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Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Thank you for your unending dedication and devotion to the growth and success of Valley
Torah High School and its wonderful students.
Frank & Lynn Menlo
Dear Rabbi and Rebbitzen Stulberger,
Words alone cannot convey the overwhelmingly positive impact you have had not only on Valley Torah High School, its thousands of current students
and alumni over the past 30 years, but also for both the Valley and greater Los Angeles Orthodox Jewish communities.
Through changing and challenging times and eras, you planted your flag for Torah values at Valley Torah and the reverberations are felt across the
world. Through our alumni and the amazing job you have done as parents, your tremendous influence will be felt in a significant way for generations
to come.
Above all, you stand for integrity, honesty and character and we could not be prouder to stand behind you 1000% to see you execute your Torah
educational vision and serve as role models without peer.
Congratulations! Here’s to another great 30 year run!
The Valley Torah Executive Board
David Coronel Amy Leibowitz Frank Menlo
David Striks Brad Turell Efrat Zisblatt
Dear Efrat and Uri,
You and your family epitomize everything that is GREAT about Valley Torah High School. As nurturing and
supportive parents, active and valued executive board members, community leaders and vocal Wolfpack fans, you
are such inspiring role models!
Congratulations on this well deserved honor. We are so proud to serve with you and call you our friends.
The Valley Torah Executive Board
David Coronel Amy Leibowitz Frank Menlo
David Striks Brad Turell Efrat Zisblatt
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor!
Your commitment to Jewish education has made an everlasting imprint on the Los Angeles Jewish
Jose & Esther Liberman
We join in recognizing the outstanding leadership, dedication to Jewish education and
contributions to the community of the awardees
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Lenard & Sarah Liberman
So proud of my grandchildren, alums
Eyal and Barak Raviv
and so appreciative of the values and traditions they learned at Valley Torah.
A special thanks to
Rabbi Stulberger
for his commitment to Jewish education, Yiddishkeit, Midos and Chesed.
Sara Mostysser - Ramat Gan, Israel
Mazel Tov
to the awardees
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Their leadership, dedication and devotion
have made them examples for others to follow.
May they go from strength to strength.
Daniel & Vardit Aharonoff
Wishing our sincere gratitude to
Dr. Uri & Efrat Zisblatt
for all you do for Valley Torah.
To Rabbi & Rebbitzen Stulberger:
There are no words to appropriately thank the two of you for all that you have done over these past 30 years. Your
impact cannot be measured by the thousands of people you have brought closer to Yiddishkeit. Your sphere of
influence covers the world and we are so grateful that Hashem has gifted your family to our community.
On behalf of our entire family, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and may Hashem bless the two of you
with at least another 30 years of leadership in our community.
Judy & Paul Cohen and Family
In Honor of
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger
(‫נ׳ד‬ ‫ישעיהו‬,‫י׳ג‬ (
“ And all your children will be students of Hashem, and your children will have abundant peace”
We join the Los Angeles community in honoring Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger for their 30 years of
extraordinary service. You are exemplary teachers and role models and we thank you for setting the foundation for
future generations of Torah leadership. May your devotion to Chinuch continue to bring joy and Bracha to you,
your family, and Klal Yisrael.
Efrat and Uri Zisblatt and Family
In honor of the administrators, Rebbeim, faculty, and staff of Valley Torah High School. We are forever grateful for your
devotion to educating all Jewish children.
We join in paying tribute to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for their dedication and commitment to
Valley Torah High School.
Ira and Amy Leibowitz
Congratulations to the Honorees
Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger
Thank you for your dedication to
Valley Torah High School.
We wish you many years of success.
Rosana and Alon Miller
Congratulations to
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
oOn this well deserved honor.
Brian and Tabitha Dror
In honor of a great Tzaddik who believes in youth even when others do not
Rabbi Stulberger
You are that Tzaddik. Thank you for being the voice for those young Neshamot who are not born to advantage.
And to the only two who can accompany such a great person in this honor
Uri and Efrat
Two of the most humble people who quietly & simply act. You are powerhouses and we honor you and are
grateful for your friendship. We are a blessed community in the hands of righteous leaders. Thank you!
With Love,
Dina and Fred Leeds
We salute the distinguished honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Our community is blessed and enriched by your knowledge, wisdom, leadership and
Dr. Barry and Dr. Martha Simon
In Honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger
Yasher Koach on this remarkable honor. Thank you for teaching and inspiring our children and
grandchildren. May you continue to see ‫נחת‬ from all your students and family!
Esther and Jacob Blaich
Mazel Tov to Efrat and Uri
We are so proud of the dedication you show to your family and community. May you go from
strength to strength and see ‫ברכות‬ in all your endeavors.
Abba and Imma
In tribute to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
May Hashem grant you the Zechus of continued Koach and Hatzlacha in all your efforts on behalf of
Torah education in our community.
Simcha and Yocheved Mandelbaum
Dear Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger
One needs the space of a novel (and a long one!), not just an ad, to thank you both for three
decades of dedication to the Jewish community!
To Uri & Efrat
Thank you for your constant friendship! May Hashem continue to grant you all good health and
much blessing to continue in your wonderful work.
Aryeh & Debbie Striks
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
May you be blessed to continue to educate and inspire
many generations of Jewish children.
Gary & Rochelle Finder
To Uri and Effie,
Mazel Tov on this wonderful honor and tribute to both of you and for all that you do for this
outstanding Makom Torah in our community.
Looking forward to the day when we physically become your neighbors so that we can merit
the Brochoh of Tov La’Tzaddik V’tov LeShcheinoh!
Ahron and Vardit Zilberstein
Mazal Tov to our honorees
Rabbi Avrohom & Rebbetzin Peshy Stulberger
on this well deserved honor!
Mazal Tov to our dear friends
Dr. Uri & Efrat Zisblatt
on this worthy recognition!
With warmest best wishes,
Sara & Sol Pearlman
Matt & Andrea Pearlman
Eli & Leslie Pearlman
Rabbi Daniel & Elana Berman
Mazel Tov
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
May Hashem grant you the ability to continue the good work you do on behalf of Valley Torah
High School and the entire Jewish community.
Dr. Marty and Marilyn Kay
We are delighted to join with the entire
Valley Torah High School
family in celebrating the outstanding leadership, dedication to Jewish education, and contributions
to the community of the awardees
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Mr. Zan and Dr. Claude Marquis
Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
on this most deserved honor.
We pay tribute to their dedication and devotion to Torah learning and Jewish values.
We recognize them as role models and leaders who serve to inspire our young people and the entire
Jewish community.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wintner
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
May you be blessed to continue to educate and inspire many generations of Jewish children.
The Los Angeles Jewish Fund
Mazel Tov to
Dr. Uri and Effie Zisblatt
on receiving your most deserving honor. Yasher Koach to a Valley/City couple who has dedicated
endless hours to education and growth of the community. May Hashem reward and bless you.
To our dear
Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger
Mazel Tov on such a well deserved honor. May you continue to have much Nachas and Bracha from
your children and grandchildren.
David and Gitel Rubin
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Mazel Tov on your richly deserved awards.
You have helped to create a true Makom Torah where every deserving student can receive a Jewish
Ronnie and Hindy Mayer
Best wishes to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for a well deserved honor.
You are an inspiration to us all.
Lyle Weisman
We join in paying tribute to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for their dedication and commitment to
Valley Torah High School.
David and Judy Hager
In tribute to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
May Hashem grant you the Zechus of continued Koach and Hatzlacha in all your
efforts on behalf of Torah education in our community.
Haim and Dr. Malka Klein
We would like to congratulate the honorees
Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger
We are proud of your 30 year accomplishments,
your good deeds, your good hearts,
but most of all, for being the special people you are.
May you continue your leadership
and enlighten the path for all of us.
Ahron and Vardit Zilberstein
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor.
Your commitment to Jewish education has made an everlasting imprint on the Los
Angeles Jewish community.
Ira and Ruchi Smedra
Congratulations to
Valley Torah High School’s dinner awardees
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
With gratitude, appreciation and admiration for their dedication and devotion to Jewish youth
and Torah education.
Dr. Jan & Lori Moore
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor.
Your commitment to Jewish education has made an everlasting imprint on the Los
Angeles Jewish community.
Mr. Steve and Dr. Mariana Mermelstein
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for their vision, guidance and inspiration.
We thank them for all they contribute on behalf of
the students of Valley Torah High School.
Yonatan Kawas
Congratulations to
Effie and Uri
on this well deserved honor.
Your dedication to your family, community
and to Jewish education is truly inspirational.
We wish you much continued success.
Your Klee, Tuchin, Bogdanoff & Stern Family
In tribute to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
May you continue to be a source of strength to the entire Jewish community.
Moshe & Nechama Nafisi
Mazel Tov
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
on this well deserved honor.
Your commitment to Jewish education has made an everlasting imprint on the Los
Angeles Jewish community.
Jonathan and Miriam Istrin
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
on a tremendous honor. Your sincere and wholehearted dedication to Valley Torah inspires the Los Angeles
community at large. May you be blessed with great success for many years to come!
Mazel Tov to Uri and Effie Zisblatt
Your commitment and support for Valley Torah is truly remarkable, making a profound impact on our children's
Jewish education. May you continue in all your efforts!
Your friends,
Dena and Joel Bess
Mazel Tov
Rabbi Avrohom and Rebbetzin Peshy Stulberger
on this greatly deserved recognition for the work you have done shaping today's and
future generations of Klal Yisrael.
David & Peggy Ash
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Mazel Tov on your richly deserved awards.
You have helped to create a true Makom Torah where every deserving student can receive a Jewish
Akiva and Rachel Greenfield
We salute the distinguished honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Our community is blessed and enriched by your knowledge, wisdom, leadership and
Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Weiss
to the honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for your continued devotion to
Valley Torah High School.
Moshe & Malka Blitz
We salute the distinguished honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Our community is blessed and enriched by your knowledge, wisdom, leadership and
Ephraim & Suzanne Feigelstock
Mazel Tov the honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
and in the Zechus of the continuing Refuah Shlema of our granddaughter, Orli Penina
bas Rachel Freida.
Raymond and Alicia Kipust
In honor of
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
We applaud you for your dedication to Torah education. May Hashem grant you much
success in all your endeavors.
Dr. Mark and Andrea Coronel
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Words cannot express our appreciation for what you have done for our community.
You exemplify all that is good.
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
You are role models as parents who are involved in our Kehillah, and Valley Torah is
most grateful that you are involved in our school.
Howard and Gity Gluck
In tribute to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
May Hashem grant you the Zechus of continued Koach and Hatzlacha in all your
efforts on behalf of Torah education in our community.
Faramarz and Sheilagh Sadeghi
Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger
on your well deserved honor.
David and Michal Gershov
Mazel Tov to Uri and Efrat
Your commitment to Valley Torah High School is truly inspiring. We wish you much continued success in all
of your endeavors and look forward to celebrating many more of your accomplishments. We wish you much
health, happiness and Nachas from your children.
David, Michal, Noam, Meital, Gavriel, Ariella and Eitan Gershov
Mazel Tov
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
May Hashem grant you the ability to continue the good work you do on behalf of
Valley Torah High School and the entire Jewish community.
Yonatan and Rikki Menlo
In honor of
Rabbi Avrohom and (Morah) Peshy Stulberger
for their outstanding and tireless work, proving that true leadership comes only by
In appreciation for over 47 years of friendship with
the Zisblatt family,
whose home is always filled with Torah and Mitzvos.
The Penn Family
In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger
Thank you for your years of caring and dedication to our family and others. We have so much
gratitude, affection and respect for you and wish you many more years of success.
Eli and Sandra Eisenberg
Rabbi Adam Eisenberg (Class of 1996)
Ilana Eisenberg Noble (Class of 1999)
Amira Eisenberg (Class of 2004)
Yehuda Noble (Class of 2021)
Akiva Noble (Class of 2023)
Adina Noble (Class of 2027)
It is with great pleasure that we give honor to our dear friends and esteemed and devoted Dean/Menahel
Whose 30 years of tireless dedication and ‫מסירות‬‫נפש‬ for Valley Torah High School has helped make it an
institution we can all be proud of.
And to his ‫אשת‬‫חיל‬ , REBBETZIN PESHA STULBERGER ‫שתחי׳‬who has been a guiding light for
Rabbi Stulberger throughout the years.
We salute you both for your inspired efforts to further Torah education and Yiddishkeit in the community.
‫יהי‬‫רצון‬‫שתוכלו‬‫להמשיך‬‫עבודת‬‫הקודש‬‫שלכם‬‫בתוך‬‫בריאות‬‫הגוף‬‫והנפש‬‫ותראו‬‫הרבה‬‫פירות‬‫טובים‬‫מפעולתכם‬ .
‫שתזכו‬‫לראות‬‫בנים‬‫ובני‬‫בנים‬‫עוסקים‬‫בתורה‬‫וביראה‬ , ‫כאות‬‫נפשכם‬‫הטובה‬ .
Rabbi Yehuda and Simi Feigen
For some people volunteering and doing Chesed is all about giving,
but for the likes of you, it is a way of living.
Uri and Effie
Thank you for all of your hard work, commitment and dedication to Valley Torah and tonight’s Dinner. We share such a
strong history with you both and have learned so much from our friendship with you. May Hashem bless you both with
continued success in all your endeavors.
Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger
We have such a tremendous amount of Hakaras HaTov for your your endless dedication to our community, for your years of
personal guidance and Chinuch, and for the love that you bestow onto our children. You have taught each and every student
communal responsibility, Chesed and leadership by example.
A huge Mazel Tov!
Aharon and Shelly Striks
Mazel tov to
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Avrohom Stulberger
and thank you for all you do for our community.
Mazel Tov to tonight honorees
Dr. and Mrs. Uri Zisblatt
Kenny and Ethne Katz
Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
on this most deserved honor.
We pay tribute to their dedication and devotion to Torah learning and Jewish values. We recognize them
as role models and leaders who serve to inspire our young people and the whole Jewish community.
Abraham Ardestani
I have unforgettable memories of learning Bava Kama privately from Rabbi Stulberger
at the age of twelve in 1991, and accompanying him to Israel for an amazing summer trip in
1994. The education I received at Valley Torah High School shaped my Jewish identity and
how my wife and I raise our children. My family is so grateful to Rabbi Stulberger for
everything he has done for us and the Los Angeles community.
Yona (Class of '95)
& Michelle Conzevoy
Emma, Baron and Clive
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger
Thank you for your tireless efforts on behalf of our community.
Congratulations to
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Your dedication to Jewish education is a shining example to us all.
Enoch and Yocheved Kimmelman
Our family and the entire community are so grateful for your selfless
efforts, dedication and commitment to Torah Education.
May Hashem continue to bless you and your family with nachas, simcha
and bracha
The Hendeles and Cohen Families
With our admiration and respect,
we wish to honor
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for their leadership and dedication to Jewish education and community.
May HKB’’H bless you with good health, Nachas, Koach and wisdom so that you can continue sustaining
and growing Torah, Chessed and education in our community.
In the Z’chus of your selfless efforts, may you and your wonderful children celebrate constant Smachot
and endless Nachas.
Helena and Steven Usdan & Family
Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger
Rabbi Stulberger’s unconditional love and non-judgmental approach coupled with his immense knowledge and
deep understanding has inspired and motivated us to grow personally and spiritually beyond our imagination. His
words of wisdom during weekly speeches and in private conversations penetrated our hearts and minds as students
and continue to be our beacon as proud Alumni. Congratulations on this well deserved honor, and thank you to
VTHS for believing in us and making a great Jewish high school education accessible.
Morris and Dana Lalezarian
Class of ‘99/’99
Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
on this most deserved honor.
We pay tribute to their dedication and devotion to Torah learning and Jewish values. We recognize
them as role models and leaders who serve to inspire our young people and the whole Jewish
Michael and Jessica Kohanfars
Congratulations to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
on your well deserved honor.
Thank you for your continued devotion to
Valley Torah High School.
Noah and Yehudis Weisman
In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger
You have raised generations of Torah Jews for our community. We have gained so much from your
efforts in and out of the classroom. Even more than how to learn Rashi and Tosfos, you gave us a
Derech HaChaim, a Mesorah of Mussar and Hashkafah that would illuminate our paths for all our
years to come. We are forever grateful for your lessons in and out of the classroom and examples by
which have both led your Talmidim and Talmidot .
Sincerely ,
Eli and Sarah Rivka Gabay
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger
for the well deserved honor for their many years of service to Valley Torah and the
entire community.
With much appreciation
Michael and Andrea Reichik
Bob and Daniella Linden
David and Belinda Eskenazi
We salute the distinguished honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Our community is blessed and enriched by your knowledge, wisdom, leadership and
Howard and Jean Schultz
In honor of
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Congratulations and best wishes
Moshe Mintz
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Mazel Tov on your richly deserved awards. You have helped to create a true Makom Torah where
every deserving student can receive a Jewish education
Jonathan and Tzipporah Coronel
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
May you be blessed to continue to
educate and inspire
many generations of Jewish children.
Elie and Rinat Aghabi
A Hartzige Mazel Tov to our dear cousins
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
on this 30th milestone celebration and achievements as the premier Mechanchim and Marbitzei
Torah, who under their exemplary leadership skills have successfully promulgated Torah education
from what was once a Midbar to an oasis of learning and a bastion of Yiddishkeit.
May Hashem Bentch both of you with Gezunt and Nachas to continue your Avodas Hashem and
giving so much to the Klal.
With Love,
Dr. Shmuel and Leah Presser
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Mazel Tov on your well deserved honor.
You have helped to create a true Makom Torah
where every deserving student can receive a Jewish education.
David and Chani Coronel
Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
on this most deserved honor.
We pay tribute to their dedication and devotion to Torah learning and Jewish values.
We recognize them as role models and leaders who serve to inspire our young people and the
whole Jewish community.
Hymie and Marilyn Barber
Mazal Tov to the honorees
and especially to
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger
for their dedication to the growth and education of our precious youth.
Phyllis Franklin and Family
I'm so honored to be consider myself a Talmid of yours. I was and still am so fortunate to have a
kesher with you. I value and cherish your advice and humor. Rabbi and Rebbetzin, thank you so
much for all that both of you have done for all of your Talmidim and Talmidos. Hashem should
bless you with many more years of honorable service to the L.A. community and to Klal Yisroel as
a whole. With much respect and admiration,
Josh and Chana Bregman
Saint Louis, MO
Wishing a big Mazel Tov to
Uri and Effie Zisblatt
upon receiving this much deserved honor. Your endless commitment and dedication to
Torah and education is truly inspirational.
Jeffrey and Aliza Fish and Family
We join in paying tribute to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for their dedication and commitment to
Valley Torah High School.
Moshe and Jenna Kinsbursky
In honor of
Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger
For three decades of dedicated Torah education with an emphasis on good Middos to the
children of the greater Los Angeles community.
Zev and Chani Karpel
Rabbi Yosef and Sima Bondi
Gedalya and Leah Wielgus
Dov and Lauren Gluck
Yaakov Gluck
Congratulations to
Valley Torah High School’s dinner awardees
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
With gratitude, appreciation and admiration for their dedication and devotion to Jewish
youth and Torah education.
Hillel and Ruth Kellerman
Mazel tov to
Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger
and to
Dr. and Mrs. Uri Zisblatt
on this well deserved honor.
May you continue to inspire our community with your Chessed, devotion and
Menachem and Chavi Wakslak
Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
on this most deserved honor.
We pay tribute to their dedication and devotion to Torah learning and Jewish values.
We recognize them as role models and leaders who serve to inspire our young people and the
whole Jewish community.
Jack and Gita Nagel
Mazel Tov to the awardees
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Their leadership, dedication and devotion
have made them examples for others to follow.
May they go from strength to strength.
Sidney and Marcia Teichman
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor.
Your commitment to Jewish education has made an everlasting imprint on the Los
Angeles Jewish community.
Steven and Lorraine Spira
We join in paying tribute to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for their dedication and commitment to
Valley Torah High School.
Dr. David & Andrea Sherman
Congratulations to
Rabbi Avrohom & Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri & Efrat Zisblatt
Michael and Sheryl Rosenberg & Family
Edmundo, Esti and Benny, Shira,
Oliver & Charlie
In honor of
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
We applaud you for your dedication to Torah education. May Hashem grant you much success in
all your endeavors.
Mrs. Mila Kornwasser
In Memory of Aharon Yaakov Kornwasser, z"l
on being honored today. They ARE Valley Torah and we can't thank them enough!
We are not surprised that Valley Torah also chose to honor
They are such an Aydel couple that wants no fanfare for all they give and do behind the scenes. They follow their parents,
Fishel A"H and Sylvia Zisblatt & Jacob and Esther Blaich's, lead. They give of themselves over their family and continue
to give them the ability to be there for our communities!
With Much Pride And Love
Jimmy, Jeanne & Ariella Salamon
Shua and Henchie Botnick
Bentzi and Aleeza Sherman
Congratulations to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Thank you for your devotion to Jewish youth and Torah education.
Gershon and Sara Schlussel
To Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger
Thank you for all you do for the community and our deepest appreciation for
the chinuch you provided our son, Chaim Shmuel.
Bob and Lucy Blinder
May Hashem bless you
for your years of dedication and service.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pietruska & Family
Mazel Tov
Effie and Uri
on this well deserved honor. Your dedication and commitment to education
and Torah inspire us all.
Best wishes,
The Gofman Family
Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger
Congratulations on thirty years of success and a heartfelt thank you for helping us pass
Torah Life and values to our children and future generations.
Brian & Anne Moore
Mazel tov to
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
on this well deserved honor!
Your dedication and commitment to the betterment of the Los Angeles community is
an inspiration to all. May you both be blessed with good health and much Nachas from
your wonderful family.
Walter and Esthie Feinblum
In honor of
Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger
For their dedication to giving the children our community a Torah education with an
emphasis on good Middos
and in recognition of
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for their involvement and support of Torah education.
Michael and Suri Kest
In honor of
Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger
We love you.
Igal and Ida Saidian
Elan Javanfard, M.A., L.M.F.T currently has two convenient
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Think of time as a triangle.
With the past, present, and future all on three points of the
How much of your mental time is spent focused on the
On the future?
On the present?
Typically, the more time someone spends in the past the
more susceptible they are to depression and anger and the
more time they spend in the future the more susceptible they
are to anxiety and worry.
The goal should be to increase the ability to be present
focused and enjoy each moment as it comes along.
We are so very honored to be Valley Torah alumni.
May Hashem bless
Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger with health, strength, and
all the best! Mazel tov!
Babak and Sharon Hakimi
In Honor of our Dear Friends
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
We have been zoche to have known our Yedid Nefesh for close to fifty years. Back in our High School days we already saw in him,
someone destined to accomplish great things. His love of learning ("unquestionably" the top student), his ahavas habriyos (just ask Cubac),
and how he was matza chein in the eyes of Rebbeim and friends (and besides he had a car) were all the harbinger of Reb Avorhom's
unique ability to connect to so many talmidim for over 30 years. His eishes chayil matched his dedication with her own incredible level of
mesiras nefesh for whatever needed to be done. What a z'chus it is for the Valley Village community and beyond to have had this most
special and inspiring couple serving them with distinction and love for so many years.
b'yedidus rabba,
Yossi and Shulamis Singer
Moshe and Sheva Turk
In honor of
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger,
May Valley Torah and all of its precious students continue to flourish under your
Mazel Tov,
Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Horowitz
& Congregation Makor HaChaim
Mazel tov
Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
on this well deserved honor.
From the moment you walked inside the building, we have been humbled by your strong
leadership. We are grateful for the incredible growth you championed at Valley Torah. May
Hashem grant you much Nachas from your entire family !
With great feelings of gratitude,
Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Semmel
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for their vision, guidance and inspiration.
We thank them for all they contribute on behalf of
the students of Valley Torah High School.
Larry Winter and family
Mazel tov
Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger
on this most deserved honor. Thank you for all you have done, and you are
continuing to do, for our children and Klal Yisroel.
Asher and Sharon Levine
Mazel tov
to my esteemed Rosh HaYeshiva
Rabbi Stulberger
Your passionate leadership inspires
Rebbeim and students alike.
With sincere Hakoras Hatov,
Rabbi Yisroel Semmel
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for their vision, guidance and inspiration.
We thank them for all they contribute on behalf of
the students of Valley Torah High School.
Chaim and Rachel Marks
We started with Morah Peshy in Pre 1st
and continued with Rabbi Stulberger to high school.
Your dedication to Jewish education is to be admired.
May Hashem continue to bless you and make you both always go from strength to
Hedy and Michael Harris
In honor of
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
We applaud you for your dedication to Torah education.
May Hashem grant you much success in all your endeavors.
Laib & Faigy Greenspoon
Mazel tov Dr. Uri and Effie Zisblatt
on receiving your most deserving honor.
Yasher koach to this extraordinary couple who has dedicated endless hours to
education and growth of the community.
May Hashem reward and bless you and allow our families to only share in smachot
together in the future!
Nechama and Yaakov Genauer
to the honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Moshe & Chana Striks
Proud to celebrate our dearest friends & Rosh Yeshiva
Rabbi Avrohom and Morah Peshi Stulberger
& Dr. Uri and Mrs. Effie Zisblatt
on these very well earned honors.
Barry and Lorye Weiss, Owner’s
Proud Parents of four Valley Torah students
Nati Weiss Class of 2005; Daniel Weiss Class of 2009;
Simi Weiss Class of 2012; Eli Weiss Class of 2021 IY”H
Thank you
Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger
for your selfless devotion and important role in shaping the identities of the thousands of VTHS
students and alumni. We are forever indebted to you for much of our accomplishments. You have
brightened the landscape of the greater L.A. Jewish community more than you can imagine.
Dr. Houman and Panta Vosoghi
Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Kudos to you for all you do on behalf of Valley Torah High School and the entire Jewish
David and Miriam Striks & Family
We are proud and delighted to join the Los Angeles community
in honoring our dear friends and an amazing couple
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
For their tireless and selfless efforts on behalf of Torah education. May the Ribono Shel Olam
bestow upon them the ability and resources to continue in all their endeavors on behalf of the Klal.
Wishing you endless years of continued Nachas from your children.
Zvika and Leah Brenner
Dear Uri and Efrat
Mazel tov on this well deserved honor of recognition for the time and energy you have devoted to nurturing Valley Torah High School into
a fine Makom Torah and place of excellent education for the children of our community. This acknowledgment comes as no surprise!! For
as long as we have known you both, you have displayed leadership capabilities and a strong commitment to community needs through
activism. You are equally generous with your time as well as your resources. We have seen firsthand what loving, dedicated parents you
are to Yoni, Elisheva, Danielle and Shoshana. It is the same devotion and commitment you give to any project you undertake.
May the Zechusim of your contribution keep you and your family healthy for many years so that you may be Zoche to see Nachas from
your offspring and their future generations.
In Friendship,
Motty and Limor Notis
In honor of
Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger
Mazel tov on this great milestone!
Your sincere dedication to our community has changed the lives of countless Talmidim
and their families.
May Hashem grant you the strength to continue your vibrant leadership for many more
With admiration,
Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Semmel
Congratulations to
Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger
and to our dear friends
Uri & Effie Zisblatt
The honor is well deserved.
Soshea, Jance & Naomi Weberman
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Mazel Tov on your richly deserved awards.
You have helped to create a true Makom Torah where every deserving student can
receive a Jewish education.
Zev and Judy Moskovitz
Congratulations to our dear friends
Efrat & Uri Zisblatt
on this most deserving honor.
May Hashem continue to grant you
the strength to persevere, the ability to achieve
and the will to share your success with the community.
Mazal Tov!
Helene & Johnny Zauderer
Dear Tatty and Mommy,
When we look around this room and see the countless lives that you have touched we are overcome with pride. Watching you both, as
you inspire and enrich the people around you has left an everlasting effect on us, your children.
The way that you open up your hearts and home to Jews from all walks of life is truly remarkable. You can put together a shabbos for
fifty people without even building up a sweat! You don't just serve the klal with your mind or heart, you give and care with every fiber
of your being. And that is felt by anyone who crosses your path.
Mommy and Tatty, we are so proud of the incredible things you have done. May you have many more happy years serving Klal Yisroel
in the special way that only you can!
Menachem & Sarah, Moshe & Esther, Yaakov Moshe & Tova, Chaya Gitty & Dov Ber, Yitzy & Henya,
Yossef & Leah and families
With gratitude and appreciation to
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger
for their tireless efforts on behalf of the Valley Torah community.
Menachem and Bella Levy
In honor of
Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger
on this tremendous milestone.
The passion and dedication that you have for ‫התורה‬ ‫הרבצת‬is inspiring. The love care and devotion that
you have to your ‫תלמידים‬is legendary. The enthusiasm with which you approach each day is remarkable.
We are truly privileged to be part of the Valley Torah family and follow in the path excellence that you
have have paved the school with for these past 30 years.
Wishing you many more years of ‫והצלחה‬ ‫ברכה‬in all of your ‫הקודש‬ ‫עבודת‬.
Chaim and Shaina Davidowitz
Mazel tov to
Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger
on this well deserved honor. May Hashem grant you the koach to lead us for many
years to come.
Rabbi & Mrs. Zev Don Rauch
In tribute to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
May Hashem grant you the zechus of continued koach and hatzlacha in all your
efforts on behalf of Torah education in our community.
Dr. David & Chani Wittenberg
In recognition of
Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger
for 30 years of dedication to VTHS.
And in recognition to
The Striks family
for 30 years of friendship.
Eyal Raviv and family
To me you're like the moon and the sun
shining your brightness on everyone,
going out of your way to listen and care
of, and giving comfort to those in despair.
“Come right now, I'm here until three,”
always responding very promptly (via text) "Agree?"
Stroking his beard while shaking his head,
coming up with solutions that may work instead.
Dealing with students, family, and others,
lets not forget the Jewish mothers!
His reassurance and non-judgmental approach
makes him the best in the west everyone's friend and life coach.
There is so much more I can say, except I couldn't think of two more will deserving honorees today you and your wife, our beloved
Rebbetzin Peshy. Together shopping at restaurant depot, Costco and Smart & Final In your children, your chessed, your commitment to
Jewish life and Torah, I can't think of a better deserving Rabbi and Morah!
Stacey Solomon
In honor of
Dr. Uri & Effie Zisblatt
Mazel tov!
Chanaya & Estee Silber
Kol HaKavod to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
For your dedication to educating and inspiring nurturing and guiding so many generations of students at
Valley Torah High School.
May Hashem grant you the zechus to continue to grow m’chayil l’chayil in all your endeavors on behalf of
our community.
May Hashem grant you much nachas from all of your children and grandchildren,
And from the many generations of children that you have taught and mentored.
David and Miriam Striks
In Honor of
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
for their tremendous contributions to Yiddishkeit and Torah Education in the Valley for
the past 30 years.
In Honor of
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for their dedication and commitment to Valley Torah High School.
George and Lisa Lintz & Family
Congratulations to
Rabbi and Mrs. Stuhlberger
Your loving care has benefited countless
San Diego children.
Simcha and Betty Weiser
Best wishes to
Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger
Dr. and Mrs. Zisblatt
on this special occasion. We have been privileged to know you and
we appreciate you.
Shelly & Arlene Altman
To Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt,
So much of what we have have been able to accomplish is in tribute to you. The entire Yavneh and
Los Angeles community is indebted to your wonderful work. Wishing you Bracha and Mazal for
many years to come.
To Rabbi and Peshy Stulberger,
You are a beacon of leadership and inspiration. You both have been instrumental in producing the
best the Jewish world has to offer. Wishing you Bracha and Mazal for many years to come.
Yeshivat Yavneh &
Rabbi Shlomo and Shira Einhorn
Uri & Efrat
Through your quiet and humble ways you are role models to your family, the community and all of Klal Yisroel
Tisku la Mitzvot
With all of our respect & love,
Laurie & Sammy Zisblatt
Ruthie & Tani Pollak
Elisa & Adam Rhodes
Elana & Moshe & Yakira Zisblatt
Mazel Tov to the honorees.
Thank you so very much for being one of our Maggidei Shiur for the Shabbos
women’s learning group (for almost five years) and for welcoming us all so graciously
into your home.
The Shabbos Women’s Learning Group
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor.
Peter and Liz Steinlauf
Congratulations to the honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for your continued devotion to
Valley Torah High School.
Dr. Steven and Rivky Weiss
Yashar Koach to Rabbi Avrohom & Peshy Stulberger for your tremendous
accomplishments in leading and growing Valley Torah High School to always greater heights and
strengthening the entire Los Angeles community.
Mazel tov to Dr. Uri & Efrat Zisblatt in this honor. You are a wonderful and giving couple,
and an example to others.
May you continue from strength to strength.
Harry Grossman
Larry and Maureen Eisenberg
Aryeh and Felice Greenbaum
In honor of
Rabbi and Rebbetzen Stulberger
You've spent the last 30 years dedicating your life to molding the lives of
young men and women into Bnei Torah. Klal Yisroel owes you a very large
debt of gratitude.
Rabbi Adam Eisenberg
In honor of Rabbi Stulberger, shlita,
for all he has done for our family as a Rav, as a mentor and as a friend, for all he has done for
Valley Torah, and for his lifelong commitment to Klal Yisroel! May Rabbi Stulberger be zoche to
continue his Avodat Hakodesh and go M’chayil L’chayil in good health and happiness until 120!
With much appreciation,
Danny & Gayle Cutler
Brooklyn, New York
In Honor of
Rabbi Stulberger
We owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude for your guidance and support. Thank you
for your continuing presence in our lives. All that we have accomplished is due to you
and your influence on our lives. May Hashem bless you with continuing to influence
many students to grow and reach their potential.
Avi and Rachel Cutler
We salute the distinguished honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Our community is blessed and enriched by your knowledge, wisdom, leadership and
The Friedman & Cummings Families
In Memory of Maxmillian & Ruth Friedman, z"l
In honor of
Uri & Efrat Zisblatt
Forever busy serving the community in the background, this evening you
receive the recognition you richly deserve.
Thank you both for all you do.
Lauren and David Lunzer
Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger
You have enriched our entire community with Torah wisdom from the moment you arrived
so many years ago. You have been exemplary role models for all of us on how to live as
observant Jews in a very complicated world. Thank you for everything you have done to
help strengthen and support our family in spiritual growth.
Mazel tov to Dr. Uri & Efrat Zisblatt
With great love and respect
Gary and Stephanie Bregman
Congratulations to
Valley Torah High School’s dinner awardees
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Benjamin & Susan Shapell
Mazel tov to Valley Torah High School
on their annual gala, may they continue to grow from strength to strength!
Congratulations and best wishes to
Dr. Uri & Efrat Zisblatt,
positive role model's and a true source of inspiration.
It is a privilege to acknowledge and honor
Rabbi Avrohom & Peshy
for their 30 years of dedicated leadership, innovative teaching, friendship and devoted service to the community and Klal Yisrael. Your
integrity, kindness, tireless efforts, unrelenting support and passion to furthering Torah education and mitzvos, is a reflection of your
strong values. Is because of the both of you that countless souls have grown and been enriched in a warm atmosphere filled with spiritual
inspiration. A Yasher Coach on all your accomplishments and receiving this well deserved tribute!
Wishing you and your family continued Brachot and much Hatzlacha.
With deep respect and admiration,
Avi & Faye Sharabi
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Your dedication and devotion have contributed to the growth and success of
Valley Torah High School
and its wonderful students
Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchak Kolsky
Mazel to Dr. Uri and Effie Zisblatt
on this very well deserved honor.
May you continue to inspire those around you with your motivation, middos and
Mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger
May Hashem bentch you with mazel bracha and hatzalacha.
Chaim and Naomi Manela
Mazel tov to the honorees
Rabbi Stulberger for his life's work building and maintaining a quality
yeshiva in Los Angeles, and to
Uri and Efrat Zisblatt two wonderful and committed people who have
dedicated themselves to Torah institutions in our community.
Berny & Temi Monderer
Mazel Tov Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger.
Thank you for all your hard work in establishing a Makom Torah in the Valley.
Ahron & Bashi Levy
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
May you be blessed to continue to educate and inspire many generations of
Jewish children
Alan & Lisa Friedman
In honor of my very dear Rosh Yeshiva,
Rabbi Stulberger
and his Eyshet Chayil
Rebbetzin Stulberger.
This is in recognition of a well deserved honor. You are the heart and soul of Valley
Torah High School.
I appreciate our close relationship. Wishing you good health and continued nachat
from your family and all your talmidim and talmidot.
Cohava Finkelstein
Best wishes to this year’s honorees,
Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger
and Dr. & Mrs. Zisblatt.
A special thank you to Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger, not only for their work in building Valley
Torah, but also for their warmth and love shown to the Valley Village community. May you
continue your efforts ad meat V’esrim.
Doris & Josh Levy and Family
Mazel Tov
to the awardees
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Their leadership, dedication and devotion
have made them examples for others to follow.
May they go from Strength to Strength.
Zvi and Betty Ryzman
We are delighted to join with the whole
Valley Torah High School
family in celebrating the outstanding leadership, dedication to Jewish education, and contributions
to the community
of the awardees
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Dr. Harold and Magda Katz
Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
on this most deserved honor.
We pay tribute to their dedication and devotion to Torah learning and Jewish values.
We recognize them as role models and leaders who serve to inspire our young people and the
whole Jewish community.
Ilan & Linda Kaufthal
Mazel tov
Uri & Efrat
on this beautiful honor.
We are proud to be your friends!
Elana and Ari Berenson
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for their vision, guidance and inspiration.
We thank them for all they contribute on behalf of
the students of
Valley Torah High School
Asher & Sharon Bastomski
Mazel tov to our dear friends
Effie and Uri
On this well deserved honor in appreciation for your hard work and dedication to Valley Torah and
the community at large. You are a shining example to all of us.
And in appreciation of
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
for their years of devotion in promoting Chinuch and education in the Los Angeles community.
May you all be blessed with continued Hatzlacha,
Alain and Jacqueline Kuppermann
Congratulations to
Valley Torah High School’s Dinner Awardees
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
With gratitude, appreciation and admiration
for their dedication and devotion to Jewish youth and Torah education
Irwin and Tanya Lowi
Mazal Tov Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger
on this well deserved honor. Even though it's been almost 20 years since I attended
Valley Torah there are still lessons I learnt from you which molded me to be a better
person today and for that I will forever be grateful. May you and your family continue
to be an inspiration to myself, my family, the community and ALL of Klal Yisrael.
Keep on doing great thing!
Yitzi Scharf & Family
In honor of
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Michal Shapiro
In tribute to Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger
We wish to extend our deepest gratitude for their selflessness, inspiration, and
devotion to us in the past years. Our warmest wishes for continued bracha & hatzlacha
Mr. & Mrs. Yitzchok Gutterman
Dr. & Mrs. Aharon Gutterman
Mazel tov to
Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger
on this wonderful and well deserved honor. Coming from Hungary and making
impact on the lives in the Valley community. I'm very proud of your
accomplishments and wish you continued success.
Gezund & Hatzolcha always,
Zoltan Ackerman
Warmest Mazel tov to
Effie & Urie Zisblatt
You are outstanding role models for the entire community, and you serve it with great
We feel privileged to be so close to you and your wonderful family.
With love,
Michele & Alan Willner
Moshe, Asher, Ari, Yaacov
Mazel Tov Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger
on your 30 years of leadership and Harbotzas Hatorah in the Valley. Growing up in the Valley, you were
always a source of inspiration and were quintessential role models for me and my family.
I also want to thank you for my wonderful experiences attending Valley Torah. Without your Mesiras
Nefesh in the many years leading Valley Torah I, along with so many others, would not have been able to
enjoy all that Valley Torah has to offer.
You should I'yh be able to continue leading the community for many more years to come.
Mazel Tov,
Tzvi and Adina Wachman
Rabbi and Peshy,
Our sincerest thanks for the impact you have had on us individually and as a family.
May Hakadosh Baruch Hu bless you both with health, happiness and continued nachas
from your wonderful family and Valley Torah alumni.
With thanks and appreciation
Natalie and Avi Hirschel
Mazal Tov Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger
Your dedication to Valley Torah and the entire Valley community is an inspiration to
all that have benefited from all that you do. You and your family should be blessed
with much health, happiness and success.
Yoni and Bina Oscherowitz
Timeline Cinema
Dear Rabbi Stulberger & Morah Peshy,
I do not believe this ad would be sufficient to express the love, excitement and warmth I feel for you both but I will do my
best. I want to express to you how much I appreciate you opening up your home and hearts to me. Coming over after school
very freuquently is what helped shaped me into the person I am today. From the moment I walked through the door and
smelled Morah Peshy’s delicious dinners, my heart was filled with joy and love. After we ate and laughed it was time for
Rabbi Stulberger to run to his next meeting. Morah Peshy, Henya and I would jump into the car and go to some stores that I
had never been to before. From the beginning of High School until now I really feel that I have been completely privileged and
honored to become such a close part of the Stulberger family. It is apparent that your love and excitement for yiddishkite has
been instilled in each and every one of your children, including me. I love you both very much and I wish I could be there to
celebrate with you. May we share in many more simchas together.
With much love,
Brana Harris (your adopted daughter)
To Uri and Effie,
Mazel tov on this wonderful honor and tribute to both of you
And for all that you do for this outstanding Makom Torah in our community. Looking
forward to the day when we physically become your neighbors so that we can merit the
Brochoh of Tov La’Tzaddik V’tov LeShcheinoh!
Nomi and Yossi Manela
Mazel Tov to Uncle Avrohom and Aunt Peshy
on this well deserved Honor! Your dedication to Torah and Harbotzas Torah is a true inspiration to
us all! May you continue in your holy work for many years to come and be zoche to see continued
Nacahas from all your children and students!
Ben and Debbi Portnoy
Reuven and Rochle Levine and Family
Yanky and Estee Moskowitz and Family
Yosaif and Elisheva Cohen and Family
Ahuva Portnoy
In recognition of one of the most passionate, talented
and devoted Marbitzei Torah in the country,
Rabbi Avrohom Stulberger.
Personally, the depth of Hakoras HaTov that I have for Rabbi Stulberger is profound beyond words. He is a wellspring of Torah and
Mussar, a master educator and unique in his ability to understand and inspire people of all ages.
With his seemingly endless love, honesty, humility and extremely down-to-earth personality, thousands of Talmidim have committed
their lives to authentic Torah values and life-long learning directly based on his influence. Together with his dedicated Rebbetzin,
Rabbi Stulberger has devoted the last 30 years to the mission of his great Rebbe. And there is no greater honor for me, as a Talmid, to
call Rabbi Stulberger "Rebbe."
May HaKadosh Baruch Hu continue to grant you Hatzlacha in all your Avodas HaKodesh and, together with the Rebbetzin, bless you
with Nachas from your family and Talmidim.
With love and admiration,
Noach Light
Congratulations and
best wishes to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
For your tireless efforts on
behalf of Valley Torah High School.
With much admiration,
Carl and Beverly Jacobs
We salute the distinguished honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Our community is blessed and enriched by your knowledge, wisdom,
leadership and dedication.
Barry and Tova Kohn
Congratulations to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire community.
David Ardestani
Mazal Tov
Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger
on your well deserved honor!
Thank you for the many years of hard work and dedication to your students and community.
Wishing you many more years of continued strength.
Dr. Baseri
6221 Wilshire Blvd #517
Los Angeles, CA 90048
A proceed of all treatments done to Valley Torah friends
and family will be donated to the Valley Torah Scholarship Fund
In honor of
Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger
whose extraordinary devotion to their students and the valley community is legendary.
And in tribute to Rabbi Stulberger's nationally recognized accomplishments in
Harbotzas Hatorah and the safeguarding of our children.
Asher and Chani Biron
Emek Hebrew Academy Teichman Family Torah Center
wishes Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
for all their hard work and dedication for the North Hollywood Community.
Mazal tov to Emek Alum,
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for their passionate communal involvement and leadership.
May you go from Strength to Strength.
Rabbi Mordechai Shifman
and the entire Emek Administration
Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger
on this amazing achievement
One can only imagine how far and how deep your Haspoah has reverberated from the local Valley Village community to the
greater Los Angeles community and across the entire world.
Working together with you these past fourteen years has my life and the lives of my family. Your selflessness, dedication and
open heat has inspired us and given us an added appreciation of Gadlus HaOdom that is your hallmark.
May you and your Rebbetzin continue to be involved in Avodas HaKodesh, Ad Meah Ve’Esrim, as well as getting Nachas from
your family, Chaverim and Talmidim.
Dovid & Devorah Felt & Family
Combine endless energy and boundless passion for
Torah and klal Yisroel and you have
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger,‫שיחיו‬
You have opened your hearts to thousands of people, and your home to countless Talmidim, and inspired them to greater
heights. Greater than your towering scholarship and strong leadership is your true ‫שם‬ ‫.טוב‬
We are honored and proud to be part of your movement.
‫תזכו‬ ‫להרביץ‬ ‫תורה‬ ‫בתוך‬ ‫,בריאות‬ ‫אושר‬ ‫ועושר‬ ‫ורוב‬ ‫נחת‬ ‫מכל‬ ‫בני‬ ‫,ביתך‬
‫עד‬ ‫ביאת‬ ‫המשיח‬ ‫בב״א‬
Daniel and Ruthy Grama
In honor of true friends of Valley Torah,
Uri and Effie Zisblatt
Your commitment to your children and their teachers, and your involvement in their schools is truly inspiring.
You give new meaning to the "partnership" between parents and school.
May your efforts bring you continued Nachas from your beautiful family.
With great admiration and appreciation,
Daniel and Ruthy Grama
Mazel tov to
Rabbi Avrohom, and his eishes chayil, Peshy Stulberger
for 30 years of devoted and dedicated service to the students of
Valley Torah High School.
Because of you, generations of observant Jewish families are flourishing around the world.
May Hashem give you good health and strength to continue your holy work.
With great admiration,
Rabbi Reuven and Eva Huttler
Mazal Tov & Best Wishes to
Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger!
Congratulations on being chosen as this year’s honorees!
Thank you for your tireless efforts on behalf of the Jewish community and Valley Torah High School for the past 30 years!
With much admiration,
Your students from the Graduating Classes of 1989, 1990 and 1991
Leah (Goldberg) Schnall, Gabriella (Glaser) Sopher, Yafit (Asiss) Oster, Tirza (Tabitha Yelloz) Schorr, Tova (Stern)
Dominitch, Adi Harpaz, Aliza (Belson) Kurzweil, Julie (Wilks) Weiner and Ahava Emunah (Erika Grogin) Lange
In honor of
Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger
For your tireless efforts on behalf of our children.
Best wishes to
Dr. Uri and Effie Zisblatt
Your devotion to VTHS and your chesed are truly admirable.
Mazel tov to all of you on your richly deserved honors!
Asher and Sharon Bastomski & Family
Mazel tov to
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Dovid & Judy Kagan
Western Kosher
To our dear Rebbi and Rebbetzin,
Thank you for all you have given to your talmidim over the last 30 years... in your home,
in your classrooms and more importantly in helping pave the path for their future.
We are eternally greatfull for everything you have and continue to do for us and for all of
klal yisrael. We would not be who we are without you!
Yigal & Erica Sasportas
In honor of
Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger
for the decades of dedication to teaching Torah to the children of our community.
And in recognition of our beloved members
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
who are role models as parents who are devoted to the furtherance of quality Jewish education.
Young Israel of Hancock Park
Y. Yakov Krause, Rabbi Enoch Kimmelman, President
In honor of
Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger
for your amazing dedication to Klal Yisroel for over 30 years.
You should have the strength to continue in your Avodas Hakodesh for many years to come.
Mazel Tov to our friends
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt.
Thank you for your efforts in making Valley Torah an amazing school.
Sholom and Debbie Raskin
To our dear Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger,
We don’t wonder why you are being honored this year for we know you too well, we only wonder why you don’t get
honored EVERY YEAR!
We are so lucky to have grown up watching all the amazing things the two of you do for your family, friends, and
community. You are truly inspirational people, who are kind, loving, giving, caring and epitomize the meaning of Torah
abiding Jews. If we do half of what you do it will be an achievement. We are so proud to be among your first students. We
remember the things that you taught us and the lessons we learned from you and have proudly passed those down to our
children and now to our grandchild.
Rabbi Daniel and Gabriella Sopher – VTHS ’88 and ‘89
Yeshiva Rav Isacsohn – Toras Emes Academy
joins the Valley Torah Community in paying tribute to a special couple
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshie Stulberger
who have dedicated their lives to be Mechanech generations of Talmidim and Talmidos of all ages and at all levels.
May they be blessed with Siyato Dishmaya to continue their Avodas Hakodesh
in continued good health and nachas from their family.
Rabbi and Peshy -
There are no words to describe the impact you have had on our lives and on our entire
community. We will forever be grateful. In this zchus, may Hashem always bless you and
your beautiful family.
Lilli and Robert Kahn-Rose & family
Mazel tov to
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger
on a well deserved honor!
Thank you for your dedication to Jewish education and ensuring the success of Valley
Torah High School.
Your 30 years of service has shaped generations of young Jewish children into proud,
responsible, Jewish adults.
May you continue to go from strength to strength.
Robin and Rene Lucas
In honor of
Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for their dedication to Torah education in our community.
Stanley and Charlotte Kandel
In recognition of
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for their dedication to supporting
Jewish education in our community
and in honor of
Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger
who have provided an unparalleled Torah education with an emphasis on good Middos to
generation of students.
Aaron & Patricia Grunfeld
Tzvika, Yehoshua, Gabriella, Batya and Charlie
Dear Rabbi Stulberger and Morah Peshy,
I don't know if you both are aware of the humongous impact you have had on my life, so let me tell you. You two were my
first real examples of what frum Jews should be. Years later, as I experience life's challenges, I find myself thinking, "what
would Rabbi Stulberger and Morah Peshy say or do in this situation?" You welcomed me into your home and family and
opened me up to a whole new world that I couldn't wait to be a part of. You showed me what it means to raise each of your
children with the proper individualized attention that they need. You showed me what it means to be truly happy. You helped
me realize my potential. You are both so special to me and I love you like family. Thank you for your endless hours of work
and effort in order to help each of your students realize their potential. Thank you for showing me what it means to be a real
frum Jew. Mazel Tov on 30 years!
Jackie (Solomon) Ariel
Mazel Tov
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
May Hashem grant you the ability to continue the good work you do on behalf of
Valley Torah High School and the entire Jewish community.
Dr. Allen & Sarah Ardestani
Mazel Tov to
Efrat and Uri Zisblatt
upon receiving this special honor. Your work on behalf of our community is
most appreciated.
And in recognition of
Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger
for their dedication to Torah education in our community.
May you go from strength to strength.
Ken and Cassi Alter
Mazel Tov to
Efrat and Uri Zisblatt
upon receiving this special honor. Your work on behalf of our community is most
May you go from strength to strength.
Tali and Jonathan Weiss & Family
Mazal Tov and best wishes to our dear friends Dr. Uri and Effie
May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire community.
With much admiration,
Aaron and Corinne Kin
To Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger on this much earned honor:
As teachers and mentors you’ve always inspired
As community leaders you’ve never tired
As loving parents you’ve taught wrong from right
As doting grandparents you hold your grandkids tight
As wonderful cousins you may live far away
But, if needed you’d be on a plane today.
So, to wrap up this poem we’d like to say
Mazel Tov, Yasher Koach on your special day
To no finer people could this honor go
Middot, hakaras tov, emunah you always show
We regret that we could not be there
Hope this poem conveys the thoughts we share.
May you always go from strength to strength
Your loving cousins,
Chary, Stuart, Danielle, Ariela Greengart
Menachem, Ilana, and Dovid Weissmann
Thank you
Rabbi Stulberger and Peshy
for all your hard work for our community.
From your friends at
Cambridge Farms
In honor of
Rabbi & Mrs.
Aron Dov & Debbie Friedman
Mazel Tov to
the honorees.
Avromie and Leah Colman
We are delighted to join with the whole Valley Torah
High School
family in celebrating the awardees
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Mickey & Rena Wolkenfeld
Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Thank you for being role models and leaders to the
Los Angeles Jewish community.
Rabbi Chaim & Dr. Ellen Schnur
Mazel Tov
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
May Hashem grant you the ability to continue the
good work you do on behalf of Valley Torah High
School and the entire Jewish community.
Rabbi & Mrs. Shlomo Goldberg
Congratulations to the honorees
and to all the
hanhala, staff and employees of Valley
Torah High School
Elly & Elana Rubin
F&W Foodservices
Mazel Tov!
Isaac & Brenda Gozdzik –
Brenco Judaica
In tribute to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
May Hashem grant you the zechus of continued koach
and hatzlacha in all your
efforts on behalf of Torah education in our community.
Zalman & Roshel Manela
In honor of our friends,
Uri and Efrat.
We are happy that your hard work and
devotion to Valley Torah has been recognized.
Darrin and Laurie
Wishing VTHS continued success into the
You are an inspiration to the Jewish community
near and far!!
Your leaders and students are excellent
examples to all!
Dr. Arnold & Atara Ross
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Your dedication and devotion have contributed to the
growth and success of Valley Torah High Schooland
its wonderful students
Ariel & Shanna Bobroff
Mazel Tov to all the honorees!
Avi & Shuli Steinlauf
Mazel Tov!
Zev & Deena Wolmark
In tribute to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
May Hashem grant you the zechus of continued
koach and hatzlacha in all your efforts on behalf of
Torah education in our community.
Hayim & Miriam Hendeles
Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
on this most deserved honor.
Moshe & Vera Lazar
In memory of
Reuven Fasman A”H
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy
and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Moishe & Chai’le Ingber
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Mazel tov on this well deserved honor. May you continue
to be an inspiration to the entire 
Dr. Simcha & Karina Mann
Mazel Tov
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy
May Hashem grant you the ability to continue
the good work you do on behalf of Valley
Torah High School and the entire Jewish
Mrs. Mildred Bornstein
Mazal Tov to
Effie and Uri
on this well deserved honor.
You are outstanding in your efforts on behalf
of the L.A. community and in your friendship.
Wishing you much continued joy and success
in all that you do.
Best Wishes,
Chana and Paul Gelb
To tonight’s honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Congratulations & 
Best Wishes
Lev & Amy Stark
To our dearest friends
Effie & Uri,
Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor!
Your generosity, warmth and wisdom has touched the lives
of many in the community and may it continue to do so for
many years to come.
May Hashem bless you with the strength and success to be
a continued inspiration to all who are fortunate to know
you. We are so proud to have you as our friends.
With much love and admiration,
Raviv & Tanya Surpin
To our Dearest Friends
Effie and Uri,
We can think of no one more deserving for being
honored as people, parents, family and friends.
Nechama and David Fish
and Family
Naomi Fish
Mazel tov and best wishes to
Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger
and to
Dr. Uri & Efrat Zisblatt
for all that they done for Valley Torah High School
and our community.
Joseph & Erica Vago
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy
and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
We thank them for all they contribute on behalf of the
students of Valley Torah High School.
Leo and Rosalind Eschwege
to the honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for your continued devotion to
Valley Torah High School
Shmuel & Edith Reichman
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire
Arnold & Sheri Schlesinger
In tribute to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
May Hashem grant you the zechus of continued
koach and hatzlacha in all your efforts on behalf of
Torah education in our community.
Sol & Miriam Majer
In honor of
Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger
Dr. Uri & Efrat Zisblatt
Gregory & Sheila Meyer
Mazel Tov
to the awardees
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Their leadership, dedication and devotion have made
them examples for others to follow.
May they go from Strength to Strength.
Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Dear
In honor of
Howard Gluck
Moshe & Miriam Polon
Mazel Tov
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
May Hashem grant you the ability to continue the
good work you do on behalf of Valley Torah High
School and the entire Jewish community.
Leo Berger & Associates
In honor of
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Mazel tov!
Moshe & Deena Zyskind
to the honorees
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for your continued devotion to
Valley Torah High School
Emil & Jenny Fish
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor.
Peter and Judy Faber
Mazel Tov to all the honorees!
Mark and Brigitte Wintner
In honor of
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Dr. Ernest & Suzanne Agatstein
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy
and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for their vision, guidance and inspiration.
We thank them for all they contribute on behalf of the
students of Valley Torah High School
Ronald Nagel
Mazel Tov
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
May Hashem grant you the ability to continue the
good work you do on behalf of Valley Torah High
School and the entire Jewish community.
Rafi and Elimor Ryzman
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Mazel Tov
on this well deserved honor.
Your commitment to Jewish education has made an
everlasting imprint on the Los Angeles Jewish
Nosson and Yafit Spiegel
Mazel Tov to
all the honorees!
Stanley & Barbara Treitel
Mazel Tov
to the awardees
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Their leadership, dedication and devotion
have made them examples for others to follow.
May they go from Strength to Strength.
Michael & Tina Loboda
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
We are delighted to join with the whole Valley Torah
High School family in celebrating the outstanding
leadership, dedication to Jewish education, and
contributions to the community
Moshe & Arlene Kupietzky
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger!
What great, beloved, wonderful neighbors
they are!
Sally Kass
To my dear Rebbe,
Rabbi Stulberger
and his Eishes Chayil, Rebbitzen
Thirty years of dedication, but ninety years’
worth of effort and success.
That says it all.
Frank and Danielle Sarah Storch
and family
In honor of
Rabbi and Mrs Stulberger
Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Wishing you a very heartfelt Mazel tov on this
great honor!
Dr. and Mrs. Irving Lebovics
Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy
Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor.
Yehoshua and Ruchel Klavan
In Appreciation to
Rabbi and Rebbitzen Stulberger
for the kindness and care during my time in
LA. I'm forever grateful and wish you a big
Mazal Tov on this great milestone.
Yitz Rabovsky
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy
and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt
for their vision, guidance and inspiration.
Frank and Leah Moritz
Yisroel & Rivka Adelman - La Brea Kosher Market
Yehuda & Chana Adlerstein
Yakov & Ariella Agatstein
Evan & Alison Anziska
David & Chava Axelrod
Dr. Yaacov & Devora Barzivand
David & Rivka Bass
Kenny Bendik & Alissa Rimon
Daniel & Rivky Beren
David & Carol Berger
Gregory & Leah Bergman
Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Berman
Mrs. Anne Bernstein
Rabbi & Mrs. Gershon Bess
Michael & Michele Boldt
Dr. Sheldon & Arlene Burg
Rabbi & Mrs. Yoel Bursztyn
Moishe & Chanala Chopp
Hirbod & Arvin Cohentov
Mr. Dana & The Hon. Lisa Cole
Chaim & Esther Craitenberger
Law Offices of Mitchell W. Egers
Michael & Martine Ezekiel
Chaim & Suri Faershtein
Avrohom & Shimon Feingold - Gitmar Trading
Nahum & Rina Felman
Mickey & Shelly Fenig
Pat's Restaurant & Catering
Moshe & Miriam Fishman
Tzvi & Merav Fleischmann
Lori Fogel
Dr. Charles & Victoria Frankel
Jamie & Rena Frankel
Chaim & Shari Freeman
Ben & Naomi Fried
Andrew Friedman, Attorney at Law
Elliot & Adele Friedman
Elazar & Joyce Genauer
Shlomo & Gila Giberstein
Mr. & Mrs. Bernd Givon
Dr. Mark & Deborah Goldenberg
Jacob & Gaby Goldfinger
Sol & Gabriella Goldner
Marvin & Adele Goldsmith
Berel & Lea Goldstein
David & Ahuva Goldstein
Joey & Devora Goldstein
Isaac & Adriana Gorbaty
Baruch & Wendy Gorman
Ezra & Margot Grabie
Reuven & Shevy Gradon
Katriel & Sonia Green
Rabbi & Mrs. Akiva Grunblatt
Zalmy & Chavy Gurman
Yousef Hezghiaeian
Michael & Roya Imanoel
In Memory of Rabbi Samuel H. Katz, z"l
Alex & Mira Indich
Mr. & Mrs. Hyman Ingber
Heshy & Chanie Jacobs
Yossie & Frieda Kahan
Allan & Judy Kandel
Jeffrey Kandel
Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Kassirer
Dr. Sheldon & Brenda Kishineff
Leslie & Barbara Klein
Farzad & Kathy Kohanzadeh
Joseph & Hana Kornwasser
Rabbi & Mrs. Yakov Krause
Hershie & Rochelle Krich
Rabbi & Mrs. Boruch Kupfer
Robert & Elaine Leichter
Elan & Sarit Levi
Meir & Sara Levin
Irving & Marcia Lichtig
Bob & Daniella Linden
Michael & Anita London
Allan & Ettie Lowy
Reshef Loza
Ari & Minna Majer
Rabbi & Mrs. Chaim Mandel
George & Shoshana Mann
Elie & Felice Marciano
Dr. Harry & Aviva Marshak
Mrs. Marcie Meier
Victor & Chavee Mellon
Laurence & Debra Michelson
Robert & Judy Millman
Daniel & Miriam Montag
Doron & Chana Muller
Rabbi & Mrs. Elazar Muskin
Irwin & Sharona Nachimson
Max & Mimi Narod
Tzvika & Sarah Nissel
Lev & Evgenia Olkha
Reuven & Yehudis Orloff
Dr. & Mrs. Harry Peled
The Perchik Family
Asher & Miriam Peretz
Lawrence & Wendy Platt
Martin & Evey Pollack
Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov Portnoy
Bruce & Linda Potash
Yaakov & Debbie Rechnitz
Avi & Leah Reichman
Marc & Lynn Rohatiner
Chaim & Matti Rosen
Barry & Yocheved Rosenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Meir Leib Rosman
Jonathan & Sarah Roven
Elie & Adina Ryzman
Kamran & Shahnaz Sadighpour
Mr. Lee Samson
Phillip & Judy Sanfield
Alan & Elisa Schoenfeld
Sweet Events by Candie
Mehran & Flore Senehi
David & Orly Shadovitz
Dr. Bonnie Siegal
Samuel & Frieda Slamovits
Sam & Gina Socher
Mrs. Bryna Stewart
Mrs. Mala Stieglitz
Aric & Mary Streit
Hillel & Miriam Striks
Erel & Gali Studnik
Isaac & Sherrie Surany
Omid & Jina Tabarzia
Avi & Gila Tashman
Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Teichman
Simcha & Shaindee Tolwin
Joshua & Rachel Tomaszewski
Dr. Tajav & Neda Toomari
Mendel & Shonna Tropper
Dr. Baruch & Eva Twersky
Jeff & Risa Ungar
Robert & Chani Ungar
Mrs. Susan Ungar - In Memory of Armand Ungar, z"l
Yisrael & Gittie Ury
Beni & Diana Warshawsky
Dr. Robert &Roxanne Weber
Avi & Devorah Weiss
George & Giselle Weiss
Dr. Ira & Judith Weiss
Isaac & Joyce Weiss
Martin & Hadassah Weiss
Benzion & Joyce Westreich
Law Office of Bernard P. Wiesel
Steve & Chana Wintner
Norman & Harriet Wisnicki
Ron & Malli Yehezkel
Joshua & Chana Zauderer
David & Mira Zeffren
Hilly & Miriam Zeitlin
Menachem & Simy Zelmanovitz
Eli & Rachel Ziv

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VTHS Dinner 2016 Digital Journal

  • 1. P L AT I N U M Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Thank you for your unending dedication and devotion to the growth and success of Valley Torah High School and its wonderful students. Frank & Lynn Menlo
  • 2. G O L D S E L E C T Dear Rabbi and Rebbitzen Stulberger, Words alone cannot convey the overwhelmingly positive impact you have had not only on Valley Torah High School, its thousands of current students and alumni over the past 30 years, but also for both the Valley and greater Los Angeles Orthodox Jewish communities. Through changing and challenging times and eras, you planted your flag for Torah values at Valley Torah and the reverberations are felt across the world. Through our alumni and the amazing job you have done as parents, your tremendous influence will be felt in a significant way for generations to come. Above all, you stand for integrity, honesty and character and we could not be prouder to stand behind you 1000% to see you execute your Torah educational vision and serve as role models without peer. Congratulations! Here’s to another great 30 year run! The Valley Torah Executive Board David Coronel Amy Leibowitz Frank Menlo David Striks Brad Turell Efrat Zisblatt
  • 3. G O L D S E L E C T Dear Efrat and Uri, You and your family epitomize everything that is GREAT about Valley Torah High School. As nurturing and supportive parents, active and valued executive board members, community leaders and vocal Wolfpack fans, you are such inspiring role models! Congratulations on this well deserved honor. We are so proud to serve with you and call you our friends. The Valley Torah Executive Board David Coronel Amy Leibowitz Frank Menlo David Striks Brad Turell Efrat Zisblatt
  • 4. G O L D S E L E C T Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor! Your commitment to Jewish education has made an everlasting imprint on the Los Angeles Jewish community. Jose & Esther Liberman
  • 5. G O L D S E L E C T We join in recognizing the outstanding leadership, dedication to Jewish education and contributions to the community of the awardees Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Lenard & Sarah Liberman
  • 6. G O L D S E L E C T So proud of my grandchildren, alums Eyal and Barak Raviv and so appreciative of the values and traditions they learned at Valley Torah. A special thanks to Rabbi Stulberger for his commitment to Jewish education, Yiddishkeit, Midos and Chesed. Sara Mostysser - Ramat Gan, Israel
  • 7. S I LV E R S E L E C T Mazel Tov to the awardees Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Their leadership, dedication and devotion have made them examples for others to follow. May they go from strength to strength. Daniel & Vardit Aharonoff
  • 8. B R O N Z E Wishing our sincere gratitude to Dr. Uri & Efrat Zisblatt for all you do for Valley Torah. To Rabbi & Rebbitzen Stulberger: There are no words to appropriately thank the two of you for all that you have done over these past 30 years. Your impact cannot be measured by the thousands of people you have brought closer to Yiddishkeit. Your sphere of influence covers the world and we are so grateful that Hashem has gifted your family to our community. On behalf of our entire family, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and may Hashem bless the two of you with at least another 30 years of leadership in our community. Judy & Paul Cohen and Family
  • 9. B R O N Z E In Honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger (‫נ׳ד‬ ‫ישעיהו‬,‫י׳ג‬ ( “ And all your children will be students of Hashem, and your children will have abundant peace” We join the Los Angeles community in honoring Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger for their 30 years of extraordinary service. You are exemplary teachers and role models and we thank you for setting the foundation for future generations of Torah leadership. May your devotion to Chinuch continue to bring joy and Bracha to you, your family, and Klal Yisrael. Efrat and Uri Zisblatt and Family In honor of the administrators, Rebbeim, faculty, and staff of Valley Torah High School. We are forever grateful for your devotion to educating all Jewish children.
  • 10. B R O N Z E We join in paying tribute to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for their dedication and commitment to Valley Torah High School. Ira and Amy Leibowitz
  • 11. B R O N Z E Congratulations to the Honorees Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger Thank you for your dedication to Valley Torah High School. We wish you many years of success. Sincerely, Rosana and Alon Miller
  • 12. B R O N Z E Congratulations to Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt oOn this well deserved honor. Brian and Tabitha Dror
  • 13. D I A M O N D In honor of a great Tzaddik who believes in youth even when others do not Rabbi Stulberger You are that Tzaddik. Thank you for being the voice for those young Neshamot who are not born to advantage. And to the only two who can accompany such a great person in this honor Uri and Efrat Two of the most humble people who quietly & simply act. You are powerhouses and we honor you and are grateful for your friendship. We are a blessed community in the hands of righteous leaders. Thank you! With Love, Dina and Fred Leeds
  • 14. D I A M O N D We salute the distinguished honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Our community is blessed and enriched by your knowledge, wisdom, leadership and dedication. Dr. Barry and Dr. Martha Simon
  • 15. D I A M O N D In Honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger Yasher Koach on this remarkable honor. Thank you for teaching and inspiring our children and grandchildren. May you continue to see ‫נחת‬ from all your students and family! Esther and Jacob Blaich Mazel Tov to Efrat and Uri We are so proud of the dedication you show to your family and community. May you go from strength to strength and see ‫ברכות‬ in all your endeavors. Abba and Imma
  • 16. D I A M O N D In tribute to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt May Hashem grant you the Zechus of continued Koach and Hatzlacha in all your efforts on behalf of Torah education in our community. Simcha and Yocheved Mandelbaum
  • 17. D I A M O N D Dear Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger One needs the space of a novel (and a long one!), not just an ad, to thank you both for three decades of dedication to the Jewish community! To Uri & Efrat Thank you for your constant friendship! May Hashem continue to grant you all good health and much blessing to continue in your wonderful work. Aryeh & Debbie Striks
  • 18. D I A M O N D Mazel Tov to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt May you be blessed to continue to educate and inspire many generations of Jewish children. Gary & Rochelle Finder
  • 19. R U B Y To Uri and Effie, Mazel Tov on this wonderful honor and tribute to both of you and for all that you do for this outstanding Makom Torah in our community. Looking forward to the day when we physically become your neighbors so that we can merit the Brochoh of Tov La’Tzaddik V’tov LeShcheinoh! Fondly, Ahron and Vardit Zilberstein
  • 20. R U B Y Mazal Tov to our honorees Rabbi Avrohom & Rebbetzin Peshy Stulberger on this well deserved honor! Mazal Tov to our dear friends Dr. Uri & Efrat Zisblatt on this worthy recognition! With warmest best wishes, Sara & Sol Pearlman Matt & Andrea Pearlman Eli & Leslie Pearlman Rabbi Daniel & Elana Berman
  • 21. R U B Y Mazel Tov Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt & Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger May Hashem grant you the ability to continue the good work you do on behalf of Valley Torah High School and the entire Jewish community. Dr. Marty and Marilyn Kay
  • 22. R U B Y We are delighted to join with the entire Valley Torah High School family in celebrating the outstanding leadership, dedication to Jewish education, and contributions to the community of the awardees Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Mr. Zan and Dr. Claude Marquis
  • 23. R U B Y Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt on this most deserved honor. We pay tribute to their dedication and devotion to Torah learning and Jewish values. We recognize them as role models and leaders who serve to inspire our young people and the entire Jewish community. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wintner
  • 24. R U B Y Mazel Tov to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt May you be blessed to continue to educate and inspire many generations of Jewish children. The Los Angeles Jewish Fund
  • 25. R U B Y Mazel Tov to Dr. Uri and Effie Zisblatt on receiving your most deserving honor. Yasher Koach to a Valley/City couple who has dedicated endless hours to education and growth of the community. May Hashem reward and bless you. To our dear Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger Mazel Tov on such a well deserved honor. May you continue to have much Nachas and Bracha from your children and grandchildren. David and Gitel Rubin
  • 26. R U B Y Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Mazel Tov on your richly deserved awards. You have helped to create a true Makom Torah where every deserving student can receive a Jewish education. Ronnie and Hindy Mayer
  • 27. R U B Y Best wishes to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for a well deserved honor. You are an inspiration to us all. Lyle Weisman
  • 28. R U B Y We join in paying tribute to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for their dedication and commitment to Valley Torah High School. David and Judy Hager
  • 29. R U B Y In tribute to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt May Hashem grant you the Zechus of continued Koach and Hatzlacha in all your efforts on behalf of Torah education in our community. Haim and Dr. Malka Klein
  • 30. R U B Y We would like to congratulate the honorees Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger We are proud of your 30 year accomplishments, your good deeds, your good hearts, but most of all, for being the special people you are. May you continue your leadership and enlighten the path for all of us. Ahron and Vardit Zilberstein
  • 31. R U B Y Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Jewish education has made an everlasting imprint on the Los Angeles Jewish community. Ira and Ruchi Smedra
  • 32. R U B Y Congratulations to Valley Torah High School’s dinner awardees Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt With gratitude, appreciation and admiration for their dedication and devotion to Jewish youth and Torah education. Dr. Jan & Lori Moore
  • 33. R U B Y Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Jewish education has made an everlasting imprint on the Los Angeles Jewish community. Mr. Steve and Dr. Mariana Mermelstein
  • 34. R U B Y Mazel Tov to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for their vision, guidance and inspiration. We thank them for all they contribute on behalf of the students of Valley Torah High School. Yonatan Kawas
  • 35. R U B Y Congratulations to Effie and Uri on this well deserved honor. Your dedication to your family, community and to Jewish education is truly inspirational. We wish you much continued success. Your Klee, Tuchin, Bogdanoff & Stern Family
  • 36. R U B Y In tribute to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt May you continue to be a source of strength to the entire Jewish community. Moshe & Nechama Nafisi
  • 37. R U B Y Mazel Tov Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Jewish education has made an everlasting imprint on the Los Angeles Jewish community. Jonathan and Miriam Istrin
  • 38. R U B Y Mazel Tov to Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger on a tremendous honor. Your sincere and wholehearted dedication to Valley Torah inspires the Los Angeles community at large. May you be blessed with great success for many years to come! Mazel Tov to Uri and Effie Zisblatt Your commitment and support for Valley Torah is truly remarkable, making a profound impact on our children's Jewish education. May you continue in all your efforts! Your friends, Dena and Joel Bess
  • 39. R U B Y Mazel Tov Rabbi Avrohom and Rebbetzin Peshy Stulberger on this greatly deserved recognition for the work you have done shaping today's and future generations of Klal Yisrael. David & Peggy Ash
  • 40. R U B Y Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Mazel Tov on your richly deserved awards. You have helped to create a true Makom Torah where every deserving student can receive a Jewish education. Akiva and Rachel Greenfield
  • 41. R U B Y We salute the distinguished honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Our community is blessed and enriched by your knowledge, wisdom, leadership and dedication. Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Weiss
  • 42. B U I L D E R Congratulations to the honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for your continued devotion to Valley Torah High School. Moshe & Malka Blitz
  • 43. B U I L D E R We salute the distinguished honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Our community is blessed and enriched by your knowledge, wisdom, leadership and dedication. Ephraim & Suzanne Feigelstock
  • 44. B U I L D E R Mazel Tov the honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt and in the Zechus of the continuing Refuah Shlema of our granddaughter, Orli Penina bas Rachel Freida. Raymond and Alicia Kipust
  • 45. B U I L D E R In honor of Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt We applaud you for your dedication to Torah education. May Hashem grant you much success in all your endeavors. Dr. Mark and Andrea Coronel
  • 46. B U I L D E R Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger Words cannot express our appreciation for what you have done for our community. You exemplify all that is good. & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt You are role models as parents who are involved in our Kehillah, and Valley Torah is most grateful that you are involved in our school. Howard and Gity Gluck
  • 47. B U I L D E R In tribute to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt May Hashem grant you the Zechus of continued Koach and Hatzlacha in all your efforts on behalf of Torah education in our community. Faramarz and Sheilagh Sadeghi
  • 48. B U I L D E R Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger on your well deserved honor. David and Michal Gershov Mazel Tov to Uri and Efrat Your commitment to Valley Torah High School is truly inspiring. We wish you much continued success in all of your endeavors and look forward to celebrating many more of your accomplishments. We wish you much health, happiness and Nachas from your children. Love, David, Michal, Noam, Meital, Gavriel, Ariella and Eitan Gershov
  • 49. B U I L D E R Mazel Tov Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt & Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger May Hashem grant you the ability to continue the good work you do on behalf of Valley Torah High School and the entire Jewish community. Yonatan and Rikki Menlo
  • 50. B U I L D E R In honor of Rabbi Avrohom and (Morah) Peshy Stulberger for their outstanding and tireless work, proving that true leadership comes only by example. In appreciation for over 47 years of friendship with the Zisblatt family, whose home is always filled with Torah and Mitzvos. The Penn Family
  • 51. S U S TA I N E R In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger Thank you for your years of caring and dedication to our family and others. We have so much gratitude, affection and respect for you and wish you many more years of success. Eli and Sandra Eisenberg Rabbi Adam Eisenberg (Class of 1996) Ilana Eisenberg Noble (Class of 1999) Amira Eisenberg (Class of 2004) Yehuda Noble (Class of 2021) Akiva Noble (Class of 2023) Adina Noble (Class of 2027)
  • 52. S U S TA I N E R It is with great pleasure that we give honor to our dear friends and esteemed and devoted Dean/Menahel RABBI AVROHOM STULBERGER ‫שליט״א‬ Whose 30 years of tireless dedication and ‫מסירות‬‫נפש‬ for Valley Torah High School has helped make it an institution we can all be proud of. And to his ‫אשת‬‫חיל‬ , REBBETZIN PESHA STULBERGER ‫שתחי׳‬who has been a guiding light for Rabbi Stulberger throughout the years. We salute you both for your inspired efforts to further Torah education and Yiddishkeit in the community. ‫יהי‬‫רצון‬‫שתוכלו‬‫להמשיך‬‫עבודת‬‫הקודש‬‫שלכם‬‫בתוך‬‫בריאות‬‫הגוף‬‫והנפש‬‫ותראו‬‫הרבה‬‫פירות‬‫טובים‬‫מפעולתכם‬ . ‫שתזכו‬‫לראות‬‫בנים‬‫ובני‬‫בנים‬‫עוסקים‬‫בתורה‬‫וביראה‬ , ‫כאות‬‫נפשכם‬‫הטובה‬ . Rabbi Yehuda and Simi Feigen
  • 53. S U S TA I N E R For some people volunteering and doing Chesed is all about giving, but for the likes of you, it is a way of living. Uri and Effie Thank you for all of your hard work, commitment and dedication to Valley Torah and tonight’s Dinner. We share such a strong history with you both and have learned so much from our friendship with you. May Hashem bless you both with continued success in all your endeavors. Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger We have such a tremendous amount of Hakaras HaTov for your your endless dedication to our community, for your years of personal guidance and Chinuch, and for the love that you bestow onto our children. You have taught each and every student communal responsibility, Chesed and leadership by example. A huge Mazel Tov! Aharon and Shelly Striks
  • 54. S U S TA I N E R Mazel tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Avrohom Stulberger and thank you for all you do for our community. Mazel Tov to tonight honorees Dr. and Mrs. Uri Zisblatt Kenny and Ethne Katz
  • 55. S U S TA I N E R Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt on this most deserved honor. We pay tribute to their dedication and devotion to Torah learning and Jewish values. We recognize them as role models and leaders who serve to inspire our young people and the whole Jewish community. Abraham Ardestani
  • 56. S U S TA I N E R I have unforgettable memories of learning Bava Kama privately from Rabbi Stulberger at the age of twelve in 1991, and accompanying him to Israel for an amazing summer trip in 1994. The education I received at Valley Torah High School shaped my Jewish identity and how my wife and I raise our children. My family is so grateful to Rabbi Stulberger for everything he has done for us and the Los Angeles community. Yona (Class of '95) & Michelle Conzevoy Emma, Baron and Clive
  • 57. S U S TA I N E R Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger Thank you for your tireless efforts on behalf of our community. Congratulations to Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Your dedication to Jewish education is a shining example to us all. Enoch and Yocheved Kimmelman
  • 58. S U S TA I N E R Our family and the entire community are so grateful for your selfless efforts, dedication and commitment to Torah Education. May Hashem continue to bless you and your family with nachas, simcha and bracha The Hendeles and Cohen Families
  • 59. S U S TA I N E R With our admiration and respect, we wish to honor Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for their leadership and dedication to Jewish education and community. May HKB’’H bless you with good health, Nachas, Koach and wisdom so that you can continue sustaining and growing Torah, Chessed and education in our community. In the Z’chus of your selfless efforts, may you and your wonderful children celebrate constant Smachot and endless Nachas. Helena and Steven Usdan & Family
  • 60. S U S TA I N E R Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger Rabbi Stulberger’s unconditional love and non-judgmental approach coupled with his immense knowledge and deep understanding has inspired and motivated us to grow personally and spiritually beyond our imagination. His words of wisdom during weekly speeches and in private conversations penetrated our hearts and minds as students and continue to be our beacon as proud Alumni. Congratulations on this well deserved honor, and thank you to VTHS for believing in us and making a great Jewish high school education accessible. Morris and Dana Lalezarian Class of ‘99/’99
  • 61. S U S TA I N E R Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt on this most deserved honor. We pay tribute to their dedication and devotion to Torah learning and Jewish values. We recognize them as role models and leaders who serve to inspire our young people and the whole Jewish community. Michael and Jessica Kohanfars
  • 62. PA RT N E R Congratulations to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt on your well deserved honor. Thank you for your continued devotion to Valley Torah High School. Noah and Yehudis Weisman
  • 63. PA RT N E R In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger You have raised generations of Torah Jews for our community. We have gained so much from your efforts in and out of the classroom. Even more than how to learn Rashi and Tosfos, you gave us a Derech HaChaim, a Mesorah of Mussar and Hashkafah that would illuminate our paths for all our years to come. We are forever grateful for your lessons in and out of the classroom and examples by which have both led your Talmidim and Talmidot . Sincerely , Eli and Sarah Rivka Gabay
  • 64. PA RT N E R Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger for the well deserved honor for their many years of service to Valley Torah and the entire community. With much appreciation Michael and Andrea Reichik Bob and Daniella Linden David and Belinda Eskenazi
  • 65. PA RT N E R We salute the distinguished honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Our community is blessed and enriched by your knowledge, wisdom, leadership and dedication. Howard and Jean Schultz
  • 66. PA RT N E R In honor of Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Congratulations and best wishes Moshe Mintz
  • 67. PA RT N E R Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Mazel Tov on your richly deserved awards. You have helped to create a true Makom Torah where every deserving student can receive a Jewish education Jonathan and Tzipporah Coronel
  • 68. PA RT N E R Mazel Tov to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt May you be blessed to continue to educate and inspire many generations of Jewish children. Elie and Rinat Aghabi
  • 69. PA RT N E R A Hartzige Mazel Tov to our dear cousins Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger on this 30th milestone celebration and achievements as the premier Mechanchim and Marbitzei Torah, who under their exemplary leadership skills have successfully promulgated Torah education from what was once a Midbar to an oasis of learning and a bastion of Yiddishkeit. May Hashem Bentch both of you with Gezunt and Nachas to continue your Avodas Hashem and giving so much to the Klal. With Love, Dr. Shmuel and Leah Presser
  • 70. PA RT N E R Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Mazel Tov on your well deserved honor. You have helped to create a true Makom Torah where every deserving student can receive a Jewish education. David and Chani Coronel
  • 71. PA RT N E R Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt on this most deserved honor. We pay tribute to their dedication and devotion to Torah learning and Jewish values. We recognize them as role models and leaders who serve to inspire our young people and the whole Jewish community. Hymie and Marilyn Barber
  • 72. PA RT N E R Mazal Tov to the honorees and especially to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger for their dedication to the growth and education of our precious youth. Phyllis Franklin and Family
  • 73. PA RT N E R Rebbi, I'm so honored to be consider myself a Talmid of yours. I was and still am so fortunate to have a kesher with you. I value and cherish your advice and humor. Rabbi and Rebbetzin, thank you so much for all that both of you have done for all of your Talmidim and Talmidos. Hashem should bless you with many more years of honorable service to the L.A. community and to Klal Yisroel as a whole. With much respect and admiration, Josh and Chana Bregman Saint Louis, MO
  • 74. PA RT N E R Wishing a big Mazel Tov to Uri and Effie Zisblatt upon receiving this much deserved honor. Your endless commitment and dedication to Torah and education is truly inspirational. Jeffrey and Aliza Fish and Family
  • 75. PA RT N E R We join in paying tribute to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for their dedication and commitment to Valley Torah High School. Moshe and Jenna Kinsbursky
  • 76. PA RT N E R In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger For three decades of dedicated Torah education with an emphasis on good Middos to the children of the greater Los Angeles community. Zev and Chani Karpel Rabbi Yosef and Sima Bondi Gedalya and Leah Wielgus Dov and Lauren Gluck Yaakov Gluck
  • 77. PA RT N E R Congratulations to Valley Torah High School’s dinner awardees Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt With gratitude, appreciation and admiration for their dedication and devotion to Jewish youth and Torah education. Hillel and Ruth Kellerman
  • 78. PA RT N E R Mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger and to Dr. and Mrs. Uri Zisblatt on this well deserved honor. May you continue to inspire our community with your Chessed, devotion and dedication. Menachem and Chavi Wakslak
  • 79. PA RT N E R Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt on this most deserved honor. We pay tribute to their dedication and devotion to Torah learning and Jewish values. We recognize them as role models and leaders who serve to inspire our young people and the whole Jewish community. Jack and Gita Nagel
  • 80. PA RT N E R Mazel Tov to the awardees Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Their leadership, dedication and devotion have made them examples for others to follow. May they go from strength to strength. Sidney and Marcia Teichman
  • 81. PA RT N E R Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Jewish education has made an everlasting imprint on the Los Angeles Jewish community. Steven and Lorraine Spira
  • 82. PA RT N E R We join in paying tribute to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for their dedication and commitment to Valley Torah High School. Dr. David & Andrea Sherman
  • 83. PA RT N E R Congratulations to Rabbi Avrohom & Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri & Efrat Zisblatt Michael and Sheryl Rosenberg & Family Edmundo, Esti and Benny, Shira, Oliver & Charlie
  • 84. PA RT N E R In honor of Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt We applaud you for your dedication to Torah education. May Hashem grant you much success in all your endeavors. Mrs. Mila Kornwasser In Memory of Aharon Yaakov Kornwasser, z"l
  • 85. PA RT N E R Congratulations to RABBI AND REBBETZiN A. STULBERGER on being honored today. They ARE Valley Torah and we can't thank them enough! We are not surprised that Valley Torah also chose to honor URI AND EFFIE ZISBLATT They are such an Aydel couple that wants no fanfare for all they give and do behind the scenes. They follow their parents, Fishel A"H and Sylvia Zisblatt & Jacob and Esther Blaich's, lead. They give of themselves over their family and continue to give them the ability to be there for our communities! With Much Pride And Love Jimmy, Jeanne & Ariella Salamon Shua and Henchie Botnick Bentzi and Aleeza Sherman
  • 86. PA RT N E R Congratulations to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Thank you for your devotion to Jewish youth and Torah education. Gershon and Sara Schlussel
  • 87. PA RT N E R To Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger Thank you for all you do for the community and our deepest appreciation for the chinuch you provided our son, Chaim Shmuel. Sincerely, Bob and Lucy Blinder
  • 88. PA RT N E R May Hashem bless you for your years of dedication and service. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pietruska & Family
  • 89. PA RT N E R Mazel Tov Effie and Uri on this well deserved honor. Your dedication and commitment to education and Torah inspire us all. Best wishes, The Gofman Family
  • 90. PA RT N E R Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger Congratulations on thirty years of success and a heartfelt thank you for helping us pass Torah Life and values to our children and future generations. Brian & Anne Moore
  • 91. PA RT N E R Mazel tov to Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt on this well deserved honor! Your dedication and commitment to the betterment of the Los Angeles community is an inspiration to all. May you both be blessed with good health and much Nachas from your wonderful family. Walter and Esthie Feinblum
  • 92. PA RT N E R In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger For their dedication to giving the children our community a Torah education with an emphasis on good Middos and in recognition of Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for their involvement and support of Torah education. Michael and Suri Kest
  • 93. PA RT N E R In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger We love you. Igal and Ida Saidian
  • 94. F U L L Elan Javanfard, M.A., L.M.F.T currently has two convenient offices Santa Monica and West La/ Beverly Hills area. Establish your path to wellness today. To book a free consultation or an appointment you may call me directly (424) 256-6546 or email Elan Javanfard, M.A., L.M.F.T. MFC #87054 Think of time as a triangle. With the past, present, and future all on three points of the triangle. How much of your mental time is spent focused on the past? On the future? On the present? Typically, the more time someone spends in the past the more susceptible they are to depression and anger and the more time they spend in the future the more susceptible they are to anxiety and worry. The goal should be to increase the ability to be present focused and enjoy each moment as it comes along.
  • 95. F U L L We are so very honored to be Valley Torah alumni. May Hashem bless Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger with health, strength, and all the best! Mazel tov! Babak and Sharon Hakimi
  • 96. F U L L In Honor of our Dear Friends Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger We have been zoche to have known our Yedid Nefesh for close to fifty years. Back in our High School days we already saw in him, someone destined to accomplish great things. His love of learning ("unquestionably" the top student), his ahavas habriyos (just ask Cubac), and how he was matza chein in the eyes of Rebbeim and friends (and besides he had a car) were all the harbinger of Reb Avorhom's unique ability to connect to so many talmidim for over 30 years. His eishes chayil matched his dedication with her own incredible level of mesiras nefesh for whatever needed to be done. What a z'chus it is for the Valley Village community and beyond to have had this most special and inspiring couple serving them with distinction and love for so many years. b'yedidus rabba, Yossi and Shulamis Singer Moshe and Sheva Turk
  • 97. F U L L In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger, May Valley Torah and all of its precious students continue to flourish under your guidance. Mazel Tov, Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Horowitz & Congregation Makor HaChaim
  • 98. F U L L Mazel tov Uri and Efrat Zisblatt on this well deserved honor. From the moment you walked inside the building, we have been humbled by your strong leadership. We are grateful for the incredible growth you championed at Valley Torah. May Hashem grant you much Nachas from your entire family ! With great feelings of gratitude, Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Semmel
  • 99. F U L L Mazel Tov to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for their vision, guidance and inspiration. We thank them for all they contribute on behalf of the students of Valley Torah High School. Larry Winter and family
  • 100. F U L L Mazel tov Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger on this most deserved honor. Thank you for all you have done, and you are continuing to do, for our children and Klal Yisroel. Asher and Sharon Levine
  • 101. F U L L Mazel tov to my esteemed Rosh HaYeshiva Rabbi Stulberger Your passionate leadership inspires Rebbeim and students alike. With sincere Hakoras Hatov, Rabbi Yisroel Semmel
  • 102. F U L L Mazel Tov to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for their vision, guidance and inspiration. We thank them for all they contribute on behalf of the students of Valley Torah High School. Chaim and Rachel Marks
  • 104. F U L L We started with Morah Peshy in Pre 1st and continued with Rabbi Stulberger to high school. Your dedication to Jewish education is to be admired. May Hashem continue to bless you and make you both always go from strength to strength. Hedy and Michael Harris
  • 105. F U L L In honor of Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt We applaud you for your dedication to Torah education. May Hashem grant you much success in all your endeavors. Laib & Faigy Greenspoon
  • 106. F U L L Mazel tov Dr. Uri and Effie Zisblatt on receiving your most deserving honor. Yasher koach to this extraordinary couple who has dedicated endless hours to education and growth of the community. May Hashem reward and bless you and allow our families to only share in smachot together in the future! Nechama and Yaakov Genauer
  • 107. F U L L Congratulations to the honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Moshe & Chana Striks
  • 108. F U L L Proud to celebrate our dearest friends & Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Avrohom and Morah Peshi Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Mrs. Effie Zisblatt on these very well earned honors. Barry and Lorye Weiss, Owner’s Proud Parents of four Valley Torah students Nati Weiss Class of 2005; Daniel Weiss Class of 2009; Simi Weiss Class of 2012; Eli Weiss Class of 2021 IY”H
  • 109. F U L L Thank you Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger for your selfless devotion and important role in shaping the identities of the thousands of VTHS students and alumni. We are forever indebted to you for much of our accomplishments. You have brightened the landscape of the greater L.A. Jewish community more than you can imagine. Dr. Houman and Panta Vosoghi
  • 110. F U L L Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Builders Initiators Advisors Givers Friends Kudos to you for all you do on behalf of Valley Torah High School and the entire Jewish community. David and Miriam Striks & Family
  • 111. F U L L We are proud and delighted to join the Los Angeles community in honoring our dear friends and an amazing couple Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt For their tireless and selfless efforts on behalf of Torah education. May the Ribono Shel Olam bestow upon them the ability and resources to continue in all their endeavors on behalf of the Klal. Wishing you endless years of continued Nachas from your children. Zvika and Leah Brenner
  • 112. F U L L Dear Uri and Efrat Mazel tov on this well deserved honor of recognition for the time and energy you have devoted to nurturing Valley Torah High School into a fine Makom Torah and place of excellent education for the children of our community. This acknowledgment comes as no surprise!! For as long as we have known you both, you have displayed leadership capabilities and a strong commitment to community needs through activism. You are equally generous with your time as well as your resources. We have seen firsthand what loving, dedicated parents you are to Yoni, Elisheva, Danielle and Shoshana. It is the same devotion and commitment you give to any project you undertake. May the Zechusim of your contribution keep you and your family healthy for many years so that you may be Zoche to see Nachas from your offspring and their future generations. In Friendship, Motty and Limor Notis
  • 113.
  • 114. F U L L In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger Mazel tov on this great milestone! Your sincere dedication to our community has changed the lives of countless Talmidim and their families. May Hashem grant you the strength to continue your vibrant leadership for many more years. With admiration, Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Semmel
  • 115. F U L L Congratulations to Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger and to our dear friends Uri & Effie Zisblatt The honor is well deserved. Soshea, Jance & Naomi Weberman
  • 116. F U L L Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Mazel Tov on your richly deserved awards. You have helped to create a true Makom Torah where every deserving student can receive a Jewish education. Zev and Judy Moskovitz
  • 117. F U L L Congratulations to our dear friends Efrat & Uri Zisblatt on this most deserving honor. May Hashem continue to grant you the strength to persevere, the ability to achieve and the will to share your success with the community. Mazal Tov! Helene & Johnny Zauderer
  • 118. F U L L Dear Tatty and Mommy, When we look around this room and see the countless lives that you have touched we are overcome with pride. Watching you both, as you inspire and enrich the people around you has left an everlasting effect on us, your children. The way that you open up your hearts and home to Jews from all walks of life is truly remarkable. You can put together a shabbos for fifty people without even building up a sweat! You don't just serve the klal with your mind or heart, you give and care with every fiber of your being. And that is felt by anyone who crosses your path. Mommy and Tatty, we are so proud of the incredible things you have done. May you have many more happy years serving Klal Yisroel in the special way that only you can! Love, Menachem & Sarah, Moshe & Esther, Yaakov Moshe & Tova, Chaya Gitty & Dov Ber, Yitzy & Henya, Yossef & Leah and families
  • 119. F U L L With gratitude and appreciation to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger for their tireless efforts on behalf of the Valley Torah community. Menachem and Bella Levy
  • 120. F U L L In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger on this tremendous milestone. The passion and dedication that you have for ‫התורה‬ ‫הרבצת‬is inspiring. The love care and devotion that you have to your ‫תלמידים‬is legendary. The enthusiasm with which you approach each day is remarkable. We are truly privileged to be part of the Valley Torah family and follow in the path excellence that you have have paved the school with for these past 30 years. Wishing you many more years of ‫והצלחה‬ ‫ברכה‬in all of your ‫הקודש‬ ‫עבודת‬. Chaim and Shaina Davidowitz
  • 121. F U L L Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger on this well deserved honor. May Hashem grant you the koach to lead us for many years to come. Rabbi & Mrs. Zev Don Rauch
  • 122. F U L L In tribute to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt May Hashem grant you the zechus of continued koach and hatzlacha in all your efforts on behalf of Torah education in our community. Dr. David & Chani Wittenberg
  • 123. F U L L In recognition of Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger for 30 years of dedication to VTHS. And in recognition to The Striks family for 30 years of friendship. Eyal Raviv and family
  • 124. F U L L To me you're like the moon and the sun shining your brightness on everyone, going out of your way to listen and care of, and giving comfort to those in despair. “Come right now, I'm here until three,” always responding very promptly (via text) "Agree?" Stroking his beard while shaking his head, coming up with solutions that may work instead. Dealing with students, family, and others, lets not forget the Jewish mothers! His reassurance and non-judgmental approach makes him the best in the west everyone's friend and life coach. There is so much more I can say, except I couldn't think of two more will deserving honorees today you and your wife, our beloved Rebbetzin Peshy. Together shopping at restaurant depot, Costco and Smart & Final In your children, your chessed, your commitment to Jewish life and Torah, I can't think of a better deserving Rabbi and Morah! Stacey Solomon
  • 125. F U L L In honor of Dr. Uri & Effie Zisblatt Mazel tov! Chanaya & Estee Silber
  • 126. F U L L Kol HaKavod to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger For your dedication to educating and inspiring nurturing and guiding so many generations of students at Valley Torah High School. May Hashem grant you the zechus to continue to grow m’chayil l’chayil in all your endeavors on behalf of our community. May Hashem grant you much nachas from all of your children and grandchildren, And from the many generations of children that you have taught and mentored. David and Miriam Striks
  • 127. F U L L In Honor of Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger for their tremendous contributions to Yiddishkeit and Torah Education in the Valley for the past 30 years. In Honor of Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for their dedication and commitment to Valley Torah High School. George and Lisa Lintz & Family
  • 128. F U L L Congratulations to Rabbi and Mrs. Stuhlberger Your loving care has benefited countless San Diego children. Simcha and Betty Weiser
  • 129. F U L L Best wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger & Dr. and Mrs. Zisblatt on this special occasion. We have been privileged to know you and we appreciate you. Shelly & Arlene Altman
  • 130. F U L L To Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt, So much of what we have have been able to accomplish is in tribute to you. The entire Yavneh and Los Angeles community is indebted to your wonderful work. Wishing you Bracha and Mazal for many years to come. To Rabbi and Peshy Stulberger, You are a beacon of leadership and inspiration. You both have been instrumental in producing the best the Jewish world has to offer. Wishing you Bracha and Mazal for many years to come. Yeshivat Yavneh & Rabbi Shlomo and Shira Einhorn
  • 131. F U L L Uri & Efrat Through your quiet and humble ways you are role models to your family, the community and all of Klal Yisroel Tisku la Mitzvot With all of our respect & love, Laurie & Sammy Zisblatt Gabi Yitzi Avi Ruthie & Tani Pollak Elisa & Adam Rhodes Elana & Moshe & Yakira Zisblatt
  • 132. F U L L Mazel Tov to the honorees. Thank you so very much for being one of our Maggidei Shiur for the Shabbos women’s learning group (for almost five years) and for welcoming us all so graciously into your home. Warmly, The Shabbos Women’s Learning Group
  • 133. F U L L Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. Peter and Liz Steinlauf
  • 134. F U L L Congratulations to the honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for your continued devotion to Valley Torah High School. Dr. Steven and Rivky Weiss
  • 135. F U L L Yashar Koach to Rabbi Avrohom & Peshy Stulberger for your tremendous accomplishments in leading and growing Valley Torah High School to always greater heights and strengthening the entire Los Angeles community. Mazel tov to Dr. Uri & Efrat Zisblatt in this honor. You are a wonderful and giving couple, and an example to others. May you continue from strength to strength. Harry Grossman Larry and Maureen Eisenberg Aryeh and Felice Greenbaum
  • 136. F U L L In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzen Stulberger You've spent the last 30 years dedicating your life to molding the lives of young men and women into Bnei Torah. Klal Yisroel owes you a very large debt of gratitude. Rabbi Adam Eisenberg
  • 137. F U L L In honor of Rabbi Stulberger, shlita, for all he has done for our family as a Rav, as a mentor and as a friend, for all he has done for Valley Torah, and for his lifelong commitment to Klal Yisroel! May Rabbi Stulberger be zoche to continue his Avodat Hakodesh and go M’chayil L’chayil in good health and happiness until 120! With much appreciation, Danny & Gayle Cutler Brooklyn, New York
  • 138. F U L L In Honor of Rabbi Stulberger We owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude for your guidance and support. Thank you for your continuing presence in our lives. All that we have accomplished is due to you and your influence on our lives. May Hashem bless you with continuing to influence many students to grow and reach their potential. Avi and Rachel Cutler
  • 139. F U L L We salute the distinguished honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Our community is blessed and enriched by your knowledge, wisdom, leadership and dedication. The Friedman & Cummings Families In Memory of Maxmillian & Ruth Friedman, z"l
  • 140. F U L L In honor of Uri & Efrat Zisblatt Forever busy serving the community in the background, this evening you receive the recognition you richly deserve. Thank you both for all you do. Fondly, Lauren and David Lunzer
  • 141. F U L L Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger You have enriched our entire community with Torah wisdom from the moment you arrived so many years ago. You have been exemplary role models for all of us on how to live as observant Jews in a very complicated world. Thank you for everything you have done to help strengthen and support our family in spiritual growth. Mazel tov to Dr. Uri & Efrat Zisblatt With great love and respect Gary and Stephanie Bregman
  • 142. F U L L Congratulations to Valley Torah High School’s dinner awardees Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Benjamin & Susan Shapell
  • 143. F U L L Mazel tov to Valley Torah High School on their annual gala, may they continue to grow from strength to strength! Congratulations and best wishes to Dr. Uri & Efrat Zisblatt, positive role model's and a true source of inspiration. It is a privilege to acknowledge and honor Rabbi Avrohom & Peshy for their 30 years of dedicated leadership, innovative teaching, friendship and devoted service to the community and Klal Yisrael. Your integrity, kindness, tireless efforts, unrelenting support and passion to furthering Torah education and mitzvos, is a reflection of your strong values. Is because of the both of you that countless souls have grown and been enriched in a warm atmosphere filled with spiritual inspiration. A Yasher Coach on all your accomplishments and receiving this well deserved tribute! Wishing you and your family continued Brachot and much Hatzlacha. With deep respect and admiration, Avi & Faye Sharabi
  • 144. F U L L Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Your dedication and devotion have contributed to the growth and success of Valley Torah High School and its wonderful students Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchak Kolsky
  • 145. F U L L Mazel to Dr. Uri and Effie Zisblatt on this very well deserved honor. May you continue to inspire those around you with your motivation, middos and chesed. Mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger May Hashem bentch you with mazel bracha and hatzalacha. Chaim and Naomi Manela
  • 146. F U L L Mazel tov to the honorees Rabbi Stulberger for his life's work building and maintaining a quality yeshiva in Los Angeles, and to Uri and Efrat Zisblatt two wonderful and committed people who have dedicated themselves to Torah institutions in our community. Berny & Temi Monderer
  • 147. F U L L Mazel Tov Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger. Thank you for all your hard work in establishing a Makom Torah in the Valley. Sincerely Ahron & Bashi Levy
  • 148. F U L L Mazel Tov to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt May you be blessed to continue to educate and inspire many generations of Jewish children Alan & Lisa Friedman
  • 149. F U L L In honor of my very dear Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Stulberger and his Eyshet Chayil Rebbetzin Stulberger. This is in recognition of a well deserved honor. You are the heart and soul of Valley Torah High School. I appreciate our close relationship. Wishing you good health and continued nachat from your family and all your talmidim and talmidot. Cohava Finkelstein
  • 150. F U L L Best wishes to this year’s honorees, Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger and Dr. & Mrs. Zisblatt. A special thank you to Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger, not only for their work in building Valley Torah, but also for their warmth and love shown to the Valley Village community. May you continue your efforts ad meat V’esrim. Doris & Josh Levy and Family
  • 151. F U L L Mazel Tov to the awardees Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Their leadership, dedication and devotion have made them examples for others to follow. May they go from Strength to Strength. Zvi and Betty Ryzman
  • 152. F U L L We are delighted to join with the whole Valley Torah High School family in celebrating the outstanding leadership, dedication to Jewish education, and contributions to the community of the awardees Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Dr. Harold and Magda Katz
  • 153. F U L L Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt on this most deserved honor. We pay tribute to their dedication and devotion to Torah learning and Jewish values. We recognize them as role models and leaders who serve to inspire our young people and the whole Jewish community. Ilan & Linda Kaufthal
  • 154. F U L L Mazel tov Uri & Efrat on this beautiful honor. We are proud to be your friends! Elana and Ari Berenson
  • 155. F U L L Mazel Tov to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for their vision, guidance and inspiration. We thank them for all they contribute on behalf of the students of Valley Torah High School Asher & Sharon Bastomski
  • 156. F U L L Mazel tov to our dear friends Effie and Uri On this well deserved honor in appreciation for your hard work and dedication to Valley Torah and the community at large. You are a shining example to all of us. And in appreciation of Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger for their years of devotion in promoting Chinuch and education in the Los Angeles community. May you all be blessed with continued Hatzlacha, Alain and Jacqueline Kuppermann
  • 157. F U L L Congratulations to Valley Torah High School’s Dinner Awardees Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt With gratitude, appreciation and admiration for their dedication and devotion to Jewish youth and Torah education Irwin and Tanya Lowi
  • 158. F U L L Mazal Tov Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger on this well deserved honor. Even though it's been almost 20 years since I attended Valley Torah there are still lessons I learnt from you which molded me to be a better person today and for that I will forever be grateful. May you and your family continue to be an inspiration to myself, my family, the community and ALL of Klal Yisrael. Keep on doing great thing! Yitzi Scharf & Family
  • 159. F U L L In honor of Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Michal Shapiro
  • 160. F U L L In tribute to Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger We wish to extend our deepest gratitude for their selflessness, inspiration, and devotion to us in the past years. Our warmest wishes for continued bracha & hatzlacha Mr. & Mrs. Yitzchok Gutterman Dr. & Mrs. Aharon Gutterman
  • 161. F U L L Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger on this wonderful and well deserved honor. Coming from Hungary and making impact on the lives in the Valley community. I'm very proud of your accomplishments and wish you continued success. Gezund & Hatzolcha always, Zoltan Ackerman
  • 162. F U L L Warmest Mazel tov to Effie & Urie Zisblatt You are outstanding role models for the entire community, and you serve it with great faith. We feel privileged to be so close to you and your wonderful family. With love, Michele & Alan Willner Moshe, Asher, Ari, Yaacov
  • 163. F U L L Mazel Tov Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger on your 30 years of leadership and Harbotzas Hatorah in the Valley. Growing up in the Valley, you were always a source of inspiration and were quintessential role models for me and my family. I also want to thank you for my wonderful experiences attending Valley Torah. Without your Mesiras Nefesh in the many years leading Valley Torah I, along with so many others, would not have been able to enjoy all that Valley Torah has to offer. You should I'yh be able to continue leading the community for many more years to come. Mazel Tov, Tzvi and Adina Wachman
  • 164. F U L L Rabbi and Peshy, Our sincerest thanks for the impact you have had on us individually and as a family. May Hakadosh Baruch Hu bless you both with health, happiness and continued nachas from your wonderful family and Valley Torah alumni. With thanks and appreciation Natalie and Avi Hirschel
  • 165. F U L L Mazal Tov Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger Your dedication to Valley Torah and the entire Valley community is an inspiration to all that have benefited from all that you do. You and your family should be blessed with much health, happiness and success. Yoni and Bina Oscherowitz Timeline Cinema
  • 166. F U L L Dear Rabbi Stulberger & Morah Peshy, I do not believe this ad would be sufficient to express the love, excitement and warmth I feel for you both but I will do my best. I want to express to you how much I appreciate you opening up your home and hearts to me. Coming over after school very freuquently is what helped shaped me into the person I am today. From the moment I walked through the door and smelled Morah Peshy’s delicious dinners, my heart was filled with joy and love. After we ate and laughed it was time for Rabbi Stulberger to run to his next meeting. Morah Peshy, Henya and I would jump into the car and go to some stores that I had never been to before. From the beginning of High School until now I really feel that I have been completely privileged and honored to become such a close part of the Stulberger family. It is apparent that your love and excitement for yiddishkite has been instilled in each and every one of your children, including me. I love you both very much and I wish I could be there to celebrate with you. May we share in many more simchas together. With much love, Brana Harris (your adopted daughter)
  • 167. F U L L To Uri and Effie, Mazel tov on this wonderful honor and tribute to both of you And for all that you do for this outstanding Makom Torah in our community. Looking forward to the day when we physically become your neighbors so that we can merit the Brochoh of Tov La’Tzaddik V’tov LeShcheinoh! Fondly, Nomi and Yossi Manela
  • 168. F U L L Mazel Tov to Uncle Avrohom and Aunt Peshy on this well deserved Honor! Your dedication to Torah and Harbotzas Torah is a true inspiration to us all! May you continue in your holy work for many years to come and be zoche to see continued Nacahas from all your children and students! Ben and Debbi Portnoy Reuven and Rochle Levine and Family Yanky and Estee Moskowitz and Family Yosaif and Elisheva Cohen and Family Ahuva Portnoy
  • 169. F U L L In recognition of one of the most passionate, talented and devoted Marbitzei Torah in the country, Rabbi Avrohom Stulberger. Personally, the depth of Hakoras HaTov that I have for Rabbi Stulberger is profound beyond words. He is a wellspring of Torah and Mussar, a master educator and unique in his ability to understand and inspire people of all ages. With his seemingly endless love, honesty, humility and extremely down-to-earth personality, thousands of Talmidim have committed their lives to authentic Torah values and life-long learning directly based on his influence. Together with his dedicated Rebbetzin, Rabbi Stulberger has devoted the last 30 years to the mission of his great Rebbe. And there is no greater honor for me, as a Talmid, to call Rabbi Stulberger "Rebbe." May HaKadosh Baruch Hu continue to grant you Hatzlacha in all your Avodas HaKodesh and, together with the Rebbetzin, bless you with Nachas from your family and Talmidim. With love and admiration, Noach Light
  • 170. F U L L Congratulations and best wishes to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt For your tireless efforts on behalf of Valley Torah High School. With much admiration, Carl and Beverly Jacobs
  • 171. F U L L We salute the distinguished honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Our community is blessed and enriched by your knowledge, wisdom, leadership and dedication. Barry and Tova Kohn
  • 172. F U L L Congratulations to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire community. David Ardestani
  • 173. F U L L Mazal Tov Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger on your well deserved honor! Thank you for the many years of hard work and dedication to your students and community. Wishing you many more years of continued strength. Dr. Baseri 323.413.2903 6221 Wilshire Blvd #517 Los Angeles, CA 90048 A proceed of all treatments done to Valley Torah friends and family will be donated to the Valley Torah Scholarship Fund
  • 174. F U L L In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger whose extraordinary devotion to their students and the valley community is legendary. And in tribute to Rabbi Stulberger's nationally recognized accomplishments in Harbotzas Hatorah and the safeguarding of our children. B'yedidus Asher and Chani Biron
  • 175. F U L L Emek Hebrew Academy Teichman Family Torah Center wishes Mazal Tov to Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger for all their hard work and dedication for the North Hollywood Community. Mazal tov to Emek Alum, Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for their passionate communal involvement and leadership. May you go from Strength to Strength. Rabbi Mordechai Shifman and the entire Emek Administration
  • 176. F U L L Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger on this amazing achievement One can only imagine how far and how deep your Haspoah has reverberated from the local Valley Village community to the greater Los Angeles community and across the entire world. Working together with you these past fourteen years has my life and the lives of my family. Your selflessness, dedication and open heat has inspired us and given us an added appreciation of Gadlus HaOdom that is your hallmark. May you and your Rebbetzin continue to be involved in Avodas HaKodesh, Ad Meah Ve’Esrim, as well as getting Nachas from your family, Chaverim and Talmidim. Dovid & Devorah Felt & Family
  • 177. F U L L Combine endless energy and boundless passion for Torah and klal Yisroel and you have Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger,‫שיחיו‬ You have opened your hearts to thousands of people, and your home to countless Talmidim, and inspired them to greater heights. Greater than your towering scholarship and strong leadership is your true ‫שם‬ ‫.טוב‬ We are honored and proud to be part of your movement. ‫תזכו‬ ‫להרביץ‬ ‫תורה‬ ‫בתוך‬ ‫,בריאות‬ ‫אושר‬ ‫ועושר‬ ‫ורוב‬ ‫נחת‬ ‫מכל‬ ‫בני‬ ‫,ביתך‬ ‫עד‬ ‫ביאת‬ ‫המשיח‬ ‫בב״א‬ Daniel and Ruthy Grama
  • 178. F U L L In honor of true friends of Valley Torah, Uri and Effie Zisblatt Your commitment to your children and their teachers, and your involvement in their schools is truly inspiring. You give new meaning to the "partnership" between parents and school. May your efforts bring you continued Nachas from your beautiful family. With great admiration and appreciation, Daniel and Ruthy Grama
  • 179. F U L L Mazel tov to Rabbi Avrohom, and his eishes chayil, Peshy Stulberger for 30 years of devoted and dedicated service to the students of Valley Torah High School. Because of you, generations of observant Jewish families are flourishing around the world. May Hashem give you good health and strength to continue your holy work. With great admiration, Rabbi Reuven and Eva Huttler
  • 180. F U L L Mazal Tov & Best Wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger! Congratulations on being chosen as this year’s honorees! Thank you for your tireless efforts on behalf of the Jewish community and Valley Torah High School for the past 30 years! With much admiration, Your students from the Graduating Classes of 1989, 1990 and 1991 Leah (Goldberg) Schnall, Gabriella (Glaser) Sopher, Yafit (Asiss) Oster, Tirza (Tabitha Yelloz) Schorr, Tova (Stern) Dominitch, Adi Harpaz, Aliza (Belson) Kurzweil, Julie (Wilks) Weiner and Ahava Emunah (Erika Grogin) Lange
  • 181. F U L L In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger For your tireless efforts on behalf of our children. Best wishes to Dr. Uri and Effie Zisblatt Your devotion to VTHS and your chesed are truly admirable. Mazel tov to all of you on your richly deserved honors! Asher and Sharon Bastomski & Family
  • 182. F U L L Mazel tov to Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Dovid & Judy Kagan Western Kosher
  • 183. F U L L To our dear Rebbi and Rebbetzin, Thank you for all you have given to your talmidim over the last 30 years... in your home, in your classrooms and more importantly in helping pave the path for their future. We are eternally greatfull for everything you have and continue to do for us and for all of klal yisrael. We would not be who we are without you! Yigal & Erica Sasportas
  • 184. F U L L In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger for the decades of dedication to teaching Torah to the children of our community. And in recognition of our beloved members Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt who are role models as parents who are devoted to the furtherance of quality Jewish education. Young Israel of Hancock Park Y. Yakov Krause, Rabbi Enoch Kimmelman, President
  • 185. F U L L In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger for your amazing dedication to Klal Yisroel for over 30 years. You should have the strength to continue in your Avodas Hakodesh for many years to come. Mazel Tov to our friends Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt. Thank you for your efforts in making Valley Torah an amazing school. Sholom and Debbie Raskin
  • 186. F U L L To our dear Rabbi and Mrs. Stulberger, We don’t wonder why you are being honored this year for we know you too well, we only wonder why you don’t get honored EVERY YEAR! We are so lucky to have grown up watching all the amazing things the two of you do for your family, friends, and community. You are truly inspirational people, who are kind, loving, giving, caring and epitomize the meaning of Torah abiding Jews. If we do half of what you do it will be an achievement. We are so proud to be among your first students. We remember the things that you taught us and the lessons we learned from you and have proudly passed those down to our children and now to our grandchild. Congratulations! Rabbi Daniel and Gabriella Sopher – VTHS ’88 and ‘89
  • 187. F U L L Yeshiva Rav Isacsohn – Toras Emes Academy joins the Valley Torah Community in paying tribute to a special couple Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshie Stulberger who have dedicated their lives to be Mechanech generations of Talmidim and Talmidos of all ages and at all levels. May they be blessed with Siyato Dishmaya to continue their Avodas Hakodesh in continued good health and nachas from their family.
  • 188. F U L L Rabbi and Peshy - There are no words to describe the impact you have had on our lives and on our entire community. We will forever be grateful. In this zchus, may Hashem always bless you and your beautiful family. Lilli and Robert Kahn-Rose & family
  • 189. F U L L Mazel tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Stulberger on a well deserved honor! Thank you for your dedication to Jewish education and ensuring the success of Valley Torah High School. Your 30 years of service has shaped generations of young Jewish children into proud, responsible, Jewish adults. May you continue to go from strength to strength. Robin and Rene Lucas
  • 190. F U L L In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for their dedication to Torah education in our community. Stanley and Charlotte Kandel
  • 191. F U L L In recognition of Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for their dedication to supporting Jewish education in our community and in honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger who have provided an unparalleled Torah education with an emphasis on good Middos to generation of students. Aaron & Patricia Grunfeld Tzvika, Yehoshua, Gabriella, Batya and Charlie
  • 192. F U L L
  • 193. F U L L Dear Rabbi Stulberger and Morah Peshy, I don't know if you both are aware of the humongous impact you have had on my life, so let me tell you. You two were my first real examples of what frum Jews should be. Years later, as I experience life's challenges, I find myself thinking, "what would Rabbi Stulberger and Morah Peshy say or do in this situation?" You welcomed me into your home and family and opened me up to a whole new world that I couldn't wait to be a part of. You showed me what it means to raise each of your children with the proper individualized attention that they need. You showed me what it means to be truly happy. You helped me realize my potential. You are both so special to me and I love you like family. Thank you for your endless hours of work and effort in order to help each of your students realize their potential. Thank you for showing me what it means to be a real frum Jew. Mazel Tov on 30 years! Love, Jackie (Solomon) Ariel
  • 194. F U L L Mazel Tov Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger May Hashem grant you the ability to continue the good work you do on behalf of Valley Torah High School and the entire Jewish community. Dr. Allen & Sarah Ardestani
  • 195. F U L L
  • 196. F U L L
  • 197. F U L L Mazel Tov to Efrat and Uri Zisblatt upon receiving this special honor. Your work on behalf of our community is most appreciated. And in recognition of Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger for their dedication to Torah education in our community. May you go from strength to strength. Ken and Cassi Alter
  • 198. F U L L Mazel Tov to Efrat and Uri Zisblatt upon receiving this special honor. Your work on behalf of our community is most appreciated. May you go from strength to strength. Tali and Jonathan Weiss & Family
  • 199. F U L L Mazal Tov and best wishes to our dear friends Dr. Uri and Effie Zisblatt May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire community. With much admiration, Aaron and Corinne Kin
  • 200. F U L L To Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger on this much earned honor: As teachers and mentors you’ve always inspired As community leaders you’ve never tired As loving parents you’ve taught wrong from right As doting grandparents you hold your grandkids tight As wonderful cousins you may live far away But, if needed you’d be on a plane today. So, to wrap up this poem we’d like to say Mazel Tov, Yasher Koach on your special day To no finer people could this honor go Middot, hakaras tov, emunah you always show We regret that we could not be there Hope this poem conveys the thoughts we share. May you always go from strength to strength Your loving cousins, Chary, Stuart, Danielle, Ariela Greengart Menachem, Ilana, and Dovid Weissmann
  • 201. F U L L Thank you Rabbi Stulberger and Peshy for all your hard work for our community. From your friends at Cambridge Farms
  • 202. In honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger Aron Dov & Debbie Friedman Mazel Tov to the honorees. Avromie and Leah Colman
  • 203. We are delighted to join with the whole Valley Torah High School family in celebrating the awardees Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Mickey & Rena Wolkenfeld Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Thank you for being role models and leaders to the Los Angeles Jewish community. Rabbi Chaim & Dr. Ellen Schnur
  • 204. Mazel Tov Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger May Hashem grant you the ability to continue the good work you do on behalf of Valley Torah High School and the entire Jewish community. Rabbi & Mrs. Shlomo Goldberg Congratulations to the honorees and to all the hanhala, staff and employees of Valley Torah High School Elly & Elana Rubin F&W Foodservices
  • 205. Mazel Tov! Isaac & Brenda Gozdzik – Brenco Judaica In tribute to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt May Hashem grant you the zechus of continued koach and hatzlacha in all your efforts on behalf of Torah education in our community. Zalman & Roshel Manela
  • 206. In honor of our friends, Uri and Efrat. We are happy that your hard work and devotion to Valley Torah has been recognized. Darrin and Laurie Wishing VTHS continued success into the future. You are an inspiration to the Jewish community near and far!! Your leaders and students are excellent examples to all! Dr. Arnold & Atara Ross
  • 207. Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Your dedication and devotion have contributed to the growth and success of Valley Torah High Schooland its wonderful students Ariel & Shanna Bobroff Mazel Tov to all the honorees! Avi & Shuli Steinlauf
  • 208. Mazel Tov! Zev & Deena Wolmark In tribute to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt May Hashem grant you the zechus of continued koach and hatzlacha in all your efforts on behalf of Torah education in our community. Hayim & Miriam Hendeles
  • 209. Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt on this most deserved honor. Moshe & Vera Lazar In memory of Reuven Fasman A”H
  • 210. Mazel Tov to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Moishe & Chai’le Ingber Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Mazel tov on this well deserved honor. May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire 
community Dr. Simcha & Karina Mann
  • 211. Mazel Tov Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger May Hashem grant you the ability to continue the good work you do on behalf of Valley Torah High School and the entire Jewish community. Mrs. Mildred Bornstein Mazal Tov to Effie and Uri on this well deserved honor. You are outstanding in your efforts on behalf of the L.A. community and in your friendship. Wishing you much continued joy and success in all that you do. Best Wishes, Chana and Paul Gelb
  • 212. To tonight’s honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Congratulations & 
Best Wishes Lev & Amy Stark To our dearest friends Effie & Uri, Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor! Your generosity, warmth and wisdom has touched the lives of many in the community and may it continue to do so for many years to come. May Hashem bless you with the strength and success to be a continued inspiration to all who are fortunate to know you. We are so proud to have you as our friends. With much love and admiration, Raviv & Tanya Surpin
  • 213. To our Dearest Friends Effie and Uri, We can think of no one more deserving for being honored as people, parents, family and friends. Love, Nechama and David Fish and Family Naomi Fish Mazel tov and best wishes to Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger and to Dr. Uri & Efrat Zisblatt for all that they done for Valley Torah High School and our community. Joseph & Erica Vago
  • 214. Mazel Tov to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt We thank them for all they contribute on behalf of the students of Valley Torah High School. Leo and Rosalind Eschwege Congratulations to the honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for your continued devotion to Valley Torah High School Shmuel & Edith Reichman
  • 215. Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire community Arnold & Sheri Schlesinger In tribute to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt May Hashem grant you the zechus of continued koach and hatzlacha in all your efforts on behalf of Torah education in our community. Sol & Miriam Majer
  • 216. In honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger and Dr. Uri & Efrat Zisblatt Gregory & Sheila Meyer Mazel Tov to the awardees Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Their leadership, dedication and devotion have made them examples for others to follow. May they go from Strength to Strength. Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Dear
  • 217. In honor of Howard Gluck Moshe & Miriam Polon Mazel Tov Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger May Hashem grant you the ability to continue the good work you do on behalf of Valley Torah High School and the entire Jewish community. Leo Berger & Associates
  • 218. In honor of Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Mazel tov! Moshe & Deena Zyskind Congratulations to the honorees Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for your continued devotion to Valley Torah High School Emil & Jenny Fish
  • 219. Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. Peter and Judy Faber Mazel Tov to all the honorees! Mark and Brigitte Wintner
  • 220. In honor of Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Dr. Ernest & Suzanne Agatstein Mazel Tov to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for their vision, guidance and inspiration. We thank them for all they contribute on behalf of the students of Valley Torah High School Ronald Nagel
  • 221. Mazel Tov Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt & Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger May Hashem grant you the ability to continue the good work you do on behalf of Valley Torah High School and the entire Jewish community. Rafi and Elimor Ryzman Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Jewish education has made an everlasting imprint on the Los Angeles Jewish community. Nosson and Yafit Spiegel
  • 222. Mazel Tov to all the honorees! Stanley & Barbara Treitel Mazel Tov to the awardees Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Their leadership, dedication and devotion have made them examples for others to follow. May they go from Strength to Strength. Michael & Tina Loboda
  • 223. Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt We are delighted to join with the whole Valley Torah High School family in celebrating the outstanding leadership, dedication to Jewish education, and contributions to the community Moshe & Arlene Kupietzky Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Stulberger! What great, beloved, wonderful neighbors they are! Sally Kass
  • 224. To my dear Rebbe, Rabbi Stulberger and his Eishes Chayil, Rebbitzen Stulberger, Thirty years of dedication, but ninety years’ worth of effort and success. That says it all. Love, Frank and Danielle Sarah Storch and family
  • 225. In honor of Rabbi and Mrs Stulberger & Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Wishing you a very heartfelt Mazel tov on this great honor! Sincerely Dr. and Mrs. Irving Lebovics Rabbi Avrohom and Peshy Stulberger & Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. Yehoshua and Ruchel Klavan
  • 226. In Appreciation to Rabbi and Rebbitzen Stulberger for the kindness and care during my time in LA. I'm forever grateful and wish you a big Mazal Tov on this great milestone. Yitz Rabovsky Mazel Tov to Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Peshy Stulberger and Dr. Uri and Efrat Zisblatt for their vision, guidance and inspiration. Frank and Leah Moritz
  • 227. Yisroel & Rivka Adelman - La Brea Kosher Market Yehuda & Chana Adlerstein Yakov & Ariella Agatstein Evan & Alison Anziska David & Chava Axelrod Dr. Yaacov & Devora Barzivand David & Rivka Bass Kenny Bendik & Alissa Rimon Daniel & Rivky Beren David & Carol Berger T R I B U T E L I S T I N G Gregory & Leah Bergman Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Berman Mrs. Anne Bernstein Rabbi & Mrs. Gershon Bess Michael & Michele Boldt Dr. Sheldon & Arlene Burg Rabbi & Mrs. Yoel Bursztyn Moishe & Chanala Chopp Hirbod & Arvin Cohentov Mr. Dana & The Hon. Lisa Cole
  • 228. Chaim & Esther Craitenberger Law Offices of Mitchell W. Egers Michael & Martine Ezekiel Chaim & Suri Faershtein Avrohom & Shimon Feingold - Gitmar Trading Nahum & Rina Felman Mickey & Shelly Fenig Pat's Restaurant & Catering Moshe & Miriam Fishman Tzvi & Merav Fleischmann T R I B U T E L I S T I N G Lori Fogel Dr. Charles & Victoria Frankel Jamie & Rena Frankel Chaim & Shari Freeman Ben & Naomi Fried Andrew Friedman, Attorney at Law Elliot & Adele Friedman Elazar & Joyce Genauer Shlomo & Gila Giberstein Mr. & Mrs. Bernd Givon Dr. Mark & Deborah Goldenberg
  • 229. Jacob & Gaby Goldfinger Sol & Gabriella Goldner Marvin & Adele Goldsmith Berel & Lea Goldstein David & Ahuva Goldstein Joey & Devora Goldstein Isaac & Adriana Gorbaty Baruch & Wendy Gorman Ezra & Margot Grabie Reuven & Shevy Gradon T R I B U T E L I S T I N G Katriel & Sonia Green Rabbi & Mrs. Akiva Grunblatt Zalmy & Chavy Gurman Yousef Hezghiaeian Michael & Roya Imanoel In Memory of Rabbi Samuel H. Katz, z"l Alex & Mira Indich Mr. & Mrs. Hyman Ingber Heshy & Chanie Jacobs Yossie & Frieda Kahan Allan & Judy Kandel
  • 230. Jeffrey Kandel Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Kassirer Dr. Sheldon & Brenda Kishineff Leslie & Barbara Klein Farzad & Kathy Kohanzadeh Joseph & Hana Kornwasser Rabbi & Mrs. Yakov Krause Hershie & Rochelle Krich Rabbi & Mrs. Boruch Kupfer Robert & Elaine Leichter Elan & Sarit Levi T R I B U T E L I S T I N G Meir & Sara Levin Irving & Marcia Lichtig Bob & Daniella Linden Michael & Anita London Allan & Ettie Lowy Reshef Loza Ari & Minna Majer Rabbi & Mrs. Chaim Mandel George & Shoshana Mann Elie & Felice Marciano Dr. Harry & Aviva Marshak
  • 231. Mrs. Marcie Meier Victor & Chavee Mellon Laurence & Debra Michelson Robert & Judy Millman Daniel & Miriam Montag Doron & Chana Muller Rabbi & Mrs. Elazar Muskin Irwin & Sharona Nachimson Max & Mimi Narod Tzvika & Sarah Nissel Lev & Evgenia Olkha Reuven & Yehudis Orloff T R I B U T E L I S T I N G Dr. & Mrs. Harry Peled The Perchik Family Asher & Miriam Peretz Lawrence & Wendy Platt Martin & Evey Pollack Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov Portnoy Bruce & Linda Potash Yaakov & Debbie Rechnitz Avi & Leah Reichman Marc & Lynn Rohatiner Chaim & Matti Rosen Barry & Yocheved Rosenthal
  • 232. Mr. & Mrs. Meir Leib Rosman Jonathan & Sarah Roven Elie & Adina Ryzman Kamran & Shahnaz Sadighpour Mr. Lee Samson Phillip & Judy Sanfield Alan & Elisa Schoenfeld Sweet Events by Candie Mehran & Flore Senehi David & Orly Shadovitz Dr. Bonnie Siegal Samuel & Frieda Slamovits T R I B U T E L I S T I N G Sam & Gina Socher Mrs. Bryna Stewart Mrs. Mala Stieglitz Aric & Mary Streit Hillel & Miriam Striks Erel & Gali Studnik Isaac & Sherrie Surany Omid & Jina Tabarzia Avi & Gila Tashman Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Teichman Simcha & Shaindee Tolwin Joshua & Rachel Tomaszewski
  • 233. Dr. Tajav & Neda Toomari Mendel & Shonna Tropper Dr. Baruch & Eva Twersky Jeff & Risa Ungar Robert & Chani Ungar Mrs. Susan Ungar - In Memory of Armand Ungar, z"l Yisrael & Gittie Ury Beni & Diana Warshawsky Dr. Robert &Roxanne Weber Avi & Devorah Weiss George & Giselle Weiss Dr. Ira & Judith Weiss T R I B U T E L I S T I N G Isaac & Joyce Weiss Martin & Hadassah Weiss Benzion & Joyce Westreich Law Office of Bernard P. Wiesel Steve & Chana Wintner Norman & Harriet Wisnicki Ron & Malli Yehezkel Joshua & Chana Zauderer David & Mira Zeffren Hilly & Miriam Zeitlin Menachem & Simy Zelmanovitz Eli & Rachel Ziv