve the Top Large Station in the Company for the as well. During the preparation these same NCO’s were charged with the coordination and execution of the Big E at the Eastern States Exposition Center, which is one of, if not the largest yearly event held in all of New England. Upon receipt of the exact move out date from 1550 Main St. all elements involved were in constant contact to execute all preparation so as to ensure that the transition was smooth and the station was mission capable at all times. The Station Commander, SFC Meredith found a coordinated with the Albany Recruiting Battalion S4 the moving company and S4 did an exceptional job of ensure all required coordination was flawlessly executed. The station has been one hundred percent operational since 1 Nov 2011, with only a few small deficiencies such as wireless printing and scanning. These issues are being worked through and will be corrected at the earliest time possible. The new location has many wonderful benefits. It is located on the busiest streets within the recruiting station’s area of operations. This is an area with a huge concentration of the area’s commerce such as restaurants, Movie Theater and major retailers. The station is located in one its must win zip codes and sit adjacent to Planet Fitness which is the areas 2nd most popular fitness facility.
  • 16. Eagle News Page 16 HARTFORD “WARLORDS” As the month of November comes to an end I am happy to reflect on a number of achievements. On 10 November 2011, SSG Marco RiveraGonzalez reaf- firmed his commitment to Duty by reenlisting in front of a crowded High School Auditorium. Just minutes after watching a video put together by the students of Canton High School on the topic of what it meant to be a veteran, the audience sat in awe of the reenlistment ceremony. All of a sudden words such as “Support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” took on a new tone and the audience responded with thunderous applause as SSG RiveraGonzalez finished with a loud “So help me God”. Also, the Warlords welcomed three new Soldiers on board the Beast of The East express. SGT Justin Dutcher, SGT Jason Mistopoulos and SSG Joseph Galietti have recently reported and begin integration into their respective recruiting stations.
  • 17. Eagle News Page 17 New Haven Company Leaders from the New Haven Recruiting Company attended the 2011 Sup- port the Troops and Honor the Veterans Breakfast Meeting. This breakfast meeting was honoring Paul W. Bucha (Medal of Honor Recipient, U.S. Army) on November 15, 2011 at the Middlesex Chamber of Commerce. During the event, Mr. Bucha met the Soldiers from the New Haven Recruiting Company and discussed world events, budgetary, and current issues involving our military. Mr. Bucha embraced the U.S. Army and its Soldiers with a motivational and inspiring speech. Being part of this important event was an honor for our Leaders. The mayor and key community leaders were present and this was a great opportu- nity to enhance and strengthen our relationship and presence in the community.
  • 18. Eagle News Page 18 Europe Company—RED Ribbon Week On 22 October 2011, members of the Europe company participated in the USAG Kaiserslautern Red Ribbon Week ceremonies and 5K run. Red Rib- bon Week commemorates the ultimate sacrifice made by DEA Special Agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena, who died at the hands of drug traffickers. Approximately 3500 Soldiers and family members participated in the festivities, which included fund raising booths for the local FRG’s, live music, and the 5K run. Europe Company regularly participates in community events, which help to integrate recruiting into the local military communities. Some of the participants for the 5K run.
  • 19. Eagle News Page 19 BEAR MOUNTAIN CONGRESSIONAL VISIT The Honorable Nan Hayworth, member of the US Congress, Representative to the 19th Congressional District, was a VIP to the Bear Mountain area of operations - and our battalion. Her district covers Orange County and much of the lower Hudson Valley. Congresswoman Hayworth, seeing the need for employers and job seekers to meet, arranged a job fair on 7 November 2011. In order to get the greatest number of diverse employers, she partnered with the Dutchess County Chamber of Commerce and the “Connections for Professionals (CCP)” committee. Sgt. Andy New, A Bear Mountain NCO from our Poughkeepsie station, availed himself of this opportunity to partner with the Congresswoman and the Chamber of Commerce. He also partnered with one of the local Army Medical recruiting NCOs in the Area. CPT Grant Brayley and Sgt. New were able to meet the Congresswoman, her operations director for Orange County, and arrange for a seat at her annual board for evaluating potential West Point applicants. This type of event typifies the efforts of our NCOs and the rich cultural environment which is the Hudson River Valley.
  • 20. Eagle News Eagle News Page 20 Page 19 November Birthday’s- Battalion November 4...Master Sgt. Holland November 9...Mr. McMiller November 15...Sgt. 1st Class Steele November 28...Mr. Stewart Albany Company November 17...Sgt. 1st Class Walker Burlington Company Europe Company November 3...Sgt. Pinson November 22...Staff Sgt. Newell November 14...Sgt. 1st Taylor Springfield Company November 6...Cpt. Lewellen Bear Mountain Company November 7… 1st Sgt. Henderson November 4...Staff Sgt. Fabela November 16...Staff Sgt. Sirdevan November 14...Sgt. Torres November 23...Sgt. Martinez November 28...Sgt. 1st Class Williams Hartford Company November 16...Staff Sgt. Thomas November 18...Sgt. Deforge New Haven Company November 7...Sgt. Goldup Lets all congratulate SFC Warren Steele who mar- ried Ms. Michelle Cote on the 5th of November.
  • 21. We wish the following Soldiers and their spouses a Happy Anniversary November 1...Sgt. 1st Class Rodriguez-Springfield MEPS November 7...Sgt. Goldrup-New Haven Company November 7...Staff Sgt. Knochel-Springfield Company November 9...Sgt. Anderson-Springfield Company November 11...Staff Sgt Peak-Burlington Company November 11...Sgt. Tesfay-Burlington Company November 11...Sgt. 1st Class Williams-Bear Mountain Company November 12...Sgt. Bailey-Springfield Company November 12...Staff Sgt. Greene– Bear Mountain Company November 14...Staff Sgt. Anderson-Bear Mountain Company November 15...Staff Sgt. Beauchamp -New Haven Company November 19...Staff Sgt. Strong-Hartford Company November 21 ...Major Lovejoy-Battalion November 23...Staff Sgt. King-Bear Mountain Company