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Wolfpack Press

                                 VOLUME III, ISSUE 1                     SEPTEMBER 7, 2011

    University of
    Nevada, Reno
                           message from the president
     I pledge to uphold             Hi everybody, my name       one is welcome to join, and by
    the objects of Cir-    is Kaci Hartwick and I am the        joining you will have so many
    cle K Internation-     current Circle K President!          great experiences and make
    al. To foster com-     Usually in these messages, peo-      countless friends.
    passion and good       ple share things about them-                  At this point I would
    will towards others    selves, so here goes- I am a Pre-    also like to thank the entire Cir-
    through      service   Nursing major, I was actually        cle K Board for all their hard
    and leadership, to     born in Kansas, and I love gi-       work thus far (we’ve been at it
    develop my abili-      raffes! As you will soon discov-     since April!). Also, thank you
    ties and the abili-    er, Circle K is a great thing to     to all of our returning members-
    ties of all people     be a part of. I hope you will        don’t forget about our Member
    and to dedicate        take advantage of the numerous       of the Month program by the
    myself to the reali-   service events we have, along        way! I am so excited to meet
    zation of man-         with our awesome leadership          everyone, and I truly hope that
    kinds potential.       opportunities and fun social         you will feel welcome when
                           events as well. In case you did-     you come to Circle K. If you
Inside this                n’t know, Circle K is the largest    have any questions, comments,
issue:                     collegiate community service         concerns, (anything!) please
                           organization in the world! One       feel free to contact me at presi-
                           thing that is so great about Cir- Thanks
                           cle K is that anyone and every-      and here’s to a great year!

                           message from our ltg
                                    Hello Reno! My name        the University of the Pacific.
                           is Erin Szelagowski and I am                 Some events we have
                           your Capital Division Lieu-         coming up as a division in-       late is a food group, I just re-
                           tenant Governor for the 2011-       clude; going to the chocolate     cently started reading Janet
SERVICE            1-4
                           2012 year. Some of you may          festival in San Francisco and     Evanovich novels, my favor-
                           not know what that means, so        helping out at the San Francis-   ite movie is Pay it Forward, I
Member of
the month                  in short it means I help all the    co Zoo, and the last weekend      love the song “All Star” by
                           clubs within the Capital divi-      of September we will be go-       Smash Mouth, I love to play
Board bios         7-      sion with any problems you          ing over to Sierra College and    almost any sport, and I have
                           guys might have and I let you       helping them plant trees.         been in Circle K for 5 years
New! - senior 11           know what is going on in the                 Since you won’t see      now. If you ever have any
acknowledge-               district. The district is made      me as much this as in years       questions about Circle K, or
ments                      up of California, Nevada, and       past here are a couple things     just in general, feel free to
                           Hawaii and we have that split       you need to know about me: I      contact     me     at     szela-
CALENDAR           12
                           into 8 divisions. In Capital        graduated from UNR last 
Board con-         13      division we have UN Reno,           year, I am going to UC Davis      And just remember,
tacts                      UC Davis, Sacramento State,         for my Masters degree in Fo-
                                                                                                 CAPITAL ROCKS!
                           TMCC, Sierra College, and           rensic Science, I think choco-

SERVICE                                                                                      WOLFPACK PRESS

By Erika Mettke

         On May 21, 2011 I had the opportunity to volunteer at
Homeless Connect in Sacramento. My job was to assist the home-
less to the Housing Stations that was provided for them. It felt
good to see many of the homeless get temporary or permanent
housing. Many of the homeless walked out of Housing Station
with a big smile on their face. I received so many words of appre-
ciation that I felt like I was making a huge difference. To me this
was one of the most meaningful service projects I have participat-
ed in. I felt I was improving so many lives and was able to reach
out to the homeless and give them hope.

Kiwanis bike shop
By Boris Zhang

             On June 11, 2011, Univer-   had fun with the hula hoops
    sity of Nevada, Reno Circle K and    game, but was surprised by
    TMCC Circle K went to the            the young girl who could
    Sparks Kiwanis’s grand opening of    manage 5 hula hoops at once.
    their new bike shop. Upon arrival,   After a while, we tried to
    we swept the floor to remove any     teach our Vice President of
    excess dust and hung up signs to     Service, Cynthia Uba, how to
    prepare for the big day. After-      bike. It was managed success-
    wards, we hung up balloons           fully haha. Overall, the event
    (which popped very often) next to    was successful, and the
    the signs outside and out on the     Sparks Kiwanis were excited
    bordering fence. Our president,      to have us there. I would real-
    Kaci Hartwick, got interviewed by    ly recommend this event for
    Channel 2, which was very inter-     other volunteers since there
    esting. When the day picked up a     are bikes that need to be
    bit, Circle K and TMCC were put      tested (as long as a helmet is
    in charge of games and books. A      worn).
    nun chuck game, jump ropes, a
    bean bag toss game, and hula
    hoops were set up for the kids. I

VOLUME III, ISSUE 1                                                                                     SERVICE

    Slf weekend
    By Christine Bonuel
            From June 3 to June 5,        ley, even assisted a runner during
    2011, Circle K members from           the last lap of his two-mile run!
    TMCC and from the University          The third day, we received lead-
    of Nevada, Reno attended the          ership training from Lindsey,
    Service Leadership Fellowship         Carly, and Tom, advisors from
    weekend. It was three fun-filled      the Kiwanis family. We did team
    days of events focused on the         -building exercises and brushed
    three tenants of Circle K. On the     up on our knowledge of each
    first day, we volunteered at the      board member’s duties. The Ki-
    Special Olympics opening cere-        wanis advisors also gave us ad-
    mony and had a movie social.          vice on how to deal with conflict
    The second day, we timed the          within the club. Overall, SLF
    track & field events for the Spe-     weekend was a great experience!
    cial Olympics Summer Games at         I had a lot of fun, and it also pre-
    Mackay Stadium. Being a “time-        pared me for my
    stopper” was fun: waiting for the     chair position this
    signal to start timing, watching      upcoming year.
    for the exact time the athlete
    crossed the finish line, and cheer-
    ing for every single athlete. Two
    Circle K members, J.O. and Hay-

    Corn dogs
    By Kaci Hartwick
            How can I even begin to       se dogs are home made, and we          flew by as
    describe the Susanville Corndog       got to learn the entire process.       we served
    event? Simply put, it is one of my                                           countless
    favorite events, and I am so hap-                                            people and
                                                                    you have
    py that it has become a yearly                                               fried up an
                                                                    to cook
    Circle K tradition. The event be-                                            insane amount of corndogs.
                                                                    the hot
    gins with a one and a half hour
                                                                    dogs and              I love this event because it defi-
    drive to Susanville, and from
                                                                    m a k e      nitely keeps you on your toes, but I also
    there we meet up at the Lassen
                                          sure you stick them just right.        love how we all worked together as a
    County Fair. Once we enter the
                                          After that, they are rolled in some    team. As “corny” as it sounds, you real-
    fair, we find the infamous corn-
                                          dry batter and then dipped into        ly count on every single person in that
    dog booth, which is run by the
                                          the secret recipe batter. From         tiny trailer to do their job right; other-
    Kiwanis Club of Susanville.
                                          there, it’s straight to the fryer,     wise you’re going to run into trouble.
            The corndog booth is a        and then the little holders called     Even though it was stressful, it was
    small white trailer with two large    boats.                                 great to hear the cooks in the back say
    windows and a few Kiwanis                                                    good job to one another, or “I need five
                                                  As we mastered the
    signs and logos. While the booth                                             corndogs!” followed by, “Thanks,
                                          cooking technique, we also had
    may be modest in appearance, the                                             you’re awesome!” In conclusion, the
                                          to become expert cashiers and
    product that comes out of it cer-                                            Susanville Corndog event is definitely
                                          soda fillers. Some people would
    tainly is not. They don’t joke                                               an event you cannot miss!
                                          come up to the window and order
    around on their sign that says,
                                          six corndogs to go, so there was-
    “World Famous Corndogs”. The-
                                          n’t much time to rest. The night

SERVICE                                                                                WOLFPACK PRESS

District summer service social (dsss)
By Kristen VanCitters, Cynthia Uba, and Christine Bonuel

        your favorite part(s)
              of dsss?
       My favorite part about DSSS was meeting a ton of new Circle
K'ers! We rarely get to see the southern schools at events, pretty
much only at FTC and DCON, so meeting all of them was awesome!
DSSS was filled with opportunity to bond with other members over
service projects, laser tag, workshops, board games, and so much
more. We represented Nevada and Capital well and everyone was
very impressed that we made the trek down to So Cal!

                                          We woke up pretty early on Saturday and all headed out
                                  to an awesome service event, where we helped clear the path
                                  leading to a preserve. This event demonstrated how amazing
                                  at teamwork Circle K‟ers can really be. The most memorable
                                  part of this day for me was presenting a workshop; it was
                                  about being healthy and being a hardworking member of Cir-
                                  cle K. It had a great turnout, people loved it! DSSS is one of my
                                  favorite events ever.

           My favorite part of DSSS was all of the social aspects of it.
    One day we did a photo scavenger hunt at the Fashion Valley Mall.
    My team, „Team Woo!”, won the first part of the challenge, but we
    were unable to complete the second part: finding our District Gov.
    Brett Butler who was hiding somewhere in the mall. Another one
    of my favorite parts? Singing “I‟ll Make a Man out of You” to pass
    the time during the service project in the Mission Valley Preserve.
    The most shocking thing that happened, though? My ranking 3rd
    out of 39 Circle K‟ers in laser tag, haha! It was lots of fun; I‟m
    looking forward to our next district event!

       TURN TO P. 13 FOR MORE pictures from dsss!
VOLUME III, ISSUE 1                                                  MEMBER OF THE MONTH

     Member of the month
Something fun you did this summer: Going to Tahoe
like every other weekend and partying it up haha, tough
Favorite music artist: Britney Spears
The best thing you could ever win (or you have ever
won) in a Circle K raffle is: I almost won a cute scarf but
my candy land will do

Something fun you did this summer: I had a chance
to go to the California State Fair in Sacramento. It was
ten times as big as the Susanville State Fair and I tried
Fried Oreo on A Stick.
Favorite music artist: Soulchild
The best thing you could ever win (or you have ever
won) in a Circle K raffle is: A date with Alex Kieu,
just kidding Rachel Sarah

Something fun you did this summer: visited my extended family
in California
Favorite music artist: All Time Low
The best thing you could ever win (or you have ever won) in a
Circle K raffle is: Board games in general or a lifetime supply of


    Member of the month

Something fun you did this summer: Went to the
East Coast and saw spider man on Broadway.
Favorite music artist: Kelly Clarkson
The best thing you could ever win (or you have
ever won) in a Circle K raffle is: a Starbucks gift
card or anything chocolate.

Something fun you did this summer:
This summer I was lucky enough to spend a lot of
time with my boyfriend Justin We went to visit San
Fransisco and spent a day at the Monterey Bay
Favorite music artist: Hellogoodbye
The best thing you could ever win (or you have
ever won) in a Circle K raffle is:
The best thing I could ever win in a circle K raffle
would be a puppy with a year supplies of dog food
or free food.

VOLUME III, ISSUE 1                                                                               BOARD BIOS

Board bios                                                        Did you know?? -
Kaci hartwick—president                                      our theme for this year is
                                                                 “mad for service”!
Year and Major:
Sophomore, Pre-Nursing major
What is one of your main goals for Circle K for this year?
Above all else, I hope that everyone who comes to Circle K feels welcome
and comfortable here. Only with this unity we will be able to reach our
fullest potential and make a huge impact!
Which character from the movie "Madagascar" best fits your personal-
ity and why?
Melman the Giraffe of course! Besides being tall, Melman is just goofy-
you can't help but laugh at some of the things he says. Both of us are also
very organized :)

                              Rachel davis—vp of administration
                              Year and Major:
                              Senior, Elementary education major
                              What is one of your main goals for Circle K for this year? Main goal for CKI
                              this year would to be a close knit group while we are still expanding with new
                              Which character from the movie "Madagascar" best fits your personality
                              and why?
                              I am most like Marty the Zebra from Madagascar because I am out there, loud,
                              and always trying to be the center of attention:) also zebra is my favorite animal

                                                                                                  WOLFPACK PRESS

Cynthia uba—vp of service
Year and Major:
Sophomore, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
What is one of your main goals for Circle K for this year?
My main goal for Circle K this year is to be able to achieve at
least 30 service hours for each member of Circle K .
Which character from the movie "Madagascar" best fits your person-
ality and why?
Gloria and I share a lot of characteristics, she and I are strong featured
women like the song on YouTube says we are both "big and chunky" lol.
We have a lot of style and pride that sometimes we let them get the best
of us. We like things to go our way and always have a way to manipulate
things to be in our favor. We also have some awesome dance moves that
can literally shake a setting. Most of all, we can have fun regardless of
the situation or the people involved :)

                           Alex kieu—secretary
                           Year and Major:
                           I'm a fifth year and an accounting major. YAY NUMBERS!!!
                           What is one of your main goals for Circle K for this year?
                           member retention and getting members excited to attend
                           events! I hope that members will want to go to the events that
                           we are involved in and they enjoy the variety that we have. We
                           love service! As secretary of the club, I want to be able to pro-
                           vide my members with the number of their hours and get them to an MRP Status
                           (ask me what it is!!).
                           Which character from the movie "Madagascar" best fits your personality and
                           Well, I am Alex the Lion! While in the movie he's cocky...I'd like to say I'm confident!
                           Plus-we have the same first name, which just makes things even cooler. He also ends
                           up liking sushi...which coincidentally my favorite food! But in all seriousness, we
                           share the same love of our own comfort zones but have the
                           ability to adapt to whatever is given to us.
    Nam hoang—
    Year and Major:
    Junior in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
    What is one of your main goals for Circle K for this year?
    My main goal for Circle K this year is to keep a balance budget for
    our club and have a lot of fun.
    Which character from the movie "Madagascar" best fits your per-
    sonality and why?
    I feel very connected to King Julien because I like to move it move it.

                                                                                           BOARD BIOS

noah mckay—k-kids
Year and Major:
Senior, Philosophy
Name one or two Circle K events that you're most excited to attend this year.
K-kids and Concessions!
Favorite Harry Potter character and why?
McGonagall because she's a bamf

                           Boris zhang—kiwanis family
                           Year and Major:
                           Hey everyone, I'm a sophomore and my major is Chemistry.
                           Name one or two Circle K events that you're most excited to attend this year.
                           For Circle K, I'm most excited to attend any of the training conferences whether
                           it's STC, FTC, and/or DCON!!!
                           Favorite Harry Potter character and why?
                           My favorite Harry Potter character is Luna Lovegood. I just admire the character
                           whose always the odd one out.

Christine bonuel—historian
Year and Major:
Senior, Biology
Name one or two Circle K events that you're most excited to attend this
FTC and DCON—haven‟t attended either, and they sound like a lot of fun!
Favorite Harry Potter character and why?
Dobby, because he‟s very kind but also brave. He always fights for the right

                            Jon west—membership development and
                            Year and Major:
                            6th year senior, International Business and Business Management
                            Name one or two Circle K events that you're most excited to attend
                            this year.
                            DCON and New Member Installation
                            Favorite Harry Potter character and why?
                            Harry Potter—no reason

BOARD BIOS                                                                                   WOLFPACK PRESS

Erika mettka—relay for life
Year and Major:
Junior, elementary education
Name one or two Circle K events that you're most excited to attend this year.
Charity speed dating, air races
Favorite Harry Potter character and why?
Hermione because she's brave

                             J.o. salva—spirit
                             Year and Major:
                             Sophomore, Civil Engineering
                             Name one or two Circle K events that you're most excited to attend this year.
                             DCON and FTC
                             Favorite Harry Potter character and why?
                             Albus Dumbledore because he loves Harry Potter too.
                             And I love his awesome beard.

Victoria silva—technology
Year and Major:
I am a Sophomore and my major is Wildlife Ecology and Conservation ^^
Name one or two Circle K events that you're most excited to attend this year.
This year I am very excited since we have plans to work with the Humane Society.
As an animal activist, I enjoy anything that will prosper our animal population,
and enjoy my time spent with them ^^.
Favorite Harry Potter character and why?
My favorite character has to be Professor Lupin, the once Defense Against the
                        Dark Arts Teacher and werewolf. Not only does he have
                        the ability to change into an animal (which is awesome),
                        he's a great guy and a great contributor to

                           Hector Mendoza—university connections
                           Year and Major:
                           Senior, criminal justice and minoring in anthropology.
                           Name one or two Circle K events that you're most excited to attend this year:
                           I‟m excited about the river clean up and the events I have planned.
                           Favorite Harry Potter character and why?
                           Hermione is my favorite because she always saves the day.

VOLUME III, ISSUE 1                                       SENIOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

              NEW! Senior Acknowledgements

         In alphabetical order:
                 Rachel Lane, Laura Lord, Nick Saini,
                        Erin Szelagowski, and Lauren VanCitters

             To the Circle K graduates of Spring 2011:
                Congratulations on all your success!
                      thank you for all that you’ve done
                            for this organization!


               September 2011
     Sun            Mon            Tue           Wed             Thu             Fri            Sat
                                                            1               2              3
                                                            Bridesmaids     K-KIDS 12-     Discovery Mu-
                                                            8PM             1PM            seum 10AM-
                                                                            Club Fair 3-
4              5              6             7               8               9              10
                              Food Bank      Meeting 7PM,                   K-KIDS 12-     Adopt a Park
                              5:30-8PM, car- JCSU 422                       1PM            10AM-noon
                              pool 5PM
                                                                            Mafia with     BBQ & Water
                                                                            Ambassadors    Balloon Social
11             12             13            14              15              16             17
               Arbor’s                      Yogurt Beach    St. Vincent’s   K-KIDS 12-     Homeless
               Memory Care,                 Fundraiser 3-   Pet Food Bag-   1PM            Awareness &
               carpool at                   11PM            ging 5:30-                     Prevention Day
               5:30PM                                       7:30PM, car-                   9AM-4PM
                                            Meeting 7PM,
                                                            pool 5:15PM
                                            JCSU 422

18             19             20            21              22              23             24
Scrapbooking                                Meeting 7PM,    Circle K Info   K-KIDS 12-     River Clean-Up
Social 2:30-                                JCSU 422        Night 7-8PM,    1PM            ALL DAY
4PM, MIKC                                                   JCSU 423
25             26             27            28              29              30
Capital DCM                                 Meeting 7PM,                    K-KIDS 12-
(time TBA)                                  JCSU 422                        1PM

VOLUME III, ISSUE 1                                         DSSS PICTURES & BOARD CONTACTS


                                   board contacts
President:            V.P. of        V.P. of Service: Treasurer:        Secretary:
Kaci Hartwick         Administra-    Cynthia Uba      Nam Hoang
                                     (702) 823-6201   (702) 302-6152
                                                                        Alex Kieu
(775) 240-7471        tion:
presi-                               vps-             treasur-         (775)313-4948
                      Rachel Davis vpad-              ervice@nevadacki
m                                    .com                              secre-
                  m                                                    om
K-Kids:               Kiwanis Family: Historian:      Membership De-
Noah McKay            Boris Zhang     Christine       velopment &
(702) 423-4909        (702) 768-3866  Bonuel          Education:
k-                kiwanisfami-
                                   (702)768-7812      Jon West
                                   histori-         (775) 217-3223

Relay for Life:       Spirit:        Technology:      University Con-
Erika Mettke          J.O. Salva     Victoria Silva   nections:
(702) 882-1860    (775) 338-6625   (702) 374-2128     Hector
relayfor-         spir-            technolo-          Mendoza
                                                    (775) 247-1178


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Wolf pack press 1

  • 1. Wolfpack Press VOLUME III, ISSUE 1 SEPTEMBER 7, 2011 University of Nevada, Reno message from the president I pledge to uphold Hi everybody, my name one is welcome to join, and by the objects of Cir- is Kaci Hartwick and I am the joining you will have so many cle K Internation- current Circle K President! great experiences and make al. To foster com- Usually in these messages, peo- countless friends. passion and good ple share things about them- At this point I would will towards others selves, so here goes- I am a Pre- also like to thank the entire Cir- through service Nursing major, I was actually cle K Board for all their hard and leadership, to born in Kansas, and I love gi- work thus far (we’ve been at it develop my abili- raffes! As you will soon discov- since April!). Also, thank you ties and the abili- er, Circle K is a great thing to to all of our returning members- ties of all people be a part of. I hope you will don’t forget about our Member and to dedicate take advantage of the numerous of the Month program by the myself to the reali- service events we have, along way! I am so excited to meet zation of man- with our awesome leadership everyone, and I truly hope that kinds potential. opportunities and fun social you will feel welcome when events as well. In case you did- you come to Circle K. If you Inside this n’t know, Circle K is the largest have any questions, comments, issue: collegiate community service concerns, (anything!) please organization in the world! One feel free to contact me at presi- thing that is so great about Cir- Thanks cle K is that anyone and every- and here’s to a great year! message from our ltg Hello Reno! My name the University of the Pacific. is Erin Szelagowski and I am Some events we have your Capital Division Lieu- coming up as a division in- late is a food group, I just re- tenant Governor for the 2011- clude; going to the chocolate cently started reading Janet SERVICE 1-4 2012 year. Some of you may festival in San Francisco and Evanovich novels, my favor- 5-6 not know what that means, so helping out at the San Francis- ite movie is Pay it Forward, I Member of the month in short it means I help all the co Zoo, and the last weekend love the song “All Star” by clubs within the Capital divi- of September we will be go- Smash Mouth, I love to play Board bios 7- sion with any problems you ing over to Sierra College and almost any sport, and I have 10 guys might have and I let you helping them plant trees. been in Circle K for 5 years New! - senior 11 know what is going on in the Since you won’t see now. If you ever have any acknowledge- district. The district is made me as much this as in years questions about Circle K, or ments up of California, Nevada, and past here are a couple things just in general, feel free to Hawaii and we have that split you need to know about me: I contact me at szela- CALENDAR 12 into 8 divisions. In Capital graduated from UNR last Board con- 13 division we have UN Reno, year, I am going to UC Davis And just remember, tacts UC Davis, Sacramento State, for my Masters degree in Fo- CAPITAL ROCKS! TMCC, Sierra College, and rensic Science, I think choco- 1
  • 2. SERVICE WOLFPACK PRESS SACRAMENTO HOMELESS By Erika Mettke On May 21, 2011 I had the opportunity to volunteer at Homeless Connect in Sacramento. My job was to assist the home- less to the Housing Stations that was provided for them. It felt good to see many of the homeless get temporary or permanent housing. Many of the homeless walked out of Housing Station with a big smile on their face. I received so many words of appre- ciation that I felt like I was making a huge difference. To me this was one of the most meaningful service projects I have participat- ed in. I felt I was improving so many lives and was able to reach out to the homeless and give them hope. Kiwanis bike shop By Boris Zhang On June 11, 2011, Univer- had fun with the hula hoops sity of Nevada, Reno Circle K and game, but was surprised by TMCC Circle K went to the the young girl who could Sparks Kiwanis’s grand opening of manage 5 hula hoops at once. their new bike shop. Upon arrival, After a while, we tried to we swept the floor to remove any teach our Vice President of excess dust and hung up signs to Service, Cynthia Uba, how to prepare for the big day. After- bike. It was managed success- wards, we hung up balloons fully haha. Overall, the event (which popped very often) next to was successful, and the the signs outside and out on the Sparks Kiwanis were excited bordering fence. Our president, to have us there. I would real- Kaci Hartwick, got interviewed by ly recommend this event for Channel 2, which was very inter- other volunteers since there esting. When the day picked up a are bikes that need to be bit, Circle K and TMCC were put tested (as long as a helmet is in charge of games and books. A worn). nun chuck game, jump ropes, a bean bag toss game, and hula hoops were set up for the kids. I 2
  • 3. VOLUME III, ISSUE 1 SERVICE Slf weekend By Christine Bonuel From June 3 to June 5, ley, even assisted a runner during 2011, Circle K members from the last lap of his two-mile run! TMCC and from the University The third day, we received lead- of Nevada, Reno attended the ership training from Lindsey, Service Leadership Fellowship Carly, and Tom, advisors from weekend. It was three fun-filled the Kiwanis family. We did team days of events focused on the -building exercises and brushed three tenants of Circle K. On the up on our knowledge of each first day, we volunteered at the board member’s duties. The Ki- Special Olympics opening cere- wanis advisors also gave us ad- mony and had a movie social. vice on how to deal with conflict The second day, we timed the within the club. Overall, SLF track & field events for the Spe- weekend was a great experience! cial Olympics Summer Games at I had a lot of fun, and it also pre- Mackay Stadium. Being a “time- pared me for my stopper” was fun: waiting for the chair position this signal to start timing, watching upcoming year. for the exact time the athlete crossed the finish line, and cheer- ing for every single athlete. Two Circle K members, J.O. and Hay- Corn dogs By Kaci Hartwick How can I even begin to se dogs are home made, and we flew by as describe the Susanville Corndog got to learn the entire process. we served event? Simply put, it is one of my countless First, favorite events, and I am so hap- people and you have py that it has become a yearly fried up an to cook Circle K tradition. The event be- insane amount of corndogs. the hot gins with a one and a half hour dogs and I love this event because it defi- drive to Susanville, and from m a k e nitely keeps you on your toes, but I also there we meet up at the Lassen sure you stick them just right. love how we all worked together as a County Fair. Once we enter the After that, they are rolled in some team. As “corny” as it sounds, you real- fair, we find the infamous corn- dry batter and then dipped into ly count on every single person in that dog booth, which is run by the the secret recipe batter. From tiny trailer to do their job right; other- Kiwanis Club of Susanville. there, it’s straight to the fryer, wise you’re going to run into trouble. The corndog booth is a and then the little holders called Even though it was stressful, it was small white trailer with two large boats. great to hear the cooks in the back say windows and a few Kiwanis good job to one another, or “I need five As we mastered the signs and logos. While the booth corndogs!” followed by, “Thanks, cooking technique, we also had may be modest in appearance, the you’re awesome!” In conclusion, the to become expert cashiers and product that comes out of it cer- Susanville Corndog event is definitely soda fillers. Some people would tainly is not. They don’t joke an event you cannot miss! come up to the window and order around on their sign that says, six corndogs to go, so there was- “World Famous Corndogs”. The- n’t much time to rest. The night 3
  • 4. SERVICE WOLFPACK PRESS District summer service social (dsss) By Kristen VanCitters, Cynthia Uba, and Christine Bonuel your favorite part(s) of dsss? My favorite part about DSSS was meeting a ton of new Circle K'ers! We rarely get to see the southern schools at events, pretty much only at FTC and DCON, so meeting all of them was awesome! DSSS was filled with opportunity to bond with other members over service projects, laser tag, workshops, board games, and so much more. We represented Nevada and Capital well and everyone was very impressed that we made the trek down to So Cal! We woke up pretty early on Saturday and all headed out to an awesome service event, where we helped clear the path leading to a preserve. This event demonstrated how amazing at teamwork Circle K‟ers can really be. The most memorable part of this day for me was presenting a workshop; it was about being healthy and being a hardworking member of Cir- cle K. It had a great turnout, people loved it! DSSS is one of my favorite events ever. My favorite part of DSSS was all of the social aspects of it. One day we did a photo scavenger hunt at the Fashion Valley Mall. My team, „Team Woo!”, won the first part of the challenge, but we were unable to complete the second part: finding our District Gov. Brett Butler who was hiding somewhere in the mall. Another one of my favorite parts? Singing “I‟ll Make a Man out of You” to pass the time during the service project in the Mission Valley Preserve. The most shocking thing that happened, though? My ranking 3rd out of 39 Circle K‟ers in laser tag, haha! It was lots of fun; I‟m looking forward to our next district event! TURN TO P. 13 FOR MORE pictures from dsss! 4
  • 5. VOLUME III, ISSUE 1 MEMBER OF THE MONTH Member of the month april HAYLEY DAVIS Something fun you did this summer: Going to Tahoe like every other weekend and partying it up haha, tough question. Favorite music artist: Britney Spears The best thing you could ever win (or you have ever won) in a Circle K raffle is: I almost won a cute scarf but my candy land will do may PIERCE ROBLEDO Something fun you did this summer: I had a chance to go to the California State Fair in Sacramento. It was ten times as big as the Susanville State Fair and I tried Fried Oreo on A Stick. Favorite music artist: Soulchild The best thing you could ever win (or you have ever won) in a Circle K raffle is: A date with Alex Kieu, just kidding Rachel Sarah june CHRISTINE BONUEL Something fun you did this summer: visited my extended family in California Favorite music artist: All Time Low The best thing you could ever win (or you have ever won) in a Circle K raffle is: Board games in general or a lifetime supply of post-its 5
  • 6. WOLFPACK PRESS MEMBER OF THE MONTH Member of the month july ERIN SZELAGOWSKI Something fun you did this summer: Went to the East Coast and saw spider man on Broadway. Favorite music artist: Kelly Clarkson The best thing you could ever win (or you have ever won) in a Circle K raffle is: a Starbucks gift card or anything chocolate. august RACHEL LANE Something fun you did this summer: This summer I was lucky enough to spend a lot of time with my boyfriend Justin We went to visit San Fransisco and spent a day at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Favorite music artist: Hellogoodbye The best thing you could ever win (or you have ever won) in a Circle K raffle is: The best thing I could ever win in a circle K raffle would be a puppy with a year supplies of dog food or free food. 6
  • 7. VOLUME III, ISSUE 1 BOARD BIOS Board bios Did you know?? - Kaci hartwick—president our theme for this year is “mad for service”! Year and Major: Sophomore, Pre-Nursing major What is one of your main goals for Circle K for this year? Above all else, I hope that everyone who comes to Circle K feels welcome and comfortable here. Only with this unity we will be able to reach our fullest potential and make a huge impact! Which character from the movie "Madagascar" best fits your personal- ity and why? Melman the Giraffe of course! Besides being tall, Melman is just goofy- you can't help but laugh at some of the things he says. Both of us are also very organized :) Rachel davis—vp of administration Year and Major: Senior, Elementary education major What is one of your main goals for Circle K for this year? Main goal for CKI this year would to be a close knit group while we are still expanding with new members. Which character from the movie "Madagascar" best fits your personality and why? I am most like Marty the Zebra from Madagascar because I am out there, loud, and always trying to be the center of attention:) also zebra is my favorite animal print! 7
  • 8. BOARD BIOS WOLFPACK PRESS Cynthia uba—vp of service Year and Major: Sophomore, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology What is one of your main goals for Circle K for this year? My main goal for Circle K this year is to be able to achieve at least 30 service hours for each member of Circle K . Which character from the movie "Madagascar" best fits your person- ality and why? Gloria and I share a lot of characteristics, she and I are strong featured women like the song on YouTube says we are both "big and chunky" lol. We have a lot of style and pride that sometimes we let them get the best of us. We like things to go our way and always have a way to manipulate things to be in our favor. We also have some awesome dance moves that can literally shake a setting. Most of all, we can have fun regardless of the situation or the people involved :) Alex kieu—secretary Year and Major: I'm a fifth year and an accounting major. YAY NUMBERS!!! What is one of your main goals for Circle K for this year? member retention and getting members excited to attend events! I hope that members will want to go to the events that we are involved in and they enjoy the variety that we have. We love service! As secretary of the club, I want to be able to pro- vide my members with the number of their hours and get them to an MRP Status (ask me what it is!!). Which character from the movie "Madagascar" best fits your personality and why? Well, I am Alex the Lion! While in the movie he's cocky...I'd like to say I'm confident! Plus-we have the same first name, which just makes things even cooler. He also ends up liking sushi...which coincidentally my favorite food! But in all seriousness, we share the same love of our own comfort zones but have the ability to adapt to whatever is given to us. Nam hoang— treasurer Year and Major: Junior in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology What is one of your main goals for Circle K for this year? My main goal for Circle K this year is to keep a balance budget for our club and have a lot of fun. Which character from the movie "Madagascar" best fits your per- sonality and why? I feel very connected to King Julien because I like to move it move it. 8
  • 9. VOLUME III, ISSUE 1 BOARD BIOS noah mckay—k-kids Year and Major: Senior, Philosophy Name one or two Circle K events that you're most excited to attend this year. K-kids and Concessions! Favorite Harry Potter character and why? McGonagall because she's a bamf Boris zhang—kiwanis family Year and Major: Hey everyone, I'm a sophomore and my major is Chemistry. Name one or two Circle K events that you're most excited to attend this year. For Circle K, I'm most excited to attend any of the training conferences whether it's STC, FTC, and/or DCON!!! Favorite Harry Potter character and why? My favorite Harry Potter character is Luna Lovegood. I just admire the character whose always the odd one out. Christine bonuel—historian Year and Major: Senior, Biology Name one or two Circle K events that you're most excited to attend this year. FTC and DCON—haven‟t attended either, and they sound like a lot of fun! Favorite Harry Potter character and why? Dobby, because he‟s very kind but also brave. He always fights for the right cause. Jon west—membership development and education Year and Major: 6th year senior, International Business and Business Management Name one or two Circle K events that you're most excited to attend this year. DCON and New Member Installation Favorite Harry Potter character and why? Harry Potter—no reason 9
  • 10. BOARD BIOS WOLFPACK PRESS Erika mettka—relay for life Year and Major: Junior, elementary education Name one or two Circle K events that you're most excited to attend this year. Charity speed dating, air races Favorite Harry Potter character and why? Hermione because she's brave J.o. salva—spirit Year and Major: Sophomore, Civil Engineering Name one or two Circle K events that you're most excited to attend this year. DCON and FTC Favorite Harry Potter character and why? Albus Dumbledore because he loves Harry Potter too. And I love his awesome beard. Victoria silva—technology Year and Major: I am a Sophomore and my major is Wildlife Ecology and Conservation ^^ Name one or two Circle K events that you're most excited to attend this year. This year I am very excited since we have plans to work with the Humane Society. As an animal activist, I enjoy anything that will prosper our animal population, and enjoy my time spent with them ^^. Favorite Harry Potter character and why? My favorite character has to be Professor Lupin, the once Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher and werewolf. Not only does he have the ability to change into an animal (which is awesome), he's a great guy and a great contributor to Hector Mendoza—university connections Year and Major: Senior, criminal justice and minoring in anthropology. Name one or two Circle K events that you're most excited to attend this year: I‟m excited about the river clean up and the events I have planned. Favorite Harry Potter character and why? Hermione is my favorite because she always saves the day. 10
  • 11. VOLUME III, ISSUE 1 SENIOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS NEW! Senior Acknowledgements In alphabetical order: Rachel Lane, Laura Lord, Nick Saini, Erin Szelagowski, and Lauren VanCitters To the Circle K graduates of Spring 2011: Congratulations on all your success! thank you for all that you’ve done for this organization! 11
  • 12. WOLFPACK PRESS CALENDAR September 2011 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Bridesmaids K-KIDS 12- Discovery Mu- 8PM 1PM seum 10AM- 4PM Club Fair 3- 7PM 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Food Bank Meeting 7PM, K-KIDS 12- Adopt a Park 5:30-8PM, car- JCSU 422 1PM 10AM-noon pool 5PM Mafia with BBQ & Water Ambassadors Balloon Social 7PM Noon-2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Arbor’s Yogurt Beach St. Vincent’s K-KIDS 12- Homeless Memory Care, Fundraiser 3- Pet Food Bag- 1PM Awareness & carpool at 11PM ging 5:30- Prevention Day 5:30PM 7:30PM, car- 9AM-4PM Meeting 7PM, pool 5:15PM JCSU 422 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Scrapbooking Meeting 7PM, Circle K Info K-KIDS 12- River Clean-Up Social 2:30- JCSU 422 Night 7-8PM, 1PM ALL DAY 4PM, MIKC JCSU 423 402 25 26 27 28 29 30 Capital DCM Meeting 7PM, K-KIDS 12- (time TBA) JCSU 422 1PM 12
  • 13. VOLUME III, ISSUE 1 DSSS PICTURES & BOARD CONTACTS Dsss pictures board contacts President: V.P. of V.P. of Service: Treasurer: Secretary: Kaci Hartwick Administra- Cynthia Uba Nam Hoang (702) 823-6201 (702) 302-6152 Alex Kieu (775) 240-7471 tion: presi- vps- treasur- (775)313-4948 Rachel Davis vpad- ervice@nevadacki m .com secre- tary@nevadacki.c m om K-Kids: Kiwanis Family: Historian: Membership De- Noah McKay Boris Zhang Christine velopment & (702) 423-4909 (702) 768-3866 Bonuel Education: k- kiwanisfami- (702)768-7812 Jon West histori- (775) 217-3223 m member- ship@nevadacki.c om Relay for Life: Spirit: Technology: University Con- Erika Mettke J.O. Salva Victoria Silva nections: (702) 882-1860 (775) 338-6625 (702) 374-2128 Hector relayfor- spir- technolo- Mendoza (775) 247-1178 m university- conn@nevadacki.c om 13